Uncanny ability Pensacola Beach Dolphin hoops starts season 2-0 is a Holiday Parade sticky subject B1 rings in the season Sports, C1 4B Gulf Breeze High School Drama Presents FRIDAY, DEC 7th - 7:30 p.m. Tickets available online All Seats SATURDAY, DEC 8th - 7:30 p.m. through PSC Theatre Dept. Reserved SUNDAY, DEC 9th - 2:30 p.m. or by calling 850-484-1847 Ashmore Auditorium, Pensacola State College December 6, 2018 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER $1.00 SOS group’s efforts are Yes, you can paying off Developer must add exit to Hwy. 98 fight City Hall BY PAM BRANNON Gulf Breeze News © 2018 Homeowners prevail
[email protected] Dara Hartigan led 60 people in a in Catawba appeal discussion about Soundside Drive de- velopment and recent flooding issues Sunday at Dave’s Oyster House in and who encouraged the City to, in effect, make BY GLENDA CAUDLE Gulf Breeze. Hartigan, president of the Gulf Breeze News © 2018 Catawba a toehold in that battle. Save Our Soundside non-profit organi-
[email protected] It has been an expensive battle, with costs run- zation recently formed, told the group ning well beyond three quarters of a million dol- its efforts have already paid off, saying Judge John F. Simon Jr. got it right when he lars for the taxpayers, and that does not include “The county has decided not to make found in favor of Gulf Breeze residents Dr. John bills incurred by the City on appeals. A recent Soundside Drive Deadman’s Curve the Lance Reese, Peter Peters and Mitzi Peters and review of those showed another $10,500 billed to only entrance and exit to the new Na- when he then demonstrated the City by two of the firms involved in the case ture’s Cove, now under development.