Operated by Universities Research Association Inc. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Under Contract with the Department of Energy

Vol. 4, No. 9 February 26. 1981 NOW SHOWING AT THE MEDICAL OFFICE COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS SELECTS NEW TRUSTEES Features showing at the Medical Office The Universities Research Association beginning March 2 will be: Council of Presidents, at its recent annual Mondays--"Stress, Tension and the meeting at , elected four new Relaxation Response," trustees and re-elected four trustees, each for three-year terms. Tuesdays--"Weight Control," First-term new regional trustees are Wednesdays--"Diet and Your Heart," Dr. Barry C. Barish, professor of , Thursdays--"Exercise for Fitness and California Institute of Technology; Dr. Health." William B. Fretter, vice president and professor of physics, University of Calif- The Medical Off ice has organized a ornia at Berkeley; and Dr. Lawrence W. new educational program. Its staff has Jones, professor of physics, University of .obtained a rear view screen projector with Michigan. Re-elected trustees were Dr. an 8" by 11" screen and four film loop with James W. Cronin, professor of physics, audio cassettes that deal with various Institute at the University medical topics--those listed above. The of ; and Dr. Robert W. Williams, subjects chosen are the ones that Dr. Charles professor of physics, University of .L Lang, Fermilab physician, believes will Washington. interest the most people at Fermilab. Dr. John Deutch, professor of Each cassette contains around 10 min- chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of utes of information. The films, a series Technology, was elected a trustee-at-large. of color shots (not motion pictures), Re-elected trustees-at-large were Dr. coincide with narration and music. Anytime Harry Woolf, director of the Institute between 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., members for Advanced Study at Princeton University, of the Fermilab connnunity can stop in at and Dr. H. Guyford Stever, chairman of the the Medical Office and watch the education Assembly of Engineering, National Academy program that interests them most--showing of Sciences. Woolf also is chairman of on the days above. the Board of Trustees. Fridays have been set aside for The new chairman of the Council of people who would like to make appointments Presidents is Dr. Robert L. Ketter, presi- to see a program in private. They can dent of State University of New York at do this by calling the Medical Office Buffalo. He succeeds Dr. William G. Bowen, at Ext. 3232. president of Princeton University. The purpose of this expanded approach Elected vice chairman was Robert to medical education was to give Fermilab Gluckstern, chancellor of the University employees an opportunity to learn more of Maryland. The new chairman of the about their own health care at times that Nominating Connnittee is Frank L. Hereford were convenient for them, explained Dr. Jr., president of the University of Virginia. Lang. The Council elected Tufts University "We have great faith in this new as the 54th member university of URA. This ~pproach and believe it will become popular means there are now 53 universities in the with our employees," said the physician. United States and one - the University of "If this happens, then we anticipate adding Toronto - in Canada. more subjects to our cassette library." * * * * * * * * * * SEMINARS ON IMPROVING SECURITY NOW BEING OFFERED AT :e'ERMILAB Bob Armstrong, chief of Fermilab security, and members of his staff have prepared and are giving a series of seminars aesigned to help supervisors further improve the security in the areas they are respon- sible for. Already two have been given. A seminar will continue for about 90 minutes and can be custom-organized to address specific problems, Armstrong said. The overall objective of these seminars is to encourage supervisors and their staff to be more sensitive to weaknesses in the security in their areas and to help them take the proper steps to strengthen security. The end product, explained Armstrong, is the reduction of thef t--a savings of dollars for the Laboratory--by creating a safer and more secure work area. Bob Armstrong conducts seminar. "The Security Office is not here to NEXT COLLOQUIUM SPEAKER harrass people, but to work with them and show them that common sense and a few Prof. Walter Alvarez of the University simple steps could greatly improve an of California-Berkeley, will speak March area's security," said Armstrong. "One 4 at the Physics Colloquium. His talk on "Geomagnetic Reversal History and a way to do this is through these semin~rs Mass Extinction Recorded in Marine Lime- in which we talk openly and honestly with the supervisors and try to convince them stones in Italy" will begin at 4 p.m. in chat indeed we are here to help them in Wilson Hall auditorium. Petros Rapidis any way we can." will be his host. Supervisors certainly are welcome to contact Armstrong at Ext. 3414 and make * * * * * arrangements with him for a seminar. But REMINDER ABOUT SIGMA XI LECTURE don't be surprised if some departments are John Batali of the Artifical Intel- contacted first by Armstrong and asked if ligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute he can hold a seminar for them. of Technology, will give a Sigma Xi lecture FERMINEWS attended one seminar to Feb. 26. His talk on "Prospects for Sili- see what it was all about. At this one, con Intelligence" will begin at 8 p.m. at Armstrong and Capt. Steve Boyd pointed the Amoco Research Center. All Sigma Xi out the tough fines and prison terms for talks are free and open to the public. theft of government property; asked the His talk is presented by the Fermilab and supervisors to read a firm letter from Amoco chapters of Sigma Xi. Phil Livdahl, acting deputy director, sent to employees who cannot account for property assigned to them; talked about items most likely to be stolen; and answered questions. CHANGE IN CHECK CASHING SERVICE One transparency projected on the Free check cashing service at the First wall of the conference room summed up the Security Bank of Aurora will no longer be mission of the seminar best of all. It available to Fermilab employees and users showed water dripping out of a faucet and beginning March 1, according to Jim Schiltz falling into buckets marked with dollar of the Accounting Department here. Free ($$$) signs. The transparency simply said: check cashing service is still available "Stop the dollar drain from theft at at the Batavia Bank and at the Fermilab Fermilab." cashier, WH4E. The cashier's hours are 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., and 12:30 to 5 p.m. * * * * * Monday through Friday. :NEW P-.AC MEMBERS FREE ELECTRONIC CATALOGS AND LITERATURE The Fermilab Program Advisory Com- A catalog and distribution center has ~itt ee has five new members. been established in Purchasing copy room, They are Stanley Brodsky and Vera WH4W. Luth, both of the Stanford Linear Acceler- The center was created "because of ator Center; John Peoples, Fermilab; Frank popular demand and Fermilab's ongoing Sciulli, California Institute of Technology; quest to obtain the very latest information fllld Bruce Winstein, . and literature available in electronics," their terms will expire in 1984. explained J. P. Morgan of Purchasing. Other members are Karl Berkelman, "They are available to all Fermilab ; Myron Good, State employees, guests and users at no charge. University of New York at Stony Brook; The center is updated and added to on :t1artin Perl, SLAC; and Lee Pondrom, Univer- a daily basis. Everyone is encouraged to sity of Wisconsin. Their terms will expire stop in anytime and take whatever literature next year. Pondrom will begin his term they desire." as chairman in March 1981. Serving until 1983 are Edmond Berger, Argonne National Laboratory; Wit Busza, HAWAIIAN TRIP SUBJECT OF SLIDE SHOW Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Tony and Rene Donaldson will present and Roy Schwitters and Edward Witten, on March 4 a color slide show that captures both of Harvard University. the beauty and excitement of their two- Members whose terms will end this month family vacation last year to six March are Charles Baltay, Columbia Univer- Hawaiian Islands. sity; William Carithers, Lawrence Berkeley Open to the Fermilab conununity, the Laboratory; Frederick Gilman, SLAC; and James Pilcher, Enrico Fermi Institute. presentation will begin at noon in Baltay is the present chairman. Curia II. It will last an hour. Accompany- ing the Donaldsons on their trip were their two children, Robert 15, and Katherine 14.

REVISED PER DIEM AND MILEAGE "On March 1, the mileage reimbursement FERMILAB TO CHARGE FEE rate paid by the Laboratory to employees FOR RETURNED CHECKS who use their personal vehicles on Laboratory An increasing number of employees' business will be increased from 18 cents a personal checks cashed at the Fermilab mile to 22 cents a mile," said Chuck Marofske, cashier's office are being returned to the head of the Laboratory Services Section. Laboratory from the employees' banks for "A new per diem rate also will go into insufficient funds. effect on March 1. Per diem is being increased to $22 per day for an employee on Because of this, "the Laboratory will Laboratory business." institute on March 1 a policy of charging $7 for each employee check that is returned to Fermilab for this reason," said Bruce * * * * * Chrisman, head of Business Services. BIBLE STUDY GROUP TO MEET "This policy is in compliance with the Department of Energy's directive of recovery The Fermilab Bible Study group will of administrative costs and with the current start on March 2 a three-month study of practices of conunercial institutions in beginnings as recorded in the Book of Gen- close proximity to the Laboratory." esis. The group will meet Mondays and Fri- days from noon to 12:30 p.m. in the Black qole, WH2NW. The study will be led by COMING IN FERMINEWS .:":lton "Andy" Anderson. The group invites Upcoming issues of FERMINEWS will have all interested members of the Fermilab com- articles about the Accelerator Division's munity and their friends to attend and safety system, and a unique nuclear counting participate in the sessions. laboratory in the Village. NALREC C.WDLELIGHT BOWL SLATED NALREC will sponsor a Candlelight Bowl March 28. It will begin at 9 p.m. at the Warrenville Bowl at Route 59 and Batavia Road. The fee is $8 for a player. Competition will include four games of scotch doubles and red pin bowl. Door prizes will be awarded. After the bowling events, beef and chicken will be served at a buffet. Only 72 tickets are available, with a limit of two per employee. The Most of us have heard of the Medic deadline for getting tickets is March 20. Alert Foundation, an organization devoted To obtain them contact Rose Muth, Ext.4445, to saving lives by the incredibly simple or Pat Yost, Ext. 4365. method of having someone with a chronic condition such as diabetes, a heart condi- * * * * * tion or severe allergy wear an attractive bracelet. TOM DILLMANN But that bracelet is not an ordinary Tom Dillmann, an piece of jewelry: it could save your life. engineer with the Accel- On one side are the words "Medic Alert" erator Division, died bracketing the traditional medical symbol. Feb. 21 from complica- On the reverse side is engraved a medical tions following an auto- condition that could be life-threatening mobile accident several to the wearer. That side also contains a weeks earlier. toll-free number a physician, nurse or paramedic can call for additional emergency He had been with the Laboratory since information if the patient is unconscious 1976. Dillmann earned or unable to provide the crucial data. Tom Dillmann his bachelor of science This valuable information, of course, will degree in mechanical engineering at the help the attending physician choose the Institute of Technology and was best mode of medical treatment. graduated from Palatine High School. Fermilab employees and users who would Before joining the Accelerator Div- like an application blank or more inf orma- ision, he worked for the and tion about the program should contact Fire Departments on low current supercon- Chief Ralph Kramp, Ext. 3428. ducting beam line dipole magnets. After moving to the Accelerator Division, he accepted the leadership of the Septum Unit of the Conventional-Mechanical Devices NEXT FUN RUN Group. The next Fun Run will be held March 4 "Tom developed techniques for septum at 5:30 p.m. Participants will begin at fabrication and improvement and designed the Village , run to Wilson Hall, then bump, trim and Lambertson magnets for the return to the Barn. Afterwards, runners horizontal injection project," said George will assemble at the Users Center for Biallas, leader of the Devices Group. "He refreshments. was a good person to know and be with. His This will be the second Fun Run. The relaxed smile and sincere manner made work- first one was held Feb. 20 on the Main Ring ing with him a pleasure. The group and the road. About 30 enthusiasts ran. The Fun Laboratory have suffered a great loss. We Runs are one of the activities of the will miss him." recently organized Fermilab Running Club. Dillmann played right field for the For more information about the club, contact Jedi softball team, the 1980 Fermilab Suzanne "Boston" Gronemeyer, Ext. 3030, league champions. The family suggests tha~ Dick "Grey Ghost" Nelson, 3844 or Marv memorials be sent in his name to St.Franci "Cardiac Kid" Warner, 4430. * * * Hospital, Evanston.* * * * * FERMINEWS is published weekly by the Public Information Office of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory - P 0 Box 500 - Batavia. Illinois 60510 - Phone: 312-840-3351 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981 - 750-057137