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JOBNAME: Ross PAGE: 1 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Fri May 27 10:11:14 2016 Index acquittals 81, 88, 162, 245, 376, 442 conditions 137 directed verdict 75, 109, 373, 375 final orders 136, 137 double jeopardy and appeals of 37–8, First Information Report (FIR) 135 56 historical background 123 Japan 85, 86, 404, 406, 407, 410, 414 developments since 1973 129–34 judge as investigator 89 Independence to section 438 126–9 judgment reasons 96–9 Indian PoliceAct 1861 to acquittals overturned: inadequacy Independence in 1947 123–6 of 101–4 interim orders 136–7 jury 38, 54, 56, 57, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, key features of s 438(1) 137 88, 373–4, 378, 439 knowledge of imminent arrest 135–6 Spain 86, 377, 380 lawyers’fees 137 pre-trial detention 192 text of s 438 136, 159–60 relative disappearance of 85–6 appeals 78, 79, 85, 371, 521 transcripts of trial testimony: acquittals 89, 442 overturn 91 double jeopardy and 37–8, 56 adversarial-inquisitorial dichotomy 4, Japan’s lay judge system 404 13, 16, 35, 36, 58–9, 245 jury verdicts 38, 54, 56, 57, 80, 81, appeals of acquittals 37–8 82, 373–4, 377, 378, 439 re-prosecution 39 ‘cassation’and ‘appeal’90–91, 440 endurance of 519–33 cassational courts, efficacy of 90–93 strengths 523–6 Japan 404, 410, 414 tradition 520–523 jury verdicts 38, 54, 56, 57, 58, 80, weaknesses 526–32 81, 82, 373–4, 377–8, 423–4, exclusionary rules 13, 18–19, 39–41, 438–42 44, 244 reasons on appeal 427–8 history 80–83 negotiated verdicts 47, 51 ‘innocence-weighted’approach 36–7 non-prosecution decision 225, 241–2 juries 14, 55–6 Spain 85, 92, 375–6,
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