Secretary Lectures on NAACP Goals

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Secretary Lectures on NAACP Goals Vol. XLV, No. 14 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Thursday, February 18, 1965 Secretary Lectures 1965 Schedule Lists Fordham And NYU On NAACP Goals As G.U. Opponents by Mark Sullivan Georgetown's 1965 football On Wednesday, February schedule was released late last 1 24th, Mr. Roy Wilkins, Execu­ week, and the schedule has tive Secretary of the National been expanded from one to ;~ Association for the Advance­ two games. Georgetown will ~ ment of Colored People, will play New York University in give a lecture here at 8 :30 New York on Saturday, November ~ P.M. in Gaston Hall. 13, and will host Fordham Univer­ 1909 sity at a Homecoming Week-end In 1909 a group of prominent on Saturday, November 20. men and women, both Negro and white, met to find a solution to Slaughter Photo by Matt Andrea racial trouble prevalent in the na­ Georgetown, Fordham, and NYU tion. The outcome of this meeting are beginning their second season was the formation of the NAACP. of football on a non-scholarship Students Demonstrate Since then the efforts of the asso­ basis. Georgetown won its only ,;, ciation have resulted in widespread 1964 encounter, defeating NYU advances in the Negro's drive for 28-6. Fordham split its two games, i,i equality. Membership has grown to bowing to Maine Military Acad­ At Russian Embassy! over 40,000 since the NAACP's emy, and defeating NYU, 20-14. By Brooks Erickson .~~' founding. ROY WILKINS NYU was the only school of the .:" 1901 three that failed to win a game, On Thursday, February 11, some fQ,ur hundred demon­ Mr. Wilkins was born in St. served as Administrator of the As­ losing to both Fordham and sociation. When White died in Georgetown. strators picketed the Russian embassy from the distance ~l? Louis in 1901, but, after his of one block, in a "D. C. Student Protest against Com­ . mother's death, he moved in with 1955, the Board of Directors of Round Robin , relatives in St. Paul, Minnesota tthe NAACP unanimously named Mr. George Murtaugh, Director munist Imperialism." This was the year's first large picket :~I where he grew up and attended Wilkins to be the new Executive of Intramurals, disclosed that the Secretary. to be organized by Georgetown students. :. public school. He managed to fi- intramural football league will con­ From: 5:00 to 5:45 P.M. students from G.U., joined by '.~~ nance his sociology studies at the Optimist tinue next fall, and will be con­ ". University of Minnesota by work­ Mr. Wilkins, considered by many ducted in much the same manner as an equal number from other :'! ing as a redcap at St. Paul's Union to be a moderate, once said, "I may was last year. Murtaugh hopes to O'Donnell Becollles area colleges, marched up and ~I:I Station and as a dining car waiter be an incurable optimist but I be­ begin intramural practice at the down the service roadway of ';. on the Northern Pacific. After his lieve that there are more people beginning of the next school year. N ew Associa~e Dean graduation he received employ­ who want to do good than do evil." The four class teams will play a the 1600 block of K Street. ment on the "Call", a weekly Negro Concerning the long awaited goal round-robin schedule, as was the Of Foreign Service They had meant to parade in J magazine in Kansas City. of the NAACP, complete equality, case in 1964. If no champion front of the embassy com­ :~~ 1931 Wilkins has said, "There's going emerges f.ollowing the regular sea­ by Keven McKenna , In 1931 the NAACP made to be beer, and doubleheaders with pound at 16th and L, but had to son, a play-off will be held. Fol­ On January 1, Doctor comply with a district ordinance , Wilkins an aide to the Associa­ the Yankees, and ice cream and lowing the completion of the Intra­ ,1 tion's Executive Secretary, Walter mortgages and taxes, and all the Charles P. O'Donnell became prohibiting demonstrations within mural season, the coaches will five hundred feet of embassies. '~White. At this time Wilkins was things that whites have in their the new Associate Dean of choose an all~star team, and these The protest condemned world­ l1 also the Editor of "The. Crisis", world, and tedium too. It's not go­ players will comprise Geo]~getown's The Edmund Walsh School ,,1 the official monthly magazine of ing to be heaven." wide Communist agression, em­ 1965 varsity football team. Mur­ of Foreign Service. Having phazing the current crisis in Viet J thte NAACP. Mr. Wilkins served This lecture is planned as part taugh emphasized :that only those ~j as acting secretary of the Associa­ of a series of lectures by prominent recently retired from the For­ Nam. It was meant to contrast players who compete in intramural its peaceful method with the rock­ (.I tion from. .Tune ~, 1949 to May 31, persons, following up the work of f.ootball will be eligible for consid­ eign Service after 18 years of serv­ \~j 1950, whIle WhIte was on leave the anniversary year. and ink-throwing of the African eration for the varsity. ice, Doctor O'Donnell comes to and Asian students who the day ~ of absence. He was Chairman O':f About 700 tickets will be given Georgetown with outstanding cre­ Booster before had damaged our Moscow i:J the National Emergency Civil out free of charge at the College dentials. ~l Rig?ts Mobilization during. t!tis Dean's office in White Gravenor In discussing the scheduling of embassy in answer to alleged U. S. ~) perIod. From 1950 to 1955 WIlkms Building. the garnes, Mr. .Tack Hagerty, Politico military agression in Viet Nam. Georgetown's athletic director, dis­ A graduate of De Paul Univer­ Kid Stuff ~ closed that, to the best of his sity, where he taught for 16 years The pickets generally took pains knowledge, Fordham and NYU as a professor of Political Science SAM will be playing two games as well. to conduct themselves in an orderly , Senator Hart Lectures and served as head of the Political manner. Their moods ranged from Senator Philip T. Hart of Both .Tohn Murray and Bill Nash, Science Department, Doctor O'Don­ who coached the 1964 Hoya varsity, silent determination through hilar­ nell received his M.A. in 1933 and ity to Latin enthusiasm. Their Michigan, Chairman of the expressed satisfaction with the ex­ his PhD. in government in 1937 Sub-Committee on Anti-trust panded schedule. Both are hopeful signs mostly reflected their purpose from Harvard, having written his of disapproving the Moscow stu­ Laws, addressed the Society that the players will be better con­ thesis on "The Political Philosophy ditioned next fall, and that the as­ dent rowdyism (STICKS AND of .Tacques Maritain". During the STONES ARE KID STUFF) and for the Advancement of Man­ surance of playing two intercol­ war years he served for two years agement last Wednes'day on legiate games will boost intramural attacking Red agression around the ball and attendance. (Continued on Page 6) world (from HO CHI MINH YOU the difficulties facing today's law­ CAN'T WIN to EINIGKEIT FUR makers. Pioneer DAS DEUTCHES VATERLAND Same Size November's game was George­ to VIVA CUBA LIBRE). Passers­ In discussing the American poli­ town's second attempt at playing by approved "one hundred percent." tical scene of the last century, Hart an inter-collegiate football game Fr. John Devine, S.J., supervised said that some people would not on a low-pressure, non-scholarship the protest. He told a New York hesitate to compare Senators Dirk­ basis. A game was scheduled with Times reporter that the University sen, Russell and Mansfield with Frostburg (Md.) State College in Administration was not disturbed such greats as Webster, Calhoun November, 1963, but the contest by the picketing, since it was "per­ and Clay. But History, he contin­ was cancelled following the assas­ mitted under civil law." ued, "will not note them as being sination of President Kennedy. The demonstration succeeded in of the same size as our former Many schools which dropped achieving wide publicity. Local and statesmen." Attempting to explain football in the early fifties have national television ran films on the the reasons for this, Hart com­ begun to re-enter football circles evening news. UPI wires carried Senator' Philip A. Hart (D­ pared the legislator of the last cen­ on a non-scholarship basis. Santa the story, which was given promi­ Mich.), an alumnus of George­ tury with his· own contemporaries. Clara was the pioneer. The Uni­ nent placing in papers across the town (Class of '34) reported in Whereas the Congresses of a hun­ versity of Detroit dropped foot­ country. a lecture to the Society for the dred years ago convened for a much ball at the conclusion of the 1964 There was some lack of co­ Advancement of Management shorter period and, therefore, made season, are now considering to re­ ordination due to the hasty recruit- that "Eighty percent of a legis­ the Congressman's workload tight, turn after a two-year rest. The , ing. At one point some marchers lator's .,time is taken up by such today's solons are expected by their University of Louisville attempted came to think erroneously that they , trivialities as finding a lost so­ scrutinizing constituents to spend to drop football, but student demon­ would be allowed in front of the cial security check for some old "the better part of the year" in the strations convinced the school to Russian embassy if they did not lady." Capital.
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