This report has been produced by the RCC (Leicestershire and Rutland) and the Leicestershire County Council to give an overview of community led planning and stronger communities activity supported by the RCC Community Development Officers and undertaken in Leicestershire over the last twelve months.

The first part of the report outlines the key issues identified in each of the communities completing consultations during this year. This is an invaluable reference document for councillors and officers when identifying the needs of individual communities.

The first part of the report outlines the key issues identified in each of the communities completing consultations during this year. This is an invaluable reference document for councillors and officers when identifying the needs of individual communities.

The final section of the report includes a summary of the outcomes that have been achieved during this financial year from the Parish Plans that were completed since 2005, each have been taken through the Leicestershire Rural Partnership protocol. The protocol helps to guide the preparation of the plans and ensures proper consideration is given to the issues raised. It has greatly improved the lines of communication between the community representatives and service providers.

This list is an indication of positive outcomes being achieved some years after the original completion of the action plans. Communities report not only the individual outcomes, but the community cohesion and engagement that last for a long time in their communities. Efforts are made to include the majority of outcomes, however, the huge volume of positive work carried out by the many active action groups and Service Providers may not always be captured.

Community Engagement News In order to engage with a wide range of communities and hard to reach groups the RCC has widened the options that it offers to communities (both geographical and communities of interest) to carry out consultation, formulate action plans and implement outcomes. Building on the success of Parish Planning activity and the opportunity that it gives to identify community needs, attract new volunteers and build stronger communities, the RCC has branched out to use new consultation methods more suited to urban areas and for use by communities of interest as well as the traditional rural areas. RCC consultation projects are aimed at bringing people together to work towards shared interests and goals that will help people to feel included in their communities, able to influence decisions and offer their services as volunteers as well as providing them opportunities to interact with people from different backgrounds.

Community led projects have received practical support and funding from partner organisations and other sources, enabling communities to work with service providers to achieve positive outcomes whilst providing a good opportunity for volunteering and community ownership of the projects. Actions identified through community led planning have been used to influence policies and community strategies, thus using needs identified locally to influence delivery decisions. Communities have been able to engage in Participatory Budgeting offered by the Community Forums; some of these have submitted successful funding bids through this process.

This year the Community Engagement Project has further consolidated its position with joint working with ENABLE, CLIMA, Neighbourhood Management projects and the Community Engagement Officers at the County Council.

Significant progress has been made in transmitting the climate change message through community led planning projects, resulting in successful funding bids, award winning projects and positive actions such as reductions in energy usage and carbon emissions. Successful community events were held in conjunction with Climate Friendly Communities and the Big Switch Off and funding has been secured to support the appointment of a climate change officer through a knowledge transfer partnership with De Montfort University. This would not have been possible without the support of all local County and District Councils.

Credit must be given to the many volunteers who have spent hours of their own time and expertise in preparing their community led plans, for their commitment to the community, not only in enabling the consultations, but also by ensuring the actions become outcomes. Volunteers have come forward who are able and willing to start new community led groups that may provide such initiatives as Good Neighbours schemes, environment and climate change projects, business forums, heritage projects, facilities for children and young people, training and many others.

The RCC is also indebted to the funding bodies especially the Leicestershire Rural Partnership, Stronger Communities and other service providers for the support, funding and importance that are afforded to the project.

Community led action plans and full reports, from which they are derived, are available in hard copy on application to Diana Cook [email protected] 0116 2689706 or online at

DC March 2010

Community Development Officer Contact Details Name Job Title Tel Email Diana Cook Project Manager for the Community Consultation and Development Project 0116 2689706 [email protected] Sam Howlett Community Development Officer for Harborough and Blaby 0116 2689709 [email protected] Jane Reed Community Development Officer for Hinckley & Bosworth 0116 2689711 [email protected] Kate Sharpe Community Development Officer for Melton Rutland and Harborough 0116 2689710 [email protected] Jo Ling Community Development Officer for North West Leicestershire 0116 2689708 [email protected] Hazel Fish Community Development Officer for Charnwood 0116 2689707 [email protected] Please note, within the following report, where the issue was addressed but data was not suitable for inclusion within the report a has been used.




COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Population estimate 4,910 220 460 1310 4,550 2100 7400 8700 288 8380 2200 (2004) Planning Planning for Real for Real 27% 70% consultati consultatio + + 19% on at n at 119 Young People using 20 responses to a 10.85 % + Foxton Lubenham the electronic voting 10.8% Response Junior Questionnaire population 228 181 responses to a Primary Primary handsets including 8% approx 83% 33% Rate + people including Young Persons School School + young people Planning for Real young people. Survey and at and at Planning for Real exercise in Primary Annual Annual exercise in Primary School Parish Parish School Meeting Meeting 16 – 24 18 – 24 18 – 24 1.8% 4.0% 3.3% 11-18 13 11-18 40 Under 18: 11% 25 – 34 Age Range: Youth

25 – 34 25 – 34 5.1% 16-24 0% Survey Under 11 18-24 18 18–24 54 18 -24: 6% 8.4% 6.6% years: 50%

35 – 44 25-34 11.5% 11 – 14 years: 25-34 50 25–34 99 25 – 34: 4% 35 – 44 35 – 44 18% 33%

17.7% 13.9% 35-44 17.6% 15 – 18 years: 35-44 47 35–44 144 35 – 44: 9% 45 – 54 17%

Age Ranges 45 – 54 45 – 54 13.5% 45-54 20.4% Not stated 18 – 24: 7% 45 -54 16 45-54 124 45 – 54: 16% 18.2% 14.8% 25 – 34: 11%

55 – 64 55-64 23.6% 35 – 44: 20% 55-64 47 55-64 144 55 – 64: 22% 55 – 64 55 – 64 21.2% 45 – 54: 20%

22.0% 24.5% 65-74 14.2% 55 – 64:20% 65-74 22 65-74 103 65 – 74: 19% 65 – 74 65-75 64 – 74:16%

65 – 74 65 – 74 21.2% 75+ 8.1% 75+: 6% 75+ 15 75+ 76 Over 75: 13% 18.1% 22.1%

75 + 75 + 9.3% 75 + 8.2% 16%

M 40 Male 42.7% Male 42.6% Male 39.4% M 46.1% M 46.3% 46% male Gender Split F 60 Not stated Female 53.3% Female 52.5% Female 57.2% F 53.89% F53.7% 54% female

5 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market < 5 Yrs < 1 Yrs 9.9% 1.8%

6 – 10 Yrs 1 – 3 Yrs 13.4% 8.7% Less than 5 years: 18% Length of 11 – 25 Yrs 4 – 10 Yrs 6 – 10 years: 20%

Time In 21.5% 18.6% Not stated 11 – 25 years:

Village 42% 26 – 50 Yrs 11 – 20 Yrs 26 – 50 years:17% 21.0% 16.8% 50+ years: 3%

> 50 Yrs > 20 Yrs 6.6% 49.3%

1.Friendly, & close to 1.Friendly, relatives and convenient (if friends. you drive a car) Community and peaceful spirit. Good 2. The school churches. 3.The 2.Good Countryside transport by 4.The need for bus and train better and access to community work and facilities and basic facilities for amenities. youngsters 3.Nearby 5. Noise and countryside. Likes and traffic issues - 4. Cheaper Dislikes particularly houses. heavy lorries 5. Little to do breaking the 7.5 for young ton weight limit people and not for the 6. Antisocial purpose of behaviour, access vandalism 6. The need to and crime. improve the 7. Speeding environment, traffic, centre particularly congested verges and and cars on around the pavements industrial estate 8. Need for more interesting shopping.

6 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market

Employed Full Time Full time 329 24.4% Employed part Employed Full Time Employed Full Time Employed Part Time Full time 95 Part time 67 Employed FT: 40% Employed FT: 28% time 11.5% 38.1% 30.4% 12.1%

Employed Part Time Employed Part Time Self Employed Part-time 34 Retired 203 Employed PT: Employed PT: 9% Retired 35.8% 14.7% 5.7% 8.3% 15%

Semi Retired Semi Retired Semi Retired Retired 60 Semi retired Retired: 25% Retired: 37% Semi-retired 1.4% 6.6% 11.5% 3.6% 19

Retired Retired Retired Semi-retired 2 Semi retired: 5% Semi retired: 4% House 30.6% 35.3% 42.8% Housewife/hu Employment wife/husband Not stated Housewife / Husband Housewife / Husband Housewife / Husband Housewife/ sband 44 Housewife/husban Housewife/husband: 8.1% 4.8% 8.2% 5.7% Husband 9 d: 7% 6%

Full Time Education Full Time Education Full Time Education FT Full time education 2.5% 1.6% 1.0% FT Education 6 educationn FT Education: 6% FT Education: 11% 0.7% Unemployed Unemployed Part Time Education 71

0.5% 4.1% 0.4% Unemployed 5 Unemployed: 0% Unemployed: 2% Unemployed 3.4% Other Other Unemployed Unemployed

2.3% 1.6% 1.4% Other 12 13 Other: 2% Other: 3% Other 4.1% Other 0.4% Other27

SPORT, LEISURE & RECREATION Only 6.3% of 76% would households support the participate in use of the indoor Sileby recreation Swimming 38.3% think more OUTCOME activities in the Pool Fund for Leisure Facilities Lack of activities 6.1: 34.1% would like an villages. sporting would benefit the and facilities for Improved outdoor exercise trail at activities. Parish. 37.5% think the village older children and physical the Kirby Muxloe Park. 60.7% of hall needs updating teenagers. Greater use of the health, well- respondents 82% of 57.5% of Young and made more Parish Hall and wider being and 68.3% would attend cycle (only 2 eligible A wide range People would take accessible to the 11% of personal involvement community community music events households Respondents of social and part in additional community. respondents were in community cohesion if arranged at the Kirby daily) supported the physical sports activities if interested in responses were seen through Muxloe Castle. setting up of activities were provided. 14.1% think provision helping at a local as being ways to enhanced 78.3% holiday suggested. of Leisure Facilities youth club and improve community access to 60.2% would attend respondents activities. Over 20% of Young would benefit 34% would be spirit. sport, community Theatre walk People would take Mowsley. interested in recreation events if arranged at 67% eat out part in additional Art, joining a local and cultural Kirby Muxloe Castle. 16% at least once Music or Dance theatre group. activities respondents use per month activities if provided. the allotments(a and waiting list) 48% use the public 73.9% houses. respondents go 7 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market to the pub/club. Footpaths are highly valued. 17%respondent s run Many respondents Only 6.5% are in commented any kind of that they sports club/team desired improved 52 households facilities to made comments accommodat as to e their leisure improvements needs. needed. Rugby, Football, Bowls and the Tennis club all require assistance with improvement s to their facilities.

Better pavements and additional pedestrian crossings were cited as measures that would encourage people to walk more.

27.4% use a Public 36.1% walk daily & a Better pavements was Leisure Centre at least further 20.8% walk Many individual cited as a measure monthly Walking is Only a quarter of weekly. comments as to that would encourage OUTCOME 54.7% walk daily & a the most respondents said lack of people to cycle more. 6.9: More further 26.6% walk 29.2% use a Public popular with that they used 20% cycle regularly recreational people are weekly Swimming Pool at least 67% walking local leisure activities and 82% stated that they physically monthly regularly.21% facilities. 16.4% are part of an facilities and undertook some sort active at a 39.1% cycle regularly are in organised sports club play area in the of leisure activity. level which 46.9% walk daily; a organised 80% of residents wrong location makes them 22% are part of an further 25.9% walk teams.14% claim to walk and 40.3% of Young (near industrial 58% participate in healthier organised sports club weekly cycle 47% cycle on a People are part of a estate and not walking; 36% regularly. regular basis. sports club houses) participate in cycling; 20.6% are part of an 35% participate in organised sports club swimming; 30% go to the gym; 22% play football; 21% play rugby; 21% play tennis and 19% participated in outdoor water sports.

8 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 38% rated the sports facilities in the village 42.2% think that the as good; 20% village hall only 17.2% are discouraged excellent; 29% 38.3% think more OUTCOME partially meets the from taking part in acceptable and 17% Leisure Facilities 7.1: Access needs of the sporting, recreational and poor. would benefit the to facilities community; A further leisure activities due to a Parish and services 10.9% consider it lack of local facilities The most common is enhanced meets no needs at all. reasons for being put 47% of Young People across the 34.1% would like an off taking part in would use a Basket County 14.1% think provision outdoor exercise trail at recreational activities Ball Hoop of Leisure Facilities the Kirby Muxloe Park were access would benefit Mowsley problems, crèche not available; no transport and poor facilities. 60% adult respondents say that there are not facilities for No doctors. No 11-18 chemist. No youngsters. 2 38% rated the sports library. No primary facilities in the village village hall. schools. No as good; 20% Mobile library. 2 secondary 11% of excellent; 29% Outcome shops, one a school. respondents were acceptable and 17% 7.2: High 17.2% are discouraged Post Office. 1 Community interested in poor. 59.7% of Young quality and 50% travel to Market from taking part in garage. 2 centre. 2 helping at a local People will use the accessible Harborough to access sporting, recreational and churches. Good Doctors. youth club and The most common new Fleckney All services and Leisure Facilities leisure activities due to a school. 1 Bank, 34% would be reasons for being put Weather Pitch facilities in lack of local facilities community Chemist. interested in off taking part in rural areas room. Bus costs Library. Basic joining a local recreational activities minimum £3.00 Food shops. theatre group. were access return to access Ironmongers, problems, crèche not services. newsagents, available; no transport Affordability post office, and poor facilities. issue. beauty, hairdressing, newsagents, pubs, restaurants. Eco centre. 24.5% use Children’s 27.4% use a Public 67% use Post 58% participate in Play Areas Leisure Centre at least Office walking; 36% 36% use the Children’s monthly Community regularly.48% General feeling participate in cycling; 25.8% use the public Play Area & Folly Field room at school other that Parish Centre 35% participate in playing fields 29.2% use a Public considered shops.20% Leisure Centre – and other local More village swimming; 30% go to Use of 60.9% use the Village Swimming Pool at least expensive to the pubs.21% 14.2% use venues were hall use was the gym; 22% play facilities 26.1% use public Hall monthly hire. Used by use the monthly inadequate for the suggested football; 21% play leisure centres only 20% of library once a current and future rugby; 21% play 7.8% use the Cricket 17.6% use Public Tennis respondents. fortnight or needs of the tennis and 19% 32.8% visit local Pitch Courts at least monthly more. village. participated in outdoor Country Parks Community water sports. 33.8% use Children’s Centre used 9 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 59.7% of Young Play Areas most days People will use the and nights of Fleckney All Weather 67.7% visit Public / the week. Pitch Country Parks 90% of eligible 25.4% of Young respondents People use the use pre- Fleckney Sports Hall school or playgroups within Sileby with 96% satisfied or very satisfied with the service. Local footpaths to countryside valued. Need for an independent village hall/community facility seen as a priority by some Community people. The most popular Centre is 52 made suggestions as to how valued and Picnic areas and comments as to to improve the needs to be more seating future facilities were: well kept up. required in both 1. Access to the improvements in Rugby pitch villages. sports hall, the Community requested. 34.1% would like an community centre 38.3% think more 37.5% think the village Hall and play Sports Play facilities need outdoor exercise trail at 2. A public Leisure Facilities hall needs updating pavilion now updating. the Kirby Muxloe Park areas. Many swimming pool would benefit the and made more improved and Wildlife park The suggestions 3. More allotment Parish accessible to the CCTV on the 41.2% adult trim acquisition of Skate park and Future of 24.8% would like from individual facilities community park. trail 29.1% ice- land for youth bike track facilities refreshment facilities comments. 47% of Young People Youth club skating rink 23.6% activities was requested – around the park 15% felt that there would use a Basket 14.1% think provision Good quality reopened, would like in future suggested. majority of wasn’t enough Ball Hoop if provided of Leisure Facilities playing fields for but is now respondents 13.1% would like provision of activit6ies would benefit Mowsley cricket, tennis temporarily express concern additional sports facilities for young people (e.g. closed due to about unsuitable and bowls etc scouts, brownies) a lack of mud humps at indoor sports leaders. New Thorpe Meadows recreation such 17% felt there wasn’t boxing club in current enough provision of as badminton, opened and temperate climate. facilities for senior keep fit, private highly citizens gym etc. popular. improved footpaths in the local countryside a good local nature reserve 10 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Arts and cultural activities – a local arts group, including youngsters, pantomime, drama and singing groups, film club.

42.2% think that the village hall only partially meets the General feeling Greater use of the needs of the 61% of that Parish Centre Parish Hall and wider community; A further 35.4% use the Village respondents and other local personal involvement 10.9% consider it Hall More village supported a new venues were in community Village Hall meets no needs at all. Yes hall use was Village inadequate for the responses were seen 37.6% use the Church suggested Hall/improved current and future as being ways to 37.5% think the village Halls chapel needs of the improve community hall needs updating village. spirit and made more accessible to the community Many individual comments as to lack of 25% of residents recreational 0nly 32% use Narborough activities and Burbage Common 32.8% visit local 67.7% visit Public / wanted to Park on a Park facilities and – 37.2% use Country Parks Country Parks see another daily/weekly basis play area in the monthly park. and 36% use it at wrong location least once a month (near industrial estate and not houses) Play facilities need updating.

Many individual Need to provide a comments as to 36% use the Children’s little for all ages lack of Play Area & Folly Field not a lot for one recreational The Children’s play age group. 33.8% use Children’s activities and acquisition of 24.5% use Children’s 60.9% consider that park 14.9% use Play Area Play Areas facilities and land for youth Play Areas the play area & folly monthly Play area currently play area in the activities was field fully meet the only has wrong location suggested. needs of the equipment for (near industrial community young children and estate and not gets inundated by houses) older youths due to lack of amenities for them.

11 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 36% use the Play Area & Folly Field Comments about the poor 25.8% use the public 60.9% consider that 36.3% use public playing maintenance of Playing field 8.1% use daily playing fields the play area & folly fields at least monthly playing field for field fully meet the sports e.g. grass needs of the cutting. community 26.1% use public leisure centres 17.2% are discouraged Football pitch. 50% travel to Market from taking part in 59.7% of Young Comments Harborough to access sporting, recreational and People will use the about the poor A rugby pitch Public leisure Sports Leisure Facilities leisure activities due to a Skate park/bike Fleckney All Weather maintenance of was centre 15.5% use Facilities lack of local facilities track requested Pitch playing field for requested. weekly 7.8% use the Cricket sports e.g. grass Pitch 13.1% would like 25.4% of Young cutting additional sports facilities People use the Fleckney Sports Hall 22% are part of an organised sports club 4 households in 4.7% are members of slimming club. Mowsley Cricket Club; 10 households There are 1.6% would like to join. have allotments. many existing 1 household clubs in 16.4% are part of an 11% said they 15.6% are part of a goes to the \Sileby and organised sports club would be performing arts group football club. 10% interested in 5 households go requested 29.4% are members 15.6% are members of a helping at a youth 9.4% are part of a to mums and info to join of a local club or performing arts group Look for club and 34% creative arts group toddler groups. them. society volunteers to would be 83 households Volunteers 5.2% are members of a Local clubs 18.2% set up further interested in Youth club was Clubs 18.8% are members of requested clubs came forward 40.3% of Young creative arts group use weekly activities e.g. joining a local suggested Mowsley Heritage and activities. to set up a People are attend a youth clubs, theatre group. Society; 7.8% would Those most History Club Sports Club 20.6% are part of an etc like to join popular (1000 people organised sports club Only 8% said they included:- came to their 8.3% of Young would be willing to 26.6% are members of Keep Fit, first People attend an Arts set up other Mowsley Gardening Yoga and Exhibition), / Performance Group groups or societies Club; 7.8% would like Pilates, history and an to join and Heritage, Environment walking, mums Group. 9.4% are members of and toddler Mowsley Investment group Club; 4.7% would like to join 2 households at Luncheon the lunch club Existing Club


Club 21.4% consider that Toilets No. provision of public toilets 12 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market would be a benefit Within the parish 39 households would like to see courses for 41% of recreational people enjoyment. wanted 17 households recreational would like 55.3% would attend courses for Skills/ 31.3% would attend a 68.7% would attend a computer skills. 39.9% would courses within the leisure in Training for course for recreational course for recreational 20 would like attend a course Parish for recreational Sileby. 18% leisure enjoyment enjoyment health and within parish enjoyment word wellbeing processing.8 classes. % wanted 17 language vocational courses. courses 17 courses leading to accredited qualifications. CLEANER GREENER COMMUNITIES Local wildlife, green spaces, An attractive places to walk physical and tranquillity is 64% consider the environment, valued by the whole village & 31.1% both built and vast majority of consider part of the landscaping respondents village should be a was seen as The River Soar by (72%). designated important, the railway station Most conservation area 56.2% think that Green 39% wanted was highlighted as households Spaces are well more trees an area needing responded on OUTCOME 56.1% think that 65.6% think that protected and Maintained and better particular attention environmental 50% of 3.3: Green Spaces are buildings of management – it was noted that problems. respondents Increased well protected and architectural 73.9% think that Kirby of existing its potential as an Litter, dog fouling and 80 households think that the resident Maintained importance are well Muxloe Castle is well trees.64% attractive leisure footways maintenance made specific environment satisfaction maintained and protected and maintained wanted resource was not were stated as being comments as to of the village with the built 53.6% think that protected improvement being exploited. the key things that what and where can be environment buildings of 19.6% think other to the detracted from the improvement enhanced by and architectural 51.6% think the buildings of architectural concrete The village could parishes physical needed. 86.5% various improved importance are well Medieval Village importance and 15.8% channel of be improved by environment of households physical green infra- maintained and Boundary is well think other buildings of the brook in more floral thought that additions structure protected protected and historical importance are Sileby, displays and by heavy lorries maintained well protected and 90%wanted a planting trees, posed a problem maintained new hedges and shrubs (68% a major 73.9% think that green woodland to in designated problem) for spaces within the be areas Ellistown. 21 village are well planted.66% household’s protected and wanted the people would Maintained railway bridge help to create/ appearance maintain a improved. community garden. 13 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 59 households thought there was either poorly maintained or lack of street furniture (e.g. benches, litter bins, bus shelters, village signs) 47 households thought there was poor street cleaning, but 41 households thought there was a lack of trees and open spaces.

Many individual comments wanted places to walk. 72 households 29.2% think that Footways thought there poorly maintained 12.5% are dissatisfied 21.8% think that poorly maintenance was were too many New Parish roads detract from the with the condition of maintained roads detract seen to be a problem. overgrown Walks Leaflet OUTCOME physical environment roads within the area from the physical trees/hedges. 83 devised by 2 Main issues 3.6: local to Mowsley environment Better pavements and households Parish Plan with the village Transport 30.6% think that 43.2% would be additional pedestrian complained Group are parked assets such poorly maintained 6.3% are dissatisfied 30.9% think that poorly encouraged to crossings were cited about litter in members. cars, as roads and footways detract from with the condition of maintained footways walk or use a as measures that verges/footpaths 44% wanted overgrown footways are the physical footways within the detract from the physical wheelchair more if would encourage . 52 households better hedges and well environment area local to Mowsley environment pavements better people to walk more. thought rights of maintenance dog mess. managed maintained way needed of road and 24.4% think that 4.7% are dissatisfied 21.6% think that poorly Better pavements was better footpaths and maintained poorly maintained with the overall road maintained public rights cited as a measure maintenance countryside public rights of way network in the area of way detract from the that would encourage and 50 footpaths detract from the local to Mowsley physical environment people to cycle more. households physical environment thought road footpaths needed better maintenance.

14 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 44 households thought no additional housing was OUTCOME needed. 3.8: New 29 households develop- wanted either ments are shared Concern expressed built to ownership or Village about further higher rentable homes Design development on the design and in the area and Statement in current infrastructure environment a further 15 process of but the building of al standards household’s being drafted. more starter homes and better requested was supported supported sheltered by services housing. There and infras- were 21 tructure households that wanted housing for first time buyers.

An Environment 53.9% are interested in Lower cost and and Climate 28.9% would like to issues around climate government grant to Change install solar panels on change and the need to assist with energy Group has their homes for hot reduce CO2 emissions saving devices in the been formed. water production home would Test sites for 29.9% would like to There is a encourage more wind turbines OUTCOME 88.1% have Energy install solar panels on Energy saving 60% There were people to install such done. Sileby 4.1: Our Saving Light Bulbs their homes for hot water features. 184 60.8% would use willingness to concerns about measures. Brook contribution production enquiries of energy saving investigate pollution – flooding to Climate 91.1% have Double some sort of features i.e. low alternative particularly The most popular meetings Change is Glazing 22.8% would like to use information energy light bulbs methods of focussing on the potential features to held. reduced electrical energy requested. energy volume of traffic be used were: solar Proposals for 55.3% have installed monitors in their home production. hot water panels; tree planting Cavity Wall Insulation solar electricity and climate 20.6% would like to generation; water change 81.9% have installed install solar photovoltaic saving – harvesting Exhibition. Loft Insulation panels for electricity device; cavity wall Organic generation insulation. village proposal. OUTCOME 4.2: There is 15.8% believe that high No resilience sufficient consideration is resilience to expressed by Not tested being given to the likely the effects of any comment. effects of climate change Climate Change

15 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 83.8% are happy with the current recycling services provided in Kirby Muxloe 53.1% would like more People asked materials collected for 39.8% would like more OUTCOME what would 51.9% would like recycling comprehensive plastics 54 households Over 140 respondents 4.3: Less encourage more materials recycling thought 90% consider wanted a wider variety waste is them to 36.5% would collected for recycling 48.4% would like recycling helpful. the waste of plastics eligible for produced recycle in recycle more if Plastics collected at 43% would like an 35 households management Litter was seen as collection. and a questionnaire there were 21.7% would like the kerbside increase in the range of wanted a service in the a major problem reduced . 45% wanted collections of more increased frequency materials collected for community village to be Need for more proportion reduced fees items i.e. batteries of kerbside recycling 20.3% would like recycling composting satisfactory. litterbins was of this goes for garden collections increased frequency of scheme. identified to landfill waste kerbside recycling collection. collections 40.2% would like retailers / manufacturers to use more compostable packaging Local wildlife, green spaces, places to walk and tranquillity is valued by the vast majority of Parish Walks respondents Leaflet (72%). highlighting The River Soar by valuable local the railway station 28.5% think Kirby Brook Suggestions to areas. 73.5% think the was highlighted as is well protected and improve and Environment surrounding an area needing maintained protect the local expert 41.7% think more countryside is well particular attention environment helping Brook OUTCOME trees should be protected – it was noted that 36% think the include:- improvement There is a There was a positive 4.4: An planted. its potential as an surrounding countryside planting more group and willingness to response to the way enhanced 67.2 think that local attractive leisure is well protected and trees 59 previous 40.5% agree that find out more the village is currently accessible 31.1% would like a woodlands are well resource was not maintained households, biodiversity the war memorial about the conserved. natural community orchard protected and being exploited. research monument is well natural environment maintained looking after 23.4% consider that included. protected environment Fly tipping, litter and with 65% think the woodlands 62 The village could improvements to 90% wanted and maintain dog fouling were cited improved surrounding 31.3% consider that households, be improved by footpaths would enhance new it. as problems. protection countryside is well removal / clearance of more floral access. better recycling woodland. protected vegetation would displays and by facilities 37% enhance access to planting trees, 50.9% would like a plant new volunteered public rights of way hedges and shrubs community orchard to plant trees. orchards and in designated 87% wanted look after areas current orchards brook improvement (40 households), s. and have a community garden (40 households)

16 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 74% wanted Many more hanging suggestions baskets.87% from individual landscaping comments. of the Good quality railways playing fields for embankment, cricket, tennis 74% improved and bowls etc signage at indoor sports entrances to recreation such the as badminton, village.76% keep fit, private an increase gym etc. in green General improved areas, 74% to Improve- improve the ments footpaths in the look of the local countryside car park and a good local the recycling nature reserve areas.79% Arts and cultural further activities - a seating and bins. 71% local arts group, improved including access to youngsters, railways pantomime, station.62% drama and repairs to singing groups, mosaic. A film club. further 170 individual


42 households would like to find out more about the natural or historic environment in Ellistown and 43 respondents 31.3% would be other 8.1% would be There is a Volunteers interested in being Environment interested in joining a respondents interested in willingness to for involved in a local group Group set up group to help maintain indicated an joining or help maintain environmen- focussed on the and has held and protect the local interest in other organising a the natural tal schemes environment and climate 3 meetings. environment aspects of recycling scheme environment change climate change. Again there was similar interest in guided walks, 21 respondents would help to create a 17 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market community garden

74 households wanted to see leaflets of local walks, 68 People felt that the 12.5% consider that 49.5% would like a leaflet marked circular experience of signposting of public illustrating local walks routes, and 58 walking would be rights of way needs Footways way marked enhanced if Footpaths – improving New Parish maintenance was 24.2% consider that footpaths. 12 organised walks Route Walks Leaflet seen to be a problem. signposting of public people said they were provided and 26.6% would like a rights of way needs would like to more seating was map illustrating local improving help produce a available on the walks Guided walks routes. leaflet for the Ellistown and Battleflat area. 52 households thought off road footpaths in 24.4% consider that need of footpaths should be 21.9% consider that maintenance. better maintained the restoration of paths 50 households 23.4% consider that Parked cars after ploughing & thought 41.9% footpaths in improvements to Improved obstructing 17.8% identify that 31.3% the removal / footpaths need of Respondents Footways footpaths would enhance signposting footpaths and Footpaths – ploughed up and clearance of alongside roads maintenance and wanted footpaths maintenance was access. and repairs to dog fouling are Condition blocked footpaths are vegetation would needed detract from the kept clear for easy seen to be a problem. stiles the main a problem enhance access maintenance. parish’s physical use 20.8% require more requested. problems Many individual environment seating and rest stops highlighted 28.9% have problems 18.8% require more comments as to accessing footpaths seating and rest stops what was due to mud/water. needed for footpaths and where.

65% think the surrounding 73.5% think the 36% think the countryside is well Footpaths – surrounding surrounding countryside protected Protection countryside is well is well protected and

protected maintained 83.3% value local footpaths Individual Sileby Waste The backwater comments on Recycling entering the River 38.1% feel the Duck 92.2% consider the the loss of the area request Soar was identified Sites for Pond and Local Water preservation of parish local nature to be turned as an area

Protection Courses are not well heritage to be reserve, taken into a nature needing protected / maintained important. over by the reserve. Not restoration and traveller likely as maintenance as community for 2 developer well as railings for

18 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market years. No local wants to safety nature reserve build. now. Also the loss of wildlife area at UK coal site to industrial development. Needs for a future nature reserve close to Ellistown. The village could be improved by There is a more floral See General willingness to More displays and by improve- help maintain Attractive planting trees, ments the natural hedges and shrubs environment in designated areas Kirby has suffered for many years 49 households 28% had a 27% pollution Concern about air with sewer found pollution problem with does not detract pollution from 13.9% consider 31.3% consider 23% consider pollution a smells – Pollution to be a problem. pollution e.g. from parish’s traffic and noise pollution a problem pollution a problem problem recent works (Noise, fumes noise and physical pollution from the have improved etc.) fumes. environment motorway. matters but it is an ongoing issue. Recognised as ‘major annoyance’ This was 78.2% of 62.8% dog fouling – fourteen areas 79% found a highlighted as 60.6% consider dog 70.3% consider dog 45% consider dog fouling households detract from were mentioned as Dog Fouling problem with an issue by fouling a problem fouling a problem a problem found this a parish’s physical problematic. dog fouling 65% of problem environment residents Requests for more bins. Groups of teenagers that congregate in ‘hot 66.9% litter detract spots’ are seen as 83 households 59.2% think litter is a 53.1% think litter is a 34.9% think litter is a 69% with from parish’s a cause of this 171 respondents cited Litter found this a problem problem problem litter physical litter as a problem problem (83.4%) environment Concern over litter generally – requests for more bins. 59 households requested more Demand for additional Requested street furniture, More bins Dog Fouling Bins at and where to including bins, specified locations put them. bus shelters and benches. 19 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 58 households 37.2% fly tipping 34.4% think fly tipping 39.1% consider fly 10.3% consider fly found fly tipping 48% with fly detract from 115 cited fly tipping as Fly Tipping is a problem tipping a problem tipping a problem to be a problem tipping, parish’s physical a problem (62.6%) environment Groups of teenagers that 31.8% graffiti congregate in ‘hot 28.9% think graffiti is 10.9% think graffiti is a 10.1% think graffiti is a detract from Only 28 people stated Graffiti spots’ are seen as a problem problem problem parish’s physical graffiti was a problem. a cause of this – environment especially in the play areas Some 15.2% think there is comments Demand for additional 4.7% dissatisfied with either a lack of or that 24 households were made 61% had a Signage ‘No Fouling Signs’ at the condition of Road street furniture (inc. found graffiti to about the problem specified locations Signs Signs) are not well be a problem village being maintained spoilt by too many signs. 45 households felt signage Footpaths needed 21.7% would like an 20.3% would like an 83.8% are happy with the and Recycling – improving, with Need for more increased frequency increased frequency of current recycling services entrances to use of 24 households litterbins was of kerbside collections kerbside collections provided in Kirby Muxloe Sileby making specific identified requested recommendation s. 48.4% would like 22.5% would use a Plastics collected at 39.8% would like more 54 households Over 140 respondents Kitchen Food Waste the kerbside 34%wanted comprehensive plastics requested r wanted a wider variety collection additional recycling recycling. 75 of plastics eligible for 17.2% would like a kinds of Recycling – households collection. 51.9% would like an Kitchen Food Waste recycling and additional 43% would like an wanted a increase in the type of collection 32% increase in the range of community Need for more materials collected increased materials collected for composting litterbins was with Plastics a high 53.1% would like more frequency recycling scheme. identified priority materials collected for recycling War Memorial

73.9% think that green 56.1% think green 56.2% think that Green spaces within the Village spaces are well Spaces are well village are well Green maintained and protected and Maintained protected and protected Maintained

48.4% think overgrown 13.3% think overgrown 83 households 34.5% overgrown verges are a problem verges are a problem complained 28.3% think 40% had a hedges/trees/ about litter in Should be cut back overgrown problem with verges do not Verges/trees 39.1% think overgrown 19.2% think overgrown verges/footpaths and maintained on hedges/trees/verges overgrown detract from trees are a problem trees are a problem . footpaths. are a problem verges parish’s physical 72 households environment 46.9% think that 30.1% think that thought there 20 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market unmanaged unmanaged hedgerows were too many hedgerows are a are a problem overgrown problem hedges/trees 59 households thought there was either poorly 42% found maintained or street lack of street furniture furniture (e.g. lacking or More seating Seats/ 21.1% feel there is a 18.8% would like more 20.8% require more benches, litter poorly requested along Benches lack of street furniture seating and rest stops seating and rest stops bins, bus maintained footpath routes shelters, village e.g. bus signs) 45 shelters, households seats, waste would like more bins. seating and rest stops on footpaths. 8 households use the allotments. 11 households would like to use 8.6% take part in 23.5% take part in 27.3% would like more Allotments the allotments. Allotment Gardening Allotment Gardening allotments 29 commented on improvements/c hanges to the allotments. The River Soar by the railway station was highlighted as 77.5% value the canal an area needing The footpath from the particular attention 38.9% think the canal canal into the village Canal – it was noted that bridge and brook are was stated to be in its potential as an well maintained and poor condition attractive leisure protected resource was not being exploited.

Groups of teenagers that congregate in ‘hot 49 households 28% had a spots’ are seen as 13.9% consider 9.4% consider late found pollution problem with 23% consider pollution a a cause of this. Noise pollution a problem night noise a problem to be a problem. pollution e.g. problem (inc. Noise) (inc. Noise) within Mowsley (Noise, fumes noise and Concern about etc.) fumes. noise pollution from the motorway.

21 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Energy saving 392 replies 28.9% would like to 77.8% appreciate the features. 184 interested in install solar panels on need to conserve energy enquiries of 93% are Energy energy their homes for hot both domestically and some sort of satisfied saving water production commercially information features. requested. 25% are dissatisfied Specific with surface water Flooding group looking drainage within at this issue. Mowsley SAFER COMMUNITIES The Parish was seen as a safe 49% felt place by many 98.65% of unsafe or people and only a 95.5% feel very safe 98.4% feel safe during 94.1% feel safe during 72% of people feel respondents feel very unsafe handful of or safe during the day the day the day safe/very safe during OUTCOME safe or very safe in Sileby in 94% of locations caused the day and 82% feel 3.1: People during the day. the evenings. respondents concerns and 61.2% feel very safe 96.8% feel safe during 74.6% feel safe during 46.6% feel safe safe/very safe in the feel (and are) 82% at night. Most felt safe feel safe needing attention. or safe at night the evening the evening during the evening evening. Reasons for safer from 25 household during the around the this may be related to violence comments on day.180 village Young people 5.3% think assault is 0% consider Assault a 0.6% consider Assault a the village’s traffic unsafe mentioned hanging around in a problem in Fleckney problem in Mowsley problem in Kirby Muxloe problems. locations. specific various places was locations. seen as the biggest cause of general unease

37% of people had personally OUTCOME had suffered Identified as being 3.2: Disorder from groups a problem and anti- using centering around social 25 households intimidating large groups of behaviour is thought anti- behaviour in Two areas were cited teenagers who low 27.7% consider anti social behaviour the previous as being unsafe – 24.4% think Public 7.8% consider anti congregate in ‘hot compared to social behaviour a was a problem 12 months, 56.8% feel 56% believe Back Lane and Order and Anti Social social behaviour a spots’ such as comparable problem in Kirby Muxloe in the parish and more antisocial policing in the Ambion Court. Behaviour is a problem in Mowsley Copt Oak Court, areas and with 13 than 100 behaviour is a village is problem in Fleckney the local park and people feel 3.2% consider public households individual problem within the reasonable or There is a perceived 0% consider public Narborough that order a problem having actual comments village better problem of order a problem Village Centre – antisocial experience in were made ‘intimidation’ by groups found them behaviour is the previous 12 about ‘gangs of youths’. intimidating but being months. antisocial there is no tackled behaviour evidence of actual effectively in and violence. their area vandalism.51 % did not know how to contact their local police/commu 22 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market nity support officer. 68% wanted CCTV in public spaces.

50 households felt that 44% were footpaths along affected by side roads congested needed better roads in maintenance. 52 Sileby. And households 70% by 12.5% are dissatisfied 21.8% think that poorly thought rights of speeding with the condition of maintained roads detract way needed traffic, and 29.2% think that some OUTCOME roads within the area from the physical better 56% by roads are in need of 3.6: local to Mowsley environment maintenance. HGV’s maintenance Transport 72 households through the

assets such 6.3% are dissatisfied 30.9% think that poorly thought there village.85% 30.6% think that some Thought to be as roads and with the condition of maintained footways were too many were affected footways are in need satisfactory by footways are footways within the detract from the physical overgrown by parking of maintenance 70% well area local to Mowsley environment hedges/trees. 47 problems.60

managed households % 24.4% think that some and 4.7% are dissatisfied 21.6% think that poorly found street commented rights of way are in maintained with the overall road maintained public rights cleaning to be on ways to need of maintenance network in the area of way detract from the poor. 83 improve local to Mowsley physical environment households traffic flows. complained Street about litter in pavement verges/footpaths improvement . Views on road s were only maintenance requested by were divided. 22%.

Drugs were Pubs are Underage drinking OUTCOME thought to be a highly valued at Copt Oak pub 6.2: The 9.9% think that drugs are problem by 15 in Sileby. No and Whistle way harm caused a problem in Kirby households. 83 mention of and in local parks by drug and 33.9% think that 1.6% think that drugs Muxloe households alcohol 54.7% feel drugs thought to be a alcohol Drugs are a problem are a problem in Households problems. use is a problem problem. misuse is in Fleckney Mowsley 52.9% of young people would support Drug abuse within the village reduced in think that drugs are a an alcohol ban found to be a Rowdy behaviour local problem in Kirby Muxloe outside in problem by outside Copt Oak communities Ellistown, 77 only 7% of pub and household respondents. Narborough Arms- 23 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market comments were especially at made about closing time – was where and when reported there should be an alcohol ban! Action Plan: Introduce an outdoor drinking ban in places with specified problems, e.g. parks, pubs and clubs to help prevent anti- social behaviour and unreasonable late evening noise for local residents. 15 households 23.1% think that 10.9% think that better wanted lighting better street lighting street lighting would improvements. 25% thought Street lighting 57.6% consider that This is would improve safety improve safety Individual lighting could Lighting along improvements needed good street lighting is generally Lighting comments made be improved some footpaths as a result of the important for ensuring considered 12.5% would walk 4.7% would walk more about specific to aid required perceived problem safety in Kirby Muxloe satisfactory more if street lighting if street lighting was lighting walking. with gangs of youths was improved improved improvements needed 51% of respondents know how to contact their local police officer. 58.3% know how to 67.2% know how to contact the local 81.8% know how to 44% stated they contact the local Police Police contact the local Police would attend a public People identified 78 households 85% thought Many would meeting with their 56.3% would attend a 77.7% want more that a greater 83.3% would use the 35.6% would like to (72.5%) wanted there should welcome the local officer to discuss public open meeting regular police police presence Police monthly Police Beat receive e-mail alerts from more regular be more occasional their concerns. with the local Police patrols to tackle was needed to Presence Surgery if needed the local police police patrols regular police presence of a Officer crime and improve help reduce crime within the patrols in the police officer in 240 respondents safety and address safety 83.9% would like 86.1% would like more parish. village. the village wanted more regular 42.2% would like more issues more regular and regular and targeted police patrols. regular and targeted targeted Police Police patrols Police patrols patrols 190 respondents wanted extended opening of the police station

24 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 51% thought Over 50% do 52 households this would not know how thought a help prevent to contact their 150 respondents 52.8% think that 65% consider that Neighbourhood crime and beat officer, wanted to 54.7% think that 41.9% would help Neighbourho Neighbourhood neighbourhood watch is Watch scheme 31% said crime neighbourhood Watch Neighbourhood Watch tackle crime and od Watch Watch would improve important for ensuring would help they were prevention Scheme. would improve Safety improve safety Safety safety in Kirby Muxloe tackle crime and interested in officer or the community joining neighbourhoo safety. Neighbourho d watch od Watch. coordinator

Home 20% consider 18.8% consider 17.2% consider Burglary

Security Burglary a Problem Burglary a Problem a Problem 21% said the Groups of park was teenagers that 49.2% consider 1.6% consider 18.6% consider 55.4% feel Vandalism damaged in congregate in ‘hot Vandalism a problem Vandalism a problem Vandalism a problem problem in village the previous spots’ are seen as 12 months a cause of this 17.8% consider 6.3% consider Damage to Vehicles a Damage to Vehicles a 7.9% consider Damage Problem Problem to Vehicles a Problem 17 households had experienced 42.6% damage to 15%had Vehicle 11.1% consider Theft 6.3% consider Theft 3.6% consider Theft from damage to their vehicles is a damage to a crime from Vehicles a from Vehicles a Vehicles a Problem vehicle in the problem within the vehicle. Problem Problem previous 12 village 4.4% consider Theft of months. 10.3% consider Theft 3.1% consider Theft of Vehicles a Problem of Vehicles a Problem Vehicles a Problem Many options Comments Distribute listed in the indicate that leaflets on questionnaire residents are Crime prevention of , but police generally Prevention crime to presence felt aware of the residents to be the dangers of most valuable crime 85%. 25 households 12% thought 13.9% consider that 24.2% think that 50% think that wanted to have this would 35% requested a countryside watch is Farm Watch Countryside Watch Countryside Watch Countryside help prevent Countryside Watch important for ensuring would reduce crime would reduce crime Watch in the crime in scheme safety in Kirby Muxloe Parish Sileby. 82 households 53% have to in the Parish travel said they were between 5 to Emergency more than 10 10 miles to Services miles away from reach accident and accident and emergency emergency. services. 25 households 49% felt Copt Oak Court, Two areas were cited Unsafe made individual unsafe or local parks and as being unsafe –

Areas comments about very unsafe Narborough village Back Lane and where and when in Sileby in centre Ambion Court. 25 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market they felt unsafe the evenings. Most felt safe during the day.180 mentioned specific locations. Many options listed in the questionnaire , but anti- social behaviour the worst. 37% of people had Problems personally identified on all had suffered crimes within the from groups last 12 months, using Experience the worst being intimidating

of Crime anti-social behaviour in behaviour, the previous damage to 12 months, vehicles and and more vandalism. than 100 individual comments were made about antisocial behaviour and vandalism. 39.6% consider that 53.1% would like CCTV in public areas is CCTV CCTV in Public Areas important for ensuring safety in Kirby Muxloe STRONGER COMMUNITIES 88.9% feel included in 13 comments 45.3% provided 3.8% have tried to their community from households comments outlining participate in community 42% about a need for how community spirit activities and found commented 56.3 think Community a more inclusive OUTCOME could be improved themselves not included on what Greater use of the Spirit is Good or and community Community spirit 2.3: or made unwelcome actions would 84% of Parish Hall and wider Excellent minded parish ratings: Leicestershir 6.2% feel unable to make them residents 91% think that the personal involvement Council and 4% excellent e is take part in the 13.5% provided feel more consider the community spirit in community 47% of Young People better 40% good integrated, community comments outlining how included. community within the villages responses were seen think Fleckney has a community 35% okay cohesive community spirit could be 58% would sprit to be ok is ok or better as being ways to close, tight knit spirit. 43 13% poor and 18.8% commented on improved like to see the or better improve community community households said 8% don’t know inclusive actions which could former Sileby spirit they would like make them feel more 46.7% would like more Gala 40.4% of Young to see events for included in the community events within restarted. People agree that families in community Kirby Muxloe people from different Ellistown. These 26 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market backgrounds get on included:- well together Family fun days Firework Event Barbecues Kite flying New mums coffee mornings Scarecrow Festival Holiday Activities for youngsters Open Gardens Village Fete Community/Stre et Festival Gala Bingo Pond Dipping Farmers Market

12 households said they would like to help organise events and the Parish Gala fun day and scarecrow and allotment festival held on August 16th 2009. Highly successful. 9.4% feel unable to take part in the 1.4% feel unable to take OUTCOME Affordability of community because part in the community 2.4: Equality 3.1% feel unable to access an issue 30% of respondents of Age because of Age; 0.8% of access to take part in the as many life thought that the because of disability; life community because of opportunities not community college no 5.3% feel unable to 0.2% because of opportune- Age available in longer ran courses take part in the ethnicity and 0.2% ities Ellistown. community because because of poverty of Disability 30% satisfied with 25% satisfied with the Parish Plan Parish Plan 10.1% satisfied Improve OUTCOME access to the Parish service provided by the Chairman has Group with Parish communications of 2.5: All Council and 33.1% County Council; 38.2% become the members Council quality of existing notice sections of happy with the have not contacted Chairman of the have joined service boards and make the information they Parish Council, the Sileby 35.8% satisfied residents aware of community 77% felt they were provide on local 37.2% satisfied with the at the age of 22 Quorn and with Hinckley & existing are able to take part in issues service provided by years. Barrow Area Bosworth Borough information empowered their community Blaby District Council; Attendance at Forum. Council quality of sources – possible to influence 21.9% satisfied with 32.3% have not Parish Council Meeting held service regular parish local access to the District contacted meetings more with Parish 19.6% satisfied newsletter? decision Council and 25.3% than 20 Council and with County making satisfied with the 11.1% satisfied with the residents. contact made Council quality of Councils could 27 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market information they service provided by the to ascertain service develop a livelier provide on local Parish Council; 47.9% what Parish community issues have not contacted Council is response through doing to wider more 17.8% satisfied with implement attractive publicity access to the County the Action Council and 25.3% Plan. happy with the information they provide on local issues

21.1% satisfied with access to the local MP The church is There is a need 79.7% think that the seen as 46.4% consider that for Church either fully or 50.5% agree that places important by Role of every community encouragement partially meets the of worship are important some Church should have a place of local activities needs of the to them villagers, in of worship through the community their 3 top churches. likes 14.7% attend a place All of the of worship within 16.5% attend a place of Churches in Fleckney worship weekly; 6.2% Ellistown are Attendance monthly; 34.6% under threat 8.3% attend a place occasionally and 48.4% unless usage of worship outside for special occasions increases. Fleckney 42.8% see places of worship as a focal point for the community Young 43.3% see places of The Methodist people’s worship as a focal Church currently 41.4% value places of groups, 11- point for the has no minister. worship as historic 14’s and 14- Other community The parish buildings; 24.8% as 18’s Activities should venues for plays, Sileby 44.4% value places of encourage the concerts and Christian worship as historic appointment of a entertainment; 23.6% for soccer team buildings new minister activities for children and and matches. 28.5% for quiet contemplation The Methodist St Gregory’s Church is the RC Church in only affordable regular use meeting place in 67.5% think that by the Ellistown. Community religious groups community, Consideration involvement contribute to improved with needs to be community life evidence given urgently to provided by setting up a previous ‘Friends of the Appraisal Wesleyan

28 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Reform Church’ group.

78.2% think that the 42 households Burial Ground either would like to fully or partially meets have a burial Burial the needs of the ground in the

community Parish, 24 being willing to pay a Parish precept for it. 0% feel unable to take 0.2% feel unable to take Ethnicity part in the community part in the community because of ethnicity because of ethnicity The Methodist Church is the 26.1% consider only affordable important for Sunday meeting place in worship 24.8% value places of Ellistown. 79.7% think that the worship as venues for Consideration St. Gregory’s Use of 43.6% consider Church either fully or plays, concerts and needs to be RC church religious important for partially meets the entertainment; 23.6% for given urgently to hall well used buildings Weddings and needs of the activities for children and setting up a by the Funerals community 28.5% for quiet ‘Friends of the community. 31.7% consider contemplation Wesleyan important for Reform Church’ Baptisms group to access funding.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Most Sileby has respondents set up a used the pub, Business shops and Forum since The majority of those garage as least the Parish that run a business in occasionally but Plan and t the parish do not there is a great there are 72 respondents work with the local need to more ran a business 28.3% think more 3.1% think more small community or employ OUTCOME 11.9% think more small encourage businesses in with 58% of those small business business workspace local people. 3.4: Quality business workspace further use. In the village in working within the workspace units units would be a 29.7% parish employment units would be a benefit particular, the the last few community. would be a benefit benefit would benefit from 50 respondents said sites and use of the post years. small business they needed help with premises are 22% think more shop office needs Premises are Opportunities to 30.8% think more 15.6% think provision workspace units broadband internet more widely spaces should be made further available but share admin costs shop spaces should of a shop would benefit access to run their available available encouragement. often not let, for small be made available Mowsley business and 46 said The Ellistown and are used businesses was a they needed access to pub has now for housing high priority. shared services such partially development as photocopying, fax, reopened and is often. etc offering Purpose built hairdressing small services, bed business and breakfast, workspace 29 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market quizzes and has units were a function room. requested by 203 households. 32% of corresponden ts. 38% requested tearooms, 37% more leisure facilities. Greengrocers and clothes shops were requested by many. 50 respondents said 55 households they needed help with wanted to see broadband internet more leisure access to run their businesses, 42 business and 46 said households Only one they needed access to more shops, and respondent wanted shared services such 36 households further industrial as photocopying, fax, tearooms.19 development. etc households OUTCOME wanted craft Residents wanted 17% of respondents 5.1 A 15.3% consider that 3.1% consider that the 7.1% consider that the workshops. 25 to see more small wanted more shops prosperous the development of development of Social development of Social households a business units, and more leisure and dynamic Social Enterprises Enterprises would Enterprises would benefit garden shops, tearooms facilities. economy would benefit benefit Mowsley Kirby Muxloe centre/nursery and craft driven by Fleckney (one already workshops. 13% wanted craft innovation exists on the workshops. border of the Residents also parish), 8 take wanted more 12% wanted small away food restaurants and business workspaces. outlets, and only bistros. 9 households’ large industrial 10% wanted social sites. enterprises; 10% wanted large industrial developments;

30 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market

39.7% shop most 96.2% use the Post often within Fleckney 15.6% think provision Office rather than travelling of a shop would benefit elsewhere. Mowsley 81% use the Pubic House 97.6% use the Post 81.3% travel to Market Bus services OUTCOME Office Harborough & 42.2% 93.8% use the Food have 7.1: Access travel to Fleckney to Shops; 74.7% use other improved in to facilities 54.2% use the access shopping shops terms of and services Butcher facilities reliability is enhanced 36.4% consider that a since the across the 61.4% use the 93.8% use private Tea Rooms would Village County General Store motor vehicles to benefit the Parish Appraisal in access shopping 1999. 88.3% use the facilities 33.9% consider that a Newsagent Garden Centre / Nursery would benefit the Parish 92.1% use the Supermarket

2 doctors. I chemist. 2 primary schools. No 97.6% use the Post secondary No doctors. No Office within Fleckney school. A chemist. No badminton library. No Within the Post Office: group, and Majority of 81.3% travel to Market village hall. football respondents use Harborough & 42.2% Mobile library. 2 50 respondents said 39.7% use Banking pitches and a the post office at Outcome travel to Fleckney to 89.1% consider the Post shops, one a they needed help with Services cricket club. least once a 7.2: High access shopping Office very important to Post Office. 1 51.4% parish broadband internet No rugby. No month. quality and facilities the community; 50.7% garage. 2 would benefit from access to run their 33.6% Pay Bills swimming accessible the Pub; 75.8% the food churches. Good more shops and business and 46 said pool. A The local bank services and 93.8% use private shops; 47.1% other school. 1 48% more leisure they needed access to 69.4% process village hall, was also well facilities in motor vehicles to shops and 80% the community facilities shared services such Licenses and Forms several supported- rural areas access shopping pharmacist / chemist; room. Bus costs as photocopying, fax, churches. A although many facilities minimum £3.00 etc 47.8% Exchange library. A residents only use return to access Currency bank. 2 the cash point services. supermarkets Affordability 84.2% purchase . A vet. An issue Cards & Stationary eco-centre. A post office and a gift and bridal wear shop

31 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Vocational Only Basic training offered literacy at Stephenson training within College the village. 5 business respondents . Higher Access to Training would benefit from education training in Offered training opportunities elsewhere Leicester, outside of the Loughboroug district. h and some Affordability of in Quorn and access an issue. Mountsorrel. 93.8% use private Planning motor vehicles to Department to access shopping take into facilities account the comments made 53.1% use private by the Planning motor vehicles to Section of the access employment Results re further employment land in the Ellistown area. 99%) would be Environment opposed to a al Impact ball mill/incinerator being sited within the parish.97 households (90.5%) would be opposed to the construction of more industrial units outside of the current employment area.

21.4% would attend 13.8% would attend work work related related vocational No vocational Only 5 of those vocational courses 4.7% would attend courses Training training running a business work related vocational Needs accessible stated that they had 8.4% would attend courses 5.4% would attend within Sileby. training needs getting back to work getting back to work skills courses skills courses 11 households 3 business would like to see Community 9 business respondents Business respondents employ social enterprise Involvement employ local residents Forum local residents schemes in the Parish. 32 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market

National Forest The area is has provided a well served sculpture as a People expressed with primary feature in the high levels of and secondary centre of satisfaction with the schools and Ellistown. UK Swimming local PCT, Ambulance an FE college. 1 business respondent 10 business respondent Coal a Nature Fund pays for service and fire Services to works with the local works with the local Reserve, those wishing brigade. Community It is served by community community (unusable by the to learn to three main community due swim. The highest level of hospitals and to traveller dissatisfaction was a local occupation). with Leicester community Section 106 constabulary hospital in money reserved Melton for a play area. Interest in a Local Exchange Trading Scheme was shown by 54 people, (this Several was before the members of 10.9% run a business current Self the Business or work from home 8.3% are self employed recession Employment Forum are within Mowsley started) so this self could be a good employed. way of giving people economic and social benefit in Ellistown Some members of Business the Business

Advice Forum have contacted Business Link 55 households Purpose built wanted to see small more leisure business businesses, 42 workspace households units were more shops, and requested by Business 36 households 32% of Develop- tearooms.19 corresponden ment households ts. 38% wanted craft requested workshops. 25 tearooms, households a 37% more garden leisure centre/nursery facilities. 33 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market (one already Greengrocers exists on the and clothes border of the shops were parish), 8 take requested by away food many. outlets, and only 9 households’ large industrial sites. 12 business respondents Marketing & Business would like access to a Promotion Forum free webpage Communication Requested by about local 9 business respondents 10 businesses and Business would like to be included Businesses. shops is needed Directory in a local business Topic for i.e. a business directory Business directory. Forum,


Directory Business Grants grants advice

Offered sought from LCC Residents wanted to see more small 54.2% use the Use of post 17% of respondents business units, Butcher office, garage, wanted more shops shops, tearooms petrol station and more leisure and craft 61.4% use the and pub 90% of facilities. 15.6% think provision 93.8% use the Food workshops. General Store services respondents Village of a shop would benefit Shops; 74.7% use other enquired about use the 13% wanted craft Shops Mowsley shops Many residents 88.3% use the and they are shops daily or workshops. expressed Newsagent well used. weekly. significant Particular details 12% wanted small disappointment at 92.1% use the on use of post business workspaces. the disappearance Supermarket office surveyed. of the local butcher

45% of Pub now respondents 81% use the Pubic offering bed and Public 64.3% use the Public 75% use the Public use the pub House breakfast and Houses House House daily or various weekly. One promotions. of top 3 likes. 41.9% would support Building the conversion of Conversions redundant buildings

34 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market

55 respondents stated 10.9% run a business Working that they ran their own or work from home from home business or worked within Mowsley from home. TRAVEL, TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC Traffic issues are a major problem. 96 (95%of respondents found speeding to be a problem 72 families (83.7%) had a problem with heavy goods vehicles within 75.3% consider 65.6% consider the 7.5 ton Speeding Traffic a Speeding Traffic a 73.7% consider weight limit. Speeding Problem Problem Speeding Traffic a 87.36% noted traffic a Problem The speed problems with problem for 56.7% would support 48.4% would support a and volume of 70% of a Community Speed Community Speed 59% would support a on street traffic on the community, OUTCOME watch Scheme and watch Scheme and Community Speed watch parking. A607 was Over 60% of residents HGV’s for 3.5: The 11.7% would help to 31.3% would help to Scheme and 12.9% 78.9% noted considered a sited problems with 56%, On impact of implement it. implement it. would help to implement obstruction of problem. Concern about speeding traffic and street parking 28.4% traffic traffic on it. traffic ‘hot spots’ HGVs in the village. entrances. problem 85% congestion a communities 57.5% consider HGVs 39.1% consider HGVs 85% consider which cause 86% noted respondents, problem and a Problem a Problem 39.2% consider HGVs a it difficult to congestion: B4114 Over 20% also stated vehicles often parking on individuals Problem access the that fumes and noise pavements is reduced 65.3% consider On- 56.2% consider On- parked on A607 from were a problem. by 69%. Street Parking a Street Parking a 63.3% consider On- pavements. Main Street Traffic Problem Problem Street Parking a Problem 68.75% and Priory congestion View respondents 57% of 67.5% consider 32.8% consider 53.4% consider Parking who indicated respondents, Parking on Parking on Pavements on Pavements a Problem they had no Pavements a Problem a Problem where to park – there is an urgent need for more parking spaces. 60% respondents believed traffic calming to be inadequate in Ellistown and Battleflat.

35 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market A traffic action/ community Speedwatch group has been set up

50 households felt that footpaths along side roads needed better maintenance. Responders 52 households wanted footways thought rights of 44% wanted kept clear enough 12.5% are dissatisfied 21.8% think that poorly way needed better street for easy use, for with the condition of maintained roads detract better lighting.22% instance by cutting 29.2% think that some OUTCOME roads within the area from the physical maintenance. thought better back overgrown roads are in need of 3.6: local to Mowsley environment maintained hedges and maintenance Parking on pavements Transport 72 households pavements stopping cars was stated as a assets such 6.3% are dissatisfied 30.9% think that poorly thought there would parking across 30.6% think that some Thought to be problem by 43% as roads and with the condition of maintained footways were too many encourage them. footways are in need satisfactory by footways are footways within the detract from the physical overgrown walking, 29% of maintenance 70% 26% of people wanted well area local to Mowsley environment hedges/trees. wanted more It was suggested the pavements managed off road cycle that more people 24.4% think that some improving and 4.7% are dissatisfied 21.6% think that poorly 47 households ways. 42% would use walking rights of way are in maintained with the overall road maintained public rights found street wanted better routes if there need of maintenance network in the area of way detract from the cleaning to be maintenance were more seats local to Mowsley physical environment poor. of street along the route furniture. and organised 83 households walks were complained provided. about litter in verges/footpath Views on road maintenance were divided.

44% of The speed OUTCOME respondents and volume of Concern about 4.5: Growth 24.2% consider had a traffic on the 14.1% consider Traffic 43.1% consider Traffic traffic ‘hot spots’ 35% cited congestion of road Traffic Congestion a problem with A607 was Congestion a Problem Congestion a Problem which cause as a problem congestion Problem traffic flows considered a congestion: B4114 is reduced in Sileby. problem.

Speed limit Traffic calming OUTCOME enforcement Only 14% measures 6.3: The due to frequent had a Speeding suggested for number of 7% consider Traffic 4.7% consider Traffic 5% consider Traffic dangerous problem with issues on Hardwicke Road, road Accidents a Problem Accidents a Problem Accidents a Problem speeding. accidents in A607 identified Edward Avenue casualties is Community Sileby, and Desford Road reduced speed Watch in Narborough and 36 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market group to be set on Station Road, up and trained. Riverside Way and Cosby Road in Police cameras Littlethorpe. and prosecutions Strong support for requested, as more pedestrian well as improved crossings at the traffic calming. Island on the B4114 on Desford Road, on Hardwicke Road and Station Road, Narborough. 13.6% consider HGV ban There is concern 205 stated fumes from 9.4% consider Traffic Traffic Fumes a enforcement in about air pollution traffic was a problem Fumes a problem 19.2% consider Traffic OUTCOME Problem Action plan, from traffic Fumes a problems 6.4: Air would improve congestion 31.3% think that quality is 13.9% think that air quality. Pollution detracts from 23% consider pollution a improved Pollution detracts the Physical problem from the Physical Environment Environment

31.7% would like 22.4% would like more 39% stated that public more buses during buses during the day, transport in the area the day, 26.9% in the There were 52 14.3% in the evening and was poor to fair – 21% evening and 31.9% at respondents that 17.4% at Weekends. stated it was excellent Weekends. wanted buses or good. on a Sunday to 9.7% need more easily 10.3% need more get to Leicester OUTCOME accessible buses (low 42% stated that better easily accessible and 89 7.1: Access 42.2% provided floors etc) connections to other buses (low floors etc) respondents to facilities suggestions on how transport would wanted better and services Public Transport 27.7% would like more increase their use of 23.9% would like value for money is enhanced provision could be information about routes public transport. more information bus tickets. For across the improved & times about routes & times an individual County 39% also wanted person, the cost 28.5% would like better different and new 27.5% would like of using a car to connection to other forms routes. better connection to get to Coalville of Transport other forms of is cheaper than 36% wanted Transport using the bus. 25.3% would use buses safer./cleaner bus

to Glenfield stops 29.2% would like different / new routes There were 39% stated that public Outcome 33.3% consider that 25 households transport in the area 4.7% consider that Just under half of 7.2: High Public Transport 3.4% consider public wanted buses was poor to fair – 21% Public Transport the people quality and provision is Fair, transport provision is on a Sunday to stated it was excellent provision is Fair, responding felt that accessible 31.1% think it is Poor excellent; 30.5% good; get to Leicester or good. 43.8% think it is Poor the public transport services and and 16.7% do not use 31.5% fair; 10.3% poor and 41 and 35.9% do not use was good or facilities in it. and 17.8% do not use it households 42% stated that better it excellent rural areas wanted better connections to other value for money transport would

37 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market bus tickets. For increase their use of an individual public transport. person, the cost of using a car to 39% also wanted get to Coalville different and new is cheaper than routes. using the bus. There were 25 households wanted buses on a Sunday to Low level of get to Leicester knowledge about and 41 local and 43.8% think that Public 10.3% think public households No community 31.1% think Public 34.5% public community travel Transport Transport provision is transport provision is wanted better transport Speeding was cited as Transport provision is transport provision arrangements as Problems Poor and 35.9% do not poor and 17.8% do not value for money scheme in the main problem. Poor is good alternatives such use it use it bus tickets. For operation as Combus, car an individual share schemes person, the cost and park and ride. of using a car to get to Coalville is cheaper than using the bus. 92% or 91% of households 88.6% own or have 98.4% own or have household 86% use the Car Access access to a Private access to a Private have access to one or respondents had car daily Motor Vehicle Motor Vehicle access to a car more vehicles. 6 households 11 The majority of Car usage was Over 70% use their were interested households residents use stated as being for: cars for in car sharing. interested in their car for 1. Shopping shopping/leisure and Most travel on a car sharing work, domestic 2. Leisure medical assistance. daily basis was and 54 and social 3. Work to Coalville and possibly. purposes 51% use their car for Leicester. People stated they work. used buses for shopping and leisure and also travel to school or college.

Journeys More than half of the destinations for the journeys made were to nearby local villages and towns. Trips to Leicester accounted for 21% of trips and other cities like Nottingham and Birmingham accounted for 22% 38 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market of trips. It was noted Safer/cleaner bus 20 households 16.9% would like that the bus shelter would 12.7% would like wanted Bus Shelters improved Bus shelters encourage more improved bus shelters improved bus Shelters needed people to use public shelters keeping clean transport People supported 33.3% identified that 8.8% better 20.3% identified that 35.8% identified that the extension of Improved pavements more off road cycle 29% wanted maintained cycle Cycle more off road cycle more traffic free cycle the cycle route would increase the ways would more off road paths to Routes ways would encourage ways would encourage along riverside amount of people that encourage them to cycle ways encourage more them to cycle more. them to cycle more. way towards walked and cycled. cycle more. cycling Whetstone 74 households wanted to see leaflets of local walks, 68 marked circular 54.7% walk daily & a routes, and 58 further 26.6% walk 46.9% walk daily; a way marked weekly further 25.9% walk footpaths. 12 weekly people said they 83.3% value local 21.9% consider that would like to Parish Walks footpaths the restoration of paths 23.4% consider that help produce a leaflet after ploughing & improvements to Guided walks produced by 24.4% consider that 31.3% the removal / footpaths would enhance leaflet for the Parish Plan footpaths should be clearance of access. Ellistown and Group.67% better maintained vegetation would Battleflat area. 43.2% would like Rights of way walked daily Improved pavements enhance access 20.8% require more 52 households better maintained in the parish People supported or weekly. would increase the Footpaths 17.8% identify that seating and rest stops thought off road pavements to are considered the idea of more 44% thought amount of people that ploughed up and 18.8% require more 49.5% would like a leaflet footpaths in encourage more by most to be footpaths rights of way walked and cycled. blocked footpaths are seating and rest stops illustrating local walks need of walking accessible in need of a problem maintenance. maintenance. 12.5% consider that 24.2% consider that 50 households Individual 28.9% have problems signposting of public signposting of public thought comments accessing footpaths rights of way need rights of way needs footpaths sent to LCC. due to mud/water. improving improving alongside roads needed 26.6% would like a maintenance. map illustrating local Many individual walks comments as to what was needed for footpaths and where.

15.6% use the Bus for 42% stated that better Shopping, 10% for 35.9% do not use Just under half of connections to other Only 6% use Leisure and 13.1% to Public Transport Only 24 the people transport would 16.9% use the bus the bus Use of Bus access Healthcare. 17.8% do not use public households responding felt that increase their use of service to go service and Service Only 1.6% use the bus transport reported use of the public transport public transport. shopping 5% use the 16.7% do not use most often for any bus service was good or train regularly Public Transport everyday purpose. excellent 39% also wanted different and new 39 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market 24.3% of Young routes. People use the Bus

31.7% would like more buses during 22.4% would like more the day, 26.9% in the buses during the day, evening and 31.9% at 14.3% in the evening and Weekends. 17.4% at Weekends. 42% stated that better connections to other 10.3% need more 9.7% need more easily transport would easily accessible accessible buses (low 89 respondents increase their use of Bus Service 82% consider buses (low floors etc) floors etc) wanted better public transport. Improve- it to be value for money ments satisfactory 23.9% would like 27.7% would like more bus tickets 39% also wanted more information information about routes different and new about routes & times & times routes.

27.5% would like 28.5% would like better better connection to connection to other forms other forms of of Transport Transport Most popular Timetables new requested to be destination Bus 29.2% would like 25.3% would use buses available – was Fosse Destinations different / new routes to Glenfield possibly in Park, most village shop monthly or occasionally. All three local schools School should have travel Buses plans introduced. 5% use the 71% of 24 households trains regularly Just under half of respondents 77.7% would use a train wanted better and 65% the people requested Use of service linking Kirby connection to stated they responding felt that Disabled/pus Trains Muxloe to Leicester at other forms of would use the public transport hchair access least monthly transport e.g. them more if was good or to railway trains there was a excellent station. local station 20 households wanted to be 9.5% aware of local able to use the community transport community Syston 6.4% use the scheme No community minibus/dial a community No community Community Community Bus + transport ride. bus goes to transport scheme Bus 28.3% unaware of 1 Volunteer identified scheme in Community St. Gregory’s in operation availability interested in assisting operation transport to RC Church. with Community health services Transport is an issue as there are not 40 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market any doctors in the village.

9.5% aware of local community transport 1.2% use the scheme Volunteer Volunteer Transport

Drivers Scheme + 25.8% 1 Volunteer identified unaware of availability interested in assisting with Community Transport Low level of knowledge about local and 11 households community travel There are particular interested in car Car Sharing 1.5% Car Share arrangements as requests for car share, 6 sharing and 54 alternatives such possibly. as Combus, car share schemes and park and ride.



Traffic 88.6% own or have 98.4% own or have congestion 86% of Number of 91% of residents access to a Private access to a Private reported by residents use Cars have access to cars Motor Vehicle Motor Vehicle 57% of a car daily respondents 87.36% noted problems with on street parking. 78.9% noted 65.3% consider On- 63.3% consider On- Lack of parking in obstruction of Parking is a problem Street Parking a Street Parking a Problem the villages was entrances. in the village – on Problem 56.2% consider On- On street seen as stifling street parking and Street Parking a 53.4% consider Parking 86% noted parking small business parking on the 16.6% consider Off- Problem on Pavements a Problem vehicles often problem 85% Parking is a development in the pavement. Parking Street Parking a parked on respondents, problem in the area as the District

Problem 32.8% consider 39.6% would support pavements. parking on village Council cited this The lack of parking Parking on Pavements parking restrictions on pavements as a reason for 68.75% restriction 67.5% consider a Problem Main Street and 61.8% by 69%. turning down respondents enforcement is cited Parking on would support general recent new who indicated as a major concern. Pavements a Problem parking improvements applications. they had no where to park - there is an urgent need for more parking

41 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market spaces.

Concern about traffic speed along the B4114 – would 96 households Speeding Speeding is like speed limit Over 60% of residents 75.3% consider 65.6% consider 73.7% consider (95%) found traffic a 43.2% speeding considered a reduced to 40mph sited problems with Speeding Speeding Traffic a Speeding Traffic a Speeding Traffic a speeding to be a problem for traffic is a major problem on the speeding traffic and Traffic Problem Problem Problem problem 70% of problem A607 through Concern about HGVs in the village. community, Kirby speeding and racing of cars and mopeds on roads through villages

New Suggested Community Community solutions are: 59% would support a Speedwatch Speedwatch Better further speed 56.7% would support 48.4% would support a Community Speed watch group set up. group set up Enforcement restriction, a a Community Community Speed Scheme and 12.9% CCTV and following of speed roundabout, Speedwatch Scheme watch Scheme would help to implement police Parish Plan restrictions traffic lights, a it. prosecution volunteers. turning lane requested. CCTV also and a bypass requested. 86% of respondents considered HGV’s on 7.5 ton limit roads to Over 60% of residents Better be a problem. A HGV’s a Better sited problems with Enforcement 57.5 consider HGVs a 39.1% consider HGVs 39.2% consider HGVs a heavy Lorry problem for 37.2% major management of speeding traffic and of HGV Problem a Problem Problem |Report written 56% of problem heavy goods HGVs in the village. restrictions by RCC and community. vehicles required

District LSP liaison officer is handling co- ordination of response. St. May’s Church Many Individual Danger junction seen comments Spots as a danger made. spot. 44% of respondents. **believed traffic 47% wanted Suggested Traffic calming to see 20mph solutions are: measures 26.7% would support the calming to be 64% stated that they speed limits further speed suggested for Traffic introduction of traffic inadequate in were in favour of a where there restriction, a Hardwicke Road, Calming calming measures in Community Ellistown and are children, roundabout, Edward Avenue specified locations Speedwatch Scheme Battleflat. 60% more traffic lights, a and Desford Road pedestrian turning lane in Narborough and 42 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market crossings, and a bypass on Station Road, 65% stopping Riverside Way and all parking on Cosby Road in pavements, Littlethorpe. 67% proper enforcement of no parking restrictions, 50% more traffic wardens, 70% more automated speed signs, but only 24% speed cushions or pinch points, and 28% speed cameras, Enforcement issue. 96 (95%) Concern about 47% wanted 34.3% would walk more respondents Speed limits traffic speed along 26.6% think that the to see 20mph often if there was a found speeding on the A607 the B4114 – would Speed Limits 30mph zone should be speed limits reduction in the speed of to be a problem. are not like speed limit extended where there traffic obeyed reduced to 40mph Community are children. Speedwatch set up. HGV signs Some villagers Suggested 70% wanted 4.7% are dissatisfied ignored – consider there introduction of more Signs with the condition of reported by to be too many active signs as a automated Road Signs many signs in the traffic calming speed signs, respondents. village measure 52 households 30.6% feel that some 15.6% would walk thought off road pavements are poorly 30.5% would walk more more if pavements footpaths in maintained if pavements were better were better maintained need of maintained maintenance. 22.2% would walk 14.1% would walk 50 households more if pavements 14.3% would walk more more if additional thought were better if additional pavements 65% wanted Rights of way pavements were footpaths Improved pavements maintained were provided the stopping in the parish provided alongside roads would increase the Pavements of all parking are considered needed amount of people that 10.8% would walk 53.4% consider Parking on to be 32.8% consider maintenance. walked and cycled. more if additional on Pavements a Problem pavements. accessible Parking on Pavements Many individual pavements were a Problem comments as to provided 30.9% think that poorly what was maintained footways 6.3% are dissatisfied needed for 67.5% consider detract from the physical with the condition of footpaths and Parking on environment footways where. Pavements a Problem

43 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market

Refuges Only 28% Speed Speed wanted cameras Cameras speed suggested cameras, Suggested 70% wanted introduction of Flashing to see more active signs as a Speed Signs automated traffic calming speed signs measure General traffic, parking and speed issues. Action Plan. 60% of all More Parking respondents spaces provided made on Whitehill individual Road Safety Road etc. comments Yellow lines about traffic added to control and dangerous road safety. areas so that parking enforcement can be carried out. only 24% 26.7% would support the wanted introduction of traffic Road Humps speed calming measures in cushions or specified locations pinch points 7.5% would walk 3.1% would walk more Pedestrian crossings 60% wanted more if more if more dropped kerbs would be a benefit at; more Crossings pedestrian crossings were provided for Main St (50.5%) and pedestrian were provided crossing Hedgerow Lane (23.2%) crossings A bypass was suggested as a solution to Bypass the traffic problems on the A607 HOUSING OUTCOME 30.8% think more 29 households 14% thought 44.6% no There were a 48% stated there was 28.1% would be in 44.8% would be in favour There was an 1.4: An homes for Young wanted either there should additional housing few comments a need for started favour of a small of a small scheme of expression of need increase in People are needed in shared be more needed 10.8% a about the lack homes in the village. scheme of affordable affordable housing for for more affordable the Fleckney ownership or rented need for affordable of affordable housing for local local people in Kirby housing to rent or provision of rentable homes homes, 11% homes (shared housing for 31% stated there was people in Mowsley Muxloe buy in the area affordable 10.3% think more in the area and shared ownership) young people a need for affordable 44 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market housing homes of shared a further 15 ownership 16.9% need for who have rental housing and ownership are needed household’s homes, 20% starter homes grown up in 32% stated there was requested starter the village a need for affordable sheltered homes, 18% housing under shared housing. There “lifetime ownership. were 21 homes” , 12% households that sheltered wanted housing housing. Only for first time 4% wanted to buyers. see flats. However, 41% wanted to see a small scheme of affordable housing for local people in Sileby. 48% stated there was Availability of a need for started 20 people OUTCOME affordable housing homes in the village. had to leave 3.7: The 6.4% have had a 6.3% have had a 6.3% have had a to be improved by Sileby in the housing member of their family member of their family member of their family informing local 31% stated there was last 5 years needs of the leave Fleckney due to leave Mowsley due to leave Kirby Muxloe due planning authority a need for affordable through the people of a lack of Affordable a lack of Affordable to a lack of Affordable of needs of the rental housing and lack of Leicester- Housing Housing Housing villages young 32% stated there was affordable shire are met people who wish to a need for affordable housing. remain in the area. housing under shared ownership. The Parish Plan Group 64% consider the has done a whole village & 31.1% draft Village Limit future house consider part of the Design building which village should be a Statement, could threaten Village/ designated and held a village atmosphere Parish conservation area Walkabout due to an increase Character and an in traffic and 92.2% consider the Exhibition. encroachment on preservation of parish 62% were not the green belt heritage to be aware that important. Sileby had a Conservation area. 41.1% think no further 53.1% think that no 53.9% think that no 44 households Some development would additional housing is additional housing in thought no 212 comments be acceptable needed in Mowsley needed in Kirby Muxloe additional Concern over large households , around the fact Strong concern to Housing housing was scale housing 54%, did not that more protect the area Develop- 41.9% would support 28.1% would be in 44.8% would be in favour needed. development and its want housing would from large scale ment the conversion of favour of a small of a small scheme of 29 households effect on local additional damage the development redundant buildings scheme of affordable affordable housing for wanted either infrastructure. housing character of housing for local local people in Kirby shared the village 24.7% would support people in Mowsley Muxloe ownership or

45 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market small scale rentable homes development (10 in the area and dwellings or less) a further 15 households requested sheltered housing. There were 21 households that wanted housing for first time buyers.

77 families stated that 53.9% think that no members of their 30.8% think more additional housing in household had left the homes for Young 20 people 44.6% no needed in Kirby Muxloe 3 families had village due to housing People are needed 20.3% think there is a had to leave additional housing members who costs. need for starter homes Sileby in the needed 10.8% a 84% consider 10.5% think there is a had to leave the Housing 26.1% feel there is a last 5 years need for affordable Kirby has need for starter homes parish through 253 households were Needs need for small family 53.1% think that no through the homes (shared sufficient lack of in favour of a small homes additional housing is lack of ownership) housing 10.3% think there is a affordable scheme of affordable needed in Mowsley affordable 16.9% need for need for sheltered housing. housing for rent or 46.4% think no further housing. starter homes housing shared ownership for homes are needed local people in Market Bosworth 64% consider the whole village & 31.1% Website for Planning consider part of the planning App/ village should be a applications Processes designated given. conservation area LDF special meeting given Structure for Ellistown

Plan Parish Plan Group and residents 75% consider their home Current sufficient for Home the next 10 years Allotments due 76% wanted for more green 56.1% think that 56.2% think that Green redevelopment areas, 38% Green Spaces are 73.9% think that green Spaces are well for housing in though that well protected and spaces within the Open/Green protected and Maintained new LDF green spaces Maintained village are well Spaces Strategy even within the protected and 10.7% feel there is a lack though they are village were 13.9% feel there is a Maintained of open spaces full and have a well protected lack of open spaces waiting list. and 26% Local wildlife, disagreed.57 46 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market green spaces, % thought places to walk there should and tranquillity is not be a valued by the further vast majority of recreation respondents ground, the (72%). size of the current park Suggestions to and 32% improve and wanted one. protect the local environment include:- Planting more trees. Looking after woodlands. Better recycling facilities. Looking after orchards. New community garden (46) respondents. 89.81% do not want to see further industrial development on current non General employment Develop- land. (Uk Coal ment recently gained permission for industrial development on non industrial land) Concern about proposals to build on Green Wedge between Coalville and Ellistown. Benefit from Comments on

Develop- lack of direct

ment benefit from 106 agreements.

47 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE When alone during the day 23% of young people feel very safe, 56% feel safe and 21% feel unsafe.

When in company 74% of young people feel very safe, 24% feel safe and just 2% feel unsafe.

In the evenings only 9% of young Concern by people feel very OUTCOME youngsters safe, 35% feel safe 1.5: Children 53.6% of Young about safety 10% of Junior and 56% feel and Young People think Fleckney 57.1% of Young People at night, poor respondents unsafe when People in is a place where feel unsafe in the street concerned about alone. Leicester- people look after each evening lighting, at speeding traffic shire stay other the park, and In the evenings Safe Tesco car when in company park at night. 43% of young people feel very safe, 49% feel safe and 8% fee unsafe.

40% of young people were aware of the number to call to contact the local police and 20% were aware that they could also contact the local community officer. OUTCOME 26% of 15% felt that there 5.4: Children Seek respondents said wasn’t enough and Young volunteers to they would be provision of activities

People in help run youth interested in for young people (e.g. Leicester- activities helping to organise scouts, brownies) shire an activity or event The majority of The most 15% felt that there A separate the respondents 54.7% more youth important wasn’t enough Needs Youth (13) used the facilities are amenities to the provision of activities Mentioned Appraisal play areas within needed young people for young people (e.g. done Places and Facilities the village, were: bigger park scouts, brownies) 48 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market to meet and socialise however 8 of areas (51%), them also better street areas Improvements to the responded by (64%), shelters in Sports Hall saying that there parks (35%) and was a need for more seating More Sports and better, age (35%) Cultural Activities relevant play equipment Areas of unmet need identified in extended schools – both pre and post school, for holiday play schemes and for pre-school groups or nurseries. 119 Responses using the 20 responses to a Planning Planning electronic voting Junior Questionnaire Separate 181 responses to a for Real for Real handsets

Question- Young Persons exercise exercise in Yes Yes n/a Planning for Real naire Questionnaire in Primary Primary Planning for Real exercise in Primary School School exercise in Primary School School 35% stated this 32% of Young People was very important Youth 22.7% use the Youth 25/7% youth would like a Youth and 53% stated it Shelter Shelter shelter is needed Shelter was quite important New youth Action Plan. club started, Investigate the 6.6% of Young 40.3% would attend a but closed detached youth A youth club was Youth Club People attend a Youth weekly Youth Club if temporarily work suggested. Group organised as youth possibilities for worker has Ellistown. left. 21% said they would be Youth interested in Council joining in with a Youth Council 47% would use a Action Plan. Local Basket Ball Hoop Set up good swimming football posts in pool 50% of Junior 25.4% use the consultation with requested Requested respondents would like Fleckney Sports Hall the youngsters and junior equipment: goal a shop in Mowsley 89.9% of young people Acquisition of Investigate a rugby club, posts, picnic think that there is not land for youth Facilities 57.5% would attend fenced and lit trampolining, tables, seating, 45% would like a enough to do in Kirby activities was additional sports basket ball area badminton for shelters. bigger Play Area with a Muxloe suggested activities if provided Investigate a youngsters, further 10% requesting good skateboard drama club, more Play Equipment Over 20% would facility. golf, attend additional Art, Provide more drumming Music or Dance play equipment and clay 49 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market activities if provided pigeon shooting. 22.1% would use a (new boxing Chill Venue club opened in 2009)

HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES There is a large need for encouragement for a healthier lifestyle for the A new History people of and Heritage Ellistown and Group set up Battleflat (see in Sileby Recreation). through There is a 38.3% think more Parish Plan. OUTCOME possibility for Leisure Facilities 1000 Lack of activities 6.1: 34.1% would like an healthy lifestyle would benefit the residents and facilities for Improved outdoor exercise trail at classes. A Parish came to their older children and physical 37.5% think the village the Kirby Muxloe Park volunteer has first teenagers. health, well- hall needs updating come forward 57.5% of Young Exhibition at A wide number being and and made more 68.3% would attend and funding may People would take Easter 09. of social and 11% of community accessible to the community music events be available to part in additional Many physical respondents were cohesion community if arranged at the Kirby provide this sports activities if requests for amenities interested in through Muxloe Castle service. Needed provided the Gala. were helping at a local enhanced 14.1% think provision for guided Plans to get suggested youth club and access to of Leisure Facilities 60.2% would attend walks, marked Over 20% of Young the Sileby 34% would be sport, would benefit Mowsley community Theatre circular routes People would take Gala going interested in recreation events if arranged at and leaflets of part in additional Art, again by joining a local and cultural Kirby Muxloe Castle local walks. Music or Dance Parish Plan theatre group. activities Particular activities if provided Group in the requests for future. New seating along Sports walking routes pavilion put in were made and Parish suggestions as Council. to specific locations for specific improvements.

13.6% consider 9.4% consider Traffic Traffic Fumes a Fumes a problem 19.2% consider Traffic OUTCOME Problem Fumes a problems 6.4: Air Concern about air 31.3% think that quality is pollution. 13.9% think that Pollution detracts from 23% consider pollution a improved Pollution detracts the Physical problem from the Physical Environment 50 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Environment

The most frequent criticism was the appointments systems used and difficulty in getting OUTCOME to see doctors at 6.7: 57.8% have to travel times that suited Improved over 5 miles to access Other doctors peoples lives. health Of the 51 households an NHS Dentist have taken outcomes 35% would like more that stated they NHS dentist note of Parish There were for people in healthcare services required help with 64% have to travel facilities needed Plan and put requests for an out Leicestershir available locally care 12 were not more than 10 miles to in improve- of hours service to e including a receiving it access Accident & ments. be provided locally reduction in Emergency or for extended health opening times. inequalities

Some people are unable to get dental care as NHS patients Suggestions for Likes: Many specialist provision Likes: Many commented for children with OUTCOME commented on on the special needs. 6.8: the friendliness friendliness Demand for extended Improved and helpfulness and Potential need for opening hours at the mental of the village, helpfulness of specialist doctors health and which is the village, schemes: e.g. wellbeing supportive to which is domestic violence these issues. supportive to project these issues.

There is a large need for encouragement 82% stated that they 27.4% use a Public for a healthier undertook some sort 36.1% walk daily & a Leisure Centre at least lifestyle for the of leisure activity. further 20.8% walk monthly people of 80% of residents

OUTCOME weekly. 54.7% walk daily & a Ellistown and New Parish walk and 47% 58% participate in 6.9: More further 26.6% walk 29.2% use a Public Battleflat (see Walks leaflet cycle on a regular walking; 36% people are 20% cycle regularly weekly Swimming Pool at least Recreation). done by PP basis. participate in cycling; physically monthly There is a members and 35% participate in active at a 16.4% are part of an 39.1% cycle regularly possibility for also link to Less than 10% swimming; 30% go to level which organised sports club 46.9% walk daily; a healthy lifestyle Wildlife trust participate in the gym; 22% play makes them 22% are part of an further 25.9% walk classes. A area in the organised activities football; 21% play healthier 40.3% of Young organised sports club weekly volunteer has Soar Valley. such as bowls, rugby; 21% play People are part of a come forward cricket or football. tennis and 19% sports club 20.6% are part of an and funding may participated in outdoor organised sports club be available to water sports. provide this service. Needed for guided 51 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market walks, marked circular routes and leaflets of local walks. Particular requests for seating along walking routes were made and suggestions as to specific locations for specific improvements.

OUTCOME 6.10: Obesity is reduced Healthy lifestyle and there 21.9% would attend a 7.8% would attend a 16.7% would attend a classes being has been an Well-being and Well-being and Well-being and Healthy offered by a increase in Healthy Living Course Healthy Living Course Living Course volunteer. healthy eating in all age groups 64.7% of young people think that a service to OUTCOME help young people to Healthy lifestyle 6.11: Fewer stop smoking would be a classes being

people benefit in Kirby Muxloe offered by a smoke volunteer 7.6% of young people would use the service

OUTCOME 6.12: Improved sexual

health, particularly for young people 6.7% have someone in their household in need of care and Potential need OUTCOME support for community 4.7% have someone in 6.13: There 43.8% would not know based their household in are fewer 4.7% do not have how to access help and emergency need of care and accidents in someone helping with support in the home if medical support the home care and support required provision

needs identified

1.7% are in need of support at home

52 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Plans for an 57.8% have to travel 35% would like more improved OUTCOME over 5 miles to access healthcare services doctors’ 7.1: Access an NHS Dentist available locally surgery area to facilities with youth and services 64% have to travel 43.8% would not know club above, is enhanced more than 10 miles to how to access help and but now across the access Accident & support in the home if affected by County Emergency required the recession. 91.9% use an NHS Doctor within Fleckney 39% of people 65.6% travel less than rated their GP and Outcome 47.8% use an NHS 5 miles to access an 31.1% would like an NHS health care 7.2: High Dentist within NHS Doctor Doctors service made Carers group 50.7% prescription services as good quality and Fleckney available locally Demand for extended in Sileby and services are or excellent and accessible 59.4% travel less than opening hours at the also Age available within everyone used services and 90% use a 5 miles to access a 64.5% satisfied with the doctors Concern the parish what was provided facilities in Pharmacist within Pharmacist service provided by NHS locally rather than rural areas Fleckney Doctors going further

afield. 78.6% access prescription services within Fleckney There is a need to publicise the There were dental services requests for an out Outcome in Coalville and of hours service to 7.3: Public Hugglescote, be provided locally Services are and or for extended Demand for extended provided in Shopmobility in opening times. opening hours at the the most Coalville (48 doctors efficient and respondents Some people are effective way requested unable to get further dental care as information on NHS patients the service). Some respondents 64% have to travel 58.9% use a Private have been more than 10 miles to Motor Vehicle to refused access The most frequent access Accident & 35% would like more access Hospitals, to the most local Doctors criticism was the Emergency healthcare services 13.1% use the Bus doctors. Access surgeries appointments available locally to accident and valued by the systems used and 57.8% have to travel Access 67.5% have to travel emergency public in difficulty in getting over 5 miles to access 31.1% would like an NHS between 5 and 10 services poor. Sileby by to see doctors at an NHS Dentist Doctors service made miles to Access a 20 households individual times that suited available locally Hospital with wanted to be comments. peoples lives. 79.7% use a Private Leicester the most able to use the Motor Vehicle to common destination community access Hospitals minibus/dial a ride.

53 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Community transport to health services is an issue as there are not any doctors in the village. Shop Mobility scheme in Comments Coalville made on promoted.48 disabled households access and requested Mobility some shops information. 24 have households improved commented on their disabled disabled access access. around the parish. Potential need for community based emergency medical provision Suggestions for 15% of households identified specialist provision (51) needed care and for children with support with everyday 15 households 3 households Significant special needs. tasks Support requested Social asked for comments Needs care help. special help. referred to the Better information Of the 51 households lack of on locally available that stated they communicatio childcare also required help with n, event requested care 12 were not notification receiving it and some residents feeling excluded.



21.9% would attend a 7.8% would attend a 16.7% would attend a Healthy Well-being and Well-being and Well-being and Healthy Living Healthy Living Course Healthy Living Course Living Course 39% of people 31.1% would like an NHS There are rated their GP and Doctors service made three doctors health care 91.9% use an NHS 65.6% travel less than available locally Demand for extended No doctors in Individual 63.5% available surgeries services as good Doctors Doctor within 5 miles to access an opening hours at the parish comments within parish available to or excellent and Fleckney NHS Doctor 64.5% satisfied with the doctors residents of everyone used service provided by NHS Kirby Bellars what was provided Doctors locally rather than 54 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market going further afield.

36% of respondents Some people are 47.8% use an NHS 57.8% have to travel 12.9% dissatisfied with don’t use a 21% available unable to get Dentist Dentist within over 5 miles to access the service provided by dentist. within parish dental care as Fleckney an NHS Dentist NHS Dentists Individual NHS patients comments 57.8% travel more than 10 miles to 67.5% access access a Hospital 57.2% satisfied with the Poor access to Between 5 Hospital Services in Hospitals services provided by accident and and 10 miles 31.8% 5-10 miles Leicester + 15.3% in 71.9% access Hospital local Hospitals emergency care. away. Market Harborough Services in Leicester + 21.9% in Market Harborough 30% of residents 58.9% use a Private No community 79.7% use a Private stated that they Transport to Motor Vehicle to transport Motor Vehicle to travelled between 5 Hospital access Hospitals, scheme in access Hospitals and 10 miles to get to 13.1% use the Bus operation the hospital 9.9% think that drugs are a problem in Kirby Muxloe

52.9% of young people Drugs/ 33.9% think that 1.6% think that Drugs think that drugs are a Alcohol Drugs are a problem are a problem in problem in Kirby Muxloe Awareness in Fleckney Fleckney

57.1% of young people consider underage drinking a problem in Kirby Muxloe Need to 50.7% prescription 78.6% access 46.9% travel less than 66.7% satisfied with publicise the Prescription services are prescription services 5 miles to access prescription services prescription Collection available within within Fleckney prescription services provided locally delivery service the parish for the chemist 90% use a Pharmacist within Fleckney

Potential need 9.2% use a for community Chiropodist within 81.4% satisfied with the based Other Fleckney service provided by the emergency Services local pharmacist medical 5.3% access provision Alternative Therapy / identified Medicine in Fleckney

55 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market SOCIAL CARE 6.7% have someone in their household in 15% of households need of care and 3.4% meals on (51) needed care and OUTCOME support 4.7% have someone in wheels not support with everyday 1.7: More their household in 43.8% would not know available Need for health tasks older people 3 households 4.7% do not have need of care and how to access help and 0.7% use meals visitor service to are able to asked for someone helping with support of which 100% support in the home if on wheels elderly people in Of the 51 households live special help. care and support have someone required 1.4% would use their homes that stated they independent needs assisting with care. meals on wheels if required help with lives available care 12 were not 1.7% are in need of receiving it support at home Likes: Many Potential need for Likes: Many commented specialist OUTCOME commented on on the schemes: e.g. 6.8: the friendliness friendliness domestic violence Improved and helpfulness and project

mental of the village, helpfulness of health and which is the village, Suggestions for wellbeing supportive to which is specialist provision these issues. supportive to for children with these issues. special needs. 15% of households (51) needed care and 1.4% use in-home Potential need support with everyday 5.3% have someone 6% of care for community 43.8% would not know Need for health tasks providing help and 1.6% utilise help from 15 households respondents 2,7% no in-home based Assistance/ how to access help and visitor service to support in the home, a voluntary requested Social wanted care care available emergency Home Help support in the home if elderly people in Of the 51 households 1.7% are in need of organisation care help. and support 0.7% would use medical required their homes that stated they support. at home. in-home care if provision required help with available identified care 12 were not receiving it ACCESS TO INFORMATION 30% satisfied with 7 people made 25% satisfied with the Various access to the Parish enquiries about service provided by the groups Council and 33.1% becoming a OUTCOME County Council; 38.2% started happy with the Parish 2.1: Stronger have not contacted through Some 77% felt able to take information they councillor. communities volunteers in residents cited The response and part in the community. provide on local Parish Plan (both 37.2% satisfied with the the Parish that they felt comments strongly issues Chairman has geographical service provided by Pan, Traffic excluded from indicate a Of those that felt become and interest) Blaby District Council; Action Group, village life and preference for a excluded from 21.9% satisfied with Chairman of where 32.3% have not History and gave ready source of community life the access to the District Parish Council, people are contacted Heritage, residential information on most common Council and 25.3% the youngest in involved, Green Group. location (61%) local affairs, reasons were; satisfied with the Leicestershire engaged and 11.1% satisfied with the Others and age (13%) events and social disability/mobility information they (22 years old.) play a role in service provided by the volunteered as the main happenings problems/ill health. provide on local New Wildlife decision Parish Council; 47.9% to join reasons for issues Group and making have not contacted existing this History and groups in 17.8% satisfied with Heritage Group Sileby. access to the County set up. Mums 56 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Council and 25.3% and Toddler happy with the group. New information they Community provide on local Speedwatch issues group. Gala day, scarecrow 21.1% satisfied with festival and access to the local allotment MP festival. Anti incinerator campaign group started, since Parish plan. More planned August 09. 30 respondents use community minibus and dial a ride 4.7% have no access taxi. Only 3 to the Internet respondents

OUTCOME currently car 42.2% are dissatisfied 7.1: Access share.33% or with broadband Bus services to to facilities respondents 15.8% have no services within 13.9% have no access to Leicester on and services requested access to the Internet Mowsley the internet Sundays is enhanced evening requested. across the buses, and 4 out of 7 business County 31% new respondents would routes (A new benefit from enhanced bus service broadband access linking to Mountsorrel and Thurmaston has now started.

57 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Talk@Sileby read by 87% of respondents set up from Village 11.7% access Appraisal. information via the 61% rely on Parish Notice Boards 57.8% access word of information via the 61% access information mouth, and 66.7% access Parish Notice Boards The community via the Parish Notice 47% look at information via local warmly Board Parish Notice Newsletters Over 60% access There is a big appreciates the boards/websit information via local problem with a delivery of the 58.8% via the Church e. 130 11.1% access Newsletters lack of journal. Newsletter commented Significant information via communication on where comments Leicestershirevillages. 14.1% access for residents. Although the 67.3% via Leicestershire new Notice referred to the Over 70% of com information via The local internet is used Matters, Blaby Chronicle boards lack of respondents used The Leicestershirevillages. websites are in 48.0% access widely at home and the Kirby Comment should be communicatio graphic, Aspect and Communica- 67.8% access com great need of information from little use is made put. 26% n, event word of mouth to tion Links information via improvement the Leicestershire of the library 35.6% via the Leicester used LCC notification access local Newspapers 59.4% access with up to date Matters newsletter services or the Mercury website. Only and some information. information via the information and Leicestershire 16% of residents 33.1% access Harborough Mail events. 9 Villages website. 7.1% via respondents feeling information via respondents did not use excluded. Fleckney Library 62.5% access offered to help Poor the internet, information via Word of 32.7% via the Library improve the communication in and 63% had 59.4% access Mouth website. the villages then at home. information via Word 36.4% via local leaflets identified as a Website of Mouth 25% access problem. training information via 65.7% via word of mouth undertaken 37.5% access Leicestershire Matters from Parish information via Pan Leicestershire Matters volunteers to improve the website, through Leicestervilla There have been difficulties with the Parish Parish The Parish has Council and Council The parish has The Journal and information Over 70% of Minutes now its own will soon have a being available. respondents used The put on Parish newsletter – newsletter as well 59.4% access 62.5% access 65.7% access This is being graphic, Aspect and General Council ‘The Courant’ information via Word information via Word of information via word of worked on and a word of mouth to Information website and and an email Poor of Mouth Mouth mouth quarterly access local new Parish publication communication in newsletter is information. Clerk in ‘Kirby Notes’ the villages being put out by November identified as a the council to 09. problem. update residents on what is happening in 58 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Ellistown and Battleflat.

47% look at Parish Notice boards/websit 61% access information e. 130 11.7% access 57.8% access Some people do 21% use parish notice Notice via the Parish Notice commented information via the information via the read the public boards to access local Boards Board on where Parish Notice Boards Parish Notice Boards notice boards information new Notice boards should be put. 60.9% access information via the Hexagon

76.6% access 58.8% access 27% access The parish has 66.7% access 36 households Talk@Sileby information via the information via the specific local its own information via local wanted a read by 87% Kibworth Chronicle Church Newsletter newsletter newsletter – Newsletters specific local of New newsletter to 33.8% access ‘The Courant’ The Graphic and The Newsletter newsletter. And respondents supplement The 64.1% access 67.3% via Leicestershire Hinckley and and an email Aspect 37.5% access several people set up from Journal information via the Matters, Blaby Chronicle Bosworth Borough publication information via offered to help Village Fleckney and the Kirby Comment Council ‘Kirby Notes’ Leicestershire Matters produce one. Appraisal Communicata website/newsletter

25% access information via Leicestershire Matters Although the internet is used widely at home little use is made of the library Only 20 Only 16% of services or the 78% of people access 78.2% access the 70% access the households had respondents 82% of Leicestershire 84.4% access the internet at home; 24.8% the internet at home, Internet at Home, no access to the did not use 68.9% access residents have Villages website. Internet Internet at Home & at work; 5.5% at the 15.8% at the Library internet, either the internet, internet at home an internet 32% at work and 25% 21.9% at work library and 0.8% at an and 28.9% at Work at home or at and 63% had connection A number of internet cafe at the library work. then at home residents expressed an interest in receiving email notifications of local events 7% of respondents 9 people used used library 18.2% don’t have 15.8% have no 4.7% have no access 13.9% have no access to ICT Access library access access, and access/use access to the Internet to the Internet the internet (Coalville) 25% at work, internet none in a cafe,

59 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market Website training 33 respondents were 11.1% access 14.1% access 22.2% have visited undertaken interested in adding information via information via from Parish information to the Leicestershirevillages. Leicestershirevillages. 9 respondents Pan Leicestershire village website and 34 com com 7.1% regularly access offered to help Web Site volunteers to Villages website is would attend a local information via improve the improve the not widely used Leicestershire Villages 7.2% are interesting 9.4% are interesting in website website, training session to in adding information adding information to 55.4% unaware of through demonstrate how the to the Parish Website the Parish Website Leicestervilla website can be used.

Diary of Yes Events Not at present, but Sileby directory Business Village featured in directory etc. Directory the Beacon planned magazine through the Business Forum Welcome Pack History and History and Heritage Group Heritage set up. Group set up. 1000 Village residents History came to their first Exhibition at Easter 09 59.4% access 64% read the 67.8% access information via the 35.6% access Newspapers local papers information via Harborough Mail & information via the Read in print or on- Newspapers 32.8% via the Leicester Mercury line. Leicester Mercury

32.7% access 33.1% access 12.5% access Information information via the information via information via the Centre Library Fleckney Library Library

LIBRARIES OUTCOME 6.3% would use 32.7% access Action Plan. A local centre The local library The library is used by 7.1: Access 71.7% use collection / return information via the Reassess the for service would be 68% of households. to facilities Fleckney Library points within the Parish Library stopping points Cossington more frequently and services when the Mobile of mobile library and used if the library 41% use it at least is enhanced 33.1% regularly Library is unavailable 22.2% would like within the village Seagrave, was larger, in a once a month or 60 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market across the access information via opening times changed / and take notes Ratcliffe on better position with more. County Fleckney Library 14.1% would like the extended of comments Soar. Civic larger parking Mobile Library to more and requests amenity site facilities and open frequently vary the made in the for all Soar at more convenient selection of books results Valley times. villages. Further action if People stated that necessary. they used Enderby, Blaby and Leicester libraries.

Bank. Marina. 2 doctors’ surgeries. Chemist. Community Centre. 2 Primary schools. No secondary The library is used by school. Post 68% of households. The local library Office. Range service would be of shops, 41% use it at least Outcome more frequently including once a month or 7.2: High used if the library 66.1% are satisfied food, luxury more. quality and was larger, in a with the service 21.9% use the Mobile goods and accessible better position with provided by Fleckney Library good 33% said it was an services and larger parking Library ironmongers. excellent service facilities in facilities and open 4 different rural areas at more convenient churches. Toilet provision and times. Library. extended opening

Public toilets. hours would be Public car welcomed. park. Shops much improved in the last 2 years, since Business Forum started. Sileby is a more thriving Outcome business 7.3: Public community Services are than before provided in the Parish the most Plan. efficient and effective way

61 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market ADULT EDUCATION, SKILLS AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Need for more 12.5% access 32.7% access Information 71.7% use information on information via the information via the Centre Fleckney Library availability of local Library Library schemes A school The school are travel plan is taking forward currently School all the being comments in completed Parish Plan (Jan 2010) Need for extended 1 respondent uses a 16 respondents use a schools both pre Holiday play Holiday play holiday play scheme holiday play scheme; 15 48% don’t use a and post school is 66% were dissatisfied Play Scheme scheme scheme with which they are are satisfied with holiday scheme identified and with the play scheme requested requested very satisfied provision holiday play schemes. 11 comments 2 respondents use a on Sileby local pre-school or 38 respondents use a Mums and playgroup 52% were dissatisfied playgroup of which local pre-school or toddler group and what 1.4% use within Play Group with the both were satisfied; 1 playgroup; 33 are requested. would parish preschool/playgroup was unaware of satisfied with provision Recently started encourage availability. them to attend. 70.9% would attend courses for 68.7% would attend recreational courses for recreational 41% enjoyment enjoyment requested

recreational 27.3% would attend 28.1% would attend courses computer skills computer skills courses within Sileby courses 31.3% would attend (not generally courses for 30.7% would attend available 33.1% would attend recreational enjoyment Classes in language courses unless language courses Ellistown privately Adult 15.6% would attend requested. 20% would attend organised), Education 28.6% would attend computer skills Evening access courses leading to an 8% courses leading to an courses a problem for accredited qualification vocational accredited non car users. courses, 13% qualification 21.9% would attend 13.8% would attend work accredited language courses related vocational qualification 21.4% would attend courses courses and work related 18% vocational courses 5.4% would attend computer

getting back to work courses. 8.4% would attend skills courses getting back to work skills courses 1 respondent uses an 17 respondents use an After school Need for pre and After School after school club with After school club 69% were dissatisfied after school club; 15 are club now 48% don’t use post school care Provision which they are now available with this provision satisfied with provision available identified satisfied; 1 was 62 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market unaware of availability

8.9% feel their employment In Coalville. prospects would Access Training improve if there were affordability training opportunities issue. in Fleckney 14% or respondents attend FE 28.6% would attend classes, 1.6% would attend 20% would attend The area is courses leading to an (would be FE Classes courses leading to an courses leading to an served by one accredited outside of accredited qualification accredited qualification FE college qualification parish) and 22% said they were not interested 5 respondents found it difficult or extremely difficult to access 17 families childcare within experienced 60% of respondents 24 respondents found it Groups for children Mowsley; 5 found it difficulty 24.3% not aware utilised facilities in the difficult or extremely with special needs difficult or extremely finding of Sure Start village. Childcare difficult to access identified, day difficult within 2 miles childcare centre at infant childcare within Kirby nurseries and of Mowsley; 4 found it provision in school Of these 67% found it Muxloe preschool groups difficult or extremely Sileby, but 35 difficult/very difficult difficult to access families Ok childcare on route to work 77.7% not aware of Community Law CAB Service operated from the Sure Start Centre In Coalville. Benefits Access Go to Lough-

Advice affordability borough issue Go to In Coalville. Loughboroug Debt Access h, or contact Management affordability by phone or issue on line. 8.9% feel their Go to employment In Coalville. 5.4% would attend Loughboroug Job Centre/ prospects would Access getting back to work h, or contact Advice improve if there were affordability skills courses by phone or training opportunities issue on line in Fleckney

63 VILLAGE/ ISSUES Sileby Sileby

COVERED Foxton Barwell Barwell Mowsley Fleckney Battleflat Lubenham Ellistown & Ellistown Littlethorpe Kirby Bellars Kirby Bellars Kirby Muxloe Muxloe Kirby Narborough and Market Bosworth Bosworth Market

Go to In Coalville. Loughboroug 4% of respondents Access Volunteers h, or contact would be willing to affordability by phone or help run youth groups issue on line

Many volunteers completed requests to Many volunteers help in the completed village at the requests to help end of the in the village at questionnaire the end of the and have questionnaire been co- and are being ordinated co-ordinated locally, e.g. LETS locally. Liaison volunteers for with other youth groups agencies will put in touch also be needed, with current e.g. Youth youth service, police, organisations parish council, , and interest CVS. August 09 in groups, put in touch with group. New groups- see elsewhere.

SERVICES AND FACILITIES 55 households 15.6% think provision wanted to see 39.7% shop most of a shop would benefit more leisure Shortage and lack often within Fleckney Mowsley 93.8% use the Food businesses, 42 of variety of shops rather than travelling Shops; 74.7% use other households and small business elsewhere. 81.3% travel to Market shops more shops, and units in the area. Harborough & 42.2% 36 households

54.2% use the travel to Fleckney to 94% consider food shops tearooms.19 Over 90% of The majority of Butcher access shopping important to the households 43% use the respondents use the residents used the facilities community; 70.7% wanted craft shops daily post office Shops local post office at 61.4% use the consider other shops workshops. 25 and 45% the least once a month. General Store 93.8% use private important to the households a shops weekly 17% of people want

motor vehicles to community garden more local shops Many residents 88.3% use the access shopping centre/nursery expressed Newsagent facilities 22% think provision of (one already disappointment that more shops would exists on the the butchers had 92.1% use the 50% of Junior benefit Kirby Muxloe border of the closed Supermarket respondents would like parish), 8 take a shop in Mowsley away food outlets, 64 96.2% use the Post Office

95.8% consider the Post Office important to the community

Within the Post Office: 97.6% use the Post Office within Fleckney 94.7% use Postal Over 90% of Services respondents use the Within the Post Office: post office 19.4% use Banking 39.7% use Banking Services Separate 50% of respondents Services question with 61% of use the post office for 10% of Junior 16.6% Pay Bills results given to respondents The majority of postal services; 42% respondent consider 36.5% use for 33.6% Pay Bills Post Office. use the Post residents used the use it for greeting Post Office that provision of Post greeting 47.5% process Licenses Grants Office at least local post office at cards and stationary; Office services would cards/stationary 69.4% process and Forms information weekly, and least once a month. 36% use it for improve Mowsley Licenses and Forms advice given by 94% licenses; 325 use it 28.5% Exchange RCC for foreign 47.8% Exchange Currency currency;14% use it Currency for paying bills; 10% 64% use the use it for pension 84.2% purchase Newsagents collection. Cards & Stationary 81.2% purchase Cards & Stationary

24.8% use Dry Cleaning Services

35.2% use the Photocopying Service 75% use the Public House 81% use the Public

House 53.1% think that the 15.5% use a pub 64.3% use the Public Pub valued by 17% use the Pub Pub fully meets the weekly House 76.4% consider the community pub weekly needs of the 39.9% don’t use Public House important community; 28.1% to the community partially and 6.3% not at all Mobile 6.4% use Mobile 32.8% use Mobile 6.4% use Mobile Few mobile Shops/ Services Services Services services used Deliveries 15.6% think provision No doctors, Many residents of a shop would benefit chemist, dentist, expressed Mowsley library, Leisure disappointment that 17% of people want Missing secondary facilities the butchers had more shops and Services 50% of Junior school, village limited. closed leisure facilities respondents would like hall, proper play a shop in Mowsley areas. 43.3% would like Tea 15.6% think provision 36.4% think provision of Rugby Pitch. Lack of parking in Improved play Rooms within of a shop would benefit a Tea Rooms would Skateboard area. areas, sports Fleckney Mowsley benefit Kirby Muxloe park, and facilities, nature 17% of people want Facilities other sports Facilities for small reserve, parking more shops and Needed 36.4% would like a 15.6% think a Tea 28.5% consider that besides businesses to share areas, village leisure facilities Garden Centre Room would benefit more Leisure Facilities football. admin costs such as hall, Mowsley would benefit Kirby Holiday play photocopying and

43.3% consider that Muxloe scheme printing facilities

65 more Leisure Facilities 14.1% consider that are needed within more Leisure Facilities 24.2% consider that a Fleckney would benefit Mowsley take away food outlet would benefit Kirby Muxloe

33.9% consider a garden centre / nursery would benefit Kirby Muxloe 30% satisfied with the Parish Council and 33.1% happy with the 25% satisfied with the information they service provided by the provide on local County Council; 38.2% issues have not contacted

21.9% satisfied with 37.2% satisfied with the the District Council service provided by Council and 25.3% satisfied Blaby District Council;

Services with the information 32.3% have not they provide on local contacted issues 11.1% satisfied with the 17.8% satisfied with service provided by the the County Council Parish Council; 47.9% and 25.3% happy with have not contacted the information they provide on local issues Few requests re mobile library. 48% use the library to 32.7% access 71.7% use borrow 39.1% use Market information via the Mobile library Fleckney Library books, and Respondents stated Harborough Library Library detailed The library is used by Library/ 10% use the that they used the provision 41.9% use 68% of households. Mobile 33.1% regularly computer in library in Enderby, 21.9% use the Mobile 22.2% would like question sent on access information via the library, Blaby and Leicester Library opening times changed / to library service Fleckney Library and 9% the extended photocopier. 40 households made extra comments. 40.6% would use 83% are Gas mains gas if provided connected to Connection in Mowsley mains gas 94% use the post office for postal services, 42% for 93.3% use Postal 94.7% use Postal licences etc., 85.8% use postal 50% of respondents Postal Services provided Services provided in the 48% services at the post use the post office for Service within Fleckney Post Office greetings office postal services cards, 30% for paying bills and 23% for banking. 16% collect 66 pensions and benefits. Bank and The local bank was 39.7% use Banking 19.4% use Banking post office also well supported Cash Services within the Services provided in the available, as although many Machine Post Office Post Office well as cash residents only use machine the cash point

Farmers Requested in 41% use the farmers

Markets comments. market



Ellistown August 2009 SPORT, LEISURE AND RECREATION • Ellistown held a very successful Village Gala for the first time on August 15th 2009, it was organised by the Parish Council on the recommendation of the village from the Parish Plan Action Plan. Approx. 1,000 people attended. • A grant for £50,000 was successfully awarded for the South St. Play area equipment and landscaping. This was applied for by 3 Parish Councillors, who are all new members from the Parish Plan Group, working in partnership with the Sports Development officer from Northwest District Council. CLEANER GREENER COMMUNITIES • Continue Seed & Plant Swap, Scarecrow Competition and a Pumpkin Event and tie in with new Village Gala Day. SAFER COMMUNITIES • HGV7.5 ton weight limit now enforced and residents very pleased that 40 ton aggregate lorries are no longer going through the village at 5 a.m. STRONGER COMMUNITIES • Parish Plan Group Chairman now the Parish Council Chairman, the youngest in Leicestershire. • 5 members of Parish Plan Group are now members of the Parish Council. • A Wildlife and Heritage Group was formed from volunteers who came forward from the Parish Plan, and the RCC has sent further advice about how to properly constitute and set up a bank account etc. as well as detailed advice about heritage. • A campaign group was set up to oppose a large scale incinerator for the Bardon Quarry area, volunteers who came forward from the Parish Plan. Since the group was set up, a site near Shepshed has been identified. • St Christopher’s church has made informal enquiries with the County Council about a grant for community use, following up ideas about the possible community use of the church. TRAVEL, TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC • HGV enforcement taken place. • Community Speed Watch group set up and Community Speedwatch completed in September 09. • Fines for Parking on pavements given. ACCESS TO INFORMATION • Additional stops for the mobile library were identified. As a result, the stopping points were reassessed by West Leicestershire Libraries and the mobile library will change its route in April 2010, with an additional stop in at Beveridge Lane. • Extensive consultation had previously been carried out about commercial bus routes around Ellistown and alterations made, but the general public in Ellistown did not feel informed from Parish Plan results. The RCC consulted with the LCC and gave full and detailed information for the public to be put in the local newsletters.

Sileby April 2009 SPORT, LEISURE AND RECREATION • New Sports Pavilion opened by PC. • CCTV to be installed in the park. • New Boxing Club opened. CLEANER GREENER COMMUNITIES • Green Group started – with volunteers from Parish Plan and chaired by the Director of Complete Wasters, an eco centre in Sileby which recycles computers, tree planting and need for a volunteer to be village’s Tree warden. Green group considering Renewable energy possibilities. • Wind turbine sites tested. 68 • Brook improvement group meeting to plan improved biodiversity and help prevent flooding, to report to Parish Council. Involves Environment Agency and Borough Councillors as well as Parish Plan Group. • Parish Plan evidence sent to LCC about the future of the Sileby Civic Amenity Site. • Intention to hold a “Big Switch Off” event in September 2010. • Village entrances – consideration of flower boxes and signage (application to the Area Forum for funding through participatory budgeting process). SAFER COMMUNITIES • Community Speed Watch Group set up with LCC and carried out a Speed Watch in October 09, having caught 877 motorists sent letters for exceeding 35mph through Sileby. Liaising with the Police. • Traffic calming measures on Ratcliffe Road, Seagrave Road and Cossington Road following negotiations with LCC Highways STRONGER COMMUNITIES • Parish Plan Group attending the Area Forums and linking up with Voluntary Action Leicestershire. • RCC provided funding advice for St Gregory’s project. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL EMPLOYMENT • New Business Forum set up. • Car Park cleaned up. • A much improved range of shops in the last 2 years, who complement each other. • The Beacon magazine ran a local feature and map on Sileby “So you think you know Sileby”. • Future Business Fair likely. • Some businesses have obtained grants for business improvement. • Sileby Business Forum set up and held two successful meetings, contact made with Barrow Business Forum. • Meetings continued to be held looking at the appearance of the village, especially car parks and signage. Young Enterprise hoping to work with Redlands school. TRAVEL, TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC • HGV enforcement taken place. • Community Speed Watch completed. • Highgate and Redlands schools contacted and agreed to produce School Travel Plans (20mph signs to be installed dependent upon schools having travel plans). HOUSING • Comments made. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE • New Boxing Club. • Volunteers put in touch with uniformed organisations. • Youth club reopened but temporarily closed. PP Group to help them get computers when it reopens. • Youth development meeting held in July to address need to join up provision for children and young people. • Parish Council approached about supporting a Youth Council/Action for Youth Group and agreed. HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES • GP surgery has made improvements following PP. • Parish Walks leaflet published done by members of the PP Group. ACCESS TO INFORMATION • Website training given and Sileby website improved. • Parish Plan put on Leicestershire Villages website. • Parish Map Notice boards scheme, to be done by PP group and funding being sought. • Website updated with 15 new photos.


SPORT, LEISURE AND RECREATION Parish Plan Action delivered 2009/2010 Narborough and • LCC completed the footway/cycle track between Littlethorpe, launched Narborough Train Station and Whetstone at a total cost of 2009 around £250,000. • LCC also installed covered cycle parking at Narborough Train Station with the help of Blaby District Council. • In addition LCC are also looking to develop a route from the Pastures housing estate to the village centre and Grey Stoke Primary School. • LCC also work with colleagues in Development Control to ensure use of opportunities to fund cycle routes and facilities from developments such as the existing off carriageway route between Narborough and Fosse Park alongside the B4114. Witherley, 2009 • St Michael & All Angels Church was provided with a Vibrant Villages grant for £10,000 to provide facilities to allow community use. Kirby Bellars, 2009 • Youth group has been set up. 2008/2009 Kegworth, • The group attended the Valley Participatory launched 2009 Budgeting Workshop – Kegworth Skate Park successful in securing up to £10,000. • The ‘Centre Screen’ film shows at the village hall continue to be very successful well attended events. Ullesthorpe, launched • Playing Fields Committee are working to improve the February 2009 village Playing Fields with grants awarded towards the project now totalling £34,000. • This includes a £10,000 SHIRE Environmental Improvement Grant from LCC and money from S106, Awards for All, Vibrant Villages and Grassroots. Work to resurface the car park, install 2 lights, pathways & patio outside the pavilion, are all set to go ahead. Bagworth and • Youth event held by Youth Service in December 2009. Thornton, launched • Youth Shelter erected by 31st March 2010, supported by 2008 NAT. • Renovation of Community Orchard. Enderby, • Information from Blaby District Council reports that a launched April, 2008 lottery bid was successful and a youth area including a MUGA is to be installed next month at Southey Park. • Through the auspices of Blaby District Council a grant of £48,725 has been awarded by the Big Lottery Fund for the erection of a MUGA on Southey Close Recreation Ground, Blaby District Council has also given a grant of £12,875 towards the cost of providing the scheme. The 2008 Parish Plan identified the MUGA as a high priority for Enderby and set it to be completed within two years. Oakthorpe, Acresford • Oakthorpe Play area attended a Participatory Budgeting and Donisthorpe, Workshop, and was recognized as a top priority, launched 2008 requesting £2,000. Tilton & Halstead, • Grant of £1,000 received from O2 ‘It’s Your Community’ Launched September to provide sports equipment and activities within the 2008 Parish. 70 • Free tennis tuition continues within the Parish. • School playing field now made available for informal use. • Funding is being sought to update the village play area. 2007/2008 Claybrookes, launched • Funding has been sourced and work has been June 2008 undertaken to restore and replace the village hall windows. Further restorations are planned including exterior painting and improvements to the kitchen area. 2006/2007 Billesdon, launched • A booklet outlining local parish walks is now complete, 2006 has been printed and sold at the village post office. • Work continues to source a suitable site for allotments. 2005/2006 Wymeswold, • Funding is being sought for play equipment for launched April 2006 teenagers and also a Trim Trail. Rearsby, launched • Rearsby Village Hall, has received a grant of £1,039.00, 2005 from Vibrant Villages to provide equipment for new meeting room. Barrow upon Soar, • 15 young people from the detached youth work project in launched March 2006 Barrow have been involved in making a range of “second skins” for balls is being made at Loughborough University Sports Technology institute. Pre 2005 Croft, • After attending the Blaby South Participatory Budgeting launched 2004 workshop – Croft village Hall secured £5,250 to complete a detailed feasibility study.



CLEANER GREENER COMMUNITIES Parish Plan Action delivered 2009/2010 Kirby Muxloe, Not Yet • 22 volunteers identified through the Parish Plan launched process who would like to assist with projects relating to Climate Change, 8 who would like to join a group to help maintain and protect the environment and 37 who would like to help develop and manage a community orchard. Ellistown and Battleflat, • The Leicestershire Waste Partnership are considering launched 2009 the possibility of supporting a limited number of small- scale pilot community composting schemes for household garden waste only. Representatives from Ellistown attended a ‘Community Composting Information Event’ in May and have expressed an interest in being one of the pilot projects. Successful projects will have to go through an application process before support will be provided. • A Wildlife and Heritage Group was formed from volunteers who came forward from the Parish Plan, and the RCC has sent further advice about how to properly constitute and set up a bank account etc. as well as detailed advice about heritage. Kirby Bellars, 2009 • Leicestershire County Council have undertaken maintenance work on the sewer system to reduce the bad smells omitted from it. 2008/2009 Dunton Bassett, Street lighting energy saving launched January 2009 • 10th December, 2009. The Cabinet met on 15th December to consider this energy saving initiative. Dunton Bassett is one of the first 6 Parishes where lights will be dimmed or switched off at midnight. Work is likely to occur May June 2010. Ullesthorpe, launched • The Parish Council has provided 3 new Dog Litter Bins February 2009 and 2 Litter Bins at locations identified through the Parish Plan. • Parish Council have ‘no fouling’ signs available to display in problem locations throughout the Parish. • Parish Council is progressing with plans to landscape the area in front of the Village Hall. • 9 local volunteers planted over 400 trees at the Playing Fields on 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th Dec as part of the improvement scheme at the site. Funds have also been secured to improve the energy efficiency of the sports pavilion at the site. • 10 local volunteers have formed the Ullesthorpe Environment Group in order to carry out projects to improve the local environment, raise awareness of climate change and energy efficiency and to reduce local CO2 emissions. • 33 volunteers took part in a village litter pick organised by the Ullesthorpe Environment Group with over 30 bags of litter collected throughout the Parish. • Save Money Go Green event held in Oct 09 to

72 promote the Big Switch Off Campaign, raise awareness of energy and water saving, economic driving, local food and produce, recycling and waste reduction. • A volunteer and their family are taking part in the Big Switch Off family challenge. Over the next 12 months they will try to reduce their energy use by up to 20%. • 35 people pledged to take part in the Big Switch Off by committing to a number of different energy saving measures for the week between 12th and 18th Oct. • 5 people signed up to become a member of the Lutterworth Freecycle group. • £250 from the Big Switch off Group as well as a share of a SHIRE Community Climate Change Grant from LCC received to help fund the Save Money Go Green Event. Kegworth, launched 2009 • The Parish Plan Group hold regular litter picks to help clean up the village and have commenced a campaign to reduce the amount of dog mess around the village. The ‘Brownies and Rainbows’ took part in the ‘Big Tidy Up’ on 17th September 2010 which again was very successful. • The KEG (Kegworth Environment Group) held a ‘bat night’ on 18th September 2009, when they enjoyed a talk and slide show at Oakley Grange Organic Farm, Hathern, followed by a walk around the farm in the dark detecting bats, 37 people of all ages attended the event. • The Parish Plan Group are currently cataloguing the listed buildings in the village and the immediate vicinity. • KEG are keeping a record of trees with TPO’s. Last March they planted and distributed approximately 30 native species trees, including Rowan, Crab Apple and Wild Cherry. • With funding obtained from ‘The Big Switch off’ and Shire Grants with help from the RCC, KEG hosted a successful environmental day to coincide with the ‘Big Switch Off’ event in October 2009. The intention was to promote public awareness of climate change, energy efficiency, and the measures that can be taken to save energy & water to reduce carbon emissions. It also provided the opportunity to give advice on ways to reduce and reuse domestic waste and to raise awareness of local recycling facilities, schemes & projects. The event was supported by a number of different groups who had stands at the event including ‘Street Scene’, the CVS, the RCC, SUSTRANS, Green cone recycling, Fair Trade, Bee Keepers, the Allotment Society, Severn Trent Water, the Neighbourhood Watch group and ‘Complete Wasters’ (not for profit community recycling). There was an EST driving simulator at the event, children’s activities, and low energy bulbs were distributed free of charge. Bagworth & Thornton, launched 2008 • Parish Plan group have worked with neighbourhood warden to set up litter picking group, warden has spoken to factory in Bagworth about securing litter correctly.

73 • Dog fouling: Parish Council have agreed to purchase three bins. Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council leaflets distributed with copy of Parish Plan to every household. • The Community Action pack from ENABLE was highlighted in the Parish Plan report. • The parish have hosted a NAT family day and also an RCC Climate Change Seminar recently. Information on reducing global warming, energy- saving features were available. NAT status gave us priority for the government-led property insulation project for older people. Long Whatton and • Litter problems highlighted in the Parish Plan Diseworth, launched Questionnaire responses. Litter picks arranged using 2008 volunteers from the Parish Plan and those identified in the questionnaire contact sheet. Litter picks carried out in both villages and now have been adopted by the local Girl Guides to be carried out at regular intervals. Tilton & Halstead, • Recycling drop off service is ran from the village hall launched September by volunteers on the second Saturday of every month 2008 with plastics, batteries and other materials collected and taken to a nearby bring site. • Tilton Green Newsletter continues to be delivered throughout the Parish. • Over 10% of households have borrowed an energy saving light bulb library with over £600 worth of light bulbs purchased and installed. • Composting advice session held on Saturday 13th June 2009. • Village Shop and Village Hall collect Ink Cartridges, Toners and Mobile Phones for recycling. • Free Sava flush bags and water saving advice offered at a village fete on 7th June. • A screening of the film ‘Age of the Stupid’ was held in Tilton Village Hall on 25th September 2009. • Tilton Green Fair 2 held in January 2010 with information and advice on Climate Change and Energy Efficiency provided by a range of organisations in the village hall. • Grants provided to members of the community to enable them to install loft insulation, low energy light bulbs, cavity wall insulation and draught proofing). • Members of the community involved in a competition to reduce household energy use. • Winners of the Sustainability Category of the Leicestershire as well as the regional Best Village Competition. 2007/2008 Claybrookes, launched • New litter and Dog Fouling bins provided and serviced June 2008 in specified locations. • Annual volunteer litter picks continue to take place. 2006/2007 Billesdon, launched 2006 • Billesdon Green Group overseeing an ongoing tree planting project within the Parish. 2005/2006 Wymeswold, launched • The Community Orchard project has now planted April 2005 trees, and provided picnic benches etc.



SAFER COMMUNITIES Parish Plan Action delivered 2009/2010 Narborough and • Request for lighting on the footpaths from Narborough Littlethorpe Parish Plan, to Forest Road and the Footpaths near Colbeck launched 2009 Avenue will be included in the next ranking exercise for possible implementation during the 2010/11 financial year with the Leicestershire County Council. Kirby Muxloe, Not Yet • Volunteers identified through the Parish Plan working Launched in partnership with the Local Police, the Parish Council and LCC to organize a Community Speedwatch Scheme within the Parish. • 3 residents identified through the Parish Plan Process who would like to find out more about becoming a ‘Police Community Volunteer’. Kirby Bellars, launched • Community speedwatch undertaken and findings 2009 reported to the police. A meeting between the Parish Council and police is imminent. Market Bosworth, Jan • The Parish Council have arranged a meeting with a 2009 police representative to discuss the relevant action points from the Parish Plan. • The Parish Council are currently recruiting Community Speedwatch volunteers. 2008/2009 Ullesthorpe, launched • Ullesthorpe Stores and PO received a Vibrant Villages January 2009 grant of £743.00 for security shutters. Kegworth, launched 2009 • The Leicestershire Constabulary have arranged an Anti-Social Behaviour Roadshow at Kegworth Primary School on 18th February. Tilton & Halstead, • Public meeting held with community Police and launched September Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator. 2008 • Crime statistics for Tilton (and Billesdon for comparison) made available throughout the Parish. • Posters showing PC’s and PCSO’s along with their contact details placed on village notice boards. • A number of residents now receive and circulate ‘Community Messaging’ e-mails or texts with updates on crime in the area. • Volunteers have carried out a successful round of Community Speedwatch in November 2009 with details of 167 offenders passed to the Police. Dunton Bassett, • Volunteers met with PCSO Martin Doyle of Lutterworth launched January 2009 Police to discuss proposals for dealing with parking issues and the monitoring of HGV's passing through the village, first offenders will receive a letter reminding them of the laws and regulations, for a second offence a fixed penalty notice will be issued and if that fails the car will be towed away. • Leaflets about car crime and parking have been provided by the Police and have been circulated with a recent newsletter. • A Neighbourhood Watch scheme is now up and running with 6 volunteers signed up and contacts established with Crimestoppers and the Police. The 75 initial meeting was held on 28th April 09 and was supported by the Police. • LCC have liaised with the Parish Council regarding street lighting initiatives (particularly around energy saving). • Following liaison with the Parish Plan Committee & the Parish Council the Police have agreed to carry out some irregular & targeted enforcement of the 30 & 20mph speed limits within the village. • 6 volunteers completed a successful Community Speedwatch campaign between 13th and 26th July 2009 with details of 186 speeding drivers recorded and passed onto the Police. A second round of the scheme ran from the 14th and 27th September 2009 with 140 offenders recorded. • Neighbourhood Watch Scheme now in place with 2 scheme coordinators. They have a number of residents already signed up, hold regular meetings with the local police, have begun to publicise the scheme more widely throughout the village, continue to keep the community informed about local incidents and distribute Police advice/warnings. They also have window stickers and posters available for residents to display free of charge. • Following the collection of signatures in support of a scheme certain parts of the village have now been designated as no cold calling zones with information packs circulated to residents, signs will also be erected at all entrances to the village. • A Volunteer coordinator now regularly distributes e- mail alerts and information from the local Police to over 20 local residents. Ullesthorpe, launched • The Parish Council is currently looking into the February 2009 possibility of reintroducing a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. • Details of local Police and PCSO’s included on village webpage and in the new village directory. 2005/2006 Barrow upon Soar • A safe route one to Humphrey Perkins is completed. launched 2006


STRONGER COMMUNITIES Parish Plan Action delivered 2009/2010 Kirby Muxloe, Not Yet • Parish Plan volunteers held a hugely successful launched community fair on the 18th April. This advertised the launch of the questionnaire and encouraged people to fill it in when they received it. 12 local community groups attended who promoted their society and attracted new members, the local choir also performed. • ‘Planning for Real’ took place at Kirby Muxloe primary school on the 2nd April. The maps were on display at the community fair and have been used at the school open day. The group has worked with the school council to think about ideas for the village to be 76 included in the parish plan. • 37 people identified who would like more information about getting involved in formal volunteering. • 25 Volunteers identified through the Parish Plan process that are willing to help organise and plan local community events. Mowsley, Not Yet • A highly successful Planning for Real project was launched carried out on 1st October with pupils from Mowsley St Nicholas CofE Primary School. Pupils were taken on a walk around the village by a local volunteer and asked to consider things that they like and dislike about the Parish. At the end of the day the maps were placed in the village church and formed a centre piece for a whole school assembly. The maps were then left in the church as part of the village Harvest Festival. Lubenham, Planning For • Planning for Real exercise completed in Lubenham Real 2009 Primary School with pupils creating a 3D model of Lubenham and invited to highlight their issues with and priorities for the Parish. • Planning for Real maps used as a centre piece at the Lubenham Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting to encourage greater public participation in the meeting and to allow residents to express their views on and highlight issues and priorities for the Parish. Foxton, Planning for • Planning for Real exercise completed in Foxton Real 2009 Primary School with pupils creating a 3D model of Foxton and invited to highlight their issues with and priorities for the Parish. • Planning for Real maps used as a centre piece at the Foxton Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting to allow residents to express their views on and highlight issues and priorities for the Parish. Ellistown, Battleflat, • Ellistown held a very successful Village Gala for the launched 2009 first time on August 15th 2009, it was organised by the Parish Council on the recommendation of the village from the Parish Plan Action Plan. Approx. 1,000 people attended. • The Wesleyan Reform Church are in the process of applying for SHIRE grant funding to improve the energy efficiency of their school room in order to improve the facilities appeal to general community users(not just for religious purposes). • An informal approach has been made by the RCC to St. Christopher’s Anglican church as to the possibility of their church being used as a Community Meeting Place. This has attracted interest from the Church, who welcomed the idea and an approach has been made to the Shire Grants Officer at LCC about doing an Energy Audit and getting further grants. This is a long term project, which is just at the commencement stage. • Four members of the Parish plan Group have gone on to become Parish Councillors, and to take an active role in making decisions about the future of Ellistown and to help decide the Parish Precept and to make the £50,000 funding bid for the new play area. Kirby Bellars, launched • The Parish Council are holding an open meeting 2009 as part of the AGM to encourage community members to take up any outstanding actions from 77 the Parish Plan. Narborough and • Narborough and Littlethorpe Village Day brought Littlethorpe, launched together existing community groups and launched 2009 the Parish Plan. 2008/2009 Osgathorpe • The Osgathorpe Parish Plan group attended the launched 2009 Valley Participatory Budgeting Workshop to put forward a proposal for the purchase of green space – although not successful, led to involvement with Youth Activity Vehicle and the Valley Community Forum. Kegworth, launched 2009 • Parish Plan Group are hoping to run a gala/ fair in conjunction with the Primary school in July. Tilton & Halstead, • A screening of the film ‘Age of the Stupid’ was held in launched September Tilton Village Hall on 25th September 2009. 2008 • Methodist chapel family service (Early Bird) is successfully held twice a month and encourages the attendance of Children. • Music in the Church – Concert by the Wyvern Singers is booked for June 2010. • Tilton Green Fair 2 Community Event held in January 2010. • Winners of the Sustainability and Community Categories as well as the overall winner of the Leicestershire Best Village Competition. • Regional winners of the Sustainability category of the Calor Village of the Year competition. Dunton Bassett, • Approximately 10 volunteers have been recruited to launched January 2009 form a Community Sub - Group of the Parish Plan Committee with a meeting held on 5th May 09. • A new Gardening Club has successfully been established with plans in place for a seasonal plant swap throughout the Parish. The group have also arranged a trip to Batsford Arboretum in Gloucestershire on 13th October 09. • A new Book Club has been established who meet on the 1st Thursday of every month. 2 volunteers are also working with the Mobile Library to deliver books to those in the Community who are unable to access the service. • An updated village Directory and Welcome Pack is now complete with copies delivered to every household in the Parish and spares available to issue to new residents. • A Community Carol Singing evening which was organised by local volunteers took place at various points around the village on 20th December 2009. • Two detached youth workers and are awaiting CRB clearance and in 2010 they will be delivering two sessions per week within villages in the locality to respond to local needs. One of these evenings will be a Friday. Ullesthorpe, launched • A Volunteer ran an assembly along with the RCC CDO February 2009 at Ullesthorpe Primary School to promote the work of the Ullesthorpe Environment Group and to encourage involvement from the pupils in both the Save Money Go Green Event and the Community Litter Pick. • Over 80 people attended the Save Money Go Green community event in October 09. 78 • 33 volunteers took part in a community litter pick in October 2009. • 10 volunteers part of the new Ullesthorpe Environment Group. • ‘We Love Ullesthorpe Event’ held to celebrate all that is good about the Parish and to launch the Parish Plan with over 100 residents in attendance. Long Whatton and • Awarded a Vibrant Villages community spaces grant to Diseworth, help develop the Diseworth Heritage Centre. In launched 2008 addition to significant Heritage Lottery funding secured LRP support helped to provide an ICT suite for training and learning development. Bagworth & Thornton, • £3,000 funding from Participatory Budgeting launched 2008 obtained support for a ‘Family clinic’ to be completed before March 2011. • There appears to be improved communication/engagement with local police officers and PCSOs. PC has agreed to fund part of first year of Neighbourhood Watch in association with HBBC and Leics. Constabulary • Two Bagworth residents have completed training, are prepared to maintain the site and are encouraging use of the website. They should be informed that publicity information is available from Community ICT Team or Parish Plan group could obtain. Ask PC if they are going to repeat the welcome pack for any new development. 2007/2008 Claybrookes, launched • History & Heritage group formed following the launch June 2008 of the Parish Plan has 21 committed members, ran a full calendar of events in 2009 and have a number of events planned for 2010. Oakthorpe, Donisthorpe • The Parish Plan Group joined forces with the Scouts in and Acresford, launched order to develop the Parish Gala which was be held on 2008 the 13th September 2009, it was a very successful event and will hopefully repeated in 2010. The Parish Council, Parish Plan Group and 3 Views News had a joint stall at the gala to highlight the fact that they were all working together for the benefit of the Parish. • The community newsletter ‘3 Views News’ is a direct result of the Parish Plan questionnaire, and the requests to improve communications through the parishes. 2006/2007 Woodhouse, launched • The Old Woodhouse Community Hall continues to be 2006 doing well, with both regular and occasional bookings. Billesdon, launched 2006 • Billesdon Good Neighbour Scheme continues run successfully throughout the Parish. • A volunteer from the Good Neighbour Scheme has visited a group in Rutland to pass on advice and provide support with setting up a new scheme. • The Billesdon Music Makers along with other clubs and societies formed through the Parish Plan continue to be successful. 2005/2006 Wymeswold, • There is evidence that the new residents of launched April 2005 Wymeswold (the village increased by a quarter in size recently) are joining in with many community activities, 79 despite many of the new residents being commuters. A music festival has been held recently with a village picnic. Barrow upon Soar • Advice has been given by the RCC on disability launched 2006 access to the Parish Council Offices.


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL EMPLOYMENT Parish Plan Action delivered 2008/2009 Castle Donington, • Castle Donington Post Office received a Vibrant launched 2008 Villages grant of £2,377.00 for painting and flooring. Tilton on the Hill, • Following the closure of the post office, £2,662.00 launched Sept 08 funding was secured through Vibrant Villages to help develop the shop element and ensure its sustainability as a key local retail service. • Post Office outreach service operates from the village hall three afternoons a week; services are available between 1:30 and 4:30pm on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. • Directory of local businesses available on the village website. • Free support available to local businesses through ENABLE, Business Link and Envirowise. Coleorton CP, launched • Coleorton PO Shop received a Vibrant Villages grant 2008 of £749.00, to purchase equipment to stock local fresh produce. Dunton Bassett, • Village welcome pack which has been distributed to all launched January 2009 households includes a directory of local businesses. Ullesthorpe, launched • A new village directory has now been produced with a February 2009 copy of the leaflet delivered to every household in the Parish as well as being made available in the Village Stores & Post Office, from the Parish Council and on the village website. • Local Businesses encouraged to add information to a directory on the village website. 2007/2008 Claybrookes, launched • A village business directory is being created on the June 2008 Claybrookes pages of, 3 local businesses are listed to date. 2006/2007 Cotesbach, launched • Naturally Good Food Shop received a Vibrant Villages 2006 fund of £1,653.00 to expand the shop. Billesdon, launched 2006 • A working group has convened to produce an updated 2010 version of the Parish Business Directory. 2005/2006 Barrow upon Soar • Support (£5,000.00) provided through Vibrant Villages launched 2006 to the local butchers and paper shop to fund new refrigeration and flooring respectively. • The Barrow Business Forum Survey went online in May ’09. 30 businesses have responded and some very useful information has been obtained. A business Report is in the process of being written. • The Paper Shop received a grant of £1,100.00 for flooring from Vibrant Villages. Packington, launched • Daybreak Services received a Vibrant Villages grant of 80 2005 £4,475.00 for refrigeration. • The Packington Memorial Hall, received a £10,000 grant from Vibrant Villages for the creation of meeting room for local businesses.


TRAVEL, TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC Parish Plan Action delivered 2009/2010 Kirby Muxloe, Not Yet • Volunteers identified through the Parish Plan working launched in partnership with the Local Police, the Parish Council and LCC to organise a Community Speedwatch Scheme within the Parish. • 25 volunteers identified through the Parish Plan process who would like to join a group to investigate transport issues within the Parish. Kirby Bellars, launched • Community Speedwatch undertaken and findings 2009 reported to the police. A meeting between the Parish Council and police is imminent. Market Bosworth, • The Parish Council is currently discussing ways to launched Jan 2009 address the traffic problems highlighted in the Plan and arranged a meeting with a police representative to discuss. • The Parish Council are currently recruiting Community Speedwatch volunteers 2008/2009 Castle Donington, • A new solution to address the need for public launched 2008 transport on the Stonehill Estate is programmed for implementation towards mid 2010. • Castle Donington Community College and Orchard Community Primary have approved Travel Plans for the 08/09 financial year (subject to any External Q.A. in May). Kegworth, launched 2009 • They have future plans to promote sustainable transport solutions including sustainable travel planning, community and voluntary transport services and car share schemes. • They are currently progressing the introduction of a bus route to the new railway station at the Parkway, in order for villages to commute using public transport for their entire route. • They are hoping to promote and improve cycle routes in the immediate area around the village. The group have been in touch with SUSTRANS and work is in progress. • As a result of the Parish Plan Group, the County have looked at the average speeds on the village roads and have approved the provision of Illuminated speed signs on Ashby Road/ High Street and Sideley/ Station Road. Unfortunately there is a two year waiting period for this. Bagworth & Thornton, • The NAT has brought the Parish to the attention of launched 2008 Age Concern and Community Transport and they are to make a start by piloting shopping trips combined with advice sessions in both villages. Disabled access has to be a feature in any redevelopment of existing

81 buildings. A drop in centre staffed by volunteers has been set up successfully in Bagworth on Tuesday afternoon. Tilton & Halstead, • Volunteers have carried out a successful round of launched September Community Speedwatch in November 2009 with 2008 details of 167 offenders passed to the Police. • All issues / problems with HGV’s are being monitored by volunteers and reported to the Police for follow up. • Information on the Harborough Volunteer Driver Scheme has been distributed throughout the community to raise awareness. Dunton Bassett, • Volunteers met with PCSO Martin Doyle of Lutterworth launched January 2009 Police to discuss proposals for dealing with parking issues and the monitoring of HGV's passing through the village. • Police will be doing irregular but frequent visits to check for inappropriate parking - first offenders will receive a letter reminding them of the laws and regulations, for a second offence a fixed penalty notice will be issued and if that fails the car will be towed away. • Leaflets about car crime and parking have been provided by the Police and have been circulated with a recent newsletter. • HGV's are being monitored by both the Police and local volunteers to ensure they are not ignoring the weight restrictions and that they are genuinely delivering to premises within the village. • A LCC RIOT assessment has indicated that vehicles are travelling at inappropriate speeds along Coopers Lane; it has therefore been included on a list for potential capital funding for speed reduction measures. Further assessment to indicate the extent of the community being affected, traffic volume and the potential cost of any measures will now be undertaken by LCC. • Volunteers continue to report and follow up issues relating to the 84 Bus missing stops within the Parish. Managers and supervisors at the Bus Company are now actively tackling issues reported by the community. • Following liaison with the Parish Plan Committee & the Parish Council the Police have agreed to carry out some irregular & targeted enforcement of the 30 & 20mph speed limits within the village. • 6 volunteers completed a successful Community Speedwatch campaign between 13th and 26th July 2009 with details of 186 speeding drivers recorded and passed onto the Police. A second round of the scheme ran from the 14th and 27th September 2009 with 140 offenders recorded. Ullesthorpe, launched • LCC met with the head teacher of Ullesthorpe Primary February 2009 School on 30th April 09 and agreed a set of actions to put a new school travel plan in place. A survey has been distributed to parents with 37 out of 79 returned. The Travel Plan Group is meeting on 18th January 2010 to discuss the draft travel plan. • White lines have been re-painted outside the Primary School along with the installation of a new verge and 82 pavement. Long Whatton and • Speeding was highlighted as an issue in the Parish Diseworth, launched with problem areas highlighted in both villages. The 2008 Parish Plan gathered enough support to have Community Speedwatch carried out in both villages. A number of volunteers were trained up in using the Speedwatch equipment and the process was carried out in both villages. The Speedwatch was successful and plans to return in the next couple of months. Ellistown and • A Community Speedwatch Group has been set up Battleflat, from volunteers who came forward during the Parish launched 2009 process. Members of the group have been trained, and the first Speedwatch scheme took place in June 2009. It was well supported by the County Council Speedwatch Officers and included the monitoring of heavy lorries. The weight restriction review consultation is now complete, comments from which are now being assessed by Northern Highways. • An HGV lorry ban, which was being consistently ignored for many years by lorry aggregate drivers buying diesel in the centre of the village and going on through the village, has been effectively enforced by the Police, following a Report from the RCC using evidence from respondents to the Parish Plan and contact made to the Police Authority, the Northwest Leicestershire LSP, and the local police inspector. • Extensive consultation had previously been carried out about commercial bus routes around Ellistown and alterations made, but the general public in Ellistown did not feel informed from Parish Plan results. The RCC consulted with the LCC and gave full and detailed information for the public to be put in the local newsletters. 2007/2008 Oakthorpe, Donisthorpe • Training was given on the 10th of August for the and Acresford, launched ‘Community Speedwatch Project’. The activity was 2008 launched on the 17th of August for four weeks. 2006/2007 Billesdon, launched 2006 • Car parking conditions have been improved and the blocked parking area repaired on Vicarage Close. Woodhouse, launched • A new Council committee has been created to handle 2006 speed and traffic issues with one member co-opted from the Traffic Watch Group set up from the Parish Plan. • LCC made significant changes to local roads to help reduce serious accidents, including a 20mph school zone in the centre of Woodhouse Eaves. • The new Council committee was selected by LCC to carry out 30mph speed activated trial signs. • Community speedwatch carried out 5-19 October 2009. 20mph zone to be established around St Paul’s primary school. Cotesbach, launched • Parish Council working in partnership with 2006 Leicestershire County Council to finalise plans for a self funded traffic calming scheme along Main Street. • Parish Council sourcing funding to install speeding indicative signs at entrances to the village.


HOUSING Parish Plan Action delivered 2008/2009 Tilton & Halstead, • Housing needs survey has been distributed by the launched September Rural Housing Enabler and the Parish Council to 2008 further access the need for Affordable Housing within the Parish. • Rural Housing Enabler attended Tilton Green Fair 2 in January 2010 to raise awareness regarding Affordable Housing and to launch the housing needs survey. Dunton Bassett, • Following a meeting held between the Rural Housing launched January 2009 Enabler and the Parish Council on 10th July a housing needs survey has been distributed throughout the Parish to further assess the need for affordable housing. Ullesthorpe, launched • A housing needs survey has been completed within February 2009 the Parish to access the need for affordable housing. • Parish Council have liaised with the Rural Housing Enabler to progress with the provision of Affordable Housing in the Parish. Long Whatton and • Through the RCC, a need for affordable housing was Diseworth. identified in the Parish Plan launched in February launched 2008 2008. 'Local Housing Needs Survey' was distributed to every household. There was a good response to this when it was made clear that the housing would be provided solely for any local people who needed some help to house themselves in the villages or wished to return, having been forced away by high costs. The survey identified a positive need for 9 dwellings in Long Whatton and 6 in Diseworth. Since then there has been more public consultation with events in each village. The outcome is that plans have now been submitted by the Housing Association. Planning permission was granted on 12th January 2010 for 9 homes at Huntlands, Ashby Road, Long Whatton and 6 on land at Clements Gate, Diseworth, and work should commence by the end of February 2010. 2006/2007 Woodhouse, launched • The Chinese restaurant/former Forest Rock garage 2006 site in the centre of the village has been given planning permission for private housing development with 3 affordable houses. Charnwood Borough Council will have nomination rights for one property and 50% nomination rights on a further 2 properties.


CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Parish Plan Action delivered 2009/2010 Narborough and • The Brockington Family of Schools appointed an Littlethorpe Parish Plan, Extended Services Coordinator in March 2009 which launched 2009 includes the three Primary schools in Narborough and Brockington College. • Initial research was undertaken with students and 84 parents/carers in June/July 2009. The results indicate that although many children and young people already attend after school clubs there is a good level of interest for additional after school clubs and holiday activities and some interest in breakfast clubs. Work is ongoing to introduce a variety of more affordable before and after school clubs and holiday activities. • A Parent Support Group aimed at parents and carers with children at any of the schools in this area was started on 11th November and will run every week at alternating venues. • A website is available to improve communications and the availability of information. This site will signpost to childcare via the Family Information Service. It will also provide information on the before and after school activities currently being developed and the programme of holiday activities available in the local schools and provided by other organisations across the District. Kirby Muxloe, Not Yet • ‘Planning for Real’ took place at Kirby Muxloe primary launched school on the 2nd April. The maps were on display at the community fair and have been used at the school open day. The group has worked with the school council to think about ideas for the village to be included in the parish plan. Kirby Bellars, launched • A Youth group has been formed 2009 Ellistown and Battleflat, • A grant for £50,000 was successfully awarded for the launched 2009 South Street Play area equipment and landscaping. This was applied for by 3 Parish Councillors, who are all new members from the Parish Plan Group, working in partnership with the Sports Development officer from North West Leicestershire District Council. 2008/2009 Tilton & Halstead, • Grant of £1,000 received from O2 ‘It’s Your launched September Community’ to provide sports equipment and activities 2008 within the Parish. • Free tennis tuition continues within the Parish. • School playing field now made available for informal use. • Funding is being sought to update the village play area. • 2 registered child minders now available within the Parish. • Tilton Youth Council set up involving 12 young people supported by volunteers. Ullesthorpe, launched • Parish Council continue to liaise with Youth Service February 2009 regarding Youth Work and engagement with Young People within the Parish. • Detached workers are working with young people not engaged in centre based clubs in Ullesthorpe and Leire. • Over 30 pupils from classes 2 and 3 at Ullesthorpe Primary school produced posters to advertise the Community Litter Pick in Oct 09. • Playing fields committee working to improve the recreation ground and pavilion with a view to creating a venue for a new Youth Club. • Free Play Equipment made available to the Parish by 85 Harborough District Council for use free of charge throughout the community. • HDC Play Rangers have held a number of successful free play schemes within the Parish. Kegworth, • Centre Screen projects was set up and continues to launched 2009 flourish in Kegworth. Oakthorpe, • The need to renovate the playground at Oakthorpe Donisthorpe and and reinstate one in Donisthorpe was identified by the Acresford, Parish Plan Group. A major play/ sports equipment launched 2008 manufacturer has put an initial scheme together for both sites; the total cost of both schemes is £100,000.00. A ‘Playbuilder’ application is in place, and the Parish Council obtained a figure of £2,000.00 towards the scheme from UK Coal (the Parish Council hope to double the sum from it’s own funds in March). The Parish Plan Group have also applied for £2, 000.00 funding from The Ashby, Measham and Moira Community Forum and their application has come in the top 3 project proposals. With the help of the Donisthorpe Scouting fraternity who are keen to assist with the initiative, they are hoping to access further funding. • An Easter egg hunt has been arranged by the Parish Plan Group for Sunday 4th April at the Saltersford Country Park, Oakthorpe. 2007/2008 Claybrookes, launched • Parish Council are working to improve facilities for June 2008 Young People within including planned provision of new play equipment, open spaces for recreation and negotiating use of the Village Hall for a Youth Club. Enderby, launched 2008 • Through the auspices of Blaby District Council a grant of £48,725 has been awarded by the Big Lottery Fund for the erection of a MUGA on Southey Close Recreation Ground, Blaby District Council has also given a grant of £12,875 towards the cost of providing the scheme. The 2008 parish plan identified the MUGA as a high priority for Enderby and set it to be completed within two years. 2006/2007 Woodhouse, launched • The teenage sports area site recommended from the 2006 Parish Plan has now been chosen and a plan is available. Funding is being sought to add to the council’s allocation. • The multi-use games area officially opened on 16 November 2009. Youth shelter and litter bin still to be installed. 2005/2006 Mountsorrel, launched • The Youth Development Group has continued to meet 2005 and a brochure advertising the Summer activities (2009) at the Leisure Centres has been produced. A Youth Activity Day for August was also organised. £1,000 was received from County Hall for a Summer Holiday Playscheme. A further Grassroots bid has been submitted. • About £8,000 has been received from the Youth Opportunities Fund by the Revive Youth Club. • The RCC put Charnwood Arts and Charnwood Voluntary Action in touch with members of the Youth Development Group to help forward projects. 86 • £1,000 funding was obtained from the LCC Youth Service to support holiday activity and a grant received from Lafarge of £750. Also £250 from Charnwood Borough Council. The Youth Activity Day (August 2009) was very successful. Barrow upon Soar, • Barrow Action for Youth organised a Disco for 10-14 launched 2006 year olds on 16th October 2009. For 13-18 year olds there was a “Parkour” event, a form of obstacle running on 10th October. • The Action for Youth Group obtained funding through Barrow Community Association and the Parish Council for two further detached youth workers so that detached youth work can take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. They also planned a trip for families to the House of Commons on 15th February. They also seek funding for a replacement see-saw, five dog bins and two seats via Community Cashback and Area Forum.


HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES Parish Plan Action delivered 2006/2007 Billesdon, Launched • Billesdon Good Neighbour Scheme continues run 2006 successfully throughout the Parish.


ACCESS TO INFORMATION Parish Plan Action delivered 2009/2010 Kirby Muxloe, Not Yet • 18 Volunteers identified through the Parish Plan Launched process would like to receive ICT training in order to utilise and add content to 2008/2009 Tilton & Halstead, • A number of residents now receive and circulate launched September ‘Community Messaging’ e-mails or texts with updates 2008 on crime in the area. • Posters showing PC’s and PCSO’s along with their contact details placed on village notice boards. • Volunteers continue to update and maintain the village webpage on • Tilton Green newsletter continues to be delivered throughout the Parish. Dunton Bassett, • An updated village Directory and Welcome Pack is launched January 2009 now complete with copies delivered to every household in the Parish and spares available to issue to new residents. Ullesthorpe, launched • Parish Council is to provide a new community notice February 2009 board in the centre of the village. • A new village directory has been produced with a copy of the leaflet delivered to every household in the Parish as well as being made available in the Village Stores & Post Office, from the Parish Council and on the village website. 87 • Village website continues to develop well, has seen a steady increase in usage and has received an award for outstanding community engagement. Long Whatton and • Diseworth Heritage Centre was given £3,396.00 for Diseworth, launched their ICT Suite from Vibrant Villages. 2008 2007/2008 Claybrookes, launched • Volunteers have rebuilt and restored the village June 2008 website ( which now provides useful and historical information about the Claybrookes. • Volunteers have updated and added information to the Claybrookes pages on 2006/2007 Billesdon, launched 2006 • Parish Council have continued to update information onto the village website at 2005/2006 Barrow, • The RCC has given further advice to the Village Hall launched 2006 Action Group as to the future process


LIBRARIES Parish Plan Action delivered 2009/2010 Ellistown and Battleflat, • As a result of the Parish Plan, additional stops for launched 2009 the mobile library were identified. As a result, the stopping points were reassessed by West Leicestershire Libraries and the mobile library will change its route in April 2010, there will an additional stop in at Beveridge Lane.

2008/2009 Castle Donington, launched • The Library Service will be conducting a review of its 2008 services which will incorporate a review of opening hours which will be to be consulted on in 2010. Kegworth, launched 2009 • New library layout. • Opening hours to be altered because of Parish Plan request. Dunton Bassett, launched • A new Book Club has been established who meet on January 2009 the 1st Thursday of every month. 2 volunteers are also working with the Mobile Library to deliver books to those in the Community who are unable to access the service.

89 ADULT EDUCATION, SKILLS AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Parish Plan Action delivered 2009/2010 Ellistown and Battleflat, • The Adult Learning Service will be happy to arrange launched 2009 for a Beginners IT course to be run in a community venue over the next few months; it would be particularly helpful if local assistance could be given with identifying residents to whom this would be of most benefit. Kirby Muxloe, Not Yet • 18 Volunteers identified through the Parish Plan launched process would like to receive ICT training in order to utilise and add content to 2008/2009 Ullesthorpe, launched • Volunteers attended a training session to learn how to February 2009 use and add information to the website. Castle Donington, • New methods of promotion have been explored, launched 2008 including door to door; through schools and libraries; at the Farmers Market. However, in addition staffed information stands at the co-op and Battle of the Bands at Spittal Park have been used. • Taster courses have been on offer at Moira Dale Village Hall which was well publicised on the front of NuNews. • The District Manager attended the NAT meeting to ensure partner agencies were aware of these offers. • There was evidence of some improvement in takeup of courses after these activities. • The District Manager and Kegworth based admin officer attended the launch of the Castle Donington parish plan in person to ensure full understanding of needs identified; this confirmed that the subjects on offer matched the demand. We offered Confidence Building at Coalville Library as part of the Skills for Jobs programme; this did not recruit. • A free First Aid course was offered as part of the community learning programme to parents from Kegworth Playgroup which ran successfully. • Fees are consistent across the county however, a 70% discount to learners in receipt of means tested benefits is available and up to 100% on accredited courses. • Future plans include the offer of further Skills for Jobs courses (CV writing; online job applications) when demand is identified through a regular one-to-one presence at Kegworth Community Centre. • Family Learning opportunities continue to be on offer, previously through Orchard Primary school (Family Science and Arts) and currently at the Children’s Centre (Healthy Eating). • Feedback on need in Castle Donington is very much appreciated and above all information on opportunities to raise awareness of the schemes on offer.

Kegworth, launched 2009 • A number of villagers have also trialled the ‘Smart Driving Course’ initiated by KEG


OTHER ISSUES Parish Plan Action delivered 2008/2009 Kegworth, launched 2009 • They are finding out costs of hiring a parish handyman.

Oakthorpe, Donisthorpe • The first ‘Wassailing’ evening was held on 16th and Acresford, launched January 2010 in the Donisthorpe Community Orchard. 2008 The area is under used, so the PPG decided to host the event in order to bring it to attention of villagers. A group of singers attended from Derby, a member of the group wrote a wassail specifically for the event. • As a result of the Parish Plan, the villagers now have a ‘handy man’

Long Whatton and • The Village Appraisal in 1998 identified a strong Diseworth, launched interest in heritage related activities. A group called the 2008 'Diseworth Heritage Trust' was established and they set about identifying possible properties and raising funds for the centre, 70 people attended the opening of the Heritage Centre on 7th April 2009. The RCC President, Lady Gretton opened the centre. The building is now beginning to be used: by the Parish Council, the local History Societies, and by the County Museums Forum. The centre also had a visit from the Minister for Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca Davies, who was very interested in the local history display.




The Community Consultation and Capacity Building Project is supported by: