in Ike Asks Peace With. Justi'ce For All. Men ~-- Weather U.So Aid Mostly cloudy throuth tonight. Occuienal snow , norltt.ast and olCtreme norlh today and northeast twnight. Highs today 2S to 34. Ch..istmu pay: Is Bulwark parlly cloudy southwest, consicltrllbl. cloudiness e owan northea.t with • "w IIIow flurrlo, northeast, Serving T~ State University of Ipwa and the People of Iowa Cit" Sosonable t.mperaturn. For Freedom hird ~1i. Established in 1868 Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto - Herald Tribune News Service Leased Wire Christmas Message r an 18· Sent Around The World Ipplanted who had \\" \ Hl~GTO . · ( P) omes as. at IIJi. Pr ident. EI nhowf'r f UO\\' 111 ri .lIls W It a fine • ni~ht to be ~('lleroll · ~m 1958's Iranian ;·3-1 rec. ..Military Forces J I • s haps bhe Ten with Wiseon. e sons of :Uiott, oC I the ath. ern Uni. AJ~rtedTQ Iraq Threat help \ hich pro perou (.1 ,Ill t'\h'nd h ' not " mattt'r the day Petc and of eh; ritv. hilt a bulwarl for ·o·n,tI Dr. flt,t'tlom -lwre \ltd {'\('I') \\ hl·rc. s ago in - Ill gi\'inl-' it,~ II ,.lid, ~w premoni· Armored Brigades Reported Iment. Court Hits Freeman JIlIl~t Iw hardlll';lI\t \ 1m! 1111- ~alifornia • I tiL r tandillg: (l1lighll'11 1 ill !lS head Near Abadan Oil Refinery ol1r 0\ n int rc t hilt WITI P_l' years as thetic am) W'lIt'f(lli ill tIll' il\­ at Okla· TEHRA , [ran (AP) - II hanian armed forces wer an assist. t fl' t of ullr f ril'l1d,: For Strike' Action , alerted Wednesda ' nfle( Premit'r Abelel Karim Knsst'm of n:i coach • Iraq was reported concentrating five nnn~r~d brig. de clo e contract. MINNEAPOLIS, M i nill, law in the violence-jarred com­ day. The processing deparlments to Iran's southwestern horde I' . nny, air and naval forces re­ :us as an mlmity. will begin operation n loon ., inforcements were rushed to protect th Abadnn oil refinery vSical ed· (AP) - Sh'ike-hobbled Wilson produce is mado, it & Co. WOIl federal court au­ Its restraining order barred said. in the threatened r gion, where II bordc:r displlte ha b n Freeman and the National Guard simmering. The Iraqi forces have received large qUllntiti s of thority Wednesday to reopen from interfering with operations An appeal to the U.S. Court or its Albert Lea, Minn., meat­ at .the plant, errective midnight Appeals is under consideration, Soviet war mat rinl since Kassem stllged his 1958 r volution .ays ;e packing plant, shut down by Sunday. Freeman said. Wilson can reopen and overthrew the pro-West rn monarchy. The Ironinn Anny Its plant Monday unless the ap· said the Iraqi forces were m. ssing along the frontier facing >p say ational Gua rdsmen Dec, 11 WithiB four hours after the· de· peals court acts before then. th under Gov. Orville Freeman's cision Freeman called he.cIs of While the effect of the ruling Iranian village of Fakke h, northwest of Abadan. [ran, whicb very Wilson and the United Packing. [AS, orders. was to order an end to martial has mutllal security agreements with the nit d State and house Workers of America to a law in Albert Lea and Freeborn conference in his office at 10 a,m, * * * with members of the Central ~ njoy- In a decision criticizing County, the judges evidently left Treaty Organization, formerly the Thursday to arranglt "for an or­ open the door to continued use of Freeman for "surrender to mob derly resumption of opera::on" at ·on Baghdad Pact, has long been un- National Guardsmen to aid local Terms Act, der Soviet pr s. ure. Merry Christmas! role," a three-jllilge panel the plant. He said the state would law enforcement. Arlillery, tank ~ and Inti •• lr. mled that . the Democratic comply fully with the order, lOP "Cerlainly the civil authorities craft units Wlr. deployed alon, President Eisenhower Wednesd.y night IIghtod thlt N. tional Com· governor did not have abso­ But a new dispute between Free.­ with the aid of ttt. National munity Christmas Tr.o in I tr.diti"".1 coremony in the notion's t, man and the company broke out As Diverting the Shatt al Arab, the broad wa­ lute power to impo e martial Guard can control any further t.r,wlY ot tho ho.d of tho Por· cepitar. Thl tr.. stand, on the Ellipso, • plrk betw.en the White late in the day when Freeman disturbance in and around the fired off a telegram to James By MARGUARITE HIGGINS sian Gulf to protect Abedan, ttt. House and the Washington Monum.nt, - AP - plant without closing the plant Herald Tribune ew. Serylce country's chief economic assot. Cooney, Wilson president, after and without an order forbidcling WASHINGTON - The warlike The Shalt nl Arab, forming the Cooney advised the governor he workers who desire to work ttt. Blood Given couldn't attend the meeting. maneuvers accompanying the bor­ boundary Cor 50 of its 120 mUes, right of free ingre" to and .....15 Freeman refcrred to) COjJney's der quarrels between the oil·rich is rormed by the union or the Water, Traffic, Salari~s II. from their place of employment," nations or Iran and Iraq are of­ Tigris and Euphrate In a marshy kind ." "refusal" to be at the conference the court said. May Save and said he trusted the company ficially diagnosed here as being ar a nort/lwe ~t of Ba ra, chief "Aflrr all:' h aid head would recons.ider and be in After Wednesday's ruling, federal primary expedients [or diverting Iraqi port. cl ten c n be thc governor's office Thursday. mediatQr Douglas D. Brown ad­ attention from internal troubles The long·standing bordcr dispute Discussed By City Council ~t ril, joyJe Dnd Freeman told Cooney' the main· vanced by one week to Dec. 28 and consolidating the respective flared up last week when an Iraqi ro rhuman bein Iowa City City Council m ) opeDI'd to WI tbound tralflc only. Burned Boy tenance of order and protection th e resumption of negotiations be­ ruling powers. patrol fired on lranian sailors anrt '1 lor human beoin . tween the union 'lind company. Bu ailhough this is the vi w : ~llian .. Two Iranians were killed bers 'rue. day mght heard J\1a"or Daily Jowi\n rt'llOrt lat ',n k I illlY,' , Enough blood has been foond to of Ii.. were at st*e, and that the actions of both the company Bargaining, broken off Oct. 29, was being passed on to the White and three wounded. Philip F. Morgan's "Carc\\('l1 rc\'(>alf'd that r. id('nl. living on Ellinhow.r prtIClalmtcl III treat the severly burned son of resumed last week but recessed and the union had a bearing on House, the State Department will By a 1938 agreement, say [ran's address," ordered Melro Aver e 1elro e and adjacent ~r t 0.·( America's bolief the conviction an Ozark Airlines pilot, olficials Tuesday. Negotiators bad not do whatever is diplomatically pos· that .11 the hum.n family con , at Ibe airlines reported Wednesday this. Cooney had wi,.d F officials, the dividing line goes to be re-apencU Lo two-way Iraf· of Grand Av nue could not T('och telling him he had other commit­ planned to meet again until Jan. sible to see that neither side gets down Ihe middle oC the Shatt nl contribute som.thine to tho good night. fic; heard lax Yocum, IOWQ ity th II' homes without vlolatinn lhe ments and that two attorneys 4. carried away with itself. Arab. Iran pays Cor oil tankers of all peoplo •. - An appeal was sent to Iowa City H.... is the way W.shington and others to use the waterway houscmover, orfer hi a. Ltnnce law. Th y would ha\(' 10 travel {'ar the beiinning or his talk. would represent Wilson. Ralph earlier Wednesday for blood to Helstein, packinghouse workers . dagnoses the troop moneuve,., and Iraq is supposed to use the to II committee bludymg the pre- the wrong way on (\1(' on -way thl' Pr -ident not d that h had treat the St. Louis boy who was p,.sident, said tt. would attend initiated' by Iraq's Primo Abdol proceeds for maintenance and sent hou -moving ordinance, and street ju. t r turned Crom vi iting 11 coun· burned over 50 per cent of his the meeting. No Iowan Karim Kau.m, who hilS beln dredging. Iran complains, how­ tries ··who . . population. number body Tuesday night when he tried approved a fiv per cent pay in· A pttltion from ,esid ntl of the More than 1,000 members of tile walking a political tight rope es­ ever, the Iraqis spend the money a qunrlcr or all mankind," crea e Lo city employ . .rea favored opening 1hi strtot to light a Christmas candle with UPWA have been on strike since peci.lly since the a"lIIsination for other purposes. Til n h add -d a comment tbnt match and his pajamas caught a Nov. 3 in a dispute over work attempt on him this summer. List Monday, K.sso", in _ Mo,..n, making probably his to.II traffic, P .... r F. Roan, rai. ed que. tion Cor which h pro· fire. The boy is Chris Marshall, 6, On, Friday 52 schedules. Frel'!man ordered out of his spoch.. again attacleed lut appearance as mayor, said city manag.r, "Id tho streot ,id d no an wcr. H{' . aid: son , of Ozark Capt. Merrick Mar­ The very flourish and publicity the Guard "to save lives" after IraI\' as a "tyrlnny," He was r.­ ") wi. h \'('ry Amt'l'1can-eer­ 1·1% sball. with which Kassem sent his troops one of Iowa City', most critic.I would be opened as loon III pos, massed strikers on Dec. 9 and 10 ported os claiming all tho tainly very Am ri un who i. ree­ Or Saturday on maneuvers in the touchy border probloms is its public w.t.r IUP. sibl •. 50 The blood needed is a relatively stoned nonunion workers hired to area across the way from Iran's water·way. o nizcd by hi r Uow a lead r. rare type - type A negative. The replace them. Despite troop movements and ply. Morgan is also a professor Vocum offerrd hi, n sl .lancl' to nnd cv(>ry 1 ndcr . n th CQuntrie ld HOME· Everyone likes to go home for Abadan oil field is taken as a sign :reat Sand· donor must have had third' degree In Chicago, Wilson officials Christmas, and The Daily Iowan that he is not serious about invad· concentralions, Foreign Ministry of sanitary .ngln"ring It SUI. the council after a house h _ was of th West-could , l and hear tho AcroSl burns in the past and must have hailed the decision and said the staff is no exception. ing Iran. For no military com­ sources said Iraqi diplomats give He said the city ha two prob- movinll two we 'k ' ngo wa di~ · what 1 have . nand Ilcard. 773. 12-UR had skin grafts in the last two "Th m u t u a I und·rstanding plant would resume "operations There will be no paper Friday mander bent on serious military them a milder picture of Kas­ lems: 1. At certain times durln~ manlt('d by officials wh n th re years. in an orderly manner beginning or Saturday, but we will resume sem's policies tban he has b en ther by created could In itscll do business advertises the movement tbe year, the Iowa Rher is unfit was not enough room ior it to Iter Officials said two pints o( the Monday." publication Tuesday. Next week voicing. Some sources said they much to di solve thli is~u thal of troops. travel betwccn tre lining th blood came from donors in Spring. In a statement, th. company there will be no paper New Year's Yet Crom the Iraqi's leader point believed he i trying to use a for­ as a water upply ; and 2. There divid the world." str t. field, Mo., one pint from st. Louis, said it plans to be in the market Day, but we will publish Saturday. of view the troop movement, plus eisn quarrel to unite his peOple, is a problem of low pre ure due His remark: could be intorprot. Mr . Thelma B. Lew! , member and the rest oC the blood Crom the for livestock at Albert Lea on A merry Christmas to all. and Iran's excited reaction, creates the deeply split between pro-Commu­ ed Will wishing that U.S. critics to an inadequate di tribulion ~ys­ of tbe committee. lold Yocum th bs American Red Cross. The boy wa~ Monday morning and will begin best wishes for the holiday season. illusion 'of external danger that is nists or leftists and the Arab na­ of foreign .id could hno h.d tem. commit! e would call him if th y given a SO·50 chance to live. slaughtering operations the same The Daily Iowan Staff helpful to him in the attempt to tionalists who rally to President the benefit of hi. uporlenc •• had any que lions. Pont consolidate his power. It could Gamal Abdel Nasser or lhe Unitrd He suggested thnt either the But hi xpreSSl'd hope that ality, prove of aSSistance, for instance, Iowa Wnter Service Company un­ Yocum said he had :I hou to "every lead r in the countri 01 Arab Republic. movc to Iowa City from Coralville, ability. in rallying many disaffected sold­ Iranian officials said they will dertake orne major improve­ th We t OO could what he had iers in the Iraqi Army who might and he asked speed in acting on seen rai ed lh qu liOn: Who put the dispute before the World ments in the existing facilities or hi s application to move the struc· y Prol. George 'Robeson Dies; forget their grievances against Court at The Hague, or befol'e the wa h talking about! Kassem, temporarily anyway, if that Ule city take Over the job of ture. Ei ('nhow r didn't (X'Cify. United Nations if it becomes criti­ The city salary incr as(>. which they had a patriotic distraction. supplying water. Ei nbower load bareh nded. in finishes cal. They said they did not think will go into effeet Jan. I, was pro­ From tho point of view of the it would be necessary to call Oil Melrose Avenue between South the cold wInd thal wepl cro vided Cor in the city' budget ap­ lh c\lip south of th Whfte On SUI Faculty 37. 'Years Shah of Ir.n, the con,plcuous allies for assistance if there is an Ri verside Drive and South Grand proval last ummcr. E House - the cene of th ' national Inql m.neuvors, lIS well •• ttt. attack. Avenue had been clo ed to traffic City tanager Roan will receive fir. exchlng'" by bordor patrol., Turk.y and Plkistan the top pay under thc new s('bedule Chri lmas tree lighting - but olh­ ~any George F. Robeson, SUI prorcs- I taught a shorl tim. at Colorado . the death of ProfoSior E meritv. since la t summer. For several erwi he wa warmly (two Ir nlMls wore kill.d), dram· art Iran', Plrtnors In the Con· with a salary of $13,401. Ronn al 0 dressed. of 18 sor emeritus and a member of T.achers Coli.... , Robelon, the Cofl ..o Llber.1 .tlzes a point th.t tho Irani.n tr.1 Treaty Org.nil.tlon, Ttt. months the street was c10eed to receives $2,275 ns mnr:ftlger of the Radiant heaters also h lped ward Arts has lost _ of Its oUtstlnd· the political science faculty for 37 "Education 'is a hard process," rul., hili botn m.king· United St.tos is a member of the all traffic, but la t week it wa sewer rental office. off the chill years, died early Wednesday morn· Robeson has said. "It is supposed ing teachers. Professor Robesol' Iy to Westem This il .lIianco's military and oth~r H. g..inned broadly when ttt. ing at University Hospitals at ilie to make ­ (or the President. • ,Inatlv. thinking." " I, .nd form.r head of tho SUI the Shah himself. northern province of Azerbaijan in pound hippo. Then, in the after­ pens all the time . Although he didn't ..t bade to IIOthl", •• dl ..', I. I ntW Politic. I Scionce Department, And that is why Washington 1947. noon, Prospect Park Zoo came in Peter 11 paced the floor like apy ttt. White Houso until aft.r mi~ idel," he told hi. cIa..... "N.w said: "GH,," P. Robeson w., thinks the border quarrels between volved. Both babies were born Cather at birthing time and he's night, Eisenhowor was .t his teeth or tho now look Is ..,y. A _ of tho very beat telc:htrli I Iraq and Iran have produced the with its birth announcement - a been pacing it ever since. The cit. by , a.m. He hold • series llew ldo. 11 dI.turblnl. It I, III have .v., known. F., mon tNn odd situation where each coun· 7O-pound hippo. reason i that he wants to get into of Conf_CH, _ with Vice difficult •• talki".· with your forty years, ., friend aM eol· try is inadvertently serving the Expect Cold, Mothers everywhere should be the pool and get thoroughly soused P ...sident Richlrel M. NixOft and purpose of the other - as long as '."." I•• guo In tN Political Science interested in these events becau e but Phoebe won't let him in. .nother with C.binet members these qU/lrrels remain short on He joined tho SUI faculty in 1922 Dtplrtment, I had 1ft unusulfly several unusual features are in· In fact, Phoebe has been so and others coneemad with ttt. bloodshed. The betting bere is that under water in the hippo pools and mean to Pete lhat be's been iso· and was named 'a full proCessor load opportunity to obsorvo hi, s,,", industry labor dispute. nolbing more than this will come Cloudy Yule both nurse under water. They had lated for his own safety in a near· in 1939. He retired to the status _rk. Thore are • great many The White House also an- peopll II\' Iowa tocIIy, prom!. of it. by stall and that's where he's pac­ of professor emeritus in 1955 A chilled December sun broke no c~oice in the matter because nounced the formal nomination of IIOfIt busl.,..., tho "..... 1_, ing. /tolleson had been on a leave of i" through the clouds briefly in the their big, fat mothers stay in the Adm. Robert L. Dennison to be absence ,the past year. DUlling the and In polItics, who vlviclty .... The only lime he slands still Is southwest Wednesday, but most of -water m~st of the time. the supreme NATO commander in fall seme ter of 1958 !he taught a mtmbtr him for his stlmul.tlng Nation United For when he gets a periodic soaking the state was gray with heavy Both blrt". announcements were the AUantic, succeeding Adm. COurse at SUI in Adminlstrativn teachl", in tN field of lovtrll­ with a fire hose. clouds while temperatures st:ayed d~layed. a bIt to allow the b~by Jerauld Wright. Dennison also will of Justice. ment. 'Last Mo.n' Rites in the low 305. hIpPOS time to get ~sed .to bemg Hippos are the second largest Robeson was born July 25, 1888, "One of the greatest rewards alive. The Brooklyn hippo 15 named land animals and quite catawamp­ command the U.S. Atlantic Fleet Light rain, drizzle or snow fell It Lohrvtllc. His wIdow, Helen th/lt can come to one who has de· HOUSTON, Tex. (.fI - A nation Annie and was born Nov. 24. Her tious when crossed and they must when Wright retires March 1. Katz Robeson lives 'at 322 Beldon voted bis Ilfe to the teaching pro. united paid its linal tributes Wed­ in the north and eastern counties mo\:her is Betsy and her father have their water or their skins de­ While no firm travel plans have St. here. They were married May lession Is the realization that he nesday to Walter Williams last during the forenoon. Highways was named Dodger. He was the velop ugly, raw cracks. been announced, the President 8, 1938, in Des Moine . has lek a lasting impression dpon of more than four million who were wet over the state, and haz­ last Dodger in Brooklyn when he Young hippos will nurse Cor and Mr. Eisenhower probably RobellOll received hi. I.A. .. the multitudes of students who have fought the Civil War. ardously sli ppery In the northeast. died on Oct. 8. about six months. When mature, wiU leave this weekend to vaca­ lewl St... T.. chtr. Cotl... In passed tbroughhis CI8861'OOm. The body rested in a copper Snow is ekpected in the' north­ The Bronx hippo was born about they eat every day 85 pounds oC ti.on at Augusta. Ga., to remain 1'11, hI. M.A. It SUI In 191 ••MI Geprae Robeson earned thif rich basket belore the flower-banked ern border counties today and in a week ago. Its sex is nol known hay, ten loaves of bread and a until just before the new session hi. Ph.D, .. SUI In 1m. H•• 1. George F. Robeson reward in lull meaaure." altar. the northeast quadrant tonight. yet because it hasn't come out o( bushel 01 mixed vegetables. of Congress opens Jan. 6, Good Listening- Steel Workers \lote Today On WSUI

THE BALANCE OF CHRIST­ BODY will be included on MAS WEEK at WSUI will be con: • Rhythm Rambles at "high noon" slstently sporadic . For example,.' today when Larry Barrell shakes On Offer Planned today's sign-of! time will be ~ down Christms coodie~ ~rom the p.m.; the slation will remain ocr popular music Christmas tree. By ROWLAND EVANS JR. overwhelming membership sup­ tween the parties. James P. Fin­ the air Christmas day ; but there (Instead of giving record albums Henld Tribune News Service port for the leadership's re­ negan. the director, announced will be a full day's broadcasting appropriately attuned to the WASHINGTON, - President fusal to accept the "last offer." that the talks would continue. b.ut on Saturday. December 26. Sun­ musical taste of each mcmber of Eisenhower met with key offi­ the union leaders were believed not until after Christmas. prob­ day, as usual. is a non-broad­ the WSUI staff, he will simply cials Wednesday on the deadlock­ to be taking no chances on the ably on SUrklay. Finnegan, who ca ling day. play a selection for each and ed . steel dispute that he had Jan. 11 balloting_ has been guiding the talks. was save the money. ) not optimistic. RELIGION IN HUMAN CUL­ hoped would end before his re­ The move to seek a court TURE, one of WSUI's classroom "THE SOUND OF CHRIST­ turn from abroad. ruling on the question o[ a casl­ broadcasts, is continuing through Thc National Labor Relations MAS" is the title of a four-hour of-living wage increase. and the the vacation schedule. It will be Christmas party to be heard Board announced it would hold effort earlier this week to break heard this morning at 8:30 a.m. from 1 p.m. until 5:00 this after­ a secret election between Jan. down the bargaining into com­ , noon. Items of major interest 11 and Jan. 13 among an esti­ Ike"s Trip To THE NUTCRACKER SUITE, pal1Y-by-company negotiations, include a Christmas cantata by mated 600,000 steel workers, were both viewed as techniques familiar fare at this time of year, RaJph Vaughan Williams. a read­ mo t of them members of the to bring the basic dispute into will conclude a two-hour segment ing of Mr. Pickwick's Christmas AFL-CIO Steel-workers Union. easy focus for the membership. Spain Starts of fine music which begins at by Charles Laughton. and a per­ The only question on the ballot: to pull it oul of the clouds and 10 :05 a.m. Othef selections to be formance. for the third consecu­ acceptance or rejection of the drop it' into the lap of the work­ included arc Piano Concerto No. tive year by the wsm players, of industry's "last offer" for a sct­ ers. There was, it appeared. lit­ 5 by Beethoven. Brahm's Vari­ "Cricket on the Hearth". tlement of the six-month stale­ tle or no anxiety over winning Franco Jokes ations on a Theme by Paganini. mate. the Jan. 11 "last offer" eleclion. and Orchestral Sui t e from THEN, ON SATURDAY. the Miami The history of all "last offer" MADRID but rather II st. & Flftb Ave. • low" Cll:r llUi. MUlcatine Ave. The post card ballot was ac­ Unlfl.d Mondor Worsblp S.rvloe ':'0 Rev. a"1mond O. Sabmel, Pastor won only five seats in Nepal's a new election is refused he will I should take it off. They said it pire with no settlement. "Franco. yqu e?" meaning rough­ • . m. Blbl. Study elal.e. lor oU a,e' ••: .0 .... first general elections last launch a nation-wide civil dis- was an emblem of imperiaiism. companied by a letter Which de­ Administration officials w e re ly "All right, Franco. how about ETeninr Gospel Service, 7:30 p.m . Service 10:45 •. m . fended the union's position to Il •. m . RelDl.r Cbureb Worsblp Servlee 7 lI.m. Choir Pr•• II.e spring. obedience movement with thc ob- But I refused. I like this 'ring and wary about Congressional aelion it now?" Communion .n flnt Sunda, .r every 7:110 p.m . Eveninr S.rvlee ject of unseating the present G1>v- ] li ke the memories that go with date in the negotiations. and in an election year. The laUer referred to the many month. 7 :Hft p.m .• Wednesday Pra,..r ..d Blbl, WAS It was a matter of some relief Study ernment. it. '· warned members not to be "fool­ The Federal Mediation Service grumbles in this country after BETHEL AfRICAN METHODIST from an to western observers here when ed" by company propaganda. held another unproductive bar­ a generation of tight police con­ CHURCH HILLEL FOUNDATION The firi the Nepalese Congress Party. Dr. Singh 's political enemies. lie also di splayed a certificate Despite the appearance of , 411 S. Gov.rnor Sl. 12''! Market. St. gaining session Wednesday be· trols . Tbe Rev. FI'~a L. PtW01, PaaCor when it • headed by B. P. Koirala. won an ridicule his aceusations and laugh of gratitude. signed by the then I , I ., ~ . ' J "'...... ~. Frld.y 7:30 p .... Sorvl••• ...... to •. ra. Scb~ol at his threats; they claim he is Maj. Gen. George E. Stratemcyr, An a CHRISTIAN REFORlItED CBUaCB IEDOVAH'S WITNESSES suffering from delusions of exag- for his help to the downed Ilil)r. ~ 120 H St. rocket m gcrated importance. Yet they are Conference Room No.1 3 p.m. Publl. Addr ... uneasy. Dr. Singh has made Whatcver may be Dr. Singh's Iowa ~temorlal Union " "'alltlnr Wisely In • " r'cic.ed "'OIld" The Santa Frustratecl PIl.n. !031 by J. W. Chlofredo from co plenty of trouble for them in the real attitude towa rd COl'nmllnist Ccin' The : President Transfer Rev. Kenneth L. Haver' • p.lD. W.tchl.... r Siad' past and quite possibly retains China, his views on India are iervl.e. at l~ a.m .•nu 7 p.m. Tuu., 8 ".nt., Book Study the miss As Early Goofs Frida,. 7:110 p.m. Mlnutr,. B...... the capacity to makc more for well known . He is a bitter nnd TilE CHURCH OF CHRIST .:30 ,.m. Servlc. M.etlD, them in the future. One of the out-spoken critic of Indian in­ 1918 Klrl.,... od 3 Disappoint Kids top-ranking officials of the gov- fluence in Nepal. He refers to Bill M"eke:r. Mlolst.r MflNNONlTB CRUaCH 9 •. m. Bible Sludy SH Cl.. rk St. ernment Qescribed him as "a thc ruling Koirala Govcrnment His In Th. Re". Wilbur Na.bll,.n. '1I1.r DAVE PopularIty 1960? 10 •.m. Morblnr Wo",btp By GEORGE W. CORNELL 7 p.m. Evenlnr Sen'lce Sunda.y School Hour, 9:45 I."" dangerous man." as "madc in India " and claims . MornlD, Woublp pense 0 WeO. 7 p.m. Bibl. Slud,. Associated Press Staff Writer There is a haze of mystery that its influence is only skin By ROWLAND EVANS JR. ed two years earlier in the Con­ ity in the main contest. This ex­ 'Openln, .. Door of Falth." Uerald Tribune News Service gressional elections and useless ploded once and for all the the­ It:.S •. m. Mornlnr Wo.,bl, Nikita 'Twas the glad week of Christ­ around this , inoffensive-looking deep. clluacu OF IESUS CBlUST 7:30 p.m . Eveo.lD, Servlc. lillie politician which nobody has Dr. Singh 'once served as prime WASHINGTON - For the first to James M. Cox. ory that a single pair of coat tails OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Tuuday 7:30 p.m . Blbl. SI", aD' Christm mas. and all through the nation. could accommodate a party. m the three years Dr. That was in 1957 before 'Nepal of a popular President to transfer on intimate terms with Herbert In 1958. the Democrats made Sllnday Scbool. 10:30 •.m . Tbursday , :90 p.m. New Year • Eve frustration. Sacrament MeetlDI, • pm• Service Hart Singh spent in exile in Com~ had a democratic consl' ~ ution his electoral magic to some one Hoover. secretly yearned for the . their best sweep since the height and Do He got lost in the East. and . ·rldo» IU a.m. Mornlnr W ...blp munist China between 1952 and and when prime ministers were else is going to be tested next nomination himself and at any of the New Deal. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE be f ~n went plop in the West. while the 1955. His opponents claim, on the still made and unma~ at the year. rate had a standing in the COUIl­ Burllnrl.n ud CUnton 8t •. REORGANIZED CHURCH or JESUS bon , children observed. quite alarmed It is now becoming fashionable The Rev. Har.ld L. Keeney, P.ltor I Clla-IST OJ' LATTER »AY SAINT8 basis of this, that he is a Com- will of the king. Dr. Singh's The question is not one of coat try that did not approach that to talk about the new "sophis­ Sunday 9:4~ • . m. 2%llIIelr••• Av •• ings. and distressed. Mo,nln, Wo,. 10:15 •. I . D . ADdersoA, Mlnl.'.r 'munist sympathizer. if not actual- regime had many of the aUrl- tails but of coats - can Presi- of Teddy Roosevelt or Eisenhow­ 111. Th.~ tication" of the American voters. 7:~O p.m . Cantda, UNlfbt 0' .Nl,hts," Chareh. Stbool. 9:80 ...... If this was a hint oC the fel­ ly a Communist pal'ty member. butes of a one-man show. II was dent Eisenhower drape the Re- er. their fastidious ticket - splitting. by adun choir - M"Dln~ 'Worahl,. 11:81 a .... boqth i. low's proclivities. how would he · . . There are also many who doubt it. honest enough but seemed un- publican Presidential nominee in Franklin Roosevelt died in oC­ and the possibility that they have SJlAROI'l EVAl"GELICAL wanted ever perform his deliveries? Dr. Singh himself denies em- able to get things done. More- the cloak of his own popularity? ~ fice. Harry Truman, despite his consciously grown fond of coali­ THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH UNITED 8RETIIEILN CHUaO. CUnluD .nd Jdfe ... on Sireell Xal ... In Bloom(jeld. N. M., Santa de­ phatically' that he is a Communist over, Dr. Singh antagonized so The answer may have as much surprising triumph in 194~ . was tion governmcnt - a Republican 10 : 1(, a.m. t' arnUy S.rvlc•• 1 Chrl5lm.s Re • . B.w.rd H . Mort" Pa... r c scended. his plane hit a mailbox. or is committed to the Com- many important people with his to do with the making of the new anything but a popular idol in executive and a Democratic legis­ Carols and worship ~:!If a.m. hnby Scb.ol 4 :30 p.m. Church Scboo) Chrlslm.. Pro· IO :3U • . m. W.r. hl, another it dented. munist cause. sharp tongue that it was a mat- President as any other single fac­ 1952. As a result even Adlai Stev­ lature. ,ram 7:S(J p.m . Evenln, Ser~I •• He climbed from the cockpit: I looked up Dr. Singh at his ter o[ no surpris.e when his Gov- tor. including the identity of thc enson , the Democratic nominee. But some political observers Thur.da,. • p.m. one-room oICice in a back street ernment met an early demise. Republican and Democratic nom- spoke of the "mess in Washing­ EVANGELICAL FREE CHUaCa ST. ANDREW· PRES"YTEaIAM. his belly aquiver, and managed think the paradox of 1956 was duc OF CORALVILitE to pose as the holiday giver. of Katmandu. He sat wrapped inees. - ton" in unflattering terms and not so much to punctillious voting ORUItCH in an overcoat al his desk. med- Not since 1908 has an outgoing The Re •. W. R.b.r~ Calberlton. p •• tor 8 ....1 .nd••• Au. "I But 300 younsters looked on in maintained his separate cam­ and not so much to a conscious Sunday Sahool, 9:4G • .m ., Uelrblo much gov itataively chewing betel nut and President with a great popular paign headquarters in Springfield. ,"' arabtp Service, II •. m. a.,.. lIuberl B. ,15lor dismay. and suggested that next love o! divided government. They 7:30 p. m . EvenlDC ServIce occasionally stroking the tip of hold on the people retired from IIl., • ' .m. Ob.reb Seb •• I. fill ,~ •••••• The 0 time he stick with his sleigh. British Diplomat, far away from the White see a simpler explanation - the FAlTH UNITED CHUKca oWer his heavy moustache. the Presidency. Theodore Roose- House_ JO •• m. O••• eb B..... I ..... , ...... Fayel In midtown New York, a big irresistibly magnetic attraction of (E.anr.II.. 1 an' Rd.rm.d) · 1&nder Reminiscing on his political ex- velt bowed out then and hand- The question of popularily­ 11107 Lowe. MUle.llne Rd. requested outdoor exhibit was looted and Lord Halifax Dies the President for millions of E. EUIene Wetsel, ra.t.r W.d •• stlay. ':30 p.m. Senl.r C... I. pcrienccs. Dr. Singh told how he picked his successor. William transfer is going to be more im­ Th ...d"y. 4:.. , .Ib. Juni.. C .... secretary B:4~ •• m. Mornln, Wo ..hlp Santa no longer was with it. Democratic voters. The Demo­ ]0 •.m . W~T8blp O:U a.m. Sunda,. Sch.ol And missing as well from the had crosscd the bordcr into Tibet YORK. England (A'I _ Lord Howard Taft. Teddy Roosevelt portant to the Republicans of crats, according to expert poll­ in the early fifties when the po- Halifax, former British foreign picked a fight with the Democrat- 1960 than it was in 1908. In 1908 11 a.m. Morolor Wo ..blp 8T. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CIIAPIL rooftop display was one of the sters. oul-register the Republicans MI .....I S, •• d Iitical situation got toO' hot for ic nominee. the perennially hope. the Republicans were the' undis­ FIRST "BAPTIST CIIUROU reindeers hitched to his sleigh. him in Nepel. The Chinese Com- secretary and ambassador to ful William Jennings Bryan. in something like 55.000.000 to 35.- .O~ E. J.lte".n puted m~jority. party. They had 000,000. No precise counl is possi­ Norlb Cllnl.n .n. fllrchil. 81 •. Re.. John C •• DES In Denville, N. J .. a club munists permitted him to go on Washington. died Wednesday the midst of the campaign. The kept a tidy grip on Congress in Rev. G. Thorn •• FaU.rulU, Mlnlder A: lIO .nd "' !4~ • . In. Jolnl orvlcu.i ble because in some states regis­ ~"ry J.I .. Merh. University Work OUt kf'deemfr Lutheran Cburc~, %~l planned a game, with Santa ar­ to Peiping. There. as he admits. night at 78. - idolized President gave TaCt a Worship 8,80 •. m . the 1906 off-year elections. tl'ation by party is not required E. Curl SI. riving with toys in a plane. he read a "lorry-load" of Com- Death came in his family home strong leading hand into tbe Republicans of the modern era fI : ~ a.m. Chure" Scbo.1 and in others registration does I I): I~ I.m. Worship BT. TIIOMAS l\(OJlE CHAPEL But the things had a mishap munist literature. But he main- near York. He had suffered a hip White House. [I p.m. youth Choir haven't, reaJly won a decisive not mean what it seems to mean . 4V~ N. alverolde before he got on it, and though tains that the Chinese Reds did fracture last July 21 and had to In 1960. Eisenhower will do no Congressional election since 1946. 11:110 p.m. Cbrl.lma. F.mlly Nlrb! Montllnor J . D. Oonwa,. Pa... r no one was hurt. the kids were It 8un •• , M ...... 3:44. 8, 8, I •• 1I:11t ..... not succeed in converting him to undergo surgery. He got out of hand-picking. But during the in spite of Eisenhower's over­ is indisputable. then. that the FIRST CHRI TIAN CHURCR .n' ~ p.m. Tbe I" • •111. m ... I, • HI,_ despondent. their cause. On the contrary, he the hospital Aug. 2. campaign he will be expected to Republican nominee next year 217 E. Iowa Ave. MI • ,lInf by the conlre,.U ••• whelming triumphs in the Jast D.n, - 8:IIt, 7 7:M a.11I. ------....--~-----.:---...:....------do as much for Vice President will have to enlice many Demo­ The Re •. A. C. Uolrlcbler Jr. • p.,ler .n. two Presidential elections. S.lly A. Smith. Mlnl.le ••, E.... II.o · . . Nixon, for Gov. Nelson Rockefel­ It is true that the Republicans crats - or at least many voters 9:15 a.m. C1,urc" 8ellool lit ..II .'01 ST. WENCESLAUS CBUlteR 111 :80 • . m . W ...hl, 618 B. D.venporl 81. ler or for any other hidden Re­ captured Congress by the nar­ who say they are Democrats - [I:M p.m. Chriltm.. Chareh F.mny The Re • • fl .... ard W. N ....II. r.,I .. publican who conceivably may be rowest of margins in the 1952 in order to win . How much pun­ e.vio•• nd ",., 8lrthd.y P.rty Su .... y, 0:" ...... 1. It'" by-proxy would the President • • • 11 ' 4~ • . m. on the Presidential ticket next election. But a larger total of fiRST CBuaCB Dally M ...... , LID .• ,:1It •. Ib. fall, as Roosevelt did for Tafl­ voteS' in the COWl try went to Dem­ have on these voters? Franklin or OH&IST. SCIENTlsr · . . ~2~ . r.. C.lie,. 81. TIIB UNITED CHUROH '''' 2 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1959 Iowa City, Iowa assuming his populaflty glow ocratic Congressional candidates Roosevelt had virtually none when 81nda, School, 11 ... m. J IIt7 t .....r M u,c.ll ... I.•• he tried to purgc his own party in U _.m. Leuon Sermon: E. Eu,e". W.t.el, r ....r does not fade. than to the Republicans. The lIand.y 8 .....1. 9,U •.111. n. Dally Iowan If written and edited by Merit. aM i8 governed by p bO/Jrct of five studen~ trusteea elected by 1938. Teddy Roosevelt apparently HC brl.U~n Sclenc~" Since 1908, neither party has Democrats took over Congress Wed .•• ,.m. T ••UmoD, ll•• Unr Mornla, Wo,. .. i •• ,:.~ ••• 1111 ••• tMlf1Ident body arad four faculty truafeea appointed by the president of the University. The Daily Iowan', had the services of _an outgoing two years later. They not only had a great deal when he backed . . . 1 p.m. 1,.•• 10., W .....lp IflIIorlGI policy, therefore, II noI an ft1JT/J8rion of SUI administration policy or opinion. In any partloolar_ popular idol. In 1920, at the end retained but expanded that con­ Taft in 1908. The answer in 1960 flaST ENOLISH LUTBEILAN oauaoa TalNITY· IPI OOPAL. CRU.O. of his second term. Woodrow WiI· trol in 1956. while the President could hold the key to the election. Dubuque and Markel SI•• Iltt E. cone,. 81. DAILr IOWAN IDITO.IAL BrAFr caUon. Center I. open from ••.m. Rev. Roy Wln,.I •. P.oIor Th. ae,' J. B. Ia •• I...... r DIOI. son was a broken man. repudiat- was rolling up a record plural- Th ..... y 11 p.m. Chr1s111l .. lYe •• - I.••. L. AUDIT BualAU Edltor ...... _...... Ron Weber to 5 p.m., Monday throullh Frida, R.bert W.lker, Oh,laI• and from 8 b> 10 on Saturday. vic" 8 a.m. Ret, C.mmunlen OF Managing Editor . _. . Ben Blackrlo<>k '.m. Friday 18 • . m. Commanlon News Editor . . , .... , .... Mlck Holmes Make-Iood service on mIssed papen ' :1$ .... m. F.mll, S.",I... X • ..." OJ&()ULATIONI Is not pOulble. but every eUort wUl qFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN Sunaa" Servlcu. If, B, II • •nt . hurth "h ••1 F.~ Itorlal Assl.tant .... Carol ColUnl Noner1-8 .t II • . Ib. City Editor .. Marlene Jorgensen Perrin be made to correct errors with the II • .m . M.rnln, Pr.1" next Issue. 8an'", S.ho.1 9 •. m. Monh" Wednesuy 9 : i ~ •. m . ..., Sport. Editor ...... _.. Don ForlYthe , p.m. L.lher Lea,ue Society Editor ...... Anne Warne. Comm,.nlon Publl.hed dall" except Bund." .nd MEMBI& .f Ibe ASSOOIATID PBE81 University B'ulletin Board 'rld.y U: 13 . ;m. COID11I ..1 •• • Chle/ Photo,..apher ..... Jerry Smith University Mond., .nd holiday. by Slu­ The Assocloled PrOIi I. entitled ex- fiR T PJlE8BYTflRrAN CHVROH · . . llent Publicaliono, Inc., Communlc.­ clu.lvely to the 'l.e for republication U.I•• nll, ".11.11.••• H ...... II. re•• I ... II&' Tilt D.II,. Ie.... elrlea, n . M ...I.Y' CHURCR DAILY IOWAN ADVI&TI8ING ITArr 20 fl . Markel al. tIon. Center, Iowa City. Iowa. En. of all the local new. printed In thII ..... 101 Commu.l.allo •• C •• I .., b1 •••a ., lbe .a, b.I... publle.llea. Tb., Calendar U •• P. 1I ... i •• n MI.I.I" Iffr..... tn' tl." 8 ... tered a. _ond elalS mlll~r II the new. poper a. well •• aU AI' lIew. • ...... ,.,.tI ...... tI "" .....1,., or .lIIe.r e' Ibe ••, ..., ...11 •• hlllr Til. Rev. Jerome ,. Lei.... M,n.I,n.r C. H. lII.i .. b.r,. Pliler DNt office at Io.. a City. under the BUl l ness Mana.eT .nd dlspatcheL . . hnda, M •• , ...... Y,M ...... Ad v.rUsln, Dlreclor .... Mel AdlJll.l _...,...______' ,.bll.b••• P ...I, ...lal , •••11 ...... 1I41~1 • .1., ..fa .e.II••• Vni ....lly P ..I.r let of Conlfeu of Marcb 2, 1878. unto .nd II ...... Chu.cll .....1 I'IIG lI.m .. 11 1M •.m . Advel'tlslnll Manl,u ..•. JI7 WIItoD D.II, - TIIM a .... DAILY IOWAN BUPEBvaO.S f.BOII TilE QUADRANOLE CAFETERIA will closed: Dec. 21-23 and 28-31 open 8,10 and 11 • . m. M.rnln, ".r.~I, .,t3 .... Retail Adv. M,...... Oordoll Anthon7 SOHOOL OF 10UaNALISM FAC1JLTI dose following the evenln, meal to· from 8 a.m . to noon And trom 1 10 MondlY, January 4 W ••.• 7 p.11I. r .....hAI · . . lIT. PATRICK' cMVaOll .,Ial 41t1 from noon to mldnJ,ht to Glas81fj~ ~dv. M,... . Larry Henn..,. Publisher •...... Jobn M. Harrison day I1nlll Jan. 3 wilen re.u/er servlee 0 p.m. Relular hours rcsume J.n. 4. • • • 7:30 a.m. - Resume Classes. FI1L81' METRODI8'r' CRuaeR 1t4 I _ C ..rl 81. NPOrt lIew. Itenu, women', pa,e Aul,tant Classified Editorial . _•. .. Arlhur M. Banderson will resllme. [cbar' E,.n, p.tler bema, for Ulnouneemenla w The Adverll,lln, ...... J Qhn Kollmall LlBRA.Y HOUR8 fOIL BOLIDAYS: ~err.n.n .. n. D."ue III •• .n .• AdverUsln, M,...... )(Jekey I'ulwller 8 p.m. - Senate Chamber - Dr. t. L. Dannlnrl••• Mlal.l.. a.... lI.rry tlnnubrln_, o.. blaal IIalIT Iowan. Editorial oWee. are In Circulation .. _..... Wilbur Peterson "liE IOWA MEMoalAL UNION will Saturday. Dec. 19. 7:30 • . m .-noon: lid., m ..... _ .:IM, . :tn, .:... II lie Communication. Center. Promotion Man.,u .. !. Dave O,..ID 9:!IO " .111. Church S..... I remain Open on a limited schedule nee. 2l·Dec. 23. 7:30 8.10 .·5 p.m.: Humanities Society-Prof. Thom· U:ao • . rn. M.,nln, ,,,,,... 1, ••• IS '.ID. - D.n, .:to. 'III .... Adv. Sales Coordinator Lym.n K.ber T.U8TIES. BOARD or 8TUDINT during Chrlstnl.' vacation. The EASt Dec. 20. Dec. 24.27, Jon. I and 2 the as Roscnmcycr from the Univer­ · . . PU8LIOATIONS Lobby arca nnd Ihe Television L.oungc lillrary wilt 1)0 closed. Regulul' sched­ • • • ZION LIITHP:a"N CHUIO. hbacrmllon rale. - by carder In Walter Barbee. A4: 0.. ClIor ... will be open Irom I p.m. until 10 ule SUllday. Jan. 3. sity oC Washington. Flk~ r (/NITARlA'" OOlllTY lollno••• n .. 81 .....i8," ...... Cil)', 25 cenla weekly or IU) per DAILY roWAN CUlCULATlON E •• toll. Colle,. 01 DtilU.lry; Jan. p .m .•tartln, S.tul·day. ncc. 19 u"tli I.w. Av •.• nd Ollh.rllli. lIe .. l.e•• Ind 10::If ...... rur. In adv.nee; .Ix monlh.. n .M; Clrcut.119n .... Boben BeU Gilchrist. A3; Paul E. Hall'cnlon. 03; claues rclume l\'Ionday. Jan. " ex­ UNIVlaSITY COOPJ!laATIVI " .."y. Thursday,' Jlnuary 7 1'.~Io. Reo. a ... re. Arlll... lIand., "ch •• ) ' ! I~ ...... IIIOnth.. e3.00. By mall In Iowa. Judllh Jonel. A4; Prof. HUllh KellO • cept Ictr Jan. 1 when they wlU be 81TTING LEA,OUI book will be In ' ::141 Upper IIche.1 A ...II "_Ie VI_ "" I ••, Jev; aIx monlh •. 15: th ••• Department of PoIIUc.' 1Ie1.nee; Prol. open Irbm 9:30 •. m . to LO:30 p.m. The the chor,_ .o( Mrs. F\lzl.,rald from 8 p.m. - Shambaugh AUditor­ 10:15 L..... Sell ••1 • • • -UII, ea; an other m.1I .ubsorlp­ Di41 41'1 if yOU do not receive 70ur Leslie O. Mo~lIer. School of Jouma~· hours for the real 01 the building are: Dec. U-Jltn. 3. Telephone htr at A-24~~ JO'IIO a .m. Cha.eb lIe,.I,! ium - Annuol Doso Memorial V lIT .."HI 1I08PIT"f, ".""'" •• '10 ~~ )lear; 1&1: IDODUII ....10; Oally Iowan by. 1:30 ...... Tbe DeII7 11m; Sara D. Schindler! A4; Prof. L • today the Union will oloBe at ~ p.m.; Ie 0 "IUeI'. 'I" .1"loQ1UUlpn about tho uM."e)'tI by John fllr , ,aetl .,,,.klf W.,.hlp 9 ' .m. s: 4. ~aa Dzllto ~ ~ Lecture. , .,. IJIOQUII, eaa loYall oI{cl&\8Uo11 oaIoe ~ CoI9mUDI- ,I __ D~. 18 ap~ 30, tH.U, III1d ,J'1I1\, l·a IIroup 11 dellred. ,'.. ':l1li ,... .Ir•• ltli 01 •• ....., g._.,I,a - .·If .~ .., ...... AiCls For Safe Iftsomnia? Take Coulse Child Sends Yule Gifts To Hospital of ma1cWl .. me Teacliing 'In~tant Sleep' boy or girl at ni erslty bosPftals a litUe m mer. Kalby bas S~l By ~ILL'AM MILLI"SHIP night in the same bedroom kept at two Chri tmases ill a bospltal ber­ Skiing ExpJoioed Bt'S - La ..... OI._r.~, Su"u the same temperature, and go If, though she's at home DOw. PAR1S _ Frenchmen can now through the ritual of the exerci She ha had tubercu1 . _ They're off on skis! With several that you should not ski if you are take a colTaPODdence course to in darkn and sil nee. doing yoot communities developing their own tired, in poor physical condition or learn how to fall asleep a soon as be t to relax completely. SEEK MEXICAN SONG slopes and slide , skiing in ]owa very cold. And to be safe, you their hfads touch the pillow. Tbe The melhod ha been thoroughly IEX1CO CITY 11'1 - )lui- has become an increasingly popu­ should never ski alone especially French League for Conditiooed tested by doctors, and Scandel say can bre,,' ry is ponsorin( a lUI­ lar winter sport. on a strange slope. Sleep, just founded, provides (or it works in seven ca out of ten . lionwlde eonl for a new Christ­ And it is a wonderful sport - II you do have an accident. no­ those afflicted by "mental insom- The League for Condiliont'd Jeep mas song thai will be tlally if you follow a few precautions and Ufy the ski patrol immediately. nia." wa founded to bring the benefits of 1exican. ~ pro 30,000 pesos remember that safety must be The signal for help Is crossed skis Jean Scand I, a short , dark-haired complete re I to as many people as 1$2, I. your first consideration, said Geor­ stuck in the snow. ff there is no man of 35, who runs the organiza- possible. and is quite eparate from gia Schroeder, instructor in the ski patrol, the injured person tioo, believe that about 25 per cent Scandet-s clinic. H i a non-profit SUI Department oC Physical Ed­ should not be moved without of the French population suffer making organilation with a mem­ ucation (or Women. splints, Miss Schroeder warned. If from the kind of steeplessne ber of the Pari Municipal Council PoinseHias If you are developing a ski area. you do not Imow how to apply caused by the pace of modern lire. as chairman of the committee. It one of the first things you should splints, cover tbe injured persod When they go to bed their brains doe not claim to cur serious cases do, before you o~ the area, is and go for hel". are sUll ticking over too fast and of insomnia caused by illne ,and to organize a ski patrol, Miss When you're skiing and you start tbeir bodies are too tense. does not give any private lesson - Schroeder a

I • ,. ,