A ‘Paper-First’ Number 5: Fanzine! February 2007 ___________________________________________________________________________________ “..upholding the traditions of the founders…” Joseph Nicholas, LoC “Does anyone want to talk science fiction?” (Swedish fan Sture Sedolin at 1960 London Eastercon, as quoted by Dick Ellingsworth) - See Editorial - with apologies to ‘Giles’ INSIDE: ‘The Wizard of Ozimov’ in which Dorothy discovers the wonderful land of Fandom, with Judy Blish, Arthur Cruttenden, Rob Holdstock, & Andrew Stephenson. PLUS: John-Henri Holmberg, John Hall, and more! This is Prolapse 5, completed in the far-future world of February 2007 by Peter Weston at 53 Wyvern Road, Sutton Coldfield, B74 2PS, UK. That address still works for heavy objects and my subscription copies of North & South and Analog, and it’s nice to get fan-post again, but really it’s a lot quicker to use the hot-line:
[email protected] Our philosophy is ‘Paper First’; which means this issue will go onto eFanzines a month or so after the printed copies have been safely delivered (and, I hope, commented upon), when you will able to see the photographs in full colour. Prolapse is a Time-Travelling Fanzine, flitting up and down the time-stream to cover various aspects of British SF fan-history. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Once again the BSFA had risen to haunt me!”– Ted Tubb, LoC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After writing so much about the 1959 Brumcon in the previous issue I was rather hoping to be challenged – after all, I wasn’t there and a lot of what I said was pure conjecture. Alas, nobody did, but as soon as Steve Green’s LoC arrived I realised that I’d inadvertently been guilty of some slightly sloppy thinking, so I shall now proceed to challenge myself.