OpenYourMine WP4 - New communication strategies for business How to open your mine: From the confident destruction of nature to negotiations in the age of NIMBY and BANANA. Examples from the United States

Pr. Susanne Berthier-Foglar Part 3 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • The NIMBY syndrome (Not in example of Resolution my back yard) and the Copper in Arizona meaning of ‘backyard’ (i.e. the private area of a property; A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, location of development in BANANA, and NOPE other regions/countries) B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: • The socio-political meanings analysis of a draft environmental of BANANA (Build Absolutely impact study (August 2019 Nothing Anywhere Near Copper in Arizona: history and Anything) and NOPE (Not on recent developments Planet Earth): derogatory, Major social elements to consider when opening a mine used by the proponents of development to ridicule those Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process who refuse any type of Discourse analysis: diverging development opinions on Resolution Copper • aka CAVE dwellers (Citizens Against Virtually Anything)

2 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • The importance of copper example of Resolution mining in Arizona since the Copper in Arizona 19th century A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, BANANA, and NOPE • The 4Cs of Arizona: cattle, B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: citrus, cotton, copper analysis of a draft environmental impact study • 1990s: Copper ore is (August 2019) Copper in Arizona: history and discovered under the old recent developments Magma Mine in Superior, Major social elements to consider when opening a mine Arizona Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process • one of the largest Discourse analysis: diverging undeveloped copper opinions on Resolution Copper deposits in the world

3 Copper mining the United States

Turquoise mining by indigenous peoples

Arizona Two large Indian Reservations: White Mountain Apache San Carlos Apache 4 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • 1996: Resolution Copper, example of Resolution joint venture Rio Tinto Copper in Arizona (55%) and BHP Billiton A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, (45%) BANANA, and NOPE B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: • Located primarily on the analysis of a draft environmental impact study Tonto National Forest (August 2019) Copper in Arizona: history and • Open to mineral entry recent developments under the Mining Law of Major social elements to consider when opening a mine 1872 Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process • The copper ore is found at Discourse analysis: diverging 1.500 meters opinions on Resolution Copper underground.

5 3- Public perception of mines and resource • Opening a mine on protected exploitation: The land (the “Oak Flat example of Resolution Withdrawal Area”) Copper in Arizona • Apache acorn collecting area A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, • Site of the Oak Flat BANANA, and NOPE B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: campground analysis of a draft environmental impact study • Resolution Copper: a 10-year (August 2019) land acquisition plan for a Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments projected land exchange Major social elements to • Resolution Copper has consider when opening a mine acquired 21 square km to Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process obtain 9.8 square km of Discourse analysis: diverging National Forest land including opinions on Resolution Copper the Oak Flat Withdrawal Area

6 3- Public perception of mines and resource • December 2014: exploitation: The example of Resolution Congress authorized a Copper in Arizona land exchange pending A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, completion of the BANANA, and NOPE environmental impact B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental impact study statement (EIS) (August 2019) Copper in Arizona: history and • August 2019, the Draft recent developments Environmental Impact Major social elements to consider when opening a mine Statement (DEIS) was Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process made public Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper • Beginning of public inquiry

7 • construction (10 years) / production 3- Public perception of (40–50 years) / reclamation (5–10 years) mines and resource • Underground mine, ‘panel caving’, ore exploitation: The crushed underground, transported example of Resolution underground to an ore-processing plant Copper in Arizona on the surface. A-Introduction: the use of • Production of copper and molybdenum resources in a context of NIMBY, BANANA, and NOPE concentrates. B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: • Copper concentrate: pumped as a slurry analysis of a draft environmental impact study through a 22-mile surface pipeline to a (August 2019) filter plant and sent of off-site smelters. Copper in Arizona: history and • Molybdenum concentrate: filtered, recent developments dried, and sent to market. Major social elements to consider when opening a mine • Tailings: pumped as a slurry in surface Mitigation work starts before the pipelines to a storage facility. actual mining process • Collapse of the ground: crater of a depth Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper of 250 to 350 meters and a diameter of almost 3 km. • Critical view: no photoshopped views of

the final aspect of Oak Flat 8 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • A “hard view” of the example of Resolution footprint of the mine: Copper in Arizona surface area for tailings, A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, water use, land exchange BANANA, and NOPE • footprint of the mine in B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental operation / post-mine impact study (August 2019 (tailings): visual nuisance Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments • Water needs in a semi-arid Major social elements to consider when opening a mine land Mitigation work starts before the • damage to the desert actual mining process ecosystems; soil as non- Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper renewable resource

9 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • Damage to recreational example of Resolution Copper in Arizona resources A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, • Damage to cultural BANANA, and NOPE resources B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental impact study (August 2019 Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments Major social elements to consider when opening a mine Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper

10 • Example of a “hard view” of the impact statement • “Cultural resources will be directly and permanently damaged, particularly the TCP (Traditional Cultural Property) of Oak Flats, of importance to the Apache, but also “numerous cultural artifacts, sacred seeps and springs, traditional ceremonial areas, resource gathering localities, burial locations, and other places and experiences of high spiritual and other value to tribal members.” (DEIS 179). • Any of the alternative locations “would permanently bury or otherwise destroy many prehistoric and historic cultural artifacts, potentially including human burials” (DEIS76)

11 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The example of Resolution • Job creation: an average of 1500 Copper in Arizona direct full-time jobs A-Introduction: the use of • $134 million per year in total resources in a context of NIMBY, employee compensation BANANA, and NOPE B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: • purchase about $546 million per analysis of a draft environmental year in goods and services impact study (August 2019 • increase average annual Copper in Arizona: history and economic value added in recent developments Arizona by about $1 billion Major social elements to • tax income (federal and local): consider when opening a mine average of between $88 and Mitigation work starts before the $113 million per year (State and actual mining process local tax revenues) plus an Discourse analysis: diverging estimated $ 200 million per year opinions on Resolution Copper in federal tax revenue

12 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The example of Resolution Copper in Arizona • property values in the A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, area of the mine tailings BANANA, and NOPE will drop B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental impact study (August 2019 • hunting revenues will Copper in Arizona: history and drop in the area of the recent developments mine Major social elements to consider when opening a mine • Critical view: listing the Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process hunting revenues in the Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper same sub-chapter as the mining revenues (?)

13 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • The importance of leaving example of Resolution some power to the opponents Copper in Arizona of the mine (working with Indigenous peoples, local A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, communities, recreational BANANA, and NOPE land users) B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: • Meeting with all the tribes analysis of a draft environmental who have a cultural link to the impact study (August 2019 area: Federal agencies consult Copper in Arizona: history and on a government-to- recent developments government basis with Major social elements to consider when opening a mine federally recognized Native American tribes Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process • Meeting local user groups Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper

14 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • Critical viewpoint: example of Resolution Copper in Arizona meeting all the tribes A-Introduction: the use of listed as having an resources in a context of NIMBY, BANANA, and NOPE historic interest in the B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental site cloud the view that it impact study (August 2019 is mainly the local Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments Apache who are Major social elements to impacted consider when opening a mine Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper

15 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • Assessing environmental example of Resolution justice and the effect of Copper in Arizona the mine on 13 area A-Introduction: the use of communities (8 Native resources in a context of NIMBY, American, 5 non-Native BANANA, and NOPE American) B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental • Minority and low-income impact study (August 2019 communities may be Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments disproportionately affected Major social elements to • An consider when opening a mine community has a Mitigation work starts before the percentage of deviation actual mining process from the average Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper

16 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • Critical viewpoint: example of Resolution environmental justice and Copper in Arizona environmental are linked. A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, • Space is racialized (“white BANANA, and NOPE space”, “black space”) B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental • NIMBY often means putting impact study (August 2019 an unwanted development in Copper in Arizona: history and a “black space” recent developments • The town of Superior and the Major social elements to Resolution Copper mine will consider when opening a mine largely affect minority spaces; Mitigation work starts before the this has been evidenced in actual mining process the DEIS but no action Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper proposed

17 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • Removing old industrial example of Resolution Copper in Arizona facilities and A-Introduction: the use of decontaminating the soil resources in a context of NIMBY, BANANA, and NOPE (of the Magma Mine) B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental • Discussing the project impact study (August 2019 with 11 tribes who refuse Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments to see ancestral sites Major social elements to consider when opening a mine desecrated “has caused Mitigation work starts before [them] considerable the actual mining process Discourse analysis: diverging emotional stress” opinions on Resolution Copper

18 • The National Forest managers are aware that “No tribe supports the desecration/destruction of ancestral sites. Places where ancestors have lived are considered alive and sacred. It is a tribal cultural imperative that these places should not be disturbed or destroyed for resource extraction or for financial gain.” • One positive element in the discussions: tribes could regain full access and use of land that is today off-limits to them. • While the desecration of the Oak Flat area is still abhorrent to the tribes, the land exchange has a positive side.

19 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • Archaeological crews with example of Resolution tribal monitors survey Copper in Arizona TEKPs (Traditional A-Introduction: the use of Ecological Knowledge resources in a context of NIMBY, Properties): BANANA, and NOPE B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: • springs and seeps, plant analysis of a draft environmental and mineral resource impact study (August 2019 collecting areas, Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments landscapes and landmarks, Major social elements to caches of regalia and consider when opening a mine human remains, and sites Mitigation work starts before that may not have been the actual mining process recognized by non-Native Discourse analysis: diverging archaeologists opinions on Resolution Copper

20 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • An area to remain protected: example of Resolution Apache Leap (the Apache Copper in Arizona Leap special management and its projected expansion in the A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, mining and post-mining BANANA, and NOPE phase) B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: • In exchange for the Oak Flat analysis of a draft environmental area, a parcel of 142 acres (57 impact study (August 2019 hectares), Apache Leap South Copper in Arizona: history and End Parcel, would be added to recent developments the Apache Leap special Major social elements to consider when opening a mine management area. Mitigation work starts before • Resolution Copper pledges to the actual mining process “surrender all mining claims Discourse analysis: diverging and interests to this parcel.” opinions on Resolution Copper

21 Apache Leap, Arizona (near the town of Superior)

22 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • Critical viewpoint, the DEIS implies that Resolution Copper example of Resolution has the mining rights to Apache Copper in Arizona Leap South End Parcel, that it A-Introduction: the use of could expand mining above and resources in a context of NIMBY, below Apache Leap, that it could BANANA, and NOPE destroy the cliff and the B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: geomorphologic formations close analysis of a draft environmental to a culturally sensitive site. impact study (August 2019 • Resolution Copper plans to Copper in Arizona: history and protect Apache Leap by vowing recent developments not to extend mining under the Major social elements to cliff and by keeping a buffer zone consider when opening a mine to protect the cliff from fracturing Mitigation work starts before when the mining area caves in. the actual mining process • Critical viewpoint: will the buffer Discourse analysis: diverging zone prevent fracturing of the opinions on Resolution Copper cliff? How visible will the crater be?

23 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • Closing a world-class example of Resolution climbing area but opening Copper in Arizona other sites on private A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, land: mitigation under BANANA, and NOPE way since 2004 B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental • Assessment of climbing impact study (August 2019 Copper in Arizona: history and pitches recent developments • Irretrievable loss of some Major social elements to consider when opening a mine climbing areas Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process • Mitigation through the Discourse analysis: diverging opening of new sites on opinions on Resolution Copper Resolution Copper private land 24 DEIS land exchange parcel (Lower San Pedro River - p895)

25 DEIS land exchange parcel ‘Appleton ranch p898)

26 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • The Oak Flat Traditional example of Resolution Cultural Property (TCP) of Copper in Arizona the Apache registered in A-Introduction: the use of 2016 (and bound to be resources in a context of NIMBY, destroyed by the mine) BANANA, and NOPE B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: • Listed under the Apache analysis of a draft environmental name Chí’chil Biłdagoteel impact study (August 2019 Historic District TCP. Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments • It contains 38 Major social elements to archaeological sites in consider when opening a mine addition to sacred places, Mitigation work starts before the springs, and other actual mining process significant locations (DEIS Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper 697).

27 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • The DEIS gives a list of sites eligible to the National Register of example of Resolution Historic Places in all the Copper in Arizona alternative tailings storage areas: A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, • Alternatives 2 and 3 (101 sites); BANANA, and NOPE Alternative 4 (122 sites); Alternative 5 (114–125 sites, B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: depending on pipeline route); analysis of a draft environmental and Alternative 6 (318 to 343 impact study (August 2019 sites Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments • Critical viewpoint: the high Major social elements to number of possible historic sites consider when opening a mine means that one historic site (Oak Flat) can be destroyed without Mitigation work starts before impacting the Apache traditional the actual mining process culture as there are many historic Discourse analysis: diverging sites that will not be impacted opinions on Resolution Copper whatever alternative is sought out.

28 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • The Apache view of why example of Resolution Apache Leap is Copper in Arizona significant to them A-Introduction: the use of resources in a context of NIMBY, th BANANA, and NOPE • in the 19 century 75 B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: Apache died jumping to analysis of a draft environmental impact study (August 2019 their death over the cliff Copper in Arizona: history and rather than being recent developments captured by the militia Major social elements to consider when opening a mine • “Apache Tears” found at Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process the base of the cliff are Discourse analysis: diverging sacred opinions on Resolution Copper

29 3- Public perception of mines and resource • A Native American view exploitation: The on the ongoing “land example of Resolution Copper in Arizona grab”: photo of A-Introduction: the use of disgruntled Apache resources in a context of NIMBY, BANANA, and NOPE • Source (Russia B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: analysis of a draft environmental Today) impact study (August 2019 Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments Major social elements to consider when opening a mine Mitigation work starts before the actual mining process Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper

30 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • The opinion of a “real example of Resolution American” RV (Recreational Copper in Arizona Vehicle) camper criticizing the A-Introduction: the use of proposed destruction of the resources in a context of NIMBY, BANANA, and NOPE Oak Flat campground (a B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: foreign company taking analysis of a draft environmental American public land for the impact study (August 2019 profit of foreigners) Copper in Arizona: history and recent developments • “Copper mines, NOT Major social elements to CAMPING, in Tonto National consider when opening a mine Forest, why? PUBLIC LAND Mitigation work starts before the goes PRIVATE and Cherished actual mining process Winter RV Camping is Closed Discourse analysis: diverging opinions on Resolution Copper Forever.” (Blog: The Road Less Travelled)

31 32 • Road Less Travelled (blog) • “But how did foreigners get approval to build the world’s largest copper mine on America’s public land when little old snowbird RVers can’t even camp in places that were created specifically for public recreation and camping years ago?” • Foreigners: multinational corporations, Resolution Copper is registered in Delaware • Little: the powerless • Old: belittling himself, a retired person? • Snowbird: retired person travelling south in the Winter • Rver: person travelling in a Recreational Vehicle

33 3- Public perception of mines and resource exploitation: The • The professional discourse example of Resolution of Resolution Copper: Copper in Arizona A-Introduction: the use of payment of taxes, resources in a context of NIMBY, BANANA, and NOPE employment B-Resolution Copper in Arizona: opportunities, mitigation, analysis of a draft environmental impact study (August 2019 information of all parties Copper in Arizona: history and made accessible recent developments Major social elements to • Full description consider when opening a mine Mitigation work starts before the • Employment opportunities actual mining process Discourse analysis: diverging • Links to all documents opinions on Resolution Copper