For further information about NASA’s High-End Computing Program, please contact: Dr. Tsengdar Lee Scientific Computing Portfolio Manager NASA Science Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters (202) 358-0860
[email protected] Dr. Rupak Biswas HECC Project Manager NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division NASA Ames Research Center (650) 604-4411
[email protected] Dr. W. Phillip Webster NCCS Project Manager Computational and Information Sciences and Technology Office NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (301) 286-9535
[email protected] HIGH-END COMPUTING AT NASA 2006 November 1, 2006 Members of the Scientific Research and Engineering Community: We are extremely pleased to present the inaugural report from NASA’s newly established High-End Com- puting (HEC) Program. This publication captures remarkable science and engineering accomplishments enabled by the HEC Program’s shared high-end computing systems and services. For several decades, high-end computing has played an important role in supporting NASA’s missions, with advancements as broad as preparing the Space Shuttle for Return to Flight, assimilating vast quantities of Earth observational data into climate models, and developing astrophysical calculations that help us better understand the origins of our universe. Today, our Program is committed to maintaining a stable, service- oriented computing environment for all four of the Agency’s mission directorates—Aeronautics Research, Exploration Systems, Science, and Space Operations—as well as NASA’s Engineering and Safety Center, external collaborators, and the nation. In this report, you will read about the technologies that help make NASA’s HEC Program successful.