Constitution of the at the University of Wyoming


We the College Republicans of the University of Wyoming, in order to promote the Republican Party on the University of Wyoming’s Campus and Albany County community, and for the purpose of promoting conservative ideals, do create this Constitution for the formation of a chapter of the College Republicans called College Republicans at the University of Wyoming.

Rules of Order:

Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised Edition, and its succeeding editions shall be the supreme parliamentary authority of the “UWCR” general meetings. The Chairman of UWCR shall have the authority to adopt any respective standing rules or special rules of order which are consistent with the philosophy of Parliamentary Authority as he or she sees fit.

Article I – Name:

The name of this organization shall be referred to as “College Republicans at the University of Wyoming” and also referred to as “UWCR”.

Article II - Association Endorsement:

“UWCR” shall not allow this name to be associated with any political campaign or cause before the results of the related political primary are official.

However, a “UWCR” member may be allowed to work on any campaign as they see fit as long as they do not represent the “UWCR” organization.

Article III – Purpose:

Section I: UWCR is willing to be abide by polices established by the University of Wyoming.

Section II: General Objective Statement

The “UWCR” is an affiliate with the Republican Party of Wyoming, and as such will support and promote its principles. Furthermore, the “UWCR” considers itself affiliated with the “Wyoming Federation of College Republicans”.

Section III: The “UWCR” Main Objectives

A. Shall contribute to the growth and influence of the Republican Party in Wyoming on college and university campuses by educating and recruiting students to be members of both the “UWCR” and the Republican Party;

B. Shall support and participate in the formation of the principles and policies of the Republican Party;

C. Shall aid in the election of Republicans at all levels of government;

D. Shall develop leadership skills and abilities among Republican students as preparation for future service to the party and to the community.

Article IV - Membership

Section I: The UWCR admits students without regard to their race, gender, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, creed, ancestry, political belief, or any other applicable protected category and affords each member all the rights, privileges, programs, and other activities generally accorded or made available to members of the organization.

Section II: There shall be no dues for UWCR

Section III: Membership in this organization shall be open to call University of Wyoming students.

Section IV: Associate Members

Faculty, staff, Alumni, and spouses of University of Wyoming students may become associate members by vote of current members who are eligible to vote on elections. Associate members do not have voting privileges in UWCR general elections. If a Faculty, Alumni, or spouse donates more than $10 dollars, that person may be given the opportunity to become an Associate Member.

Section V: Active Member

A member of the organization is defined as a person who has attended more than 3 meetings. A member who does not meet this requirement shall not be defined as an active member of “UWCR”.

Section VI: Membership Removal

A. Any member may be removed from their position by a simple majority vote of the executive board voting officials. For the member in question to be considered for removal, a complaint must be filed by an officially written request of any member of the “UWCR” to the Chairman and Secretary. For a written request to be valid, the document must be sent to the official P.O. box. The vote shall take place at an executive meeting.

B. A member may be removed if the member becomes inactive or violates the Constitution and/or the code of ethics of “UWCR”

Section VII: Membership Termination

Associate members forfeit their membership after new officer elections in April. UWCR membership shall automatically terminate if a member ceases to comply with the requirements of Section I, III, and IV. Associate members may renew their membership after new officer elections in April.

Article V - The Executive Board

Section I: Executive Board Duties

The Executive Board shall manage all “UWCR” business which is defined as: directing the Club's affairs; authorizing transaction for club affairs; auditing the accounts of UWCR Treasurer at random intervals; creating By-laws in accordance with this Constitution; prescribing additional duties for officers; preparing a budget; creating committees and appointing committee chairmen; and performing such functions as otherwise provided in this Constitution or that may be deemed necessary.

Section II: Executive board Positions and Respective Duties

There will be five positions on the Executive board that shall have voting rights. The elective five positions shall be: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Outreach Director. The duties of the elected position, unless otherwise delegated by the executive board shall be:

A. Chairman:

1. Shall preside over all “UWCR” general and executive meetings and call meetings to order and conduct meetings;

2. Shall Be the official spokesperson of the “UWCR” to any media outlets unless otherwise delegated;

3. Shall represent the UWCR in its relationship with the University of Wyoming and shall serve as the Club's contact signatory at the Campus Activities Center;

4. Shall guide the general direction of the “UWCR"; and ensure the objectives of the “UWCR” that are specified in this Constitution are carried out;

5. Shall coordinate the Club's activities with the Wyoming State Republican Party or any County Parties in the State of Wyoming;

6. Shall supervise and assist all other officers in their performance of their duties;

7. Shall access to all “UWCR” financial accounts and record of transactions;

8. Shall Has access to all “UWCR” social media accounts;

9. In the case of a vacancy within any executive position, the chairman assumes responsibilities of said position until a special election can be held, whereby the special election will induct a new member to the position and the member will be trained to fulfill the duties of their position.

B. Vice Chairman:

1. Shall assume the duties of the Chairman in their absence;

2. Shall assist the chairman in oversight of all “UWCR” activities;

3. Shall act as the Parliamentarian at general meetings;

4. Shall serve as one of UWCR's signatories at the Campus Activities Center;

5. Shall carry out any miscellaneous duties assigned by the Chairman.

C. Secretary:

1. Shall keep minutes and records of “UWCR” general and executive meetings;

2. Shall provide and have available copies of the Constitution and any By-laws, and shall distribute them to the members of UWCR per request;

3. Shall receive and process intent to run forms for individuals seeking to become candidates to an executive board position;

4. Shall keep an updated and complete record of “UWCR” membership;

5. Shall send out any emails notifying the members of upcoming events and meetings.

D. Treasurer: 1. Shall keep and maintain all financial records of the “UWCR”;

2. Shall deposit money paid to the UWCR account at First Interstate bank from which funds can only be withdrawn by approval of the executive board; unless item(s) are under $20 dollars. If funds are withdrawn below $20 the treasurer shall report this to the board within a week;

3. Shall keep the financial accounts of “UWCR” up to date and preserve all records and receipts of Club transactions;

4. Shall provide a semester and yearly budget report that reflect “UWCR” activities;

5. Shall reimburse and make payments when required;

6. Shall lead and direct fundraising efforts of “UWCR”; and

7. Shall serve as one of the Club's signatories at the Campus Activities Center;

8. To complete all ASUW budgeting requests.

E. Outreach Director:

1. Shall lead the social-media outreach and recruitment efforts;

2. Shall lead in the efforts for growth of the UWCR student membership;

3. Shall direct all social media accounts and activity.

Section III: Appointed Officers

A. The Chairman may appoint additional officers as he or she may see fit with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board.

B. Following each selection or change of any officer/advisor, the Campus Activities Center will be notified

C. The position and duties of the appointed position shall be at the discretion of the executive board.

D. Appointed officers shall be designated as non-voting officers.

E. The term of office for appointed officers shall extend from the adjournment of the meeting at which they are appointed to the adjournment of the next annual election.

Section IV: Executive Meetings

The executive board shall meet once a month to discuss the direction of the “UWCR”. Appointed officers can attend, although it is at the discretion of the board.

Section V: Resignation, Removal, and Vacancies

A. An executive board member or appointed officer may resign their position at any point during a term by notifying both the Secretary and Chairman by an official written document of their resignation with a specific date and time in which the resignation becomes effective. After the date and time prescribed, the position shall become vacant.

B. An executive board member may be removed from their position by a three-fifths vote of the Executive Board voting officials, excluding the official in question. Self-interest or personal vendettas is not ground for impeachment under this constitution. The complaint shall be considered at a meeting of the executive Board and the UWCR official shall be given the chance to present their own case. At the end of discussion, the vote shall take place. If the UWCR official is removed, the position shall instantly become vacant.

C. If a vacancy occurs in the position of Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall immediately assume the position of Chairman for the remainder of the term. If any other position becomes vacant a special election may be called by “UWCR” executive board.

Section VI: Compensation Clause

No executive board member, nor member of the UWCR shall receive compensation or payment for work done for “UWCR”. Furthermore, reimbursement must be agreed upon between the “UWCR” Executive board and the member in question before the expenditure is made.

Section VII: Length of Term

A. All individuals of the executive board and appointed position, shall hold their respective position for the duration of the term unless otherwise terminated. Executive board members wishing to keep their respective position for the next term must either be re-elected for the new term or be re-appointed in the case of appointed officers.

B. If an officer graduates early, then a special election will be called by the executive board to fill the vacant position.

Section VIII: Authority and Procedure of Executive board

A. The Executive Board may enact By-laws with a simple majority and in accordance with this Constitution. An annual budget shall be considered a By-law.

B. The Executive Board must debate and vote on each proposed By-law individually.

C. The Executive Board may repeal any By-law with a two-thirds majority. All By-laws shall be null and void after the adjournment of the annual election meeting.

Section IX: Social Media

Any official post on “UWCR” social media platform such as , Twitter, etc... must be posted by an executive board member unless an alternate member is appointed by the executive board.

Section X: Impeachment of Elective Official and “Two Strike Rule”

A. For any elected official, whereas it is the responsibility of the executive board of UWCR to uphold their duties described by this constitution, a “two-strike” rule will be applied if any elected official is noticeably not fulfilling their proper responsibilities set by this constitution. B. The two-strike rule will act in accordance with the following procedure: any member of UWCR must file an official written document via e-mail or mail to the Secretary and Chair, the executive board will hold an executive board meeting. C. If three-fifths of the executive board concurs that executive member in question is not fulfilling said duties stated under this constitution, the board is allowed to give executive member a “strike”. D. Whereby if any member exceeds two strikes, said member will be in violation of this constitution and therefore executive team must hold an executive meeting in which the executive board may impeach said member with a three-fifths majority.

Article VI – Elections:

Section I: Following each selection or change of any officer/advisor, the Campus Activities Center will be notified.

Section II: Election Date

Elections for all elected positions shall take place at the second to last “UWCR” meeting. Notification of election date shall be given to “UWCR” members three weeks in advance.

Section III: Who can Vote

“UWCR” active members who have attended more than 3 events and/or meetings shall be eligible to vote.

Section IV: Process

A. No candidate may run unless they have attended at least five meetings, and three events; including tabling, and Republican Party sponsored events. B. Each candidate must give written notice through writing or email to the “UWCR” Secretary of an intent to run for an elected position seven day prior to the election. If through e-mail, the intent must be sent to the official “UWCR” email. C. The election shall be dictated through “Robert's Rules of Order”. The election itself shall be conducted with anonymous ballots. Members campaigning for an executive board position can only run for one executive position. D. No UWCR member may hold two executive positions during the duration of an academic year.

Section V: Transition

All executive board members shall turn over to his or her successor all property and records of “UWCR” within seven days after the annual election. All appointed officers shall turn over all property and records of “UWCR” to the newly elected executive board within seven days after the annual election. There will be a thirty-day transition period, in which the prior executives shall only train his/her successor.

Prior executive members forfeit their position after elections are concluded, whereby the newly elected members shall assume their elected duties, effective immediately after elections are concluded.

Section VI: Special Election

A “UWCR” executive board may call a special election if an executive board position becomes vacant. A special election shall be dictated through “Robert's Rules of Order”. The executive board must shall give their members a week’s notice for the special election.

Article VII- Meetings

Section I: The UWCR meeting time shall be determined and announced by the executive board prior to the first week of the fall semester.

Section II: Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board when necessary. Article VIII – Finances

Section I: The UWCR is funded through membership dues and ASUW

Section II: In the event that the organization is dissolved, all remaining funds collected will be used to pay off any debts incurred by the organization. Remaining funds shall be returned to their original sources. Any additional remaining funds will be donated to ASUW for use by RSO Funding Board to support other student organizations.

Article IX - General Meetings

Section I: Meetings-Per-Semester

The Executive Board shall call at least three general meetings per academic semester;

Section II: Location

General meetings shall be held at campus or at a specific location dictated by the executive board;

Section III: Notification

The Executive Board shall notify all members of the time and place of general meetings at least one day in advance in addition to a monthly schedule;

Article X – Standard of Ethics

Section I: Code of Conduct

All “UWCR” members, appointed officers, and executive board members shall hold a standard of ethics listed in the University of Wyoming Student Code of Conduct.

Section II: Equality

All members of “UWCR” including executive board members, appointed officers, associated members, and general members shall be treated equally and will work together to achieve the objectives listed in this constitution.

Section III: Risk Management:

UWCR shall follow the rules and guidelines that University of Wyoming has set up with its “Risk Management policies”

Article X - Advisor

Section I: Advisor

There will be one faculty/staff advisor of the student organization. The Faculty/staff advisor will not have any voting privileges.

Section II: Responsibilities

A. Shall provide feedback and give suggestions for the development of the organization.

B. Shall intervene when appropriate, especially in disputes between members and officers.

C. Shall be knowledgeable about university policies and provide feedback to the organization about these policies. D. Shall co-Sign Expenditures such as ASUW funding and Ground use forms.

Article XI - Amendments and Ratification

Section I: After University recognition is granted, any proposed changes in the approved constitution or bylaws must be presented to the Campus Activities Center for approval, and such changes shall not be effective until approval is granted.

Section II: Procedure of Amending

A. Any member of UWCR can call for a constitutional convention whereby they give the Secretary and Chairman an official written document stating their intent of amending sections or clauses of constitution.

A. This constitution, or any provision thereof, may be amended through an amendment meeting called by two-thirds of the Executive Board and 2⁄3 of active current members. All Amendments shall be made in the format of an Addendum. The voting procedure shall take place at the amendment meeting.

B. The Executive Board shall provide a one weeks' notice to all UWCR members of the date, time and location of the Constitutional Amendment meeting. All members may attend, and all voting members may vote.

C. Any Constitutional Amendment voted and passed takes effect immediately.

Section III: Ratification

The Constitution of the UWCR shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the executive board. Once ratification occurs, the new constitution shall go into effect immediately with the newly elected officials of the convention transferring into the new constitution. All executive board members and appointed officers previously deemed active by the “UWCR” should remain so heading into the new term. This constitution shall supersede all previous constitutions and by-laws of the “UWCR”.

LAST DATE RATIFIED: January 24, 2019