Polymeric Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering

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Polymeric Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering 0031-3998/08/6305-0487 Vol. 63, No. 5, 2008 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2008 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Polymeric Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering DANIEL S. KOHANE AND ROBERT LANGER Department of Anesthesiology [D.S.K.], Children’s Hospital of Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115; Massachusetts Institute of Technology [R.L.], Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 ABSTRACT: Polymeric biomaterials are one of the cornerstones of rials used is also dependent on the anticipated mode of tissue engineering. A wide range of materials has been used. Ap- application (open implantation vs. injection or minimally in- proaches have shown increasing sophistication over recent years vasive procedure), the nature of any bioactive molecules that employing drug delivery functionality, micropatterning, microfluid- might be released, the need for surface functionalization, the ics, and other technologies. Challenges such as producing three- needs of the cell types of interest in terms of porosity, and dimensional matrixes and rendering them deliverable through mini- other issues. Despite this broad spectrum of potential materi- mally invasive techniques have been addressed. A major recent development is the design of biomaterials for tissue engineering als, there are certain generic properties that are desirable. matrices to achieve specific biologic effects on cells, and vice versa. Biocompatibility is clearly important, although it is impor- Much remains to be achieved, particularly in integrating other new tant to note that “biocompatibility” is not an intrinsic property technologies into the field. (Pediatr Res 63: 487–491, 2008) of a material, but depends on the biologic environment and the leeway that exists with respect to tissue reaction. For example, a formulation that is biocompatible in subcutaneous tissue he number of polymeric or other materials that are used in might not be so in nerve or in the peritoneum (6). Local tissue or as adjuncts to tissue engineering has increased enor- T reaction to the biomaterial of a construct may be harmful to mously over the past decade. Furthermore, a host of previ- ously unrelated technologies such as micromanufacturing, the host and/or the construct, even in the absence of immune- high-throughput screening, drug delivery, surface modifica- mediated reaction to nonautologous cellular material. For tion, and nanotechnology have become integral to the bioma- example, the inflammatory reaction to relatively benign poly- ␣ terial aspects of tissue engineering, and many approaches have mers such as the -hydroxy acids (7), together with the used more than one of these tool sets. Progress has been acidosis that results from their breakdown, can lead to bony extensive. This review will cover selected aspects of that destruction and development of draining fistulae (8); here, the progress. absolute mass of the biomaterial may play a role. Conversely, inflammation can lead to invasion of the construct by host cells, with untoward consequences for the transplanted cells. BIOMATERIALS FOR TISSUE ENGINEERING Similarly, the material must be neither cytotoxic nor system- The basic types of biomaterials used in tissue engineering ically toxic. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the can be broadly classified as synthetic polymers, which in- potential toxicity of the materials’ breakdown products, as cludes relatively hydrophobic materials such as the ␣-hydroxy well as of residual unreacted cross-linking agents (e.g., glu- acid [a family that includes poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid, taraldehyde), reactive groups on polymers (e.g., aldehydes, PLGA], polyanhydrides, and others; naturally occurring poly- amides, hydrazides), and similar issues. Even quite benign mers, such as complex sugars (hyaluronan, chitosan); and matrices, adequate for drug delivery in sensitive environments inorganics (hydroxyapatite). There are also functional or such as the peritoneum can be composed of relatively cyto- structural classifications, such as whether they are hydrogels toxic precursors (9,10). Of note, a material’s apparent lack of (1), injectable (2), surface modified (3,4), capable of drug cytotoxicity does not necessarily predict biocompatibility. For delivery (5), by specific application, and so on. The breadth of example, a cross-linked chitosan that was minimally toxic to materials used in tissue engineering arises from the multiplic- mesothelial cells in vitro caused marked adhesions when ity of anatomical locations, cell types, and special applications placed in the peritoneum (11). that apply. For example, relatively strong mechanical proper- A basic concept in tissue engineering is that the scaffold ties may be required in situations where the device may be performs a time-limited architectural or other function but subjected to weight-loading or strain, or where maintenance of that, being foreign to the natural environment, it will disappear a specific cyto-architecture is needed. In others, looser net- once that function has been fulfilled, leaving behind a viable works may be needed or even preferable. The type of mate- purely biologic system. Consequently, many materials used in tissue engineering are biodegradable. Biodegradable materials Received October 29, 2007; accepted November 6, 2007. are particularly likely to be used if drug delivery functionality Correspondence: Daniel S. Kohane M.D., Ph.D., Department of Anesthesiology, Division is intended. However, it is not necessary that the biomaterial of Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Boston, Bader 628, 300 Longwood have this property, in part or in whole. Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115; e-mail: [email protected] Supported by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 17–2007-1063: Advanced As alluded to above, the mechanical properties for bioma- biomaterials and delivery systems for islet encapsulation. terials in tissue engineering are determined by the target 487 488 KOHANE AND LANGER environment and delivered cells. In general, the properties of the construct should match those of the surrounding tissue: e.g., relatively tough in bone, softer in pliable tissues. The properties will also be defined by the delivered cells’ need for porosity for in-growth, delivery of nutrients, or protection from the environment, perhaps especially in the case of non- autologous transplants. Cell adhesion properties are obviously important, in that cells must attach to the matrix. However, there are circum- stances, such as in micropatterning of engineered constructs (12,13), where materials with lower cell adhesion can be alternated with materials with better cell adhesion to form desired shapes. Figure 1. Scanning electron micrographs of a hydrogel, polymeric nanopar- Numerous material properties are useful for specific appli- ticles, and a composite. (A) Hydrogel of cross-linked hyaluronic acid cations. For example, electrically conductive polymers have (ϫ2500). (B) PLGA nanoparticles (ϫ33,000). (C) Hydrogel from A loaded been developed that could be useful in the tissue engineering with nanoparticles from B (ϫ2500). Note the rougher surface. (D) Close-up of excitable tissues (14). Further examples of specially tai- of C (ϫ33,000), revealing the nanoparticles. Scale bars are 10 ␮m(A, C), and lored materials will be encountered below. 150 nm (B, D). (Courtesy of Dr. Yoon Yeo.) DRUG DELIVERY FUNCTIONALITY factors, the rationale is particularly compelling in that most tissues are composed of more than one cell type, and some- Biologic systems develop in a rich milieu of biologic times, two factors work better than one. For example, poly- signals. The native signal (e.g., a growth factor) may be meric scaffolds have been developed that simultaneously re- lacking in the construct or present in insufficient quantity, or it lease vascular epithelial growth factor and platelet derived may be desirable to add an exogenous drug. In this context, growth factor (24). Many of the methodologies described “drug” means essentially any bioactive molecule, from small above could be suitable for achieving multiple drug release molecules to proteins (15) and nucleic acids (16). There has (e.g., particles containing different drugs dispersed in a ma- been a natural emphasis on the delivery of growth factors. trix). It is also possible to encapsulate many compounds While the construct is incubated in vitro, it is often sufficient within one particulate system (25). to add the drug to the ambient medium, provided that the Temporal control of drug release within constructs is im- compound is capable of diffusing throughout. However, it may portant, either to deliver drugs in a pulsatile manner, or different be desirable to maintain exposure to that drug after the drugs at different times. This could be achieved in a number of construct is implanted in vivo. Biomaterials play a key role in ways. For example, drugs could be entrapped within or be- achieving this in tissue engineering, drawing on experiences in neath polymer layers of differing thicknesses or with differing the broader field of drug delivery. Many of the examples degradation rates. They could be entrapped within separate below are drawn from that experience, rather than the nar- populations of particles with differing release kinetics. Drugs rower field of tissue engineering. A number of drug delivery could be contained within chip-like implantable devices that approaches and polymers have been used. (These are related are programmed to release
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