
Classical and Nonclassical Dilation for Quantum

A. J. Paige,1, ∗ A. D. K. Plato,1 and M. S. Kim1 1QOLS, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College , South Kensington, London, SW7 2AZ, UK. , ideal clocks, and boosts are well understood classically, but subtleties arise in quan- tum . We show that quantum clocks set in via momentum boosts do not witness classical . However, using velocity boosts we find the ideal behaviour in both cases where the quantum and classical observer are set in motion. Without internal state depen- dent forces additional effects arise. As such, we derive observed frequency shifts in trap atomic clocks, indicating a small additional shift, and also show the emergence of non-ideal behaviour in a theoretical clock model.

Ideal clocks and proper time are key concepts in special observer and being set in motion is cap- and [1]. Full understanding of the union tured by translation operators, and that it is the trans- between relativity and , must include formation under translation operators that enables the how these ideas extend to the quantum realm. Recent velocity boost to describe both situations. We demon- work in this area can broadly be divided by whether the strate how these translation operators can be understood quantum clocks follow classical or quantum trajectories. via considering the placement of the origin for the re- Adopting the former approach [2–5] enables the utiliza- quired potentials. In addition, we show that considering tion of techniques from quantum field theory in curved the velocity kick as the classical observer changing frames . In particular this has allowed explorations immediately tells us that entanglement is frame depen- into consequences of the Unruh effect [6], and applica- dent and demonstrate consistency with the equivalence tions of techniques from relativistic quantum principle. We highlight that without an internal state de- [7,8]. On the other hand, for quantum clocks following pendent force one should expect additional effects. We quantum mechanical trajectories [9–19], most progress demonstrate this for frequency shifts in ion traps, predict- has been made investigating connections between proper ing the already observed shifts and an additional smaller time and superpositions [20]. This has necessitated shift. We also analyse the effect on a Salecker-Wigner- the rejection of the Bargmann mass superselection rule Peres clock [24, 25] finding non-ideal clock behaviour. [21], on the grounds that our is not Galilean. Modified Hamiltonian — We begin by presenting the Notably this paradigm was used to investigate ideas for simplest argument for the modified Hamiltonian. The intrinsic time dilation decoherence caused by [10]. modification was introduced and used to study quantum In this work we follow the approach, where the mechanical proper time [9], and has also been shown to clock’s motion is described quantum mechanically. We resolve paradoxes in [26, 27]. For a free show that a quantum clock set into motion by a force composite particle of mass M, the non-relativistic Hamil- 2 that does not depend on the internal state is not wit- p tonian will consist of a 2M , and an nessing classical time dilation. This is because quantum internal energy term H0. However the internal energy clocks require coherence in some non-degenerate energy should contribute to the inertial mass since special rela- states [22, 23] but the inertial mass of this energy means tivity dictates that energy and inertial mass are equiva- 2 that assigning an identical momentum to each branch of lent. This leads to M = m + H0/c , where we take m as the superposition does not correspond to a well defined the rest mass of the particle in its internal energy ground velocity. We therefore show that momentum boosts lead state |0i, and set H0|0i = 0. Thus we have to a nonclassical dilation due to the lack of a unique Lorentz factor. On the other hand, by suitably coupling p2 H = + H , the motional and internal degrees of freedom, one can ap- 2M 0 (1) ply a velocity boost which exactly recovers the expected p2  p2  = + H 1 − . classical time dilation results for the “,” in 2m 0 2mMc2 both cases where the observer and the quantum clock are respectively the ones set in motion. To arrive at the second line we have used 1/(x + y) = We start from a Hamiltonian modified to account for 1/x − y/x(x + y). Note that since M is now the inertial mass of internal energy. We then consider valued, there is potential for ambiguity with operator or- sequences of appropriately centred boosts and dering. However if the internal Hamiltonian commutes −1 operators to derive the different possible clock behaviours with the total momentum [H0, p] = 0, then [M , p] = 0. in a twin paradox scenario. From the classical observer’s Fully accounting for relativity would strictly imply that frame we show that the difference between the classical the internal degrees of freedom should be described by 2 a relativistic wave equation (or a quantum field theory). pbi. This represents the physical situation typically con- However the approach here is that regardless of the for- sidered for use in the laboratory [30], with no internal malism, the effect on the centre of mass dynamics should state dependence as per the potentials typically used to only be via a mass change, otherwise we could not claim move quantum (e.g. an ion moved via an Elec- that energy and inertial mass are equivalent. tromagnetic potential). 2 This Hamiltonian is often expanded in H0/mc ne- Using this boost, the translation operator T (pbt/m) = glecting higher order terms [10, 27]. It is then tempting e−ippbt/m~, and the free evolution under the Hamiltonian p2 of Eq. (1), we have to claim that (1 − 2m2c2 ) represents our familiar notion of time dilation, however, this is not correct as will be shown later. It is also important to emphasise that we Bp(pb)U(t)T (pbt/m)Bp(−2pb)T (−pbt/m)U(t)Bp(pb) shall always be working in the limit where the energy E = 2 p2 p2 − i2t p 2it b − 2it H (1− b ) p 2M 2m 0 2mMc2 p2c2 + M 2c4 is approximated by E = p2/2M + Mc2. = e ~ e ~ e ~ . (3) In words, one can consider the regime we utilise as one The first exponential term is the unaltered motional evo- where the mechanics can be treated in a “Newtonian” lution of the state that we would expect if we had not sense, but the rest mass of the internal energy is now ac- applied any of the boosts. This term has no p depen- counted for. On a technical level one must appreciate (as b dent relativistic corrections, which is not surprising since noted in [13]) that there are two relevant small quanti- the adopted formalism does not include the relevant rel- ties: H /mc2 and p2/m2c2, where the first relates to the 0 ativistic motional terms. The second term is a global internal degrees of freedom and the second can be viewed phase that is connected to the choice of the translation as a motional v2/c2 term (note p2/m2c2 > p2/M 2c2,). It operators, discussed in detail below. However, it is the is therefore not sufficient to merely think of approxima- final term that captures the effect on the evolution of the tions in terms of how many factors of 1/c2, are . 2 internal state and therefore is our primary focus. One can consider the regime where H0/mc  1, but 2 2 2 2 The third exponential term in Eq. (3) has the internal H0/mc  p /m c . With this in mind one arrives at Eq. 2 pb (1) (plus rest mass energy) by expanding Hamiltonian multiplied by a factor (1 − 2mMc2 ) that is the full relativistic energy E = pM 2c4 + p2c2 = γMc2, less than unity. This is precisely the factor we would get neglecting terms of O(p4/m4c4) in the Lorentz factor by considering Eq.1 acting on a momentum eigenstate 2 |p i. We see that if we have some coherence in the in- whilst retaining the H0/mc terms and translating the b zero of energy by mc2. Note that in practise the order ternal state and are using it as a clock, then it appears 2 that the clock is running slower. Note it is not dilated of H0/mc terms kept would be dictated by the physical under consideration and depends on the integer by a constant inverse Lorentz factor as in classical rela- 2 n 2 2 2 tivity. We can see why this is so by asking what Lorentz n for which (H0/mc )  p /m c . However, as will become apparent, it will prove more straightforward for factor we would expect. The clock has been given a mo- our initial theoretical study to work with the untruncated mentum pb but because our clock is in a superposition (1 + H /mc2)−1. We shall denote the unitary evolution of energies En, we also have a superposition of different 0 2 generated by Eq. (1) over time t as U(t). Mn = m + En/c . Hence we can write various Different boosts — We now explore the consequences velocities and thus Lorentz factors. For example, the N p 2 2 2 of the modified Hamiltonian. Time is a complex topic single shot values γn = 1 + pb /Mnc , or the expec- in quantum mechanics [28, 29], but here we shall sim- tation value of an operator hγi. Furthermore, Eq. (3) indicates that none of these is correct. Instead the dila- ply take the internal state (Hamiltonian H0) to define some quantum clock, and consider the situation where it tion of the phase factor between any two branches n, m 2 2 is boosted away and back, then measured to observe the is 1 − pf /2MnMmc , so is always bounded by the single motion’s effect on the clock. To do this we use the fol- shot inverse Lorentz factors for the individual branches. lowing sequence of operations: first we apply some boost We in particular note that this is not equivalent to what operator to the particle and let it freely evolve for some one would expect from the analogous classical mixture of time t, then at a shifted position we apply the inverse Lorentz factors (see Ref. [31] for details). boost twice and let it evolve for another time t, and fi- Once we appreciate these problems we can also see nally we apply the original boost. Note the magnitude that there is ambiguity in the translation operations. It of all boosts must be chosen such that the state is kept is natural to center the boost back at a distance from the within the approximation regime of our Hamiltonian. We origin that is equal to the relative velocity imparted mul- initially work with the standard quantum mechanical mo- tiplied by the time it has freely evolved, but if there are mentum boost, centred at the origin, written as multiple velocities then there are multiple such distances. The clock will have been moved by vt = (pb/M)t, (this ipbx/ can be seen in the boost sequence B (−p )U(t)B (p ) Bp(pb) ≡ e ~. (2) p b p b − it ppb which generates the position shift operator e ~ M , to- This acts on momentum eigenstates as Bp(pb)|pi = |p + gether with the exponential of a kinetic term). Therefore 3

2 each internal energy defines the shift pbt/(m + En/c ), Here the quantum clock is running faster by the classical 2 v2 so we could justifiably choose to use T (pbt/(m + En/c ) b Lorentz factor γ ≈ (1 + 2c2 ). This is again as expected for any of the occupied n. This would make the second as the classical observer is moving so their clock runs 2 2 it pb pb − ( − 2 ) slower. It is satisfying and encouraging that the mod- exponential term in Eq. (3) become e ~ 2m (m+En/c ) , but as this is just altering a global phase it does not affect ified Hamiltonian produces the correct solution to the the clock. twin paradox when we use the velocity boost. The key Finally we point out that even working to first difference in the two cases is caused by the manner in 2 which the velocity boost transforms under translations order in H0/mc we get the displacement operator 2 −1 i(m+H0/c )vbs/~ − it ppˆ b (1− H0 ) T (s)Bv(vb)T (s) = e Bv(vb). Note that e ~ m mc2 , which is still dependent on the inter- we cannot have the same interpretation with momentum nal state. This is because, unlike the Lorentz factors, boosts due to the fact that a classical observer cannot the velocities imparted on the different masses are still move in a superposition of velocities. disparate at this level of approximation. Given suffi- It is worth a further comment here on the motional 2 cient time, and some reasonable localization, the differ- − 2it p term e ~ 2M . As stated above this has been left un- ent branches of the clock could in principle become com- affected by the boosting which is due to the adopted pletely spatially separate, which is clearly not in keeping approximations. The full relativistic algebra indicates with an interpretation that to this level of approximation p2v2 ± 2it b we can view this as a clock moving along a single trajec- that a correction term e ~ 4Mc2 is missing. To obtain tory. Note that when we move it away and back (as per a fully consistent regime for these equations one requires usual in a twin paradox scenario), then we can cancel the this term to approximate the identity, thus restricting shift effects and therefore not notice, but that does not the wavepacket momentum spread and time t. remove the clear issue with the single trajectory interpre- An immediate consequence of using the velocity boost tation. This shows that we cannot avoid the conceptual is the fact that frame changes alter the entanglement 2 problems by simply working to lower order in H0/mc . between the motional and internal degrees of freedom. Consider B (v )|pi √1 (|0i + |1i) = √1 (|p + M v i|0i + In order to solve the above problems, we instead use v b 2 2 0 b the modified boost operator |p + M1vbi|1i). The internal and motional states are sep- arable and maximally entangled for the non-boosted and 2 i(m+H0/c )vbx/ Bv(vb) ≡ e ~. (4) boosted frames respectively. Similar behaviour has been demonstrated for internal spin degrees of freedom [32– The motivation for this is clear, we are trying to define 35], where the entanglement can change under a unique velocity and thereby a unique Lorentz factor. Lorentz transformations [34], by virtue of Wigner rota- One can derive its form in the relevant non-relativistic tions. Additionally, by considering the classical observer limit (see Ref. [31] for details), and also relate it to the moving one can show consistency with the equivalence extended Galilean boost G(v, t) = eiv(Mx−tp)/~ where M principle. We take fixed a, for time t broken † is operator valued, via G(v, t) = U(t)Bv(v)U (t). The t into n time steps δt = n . For a single time step δt, we ap- position shift for the clock is now uniquely defined to be ply a boost Bv(aδt), and the evolution U(δt). This gives n vbt, and using this we write the unitary (U(δt)Bv(aδt)) , for which we take n → ∞, and reverse the Trotter expansion [36] to arrive at a new Bv(vb)U(t)T (vbt)Bv(−2vb)T (−vbt)U(t)Bv(vb) unitary which defines the Hamiltonian in the accelerat- p2 2 2 v2 2it p 2it mvb 2it b ing frame as H = + H0 + aMx. This agrees with the − − H0(1− 2 ) 2M = e ~ 2M e ~ 2 e ~ 2c . (5) result from an alternative derivation for the accelerating frame’s Hamiltonian [37], and importantly is the same As before the first term is the unaltered motional evo- form as Hamiltonians to describe the composite particle lution and the second term is a global phase. It is the in a gravitational potential [9–12]. As a final point we third term that interests us. From this we see that the note the case of the observer moving was examined in clock has run slower by the inverse of the classical Lorentz 2 a different manner by Greenberger [20] (see Ref. [31] for −1 vb factor γ ≈ (1 − 2c2 ). This is exactly as required for details). classical time dilation. Hamiltonian description of translations– The transla- We can go further and consider the situation where the tion operators play a key role in the above. To better classical observer is the one that is set into motion. This understand them we can consider the Hamiltonians nec- means that the boosts must all be centred at the origin essary to enact the boosts on the state. We start with which gives us the velocity case. Consider classical observers Alice and Bob at rest in Bv(−vb)U(t)Bv(2vb)U(t)Bv(−vb) each other’s frames, separated by a distance vbt. Alice 2 2 v2 2it p 2it mvb 2it b initially holds a quantum clock and she sends it to Bob − − − H0(1+ 2 ) = e ~ 2M e ~ 2 e ~ 2c . (6) 2 by applying the potential −α(m + H0/c )x for a short 4 time ∆t such that the full Hamiltonian in this time is standard quantum mechanics predicts will occur when

2 ωl ≈ ω0. However, with relativity the ion’s motion will p 2 H = + H0 − α(m + H0/c )x. (7) lead to a dilation effect, which manifests in a frequency 2M shift of the transition. The common approach for incor-

We choose α large and ∆t small with α∆t = vb, such porating this is to apply the classical time dilation for- that the first two terms are irrelevant and we effectively mula, substituting the expectation value of the momen- 2 2 generate U(∆t) = ei(m+H0/c )vbx/~. hpˆ i tum squared to give ωl ≈ ω0(1 − 2m2c2 ). This is found to After time t evolving under the free Hamiltonian, be in line with experiment [40]. the clock reaches Bob who applies a potential to send The approach works well, however it is essentially a it back. Viewed from Alice’s frame this potential is semi-classical analysis, because we are making no rela- 2 +2α(m + H0/c )(x − vbt). So the full Hamiltonian is tivistic correction to the quantum mechanical descrip- tion. A more natural method is to start from the Hamil- 2 p 2 tonian of Eq. (1). The interaction of an ion with a H = + H0 + 2α(m + H0/c )(x − vbt). (8) 2M monochromatic classical field is a well documented This means that the operator generated in the appropri- problem [41], and adapting the standard approach we de- ate limit is rive a differential equation to describe the (see Ref. [31] for details). Under simplifying approxima- 2 −2i(m+H0/c )(x−vbt)/ e ~ = T (vbt)Bv(−2vb)T (−vbt). (9) tions we find that the frequency shift for an ion initially in the nth Fock state is One can do the same thing for the momentum boosts ω (n + 1 ) ω ω (n + 1 ) but there is now an extra subtlety. Namely, that ~ m 2 ~ 0~ m 2 ωl ≈ ω0(1 − 2 + 2 2 ). (10) we do not have a uniquely defined position to cen- 2mc 2(mc ) tre Bob’s potential from, but as we can see from The first correction term is the same type of shift studied −2ip (x−L) T (L)Bp(−2pb)T (−L) = e b , this only alters a in [18] and is broadly in agreement with the semi-classical global phase. However, this is only true if we insist on argument and the observations [40]. This provides empir- a uniquely defined position shift. It is at least formally ical evidence for the modified Hamiltonian, since it gives interesting to note that if we allow for the positioning a quantum mechanical description for a real world exper- of Bob’s boost back to be dependent on the internal iment up to the level of precision achieved. The second state, such that the translation operator is T (pbt/M), correction term captures the additional behaviour that then we find the internal state evolution multiplied by we now expect, however it should be taken as illustrative 2 pb rather than a concrete experimental prediction. Here we (1 + 2mMc2 ). So the clock runs faster, analogously to the boosted classical observer case, but again not by a have not considered other effects that could be relevant 2 2 2 relevant classical Lorentz factor. It may be that this ap- at this precision, such as the higher order p /M c term. proach has some interpretation in the emerging topic of To predict such new shifts one should perform full simu- quantum reference frames [38]. lations, with all relevant physics, and using experimental The nonclassical behaviour — We have shown the ve- parameters. However, we can make estimates based on locity boost is the relevant operator when dealing with the terms above and for a typical experiment the new ~ω0 −10 questions of classical proper time for quantum clocks. shift would be a factor of mc2 ∼ 10 smaller than that However, setting a clock in motion in this manner re- observed. Thus state of the art experiments are far from quires an entangling force that couples the internal and observing these effects. While this is discouraging, the motional degrees of freedom, but for physical situations key point is that the modified Hamiltonian predicts ef- this is often not the case. Under these circumstances fects that could lead to new consequences. the momentum boost behaviour is more relevant. There The nonclassical dilation can be physically relevant, so has been an experimental proposal [18] to use a trapped it is interesting to consider its effect on proposed theo- single electron to test for interference effects caused by retical clock models. We do this for the Salecker-Wigner- the Hamiltonian of Eq. (1). Here we take a different di- Peres (SWP) definition of a quantum clock [24, 25]. Tak- rection, by considering trapped ion optical ing the internal energy Hilbert to be spanned by N frequency shifts, and arguing they already provide cor- non-degenerate energy eigenstates |ni, n = 0, 1, ..., N − 1, with equally spaced eigenvalues such that H0 = roboration for the modified Hamiltonian and potentially P could provide more. n n~ω0|nihn|. The SWP clock is then defined by the N−1 N orthogonal states |w i = √1 P e−2πikn/N |ni. Ini- First we outline the basic operation (see [39] for a re- k N n=0 view). An ion is trapped in a harmonic potential with tialised in |w0i, the clock will pass through successive 2π trap frequency ωm, and the clock reference frequency is states |wki at external tk = kτ, where τ = . P Nω0 obtained by tuning a laser to an electronic transition fre- One then defines a clock operator Tc = τ k k|wkihwk|, 2 2 quency ω0 of the ion. The laser frequency is varied to with variance (∆Tc) = 0 at times tk, and (∆Tc) 6= 0 maximise the probability of exciting a transition, which in-between. 5

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