SSportswatchportswatch Winter 2013

State Government continues support for State sporting bodies; Federal Government and Opposition approached re community sport

State Minister for Sport the Hon Steve Dickson MP has Minister Luke Hartsuyker MP, had been confi rmed ongoing support for State sport approached for a response prior to the and recreation organisations with the release of the recent developments in Canberra. Queensland Sport & Recreation Industry Development Program 2014-16 (QSRIDP) following the State Budget in June. Inside The program replaces the State Sport and Recreation Organisational Development Program (SSRODP) and From the QSport Offi ce Page 3 over $28 million in funding will be provided under the new program over three years to assist State sport State Government $126m Page 6 and recreation organisations increase Queenslanders’ for sport & recreation participation in sport and active recreation. Club Central Page 8 Information sessions on the new program for QSport member bodies and other eligible organisations have Gone but not forgotten Page 10 been conducted by the program administrator in the Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Skills Alliance Conference Page 13 Racing. Commonwealth Games Update Page 15 With the recent change in Prime Minister and the resultant Federal Cabinet reshuffl e, QSport and its State counterparts Sportspeople Survey Page 17 have approached new Federal Sport Minister Senator the Hon. Don Farrell regarding Community Sport Australia’s 2013 Federal Election Sport Policy Platform.

Senator Farrell replaced Senator for the ACT the Hon. Kate Lundy who, along with the Coalition’s Shadow Sport

Sportswatch is a quarterly publication of QSport which is an independent collective of State sporting organisations established to enhance the development of sport in Queensland. Sportswatch aims to inform readers and views expressed in Sportswatch are not necessarily those of QSport. No responsibility is accepted by QSport for consequences emanating from actions or failures to act on material within this publication. For contributions, advertisements and enquiries, contact the QSport Offi ce at Sports House, Cnr Castlemaine and Caxton Streets MILTON Q 4064 Telephone 07 3369 8955 Facsimile 07 3369 8977 Email [email protected]

From the OOffiffi cece

Well, plenty to talk about this time around in this to digest. The outcomes of investigations into winter edition of Sportswatch, coming as it is post the off-fi eld activities of both professional sport the State Budget for 2013-14 released in June and franchises are sure to have implications for sport the impending Federal Election. below the elite level and that will consume many a conversation in Australian sport in due course. The months since the QSport AGM in late March have seen the new QSport Board meet While ASADA has been “on the case”, sport has twice in regular bi-monthly meetings, plus a been contributing plenty to the local economy, special session to consider advice to the State with a fi ve day period in June drawing over 130, Government regarding priorities for funding 000 to three games of football in - the program maintenance. two 52,000 sell-outs at Suncorp for the fi rst Wallabies / British and Irish Lions test and State At the Board’s most recent meeting following of Origin 2 and the 24,000 lucky enough to see the release of the State Budget in June, members the AFL Lions come from behind victory over welcomed State Minister for Sport, Steve Dickson, Geelong at . for discussion on the Government’s priorities for sport and recreation assistance, with “Get in the The two rugby codes clearly have dominated sport Game” prominent in the exchange. coverage and interest the past month or so, what with Origin and the Lions’ Tests, not forgetting the With a trebling of resources, the Government’s Socceroos’ qualifi cation for the next FIFA World fl agship program is clearly its top priority in the sport and recreation space, with a new funding Cup and over 50,000 at Suncorp for the Lions’ round now to open. “warm up” against the Reds.

The Minister’s subsequent decision to continue All the above will not have been lost on the State support for industry peak bodies like QSport Government and given its interest in women and member State sporting organisations is and girls’ participation in sport, the Queensland welcomed and ensures the vital coordination Firebirds’ success in reaching the Trans Tasman and development of organised sport can be Netball Grand Final will have been duly noted, maintained. ahead of the report of the Ministerial Advisory Committee reviewing Female Participation in On the national front, QSport has been party to Sport. the fi nalisation of Community Sport Australia’s 2013 Federal Election Sport Policy Platform and its By the time that report is considered, transmission to the Coalition’s Shadow Minister Queenslanders and other Australians will have for Sport Luke Hartsuyker MP and the Federal sat through more international golf and tennis Minister for Sport Senator Don Farrell following majors, not forgetting the Ashes Cricket series in the recent Federal Cabinet reshuffl e. Discussions England and national football fi nals. are expected with both in the lead up to the In the QSport Offi ce, there’ll be more Information upcoming Federal poll as State/Territory Sports Federations set in place the basis for ongoing Sessions for members and the continuation of dialogue on community sport. the QSport CEOs’ Mentoring Program, before the traditional functions that QSport conducts for Both before long, if media reports are correct, will members and sponsors in our annual luncheon have plenty of bedtime reading, with ASADA’s and fi nally the Sport Awards / Hall of Fame reports on goings on at Cronulla and Essendon Presentation prior to Xmas.

Sportswatch - Winter 2013 3 These functions profi le the work of QSport in One of those volunteers will be our former the promotion and recognition of sport and Administration Offi cer Karissa Petersen who we complement our advocacy / information sharing welcomed back to work in the QSport Offi ce in and exchange activities. They utilise networking as March following maternity leave last year. This a fundamental feature, bringing together member popular staff member is now leaving us again representatives and other supporters with media to pursue fulltime home duties looking after her and other sponsors, including government. young family and will be missed.

On 31 October in the refurbished Brisbane City In saying that, we welcome Jacque Hodgson as Hall Auditorium, QSport will host this year’s annual our Administration Assistant, who’ll be with us luncheon, featuring the release of No. 1 Legend of through to mid-December. Jacque’s previous Queensland Sport Rod Laver’s autobiography and stint as a volunteer at the Sports Awards / Hall of announcement of this year’s Sport Award category Fame Presentation will stand her in good stead, fi nalists, the 13th Legend of Queensland Sport as we move into the busiest part of the QSport and Inductees to be installed at this year’s Sport year, by the end of which we once again will have Awards / Hall of Fame Presentation. leveraged off recognition of our on and off fi eld top performers to profi le our core functions of That latter event, the Queensland Sport “Night of advocating for the enhancement and sustainability the Year”, originally scheduled for 29 November, of sport at community level. now will be held on 2 December in the Plaza Ballroom at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

That event, put together by the QSport Offi ce, relies on our small band of staff, supported by a Peter Cummiskey vitally important band of volunteers before and Chief Executive during the night.

4 Sportswatch - Winter 2013 GAME CHANGING LEGAL ADVICE

L 21, Riverside Centre 123 Eagle Street Brisbane Qld 4000 Telephone 07 3224 0222

Sportswatch - Winter 2013 5 State Government’s $126 million for sport and recreation

The Newman Government’s 2013-4 Budget facility development to improve club facilities. has allocated $126million towards sport and recreation, according to State Minister for Sport The $1.3million, part of the Sport and Recreation Steve Dickson. Indigenous Grants Program, would assist the continued development of hockey, AFL and rugby Speaking on 13 June following the announcement league in the Torres Strait, Cape York and Gulf of a $1.3million funding boost over the next Savannah regions. three years for indigenous sport in Far North Queensland, Minister Dickson said the LNP As well as growing participation rates, the funding Government is focused on grassroots sporting will be used to provide training for coaches, initiatives assisting children to join sporting clubs offi cials and other volunteers throughout some and providing community clubs with grants 35 individual Indigenous communities in the for equipment, training and other activities to Far North, covering more than 300,000 square improve membership, as well as funding for kilometres.

6 Sportswatch - Winter 2013

Club Central – an initiative of

Remember the days when it seemed that clubs only had to worry about fi lling teams for their weekend competition and paying club association fees. Now club committees are required to be on-top of legislation requirements, duty of care, liquor licensing, grants and fund raising, insurance, risk management and much more.

We know that in the majority of cases, clubs are run with volunteers. Many work full time, juggling family commitments with their club role and responsibilities. Most of the staff at Skills Alliance have held volunteer positions within clubs and associations and understand the pressures on committees. This includes producing policies and procedures, writing position descriptions, understanding the impact of new legislation and rulings, while addressing all the practical and operational functions of the club.

To this end, Club Central has been developed to provide clubs and their volunteers with free on-line resources and templates in word and PDF format to download. A small example of the resources now available includes:

• Position descriptions for committee members, coaches and umpires

• A booklet of ideas to help clubs grow

• Codes of Behaviour for: - Junior Clubs - Senior Clubs - Committee members - Club Members

• AGM processes including examples of: - Committee nomination forms - AGM meeting registrations - AGM Agenda and Minutes

To support the clubs and back up the resources, Skills Alliance has developed an introduction to Club Governance and Management training program which can be modifi ed to meet the specifi c needs of an individual club or association.

For clubs that are ready for a comprehensive training program, Skills Alliance has developed seven (7) “Club Committee” level training resources that have been mapped to accredited course competencies. This mapping allows recognition of prior learning for units from the identifi ed training packages. Content includes:

• Strategic Planning • Volunteer Management • Committee Management • Fundraising, Sponsorship and Grants • Financial Management • Marketing, Promotions and Media • The Law Risk Management and Insurance

8 Sportswatch - Winter 2013 For association level, clubs with paid staff or staff who have a high level of training, Skills Alliance has three comprehensive training resources:

• People & Organisational Effectiveness - covers the majority of human resource topics and includes templates and tools

• Boards that Lead – provides comprehensive training in governance foundations, challenges and effectiveness and also includes templates and tools to support your Board

• Strategy in the Making – looks at how to get the right mindset and develop a plan that refl ects your organisation and its future direction – again templates and tools are available to support this training.

All the training can be delivered by Skills Alliance staff or your staff can be trained to deliver the material under a co-branding model. The co-branding model can be discussed in detail with Skills Alliance’s Workforce Planning and Engagement Offi cer, Deb Crompton.

For further information, please visit the Skills Alliance website, become a partner, by subscribing to its newsletter via or phone on (07) 3367 0833.

Sportswatch - Winter 2013 9 Two Good Men

One of the saddest days for me in the past 20 odd Queensland Field Sports Committee which in the years of involvement back in Queensland sport mid nineties, folded into the Sports Federation was the day in April this year that I found out that of Queensland via its Field Team Sport Group, a Ross Livermore, former Queensland Rugby League structure that exists to this day. chief administrator and former Sports Federation That Ross Livermore should make time to assist / QSport Chairman, had passed away, just a few others in sport who in turn could assist rugby short years after his retirement from the sporting league was an ongoing feature of his career as organisation that he was associated with for an administrator and eventually resulted in him 30 years. serving nine years on the Board of the Sports His passing was tough to deal with, obviously not Federation of Queensland, including four as as tough for me as it was for his family and close Deputy Chair, and then fi ve as Chairman. friends, but tough nonetheless for me who was During that time, I was the Federation’s CEO and close to him at times and whom I counted as a he was a valuable support and well respected valued professional colleague and friend at all times. leader for the State’s industry peak body. By the time I returned from interstate to Brisbane The redevelopment of and the Gabba in 1990 to resume involvement in Australian was cause for great satisfaction for us both and in football as General Manager of the QAFL, Ross his role as Federation Chairman, he was a perhaps Livermore was well entrenched as Managing surprisingly consistent advocate for greater Director of the QRL, a QRL that had seen an Aussie government support of small state sporting bodies Rules born concept in State of Origin turned into a less fortunate than football. lifesaving art form for his code in Queensland and a QRL that, like the QAFL, had seen an interstate Like Ross, his family and close friends and loyal based competition in the NSWRL annex a privately colleagues, I was disappointed at how some in owned Brisbane Broncos to, among other things, league circles were openly critical towards the expand its Sydney base. end of his long career of this terrifi c contributor to rugby league, someone who fought long and With the Broncos an immediate success, hard, locally and interstate, for the good of the Queensland holding its own in Origin, the Brisbane game in this State, through the Super League Bears a basket case and AFL’s Origin a pale era and then over the establishment of the now imitation, I was a tad envious of “Ross the Boss”. independant ARL Commission. To his credit and in keeping with his astuteness, he was quick to see the benefi ts in “rubbing He copped it, saw it off and went on his own shoulders regularly” with the other football code terms – as he should have. chiefs of the day. Given the above, QSport was pleased to host a One of my favourite recollections of that early farewell function for Ross and a small group of nineties era was the annual “4 Code Football his close confi dants on the eve of his retirement, Council” Xmas get togethers that he and I, together appropriately in the Castlemaine Perkins with the QRU’s Terry Doyle and Queensland Soccer’s Boardroom at Milton. I saw him twice this year, Alan Vessey, enjoyed with some cold Castlemaine including at the QRL’s farewell function for his Perkins encouragement at then famous Larry’s Fish longstanding administrative colleague in John Grotto Restaurant in Red Hill. “Cracker” McDonald.

That association, professionally based around Ross Livermore’s memorial service at Suncorp in issues like State Government funding, major late April was a well attended, appropriate tribute facility development, local government leases and - as it would be for one of Queensland sport’s very rates for sporting bodies, was spawned in the best administrators.

10 Sportswatch - Winter 2013 Gone But Not Forgotten

An equally saddening day occurred again in late In more recent years, I learned there was a well July with the news that another good man for disguised wit and charm behind that quiet, soft sport in former Queensland Cricket CEO and spoken demeanour, particularly on a Friday night QSport Board member Graham Dixon had lost his where he enjoyed his end-of-the-week, few drinks struggle with cancer, battling the illness for more with yours truly and a few close friends at the than a year. “Abalone” Hotel at Albion, just a stroll up the hill from the Queensland Cricket headquarters at Like Ross Livermore, Graham Dixon was a true Border Field running off Bogan Street, Breakfast Queenslander, pushing at all times for his beloved Creek. cricket in this part of the world, taking the good fi ght up to his national counterparts but arguing He fi nally accepted QSport Board membership passionately and logically for a better deal for in March last year after years of behind the the sport overall, earning the respect, like Ross scenes input to yours truly on a myriad of issues Livermore, of his colleagues across the board in his confronting sport, including for many years chosen sport. engaging with me and the Brisbane City Council in quarterly meetings over sport as Australia’s Hailing, like me, from “Greater Sandgate” – even biggest local government jurisdiction. passing through the same local high school in “Deagon Grammar”, the softly spoken Dixon Like Ross Livermore, Graham Dixon leaves behind came to full time sports administration after earlier a family who knew of his strong commitment to employment, like Ross Livermore, in the public his job, his organisation and to his chosen sport. sector. As for Ross Livermore, there was a large turnout of His 21 plus years at Queensland Cricket, fi rst as family, friends and colleagues at a celebration of General Manager under Barry Richards and then Graham Dixon’s life at his beloved Border Field and as CEO from 1996, saw cricket’s fortunes here it was a privilege for me to be asked to address the and nationally peak and then slow as the world assembled multitude briefl y on the contribution of sport presented inevitable change to the way he made to me and to sport more broadly. we were. Queensland Sport has lost two outstanding His was a different personality to his QRL contributors – gone but not forgotten. counterpart but he shared a mindset about sport being bigger than just his own without ever really compromising his own sport’s position in the scheme of things. PETER CUMMISKEY His Sandgate Redcliffe Cricket Club involvement stood him in good stead at whatever level of the game he was involved in and his understanding of the critical role of volunteers and his preparedness to give of himself to broader sport debates marked him as a contributor, not only to cricket but to sport overall in this State.

Like Ross Livermore, he was adjudged a Queensland Sport Administrator of the Year for his outstanding efforts and as for Ross Livermore, I counted him among my closest colleagues and friends in sport.

Sportswatch - Winter 2013 11 12 Sportswatch - Winter 2013

2013 Qld Fitness, Sport and Recreation Workforce Development Conference

‘A resilient and adaptable organisational culture – the key to managing change’

Wednesday 11th September 2013, 8:30am – 4:00pm

Captain’s Room, The Pavilion, 1 Bogan St, Breakfast Creek, Brisbane


Welcome and ‘Setting the scene’ - The megatrends affecting the industry – MC, David O’Leary

Building a resilient and adaptable organisational culture Dr Karen Becker, Senior Lecturer, QUT Business School

Workshop 1 Delegates will examine what changes they could implement within their own organisations in response to trends identified in ‘Setting the scene’.

Morning tea

Skills Alliance - past achievements and future role of the SA - Judy Higgins, General Manager of Skills Alliance and Peter Cummiskey, CEO of QSport. Table discussion and report back.

Best Practice case studies Session 1 - Gold Coast Physical Activity Alliance Session 2 – Baseball Qld Q&A with these 2 presenters.

Club Central Resources - Deb Compton, Skills Alliance


My Community Database - Brentyn Parkin, CEO My Community

Afternoon workshops - delegates choose one to attend:

Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4

Creating a culture of engagement Attraction and retention VET Quality Framework within your workplace of staff and volunteers David Garner, Regional Manager Troy Morgan, Managing Director, Willows Sportspeople Compliance, Australian Skills Health Group Quality Authority

Best Practice case studies Session 3 – Risk management for sporting organisations – Mark Brown, Executive Officer, Sports Medicine Australia (Qld Branch) Session 4 – Beneficial Partnerships - Tony Attridge, College of Health & Fitness Q&A with these 2 presenters.

Conference close - Judy Higgins, General Manager Skills Alliance

For further information contact Skills Alliance on 07 33670833 / [email protected]

Sportswatch - Winter 2013 13 LOOKING FOR A NEW STAFF MEMBER?? WHAT ABOUT A TRAINEE?? Affordable and hassle free option for sporting bodies and other employers. Develop staff in a cost effective way to suit your needs. Let us do the work for you. For more information contact Shane Johnson on: P: (07) 3217 3500 M: 0415 599 615 E: shane.johnson@afl

sponsor of the Queensland Sport Awards

14 Sportswatch - Winter 2013 Momentum building for Commonwealth Games

The Newman Government use planning and steering the delivery of the has allocated more than $100 Games village and Games venues as a priority million to the 2018 Gold Coast development area. Site works for the Village are Commonwealth Games in its scheduled to commence from 1 October 2013 2013-14 state budget, as part and is the single-most signifi cant urban renewal of its commitment to build project ever undertaken on the Gold Coast a stronger, more prosperous • The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Queensland. emblem and iconic surf board countdown In making the announcement in June, Minister clock were unveiled on 4 April 2013 to for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and overwhelmingly positive public feedback. the Commonwealth Games Jann Stuckey said Signifi cant legislation to protect the brand momentum was well and truly building for the and sponsorship arrangements for the 2018 milestone event. Commonwealth Games were also introduced

“Funding of $59.3 million has been provided this • Community consultation continues to inform fi nancial year to my department and the Gold our legacy planning through the “Have your Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation say?” (external site) (GOLDOC) for signifi cant planning work and the website. Legacy planning will generate the best redevelopment of the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre,” possible long term economic and social benefi ts Ms Stuckey said. for Gold Coast and Queensland communities within the resources available. “In addition, $46.1 million has been allocated to the Department of State Development, Infrastructure In January 2013, the Commonwealth Games and Planning to develop the Commonwealth Federation conducted a project review of the Games Village at Parklands, where site works will Games and outlined its satisfaction with the start in October this year. State Government’s progress to date, particularly the transition of planning from the bid phase to “Preparations to deliver a successful Games and organisation. lasting legacy outcomes for Queensland are on schedule. The Federation was also satisfi ed with the commitment of the State and the positive and “We are where we need to be with most work productive relationship between delivery partners, well advanced, particularly for master planning.” including the Federal Government and the City of The four most prominent activities are: the Gold Coast.

• Early and major works for the construction The Federation will conduct its fi rst formal of the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre. Estimated evaluation of Games preparations when the completion of the Aquatic Centre is on Federation’s Coordination Commission visits schedule for June 2014. It is anticipated that Queensland in November 2013. approximately 350 jobs will be created with the The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games redevelopment will be held on the Gold Coast from 4 - 15 April • The Commonwealth Games Infrastructure 2018 for 11 days of competition across 17 sports, Authority (CGIA) has responsibility for and including four para-sports.

Sportswatch - Winter 2013 15 QSport Upcoming Events

With QSport having celebrated its 20th Anniversary back in February, there are two major events remaining in 2013 in its annual luncheon in October and the 19th annual Queensland Sport Awards / Hall of Fame Presentation in December.

The QSport luncheon on Thursday 31st October in the refurbished Auditorium will be a “Luncheon with Laver” as QSport has accepted the invitation extended to it by the iconic “fi rst among equals” Legend of Queensland Sport in former international tennis star Rod Laver to launch his autobiography in Queensland at QSport’s annual members and sponsors luncheon.

That event also will feature the announcement of fi nalists of the various Sport Award categories for 2013, the winners of which will be announced and presented at the Queensland Sport Awards / Hall of Fame Presentation on Monday evening, 2 December in the Plaza Ballroom at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

At that latter event, the 13th Legend of Queensland Sport and four new inductees also will be installed in the Queensland Sport Hall of Fame.

supporting the Queensland Sport Awards



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