Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress. 1966
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I L.C. Card 6-6273 I The design on the couer and title page of the paperbound copies of this report and on the flyleaf and title page of the hardbound copies is from a woodblock print of the Library of Congress by Un'ichi Haratsuka, reproduced by permission of the artist. , . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1967 For sale by the Sul)rrintentlent of Documrnts. U.S. Gorernnient Printing Oficc* Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $2.50 (cloth) Contents Joint Committee on the Library .................................... Library of Congress Trust Fund Board ............................... Forms of Gifts or Bequests to the Library of Congress .................. Officers of the Library ............................................ Consultants of the Library ......................................... Librarian's Liaison Committees ..................................... Organization Chart ............................................... Letter of Transmittal ............................................. Introduction ..................................................... 1 The Processing Department ..................................... 2 The Legislative Reference Service ................................ 3 The Reference Department ..................................... 4 The Law Library .............................................. 5 The Administrative Department ................................. 6 The Copyright Office .......................................... - Appendixes .4 1 Library of Congress Trust Fund Board. Summary of Annual Report ... 131 2 Acquisitions and Acquisitions Work .............................. 133 3 Cataloging and Maintenance of Catalogs .......................... 138 4 Binding ...................................................... 146 5 Card Distribution .............................................. 147 6 Photoduplication .............................................. 153 7 Reader Services ................................................ 154 8 Recording Laboratory .......................................... 156 9 Services to the Blind ........................................... 157 10 Legislation .................................................... 158 11 Financial Statisti.cs. ............................................ 160 12 Employment .................................................. 178 13 Exhibits ...............................-. ...................... 179 14 Library of Congress Publications .................................. 182 15 Concerts, Lectures, and Other Programs .......................... 187 Index ........................................................... 191 Joint Committee on the Library, 89th Congress, 2d Session Senator B. Everett Jordan, Chairman Representative Omar Burleson, Vice Chairman MEMBERSOF THE COMMITTEE:Senators Claiborne Pell, Joseph S. Clark, John Sherman Coopcr, and Hugh Scott; Representatives Paul C. Jones, Frank Thompson, Jr., Glenard P. Lipscomb, and Robert J. Corbett. Chief Clerk: Gordon F. Harrison. Library of Congress Trust Fund Board An act of Congress, approved March 3, 1925, as amended, created the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board, a quasi-corporation with perpetual succession and all the usual powers of a trustec, including the power to "invest, reinvest, or retain investments" and, specifically, the authority "to accept, receive, hold, and administer such gifts, bequests, or devises of property for the benefit of, or in connection with, the Library, its collections, or its services, as may be ap- proved 'by the Board and by the Joint Committee on the Library." (U.S.C. 2: 154-163) A notable provision of the act (Section 2, last paragraph) permits endowment funds, up to a total limit of $10,000,000, to be treated as a perpetual loan to the United States Treasury, at an assured interest of four percent per annum. MEMBERSOF THE BOARDon June 30. 1966: Henry H. Fowler, Secretary of the Treasury, Chairman; Senator B. Everett Jordan, Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Library; L. Quincy Mumford, Librarian of Congress, Secretary; Benjamin Mosby McKelway (term expires March 8, 1968); and Mrs. Charles William Engelhard, Jr. (term expires March 8, 1970). Forms of Gifts or Bequests to the Library of Congress "To the United States of America, to be placed in the Library of Congress and admin- istered therein by the authorities thereof." OF MONEYFOR IMMEDIATEAPPLICATION General Gift: "To the United States of America, to be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States to the credit of the Library of Congress, subject to disbursement by the Librarian of Congress." Specific Gift: "To the United States of America, to be deposited with the Trezisurer of the United States to the credit of the Library of Congress, subject to disbursement by the Librarian of Congress in furtherance of [describe purpose which may be any specific purpose consistent with the general program of the Library of Congress]." Example: Gift or Bequest to the Library Program for the Blind-"To the United States of America, to be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States to the credit of the Library of Congress, subject to disbursement' by the Librarian of Congress in furtherance of the Library Program for the Blind." OF ENDOWMENTSOF MONEY,SECURITIES, OR OTHERPROPERTY "To the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board, to be administered for the benefit of, or in connection with, the Library of Congress, its collection, or its service." No~~.-Title 2, Section 161 of the U.S. Code provides: "Gifts or bequests or devises to or for the benefit of the Library of Gngress, including those to the 'board, and the income therefrom, shall be exempt from all Federal taxes, including all taxes levied by the District of Columbia." Officers of the Librarv AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1966 OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OFFICEOF FISCALSERVICES L. Quincy Mumford, Librarian of Congress Arthur Yabroff, Chief Mrs. Marlene D. Morrisey, Executive Assistant William W. Rossiter, Deputy Chief and Budget Mrs. Gladys 0.Fields, Secretary Officer Robert H. Rohlf, Coordinator of Building Plan- Richard L. Cain, Sr., Assistant Budget Officer ning (from June 27, 1966) William C. Myers, Accounting Officer John G. Lorenz, Deputy Librarian of Congress Edward L. Beaver, Assistant Accounting Officer (effective October 11, 1965) George R. Perreault, Head, Data Processing Office Ernest C. Barker, Chief Internal Auditor James A. Severn, Jr., Disbursing Officer Clarence E. Wit t,. Classification Officer Roy H. Spillers, Assistant Disbursing Officer Samuel S. Snyder, Information Systems Officer Robert W. Hutchison, Director of Personnel (ef- fective October 18, 1965) GUARDDIVISION Mrs. Elizabeth E. Hamer, Assistant Librarian John W. Cornier, Captain of the Library's Special Herbert J. Sanborn, Exhibits Officer Police Helen-Anne Hilker, Information Officer Adoreen M. McCormick, Legislative Liaison OFFICEOF PROTECTIVESERVICES Officer John C. Murphy, Chief Sarah L. Wallace, Publications Officer -ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Mrs. Mildred C. Portner, Secretary of the Library Robert C. Gooch, Director Mrs. Ida F. Wilson, Assistant Secretary of the Paul L. Berry, Associate Director Library Julius Davidson, Assistant Director for Financial Management (through Dccember 30, 1965) Duard M. Eddins, Executive Officer (through Sep- tember 11, 1966) Donald C. Holmes, Chief Robert C. Sullivan, Assistant Chief i COPYRIGHT OFFICE ; Merton J. Foley, Chief I Irvin E. Boniface, Assistant Chief Abraham L. Kaminstein, Register of Copyrights George D. Cary, Deputy Register William P. Siegfried, Assistant Register (through December 30, 1965) * Barbara A. Ringer, Assistant Register (from Au- i August S. Domer, Assistant Collections Maintenance gust 1, 1966) 2 and Preservation Officer Abe A. Goldman, General Counsel 1 VI REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, 1966 Joseph W. Rogers, Chief Mrs. Helen L. Clagett, Chief Mrs. Aubry L. Graham, Assistant Chief (through December 30, 1965) NEAREASTERN AND AFRICAN LAWDIVISION EXAMININGDIVISION Zuhair E. Jwaideh, Chief Barbara A. Ringer, Assistant Register of Copyrights for Examining (through July 31, 1966) Richard E. Glasgow, Assistant Chief LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE SERVICE Hugh L. Elsbree, Director (through February 25, 1966) Lester S. Jayson, Director (from February 28, Waldo H. Moore, Chief 1966) ; Deputy Director (through February Mrs. Marjorie G. McCannon, Assistant Chief 27, 1966) Burnis Walker, Executive Officer Charles A. Goodrum, Coordinator of Research Luther H. Mumford, Chief (through August 1, 1965) Harry N. Stein, Chief Mrs. Cicily Osteen, Chief (from February 14, 1966) Harold R. Hooper, Assistant Chief LAW LIBRARY Julius W. Allen, Chief John C. Jackson, Assistant Chief Lewis C. Coffin, Law Librarian and General Counsel Francis X. Dwyer, Associate Law Librarian William S. Strauss, Assistant General Cou~sel Frederick B. Arner, Chief Helen E. Livingston, Assistant Chief William H. Crouch, Chief and Deputy General Counsel Walter H. Zeydel, Assistant Chief William C. Olson, Chief (through August 10, 1965) James G. McEwan, Librarian, Anglo-American Charles R. Gellner, Chief (from January 3, 1966) Law Reading Room Ernest S. Lent, Assistant Chief (from July 5, 1965) Robert V. Shirley, Attorney-in-Charge, Law Library in the Capitol Merlin H. Nipe, Chief Edmund C. Jann, Chief William R. Tansill, Assistant Chief Fred Karpf, Assistant Chief Norman A. Pierce, Chief Tao-tai Hsia, Chief Merwin C. Phelps, Assistant Chief OFFICERS OF THE LIBRARY Barbara M. Westby, Field Director, Norway (from September 12, 1966) Tom V. Wilder, Chief Victor