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IN THIS ISSUE " SPECIAL REPORT S honlt'o property aold , t rust fUnd set up . ... _.....•••••. 3 '" GENERAL NEWS \.1 .S ~ U P1"t'll\e Cout't 1.k". Prop 1'4 t. lr houd n, Utl(' .• . .•• 1 T "k~ Mlk l ftPpolnttd J a pane.-; t (orelRn m tnlltter; Pan· n\ ttlm on Jap,," u ned " .nUqu . t ~ ed" .............. , 3 ITIZEN .. DISTRICT -JACL ceDC p rop05~5 per c.pU. alloca tion of J ACL nation A' budKe\. J"O\H Kubata el eC' ted new DC .0\'(,1'n o1'; P WDC board ap VOL. 63 NO. 24 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9,1966 Edit/Bus. Office: MA 6·6936 p ro \ ·t'~ 3· ton <l pl. " tor district: TEN CENTS Juntors add to me $u s(on .t Seab rook •• , ....•••••• ,. ,. , •. 1 '" CHAPTER-JACL S (lu t h \\1 ('~t J ACLer contributes $90,000 stamp collection to Jew Is.h National Fund . _•..•..... 1 JACLcr wl" $ {COry of Orange C o u n ' ~'\ Qnd lO!\e$ (MH sun' l s of S"lt LJlike City) In recent Justice of fair housing law cited A :I~e:~~on~S!(i' 'pi one e'~s' honorJ b y chapler ....••.•••••.•.. 4 .. DEPARTMENTS 1000 Club Noles ~· n Deaths (5) .. COLUMNISTS by JACL at Calif. state hearing Enomoto-Dialogue Needed. Masaoka-25 Years Arter. SAN FRANCISCO - National proposition unconstitutional, the Staletoday, what chance H osokawa-lnaugural UNUSUAL PHILANTHROPY-Southwest L.A. JACLer sold to them, they would be the attention of JACL Include SAtow-Histor lc Decision . J ACL Director Masao Satow the commission was told. has other less favored .runorl· forced to sell to Negroes. cases of Japanese wives ot Mayeda-SJR 20 Vic tory. Nat Peshkin (center) has donated his $90.000 stamp testified Deo. 6 before Ille ties w!10 have had to baWe t ~Eyes Ri,ht! Shield 01 ProteoUon A San Francisco JACL offi. non·Japanese husband. As long collection to the Jewish National Fund. Proceeds of much greater economic and G lma-AJoha from Hllw all_.__ Governor's Commission on the Suell la ws as the Fair Hous· cer, who inquired about a as the husband made the hous sale of the collection will establish a settlement in reiteratin~ Rlumford Act, JACL ing Act "provide a sllield 01 educational odds over a much home in another nelgllborllood, ing contact alone everything Israel named for Peshkin's parents. Receiving the ex· support of government action protection where otherwise we longer period of time on a which was described as free was fine, but upon seeing his to assure equal opportunltle' voluntary program ?", Salow PERSPEC~ traordinary gift are. Fred Kahan, Oefl) Western Rtl· are made to feel as tres· of " bad influences" , when the wife was Oriental, the sltuaa gional Director, JNF, and Lt. Comm. Zvi Gilon (right) for all regardless of ""ce or passers. They provide us en· asked. broker sensed a hesitation be. tlon then changed suddenly, creed: "00 r ealize more fully .... of Israel, his country's emissary to the JNF ,Founda. couragement to buy or rent Suburban Excuse cause ot the price range. the Commission was told. our democracy". Jerry ~ tion of America . where we choose to live. At A suburban tract south 01 SalOW explained to the Com· "The JAOL wislles to place Addressing the hear ing the same time, they provide San Francisco was picketed Enomoto chair ed by Judge Isaac Pach! mission that the "bad infiu· on record its strong feelin' • l!J a shield for the real estate last year for Its aU·white pol· Nal' l P,..ldont (I) of Los Angeles, Satow recount· Interests bee-a use lair housing Icy. "We understand three Orl· ences"-in the words of the til at the Rumford Act is the Southwest JACLer contribute valuable cd the experiences 01 Japanese then becomes pubUc policy un· entals were rilLused opportu· broker-was tile complete ab- very minimum in guaranteeinl DIALOGUE Americans sinoe the "com· der the law." nity to buy" because they were sence or Negroes or Orientals. equal housing for all," Sa tow plete ourtailment of our Tnst.ances of housing discri· told by owneM that if they Wh en I was in Sou t.hern Oiller ins tances coming to concluded. stamp collection to Jewish Nat'l. Fund rights 8S Americans foUowing mination against persons 01 CalifOl'nia recently, 1963-64 Pearl Harbor". "JACLer or Ule Biennium " LOS ANGELES-Na t Pe.shkin able." In many senses, it Is Japanese ancestry were also Satow, representing 57 JACL poinled out by tile J ACL di· Father Clement, gave me 8 is a real estate salesman who priceless because It re presents chaplers in California, said, rector. copy of Crossroads. briefly works for ~,le Kashu Company. a labor of love and I.... p lace. "Our comeback was m ade pos· ,He reporled of the J"ne menlioning a particular col· A man of sunny disposilion and able thousands of hours of the sible only througll federal and umn in it in a very anima ted twinkling eyes. he has taughl deepest concentration. 1966 survey of 102 San Maleo state government insistence aparbnent managers , cover· way. That's a faney way or Hebrew greetings 10 some 01 Phllatello Interest and etrorts. As a consequen ce, saying that he was provoked the Oriental salesmen on staH. ing some 4,300 units. Half of Peshkin became interested we have supported every e f· the m would not rent to Ori· by it. Subsequently, the Rev. Pes'"kin is two other things fort to enact f.. ir housing leg· William Shinto's words have in stamps in his native New entals. as well. He is a philatelist 01 islation in the State of Call· A similar survey in Burtin· triggered a host of response. wide repulaUon-a stamp col· York when his grandfather, Aaron. left a few hundred fornia." game Indica ted a similar per· m uch of it Irom J ACLers lector who specializes in Israel springing to the organizatio n' ~ P alestine stamps to him. The J ACL was deeply distuI'bed centage. and P alesline. when Prop. 14 was passed defense. young Na t Peshkin became a "With SO pet. of H1e apart· And, he is a passionate Zion· general coDector at first but two years ago and then a p ments being closed to what Although I don't be1ieve J A· ist who sees in the reclama· CL needs a defense, the Rev. his interest slowly evolved to plauded the action of the state people thlnk is one of the tion of the Holy Land the supreme court In declaring the Shinto has served as the pr ~ a specialization in P alestine most accepted minorities in Biblical redemption of hi. co and IIsrae1. The collection now verbial "catalvst" in stirring religionists. H1ings up. We have many JA· includes stamps a nd cove rs. CLers. who undoubtedly sharf These two Intense inleresls full sheets, plate blocks, error. his "jews but who. for la ck led 10 his unique philanthropy. and varieties. Some of the of opportunity or inclination, He has donated his ex\ensive items are absolutely un ique in stamp collection. variously a p the world. Prop. 14 finale seldom express themselves. praised between $87,000 and " [t is a fascinating lesson Now that things have been WASHINGTON - The U.S. mission recommend substi· S95.000, to t!:le Jewish National in history," he says, " to know stirred UP. controversy and a Supreme Court agreed Monday tutes tor it. Gov . ..,lect Reagan • F und, so that the proceeds oj that Illere was no postal little seU analysis may be to rule on the constitutionality has caDed fo r repeal ot the possible. its sale can be used to re service (or Palestine in the build and reclaim the soil 01 of Prop. [4 , which California s<>- oa Ued Rumford Fair Hous PC Editor Harry Honda has mid·nineleenth century except voters adopted overwhelming· ing Act. Israel. mid.,w.neteenth century except "'Titten a piece clearly enun· ly in the 1964 gene",,1 elec· By a 5-2 vote, the state s uo ciating JACL's stand and the Remote Comers Visited for one old Arab and a donkey. tions to give residential prop. "The Turkish ",lers of the reasons for it. }1rs. Kats Ku· erty owners absolute discre· preme court held Prop. 14 vi<> "I viSIted Israel this year." area subsequently permitted nitsugu in her Kashu Mainiclll he says. "My intense jnterest tion in the choice of a buyer lated Ille equal protection and column headed "Jumping on other nations to open post supremacy clauses of the U.S. in stamps led me to every r e· or renter. the J ACL", has a rticulaied oUices. The great powers The court said It would re Constitution. Headliners at the Pacific Southwest mote corner of the country, Germany, Russia, 1 t a I y, nor; Ronald Shiozaki of Gardena Val some real JACL dilemmas, the view the Califor nia Supreme JACL interest in tile case from Eilat in the south 10 the France and Austria-competed District Council annual elections Nov. 6 ley, newly elected governor; and Hen biggest of these being the Galilee in the north, to dese.rl <':ourt actio" last May striki:,g s iems from the active cam· were (from left) Akira Ohno of West ry Kanegae of Orange County, nat'l 3rd harsh reality that enthusiasm among themselves and with down as unconstitutional the paign it waged against the comm unities in the Negev. to 1'urJ<ey's Ottoman Empire it· Los Angeles, outgoing district gover· v.p., installing officer.