
ABMJ 2019, 2(1): 38-46 DOI: 10.2478/abmj-2019-0005

Acta Biologica Marisiensis


Silvia OROIAN1*, Mihaela SĂMĂRGHIŢAN2, Sanda COŞARCĂ1, Mariana HIRIŢIU1, Florentina OROIAN3, Corneliu TANASE1

1Department of Fundamental Pharmaceutical Sciences, Discipline of Pharmaceutical Botany, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania 2Mureş County Museum, Department of Natural Sciences, Târgu Mureş, Romania 3The Pharmacy Remedia Târgu Mureş, Romania

*Correspondence: Silvia OROIAN [email protected]

Received: 14 May 2019; Accepted: 15 June 2010; Published: 30 June 2019

Abstract: The aim of this study was to identify the medicinal and aromatic plants from mountain hay meadows (6520 - Natura 2000 habitat) of Gurghiului Mountains and to analyze the correlation of these herbs with their therapeutic compounds as well as the human diseases on which they can be used on therapeutic purpose. The area covered by this study was the Gurghiului Mountains. Regarding the vegetation, this area is characterized by the predominance of forest ecosystems, along with semi-natural mountainous grasslands. The floristic inventory for the studied area included numerous medicinal plants with therapeutic chemical compounds. These medicinal plants were grouped in this study according to the dominant active principles used in phytotherapy. Two associations were identified: Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris Horvat 1951 and Poo-Trisetetum flavescentis Knapp ex Oberdorfer 1957. This survey demonstrates that the medicinal plant area in the Gurghiului Mountains is a promising economic resource for developing this region, but it needs planned exploitation.

Keywords: grasslands, habitats, medicinal plants.

1. Introduction

Today is increasing interest in the health importance and popularity. Ethnobotany and benefits of medicinal plants. This is with good ethnopharmacology have contributed to the reason as they might offer a natural safeguard discovery of many important plant-derived against the development of certain conditions drugs. and be a putative treatment for some diseases Vegetal product research can be guided by (Tahraoui et al., 2007). Ethnobotanical studies ethnopharmacological knowledge. In the same have become increasingly valuable in the time, it can make a contribution to drug development of health care and conservation innovation by providing novel chemical programs (Nadembega et al., 2011; Wright et structures and/or mechanisms of action. Both al, 2007; Tahraoui et al., 2007). The green plant-derived drugs and crude plants have to pharmaceuticals are receiving extraordinary take the same pharmaco-economic hurdle that 38

Silvia Oroian et al. has become important for new synthetic drug 2.2 Botanical survey (De Smet, 1997). The survey was carried out during the year An increased interest worldwide for the 2014-2015 and subsequent data analysis that estimation of therapeutic potential of herbal was completed in 2016. The study of medicinal medicine, prompted us to study grasslands with plants was done in Natura 2000 habitat, 6520 – plants showing medicinal potential, especially Mountain hay meadows, comprising semi- herbs used in a variety of human disorders. natural mountain meadows. This study of Sustainable use of wild populations of medicinal plants was carried out based on our medicinal plants requires robust assessment of own research in the field by using classic the distribution and abundance of target techniques, procedures promoted in literature, (Nkomo et al., 2014). In different countries, and some statistical analysis (Oroian, 1998; many medicinal plants are widely distributed Sămărghiţan et Oroian 1999; Tămaș, 1999; and used across regions. However, relatively Oroian et Sămărghiţan, 2000; Sămărghiţan, few are cultivated. Thus, the conservation of 2005; Oroian, 2011; Coldea, 2012; Rácz et al, these plants requires efforts that are directed to 2012). key habitats, including secondary forests, The type of habitat has been coded in disturbed areas and agrolandscapes (Aguilar- accordance with existing interpretations of Støen and Moe, 2007). habitats in Romanian manuals (Cristea et al., Medicinal plants growing in semi-natural 2004; Gafta et Mountford, 2008). Habitat and natural ecosystems are a valuable structure characterization was done using commodity because they are a cheap resource; phytosociological surveys. The inventory of the the quality of spontaneous herbs is seldom medicinal species was based on the active superior to those cultivated and their consumers principles contained therein, and data obtained acceptance is higher. from bibliographic information (Istudor, 1998; Our study represents an inventory on Palade, 1998; Sămărghiţan et Oroian 1999; medicinal plants identified in the mountain hay Tămaș, 1999; Oroian et Sămărghiţan, 2000; meadows from the area of the Gurghiului Istudor, 2001; Palade et al, 2003; Cristea et al., Mountains. The collected data represent the 2004; Doniță et al. 2005; Aguilar-Støen et preliminary information required in view of a Moes, 2007; Gafta et Mountford, 2008; future phytochemical investigation on the most Stănescu et al., 2002; Stănescu et al.2002b; used plants. Yberrt et al., 2013; Council Directive 92/43/EEC; Romanian Pharmacopoeia; 2. Materials and Methods European Pharmacopoeia).

2.1 Study area 3. Results and discussions Gurghiului volcanic mountains are on the western edge of the Eastern Carpathians Center 3.1 Medicinal plants recorded (Mureş County). They fall into the group of the Two plant associations were identified: youngest mountains in Romania. By their Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris Horvat geographical location they fall in the temperate 1951 and Poo-Trisetetum flavescentis Knapp mountains, wet and cool climate. This climate ex Oberdorfer 1957. together with edaphic conditions is responsible They were classified according to Coldea for the richness and diversity of flora existing (2012) as follows: Cls. Molinio- in the study area. Arrhenatheretea, Ord. Arrhenatheretalia, All.


ABMJ 2019, 2(1): 38-46

Arrhenatherion Koch 1926, Ass. Poo- frequency (61-80%): Alchemilla xanthochlora, Trisetetum flavescentis Knapp 1951 em. Carum carvi, Equisetum arvense, Euphrasia Oberdorfer 1983; All. Cynosurion R.Tx.1947, rostkoviana, Pimpinella saxifraga, Plantago Ass. Festuco- Agrostetum capillaris Horvat media, Rumex acetosella, Thymus pulegioides, 1951. Veronica chamaedrys, Viola tricolor etc. The The phytocoenosis of these two following species have an average frequency associations belong to 6520 – Mountain hay between 41-60%: Daucus carota, Fragaria meadows habitat of community interest listed vesca, Galium mollugo, Galium verum, Mentha in Annex I of Habitats Directive (Council longifolia, Polygala vulgaris, erecta Directive 92/43/EEC). The flora of these etc. associations included many medicinal plants. We mention that the phytosociological surveys 3.2 Therapeutic uses of medicinal plants were recorded at different altitudes ranging The medicinal plants were gathered between 504-1255 m, and 29 surveys were according to the dominant active principles for processed. A part of the plants identified in which they are used in traditional medicine or these surveys were medicinal species. Thus, in phytotherapy. From the total medicinal species the Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris recorded in inventory, the most numerous association 74 taxa out of 148 identified, species contain: tannins (16,66% of the contained certain therapeutic chemical species), essential oils (12,22% of the species), compounds, while in the Poo-Trisetetum coumarins (11,11% of the species), flavonoids flavescentis association 57 taxa out of 141 (10% of the species), saponins (8,88% of the identified, contained certain therapeutic species), alkaloids and mucilage (6,66% each), chemical compounds. iridoids, bitter compounds and organic acids, The most common herbs, whose presence vitamins and provitamins (4,44% each) in phytosociologic surveys is very high (81- (Stănescu et al., 2002; Stănescu et al.2002b; 100%) are: Achillea millefolium, Plantago Stănescu et al. 2004; Wright et al., 2007; lanceolata, Prunella vulgaris and Trifolium Eşianu et Ștefănescu, 2016) etc. (Table 1). pratense, followed by those with high

Table 1. Checklist of medicinal species used in traditional medicine and phytotherapy according to the dominant active principles The dominant Species Medicinal vegetal active principles products Anchusa officinalis Flos et folium Platago lanceolata Folium Plantago major Folium MUCILAGE Plantago media Folium Tussilago farfara Folium Verbascum lychnitis Flos Filipendula ulmaria Flos PHENOLIC GLYCOSIDES Populus tremula Gemma Salix alba Cortex Rumex acetosa Herba ANTHRAQUINONE Rumex acetosella Herba DERIVATIVES Rumex crispus Rhizoma NAPHTODIANTHRONES Hypericum maculatum Herba


Silvia Oroian et al.

Hypericum perforatum Herba CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES Digitalis grandiflora Folium Bellis perennis Flos Equisetum arvense Herba Ononis arvensis Radix Polygala comosa Herba SAPONINS Polygala vulgaris Herba Primula veris Rhizoma cum radicibus Trifolium pratense Flos Viola tricolor Herba Crataegus monogyna Folium, fructus et flos Rhizoma et radix FLAVONOIDS Linaria vulgaris Herba Pilosella officinarum Herba Prunella vulgaris Herba Trifolium repens Herba Veronica chamaedrys Herba Veronica officinalis Herba Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Radix Viola tricolor Herba Cruciata glabra Herba Cruciata laevipez Herba Galium mollugo Herba Galium verum Herba Heracleum sphondylium Radix, folium et fructus COUMARINS Medicago falcata Herba Medicago lupulina Herba Medicago sativa Herba Melilotus officinalis Flos et herba Pastinaca sativa Radix Pimpinella saxifraga Radix Herba Alchemilla xanthochlora Herba Anthyllis vulneraria Flos Fragaria vesca Folium Fragaria viridis Folium Geranium robertianum Herba Geum urbanum Rhizoma TANNINS nummularia Herba Herba Polygonum bistorta Rhizoma Potentilla argentea Rhizoma Potentilla erecta Rhizoma Potentilla recta Rhizoma Potentilla reptans Rhizoma Salix alba Cortex DEPSIDES Cichorium intybus Herba et radix Achillea millefolium Flos Carum carvi Fructus Juniperus communis Psudo-fructus ESSENTIAL OILS Mentha longifolia Folium Origanum vulgare Herba Petasites hybridus Rhizoma 41

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Picea abies Turiones Thymus glabrescens Herba Thymus pulcherrimus Herba Thymus pulegioides Herba ALLANTOIN Symphytum officinale Radix GLYCORESINS Convolvulus arvensis Herba Ajuga reptans Herba Euphrasia rostkoviana Herba IRIDOIDS Lamium album Herba Stachys germanica Herba Stachys officinalis Herba Clematis vitalba Folium Colchicum autumnale Semen Echium vulgare Herba ALKALOIDS Genista tinctoria Herba Senecio jacobaea Herba Veratrum album Rhizoma Centaurium erythraea Herba Gentiana asclepiadea Radix BITTER COMPOUNDS Glechoma hederacea Herba Taraxacum officinale Radix et herba BITTER-AROMATIC Artemisia vulgaris Herba COMPOUNDS Daucus carota Radix ORGANIC ACIDS, VITAMINS Rosa canina Fructus and PROVITAMINS Rubus idaeus Folium Urtica dioica Folium

Inexhaustible green treasure of Gurghiului in gynecological disorders (4 sp.), Mountains can be an important source of active cardiovascular, CNS disorders and geriatrics (2 ingredients for achieving herbal extracts used sp. each) (Table 2). in various diseases. The most numerous herbs As shown in Table 2, the majority of are used in disorders of the digestive system plants were reported to be used for more than (37 sp.), respiratory system (18 sp.), skin one type of disease. disorders (15 sp.), muscular and skeletal systems (10 sp.) genitourinary system (8 sp.),

Table 2. Medicinal plant species used in various disorders Phytotherapy of mouth Achillea millefolium, Agrimonia . gingivitis, eupatoria, Centaurium erythraea, Geum . stomatitis, thrush, urbanum, Lysimachia nummularia, . periodontitis, Lythrum salicaria, Polygonum bistorta, . dental abscesses, PHYTOTHERAPY FOR Potentilla sp., Thymus sp. . tonsillitis DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Equisetum arvense, Hypericum DISORDERS Hyperacid gastritis and ulcer sp.,Medicago sativa, Melilotus

disease officinalis, Plantago sp., Rubus idaeus, Symphytum officinale Artemisia vulgaris, Centaurium Gastric hypoacidity - erythrea, Euphrasia rostkoviana, dyspepsia, anorexia Gentiana asclepiadea 42

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Acute and chronic liver Achillea millefolium, Hypericum sp., disease Taraxacum officinalis, Thymus sp.

Achillea millefolium, Agrimonia eupatoria, Cichorium intybus, Functional disorders of the Eupatorium cannabinum, Hypericum gallbladder and biliary tract sp., Mentha longifolia, Pastinaca sativa, Petasites hybridus, Taraxacum officinale Cichorium intybus, Convolvulus Phytotherapy in constipation arvense, Rumex sp. Achillea millefolium, Agrimonia Phytotherapy in diarrhea eupatoria, Geum urbanum, Lythrum salicaria Vomiting - nausea Mentha longifolia Abdominal colic Achillea millefolium, Mentha longifolia Flatulence (bloating) Carum carvi, Mentha longifolia Helminthiasis - anthelmintic Achillea millefolium, Gentiana plant asclepiadea, Rosa canina, Thymus sp. PHYTOTHERAPY FOR Heart failure Digitalis grandiflora CARDIOVASCULAR Cardiac neurosis Crataegus monogyna SYSTEM DISORDERS Angina pectoris Crataegus monogyna

Achillea millefolium, Equisetum Immuno-stimulatory plant arvense, Hypericum sp., Rosa canina PHYTOTHERAPY FOR Central and peripheral Plantago sp., Tussilago farfara, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM antitussives Verbascum lychnitis DISORDERS Primula veris, Picea abies, Polygala Expectorant sp., Viola tricolor Ajuga reptans, Origanum vulgare, Asthma Petasites hybridus Equisetum arvense, Juniperus PHYTOTHERAPY FOR communis, Lamium album, Ononis GENITOURINARY Diuretic arvensis, Taraxacum officinale, Viola SYSTEM DISORDERS tricolor, Urtica dioica

Equisetum arvense, Rosa canina, Urtica Urolithiasis dioica PHYTOTHERAPY FOR Menopausal Disorders Genista tinctoria, Medicago sp. GYNECOLOGICAL DISORDERS Dysmenorrhea Achillea millefolium, Artemisia vulgaris

Acne Taraxacum officinale, Viola tricolor Eczema Achillea millefolium, Taraxacum officinale,Viola tricolor Achillea millefolium, Populus tremula, Dermatomycosis Thymus sp. PHYTOTHERAPY FOR Alopecia (hair loss) Urtica dioica SKIN DISORDERS Equisetum arvense, Hypericum sp., Wounds Populus tremula, Plantago sp., Symphytum officinale Light burns Hypericum sp., Populus tremula Achillea millefolium, Symphytum Bruises officinale 43

ABMJ 2019, 2(1): 38-46

Hypericum sp., Juniperus communis, PHYTOTHERAPY FOR Plant products with anti- Medicago sativa, Mentha longifolia, LOCOMOTORY SYSTEM inflammatory / analgesic, Picea abies, Populus tremula, Salix DISORDERS anti-rheumatic and alba, Taraxacum officinale, Urtica hyperemic action dioica PHYTOTHERAPY FOR Sleep disturbances; CNS SYSTEM DISORDERS Hypericum sp. Nervousness; Depression.

PHYTOTHERAPY IN Crataegus monogyna, Urtica dioica GERIATRY

There is major interest in the health diseases, but it can also provide a comparative benefits of herbs and botanicals (Foote et basis for future similar floristic research to be Cohen, 1998). In the same time, there are an carried out in the Eastern Carpathians. increasing number of papers claiming that The most numerous herbs identified in plants or plant-derived active principles may study area are those used for: disorders of the function as agent against many human diseases. digestive, respiratory, dermatological disorders, Most of these researches have determined the musculoskeletal and urogenital systems. level of clinical support for the traditional use Further experimental investigation of these of common or folklore medicines. Many plant medicinal and aromatic plants may possibly species are known as sources of treating human offer effective and alternative affordable ailments, this study documents the plants from management of some human disease. Gurghiului Mountains, used in Romania by traditional healers for the treatment of different Conflict of Interest human disease. The authors declare that the research was Our study confirms that wild medicinal conducted in the absence of any commercial or plants and natural products obtained from these financial relationships that could be construed are still a major source of medicine for the as a potential conflict of interest. people living in the studied area. References Conclusions 1. Aguilar-Støen M, Moe SR (2007) The medicinal plants generally have Medicinal plant conservation and significant less adverse effects compared with management: distribution of wild and synthesized substances and also people have a cultivated species in eight countries. better tolerance to these plants than synthetic Biodivers Conserv 16:1973-1981. drugs. In this paper we summarize information 2. Ciulei I, Grigorescu E, Stănescu U (1993) on medicinal and aromatic plants with current Medicinal herbs, Phytochemistry and information in the international literature and phytotherapy, vol. 2. Medical Publishing highlight the current state of House, București ethnopharmacological, phytochemical and 3. Coldea Gh (red). (2012) Les associations clinical research on some of the more widely végétales de Roumanie, tom 2. Les used and better known species. Mountain hay associations herbacées anthropogène. Cluj meadows from Gurghiului Mountains can be University Press, Cluj-Napoca an important source of active substances for achieving herbal extracts used in various


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