Kowalski Backers Abandon Petitions Soviet Charges U2
■/ ; V ( .'a;. L. Bloodmobile Visits dme Tomorrow, 4 to 7 p. m, 'ATaxge Dafly Net Prem Rna • ■ r ZZ. / — Fbr UM Week Ended ‘ . Weathw , — ^JTium so, 1061 PorOoMt Of V. 8. Wenfiier BoroM j y > 13,601 Cloudy tonight, ligiit rain. Low V b n b tt o f Hie Audit 65 to 60. ' Oondjr, light rain to Bartel of drcnlntlmi morrow. ^ ^ .75 to 80. M anthester^A City o f Village Charm -- ____ .____________________ VOL.LXXXI^NO. 284 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER,'c o n n /TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1962 (Ciaaelfled Adyemalnt-te Pago Id) PRICE tiV B GENTS Kowalski Backers State News Abandon Petitions - RTFORD ( AF^) — Washington early thi« aftor R o y a l E m p l o y e s noon, advising him of the group's last-ditoh'^effort to ^minate action. There was no immediate Ap|)rove Contract an indeiKiMknt slate in/uding reply from the congressman.. CongressmuisFrank Ko^lski The third candidate on . the pro- HARTFORD (AP)—A new for U.S. Senabssappeared\ to poked slate would have been state Rep. John A. Ihsero, running for three-year } contract giving have failed toda^when a governor. Mr. Insero said early to package wage incfeasea from claimed 1,800 signautc^ sup day . his own 'decision to run, if 13 to 15 cents an hour was porting the slate wereNicith- e n o u ^ signatureis were obtained, would hinge on Mr. Kowalski’s in- unanimously approved by hejd in Hartford. about 2,200 workers o f;th e Frank W. Russo, who woul Jtentions, but he said the Congress- Step Expeeted haive been the nominee for treaaur would run if enough names Royd-McBee Corp.
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