Curriculum of Alfio Giarlotta


• 1988: “Laurea” in , University of , .

• 1989: Accreditation as a Certified Tax Consultant.

• 1995: Fulbright Fellowship for graduate study in USA.

• 1997: Master in , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

• 2000: Researcher at the Faculty of Economics, University of Catania, Italy.

• 2004: Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (under the su- pervision of C.W. Henson and S. Watson).


• Aggregate Professor of General Mathematics, Department of Economics and Business, University of Catania, Italy.

• Research in collaboration with S. Watson (York University of Toronto, Canada) and E. A. Ok (New York University, USA) on utility representations of preference relations and multi-preference structures.

• Research in collaboration with S. Watson (York University of Toronto, Canada) and D. Cantone (University of Catania) on the modelization and rationalization of choice corre- spondences.

• Research in collaboration with S. Greco (University of Catania), F. Maccheroni and M. Marinacci (, Milan, Italy) on preference structures under uncertainty.

• Research in collaboration with D. Rossello (University of Catania) and P. Ursino (Univer- sity of Insubria, Como, Italy) on geometric approaches to data structures.

• Research in collaboration with S. Angilella (University of Catania) and F. Lamantia (Uni- versity of Calabria) on implementations of a multiple-criteria methodology called PACMAN (Passive and Active Compensability Multicriteria ANalysis).

1 • Research in collaboration with A. Biondo (University of Catania, Dept. of Economics and Business), A. Pluchino and A. Rapisarda (University of Catania, Dept. of Physics) on Econophysics.


• Order Theory, Set-Theoretic Topology, Combinatorics.

• Utility Theory, Preference Theory, Theory of Individual Choice, Multi-Criteria Decision Theory.


• Giarlotta, A., 1998. Passive and Active Compensability Multicriteria ANalysis (PACMAN). Journal of Multicriteria Decision Analysis 7, 204–216.

• Giarlotta, A., 2001. Multicriteria compensability analysis. European Journal of Opera- tional Research 133/1, 190–209.

• Giarlotta, A., 2005. The representability number of a chain. Topology and its Applications 150, 157–177.

• Caserta, A., Giarlotta, A., Watson, S., 2008. Debreu-like properties of utility representa- tions. Journal of Mathematical Economics 44, 1161–1179.

• Giarlotta, A., Watson, S., 2009. Pointwise Debreu lexicographic powers. Order 26/4, 377–409.

• Angilella, S., Giarlotta, A., Lamantia, F., 2010. A linear implementation of PACMAN. European Journal of Operational Research 205, 401–411.

• Giarlotta, A., Greco, S., 2013. Necessary and possible preference structures. Journal of Mathematical Economics 42/1, 163–172.

• Giarlotta, A., Watson, S., 2013. A hierarchy of chains embeddable into the lexicographic ω power Rlex. Order 30, 463–485. • Giarlotta, A., 2014. A genesis of interval orders and semiorders: transitive NaP-preferences. Order 31, 239–258.

• Giarlotta, A., Watson, S., 2014. The pseudo-transitivity of preference relations: Strict and weak (m,n)-Ferrers properties. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 58, 45–54.

• Giarlotta, A., 2015. Normalized and strict NaP-preferences. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 66, 34–40.