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The BG News February 1, 2000

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 1, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6597.

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SARAGRAZIANO policy. Students who live with a par- impractical STAFF WRITER ent, guardian or spouse, or within a 50- mile commuting distance can NICOLE VALEK live off campus. Students who have STAFF WRITER As upperclassmcn arc beginning lived on campus for four complete their search for off-campus housing. semesters may also be exempt from The PC Glasslron, a new techno- freshmen arc bemoaning the facl the policy, even if they don't have 60 logical device that has hit Ihe market • lhal they'll be Stuck on campus for credit hours. would be impractical to purchase another year. According to Zentmeyer, the pol- according to University students. The University's policy saying icy is not set m stone "We usually The PLM-S700 PC Glasstron freshmen and sophomores must live are a little flexible if students have created by Sony is a unique head on campus upsets some students, 55 credit hours or more." mounted display that creates a high but others think it's a good idea. Lee believes the decision to live resoluhon 30 inch image when con- "It's stupid because we arc on-campus or off-campus should he nected to a notebook computer or adults, and we should be able to a matter of personal choice. video source. It has built in ear buds choose where we want to live," said "Whether you're living on campus for stereo sound, making it ideal for Veronica Billmaicr, sophomore or in an apartment, it's going to be both business and entertainment dance major. about ihc same. Look .it all the noise applications. The device is compact and distractions you have when and foldablc and is small enough to Jim Zentmeyer. associate director fil in Ihe palm of your hand. of Residence Life. Housing and you're on campus Some students believe living off- The manufacturer's suggested Operations, said the policy was at retail price is around $2,600. atcd to benefit students. campus can provide them with sig- nificant advantages Most students believe Ihe device "Nationally speaking, we've seen is loo expensive retention is higher and studenis hav c "Off-campus students are better "Il is a really cool idea, but for greater academic success when they off because we have to be more dis- that price I would never get one." live on campus longCI " ciplined. We have lo learn to make said Bryan Stanlon. sophomore Some students don't think this better use of our time, because we business major. have to factor in commuting time Dave Roth, sophomore finance policy is helping them rather than having everything right "I don't like this policy. Wc 1 iiiajoi said, "1 could think of many there/ said Mike Circenlcsc. sopho- other things I would rather spend should be able to decide where lo more creative wilting major. BEN FRENCH/ The BG News live." said Cheryl Lee. junioi psy- my money on than this device." Beth Jacobs, undecided lush The PC Glasslron would provide chology major. "This is just .1 waj man. agreed. for the University to get more DORM LIFE — Becky Thayer, sophomore, sorts through laundry as Megan McVey, sophomore, other ways for home entertainment. money out of people "I think commuting helps you to studies in their dorm room. According to the office of Residence Life living on campus the first Instead of going to Ihe movies lo do more time management. II you two years of college helps improve retention rates. w alch ihc big screen one could just Zentmeyer admitted thai the pol can study quietly at home before put on ihe headpiece. icy docs have financial benefits foi coining lo your classes, you're going "I think it helps us. because when focus on youi classes more," agreed sibility, hut he doesn't sec a change "The device would do only some the University, lo feel better prepared when you gel you're a sophomore, you're still gel- Tara Turntini, a sophomore nursing in the policy coming anytime soon good in the house, but we already "For budgeting purposes, ii docs here." Iing lo know |K'oplc. You can'l do major who also lives on campus. "We review our policies on an have VCR's and DVD's," said Bren- help to know' lhat there is a stable Angie Almaguer is a sophomore ihai as well if you're living off-cam- Some Students, who don*' see annual basis, lo make sure they're da Depinel, junior accounting major. population you can count on that computer science major who feels pus," Almaguei said. these advantages, feel the policy having their intended effects, but I "Why do we need something will be housed on campus." that living on campus has benefitted "I think il also helps youi acade ought to be changed or reviewed don't envision any change in the portable?" There arc some exceptions lo the lie. mic work because ii helps you io /enlmeyei said lhat review is ,i pos- current policy," Zentmeyer said. "As a college student, I feel the price is a bit extreme, and if I want- ed lo go see a movie. I'd ralher pay for gas ahd drive to a theater." said Nicole Williams, freshman business major. Graduate students fight for union recognition This device would also enable video game lovers lo play their games in 3-D. THE Asso, mi n puss "Undergraduate classes that doctoral student in sociology al Yale "I think this is an interesting could and probably should be taught I Iniversity. "The principle of union invention and when it becomes less ( rUCAOO Kristina Dziedzic by faculty are being given to gradu- ization here is much more ideologi- cosily it could be a lot of fun for is not your father's union organizer. ate students," >.ml Dziedzic. an art cal and idealistic." anyone who enjoys video games." She doesn't wave picket signs history student who has taught com- Legg started an anti-union group said Chris Ginler. sophomore eco- Her collar is far from blue. And position classes ,u UIC for the past at Yale in 1995. the year graduate nomies. when the University of Illinois at four years student union organizers launched a Businesses could utilize this Chicago graduate student talks "You often end up doing uuik "grade strike." refusing to issue technological advance by using ii aboul her work, she sprinkles in that has absolutely nothing to do grades for fall semester classes words like "pedagogy." with what you're studying. Then it's In November, the National Labor i See PC, page 7. Yet Dziedzic is typical of gradu- obv ions that you're a worker." Relations Board ruled that while a ate studenis across ihe country stir- University administrators argue slrike was not protected by federal ring up union sentiment in a push foi lhat even if students are working for law. administrators may have ille- bellei benefits and higher salaries the school, they arc students first — gally threatened students who par- Union holds for students who leach or do and their teaching assistantships ticipated. The NLRB sent the case research. simply provide financial aid while back to an administrative law judge garage sale From Yale to the University ol training them for an academic lo decide if teaching assistants are California system, graduate student career. indeed employees — a key argu- Everything-including the workers arc fighting for — and Dill Murphy, associate chancellor ment for student labor organizers. kitchen sink-must go when the sometimes winning — collective for public affairs at ihc University of But Lcgg said graduate students University Sludenl Union holds bargaining rights. As of Dec. 27 Illinois al Urhana-Champaign. said at Yale are doing fine without union its "estate sale" from 10 a.m.-6 campuses had recognized graduate graduate student unions create a stu- representation. They receive full p.m. today in preparation for the student unions, with organizing dents vs. administration mentality luition waivers and stipends of upcoming expansion and renova- efforts under way at many other But the students actually work for $10,000 or more and generally do tion of the facility. schools, according to the Chronicle professors, who sec themselves as not teach until their third year. Items from dining and hotel of Higher Education, anything but management, he said. Legg believes a union would operations will be sold, accord- Associated Press Photo Students say it's only fair that "The problem with unions as they squelch any dissent among graduate ing to Cheryl Purefoy, director of they get the same benefits as faculty have been described by organizers students with very different inter- materials handling. Desks, night- MEETING — Graduate Employees Organization stewards, from members at -a time when tenure- on campus is that they really follow ests And this grandson of a union stands, beds and frames, televi- left: Kat McCellan, Eric Smith and Kristina Dziedzic talk during track jobs are more scarce and fresh a factory model," Murphy said. sheet metal worker scoffs at the idea sions and more will be for sale, man classes arc growing, along with Some graduate students agree. that Yale students are "oppressed." as well as hurricane globe lamps, their bi-weekly meeting at a coffee house near the University of "It's not Ihc coal mines at Ihe turn Illinois at Chicago campus. the need for graduate students to tables, chairs and other items teach them. of the century." said David Lcgg. a I See UNION, page 7. from the Pheasant Room and other eateries. For the commercial audience, restaurant equipment such as. mobile refrigerated salad bars, ice cream freezer chests, shelv- Presidential hopefuls prepare for today's primary ing, stainless steel sinks, coffee makers and other large pieces of THE AssociAiEi) Pm SS Bauer, backing up to catch his pan- switched en rourc lo lunch in Deny, equipment will be available. cake, fell off the low stage. instead. "The message is going to be sent from New All items are being sold "as Unhurt, he came back on slage Sieve Forbes, his wife Sabina is" in ihe Student Union. CONCORD, NIL — Putting Hampshire to America and the world that Employees may charge items to aside his attacks on Al Gore's hon- and said. "I'm a survivor." and their two daughters each spent a bursar accounts; payment meth- esty. Bill Bradley said voters who Sen. John McCain said yesterday few minutes at the campaign head- we're going to give the government back to ods are bursar, cash and check support him in the nation's first he is "confident of victory" in New- quarters in Manchester yesterday only. presidential primary today vvill be Hampshire, where polls show him calling potential voters for support the people of the United States, take it out of "pan of something thai is new and in a tight race with Bush, and feels "Il was very positive once people the hands of the special interests, the big fresh." good about the upcoming South realized I was for real and thai I "We need a politics that's based Carolina primary, too. wasn't trying to sell them sweep money people, and give it back to you." on belief and commitment, not tac- "The message is going to be sent stakes," Forbes said. John McCain tics and attacks," Bradley told work- from New Hampshire to America As the presidential hopefuls Presidetil hopeful ers al a research park in Nashua, and the world that we're going to headed inlo final appearances in striking a more subdued lone on the give the government back to ihc New Hampshire, there were signs ol last day of campaigning. But in an people of ihe United Slates, take it increasingly competitive races in Bradley said. Later. Bradley took a less com- interview earlier yesterday, he out of the hands of the special inter- both panics Gore released a letter from bative lone speaking lo workers in defended his recent criticisms of est, ihe big money people, and give A newly aggressive Bradley crit- friendly congressional leaders ask- Nashua: "I ask for your vote tomor- Gore's "misrepresentations." it back to you." McCain told sup- icized Gore over the weekend for an ing Bradley to ease his criticism. row. I hope you will feel if you cast "It was about time to tell the peo- porters in Keenc. inconsistent voting record on abor- Known for his own lough attacks. lhat vote lhat you arc part of some- ple what was the truth." Bradley Bush also sounded confident: tion rights and for fund-raising scan- Gore accused his rival of "stepping thing thai is new and fresh, lhat you said There's something going on out dals in the last election. dowtv... to Ihc level of personal vil- are part of a new beginning." Gore has accused his rival for the there. It's called energy and enthusi- Waving a magazine article ification." Bradley was in the uncomfort- Democratic presidential nomination asm and excitement, and I like my describing Gore's lies lo a 1996 Bradley denied thai he turned to able position on Sunday of dis- of stooping lo "personal vilifica- chances a lol " fund-raising event al a Buddhist negative campaigning because Gore cussing a medical condition lhal tion." Bui he also dropped Ihe com- Continuing his criticism lhal temple, the former New Jersey sen- passed him in ihe polls, saying he causes him lo occasionally have an bative approach yesterday. McCain's lax plan is too much like ator demanded lhal Ihc vice presi- had endured attacks by ihe vice irregular heartbeat He dismissed "This is a contest The real fight Democrats'. Bush said GOP voters dent clear the air. president for Ihe past six months. the condition as "a nuisance." is for our future." Gore told "need somebody who'll be able to "Quite frankly. I think there's "I thought a week before the pri- On the GOP side, Bush and reporters after getting up al dawn lo make a clear case in the general more explanation that's needed." he mary it was important to put these McCain were Ihe major rivals. shake hands wilh defense plant election and I ihink that's helping said Sunday. misrepresentations in perspective McCain dismissed Bush as simply workers in the freezing rain. me." "What happened in 1996 was a lor ihc people of New Hampshire so another establishment figure, with ■ Jason Strasser, BG In the GOP race. Texas Gov. Bush changed his schedule mid- disgrace on both the Republican and they could make a judgment." football player, takes George W. Bush and conservative morning yesterday lo avoid a protest Democratic side, but it was particu- Bradley said today on ABC's "Good the Arizona senator saying his com- activist Gary Bauer tried a different in F.xeler by a group lhat favors larly embarrassing for Democrats Morning America." mitment lo campaign finance reform aim at the NFL. sort of contest — pancake Hipping. legalization of marijuana. Bush because we are Ihe party of reform." resonates. page 2 The BG News Tuesday, February 1, 2000 WORLD Theworid ^s shoveling continues, residents brace for more THE ASSOCIATED PRESS between an inch and a fool in Arkansas. Mississippi, Alabama and Brief RALEIGH. N.C. — Still digging Tennessee before stalling neat the out from heavy snow that paraly/cd Alabama-Georgia line for mosl of European threatens to cut their communities earlier this week, the day Friday. In Arkansas, ihe political ties with Austria residents from Georgia to North weather was blamed for three deaths LISBON, Portugal (AP) — The Carolina kept a close walch on — two in traffic accidents and one European Union will break political another storm system that threatened man who apparently froze lo death. contacts with any future Austrian a wintry mix of rain, snow, sleet and "It could be a very, very serious government that includes a far-right freezing rain. time for us," said Phil Badgett, a party that advocates a crackdown on Spurred by cabin fever and more forecaster at the National Weather immigration and whose leader has accessible roads, residents went to Service in Raleigh, buried earlier in praised aspects of Adolph Hitler's stores Friday to restock pantries the week by a record 2-fool snow- regime, the KU president warned while road crews continued to battle fall, It we gel as much precipitation yesterday. snow and ice. ;is we're expecting — a half inch to "Governments of 14 member "We're digging out of one and an inch ol freezing rain — that states will not promote or accept any getting ready for another." said slate would be crippling." bilateral official contacts at political emergency management spokesman Some sleet and freezing rain level with an Austrian government"' Tom Hegele. already was falling in pans of that includes Joerg Haider's Free- The latest storm, which dumped Alabama, Georgia anil South Cuioh dom Party, said a statement issued in up to 17 inches of snow in Okla- ii,i early today. Lisbon. homa earlier this week, dropped In (JeoriMj, ihe \vmtr\ mi\ \*.is Investigators want to prose- cute Indonesian military Associated Press Photo UNITED NATIONS (AP) — ICY— Reiner Winter and his wife Ellen of Amsterdam, Holland, walk past the icicle- laden Vietnam U.N. human rights investigators yes- Womens Memorial in Washington yesterday after another winter storm hit the Washington area terday implicated Indonesia's mili- Sunday. tary command and its militia proxies in a systematic campaign of terror and killings in East Timor last year, expected to continue throughout the City, Mo. because of an ice storm lasi week and recommended that an interna- «i.i\ but play out by Supet Bowl Sun While travelers worried, thou- that left 500.000 customers without day, when no precipitation was tional tribunal prosecute them. sands of children in the Deep South electricity and caused an estimated expected, forecasters said. from.the UN. Com- enjoyed a rare snow day. They threw mission of Inquiry on East Timor That would be good news for $55 million in damage. snowballs and built snowmen as was released the same day as Atlanta, where a major storm could In North Carolina, Gov. Jim Hunt Indonesia's own national human their parents look Friday off from cause major problems with more asked Clinton to declare 26 counties rights commission accused former work. than K)O.(XX) fans expected in town disaster areas, which would make military commander Gen. Wiranto (Ifficials elsewhere were treating loi the big game them eligible for federal funds and other top generals of being the weather with urgency. responsible for crimes against Rougfll) 23,000 utility customers Fans arriving at Hartsfield Inter- Mississippi (lov. Ronnie Mus- humanity in East Timor. throughout the state remained with- Associated Press Photo national Airport on Friday morning grove actuated about 300 National SUN — Sunlight sparkles through ice-covered branches as a were relieved that they beal the had Guardsmen to help communities out power late Friday. pedestrian walks on Davie Street in Greensboro, N.C, yesterday. weathei President Clinton, meanwhile, While people prepared for the lat- The Nation The sun pushed temperatures past the freezing mark helping to "I feel very luck) that wc made it est blast of winter, evidence of Mon- approved a disaster declaration late melt ice and snow from sidewalks and parking losts. here, thai the flight did not gel can Friday lor M) Georgia counties day night's 20-inch snowfall in In Brief celed," said Todd Benson, 28, of Raleigh remained everywhere. Bad weather delays launch CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP) — A last-minute problem with a Pope blesses controversial parking garage critical computer delayed space shuttle Endeavour's launch yester- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS day on a mission to map a still- on Christmas Eve The Vatican says it expects for residents of the neighborhood.'' The debate slowed work on the project and unknown planet: our own. as many as 30 million pilgrims in 2000. The pine covered hill, with its magnificent only one of two access ramps was finished in NASA held the countdown at the VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II John Paul was driven in a black Mercedes .i views of Rome's historic center, is a popular lime for the inauguration blessed a Vatican garage yesterday, hut made- 20-minutc mark while engineers few hundred yards from the Apostolic palace Walking spot, and John Paul expressed plea- Rome's mayor also pushed ahead, warning no mention of the fierce fight over the ancient. scrambled to solve the problem. to the garage entrance tor the inauguration cer- sure that the gaiage was buill "without damag- thai stopping construction would doom the Endeavour would not have lifted off frescoed villa underneath that is threatened by emony, lie then took an elevatoi to the lop ing the well known panorama." area to daily gridlock. The area is near heavily on time anyway because of rain and bulldozers. floor, winch features a coffee bar, a 430 scat The pontiff left before white-jacketed wait- The Italian government, which is splitting used bridges across the Tiber. thick, dark clouds. cafeteria, a restaurant and shops ers served sparkling wine and nibbles to cardi- Ihe $42 million cost, defied the villa's would- The city has promised to put frescoes and Shuttle managers had two hours Without ins cane, the frail pope walked nals, monsignors and Italian officials. He did be protectors by going ahead with an access slowly across the highly polished marble floor noi mention the raging controversy over the other discoveries from the villa in a museum. this afternoon to get Endeavour off Other critics had complained that the the ground with six astronauts and ramp that slues through the ruins and sprinkled holy water. garage. Nicknamed "God's garage." it can hold ('l garage complex's shops would siphon busi- 13 tons of radar equipment, bul it He praised the garage, which is neai two Archaeologists had long suspected the villa buses and 723 cats and was expected to be didn't look good, at least from a hospitals without parking, as something that was nuclei the hill, bul the Vatican insisted on ness away from Rome. The Vatican is an inde- ready for (he slarl of Ihe Vatican's llol\ Yeai weather perspective. would "improve traffic .mil the quality ol life the site. pendent city-state.

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- tape 17 WJ ifift■i 18 Israeli seaport >i» .lom: with a cap7 ■ 1 By ,1 /. 19A ■■ nto law WILLIAM IB'' MORTON tempi

word siped

ASSISTS IN SHINES ANY AIDS IN PSYCHIC WHOOPS. ■ besl ■ REAL ESTATE •»^-c HuU Scv I - SURFACE. CONNECTIONS. THE LIFETIME 2/1/00 SWs FUNDING. JARANTEE HAS EXPIRED *ligle toc-d CROSS, INFO- 7 Most labrtcaied 8 Reha word Hu»taDI»! LOOKING FOR MERCIAL 10 Wapiti lance 11 Boom lor more ANSWERS IN ALL i^rges riot? a loon 12 Occurrence THE WRONG 13 Marsh growths My _' PLACES? 22 Shoot Irom GET SOME HELP cover ?6 Nike rival FROM THE is New Hampshire. People don't pay too much attention to 27 Peace olferings 28 Genl ANSWER KEY — . • -r. lour years my Valentine's Day comes aroui'< \ big- 29 All powerful tim< flirts and courts with me more than he docs his . rVN 31 Wor« nard 1 Woe 34 Clai irtanl tod iy, perhaps I should tell a bit about myself... Cloiy successor DUD 5L Ariiseptic 3 1958 Pu< 36 Cosmo rival 48 Evasive 58 Poet Teasdale 37 Cl-anges colors 50 _ Alamos. NM 59 Breathing space 39 Fringe benelit 51 Grownups 60 Very light brown NICKNAME - Granite State PET NAME - 'Nitty' tainer 40 Homeric epc 52 Seraglio 61 Tape trac* h Raises one's 42 Thaws 53 A:da" or 63 Marvin o* 4b Remove as a Tosca" TREE - White Birch INSECT - Birch Borer

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Devil's ■tlpnary ' TOWO .32/15 Cleveland 28/14 j3|n 1881, Ambrose Biertr, workirtR as the editor of the PA San Francisco-bascd Wasp, penned his first installment of The Devil's Dictionary. Over** century later, Bier< e's Youngslown 29/15 ' definitions are the most widely-qypted wit. Mansfield 30/16 .

Politico, n A strife of interests maMyenMMMBpv'ontcM «l ' principles. The conduct of public arrays Ugtv

Politician, n. An eel in Ihe liiiiJjmciit«Limidupon winch the upcrstrocture of organized societj is rend Vvneo he wri . Columbus 30/12 Dayton 30/10 the mistakes the agitation ol Install foi ihetn-mbluijol the ■fice. As compared with the statesman, he puffers th^.fli-aii\ of being alive.

Vote. n. The insirument and symbol of a rreemawsan s poweimi1 to &*& it himsell and a wn Cincinnati 32/13

Defame, v.l. To lie ahoul another. To tell the ntnh about ai Kv Portsmouth 34 .,9

©2000 Act uWeather, Inc. BY RICH MOYER

vims Rain I Pai f) Partly a Partly (. loudy 5 udy Cloud) X I [igh: 42 High: 43

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Home Again Home Again 4(1 Hours H ■: hgfOI .. M I • Traum tile in, me EH I I Lite and Land Bpkial hnpaci ■ TIC * Divert" (R) Divert" (R) In ihr Heai ol me Nlgril I i OS ER "Good Touch. Bad Touch" NBA Basketball los Angeles Lakers al San Antonio Spurs Alamodom-' Vanishing Son 'Vanishing Son INT ol Tnem AT (In Stereo) X (In Stereo) I Live) I Deywalch (al BESS] 1 JAG" SSMSSJ "~ Walker.TeiasRangir.N Movie: "Cata try mtatr USA Seaiiaol 5 BJI.-P^ Aicnienwi 100 Grtaltsl Songs ol flock n 100 Greatest Songs of flock n' Movie 'Two 0/ Us" (2000 i TONIGHT 100 Creates! Songs of Rock 'n wi leieo) Roll IR) (In Stereo! u;JaredHa-i 7:30-9:30 All Fraternltv Locations Faded Ink page 4 The BG News Tuesday, February 1, 2000 OPINION www.lynew* i am/opinion Responding to ridiculous rhetoric, reason of racism

Some things just piss me off. forced to take tolerance classes or "Also, the government should Consider racism. I. just as I suspect something or maybe get raped by vigorously teach schoolchildren to LE you do, believe that racism is a other intolerant rednecks in a state love everyone equally, regardless of defeated and outmoded way of penitentiary. Those backwoods hate- race, color, religion, ethnicity, gen- estre thought. Even in unenlightened mongers use things like 'reason' and der, sexual preference, public behav- areas such as my home in south- 'arguments' to justify what can only ior or personality." he continued. western Michigan, pure racism is be described as pure, unfettered "And if some children slip Question: Who do you want lo win the presidential hatred! Have they not a shred of love rare. through the cracks and become maries and why? Some people, however, insist on in their hearts, or compassion? Or intolerant adults, we could give holding it. During my Thanksgiving decency? What a nut Mr. Wells is! them thorough psychological evalu- break I came face to face with the "Mary Smith, Rockford." ations, like ugly spectre of racism, in the form Amen, Sister Mary. is doing to Mr. Rocker." of a letter to the editor in The Grand There were other letters similar to "But what about the larger Rapids Press. Of course, the actual hers, though none were as eloquent scale?" I asked. "Right now there racist letter was not the one I read; or well articulated. One suggested are thousands, possibly even mil- evidently, it had been printed a week Wells goes on to describe the fall that Mr. Wells be given a serious of Constantinople as the work of dif- lions of people who could use that earlier and had stirred up quite a bit psychological evaluation. Another kind of help. What do we do about of debate. ferent groups that had been 'infused suggested that all of the tolerant into a weakened empire.' causing it them?" For this column I will reprint the African-Americans and Hispanics "We could try large-scale rehabil- best response to the racist's writings, to fracture and eventually fall. How get together and lynch his redneck Robert Samuels absurd! rear. itation. Build detox centers for the Aaron Miller Senior in order to expose both the absurdity racially insensitive, so to speak." Music and the immorality of the racist Then Mr. Wells writes about his These letters give me hope that Performance/ position. For several reasons I can- cockamamic theories of human one day we will move beyond "You're right. That might be able Education Music Composi- not print the letter word-for-word or nature and nature itself. His argu- racism. The response I got from the to help people." Senior I tion use the original names, but I think ments lend themselves to racism just guy in the room across the hall also "Definitely," the guy said. "I'd TGeorge W. Bush "Ifs time to give you'll get the idea... as demons lend themselves to Satan gives me hope. say it's better than large-scale incar- because I like his the boring guys o! In a recent letter to the editor and street-walkers lend themselves I read the letter to him recently ceration, at any rate. But the most policies on to lonely perverts with thick wallets. important thing to remember is the world a ('Melting pot is doomed.' Nov. 17), while he was polishing his authentic • economics." chance." Chad Wells of Rockford wrote that He seems to think that people prefer Mauser 98k assault rifle. never to give any indication that Rebecca Barko racial mixing and pluralism are not their own kind, and that where there "1 think it's an appropriate there might be a rational reason for Seni advantageous for society. How is unnecessary mixing, there is response." the guy said. "You obvi- racial tolerance." i Vocal Perfor- revolting! In response. 1 must regis- bound to be trouble. ously can't reason with a nut like I'm not sure what he meant by mance ter my rebuttal to his disgusting What gall he has! What decent Mr. Wells." that last sentence, but I think society person does not retch at the mere would be wise to follow the advice , "The best person arguments. "I know." I replied, "but how can for the job. Wells claimed that racial and cul- suggestion? we deal with people like him? They of the guy in the room across the tural pluralism arc harmful to soci- To add insult upon insult, Mr. aren't going away. Just look at the hall. If we do, we may move beyond ety because they tear at the fabric of Wells even suggests that the differ- John Rocker situation. Or the new the point where reason and argu- tradition and unity. He even thought ences between races may be more report from the Southern Poverty mentation are simply euphemisms that a sense of national pride and than skin deep, and that some form Law Center, which describes how for subtle and not-so-subtle racism liller progress might become undermined of separatism may beN preferable to thousands of teenagers are getting to a point where they are Dan Ryals euphemisms for, well, something Sophomore if every little group started trumpet- an ethnically and racially pluralistic sucked into racist organizations. Or Sophomore IPC society. Surely we are all humans, that flap over the Confederate flag in else. ing its differences and got into a Secondary Edu- "Bush because I quarrel about the injustices of yes- are we not? Why can we not live South Carolina." cation hand in hand, loving each other like think his dad did teryear. As a final insult, Mr. Wells "Maybe the government could Jeff Arneu is a BG News colum- "Stone Cold for brings out horrible genocide around the equals we are? put out television advertisements nist. He thinks that all racists punks . a good job and the world, such as that thing in I do not believe that people like 'This is your brain on racism," are ignorant and should be strung President (John usually talent Yugoslavia, as examples of plural- should stand for the bilge that is the guy suggested. up by their genitals. Agree with him 3:16).' runs in the ism at work. Such scaremongering is spewed by people like Mr. Wells. "Or 'Just say no to Nazis," I or tell him he is full of himself at famiiy."p Doo-doo-heads like him should be added. arnetlj@bgnet. bgsu. edu 1 i 0 wversjl jji ]big^u. tiA.A. eir*5*J^.M M in &Ml V .aitwr >vm* Finding value in university education Ripping on Republicans experiment. The stock market grow up in a good environment, I've come to the conclusion that remembered from high school (three crashed, and every citizen of this where crime and drugs are not a Americans don't value education as cheers for Toledo Public). The only exception was "review day" before Hello. I'd like to invite you all — country was worried about putting major concern. I attended a school much as we ought to. Liberals. Conservatives. Democ- food on their families' tables, every with decent facilities, "good" text- "But Erin," you say, "How can each exam. rats.and Republicans, alike — to one began having doubts. books, and teachers who cared. you say that? We're college stu- These were the valuable lectures read about my perspective, but be Luckily, because of government Unfortunately, many children are dents! We passed our proficiency The professor put 50 "review ques- warned it will be quite different intervention, things got better. Peo- not so lucky. tests, we lost sleep over ACT and tions" up on the overhead and went from what Tim Jenny had to say in ple were reassured that our way of Each day. in far too many cities SAT scores, we were accepted to over the answers, while 300 of us Monday's edition of The BG News. doing things was indeed a good one. across this country, children are born this University! The fact that we're tried frantically to write them down To start with. 1 want to say that I My point here is that government into atrocious conditions. Some- here should say something, right?" (after the first exam, wc had realized can totally understand where Tim is intervention is indeed necessary at times, their parents desert or neglect Wrong. that these "review questions" were coming from. His opinions and times. When and where the govern- them. Sometimes, their only option I am a product of the Toledo Pub- identical to the test he would give us beliefs about politics and other mat- ment should intervene is not up to is to hit the streets and encounter the lic School system. As far as the qual- the next class period). ters are shared by many Americans. me, but rather a matter to be handled many problems associated with such ity of education offered by my high 1 got an A in the class. In fact, I grew up in a household by the often-corrupted and money- a lifestyle. Sometimes, crime is a school. I had teachers ranging from thought. "Surely these people must hungry officials whom we. as a necessary means of survival. Where I'm taking a class this semester where these conservative. Republi- horrible to outstanding. The good take their classes seriously if they're that would probably qualify as can-minded beliefs were very preva- nation, have chosen to hold office. do these kids end up when they ones did all they could to instill in us become adults? paying for them!" Again, it was another "blow-off." Again, people lent. Here is another comment that I a desire for a better life than our par- time for yet another life lesson for found to be rather illogical: Some go to prison for various who had already had this professor Fortunately, these beliefs are not ents had. this naive freshman. Though many told me that the class was intended held by my father's son. It's quite "Inequalities are not a product of crimes. Some live on the streets or basic human interaction, but rather in dilapidated housing they can For a lot of the kids I went to were scholarship kids, or had to "weed people out" of the major, obvious that Tim has taken his fair school with, college was an abstract worked many summers to pay for and that it was "an easy A." share of classes in these areas of the society..." barely afford. Some turn to drugs to What! What does he think consti- make their days worth living. idea, an untouchable dream. Too their school. I learned that many stu- An easy A? That's a term I study, while I have only taken one. many people had told them they dents were here cither because of First of all. the main point of his tutes a society? Would there be a In this wonderful country, where thought I had left behind with high capitalism runs wild, and people weren't smart enough, or they their parents' money or their exorbi- school. Is that what I'm going to argument went like this: " indi- society without "basic human inter- couldn't afford it. and they believed action?" Were it not for the humans have such a great deal of freedom, tant student loans (and were in college for? viduals, we should pave our own it. After high school, they started denial about the fact that they would destinies based on our unique attrib- who make up this fine society of why do we have so many social As Americans. I think we've been problems? Why. in the richest working full time at some brainless eventually have to be paid off)- utes and even shortcomings. Rely- ours, there would be no inequalities. task and tried to start a family. spoiled and pampered so much that ing so much on the government to Doesn't the term "inequality" nation on the planet, do we have They never saw the money that we've forgotten what it's like to intervene and fix every social prob- stem from the fact that some people millions of people living in poverty? Fortunately I was blessed with paid for their education, so that was work hard for something and value lem is definitely not the answer." differ from other people in terms of Why. during this time of rapid eco- enough financial aid and a high the same as going to school for free. the results. Lots of students here are 1 actually agree with that bit their actions and interactions, as nomic growth and prosperity, are so enough ACT score to ensure myself Another disappointment to me the first generation in their family to well as the various actions and inter- many people being left behind? a college degree. Though a little was the realization that some college about making our own destinies. In scared. I was excited to start college. go to college. Many of us went to this great country, where it is possi- actions that have been forced upon Well, I believe that many of our professors don't care much about high school with hundreds of kids them? nation's problems arise from some- I had always thought learning new our education. Don't get me wrong, ble to achieve a great deal of success things was fun. and I was looking who would love the opportunity 'to in various ways, the opportunities I believe that people make this thing that has plagued us for far too in the past three semesters, I've had continue their education — an are endless for some people. How- world go 'round, not some stupid long: extremely conservative think- forward to being surrounded by some truly wonderful professors and other people my age who felt the opportunity thousands of college ever, I do not agree with his opinion economic or political theories! I ing. If some people could spend instructors. I have taken some chal- students throw away while busy par- on government intervention. would like to offer one more point of more time worrying about people same way. Surprisingly, that was not what I found. lenging courses, but I've also taken tying and wasting their parents' He seems to have skipped a few view that differs greatly from Mr. and less time trying to get rich and some pretty easy ones. I soon realized that college stu- hard-earned money. days of history class, because there Jenny's. In his opinion, " one in powerful, many of our problems Last semester 1 took a class that America is 'trapped' into a specific would eventually be solved. dents slack as much as high school The college years are supposed to was a time, very long ago. when was a four credit waste of time. It be the best years, and I'm not saying intervention by the government economic class." Unfortunately, this will probably students do. In fact, a lot of them slack even more, since their parents was biology, and only counted for we shouldn't have fun while we're saved this capitalistic economy (and Well, once again. I would tend to never happen. In a nation where general education class, so who disagree. I am very thankful for the "our economic system was, is and aren't around. here. However, as a student, my democratic society) in which we cares if it's a blow-off class, right? classes should come before anything thrive today. This time came long position in which I find myself always will be. capitalism," it is Silly me — I had thought college before I was even thought of. and it today. I am a 21 -year-old man who only natural that the main goals and was about higher education, about Friends of mine who had taken else. A college education is a privi- is often referred to as the "Great is getting an excellent education. motives of most individuals will learning what you needed lo know the same class in the past tried to lege, not a right. Don't flush it down • Depression." And. someday. I'll be able to use this revolve around money and power. I to get ahead in the world. I was reassure me. the toilet. During this period of history, education to make a very successful don't like the way things work wrong. One day on the floor of my "You probably won't learn any- "people all over the world were life for myself and my family. How- sometimes, but who am I to say? residence hall taught me that college thing, but it's an easy A." Erin Helppie is a columnist for beginning to question the system of ever, not everyone has an opportuni- What do you think? is about freedom and getting away By the middle of the semester I the BG News, and an education government and economics that the ty as great as mine. with all the stuff your parents never had quit going to lecture. Besides major. She can be reached at ehelp- U.S. had established. Up to this I was lucky enough to be raised Aaron Hacker let you do in high school. the fact that the professor was an [email protected]. and she might point in time, democracy and capi- in a loving household where money ahacker@bgnet. bgsu. edu "But college costs money," I idiot, the material was all stuff I write you back during a study break. talism had basically been a bis was not a problem. I was able to Letters to the Editor Policy 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Do you agree with all of this? We doubt it. 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K Tuesday, February 1, 2000 The BG News page) WORLD Israel: No new Info age, globalization gap tops global forum agenda talks until THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a company who's main goal is to In the absence of Israeli Prime ^ create software and allow that soft- Minister Ehud Barak, who canceled Syria reins in DAVOS, Switzerland — Bill ware to be a very empowering tool," his trip last week, a session that was . Gales told world business leaders he said. to have featured Arafat and Barak Lebanon • yesterday that Microsoft would Indonesia's President Abdurrah- was canceled. refrain from the trend of media man Wahid and his South African Arafat, who addressed the forum P co NOW guerrillas -mergers and stick to creating soft- counterpart Thabo Mbeki were panel today after Mideast diplomacy ware. Anna scheduled later in the day to address talks on the sidelines Sunday, Steve Case, chief executive of ways of narrowing the divide charged that Israel's "delaying tac- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS America Online, said his company's between rich and poor countries. tics" in peace talks were creating a blockbuster merger with Time The resort town of Davos was bottleneck that was threatening the Meeting JERUSALEM — Stung by Warner would enable them to use calm today under a new blanket of entire region's peace process. the deaths of three Israeli soldiers in new technologies to create "com- snow, following a violent demon- Jordan's King Abdullah asked the south Lebanon. Prime Minister 'pelling" consumer services they stration against big business inter- delegates for their help in persuad Ehud Barak said there would be no I would have been unable to develop ests Saturday that police said caused ing Middle East leaders and their new peace talks with Syria until the as single companies. an estimated $62,500 in damage. people to seize the moment and Damascus government reins in the Gates and Case spoke at a panel The protest coincided with Presi- make peace. Islamic militant Hezbollah. discussion as the six-day World Eco- dent Clinton's visit, but the demon- Russia faced renewed criticism "Israel will not be able to negoti- nomic Forum shifted its focus to the strators were kept well away from over its economic and political situ- ate peace as long as the Syrians do future of the Internet, and continued him. ation, this time from U.S. financier not restrain Hezbollah from acting t with debates on ways to narrow the The Iranian foreign minister's George Soros, who argued that, against the Israeli army." said a| gap between rich and poor nations. delegation was hit twice Saturday "with the political developments Defense Ministry statement issued Case said AOL and Time Warner with paint bombs, hurled by Swiss- moving in the wrong direction, the hours after the bloody attack, which wanted to continue building bridges based exiles, state security service International Monetary Fund should also wounded four Israeli soldiers, to make telephones, televisions and chief Rolf Schatzmann said today. pull out of Russia." one critically. One of the dead was computers work better together. Kamal Kharrazi's car was hit Foreign institutions and investors "The next step is trying to think an Israeli major. while traveling from the minister's "have lost the ability to influence the Before and after Hezbollah's z through from a consumer standpoint hotel to the conference, Schatzmann direction of events" in Russia, said strike in Israel's self-declared secu-. what is the best way to use these said, and Deputy Foreign Minister nty zone in south Lebanon. Israeli new devices to take advantage of Mohammad Hossein Adeli was hit Soros, chairman of Soros Fund warplanes staged nine air raids new networks," Case said. Then, the later by a paint-filled projectile in Management. against suspected guerrilla posi- company could build services that his hotel lobby. Police arrested two For 10 years "we had the ability tions, the army said. The extent of "really can improve people's lives." Iranian exiles in the first attack, and to influence things in Russia and casualties from the airstrikes was Gates congratulated Case on the a woman in the second. No one was move them in the right direction, not immediately known. . merger announced earlier this injured, he said. The violence, the worst in south- month, but said Microsoft wasn't U.S. Secretary of State and we flubbed it," Soros said. He ern Lebanon in six months, comes as planning any media, takeovers of its Madeleine Albright met Sunday pointed to the conflict in Chechnya the United States has been seeking own. with Egypt's Foreign Minister Amr as a worrying sign of political trends to bring Israel and Syria back to the 'The strategy that my company is Moussa and Palestinian leader Yass- there. bargaining table. Negotiations pursuing has really been the same er Arafat in an attempt to push for- On Saturday, the IMF's No. 2 Au*clate4 PICM Photo resumed in December after a four- for the last 25 years," Gates said. "It ward Israeli-Palestinian peacemak- year hiatus, but broke down in a would be fun to own a movie studio, ing. With negotiations resuming in official, Stanley Fischer, said the FORUM — Workers prepare the site of the annual Davos World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. World leaders began matter of weeks. but I don't have any expertise, so Jerusalem. Albright has been trying fund might delay paying Russia the Syria said it pulled out of the we're going to stay away from that. to keep alive hopes for a framework second installment of a S4.5 billion gathering Thursday. talks due to Israel's refusal to com- "Instead. I think there's room for accord by a Feb. 13 deadline. loan until after presidential elections mit in advance to a total withdrawal from the disputed Golan Heights, and over what kind of a demilita- rized area would exist there. Following yesterday's attack — -Drugs to treat AIDS may also slow spread of disease which came only a day after Hezbol- lah assassinated the man considered THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Indirect evidence of this was made public- However, the study does not mean that strong immune systems that hold the virus No. 2 in Israel's allied militia, the Sunday at the 7th Conference on Retroviruses AIDS transmission cannot occur in such cou- down. Doctors say it is theoretically possible South Lebanon Army — Barak used SAN FRANCISCO — The medicines that and Opportunistic Infections. ples. Experts warn thai even though the risk is that Americans with drug-suppressed HIV his bluntest language yet to impli- transformed the treatment of AIDS also may Dr. Thomas C. Quinn and others from low, there is probably always some risk of carry more of the virus, so their risk of trans- cate Syria in Hezbollah's actions. )be slowing its spread, but health experts worry Johns Hopkins University conducted a study unprotected sex with someone infected with mission could be greater. .this victory will be wiped out by a new com- "It is the Syrians, not just in Uganda of 415 heterosexual couples in HIV. Dr Michelle Roland of the University of Hezbollah, who are behind supply placency among those at risk. which one partner was infected and the other "It's wonderful news, and there is a lot we California at San Francisco said 11 is reason- Protease inhibitors and other drugs have was not. The goal was to see if the risk varies can learn from it." said Dr Helene Gayle. lines and freedom of movement" for changed AIDS from a death sentence to a depending the AIDS carrier's virus levels. AIDS chief at the U.S. Centers for Disease able to think lowering the amount of AIDS (he guerrillas. Barak, a former mili- •'/eatable chronic disease over the past four As it turned out, Quinn said, "the higher the Control and Prevention "Should the preven- virus in infected people will slow the disease's tary chief of staff, told lawmakers years. In the process, they lower people's virus viral load, the greater the risk of transmission. tion message be different? No." spread But even if the overall risk is lower, "it from his One Israel faction. levels dramatically, often to the point where If you had sex with a person with a very low Experts point out differences between is impossible to predict what will happen in a In the Defense Ministry state- .the virus cannot be detected on the most sensi- virus, your probability of getting infected was Africa, where AIDS is spread chiefly by het- given couple at a given time " ment. Barak used language that in tive tests. low." erosexual encounters, and the United States, the past has foreshadowed a major Doctors have speculated that since many In fact, when virus levels fell low enough, where the disease is often transmitted between CDC researchers presented new evidence Israeli counterattack. "We have people have vastly lower virus levels in their there was no transmission of the virus at all in homosexual couples. that people most at risk of infection are known in the past, and we still know. Uodies, they are also probably less likely to these heterosexual couples during 30 months Furthermore. AIDS is rarely treated in thou i to strike at the place and time p.iss the virus on to others through sex. becoming more likel) to let down their guard. of follow up. Africa, so those with low virus levels have of our choosing." he said. ism \< IIMII s i)ii(.\\i/Aiii>.\ • t \o -1 V/I/KS/M ir imin s OIK.AMSATION Looking for great i • i T experience ? A fun time ? 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I l()-\l \/l//,'S//l \( IIMII S OIK, \\I/\IKI\ •! XO- I A/17 KS//I .If IIV1 III S ()R<;.\\I7\I lOX page 6 The BG News Tuesday, February !. 2000 STATE www.bgnnvs com/ap Ohio governor hopes Japan visit boosts business ties

THfc ASVM I-Ml II I'KI 55 did the 10-day trade mission in Tall and his wife, Hope, are trav- November by Minnesota Gov. Jesse eling with 31 representatives of TOKYO — Ohio Gov. Bob Tali Ventura, who is well known for hav- Ohio businesses and organizations hopes lo rustle up business deals, ing visited Japan as a professional and eight government officials. promote Ohio exports and even do a wrestler in the early 1980s. Ohio in 1998 exported $1.49 bil- little gardening during his 10-day But no one will be complaining lion in goods to Japan, the gover- visit to Japan. Taft didn't meet enough Japanese Taft's trip, which began Saturday, business chiefs — a charge leveled nor's office said. is his first overseas trade mission al VeriUiia Autos, auto parts and other trans- and the first Japan visit by an Ohio Taft's itinerary includes meetings portation equipment are (he biggest governor in a decade. with President lujio Cho of Toyota exports, accounting for a quarter of Taft is under pressure at home to Motor Corp., Japan's largest the total, or $381 million. Milburn build lasting relationships with MM automaker, and officials at automak- said. poratc and political leaders in Japan, ers Honda Motor Co. and Isuzu Japanese companies in Ohio, the fourth-largest destination for Motors. numbering some 250. employ more Ohio exports. Although the focus of the visil is than 67.000 state residents, accord- "We hope to encourage Japanese primarily economic, the delegation in;' in the U.S. Department of Com- companies how beneficial it can be won't spend all us time cooped up in merce. to them to locate in Ohio." said Scot! corporate offices Milburn, a spokesman for the gover- Almost 90 years ago Japan gave In addition to Tokyo. Taft will nor. Helen llerron Tail, wife of former visit Omiya. near Tokyo, as well as Toyohashi and Osaka, both west of He said 63 percent of the United President William Howard Taft and States' manufacturing facilities and the Ohio governor's great-grand- Tokyo. 60 percent of the population are mother, the cherry trees that still During his trip, the governor will located within 800 kilometers (500 grow around the Tidal Basin in meet with officials at the Japan led miles) of Ohio's borders. eration of Economic Organizations, "When you're trying to reach Washington, DC. the country's top business lobby. He people, you can do it easily from our Bob Taft will .show his apprecia- state." Milburn said in a telephone tion on Tuesday when he presents 50 will also visit the Foreign Ministry Associated Press Photo interview in Tokyo. Ohio-grown dogwood trees for and the Japan External Trade Orga- TAFT — Gov. Bob Taft, left, talks with Yoshino Nakamura, managing director of Japan Federation Taft's visit so far hasn't attracted planting on the lawn of Japan's par- nization, an affiliate of the Trade of Economic Organizations, prior to a luncheon meeting in Tokyo yesterday. nearlv the media attention here as liament building. Ministry Federal EPA scrutinizing Man faces death penalty for killing fetus state's air, water policies THE ASSOOIATH) PRESS Ohm think it's the first time whether the state proved penalty against Davis, the her through the driver's side THE ASSOCIATED Pkl ss The U.S. EPA hopes to issue a , someone in the state has beyond a reasonable doubt fetus must be considered a window six tunes in the draft report by summer, then invite TOLEDO. Ohio — faced the death penalty in that Mr. Davis committed person. The 1996 law says a belly and uppei torso COLUMBUS, Ohio —The U.S. public comment. Frcy wouldn't Sonya Hayes was just days the killing of a fetus, this crime." fetus should be considered a Prosecutors said it was Environmental Protection Agency comment on the petitions' validity., away from giving birth to a although others have been Jury selection began person when "there is realis- obvious that the shootei was will look al the way Ohio enforces pending the review. tic possibility of maintaining 7-pound boy when she was convicted under the law. A behind closed doors because aiming for the belly Davis federal clean air and water laws fol- Four groups have filed petitions, gunned down in her car. The Cincinnati woman in May lawyers did not want poten- and nourishing of a life out- with the U.S. EPA since January was arrested a few days aflei lowing complaints by fetus, shot at close range. 1997 was the (list convicted tial jurors hearing questions side the womb." groups that the state isn't doing its died too. Her boyfriend went for causing a cat accident about details of the ease. The law was changed in the shooting. Mark Lally, legislative lob. on trial yesterday in both (hat killed a woman and her Opening statements are 1996 after a campaign by a Petitions filed by four groups ask 1997. alleging the state wasn't counsel for Ohio Right to deaths unborn son expected Wednesday. Middletown man whose the agency to withdraw state over- enforcing federal laws to protect Terrance Davis is I awyers foi Davis main- The fetus — a boy named wife and unborn son were I.ile. hopes the ease makes sight over the federal Clean Water. Ohio's environment. They are Ohio charged with three counts of tain that he had nothing to N'Kai Davis by the mother's killed in a car wreck. Sup- people aware "that we can Clean An and Resource Conserva- Citizen Action, the Ohio chapter ol aggravated murder for do with the shooting and relatives — suffered gun- poneis of the bill at the time protect some iinhoin elnl tion and Recover) acts The latter the Sierra Club. Rivers Unfimitecl and the Ohio Public Intcrc -. shooting and killing Hayes that the question of whether shot wounds and died about said they were not trying dren. but we can't protect deals with solid and hazardous and her fetus and for unlaw- the fetus was a person — an five hours before Hayes. affect abortion rights. them all" waste Research Group. fully terminating another emotional issue in the abot "It's the stale's position Hayes was sitting in her "This is an unprecedented mat- "Our petition basically says person's pregnancy A 1990 tion rights debate — will not that he would've survived car outside of the home of "In this case you have the ter." Bertram lies, deputy regional there's no environmental cop on the outside the womb." said beat in Ohio." Sandy Buchanan. Ohio law lets prosecutors affect the ease Davis' parents waiting lo mother's rights to have a counsel for the Region 5 BPA office seek homicide charges if a "It ma> be a tad unique. Chris Anderson, an assistant executive directoi of Ohio Citizen pick up her 5-year-old son child and you have the in Chicago, said Monday. "We've defendant causes the termi- but that's all." said Alan Lucas County prosecutor Action, said Monday. "We find time on March 31. A man wear never been asked to withdraw three nation of a viable pregnancy. Konop, one of Daws" attor- handling the case. child's right being violated and tune again in very serious pollu- ing a Halloween mask shot by a third party," Lally said. programs at once in our historj " Death penalty experts in neys. "The tu si issue is In order to seek the death i he federal agency will examine tion cases that when citizens finil a allegations involving specific com- problem with a facility and go 10 Daffodil Dav.s Find It In panies, review state documents and seek action with the EPA. they fi nd forth" •? \The BG News! interview EPA employees in Colum- themselves not only battling the pol- .American Cancer bus and field offices around Ohio. luter, hut the Ohio EPA." Society March 20

Alpha Omicron Pi Kioto I know Uihaf • . Spring Recruitment 2000 f o 40 f his suniwier; All parties begin at 8:00 & 9:00 p.m.

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I I ■

Tuesday, February 1, 2000 The BG News page 7 CAMPUS Flashing Jury selection begins in trial of men UNION Conlinued from page 1. how to teach from seasoned mentors Our Briefs may have been true 30 years ago, charged in girls' 'date-rape drug' dez "You've goi to visit some of these hut no! now. BG News Briefs people's homes on Long Island to Tin completely and totally THE ASSOCIATED PRESS believe it." he said responsible for my class." Dziedzic of what happened, and the drug is eral messages seeking comment. said. "I'm not an apprentice to any- difficult to trace, often leaving the As at Yale, University of Illinois Workshop tackles changes I.immer. who also is charged with one." body within 24 hours. administrators have refused lo rec- DETROIT — There seems no She said graduate students have in new century The drug is legal in 30 states and possession of GHB and delivery of ognize the student union movement question as to what killed 15-year- little opportunity to turn assistant- The Office of Affirmative Action marijuana, has said he was gone or — in this case, the Graduate old Samantha Reid: a lethal dose of is used by body builders as a steroid. ships into full-time jobs when uni- is;sponsoring an interactive work- Others take it as an aphrodisiac or Employees' Organization, affiliated a so-called "date-rape drug" at a in his bedroom most of the night the versities hire more part-time faculty shop today at 9:30 a.m. in the for weight loss, and police say it has with the Illinois Federation of party in Grosse He. an affluent girls were drugged and lewer full-time professors. Jerome Library Conference Room. been used in a number of sexual Teachers Detroit River community. The U.S. Education Department The workshop will address the assaults. Since 1990, GHB has been linked University of Illinois graduate What is disputed is who supplied recently found that graduate assis- prediction that this century will A medical examiner has testified assistants receive tuition waivers, the drug called GHB — and who to at least 58 deaths and more than tants at the University of Illinois bring dramatic and profound GHB levels in the girls were more stipends and other benefits On the knew it was secretly placed. Those 5.700 recorded overdoses, the Drug taught 31.5 percent of the credit changes to the United States' racial questions promise to be at the heart than twice the level found in other Urbana campus, for example, the and ethnic population. Enforcement Administration has hours taken by undergraduates in of one of the nation's first trials in a fatal cases. Samantha, who fell university recently added health unconscious and vomited shortly said. 1997 1998. death related to gamma-hydroxybu- benelils foi graduate students' Murphy said universities must Olson, music student, tyrate. after drinking a GHB-spiked Moun- In 1990, the FDA banned GHB spouses. The school also offers tain Dew she first termed "gross," offer competitive benefits for gradu- selected for prestigious Jury selection was set to begin for public sale amid concerns about vision and dental benelils and boasts alc students if they want to attract died the next day. that the average teaching assistant's audition yesterday in the trial of the four men its use as a dietary supplement, and the top students — union or no accused in the fatal GHB sickening "I don't have any doubt this girl stipend rose 44 percent from 1990 University music student Tia was given GHB, and I don't have union He noted that Illinois spends of Reid on Jan. 16. 1999. a 1998 Michigan law made possess- through 1999. to $11.069 a yeai Olson is one of 18 finalists selected any doubt it killed her," said John more paying graduate students than The four defendants, all of subur- ing the drug a felony. Michigan and David Kamper. an Urbana GEO fellow Big Ten schools Wisconsin to audition this week for a one-year Gates Jr., Brayman's attorney. "But ban Detroit, are Erick Limmer, 26. member working toward a doctorate contract with Houston Grand Opera the real key in this will be the wit- about 20 other states have classified and Michigan, which both have rec- Joshua Cole. 19, Daniel Brayman. in history, said the benefits aren't on ognized graduate unions. Studio. nesses that were present." GHB a controlled substance. Those chosen for the opera studio 18, and Nicholas Holtschlag. 18. par with what faculty members "We value our graduate stu- Gates and Brian Dailey — The trial is "extremely important receive. program have the opportunity to They are charged with manslaugh- Holtschlag's attorney — said last dents," Murphy said. "The question He and Dziedzic. a Chicago GEO sing in the company's main stage ter. week they plan to argue their clients as a message to the community — is whether haying a graduate assis- organizer, argue that the universits 's productions and perform minor Cole, who will have his own jury were unaware GHB was even especially the community of young tants union is a plus or a minus We roles. as the only defendant alleged to idea ol student assistants learning think it's a minus." around the night in question. people — that this is a very danger- have confessed, also faces three They plan to lay the blame with Luncheon focuses on Black counts of felony poisoning, each Cole, whose attorney. John Cour- ous drug that can lead to horribly PC History Month carrying a possible life sentence. tright. said his client spiked the tragic consequences," said Doug In honor of Black History Month The other suspects are charged drinks with what he believed was Baker, a prosecutor who will try the Continued from page 1. "It would give me something to with two poisoning counts apiece do while I'm working out and eat- there will be a brown bag luncheon only a harmless intoxicant supplied case. Wednesday. Feb. 1. focusing on the for GHB-tainted drinks allegedly by I.immer. for presentations li is also compat- ing." said Matt Kulon, junior mar- Authorities say young people topic "Sisterhood in Practice: given to Samantha and her friend, "There was no intent to poison or ible with Windows 98 and Macin- keting major who was put in a coma temporarily. African-American Sororities." harm these girls," Courtright said. often believe that GHB and other tosh computers. Erin Schimmoeller, sophomore A third girl alleged to have "It disturbs me they're being "It would be a waste ol money Michelle I.ove. Delta Sigma-Theta; "club drugs" aren't "real drugs" like public relations major disagreed. Jocelyn Mathis. Sigma Gamma Rho unknowingly ingested the powerful charged with this poisoning." for businesses." said Breighan cocaine, or they take them unknow- Sorority; Zeta Alpha Chapter and central nervous system depressant Courtright said Cole "had no Manuel, sophomore business major "Personally I think it is kind of others will share experiences of their was not sickened. ideas of the dangers" of the sub- ingly as Samantha did. Recipes and "But if a family has the money to silly," Schimmoeller said. "Who sororities and how they play a sig- GHB is odorless and nearly taste- stance and "played with fire" by ingredients — some of them com- buy it, go ahead." wants to wear some device on your less. A person who drinks a Sodl adding it to the drinks, resulting in According to Lee Houchen, nificant role in their lives. mon household products — are eas head?" laced with a few drops of it can lose "a very tragic case." sophomore architecture major. "I According to Sony this product consciousness within 20 minutes. ily available from the Internet and U.S.A., Honors Centers Limmer's attorney. Cecil Si. don't think this is a form "l technol- should not be used by children under Victims frequently have no memory Pierre, last week did not return sev- other sources. ogy that would be good tor any indi- sayg aloha with Hawaiian vidual to buy because it is too 15 years old Individuals with eye event expensive and would get old." or heart disease, or high blood pres- The Honors Student Association However some students feel it sure should consult a doctor prior to arid the Honors Program will be would be a ereat ihini1 10 have holding a Winter l.uau in the Honors Center 5:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. Thurs- day. Fri. 3. The event costs $1 and LOCATION, PRICE and can be paid to Demsc Vollmar in 104 University Hall. Tickets can be pur- chased at the door for $2. SELECTION The event will feature tropical You Will Find The Best Housing With Us! decor, games, pizza, drinks and Hawaiian music. 521 E. MERRY -Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Furnished. Both Honors and non-Honors School Year- Two Person Rate- $635.00 students are invited to attend One Year- Two Person Rate- $530.00 80S THURSTIN -Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Furnished. School Year- Two Person Rate- $590.00 One Year- Two Person Rate- $510.00 S17E. KEEP -AT Thurstln One Bedroom, I Bath. Furnished or Unfurnished. School Year- Two Person Rate- $475.00 One Year- Two Person Rate- $405.00 THVRSTIN -Across from Offenhauer. Furnished Efficiencies with Full Bath. School Year- One Perdson Rate- $350.00 One Year- One Person Rate- $320.00 60S SECOND -One Bedroom, Unfurnished. School Year- One Person Rate- $375.00 One Year- One Person Rate- $330.00 720 SECO.XD -one Bedroom Furnished, School Year- One Person Rate- $405.00 One Year- One Person Rate- $350.00 707. 711. 715. 719. 723. 727 THIRD ■ One Bedroom Unfurnished and Furnished. School Year- Furnished- One Person- $370.00 One Year- Furnished- One Person- $335.00 402 HIGH -Two Bedroom. I Bath, Furnished/Unfurnished. School Year- Furnished- Two Person- $545.00 One Year- Furnished- Tv.o Person- $455.00 649 SIXTH -Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Vanity in Hall, Furnished- School Year- Two Person Rate- $535.00 Furnished- One Year- Two Person Rate- $440.00 Call JOHN NEWLOVE VILLAGE GREEN air of REAL ESTATE Rental Office 354-2260 APARTMENTS tickets! For Your Convenience We Are Located At Drawing he 9,2000 SOS CLOUGH -Two Bedroom. Furnished, 1 Bath Plus Vanity. School Happy Val the Year- Two Person Rate- $610.00 One Year- Two Person Rate- $540.00 615 SECOND -Two Bedroom. Furnished, 1 Bath. School Year- Two Person Rate- $586.00 Sitvef aft. One Year- Two Person Rate- $490.00 e to win a 825 THIRD -One Bedroom. Furnished, 1 Bath. Join us for Dmner School Year- One Person Rate- $425.00 pairofAN^et: [ovie tickets! One Year- One Person Rate- $375.00 701 FOURTH -Two Bedroom, Furnished, 1 Bath plus Vanity in BR. 9{piv Leasing School Year- Two Person Rate- $560.00 One Year- Two Person Rate- $490.00 lor 2 bedroom furnished and unfurnished 640 EIGHTH -Two Bedroom, Unfurnished, 1 Bath. ie's School Year- Two Person Rate- $535.00

I page 8 The BG News Tuesday, February 1, 2000 SPORTS Women stay Shrine Bowl spurs Strasser's NFL hopes unbeaten, DAN NIED found out a few days before New SPORTS EDITOR Years." Strasser said. "I was thrilled. I never thought it would happen. 1 men fall to The art of kicking has propelled knew I was nominated but. I didn't Jason Strasser to heights that most think I would be chosen." Bowling Green football players His experiences at the game were Buckeyes never see. invaluable to both Strasser's profes- It may lift him into the NFL. sional future and social life. He was on the same team with players that DOROTHY WRONA "I've talked to a few scouts." Strasser said. "But it's really diffi- will be certain first round picks. SPORTS WRITER cult for a kicker to go to the NFL His coach was Florida great Steve Spurrier. For the first lime since 1993. the right out of college. So I may have to wait a little bit." "It was interesting to play with BGSU women's tennis team is 3-0. guys who were going to be drafted The Falcons defeated Michigan His best chance to get noticed by State 6-1 Saturday in East Lansing. pro scouts and collegiate peers came in the first round," Strasser said. "It In the first singles flight, Erika at the East West Shrine game in was kind of weird playing with guys Wasilewski defeated MSU's Brooke Stanford Stadium on Jan. 15. He from all these big schools and with Townsend 5-7, 6-3, 6-4. kicked five extra points in the East great coaches like Steve Spurrier In the second flight. Abby Brat- squad's victorious effort. and Butch Davis." ton lost to Kelly Hayes 6-2, 6-3. The Shrine Bowl gives some of When Strasser got the call to kick After that, the Falcons took con- (he top senior football players in the his extra points, he insists that the trol of the match for good. Meghan country the chance to showcase their nerves weren't churning as much as Rhodes took the third flight with a skills in front of a slew of NFL the all-star game pressure would convincing 6-2, 6-2 win over coaches and scouts. Dustin Cohen suggest. However, the practices, Natasha Skogerboe. Deidee of Western Michigan and Marshall packed with NFL scouts with Strass- Bissinger downed Joi McQueen 6-3, defensive back Rogers Beckett also er's future in their hands, made him 7-5. represented the Mid-American Con- sweat a little. Devon Bissinger and Kerry ference. "I was more relaxed and not so Pastein split the first two sets 7-6 The Shrine bowl experience nervous during the game." Strasser and 5-7. but Bissinger took the third came in the form of a big surprise said. "I was nervous during practice set 6-0. Tracy Howitt closed out sin- for Strasser. because the sidelines were lined gles play with a 6-2, 6-1 win over He was nominated for the game with coaches and scouts from the Nicole Golda. by Bowling Green head coach Gary NFL." The Falcons continued to domi- Blackney. If he were to go to the NFL. it nate, sweeping the doubles matches. The criteria for player selection would be for his accuracy. Strasser The lop team of Bralton and was thorough. made 13 of 16 field goal attempts Wasilewski humiliated MSU's "Coach Blackney nominated me last season. He was 11 for 12 from Townsend and Skogerboe 8-2. and then it went to a player selection inside 40 yards, and 2-4 from out- Rhodes and Deidee Bissinger committee made up of coaches and side 40 yards. defeated Hayes and Pastein 8-4. scouts and people associated with "Accuracy is definitely my strong Howitt and Devon Bissinger ended the game." Strasser said. "I think point," Strasser said. doubles action with an 8-4 win over they use academic achievement too At this point the NFL is a definite McQueen and Katherine Fieginsny- because I have a 3.3 grade point possibility, and Strasser's Shrine der. average." Bowl performance only enhances File Photo "As a team we played awesome," He never thought he would be his chances. STRASSER - Jason Strasser kicks against Miami Oct. 9, 1999. Strasser played in the East-West Wasilewski said. "Everyone came in chosen for the game, however, until But for now he'll just have to Shrine Game Jan. 15 at Stanford Stadium. focused. It was our goal to beat he got a call over winter break. "I wait and see. Michigan State, and we fought hard throughout the whole match." The Falcons continued their win- Swimming Baseball ning ways on Sunday with a 5-2 vic- tory over the University of Illinois- Chicago Flames in Toledo. Erica Wasilewski narrowly Swimmers enjoy return to Niles hones skills In defeated Nicole Derouin 7-5. (7-6), 6-2 in the first flight. UIC's Emina Curie defeated normalcy, still come up short. Abby Button in another close Marlins farm system NICK HURM son, was the top Falcon finisher in match, 6-3, 4-6. 6-4. Jacki Farr (J. MICHAEL GRAHAM in AA or A ball until spring training won it for a second time in a row," defeated Meghan Rhodes 6-3. 7-5 to SPORTS WRITER the 500 and 1650 free. "It's been a weird, challenging SPORTS V. KM I R but he is prepared to handle the men- Niles said. "It was a big help' to get take the third flight. tal part of the game. in that extra year early because the After those two setbacks, it was Things ran much smoother for year." Julian said. "I know some Making it to the Major League "It's hard on your body." Niles earlier you get into the professional all Falcons. Deidee Bissinger defeat- the Bowling Green swimming and good things are going on. Some- level, the better chance you have to ed Zvesdana Malesevic 6-4, 6-3. diving team over the weekend on the times I don't have time to sit down Baseball level is a tough climb but said You go through the same rou- that's the journey some former Fal- tine for six months. I don't find it too make it to the big leagues. Fortu- Devon Bissinger won a .6-4, 6-3 road at Miami. and appreciate it. We got some kids nately. I've been able to play at decision over Zorica Malesevic. In con baseball players are attempting hard holding up mentally. You have This trip did not resemble shades really doing a good job." to try to take it one day at a time. every level except the big leagues " the final flight. Tracy Howitt routed of the Buffalo adventure. The bus The Falcons showed their this fall. Kim Harris 6-2, 6-1. You just have to gel yourself pre- didn't break down, the drive was strength in the relays. The Fad Four, One of them is former BG short- pared to play up to your ability every I'veplayed against The Falcons' doubles teams also safe and the food was warm. In stop Drew Niles. He will be entering continued to shine on Sunday. Brat- BG's 200 medley relay team, his third summer in the Florida Mar- day." an a with a lc'lot of ton and Wasilewski beat Farr and return for their kinder fortunes, the cruised to a first place victory in a lins farm system this spring. Niles In 1998. Niles started in low A guys wf\o have been Curie 8-4. Rhodes and Deidee Falcons gave a stronger perfor- time of 1:35.56. The foursome will was a key member of Bowling for the Kane County Cougars of the tpthP big leagues. Bissinger held off Derouin and Har- mance against the RedHawks and be considered one of the favorites Green's 1998 Mid-American Con- Midwest League. He ended up play- My skills aren t in ris 9-8. winning the tiebreaker 10-8. Ohio. heading into the MAC champi- ference championship baseball team ing in AAA in Charlotte the lasl the same category as Howitt and Devon Bissinger fin- "We didn't have the irritations onship. that finished 34-21 overall and 17- month of the season. they might have, but ished the day with an 8-4 triumph that we had at Buffalo," BG swim The women's 200 medley mod- 10 in the conference. In 1999. he went back to playing ri gtytp me the over Karen Liwanpo and Alyson coach Randy Julian said. "We were eled after their male counterparts IK- hopes his first experience in in High A in the Florida State confidence that if I Stalzer. mentally ready to swim against two and also earned a first place finish in the Florida Marlins farm system as League for the Bavard County Man- develop correctly and Men's Tennis very good programs. We swam at a the event. Composed of seniors well as the experience at all three atees, batting .171 with a The men's tennis team could not minor league levels will pay off and 12 RBIs. He spent two months keep developing, • repeat the success of last weekend, higher level." Sarah Abell, Budde, Nancy Simp- in Portland (Maine) playing for the someday I can make Both the men's and women's son, along with sophomore Kim when he goes down in spring. Niles falling to Ohio State 6-1. said people play 160 games from the Sea Dogs where he battled .230 with it. In singles, the Buckeyes' Chris teams lost to both teams, but Julian Modcn, the team finished in an middle of March into the August and nine RBI. He saw a lol of action at Porter defeated Vitek Wild 6-2. 6-3. found positives that he is definitely impressive time of 1:48.27. September months. shortstop, second base, third base Drew Niles Andrew Carlson downed Nicolas cheering about. One of those posi- Simpson added on to her first- and some games in the outfield. "I learned I need to gel stronger." Former BO shortstop Lopez-Acevedo 6-2. 6-2. Phil Metz tives is the return of senior Bethany place victory with two more top fin- In terms of getting his education. humiliated Micael Lopez-Acevedo. Niles said "I think for the most part. Budde. ishes. The Yotktown, Virginia native I've been doing that. I've been hit- Niles still has another fall's worth of Falcon coach Danny Schmitz 6-1.6-1. Budde. who has been suffering outdid the competition in the 100 classes and another fall's worth of Geoff Hiscox was the lone win- ting the weights hard and trying to said less than one percent of those from sickness most of the season, is and 200 back. She was not the only make myself stronger." internships. He still backs up his drafted actually made the big ner for BGSU. defeating Vincent Ng decision even though the team won 6-3. 6-4. finally getting better. It showed at Falcon to win the 100 back. Men's For the most pan. Niles has been leagues but that docs not concern the the meet. Budde went as fast in the team freshman Tim Early also the MAC Championship last year as Centerville. Ohio native. The Buckeyes bounced right wot king on his hitting skills before well 100 and 200 breast as she did last picked up a first-place victory in the heading to spring training. He does "I've played against and with a back, however, with Derek DeFalco "1 was very happy to hear they taking a 6-1.6-4 decision from Mike year during the season, finishing event. not know whether he will be placed lol of guys who have been to the big I Kossoff Bob Wellslein completed third in both events. "The Miami pool is a really nice, leagues." Niles said. "My skills the singles flight with a 6-3, 6-4 win "I was ready to go." Budde said. fast pool," Budde said. "Last year aren't in the same category as they I over Ed Kuresman. "Physically I felt better which our conference meet was there so I might have, but it gives me the con- The doubles proved to be equally helped me mentally. I was surprised have some memories from that pool fidence that if I develop correctly i frustrating for the Falcons. and keep developing, someday I can I did as well as I had considering I There was some really good compe- make it. It lakes skill and a lot of In the first flight, the Buckeyes hadn't gone those times at all. It's team of Porter and Carlson hung on tition there this past weekend." luck as well. nice to finally be back." Soon to be named BG assistant "You never can tell. I've heard The men also gained a little more coach Paige Gross was also present stories about guys in Single A that | • See TENNIS, page 9. depth with the return of freshman for her first meet with the Falcons. think their careers are about to end. ] Lucas Womac. Womac, who has bat- "She'll be right into recruiting They hang around. Things happen a I tled a severe case ofjrjQnu_all sea- and coaching." Julian said. year or two later, they're in the big leagues playing every day. You [ Super Bowl XXXTV never know when a guy is going to You never can tell. 'Super' ads have varying results I've heard stories MIKE BRANDYBERRY including the 12th year of the Bud Local businesses agree on the about guys in Sing/- STAFF WRITER Bowl. Anheuser-Busch has secured ineffectiveness of sales through A that think their agreements with ABC. CBS and Super Bowl advertising. Sid Morris, The Super Bowl has always been FOX for beer category exclusivity associate for Kroger said, careers are about to the biggest game of the year, but through at least Super Bowl "Products such as Budweiser. Coca- end. They hang only recently has it become famous XXXIV; they will be the only beer Cola and Frito-Lay do not have any for its commercials. However, com- able to advertise for another two increase in sales after the game. around. Things panies advertising during the big years. Before the game, those products happen. game can expect mixed results on While the money involved is very skyrocket, especially Budweiser." their return. Consumers enjoy the large. Associate Professor of Mar- Although the commercials may Drew Niles. entertainment of the commercials keting. Dr. Stephen Newell said not increase sales. Moms finds them Former BO" shortstop j but are not always persuaded to buy evaluating the effectiveness of a entertaining. the product. commercial can be a difficult mea- "I think the Budweiser frogs, explode into his capabilities." According to an Associated Press sure. lizards and ferrets are the best com- Bui until luck happens, NilesJ article, the cost of a 30-second spot 'To be able to detect whether a mercials on television. I watch for sounds as though he will give it} during Sunday's Super Bowl was in consumer buys a product because of them all the time, but I never drink everything he has until the time] excess of $2 million with heavy a commercial is nearly impossible to the beer." Morris said. "I just think comes. evaluate." he said. Consumers often weights Anheuser-Busch. Pepsi and those commercials are entertaining." BEN FRENCH/ The BG News "I'm really anxious to start thel buy products because of familiarity "I liked the Bud Light commer- Coca-Cola spending the most. BATTING PRACTICE - Drew Niles swings away during a work- season," Niles said. "I'm ireallyi Anheuser-Busch dominated other with a product from commercials, cial where the man had his arm out at Perry Field House. looking forward to having a" good! companies with 10 advertisements not necessarily the message in the season. I'll be more picpared.goingi costing approximately $30 million. commercial." I See COMMERCIALS, page 9. into the season as compared to last."[ Page 9 The BG News Tuesday, February 1, 2000 SPORTS; READ AND WIN READ AND WIN' READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN! Esterkamp sets high standards NEWS 131 G.MICHAEL GRAHAM SPORTS WRITER

"- Just call him Dunkin Dave. An area television station started (ailing Dave Esterkamp that after witnessing the 6-foot-7 senior from PIZZA! Cincinnati slam home a couple balls on fastbreak opportunities. "You get excited for plays like that just like you get excited for tak- ing a charge or a block." Esterkamp said. "It's just something like that to get not only myself going but the team going and when we're at home, the crowd loves it. It makes for an exciting game." He is coming off a 28-point game in BG's win over Akron Saturday. The 28 points tied a career-high. However, he was quick to point out the team defense was the key to the LA win. i "It was playing real tough defense then going down, making hard cuts and finding people and making some jump shots." i 25 lucky i Esterkamp said. "When you do that. it's success." His defense is what has improved throughout the years. He has drawn readers the tough assignments in many games on guys like Akron's Jami Bosley or Miami's Rob Mestas. ' "Coach (Dan Dakich) talked to will win a large me about it." Esterkamp said. "He said in order to be a good player, you MIKE LEHMKUHLE/ The BG News have to take certain steps. I just CROSSOVER - Dave Esterkamp attempts to get around an Akron defender in a BG win. tnade up my mind that I was going Pisanellos pizza! lo be the best defensive player I can you can work on your skills by your- a lot of people but if you want some- be in helping people and helping my Esterkamp said. "The reason I say . teammates to stop people." self. It's a game that motivates me to one to lead, handle, pass the ball on that is on (hat team, we only had one - Hard work is the precedent he is play and gel better." the money and get it to people she person go Division I, which was me. j *a *10 value irying to set for future Falcons. He is the oldest of four children. wants to score, that's the person you But that team was so close together Esterkamp said people are always His younger brother. Steve, is a want because she is an excellent and Coach (Dan) Fleming, now that freshman at Ohio University while point guard." judging athletes. His advice is to try I look back on it. did a great job Esterkamp first lasted success as to do things as correctly as possible Diana is a senior at McCauley High treating us as a team and as individ- a senior at Cincinnati LaSalle High uals. It's a wonderful feeling to and set your goals high School—an all-girls Catholic school School when his team won the 1996 Basketball is in Esterkamp's in Cincinnati. His youngest sister, know you're the best in the state." Division I State championship Esterkamp has a dream once he blood. He has been playing hoops Sarah, is in seventh grade. "My whole family plays basket- knocking off Toledo St. John's. graduate*. since he was five. "Like any other college basket- I "Basketball wasn't my first love ball," Esterkamp said. "Sarah might LaSalle had knocked off Lakewood end up being the best basketball St. Edward's in the semifinals when ball player, you hope to go on to the . but I enjoy the game." Esterkamp current UC Bearcat Steve Logan next level." Esterkamp said. "Who said. "I enjoy going out in the back player out of us four. She's looking was a sophomore. doesn't dream about that'.' I'm work- yard late at night and working on my for some place to go but it's hard ing hard. I hope things work out. If game. That's what I enjoy the most right now because the team's not "It's probably the biggest accom- very good. She can't score as well as plishment of my life right now." they don't, we'll see what happens." about the game; it's a game where Jordan, players react to Heard

THR ASSOCIATED PRESS Walker, who also played four years to do all the firing." as a guard with the then-Washington From the first day he became "He came in with a bulldozer Bullets from 1987-91. "It's a dream part-owner and president of basket- mentality. He was like that every WASHINGTON — On the court. come true. Hopefully. I can be the ball operations, Jordan gave Heard day. balking, cursing, screaming Michael Jordan's one-on-one spin guy who can turn this team around the cold shoulder. Heard said he every day. After a while, that gets move past Laron Profit was as back in the right direction. It's not wished Jordan had fired him imme- old. We're grown men." smooth as ever Off the court, the like we're going to jump up and run diately instead of letting him twist in Washington Wizards head of basket- off 20 or 30 in a row, I just want us Said Howard: "I don't control j the wind, and suggested to several stuff like that. I don't go behind the ball operations admitted his first big to go out. be competitive, get after newspapers that Falk, the agent who management move — a confusing scenes and I don't go behind any- people, play defense and have some represents Jordan and well as Wiz- and bitter change of coaches — did- body's back." fun." ards players Rod Strickland and n't go according to plan. Jordan was more diplomatic, say-. Free pizza vouchers will Walker's first game is Tuesday Juwan Howard, was an intermediary ing he fired Heard because the coach Darrell Walker, who has been night in Cleveland, but he was to his demise. had lost his players' respect. , coaching a last-place team in the almost the bit player Monday as "I didn't expect to be one of be randomly inserted CBA, was hired as the Wizards some tough parting shots were (Michael's) guys, especially with the "When you're disappointed, interim coach Monday. Walker exchanged among the players, Jor- David Falk factor." Heard told The quite naturally you start reaching out expected to be named an assistant, dan and fired coach Gar Heard. Jor- Washington Post. "Rod and Juwan. for different types of straws." Jordan into select editions of but suddenly moved up the ladder dan had to defend (he timing and I'm sure they didn't have anything said. "He felt like David Falk when Jordan's first choice. Golden manner of Heard's dismissal, and good to say." changed my mind or initiated the fir- State assistant Rod Higgins, fell Jordan. Rod Strickland and Juwan ing, but I think that's totally incor- the BG News. through because the Wizards could- Howard shoi back at Heard's allega- Strickland and Howard, both of rect. whom clashed openly with Heard's n't agree on a compensation deal tion thai his dismissal was due in "He had some great knowledge with the Warriors. part to the "David Falk factor." old-school coaching style, reacted with anger. about the game, but the thing that 'That was an unfortunate situa- Jordan was in Atlanta for the was very obvious — and unfortu- tion in that things did not work out "Ha! Let me tell you something." nately it happened before I got here Super Bowl when Heard was fired Strickland said. "I sat up last night properly with Golden State," Jordan Saturday nighl. immediately after — is he lost respect for the players." Pick up your copy of the said. "Rod was just one of our can- trying to think about how I was the Wizards (14-30) beat the Cleve- going to deal with this situation, and The big highlight Monday was didates for the job. Darrell was land Cavaliers. Jordan said he was I wanted to be very diplomatic about Jordan and rookie Profit going one- another." deferring to the wishes of general this. But instead he's talking his lit- on-one in a trash-talking best-of- BG News on campus Walker was 41-90 over I 1/2 sea- manager Wes Unseld. tle shots. The bottom is. maybe he threc after practice. Profit won the sons with the Toronto Raptors "I actually offered to do that just couldn't coach. Have y'all ever first game. Jordan won the second before quitting in 1998, and he's because that's my responsibility as thought of that? Is that a possibility'.' and had a big lead in the third when Wednesday to see if leaving a Rockford Lightning team president." Jordan said. "And Wes I'll take accountability when I play they stopped. that is 13-17 and in last place in the took the approach that 'I hired the bad. when we lose. I'll take the heat "He's the best player that ever *CBA's Atlantic Conference. Thrilled guy. I'll fire the guy.' My response and everything. Now he has to take played the game." Profit said. "I you are a winner! to be out of the minors. Walker used to Wes was that this is the only time some heat and accountability. He look at it as, what can he do to me the word "fun" at least a dozen times that you're going to be able to do didn't handle this situation that that he hasn't already done on at his introductory news conference. this. From this time forward. I'm great, neither. And it wasn't just national TV in front of millions of "I'm |usl happy to be here," said going to do the hiring, .itul I'm pomp about me and Juwan. That's just an people.'" Bettors find little to cheer about COMMERCIALS .oWthe^ Continued from page 8. the aspirations of having their name "We're almost as busy now as we THK ASSOCIATED PRESS caught in the elevator and all the were before the game," Imperial recognized, even if they invest a people took his beer." said BGSU large part of their year's earnings. , S Palace sports book manager Jay ""'' ''' — "~~. ■."""■v..., v$y LAS VEGAS — In Atlanta, the freshman Nikki Vrona. * Kornegay said. "We've got long The online marketers in particu- St. Louis Rams won. In this gam- Another advertiser during the lar want to use the Super Bowl as "a bling city, it was just a super draw. lines of people here getting their Super Bowl was Napa Auto-Parts, money back." showpiece for their Internet address Long lines of bettors swarmed to but local salesman Keith Garber and to say to the world that we are Those who bet on the Rams the cashier's windows at sports said, "We advertise during the Super playing with the big boys." said Bill minus the 7 points stood in the same books along the Las Vegas Strip Bowl and the Daytona 500 and sales Croasdale. a lop commercial buyer lines as those who bet on the Titans after St. Ix>uis beat the Tennessee never increase." at Western Initiative Media in Los plus 7 points. Neither side was a Titans 23-16 in Sunday's Super "People buy auto-parts when Angeles in an interview with Fox Bowl. winner, but they weren't, losers they need them. Our advertising has either. Sports News. But they weren't collecting their little influence over sales," Garber "We have not generated a dime winnings — just getting their money "Most people are just getting said. yet." said Ethan Russman. market- Big companies do not expect a back after the game ended just how refunds," said Cesar Robaina. who ing director of His it •, - business increase through their com- the oddsmakers predicted — with sets odds for many Las Vegas sports company paid $2 million for Super the Rams winning by 7 points. books. mercials. "They hope their commer- cials are the ones that people talk Bowl exposure with startup money about the day after. By doing this, it has raised mostly from European TENNIS- they maintain an image on a nation and Asian investors according to an Continued from page 8. sion over Kossoff and Micael al level. We have people that do not article by the Associated Press. Lopez-Acevedo. care about the Super Bowl, instead, 'Two million for their commer- for an 8-6 defeat of BGSU's Wild "I think we have to toughen up a they watch for the commercials." cial will also get them probably 15 and Brandon (label. Hiscox and little bit." Head coach Jay Harris Newell said. articles of free press before the com- Nicolas Lopez-Acevedo dropped a said. "When you play a good team, Another aspect to this year's mercial airs." Newell said/This AND WIN' READ AND "WIN' READ AND WIN • '.tight match to Ng and John Scale. 8- your weaknesses can be exposed, commercials were the heavy influ- helps get their name recognized ..) 16. DeFalco and Wellstein iced the and that one was exposed this week- ence from the dotcom companies. which is what they hope their $2 ''Buckeyes' victory with an 8-3 deci- end." Internet companies advertise with million will gain." READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN! READ AND WIN! t Page 10 The BG News fucsday, February 1, 2000 SPORTS APTop25 Transactions The Min's Top Twenty Five By The Associated National Basketball Association \.ii M.II Hockey League Press. EASTERN CONFERENCE EASTERN CONFERENCE BASEBALL Atlantic Division Atlantic Division 1 he top 25 k-.ims in 1 he \ssot iated Press" men's college lia-.ketb.ill poll, with first-place votes in W L Pet CB W L T RT PI- ANAIII IM \\ reed to terms with parentheses, records through Ian. JO, total point'. Miami 26 16 .619 l\i ( .ii !os Garcia on a minor league contract. • points for a first-place vote through New York 26 16 .619 New Jersey 31 15 5 4 71 MINNESOTA TWINS one poinl for a 25th-place vote and previous rani. Philadelphia 26 15 9 1 62 OF Butch Huskey on a minor league contract. ■ Philadelphia 24 19 558 ing. M.Y. Rangei 22 Boston 20 21 7 3 52 IAVIPA BAY DEVII RAYS Agreed to terms Pittsburgh 20 4 5 49 Reco rd Pts Pvs with OF On in Ion Mil r,n ken on a One-year ion' Orlando 20 444 7 1/2 \ V Islanders 13 30 6 33 1. ( incinnati (65) 211-1 1.7-1) 1 tract and INI- Mariano Duncan on a minor New Jersey 17 27 .386 10 anford (3) 17-1 1 663 2 league contract. Washington 14 30 13 Northeast Division 3. Duke 16-2 1,589 3 National League Toronto 29 17 6 67 4. Syracuse (2) 17-0 4 Nl W YORK Ml eed to terms witH; Central Division Ottawa 25 18 8 60 5. Ohio Si 14-3 8 INI- Mike Kinkade on a one year contrai t Indiana 28 15 Boston 17 21 13 51 6. Tennessee Charlotte 24 18 .571 Buffalo 20 '• 6 47 18-2 1397 II 3 1/2 BASKETBALL Toronto 24 |i .5.58 4 Montreal 17 ! 7 13 7. Connecticut 1.271 6 National Basketball Association Milwaukee 24 20 4 1/2 htigan St. 1,243 9 CHB Signed G Chris Carr foi Detroit 22 21 .512 6 Southeast Division 9. Arizona 17 1 1,190 5 Florida 17 the remainder ol the season land 18 26 HI 1/2 65 10. Auburn 17-3 1,083 7 Washington 24 17 57 CLEVELAND < to \l.n RS ligrted I Pete" Atlanta 16 26 .381 11 1/2 II. Indiana 15 3 1,038 14 Carolina 24 -IX ( hilcutl to a 10-day contract. igo 8 33 19 irida 938 10 Tampa Bay 12 31 ~<4 GOLDEN STATE WARRU >RS Named I lave Atlanta II 32 11 13. Oklahoma St. 881 15 Cowens assistant coach. Signed (. Sam lacobson WESTERN CONFERENCE 14. Kentuckv 15-5 812 16 lor the remaindei ol Ihc season Midwest Division WESTERN CONFERENCE 15. Kai In 4 12 WASHINGTON WIZARDS N imed I W L Pet GB Central Division In Tl 14 5 723 17 Walker coat h. Utah 27 15 Detroit 31 14 69 17. Tul sa 20-2 687 13 SI. Louis 31 14 68 witonio 28 16 18 Oklahoma 16-3 555 1 HOCKtn Minnesota 24 17 Nashville 19 26 1" Utah 16-3 524 19 National Hockey League Denver 19 22 7 1/2 Chicago 18 27 44 V II Suspended New | 20. Iowa St. 341 — Dallas • 17 I lorek one game lor throwing pail ol Hie team's Northwest Division 14-4 116 24 Houston 27 II bench on the ice during Saturday night's game. 20 7 22 LSU — Vancouver 12 .286 16-3 258 ( AROLINA HURRK AN1 S Named )im 15 21 13 54 2 1 ( Ire 15-3 — Rutherford chiel executive officer and general 23 5 Pacific Division inderbill 170 20 igei I im (. am president and chief operating' luver 15 25 10 46 L.A. Lakers 34 10 .773 25. Maryland i i i. 119 22 officer and Jason Karmanos vii e president-a lanl general mar Portland 33 !ti 1/2 Pacific Division '•I LOUIS ''! UES Rei irty Rea-!~ Sacramento 27 15 6 Phoenix 27 61 Others receivinj them soner from Worcestei ol the AHL. Seattle 28 17 I'alias 26 19 Cal 59, Gonzaga 49, North ( arolina 28, Purdt Phoi 24 San lose 22 26 St. John's 25, Virginia 25, Missouri 18, UC1 i Dayton II, SI Bonaventure 4, UNL\ 4 DePaul 3, COLLEGE L.A. Clippers! 1 32 .25B 21 52 Hall 1, Notre Dame 2, Illinois I, Kent i, (;oldenState9 Anaheim 21 24 49 iRTHWE! I! RN Signed Pal Goss, goll i in.i I afayette I Tulane I. coach, to a unilinear contract extension. Manuel, Indians prep for Ramirez's free agency

THE AssocuTKO PRESS to tell him?," Manuel joked Mon lowing Mike lackson's departure 'I know we'll talk when the Indi the Indians can't and won't I tave three player: in double I'll icll him. 1 need you. son and Hail, as usual, held eouit on a .ins icel comfortable moving approai h (million) digits But they hi : vi l AM) In What are you trying to do, gel me variety ol 'opies but HOIK- as impoi ward," h< said "I'm ecu.mi our As much as we'd like lo sign enl market. The Dodgers h.iilic Manuel expects Mann) tam lo the Indians as Kan . paths will cross in the near future." Manny, we just don't think tin and the t I \>. alk up lo linn one cia\ Manuel, the Ind et hit- Ramirez led the majors with 165 Ramirez, who will make S4 mil nomics make sense lor us at this jicrhups durin ■ istrucUM who replaced Mike RBIs yeai and SOOn could leucl lion in the final year of he contract, time," Han -aid 'Will wail and sec big money bul u next month, and ask n. was .it li.iseh.ill in another category — has made it known thai he wants to what happens. There's a a hie class antee ; g to .\ in either. Jacobs Pield on M mda> along with .I.I\ wall the Indians of players coming out next "Bui the bottom line is we're Not on how to hit a curveball or some ol his players .is the Indians Han said lie and Ramirez's a ...■in.i like lo play in kicked oil their wintei press tour We'd like to HI.mi Mann) ii at all going o p vi iih Mam inkei lefl Moorad, have had several briel Cleveland for the balance ol Ins possible. What other clubs do some- Catcher Sandy Alomar, and convet nations recently. right field for the 2000 se Ramirez, Cleveland's All career," Moorad said. limes doesn't make sense to us " and Sean We've had some informal dis The recent news that the New and we'll make a good decision DePaula wen- joined by Indians Halt has built the Indians into a v will lx- looking i 'i guidance cussions," Han said. "Hut they've Yankees were close to signing when the time is right." lohn Hart for the been, hello.1 Goodbye." perennial World Series contender b) his playing future shortstop I >etek .lelei to a seven lake Ramirez, Alomar is in the media luncheon Moorad told The Associated ecu. SI IS 5 million contract and signing lus top players to long-term final yeai of his i ontract. The All- Stay in Cleveland? t>i taki ^ slimmed down All Press that neither side has presented Detroit's willingness to give Juan deals, and has avoided ha\ in" to pay L-d questions about his knee anything formal and that he likely Gonzalez an eight-year, M-io mil- an) >ne playei a giant contract itcher, who underwent tin Manuel has his a injury; Karsay talked about becom- would meet with Hart in Florida lion deal, has potentially taken "Look at the Yankees," he sevei :; -olget ■ on his lefl 1 ' Whjt do YOI' think I'm CHI.C IIIIJ die team s , losc'i ihis season lol during spi ing training. Ramirez into .i stratosphere said. 'When (etei signs, they'll dropped 15 pounds this winter 1 ********************* Jay Smith M.D. Go Greek! Go Greek! Go Greek! 24 Hour Towing Kappa kappa Gamma General Medicine & Pain Management Transmission • Tires The Women ol Kappa Kappa Gamma would like lo im He you All Mechanical Work • Bearings Accepting New Patients • Brakes • AH Farm Equip Immediate Appointments Available to our recruitment nl the following times: • Diesel and Gas Motors Tuesday February /. 7:00 7:45pm - Low Shop Rates - ■ Wii, AXll \.\<> AXQ AM2 AXii A\£2 ,VX£J • Furnished • Across from campus Congratulations • Close to campus to the 2000 Executive Board of • Large two bedroom apartments • Units #48-72 with AC and Fireplace Alpha Chi Omega • Furnished • Laundry facility in building Allie Koscho - VP ol Fraternit) Relations Suzy Johnson - VP of Chapter Relations and Standards • Extra storage Steph (Jerrone - VP of Education • Free water & sewer :V; Kristen Cleveland - VP ol Intellectual Developments • 9 & 12 month leases available Heather Simmons - VP of Finance • Off street parking <*^S. Molly Bucher - Membership Development Steph I.ipps - Recruitment .(."hair Rita Chess - Communications 323 S. Main NEWL9VE (our only office GREENBRIAR, INC. Liz Kmans - Risk Management Rentals 352-8620 Bethany Tobin President m ...Get Them While They Lastf Thank you to the 1999 Executive Board, Checkout our Website for a complete you guys did a great job. listing of all our properties. o\\ (>\\ <>\\ o\V c5\V U\V o\\ o\\ (5\V Faded Ink mmmm

Page 11 The BG News Tuesday, February 1,2000 Ratings up for big game Till \SVK I MMI I'KISN The No. I program was the 1996 9 p.m. Thai was followed by a Supci Bowl between Dallas and 44 2/62 and a 46.9/65 for the lina Pittsburgh, watched by 138.5 mil hall hour, which included Kurt : ; Ni:\V YORK — Small markets lion. Sunday's game pushed the final Warner's 73-yard touchdown pass to don't hurl Super Bowl ratings — episode of "M-A-S-H," broadcast h\ Isaac Bruce and Mike Jones' lack! especially when the game goes CHS ,m Feb, 28, 1983, and watched ol Kevin Dyson al the I as time ran] down lei (he final plaj by 121.6 million, out of the top 10 out. list, which now includes nine Super Si Louis' stirring 23-16 victory Him Is and the women's skating "ii Tennessee on Sunday nighl final of the 1994 Winter Olympics. The rating for the final half hour drew a 43.2 rating and a 62 share on was up 21 percenl Irom the 38.9 for ABC, up 7 percent from last year. With two small markets. ABC the final half hour last year. I hat makes it the lOlh-highest rated said lasl week it hoped for a 42.0 rat among the 34 Super Bowls. ing, but the close games caused ral- In St Louis, the game produced a ings to grow throughout the night. 55.6 rating and 78 share, and in Last year's game, Denver's 34-19 Nashville, Tenn., it drew a 50.3/67. When the game began at 6:26 win over Atlanta, received a 40.2 p.m l-ST. it had a 39 II rating and 61 rating and 61 share, the lowest rating In Houston, the Titans' home share, which grew to 41.4/64 from since the i990 game registered a when the team was the Oilers, the 6:30-7 p.m.. 42.7/64 from 7-7:30 39.0 rating. p.m. and 43.5/64 from 7:30-8 p.m. game got a 47.0 rating and 67 share. In Los Angeles, the former home of ABC estimated 130,745.000 peo- The halfume show got a 40.8/48 the Rams, it got a 38.7/64. ple watched the game, making it the in the next half hour, and the second filth most-watched telecast in U.S. half began with a 43.9/62 from 8:30 In New York, the game got a 39.6 history, trailing four other Suner rating and 54 share Howls'. PHJI-WPMflU Travel Personals •Spring Break Panama City $129! Boaru- Congratulations to last weeks sister's of Classified walk Room w/kitchen Next to Clubs! 7 the week for Sigma Kappa. Katie Bach parties-Free Drinks! Daytona S149! South and Sarah Bashaw. Ads Beach $159! Cocoa Beach $179! 1 -800-678-6386 AZ AX AZ AX A/ GO DIRECT! «1 Internet-based company The men of Delta Chi would like to wish 372-6977 offering WHOLESALE Spring Break pack- the ladies ol Delta Zeta the best in their ages! Guaranteed Lowest Price! 1 -800- colonization efforts oHumiiflyKCCpa* AZAXAZAXAZ MM. o< eiKotuft duCMMIMMM «|fainM 367-1252. »ti> inditidujl t« fi"up OB iht MUS ot race. **. colw. Roundtrip to Florida, Buy one ticket. Excellence, Character. If these words de- (rre-d. reltfiun. HIlOMi onpn re«u*i 01* • '-- btM ol *»y whet Friend rides Iree Greyhound 352-2329 scribe you, Delta Chi Fraternity is looking ElCd MM SPRING BREAK 5006 for you Attend our meeting Tues., Feb m decline, discontinue PANAMA CITY BEACH FLORIDA FROM 1st at 7 30pm in BA 1009. For more info, .' M thote found 10 be $149 PER PERSON SANDPIPER contact Scott Patterson at 352-1558 or ,,,v "'"if '" ' BEACON BEACH RESORT, THE 'FUN [email protected] in nature AII advenncneno in m^eci to ed-un* and PLACE''! HOME OF THE WORLD'S (pM-^M-OM-rpM LARGEST KEG PARTY DRINK DRAFT Congratulations to the Executive Board BEER ALL WEEK LONG. TIKI BEACH BAR ENTERTAINMENT BY BOOGIE members of the week Lisa Newman and Shannon Nickerson! Campus Events INCORPORATED BIKINI CONTESTS. MALE HARD BODY CONTESTS. 3 M-M-M 7:00 BA 3000 1-800-488-8828 FREE PIZZA' WWW.SANDPIPERBEACON.COM Come celebrate Mardi Gras with the women of Phi Mu at open recruitment on Alpna Chi Omega Spring Break 2000! South Padre Island Tuesday. February 1st at the Open Rush wwwoirentals com/spnnob'eak Monday January 31st-Thursday February 1-80Q-292-752Q Phi Mu house. 3rd Parties will be held from 9-9:45 and M-1>M-M- A<1> Ad> Would you like to be a facilitator tor the If so. the sisters ot Delta Gamma Come see what our sisterhood is all about What men need to know about rape cordially invite you to attend at the Alpha Phi house tonight from 8-10 program? For more information, call Open Recruitment at the house, Wed Ad> A«P Ad> 372-0470 or pick up an application in the February 2 and Thurs February 3 from Wellness Connection al Alpha Gamma Delta 170 Health Center 7:30-8:30pm and 9:00-10:00pm The women of Alpha Gamma Delta would INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: FEB 1- See you there! like to invte you Io our open house \i \r ,\r AI' AT AI AiAfAr February 1st and 2nd 8:00-8:45pm and MEN'S. WOMEN'S AND CO-REC CURL- ING; FEB 2-MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SIN- 9:00-9:45pm Come and bnng a friend1 Do you want to be a kid again? GLES RACOUETBALL IF HAND-DELIV- We can't wait to meet you! BIG PLAYGROUND 2000 ERING. DUE BY 3PM IN 130 PFH. IF Alpha Gamma Delta March of Dimes Collegiate Council SENDING ELECTRONICALLY, DUE BY Valentine Ratfle-MSC Bldng 10am-2pm Are you worned about your weight? 12 NOON Tickets cost SI each or $5 for 6 New, Confidential Group Take a Bite IK • Sigma Kappa ■ IK Omega Phi Alpha Service Sororily and on the move for health & joy Come join the women Info night at 9 00pm will encourage healthy eating & exercise of Sigma Kappa on • Tues., Feb. 1 Ashley Activities Lounge and positive body image Feb 1 and 2 from 8:15- \ For more info call Sara 352-0935. Meeting Wednesdays from 3:30-5 9pm, 9:15-10pmfor The AMIS Club will be Room 170 Wellness Connection recruitment!! hosting a speaker from 372-9355. IK • Sigma Kappa * IK career service Io talk about Confidential Eating Disorder Group Turning Points Interview Preparation Women at all stages of recovery An informal discussion group about When: Feb 2, 2000 group support & encouragement eating disorders, weight issues, and , Where: BA 106 confidential interactive discussions. normal eating. Beginning Wed., Feb. 16 Pizza & Pop provided Every Tuesday 7-8:30pm 3:30-5:00pm for 7 sessions. Women's Center, Hanna Hall 108 To register call 372-2081 Student Health Service, Judy Miller Co-sponsored by Counseling Center Travel 372-7425 lor more into. and Sttident Health Service xa xa xa xa xa WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FEW Come to the Chi Omega house lor games GOOD MEN... .#1 Spring Break Vacations! Cancun. Ja- and entertainment Open Rush, Tues. to serve as facilitators for the • maica. Bahamas, Flonda. Best Prices Feb 1st and Thurs Feb. 3rd from 8-10pm What men need to know about rape ' Guaranteed' Free Parties & Cover charg- xa xa xa xa xa program. This unique program is "es' Spaces limited, book now! All major Desperately Seakinn Stranger: facilitated BY men FOR men and '. credit cards accepted! 1-800-234-7007 Saw you eating dinner at Founders Mon- discusses issues of sexual assault and - yvww day. You were wearing jeans and that red rape EDUCATE your peers and help • J—Spring Break Bahamas Party Cruise' shirt Couldn't keep my eyes off you, I make your campus a better place! For '6 Nights $279! Includes Meals S Free think you noticed Can we meet? more information, call 372-0470 or stop by the Wellness Connection to pick up an '. Parlies! Cancun & Jamaica $399! I'll check the classifieds for your answer. spnngbreaktravel com 1 -800-678-6386. •Interested at Founders application at 170 Health Center WE'RE OLD SCHOOL WE'RE OLD SCHOOL WE'RE 01D SCHOOL WE'RE OLD SCHOOL WE'RE OLD SCHOOL


MEN'S BASKETBALL Student Organization Fair • Over 200 Croups Represented • OHIO UNIVERSITY Wednesday. • Students FREE with valid BGSU ID February 2,2000 * Come out and show your support! (1pm - 5pm) Bring your student ID to pick up tickets • Olscamp 101 A & B •

rS RECORD Sponsored by the Office of Student Activities i-4 LEADING TH For More Information Call 372-2343 *iu* LAST DIVISION! WE'RE OLD SCHOOL WE'RE OLD SCHOOL WE'RE OLD SCHOOL WE'RE OLD SCHOOL WE'RE OLD SCHOOL page 12 The BG News Tuesday, February 1,2000


Horse help needed m exchange for PLAY SPORTS! HAVE FUN! SAVE WEDNESDAYS horseback nding time. 5 hrs. per wk Flex- MONEYI'Top sports camp-Maine Coun- WILL CONTAIN ible hrs. 669-3170. selors to coach all sports: tennis, base- interim Executive Recruiting currently has ball, basketball, lacrosse, hockey, water- an exciting opportunity for an individual front, ropes, BMX, mountain bike. golf, EDITION OF seeking experience in the Human Re- water-ski. 888-844-8080 or apply sources/Marketing fields. The selected wwweampcedar com GIFT CERTIFICATES candidate will be assisting in the recruit- ment process lor a local Big-3 automotive manufacturer. This individual must be able to work a minimum of 24 hours per FOR FREE PIZZA week. All interested candidates are en- 1995 Honda Accord EX couraged to respond ASAP via e-mail at 2 dr., 5-spd. dark green w/ivory leather I scottlavm @ interior, moonroof, excellent condition, Lifeguards and Beach Vendors 103.500 mile? (mostly highway), Needed in all scheduled maintenance done, asking COMPLIMENTS OF North Myrtle Beach $8,000 Call 354-6655 ext 4678 days or I For the Summer Season. 420-9676 evenings. Will train, no experience Computer for sale. Mac Performa 631CD necessary! Fill out an application at Software and printer incl S400 OBO Leave (r al pager * 1 -888-872-6395. Orcall(B43)-272-3259 HONDAS FROM $29/mo Police im- XV m NEWS NEED EXPERIENCE (and money?) Join pounds. For listings/payment details call 203 N. Main ™™ * 352-5166 a fast, fun and growing company as your 1-800-319-3323 ext 4558. $4.00 Minimum ' campus representative. Flexible hours, responsibilities and competitive pay. No LOOK GREAT FOR SPRING BREAK! experience, just personality needed. Visit Natural weight loss and health products'! for more Call 1-888-303-1535 or Personals Help Wanted information and to fill out an online appli- www theidealyou com cation. Snowboard, Vision board. Liquid Brand For Rent For Rent Unlimited Tanning Now hiring part time or full time binding w/hardware, Liquid brand boots, 400 Counselors/Instructors needed! Coed for days and evenings- step-in type S300, neg. Call 868-3430. $25 for 1 month, $45 lor 2 months. New summer camps in Pocono Mountains, PA. bulbs. Campus Tanning 352-7889. Casey's Hamburgers Lohikan, 800-488-4321 1025 N Main, 352-9113. Apis, lor 2000-2001 school year Avail immediately, brand new Hillsdale Apts oil N. Main, 1 BR. S350/mo exel Worried about pregnancy?? Babysitter needed in our BG home. Persons needed Thursdays 4-8pm and For Rent 1 to 3 person - 12 mo. leases only Elflfl Pregnancy Tests Confidential and utilities. Ask lor Janet at 217-348-0207. Tues. 4 Thurs. mornings from 8:15-9:15 will continue for extended SUMMER Steve Smith 352-8917 or 367-8666 Caring. 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center. S5.00/day Call Karen at 352-2850. No calls alter 8pm hours to work with autistic child in Oregon "Houses. Apts., Rooms 00-01 S.Y." Now leasing lor summer & latl tvwwbgnetvs com www b9news.c0m home Call 419-693-7869. Houses; 91G 3rd St, 6 bed -new carpet Houses tor rent: All 12 monlh leases, ten- 601 3rd St.. 704 5th St.. 710 7th St. COMMERCIAL CREPIT ANALYST SUMMER JOBS 307 1/2 E Reed-3BR. washer/dryer ants pay utilities, security deposit & pa- Call 352-3445 Looking for 0 past issue of Female and male counselors needed 211 E Reed. Up or Down-New Carpet rental guarantees. One room w/kitchenette tor 1 female the BG NEWS? Local community bank seeking entry- (or top children's camp in Maine. 326 Leroy Up or Down 730 Elm-2 BR, S475/mo. avail May 1 (shared bath). S220. util incl. furnished. level position. Minimum 2-year Top salary, room/board/taundry. clothing 321 E. Merry *D-New Flooring 316 Ridge(Front)-2 BR, S600 E Reed St, 352-1968 Checkout the BG News archives on accounting/finance degree, or & travel allowance provided. Must love Apartments; 311-316 E Merry. 2-Bed avail May 23 the web at: equivalent experience. Strong children and have skill in one or more of AND MORE Call 353-0325 9-9. 217 S College-3 BR. S630 avail May 23. Roommate needed (or 3BR house, own verbal A written communication the following activities: archery, arts & Listings 24 hrs 316 E. Merry «3 Phone 352-2330 or 354-2854 BR. S195/mo. » ulil and deposit Starting WWW BGNEWS COM skills required. Excellent benefits. crafts (ceramics, stained glass, jewelry). alter 5:00pm. ASAP Call 353-7149 ask for Adan Including 401K. (eoe) basketball, canoeing, kayaking, dance 1.2.3 Bedroom Apts. (tap, pointe & jazz), field hockey, golf. From only www bgnews com S425 Send resume to: gymnastics (instructors & qualified spot- Human Resourse Manager ters), horseback riding/English hunt seat, Private Entrance www th#comm P.O. Box 98 lacrosse, digital photography, videogra- Patio Genoa, OH 43430 pher, piano accompianist, Spacious Kitchen Small Pets Welcome! Dancers wanted - Toledo's newest club pioneering/camp craft, ropes (challenge course, 25 stations), sailing, soccer, soft- Varsity Square Apts. Wanted Part-time and Full-time ball, tennis, theatre, theatre technicians 353-7715 No exp. necessary, will train 2 bdrm. apt. 8th St. Partially furn. Dish- 419-476-6640 (set design, costumer), track & field, vol- 1 subJeaser needed May to August. leyball, waterskiing (slalom, trick, bare- wash, AC, ASAP. S450 mo Leave mes- $207/month ♦ gas and electric. 2 BR, 1 EASY WALK FROM CAMPUS loot, jumping), W.S.I/Swim instructors, sage 354-5400. 1/2 bath, spacious 372-3575 Racheal. Work part-time, full-time, even put in over- windsurfing Also opportunities lor nurses, F. sublsr. own bdrm. & bthrm in 2 bdrm. time hours, around your college and per- HTML/web design and secretaries. apt Shuttle to union & swim pool. $241 1-2 subtsrs needed No sec. dep. Furn. sonal schedule. Work a minimum of 15 CAMP VEGA FOR GIRLS! mo., price neg. Call 354-4274, Iv. mes- hours per week or 40 hours plus over- 2 bdrm. apt. $275 mo per person plus COME SEE US! sage. Email xulmglftf bgnet. gas & elec. 610 2nd St. *D. Avail immed. time. Many college students work here. Lease Aug 2000. Kim at 353-8259. Starting pay is $5.30 per hour with an au- E-mail: GEORGETOWN MANOR tomatic $.25 per hour increase to $5.55 MEN! MEN! MEN! Call 1-800-838-VEGA 800 3rd St. [email protected] 354-9740 after 100 hours of service with the compa- Are you interested in becoming a We will be on your campus Tuesday, FALL 2000/2001. Now leasing. ny. These are unskilled jobs involving as- presenter to other men on issues of March 28, 2000-Olscamp Hall Hm 104 1 bdrm starts $395 & elecfree heat. sembling and packaging of small parts. INTERVIEWS AND INFORMATION 2 bdrm starts S545 & elec/free heat. sexual assault? Apply in person between the hours of Call 372-0470 or pick up an application in FROM 10AM-4PM. W/D facil. AC. parking/walk-in closet. 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Monday-Friday) at the Wellness Connection at NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. lurn./unfurn. renovated, quiet. No pets. ADVANCED SPECIALTY PRODUCTS, 170 Hearth Center! INC., 428 Clough Street, Bowling Green, Roommate needed, own bedroom & bath, Ohio, only 2 blocks from campus near spacious. Call 354-8513 Kinko's and Dairy Queen next to the rail- Two roommates needed for '00- '01 road tracks. school year. Great house near, campus. Hiring immediately for third shift, lull & DAYTONABEAC $180/mo. Lease needs to be signed im- part time, insurance benefits, commission mediately. 354-7604. Ask for Tony. Apply & BP on Wooster DIHMEPL, ffl •■•■•■•■•■■■•■•■•■•—•■•■•■•■♦—a—————— The BG News BG 24 News \SKCUUS Coupon Clipper Now on Cable Channel 6 Daytona Beach Resort is coming... ■«■• ftM 1M «> 1 « ■ M MMM *> N UB » 1 HI • B 530-Liue lit (OIFIKIIKHHI MONDAY PMPM H» MrassBssj fOn N Com* <* Batv BM-WM RMM Bahamas Party Re-broadcast at Prices lUrtkM *t5AQ?9 Sirloin Steak Cruise $279 C«rti(i«i Anjut k«*( J MM • MM mm • fm few • *MM T«« 1030 & 730am TUESDAY 800-654-62I6 Swiss Steak Panama $139 'isll us tl www.dtrloiiibc>« City . IMMH mm, m ttmm * «■■ Wood County's WEDNESDAY Honda $149 Stuffed Pork Cnop t MM) • OMM. Ml MKft CM* ■»•» only LIVE local THURSDAY Cancun& Jamaica $439 Television news r IMM • * . wa • to FM t» *i of OMM Management Inc. B=aketb Cnicken - Our 13th Year! 1-800-678-6386 ^ source FALL OPENINGS ^nr^CA HIGHLAND^ Management Inc. ' Hillsdale Apts. 1082 Fairview. Management Inc. MANAGEMENT 1-2 bedroom. 9 1/2 - 12 mo. 1628 EAST WOOSTER 130 E Washington Street. Bowling Grccr Leases. Start at $380. NOW OPEN BOWLING GREEN-354-2535 354-6036 Call 353-5800 Graduate Student Housing Avail. Now & Fall .rtJEfcCA Management inc. Management Inc. Living' Ccwwafr Jay-Mar Apartments Evergreen Apts. 215 1. Poe. Hillsdale Apis.. Studios I bdrm. laundry on site. 445 E. Wooster St. 2 bedroom Apts. - 1082 Fairview Starts at S250 353-5992 OR 354-5203 I bedrooms $475/mo. Call 353-5800 9 1/2-12 mo. leases 12 mo. lease Tobacco Pipes & Slarts al S380- Call 353-5800 accessories & Gill items /tifEfcCA Tattoos 8 Piercings Management Inc. Joy-Mar Apts in the Bank Vault White Castle 610 N. Main St. I bdrm. Close to downtown Furnished & Unfurnished Management Inc. starting at S305 Spring Break Evergreen Apis., 803 - 815 81h St. / AvoJ.Now & Fall Call 353 580(1 215 E. Poe Piercing Special Studios & 1 bdrms COMPUTE APT. MAKEOVER! $550/mo„ 12 mo. lease ^flJEfcCA Laundry on site Management Inc. Rent starts at $250 The Highlands Navel & Eyebrow • Call 353-5800 Heinz Site 726 N. Enterprise 220NopoleonRd. I bdrm BRAND WAV only $30 One bedroom loundry facilities Slarts at S400 in bWg., ale. quiet. Call 353-5801) From $395/mo. • Tongue • Management Inc. The Homestead- Graduate Housing /CJEfcCA only $40 ALSO LEASLNG FOR 20OO/2OOI One and two bedroom. A/C. Management Inc. STOP BY FOR LISTING on-ste laundry, ceramic He. Willow House 830 l-ourth St.. • \ soundproof construction, skylights I bdrm, Remodeled dsriwashers. vaulted ceings Starts at S400 Stop by our office at From $450/mo. Hurry over now to be 1045 N. Main St. Let us het> you make a tough decision ready lor for complete listing or easy, col or slop by the ottice TODAY! ^JE^CA Spring Break 2000! call 353-5800. Call 354-6036 Management Inc. Sion h> our otTke M 1045 V Miln St From 9 - 5 (or lomplcic lislinti or ( nil 3*3-5*00. > »«» winrfurt' ninu —7 / I I I > I I • * • I t •••••• t •*•••>..., , - I I t • I • t .....,,,, I I


• wamx*-^**KiJ* m j it ■ Bowl ig Green Stale University 2.1.00

| It's no accident — 'Anarchist' is a laugh riot BY AUCE MOORE. ASSISTANT EDITOR | Black History Events — Spring

Take one mysterious "If we do our job," FEBRUARY 2 FEBRUARY 16 death, add in some politics, Wellsek said, "the play will saute with humor and mix with makepeople think." Women in African American Underground Railroad and history. Serve on The cast and crew have Sororities: Brown Bag Lunch Beyond theatrical treat. also been doing a lot of Noon-1 p.m. 12:30-1:30 p.m. This is I research. The Women's Center 115 West Building, Firelands recipe of the polit- "It's been a collabora- Campus ical farce. tive effort," Weltsek said. FEBRUARY 3 Accidental ./*" "There's a great commit- FEBRUARY 17 Death o) ment to the project. The The Art of Whiteness: an Anarchist. It was first per- creative staff, including the Giuliani, The Brooklyn Dr. Winston James, Associate formed in 1970 with the autnor, the system anc actors, is focused." Museum and Racial Politics Professor of History, Dario Fo, playing the lead char- those who allow it' "People will come and 4-5:15 p.m. Columbia acter, the Fool. to operate, saic laugh. There's a lot of humor," 101 Olscamp 10 a.m. The play, which is his- Ezell. said Ezell. "Hopefully some of Location TB A torically based, begins in According to them will think it's funny and BSU Meeting: African Art December 1969 when 16 people Wellsek, the play was ^» see the messages and Presentation & Display Between Marxism and Black were killed by a bomb set off in chosen "because of the' „— »» themes." 7:30 p.m. Nationalism: Claude the Agricultural Bank in Milan. humor, mastery of char- y "People can enjoy Olscamp Hall McKay's Political Journey Police arrested an anarchist, acter and the wonderful ^ being thinking human beings," 2:30 p.m. Guiseppe Pinelli, and take him way Fo gets the political mes- Weltsek said. FEBRUARY 4 Location TBA to police headquarters to inter- sage across through farce." Weltsek said the play is rogate him. Seventy-two hours Ezell thought the show entertaining as well as politi- Annual Concerto Concert FEBRUARY 25 & 26 later, the anarchist is found was chosen to be performed for cal. with guest speaker Larry dead; either he jumped or was a specific purpose. The role of "1 think a lot of people Whatley, WTOL Weatherman 11th Annual Center for pushed out of the fourth-floor the institution at BGSU is to don't go because it's boring or 8 p.m. Multicultural & Academic window. make us well-rounded individ- dry," Weltsek said. "But this Kobacker Hall Initiatives Dinner Theater: Fo's play opens one uals, making us ask ques- will awake the drama in the- Classic Soul year after Pinelli's death and tions—the play does." ater. It will be an enjoyable and FEBRUARY 8 6:30 p.m. focuses on the investigation of "I hope people will informative evening," Wellsek 101 Olscamp the fall. laugh, even boo, but go home said. "Definitely not passive." Are Men Really Scrubs and Feb. 25/Student Night: S10 The Fool, played by asking questions, and when "This is entertainment Women Pigeons? Feb. 26: $20/Dinner Buffet Shane Ezell in the University they leave, they will talk about with educational purpose," 7:30 p.m. production, is an omniscient it," Ezell said. Ezell added. "It [the show] has McDonald West Dining Room MARCH 13 character who enters and Wellsek said the play a lot of substance, more than exposes all the political cover- may catch the audience off some of the other shows pro- FEBRUARY 12 Mandinka, A West African ups that take place, according guard. "It's a great vehicle to duced here." Epic to Gus Wellsek, the director of affect political change," he said. Accidental Death of an Black Issues Conference 8 p.m. the production. "The play should make you Anarchist will run Feb. 9-12,8 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Kobacker Hall "It's an enormous want to do something to p.m., and Feb. 13, 2 p.m., at ]oe 101 Olscamp Admission: $10 task," Ezell said. "To be thrown become active and make E. Brown theater. Tickets cost Students/Seniors: $7 in with the master Dario Fo, changes that you think about." $4 and can be bought at the FEBRUARY 14 who wrote the part for him- There is a lot of funny door. MARCH 17 self."' stuff—we've been working For more information, A Tale of "O" The Fool makes accu- hard to get the comedy down,' call the BGSU theater depart- 12:30-1:30 p.m. Africana Studies Student sations, pointing his finger at Ezell said. ment at (419) 372-2222. 115 West Building, Research Colloquium Firelands Campus Time TBA Jerome Library, Pallisler | Conference puts spotlight on black issues Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. Conference Room 3-4 p.m. BY TIM I MARSHALL, EDITOR IN CHIEF Central Lounge, North MARCH 20 Building, Firelands Campus One of the highlights comprised of panels and and community-building CORE ensemble performing of this year's Black History speakers on topics ranging steps for multicultural groups. Comedian Vince Morris Ebony Embers Month celebration will be the from blacks in a global per- The Africana Dance 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. Black Issues Conference, a spective, healthy relationships Troupe, which wowed audi- 101 Olscam Kobacker Hall symposium offering both edu- and blacks in popular culture. ences at this year's Kwanzaa cational and entertaining The keynote speaker Celebration, will also perform events. of the conference will be for the event. The conference will actor/comedian/writer Mel The Black Issues begin 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 12 Jackson, who starred in last Conference is free for all stu- in 101 Olscamp Hall with an year's Soul Food. His presen- dents, staff and faculty. opening address by University tation. Bridging the Gaps: To register for the con- president Sidney Ribeau. The Putting Unity Back in ference, or for more informa- rest of the conference will be Community, will detail team- tion call (419) 372-2642. THE CAMPUS BUZZ CALENDAR OF


Starrest 2000 Faculty Artist Series: Administrative Staff Faculty-Staff Exhibition 8 p.m. Daniel Lippel, guitar Council 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Planetarium 8 p.m. 1:30-3 p.m. Bryan Gallery, Fine Arts Journey to Earth, the Earth Bryan Recital Hall, Moore Pallister Conference Room, Center and its place in space. SI Musical Arts Center Jerome Library 50th annual show by artists on | donation suggested. The program will include two the BC.SU faculty and staff. tnoivments from "Suite Education Abroad BGSU College Espanola, Op. 47'' by Albeniz. Informational Session Bowling Green Republicans Meeting "Suite in E Major" by I.S.Bach, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Philharmonia 9 p.m. "All in Twilight" by Torn 1103 Offenhauer West 8 p.m. 116 BA Takemitsu, "Elegy and l^earn about the many opportu- Kobacker Hall, Moore Come and check out 'the BEST "Merlz" by fohann Kaspar, and nities the Education Abroad Musical Arts Center party on campus!" Our goal is "Sonatina"' by F.M. Torroba. Program has to offer. Call 2 The Bowling Green] Promoting Positive Rate to educate and motive YOU - so This concert is free and open to 0309 for more information. Philharmonia, under the dim Relations: An Interactive get involved'. the public. tion of Emily Freeman Brown,\ Workshop Black History Month will pn sent its annual concerto 9:30a.m.-ll a.m. American Independent Event: The Art of concert featuring two winner*, ott Pallister Conference Room, Director Series: Whiteness: Giuliani, The the Competitions in Music! Jerome Library Eraserhead by David Brooklyn Museum and Performance The performance This interactive session will ana Lynch Racial Politics" will also pay tribute to Blackl lyze prevailing perceptions and 9 pm by David Roediger History Month and the memonn Stereotypes, ami examine the 107 Hanna Hall 4-5:15 p.m. of Dr. Martin Luther King jr particular issues faced In/ vari Part of a bi-weekly film series 101 Olscamp with a selection that featuws (ins racial and ethnic groups and focusing on the first features Sponsored by The Institute for special guest narrator, BGSlt offer strategies for increasing made by some of today's most the Study of Culture and alumni and WI'OI Channel II positiiv interactions. Pre-regis- important mdept'iident filmmak- Society. The Graduate Program weatherman, Larry Whatleyi tration is not necessary. For ers. Sponsored by the Film in Policy History and The The concert will feature violmisn more info call 372-8472. ' Students Committee. Office of the Provost. Adam Vaubel in the first of tlui "Concerto for Violin in (1 Expanding Expression*: Black Student Union BSU Meeting: African Minor, Op. 26" by Max Bruchl Contemporary Master Expanding Expressions: Dance Marathon Art Presentation & phmist i atalina lei, an in th\ Prints Contemporary Master Fundraiser Display "Concerto No. 5 for Piano in L.l 10 a m. -4 p.m. Prints 9 p.m. -2 a.m. 7:30 p.m. flat Major, Op. 73" by LudwiA Willard Wankelman Gallery, 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Eppler Gym Olscamp Hall van Beethoven and I Fine Arts Center Willard Wankelman Gallery, Come and support Black Sponsored by the Black Student Morning for the World! This exhibit showcases the Fine Arts Center Student Union in their Dance Union. Daybreak of Freedom'' bJ screen prints of seven interna- This exhibit showcases the Marathon. Joseph Schwantner witm tionally known artists. screen prints of seven interna- International Film Series: Whatley narrating I hi* concert tionally known artists. Memories of is free and open to the public Faculty-Staff Exhibition Underdevelopment 10 j m.-4 p.m. Faculty-Staff Exhibition ■ iish I ilm Theater Starrest 2000 Bryan Gallery, Fine Arts 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8 p.m. ( enter Bryan Gallery, Fine Arts Directed by one of the central Punetariun 50th annual show by artists on Center figures of New Latin American journey to L'.arth, the Earth ann the BGSU faculty and staff. 50th annual show by artists on Cinema, this landmark film is it* place in space. SI donation the BGSU faculty and staff. set in the day* leading to the suggested Arts & Sciences Dean 1962 missile crisis. The film's Candidate Forum Brown Bag Luncheon: central and, perhaps, emblematic 3:15 p.m.-4 p.m. SISTERHOOD IN character is a womanizing mem Pallister Room, Jerome PRACTICE: AFRICAN- her of the landed gentry who Library AMERICAN SORORITIES chooses to remain in Cuba after Arts and Sciences dean candi~ Noon revolution. date forum with Willam Iratcley The Women's Center, 107 from the University of Hanna Hall Expanding Expressions: Delaware. Sororities have always provided Contemporary Master a special place for African- Prints Economics Colloquium American women on campus. 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Series Michelle Love, Delta Sigma Willard Wankelman Gallery, 4:30 p m.-o p.m. Xheta; locelyn Matins, Sigma Fine Arts Center I till 1 BA Gamma Rho Sorority; Zeta Hi is exhibit showcases the "Burnout and Chronic Fatigue Alpha Chapter and others ivill screen prints of seven interna- in the Professions: The Iron LAW share experiences of their sorori- tionally known artist* of Salaries," by Alan Haight. ties and how they play a signifi- Expanding Expressions:] cant role in their live* Faculty-Staff Exhibition Contemporary Master Reading by Author Ying 10a.m.-4 p.m. Prints Chen BSU General Body Bryan Gallery, Fine Arts Expanding Expressions: 10 a.m. -4 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Meeting Center Contemporary Master Willard Wankelman Gallery! lOlAOIscamplIall 7:30 p.m. See this exciting, 50th annual Print* Fine Arts Center Sponsored by the Institute for 11 th Floor Offenhauer West show by artists on the BGSU 10 a.m. -4 p.m. This exhibit showcases til the Study of Culture and Open to all'. For more informa- School of Art faculty and staff Willard Wankelman Gallery, screen prints of seven internq Society. Call 419.372.2457. tion, call 2-2692. members. Fine Arts Center tionally knoion artists. Faculty-Staff Exhibition Starrest 2000 10 a.m.-4 p.m. TUESDAY 8 p.m. Bryan Gallery, Fine Arls Planetarlun i lentei loumey to Earth, the Earth and >tith annual show by artists on il> place m space. SI donation the BGSU faculty and staff. suggested

Faculty Artist Series: Robert Satterlee, piano 3 p.m. Bryan Recital Mall, Moore Musical Arls Center February 8 The program ivill include "Preludeand Fugue in A Minor" by f.S Bach, "Not tume No. 4 in Red Cross Blood Drive Red Cross Blood Drive Red Cross Blood Drive I flat Major, Op. 36" by G. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 11 a.m.-.S p.m. Faure". Soiree dan* Grenade" 101 Olscamp 101 Olscamp Saddlemire Student Services i lebussy, "Btrcolle" by F. To make an appointment, email To make an appointment, email Forum Chopin, "Sonata" by Beta Bartok. Please [email protected]. Please To make an appointment, email and "Symphonic Etudes, Op. 13" make all appointments by Friday. make all appointments by Friday. [email protected]. Please lm Rolh-rt Schumann. This con Feb. 4 Walk-ins welcome. Feb. 4. Walk-ins welcome. make all appointments by Friday, UAO Poster Sale cert is free and open to the public. Feb. 4. Walk-ms wlecome. Black History Month Education Abroad 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Starrest 2000 Event: Are Men Really Informational Session Starfest 2000 Student Services Forum Decorate your room, office, or 8 p.m. Scrubs and Women 3:30-4:30 p.m. 8 p.m. apartment with poster* full of Pbnetariun Pigeons? 1103 Offenhauer West Planelariun personality! loumey to Earth, the Earth and 7:30 p.m. learn about the many opportuni- journey to Earth, the Earth and its place in space. SI donation McDonald West Dining Room ties the Education Abroad its place in space. SI donation Education Abroad suggested. A program about African Program lias to offer. Call 2-0309 suggested. Display Table American male and female rela- for mote information. tionships. Sponsored by National 10-30 a.m.-l:30 p.m. Pan-Hellenic Council. Faculty Artist Series: Off-Campus Student Center, Faculty Composers' Moseley I lall Receive information on the many Starrest 2000 Forum opportunities the Education 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Abroad Program has to offer. Call I'lanetariun Bryan Recital Hall, Moore 2-0309 for more information. loumey to Earth, the Earth and Musical Arls Center its place in space. $1 donation The evening program -will include suggested "Visions in Metaphor" by Marilyn Shrude; 'fragments Your Events Sociology Club General from the surrounding evening" Body Meeting and "filaments" by leffrey 8 p.m. Mum ford; "Cycles" by Mikel Could Tomeh ConferenceRoom, Kuehn; and "The Edge of the Expanding Expressions: Williams Hall I arth" by Adam Zygmunt. The MLK Monument/Dance Use A Little Contemporary Master Come find out what the club is up concert is free and open to the Marathon Fundraiser Prints to and what we're all about. public. 10 p.m. 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Possible trip to lour BG Police Eppler North Gym Willard Wankelman Gallery, department. For more info, call 2- Sponsored by BSU O APIuA. Fine Arls Center 2297. (Ifficial party after the Black This exhibit showcases the screen Issues Conference S 5 bursarable, pnnt> of seven internationally BGSU College S3 cash. For more information, known artists. I'osl your event to the Republicans Meeting call 2-2692 University Web Page 9 p.m. Faculty-Staff Exhibition 116 BA Calendar of Events bv It) a.m.-4 p.m. Come and check out "the BEST 5 p.m. every Thursday before Bryan Gallery, Fine Arts party On campus!" Our goal i> publication and your entry Center to educate and moHoe Y( >u - so may appear on this page. 50th annual show by artists on get involved! the BGSU faculty and staff Next Issue: Feb. 1 Women in Faith Red Cross Blood Drive Communities 11 a.m.-5 p.m. TBA Editing and omitting 101 Olscamp The Women's Center, 107 International Film Series: entries are at [he Tb make an appointment, email I I.mii.i Hall How Tasty Was My Little discretion of the Please Wiccan/Pagan Traditions Mary Frenchman Campus ISii// staff. make all appointments by Friday. Katherine Plas (Galora laughing 8:15 p.m. Feb. i. Walk-ins welcome. Willow, Ocean Dancer} Mary Gish Film Theater E-MAIL IIMLEEBGNEI.BGSU.6DU Katherine first became bit A response to Hollywood's colo- Bryan Chamber Series FOR MORE INFORMATION. Partnerships for in i\ i, ca as a young girl and five nization of Brazilian cinema, and 3 p.m. Community Action near ago, became involved with a inspired by Brazilian modernists Bryan Recital Hall, Moore Reception group of Pagan in the Toledo area who saw existing political, ceo Musical Arls Center 3-5 p.m. She i* a founding member of the nomic, and social relation* a- The afternoon program will fea- McFall Gallery local CULIPS (Covenant of cannibalistic, Pereira dos Santo- ture "Sonata in G Minor, I XV, LET US KNOW ABOUT TOUR PCA Grant Winners announced Unitarian Uniivrsalist Pagans) film unravels traditional No. 2" by Antonio Vivaldi, per- EVENTS 3 WEEKS PRIOR chapter, a member of the world- accounts of "discovery" in its fic- formed by oboist lohri Bentley Movie Scries Week wide CULIPS, and the Third tional story of Tupinamba tribe and harpsichordist Vincent TBA Circle of CAW (Church of All members and a French adventur- Corrigan; "Trio in E-flat Major," SEND FLYERS AND NEWS Olscamp Worlds), one of the oldest estab- er. For more information call the by W.A. Mozart, featuring clar- RELEASES VIA CAMPUS MAIL African American movies tvill be lished Pagan organizations. Department of German, Russian inetist Kevin Schempf, violist TO: THE CAMPUS BUZZ WEST shown every night this week. Mary Katherine works as a para- and East Asian Languages at Nancy Buck and pianist Robert Don't miss out! FREE! For more legal in a public interest firm. 419-372-2268. Satterlee. HALL. ATTN: TIM information, call 2-2692. ..»>•....

I BG Christian Students 'liven' up Thursdays BY TIM I MARSHALL EDITOR IN CHIEF ysites Attract for both /alentine's Day believers and When ing," Poorman said, in refer- meaninglessness are discussed nonbelievers most of us ence to Thursday Night Live through special presentations. think of (TNL), BG Christian Students' TNL also uses cutting-edge Both the smitten and church, weekly offering of fun and technology. For example, at a images of the bitter will enjoy a night of faith. "People don't have a recent meeting, a camera crew dance and techno music, with dressed- good image of church and went about campus interview- up, tight- sounds provided by a local we're aiming to slash those ing students about world- disc jockey. This type of ly packed conceptions. views following a discussion bodies I 'ance will be the Unlike many other of worldviews at TNL. The i BGSU. Las! filling events offered by similar crew's reports were broadcast pews and groups on campus, TNL is not back to the TNL audience singing just a clearinghouse of reli- throughout the night. I-- then hymns gion, but rather a place to Poorman stresses that comes to unwind, have a good time, although BG Christian mind. In meet new people, expand Students is the sponsor of this fact, one's mind and leam a little, event, TNL is open to people according loo. of all faiths. to Jim "TNL is set up much "Tuesday Night Live Poorman, campus director of like Saturday Night Live in a is totally for BG Christian Students, it is variety show formal, said this misperception which not Poorman. "It involves only keeps students from drama, attending church, but also everyone," he from exploring said. "We welcome everyone skits, to come out and have a good multimedia and the time with us." TNL band which covers hits TNL is held 8 p.m. their spirituali- by the Goo Goo Dolls and every Thursday in the Ice ty in general. Barenaked Ladies." Arena Lounge, located across "That is why we pro- However, there is an from the Student Rec. Center. vide an extremely comfortable educational component to the For more information atmosphere for those who program. Issues relevant to on this or other BG Christian want to express their faith or college-aged adults such as Students events, call (419) 352- RETRACTION APOLOGIES TO THE COLLEGE OF MUSICAL ARTS FOR MISIN- who are spiritually question- sex, relationships, abuse and 0606. FORMATION PRINTED REGARDING LAST MONTH'S YO YO MA CONCERT

| Get movin' and make a difference — volunteer with Dance Marathon BY ALICE MOORE, ASSISTANT EDITOR

It's not loo late to get any child in that hospital ben- security and Saturday registra- who get involved .now, but back or foot rubs. involved and make a differ- efits." tion. they are still an important part Moralers are especial- ence. "It's an absolutely To be a part of the vol- in Dance Marathon. ly needed in the early morning That's the slogan reit- wonderful experience," said unteering, there is a minimal Dancers take pledges, hours when it gets difficult for erated by Dance Marathon Andrea Graves, a volunteer time commitment, said each raising $300. With over the dancers. volunteers. for Dance Marathon. This Cowan. Each volunteer in 300 dancers. Dance Marathon Dance Marathon is a Although some volun- year, her fourth, she will be these areas will work two 2-3 is continually successful. completely volunteer-run teers have been working at dancing. hour shifts, as well as attend Dancers are on their event. organizing this year's Dance "It helps the children," organizational meetings. feet for the 32 hours straight. "The most important Marathon for months, there is Graves said. There's nothing "I was a spectator They may not be dancing the thing to remember is that still a need for new volunteers. more uplifting than seeing once, but then I got involved entire time, but they only sit we're doing it for the kids," "If you're involved in their faces. It's great to put down for four hours, during said Cowan. Dance Marathon, it's really faces to what we're raising mealtime, Cowan said. "Dance Marathon and beneficial. You get ten-fold money for." J*"P» rQ Dancers have to be on their the committees need people !o what vou give," said Dance "Dance Marathon feet the entire time: nothing help out," Graves saia. "If one Marathon Director Natalie donates money to give some like leaning or piggyback rid- person dropped out, it would Cowan. "It's important to do child even another second of ing. Dancers get snacks, but really matter." something to help others. Not life, and that's worth it," Jackie they have to continue to stand "It's an extraordinary necessarily through giving Kreim said, who is morale during that. event," Kreim said. "You can I money, but by serving your chair this year. "In that extra Each dancer has a put it into words. It's just such community." breath, that child may have moraler, who keeps the dancer an overwhelming atmosphere, The children who ben- been able to impact others." motivated. Morale captains everyone together for the same efit from Dance Marathon are According to Cowan, work all year in preparation. cause. You nave a connection helped by the Children's this event is so special because They create a 10-minute line with everyone there." Miracle Network and Mercy it unites all students, campus- and saw it, and 1 was hooked," dance, which is done at least "Even if you're not Children's Hospital, which is wide. Dance Marathon unites said Cowan. "The next year I every hour. dancing or being a moraler, in connection with St. over 1200 students in volun- had to help out." Cowan has There are about 250 you're involved in something Vincent's Medical Center in teering. been a volunteer for three moralers who support the wonderful," Graves said. Toledo and the Medical "It's great because it's years now. dancer. Each moraler is paired College of Ohio. "There are so many ways to get campus wide," Graves said. "I got involved for the with one or two dancers. If involved, you just have to go Cowan said the "Anybody can get involved, cause of the organization," they don't know each other out and find them." money provides research and even now. It's not just Greek, said Kreim. "It's all about rais- already, the dancers and The volunteers that equipment for the sick chil- like a lot of people think." ing money for children going moralers who are paired are needed now can be a part dren. Volunteers are still through a life I never had to together meet before the event of the 32 hours that is Dance "Dance Marathon needed for the 32-hour event live." to get to know each other. Marathon 2000. works so well becauSe you get that will be held on March 25- Other volunteer posi- The moralers provide the For more information to see the children you help,' ■4 26 in the Student Rec. Center. tions are dancers and dancers with gifts during the on how to get involved, con- Cowan said. 'The money Students can help out with moralers. These positions are 32 hours to keep the dancers tact Dance Marathon at (419) stays in northwest Ohio, and catering, event management, not available to volunteers going. They may even give 372-0530.