My profi le

> Say hello Unit > Give personal information Goals > Spell your name > Describe people and places > Ask and answer about people and places > Write about a person you know > Say how you are


SAMPLE I’m the winner of the Geography and Spelling contest! This is Mr Olson and this is Jack Myers. He is my friend. His favourite subject is Geography too. We are in the Geography competition. I am the winner and he is a fi nalist. We are very happy!


WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 6 09/06/16 17:52 PRE-READING

1 Read the profile on page 6 and complete the cards.

Monta Vista High School Monta Vista High School student card student card First name First name Patricia Surname Surname Myers Age Year Age Year 14 Email address Email address [email protected]

Monta Vista High School studentUNIT card First name Richard Surname

Age Year 62 Email address

Hi! My name is Patricia Jenkins. [email protected] I’m 14 years old and I’m in SAMPLE year 8 at Monta Vista High School. My favourite subject is Geography. Our Geography teacher is Mr Olson. He is great!

PROJECT Let’s create a Facebook page for your class!

In groups and with the supervision of your teacher, you will be creating a Facebook page for Preview your class. You will be including information about you and about your teachers too.

Look for tips on how to build your project on p. 11. You will complete the project on p. 15.


WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 7 09/06/16 17:52 VOCABULARY Numbers The alphabet 1 a. Read and practise. 4 a. 02 Listen and repeat.

1 one 6 six 2 two 7 seven 3 three 8 eight 4 four 9 nine 5 five 10 ten

b. Complete the number pattern.

1. one , two, three, four 2. , four, six, eight 3. ten, seven, , one 4. one, , fi ve, seven 5. seven, , nine, ten 6. ten, , eight, seven

2 a. Read and practise. 11 eleven 16 sixteen UNIT 12 twelve 17 seventeen 13 thirteen 18 eighteen b. Practise saying the letters. What 14 fourteen 19 nineteen 15 fifteen 20 twenty do the letters in each colour have in common? b. Do the maths and write the answers in numbers and letters. a h j k b c d e g p t v 1. 10 + 8 = 18 , eighteen f l m n s x z q u w 2. 6 + 6 = , 3. 9 + 4 = , SAMPLEi y o r 4. 8 + 6 = , 5. 5 + 5 + 5 = , 6. 20 - 1 = , 5 a. Take turns to read the following acronyms. Do you know all of them? 3 Reorder the letters to write the numbers. Then, match. CD OMG DVD NASA MTV IBM 1. isetexn: sixteen a. 11 USA UK VIP CIA BBC ASAP 2. ethgi: b. 10 b. Spell the name of your favourite 3. ereht: c. 3 singer or band. Ask your classmate 4. wtnety: d. 20 to write it down. 5. net: e. 8 6. veeeln: f. 16 c. Tell your classmate your home phone number and ask her / him to write it down. Then spell your name!


WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 8 09/06/16 17:52 READING

MY PROFILE 11 Members 2,868 members

GLOBAL STUDENTS Description Join Group A place to meet other students from different Public Group countries around the world.

Carmelo Laguna Florida Negra Río San San José ta Lucía Recent Activity Carlos Zuñiga with Catalina Horne and 23 others Nueva Helvecia de Mayo Minas Juan Lacaze Santa Lucía Rocha in , . Colonia del Canelones Sacramento Pando 1 hour ago. Ri Las Piedras o La Paz San Carlos de CiudadC la Maldonado OCEANO Pl MONTEVIDEO de la Costa ata Hi! I’m Carlos Zuñiga. I’m 14 and I’m a student at ATL ANTICO Liceo 59 in Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay. ARGENTINIA This is my friend Catalina Horne. We’re in year 1 at secondary school. Catalina is from Viña del Mar, a city in Chile. I’m not from Montevideo. I’m from Chuy, a small city in the , Uruguay. There are 25 students in our class. Our classroom is big. The school day starts at 7:00 am and ends at 2:00 pm. I like my school. It is modern. And I like Montevideo. It’s a nice city!

Aikito Miyasato with Ana Pérez, Simon Dupont and 23 others in Kyoto, Japan. 2 hours ago. My name is Aikito Miyasato. I’m from Kyoto in Japan. It is in the Kyoto Prefecture. Kyoto is a big city, but it isn't the capital city of Japan. The capital city of my country is Tokyo. I’m 12 years old and I’m in year 7 at Yokohama International School. There are 20 students in my class. Students are from Japan and from other countries. They are from France, Spain, etc.UNIT Ana Pérez is from Madrid, the capital city of Spain. She is 13 and she is my friend. She is very intelligent. Simon Dupont is 12, he’s from Bourgogne, France, and he is my friend too. The classroom isn’t very big, but it is modern. The school day starts at 9:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm.

1 Complete this table with information about Carlos, Catalina, Aikito, Ana and Simon.

Name Surname Age City Country

2 Find these numbersSAMPLE in the text. 3 Choose the correct option. Complete the information with 1. The capital of Uruguay is Chuy / Montevideo. the numbers. 2. Catalina is from Chile / Uruguay. 3. Aikito’s school is in Tokyo / Kyoto. 7:00 — 2:00 14 59 • • • 4. Ana is 12 / 13. • 9:00 — 4:00 • 25 • 7 5. Aikito’s classroom isn’t very big / very small. • 13 • 12 What about 1. School hours: 7:00 - 2:00 , you? 2. Age: , 4 Write about yourself. 3. Class size: , 4. School number: 1. My name is . 5. Grade or year: 2. I’m years old. 3. My school is .


WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 9 09/06/16 17:53 GRAMMAR

Subject pronouns b. Complete with ’m, ’s or ’re. 1 a. Read and practise. 1. They ’re Mike and Sonia. 2. He Max. Singular Plural 3. I Katie. 4. You Alex and Ken. I we you you Possessive adjectives he Study the box. she they

it I’m My You’re Your a student. teacher is Mr Hale. b. Classify the subject pronouns. She’s Her He’s His

> See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice Book, p. 2 We 3 Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. His Verb to be - affirmative 1. He’s Max. phone number is 23-8755.UNIT Study and complete the box. 2. I’m Alex. email address is [email protected]. I am Shelly. = I’m Shelly. 3. She’s Sonia. phone number You are Ken. = You’re Ken. is 566-7776. He is Max. = He’s Max. 4. You’re Ken. email address She is Sonia. = She Sonia. is [email protected]. It Roxie. = It’s Roxie. 4 Read about Katie, Mike and Jessie. They are Katie and = They Katie and Mike. Mike. Write about them. We Shelly and Ken. = SAMPLEWe’re Shelly and Ken. > See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice Book, p. 2 Name: Katie Bell School: Kent School Year: 9 Short forms are very Name: Mike Mendez common in spoken English. School: Wells College

Year: 7 2 a. Complete with am, is or are.

1. I am Max. Name: Jessie Stuarts School: Brighton School 2. You Katie. Year: 6 3. She Sonia. 4. We Mike and Shelly. Katie is a student at Kent School. She’s in 5. We in a classroom. year 9. 6. It a very nice classroom. 7. I very happy. at + name of a school in + year 8. We in our English lesson.


WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 10 09/06/16 17:53 GRAMMAR Verb to be - negative Verb to be - Wh- questions Study and complete the box. Study and complete the box.

I am not in Spain. = I’m not in Spain. What is your name? Julia. You are not in Paris. = You aren’t in Paris. is the capital of China? Beijing. He is not in London. = He isn’t in London. Where is Nairobi? In Kenya. She in Rome. = She isn’t in Rome. Where are you from? England in the UK. It is not in . = It in Brazil. am I? At school! They in Rio. = They aren’t in Rio. > See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice Book, p. 2 We are not in Japan. = We in Japan.

> See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice Book, p. 2 What is = What’s Where is = Where’s

in + city 8 a. Put the sentences and questions in + country in order. 1. is / Susan / my / teacher / . / English 5 Rewrite the sentences. Use Susan is my English teacher. contractions. 2. Kyoto / big / city / is / a / in / Japan / .

1. She is not 14. UNIT 3. and / Carlos / Catalina / neighbours / . / aren’t She isn’t 14. 2. I am not 15. 4. are / in / Tokyo / and / Kyoto / Japan / . 3. He is not at school. 4. They are not in year 8. 5. are / Where / you / ? / from

6 Correct the sentences. Use contractions. b. Turn sentences 1 and 2 into negative. 1. Rome is in Spain. Rome isn’t in Spain. It’s in Italy. 9 2. Beijing and ShanghaiSAMPLE are in Japan. Ask and answer the following 3. Tokyo is in Kenya. questions. 4. The City of Buenos Aires and San Carlos 1. What’s your surname? Can you spell it? de Bariloche are in Spain. 2. Where are you from? 5. Nairobi is in Brazil. 3. What’s your best friend’s name? 6. Miami and New York are in the UK. 4. Where’s Bariloche? 7 Reread the texts on page 9 and PROJECT correct the sentences. Facebook page for your class 1. Carlos Zuñiga is 12 years old. • Decide what information you will Carlos Zuñiga isn’t 12 years old. He is 14. include: name of the school, names Tip 2. He is from Argentina. of the teachers, description, city, etc. 3. Catalina is from Valparaiso, Chile. 4. She is in Year 2. • Choose a picture for the page. 5. Aikito is 11. • You can use the grammar rules on this page 6. Simon is from Japan. when writing the information!


WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 11 22/06/16 14:14 LISTENING


Listen to a conversation 3 04 Listen again. Who says each in a language school sentence? Tick (P) the correct option. 1 Look at the pictureSAMPLE and answer. 1. Are all the students the same age? Mike Paula 2. Where are they? Hello, are you in my 3. Are they friends? Spanish class? 2 03 Listen to the conversation. I’m from Manchester. Tick ( ) the information you hear. Brazil is a beautiful P country. 1. city P I’m 13 years old. 2. 14 No problem. 3. mobile Sorry, can you spell 4. email Oliveira? 5. Twitter Here is our teacher. 6. @ (at) 7. _ (underscore) 8. - (hyphen)


WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 12 09/06/16 17:53 SPEAKING

5 06 Put the questions in order.

And your email address? Can you spell that, please? What’s your name, please? What’s your phone number, please? Where are you from? How old are you, Brad?

6c 07 Listen again and answer. 1. Is Brad interested in an Italian course? 2. How old is he? 3. Where is he from? 4. What is the name of his school? 5. Which year is he in? Say how you are and give personal information 7 08 Listen to Carol and Fran and completeUNIT the conversation. Fine, thanks. = I’m fine, thanks. OK, thanks. = I’m OK, thanks. Very well, thanks. = I’m very well, thanks. Goodbye. = Bye-bye. = Bye.

Carol: 1 , Fran. How are you? Fran: 2 , . And you? 4 05 Now listen to the conversation Carol: I’m OK, thanks. 3 , Fran. and complete the file. SAMPLEFran: 4 , Carol. Course 8 a. Practise the conversation in English Spanish Chinese Italian Exercise 7. Student b. Ask about personal information. Name Brad 1. What’s your name? Age 2. How old are you? School Kingston School 3. What’s your phone number? Year 4. What’s your email address? City Go to PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES. Country Phone number Student A: turn to page 72. Email address [email protected] Student B: turn to page 74.


WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 13 09/06/16 17:53 WRITING Write about a person you know Writing rule 1 Complete Mark Zuckerberg’s information with the correct words. He’s 12 years old. He’s in year 7. He’s 12 years old and he’s in year 7. • American • is • he • from

2 a. Complete the form with Mark Elliot Zuckerberg information of a friend or a person you know. He or she could be part of the Facebook page you are creating for this unit’s project.







Email address

33, 557, 995 SAMPLEpeople like this topic b. Write a text for a post in a social network using the information in Exercise 2a. Use and to connect Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an 1______computer programmer. ideas. He is 2______Winchester. This is my friend (name of the person). She / he is (age) and she / he is in year… He 3______the co-founder of the social networking website Facebook and 4______is 33.

continue reading



WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 14 09/06/16 17:53 END of PROJECT Facebook page for your class

Let’s complete the Project task!

1 Share with the class your idea for the Facebook page: the name, the information you will include and the picture. Think about other interesting details you would like to include. 2 Listen to other groups’ ideas. Make a list and then vote for the ones you like the most. 3 As a class, decide the best idea for the Facebook page. Also, decide how often you will update content or post new content. The Facebook page has to be updated! This is very important. 4 With your teacher’s assistance, create the Facebook page. Decide who will be the administrator and invite everyone in the class to like and follow the page. 5 Now you can write posts and contact other students! Remember to ask an adult for help and organisation. UNIT


introduce myself. I can ... fill in forms. ask and answer simple personal questions. talk about cities in the world. correct information about people and places. describe my class. talk about how people are. create a classroom Facebook page.


WHATS UP_SB_STAARG_9789876154291_006_015.indd 15 09/06/16 17:53