Varroa Mite Management Among Small-Scale Beekeepers: Characterizing Factors That Affect IPM Adoption, and Exploring Drone Brood Removal As an IPM Tool
Varroa mite management among small-scale beekeepers: Characterizing factors that affect IPM adoption, and exploring drone brood removal as an IPM tool THESIS Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science In the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Hannah R. Whitehead Graduate Program in Environmental Science The Ohio State University 2017 Master’s Examination Committee: Dr. Casey Hoy, Advisor Dr. Reed Johnson Dr. Anna Willow Copyrighted by Hannah R. Whitehead 2017 ABSTRACT Varroa mites (Varroa destructor) are the most damaging pest in modern beekeeping, and have been linked with elevated levels of colony loss. Experts increasingly recommend an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy to manage Varroa, which incorporates both preventative and therapeutic controls. However, Varroa IPM is complicated and knowledge-intensive. Small-scale beekeepers in particular seem to have difficulty adopting effective Varroa control strategies, and suffer especially high rates of colony loss. This study took an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the adoption of Varroa IPM among small-scale beekeepers. First, I used surveys and interviews to characterize mite management strategies among Ohio small-scale beekeepers, and to explore the effect of experience and risk perception on behavior. Second, as a case study, I took a closer look at the efficacy and adoption of one complex IPM tool – drone brood removal (DBR) – through interviews, surveys, and an on-farm trial. Overall, I found no relationship between beekeeping experience and mite management strategies, but sampling (risk perception) was associated with the use of “soft” miticides (organic acids/essential oils) and DBR. I also found that most beekeepers who used DBR combined it with drone sampling (adjusting DBR based on sampled mite levels), and that labor was the biggest barrier to DBR use.
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