ב"ה תשורה למשתתפים בשמחת הנישואין של אברהם משה וגאלדא איטא חמישה-עשר בשבט ה'תש"פ Memento from the wedding of Golda and Avrohom Moshe Hanoka 15th of Shevat, 5780 • February 10, 2020 © 2020 All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form, without prior permission, in writing. Many of the photos in this book are courtesy and the copyright of Lubavitch Archives. www.LubavitchArchives.com
[email protected] Additional photos from RebbeDrive.com Produced by Hasidic Archives Studios www.HasidicArchives.com
[email protected] Printed in the United States To download a copy of this memento, please go to RebbeDrive.com or Teshura.com Index Welcome ...................................................... 5 The Rebbe's Memento .................................. 6 The Rebbe's Mazel Tov ................................. 7 Of Science, Yiddishkeit and Positivity ......... 9 My Father’s Kashrus Stories ....................... 23 Three Answers, Global Guidance .............. 27 In the Rebbe’s Presence ............................. 37 Desire to Assist .......................................... 48 The Rebbe at the wedding ofkallahs's grandparents, Berl and Fruma Junik, Sivan 9, 5714. WELCOME ,שיחיו Dear Family and Friends As tradition, at all joyous events we begin by thanking G-d for grant- ing us life, sustaining us, and enabling us to be here together. We are thrilled that you are able to share in our simcha. Indeed, Jewish law en- joins the entire community to bring joy and elation to the chosson and kallah. In honor of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding in 1928, the Fri- erdiker Rebbe distributed a special teshurah, memento, to all the cel- ebrants: a facsimile of a manuscript letter written by the Alter Rebbe.