Mating Season of the Japanese Mamushi, Agkistrodon Blomhoffii Blomhoffii (Viperidae: Crotalinae), in Southern Kyushu, Japan: Relation with Female Ovarian Development

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Mating Season of the Japanese Mamushi, Agkistrodon Blomhoffii Blomhoffii (Viperidae: Crotalinae), in Southern Kyushu, Japan: Relation with Female Ovarian Development Japanese Journal of Herpetology 16(2): 42-48., Dec. 1995 (C)1995 by The HerpetologicalSociety of Japan Mating Season of the Japanese Mamushi, Agkistrodon blomhoffii blomhoffii (Viperidae: Crotalinae), in Southern Kyushu, Japan: Relation with Female Ovarian Development KIYOSHI ISOGAWA AND MASAHIDE KATO Abstract: Mating in the southern Kyushu population of the Japanese mamushi, Agkistrodon blomhoffii blomhoffii, occurred in August and September. The largest ovarian follicles of mated females were 6mm or more in length, whereas those of unmated females were usually less than 6mm in length. In addition, body mass was significantly greater in mated females than in unmated ones. These suggest that in females of the Japanese mamushi, mating is strongly associated with ovarian follicle development and body mass. Key words: Mamushi; Agkistrodon blomhoffii blomhoffii; Mating season; Follicle development; Sexual receptivity Many reports have been published on the the southern Kyushu, Japan and to examine the mating season of snakes of the genus relation of the occurrence of mating with Agkistrodon (Allen and Swindell, 1948; Behler ovarian development, body size, and nutritional and King, 1979; Burchfield, 1982; Fitch, 1960; conditions in females. Gloyd, 1934; Huang et al., 1990; Laszlo, 1979; Li et al., 1992; Wright and Wright, 1957). MATERIALSAND METHODS Fukada (1972) surmised that mating in the Animals. -Forty-five mature females and the Japanese mamushi, Agkistrodon blomhoffii same number of mature males of Agkistrodon blomhoffii, as well as in many of the colubrids of blomhoffii blomhoffii were used. All were cap- Japan, occurs in May and June. No data, tured in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan during however, have been obtained for the mating the summer of 1989. Until the beginning of the season of the Japanese mamushi. experiment, the females and males were kept In snakes, male courtship is generally evoked separately from the other sex in outdoor by an attractiveness stimulus from a female, and enclosures. Mice were supplied as food. In mating occurs when the female is sexually recep- advance of the experiment, the posterior ends tive (Garstka and Crews, 1982; Ross and Crews, of the female reproductive tracts were examined 1977; Whittier and Crews, 1986). Thus, it seems to confirm the absence of spermatozoa by the to be possible to define female sexual attractivity smear method (Gloyd, 1934; Rahn, 1940), by the occurrence of male courtship, and female because spermatozoa deposited in females of A. sexual receptivity by the incidence of actual b. blomhoffii through copulation are stored in copulation (Crews, 1976; Whittier and Tokarz, these regions (Isogawa, 1986). 1992). In addition, it has been reported that in Experiment and housing. -The experiment female snakes, sexual attractivity seems to be was conducted from 10 April to 20 November induced by heavy feeding which results in the 1990. At the beginning of the experiment, all increase of liver and fat-body masses (Garstka snakes were removed from the artificial hiber- and Crews, 1982; Macartney and Gregory, 1988), nacula where they had hibernated, and were and sexual receptivity seems to be dependent on separated into three breeding groups, each con- ovarian follicle development, which is related to sisting of 15 females and 15 males. Snakes in body size (Hawley and Aleksiuk, 1976). The each group were housed together in an outdoor purpose of the present study is to clarify the enclosure (5m x 3m), in which a shelter and a mating season of the Japanese mamushi from basian for water were provided and weeds were allowed to grow. As food, as many mice as Accepted 29, Oct. 1995 there were snakes were dropped into each ISOGAWA AND KATO-MATING OF MAMUSHI 43 TABLE 1. Number of female Japanese mamushi, Females which did not mate in the course of Agkistrodon b. blomhoffii, possessing spermatozoa the experiment were killed for control data at the in the posterior ends of the reproductive end of the experiment. Measurement data from tracts in each month during the three breeding groups were combined and the experiment. compared between mated and unmated females. Statistical analyses. -Differences between means of measurements in mated and unmated females were analyzed for statistical significance by Student's t-test when variances were homogeneous, and by Cochran t-test (Gad and Weil, 1982) when variances were heteroge- neous. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was also applied using SVL as a covariate for body mass, and body mass for the other mea- surements. RESULTS enclosure once a week throughtout the experi- Six females died during the experiment. At ment period. necropsy, no spermatozoa were observed in At the end of each month except October and these specimens. on the last day of the experiment, all females Number of females with spermatozoa. -Nine were examined for the presence or absence of females had numerous spermatozoa in the spermatozoa in the posterior ends of the posterior ends of their reproductive tracts on 31 reproductive tracts by the method described August, and 18 females on 30 September. These above. When a given female possessed sper- females were considered to have mated during matozoa (mated), the individual was either August and September, respectively. No other immediately isolated into an outdoor enclosure females possessed spermatozoa throughout the where it was kept until the late autumn of the study period (Table 1). following year for the observation of its parturi- Comparisons in measurements. -Four of the tion, or killed and measured for snout-vent females which mated in August and 11 in length (SVL; cm) and body mass (g). Liver and September were randomly selected and killed on abdominal fat-body masses (g) and the number 31 August and 30 September, respectively. and length of ovarian follicles of the killed Twelve females which did not mate throughout specimens were also measured as criteria for the experiment period were also killed on 20 nutritional and ovarian conditions, respective- November. Then the following comparisons ly. Measurements of the follicle length were were made between the 15 mated and 12 made to the nearest half-millimeter with a clear unmated females. plastic ruler. Data from both ovaries were Means of the measurements were compared combined for each specimen. Atretic follicles between the mated and unmated females using (Isogawa et al., 1989) were excluded from the t-tests (Table 2). SVL exhibited no significant data. difference between the mated and unmated TABLE2. Comparisons of snout-vent length, body, liver, and fat-body masses, length of the largest follicle, and the total number of follicles between mated and unmated females of the Japanese mamushi, Agkistrodon b. blomhoffii. Data are presented as mean±standard deviation. n. s.: not significant at p=0.05. 44 Jpn. J. Herpetol. 16 (2). 1995 TABLE 3. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) of body mass on SVL and of liver and fat-body masses, length of the largest follicle, and the total number of follicles on body mass between mated (N=15) and unmated females (N=12) of the Japanese mamushi, Agkistrodon b. blomhoffii. Values in table are F- ratios. FIG. 1. Relationship between snout-vent length (SVL) and body mass in mated (N=15, closed circles) and unmated females (N=12, open circles) of the females. The other measurements were Japanese mamushi, Agkistrodon b. blomhoffii. significantly greater in the mated females than in Regression lines are shown by solid (mated females) the unmated ones. and broken lines (unmated females). ANCOVA show- The results of ANCOVA are shown in Table 3 ed significant difference in elevation, but not in slope and Figs. 1 and 2. Regression equation, correla- (Table 3). tion coefficient, and probability for each com- bination in the mated and unmated females were Reproduction of mated females in the subse- as follows: SVL vs. body mass (Fig. 1), mated: quent year. -The 12 females which had mated in Y=4.82X-123.99, r=0.84, p<0.001; unmated: August and September were housed in an out- Y=2.07X-17.17, r=0.47, p>0.05. Body mass door enclosure until late autumn of the follow- vs. liver mass (Fig. 2A), mated: Y= ing year. Of these, one died soon after 0.03X+1.96, r=0.64, p<0.05; unmated: Y= emergence from hibernation, and two did not 0.05X-0.31, r=0.73, p<0.01. Body mass vs. reproduce in 1991. The remaining nine gave fat-body mass (Fig. 2B), mated: Y=0.13X- birth to 5-13 (x=7.9) young and four of them 1.96, r=0.67, p<0.01; unmated: Y=0.10X- also produced one or two (five in total) stillborn 0.77, r=0.43, p>0.05. Body mass vs. length young and two to five (13 in total) unfertile eggs of the largest follicle (Fig. 2C), mated: in the period of 27 August through 20 September Y=0.02X+5.17, r=0.40, p>0.05; unmated: 1991. Y=0.04X+1.48, r=0.74, p<0.01. Body mass vs. the total number of follicles (Fig. 2D), DISCUSSION mated: Y=0.23X+0.67, r=0.47, p>0.05; Mating season. -Marzec (1980) observed unmated: Y=0.02X+14.84, r=0.06, p>0.05. copulation of A. b. blomhoffii on 7 June 1964. There were no significant differences in slopes However, his specimens, the locality of which of any combinations between the mated and was not described, had been kept under com- unmated females. Elevations of SVL vs. body pletely artificial conditions all year round. In mass and body mass vs. length of the largest the present study, females possessing sper- follicle differed significantly between the mated matozoa in the posterior ends of the reproduc- and unmated females, whereas those of the other tive tracts were found only in August and three combinations did not differ significantly September.
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