Candidate Information and Application Pack 2020

Contents 2 Introduction, Wildlife Trust 4 DWT’s Culture & People 5 The Board of Trustees 6 Being a Trustee FAQ’s 8 Trustee Role Description 10 Application Instructions & Selection Process 11 Trustee Application Form

Registered Charity no. 213224 1 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, , Devon, EX2 4AB


Thank you for your interest in becoming a trustee of Devon Wildlife Trust! This pack has been created by current trustees and staff members with the aim of providing the information you need before and during application. If you require a different format, or have any questions not answered by this pack, please email [email protected]

Please note that DWT’s offices will be closed over the Christmas break from Thursday 24 December reopening on Monday 4 January and emails will not be monitored during that time.

Devon Wildlife Trust

Founded in 1962 by a small group of volunteers, Devon Wildlife Trust (DWT) is the only charity that exists to safeguard Devon’s unique natural environments and their wildlife. DWT now has thousands of members, hundreds of volunteers, and over 100 staff members.

We believe wildlife affects every part of everyone's lives and that everything we do impacts nature. We know that the natural environment is under immense threat here in Devon, nationally, and globally. Our strategic plans include ambitious, innovative and large-scale conservation approaches to protect and enhance wildlife; species reintroductions; wide reaching education and engagement programmes; and campaigning and advocacy work.

As part of a national network of 46 Wildlife Trusts - known collectively as (TWTs) - we have national reach, so our work makes a difference for wildlife everywhere.

DWT operates three wholly owned subsidiary companies:

● Devon Wildlife Enterprises (DWE) delivers commercial ecological consultancy work ● Devon Wildlife Services (DWS) operates Seaton Jurassic, our visitor centre in East Devon

Registered Charity no. 213224 2 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB

● Warren Crocus Company Limited holds the lease for land and property owned by DWT at .

Along with 7 other Wildlife Trusts, we jointly own and run South West Wildlife Fundraising Limited (SWWFL), a business which works to recruit new members.

Our website ( provides a good overview of the range and reach of our work, as well as details about our many assets (properties and nature reserves). We highly recommend you have a read of the What we do section of the website.

Registered Charity no. 213224 3 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB

DWT's Culture & People

We pride ourselves on being a welcoming community of people - members and supporters, volunteers, partners and staff - who share a love of Devon’s wildlife and who work together to protect it. Our values are summarised as follows:

● Everyone counts - giving everyone a chance to discover and enjoy Devon's wildlife

● Atmosphere of trust - creating an organisation in which people's views and ideas are heard, and where they are willing to take responsibility for leading

● Going the extra mile - staying the course and delivering above and beyond what our stakeholders would expect

● Passion with reason - pursuing our work with drive, and making sure our arguments are reasoned and based on sound evidence

● Considerate partners - being aware of the needs and concerns of those we work with, recognising mutual strengths and sharing credit

● Inspiring minds - sowing enthusiasm to developing, experimenting and broadening our work

We know that DWT and the conservation sector has progress to make regarding diversity. We are carrying out this work nationally, within the Trust, and at committee level.

Like most organisations across the world, the global pandemic has disrupted DWT. Our staff, trustees, and volunteers have had to adapt to new ways of working. We make full use of a range of communications software to ensure everyone involved is included.

Devon Wildlife Trust is committed to excellence in all areas. We hold a number of accreditations, including Investors in Volunteers, Investors in People, and ISO14001 for environmental management. We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and adhere to the Fundraising Code of Practice.

Registered Charity no. 213224 4 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB

The Board of Trustees

DWT is governed by a Board of Trustees. We are responsible for ensuring effective governance, setting the Trust’s strategic direction and policies, and ensuring compliance to all relevant regulations (including the Charities Act and Companies Act).

DWT's Board has adopted the Charity Governance Code, which sets standards of best practice for governance, and can be found at

Trustees are normally expected to use their skills and experiences to take part in a variety of leadership roles, working groups, committees, and Company Boards. For example: ● the Chair of the Board and Hon Treasurer are trustees elected annually by the Board ● this pack has been prepared by the Nominations and Development Committee ● a Finance and General Purposes Committee meets quarterly to act as an advisory group ● a Strategic Group was set up to support staff in making critical decisions in light of the ongoing COVID19 pandemic

Trustees attend Board Meetings (usually 2 Saturday away days and 3 evening meetings), the Annual General Meeting, and any Committees or Working Groups they are involved in.

All meetings are held over Zoom at present, but will revert to a mix of video call and in- person (in Exeter, where the Trust is based, or at Woodah Farm in the Teign Valley) when safe.

We are incredibly fortunate to have the exceptional support of the Trust's experienced, passionate, and dedicated Senior Leadership Team, CEO, and Governance Officer.

"I really enjoy working with positive, creative people (both staff and other Trustees) who share my passion for wildlife and the natural environment and look to widen access to it in a sustainable way.

I am so proud of the great projects where we have really made a difference e.g. Beavers, Action for Insects, Horsey Island."

- Trustee Audit Response, September 2020

Registered Charity no. 213224 5 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB

Being a Trustee – FAQs

How much time do trustees devote to their role? Being a trustee requires a lot of voluntary work - time preparing for and attending meetings; effort spent understanding complexities and staying updated on the conservation sector. The precise time commitment varies, but probably averages around 3 hours a week. Trustees serve in terms of 3 years, and don't normally serve for more than 2 consecutive terms.

What is it like to be a trustee? Our recent audit found numerous reasons why being a DWT Trustee is a rewarding experience. They include social aspects of working in a team, and "working with a group of like-minded people from different backgrounds".

As a DWT trustee, you can expect to be: ● inducted to your role and provided with tailored, ongoing support ● part of the team; to share in the Trust’s successes and challenges ● provided with high quality, timely information to support your statutory responsibilities ● involved in aspects of the role that particularly interest you, have your views heard and respected, and to feel that your skills and your contribution are valued ● remunerated for out of pocket expenses related to your role in line with our expenses policy

Am I eligible to be a Trustee - and do I have to declare Conflicts of Interest? All trustees are required to either be or become a member of the charity. To be eligible to serve as a trustee, you must not have unspent convictions for any offence involving deception or dishonesty; have been adjudged bankrupt and not been discharged; have made an arrangement with creditors and not been discharged; have been removed from the office of charity trustee on the grounds of misconduct or mismanagement in the administration of a charity; or be subject to a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 or the Insolvency Act 1986.

Trustees are asked to make declarations relating to financial, professional, personal or prejudicial interests - anything which conflicts with the charity’s mission and values and/or which hinders their ability to act fairly, impartially and in the best interests of the charity.

Is being a Trustee right for me? If you believe you fit the Role Description below, then yes! We encourage you to apply. DWT is seeking to better reflect our commitment to diversity. We particularly welcome applications from people aged under 40; people with disabilities; and Black, Asian, and minority ethnic people. These demographics are underrepresented on our Board of Trustees.

Registered Charity no. 213224 6 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB

You don't need to have had previous Board experience to be a great trustee. Current and previous trustees include a land owner, a student, a business owner, a lawyer, and a retired person, all with their own unique experiences and perspectives on Devon's wildlife. However, we appreciate that having a trustee role isn't for everybody, or now might not be the right time. There are many other ways to get involved with Devon Wildlife Trust, including other voluntary roles, all of which can be found on our website.

Registered Charity no. 213224 7 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB

Trustee Role Description

Trustees are committed to devoting time and effort to use their skills, knowledge and experience to help achieve the aims of Devon Wildlife Trust. They are expected to: ● govern in line with our mission, values and charitable objectives ● provide strategic direction (e.g. set policy, monitor performance) at Board level and in any sub-Committees and working groups involved with ● be responsible for ensuring compliance with charity law, company law, and all other statutory and regulatory requirements ● ensure that we effectively apply our resources exclusively in pursuance of the objects defined in our governing documents ● examine organisational risks and the actions needed to minimise them, including those to our property and assets ● enthusiastically contribute in meetings and via email ● ensure efficient organisation administration, delegate day-to-day management to the CEO, and support and hold the CEO to account ● treat all DWT staff and volunteers, including other Trustees, with respect and consideration; and abide by the decisions of the majority ● put the interests of the charity first, and safeguard its reputation and values.

Trustees are individually accountable to the Board and to DWT’s members.

Essential criteria - you are... • Committed to meeting the expectations above • Eligible under charity law to act as a Trustee • A member of DWT (or become one) • A confident user of email and the internet • Confident in communicating your views and making collective, impartial decisions • Able to objectively analyse information, ask questions, and debate and provide challenge when necessary • Able to show some records of behaviours consistent with Nolan's 7 Principles of Public Life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership • A team player, able to build mutually respectful relationships with others • Willing to act as an organisation champion Desirable criteria - you are... • Happy to act as a spokesperson, ambassador and advocate for DWT (e.g. at events, on social media) • Able to help develop the Trust’s networks with key partners, funders, donors and other stakeholder groups • Considered skilled or experienced in any of the following areas: o Marine wildlife conservation o Sustainable agriculture o Increasing inclusion, accessibility, and diversity o Campaigning / political influencing o Managing health, safety, and welfare

Registered Charity no. 213224 8 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB

o Income generation / fundraising We particularly welcome applications from people aged under 40; people with disabilities; and Black, Asian, and minority ethnic people. These demographics are underrepresented on our Board of Trustees.

Registered Charity no. 213224 9 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB

Trustee Application Instructions

Consider the questions in the Application Form, and email your answers to [email protected]

You can communicate your answers in whatever format best suits you. For example, you could submit a PDF, write your answers in the body of an email, or record a video. Regardless of the format you choose, please use 'Trustee Application' as the subject line of your email, and do not send a CV.

Life experience, volunteering, community involvement, and personal passion are as valued as work-based knowledge and skills. We particularly welcome applications from people aged under 40; people with disabilities; and Black, Asian, and minority ethnic people. These demographics are underrepresented on our Board of Trustees.

The deadline for applications is 27 January 2021.

Please note that this is a voluntary rather than paid role with DWT, but we are using DWT’s job application mailbox to maintain confidentiality for applicants.

Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed by the Nominations and Development Committee (N&DC) after the deadline.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to meet the N&DC for a friendly, informal interview during the fortnight beginning 15 February. This may be via Zoom.

The N&DC will then recommend candidates to the DWT Board of Trustees for appointment.

Successful applicants will be notified by 15 March and formally co-opted onto the Board, beginning induction in April.

Co-opted trustees will stand for election at the next AGM (Autumn 2021).

(The Board of Trustees has the power to co-opt trustees. You become a trustee from the date of the Board’s decision, and the Charity Commission and Companies House are notified of your appointment. DWT’s Articles of Association require that any trustee co-opted during the year has to stand for election by the membership at the next AGM.) Registered Charity no. 213224 10 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB

DWT Trustee Application Form 2020

Email your answers to [email protected] in whichever format best suits you. For example: ● write your answers in the body of the email ● attach your answers in any widely available written format e.g. .docx or .pdf ● record a video communicating your answers, and send it via email

No format will be preferred above any other. Regardless of how you choose to communicate, please use 'Trustee Application' as the subject line of the email, and do not send a CV.

We particularly welcome applications from people aged under 40; people with disabilities; and Black, Asian, and minority ethnic people. These demographics are underrepresented on our Board of Trustees.

Name: Address: Email: Telephone number:

Why do you want to be a Trustee of the Devon Wildlife Trust? (50-150 words)

What skills and experiences would you draw upon as a Trustee? (100-200 words)

How do you meet the criteria in the Trustee Role Description? (100-200 words)

Is there anything else you think is relevant to your application, or any access needs we can help support?

Registered Charity no. 213224 11 Devon Wildlife Trust, Cricklepit Mill, Commercial Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AB