Preliminary Biological Assessment, Special Status Botanical Survey
PRELIMINARY BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT, SPECIAL STATUS BOTANICAL SURVEY, AND BREEDING SEASON BURROWING OWL SURVEY FOR THE SLOVER AND CACTUS WAREHOUSE PROJECT, BLOOMINGTON AREA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ±13.34 Acre Property, ±13.34 Acres Surveyed APNs 0257-071-03, -04, and -39, Bloomington Area, Section 27, Township 1 South, Range 5 West, USGS Fontana 7.5’ Topographic Quadrangle Map Prepared For: Clark Neuhoff Alere Property Group 100 Byview Circle, No. 310 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Prepared By: Leslie Irish, Principal Guy Bruyea, Biological Investigator Carla Wakeman, Senior Biologist Jeffrey Sonnentag, Technical Editor Vegetation onsite is disturbed and developed/ornamental. No native habitat is present. There are no jurisdictional waters or wetlands. No special status plant species have been detected during surveys to date. Botanical surveys will continue through the flowering season in 2018. One (1) special status wildlife species, California horned lark, was observed foraging onsite. One (1) other special status wildlife species, loggerhead shrike, has moderate potential for occurrence, but has not been observed. No evidence of current burrowing owl occupation has been found on the project site to date; however, suitable mammal burrows were observed. Focused burrowing owl surveys will continue through the breeding season in 2018. No suitable habitat for Delhi sands flower-loving fly is present on the project site and no surveys for this species are recommended. Trees, vegetation, and structures suitable for nesting birds are present within and around the site. Recommended mitigation measures include a pre-construction burrowing owl clearance survey and pre-construction nesting bird survey.
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