
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary (2002), 52, 297–354 DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.02058-0

The phagotrophic origin of and phylogenetic classification of

Department of Zoology, T. Cavalier-Smith University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK Tel: j44 1865 281065. Fax: j44 1865 281310. e-mail: tom.cavalier-smith!zoo.ox.ac.uk

Eukaryotes and archaebacteria form the and are sisters, as shown decisively by fragmented only in archaebacteria and by many sequence trees. This sisterhood refutes all theories that eukaryotes originated by merging an archaebacterium and an α-proteobacterium, which also fail to account for numerous features shared specifically by eukaryotes and . I revise the phagotrophy theory of origins by arguing that the essentially autogenous origins of most eukaryotic properties (phagotrophy, including , , nucleus, and sex) partially overlapped and were synergistic with the symbiogenetic origin of mitochondria from an α-proteobacterium. These radical innovations occurred in a derivative of the neomuran common ancestor, which itself had evolved immediately prior to the divergence of eukaryotes and archaebacteria by drastic alterations to its eubacterial ancestor, an actinobacterial posibacterium able to make sterols, by replacing murein by N-linked glycoproteins and a multitude of other shared neomuran novelties. The conversion of the rigid neomuran wall into a flexible surface coat and the associated origin of phagotrophy were instrumental in the of the endomembrane system, cytoskeleton, nuclear organization and division and sexual -cycles. Cilia evolved not by but by autogenous specialization of the cytoskeleton. I argue that the ancestral eukaryote was uniciliate with a single (unikont) and a simple centrosomal cone of , as in the aerobic amoebozoan zooflagellate . I infer the root of the eukaryote tree at the divergence between (, , fungi) with a single posterior and all other eukaryotes, designated ‘anterokonts’ because of the ancestral presence of an anterior cilium. Anterokonts comprise the , which may be ancestrally unikont, and a vast ancestrally biciliate clade, named ‘’. The apparently conflicting rRNA and trees can be reconciled with each other and this ultrastructural interpretation if long- branch distortions, some mechanistically explicable, are allowed for. Bikonts comprise two groups: corticoflagellates, with a younger anterior cilium, no centrosomal cone and ancestrally a semi-rigid cell cortex with a microtubular band on either side of the posterior mature centriole; and [a new infrakingdom comprising (now including classis nov.), nov., and phylum nov.], having a centrosomal cone or radiating microtubules and two microtubular roots and a soft surface, frequently with reticulopodia. Corticoflagellates comprise photokaryotes (Plantae and chromalveolates, both ancestrally with cortical alveoli) and (a new protozoan infrakingdom comprising Loukozoa, and , ancestrally with three microtubular roots). All

...... This paper is an elaboration of part of an invited presentation to the XIIIth meeting of the International Society for Evolutionary in CB eske! Bude) jovice, Czech Republic, 31 July–4 August 2000. Two notes added in proof are available as supplementary materials in IJSEM Online (http://ijs.sgmjournals.org/). Abbreviations: snoRNP, small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein; SRP, signal recognition particle.

02058 # 2002 IUMS Printed in Great Britain 297 T. Cavalier-Smith

eukaryotic radiations were of mitochondrial aerobes; evolved polyphyletically from mitochondria long afterwards, the persistence of their double envelope long after their disappeared being a striking instance of membrane heredity. I discuss the relationship between the 13 protozoan phyla recognized here and revise higher protozoan classification by updating as subkingdoms Lankester’s 1878 division of Protozoa into (Excavata, Alveolata; with prominent cortical microtubules and ancestrally localized – the Parabasalia probably secondarily internalized the cytoskeleton) and Gymnomyxa [infrakingdoms Sarcomastigota (Choanozoa, Amoebozoa) and Rhizaria; both ancestrally with a non-cortical cytoskeleton of radiating singlet microtubules and a relatively soft cell surface with diffused feeding]. As the eukaryote root almost certainly lies within Gymnomyxa, probably among the Sarcomastigota, Corticata are derived. Following the single symbiogenetic origin of in a corticoflagellate host with cortical alveoli, this ancestral radiated rapidly into , green and red . Secondary symbiogeneses subsequently transferred laterally into different hosts, making yet more complex cell chimaeras – probably only thrice: from a red alga to the corticoflagellate ancestor of chromalveolates ( plus Alveolata), from to a secondarily uniciliate cercozoan to form chlorarachneans and independently to a biciliate excavate to yield photosynthetic euglenoids. Tertiary symbiogenesis involving eukaryotic algal symbionts replaced peridinin-containing plastids in two or three dinoflagellate lineages, but yielded no major novel groups. The origin and well-resolved primary bifurcation of eukaryotes probably occurred in the Cryogenian Period, about 850 million years ago, much more recently than suggested by unwarranted backward extrapolations of molecular ‘clocks’ or dubious interpretations as ‘eukaryotic’ of earlier large microbial or still more ancient steranes. The origin of chloroplasts and the symbiogenetic incorporation of a red alga into a corticoflagellate to create chromalveolates may both have occurred in a big bang after the Varangerian snowball Earth melted about 580 million years ago, thereby stimulating the ensuing of animals and in the form of simultaneous, poorly resolved and anterokont radiations.

Keywords: Corticata, Rhizaria, Excavata, centriolar roots of bikonts, Amoebozoa and opisthokonts, symbiogenetic origin of mitochondria

Introduction: revising the neomuran theory Gram-positive eubacterium. I argued that the most of the origin of eukaryotic cells important change in this radical transformation of a eubacterium into the common ancestor of eukaryotes In 1987, I published seven papers that together and archaebacteria was the replacement of the eubac- developed an integrated view of cell evolution, ranging terial peptidoglycan murein by N-linked glycoprotein from the origin of the first bacterium, a Gram-negative and that the concomitant changes in the replication, eubacterium (negibacterium; Cavalier-Smith, 1987a), transcription and machinery were of com- and the nature of bacterial DNA segregation (Cava- paratively trivial evolutionary significance. I therefore lier-Smith, 1987b), through the origins of archaebac- called the postulated clade comprising archaebacteria teria (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c) and eukaryotes (Cava- and eukaryotes ‘neomura’ (meaning ‘new walls’) and lier-Smith, 1987c, d) and the symbiogenetic origins of will continue this usage here. I further argued that the mitochondria and chloroplasts and their secondary archaebacteria, though becoming adapted to hot, acid lateral transfers (Cavalier-Smith, 1987e) to the origins environments by replacing the eubacterial acyl ester and diversification of plant (Cavalier-Smith, 1987f) lipids by prenyl ether lipids, used the new glycoproteins and and fungal cells (Cavalier-Smith, 1987g). as a rigid (exoskeleton) and therefore retained Central to those publications was the then novel view the ancestral bacterial and generally that eukaryotes were sisters to archaebacteria and that bacterial cell and chromosomal organization. Though both diverged from a common ancestor that itself chemically radically changed, they remained pro- arose by the drastic evolutionary transformation of a karyotic because, like other , they retained an

298 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification exoskeleton, which prevented more radical innovation. archaebacterial-like genes were derived from the Their pre-eukaryote sisters, in striking contrast, by host (Cavalier-Smith & Chao, 1996; Cavalier-Smith, using the new glycoproteins to develop a more flexible 2002a). Postulating a fusion or symbiogenesis between surface coat, were able to evolve for the an archaebacterium and a negibacterium prior to the first time in the , which necessarily led to origin of mitochondria (Zillig et al., 1989; Golding & the rapid origin of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton, mitosis Gupta, 1995; Gupta & Golding, 1996; Lake & Rivera, and endomembrane system and ultimately the nucleus, 1994; Margulis et al., 2000; Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, cilia and sex. Phagotrophy was also the prerequisite 1998) is entirely unnecessary if the establishment of for the uptake of the symbiotic eubacterial ancestors of mitochondria, the endomembrane system and the mitochondria and chloroplasts. I also interpreted the eukaryotic cytoskeleton were virtually contemp- record as showing that eukaryotes were less than oraneous, as I argue here. I maintain that the origin of half as old as eubacteria and emphasized that, ac- phagotrophy was the essential prerequisite for all cording to the neomuran theory, archaebacteria must three, for the reasons given in my first discussion of the be equally young and not a primordial group as has origin of the nucleus (Cavalier-Smith, 1975). What often been supposed to be the case. A shared neomuran changed markedly between 1975 and 1987, and less character that I particularly stressed was the co- radically since, is the phylogenetic context of these translational N-linked glycosylation of cell-surface fundamental mechanistic changes. , which offered special insights into the origin of the eukaryotic endomembrane system (Cavalier- Prior to my proposal that eukaryotes and archaebac- Smith, 1987c). teria are sisters (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c), it had been argued in three seminal papers that archaebacteria The present paper revises this neomuran theory of the were ancestral to eukaryotes (Van Valen & Maiorana, origin of the eukaryotic cell, re-emphasizing the role of 1980; Searcy et al., 1981; Zillig et al., 1985). I opposed phagotrophy in the origin of eukaryotes (Cavalier- that view primarily because it entailed an independent Smith, 1975, 1987c), in the light of recent substantial origin of acyl ester lipids in eubacteria and eukaryotes. phylogenetic advances, notably the evidence that One could readily explain the changeover from eubac- mitochondria were already present in the common terial acyl esters to archaebacterial isoprenoid ether ancestor of all extant eukaryotes (Cavalier-Smith, lipids as a secondary adaptation for hyperthermophily 1998a, 2000a; Embley & Hirt, 1998; Gupta, 1998a; (Cavalier-Smith, 1987a, c), an explanation that re- Keeling, 1998; Keeling & McFadden, 1998; Roger, mains valid today (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Together 1999) and that all anaerobic eukaryotes have evolved with palaeontological evidence for very early eubac- by the loss of mitochondria or their conversion into terial , it was and is a primary reason hydrogenosomes (Cavalier-Smith, 1987e; Mu$ ller & for arguing that eubacteria are the paraphyletic an- Martin, 1999). My detailed explanations of the origins cestors of archaebacteria, not the reverse (Cavalier- of the 18 suites of shared neomuran characters (many Smith, 1987a, 1991a, b). But, if eukaryotes had evolved more than were apparent in 1987) and of the many substantially before mitochondria, as suggested earlier fewer unique archaebacterial characters have been (Cavalier-Smith, 1983a, b) and rRNA (Vossbrinck & presented in a separate paper (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Woese, 1986; Vossbrinck et al., 1987) tempted us to As that paper also discusses the palaeontological believe (Cavalier-Smith, 1987d), there was no obvious evidence for the origin of neomura – especially its reason why the first eukaryote should have switched remarkable recency – and the widespread misinterpre- from archaebacterial lipids to acyl esters and no tations of evolutionary artefacts in molecular trees, obvious means of doing so; postulating that archae- which have hindered our understanding of the proper bacteria were sisters rather than ancestors of eukar- positions of their roots, it provides an essential yotes seemed the obvious solution, since one could background and broader context to the present one, argue that their remarkable shared characters all which focuses specifically on the origin and early evolved in their immediate common ancestor. If, as diversification of the eukaryotic cell. Note that I always now appears to be the case, the ancestral eukaryote use ‘bacterium’ in its proper historical as a was aerobic and had acquired mitochondria prior to synonym for ‘’, never as a synonym for its diversification into any extant lineages, this part of eubacteria alone (Woese et al., 1990), a thoroughly my 1987 argument becomes somewhat less compelling. confusing, highly undesirable and entirely unnecessary In principle, it would have been possible for the host to change to established usage (Cavalier-Smith, 1992a), have been an archaebacterium and for the prenyl ether which I urge others also to eschew. lipids to have been replaced by acyl ester lipids derived If there really are no primitively amitochondrial from the α-proteobacterial ancestor of mitochondria, eukaryotes (Cavalier-Smith, 1998a, 2000a), the sim- as Martin (1999) suggested. Such wholesale lipid plest explanation of the great mixture of genes of replacement, if it had occurred, would have been a archaebacterial and negibacterial character in eukar- remarkably complex and improbable evolutionary yotes (Golding & Gupta, 1995; Brown & Doolittle, phenomenon, but it could not be dismissed as alto- 1997; Ribeiro & Golding, 1998) is that the negibac- gether impossible. However, recent molecular-phylo- terial genes originated from the α-proteobacterium genetic evidence (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a), also briefly that evolved into the first and that the discussed below, now clearly refutes the idea that http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 299 T. Cavalier-Smith archaebacteria are the paraphyletic ancestors of eukar- amitochondrial Archezoa (phyla Metamonada and yotes and firmly establishes their holophyly. Thus, Parabasalia), from which I now exclude , lipid replacement did not occur during the origin of as a superphylum within a new infrakingdom Exca- eukaryotes: essentially all their lipids, including both vata. Excavata also includes Discicristata (phyla Eug- acyl ester phospholipids and sterols, were probably lenozoa and ) and the recently established already present in their actinobacterial ancestor. phylum Loukozoa (Cavalier-Smith, 1999; here aug- mented by the Oxymonadida and Diphylleiida) and is The present phagotrophy theory of the essentially almost certainly a derived group, not an early bran- simultaneous origin of eukaryotes and mitochondria ching one, as was previously widely believed. Secondly, leaves unchanged most details of the actual transition I group infrakingdoms Excavata and Alveolata postulated by the earlier phagotrophy theory of the together as subkingdom Corticata (from which serial origin of eukaryotes and mitochondria (Cava- the kingdoms Plantae and Chromista are derived). lier-Smith, 1987c, e) including their mechanisms and Thirdly, I establish a new subkingdom Gymnomyxa to selective advantages, but telescopes them into a single embrace the majority of the former sarcodine protozoa geological period, thus allowing synergy between them (i.e. virtually all except the Heterolobosea, which are and thereby strengthening the overall thesis. In ad- percolozoa of obvious corticate ancestry) and a variety dition to discussing the origin of eukaryotes, I evaluate of soft-surfaced zooflagellates with pronounced pseu- new evidence bearing on the position of the root of the dopodial tendencies within the phyla Cercozoa (into eukaryote tree and conclude that it lies among aerobic which I transfer the parasitic Ascetosporea and the amoeboflagellates having mitochondria, not among pseudociliate ), Choanozoa (the closest the anaerobic amitochondrial flagellates as was protozoan relatives of kingdoms Fungi and Animalia; thought until recently. Thus, what is most significantly Cavalier-Smith, 1998b), both of which also contain a changed in the revised phagotrophy theory is the few former sarcodines, and Apusozoa. Finally, the nature of the first eukaryote – a chimaeric aerobic classification of Gymnomyxa is rationalized by estab- unikont flagellate resembling the zooflagellate Phalan- lishing a new infrakingdom Rhizaria that groups the sterium, instead of a non-chimaeric anaerobic unikont phyla (Cercozoa and Retaria) in which reticulopodia flagellate like the pelobiont amoebozoan Mastiga- are widespread with the axopodial Heliozoa and the moeba, as was proposed earlier (Cavalier-Smith, Apusozoa, zooflagellates that often have ventral bran- 1991c). Actually, in cell structure, Phalansterium and ched pseudopods. I shall present evidence that the have a lot in common and are probably Corticata are derived from Gymnomyxa and are not cladistically widely separated (Cavalier-Smith, cladistically closer to the Rhizaria than to the other 2000a); indeed, as my own unpublished gamma- gymnomyxan infrakingdom, Sarcomastigota (Amoe- corrected distance trees actually place Phalansterium bozoa, Choanozoa), within which the eukaryote tree is within the Amoebozoa, as sister to the Acanthamoe- probably rooted. bidae, I here transfer Phalansterium into a revised Amoebozoa. Thus, rooting a morphologically based eukaryote tree on either Phalansterium or mastigamoe- Intracellular co-evolution: the key to understanding bids would give a very similar tree, broadly consistent the origin of the eukaryote cell with many protein trees but contradicting the rooting (but little of the topology) of rRNA trees. Now, To understand cell evolution, we must consider evenly however, with more balanced views of the strengths the evolution of three things: genomes, membranes and weaknesses of molecular trees (Philippe & and (Cavalier-Smith, 2001, 2002a). Adoutte, 1998; Embley & Hirt, 1998; Philippe et al., Though I shall discuss aspects of and meta- 2000; Roger, 1999; Stiller & Hall, 1999) in the bolic evolution, I will emphasize the primary im- ascendant, there should be less pressure on us to accept portance of membranes and the cell as every detail of every rRNA tree as gospel truth. If we providing the environment within which genomes also develop a healthier balance between the molecular evolve (thus profoundly determining the selective and the cell-biological or ultrastructural evidence, we forces acting on them) and their very raison d’eV tre. can use the latter to help us decide which of the Recent genome sequencing has fostered a simplistic conflicting molecular trees are more reliable (Cavalier- view of as essentially random aggregates of Smith, 1981a, 1995a; Taylor, 1999). I shall argue that, genes and proteins, a molecular-genetic bias worse although the Amoebozoa are probably very close to than the earlier biochemists’ oversimplification of the base of the eukaryotic tree, extant or ‘crown’ them as a ‘mere bag of ’; it forgets both the Amoebozoa may actually be holophyletic and that bag and the skeleton that gives it form and the ability there are probably no extant eukaryotic groups that to divide and evolve complexity! Molecular cell bi- diverged prior to the fundamental bifurcation between ology has taught us that organisms arise only by the the protozoan ancestors of animals and plants. co-operation of genes, catalysts, membranes and a cell New phylogenetic insights, especially those concerning skeleton (Cavalier-Smith, 1987a, 1991a, b, 2001). The ciliary root evolution discussed here, lead me to revise most fundamental events in converting a bacterium the higher classification of the Protozoa in into a eukaryote were not generalized changes in the four main ways. Firstly, I place the secondarily genome or modes of expression, but two pro-

300 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification found cellular changes: (i) a radical change in mem- 1987). The structural evolution of cilia, and brane topology associated with the origin of coated- ciliary roots is more central to, and reveals much more vesicle budding and fusion and nuclear pore complexes about, eukaryote evolution than the sequence-domi- and (ii) a changeover from a relatively passive exo- nated community generally realizes. skeleton (the bacterial cell wall) to an endoskeleton of microtubules and microfilaments associated with the The unibacterial relatives of eukaryotes molecular motors , and myosin. Para- doxically, these innovations fed back onto the genome Eukaryotes are sisters of archaebacteria not derived itself, endowing eukaryotic DNA with a novel function from them as a nuclear skeleton; viral and bacterial Deciding whether archaebacteria are sisters of eukar- are indeed essentially aggregates of genes, but eukaryo- yotes or actually ancestral to them is very important tic DNA (most of the DNA in the biosphere) is for knowing the origin of certain eukaryote genes. primarily a skeletal polyelectrolyte gel in which genes Over 40 genes are found in eukaryotes and eubacteria are only sparsely embedded (Cavalier-Smith & Beaton, but not apparently in archaebacteria, e.g. Hsp90 1999). (Gupta, 1998a; note that not every gene listed there is But I must not oversimplify. The origin of the truly absent from archaebacteria – catalase is actually eukaryote cell was the most complex transformation present). If eukaryotes and archaebacteria are sisters and elaborate example of quantum evolution (Simp- (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c, 2002a; Pace et al., 1996), these son, 1944) in the history of life. Thousands of DNA genes could all have been lost in the common ancestor mutations caused ten major suites of innovations: (i) of archaebacteria, but retained by eukaryotes by origin of the endomembrane system (ER, Golgi and vertical inheritance from their neomuran common ) and coated-vesicle budding and fusion, ancestor. On the other hand, if eukaryotes branched including endocytosis and exocytosis; (ii) origin of the within a paraphyletic archaebacteria, as Gupta (1998a) cytoskeleton, centrioles, cilia and associated molecular and Martin & Mu$ ller (1998) assume, we should motors; (iii) origin of the nucleus, nuclear pore reasonably conclude instead that these genes came complex and trans-envelope protein and RNA trans- from a eubacterium by lateral transfer, possibly simply port; (iv) origin of linear chromosomes with plural donated by the proteobacterial ancestor of mitochon- replicons, centromeres and telomeres; (v) origin of dria. novel cell-cycle controls and mitotic segregation; (vi) Van Valen & Maiorana (1980) proposed that eukar- origin of sex (syngamy, nuclear fusion and ); yotes (i.e. the host that enslaved a proteobacterium to (vii) origin of peroxisomes; (viii) novel patterns of make a mitochondrion) evolved from archaebacteria, rRNA processing using small nucleolar ribonucleopro- whereas, for the reasons stated above, I (Cavalier- teins (snoRNPs); (ix) origin of mitochondria; and (x) Smith, 1987c) postulated instead that archaebacteria origin of spliceosomal introns. Each of these ten are sisters of eukaryotes, but their common ancestor novelties is so complex that it needs its own long review was neither: it was instead a radically changed de- for discussion in the depth that present knowledge of rivative of a posibacterial mutant, which I shall refer to requires. Here, I concentrate instead on as a stem neomuran, i.e. one branching prior to the placing them in phylogenetic context and re-empha- neomuran cenancestor. If eukaryotes evolved from sizing the co-evolutionary interconnections between a crown archaebacterium (any descendant of the them. I argued previously that the first six innovations archaebacterial cenancestor), then they should nest in arose simultaneously in response to the loss of the trees (!) within archaebacteria; but if they evolved bacterial cell wall and the origin of phagotrophy from stem archaebacteria (i.e. any before the archae- (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c). I argued that each affected bacterial cenancestor), the sequence trees could not the others and that such intraorganismic molecular co- distinguish the two theories as they do not show the evolution made it counterproductive to attempt to of their common ancestor. This unavoid- understand the evolution of any one of them in able cladistic ambiguity of sequence trees, coupled isolation. with the fact that existing trees are contradictory, is The present paper extends the thesis of intracellular why neither theory has been unambiguously refuted. co-evolution during the origin of eukaryotes by ar- Of 32 gene sequence trees showing archaebacterial and guing that the last four innovations also accompanied eukaryotic genes as related in a recent analysis and the others and fed back on some of them (the eighth including more than one archaebacterium (Brown & innovation at least partially preceded the origin of Doolittle, 1997), 19 actually portray a sister relation- eukaryotes, at least one of the two types of snoRNPs ship, as I predicted, and only 15 an ancestor– having evolved in the ancestral neomuran; Cavalier- descendant one. However, to say that this slight Smith, 2002a). It also uses advances in understanding numerical advantage supports my sister theory would ciliary transformation (Moestrup, 2000) to resolve be naı$ ve, for two reasons. Firstly, nine of the trees did conflicts between molecular trees and establish with not include both euryarchaeotes and crenarchaeotes reasonable confidence the approximate location of (also known as eocytes), so would be less likely to show the eukaryote root and thus the properties of their archaebacterial , just because of poor cenancestor (latest common ancestor; Fitch & Upper, sampling. Perhaps more importantly, quantum evol- http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 301 T. Cavalier-Smith ution during early eukaryote evolution would be likely of Margulis et al. (2000) that the ancestor of eukaryotes to make their genes more distant from archaebacterial was a Thermoplasma-like cell; Thermoplasma is highly ones than expected on a molecular clock. In practice, derived and also too genomically and cytologically this means that genuine archaebacterial paraphyly reduced in other ways to be a serious candidate. would often be converted by the consequent long- Margulis et al. (2000) were mistaken in calling the branch phylogenetic artefact into apparent holophyly. Thermoplasma basic protein ‘-like’ (it is ac- In most cases, bootstrap support for archaebacterial tually more like the non-histone DNA-binding pro- holophyly was low: in one case (vacuolar ATPase), teins of eubacteria) and in calling Thermoplasma an other authors have shown trees with eukaryotes within eocyte; it is not a crenarchaeote but is nested well archaebacteria (as sisters to euryarchaeotes; Gogarten within the euryarchaeotes. As its sister Picro- & Kibak, 1992). philus has a glycoprotein wall, Thermoplasma probably lost its wall hundreds of millions years after the origin As an aside, I must point out that the cladistic terms of eukaryotes (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). The posibac- ‘stem’ and ‘crown’ were invented and defined as in the terial mycoplasmas, which Margulis (1970) originally preceding paragraph by the palaeontologist Jefferies favoured as a host, almost certainly lost their walls and (1979), but were used incorrectly by Knoll (1992): the suffered massive genomic reduction after their endo- phrase ‘’, therefore, properly in- bacterial ancestors (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a) became cludes all extant eukaryotes, not just those with short obligate parasites of pre-existing eukaryotic cells. branches on rRNA trees (which are not a holophyletic Thus, no extant wall-free bacteria are suitable models group): the latter misusage, ignorantly adopted by for the ancestor of eukaryotes; all are too greatly GenBank and many others, should be discontinued so reduced and none is specifically phylogenetically re- as not to destroy the utility of the distinction made lated to us. As Thermoplasma has lost , the by Jefferies, which is fundamentally important for crenarchaeote cenancestor might also have done so, in phylogenetic discussion (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). which case histones would have evolved in a stem The presence of an insertion of seven amino acids in neomuran, as I have argued (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). EF-1α shared by eukaryotes and crenarchaeotes alone A crenarchaeote (eocyte) ancestry for eukaryotes has been used to argue that eukaryotes are more would only be possible if there had been multiple losses closely related to them than to euryarchaeotes (Rivera of histones within crenarchaeotes after the origin of & Lake, 1992; Gupta, 1998a; Baldauf et al., 1996). But eukaryotes and so is less plausible than a euryarchaeote this is very weak evidence, since this insertion could ancestry. Some crenarchaeotes (Sulfolobus) have CCT have been present in the ancestor of all archaebacteria chaperonins with nine rather that the usual eight and deleted in euryarchaeotes – in fact, some have two subunits (Archibald et al., 1999) so can be ruled out as or three amino acids here, showing that the region has potential eukaryotic ancestors. undergone differential deletions or insertions within euryarchaeotes. Trees for the same gene sometimes do The most decisive evidence for a sister relationship weakly depict eukaryotes within archaebacteria (Bal- between eukaryotes and archaebacteria (Cavalier- dauf et al., 1996), as does a large-subunit rRNA tree Smith, 1987c) is the fragmentation of two unrelated from an unusually sophisticated maximum-likelihood genes so as to encode more than one distinct protein in analysis (Galtier et al., 1999), which should be superior all archaebacteria but in no eukaryotes or eubacteria: to the usual small-subunit trees that show them as RNA polymerase RpoA became divided into two sisters (Kyrpides & Olsen, 1999). However, of the 14 (Klenk et al., 1999) and glutamate synthetase into trees showing archaebacterial paraphyly, only five three separate genes (Nesbø et al., 2001). This clearly (including EF-1α) placed them as sisters to eocytes; refutes all recent syntrophy theories (Martin & Mu$ ller, only one did so as sisters to euryarchaeotes, but nine 1998; Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, 1998; Margulis et al., place them within euryarchaeotes. 2000) and any other theory that, like them, assumes that an archaebacterium was directly ancestral to If archaebacteria were paraphyletic, the presence of eukaryotes (e.g. those of Gupta, 1998a; Lake & Rivera, genuine histones in euryarchaeotes but never cren- 1994; Sogin, 1991). On such theories, the five frag- archaeotes or eubacteria (Reeve et al., 1997) would mented RNA polymerase A and glutamate synthetase favour a euryarchaeote not a crenarchaeote ancestor, genes would together have had to undergo three as postulated by Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a (1998), refusion events to make two single genes in the Martin & Mu$ ller (1998) and Sandman & Reeve (1998). common ancestor of eukaryotes, highly improbable However, this also is relatively weak evidence, as and selectively dubious reversals. Such theories would histones can be lost secondarily, as we know for also require the complete replacement of the host dinoflagellates; indeed, I have argued elsewhere (Cava- isoprenoid lipids by acyl ester lipids derived from the lier-Smith, 2002a) that they did evolve in the ancestral mitochondrion. The theory that archaebacteria and archaebacterium. From their distribution among eury- eukaryotes are sisters diverging from a neomuran archaeotes (Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, 1998), we can common ancestor (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c) avoids pos- conclude that histones were present in the cenancestor tulating this complex lipid replacement or the refusion of euryarchaeotes but were lost by Thermoplasma. The of these genes and is thus much more parsimonious absence of histones in Thermoplasma rules out the idea and almost certainly correct. The neomuran theory is

302 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification also much simpler, in that no special explanation If a gene underwent quantum evolution during all is needed of how eukaryotes acquired the numerous three major transitions (the neomuran, archaebacterial genes such as hsp90 that are absent from archae- and eukaryote origins), then its molecular tree will bacteria (Gupta, 1998a); they were simply present in show clear-cut separation into the three domains, as the neomuran ancestor, through vertical descent from for rRNA, but if quantum evolution occurred in none its posibacterial ancestor, but lost by archaebacteria of them (or in only one or two) for that particular following the eukaryote\archaebacteria divergence. molecule, the pattern will be different. The confusing The theories that assume an archaebacterial ancestor effects of mosaic and quantum evolution and how they must suppose that these diverse genes were all re- can be disentangled by making a proper synthesis with acquired secondarily by symbiogenesis or massive the direct evidence from the fossil record of the actual lateral gene transfer. In addition to the general eu- timing of historical events are explained thoroughly bacterial genes listed by Gupta (1998a), there are many elsewhere (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). These arguments others shared specifically by eukaryotes and some or are crucial for understanding the pattern of molecular all actinobacteria that are absent from archaebacteria, evolution during the origin of eukaryotes, but too e.g. those for sterol synthesis; both these and the lengthy to repeat here. They do, however, help us to cell-biological similarities between eukaryotes and ac- understand why many trees clearly support the sister tinobacteria are unexplained by the theories of an relationship between eukaryotes and archaebacteria, archaebacterial ancestry for eukaryotes. whereas a significant minority suggest instead that eukaryotes may branch within the archaebacteria. The Recency of the neomuran revolution latter trees are usually for enzymes that did not undergo quantum evolution during the three transi- Elsewhere, I reviewed the extensive palaeontological tions, so there are not enough changes in the archae- evidence that eukaryotes are over four times younger bacterial stem to show the holophyly of the archae- than bacteria, evolving only about 850 million years bacteria robustly, and they can appear paraphyletic (My) ago compared with " 3850 My for eubacteria because random noise or minor systematic biases make (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Eukaryotes are emphatically the eukaryotes branch misleadingly among them. The not a ‘primary line of descent’, as Pace et al. (1986) so situation is made worse by the fact that, for many of misleadingly called them. Archaebacteria are also not these trees (Brown & Doolittle, 1997), the taxonomic a primary line of descent, and there is no evidence sampling is so sparse that such artefacts will be whatever that they are any older than eukaryotes. relatively more likely. Trees with better sampling more Since the evidence that archaebacteria are sisters of often support archaebacterial holophyly. But even eukaryotes is compelling (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a), it is they can be expected to do so only if a substantial highly probable that the neomuran common ancestor number of synapomorphies evolved in the archaebac- arose by the radical transformation of a posibacterium terial stem. If the origin of archaebacteria was rela- around 850 My ago. The widespread idea that both tively rapid after the neomuran revolution, as is likely neomuran groups are primary lines of descent is based (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a), and if the divergence of on the misrooting of some molecular trees (as shown crenarchaeotes and euryarchaeotes occurred soon by Cavalier-Smith, 2002a) and ignorance of the afterwards, one would expect many trees not to show palaeontological evidence. Reconciling the palaeonto- archaebacterial holophyly robustly – unless they had logical and molecular evidence is a complex matter undergone marked quantum evolution in the archae- that demands thorough discussion. It requires the bacterial stem. Such quantum evolution can be very recognition that the temporal pattern of molecular useful in accentuating the evidence for the holophyly change is very different in different categories of of a particular group (Cavalier-Smith et al., 1996a; molecules, which show the classical phenomenon of Cavalier-Smith, 2002a), but it is highly misleading as mosaic evolution: different molecules alter their rates to the relative temporal duration of different segments of evolution to greatly differing degrees in the same of the tree and, if extreme, can also give false lineage. As explained in great detail elsewhere (Cava- topologies, so critical interpretation of a variety of lier-Smith, 2002a), the hundreds of molecules that trees for functionally unrelated molecules is essential were specifically involved in the drastic changes that for accurate phylogenetic reconstruction. created the ancestral neomuran (e.g. rRNA, protein- molecules, vacuolar ATPase) underwent An actinobacterial ancestry for eukaryotes temporarily vastly accelerated evolution (quantum evolution) during those innovations in the stem neo- According to the neomuran theory (Cavalier-Smith, muran, but thousands of other genes, notably most 1987c, 2002a), eukaryotes evolved by the radical metabolic enzymes, were more clock-like. A subset of transformation of one particular posibacterial lineage genes underwent similar drastic quantum evolution to generate the cytoskeleton and endomembrane sys- during the evolution of the stem archaebacterium, as tem and the associated or shortly following symbio- did an only partially overlapping set of genes during genetic implantation of an α-proteobacterial cell as a the evolution of the stem eukaryotes during the origin protomitochondrion. The most plausible ancestor for of phagotrophy, the cytoskeleton, endomembranes the host component of eukaryotes is a derivative of an and other eukaryote-specific characters. aerobic, heterotrophic, Gram-positive bacterium, not http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 303 T. Cavalier-Smith

...... Fig. 1. The bacterial origins of eukaryotes as a two-stage process. The ancestors of eukaryotes, the stem neomura, are shared with archaebacteria and evolved during the neomuran revolution, in which N-linked glycoproteins replaced murein peptidoglycan and 18 other suites of characters changed radically through adaptation of an ancestral actinobacterium to thermophily, as discussed in detail by Cavalier-Smith (2002a). In the next phase, archaebacteria and eukaryotes diverged dramatically. Archaebacteria retained the wall and therefore their general bacterial cell and genetic organization, but became adapted to even hotter and more acidic environments by substituting prenyl ether lipids for the ancestral acyl esters and making new acid-resistant flagellar shafts (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). At the same time, eukaryotes converted the glycoprotein wall into a flexible surface coat and evolved rudimentary phagotrophy for the first time in the history of life. This triggered a massive reorganization of their cell and chromosomal structure and enabled an α-proteobacterium to be enslaved and converted into a protomitochondrion to form the first aerobic eukaryote and protozoan, around 850 My ago. Substantially later, a cyanobacterium (green) was enslaved by the common ancestor of the plant kingdom to form the first (C). an anaerobic methanogen (Martin & Mu$ ller, 1998; evolved, not from the posibacterial subphylum to Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, 1998), which would need which Bacillus belongs (Endobacteria; Cavalier- immensely more metabolic changes to make the Smith, 2002a), but from the other posibacterial sub- eukaryote cenancestor, which, as explained below, was phylum, Actinobacteria, which includes actinomycetes undoubtedly an aerobic . As in my pre- (e.g. Streptomyces) and their relatives such as myco- vious scenario (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c), I argue that bacteria and coryneforms. Fig. 1 emphasizes that the this ancestor was pre-adapted for phagotrophy by origin of eukaryotes from this actinobacterial ancestor secreting a number of digestive enzymes. Bacillus occurred in two phases: the first phase was shared with subtilis secretes about 300 proteins, the vast majority the ancestors of archaebacteria and involved the co-translationally as in eukaryotes, not post-transla- evolution of co-translational N-linked glycosylation tionally as in like Escherichia coli and the substitution of the eubacterial peptidoglycan (Tjalsma et al., 2000). Posibacteria are thus pre- wall by one of glycoprotein. adapted to have evolved the co-translational secretion mechanism used by the endomembrane system of The several reasons for favouring an actinobacterial eukaryotes. However, I previously (Cavalier-Smith, origin for eukaryotes included the facts that Strep- 1987c) gave several reasons for thinking that neomura tomyces was the only known bacterium to produce

304 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification

Table 1. Neomuran characters shared by some or all actinobacteria but not other eubacteria

General neomuran characters 1. 2. 3h-Terminal CCA of tRNAs mostly (actinobacteria) or entirely (neomura) added post-transcriptionally Characters shared by eukaryotes generally but not archaebacteria 1. Sterols 2. Chitin 3. Numerous serine\threonine phosphotransferases and protein kinases related to cyclin-dependent kinases 4. Tyrosine kinases 5. Long H1 linker histone homologues related to eukaryote ones throughout 6. Calmodulin-like proteins 7. Phosphatidylinositol (in all actinobacteria) 8. Three-dimensional structure of serine proteases 9. Primary structure of alpha amylases 10. Fatty acid synthetase a complex assembly 11. Desiccation-resistant exospores 12. Double-stranded DNA repair Ku protein with C-terminal HEH (Aravind & Koonin, 2001) chitin, that the actinobacterial fatty acid synthetase is similar HEH domain to Ku (Aravind & Koonin, 2001) a macromolecular aggregate as in fungi and animals is most unparsimonious; the absence of Ku proteins (not separate soluble molecules as in other bacteria) from archaebacteria other than Archaeoglobus can be and that the formation of exospores can be interpreted attributed to a single loss in the common archaebac- as a precursor for the evolution of eukaryote zygo- terial ancestor plus a single lateral transfer from a non- , probably the ancestral condition for sexual life- HEH-containing eubacterium into Archaeoglobus. cycles (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c). Since then, it has been Gene and character losses are more frequent than is found that actinobacteria resemble eukaryotes more often supposed, and complicate phylogenetic infer- than do any other bacteria in five other key features ence. A much better understanding of actinobacterial (Table 1). Their histone H1 homologue is longer than cell biology, a substantially improved knowledge of in other eubacteria (absent from archaebacteria) and gene and character distribution within actinobacteria related to eukaryotic H1 over more of its length and a more robust molecular phylogeny for the group (Kasinsky et al., 2001). They have calmodulin-like based on numerous genes are all needed to provide a proteins. They have a greater variety of serine\ sounder basis for understanding the origin of neo- threonine kinases than any other bacteria (Av-Gay & muran and eukaryotic characters. Everett, 2000). Mycobacterium synthesizes sterols The presence of (Lamb et al., 1998) is a (Lamb et al., 1998), like eukaryotes. They are rich in particularly important pre-adaptation for the origin of phosphatidylinositol lipids. Thus, in several very im- phagotrophy and the endomembrane system. The fact portant respects, actinobacteria are more similar to that it is made by actinobacteria also means that to eukaryotes than are any other bacteria. There are no regard the presence of steranes as early as 2n7 billion other eubacteria with as many important similarities, years (Gy) ago as ‘evidence’ for eukaryotes (Brocks et so it is highly probable that neomura evolved from an al., 1999) is incorrect; they are more likely to have been actinobacterium having all these properties and that produced by actinobacteria or by the two groups of those that are not shared by archaebacteria (e.g. proteobacteria that make sterols (e.g. Kohl et al., sterols, histone, H1, chitin, spores) were lost after they 1983; see Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Moreira & Lo! pez- diverged from their eukaryote sisters: as explained Garcı!a (1998) invoke a highly complex and cell- elsewhere, there is evidence for very extensive gene loss biologically unacceptable cell fusion between a δ- and genome reduction during the origin of archae- proteobacterium making sterols and an archaebac- bacteria (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). terium to create the ancestor of eukaryotes prior to the Precisely which actinobacterial group is closest to symbiotic origin of mitochondria. They make this eukaryotes is more problematic. The presence of highly implausible suggestion mainly to explain how sterols in Mycobacterium would favour the class eukaryotes got sterols, serine\threonine kinases and Arabobacteria, in which it is now placed (Cavalier- calmodulin as well as the characters they share with Smith, 2002a), as shown in Fig. 1. However, the archaebacteria. But this elaborate hypothesis is eukaryotic-like Ku double-strand repair protein with a entirely unnecessary, as all three characters would fused downstream HEH domain (Aravind & Koonin, already have been present in the actinobacterial an- 2001) in Streptomyces would favour the class Strepto- cestors of neomura, which then evolved the shared mycetes instead. In view of the probable actinobac- neomuran characters prior to the divergence of eukar- terial ancestry of eukaryotes, the suggestion that yotes and archaebacteria (Fig. 1). Thus, their syntro- eukaryotes and Streptomyces independently fused a phy hypothesis is phylogenetically unnecessary, as well http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 305 T. Cavalier-Smith as being refuted by the three gene splits mentioned membrane-anchoring proteins, cross-linking pro- above and a fourth in methanogens discussed below teins and actin-severing proteins were the first elements and being mechanistically probably impossible. Ac- of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton to evolve, in order to tinobacteria should be studied carefully to see whether help stabilize the osmotically sensitive prekaryote any also have other characters suggested by Moreira & against a varying ionic and osmotic environment while Lo! pez-Garcı!a (1998) to be derived from δ-proteobac- still allowing cell growth. Actin polymerization, if teria (e.g. the core structure of the lipid anchor). suitably anchored and oriented, could also be used to push the cell surface out and partially surround Autogenous and exogenous mechanisms of potential prey, even in the absence of myosin. Com- plete engulfment would be more sophisticated and eukaryogenesis would depend on fusogenic plasma-membrane pro- Low-trauma wall-to-coat transformation, actin and teins. eukaryotic cytokinesis Actinobacterial homologues of MukB and Smc, large Halobacteria are unusual among walled bacteria in proteins with coiled-coil domains reminiscent of myo- that not all are rods or cocci, but some are pleomor- sin, deserve study as potential precursors of eukaryotic phic. This indicates that their glycosylated exoskele- mechanochemical motors. MukB is involved in active tons are able to support a greater variety of shapes, as partitioning in negibacteria (Niki et al., in eukaryotes. Their glycoprotein walls are aggregates 1991), as is the more eukaryotic-like Smc in posibac- of globular proteins constituting an ‘S-layer’, which I teria. I suggested previously that a DNA helicase both have argued was the ancestral state for all archaebac- moves bacterial chromosomes actively and was a teria (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c) and evolved first in the precursor of eukaryotic molecular motors (Cavalier- common ancestor of all neomura from an actino- Smith, 1987b). Active bacterial chromosome segre- bacterial S-layer (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). I suggested gation is now well established (Sharpe & Errington, previously that the sudden and complete loss of the 1999; Møller-Jensen et al., 2000) and remarkably peptidoglycan wall created a naked ancestor of eukar- similar to my prediction, but insufficiently understood yotes (Cavalier-Smith, 1975, 1987c). However, instead for one to suggest exactly how it evolved into the of losing the bacterial wall entirely, I now suggest that eukaryotic system, which it probably did smoothly. only the peptidoglycan and lipoproteins were lost and The DNA translocase SpoIIIE that actively moves the that the proteins of the S-layer were simply converted chromosome terminus away from the division septum into surface coat\wall glycoproteins by evolving hy- is conserved throughout eubacteria (Errington et al., drophobic tails to anchor them in the membrane and 2001). Its apparent absence from neomura suggests co-translational N-linked glycosylation in the ancestral that it was lost at the same time as was peptidoglycan; neomuran (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). If stem neomura but might it instead have been transformed radically had a glycoprotein wall similar to that of halobacteria, beyond recognition into a novel neomuran protein? the transition to archaebacteria and to eukaryotes I suggest that, after the evolution of the flexible surface would have been less traumatic and thus evolutionarily coat instead of a rigid wall, MreB was converted to somewhat easier than originally envisaged (Cavalier- actin and initially functioned to hold the cell together Smith, 1987c). In particular, the neomuran ancestor passively in association with actin cross-linking pro- would have been able to retain the eubacterial cell- teins. Soon, a bacterial chromosomal motor was division mechanism and divide satisfactorily during recruited to form an ancestral myosin to cause active eukaryogenesis (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Relatively sliding of actin filaments in the equator of dividing small genetic changes probably then sufficed to trans- cells to supplement the activity of FtsZ, which I form the early neomuran glycoprotein wall into a speculate could have become less efficient as the surface surface coat. I will call the hypothetical intermediate became less rigid. Once the actomyosin contractile ring between the stem neomura and the first eukaryote a became efficient, the FtsZ ring could be dispensed prekaryote for the probably short period between the with, as also happened in mitochondria in a common first evolution of its surface coat and the origin of the ancestor of the opisthokonts (animals, fungi and nucleus. choanozoa; see below) even though FtsZ was retained I originally proposed that actomyosin was the key in plant and chromist mitochondria (Beech & Gilson, molecular innovation that created eukaryotes by en- 2000). However, in the prekaryote, FtsZ was not lost abling phagotrophy to evolve (Cavalier-Smith, 1975). as in opisthokont mitochondria; instead, after being We now know, as we then did not, that actomyosin relieved of its previous function, it was free to triplicate does mediate phagocytosis. Actin was once thought to to form , and microtubules. Thus, have evolved from the distantly related FtsA (Sa! nchez eukaryote cytokinesis by an actomyosin contractile et al., 1994), a protein that plays a role together with ring replaced the bacterial FtsZ functionally, paving FtsZ in bacterial division. A much better candidate for the way for the evolution of a -based an actin ancestor is MreB, a shape-determining protein mitosis. of rod-shaped eubacteria that forms similar filaments It may not matter much whether actomyosin con- that associate with membranes (van den Ent et al., traction originated for cytokinesis, as just suggested, 2001). I speculate that actin polymerization, actin and was then recruited to help with phagocytosis or the

306 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification reverse, or else was applied to both processes sim- dria. I continue to argue that loss of peptidoglycan and ultaneously. Both probably became essential for effec- the origin of at least a crude form of phagocytosis and tive feeding and of the prekaryote. proto-endomembrane system were mechanical pre- requisites for the origin of mitochondria. Phagotrophy and mitochondrial symbiogenesis Mitochondrial symbiogenesis, however, may tempor- My earlier analysis (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c) explained ally have overlapped the later stages of these more how an incipient ability to engulf prey led to the fundamental cellular transformations, as Rizzotti perfection of phagocytosis and to the formation of (2000) suggests. Recent versions of the symbiogenetic endomembranes and lysosomes and exocytosis to theory emphasizing syntrophy instead of phagocytosis return membrane to the surface and allow it to grow; (Martin & Mu$ ller, 1998; Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, the reader is referred to Fig. 8 therein and its vast 1998; Margulis et al., 2000) are as mechanistically legend for details. The essential logic of the steps implausible as Margulis’ original, now abandoned, remains sound, but it is probable that, as suggested symbiotic theory (Margulis, 1970, 1981), which as- earlier (Cavalier-Smith, 1975) and outlined in a later serted that the mitochondrial symbiogenesis was the section, peroxisomes may have evolved autogenously prerequisite for phagocytosis, and which I previously by differentiation from the early endomembrane sys- refuted (Cavalier-Smith, 1983a). I continue to argue tem and need not have been a later symbiogenetic that replacement of a bacterial cell wall by a gly- addition, as I then suggested (Cavalier-Smith, 1987e). coprotein surface coat was the primary facilitating Thus, even though in my present analysis the mitochon- cause and that evolution of phagotrophy (De Duve & drial symbiogenesis occurred much earlier in eukaryote Wattiaux, 1964; Stanier, 1970) was the key secondary, evolution than previously thought, the overall contri- but effective, cause of the transformation of a bac- butions of symbiogenesis to the evolution of aerobic terium into a eukaryote. As soon as phagotrophy was eukaryotes are greatly reduced in comparison with my adopted, however inefficient, the possibility immedi- 1987 theory and the importance of autogenous trans- ately opened up for some phagocytosed cells to escape formation and innovation further increased: probably digestion and to become cellular , only two bacteria, not three, were symbiogenetically whether parasites, mutualisms or slaves (Cavalier- involved. Smith, 1975). By inserting a host ATP\ADP exchange protein into the proteobacterial envelope (John & Since the seminal generalization of Stanier & Van Niel Whatley, 1975), the host made the bacterium an energy (1962) that never harbour cellular endo- slave. This essential first step could have occurred symbionts has only one probable exception (von quite early, before the endomembrane system, cyto- Dohlen et al., 2001), I persist in arguing that phago- skeleton and nucleus were fully developed, but need cytosis was essential for uptake of the α-proteobac- not necessarily have done so and might have slightly terial symbiont (Cavalier-Smith, 1975, 1983a, 1987e) followed the origin of the nucleus. The transfer of and that at least the beginnings of phagotrophy had proteobacterial genes to the host could have occurred evolved before mitochondria originated. This excep- more easily if the nucleus had not developed properly. tional case where bacteria apparently harbour endo- As a result, the near-neutral substitution of some host symbionts involves β-proteobacteria that are them- soluble enzymes by ones from the symbiont (e.g. valyl- selves obligate endosymbionts of mealy bugs and tRNA synthetase; Hashimoto et al., 1998) could contain γ-proteobacteria within their inflated also have occurred very early. Such substitution is (von Dohlen et al., 2001). This interesting example mechanistically easier than the next logical step in the shows that it is not physiologically impossible for evolution of mitochondria, developing a generalized bacteria to harbour endosymbionts. The reason why mitochondrial import system, which would have been free-living bacteria have never been found to do so is much more mutationally onerous (Cavalier-Smith, probably twofold: they are generally too small to be 1983a, 1987c). Likewise, the loss of the cell wall would able to accommodate other cells and their usually rigid have allowed sex to evolve at once, so it probably walls must impose a strong barrier to accidental evolved very early and there may be no primi- uptake. The β-proteobacterial hosts are unusually tively asexual eukaryotes (Cavalier-Smith, 1975, 1980, large for proteobacteria (10–20 µm in diameter) and 1987c). are vertically transmitted from mealy bug to mealy bug within a host vacuolar membrane, analogously to The origin of phagotrophy created the most radically eukaryotic . I suggest that they may also lack new adaptive zone in the history of life: living by peptidoglycan walls and that the resulting greater engulfing other cells, which favoured the elaboration flexibility of the surface may have enabled them to take of the endomembrane system, internal cytoskeleton up intimately associated γ-proteobacteria at some and associated molecular motors, yielding a new stage in the history of the mealy bug bacteriome. I Empire of life: the Eukaryota. Phagotrophy and the consider that such large bacteria with relatively flexible consequent internalization of the membrane-attached surfaces able to take up other bacteria could have chromosome necessarily entailed a profound change in evolved only within the protective of pre- the mechanisms of chromosome segregation and cell existing eukaryotic cells and are therefore irrelevant to division; FtsZ evolved into and underwent the mechanical problems of the origin of mitochon- triplication to yield γ-tubulin to make centrosomes and http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 307 T. Cavalier-Smith

α- and β-tubulins to make spindle microtubules to for example, though I accept that cytosolic triose- segregate chromosomes mitotically. MreB became ac- phosphate isomerase almost certainly replaced the tin, which was recruited for both cytokinesis and original one in green plants and that the cyano- phagocytosis as well as a general osmotically protective bacterial\plastid one probably replaced their cytosolic cross-linked cytoskeleton. In turn, the new division one (Martin, 1998), the trees for both proteins are so mechanisms entailed quantum innovations in cell- dominated by long-branch problems that it is much cycle controls involving the origin of cyclin-dependent more likely that they are misrooted and partially kinases by recruitment from amongst the very diverse topologically incorrect than that the eukaryote cyto- serine\threonine protein kinases already present in solic actually came from the mitochondrion or actinobacteria. other eubacterial symbiont, as Keeling & Doolittle (1997) and Martin (1998) have postulated. The cytoskeleton and endomembranes were much more important causes than the neomuran changes in The fact that many eubacterial-like genes resemble transcriptional control (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a) in those of negibacteria more than posibacteria (Golding allowing a vast increase in cellular complexity and the & Gupta, 1995; Feng et al., 1997) does not fit my origin of highly complex multicellular organisms: original assumption that all of them came directly significantly, no archaebacteria ever became multicell- from the neomuran cenancestor (Cavalier-Smith, ular, though sharing the same gene-control mech- 1987c), but favours descent for many of them from the anisms as eukaryotes. As soon as these changes had α-proteobacterium. Two such key genes are the Hsp70 occurred, there would inevitably have been an ex- and Hsp90 chaperones. Both underwent duplication plosive radiation of protists into every available niche, to create ER lumenal as well as cytosolic versions. A their functional diversification being accentuated by third, mitochondrial version was retained for Hsp70, their entirely novel ability to engulf other cells and but not Hsp90. All are more negibacterial than either digest them for food or maintain them instead as posibacterial in character and group with proteobac- permanent slaves providing energy, fixed carbon or teria on trees, though the cytosolic and ER versions do other useful metabolites. Thus, phagotrophy led to not do so specifically with α-proteobacteria (Gupta, symbiogenesis, not the reverse. Once symbiogenesis 1998a), but this may be because they have evolved occurred, it had far-reaching effects. The simplest more rapidly than proteobacterial sequences; the explanation of the large number of eukaryotic genes of cytosolic and ER Hsp70 are more divergent than the eubacterial character (Brown & Doolittle, 1997) is mitochondrial one, presumably because their function twofold: many simply reflect the retention of most of changed more significantly. Both have signature se- those actinobacterial genes that did not undergo quences that support a relationship with proteo- quantum evolution during the origin of neomura bacteria, in preference to most other negibacteria or (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c, 2002a); the significant min- posibacteria. Gupta (1998a) suggested that these and ority that are negibacterial rather than posibacterial in other proteobacterial-like genes were contributed by affinity (Feng et al., 1997; Ribiero & Golding, 1998; an additional symbiotic merger between a negibac- Rivera et al., 1998) could have come mainly or entirely terium and an archaebacterium, but, if we accept that by the incidental substitution of the host actinobac- mitochondria arose at about the same time as the terial genes by genes from the α-proteobacterial nucleus, these and other similar assumptions of an ancestor of mitochondria encoding functionally equi- earlier symbiogenesis (e.g. Sogin, 1991; Lake & Rivera, valent proteins (Cavalier-Smith & Chao, 1996; Roger, 1994; Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, 1998) are entirely 1999; Cavalier-Smith, 2000a). unnecessary (Cavalier-Smith & Chao, 1996; Cavalier- Smith, 1998a), as well as mechanistically implausible. Such trivial gene replacement (Koonin et al., 1996) is sometimes said to be unexpected (Doolittle, 1998a), Mitochondrial Hsp70 is generally accepted as deriving but was predicted on general evolutionary grounds from the α-proteobacterial ancestor of mitochondria, (Cavalier-Smith, 1990a) before evidence for it became as it groups specifically with α-proteobacteria on trees. widespread. As first stressed by Martin (1996, 1998) However, it typically appears as their sister (Roger, and Martin & Schnarrenberger (1997), similar sub- 1999), whereas, if it were evolving chronometrically, it stitution of host or symbiont soluble enzymes by ought to be nested relatively shallowly within them, functionally equivalent ones occurred during the sym- since mitochondria are probably over three times biogenetic origin of chloroplasts, the only other younger than α-proteobacteria (Cavalier-Smith, primary symbiogenetic event in the history of life. It 2002a). Mitochondrial Hsp60 is nested within α- has also probably occurred in the three secondary proteobacteria, but not as shallowly as clock dogma symbiogenetic events that transferred pre-existing would expect. The excessive depth of the mitochon- plastids to non-photosynthetic hosts: incorporation drial versions of both chaperone molecules on trees is of a red alga to form the chromalveolates and of a typical artefact of accelerated evolution. Chloroplast green algae into euglenoids and chlorarachneans genes, whether rRNA or protein, show similar several- (Cavalier-Smith, 1999, 2000b). However, the fre- fold accelerated evolution compared with their cyano- quency of gene replacement in early eukaryote evol- bacterial ancestors and therefore branch much more ution may have been considerably overestimated by deeply within the cyanobacterial tree (Turner et al., excessive faith in the reliability of single-gene trees: 1999) than expected from the clear palaeontological

308 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification evidence that they are about five times younger retargeting of a duplicated host glyceraldehye-phos- (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a) or, in some cases, can even phate dehydrogenase to plastids of the ancestral appear as sisters of as a whole (Zhang et chromalveolates (Fast et al., 2001). Another nuclear al., 2000). Most genes show similar duplicate of the α-proteobacterial Hsp70 acquired severalfold increases in rate, sometimes sufficiently signal sequences for targeting into the ER and be- great to prevent them nesting correctly within their came the main ER chaperone. If the ancestors of the ancestral groups (Archibald et al., 2001; Douglas et cytosolic and ER versions of Hsp70 (Cavalier-Smith, al., 2001). Thus, severalfold accelerated evolution is a 2000a) and Hsp90 were both acquired from the general phenomenon for all symbiogenetically en- protomitochondrion, then we must conclude that the slaved genomes, just as it appears to be for the establishment of the protomitochondrion overlapped obligately parasitic mycoplasmas. Not only does this with the final stages of evolution of the ER, when it provide yet another refutation of the dogma of the was being made more efficient by the acquisition of molecular clock, now devoid of any secure theoretical both chaperones. Since the cytosolic versions of both or empirical justification (Ayala, 1999), but it also proteins are involved in function, this urges extreme caution in interpreting the fact that the implies that it also overlapped with the perfection of cytosolic and ER versions of Hsp70 do not group mitosis. If this interpretation is correct, symbiont genes specifically (at least not reproducibly) with the mito- played a role in the otherwise autogenous origins of the chondrial versions, even though they appear to be of endomembrane system and cytoskeleton. However, proteobacterial origin (Gupta, 1998a). Although we unlike Margulis (1970), I do regard the symbiogenetic cannot exclude the possibility that they were acquired origin of mitochondria as making an essential, quali- by lateral gene transfer independently of the mitochon- tative contribution to the origin of the eukaryotic cell, drial symbiogenesis (Doolittle, 1998a), the indubitable which was fundamentally driven by the selective marked tendency of genes of symbiogenetic origin to advantages of phagotrophy (Stanier, 1970; Cavalier- suffer accelerated evolution that drags them too deeply Smith, 1975) once the neomuran revolution in wall down trees is a more parsimonious explanation. I chemistry and protein secretion mechanisms (Cavalier- therefore consider it most likely that the host Hsp70 Smith, 2002a) made this mutationally possible. If, gene was lost accidentally after one or more copies of purely by chance, the host version of the Hsp70 gene the protomitochondrial gene was transferred into the had been retargeted to the mitochondrion before the nucleus. The transferred protein may have taken over mitochondrial one, I argue that the mitochondrial the function of the cytosolic protein before one copy of version instead would have been lost and the ER it acquired a mitochondrial pre-sequence for targeting version would have evolved from a duplicate of the it to the mitochondrion. Only after the latter happened original actinobacterial gene, rather than the replace- could the mitochondrial copy of the gene have been ment α-proteobacterial gene. If that had occurred, the lost. mitochondrion, ER and cytosol would probably have worked equally well. If this is correct, and also true Analogous considerations apply to eukaryotic Hsp90 for all other cases of symbiogenetic replacement of genes, probably of negibacterial origin as they lack the host genes [e.g. glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydro- conserved five insertion found uniquely in genase (Henze et al., 1995); valyl-tRNA synthetase all posibacteria (Gupta, 1998b). I suggest that their (Hashimoto et al., 1998)] by α-proteobacterial ones, ancestor moved from the protomitochondrial genome then these contributions of the protomitochondrion to into the nucleus, but Hsp90 was never retargeted back the origin of eukaryotes were trivial and purely into the mitochondrion, and that the actinobacterial incidental historical accidents, in no way essential for gene was lost. No archaebacteria have Hsp90. Fungi the tremendous qualitative changes in cell structure secondarily lost the ER Hsp90, possibly because they that occurred as a result of the origin of phagotrophy – abandoned phagotrophy. It would be interesting to with the sole exception of the origin of the structure of know if this occurred in the fungal cenancestor or later the mitochondrion itself, which is dispensable for within the Archemycota when the Golgi became eukaryotic life, as its multiple independent losses attest secondarily unstacked in the ancestor of the Allo- (Roger, 1999). As I argue in a later section, the major mycetes and Neomycota (Cavalier-Smith, 2000c). contribution of the protomitochondrion to the evol- The trivial replacement of a host gene for a cytosolic ution of the eukaryotic cell was a purely quantitative protein by an equivalent one from a symbiont therefore one: greatly increasing the efficiency of use of the requires fewer steps than the effective transfer of a spoils of phagotrophy. symbiont gene to the nucleus and the retargeting of its protein to the symbiont. Analogous trivial replacement Though it is widely assumed that proteobacterial genes instead of a symbiont gene by a host gene can also that replaced stem neomuran ones are functionally occur by the addition of appropriate targeting se- equivalent, on the neomuran theory, replacement need quences (Cavalier-Smith, 1987e, 1990a), as exemplified not have been entirely neutral. Most shared neomuran by the fact that most of the soluble enzymes of characters are explicable as adaptations to thermoph- mitochondria (unlike those of the cristal membranes) ily (see Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Thus, it is highly are probably of actinobacterial or archaebacterial, probable that the prekaryote was initially a ther- rather than α-proteobacterial, affinity and by the mophile. However, it could enter the biological main- http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 309 T. Cavalier-Smith stream as a phagotroph only by colonizing ordinary came from δ-proteobacteria is less plausible, since seawater, soil and freshwater under mesophilic condi- phosphatidylinositol lipids are particularly well de- tions. If this reversion to mesophily coincided with the veloped in actinobacteria and lateral gene transfer may origin of the protomitochondrion, there might there- have been unnecessary. When a myxobacterial genome fore have been a significant selective advantage in sequence is available, it will be particularly interesting losing host genes rather than normal symbiont genes. to see whether there is evidence for any gene contribu- Perhaps this explains why so many host enzymes were tions to eukaryotes by lateral gene transfer or whether replaced, far more, apparently, than by the later plastid all the key eukaryotic genes came either vertically from symbiogenesis (an alternative explanation for this large an actinobacterium or laterally by the mitochondrial difference might be that the mitochondrial symbio- symbiogenesis, as is possible. genesis took place before the origin of the nuclear envelope or the loss of its early free permeability, As myxobacteria have a typical negibacterial envelope, whereas that of chloroplasts undoubtedly took place I do not see how their outer membrane could ever have afterwards). By replacing many heat-adapted enzymes been lost or even fuse, as Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a by more mesophilic versions, symbiogenesis might (1998) assume. Their scenario for the origin of the have helped convert a specialized thermophilic prekar- nucleus is totally implausible compared with the yote with narrow ecological range into a hugely classical vesicle-fusion hypothesis (Cavalier-Smith, adaptable phagotrophic eukaryote that would 1987c, 1988a). However, none of these cytological descendants able to live anywhere except very hot absurdities is necessary if any myxobacterial genes that places, which their sister archaebacteria were then may eventually be shown to have entered the pre- colonizing for the first time (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). karyote were simply got from food. Likewise, if it can In principle, multiple point mutations could easily be proven that myxobacterial enzymes making the have modified each gene for mesophily, but gene glycosylated myo-inositol phosphate lipid headgroup replacement might have been faster and thus more that is identical to the core of the eukaryotic lipid likely. anchor for external globular proteins are homologues of the eukaryotic ones, but found in no other bacteria, their genes could also have come in the food. This is far Contributions of lateral gene transfer to preferable to invoking a mechanistically unsound pre- eukaryogenesis? phagotrophy fusion (Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, 1998). Doolittle (1998a) recently stressed another important Given the eukaryote phylogeny advocated here, that consequence of the evolution of phagotrophy. It membrane-anchor machinery must have been present should be much easier to acquire novel genes by lateral in the eukaryote cenancestor. transfer from phagocytosed prey than in old-fashioned None of the above possible lateral transfers is yet bacterial ways. Some of the genes that Moreira & established. Perhaps some or even all of them will turn Lo! pez-Garcı!a (1998) suggest entered prekaryotes in out, on closer investigation, to be convergent red their over-elaborate pre-phagotrophy fusion event herrings. The possible contributions from myxobac- from myxobacteria or other δ-proteobacteria might teria suggested by Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a (1998) are have done so instead by phagocytosed myxobacterial potentially so important that they should be pursued prey contributing genes but no genetic membranes. in depth. However, if we reject their syntrophy The most significant contributions might have been hypothesis because of its unparsimonious and mech- two categories of gene suggested by Moreira & Lo! pez- anistically unsound fusions and membrane losses, Garcı!a (1998): small G proteins, essential for cytosis there is no reason to single out sulphate-reducing and, therefore, endomembrane compartmentation, myxobacteria as potential donors. Those most de- and retroelements and reverse transcriptase, which serving of a major genome sequencing effort would be could have played a key role in the explosive spread of the aerobic predators, because of both their possible spliceosomal introns after they evolved from group II donation of genes to eukaryotes and their develop- introns immediately after the origin of the nucleus mental complexity, remarkable for bacteria. (Cavalier-Smith, 1991d). Unless future studies reveal that these genes are also present in the actinobacteria As primitive phagotrophy was a prerequisite for or in some α-proteobacteria, it is possible that such uptake of the ancestor of the mitochondrion, proto- lateral gene transfer from myxobacteria played a minor mitochondria could not have originated before a stem but significant role in eukaryogenesis. Mutants of the neomuran began to be converted into a eukaryote and MglA protein of Myxococcus can be complemented by the rudiments of endomembranes and cytoskeleton eukaryotic Sar1p (Hartzell, 1997), but the assumption had arisen. However, if my arguments about the that this gene family entered eukaryotes via δ-proteo- protomitochondrial origins of the cytosolic and ER bacteria (Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, 1998) need not be Hsp70s and Hsp90s are correct, mitochondria must correct, as homologues are also known from Aquifex have originated so early during the evolution of the (ε-proteobacterium; Cavalier-Smith, 2002a) and the eukaryotic cell that the prospect of our finding a Hadobacteria (Thermus and Deinococcus). Their sug- primitively amitochondrial protozoan is effectively gestion that phosphatidylinositol signalling proteins, zero. If, however, these and other proteobacterial which form the basis for eukaryotic cell signalling, also genes that seem to have replaced vital host genes came

310 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification instead from the food of the transitional prekaryote, Smith, 1983a). The discovery of actinobacterial sterols and mitochondria were implanted substantially later, renders acquisition by lateral gene transfer (Moreira & then primitively amitochondrial eukaryotes might exist Lo! pez-Garcı!a, 1998) unnecessary. and remain to be discovered. On present evidence, I The origin of the eukaryotic cyclin-dependent serine\ think this very unlikely, but not impossible. threonine kinase system, which controls both the entry Spliceosomal intron origin, spread and purging into S-phase and the eukaryotic cell cycle, especially the onset of anaphase and the return to G1, was a key According to the mitochondrial seed theory of spliceo- step in eukaryogenesis. -tagged proteolytic somal introns (Cavalier-Smith, 1991d; Roger et al., degradation is vital for the centrosome cycle and these 1994), they originated from group II introns in genes replication and mitotic controls. 20S proteasomes are transferred from the protomitochondrion to the nu- of actinobacterial origin (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a) and cleus after the evolution of the nuclear envelope were inherited by the neomuran ancestor and retained (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c, 1988a) allowed a slower splic- by archaebacteria. 26S proteasomes and ubiquitiniza- ing in trans by the spliceosome to evolve. Spread was tion are eukaryote-specific and must have evolved by reverse splicing followed by reverse transcription. If from 20S proteasomes in the prekaryote or stem neither the actinobacterial host nor the proteobacterial eukaryote lineage prior to the eukaryotic cenancestor. symbiont had reverse transcriptase, addition of reverse I suggest that ubiquitin and ubiquitinization of selected transcriptase from myxobacterial food would have proteins, and also the addition of extra proteins to created an explosive cocktail that allowed the introns make the more complex 26S , evolved to to insert rapidly into genes throughout the genome. label key cell-cycle proteins and target them for The new eukaryote phylogeny presented below greatly temporally specific degradation. Of key importance strengthens this version of the ‘introns-late’ scenario. were the origins of cyclin B, which activates the For a period, when I accepted that the Archezoa were serine\threonine kinase system, and cohesins, which all secondarily amitochondrial but still thought that initially hold together sister chromatids but then are their basal branching on rRNA trees (Cavalier-Smith digested at anaphase by the proteasomes. Their evol- & Chao, 1996) might be correct, why they seemed to be ution and that of their temporally controlled polyubi- virtually free of introns (Logsdon, 1998) was a puzzle. quitinization were key elements in the novel eukaryotic Why had introns not invaded immediately following cell-cycle controls that the origin of centrosomes and the acquisition of mitochondria? Now that scepticism spindle microtubules necessitated, and which did not of the rRNA tree’s root and the rerooting on putatively occur in archaebacteria, which ancestrally retained the unikont eukaryotes, not Archezoa, is effected (see bacterial FtsZ division mechanism and 20S protea- below), it is clear that spliceosomal introns did invade somes (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). These innovations rapidly in the cenancestor. Their virtual absence in created the eukaryotic cell cycle as a bistable cell archezoa must be a secondary loss, like their almost oscillator able to switch reversibly between the growth total absence in kinetoplastids, which belong in Eug- phase (G1) and the reproductive phase (S, G2 and M) lenozoa, the putative sister group to Archezoa. These by means of proteolytic controls of protein kinases selfish genetic elements must somehow have been that regulate numerous elements of the reproductive largely, or perhaps entirely in , purged from the machinery. Subsequently, ubiquitinization was also genome. used in the ancestral role of proteasomes to scavenge damaged proteins and, after the origin of multicells, Sterols, cell-cycle controls and the nuclear skeleton selected by kin selection to mediate apoptosis. Sterols provided the rigidifying properties and acyl These temporal controls were just as important as the esters the fluid properties needed for highly flexible origin of the novel nuclear envelope structure and the membrane functions. Since eukaryotes have a gradient mechanochemical machinery of the mitotic apparatus with an increased sterol\phospholipid ratio running (centrosomes, spindle microtubules and the molecular from rough (RER) to plasma motors dynein and kinesin) in creating the eukaryotic membrane, it can hardly be doubted that present cell. The novel division machinery and cell-cycle functions are optimized by a proper balance between controls allowed the multiplication of replicon origins them. Having both might have been a prerequisite for and other fundamentally different features of eukar- the origin of coated-vesicle budding and fusion. The yote chromosome structure (Cavalier-Smith, 1981a, absence of sterols in α-proteobacteria and the demon- 1987c, 1993a) compared with the universal bacterial stration that actinobacteria make sterols (Lamb et pattern of a single replicon per chromosome that al., 1998) provide the final refutation of the suggestion prevails in eubacteria and archaebacteria (Cavalier- (Margulis, 1970) that sterol biosynthesis came into Smith, 2002a). Indirectly, it allowed massive increases a pre-eukaryote via the mitochondrion and that a in eukaryotic genome size (Cavalier-Smith, 1978b), claimed membrane ‘fluidizing’ function for them was but is insufficient to explain the patterns of variation of a prerequisite for the origin of phagotrophy and the nuclear genome size. We must also postulate a skeletal endomembrane system. As I have long argued, the role for nuclear DNA and the evolutionary co- reverse is true: phagotrophy was a prerequisite for the adaptation of nuclear and cell volume to ensure symbiogenetic origin of mitochondria (Cavalier- balanced growth of eukaryotic cells (Cavalier-Smith, http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 311 T. Cavalier-Smith

1985; Cavalier-Smith & Beaton, 1999). The increased Wattiaux (1964) pointed out, evolution of primitive genome size caused by selection for larger nuclei and phagotrophy provides both a selective advantage and the origin of sex (see below) together made the rapid a cellular mechanism for such internalization. I empha- intragenomic spread of selfish genetic parasites in- sized (Cavalier-Smith, 1975, 1987c) three key logical evitable in early eukaryotes, notably the spliceosomal features of this mode of origin of the endomembrane introns (Cavalier-Smith, 1991d). However, the spread system: (i) cell wall loss (here modified to direct of such selfish DNA was not the fundamental cause of conversion to a flexible coat) was a prerequisite, (ii) the genomic expansion. Both such duplicative trans- exocytosis must have evolved concomitantly with position and normal duplication of genic and non- membrane internalization by phagocytosis and (iii) genic DNA contributed mechanistically to the ex- differentiation between the protein composition of pansion. Irrespective of the mutational mechanism, endomembranes and plasma membranes entails that increases in genome size were favoured by cellular the membrane budding from the ER (‘ercytosis’; selection for larger nuclei to ensure balanced growth of Cavalier-Smith, 1987c) and\or the exocytosis process the eukaryote cells which, for the first time, separated act as a selective ‘valve’ or ‘gate’ that allows some RNA and protein production into separate compart- proteins to return to the cell surface but traps others ments. An incidental side effect of this was a vastly permanently in the endomembrane (Cavalier-Smith, expanded cosy habitat for genetic parasites for which 1988b). I stressed the key role of internalization by sex, also probably incidentally, provided a novel means phagocytosis of the former bacterial plasma mem- of spread (Cavalier-Smith, 1978a, 1993a). Although brane’s receptors [both ribophorins and their sequences are selfish, their contribution to the receptors for the signal recognition particle (SRP); bulk of the nuclei is as positively beneficial to the Walter et al., 2000] in the differentiation between cellular economy as that of other types of non-coding plasma membrane and RER. As the proteobacterial DNA and genic DNA itself, all three of which membrane differs from the eukaryotic ER in that most contribute to the adaptively significant volume of the proteins are inserted or translocated by the SecA chromatin gel upon which nuclear envelopes are or other post-translational chaperone-based mech- assembled (Cavalier-Smith, 1985, 1991e). Thus, calling anisms, I suggested that the switch from predomi- eukaryotic transposons selfish is a half truth that has nantly post-translational to predominantly co-transla- incorrectly tempted many into believing partially tional insertion was selectively advantageous because ‘selfish’ DNA to be a sufficient explanation for the it discriminated between endomembranes and plasma tremendous variability of eukaryote genome size. membrane, thus preventing wasteful secretion of pro- An evolutionarily chimaeric origin for centrosomes is tolysosomal enzymes across the plasma membrane possible, since Hsp90 and Hsp70 and γ-tubulin are key (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c). However, if obligate co- structural constituents (Lange et al., 2000; Scheufler et translational protein insertion and translocation had al., 2000). Although γ-tubulin probably came vertically already evolved in the neomuran ancestor shared with from the actinobacterium, cytosolic and ER Hsp70 archaebacteria, as now appears to be true (Cavalier- and Hsp90 are probably of proteobacterial affinity, as Smith, 2002a), the stem neomuran secretory system discussed above. Even if two centrosomal components was pre-adapted in this key respect for the origin of the (cytosolic Hsp70 and 90) had a foreign origin, there is endomembrane system by plasma-membrane inter- no reason to think that centrioles or cilia arose nalization. symbiogenetically or that either is ancestral to the mitotic spindle (Cavalier-Smith, 1992b), as proposed We can now simply interpret the key steps in the by the vague and phylogenetically unjustified spiro- evolution of the SRP during the history of life. The chaete theory of Margulis et al. (2000). simplest signal recognition particle is that of negibac- teria, the ancestral cells, with only a short 4.5S SRP Coated vesicles, ercytosis and the origin of the RNA and a single bound protein (Ffh), which prob- endomembrane system ably evolved during pre-cellular evolution in the obcell (Cavalier-Smith, 2001). It later increased in complexity Classically, the endomembrane system is held to have three times, each increase plausibly associated with evolved by invagination and inward separation of quantum steps in membrane evolution (Cavalier- vesicles from the plasma membrane (De Duve & Smith 2002a). (i) When the negibacterial outer mem- Wattiaux, 1964; Stanier, 1970; Margulis, 1970; Cava- brane was lost to form the ancestral posibacterium, lier-Smith, 1975, 1980, 1981a, 1987c). Some of the helices 1–5 were added together with HBSu protein original plasma-membrane proteins remained at the that binds them (homologue of SRP9\14 that mediate surface and others were internalized as the two the signal arrest domain in eukaryotes); I suggest that membranes became differentiated. The of this domain and its bound proteins functions thus also both eukaryotic plasma-membrane proteins and ER in Unibacteria, i.e. in all cells bounded by a single proteins (e.g. vacuolar ATPase; Gogarten & Kibak, membrane. (ii) The neomuran ancestor added helix 6 1992) to those of the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane and SRP19 that binds it; as this enhances the binding supports this historic continuity of membranes, as an of Ffh, it may, like other neomuran characters, example of membrane heredity, despite the devel- originally have been an adaptation to thermophily opment of a topological discontinuity. As De Duve & (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). (iii) Loss of helix 1 and

312 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification addition of SRP68\72 proteins in the ancestral eukar- temporarily internalized by the more primitive acto- yote, involved in docking onto the ER membrane. This myosin-based phagocytosis. Because of the simul- progressive increase in complexity linked to membrane taneous establishment of mitochondria providing plen- novelties is much more reasonable than the assumption tiful ATP, the original plasma membrane V-type ATP of eubacterial simplification (Eichler & Moll, 2001) synthase (Gogarten & Kiback, 1992) became modified based on the misrooting of the tree by the now refuted for its new ATP-driven proton-pumping role to acidify myth of archaebacterial antiquity. Whether archaebac- the lysosomes and make prey digestion more efficient. teria lost the HBsu\SRP9\14 homologue or it is too Thus, there was a synergy between the lysosomes divergent to be recognised is unclear. providing a rich supply of sugars, amino acids and fatty acids for cell growth and the mitochondria using Given such prior evolution of obligate co-translational their breakdown products to generate most of the cell’s insertion, phagocytosis and ercytosis alone would have ATP. During this early co-evolution of the cell’s been sufficient to internalize permanently in digestive system and new power plant, there would an early prekaryote and to create a primitive RER, have been a burgeoning of new transport proteins in provided that direct refusion of phagosomal mem- both endomembranes and the mitochondrial envelope branes with the plasma membranes was prevented. to exchange numerous intermediary metabolites. Subsequent differentiation of primitive endomem- branes into different submembranes (e.g. ER, Golgi, The evolution of coated-vesicle budding created endo- lysosomes and peroxisomes; Cavalier-Smith, 1975) membranes that are topologically discontinuous from also depended logically on the evolution of additional the plasma membrane – not continuous with it, as selective ‘valves’ between different compartments. We Robertson (1964) mistakenly thought and generations have known for some years that selective coated- of textbook writers ignorant of the meaning of vesicle budding is the mechanism for such valves; for ‘topology’ copied: the correct way of saying it is example, ercytosis is mediated by COP II coated ‘developmental precursors of’, not ‘topologically vesicles, which prevent ribosome receptors reaching continuous with’. Cytosis (like cell division) is a the Golgi, and budding from the Golgi is mediated by topology ‘breaker’. The ER is also topologically COP I coated vesicles. The essential steps in evolution discontinuous from both cytosol and the external of the endomembrane system must have been the medium. Small GTP-binding proteins of the Rab\ origin of these and other types of coated vesicle. As Ras\Rho superfamily play key roles in cytosis (e.g. some of the COP protein subunits are related to certain Sar1 in ercytosis); it is possible that they evolved proteins in clathrin-coated vesicles, which mediate from a clearly related myxobacterial small GTPase vesicle budding from the plasma membrane, endo- (Hartzell, 1997), as Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a (1998) somes and trans-Golgi network, all three major kinds suggest, in which case lateral gene transfer played a of coated vesicle probably have a common origin. I central and early role in the origin of the endomem- suggest that an ancestral COP II evolved first, creating brane system; before this can be accepted, we need to ercytosis at the ER. Fusion of some COP II-generated establish whether any actinobacteria also have such vesicles with each other probably generated a smooth small GTPases – none has been identified in any endomembrane compartment, a proto-Golgi\lyso- archaebacteria but, as homologues are known from some intermediate between ER and plasma membrane. the ε-proteobacterium Aquifex and the Hadobacteria, Clathrin then evolved, allowing the separation of they are not diagnostic for δ-proteobacteria and need lysosomes from the Golgi; I suggest its uses in not have come from them. endocytosis and formation of contractile were Free-living bacteria never harbour living symbionts secondary. Finally, COP I evolved, creating the trans- topologically inside their cytoplasm. Their inability Golgi network as an intermediate compartment be- to harbour endosymbionts probably arises partly be- tween Golgi cisternae and lysosomes. The new rooting cause almost all bacteria have cell walls and most of the eukaryotes discussed in a later section shows are too small to harbour other cells, but mainly, I that Golgi stacking must also have evolved in the think, because they have no phagocytic machinery to cenancestor and have been lost polyphyletically in engulf other cells. The numerous hypotheses that several derived lineages: contrary to what was pre- assume that one bacterium was the host for an viously thought (Cavalier-Smith, 1991a), there are no before the beginnings of phagotrophy extant protozoa with primitively unstacked Golgi (e.g. Margulis, 1970; Martin & Mu$ ller, 1998) are cisternae. The suggestion that the Golgi constitutes a all mechanistically implausible; to suggest that a permanently genetic membrane system distinct from bacterium with a normal wall engulfed another cell ‘by both the ER and plasma membrane (Cavalier-Smith, an unspecified mechanism’ (Vellai et al., 1998) is 1991a, b) has recently been verified (Pelletier et al., magic, not science. Though conversion of a wall to a 2000; Seemann et al., 2000). flexible coat must have preceded the origin of phago- The origin of the ancestral coated vesicle is what cytosis and the symbiogenetic origin of mitochondria, enabled ‘cytosis’ (budding and fusion of endomem- even a very primitive form of phagotrophy could have brane vesicles; Cavalier-Smith, 1975) to evolve in the led quickly to the uptake of a foreign cells. Indeed, first place and thus create a permanent endomembrane if lysosomal fusion was still inefficient, it would be system from phagosomal (food ) membranes even easier for engulfed prey to grow enough to burst http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 313 T. Cavalier-Smith the food vacuole before fusion and multiply in the richness, efficient use of fatty acids would have been a cytoplasm. Often, this would be lethal to the host powerful selective force for the separate compartmen- but, if it became able to tap the symbiont’s energy tation of the enzymes that break them down into supply, it could enslave it. Gene transfer to the acetate for fuelling the mitochondrion. Oxygen con- host could begin even before the nucleus was formed; sumption was just a necessary input for this, not the functionally trivial gene replacement of soluble cyto- primary ‘detoxifying’ reason for the evolution of solic enzymes (or beneficial replacement of unduly peroxisomes, as sometimes suggested. The immediate heat-dependent ones on the present version of the product, hydrogen peroxide, is more toxic than oxygen neomuran theory) would be mechanistically much itself; its generation as a harmful by-product of β- easier than retargeting proteins encoded by transferred oxidation was alleviated by the co-localization of genes back into the symbiont. catalase to destroy it. Martin (1999) suggested recently that the endomem- Because of the complexity of biogenesis brane system might have arisen not by budding from and protein-targeting, a detailed autogenous theory of the plasma membrane but by de novo spontaneous their origin must be deferred to a separate paper. If assembly of phospholipids in the cytosol made by peroxisomes themselves are not of symbiotic origin enzymes donated to an archaebacterial host by a (even now some possibility remains that they were in proteobacterium. An origin by self-assembly is bio- part), they probably acquired the key enzyme catalase physically implausible, as it ignores the problems of from their neomuran ancestor; although archaebac- the insertion of a functional spectrum of membrane teria have been stated to lack catalase (Gupta, 1998a), proteins into a novel liposome-like membrane and some actually have it, so it is likely to have been present does not address any of the aspects of membrane in the neomuran ancestor. If we now accept the evolution and differentiation mentioned above. Not partially overlapping origins of mitochondria and the only does Martin’s hypothesis not explain the origin endomembrane system, this eliminates the idea that of the endomembrane system satisfactorily, but the peroxisomes preceded mitochondria as a primitive phylogenetic evidence discussed above tells us that respiratory (De Duve, 1969); instead, their lipid replacement did not actually occur. It is highly evolution was simultaneous and synergistic (Cavalier- probable that the endomembrane system is genetically Smith, 2000b). Since the ER is also a respiratory continuous with the plasma membrane of the bacterial organelle (in the sense of having its own respiratory ancestor and that membranes have never arisen de novo chain and consuming oxygen, even though not an ATP since the origin of the first pre-cellular ones, as Blobel generator), it is highly probable that the ancestral (1980) and I (Cavalier-Smith, 1987a, c, 1991a, b, eukaryote host was a facultative aerobe and that the 1992a, 2001) have argued. The enzyme that makes metabolism of all three respiratory organelles co- acyl ester phospholipids (glycerol-3-phosphate acyl- evolved. Peroxisome respiration provided acetate to transferase) is itself an integral , mitochondria, whose respiration yielded ATP; ER conserved between eubacteria and eukaryotes and respiration was primarily for lipid biosynthesis – absent from archaebacteria. Because of the conserved oxidation to make sterols and dehydrogenation to targeting properties of such a membrane protein, it make unsaturated fatty acids, probably important for and the phospholipids it made would be inserted into the membrane fluidity on which cytosis depends. existing membranes and therefore would not generate internal membranes de novo. On my interpretation, However, this metabolic did not initially the originally actinobacterial acyl transferase was se- involve chloroplasts, as I once postulated (Cavalier- lectively excluded from the ancestral ercytotic coated Smith, 1987e), for I am now reasonably confident that vesicle, making growth of the plasma membrane there- chloroplasts evolved significantly later (see below), as after dependent on exocytosis, later supplemented held by classical serial endosymbiosis theory (Taylor, by phospholipid exchange proteins, which might first 1974); thus, photorespiration also evolved later in the have evolved to allow the outer mitochondrial mem- ancestral plant. However, having three oxygen-con- brane to grow using lipid made in the ER. suming organelles could have enabled these early phagotrophs to harbour cyanobacteria and to tap their Autogenous origin of peroxisomes photosynthate without converting them into plastids. I suggested previously that many of the so-called I now revert to the idea that peroxisomes evolved by phytoplankton in the late Precambrian fossil record differentiation from the ER (Cavalier-Smith, 1975) might actually be pseudophytoplankton, exploiting the and abandon later suggestions of a symbiogenetic fixed carbon from intracellular cyanobacteria without origin (De Duve, 1982; Cavalier-Smith, 1987e, 1990a). actually converting them to organelles (Cavalier- This change is prompted primarily by recent evidence Smith, 1990b). Even today, such pseudoalgae can be that they can arise de novo (South & Gould, 1999), as important primary producers. They probably were well as other new evidence cited by Martin (1999) for much more so prior to the origin of plastids. As I an involvement of the ER in their biogenesis. The stressed previously (Cavalier-Smith, 1983a, 1987c), primary function of peroxisomes was, I suggest, β- the co-cultivation of a proteobacterium and a cyano- oxidation of fatty acids produced by phospholipid bacterium by an early eukaryote would have been digestion in the lysosomes. Because of their energy- synergistic, with one providing the CO# and the other

314 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification the O# that its partner needed. Such an intracellular was discussed in logical outline as a modification of the synergy could have contributed greatly to the success proteobacterium’s protein translocation system by of early eukaryotes and is much more plausible as Cavalier-Smith (1987e) and Pfanner et al. (1988), but a precursor to real integration than the analogous could now be treated in much more detail; in par- extracellular synergy (syntrophy) suggested in recent ticular, it appears that the mitochondrion retained the non-phagotrophic hypotheses (Martin & Mu$ ller, 1998; YidC but not the Sec protein-insertion pathway Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, 1998); the later origin of (Stuart & Neupert, 2000; Hell et al., 2001), whereas the plastids is therefore in no way inimical to my thesis chloroplast retained both but lost the SRP RNA. that such intracellular metabolic synergy might have (v) The generalized protein-import mechanism allowed played a key role in the symbiogenetic origin of mito- the rapid transfer to the nucleus of most genes chondria and contributed generally to the ecological encoding proteins that could easily be retargeted to the success of early phagotrophs. As Finlay et al. (1996) mitochondrion by adding N-terminal pre-sequences, have shown in modern ecosystems, such consortia which would have been relatively simple (Baker & can broaden the ecological tolerance of the host. Schatz, 1987) compared with the complex origin of the Tim\Tom translocation machinery. In response to The symbiogenetic origin of mitochondria selection to increase the fraction of the protomito- Phagotrophy, helotism, membrane heredity and the chondrion packed with tricarboxylic acid cycle and origin of mitochondria other useful enzymes rather than redundant DNA, and to maximize energy and nutrient economy (Cava- As argued previously (Cavalier-Smith, 1983a), the key lier-Smith, 1987e), the proteobacterial genome of steps in the origin of mitochondria were fivefold: around 1600 proteins (or more) was thereby rapidly (i) Uptake by phagocytosis of a facultatively aerobic α- contracted to about 100 protein genes, if we suppose proteobacterium into the food vacuole of a faculta- the mitochondrial genome (Lang et al., tively aerobic heterotrophic host. 1997) to be a good indicator of that of the cenancestor. (ii) The accidental breakage of the food-vacuole The selective advantage to a host that lacked oxidative membrane to liberate the bacterium to multiply freely phosphorylation of enslaving a facultatively aerobic in the cytosol. The mitochondrial outer membrane is proteobacterium would have been tremendous. Oxi- thus derived from the outer membrane of the proteo- dative phosphorylation by mitochondria yields 34–36 bacterium (Cavalier-Smith, 1983a) (and is traceable moles of ATP per mole of glucose, whereas glycolysis back even into pre-cellular evolution, a prime example yields only 2 moles of ATP; this 17- to 18-fold increase of membrane heredity over billenia; Cavalier-Smith, in the efficiency of using food translates into several- 2001), not from the food-vacuole membrane, as fold faster cell reproduction (Fenchel & Finlay, 1995). Schnepf (1964) proposed before the nature of the outer If the host was capable only of glycolysis, as initially membrane was appreciated. In view of the daily escape assumed (John & Whatley, 1975), but was a facultative of modern symbionts from the food vacuole and the aerobe\anaerobe (as first stressed by Hall, 1973), the lack of an evident mutational mechanism for losing the acquisition of a facultatively aerobic α-proteobac- outer membrane, it is remarkable that some authors terium plus the ability to tap its ATP supply generated persist (e.g. Rizzotti, 2000) with the mechanistically by oxidative phosphorylation would have given this untenable (and totally unnecessary) assumption that early eukaryote an overwhelming selective advantage the outer membrane was lost and replaced by the food- over its facultative aerobic congeners that lacked such vacuole membrane. I assert, contrariwise, that the an ability. However, on the now revised neomuran negibacterial outer membrane was lost only once in the theory, the host probably already possessed oxidative entire history of life – during the origin of the Posibac- phosphorylation, so the benefit would be less striking, teria (Cavalier-Smith, 1980, 1987a, 2002a). but very significant. (iii) Insertion into the proteobacterial inner membrane of a host-encoded ADP\ATP-exchange protein that Compartmentation, evolutionary constraints and allowed the host to extract the proteobacterium’s ATP mitochondrial origins (John & Whatley, 1975). This made it an energy slave The benefits of cell compartmentation, explained of the host. This symbiosis was not mutualism but previously in the context of the since-disproved auto- helotism (enslavement) from the moment this hap- genous origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts (Cava- pened. lier-Smith, 1975, 1977, 1980), are threefold. Two arise (iv) Evolution of a generalized protein-import mech- from confining a water-soluble enzyme or metabolic anism that allowed any host proteins and any symbiont pathway to just a small fraction of the cell’s volume. proteins encoded by gene copies transferred to the This means that a given concentration of enzyme and nucleus to be imported into the former proteobac- substrate can be achieved with many fewer copies of terium merely by acquiring a topogenic N-terminal each per cell. Since concentration usually determines pre-sequence. The moment the Tim\Tom machinery the rate of production of a product, this is a key for import evolved, the symbiont was an organelle advantage to the cellular economy. Since mitochondria (Cavalier-Smith & Lee, 1985). This most complex step occupy about a tenth of the cell, this would give a http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 315 T. Cavalier-Smith tenfold saving in the material necessary to achieve a This dense packing of respiratory assemblies into these given concentration. Within each compartment, the specialized cristae and of tricarboxylic acid cycle maximum concentration possible for a protein is enzymes in the matrix would have allowed far more limited and probably cannot exceed about 25% in the efficient use of the energy locked in the now super- general cytoplasm, but can rise to about 45% within abundant food provided by phagotrophy than would the almost solid matrix of an organelle such as a have been the case if the host had retained its mitochondrion or peroxisome, where cytoplasmic original oxidative phosphorylation machinery in the is not needed. Given such a limit, the maxi- relatively low-surface-area plasma membrane, which mum concentration achievable by an individual en- also had to accommodate proteins for many other zyme depends on the complexity of the protein mixture functions, e.g. those involved in anchoring the cyto- present. By limiting this to a small fraction of the skeleton and in phagocytosis. Even the new endomem- proteome, the concentration of each can be absolutely brane system, with potentially much greater surface higher than would be possible in an uncompartmented area, could not have been as efficient an oxidative cell. Acquiring a protomitochondrion symbiogene- phosphorylation system, with its conflicting functions tically enabled the early eukaryote to increase the of glycosylation and digestion, as could the mito- concentration of its pre-existing tricarboxylic acid chondrial cristae. Most purple bacterial chromato- cycle enzymes severalfold more than would have been phores are tubular; only a minority are flat. Whether possible for its neomuran ancestor. By placing its lipid- this difference is relevant to the initial form of oxidizing enzymes in separate, autogenously evolved mitochondrial cristae is unclear, as aerobic conditions peroxisomes, it got two respiratory organelles that suppress chromatophores. Possibly, cristae arose de enabled it to extract food from prey far more efficiently novo in two alternative forms as the ancestral non- than would have been possible if both sets of enzymes cristate eukaryote diverged to form the ancestors of had remained in the cytosol. Segregating the glycolysis opisthokonts (originally with flat cristae) and antero- enzymes within a separate compartment would also konts (originally with tubular cristae) – see below. have been advantageous for the ancestral eukaryote, but it did not manage to achieve this. Only protozoa of Thus, on the neomuran hypothesis, it was not the all- the euglenozoan class Kinetoplastea ever succeeded or-none addition of oxidative phosphorylation to a in doing this, and evolved by modifying cell previously devoid of it (Margulis, 1970) that was peroxisomes (Cavalier-Smith, 1990a). This example the driving force for the establishment of the mito- nicely refutes the naı$ ve selectionist view that properties chondrion, but the greater efficiency through division will necessarily evolve if they have a sufficient selective of labour (Ferguson, 1767) that compartmentation advantage. This is only true if the necessary inter- and functional specialization allowed – precisely the mediary steps are achievable by a small number of selective forces assumed by the classical autogenous relatively common mutations that are mostly indi- theory (Cavalier-Smith, 1975, 1977). Thus, the origin vidually advantageous. In practice, evolutionary con- of mitochondria did not involve any radical shift in straints can be serious. Segregating a whole pathway of metabolism but a smooth transition driven by selection many components within a novel compartment is not for more efficient utilization of the phagocytosed prey. easy, since it would usually be disadvantageous to Since the more complex -forming actinobacteria segregate one or two of them alone; thus, symbio- likely to be most related to eukaryotes are all strongly genesis can be advantageous even if it does not provide aerobic, though tolerant of temporary anaerobic con- any qualitatively novel properties, merely by providing ditions, and sterol biosynthesis requires molecular in a single step a distinct genetic compartment already oxygen, it is highly probable that the host for the carrying the whole pathway – individual symbiont mitochondrial symbiogenesis was perfectly capable of components can then easily be replaced by host oxidative phosphorylation and had a complete tricar- enzymes (Cavalier-Smith, 1990a). boxylic acid cycle. Contrary to what is widely assumed, the important thing about the symbiotic origin of The third advantage of compartmentation involves the mitochondria was not the acquisition of novel gen- lipid-soluble enzymes of membranes. Putting mem- omes, genes, enzymes or biochemical or physiological brane enzymes that catalyse different functions that do mechanisms, but getting a novel structure that enabled not interact directly on segregated domains within a a cell to do what it was doing already but much more single membrane or else on topologically distinct efficiently, by bypassing the evolutionary constraints membranes concentrates each of them, speeding up the that make it hard to evolve compartmentalization overall reaction. I suggest that the α-proteobacterium autogenously. In evolution, structure matters far more was initially a facultative with inner- than most biochemists realize. It was otherwise for the membrane invaginations (chromatophores) like those symbiotic origin of chloroplasts, where the previously of non-sulphur purple photosynthetic proteobacteria heterotrophic eukaryotes were able to acquire a novel that are made only in the absence of oxygen; a key step mode of nutrition by acquiring numerous novel in making an efficient mitochondrion would have been catalysts: the traditional view of Mereschkovsky the formation of mitochondrial cristae packed with (1905) as to its selective advantage was entirely correct, respiratory assemblies under aerobic conditions when but, even here, the acquisition of novel genetic mem- photosynthesis was suppressed and eventually lost. branes by a pre-existing structure (Sonneborn, 1963) in

316 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification a single step was just as important as getting novel geneticists well know, even a 0n01% gain in efficiency genes and enzymes; without the novel structure, the expressed as a proportionate increase in growth rate genes and enzymes would have been totally useless would be more than sufficient selective advantage to (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Although the present phago- drive a novel mutation to fixation. The actual benefit trophy theory involves an element of symbiogenesis, it must have been orders of magnitude greater. The would be misleading to call it a symbiotic theory of the second and third ‘assumptions’, that ‘the symbiont origin of eukaryotes. It is fundamentally autogenous, synthesized ATP in excess of its needs’ and that the but with symbiogenesis playing the crucial role in the ‘symbiont could export ATP to its environment, so evolution of compartmentation for one of the many that the host could realize this benefit’, are absurd new organelles: the mitochondrion only. Symbio- ideas that have never been assumptions of any sensible genesis was also incidentally quantitatively useful to statement of the classical theory. Like many authors, the cell as a whole, but played no part in the origin of they seem to assume that mitochondriogenesis was an the other major qualitative changes in cell organization altruistic mutualism, but there is no reason to suppose that make the distinction between bacteria and eukar- that the symbiosis was mutualistic. Helotism and yotes the most important in the living world. It is, are far commoner in nature than syntrophy. therefore, radically different from the views of The classical heterotrophic host theory not only has a Margulis et al. (2000), who fail entirely to understand cast-iron selective advantage for the enslavement of or to explain these features. bacteria, but is more plausible ecologically and much It is interesting to note that the negibacterial double more so cytologically than the hydrogen hypothesis, envelope pre-adapts bacteria for the development of which suggests instead an obligately anaerobic, hydro- membrane invaginations to allow more intensive gen-producing like a methanogenic archae- energy metabolism. This happened independently in bacterium. A chemoheterotrophic facultative aerobe, proteobacterial and cyanobacterial photosynthesis whether purely a glycolytic posibacterial chemotroph, (where the invaginations soon became distinct thyla- as in the classical phagotrophy theories, or one with koids) and in methylotrophic negibacteria. In contrast, oxidative phosphorylation (possibly less efficient than unibacteria (posibacteria and archaebacteria) seem mitochondria), as in the revised neomuran theory, is limited in their capacity for such differentiation by by far the most plausible host for the mitochondrial their single bounding membrane. However, only a symbiosis. If the host secreted abundant digestive unibacterium with a single bounding membrane could exoenzymes, as do many posibacteria, it was also pre- have evolved phagotrophy and the endomembrane adapted for the origin of phagotrophy and the endo- system. The partially symbiogenetic origin of eukar- membrane system, which methanogens would not have yotes from a unimembranous bacterial host (a stem been. When both host and symbiont are facultative neomuran of actinobacterial ancestry) and an α- aerobes (of which there are many examples), symbio- proteobacterial symbiont allowed the first eukaryote genesis is ecologically more plausible than the as- to combine these otherwise incompatible advantages sumption by the hydrogen hypothesis of one between of the negibacterial and unimembranous condition a facultative aerobe and an obligate anaerobe (no within a single chimaeric cell: the eukaryote. examples are known: the symbioses cited by Martin & Mu$ ller (1998) are between methanogens and other Criticisms of the phagotrophy theory of anaerobes and so are not strictly relevant to their mitochondrial symbiogenesis are invalid hypothesis); in the hydrogen hypothesis, the postu- lated driving force of the anaerobic utilization of In presenting an alternative ‘hydrogen hypothesis’ for symbiont H is only temporary and later replaced by a mitochondrial symbiogenesis, Martin & Mu$ ller (1998) # different force (the utility of oxidative phosphoryla- caricatured the classical phagotrophy theory of mito- tion, with the attendant difficulty, recognized by the chondrial symbiogenesis, claiming it ‘carries several authors, of how aerobic enzymes would have been tenuous assumptions’. The three listed by them either retained during the earlier anaerobic phase that they are not tenuous or else are not assumptions of the unnecessarily postulate). This tortuous replacement of theory. Firstly, ‘the host was unable to synthesize a purely hypothetical initial selective advantage by a sufficient ATP by itself’. If the host were purely later well-established one is a much less straight- glycolytic, as traditionally assumed (Stanier, 1970; forward explanation than the classical hypothesis, Cavalier-Smith, 1983a), there would have been a which assumes only the incontrovertible selective tremendous gain in energy and growth efficiency that is advantage of efficient, compartmented oxidative phos- not in the least tenuous. Even if it had some sort of phorylation to a facultatively aerobic and phago- oxidative phosphorylation, as is highly probable, it trophic host. would also have gained substantially in efficiency if, like many bacteria, it had a lower energy yield than α- The statement of Doolittle (1998b), that the hydrogen proteobacteria. Even if the energy yield per ATP hypothesis accounts more naturally for the presence of synthetase was identical, there would have been a eubacterial genes in the nucleus, is unwarranted. The substantial gain in efficiency of use of food energy and explanation on the classical phagotrophy theory is speed of energy generation through compartmentation exactly the same; the neomuran hypothesis in its and specialization, as explained above. As population present form even gives a mild selective advantage for http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 317 T. Cavalier-Smith the substitution of host enzymes. It is also unfortunate extant protozoa. This assumption of an unknown that Martin & Mu$ ller (1998) called the classical mechanism for engulfment by the hydrogen hypothesis phagotrophy theory the ‘Archezoa hypothesis’, for is a serious defect, making it much less plausible than two reasons. Firstly, there is no necessary connection the phagotrophic-host theory. The syntrophy hypoth- between the phagotrophy theory in general and any esis (Moreira & Lo! pez-Garcı!a, 1998) also does not particular host; the mechanisms of uptake and the provide a physical mechanism for cell engulfment, basic selective advantages and mechanisms apply to which is essential for symbiogenesis. any potential host capable of phagotrophy. Secondly, what Doolittle (1998b) dubbed the ‘Archezoa hy- Another serious weakness of the hydrogen hypothesis pothesis’ embodied two logically distinct types of is the assumption that the host was an obligately hypothesis: (i) a taxonomic hypothesis (implemented anaerobic autotrophic bacterium, not facultatively by a classificatory act; Cavalier-Smith, 1983b) about aerobic and heterotrophic as in the phagotrophy relationships among amitochondrial phyla and (ii) an theory. Since the ancestral state for eukaryotes is evolutionary hypothesis that some of them, at least, undoubtedly heterotrophy, the hydrogen hypothesis is were primitively amitochondrial and related to the driven to postulate a very complex and comprehensive host that acquired mitochondria (Cavalier-Smith, replacement of host metabolism, first by acquiring 1983a). The latter has been proved false, and has been genes from the α-proteobacterial symbiont for plasma- abandoned by me for several years (Cavalier-Smith, membrane transporters of organic molecules and for 1998a, b) [but, sadly, not by Margulis et al. (2000)]; the heterotrophic and aerobic intermediary metabolism. former on in modified form as the superphylum Such a wholesale transformation of the metabolism of Archezoa, comprising Metamonada and Parabasalia the host from an autotroph to a heterotroph is much (Cavalier-Smith, 1998a), a taxon that may yet prove to less plausible than the simple substitution of host heat- be holophyletic. adapted soluble proteins by symbiont ones catalysing the same reactions. The hydrogen and syntrophy Martin & Mu$ ller (1998) implied that the phagotrophy hypotheses also both require the replacement of the theory is less powerful than it is by asserting that ‘the archaebacterial lipids by those from the symbiont and Archezoa hypothesis … cannot directly account for’ the acquisition from it of all the dozens of proteins the absence of eukaryotic cell structures in archaebac- present in eubacteria but not archaebacteria, e.g. teria. In fact, the ‘neomuran’ phagotrophy theory Hsp90, plus the unsplitting of the RNA polymerase A (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c) explained explicitly why this is and glutamate synthetase genes. Since methanogens so. It proposed that archaebacteria and eukaryotes are are invoked as the archaebacterial host by both sisters and that both evolved from the same wall-less hypotheses and since all studied methanogens have an mutant posibacterium; it argued that loss of the wall extra split in the RNA polymerase RpoB gene absent was the crucial prerequisite for the origin of phago- from more primitive archaebacteria and eubacteria, trophy, which, in turn, caused the origins of the this split would also have had to be reversed, unless an endomembrane system, cytoskeleton and nucleus, and earlier-diverging methanogen (e.g. Methanopyrus)is was a prerequisite for the symbiogenetic origin of found to lack it. organelles. I argued explicitly that the key reason why archaebacteria, the sisters of eukaryotes, did not evolve Overall, the hydrogen hypothesis is far more complex such structures is that the archaebacterial ancestor re- than the phagotrophic-host theory; even so, it does not evolved a cell wall (with novel chemistry) and this explain how a methanogen’s wall could become a directly prevented the origin of phagotrophy and surface coat, nor explain the origin of the endomem- thereby eukaryotic structures. On the present theory, brane system, the real crux of the problem of eukaryo- the fact that all archaebacteria except Thermoplasma genesis. The ‘prediction’ of the hydrogen hypothesis retained a cell wall, and so none have evolved (Martin & Mu$ ller, 1998) that more archaebacterial- phagotrophy, is sufficient to explain the absence of like genes should be replaced by eubacterial ones in eukaryotic structures, if you accept that phagotrophy photosynthetic eukaryotes is not specific to the theory, was the prime cause of their evolution. but a logical consequence of the general principle that gene transfer to the nucleus from a symbiogenetic Weaknesses of the hydrogen and syntrophy organelle need not be accompanied by the evolution of hypotheses targeting of the protein to the original organelle, first discussed in detail in connection with the theory, The hydrogen hypothesis (Martin & Mu$ ller, 1998) herein set aside, of the symbiogenetic origin of peroxi- assumes, on the contrary, that an archaebacterial host somes (Cavalier-Smith, 1990a). gradually engulfed the α-proteobacterial symbiont, even though no bacteria have ever been observed to Another major problem with the hydrogen hypothesis engulf other cells and have no known mechanism for and other syntrophy hypotheses (Moreira & Lo! pez- doing so. The classical theory assumes that the α- Garcı!a, 1998; Margulis et al., 2000) is that all ignore proteobacterium was taken up by phagocytosis, the the evidence for the presence in actinobacteria of many same mechanism almost certainly used in all other characters related to those of eukaryotes that are not cases of symbiogenetic origin of organelles (Cavalier- present in archaebacteria (Table 1). These are ac- Smith, 2000b) and which occurs daily by the billion in counted for simply by the neomuran theory of eukar-

318 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification yote origins; any theory assuming a direct archaebac- system by de novo membrane assembly, argued against terial ancestry would have to dismiss these similarities above, differs from classical ones in invoking processes as convergences or postulate that chitin, sterols, of nuclear envelope assembly by vesicle fusion; but this calmodulin, histone H1 and serine\threonine kinases is far from new, as vesicle fusion was the very agent of were all transferred to the prekaryote by lateral gene nuclear envelope assembly on the classical theory transfer. It is so much simpler to assume that the (Cavalier-Smith, 1975, 1980, 1987c, 1991a). Martin ancestor was a derivative of an actinobacterium that writes as if invagination and vesicle fusion are opposed. had not yet lost these characters, in contrast to the They are not; on the classical theory, invagination stem archaebacterium that did. The strength of the preceded budding off the plasma membrane to form neomuran theory is not only that it provides a much vesicles, which then fused. Admittedly, there are also simpler explanation for the origin of eukaryotes than naı$ ve diagrams in textbooks and elsewhere that show any of its competitors, but that it also explains the invaginations becoming nuclear envelopes without origins of archaebacteria in great detail (Cavalier- intervening budding of vesicles. But these are not Smith, 2002a) and, unlike all competing theories, takes accompanied by well-argued explanations of how they full account of and is compatible with the fossil record might be perpetuated through the cell cycle and are (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). best ignored. The primary selective advantage of the assembly of a Origin of the nucleus: co-evolution with nuclear envelope on the chromatin surface was prob- mitosis ably to protect the DNA from shearing damage caused by the novel molecular motors, myosin, dynein and Mereschkovsky (1910) suggested that fungal nuclei kinesin, involved in phagotrophy, cytokinesis and evolved autogenously but others evolved from sym- vesicle transport (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c). The folding biotic bacteria eaten by a mythical anucleate moneran of the DNA as an interphase skeleton (Cavalier-Smith, . In a veritable spate of superficial speculation, 1982a) and the even more compact folding in mitotic Schubert (1988), Sogin (1991), Lake & Rivera (1994), chromosomes would have helped avoid breakage and Gupta & Golding (1996), Gupta (1998a), Moreira & were furthered by the addition of histones H2a and Lo! pez-Garcı!a (1998) and Margulis et al. (2000) have H2b to the H3 and H4 histones that evolved in the echoed, usually unwittingly, Mereschkovsky’s defunct neomuran ancestor and the H1 that was already hypothesis that nuclei had a symbiotic origin. It is odd present in the earlier actinobacterial ancestor. Re- that Rizzotti (2000) takes such ideas seriously, given versible histone acetylation to mediate mitotic com- their cell-biological naı$ vety. As Martin (1999) correctly paction must have arisen in the stem eukaryote or argues, none are proper theories; they all lack under- prekaryote, possibly before the nuclear envelope. standing of nuclear structure and function and fail to suggest any comprehensible steps via functional inter- A key feature of the origin of the eukaryotic cell from mediates by which a symbiont could become a nucleus. a bacterial ancestor, sadly often ignored, is how All seem unaware of the classical autogenous ex- bacterial mechanisms for DNA replication and seg- planation for the origin of the nucleus by the ag- regation, cell division and cell-cycle controls have been gregation of primitive ER cisternae around the DNA converted into eukaryotic ones. It was not a static (Cavalier-Smith, 1975; Taylor, 1976) or more recent bacterium that had to evolve into a static eukaryote detailed treatments in which the key problem is seen to but a bacterial cell cycle that had to be converted into be the evolution of nuclear pores and the nuclear a eukaryotic cell cycle while maintaining viability import and export process (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c, throughout, as I have attempted twice to explain, first 1988a). assuming the ancestral eukaryote to have been a non- flagellate (Cavalier-Smith, 1980) and later Martin (1999) criticizes past autogenous hypotheses assuming it to be a zooflagellate protozoan (Cavalier- for demanding ‘the presence of a cytoskeleton in the Smith, 1987c), as I still consider most likely (Cavalier- prokaryotic ancestor of eukaryotes’. Like his mis- Smith, 2000a). The origin of the nucleus is inseparable representation of the classical interpretation of the from the origin of mitosis. If phagocytosis internalized symbiogenetic origin of mitochondrion, this criticism the membrane regions to which the DNA of the is simply wrong. Neither Taylor nor I assumed a bacterial ancestor was attached, there would be prob- cytoskeleton in the bacterial ancestor. I have repeatedly lems for accurate DNA segregation unless a new argued explicitly that the origin of a cytoskeleton in a segregation mechanism (mitosis) based on microtu- bacterium that previously had none was the key set of bules evolved. The central logic of my arguments that molecular innovations that led to phagotrophy, the centrosomes and spindle microtubules must have endomembrane system, the nucleus and the cilium evolved near the very beginning of eukaryote evolution (e.g. Cavalier-Smith, 1975, 1980, 1981a, 1987c, 1991a, and that mitosis must have evolved by modifying 1992b). Why are some biochemists so reluctant to the bacterial segregation system remains. What has accept the radical implications of real innovation or changed is that we understand bacterial DNA seg- quantum evolution that they think that others have regation and division and mitosis a little more, so we not done so? Martin (1999) also wrongly asserts that can say more about the nature of the precursors and his hypothesis for the origin of the endomembrane the product. http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 319 T. Cavalier-Smith

Firstly, as I hypothesized (Cavalier-Smith, 1987b), plasm and nucleoplasm. None of the symbiotic or bacterial DNA segregation is not a purely passive chimaeric fusion theorists of the origin of the nucleus process but involves active motors (Sharpe & Erring- remotely begins to explain the origin of the pore ton, 1999), like mitosis. Posibacteria have a family of complex (when I criticized one of them for this, he proteins like the eukaryotic SMC (structural main- replied blandly ‘That’s your job!’; but it is not my job tenance of chromosomes) proteins that are required to rescue a stupid theory); none even understands the for DNA segregation like their eukaryotic relatives; elementary cell-biological fact that the nuclear en- not surprisingly (given my thesis that posibacteria are velope is not a double array of two topologically more related to neomura than are negibacteria), they distinct and nested membranes, as in mitochondria are more similar to the eukaryotic ones than are the and most plastids. Instead, it is topologically a single negibacterial equivalents, MukB; all are needed for membrane with three locally differentiated domains; DNA segregation. The myosin-like large bacterial the so-called inner and outer membranes are really MukB\SMC protein may be a bacterial inner and outer domains of a continuum. After the for segregation, and thus an ancestor of myosin, dynein envelope evolved from the primitive ER, as explained and kinesin, or may be involved instead in chromatin before (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c), the originally very condensation. However, the actual nature of the large pores became plugged with a complex pro- bacterial motor is unknown; the possibility that it was teinaceous machinery to segregate the RNA- and a DNA helicase instead (Cavalier-Smith, 1987b) is protein-synthesis machinery in separate compartments open. Secondly, the bacterial division GTPase FtsZ, and to obtain the advantages of compartmenting which forms a contractile ring and mediates bacterial water-soluble enzymes; logically, the export\import cell division and the division of chloroplasts and the machinery had to have evolved with substantial more primitive mitochondria (Beech & Gilson, 2000), efficacy before the passive route was totally closed is clearly the ancestor of tubulin, which, as outlined (Cavalier-Smith, 1988a). It seems unavoidable that above, could have evolved as soon as the actomyosin there was an intermediate stage with both passive and contractile ring took sole responsibility for cytokinesis. active topogenically directed exchange co-existing, The great complexification in subunit composition of whether through the same or separate pores. The the eukaryote chaperonin CCT (Cpn 60) compared initial selective advantage of the active process may with its archaebacterial sister (Archibald et al., 2000) have been simply to accelerate exchange so that it did can be attributed to its novel functions as a tubulin not limit the rate of growth. chaperone. Though, as outlined above, early centro- For protein import, the quantitatively dominant and\ somes recruited two proteobacterial chaperones, or most important proteins that had to be imported Hsp90 and Hsp70, the evolutionary origin of other were the histones, RNA and DNA polymerases and centrosomal proteins, e.g. Ranbpm (almost certainly other DNA-binding proteins. This, I think, explains present in the ancestral centrosome, as it is retained why nuclear localization sequences (NLS) are runs of even in ; Zauner et al., basic amino acids; these were the most simple pre- 2000), is unclear. existing shared distinguishing features of the nucleic I have argued that the evolution of mitosis and the acid-binding proteins, most essential for the functions origin of the nucleus set in train a whole raft of changes of DNA, that distinguish them from the majority of to the genome that quite rapidly converted bacterial cellular proteins. The topogenic machinery evolved to chromosomes into the substantially different eukar- transport them, rather than their becoming adapted to yotic ones (for details, see Cavalier-Smith, 1980, 1987c, it: NLS were not added to pre-existing proteins, as in 1993a). Thus, genomic change followed rather than led the origin of mitochondrial or plastid import. This cytological change, contrary to widespread preconcep- explains why NLS can be anywhere in the molecule, tions. The origin of the centrosome played a key role in not just at an end, and why they are not removed after the origin of eukaryotes because of its centrality to import. Later, other non-basic proteins could be their mitotic and cell-division mechanisms. Thus, relocated to the nucleus by adding a basic tail. Can we conversion of the neomuran cell wall to a surface coat perhaps distinguish, at least partially, primordial and the origin of phagotrophy were the key stimulants proteins from secondarily nuclear ones, e.g. nucleo- of the origin of the endomembrane system and the plasmin, in this way? cytoskeleton\cilium that set off a cascade of cellular transformations on a scale not seen before or since in But why are ribosomes assembled in the nucleus not the history of life. the cytoplasm? Perhaps partly because, as ribosomal proteins are rather basic, it would have been hard for Origin of nuclear pore complexes, import and export machinery to evolve that could import histones with- and the out also importing them. Even more important is the long time taken to make each rRNA; by assembling The primary function of early pore complexes was to ribosomes in the nucleolus, and evolving a nucleolus prevent total vesicle fusion from creating a continuous rather than a ‘cytolus’, ribosomal assembly could double membrane that would seal off the nucleus from begin even during transcription and thereby speed the cytoplasm (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c) and to allow growth. Ribosomal RNA transcript cleavage and passive movement of soluble molecules between cyto- modification therefore also had to be nucleolar func-

320 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification tions. Together with the fact that 18S rRNA is at the from translating them before splicing (Cavalier-Smith, beginning of the transcript and much shorter and 1981a). Shine–Dalgarno sequences may have been lost requires fewer proteins for assembly, simultaneous during eukaryogenesis specifically to prevent nuclear assembly and cleavage explain why it is exported more messengers from binding directly to nascent ribosomes rapidly. (Cavalier-Smith, 1981a); this may explain why capping evolved instead (Cavalier-Smith, 1981a). Together with the rapid export of the small subunit, this may be Radical eukaryotic innovations in ribosome sufficient, so the resulting overall change to the biogenesis ribosome was probably relatively small. Keeling & Origin of 80S ribosomes: quantum evolution in Doolittle (1995) pointed out that, in the ancestral ribosomes eukaryote, there was also a marked change in protein synthesis initiation factors (IF); apparently, a guanine As all ribosomal RNA has a common ancestry, the nucleotide-recycling IF related to EF-2 and -G was fact that eukaryotes are probably over four times replaced by a non-recycling type related to the mito- younger than eubacteria, when contrasted with the chondrial and eubacterial EF-Tu (Keeling et al., 1998). uniformity of eubacterial 70S ribosomes and their If the tentative suggestion of a possible origin of eIF-2 and the marked systematic difference from 80S from mitochondria (Keeling & Doolittle, 1995) was to eukaryote ribosomes and their RNAs, proved long be confirmed by more extensive analysis, this would be ago that rRNA is not a molecular clock (Cavalier- another interesting contribution of the protomito- Smith, 1980). The simultaneous origin of mitochondria chondrion to host functions. But it is not clear whether and eukaryotes also highlights this; over the same time such a shift would have had substantial repercussions period, mitochondrial ribosomes and rRNAs have on rRNA structure. diverged less in several respects from their proteobac- terial relatives than cytoplasmic ribosomes have from However, obvious points are not always the most their archaebacterial ones. Plastids make the point important. Perhaps the main cause of the shift to 80S too; they are probably only about 20% younger than ribosomes was the more subtle co-evolutionary impact mitochondria, but their ribosomes have diverged very of the origin of the mitochondrion. The contrast much less from their eubacterial ancestors than have between the conserved bacterial-like plastid ribo- mitochondrial ones. However, although plastids are somes, the significantly changed mitochondrial ribo- probably over five times as young as cyanobacteria, somes and the most substantially changed cytosolic their rRNAs have diverged from each other nearly as ribosomes suggests that mitochondrial and cytosolic much as the mutual divergences within cyanobacteria. ribosomes were both strongly selected to diverge from Of course, both mitochondrial and cytosolic rRNA each other and the ancestral bacterial type, whereas have diverged even more radically in length and such pressures were largely absent from the chloroplast sequence in a non-clock-like way within eukaryotes. ribosomes. Why should this be? Although the eukar- However, the shared differences of eukaryotic ribo- yote cenancestor must have retained a fair number of somes from archaebacterial ribosomes must have genes in its mitochondrial genome, arisen in a bout of quantum evolution (Cavalier- a few dozen were probably transferred to the nucleus. Smith, 1981a); why did this occur? In the past, I This means that they would have been made in the suggested three reasons, all based on the fact that same cytosol as the cytosolic ribosomal proteins, which ribosomes interact with and must co-evolve with other would potentially cause problems if they became cell structures that also underwent quantum evolution confused with them (Cavalier-Smith, 1993b). Both during the origin of eukaryotes. nuclear import of ribosomal proteins and their ex- change with those on the surface of cytosolic ribosomes First is the obvious point that, in eukaryotes, unlike would have had to be prevented if both types of bacteria, ribosomal subunits are assembled in the ribosomes were to function properly. Both were nucleus and have to be exported through the nuclear probably selected for divergence, the cytosolic ones pores and therefore need topogenic sequences\binding changing their surface properties by inserting extra sites to allow this (Cavalier-Smith, 1975, 1980, 1981a); loops in the RNA and adding extra peripheral pro- the ribosomal proteins had to have NLS for import teins, which would make it more difficult for the into nuclei. However, I now think that this could have mitochondrial ones to exchange with them, and the been and probably was achieved with only relatively mitochondrial ones by losing any sequences confusable small changes. Since ribosomal subunits are the domi- with NLS. Both types of change probably caused some nant cargos for export, they could themselves have co-adaptive change in other parts of the ribosome. largely dictated the nature of the export machinery, rather than the reverse. For import, as mentioned This interpretation of the shift from 70S to 80S above, their pre-existing basic nature may have pre- ribosomes in the first eukaryote is supported by the adapted them for import, with only minor substitu- fact that all three phyla that have lost mitochondrial tions needed to increase efficiency. ribosomes totally (, Metamonada, Para- basalia) have secondarily truncated their rRNA to Second is another obvious point, that, after spliceo- about the same length as in bacteria. Microsporidia somal introns arose, ribosomes had to be prevented have re-evolved 70S ribosomes and the Parabasalia http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 321 T. Cavalier-Smith have reduced the number of proteins almost to the on ribosome structure (including rRNA) than in same level as in bacteria (Cavalier-Smith, 1993b). At mitochondria? With a smaller gene complement, the same time, all three groups have increased the rate stabilizing selection would be weaker on mitochondria of rRNA evolution drastically, making them among and so the ribosomal proteins could lose NLS more the longest branches on the tree (the longest in the case readily and perhaps also be modified more readily for of microsporidia, which shortened them even more easier re-import to the mitochondria than in plastids. than the other two groups, losing some bits conserved Mitochondria with smaller genomes have much more even in bacteria). Both the truncation and the extra- rapidly evolving rRNA; among chloroplasts, the rapid evolution imply a marked reduction in selective same is seen even more dramatically in dinoflagellates constraints, which I consider to have followed the loss (Zhang et al., 2000). of mitochondria. It seems to be universally true that Co-evolution with mitochondria is not the only reason loss of mitochondrial ribosomes is associated with why eukaryote rRNA trees sometimes reliably give a marked increases in the rate of cytosolic rRNA radically wrong topology. Indeed, it may not even be evolution, as all amitochondrial taxa have very long the only or even the fundamental reason why the branches on rRNA trees. Though they all clearly have ribosome responded to such co-evolutionary pressures greatly reduced stabilizing selection on rRNA, the by expansion, as I explain next. consequence is not invariably truncation of the whole rRNA gene: show a divergent response. In , the rRNA is truncated, whereas, in Selfish RNA, expansion segments and the origin of Mastigamoeba (Phreatamoeba) balamuthi, the 18S cleavage snoRNPs rRNA gene vastly expanded to become almost the Disassociation between the evolutionary pressures on longest known (Hinkle et al., 1994). Because we know the rRNA gene and on the mature RNAs within the nothing of RNA processing in Mastigamoeba bala- ribosome may be as important. Here, the exemplars muthi, we do not know if the rRNA itself is longer; it are the , which all have unusually long might even be truncated, since the case of the Eug- small-subunit rRNA genes (though much shorter than lenozoa shows clearly that the gene and the mature Mastigamoeba balamuthi), which evolved by the ex- molecules are under distinct evolutionary pressures pansion of many of the less-conserved internal regions (see next section). The key point is that the evol- in the stem euglenozoan. Underlying this may be a utionary pressures on ribosomes are very different in radical change in rRNA processing. In ribo- the presence and absence of mitochondria. somes, the rRNA is in many short pieces (Smallman et The origin of mitochondria may therefore be sufficient al., 1996). Their summed length is no greater than that explanation for the shift from 70S to 80S ribosomes. A of typical 80S ribosomes. This means that the pre- corollary is that this briefly accelerated episode of rRNA expansion segments are removed post-trans- divergent evolution is the cause of the long stem at the criptionally and are not functional in the ribosome. base of the eukaryotic part of the 18S rRNA tree; this The analogy with introns is intriguing and possibly stem is probably at least a 100 times longer than it deeper. It is as if a selfish gene encoding its own would be if it accurately reflected divergence times. excision at the RNA level was inserted randomly into This is the most striking of many cases of transiently the pre-rRNA genes. It cut itself out, but, unlike wildly accelerated quantum evolution in rRNA (Cava- introns (also of selfish origin), could not splice the bits lier-Smith et al., 1996a). If eukaryotes are the same age together. If inserted where the cut did not affect as archaebacteria (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a), the fact ribosome assembly and function, the cell could survive that overall branch lengths within the eukaryote clade despite being lumbered with a longer gene and a are somewhat greater than in archaebacteria suggests fragmented rRNA. If the insertion was in a harmful that their average rate of rRNA evolution has been place, it would die. only a little faster, apart from the exceptional un- I suggest that that is the fundamental evolutionary usually accelerated cases like the amitochondrial phyla explanation for the expanded length of euglenozoan and . genes and that it may also be true for the mycetozoan The reason why plastid ribosomes (except in dino- Physarum and the Foraminifera. Like the Euglenozoa, flagellates) have changed so much less than mitochon- their genes have very poorly conserved expansion drial ones, despite their only slightly lesser antiquity, segments and, like them, their branches are excep- may be that, prior to the origin of plastids, 80S tionally long on trees, implying that the evolutionary ribosomes had already changed so much that their rates of the ribosomally functional parts of the genes proteins could not exchange with those of plastids or are greatly elevated by the presence of expansion bacteria. Those that became nuclear-encoded, how- segments. Protein trees show that Physarum is falsely ever, must have lost or never had NLS. Could an grouped with other long branches on most rRNA trees inability to lose all NLS be an impediment to successful (Fig. 2 is a notable exception that probably puts the transfer? Have chloroplasts retained a lot more ribo- in approximately the correct position); as somal protein genes than most mitochondria because the rRNA sequences of the Foraminifera are even the larger number of encoded genes (except in dino- more bizarre, their grouping with Percolozoa and flagellates) has ensured stronger stabilizing selection Archezoa is almost certainly a long-branch artefact.

322 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification

...... Fig. 2. Maximum-likelihood analysis of 53 nuclear small-subunit rRNA sequences (a representative subset of those shown in the distance tree of Cavalier-Smith, 2000a). From five fastDNAml analyses (adding taxa in different random orders), this tree had the highest likelihood (ln likelihood lk42739n851). The less likely trees (ln likelihood lk42648n6to k42755n9) differed primarily in placing Mycetozoa and Entamoeba (and once Phreatamoeba) within Retaria; Reclinomonas was always above , but in one (ln likelihood lk42748n6) it was sister to Euglenozoa and, in another (ln likelihood lk42750), it was sister to Euglenozoa and Giardia. Bootstrap percentages for 300 pseudo- replicates are shown for separate neighbour-joining (left) and maximum-parsimony (right) analyses. Unbootstrapped parsimony yielded one most-parsimonious tree (10383 steps). Bar, 10% sequence difference. The tree is rooted between opisthokonts and Amoebozoa/bikonts on the assumption that Phalansterium and other Amoebozoa are ancestrally uniciliate and unicentriolar and that the root lies between the uniciliate but bicentriolar opisthokonts and the unikont Amoebozoa. Because their sequences are so aberrant and form excessively long branches, Foraminifera were omitted; when included, they branch within Discicristata above Euglenozoa (in the position shown by the arrowhead labelled F), which makes no cytological sense and is probably a long-branch artefact.

http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 323 T. Cavalier-Smith

All well-studied eukaryotic groups have sporadic neomuran ancestor. In archaebacteria, four snoRNAs examples of one or a few extra cuts in rRNA, especially are present in a tRNA intron. In mammals, both types the longer 28S gene subunit, which has many more of snoRNA are usually in introns in ribosomal protein poorly conserved regions where such selfish genes genes, but seldom so in yeast, which has secondarily could insert with minimal effects. Not only these but lost most introns (Smith & Steitz, 1997). The fact that the separation of 5.8S RNA from 28S RNA can be they may be in different genes in different vertebrate explained as the incidental result of the spread of is explained most simply (T. Cavalier-Smith, in selfish genetic elements able to cleave RNA. If they preparation) by their self-insertion into and hitch- spread by reverse transcription, they could only do so hiking on mobile introns. These H\AC snoRNAs into transcribed parts of the genome. Organismic could have acquired a useful function for the host even selection would ensure that all survivors are found if their origin was selfish. As methylation and pseudo- only in parts of transcripts where they do not harm uridylation both stabilize RNA (Charette & Gray, mature function; they would survive most easily in the 2000), I suggested that secondary structure stabiliza- least essential parts of pre-rRNA genes where breaks tion by rigidification was their primary function and can be tolerated, but they could also survive in introns that the number of modified sites increased in the within protein genes if splicing by spliceosomes took ancestral neomuran as an adaptation to thermophily precedence over cutting by these hypothetical ele- (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a) at the same time as the C\D ments. The small subclass of small nucleolar RNAs snoRNAs, at least, were evolving. (snoRNAs) involved in cleaving pre-rRNA in eukar- yotes, but not as far as we know in bacteria, might have A conceivable subsidiary function of more-extensive originated thus, as I will explain in detail elsewhere pseudouridylation might be to alter the most conserved (T. Cavalier-Smith, in preparation). regions of cytoplasmic rRNA sufficiently to prevent the binding of mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. Such It is possible that such selfish parasites were even the a general ‘labelling’ function, dependent on the overall fundamental cause of 70S ribosome expansion to 80S. degree of difference it causes rather than site-specific A sudden burst of insertions could have expanded the functions, would be consistent with the experimental rRNA genes; insertions of elements with defective evidence in yeast that modification marker snoRNAs, cutting would expand but not fragment them, but but not cleavage snoRNAs, can be deleted individually others would. In principle, mutations and selection without affecting growth (Smith & Steitz, 1997). could have eliminated breaks where harmful but not Deleting them all should slow growth significantly. lethal. The microsporidial merger of 5.8S and 28S But such ‘labelling’ can not be the sole function of genes shows that this is possible, but Euglena cautions pseudouridylation and methylation, as it would not that it may not be easy. Replicational slippage, how- explain the persistence of both in the cryptomonad ever, is such an easy way of introducing expansion nucleomorph (Douglas et al., 2001), since mitochon- segments that such insertions might seem unnecessarily dria were eliminated from the surrounding periplastid complex. However, when genomic evolution is driven space long ago. Might they be retained to stop nuclear- by mutation or transposition pressure, unexpectedly and nucleomorph-encoded chloroplast ribosomal pro- bizarre complications like introns or RNA editing do teins exchanging with periplastid ribosomal proteins arise (Cavalier-Smith, 1993a). during their transit through the periplastid space? This is doubtful, since the chloroplast ribosomal proteins Origins of marker snoRNPs should be sufficiently different not to cause confusion. Most snoRNAs function not in cleavage of excised Nucleomorph methylation and uridylation are prob- regions but to mark positions in the retained rRNA ably retained simply for their putatively ancestral segments by base-pairing so as to create recognition function of structural stabilization; this would predict sites for uridylation and methylation by yet unidenti- their retention in all secondarily amitochondrial eukar- fied, probably protein enzymes. Methylation and yotes like the Parabasalia and Metamonada. It would pseudouridylation markers represent two structurally be interesting to know how many sites are modified in very different families (with C\D- and H\AC-box nucleomorph rRNA. elements, respectively), each of which contains a minority of the cleavage snoRNAs (Smith & Steitz, Mosaic and quantum evolution: keys to 1997). C\D-box snoRNAs bind to the nucleolar archaebacterial and eukaryote origins protein fibrillarin, which is present in archaebacteria and associated with rRNA, so they have the methylat- The term mosaic evolution was invented by the ing part of the nucleolar system (Omer et al., 2000), but zoologist De Beer (1954) to express the fact, it is not known whether any can cleave RNA as a few thoroughly established by palaeontology for mor- do in eukaryotes. H\AC-box snoRNAs responsible phological evolution, that different parts of an or- for marking pseudouridylation sites in 80S ribosomes ganism often evolve at radically different rates; this and additional cleavages are currently unknown in makes organisms appear as a mosaic of primitive and bacteria, and might have arisen as mobile elements in derived characters. Quantum evolution is the generali- the ancestral eukaryote. If they prove to be present in zation, made by Simpson (1944, 1953), that sometimes, archaebacteria, they must have arisen instead in the for short historical periods, especially when a new

324 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification body plan arises, evolutionary rates can be temporarily But the neatness of that mitochondrial tree owes highly accelerated. Elsewhere, I have explained in something to the fact that the really problematic, ultra- detail how these two phenomena can produce ap- long-branch taxa (Euglenozoa and Sporozoa) were parently incompatible trees (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). excluded. Mitochondrial proteins are not clock-like My 1987 neomuran theory of a common origin of either; mitochondrial rRNA is even worse. eukaryotes and archaebacteria from a eubacterial ancestor applied the principle of quantum evolution, Nor are nuclear proteins clock-like. EF-1α accelerates by arguing that the common features of archaebacteria dramatically in because of a second function in and eukaryotes (e.g. in transcription and translation the cytoskeleton, while tubulins accelerate greatly in that seemed to differ so greatly from those of eubac- all taxa that have lost cilia and centrioles because of teria) had evolved very suddenly in a short period in the removal of the constraints imposed by their their common ancestor before the two groups diverged interactions with numerous other ciliary proteins. The from each other, and thereafter had changed relatively logical impeccability of rooting duplicated genes using much less. sister paralogues is always compromised to a greater The drastic changes that took place in cell walls and or lesser degree by quantum evolution immediately membranes and in the informational molecules, and following their divergence to yield a stretched common the innovations in protein secretion, during the origin stem, and thus a long outgroup branch that will tend to of neomura from an actinobacterium and the im- attract the longest branches in each subtree (for a mediately following origins of eukaryotes and archae- discussion of this serious problem, see Cavalier-Smith, bacteria are prime examples of rapid quantum evol- 2002a). But, as the problems are usually gene-specific ution. Neither lateral gene transfer nor symbiogenesis and lineage-specific, they can be sorted out. can explain real innovation; they can only move existing things from one place to another. On very rare The fact that rRNA is highly interactive (Woese, 1998) occasions, symbiogenesis radically increased com- does not mean that its trees are reliable; interactivity plexity, most strikingly in the origins of eukaryote reduces the risks only of lateral gene transfer. It algae (Cavalier-Smith, 1995a, 2000b). But it is the prevents neither quantum evolution nor grossly sys- exception, not the rule. Most increases in complexity tematically biased rates between lineages. High inter- and origins of major groups involved quantum and activity with a specific subset of the cell’s molecules mosaic evolution, but not symbiogenesis. The origin of actually increases the risk of gross systematic biases eukaryotes was unusual in involving both, but, even through co-evolutionary effects when the other mole- here, autogenous quantum changes caused the most cules change substantially. This is certainly true for radical and most numerous biologically significant tubulins, EF-1a and rRNAs. I have shown elsewhere innovations. As explained elsewhere (Cavalier-Smith, that this was true not only for eukaryotic ribosomes, 2002a), the cellular changes during this neomuran but also for bacterial ribosomes during the shift from revolution have turned out to be even more extensive the simple eubacterial SRP without a translation- than I imagined. arrest domain or SRP19 protein to a more-complex 7S SRP with novel helices 5 and 6 and SRP19p in the stem Ribosome quantum evolution and inter-lineage neomuran (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a), which explains biases severely distort the tree of life why the segment linking the base of archaebacteria to the eubacteria is several times longer than the total I have detailed how short-term quantum evolution depth from the shorter-branch members of either during the origin of 80S ribosomes distorted the rRNA group. It has never been sensible to suppose that these tree by vastly stretching the stem at the base of dimensions are a realistic representation of evolution- eukaryotes and how the loss of mitochondrial ribo- ary time. This long stem is not an ‘artefact’ but simply somes and introduction of expansion segments have the product of the quantum evolutionary changes been associated with great long-term increases in the induced by the origin of neomuran 7S SRP RNA and rates of evolution of 18S and 28S rRNA in the obligate co-translational secretion. But it does cause Microsporidia, Archezoa, Archamoebae, Euglenozoa, the dimensions of the tree to be misinterpreted by Foraminifera and Physarum, which cause these long- believers in a molecular clock and, as a phylogenetic branch taxa all to group together on unrooted rRNA artefact, attracts long-branch negibacteria like Aquifex trees. However, I have no explanation for the long and so misroots the eubacterial tree and causes it to fail branches of the Percolozoa. While it might be that the to place the archaebacteria among the eubacteria, Percolozoa are the ‘early diverging eukaryotes’ that where other evidence suggests they belong (Cavalier- we have been seeking, it is far more likely (given the Smith, 2002a). As ribosomal proteins are strongly complexity of their kinetids and the evidence of protein interactive with rRNA, they should produce similarly trees) that they are no more basal than any other misleading trees. A concatenated 29 protein-family excavates. Concatenated mitochondrial protein trees tree for bacteria dominated by ribosomal proteins (Gray et al., 1999) show a very short stem at the base (Teichmann & Mitchison, 1999) clearly separates of eukaryotes (though it might be compressed because archaebacteria and eubacteria by a very deep stem but, of saturation) and a bush-like radiation consistent like rRNA, does not resolve the relative branching with my rooting of Figs 2–4 using kinetid properties. order of the eubacterial phyla. http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 325 T. Cavalier-Smith j \ ...... omastigota; oa and jk \ (iv) increasing the jk jk jk jk jk k to superphyla, Retaria - ; myx from Percolozoa to Loukozoa and Cercozoa, Gymnophrys within; Gr. , endo Stephanopogon ...... Chlorarachnion ) and Ascetosporea classis nov.; , or filopodia or axopodia; ancestrally and \ Spongospora Spongomonas , Diagnosis/constituent groups Mitochondria* Plastids - root, because of their commonly root-like reticulose or filose rhizo cytostome supported by the two posterior microtubular roots \ Subphylum 3. subphylum nov. Etymology Gr. cytopharynx; ancestrally and typicallycentrosomal with microtubules radiating conose or spherically symmetrical and probably ancestrally unicentriolar;restricted ciliary to transformation biciliate typically myxogastrid absent, Mycetozoa, where posterior cilium is younger Subphylum 2. Reticulofilosa, e.g. slime, because they arePhytomyxea typically (e.g. plasmodial endoparasites ofdiagnosis other as eukaryotes. phylum Classes AscetosporaParamyxida) Sprague 1979 (p. 42) (orders Haplosporida; and the inclusionnotably of the many euglyphid of Cercozoa thesuffix and original as the rhizopods in Foraminifera, (Dujardin, Retaria plus 1841), absent; and a often , euphonious, with two meaningless reticulopodia includedtypically and groups. ; Lobopodial each locomotion centrioleor ancestrally fan; with mitochondrial a cristae singleextrusomes ancestrally root are tubular, of often sometimes a kinetocysts secondarily microtubular flattened; band Thecomonadea: , , Hemimastigida additional cortical microtubules; ciliarycilium, transformation ancestrally general, associated with with youngerposterior a anterior cilium single, with broad, two dorsalcentriole; dissimilar microtubular phagotrophy microtubular fan; localized bands, older ancestrally onegroove to each ventral side groove of or its cytostome; rims of ...... Cell cortex soft, often with pseudopodia or axopodia; lacking localized cytostome or Centrohelea (flat cristae); NucleoheleaAncestrally (possibly bikont really with belong asymmetrical elsewhere) ciliary roots of microtubular bands; often with emend. Reticulopodia absent; often with lobose or filose pseudopods; typically uniciliate, often † † † ‡ Revised classification of kingdom Protozoa and its 13 phyla Phylum 1. Choanozoa Flat cristae (usually). Choanoflagellatea, Corallochytrea, Ichthyosporea, Cristidiscoidea Phylum 2. Amoebozoa Tubular cristae. , (Mycetozoa and Archamoebae), Phalansterea Phylum 4. CercozoaPhylum 5. Retaria phylumPhylum nov. 6. Heliozoa Subphylum 1. Monadofilosa (classes Sarcomonadea, Testaceafilosea, Ramicristea); Foraminifera; Radiolaria (euradiolarians; acantharians) Phylum 3. Apusozoa stat. nov. Ancestrally with dense ‘thecal’ layer (plastron-like) inside dorsal plasma membrane. Infrakingdom 1. Sarcomastigota Infrakingdom 2. Rhizaria infraregnum nov. Etymology: Gr. Lankester 1878 stat. nov. emend. Lankester 1878 stat. nov. emend. Subkingdom 1. GYMNOMYXA Taxon Subkingdom 2. CORTICATA Table 2...... Modified from Cavalier-Smith (1999, 2000a) by (i) adopting subkingdoms Gymnomyxa and Corticata as the primary protozoan subdivisionrespectively. rather than Eoz Neozoa; (ii) establishing infrakingdoms[diagnosis Excavata in and Cavalier-Smith Rhizaria; (1999)ranks (p. (iii) of 349)] decreasing Choanozoa to (originally theand phylum, a ranks (vi) Foraminifera of phylum; transferring and infrakingdoms Cavalier-Smith, Ascetospora Radiolaria Loukozoa, 1981b) from to Discicristata and Sporozoa; subphyla and Apusozoa Miozoa and Archezoa from and subphylum subphylum Alveolata Ascetospora to to to phylum Cercozoa; class and Ascetosporea; and abandoning Oxymonadida Neomonada; and (v) narrowing Sarc

326 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification j k \ \ k k k k H H \ \ H kj \ \ k k jk kk \ \ j j j j ular mitochondrial cristae) , ); § , Heterolobosea ; Diphylleiida animals; Loukozoa the groovy animals. Biciliate zoa . (2001). dorsal ciliary microtubular root and two ventral roots; \ Reclinomonas Diagnosis/constituent groups Mitochondria* Plastids et al cytopharynx supported by a microtubular band \ groove; Gr. ; Jakobea, e.g. loukos additional cortical microtubules; without cortical alveoli mitochondria or tetraciliate; mitochondria orinfrakingdom hydrogenosomes; Loukozoa diagnosis Cavalier-Smith as 1999 phylum and striated fibres; cytostome and Oxymonadida, see Dacks Trimastix ) Phylum 9. Euglenozoa Typically bikont; Golgi stacked. Euglenoids, diplonemids, kinetoplastids, Phylum 10. Metamonada Golgi unstacked; intranuclear spindle. and Phylum 8. PercolozoaPhylum 11. Parabasalia Typically tetrakont; Golgi unstacked. Lyromonads, Golgi stacked; extranuclear spindle. Trichomonads and hypermastigotes H Phylum 7. Loukozoa Cavalier-Smith 1997 emend. (Oxymonadida, cont. ( Superphylum 1. Loukozoa stat. nov. Etymology. Gr. Superphylum 3. Archezoa stat. nov. Tetrakont; three subparallel anteriorPhylum and 12. one Miozoa orthogonal posteriorPhylum cilium; 13. Ciliophora no Diploid Typically micronuclei; haploid Dinozoa multiploid (ellobiopsids macronuclei. and Ciliates dinoflagellates), and Protalveolata suctorians and Sporozoa Superphylum 2. Discicristata stat. nov. Cristae ancestrally discoid; ancestrally biciliate with subparallel centrioles connected by Infrakingdom 1. Excavata infraregnum nov. Ancestrally with a single anterior Infrakingdom 2. Alveolata Ancestrally bikonts with cortical alveoli Taxon Probably paraphyletic. Possibly polyphyletic; as nucleohelid microtubules nucleate on the nuclear envelope not the centrosome, at least some (e.g. actinophryids with tub For evidence of the relationship between may be pedinellid chromists (Karpov,§ 2000), not Protozoa. ‡ Table 2 * H, Hydrogenosomes, which evolved† from mitochondria (several times, independently). http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 327 T. Cavalier-Smith

Co-evolution of cilia and the cytoskeleton may well be the ancestral state for the kingdoms The autogenous origin of cilia Plantae and Chromista, to which, as a phycologist, he has devoted most attention. However, this interpret- Was the first eukaryote an amoeba or a heliozoan ation cannot be correct for the Protozoa, the basal without any cilia or a flagellate with one or more cilia? eukaryotic kingdom, from which the four higher Since centrosomes are the nucleating sites for cen- kingdoms evolved. Neither of the other two derived trioles, which in turn nucleate ciliary growth, and since kingdoms (Animalia, Fungi) has cruciate roots and DNA segregation is much more basically essential for they are very rare among the Protozoa. In fact, they cell viability than ciliary motility, they probably, at are found only in a minority of taxa in two protozoan least slightly, preceded the origin of the vastly more phyla (Miozoa and Cercozoa) and are almost certainly complex cilia (probably needing about 1000 genes). a derived condition in both. Thus, none of the 13 The long drawn-out love affair of Margulis (1970) with protozoan phyla recognized here (Table 2) had cruciate the notion that cilia evolved from motile bacterial roots ancestrally, so they were not the ancestral ectosymbionts (Kozo-Polyansky, 1924) implausibly condition for the eukaryote cell. It is also unlikely that assumes the reverse, but is unperturbed by this or by cruciate roots are strictly homologous in plants and the total absence of any chemical, functional or chromists. Whether the first flagellates were biciliate, phylogenetic evidence for its basic assumption of a as Moestrup assumes, or uniciliate, as I consider much connection between and ciliary motility more probable, is crucial for locating the root of the (Cavalier-Smith, 1978a, 1982b, 1992b); its latest rein- eukaryotic tree, but remains to be established by carnation (Margulis et al., 2000) is as devoid as earlier molecular evidence (Cavalier-Smith, 2000a). At pres- ones of any recognition of the scientific necessity to be ent, we cannot rule out the possibility that ancestral explicit about the structural and functional changes eukaryote flagellates were uniciliate, but that the postulated in evolutionary transformations or the eukaryote cenancestor was actually biciliate and the utility of Occam’s razor. I agree with Margulis only on biciliate condition evolved once only in a stem eukar- the ancientness of the connection between nuclei and yote. We need to focus phylogenetic attention on all cilia, seen so well in her favourite complex hairy unikont protozoa and determine which ones, if any, flagellates. I have long argued that indirect attachment are primitively uniciliate. of a single cilium to the nucleus via the centrosome was the ancestral state for all eukaryotes with cilia (Cava- In order to orient the reader in the complex discussion lier-Smith, 1982b, 1987c, 1991c, d, 1992c). I argued that follows, Fig. 3 summarizes my present interpret- that a single cilium arose in association with the origin ation, according to which the root of the tree lies near of the nucleus prior to the eukaryotic cenancestor and, those uniciliate protozoa that are good candidates for thus, postulated that there are no extant primitively being primitively uniciliate: the zooflagellate Phalan- non- eukaryotes. I shall not add to those earlier sterium and some of the amoeboflagellate amoebozoa. detailed treatments of the autogenous (non-symbio- I shall argue that the biciliate condition evolved twice genetic) origin of cilia, but will concentrate on the independently at the base of the shown by the phylogenetic implications of ciliary root structure in yellow boxes. I here designate one of these clades the light of increased recognition of the fundamental the bikonts (Greek for ‘two oars’), as it includes the importance of the remarkable phenomenon of ciliary vast majority of the ancestrally biciliate eukaryotes: transformation for understanding eukaryote cell evol- the kingdoms Plantae and Chromista and the new ution (Cavalier-Smith, 2000a; Moestrup, 2000). protozoan subkingdom Corticata and infraphylum Rhizaria established here, which together include the nine most speciose protozoan phyla (Table 2 shows the Unikonty and the roots of cilia and the eukaryote defining characters of these novel higher taxa and tree which phyla each includes). The biciliate condition also evolved in the Mycetozoa, which are nested within Microtubular ciliary roots, better called centriolar the more basal Amoebozoa with only a single centriole roots, as they are actually attached to the centrioles per kinetid. I define unikonty as the state of having just (also known as ciliary or flagellar basal bodies or a single centriole as well as a single cilium per kinetid. kinetosomes), are of central importance for eukaryote A kinetid with two centrioles per kinetid is not phylogeny. They form the most structurally distinctive regarded as unikont whether it bears two cilia or just part of the cytoskeleton and are sufficiently well one (as in opisthokonts and in several secondarily conserved to help define major groups and phylo- uniciliate bikonts, e.g. pedinellid chromists or some genetic relationships. In essence, they define the body uniciliate prasinophyte algae among plants). Thus, I plan of protists, analogously to the importance of the distinguish between two kinds of uniciliate cells: those vertebrate endoskeleton or the exoskeleton with two centrioles, often attesting to their biciliate in classical zoology. Moestrup (2000) reviewed the ancestry, and those that have only one, the unikonts, major variations and attempted to provide a uniform which are candidates for being primitively uniciliate. A terminology. He assumed that the ancestral state was multiciliate cell may have unikont kinetids with single biciliate with cruciate roots having two microtubular cilia (e.g. the pelobiont amoeba , the lobosan bands per centriole. Cruciate roots predominate and amoeba or the pseudociliate Stephanopogon)

328 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification

Though Margulis et al. (2000) implicitly adopt my earlier thesis (Cavalier-Smith, 1991c) that the most likely first eukaryote was a unikont Mastigamoeba (class Pelobiontea), they incorrectly classify pelobionts with Metamonada and Parabasalia in a polyphyletic phylum Archaeprotista, ignoring molecular-phylogen- etic evidence (Cavalier-Smith, 2000a; Roger, 1999) that mastigamoebids are not directly related to Meta- monada and Parabasalia (i.e. superphylum Archezoa of my present protozoan system; Table 2); contrary to the incorporation into their syntrophic cocktail of my earlier phylogeny (Cavalier-Smith, 1992b) that postu- lated a mastigamoebid ancestor for Archezoa, masti- gamoebids almost certainly evolved from an aerobic amoeboflagellate with mitochondria. Mastigamoebids (including Phreatamoeba, now regarded as a synonym of Mastigamoeba; Simpson et al., 1997) are related to the secondarily non-ciliate entamoebas and do not branch with Archezoa on rRNA (Fig. 2; Cavalier- Smith & Chao, 1996) or RNA polymerase trees (Hirt et al., 1999; Stiller et al., 1998). There is good evidence that Entamoeba lost aerobic respiration secondarily by converting mitochondria to a minute relict organelle, the (Tovar et al., 1999; Roger, 1999). Such a loss probably occurred in the common ancestor of Entamoebea and Pelobiontea, classified together as ...... the amoebozoan infraphylum Archamoebae (Cava- Fig. 3. A simple interpretation of eukaryote phylogeny, lier-Smith, 1998a), which is often monophyletic on emphasizing the diversification of the microtubular cyto- rRNA trees (Cavalier-Smith & Chao, 1996, 1997); in skeleton. The tree is rooted among putatively unikont addition to this and the absence of mitochondria, flagellates or amoeboflagellates for the reasons explained in the text. The biciliate condition may have evolved twice entamoebas and pelobionts both have unique neo- independently in the cenancestors of the clades enclosed by inositol polyphosphates instead of the myo-inositol yellow boxes (bikonts, biciliate Mycetozoa). Protozoan taxa are polyphosphates of other eukaryotes (Martin et al., in black and the four higher kingdoms in upper-case in colour. 2000). The nucleus is blue, centriolar microtubular roots are red and the cilia and barren centrioles are shown as thick black lines. Typical swimming directions are shown by the thicker I selected mastigamoebids as likely early eukaryotes black arrows. In some lineages within most taxa, secondary because they alone of amitochondrial eukaryotes multiplication of centrioles and cilia or losses of one cilium or appeared to be primitively unikont (Cavalier-Smith, all cilia have led to deviations from the root structures 1991c), which I considered the likely ancestral state depicted. Among bikonts, reorientation of cilia between the anisokont and isokont states also modified the patterns; those for eukaryotes (Cavalier-Smith, 1982b, 1987c, 1992b); shown are the predominant and/or putatively ancestral pattern others since have thought their characters are primitive for each group. Corticata comprise the infrakingdoms Alveolata (Simpson et al., 1997). Most eukaryote groups are (biciliate Miozoa and multiciliate Ciliophora) and Excavata ancestrally bicentriolar; though only some are ance- (biciliate Loukozoa and Euglenozoa; tetrakont Percolozoa and strally biciliate (e.g. Plantae, Chromista, Alveolata, Archezoa). The ancestral corticate pattern of two posterior roots and a broad anterior fan probably originated in the Cercozoa, Excavata), others (notably the important ancestral excavate in association with the origin of their opisthokont clade) are ancestrally uniciliate but bicen- feeding groove, the cruciate patterns of plants and chromists triolar. Fig. 4 is a more detailed eukaryotic tree than being derived independently from it when their ancestors Fig. 3, emphasizing the chief congruences between the became photosynthetic (see text). Earlier patterns are all simply derivable from the conical microtubular array of Phalansterium. latest rRNA tree (Fig. 2; for a more taxon-rich tree see For Cercozoa, the diagram is for the isokont Spongomonas; the Cavalier-Smith, 2000a) and most protein trees (e.g. anisokont sarcomonads have more complex roots (see text). Baldauf et al., 2000); in places (e.g. the chromist Retaria include Radiolaria and Foraminifera. For Heliozoa, only clade), its resolution is exaggerated compared with the pattern in (the great majority) is shown; the sequence trees to indicate affinities strongly supported affinities of nucleohelids are unclear; as their microtubules are nucleated by the nuclear envelope, not the centrosome, some by ultrastructural and biochemical evidence (the length or even all nucleohelids (e.g. actinophryids) might not belong of the segment above and below the base of the in phylum Heliozoa but with the pedinellid chromists, where excavates is expanded merely because there are too this is also the case (Karpov, 2000). many corticoflagellate taxa to show side by side). In every biciliate group that has been well studied, one of or may have bicentriolar kinetids (the ancestral and the two cilia is one or more cell generations older than majority state for ciliates, where the second centriole is the other and cilia undergo ciliary transformation, i.e. always barren). the first-formed, younger cilium is structurally and http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 329 T. Cavalier-Smith

...... Fig. 4. Proposed phylogenetic relationships between the major eukaryotic groups. Some rRNA trees also show Retaria as paraphyletic or polyphyletic, but this may be an artefact of the exceptionally long branches of Foraminifera and the much longer branches of euradiolaria compared with Acantharia. In addition to the primary symbiogenetic origin of chloroplasts from cyanobacteria to create the ancestral plant, the three secondary symbiogeneses are shown: a red alga (R) was enslaved to form the ancestor of chromalveolates and two different green algae were enslaved to form photosynthetic euglenoids and chlorarachnean Cercozoa (G). Two major secondarily anaerobic groups are indicated (Archezoa and Archamoebae); additional losses of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation are not shown (e.g. in Fungi, the microsporidia and rumen fungi; multiply in ciliates). Multiple losses of plastids in chromalveolates and Euglenozoa and the ancestral percolozoan are not shown. It is unclear whether Archezoa are sisters to Percolozoa, as Fig. 2 weakly suggests, or to discicristates, as shown here. functionally different from the older one into which it the most important part of cytoskeletons, their is transformed one cell cycle after it was first assembled. transformation means that cytoskeletal assembly, like Normally, the centriolar roots attached to the young ciliary assembly in bikonts, is spread over two cell centriole () are structurally different from generations. The great complexity of this process is a those of the older one and are also radically changed strong reason for thinking that a bikont like the during transformation. As centriolar roots are often Reclinomonas (phylum Loukozoa) cannot

330 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification

Table 3. Kishino–Hasegawa tests of alternative maximum-likelihood trees ...... User trees were constructed that differed in topology from Fig. 2 only in the respects specified, and their ln likelihood was calculated by fastDNAml. The significance of their differences in likelihood from the most likely tree (Fig. 2; ln likelihood lk42739n851) was assessed by the Kishino–Hasegawa using the empirical transition\transversion ratio; the Felsenstein and Hasegawa–Kishino–Yano models gave the same results. The same test was also done under maximum parsimony: the third tree (euglenoids holophyletic) was the shortest; trees marked with an asterisk were significantly worse at the P ! 0n05 level and none was worse at the P ! 0n01 level.

ln Likelihood Likelihood difference Branching differences from Fig. 2 Significantly less likely from Fig. 2 (rounded) than Fig. 2 tree?

P ! 0n05 P ! 0n01

k42740n02275003 0n17174 Radiolaria holophyletic No No k42740n21654497 0n36553 Radiolaria, euglenoids holophyletic No No k42741n84527286 1n99426 Euglenoids holophyletic No No k42744n53531401 4n68430 Thecomonadea holophyletic No No k42744n95779726 5n10679 Radiolaria, euglenoids, Thecomonadea holophyletic No No k42749n16915213 9n31814 Radiolaria, euglenoids, Discicristata holophyletic No* No k42749n99986307 10n14885 Euglenoids, Discicristata holophyletic No* No k42765n90120272 26n05019 Reclinomonas sister to Neomonada No No k42770n99223012 31n14122 Holophyletic Discicristata below Reclinomonas; No* No Radiolaria, euglenoids holophyletic k42797n8956284 58n04462 Chromista holophyletic Yes No k42805n20288052 65n35187 Chromista, Thecomonadea, Radiolaria holophyletic Yes* No k42816n06914706 76n21813 Chromista, Plantae holophyletic (sisters) Yes* Yes k42820n75716959 80n90616 Chromista, Plantae, Thecomonadea, Yes* Yes Radiolaria holophyletic really be a primitive eukaryote, however primitive its seek for congruence between trees with fewer precon- mitochondrial genome appears (Lang et al., 1997). ceptions. Note that Conosa and Amoebozoa are both Since tetrakont kinetids develop over three cell cycles holophyletic on Fig. 2, as they also would be on Fig. 2 with two successive ciliary transformations and the of Cavalier-Smith & Chao (1997) (and Conosa alone Archezoa are probably ancestrally tetrakont, they are on their Fig. 1) if they were similarly rooted. even less plausible as ancestral eukaryotes than bicili- If we allow for the common misplacement of Myceto- ates and must be derived (Cavalier-Smith, 1992b), as zoa and Microsporidia on rRNA trees (not universal: indicated on Figs 2 and 4. The evidence that the when more sophisticated methods are used, small- Archamoebae may group either with Mycetozoa (with subunit trees can place Mycetozoa correctly, as in Fig. which they were later classified as the amoebozoan 2, and large-subunit trees can place microsporidia subphylum Conosa; Cavalier-Smith, 1998a) or with correctly; Van de Peer et al., 2000) and ignore the amoebozoan Lobosa (Cavalier-Smith, 1993b, 1995a; position of the root, there is actually substantial overall Cavalier-Smith & Chao, 1995), nowhere near the base congruence between the broad patterns shown by of the rRNA tree (Cavalier-Smith & Chao, 1996), was rRNA and protein trees, implying that, apart from the initially confusing. Protein trees then came to the serious problem of rooting, they are not grossly in rescue, showing beyond serious question that Myceto- error. Thus, Fig. 2 is congruent with the concatenated zoa were misplaced on earlier rRNA trees (Baldauf & four-protein tree of Baldauf et al. (2000) except for the Doolittle, 1997) and that microsporidia were even lower position of the very-long-branch Archezoa on more drastically misplaced, belonging not near the their tree. As Table 3 indicates, however, Fig. 2 should rRNA root but among the fungi (Edlind et al., 1996; not be used to argue against the holophyly of Discicri- Keeling & Doolittle, 1996; Hirt et al., 1999; Mu$ ller, stata, Thecomonadea, Radiolaria or Chromista. All 1997; Roger, 1999; Keeling et al., 2000), where they trees, including Fig. 2, can be partitioned cleanly into have at last found their proper taxonomic home two halves: opisthokonts on the one hand and a huge (Cavalier-Smith, 1998a, 2000c). Concomitant critical group comprising Amoebozoa (in which I now include appraisal of long-branch artefacts in rRNA trees Phalansterium in addition to Lobosa and Conosa) and (Philippe & Adoutte, 1996, 1998; Stiller & Hall, 1999) the bikonts on the other. Bikonts comprise Plantae, reinforced earlier suspicions of their unreliability. Chromista and Alveolata (collectively designated Although proteins also suffer from long-branch prob- photokaryotes, as each is probably ancestrally photo- lems (Philippe & Adoutte, 1998), now that rRNA trees synthetic; Cavalier-Smith, 1999) plus Discicristata are dethroned from their position of primacy we can (Euglenozoa and Percolozoa), Archezoa (Meta- http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 331 T. Cavalier-Smith monada and Parabasalia) and Rhizaria. There is little them (Cavalier-Smith, 2000a). Although the amoebo- doubt that photokaryotes and Discicristata are all zoan Archamoebae and Multicilia are all unikont, the ancestrally biciliate; as they share the same pattern Mycetozoa are more problematic, some being unikont of ciliary transformation, with the anterior cilium and some bicentriolar (and others secondarily akont); younger (Moestrup, 2000), their common ancestor Moestrup (2000) assumes that the Mycetozoa are almost certainly was also. Three other important ancestrally bikont, whereas I argued the reverse, partly ancestrally biciliate bikont groups (Cercozoa, Retaria because their bikont members differ from photo- and Loukozoa) apparently branch among them in a karyotes\discicristates in that the anterior cilium is the poorly resolved bush, though only sparse molecular older one, suggesting that they may have evolved sequence data and no studies of ciliary transformation bikonty independently (Cavalier-Smith, 2000a). The are yet available for them. Although there is always derived myxogastrid Mycetozoa are bicentriolar and high bootstrap support for the bipartition between usually biciliate, but the non-fruiting Hyperamoeba opisthokonts and bikonts\Amoebozoa, the branching derived from them (Cavalier-Smith & Chao, 1999; order within the basal radiations of these two groups is Cavalier-Smith, 2000a) is uniciliate. Kinetids in the poorly resolved on both rRNA and protein trees. If the ancestral mycetozoa (Protostelea) may be unikont or concatenated protein tree were rooted as advocated bikont and uniciliate, biciliate or multiciliate. Myxo- here, Amoebozoa would be sisters to bikonts and gastrids and some protostelids have a cone of microtu- Archezoa would be sisters to all other bikonts, not to bules attaching the kinetid to the nucleus. Because Percolozoa as on the rRNA tree; the latter is cyto- of this and their similar pseudopodial motility and logically more reasonable, since Percolozoa and the unikont character of all ciliated archamoebae, the Archezoa might have had a tetrakont common an- Mycetozoa are classified with the Archamoebae as cestor. the amoebozoan subphylum Conosa (named after the shared microtubular cone; Cavalier-Smith, 1998a) and The pseudociliate Stephanopogon was once thought to are probably sisters. Conosa are related to the sub- be related to the Percolozoa because of its flat, phylum Lobosa, mainly comprising aciliate amoebae; somewhat discoid cristae and absence of Golgi stacks though this is shown only rarely on rRNA trees (e.g. (Cavalier-Smith, 1993d); although some authors have Fig. 2), it is obvious on actin and on concatenated included it in the other discicristate phylum, Eugleno- protein trees (Baldauf et al., 2000). Since the multicili- zoa, instead (Hausmann & Hu$ lsmann, 1996), this is ated lobosan amoeba Multicilia also has unikont not generally accepted (Simpson, 1997). However, as kinetids with microtubular cones (Mikrjukov & Mylni- mentioned above, Golgi unstacking has arisen poly- kov, 1998), unikonty is probably the ancestral state for phyletically; moreover, discoid cristae are themselves amoebozoa. I suggest that the absence of the cone in a polyphyletic, being found not only in the Discicristata, few protostelids is secondary, possibly resulting in but also in the Cristidiscoidea (Choanozoa; Cavalier- some cases from their multiciliarity. Unikont Myceto- Smith, 2000a). The marked resemblance between the zoa have three extra microtubular roots and biciliate centriolar cups of Stephanopogon (Lipscomb & Corliss, ones yet another, associated with the posterior cilium, 1982) and those of the biciliate cercozoan flagellate additional to the putatively ancestral cone; cladistic Spongomonas (Hibberd, 1976), not previously noted, arguments would suggest that these extra complexities indicates a definite affinity between them. I also suggest of a subgroup nested within the phylum where the that, if the Spongomonas cilium bearing the more outgroups have a simpler arrangement are derived. To band-like root was lost and that bearing the fan- attempt to homologize them with the kinetids of shaped ciliary root retained when the probably simi- bikonts (Karpov, 1997; Moestrup, 2000) is probably a larly biciliate ancestor of Stephanopogon multiplied its mistake. Even the simplest amoebozoan ciliary roots kinetids, the fan would probably become a symmetric are more complex than that of Phalansterium, which cone like that in Stephanopogon. The complexity of the has a simple cone of singlet microtubules identical to roots and the uniqueness of the centriolar cup among that postulated to be ancestral for all eukaryotes protists make them likely to be reliable phylogenetic (Cavalier-Smith, 1982b, 1987c, 1992c). In addition to characters. Therefore, I now remove the Pseudo- such a cone, archamoebae and Multicilia (Mikrjukov ciliatida from Discicristata altogether and place it as a & Mylnikov, 1998) have a transverse bipartite micro- second order within the cercozoan class Spongo- tubular band associated with the centriole. As Phalan- monadea (Cavalier-Smith, 2000a). If this position is sterium has the simpler kinetid, it is a better model for correct, Stephanopogon must be secondarily unikont. the ancestral eukaryote (Cavalier-Smith, 2000a). How- As similar secondary unikonty evolved in the cenances- ever, on my own unpublished 18S rRNA trees that tor of the multiciliate opalinid chromists and of the allow for intersite variation by a gamma model, apusozoanHemimastigidamentionedabove, and with- Phalansterium clearly branches within the Amoebozoa, in the ciliates, it is a common evolutionary consequence so I now transfer it to that phylum and restrict the of the multiciliate condition. Apusozoa to the Thecomonadea. The only currently established groups that are reason- able candidates for being primitively unikont are the The uniciliate character of opisthokonts was pre- Amoebozoa and the zooflagellate Phalansterium,soI viously thought to be secondarily derived, as their have suggested that the eukaryotic root may lie among apparent immediate outgroup, the apusozoan (the-

332 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification comonad) flagellates (the biciliate Ancyromonadida amoebozoa and bikonts both have anterior flagella, I and Apusomonadida and the multiciliate Hemimasti- designate them collectively anterokonts, so as to gida; Cavalier-Smith, 2000a), is ancestrally biciliate. contrast them with the opisthokonts. On the present However, the initially high bootstrap support for a view, therefore, the primary split among eukaryotes is sister relationship between and opistho- between opisthokonts, with a posterior cilium, and konts (Cavalier-Smith & Chao, 1995) is not found in anterokonts, with an anterior one. The first eukaryotes recent trees with additional members of the Apusozoa were uniciliate and split at an early stage into the only (Cavalier-Smith, 2000a; Fig. 2). In my own unpub- two primitively uniciliate phyla: Choanozoa and lished trees, with even better taxon sampling among Amoebozoa. I suggest that this split represents the two protozoa and using better phylogenetic methods, most basic ways of being a predator for a ciliated allowing for intersite variation by a gamma model, the eukaryote: a sessile filter feeder (Choanozoa) and a Apusozoa are simply part of a very poorly resolved mobile raptorial feeder (Amoebozoa). Opisthokonts bikont\amoebozoan radiation and are not specifically and anterokonts generate water currents that bear related to opisthokonts. Coupled with the current prey in opposite directions. Uniciliate amoebozoa such uncertainty about the position of the eukaryotic root, as Mastigamoeba creep along on surfaces and use their this makes me question seriously the traditional anterior cilium to help to pull prey towards them and assumption that the fundamentally uniciliate Choano- engulf them in pseudopods. The sessile choanoflagel- zoa (true both for choanoflagellates and Ichthyo- lates, with a cilium undulating from base to tip, push sporea: the other two classes are entirely non-ciliate) water away from the base of the cilium, thereby once had biciliate ancestors. The presence of a second sucking in water from the side where suspended dormant, non-ciliated centriole is poor evidence for bacteria are caught by the collar of microvilli and then such ancestry. In contrast to the barren centrosome of moved down to the cell surface for phagocytosis; by uniciliate , which is present because it bore retaining the same ciliary beat during dispersal, their a cilium in the previous cell cycle, there is no evidence cilia are necessarily posterior when swimming – the for the transformation of cilia, centrioles or their roots opisthokont condition. Thus, the posterior cilia of from one cell cycle to the next in any opisthokonts. The opisthokonts probably arose co-adaptively with the second centriole of choanoflagellates may simply be filopodia\microvilli that were used to make the collar formed in the preceding cell cycle so as to be ready to for filter feeding. By contrast, the anterior cilium of grow a cilium immediately the cell divides, and not a amoebozoa is co-adaptive with the classical amoeboid relic from a biciliate ancestor, persisting uselessly for locomotion of amoebae with lobose pseudopods. over 500 My. For chytrid fungi, which lack centrioles Exploiting these two broad adaptive zones was achi- during vegetative growth, such early assembly of eved by the primary bifurcation of the first (uniciliate) centrioles would help to facilitate the rapid production eukaryotes. Since sarcomonad cercozoans have ciliary of during sporogenesis by rapid multiple roots with a perinuclear microtubular cone like those fission. In the mature zoospores, which do not need to of amoebozoa including Phalansterium (Karpov, divide, such centrioles would be dispensable. However, 1997), this cone was probably present in the ancestral only some chytrid fungi have lost them (Barr, 2000); ciliated eukaryote and was lost by the ancestor of most retain short centrioles. These may reasonably be photokaryotes and discicristates, which only have regarded as relics of the useful presence of a second microtubular bands and non-microtubular striated centriole during zoosporogenesis, but they do not ciliary roots. This cladistic reconstruction adds credi- provide evidence for a biciliate ancestor. Since the bility to my interpretation of the origin of cilia from ciliary roots of choanozoa and most chytrid fungi are microtubules radiating from a centrosome (Cavalier- cones of microtubules similar to those of the unikont Smith, 1980, 1982b, 1992b). It does not, however, Amoebozoa, I suggest that opisthokonts also are prove that this happened in the first eukaryote; I primitively uniciliate and that the root of the eukaryote argued that it did because both the origin of cilia and tree lies between opisthokonts and the Amoebozoa. the origin of mitotic division require that centrosomes are attached to the cell surface, and it seemed econ- On this view, the fundamentally uniciliate Sarcomas- omical to suppose that a single attachment triggered tigota are the ancestral eukaryotes and all bikonts with both. However, the first eukaryote might instead have ciliary transformation over two or more cell cycles been like a non-ciliate amoeba that evolved cilia must be derived. Whether ciliary transformation subsequently from cell projections (Cavalier-Smith, occurs in the Apusozoa and Cercozoa or not is 1978a). However, this would only be possible if the currently unknown and needs to be established. It may Amoebozoa are paraphyletic and the root of the tree be a fundamental feature of all bikonts. As the cilium lies within this phylum, contrary to the arguments just is anterior in all uniciliate Amoebozoa, the first bikont presented. could have evolved from an amoebozoan-like ancestor by adding a second, posterior cilium. This would have Ever since I stressed the need for cell-cycle continuity yielded an anisokont amoeboflagellate that crawled on between prokaryotic division and segregation depen- surfaces like the apusomonad Amastigomonas or the dent on a rigid cell surface and the mitotic system cercomonads; the common ancestor of Apusozoa and dependent on rigid microtubules, I have not favoured Cercozoa probably had such habits and form. Because the view that the ancestral eukaryote was a simple soft- http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 333 T. Cavalier-Smith surfaced amoeba (Cavalier-Smith, 1980) and have apusozoans, mastigamoebids and cercozoans; an an- regarded amoeboid locomotion, as in the lobosan and cestral semi-open mitosis now seems mechanistically the heterolobosean amoebae, as an advanced character more likely since, in all organisms near the putative and treated these taxa as secondarily non-ciliate. root, the centrosome is cytoplasmic and paranuclear. Although one lobosan, Multicilia (Mikrjukov & Mylni- kov, 1998), has plenty of unikont cilia, we cannot yet Cytoskeletal evolution and eukaryote diversification be sure that the ancestral amoebozoan was ciliated. We can be confident that heterolobosean amoebae and A major innovation appears to have occurred in amoeboflagellates are not primitive, but are derived eukaryote cell evolution at the bar labelled ‘cortico- from bikont or tetrakont ancestors, but cannot rule flagellate triple roots’ in Fig. 4. All taxa below this out on phylogenetic grounds the possibility that some point have centrosomes with radiating microtubules lobosans are ancestrally akont. However, lobosans do (somewhat like the astral microtubules of animals) and not have cytoplasmic microtubules and only assemble generally rather soft cell surfaces, not supported by them for mitosis; coupled with their ever-changing cortical microtubules, and a great propensity to form shape, this makes them implausible ancestors for the filose, lobose or reticulose pseudopods and\or axo- origin of cilia, so I predict that all will eventually be podia. Most taxa above this point have a relatively shown to be secondarily akont. rigid cell cortex, often supported by microtubules, some of which originate as ciliary roots made of Akont heliozoa would be much more plausible as distinctive bands of aggregated microtubules, but primitively aciliate ancestors of the first zooflagellate, lack evenly radiating single microtubules resembling since their radiating axopodia have a microtubular asters. These ‘corticate’ taxa typically ingest prey in a skeleton that could have been a precursor for ciliary localized region near the base of the ventral\posterior . There are two types, often thought to be cilium, which may be a simple groove or pocket or a unrelated: centrohelids, with axopodia radiating from more complex cytostome and gullet or cytopharnyx. a centrosome, and nucleohelids, where the axopodia By contrast, the taxa below the bar typically ingest are nucleated by the nuclear envelope. If cilia evolved prey diffusely anywhere on their cell surface and never in a heliozoan, the first eukaryote would probably be have a discrete cytostome. Since such diffuse ingestion uniciliate if the ancestor was , but multici- is less specialized than that with a localized cytostome, liate with each kinetid unikont, like Multicilia, if the which requires a more complex cortical structure with ancestor was a nucleohelid. I consider that heliozoa a basic asymmetry associated with complex ciliary probably evolved from flagellate ancestors by the loss transformation, I argue that the latter is derived and of cilia and that their axopodia were derived from the that the diffuse feeding pattern is the primitive one. centrosomal radiating microtubules that characterize Since the tree is rooted using the more fundamental Sarcomastigota and Cercozoa; one ‘heliozoan’ (Cla- criterion for primitiveness of unikonty, the fact that thrulina) is biciliate, but it is unclear whether it is really diffuse feeding and radiating centrosomal microtu- related to the nucleohelids. The presence of kinetocysts bules also appear basal strongly suggests that all three in heliozoans and some cercozoans might suggest an structural characters were historically associated and affinity between them, which would favour a biciliate constitute the ancestral state for eukaryotes. Interes- ancestry for Heliozoa. The thecomonad apusozoan tingly, this distinction in mode of feeding was made also has kinetocysts; unless they are long ago by Saville Kent (1880), who referred to such convergent structures, this suggests that the Apusozoa, diffusely feeding protozoa as Panstomata, a group that which are fundamentally bikont, may be distantly corresponds roughly to the subkingdom Gymnomyxa related to the Cercozoa and implies that kinetocysts as defined here (Table 2). To emphasize the major were present in the common ancestor of thecomonads, importance of the evolution of the rigid cortex and Heliozoa and Cercozoa, i.e. very early in bikont associated pattern of ciliary transformation within the evolution. Kinetocysts are widespread in the new Protozoa, I adopt the Corticata and Gymnomyxa infrakingdom Rhizaria, but are also found in histionid (‘naked slime’) of Lankester (1878) as the names for Loukozoa; this need not mean that they are con- the protozoan subkingdoms (both necessarily para- vergent, since it is possible that they arose in the phyletic) in my revised system (Table 2). ancestral bikont and are not a synapomorphy for If the corticate character of the taxa above the bar is Rhizaria. Our own studies of centrohelid heliozoan indeed derived, as this argument indicates, we can treat molecular phylogeny (T. Cavalier-Smith and E. E. it as a synapomorphy to define a major eukaryotic Chao, unpublished) indicate that they branch among clade, which I designate the corticoflagellates. The the bikonts, indicating that they are not primitively name refers to the fact that their cell cortex is generally non-ciliate. semi-rigid and strengthened by microtubules, typically The re-rooting of the eukaryote tree advocated here in the form of three or four distinct ciliary roots (Fig. 4) may be compatible with the idea that ancestral consisting of bands of parallel, particularly stable mitosis was closed with an intranuclear spindle and microtubules. The name Corticoflagellata was used that open mitosis evolved polyphyletically to allow originally to designate a putative major group (Cava- membrane rearrangement in larger cells (Cavalier- lier-Smith, 1978a) roughly equivalent to Smith, 1982c). However, mitosis needs studying in plus opisthokonts. Since that grouping was not

334 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification soundly based and the name now defunct, it is available arily lost it. My of Parabasalia and Euglen- usefully to designate the clade comprising the corticate ozoa is made because, on several molecular trees, they protozoa plus the two kingdoms (Plantae and Chro- appear related to Metamonada and Percolozoa, re- mista) derived from them, in which cortical bands of spectively, and thus have secondarily lost both the laterally adhering microtubules play a fundamental feeding grooves and the ciliary flanges used initially, role except in those subgroups that are secondarily together with details of the ciliary root patterns, to non-ciliate. Ancestrally, corticoflagellates have a fun- characterize excavates. The characteristic excavate damental cell asymmetry such that, in all biciliate three ciliary roots are also obvious in the Euglenozoa. members of the group, the anterior cilium is the In contrast to the Excavata, most photokaryotes have younger one and, in most that have become sec- cruciate ciliary roots, where the anterior cilium has two ondarily uniciliate (e.g. pedinellids, centric , flanking microtubular bands like the posterior one hyphochytrids), it is the anterior cilium that is retained. (Moestrup, 2000). The rRNA tree rooted as in Fig. 2 is The opisthokonts are one of the few really major consistent with the monophyly of Excavata as defined eukaryotic clades that are well corroborated by se- here and with their closer relationship to photokar- quence trees, sequence signatures (Baldauf, 1999) and yotes than to opisthokonts. ultrastructural cladistics, so its validity is almost indubitable (Patterson, 1999). I predict that the corti- A concatenated α- and β-tubulin tree places the two coflagellate, bikont and anterokont clades will all jakobid loukozoans for which we have rRNA se- eventually become as well supported. quences (Reclinomonas americana and libera; Cavalier-Smith, 2000a) as a sister clade to a monophy- One corticoflagellate phylum, the Parabasalia, is an letic Discicristata (Euglenozoa and Percolozoa) (Edg- apparent exception that proves the rule. Parabasalia comb et al., 2001), albeit with low bootstrap support, have highly complex internal bands of aggregated consistent with the grouping of all three phyla within microtubules and a soft, semi-amoeboid cell surface Excavata. However, on the tubulin trees, unlike the that can ingest anywhere. As I suggested previously rRNA tree, the amitochondrial Archezoa are long (Cavalier-Smith, 1992b), this is almost certainly a branches and do not group with these three mitochon- secondary internalization of the formerly cortical drial excavate phyla. The β-tubulin tree (if rooted as in microtubule bands, as an adaptation to dwelling in Fig. 2) shows Archezoa as a long-branch clade, sister animal guts where superabundant food particles sur- to all other bikonts, while those two nest round them on all sides; the ancestral cytostome that within an apparently paraphyletic Discicristata. Valyl- evolved in the ancestral anterokont to enable it to tRNA synthetase (Hashimoto et al., 1998) and Cpn60 predate unidirectionally was no longer advantageous (Roger et al., 1998) both show an archezoan clade, like and was thus abandoned. Their remarkably complex rRNA and β-tubulin and the concatenated tubulin\ internal skeleton is thus a relic of a former cortical actin\EF-1α tree (Baldauf et al., 2000). The α-tubulin skeleton inherited from their free-living ancestors. One tree, however, puts Archezoa as a paraphyletic group , Dientamoeba, carried the reduction to its at the base of the bikonts\Amoebozoa, but Jakoba logical conclusion by abandoning both cilia and their libera and Reclinomonas separate and no longer microtubular bands, becoming an amoeba. Secondary grouped with Discicristata (but are not far removed). evolution of amoebae also occurred in another cor- Moreover, two other loukozoans (Malawimonas and ticate phylum, Percolozoa: their ancestors were prob- Jakoba incarcerata) do not group with the first two ably purely flagellates with cortical skeleton and or with the discicristates on the tubulin trees, but localized ingestion, as in Percolomonas, but, early on, occupy separate, low positions among the long-branch they evolved a temporary amoeboid phase with erup- bikonts\Amoebozoa (Edgcomb et al., 2001). I con- tive pseudopods very different from the typically non- sider that this non-holophyly of both Loukozoa and eruptive ones of the Gymnomyxa. Many heterolo- Excavata on the tubulin trees and, with α-tubulin, the bosean percolozoans dispensed with the temporary paraphyly of Archezoa, where Metamonada and Para- ciliate phase to become obligate amoebae. basalia are separated by Jakoba incarcerata, are more As Fig. 4 and Table 2 make clear, I have now grouped likely to be artefacts of the long branches of Archezoa five corticate phyla (Metamonada, Parabasalia, Perco- and, to a lesser extent, of Malawimonas and Jakoba lozoa, Euglenozoa and Loukozoa) together as a new incarcerata than genuine indications of paraphyly or infrakingdom, Excavata. They are characterized ances- polyphyly of Excavata, Loukozoa and Archezoa. trally by having two cilia, a single broad anterior Despite these inconsistencies, when rRNA and tubulin centriolar microtubular fan and two lateral posterior trees are both rooted as in Figs 2 and 3, they centriolar bands, typically predominantly cortical. In are more congruent with each other and with the other the Parabasalia, this pattern is obscured, I suggest, by protein trees mentioned above than when rooted secondary tetrakonty and cytoskeletal internalization; arbitrarily on the (Edgcomb et al., 2001). the term excavate was applied originally (Simpson & This greater congruence of unrelated molecular trees Patterson, 1999) only to the three groups that show supports the arguments based on the microtubular clear evidence of an ‘excavated’ feeding groove (Meta- skeleton that the Archezoa must be highly derived monada, Percolozoa, Loukozoa), though, even then, it compared with the unikonts (Fig. 3) and that cyto- embraced heterolobosean amoebae that had second- skeletal evolution is a sounder basis for rooting the http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 335 T. Cavalier-Smith eukaryotic tree than rRNA, which suffers immensely Penardia), which are absent from any other well- from the exceptionally long branches of most exca- characterized group. Some radiolarian zoospores seem vates seen in Fig. 2 (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Future to have a perinuclear microtubular cone emanating protein trees will probably be easier to compare with from their bikinetid, similarly to cercomonads (Hol- each other and rRNA trees if both are rooted as lande, 1974), and no apparent affinity with cortico- advocated here; I propose that a root between flagellates. For these reasons and the relative closeness opisthokonts and anterokonts be used as the null hy- of Cercozoa and Radiolaria on rRNA trees (e.g. Fig. pothesis until a better one is found. 2), I think they are probably related. Thorough studies The single anterior fan of excavates may be hom- of ciliary roots in zoospores of the Retaria would be a ologous with the centrosomal cone of the Gymno- valuable test of this grouping. I argue that the common myxa, which became restricted to a single dorsal ancestor of corticoflagellates and the Rhizaria was a segment, instead of a 360-degree cone, as a result of the biciliate that evolved from a unikont ancestor similar evolution of the second centriole in an early biciliate to an aerobic amoebozoan. I therefore designate the ancestor of excavates. For the other cilium, ancestrally putative clade comprising corticoflagellates and the associated with the ventral feeding groove, the micro- Rhizaria the bikonts. I omitted Foraminifera from the tubules were rearranged to form two longitudinal rRNA tree of Fig. 2 and Cavalier-Smith (2000a) since bands, one on each side of the ventral centriole, to their 18S rRNAs are so bizarre (Pawlowski et al., 1997) support the rims of the groove. On this functional that their long branches would have distorted them. interpretation, the single broad microtubular band However, I find that, on gamma-corrected distance attached to the younger centriole and cilium (C1) is the trees omitting the long-branch Archezoa, Foramini- ancestral state and the two narrow longitudinal micro- fera branch within Radiolaria and this retarian clade is tubular bands associated with the older centriole (C2) sister to Cercozoa. On such trees, when Ascetospora is the derived one. Thus, in this instance of ciliary are also included, they are monophyletic and sisters to transformation in excavates, ontogeny does appear to the classical Cercozoa. As they share a unique rRNA recapitulate phylogeny, which would please Haeckel. signature sequence with them, I now place them within Cercozoa as a new class, Ascetosporea. Keeling (2001) Moestrup (2000) suggests that cruciate roots are the now has evidence from actin trees that Foraminifera ancestral state for alveolates, but cladistic reasoning are indeed related to Cercozoa, which partially sup- contradicts this. Ciliophora with bikinetids all have ports the holophyly of Rhizaria: protein data are two roots associated with the mature cilium and only needed for Radiolaria, Apusozoa and Heliozoa for a one associated with the younger cilium, as in excavates. stronger test. I suggest that the axopodia of the In the Miozoa, the roots of protalveolates, the basal Radiolaria (now including Acantharea as a distinct and ancestral group, are poorly known, except for class; Cavalier-Smith, 1999) and the centrohelid Helio- Parvilucifera, where they are not cruciate: there are zoa, which both typically radiate from centrosome-like only three roots, two anterior ones each of only a single structures, are independent derivatives of the ancestral microtubule and one posterior one (Moestrup, 2000). gymnomyxan centrosomally radiating microtubules The ciliary roots of the Sporozoa are poorly charac- that originated in a Phalansterium-like flagellate. The terized. Those of dinoflagellates are cruciate, but three reticulopodia of foraminiferans are supported by of them comprise but a single microtubule. Much more microtubules and may have had a similar origin. work is needed on protalveolate roots, especially on Planktonic foraminifera are derived and benthic ones , which has a putatively ancestral lateral much more diverse and ancestral. Conceivably, how- anisokont arrangement. The apical and backward- ever, the ancestral stem foraminiferan was planktonic, pointing arrangement of the apicomonad and per- like the Radiolaria, with stiff, radiating axopodia, and kinsid cilia is probably a derived adaptation to the modified them by developing anastomoses to form a evolution of predatory myzocytotic habits, not the feeding net as an adaptive shift to a benthic habitat ancestral condition for alveolates; it might be expected prior to the foraminiferal cenancestor. This might to entail much modification of the roots. Given the explain why their reticulopodia are intermediate in likelihood that excavates are the outgroup to alveolates some respects between axopodia and the simplest and the presence of an excavate-like pattern of three microtubule-free reticulopodia of other groups. roots in ciliate bikinetids, the simplest interpretation would be that this was the ancestral state for alveolates and Corticata as a whole, as indicated in Fig. 3. Ciliary diversification among the Cercozoa Figs 3 and 4 show a novel group, Rhizaria, comprising Centriolar root structure is more diverse among the Apusozoa, Heliozoa, Cercozoa and Retaria, as the Cercozoa than in other phyla. They are quite different outgroup to excavates and cruciates. Apusozoa, Cer- in the three subphyla, suggesting early mutual di- cozoa and Retaria are ancestrally biciliate. Little is vergence following the origin of the bikont condition known about ciliary roots in Retaria (Radiolaria, just prior to their common ancestor; their early including Acantharea; Foraminifera), but their game- divergence on the rRNA tree is consistent with this. tes\zoospores are anisokont like sarcomonad cerco- The cercozoan class Spongomonadea (subphylum zoans. All the Retaria have reticulose pseudopods, as Reticulofilosa; Cavalier-Smith, 2000a) has two simple do several cercozoans (Chlorarachnion, Gymnophrys, roots, easily derivable from the ancestral condition.

336 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification

One of the centrioles of the spongomonadid Rhipido- Cercozoa and Amoebozoa, two of their shared micro- dendron has a diverging cortical band of microtubules, tubular arrays would be plesiomorphic. The dorsal whereas the other has a horizontal fan of microtubules cortical cape of microtubules in the Mycetozoa is not (Hibberd, 1976) that resembles one segment of the found in their amoebozoan outgroups, nor in the radially symmetrical microtubular skirt of choano- cercozoans outgroups of the sarcomonads, so prob- flagellates and of the order Monoble- ably evolved independently. The two posterior micro- pharidales. The latter root somewhat resembles the tubule bands found in some sarcomonads and some cone of Phalansterium, as Karpov (1990) pointed out. members of the Mycetozoa (only one is present in While the similarity is not sufficient to justify Karpov’s others) are probably also convergent, being absent in placement of Phalansterium in the Spongomonadida their respective outgroups. (Karpov, 1990), I argue that the Rhipidodendron fan- like microtubular root could have been derived from The ramicristean helioflagellates Dimorpha and Tetra- such a symmetrical skirt-like root or the more cone- dimorpha have axopodial bundles of microtubules in like one of Phalansterium, as proposed above for the quincunx or random array radiating from the centro- anterior cilium of excavates, to which I suggest it is somal region (Brugerolle & Mignot, 1984). These homologous. Roots in the other three reticulofilosan feeding devices bearing kinetocysts are convergent classes are poorly characterized. They are simplified in with those of centrohelid Heliozoa and Radiolaria. chlorarachnean algae, where the Chlorarachnion zo- Like them, they probably evolved from the microtu- ospore has only one microtubular band (Hibberd, bular cone of the ancestral gymnomyxan. In contrast 1990), which is understandable as their ancestor to heliozoa and radiolaria, dimorphids often spread became secondarily uniciliate and the flagellate phase their axopodia out on surfaces and retain their cilia probably became secondarily non-phagotrophic: both during feeding to waft food towards them. This meant changes typically greatly alter the architecture of that the ancestral centriolar cone could only be ciliated cells. It seems that the Chlorarachnion converted into a radiating set of axopodia by the lost the anterior cilium with its microtubular fan, grotesque elongation of their centrioles so as to place retaining only the posterior one, with its simple micro- the microtubule-nucleating centrosome surrounding tubular band. its basal region much more deeply within the cell. This explains why the dimorphids have by far the longest In contrast to the largely sessile spongomonadids, centrioles of any pauciciliate eukaryote; the only which are fundamentally isokont with two parallel longer ones are those of certain hypermastigote para- cilia, the subphylum Monadofilosa includes the sar- basalia. Each Dimorpha cilium also has a single comonads, which are fundamentally anisokont, the microtubule band as its root. I conjecture that a single akont Filosea, derived from them by the loss of cilia, such band per cilium and centriolar cone around the and the Ramicristea, which are modified anisokonts. nucleus is the ancestral state for Monodofilosa, Cer- The markedly anisokont sarcomonads have more cozoa and the bikonts as a whole. If their unikont complex roots than spongomonads, giving them a ancestor had a cone plus one band, as in pelobionts, cellular asymmetry specialized for phagotrophy while simply doubling the cilium and its root would yield this swimming or gliding on surfaces. Heteromita and very pattern. Cercomonas have a microtubular cone subtending the Thus, the microtubular patterns of the Monadofilosa nucleus, like Phalansterium and other amoebozoa, and and Reticulofilosa can be understood as divergent also a dorsal cortical microtubular cape and microtu- specialization of the ancestral gymnomyxan pattern bular band associated with the anterior centriole. In caused by the origin of the biciliate condition and its some species, the posterior centriole has two microtu- specialization for three modes of feeding (sessile bular bands. There are therefore distinct similarities to isokonty, mobile anisokonty and temporarily sessile the biciliate Mycetozoa. Karpov (1997, 2000) and axopodial) plus the secondary loss of the anterior Moestrup (2000) interpret them as homologies. I cilium and of phagotrophy on chlorarachnean algal cannot concur, for they ignore the extensive phylo- zoospores following the symbiogenetic acquisition of a genetic evidence that sarcomonads and biciliate Myce- green-algal plastid (see below). As this centriolar root tozoa are not directly related; each has sister groups diversity can be understood as divergent adaptations that do not share these structures and is nested of an ancestral body plan, it casts no doubt on the relatively shallowly within two very different phyla: relationship between Monadofilosa and Reticulofilosa Cercozoa and Amoebozoa. I therefore consider these supported consistently by rRNA (Cavalier-Smith, similarities to be partly plesiomorphic and partly 2000a), tubulin and actin trees (Keeling, 2001) and by convergent. If the eukaryote tree of Fig. 4 is essentially unique rRNA signatures. correct, and the root lies between opisthokonts and anterokonts, then the Cercozoa and Amoebozoa had a The origin of the simple cruciate root pattern of common ancestor that was not shared with the Plasmodiophora (class ) is less obvious. In opisthokonts. As discussed above, the ancestral state photokaryotes and dinoflagellates, the only other taxa for the Amoebozoa was probably a microtubular cone with cruciate roots, the anterior and posterior roots subtending the nucleus plus a transverse microtubular are visibly different. Only in plasmodiophorids, the band. If both were present in the common ancestor of most phylogenetically divergent lineage within Cer- http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 337 T. Cavalier-Smith cozoa, are they identical (Moestrup, 2000). This dependent on that of the former cyanobacterial endo- difference is consistent with their having evolved symbiont instead (Cavalier-Smith, 1993c). entirely independently of the cruciate roots of photo- karyotes. Their simplicity may be related to the fact Secondary symbiogenesis and the origin of that they are the skeleton of a zoospore for a parasite chromalveolates whose ancestors abandoned phagotrophy. Under- standing their origin is hampered by the absence of Plastids of chromists (Cavalier-Smith, 1986) and alveo- molecular or detailed ciliary root structure for phago- lates (Cavalier-Smith, 1991f) originated by the sym- trophic phytomyxans. Since the plasmodial non-ciliate biogenetic uptake of a eukaryote alga by a biciliate haplosporidian and paramyxid parasites of inverte- anterokont host, probably a heterotroph (Cavalier- brates share a deletion of a G in a highly conserved Smith, 1982d, 1986). I have argued that chromists and region of 18S rRNA uniquely with the Phytomyxea (T. alveolates are sister groups, that the clade comprising Cavalier-Smith and E. E. Chao, unpublished results), them (chromalveolates) originated in a single sec- predominantly plasmodial parasites of plants and ondary symbiogenetic event by the uptake of a protists, and virtually all other cercozoans, it is highly unicellular red alga and that the resulting eukaryote probable that they are secondarily non-ciliate cerco- chimaera evolved chlorophyll c# prior to diverging into zoans that have lost ciliary roots entirely. I therefore chromists and alveolates (Cavalier-Smith, 1999, 2000a, group Phytomyxea and Ascetosporea together as a b); thus, all chromophytes (algae with one or more of new cercozoan subphylum, Endomyxa. The claim that chlorophyll c", c# and c$) are descended vertically from paramyxids and haplosporidia are unrelated (Berthe et a common photosynthetic ancestor. Overconfident al., 2000) has been firmly refuted by a more thorough assertions of chromist polyphyly based on chloroplast phylogenetic analysis of 18S rRNA (T. Cavalier-Smith 16S rRNA trees (Oliveira & Bhattacharya, 2000) are and E. E. Chao, unpublished results). entirely unconvincing, as this molecule suffers from weak resolution and systematic biases (Zhang et al., 2000); in fact, the maximum-likelihood chloroplast Evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes 16S rRNA tree of Tengs et al. (2000) does show chromists as monophyletic! The recent discovery by Symbiogenesis and the single origin of chloroplasts Fast et al. (2001) that a duplicate of the gene for the and the Plantae cytosolic version of glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehy- Evidence for a single symbiogenetic origin only of drogenase has been retargeted to the plastid and chloroplasts (Cavalier-Smith, 1982d) is now compel- replaced the red-algal gene in dinoflagellates, sporo- ling, as detailed elsewhere (Cavalier-Smith, 2000b). zoa, and heterokonts virtually proves Monophyly of the kingdom Plantae Cavalier- that chromalveolates are monophyletic. If chromal- Smith 1981b, comprising Viridaeplantae (land plants veolates are sisters of Plantae, as indicated in Fig. 4, and ), Rhodophyta and Glaucophyta, is then photokaryotes also are monophyletic. almost equally solidly established (Moreira et al., If this is true, and and cortical 2000), but denser taxon sampling is needed for alveoli are homologous, then the ancestral photokar- concatenated protein trees before we can be sure that yote also had cortical alveoli. The use of the term the Plantae are holophyletic (as I think) rather than photokaryotes (Cavalier-Smith, 1999) for chromalveo- paraphyletic. It is probable that Viridaeplantae and lates and plants together was not meant to imply that Rhodophyta are sisters and Glaucophyta is the out- their common ancestor was photosynthetic. Although group (Cavalier-Smith, 2000b; Moreira et al., 2000). Ha$ uber et al. (1994) proposed that the host for the red- The host was undoubtedly an aerobic, phagotrophic, algal symbiosis was a photosynthetic alga like Cyano- biciliate anterokont. If glaucophyte cortical alveoli are phora (kingdom Plantae), I have always thought it homologues of those of alveolates and the ciliary root more likely that the chromalveolate’s host was a multilayered structures (MLS) of plants and dinoflagel- heterotroph, both because the selective advantage of lates are also homologues, then the host for the its enslaving a red alga would have been far greater and symbiosis must also have had cortical alveoli and because phagotrophy is almost entirely absent in the an MLS, as postulated originally (Cavalier-Smith, plant kingdom. However, this is not yet firmly es- 1982d), since alveolates are clearly an outgroup to tablished and might possibly be incorrect, in which Plantae. Incidentally, if this is true, cortical alveoli are case photokaryotes would be ancestrally photosyn- not a synapomorphy for alveolates, as is often incor- thetic. rectly asserted. If cortical alveoli of heterokonts are homologous and the Heterochrony, cell symmetry and origins of cruciate haptonemal reticulum is also related, cortical alveoli roots might have originated in the ancestral photokaryote (Fig. 4) and were lost in cryptophytes and the common If alveolates ancestrally had three ciliary roots, as ancestors of and green plants. It appears that argued above, and are also sisters of chromists, as is plastids have never been lost in Plantae, even when now solidly established (Fast et al., 2001), then it photosynthesis is lost, presumably because their an- follows that cruciate roots originated independently in cestor lost the host’s fatty acid synthetase and became plants and chromists. The ancestor of both groups

338 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification would have had the three-root condition, as in excava- kont cilia (Cavalier-Smith, 1994). Predatory prym- tes: a single fan-like root on the younger centriole and nesiophyte retain this condition and two roots on the older one. This condition could cruciate roots, but the purely photosynthetic Pavlovo- evolve into the cruciate pattern merely by advancing phyceae became secondarily anisokont, moving the the development of the two roots so that they formed kinetid to the cell apex and therefore losing the ciliary directly in association with the younger root instead of roots associated with the anterior cilium. replacing a single anterior fan-shaped root. Thus, it Novel trophic methods were important not only for can be seen as an example of heterochrony: changing the fundamental variants of the chromist body plan, the timing of developmental events rather than evolv- but also in further variation. Within heterokonts, ing a radically new structure. The selective advantage Dictyochea evolved axopodial feeding by removing of this change would be the economy resulting from microtubular roots altogether from the centrosome the simplification of development, reducing the need to and nucleating microtubule triads instead on the disassemble the anterior root and replace it by a nuclear envelope. Independently, the diatoms lost all different pattern. In the ancestral phagotrophic louko- microtubular roots as a consequence of the evolution zoan that first evolved ciliary and ciliary root trans- of silica and total abandonment of phago- formation, the replacement was essential for giving an trophy. Within the ancestrally phagotrophic and asymmetric cell structure with feeding groove and anisokont motile Chrysophyceae, synurids lost phago- heterodynamic cilia to direct food into it. After the trophy and became pure , rearranging symbiogenetic origin of chloroplasts, when early plants their cilia to become often sessile or colonial algae with gave up phagotrophy, this advantage was removed, parallel centrioles, necessarily greatly modifying their but its developmental cost remained. By neotenically roots in the process. In the Opalinata, the movement of advancing the maturity of the younger cilium, they the ciliary hairs onto the body of Proteromonas and evolved a more symmetrical cruciate arrangement of their loss in Karotomorpha were adaptively associated roots. Given the probable ease of such heterochronic with the switch from phagotrophy to as evolution of cruciate roots and a selective advantage gut symbionts (Cavalier-Smith, 1998a). The associated for it when photosynthesis replaced or augmented movement of the kinetid to the cell apex and the phagotrophy, it is not surprising that the roots are reorientation of the centrioles to direct both cilia predominantly cruciate in both plants and chromists posteriorly entailed a fundamental change in cell and reasonable to argue that this condition arose symmetry, probably necessitating the loss of the two convergently in the two photokaryote kingdoms. In anterior roots of the ancestral cruciate pattern. both cases, their roots probably became cruciate when their excavate-like ancestors discontinued feeding via a The simpler cruciate roots of dinoflagellates almost posterior groove and moved their subapical centrioles certainly evolved independently, but probably also closer to the cell equator, making their anisokont cilia through the movement of the kinetid to a more laterally inserted, as in the glaucophyte Cyanophora, equatorial position, in association with the evolution the prasinophyte Nephroselmis, the cryptomonad of the dinokont ciliary pattern with transverse and Hemiselmis and the Pseudobodo. longitudinal grooves – in contrast to the apical insertion of apicomonads and Sporozoa, a more It is likely that the plant cruciate condition evolved markedly derived condition within Miozoa compared once only in the ancestral plant; the plant MLS roots with the putatively ancestral lateral arrangement in are probably derived from similar structures that first Colponema. The difference between the ancestral ex- evolved in the bands supporting the lips of the excavate cavate pattern, with a single anterior centriolar fan, groove, as in retortamonads. Chromists were ances- and the multiply derived cruciate patterns is primarily trally photophagotrophs with two dissimilar cilia, but the result of the shift from a highly asymmetrical cell may have depended more on photosynthesis than with subapical kinetid, necessitated by the posterior phagotrophy. Many have retained phagotrophy, but feeding groove, to a more symmetrical cell with a lateral the three groups do it in ways different from each other kinetid, for which the cruciate pattern provides a more and from the putatively ancestral posterior excavate suitable skeletal support. It is this change in cell groove. Cryptists evolved an anterior gullet and symmetry, rather than the various trophic innovations ejectisomes and seem to have dispensed with the that caused it, that is the primary reason for the origins posterior right root, r2. Ancestral heterokonts necess- of cruciate roots. Symmetrical cruciate roots, once arily retained this r2 root, as they modified it into an evolved, remain compatible with secondary isokonty active entrapment device to catch prey propelled to the and symmetrical apical insertion of forward-directed base of the anterior cilium by the reversed flow caused cilia, as in chlorophyte and ulvophyte green algae and by its rigid tripartite hairs. Haptophytes evolved a many prymnesiophytes. haptonema for catching prey and so became very Centriolar roots are not just arbitrarily differing three- different from their probably sister heterokonts, losing dimensional structures, to be described and labelled the tubular hairs that characterize most other chro- (Moestrup, 2000). Protist roots are subject to oc- mistan cilia (Cavalier-Smith, 1994). Hair loss was casional radical evolutionary transformations that essential for the evolution of functionally correlated yield a functionally significant diversity of microtu- forward-pointing haptonema and homodynamic iso- bular patterns that we can understand, if we appreciate http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 339 T. Cavalier-Smith their fundamentally adaptive changes in relation to pseudopods (like some purely phagotrophic cerco- adaptive trophic shifts (Sleigh, 2000) and changes in zoans). cell symmetry. Functional insights also enable us better to assess their respective weights in phylogenetic Though the euglenozoan symbiogenesis could have reconstruction and to establish a convincing overall taken place within the euglenoids, as traditionally picture of eukaryote cell diversification, especially if assumed, it might have occurred earlier, as we know we root the tree correctly. that plastid loss has occurred in euglenoids (Linton et al., 1999); as additional losses might have occurred within Euglenozoa or even in stem Percolozoa, the possibility that euglenozoans or discicristates as a Multiple plastid losses and replacements whole were ancestrally photosynthetic (Cavalier- Smith, 1999) cannot be excluded. Indeed, the simplest The chromalveolate theory assumes multiple plastid interpretation of a 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogen- losses within the group, in marked contrast to Plantae. ase gene of cyanobacterial affinity in the percolozoan We have solid molecular-phylogenetic evidence for (Andersson & Roger, 2002) is that it is a relic three already in chromists (Cavalier-Smith et al., 1995, of an early implantation of the green-algal plastid 1996b) but, if I am right, at least three more must have prior to the divergence of Euglenozoa and Percolozoa. occurred in the kingdom and many more in alveolates. Even the much more divergent homologue found in I estimate that at least 18 independent plastid losses trypanosomes (Andersson & Roger, 2002) might also must have occurred in chromalveolates. We have be. The presence of apparently laterally transferred demonstrated at least eight independent losses of cyanobacterial-like glucokinase genes in diplomonads peridinin-containing chloroplasts in dinoflagellates and parabasalia (Wu et al., 2001), which may also be (Saldarriaga et al., 2001). Three involve replacements (more distantly) related to euglenoids (Figs 3 and 4; by foreign plastids: from a green alga in Lepidodinium, unless the relationship shown by some trees is a long- a haptophyte in the Gymnodinium breve group branch artefact), raises the possibility that green-algal (Delwiche, 1999; Tengs et al., 2000) and a in chloroplasts might have been implanted in a common Peridinium balticum and Peridinium foliaceum. The ancestor of Euglenozoa and Archezoa and that arche- first two cases are genuine examples of tertiary symbio- zoan ancestors lost plastids as well as peroxisomes and genesis, in which the host must have evolved novel mitochondria (or converted them into hydrogeno- protein-targeting mechanisms into the new chloro- somes) when becoming anaerobic. The absence of a plast, as in primary and secondary symbiogenesis. homologous glucokinase from chloroplasts and all However, the diatoms might instead be simply obligate other eukaryotes does not favour this interpretation, symbionts. Whether the chloroplasts of cryptomonad however, unless it was lost subsequent to the euglenoid affinity in Dinophysis, which branches on rRNA trees symbiogenesis. More likely, this was a case of lateral among the Peridinea (Saunders et al., 1997), are transfer from bacterial food of an aerobic common genuine tertiary plastid replacements or temporarily ancestor of Parabasalia and Metamonada. If a hom- stolen plastids (kleptochloroplasts) is unclear. ologous gene cannot be found in any other excavate (or any other eukaryote), this lateral transfer event will be compelling cladistic evidence for the holophyly of Green secondary symbiogeneses Archezoa (sensu Cavalier-Smith 1998a and subse- quently). A green-plant-like vacuolar H+-pyrophos- Though I tentatively suggested that the chloroplasts of phatase present also in kinetoplastids and alveolates green-algal origin in chlorarachnean and euglenoid has been cited as possibly derived from secondary algae may have had a common secondary symbio- symbiogenesis (Drozdowicz & Rea, 2001). However, genetic origin (Cavalier-Smith, 1999), the re-evalu- although this enzyme appears to be absent from ation of eukaryote cytoskeletal evolution outlined animals and fungi, homologues are present in both above now leads me firmly to reject this ‘cabozoan’ posibacteria and archaebacteria, so might have entered hypothesis. If the Euglenozoa are nested well within eukaryotes vertically and been lost by opisthokonts. the excavates, as Figs 3 and 4 imply, but Cercozoa are Both type-I and -II enzymes are present in eobacteria, outgroups not merely to excavates but to cortico- so might even date back to the first cell – pyro- flagellates as a whole (Fig. 4), then these two phyla phosphate metabolism probably preceded that based cannot form a clade on their own or including on ATP (Cavalier-Smith, 2001). The possibility that Percolozoa (which seem to be related to Euglenozoa; kinetoplastids got it from the green-algal symbiont Baldauf et al., 2000), as the cabozoan thesis (Cavalier- now persisting in euglenoids cannot currently be Smith, 1999) postulated. Therefore, I now accept the excluded, but the fact that it has not yet been found in traditional view that these were two separate secondary cyanobacteria, despite being found sporadically in all symbiogeneses. There were therefore probably no but one other , casts doubt on the idea chloroplast losses within the Cercozoa; the green-algal in its simplest form. The sporadic distribution of this plastid (Ishida et al., 1999) was probably acquired by a enzyme may owe more to frequent differential losses secondarily uniciliate cercozoan flagellate with a sim- than to lateral transfers as assumed by Drozdowicz & plified cytoskeleton and a propensity to form filose Rea (2001).

340 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification

Eukaryote phylogeny: the big picture celida (both of which might be either corticate proto- Are there any early-diverging eukaryotes? zoa or degenerate chromists) and whether rhizaria are paraphyletic or holophyletic, is whether the amoe- To summarize the foregoing discussion, we now have a bozoa are sisters of bikonts, as I think, or sisters to remarkably simple picture of the eukaryote tree (Fig. opisthokonts or to opisthokonts plus bikonts. If 3). It is basically bipartite: on one side is a purely amoebozoa prove to be holophyletic, then either heterotrophic and probably ancestrally uniciliate amoebozoa as a whole are the earliest-diverging clade, the opisthokonts (i.e. Choanozoa, Animalia, eukaryotes or else there are none. Only if amoebozoa Fungi). On the other, we have a large, nutritionally prove to be paraphyletic and basal to all eukaryotes heterogeneous clade, the anterokonts, comprising would there be any extant eukaryotes (certain amoe- Amoebozoa (probably ancestrally unikont), and the bozoa) that diverged prior to the fundamental bi- bikonts (probably ancestrally biciliate). Bikonts com- furcation between the two major derived clades: prise two major protozoan groups (Rhizaria and opisthokonts and bikonts. Corticata) and the ancestrally photosynthetic antero- To reduce these residual uncertainties, we are currently kont kingdoms Plantae and Chromista. Thus, the focusing our attention on the Apusozoa, Amoebozoa basal bifurcation led to animals and fungi on the one and Heliozoa in order to pinpoint the position of the hand and plants, chromalveolates, excavates and the root and of Amoebozoa more precisely and establish Rhizaria on the other. Not only does this give a simple more confidently that there are no extant early- interpretation of ciliary and cytoskeletal evolution, but diverging eukaryotes. it is consistent with a more qualified version of the long-standing idea of an early split between eukaryotes A general implication of the present view is that, in with flat mitochondrial cristae and those with tubular order to reconstruct the nature of the cenancestral mitochondrial cristae, immediately following the ori- eukaryote, we should look for all those features that gin of mitochondria (Taylor, 1978; Cavalier-Smith, are shared between animals and\or fungi on the one 1982d). Opisthokonts ancestrally had flat cristae and hand and plants\chromalveolates\excavates\amoe- anterokonts had tubular cristae. However, cristal bozoa on the other. Simply comparing animals and morphology has not been invariant in either group: fungi like yeasts alone can be misleading, as both are opisthokonts have secondarily evolved tubular cristae opisthokonts, representing only one side of the eukar- twice within animals, vesicular cristae in the Ichthyo- yotic tree. Higher fungi are radically derived by having phonida within the Ichthyosporea and discoid cristae lost cilia and simplifying the cytoskeleton (like flower- in the Cristidiscoidea. Similarly, the ancestrally tubular ing plants) and by secondarily unstacking their Golgi cristae of anterokonts became secondarily flattened complex. Yeasts are also simplified in other less within the Apusozoa (in Ancyromonas), Cercozoa (e.g. obvious ways, e.g. in cell-cycle controls: the bikont in biomyxids) and in early , Discicristata and green alga Chlamydomonas, like animals but unlike partially to make the irregularly flattened cristae of the yeasts, has a retinoblastoma protein involved in cell- Plantae. size-related cycle control (Umen & Goodenough, 2001) that has presumably been lost by ascomycete How confident can we be in this new interpretation? yeasts; this gene must have been in the cenancestral Although it is not yet certain that the root lies between eukaryote cell. Yeasts are not ‘lower eukaryotes’, but opisthokonts and anterokonts or instead on the bikont highly advanced, specialized ones. If my rooting is side of (or within) the Amoebozoa, it cannot lie within correct, the amoebozoan Dictyostelium is on the plant the opisthokonts [because all have a unique derived side of the tree, making a comparison between it and insertion in protein synthesis elongation factor EF 1-α plants useful in reconstructing the cenancestral antero- (Baldauf, 1999) as well as uniquely derived rRNA kont; but, because it also has lost cilia, it will tell us signature sequences] or within the corticoflagellates (as much less about the nature of the ancestral cytoskele- they have a derived fusion of and ton than would a flagellate like Phalansterium or genes; Philippe et al., 2000) Mastigamoeba. If the eukaryotic root is between and it is almost certainly not within the Cercozoa (all opisthokonts and anterokonts, we can say confidently of which have a derived rRNA signature sequence). that the cenancestral eukaryote was an aerobic, unici- What is now evident is that the common description of liate, sexual protozoan with all the cell organelles now the Archezoa and Euglenozoa as ‘early-diverging found in Phalansterium and that all anaerobic or non- eukaryotes’ (e.g. Bouzat et al., 2000; Watanabe & ciliate eukaryotes are secondarily derived by losses or Gray, 2000) is definitely wrong. The root cannot be drastic modification of basic organelles. among the Corticata and must lie within the Gymno- myxa, very probably within the Sarcomastigota. It is Late polyphyletic origins of hydrogenosomes highly improbable that the root can be among the bikonts, because of the complexity of their ciliary\ Against this backcloth, let us look at the origin of cytoskeletal differentiation. Thus, the major outstand- hydrogenosomes. The polyphyly of anaerobic eukar- ing question about the eukaryote tree, apart from the yotes is now well established (Roger, 1999), as is the precise position(s) of the Heliozoa, the position of polyphyletic origin of hydrogenosomes (Mu$ ller & minor taxa such as the Kathablepharida and Disco- Martin, 1999). Despite their polyphyly, it seems that http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 341 T. Cavalier-Smith all evolved from mitochondria and not merely most anaerobes have totally lost them. The dilemma of of them, as I originally suggested (Cavalier-Smith, whether to explain the origins of anaerobe-specific 1987e). Clearly, mitochondria have a marked evol- enzymes by vertical descent or lateral transfer is exactly utionary propensity to switch permanently from aero- the same for both. bic to anaerobic ATP generation, using hydrogenase to generate molecular hydrogen, when oxygen is Evolution of eukaryotic life-cycles: starvation, unavailable to accept waste electrons and protons. cysts and sex Hydrogenosomes have evolved in this way in the common ancestor of the Parabasalia, several times in Origin of protozoan cysts ciliates, several times in excavates [in the Percolozoa Every protozoan phylum is able to make resting cysts () and very likely (but biochemical or spores, so it is highly probable that this capacity was confirmation is wanting) in Postgaardi in Euglenozoa present in the ancestral eukaryote. I suggested (Cava- and Trimastix and Carpediemonas in Loukozoa] and lier-Smith, 1987c) that the ability to make a cyst wall in chytridiomycete fungi. and to undergo cytoplasmic differentiation into a All these origins are so much after the primary resting stage with low metabolism was inherited diversification of aerobic eukaryotes that it is unlikely directly from their actinobacterial ancestors, which that all their hydrogenases were inherited vertically typically make exospores (Cavalier-Smith, 1987c). from the proteobacterial ancestor of mitochondria, However, too little is known about cyst-wall chemistry since, although it is present in a few photosynthetic and biosynthetic enzymes and the molecular biology eukaryotes, it is unknown in . The origin of encystment and excystment in protozoa to test this of pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidase is more problematic; hypothesis in detail. Chitin is present in many animals, all eukaryotic enzymes are related and, though of most fungi and some chromists, as well as in the eubacterial origin (Horner et al., 1999), the possibility actinobacterium Streptomyces, and may therefore that it is of protomitochondrial origin is neither have been present in the cysts of the eukaryote excluded nor demonstrated. As it is found in some cenancestor. The enzymes that make it are hom- aerobes, it might have lurked cryptically with a minor ologous in animals and fungi and were obviously function for millions of years and then resurfaced later present in the ancestral opisthokont; others are not during the secondary evolution of anaerobiosis. Whe- certainly identified, though several bacteria including ther lateral transfer of genes from other anaerobes actinobacteria have distantly related glycosyl trans- played a major or a minor role in the multiple origins ferases. Cellulose is found not only in plants and of hydrogenosomes remains unclear. However, we are chromalveolates, but also in some animals (), now confident that, in the biochemically well-studied rarely in fungi and in some amoebozoa such as the fungi and trichomonads, the organelle as a whole did mycetozoan Dictyostelium and the lobosan Acantha- not evolve through separate symbiogenesis, as sug- moeba. If the eukaryote root is between opisthokonts gested some time ago (Whatley et al., 1979). and anterokonts, cellulose might also have been present in the cenancestor. The Dictyostelium cellulose Thus, there are only seven well-demonstrated cases of synthase is related to those of bacteria and plants successful symbiogenesis in the entire history of life: (Blanton et al., 2000), but conservation is poor and mitochondria from α-proteobacteria, chloroplasts evolutionary analysis complicated because not all from cyanobacteria, chromalveolate plastids from red related glycosyl transferases need make the same algae, euglenoid and chlorarachnean plastids separ- product. Unfortunately, we know nothing about cyst- ately from green algae and the tertiary replacements of wall chemistry in key groups such as the Apusozoa, dinoflagellate peridinin-containing plastids by green Choanozoa or Cercozoa, which makes it hard to (Lepidodinium) and haptophyte (e.g. Gymnodinium reconstruct the ancestral state. However, it is highly breve) plastids. Whether mitochondria originated in a probable that the cenancestor was a naked flagellate or phagotrophic host, as traditionally argued, or in an amoeboflagellate in its trophic stage that differentiated autotrophic methanobacterium, as suggested by the into a resting cyst when starvation conditions set in. hydrogen hypothesis (Martin & Mu$ ller, 1998), is This is especially likely if it lived in freshwater or soil, entirely irrelevant to understanding either the con- where most species form resting cysts, but, even in version of mitochondria into hydrogenosomes or the , resistant walled resting stages are equally polyphyletic loss of mitochondria in type-I phylogenetically widespread and may be an ancestral eukaryote anaerobes like the Archamoebae, Meta- condition. monada and Microsporidia. The assertion of Doolittle (1998b), that the hydrogen hypothesis more readily Origin of sex: cell fusion and syngamy explains the energy metabolism of amitochondrial eukaryotes, is totally unjustified. If we accept that all Whether sex was necessary, important (as often as- anaerobic eukaryotes evolved from aerobic mitochon- sumed, e.g. Schopf, 1970) or relatively trivial for the drial ancestors, as I now do (Cavalier-Smith, 1998a, b, origin of eukaryotes is unclear to me. But, without 2000a), then both the phagotrophy theory and the phagotrophy, the cytoskeleton, molecular motors and hydrogen hypothesis accept that hydrogenosomes the endomembrane system, evolution would have evolved from mitochondria and that other eukaryotic achieved nothing of interest to us, as we would not be

342 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification here. However, the present rerooting of the eukaryotic cell fusion, many apparently not part of sexual cycles, tree makes it likely that syngamy and meiosis had are important for understanding the origin of sex, already evolved by the time of the eukaryotic cenances- since they imply that there are several selective advan- tor. If the root of the tree is between the opisthokonts tages for evolving cell fusion in protozoa that need and anterokonts, this is certainly true, since the have nothing to do with recombination. They also cenancestor of animals and plants would be one and indicate that, for a gymnomyxan protozoan with a the same as the cenancestor of all eukaryotes and there soft, naked surface, cell fusion is mechanistically easy would be no earlier-diverging extant eukaryotes. If the to evolve and has probably done so on numerous root is within the Amoebozoa, then there might be an occasions. earlier-diverging eukaryote group, such as Phalans- terium or pelobionts or even one group of naked For an early eukaryote with such a high propensity for lobose amoebae (gymnamoebae). Since sex is un- membrane fusion, it is the temporal control of cell known for Phalansterium or pelobionts or most gym- fusion, rather than its basic mechanism, that is namoebae, the possibility remains that one amoebo- evolutionarily most interesting. It is traditional to view zoan group may be primitively asexual. Even if one organisms as either unicellular or multicellular. But such group is truly early-diverging, and also truly this is an oversimplification. Protozoa can be uninu- asexual (equally uncertain), I consider it more likely cleate or plasmodia or syncytia (the that sex evolved in the cenancestor almost as soon as distinction is rather arbitrary). Thus, there are three the origin of phagotrophy created a flexible cell kinds of eukaryote organisms, unicells, multicells and surface. Both the absence of a cell wall and the presence plasmodia, which are adapted to different broad of an internal cytoskeleton would have facilitated the adaptive zones. We do not know whether sex evolved membrane fusion and cell merger that is the basis of in a unicellular or in a plasmodial protozoan. But the syngamy. trophic advantages of plasmodia are such that, even in the prekaryote phase, there would probably have been Developing a proper understanding of the origin of sex niches for strictly uninucleate unicells and for others depends on having a realistic picture of the nature of with more complex life-cycles including syncytial the life-cycles of the first eukaryotes. We should not phases. Syncytia can form either by cell fusion or by think of an early, pre-sexual eukaryote as being like a nuclear division without cytokinesis. We may regard vegetative fission yeast, with nothing to its life but a primitive eukaryote life-cycles as being made up of binary-fission cell cycle, growth, replication and div- four processes: cell growth, nuclear division, cyto- ision, all tightly coupled. Two factors, often neglected, kinesis and cell fusion. Early life-cycles evolved by the may be important to give a more realistic picture: temporal coupling or partial uncoupling of these four syncytia and cysts. processes. An with a syncytial phase must Cell fusion is relatively widespread among protozoa. have a more flexible coupling between these processes, Some protozoan life-cycles involving cell fusion also which it can control facultatively, than a strictly have nuclear fusion and meiosis, whereas others uninucleate unicell. But even the latter may sometimes apparently do not and are referred to as agamic form multinucleate cells by accidental failures of (Seravin & Goodkov, 1999). One example of these is cytokinesis. Unless the cell had a correction mech- the cellular networks formed by the fusion of filopodia anism, such errors would accumulate and syncytia in the cercozoan alga Chlorarachnion, the haptophyte evolve. The complex life-cycle of a syncytial organism Reticulosphaera or the protist Leucodictyon; this un- like a slime mould is the result of two opposing usual morphology evolved independently at least in selective forces: selection for feeding and growth and Reticulosphaera and Chlorarachnion (Cavalier-Smith selection for reproduction. In the myxogastrid slime et al., 1996c). Such cellular nets (reticulo-meroplas- mould adaptive-zone, selection favours giant cells with modia; Grell & Schu$ ller, 1991) are probably adapta- billions of nuclei during the growth phase, when they tions for phagotrophic feeding on surfaces. They might spread over the forest floor, engulfing bacteria by the be a way of sharing sparse prey among kin, analogous million. Reproduction favours the formation of mil- to the widespread searching for and sharing of food by lions of separate uninucleate spores to generate as . Several cercozoan amoeboflagellates, e.g. some many propagules as possible, most of which will die, in species of or Cercomonas, can under- order to colonize new food supplies. But, in the more go cell fusion to form temporary multinucleate cells aquatic Cercomonas habitat, more likely the ancestral that can feed as a microplasmodium and later divide to state, only much smaller, temporary syncytia are form uninucleate ones. Several cercozoans and most favoured. Given that, under certain conditions, syn- retaria have reticulopodia, the formation of which cytia may be advantageous, whether these are pro- requires membrane fusion between different filopodia duced by cell fusion or by delayed cytokinesis, the of the same cell. For such a cell, it should be very easy relative advantages of unicells and syncytia may to evolve the capacity to fuse with another cell of the depend on the relative density of predators and prey. same species. Several amoebozoa can undergo cell High prey densities and low predator densities might fusion to form multinucleate cells (e.g. Leptomyxa favour growth and delayed cytokinesis and high reticulata) or extensive plasmodia, as in slime moulds, predator and lower prey densities might favour pre- which can be metres across. The diverse examples of dator-cell fusion. It is likely that well-regulated, par- http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 343 T. Cavalier-Smith tially syncytial life-cycles and strictly binary-fission fundamentally a renaturation process. I have suggested life-cycles are both evolved characteristics and that the that this occupies a major part of meiotic prophase and original eukaryotic cell cycle was both simpler and is the fundamental determinant of the proportionality sloppier. The yeast and mammalian cell cycles involve between meiotic duration and genome size (Cavalier- numerous checkpoints to ensure that one does not end Smith, 1995b). I suggested previously that the key step up with anucleate or multinucleate daughters. A in the evolution of meiosis was the blocking of syncytial life-cycle must also have checkpoints. centromere separation in meiosis I. I postulated that, because of the nature of cell-cycle controls, this would Whether the cenancestor was unicellular or syncytial, ensure that the second meiotic division proceeds it probably had a walled resting cyst (see above), so without an intervening DNA replication, if centromere karyogamy and meiosis were probably inserted into a splitting is a necessary signal for the switch from the relatively complex life-cycle adapted to a feast-and- mitotic state, where replication is inhibited, to the famine existence, not into a simple binary-fission cell growth state, where it is allowed (Cavalier-Smith, cycle always supplied with food. 1981a). The molecular basis of this is still only partially A failure in mitosis or an accidental nuclear fusion elucidated. Sister chromatids are held together by would make polyploid nuclei. Since the fundamental cohesin proteins, which cross-link them by binding to and universal function of meiosis is ploidy reduction, I mcm proteins. In mitosis, chromosome splitting and have suggested that it may have evolved primarily to centromere splitting are both caused by digestion of repair such mistakes (Cavalier-Smith, 1995b). Math- the cohesins by a protease. The switch from the mitotic ematical modelling shows that ploidy reduction could state to the growth state (G1 phase) of the cell cycle, have been an effective selective force (Kondrashov, where replication is allowed, is also mediated by 1994). Its advantage would be stronger the more proteolytic digestion – of the cyclin B attached to the often polyploidy occurred. However, a key question is cyclin-dependent kinase, which is the switch (Iwabuchi whether it evolved before or after the evolution of the et al., 2000). However, a direct causal connection nuclear envelope. If it evolved beforehand, there would between centromere splitting and cyclin digestion has be no distinction between multinuclearity and poly- not yet been demonstrated. If there is such a con- ploidy. Thus, one could envisage an intermediate stage nection, then the essentials of meiosis could have with meiosis and cell fusion but no nuclear fusion. originated by a single key change, as I proposed Nuclear fusion need not have evolved till later. (Cavalier-Smith, 1981a), simply by the blockage of centromeric cohesin digestion in meiosis I.

Origin of meiosis It is known that all eukaryotes have homologous If the root of the tree is between opisthokonts and cohesins, which must have arisen in their cenancestor anterokonts, the ancestral meiosis was almost certainly during the origin of mitosis. Opisthokonts at least have a two-step meiosis. The idea that a single-step meiosis distinct meiotic cohesins. These necessarily assemble was the ancestral state (Cleveland, 1947) is almost during premeiotic S phase (Smith et al., 2001), which certainly incorrect. Although the Miozoa were once makes meiosis necessarily two-step (Watanabe et al., thought to have single-step meiosis, they actually have 2001). It would have been easier for meiosis-specific a normal two-step one. Whether microsporidia or the cohesins to be inserted by the normal mechanisms used amitochondrial flagellates studied by Cleveland (1956) for mitosis onto sister centromeres than for a novel have a single-step meiosis or a normal two-step one cell-cycle control to evolve that allowed a reductional remains unclear (Cavalier-Smith, 1995b). It is, how- division without a preceding S phase. In meiosis I, ever, irrelevant to the origin of meiosis, as micro- these cohesins are digested in the chromosome arms, sporidia are highly derived fungi and the amito- but not at the centromeres, which therefore remain chondrial flagellates are all excavates, which we now unsplit (Buonomo et al., 2000). Likewise, cyclin B know are derived, not early-diverging, eukaryotes. remains partially undigested in the period between Whether a single-step meiosis exists in any organism is meiosis I and II (Iwabuchi et al., 2000). Thus, this seriously open to question. If we view meiosis as a intervening period is not a true interphase and would modification of a mitotic cell cycle, the nature of these not be competent to initiate replication; as I assumed cell-cycle controls would make it much easier to evolve (Cavalier-Smith, 1981a), the cell essentially remains in a two-step meiosis than a single-step one (Cavalier- M phase until anaphase II, when the centromeres split, Smith, 1981a). cyclin B is digested and the cell reverts to G1. Thus, present understanding fits the view that evolution of a To evolve ploidy reduction by meiosis requires four block to centromere splitting would be a necessary and things: (i) a homology-search mechanism to enable sufficient mechanism for the ancestral mechanism of chromosome pairing; (ii) a delay in the splitting of meiosis (Cavalier-Smith, 1981a) and explains why it is sister centromeres until the second meiotic division; two-step. In baker’s yeast, centromere reorientation to (iii) blocking DNA replication between meiosis I and ensure that sister centromeres become attached to II; and (iv) reorienting sister centromeres to face the spindle fibres attached to the same pole is mediated by same pole. Homology search is probably mediated a protein known as monopolin (Toth et al., 2000): as primarily by base-pairing between homologues and is this lacks clear homologues in other organisms, it is

344 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification unclear whether it is a general mechanism or one of occurred during the other processes of eukaryo-genesis many special simplified characteristics of baker’s yeast. discussed above, since mutations in hundreds, perhaps thousands of genes might simultaneously have been In most eukaryotes, chiasmata and\or a synaptonemal subject to directional selection. Thus, sex could have complex are also essential for ensuring accurate mei- begun during the largest transformation in cell organ- otic chromosome disjunction during ploidy reduction. ization in the history of life and been swept to fixation The odd cases where one or both of these is dispensed by the success of the phagotrophs that its recombi- with seem to be phylogenetically derived, so both national side-effect helped establish, by combining would have been present in the cenancestral meiosis. valuable novelties in a single cell and enabling the Chiasmata are initiated by double-strand breaks and culling of hopeless monsters more efficiently and at require exonucleases to generate single-stranded lower cost. Perhaps it did play a key and positive role. DNA, a RecA protein homologue to allow this to Its wide persistence in protists may have as much to invade a homologous duplex to form hybrid DNA and do with epigenetic constraints caused by its causal a Holliday junction resolvase and repair enzymes to linking to cyst formation and excystment as with complete the crossing over. The double-strand breaks its recombinational advantages, which are not so are made by Spo11, part of a heterodimeric enzyme overwhelming as to prevent frequent losses. homologous with topoisomerase VI of archaebacteria, which probably evolved from DNA gyrase in the neomuran ancestor (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). The RecA homologue is Rad51, which also evolved from a Palaeontology and megaevolution eubacterial enzyme in the neomuran ancestor, as did Fossils, bushes and the two biological big bangs the characteristic neomuran Holliday junction reso- lvase (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Thus, the basic mol- Earlier (Cavalier-Smith, 1987a, 1991a), I argued that ecular machinery for crossing over was already present the unresolved bush at the base of the eubacterial tree in the neomuran ancestor, where it is likely to have represents the primary diversification of eubacteria been used for recombinational repair by sister-chro- into the different niches in the first microbial mats, matid exchange as in bacteria (Cavalier-Smith, 2002b). immediately after the origin of the first photosynthetic Although many of these genes are now meiosis-specific cell, about 3n5 Gy ago. I still think that this is essentially and must have special meiosis promoters, this need not true, though I have argued that Eobacteria (Chloro- have been so initially; they could have been consti- bacteria and Hadobacteria) probably diverged just tutive. The precise role for the synaptonemal complex prior to the major radiation (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). is unclear. Since ploidy reduction can occur in its Eukaryotic protein trees also show the major lineages absence, it is probably there to increase the efficiency as emerging from a poorly resolved bush. Thus, instead and reliability of meiosis and so could have been added of three domains of life, we actually have just two after it began; it was clearly present in the eukaryote bushes: an ancient bacterial bush and a modern cenancestor. Its proteins evolve too rapidly to be very neomuran bush, each representing the primary adapt- useful for phylogeny, but two of them have coiled-coil ive radiation of the two fundamental types of living motifs similar to myosin tails, suggesting that the organism: bacteria and eukaryotes. All talk of ‘early- complex might have originated by recruiting cytoskele- diverging bacteria’ or ‘early-diverging eukaryotes’ is tal and\or motor proteins. probably misleading. ‘Bush’ is a better metaphor than ‘tree’. Trees with long, unbranched stems are usually It is likely that the recombination caused by sex is an signs of quantum evolution, not accurate pictures incidental consequence of crossing over that evolved of the past (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). The bush-like primarily to ensure disjunction during ploidy reduc- character of eukaryotic radiation is corroborated well tion, rather than the major selective advantage for the palaeontologically by the Cambrian explosion. For the origin of sex. Although recombination does have some bacterial explosion, we have to rely on the molecular advantages, they are probably small compared with trees, making allowances for obvious systematic the advantages of ploidy reduction, whether through biases. Archaebacteria and all the other bacterial phyla correcting the errors in division or accidental fusion. show early radiations too. The high frequency of loss of sex in protists is consistent with the theoretical conclusion that recombination has An early Archaean eubacterial big bang, nearly three a clear advantage over clonal reproduction only under billenia of stasis and a late Proterozoic neomuran big special conditions (Lenormand & Otto, 2000). It can bang should only be counter-intuitive to 18th-century speed up evolution by combining rare mutations uniformitarians. Those who have thought most deeply together. I suggest that meiosis originated as a cell- about evolution, among whom Simpson (1953) really cycle repair mechanism to correct accidental poly- stands out, argue that this is exactly what one should ploidy when the eukaryotic cell cycle was first evolving. expect. As soon as a major new body plan with a It became temporally coupled to the induction of distinctive ecological role evolves, it radiates rapidly in Spo11 to make double-strand breaks and allow re- the absence of competition from any previous or- combinational repair prior to the germination of ganisms in the same broad adaptive zone. In so doing, resting cysts. The incidental recombinational effect its descendants create new niches for themselves and of this could itself also have been beneficial if this other organisms. As Simpson (1944) showed, this http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 345 T. Cavalier-Smith rapid early radiation is not only theoretically pre- isotope ratios, suggesting that photosynthesis and\or dictable but is empirically the general rule for every the rates of burial of its products were fluctuating group of organisms with a good fossil record. The only hugely over several hundred million years (Brasier, significant exception is that the major radiation of 2000). Might there be some connection between these mammals was delayed, long after their origin, until unprecedented geological upheavals and the biologi- dinosaurs became extinct; however, if dinosaurs really cally unprecedented origin of eukaryotes? Recent were warm-blooded, this actually proves the rule, for interpretations suggest that two of the ice ages mammals did not occupy a unique adaptive zone (Sturtian, " 760–700 My ago; Varangerian, " 620– (warm-blooded, terrestrial vertebrates) until the late 580 My ago) were so dramatic in extent that most, if Cretaceous extinction eliminated the dinosaurs. This not all, of the Earth, including the oceans, was buried emphasizes that it is not so much novelty in body plan several miles deep in ice (Runnegar, 2000). Proponents as in adaptive zone that triggers massive radiation. In of this snowball-Earth theory (Hoffman et al., 1998) the case of eukaryotes, the novelty was phagotrophy. wonder how eukaryotic algae could have survived this After billenia without it, this triggered the late Protero- giant freeze-up for millions of years. But, if my estimate zoic\Cambrian explosion of protists (Cavalier-Smith, is correct, there is no problem, as plastids evolved just 2002a). However, the new body plan was important. after the Varangerian snowball Earth melted. If this is The key innovations were the cytoskeleton and its true, only bacterial photosynthesizers need have sur- molecular motors and the endomembrane system; vived the near global glaciations and eukaryotic algae without these, neither complex protozoa nor animals, could have originated and radiated immediately after plants, fungi or chromists were possible. Elsewhere, I the climate rewarmed, with animals following hard on outlined the evidence that this occurred around 800– their heels in the Vendian and Cambrian. I consider 850 My ago (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a), essentially the that Vendian fossils may all be radiate animals and same time as estimated originally (800 My ago) for the that the Cambrian explosion of fossils itself accurately mitochondrial symbiogenesis (Cavalier-Smith, 1983a). represents the ultra-rapid diversification into 17 dis- My present interpretation differs in two key respects: tinct phyla (Cavalier-Smith, 1998a) of the first bila- (i) the mitochondrial origin was essentially simul- terian that evolved from an anthozoan about 545 My taneous with the origin of the pre-eukaryote host and ago. The explosive, very-late Proterozoic algal and (ii) the chloroplast symbiogenesis was distinctly later protozoan radiations, for which proteins provide than that for mitochondria, as long assumed by the evidence, were predicted on general evolutionary serial symbiogenesis theory (Taylor, 1974), not sim- grounds as the inevitable result of the origin of plastids ultaneous with it (Cavalier-Smith, 1983a, 1987e). (Cavalier-Smith, 1978a, 1982d) before rRNA trees confused the picture. The origin of chloroplasts as the trigger for the Cambrian explosions? Whether the Earth was entirely ice-bound in the two great Cryogenian glaciations except for a few patches Animals could not have evolved prior to the evolution around high volcanoes, or instead had an equatorial of eukaryotes. As they appear to have evolved scarcely oceanic band of surface water (Hyde et al., 2000), is a any later than the major protozoan and algal lineages, minor quibble in the face of the evidence for the virtual the animal Cambrian explosion is best seen as a simple elimination of primary production for millions of extension of the basic protist big bang, not a separate years. The Sturtian ice age probably greatly reduced phenomenon requiring its own explanation. Contrary bacterial and protozoan biodiversity; when it ended to what many have recently gratuitously assumed, (700 My ago), the thaw opened new environmental there was no slow-burning fuse involving unfossilized possibilities that facilitated the diversification of eu- animals radically older than those revealed in the karyotes. It was probably just coincidence that the rocks. If one were to seek an external factor beyond the neomuran revolution took place and eukaryotes creation of a zooflagellate ancestor, it would be the originated about 100 My before the first well- origin of chloroplasts and eukaryotic algae (Cavalier- established Cryogenian glaciations (Cavalier-Smith, Smith, 1983a, 1987e). It is hard to believe that the 2002a); the huge delay after the origin of cells simply animal explosion could have been either as extensive reflects the inherent improbability of the steps need to or as rapid if the only photosynthesizers were bacteria, make a eukaryote. However, there are some indica- whether free-living or symbionts in protozoa. From tions that there may have been one or two other major the protein trees (and Fig. 2), it appears that the bases glaciations just before the possible origin of eukaryotes of the plant and animal kingdoms were roughly (Brasier, 2000). This was also the time of the break-up contemporaneous. As the oldest indubitable animal of the great supercontinent Rodinia. By disrupting the fossils are around 570 My old, 580 My ago is a long-term stability of global ecosystems, these major reasonable estimate for the origin of plastids. Geo- changes possibly stimulated the origin of the ancestral logical evidence indicates that, during this Cryogenian thermophilic neomura (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Whe- period in the late Proterozoic, the Earth underwent ther these geological changes had such an influence, or more dramatic upheavals in climate and ecology than the timing was purely coincidental, it is likely that the in any period in the preceding 2000 My. There was a glaciations in the period 750–680 My ago inhibited the succession of ice ages and vast fluctuations in carbon origin of chloroplasts (or extirpated earlier successful

346 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 Origins of eukaryotes and protozoan classification

...... Fig. 5. Revised six-kingdom phylogeny of life showing all 13 subkingdoms. The five major symbiogenetic events in the history of life are shown: primary symbiogeneses with solid coloured lines (origins of mitochondria from an α- proteobacterium and chloroplasts from a cyanobacterium); secondary symbiogenetic enslavement of plant cells to form eukaryote/eukaryote chimaeras shown by dashed lines [the origin of chromalveolates when a biciliate corticate protozoan incorporated a red alga (R) and the independent acquisition of plastids (G) from different green algae by euglenoids and chlorarachneans]. Tertiary chloroplast replacements within dinoflagellates are not shown. The most important non-symbiogenetic events in the tree of life are shown in the black and yellow boxes. For Unibacteria, both phyla are shown. For the basal eukaryotic kingdom, Protozoa, the four infrakingdoms as well as the two subkingdoms are shown. attempts) and also delayed the origin of higher is very easy to resolve the bipartition between opistho- eukaryotes such as animals. If these Cryogenian konts and anterokonts with high bootstrap support on glaciations had not occurred, it is likely that the both rRNA trees (Cavalier-Smith, 2000a; also Fig. 2) Cambrian explosion would have occurred distinctly and protein trees (Baldauf et al., 2000) is consistent earlier, closer to the time of the origin of eukaryotes. with and is simply explained by such a long delay. On this view, there was a delay, possibly caused jointly Likewise, the greater difficulty of resolving the basal by the Cryogenian environmental upheavals and the branching order within the opisthokonts and within absence of true eukaryotic algae, of about 200–270 My the bikonts is consistent with a very rapid radiation of between the origin of eukaryotes 850–800 My ago and both groups immediately after the melting of the the essentially simultaneous radiation of the opistho- Varangerian ice. By using the term ‘big bang’, I do not konts and bikonts about 580 My ago. The fact that it imply that the radiation were instantaneous, unresol- http://ijs.sgmjournals.org 347 T. Cavalier-Smith vable or incomprehensible, but merely that both bacterial ones (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). However, the radiations occurred in a geologically relatively short existence and characterization of archaebacteria has time, constituting only a small fraction (probably been very important for our understanding of eukar- between 1 and 10%) of the total history of the two yote evolution, since it enables us to make the problem groups. The fossil record attests to the reality of this more manageable and comprehensible by breaking it qualitatively dramatic quantum radiation. It was down into two successive phases: the neomuran predicted by Darwin (1859), who wrote that, once a revolution (discussed elsewhere; Cavalier-Smith, new adaptation is perfected, ‘a comparatively short 2002a) and the origin of eukaryotes-proper from an time would be necessary to produce many divergent early neomuran bacterium, as outlined here. But, to forms’. There is no evidence whatever that stands up reconstruct the nature of our bacterial ancestors more to critical examination of either animals or bikonts thoroughly, we also need to focus more intensively on before 570 My ago (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). Neonto- the actinobacteria and their remarkable structural and logists should accept the compelling fossil evidence for chemical diversity. the simultaneous radiation of animals and protists about 570 My ago, which decisively refutes Darwin’s If the neomuran revolution had not occurred and assumption that Precambrian fossiliferous rocks are eukaryotes had never evolved, the world would be very missing from the record, and reject the naı$ ve 18th- different indeed. But, if archaebacteria had never century uniformitarian assumptions of steady rates of evolved, the large-scale structure of the biosphere morphological or molecular change, which are amply would be very similar to what it is now. As others also refuted by the direct fossil evidence for both microbes argue (Mayr, 1998; Gupta, 1998b), we must now and macrobes (Cavalier-Smith, 2002a). conclude that the idea of the early divergence of the three ‘domains’ of life and the view that the distinction Whether all extant amoebozoan lineages also initially between archaebacteria and eubacteria is more im- radiated at the same time as bikonts and opisthokonts portant than that between bacteria and eukaryotes is less clear. I suspect that they may have done and that were serious conceptual mistakes, fostered by mol- all the eukaryotic fossils between 850 and 580 My ago ecular myopia, ignorance of palaeontology and un- may have belonged to stem Choanozoa and Amoe- justified faith in a mythical molecular clock (Ayala, bozoa or now-extinct sarcomastigote lineages, prob- 1999) unaffected by quantum evolution (Cavalier- ably including various ‘pseudophytoplankton’, proto- Smith, 2002a). zoa that harboured photosynthetic symbionts that had not made the transition from symbiont to organelle (Cavalier-Smith, 1990b). It is probable that only two NOTE ADDED IN PROOF lineages from the primary eukaryotic radiation Two notes added in proof are available as sup- roughly 850 My ago still survive, the opisthokonts and plementary material in IJSEM Online (http:\\ijs. the anterokonts. The primary bifurcation between sgmjournals.org\). them may date back to the initial radiation of the first unikont eukaryote. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Envoi: the two Empires of life I thank NERC for a Professorial Fellowship and research In summary, the most far-reaching and difficult steps grant, Ema Chao for technical assistance, P. J. Keeling for in the history of life were the origin of bacteria and the performing the Kishino–Hasegawa tests on * (by origin of eukaryotes (Fig. 5). From the point of view of courtesy of D. W. Swofford) and M. Mu$ ller for information the fossil record, the history of life is fundamentally prior to publication and general encouragement. I thank bipartite (Schopf, 1994), just as living organisms are A. J. Roger for stimulating discussions and many valuable and perceptive comments and suggestions and the Evol- fundamentally of only two kinds, bacteria and eukar- utionary Biology Programme of the Canadian Institute for yotes. Archaebacteria are of great intrinsic interest as a Advanced Research for fellowship support. basically hyperthermophilic bacterial phylum, but they are fundamentally just a special kind of bacterium, the last bacterial phylum to have evolved (Cavalier-Smith, REFERENCES 2002a). The neomuran revolution was a springboard Andersson, J. O. & Roger, A. J. (2002). A cyanobacterial gene in non- for the subsequent evolution of both eukaryotes and photosynthetic protists – an early chloroplast acquisition in euka- archaebacteria. But the changes occurring during the ryotes? Curr Biol 12, 115–119. origin of eukaryotes were far more radical and far Aravind, L. & Koonin, E. V. (2001). Prokaryotic homologs of the more important for the subsequent evolution of the eukaryotic DNA-end-binding protein Ku, novel domains in the Ku biosphere than the origin of archaebacteria. There are protein and prediction of a prokaryotic double-strand break repair very few archaebacteria-specific characters apart from system. Genome Res 11, 1365–1374. their membrane lipids and special flagellar-shaft pro- Archibald, J. M., Logsdon, J. M. & Doolittle, W. F. (1999). Recurrent paralogy in the evolution of archaeal chaperonins. Curr Biol 9, teins; almost all the main differences between archae- 1053–1056. bacteria and eubacteria arose in the common ancestor Archibald, J. M., Logsdon, J. M., Jr & Doolittle, W. F. (2000). Origin of archaebacteria and eukaryotes during the neomuran and evolution of eukaryotic chaperonins: phylogenetic evidence for revolution and are neomuran novelties, not archae- ancient duplications in CCT genes. Mol Biol Evol 17, 1456–1466.

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