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ProEnvironment 7 (2014) 240 - 246

Original Article First Record of the Pontian fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) in the Someş , Transylvania – Romania

COCAN Daniel1, Vioara MIREŞAN1*, Vasile OŢEL2, Tudor PĂPUC1, Călin LAŢIU1, Viorica COŞIER1, Radu CONSTANTINESCU1, Camelia RĂDUCU1

1University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj - Napoca, Mănăştur St., No. 3 – 5, 400327 Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development – Tulcea. 165 Babadag St., Tulcea, 820112, Romania

Received 9 November 2014; received and revised form 21 November 2 014; accepted 30 November 2014 Available online 10 December 2014


In our research paper we recorded for the first time the presence of the Monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis) in Someş river, located in the North-Western Transylvania region. The first specimen was caught in 2013 between the villages Lemniu and Letca (Sălaj County). This is the reason why we decided to make futher investigation, thus in 2014 we have organized scientific researches and field trips in four different sites on the Someş river: Cetan and Valea Groşilor (Cluj County), respectivelly Letca and Cuciulat (Sălaj County). We managed to catch 105 specimens, which were taken for further investigations. The species was identified by dichotomous keys and morphological characters. Based on our field observation, considering the biology of this species, we conclude that Neogobius fluviatilis area is in continuous expasion. Keywords: Neogobius fluviatilis, Transylvania, Someş river, first record.

1. Introduction On these aspects, we can add its special reproductive capacity, which allows among other Neogobius fluviatilis, known in Romania under things to interbreed with other species of the same several names (goby, puddle goby, shepherd goby, [17]. These physiological characteristics, and monkey goby), is part of the family, human intervention [12, 3] allowed this species to subfamily, Neogobius genus. Its extend its area of distribution, today being found in origin is from Ponto-Caspian area, natural range of waters of most countries of Central and Eastern this species includes the and Azov Sea [32, 31, 24, 23, 33, 16, 7], as well as in [31], the [30], the [26] and North America [19]. the Marmara Sea [20, 8]. In terms of morphology, this species belongs to Monkey goby is an euryhaline species, being the Gobiidae family and it is very difficult to found in both stagnant waters and flowing waters identify [5]. For proper identification, dichotomous [21], with great adaptability to different salinity keys and some anatomical features are often used , values [14, 4, 22], showing a great plasticity. as presented by Oţel [21], for differentiating the characteristics of Neogobius fluviatilis and other Gobiidae species (Neogobius syrman, Neogobius * Corresponding author. Tel: +40-264-596384 Kessler, Neogobius melanostomus, Neogobius Fax: +40-264-593792 eurycephalus, Neogobius gymnotrachelus, e-mail: [email protected] Neogobius rattan and Neogobius niger), species that are found in Romania.

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During the last period however, new Northwest (Transylvania) became just a matter techniques of genetic engineering are used, of time. This was proved in 2013, but not in such as DNA sequencing and microsatellites the Crişul Repede river. In August 2013, were [20]. Theories related to the spread and the caught by recreational fishing, 3 specimens of extending area of the Monkey goby Monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis) in the are numerous. The most plausible is the Someş River, between the localities Letca and possibility that this species reaches into new Lemniu, Sălaj County. territory with the ballast water of ocean vessels and / or river vessels, especially where 2. Material and Method conditions allow it [2]. Semenchenko et al., [28], assigns proper migratory characteristics Since the species could not be identified of this species, indicating that it has expanded in situ, the specimens were transported to the its in areas where marine transportation laboratories of Ichthyology and Physiology of is almost entirely missing, as Vistula river Aquatic Organisms at UASVM Cluj-Napoca. (Poland) and Bug river (crossing , The species was subsequently identified Belarus and Poland). based on dichotomous keys and consultation Another possibility which facilitates the with other ichthyologists from Romania. spread of Monkey goby enunciated by Slynko Bibliographic data, on the presence of this et al., [29] and Didenko [6], is that artificial species in the waters of Transylvania was lakes and water reservoirs arranged on large collected from the literature and came to the streams, create optimal conditions for conclusion that this species is reported for the reproduction [1, 15] and feeding [9, 13, 27]. first time in Someş River, by our research The connection of these water reservoirs team. Because of this, we designed an with other channels (for shipping or experiment that would provide us additional agricultural irrigation), facilitates the escape of data on the distribution and biology of the specimens and their spread [11]. Roche et al., species in the new habitat. We have also [25] mentions that the factor which favored the established sampling sites for future expansion area for the Monkey goby is the investigations (Fig. 1). geopolitical context of recent decades, the fall The first three specimens were caught of communism in Eastern Europe. T by sport fishing techniques. We decided not to he increasing trade with Western use electrofishing techniques in the new areas countries has led to sea transportation of of investigation, because of its effect on other containers (and therefore implicitly Monkey species. Therefore, subsequent investigations gobies carried by vessels) to the main were based on sport fishing techniques, using destinations: Vienna, Duiburg and Rotterdam. as bait larvae of Musca domestica and red In Romania, this species distribution earthworms (Eisenia fetida). In certain area covers all the water course situations, some specimens were caught using sections (downstream of Orşova), the Danube vegetal origin bait mixture (seed mixture), this floodplain ponds, the lower sections of Siret, species being opportunistic in this regard. Prut and Bârlad , coastal lakes and brackish waters surrounding the Romanian 3. Results and Discussions Black Sea coast. Although in recent years, there have Further investigation and reporting of been reported the presence of Monkey goby in this species between the villages of Letca and many Central European countries, the Lemniu (Sălaj County), focused on sectors in Romanian territory has remained unchanged to different parts of the Someş river: Cetan (Cluj this species, especially the western part of County), Valea Groşilor (Cluj County), Letca Romania. This situation has changed in 2011- (Sălaj County) and Cuciulat (Sălaj County). 2012, when near the borders of Romania, in In each location were monitored and , Körösladány City, District of recorded the number of captured specimens, Szeghalmi, Békés County, on the Crişul hydro-meteorological conditions, water depth, Repede river, specimens of Monkey goby were substrate nature, bait used, accompanying identified [10]. species, ethological aspects (Table 1). The Since Crişul Repede river has its source total number of Monkey goby sampled was in Romania, Monkey goby presence in the 105 individuals.

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Someş River


4 Jibou 2 1 Someşul Mare Dej So me şul Mi c

Cluj-Napoca First report of Neogobius fluviatilis Investigation areas Flow direction of Someş river

Figure 1. Someş river catchement; the location of the first specimens of Neogobius fluviatilis recorded and future investigation areas: 1- Cetan; 2-Valea Groşilor; 3 - Letca; 4 - Cuciulat

According to Table 1 data, we can see that in terms of habitat, Monkey goby prefers areas with slow water flow and sandy-muddy substrate in general. Most specimens were captured in shore areas with water depths between 0.5 and 1.00 m. This is not the general rule, because there were specimens caught on gravel and rock substrate and even from the 4.00 m deep excavation sites in the riverbed. Hydrological and meteorological conditions have influences on the feeding behavior of this species. According to our observations, Monkey goby is less active during periods of heavy rainfall, accompanied by the increasing and speed of water flows. In periods of low water flow it is active. Some specimens were caught in the middle of the river Someş areas, using feeder fishing technique, with method-feeders filled with a blend of vegetable seeds and various synthetic attractants. There were no differences in size between specimens captured in shore areas and the deeper areas of the river. All small specimens, were captured in shore areas. It is a highly opportunistic species in terms of feeding behaviour. Although in the same habitat it coexists with other species (Alburnoides bipunctatus, Alburnus alburnus, Gobio gobio, Perca fluviatilis, Leuciscus cephalus etc.), almost always was the first species to attack the bait. Making fishing sampling trips in different seasons of the year, we found a decrease in appetite and a significant reduction in activity with the decreasing of water temperature and in winter becomes inactive. Also, an important aspect we observed is that the species is diurnal, because no specimen was captured during the night sessions. All captured specimens were examined morphologically and dichotomous keys were determined (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). These data corresponds to the informations recorded in international literature, as can be seen in Table 2. Another aspect that we want to mention is sexual dimorphism, regarding the color of Monkey goby males present in the breeding period (April to July). It becomes melanic, having a dark color, almost black, and the edges of the unpaired fins are colored in yellow as shown in Fig. 4.

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Table 1. Sampling sites, GPS coordinates, data regarding the number of Neogobius fluviatilis specimens caught and hydrological and meteorological parameters Cd Ia GPSc n B Wd (m) Hc Wc As Obs 10.08. 2013 Letca- N47o20'27.00'' 3 Musca domestica 1.00 Small water Intense light; Alburnoides bipunctatus; First capture Lemniu E23o29'7.43'' larvae stream; Muddy 26oC Perca fluviatilis; and Gobio gobio sand substrate 01-03.09.2014 Letca N47o20'06.98'' 47 Musca domestica 0.40-1.00 Small water Clear sky; Alburnoides bipunctatus; Some specimens were E23o28'17.84'' larvae + Eisenia stream; Muddy 10-27oC Leuciscus cephalus; caught in the middle of fetida + plant seeds substrate Cloudy sky; Vimba vimba; Gobio gobio; the water 10-17oC; Silurus glanis; Precipitations Abramis ballerus; (9-10mm/m2) Barbus barbus

11-14.09. 2014 Cuciulat N47o19'19.01'' 43 Musca domestica 0.50-4.00 Small water Clear sky; Alburnoides bipunctatus; Some specimens were E23o25'5.70'' larvae + Eisenia stream; Gravel and 11-26oC; Gobio gobio; caught in the middle of fetida + plant seeds sand substrate Slight rain Leuciscus cephalus; the water (1-2mm/m2) Alburnus alburnus; Barbus barbus\ 03.-04.10.2014 Cetan N47o10'53.21'' 5 Musca domestica 1.50-2.00 Medium water Cloudy sky; Alburnoides bipunctatus; Water flow was E23o49'17.57'' larvae + Eisenia stream; Gravel and 10-17oC; Gobio gobio; increasing fetida rock substrate Precipitations Perca fluviatilis; (9-10mm/m2) Alburnus alburnus; Barbus barbus 11.10. 2014 Valea N47o14'24.66'' 7 Musca domestica >1.00 Very small water Clear sky; Alburnoides bipunctatus; Here were caught the Groşilor E23o45'20.50'' larvae + Eisenia stream; Muddy 9-23oC; Gobio gobio; biggest specimens fetida substrate Light breeze Perca fluviatilis; Alburnus alburnus Note: Cd-calendar day; Ia-investigation area; GPSc-GPScoordinates; n-number of Monkey goby caught; B-bait; Wd-water deepth; Hc-hydrological conditions; Wc- weather conditions; As-accompanying species; Obs-onservations

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Table 2. Dichotoma keys of Monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis) caught in Someş River Sp. D1 D2 P V A Sll Sall Sbll OR VI (VII) I+16(17) 15-18 9-12 I+15(14-17) 55-61(53-65) 9(8-11) 9(7-11) DL VI (VI-VII) I+15-16(14-17) 17-18(16-19) - I+13-14(12-16) 55-61(52-65) - - Note: OR-our research; DL-data from literature; D1- 1; D2-dorsal fin 2; P-pectoral fin; V-ventral fin; A-anal fin; Sll-scales on the lateral line; Sall- rows of scales above lateral line; Sbll- rows of scales below lateral line


c d

Figure 2. First Monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis) caught în Someş river (a) and investigations area: Letca (b), Lemniu (c), Cuciulat (d)

Figure 3. Determination of the dichotoma keys of Monkey gobies (Neogobius fluviatilis) caught in Someş river

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Figure 4. Neogobius fluviatilis – male during the spawning period, with melanic coloration and yellow spots on the unpaired fins

This single specimen was captured in July 2014 kessleri in the upper Danube River. PhD Thesis, in Somes River, Lemniu village, Sălaj County. Technical University of Munchen.

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