
Abraham, J. 267–8 antiseptic practices 24, 49, 176, 201 Abrams, Herbert 140 see also clean-air technologies Acheson, George 158–9, 161 Appadurai, A. 269 Action Research 28 Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Activitrax (CRM) 124 Osteosynthesefragen 178–9 Ad. Krauth 118 Army Spectacle Depot 106–7 Adams, Tracey 86 Arnold, P. 162, 166 adjuvant chemotherapy 10, 218–22 Arnold family (instrument makers) AIDS 252, 253 102 air-flow systems see clean-air Arthritis and Rheumatism Research technologies Council 27 airborne pathogens 176 artificial eyes 6, 7–8, 97, 106illus. Allen & Hanbury’s 163 functional 107–8 Alstad, Dr 166 glass 100–5 Alzheimer’s disease 253 purposes 99–100 Alzheimer’s Society 251 synthetic 105–8 Amalgamated Dental Company 105 artificial legs 97 American Cancer Society 143, 254 asepsis see also antiseptic practices American Journal of Medicine 186 Ash, John 42 American Medical Association (AMA) Association for Research in Vision 146 and Ophthalmology 108 American Optical Co 105 Atomic Energy Commission 152 American Registry of X-ray Technicians 85 Bacillus licheniformis 159–60 ampicillin (antibiotic) 203 Baker, Fred 66 25 Ballard, K. 236 Anderson, Julie 6, 7, 9 Barber, Mary 197 Anderson, Steve 118 Barley, Stephen 6, 74 Andrew and Higgins 181 Barlow, R.B. 160 Annals of the New York Academy of Bauer, Martin 202 Sciences, The 198 Bayne, C.M. 76–9 antibiotics Beck, Ulrich 11 back-up 201 Risk Society (1986; 1992) 233–5 bacterial resistance 10, 195–207 Beit fellowship 165 control policies 197 Berg, Marc 2 and E. coli 203–4 Bernard, Claude 161 and farm animals 195–6, 202–6 best practice: dissemination 223–8 and infectious diseases 196–7 Betatron (X-ray) 142–3 prophylactic application 185–6 Beverwijck, Johann van 98 resistance transfer 204–6 Bijker, Wiebe E. 3 and surgical 177 biomedicalization 9 ‘Antibiotics on the Farm – Major Biomedix (company) 119 Threat to Human Health’ 205 Biomet (company) 32

273 274 Index

Biotronik (company) 7, 8, 112–33 Burnet, Macfarlane: Natural History of see also cardiac rhythm Disease (1953) 196 management (CRM) Burnett, Francis Lowell 69 decentralization 128–9 diversification 125–8 C Davis Keeler (company) 105 founding 117–18 Cairo University 165 globalization 129–30 Callahan, Daniel 252–3 international growth 118–20 Callow, R.K. 159–60 marketing initiatives 128–9 Campbell, Allan 163 patent infringement lawsuit 128–9 Canadian Hospital 85 restructuring 120 Canadian Nurse 85 technological innovation 121–5 Canadian Society of Radiological Birmingham Medical School 43 Technicians 86 Blade Runner (film) 107 Canadian Tuberculosis Association Blancourt, Henri de 101 83–4 Blaser, Dr 119 cancer 253 Blodgett, Albert 67 breast 10, 214–22, 252 blood pressure 6, 9, 156–8, 164–71 Hodgkin’s disease 138–9, 141–2, Bloomfield, Arthur 142 148–51, 150illus. Blume, Stuart 3, 7, 9–12, 38, 138 leukemia 139 body exhaust suits 182–4 treatment regimes 8 Burroughs Wellcome (company) changing 223–8 163–4 Cancer Act (1971) 218 Boissoneau family (artificial eyes) cardiac rhythm management (CRM) 102–3 see also Biotronik (company) bone setters/bone setting 4, 20–2 continuous innovation 115–16 Borsch, J.L. 103 defibrillators 113, 127 Boulton, Matthew 42 industry regulation 113–15, 125, Bovril 53 130 Boyse, William 101 innovation system 123illus. Brahe, Tycho 99, 100 pacemakers 7, 8, 112–13 Brambell Committee 203 and socio-economic environment breast cancer 116–17 activism 252 Carson, Rachel: Silent Spring (1962) adjuvant chemotherapy 10, 10, 202 218–22 Celbenin (antibiotic) 201 disseminated-disease hypothesis Central Laboratory 215 205 Halstedian hypothesis 215 Centres for Disease Control (CDC) L-PAM clinical trials 214–18 200 British Gynaecological Society 49 Centres for Medicare & Medicaid British Medical Association (BMA) Services 125 235–7, 238 Chamberlain, Dr 68 British Medical Journal 183, 185 Charité Hospital (East Berlin) 118 British Optical Association Museum Charles Thackray and Sons 31, 32 97, 102, 106, 107 Charlotte Medical Journal 66 Brown, Gordon 99 Charnley, John 9, 27–30 Bücherl, Emil 113, 117 body exhaust suits 182–3 Bud, Robert 3–4, 9, 10 and clean-air systems 179–81 Index 275

impact of his innovations 186–7 commercial laboratories 60–71 theatre hygiene 184–6 computed axial tomography (CAT) Charnley-Howorth air-system 180–1 137 Chemical & Engineering News 202 Conference on Clinical Tests of chemotherapy: adjuvant 10, 218–22 Methonium Drugs (1950) 162 Chew, Hannibal (Blade Runner) 107 Connaught Laboratories 83 Chicago Medical Visitor 66, 69 Connor, J.T.H. 79 Children’s Hospital (Birmingham) Conrad, Peter 2 43, 45–7, 51, 53–4 consensus chloramphenicol (antibiotic) 203 conferences 214, 219–21 Ciba (company) 170 development 218–23, 225 City Hospital (Sydney, NS) 75–9 implementing standards 223–8 Clark, A. Bernard 102–3 Cooter, Roger 24, 62, 70, 71 Clark, Graeme 256 Corbett, Herbert R. 80 clean-air technologies 6–7, 179–81, Cordis (company) 117, 119 185 Cornforth, John 54 Clement Clarke Ltd 105 Cox, William Sands 43 Cleveland Medical Gazette 66, 69 craft traditions 5, 8, 19–22, 33–4 Clinac (MLA) 138 Creelman, P.A. 83 Clinical Laboratory 70 Crenner, Christopher 4, 5 clinical medicine CT scanner 249 and laboratories 5–6, 61–2, 70–2, 156–9 Daily Herald, The 200 research 25, 28–9 Daily Mirror 206 resistance to standardization 226 Daland, Judson 66 studies as marketing tools 128–9 Dale, Henry 159 Clinical Radiotherapy Cancer Daniels, Norman 255 Research Center 149 Datta, Naomi 204 clinical trials 10–11 see also De Wecker (Paris) 103 consensus; medical technologies defibrillators 127 equipoise principle 215 implantable 113 ganglion blockers 166 Defries, Robert 83 HRT 232, 239 Dental Hospital (Birmingham) 53–4 L-PAM 214–18 Department of Health: and surgical MLA 149–51, 150fig. infection 183–6 multi-centre 214–18 Department of Otolaryngology and pharmaceutical companies (UCSF) 256–7 161–4 DePuy (company) 32, 181 and politics 266–9 DeVita, Vincent 220–3 randomized 215 Dieffenbach, Johann Friedrich 101 Randomized Control Trials 249 Digby, Denis 121 role 212–14 Diplos 03 (CRM) 121–2, 124 TEA 159 disseminated-disease hypothesis Cobalt 60 (MLA) 143, 148 215 Cochlear Corporation 256 Dixon, Bernard 205 cochlear implants: evaluation of Dock, Lavinia 87–8 11–12, 256–61 Doll, R. 249 Coen, Hans 264–5 Donepezil (Alzheimer’s drug) 251 Coffin, Albert Isaiah 21 double hermeneutic 237–44 276 Index

Douglas, M. 11, 234–5 Fondation Mérieux 265 Dowling, Harry 200 Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Down-Flow (clean-air technology) 125, 256–7 180–1 Ford, Henry 25 Doyle, Austin 163, 167 Forgan, Robert 164 dressings 48–9 Foucault, Michel 11, 233, 235 Durkheim, Émile 100 Franke, Otto 8, 117–20, 133 Fredrickson, Donald 218–19, 225–6 Eagar, William H. 80 Freis, Edward 170 Ear and Throat Infirmary Friendly Societies 21 (Birmingham) 42 Eastman Kodak (company) 158–9 Gamgee, Sampson 48–9 Edwards, John Hall 47 ganglion blockers 156–61 Einius, Henri 106 clinical trials 166 Eli Lilly & Co 263–4 therapeutic enthusiasm 164–7 Elliot, Thomas R. 162, 165, 166 Gannett, William Whitworth 62–9 Elliott, Dr 68 Gaplegin (ganglion blocker) 170 Emerson, Charles 67 Gardner, W. 255 endpoints 266 Gellman (company) 181 defining 10 General Hospital (Birmingham) renegotiating 256–61 41–2, 44, 47, 54–5 equipoise 215 Giddens, A. 11, 233–5 Erythromycin (antibiotic) 201 Consequences of Modernity (1990) Esbach albuminometer 67 233 Escherichia coli (E coli) 10 double hermeneutic 237–44 and antibiotics 203–4 Modernity and Self-Identity (1991) Middlesborough outbreak 203–4 233 European Union 125, 268 Gillis, Miss 75–9 Evidence-Based Medicine 253 Ginzton, Edward 8, 138, 142–7, 151 Eye Hospital (Birmingham) 42, 45 Glace Bay General Hospital 80–1 glass eyes see artificial eyes Faber, Harold 142 Godber, George 198 faber ocularius 100 Gougelmann, Paul 105 facial prostheses 97–9 Gougelmann, Pierre 102 FAIR 269 governmentality 235, 240–1 false teeth 97–9 Gray, James 102 Farm Animal Welfare 203 Green, Frank 161, 163–4, 166, farm animals: and antibiotics 168–70 195–6, 202–6 Greens Eye Hospital/San Francisco Fastier, F.N. 165 Eye Institute 102 Fehling’s test 65 Greer, Germaine 236 Finland, Maxwell 198–9 Guidant (company) 126 First European Symposium on Guillemin, M. 236 Paediatric Cochlear Implantation gynaecology 49 (1992) 258 Fisher, Bernard 214–18 haemocytometer 47 FitzGerald, John 83 Haggard, Mark 258 Fletcher, Susan 254 Hall Edwards, John see Edwards, John Focal Spot 86 Hall Index 277

Halstedian hypothesis 215 Howell, Joel 5, 37, 50 Hammersmith Hospital 166, 197, Howmedica (company) 32, 181 204 Howorth, Hugh 179–81 Handley, Neil 6, 7–8 Howorth Air Systems (company) Harrison, Ruth: Animal Machines 180–1 (1964) 202–3 HRT (hormone replacement therapy) Harvard Medical School 69, 158–9 11, 231–3, 235–7 Hayes, M. 152 abandonment of clinical trials Hazard-Mirault, C.F. 103 239 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) biomedical understanding 239 227–8, 250–1, 266, 268 clinical trials 232 Heister, Lorenz 101 and risk 234, 237–44 Henriksen, Margot 202 Humboldt University 108 Henwood, Flis 3, 9, 11 hypertension 6, 9, 156–8 herbalism 21 enthusiasm for ganglion blockers Herzlich, Claudine 196–7 164–7 hexachlorophene lotions 201 relieving postural 169illus. hexamethonium (ganglion blocker) role of ancillary care 167–70 9, 157, 159 success in treating 170–1 Hickman, Henry Hill 49 treatment routines 167–70 Hidefjäll, Patrik 6, 7, 8 hypoblepharon 100 high blood pressure see hypertension High Voltage Engineering 142 ICI (company) 157, 170 hip replacements 7, 28–33 infectious diseases rates of infection 175–6 E. coli 203–4 Hitchcock, Alfred malaria 253 Birds, The 202 MRSA 195, 201 Day of the Triffids 202 resistance to antibiotics 10, Hodgkin’s disease 138–9, 141, 142 195–207 clinical trials of MLA 149–51 S. aureus 10, 176–7, 196–201 results 150fig. venereal 69–70, 82 treatment protocols 141, 148–51 Ing, H.R. 160 Hoge, M.O. 66 innovation Holbrook, Dr 64 attitudes toward 10, 195, 201–3 Holland, Thurston 24 charity and 53–5 Holman, Emile 142 context 4–6, 37–40 homeopathy 21 continuous 115–16 Hopkins, Eric 41 critical approaches 2–4 hormone replacement therapy see definition 115–16 HRT (hormone replacement and economies of modern medicine therapy) 4–6, 39 evaluating 11–12, 227–8, 249–55 equipment 47 industry and 6–7, 9, 33–4, 52 links between 45–6 institutions of 113–15 service planning 26–7 ‘lock in’ 265, 267 teaching 5, 25, 47–51, 147–8 organizational 24–7 technical workers 85–8 ‘path dependency’ 12, 267 voluntary 40–7, 52–5 pharmaceutical companies and House, William 256 157 278 Index innovation – continued Kelly’s Directory 102 politics and 266–9 Kempner Rice Diet (hypertension) process 22–4, 38–40, 123illus. 162 serendipity and 159 Kessler, Dorcas 256–7 spread 47–51 King, Harold 160 success factors 114–15 Kitson, Timothy 206 in teaching hospitals 47–51 Koch, Robert 43 unintended consequences 9–10 Kosecoff, J. 225 in voluntary hospitals 43–6, 52 Kula, Witold 213 war and 22, 25, 106–7, 177 Kutcher, Gerald 9, 10–11 innovation studies 37–8, 38 innovative health technology (IHT) L-PAM (L-phenylalanine mustard) 234 214–18 Institute of Medicine 262–3 laboratories Intergroup 0011 (chemo study) and clinical practice 70–2, 156–9 219–21 commercial 60–71, 83 Intermedics (company) 130 hospital 5–6, 61–2, 70–1 intravenous polio vaccine (IPV) private office 5, 62–71 11–12, 261–5 public health 82, 177, 186, Isaacs, Gordon 144illus., 145 199–200, 205 Israel, H.M. 77 technological developments 71 workers 5–6, 82–5 Jacoby, Itzak 226 Laminaire 700 (clean-air system) James Irvine Foundation 143 181 Jardon, Fritz W. 105 laminar flow systems (clean-air Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin 67 system) 183–6 Johns Hopkins Medical School 196 Laminar Flow Ultra Clean Room Johns Hopkins University 107 System 181 Johnson, Samuel 41 Lancet 48, 162, 170 Johnson & Johnson 32, 120 Lane, Harlan 258–9 joint replacements 32 Larkin, Gerald 74 Jones, Dr 66 latent risk 233–5 Jones, Robert 24–6 Latour, Bruno 213 Journal of the American Medical Lauda, Nikki 99 Association 67, 225 Lauscha Glass Factory 102, 105 Judet (company) 29 Lawson Tait, Robert see Tait, Robert Lawson kanamycin (antibiotic) 203 Leach, Edward 98 Kanouse, David 226 Lécuyer, Christophe 8 Kaplan, Henry 8 Leicester Royal Infirmary 54 research and clinical practice Leipzig Eye Institute 102 138–52 Lenoir, Timothy 152 Karzmark, C.J. 148 leukemia 139 Kaufert, P.A. 254 Lewis, James 66 Keddy, Barbara 80 Lewis, Thomas 165 Keefe, Jeffrey 74–5 lichenoformin (antibiotic/ganglion Keeler, C.H. 105 blocker) 159–60 Keeping, Benjamin C. 83–4 Linde Refrigeration Company 52 Kellogg’s (company) 25 Lister, Joseph 48–9, 176 Index 279

Liu, Wentai 107 Medical Research Council (MRC) 3, ‘lock in’ 265, 267 6, 157, 159–64, 170, 177, 180, Splint Company 32 187, 232 Lowe’s test 65 role in innovation 9 Löwy, Ilana 2 and surgical infection 183–6 Ludwig V (study) 219–21 medical technologies see also risk Lupton, D. 11, 233, 235 attitudes toward 10, 195, 201–3 critical approaches 2–4 3M (company) 256 entrepreneurship 131–3 MacDonald, A.J. 82 evaluating 9–10, 227–8, 253–5 MacPherson, Greta 80–1, 88 (see also clinical trials) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) historiography 17–19 137 industry and 6–7 malaria 253 ‘lock in’ 265, 267 Guardian, The 205 and organization of labor 5–6 Manchester Regional Hospital Board ‘path dependency’ 12, 267 28 politics of 266–9 Manchester Royal Infirmary 28, 165 Medical Technology Inc (MTI) 120–1 Manufacturing Chemists Association medicine see also clinical medicine 202 Evidence-Based Medicine 253 Marks, Harry 2 metrology 212–14, 224 Marshall, D.H. 257 plebeian 20–2 Marx, Karl 37 professionalization 21 Massachusetts Clinical Diagnosis 70 regulation 21, 113–15, 125, 130 Massachusetts General Hospital 68, science-based 137–9, 142–8, 69, 71, 198–9 151–2 May & Baker 163–4, 166, 170 and social control 2 Mayor, Dr, of Lausanne 48–9 medicus ocularius 100 McConnell, James 76–9 Medtronic (company) 112, 118, McDermott, Walsh 196 124, 126, 128–9 McDonald, Flora 81 menopause 11, 235–7 see also HRT McGuire, W.L. 220 (hormone replacement therapy) McKee, G. Kenneth 29 alternative therapies 236–7 McKinnon, Clara 81–2 understandings of 237–44 McLeod, Mack 77 Mérieux, Charles 264–5 McMichael, John 165–6 Merlin’s Ephemeris 101 McMillan, J.C. 85 Merry, Marion 83 McMillan, Miss 81–2 meta-analysis 221–3, 250–1 Medical and Surgical Reporter 66 Methodism 21 medical artefacts 39 methonium compounds (ganglion histories 51–2 blockers) 159 medical electronics 112 Methyl-Methacrylate resin 105 medical laboratories see laboratories Metro-Vickers (company) 25 medical linear accelerator (MLA) 8, metrology 212–14, 224 138–9, 142–8, 147illus. see also microscope 47 radio-oncology; X-rays Microwave Laboratory (company) 8, clinical protocol 146 142–5 at Stanford 144illus., 145 Middlesbrough General Hospital trials 149–51 203–4 280 Index

Mikros (CRM) 124 NCI Consensus Conference (1990) Milan IV (study) 219–21 220–1 Millauro, Rose 103 Negocol (impression material) 105 Million Women Study 232, 240 Nelson, Richard R. 115 Moe, Gordon 158–9, 161 neo-Schumpterians 38 Montreal General Hospital 76 neomycin (antibiotic) 203 Morrill, Dr 62–5 Neos (CRM) 121–2, 124 Morrison, Pearl 85 Netherthorpe, Lord 204 Moses, Master 102–3 Netherthorpe Committee report MRSA (Methicillin resistant 204–6 Staphylococcus aureus) 195, 201 New England Journal of Medicine 220 Müller, Herr 103 New Scientist 205, 206 Muller, Maurice 180 New Waterford General Hospital 82 Müller-Uri, Ludwig 102 New York Times 200–1 Murphy, Edmond 166–7 Nexus 6 Replicant eyes (Blade Runner) Murphy, Mary 82 107 NHS (National Health Service) 2, 4, Nanos (CRM) 124 26–7, 30, 33, 99, 157, 187, 197 NASBP B-13 & B-14 (study) 219–21 surgical infection concerns 183–6 National Artificial Eye Service (NAES) Nightingale, Dr 263 107 NIH Consensus Development National Association of the Deaf Program 225 259 Nottingham General Hospital 80 National Cancer Institute (NCI) Nucleus (cochlear implant) 256–7 219–21, 254 Nuffield Trust 27 National Committee on Medical Nunan, Greg 149 Ethics (CCNE) 259–60, nursing 87–8 266–70 National Farmers Union 204 Office of Technology Assessment 1, national healthcare systems 196 Soviet Union 1–2 Omnicor (CRM) 119 UK (see NHS (National Health operating theatres Service)) clean air systems 6–7, 179–81, National Institute for Medical 185 Research (NIMR) 159, 166 environmental conditions 178, National Institute of Clinical 187 Excellence (NICE) 251 hygiene 24, 49, 176, 183–6, 201 National Institute of Medicine 267 Ophthalmic Zelex 105 National Institute of Public Health Ophthalmological Record, The 106 (RIV) 264 Optician, The 104 National Institutes of Health (NIH) oral polio vaccine (OPV) 11–12, 140–1, 143, 149, 214, 218–19, 261–5 225, 254, 257 Organe, Geoffrey 162, 166 National Science Foundation 143 Orr, Julian 6, 74 Nature 160–1 Orthopaedic Hospital (Birmingham) NCI Consensus Conference (1980) 42, 44–5, 47, 53 219 orthopaedics 4–5 NCI Consensus Conference (1985) craft traditions 33–4 219–20 developmental model 25–6 Index 281

innovations 24 Porter, Dr 68 organization of services 25–7 Porter, Roy 79 paediatric 26–7 Potosky, Denise 74–5 research 27–30 Preisler, Gunilla 260 surgical infection rates 175–9 Prempro (HRT) 232 TB and 26–7 private office laboratories 5 traditional 23 decline 69–71 osteoporosis 231–3 methods 62–8 Osypka, Peter 119 records of 66–8 ovarian cysts 49 Proceedings of the National Conference on Hospital-Acquired Staphylococcal Pacemaker Code 114 Disease 200 pacemakers 7, 8, 112–13 see also prostheses cardiac rhythm management artificial eyes 6, 7–8, 97, 99–108, (CRM) 106illus., 107–8 Pache & Son (company) 103 cochlear implants 11–12, 256–61 para-medics 21 facial 97–9 Paré, Ambroise 100 hips 7, 28–33, 175–6 Pasteur, Louis 176 joints 32 ‘path dependency’ 12, 267 legs 97 Pathological Institute (Halifax, NS) teeth 97–8 83 protocol standards 11 public health laboratories 82 attitudes/expectations 11 Public Health Laboratory 177, 186, as consumers 34 199–200, 205 reflexivity 231–5, 240–1, 252 Public Health Service (US) 200 and risk 237–44 Pynchon, Thomas: V (1961) 202 and treatment routines 167–70 Paton, William 159–61, 166, 168–70 Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) Pendiomide (ganglion blocker) 170 258 Perry, Arthur 107 quaternary ammonium salts Pfizer (company) 32 (ganglion blockers) 156–61 pharmaceutical companies see also Queen’s Hospital (Birmingham) under name 43–4, 48–9, 53–4 and research 157 Quirke, Viviane 157 Phylax (CRM) 127 Clinical Laboratory 70 radio-oncology 6, 8, 139, 149 see Physicians’ Laboratory 70 also X-rays Pickering, George 165 high radiation therapy 143 Pickstone, John V. 2, 4–5, 7, 8, 9, 13 MLA 8, 138–9, 142–8, 147illus. Ways of Knowing (2000) 4, 19 therapy protocols 148–51 Pierret, Janine 196–7 Total Lymphoid Irradiation (TLI) Pilz, Dr 126 150 Pinch, Trevor J. 3 RAF Ely 181 Planck, Max 47 Randomized Control Trials 249 Platt, Harry 25–7, 30 Rasmussen, Nicholas 157 plebeian cultures 20–2 reflexivity 231–5, 240–1, 252 polio: inoculation 11–12, 261–5 Reinarz, J. 4, 5 Porter, Charles B. 64 Reiser, Stanley 79 282 Index

Rexhausen, Hermann 120–1, 124, Science and Technology Studies (STS) 126–8, 130–3 2 Richards (company) 32, 181 SCOT (Social Construction of risk 233–5 Technology) 3 approaches 11 Selby, A.H. 148 double hermeneutic 237–44 Senning, Åke 113 governmentality approach 235, SGS Thomson (company) 121 240–1 Shanks, Scott 120 latent 233–5 Ship Canal (Lancs) 24–5 patients and 237–44 Sias Laboratories 70 Risk Society (1986; 1992) 233–5 Siemens-Elema 117 women and 237–45 Sigerist, Henry 1–2 Ritterich, Friedrich Philipp 99 Skin Hospital (Birmingham) 43 Das Künstliche Auge (1852) Slugg, J.T. 20 101–2 Smirk Robertson, Eric 163 High Arterial Pressure (1957) 165 Robinson, Kenneth 206 Smirk, Frederick Horace 163–70 Rosenberg, Charles 79 Treatment of High Blood Pressure, The Rosenberg, Max 162 (1956) 169 Rosenberg, Nathan 138 Smith, James 101 Rosencrantz, Barbara 196 Smith and Nephew (company) 32 Rosenheim, M.L. 159, 166 Snellen eye 102–3 Rothman, David 252 social constructionism 2–4 Rountree, Phyllis 198 Society of Hospital Pathologists 199 Royal Alexandra Infirmary (Paisley) Sociology of Health and Illness 2 163 Sproul, Robert 152 Royal College of Optometrists 7 St Catharines General Hospital 86 Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital St Gallen’s Conference (1992) 219, (Stanmore) 181 221 Rush Medical College 139 St John Infirmary 80 Ryland, Louisa 54 St Jude Medical (company) 126 St Louis Clinical Reporter 66 Sabin vaccine (OPV) 261–5 St Louis Medical Era 66 Salk, Jonas 264–5 St Mary’s Hospital 80 Salk vaccine (IPV) 261–5 St Martin’s Hospital (Bath) 162–3 Salmonella typhimurium 205 standardization, resistance to 226 San Francisco Eye Institute/Greens Stanford University 108 Eye Hospital 102 Stanford University Hospital 138, Sandelowski, M. 87 141–2 Sarewitz, Daniel 252 and the MLA 144–5 Saville, Stephanie 162–3 Stanford University Medical School Schaffer, Simon 213 6, 8, 149, 151 Schaldach, Max 8, 114, 117–33 move to Palo Alto 141–2 Schaldach, Max Jr. 130–1 sponsored research 140fig. Schiff, Leonard 142 Stanton, Jennifer 2, 3, 5, 37, 39, 47 Schlich, Thomas 28 Staphcillin (antibiotic) 201 Schumpeter, Joseph/Schumpeterian Staphylococcus aureus 10, 176–7 economics 5, 37, 38 antibiotic resistant 197–201 Schwenk, Dr 103 epidemic 196–7 Index 283 steam engine 41–2 research and therapeutics 147–8 Steele, R.E. 148 and spread of innovation 47–51 Sterling, Wallace 141–2 technical workers 86–8 Stevens, Rosemary 87 technological determinism 2–4, Stevenson, Esther 84 37–8 Stoeckel, Philippe 265, 269 technology see medical technologies Stokes, Sarah 54 technoscience 19, 33–4 Stopford, John 27 Teece, David 116 Streptococcal, Staphyloccal and Air Telectronics (company) 130 Hygiene Laboratory 199–200 Terman, Frederick 141–2, 142 streptomycin (antibiotic) 203 tetracycline (antibiotic) 203 Strontium 90 202 tetraethylammonium (TEA) (ganglion structuralist theory 98 blocker) 158–9, 161 Strutt, William 52 thalidomide (anti-nausea) 268 Stryker (company) 32 Theodore Hamblin Ltd 105 Sturdy, S. 62, 70, 71 Thermos (CRM) 124 Subcommittee on Operating Theatre Thomas, Huw Owen 22–4, 30 Hygiene 183–6 Thomas splint 22 sulfa drugs 203 Thompson, E.P. 213 Summerfield, A.Q. 257 Thompson, Samuel 21 surgical infection see also clean-air Timmermann, Carsten 3, 6, 7, 9 technologies Timmermans, Stefan 2 and airborne pathogens 177 Toronto General Hospital 79, 83 antibiotic prophylaxis 185–6 Total Lymphoid Irradiation (TLI) 150 antiseptic practices 24, 49, 176, Tracy, Arthur 68 201 translational research 9 and the DoH 183–6 True Domestick Intelligence 101 environmental conditions 187 Trump, John 142–3 history 176–9 Tuberculosis Hospital (Halifax, NS) and length of operation 178–9 86 and the MRC 183–6 tuberculosis (TB) 86 and the NHS 183–6 medical services 26–7 preventive measures 185–6 osteo 23 rates 175–6 Tucker, Anthony 205 sources 181–3 Tumoricidal Radiation Dose 150 vectors 175–6 Turner, R. 163 Sutcliffe, John 107 Twenty-four hours (TV programme) Swann, Lord 206 204 Swann Committee report 195–6, Twohig, Peter 4, 5–6 206 Sydney Post 76–8 Ueyama, Takahiro 6, 8 Ultraclean air system 185 Tait, Robert Lawson 48–51 University College Hospital Medical Tarbell, George 68 School 159 Taylor, Gustav 104 University of Birmingham 43 Taylor family (‘Whitworth doctors’) University of California, Los Angeles 20–2 (UCLA) 151–2 teaching hospitals 5 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg clinical research 25 118–20 284 Index

University of Otago Medical School WHO (World Health Organization) 165 265, 269 urinalysis 62–5 Williams, F. Kemble 104 US Medical Device Amendments Williams, Robert 199–200, 205 (1976) 114 Williams, Shirley 206 US Public Health Service 143 Winnipeg General Hospital 85 US Surgeon General 196 Wodehouse, R.E. 83 women see also breast cancer; HRT vaccination programmes: evaluation (hormone replacement therapy) of 11–12 and diagnostic services 86–8 Van de Graaff, Robert 142–3 nursing 87–8 Van de Graaff generator 142–3 and risk 237–45 Varian Associates 138, 149 Women’s Health Initiative 232, 240 vectors of infection 175–6 Women’s Hospital (Birmingham) venereal diseases 69–70, 82 43, 48–51 Victoria General Hospital 80, 83 Women’s Hospital (Brooklyn, NY) voluntary hospitals 50 Birmingham 41–55 Wood, Edward S 67 impact of charity 53–5 Woodstock General Hospital 86 and innovation 43–6 World War I: and innovation 22, 25 links with industry 52 wound treatment 48–9, 177 proliferation 40–3 Wright, Anne 85 researching 46–7 Wright, James Homer 69 Vonnegut, Kurt: Cat’s Cradle (1963) Wrightington Hospital 4, 28–31, 202 179–82, 184 WTO (World Trade Organization) W.H. Shakespeare & Sons Ltd 104, 268 105 Wyatt, Sally 3, 9–10, 11 war: and innovation 22, 25, 106–7 War Wounds Committee 177 X-rays see also radio-oncology Warneford, Samuel 43 clinical applications 79 Warren, Stafford 152 hospital departments 6 Washington Post 221 influence 50 Wassermann test 69–70 introduction into medicine 24, 47 Watt, James 41–2 qualifications to operate 75–9 Weissbluth, Michael 148 super voltage 142–3 Wellcome Trust 165 workers 79–82 Westinghouse (company) 25 Westminster Hospital 161 Young, Arthur 41 Wheeler, Dr 66 Whitworth (Lancs) 19–22 Zaimis, Eleanor 160–1, 166 ‘Whitworth red bottle’ 20 Zimmer (company) 32