THE LIFEBOAT. the Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution
THE LIFEBOAT. The Journal of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. Vol. XXVIII.—No. 310.] JUNE, 1932. [PRICE THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET Motor Life-boats, 108 :: Pulling & Sailing Life-boats, 73 LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Institution in 1824 to June 9th, 1932 - 62,913 Annual Meeting. THE Hundred and Eighth Annual Meet- countries. They were: Their Excel- ing of the Governors of the Institution lencies the French Ambassador, the was held at the Caxton Hall, West- Danish Minister and the Netherlands minster, on Friday, 22nd April, at Minister, representatives of the German 3 p.m. and Belgian Ambassadors, the Swedish Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of Naval Attache, and a representative of the Committee of Management, pre- the Latvian Minister. sided, supported by the Mayor of West- The Mayors and Mayoresses of the minster, Vice-Presidents of the Institu- following London Boroughs accepted tion and members of the Committee of the invitation : Westminster, Fulham, Management. Finsbury, Camberwell, Hammersmith, The principal speaker was the Eight Battersea, Acton, Marylebone, Lambeth, Hon. Walter Eunciman, M.P., Presi- Paddington, Ilford, Holborn, Bromley, dent of the Board of Trade and a Vice- Poplar, Woolwich, West Ham, Wands- President of the Institution, who pre- worth and Walthamstow. sented two Medals awarded for gallantry Among others who accepted the to the Coxswains of Longhope, in the invitation were Sir Eobert Hamilton, Orkneys, and Portpatrick, Wigtown- M.P., for Orkney and Shetland, and shire, and awards made during 1931 to Lady Hamilton; Mr. J. H. McKie, a number of honorary workers. M.P. for Galloway; the Lady Diana The other speakers were Mr.
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