From the Genetics Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, The University of Oxford, England, and The Rockefeller University, New York 10021

I. INTRODUCTION The technique of fusion has made it first cell hybrids obtained by this method. The iso- possible to study cell biology in an unusual and lation of hybrid cells from such mixed cultures direct way. When cells are mixed in the presence of was greatly facilitated by the Szybalski et al. (6) Sendai virus, their membranes coalesce, the cyto- and Littlefield (7, 8) adaptation of a selective me- plasm becomes intermingled, and multinucleated dium containing hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and homo- and heterokaryons are formed by fusion of thymidine (HAT) to mammalian systems. similar or different cells, respectively (1, 2). By Further progress followed the use of Sendai fusing cells which contrast in some important virus by Harris and Watkins to increase the biologic property, it becomes possible to ask ques- frequency of formation (9). These tions about dominance of control processes, nu- authors exploited the observation by Okada that cleocytoplasmic interactions, and complementa- UV irradiation could be used to inactivate Sendai tion in heterokaryons. The multinucle- virus without loss of fusion efficiency (10). It was ate cell may divide and give rise to mononuclear therefore possible to eliminate the problem of virus cells containing from both parental replication in fused cells. Since many cells carry cells and become established as a hybrid cell line receptors for Sendai virus, including those of able to propagate indefinitely in vitro. The chro- different , it became possible to fuse a va- mosome constitution of the hybrid cells can then riety of cell types, including differentiated and remain relatively stable, as in intraspecific crosses, nondividing cells. or may be unstable, as in man-rode~nt interspecific The technique of has already been hybrids which tend to lose chromosomes applied to the study of many problems in the selectively, as first noted by Weiss and Green (3). genetics and cellular biology of somatic cells. The This combination of cell mating and purpose of this paper is to provide a selective segregation makes it possible to perform genetic review of experimental studies that are of special analysis on somatic cells, to assign human interest to the cell biologist, with emphasis on the products to individual chromosomes, and to study principles and pitfalls underlying the use of this the control of in animal cells. technique. Topics which have been extensively Originally, cell hybridization was an uncon- reviewed elsewhere will not be discussed in detail trolled, apparently spontaneous event which oc- (11-14). These include linkage analysis and chro- curred rarely when different cells were simply mosome assignment (15), virus rescue by cell mixed and co-cultivated. Barski et al. (4), and hybridization (12), and the application of cell Ephrussi and Weiss (5) isolated and studied the hybridization to the study of malignancy (16).

THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY VOLUME 67, 1975 pages 257-280 257 II. METHODS varies a great deal, presumably depending on the presence of virus receptors and on the chemical The genetic analysis of somatic cells by hy- composition of the plasma membrane of the cell bridization depends on the availability of effi- (17). Other viruses that promote cell fusion, such cient methods to fuse cells and purify hybrids. as Newcastle disease virus, have been little used In this section, we deal with the use of viral and for the purpose of cell hybridization. other agents to increase the frequency of hetero- A chemical fusion procedure would be de- karyon formation, and we review our under- sirable, to avoid using a virus as a reagent and standing of the mechanism of fusion. We also to fuse cells refractory to virus (24). Lysolecithin examine the use of mutant cells in devising and other lipids have had limited use hitherto, suitable hybrid selection systems and consider partly because they often cause extensive cell the application of new methods of cell enuclea- lysis (25). Fusion by microsurgery perhaps offers tion to fusion of subcellular fractions. more promise as an alternative (26, 27). Pre- A. Cell Fusion selected cells, synchronized in telophase, can be aligned and induced to fuse by micromanipula- Sendai virus is the agent used most frequently tion. The bicellular hybrids can then be isolated to promote cell fusion. Like other paramyxo- without the use of selection media. Although viruses it consists of a ribonucleoprotein core this method may be more cumbersome than and a lipoprotein envelope (17). Virus particles mass fusion, it offers a unique opportunity for mature by budding from the cell surface, and the control and direct observation of early clone evo- envelope contains virus-determined proteins and lution. It should also facilitate the fusion of cells lipids incorporated from the host cell. Several which differ in , so that the influence of biological properties of paramyxoviruses have dosage on subsequent gene expression could be recently been associated with particular envelope studied to advantage. Microsurgical enucleation proteins (18-20). Viral hemagglutinin and and fusion may cause less cell damage than neuraminidase activity are found in a spike glyco- cytochalasin B and Sendai virus in particularly protein (HN) of mol wt 69,000. Cell-fusing ac- delicate renucleation experiments (28, 29). tivity seems to be associated with the presence of Finally, freshly prepared plant protoplasts can a 53,000 mol wt glycoprotein (F) which can be be induced to fuse by intimate cell contact (30, generated from a larger precursor molecule (Fo) 31), and powerful "fusogens" of protoplasts such by limited proteolytic cleavage in vivo or in vitro. as polyethylene glycol may also be effective in Sendai virus grown in different host cells can hybridization of mammalian cells. 1 differ in the content of this glycoprotein, which THE MECHANISM OF FUSION may also play a role in virus-induced hemolysis and the initiation of infection. However, the INTRODUCTION: Since membrane fusion plays ability to fuse cells may also depend on the an important role in many cellular functions in- presence of other components of the viral en- cluding endocytosis and secretion, cell fusion velope (21 ). could provide a useful model system for studying For the purpose of cell fusion, UV light (22) the biochemical and ultrastructural aspects of or B-propriolactone (23) is used to inactivate the the fusion process. In addition to viruses and virus, most of which is subsequently degraded lipids, a variety of other methods including high within phagocytic vacuoles of the cell. When temperature (32), Ca ++ at pH 10.5 (33), or used in moderate concentrations, the virus has phospholipase C (34) can initiate fusion. These no obvious deleterious effect on the fused cell. systems offer the advantage of synchronized, mas- A relatively high concentration of inactivated sive fusion which can be readily monitored by virus fuses cells "from without" by direct inter- phase-contrast microscopy. Mammalian erythro- action with the plasma membrane, but cells can cytes (35), nucleated avian erythrocytes, and also be fused "from within" after replication ~a various other cell types have been used for these the cell. A measure of control of fusion effi- studies. ciency is possible by promoting cell contact, VIRUS-INDUCED FUSION= The possible role of either in suspension or on a surface, and by t Pontecorvo, G. Production of indefinitely multiplying varying the proportion of each used. mammalian somatic cell hybrids by polyethylene glycol The susceptibility of different cells to fusion (PEG) treatment. Manuscript submitted for publication.

THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY VOLUME 67, 1975 specific viral components in cell fusion has al- directly on the plasma membrane or by an in- ready been mentioned. Viral hemagglutinin and direct mechanism. neuraminidase may contribute an ancillary func- Morphologic studies hitherto have not resolved tion in promoting cell contact and modification of conflicting hypotheses whether fusion occurs the plasma membrane. The virus binds to sialyl- directly between cells or via an intermediate glycoprotein receptors on the cell surface and can step of fusion with the viral envelope (46-48). elute from the cell by hydrolysis of terminal Recent studies with newer methods are beginning neuraminic acid residues (36). Studies with to shed more light on the initial stages of virus- iiposomes suggest that gangliosides also serve cell interaction. After brief periods of incubation as binding sites (37), in line with earlier observa- of virus with nonendocytic cells such as erythro- tions that a high ganglioside to phosphatidyl cytes, the pattern of distribution of viral compo- ethanolamine ratio of cellular lipids is asso- nents suggests that the viral envelope is able to ciated with enhanced fusibility (17). Cell recep- fuse directly with the plasma membrane (49). tors for paramyxoviruses may differ with cell Studies with ferritin-labeled show that type, e.g., T vs. B lymphocytes (38), and can viral antigens do not remain as clusters, but even be absent, as in horse erythrocytes (39). probably become dispersed within the plane of the Virus can be bound to such cells by concanavalin membrane. The use of combined freeze-fracture A and will induce hemolysis, but cell fusion and immunologic labeling techniques (50) in- has not yet been demonstrated in this instance. dicates that intramembranous particles, which Several stages can be distinguished in the may contain the glycoprotein receptors for virus fusion process (40). The first step of viral binding (51), become aggregated during the early stages to the cell surface is independent of ions and of fusion. It is not yet clear how specific these occurs readily in the cold. Subsequent fusion is changes in membrane structure are or what role temperature dependent. Membrane between viral neuraminidase may play at this stage. It closely adjacent cells disappears, and membrane would be of interest to compare membrane continuity is established. Cells in suspension changes after exogenous virus treatment with often become spherical at this stage. Okada (40) membrane changes that may occur during fusion suggested that membrane interruption precedes "from within", since viral antigens remain clus- a repair process, and others have also noted a tered in relation to underlying nucleoprotein cores close relationship between cell lysis and fusion. during budding (17). Changes in cell permeability without lysis have LIPID-INDUCED FUSION: Although it is not also been described (41). clear to what extent membrane fusion by viruses Fusion is independent of cellular protein syn- and lipids involves a common mechanism, the use thesis, RNA synthesis, or DNA synthesis (40) of defined lipids makes it possible to study several and is not accompanied by significant turnover of aspects of fusion in a systematic fashion (52). phospholipids or other membrane components Unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid, and (42). Virus-induced fusion is optimal at pH their esters as well as shorter-chain saturated 7.6-8.0. Divalent cations such as Ca ++ and fatty acids and retinol are all able to fuse avian Mn ++ are critical for fusion in most cases and erythrocytes, especially if dextran is added to may play a role in membrane stabilization or in a control cell lysis (53). Lipid-induced erythrocyte repair process since cell lysis ensues in their fusion also requires Ca ++ ions, but it occurs at a absence. Fusion also depends on a source of lower pH optimum (pH 5-6) than fusion by virus. energy, and combined treatment with dinitro- Negative staining reveals new macromolecular phenol and virus induces cell lysis (43). Oxida- assemblies when lecithin, sphingomyelin, and tive phosphorylation or glycolysis can appar- phosphatidylserine interact with "fusogenic" ently drive the fusion reaction (44), but human lipids, but the significance of these structural erythrocytes and their ghosts have been fused in changes is unclear (54). the absence of ATP (33). Much remains to be The fusion of negatively charged phospholipid learned about the source and role of cellular vesicles in the presence of Ca ++ has also been energy in fusion. reported (55). Ultracentrifugation and gel filtra- Local anesthetics such as dibucaine, drugs of tion were used to demonstrate a transfer of 3H- the phenothiazine class (45), and cytochalasin labeled lipid from small to larger vesicles and to B (41) inhibit fusion. These compounds act either exclude exchange diffusion or aggregation. Lipo-

S. GORDON Cell Fusion and Subcellular Properties of Heterokaryons and Hybrids 259 somes prepared from phospholipids or by incor- diploid lymphoid cell lines can be derived from porating long-chain cationic molecules with a patients with inborn errors of metabolism whose lytic lipid are also able to induce fusion of animal cells express their genetic defect in culture. cells (56, 57). The incorporation of lipid vesicles Genetic variants of established heteroploid cell into cells by fusion provides a potential method lines such as mouse fibroblasts (L), human HeLa, for introducing foreign materials directly into the or Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells can be plasma membrane or . Other mecha- obtained by mutagenesis and selection. (For de- nisms such as endocytosis, surface absorption, tailed review, see references 60 and 61.) and molecular exchange could also play a part in Littlefield's HAT selection system remains in these model systems. wide use. Cells that lack the salvage pathway en- Many of these observations have been inter- zymes hypoxanthine guanosine phosphoribosyl preted in terms of the model of a mem- transferase (HGPRT), an X-linked marker, or brane which contains liquid regions with a high thymidine kinase (TK), on chromosome 17, can- degree of independent mobility (58). Lipids that not survive treatment with aminopterin, which are more fluid when measured by differential blocks endogenous purine and pyrimidine bio- scanning calorimetry may be more effective in synthesis. Such a deficiency can be the result of promoting fusion (55). The possible importance an inborn error as in the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome of micellar structures (50) and membrane ATPase (HGPRT), or can be introduced by mutagenesis (45) in membrane fusion has also been discussed. and selection with nucleoside analogues such as azaguanine (HGPRT) or bromodeoxyuridine B. Selection of Hybrids (TK). These particular traits have the advantage that they are stable in the absence of selection Heterokaryons form a minority of the cell pop- pressure and that back selection can be readily ulation in a complex fusion mixture, and only a performed. small fraction of these (0.1 10%) is able to evolve Caution is necessary, however, to avoid un- into a permanently hybrid cell line. it is therefore critical use of selective markers in somatic cells necessary to provide the potential hybrid with a since their genetic status as mutants and their selective growth advantage over parental cells. biochemical nature often remain undefined. The Selection procedures are also used to recover sub- expression of a recessive in a diploid or populations of hybrid cells, often by back selec- heteroploid cell may depend on loss or inactiva- tion against the trait originally used. In addition tion of the homologous locus. Causes other than to selecting for the ability to grow in vitro, it is structural changes in an enzyme can contribute also possible to perform selection in vivo to re- to drug resistance, including defective cell pene- cover malignant segregants from heterogeneous tration and indirect effects on enzyme regulation. cell populations. On the other hand, cross-reacting mutants in the simplest case, differential adherence or (CRM) have been demonstrated in some growth can form a basis for selection, e.g., human HGPRT cells (62, 63), and mapping of a trait peripheral blood lymphocytes grow in suspen- to a particular chromosome certainly justifies its sion and do not proliferate continuously in culture use as a genetic marker. except after transformation with Epstein-Barr In practice, the efficiency of selection can be virus and are therefore readily eliminated during subverted in several ways. Apart from genetic serial passage. However, in the case of established heterogeneity, culture conditions such as cell den- cell lines it is usually necessary to use for hybridi- sity may counteract selection if metabolic coop- zation a strain which bears a stable conditional eration between cells in contact permits the direct lethal marker. If such a trait is recessive, comple- exchange of nucleic acid precursors and drugs mentation can occur after fusion, and the hybrid via gap junctions (64, 65). The culture medium cell survives selectively under nonpermissive con- may contain serum enzymes (66) or other nucleo- ditions. Selection for or against a dominant or sides that interfere with selection (67). Unex- codominant trait, on the other hand, depends on plained reversion to wild-type phenotype may its continued expression in the hybrid. Selection occur in the course of a hybridization experiment strategy may involve both parent cells or only one. (68 70). It is therefore important to characterize Multiple markers make it possible to isolate a particular marker before and after hybridiza- hybrids without using the mutation under study. tion and to define its possible variation during Suitably marked diploid fibroblast and pseudo- changes in cell culture.

260 THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY . VOLUME67, 1975 Another widely used selection system was de- Surface markers such as the species antigen, vised by Puck and his co-workers who developed assigned to chromosome 11 (81), and ~2-micro- a family of nutritional auxotrophic variants of globulin, assigned to chromosome 15 (82), can be CHO cells (71). After treatment with a mutagen, exploited for this purpose. X-autosomal translo- cells that cannot grow in nutritionally deficient cations make it possible to select against auto- medium survive selectively, whereas growing somal chromosomes by using an X-linked marker cells are allowed to incorporate BUdR and can such as HGPRT (83). In turn, hybridization pro- be killed by exposure to near-visible light. Mu- vides a genetic tool with which to analyze the bio- tants requiring glycine and adenine have been chemical nature of any group of closely related studied in most detail and illustrate the wide mutant cell strains. Cell mutants also provide range of biochemical genetic studies possible with suitable markers for attempted gene and chromo- such a family of mutants (72, 73). (See Section some transfer to somatic cells. III B.) Cell hybridization between pairs of CHO mutants results in stable retention of chromo- C. Enucleation somes. Studies with such homologous hybrids show that glycine- and adenine-requiring mutants The recent development of an efficient method are recessive and comprise four and six comple- for enucleating mammalian cells by exposure to mentation groups, respectively. Heterologous cytochalasin B and high-speed centrifugation hybridization with human cells and selection ir (84 86) has made it possible to use Sendai virus- deficient medium result in the rapid loss of un- induced fusion as a tool to recombine subcellular necessary human chromosomes, so that the dif- fractions of different origins. The enucleation ferent human chromosomes which relieve the procedure yields a karyoplast fraction that con- auxotrophy can be identified. Nutritional and tains the nucleus, 10-20% of the cell's cytoplasm, biochemical analyses can then be combined with a portion of the plasma membrane, and a cytoplast genetic studies to determine the point of meta- fraction that contains the remaining cytoplasm bolic block in each cell. These mutants also lend and plasma membrane (87). The karyoplasts con- themselves to the study of control that may tain a variety of cytoplasmic organelles, but lack be linked to the nutritional marker (74). centrioles or microtubules and therefore lose Drug-resistant variants and suitable selection their cell form and motility (88). These cell frac- procedures have been developed for other nucle- tions cannot regenerate lost organelles and will die oside salvage pathway enzymes such as adenosine unless they can be "rescued" by fusion with intact phosphoribosyl transferase (APRT) on chromo- cells (89) or other enucleated cell fractions (28, some 16 (75 77), and uridine kinase (66). Drug 29, 90). Chick erythrocyte nuclei have been reac- markers for a variety of other cellular functions tivated after fusion with cytoplasts, and some of are also available (78), including agents which act the nuclei have synthesized RNA after transfer, on cell surface components. Ouabain-resistant but continued viability of these reconstituted cells mutants have been obtained from CHO and remains in question. mouse L cells by one-step selection and remain Micronucleation can be induced in mammalian stable in the absence of the drug (79). The vari- cells by treatment with colchicine (91). Enuclea- ants are resistant to ouabain inhibition of '2K up- tion of such micronucleated cells make it possible take by intact cells and of Na§ + ATPase to introduce a smaller portion of a cell genome activity in isolated plasma membranes, but a spe- into other cells by fusion. cifically altered membrane component has not yet The development of these techniques holds been identified. Human cells are 104-fold more promise for future cell reconstitution experiments sensitive to ouabain than rodent cells. Ouabain and for further study of nucleocytoplasmic rela- resistance is expressed as a codominant pheno- tionships in somatic cells. Cytoplast fusion can type and can be used to select hybrids. In con- also be used to introduce cytoplasmic markers trast, resistance to other drugs such as colchicine into hybrids (Section IX) (92). results from membrane impermeability and may be pleiotropic if several drugs share a common transport system (80). Ill. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF FUSED Further development of selection techniques CELLS should permit the controlled production of hy- The event of fusion initiates many dramatic brids carrying individual human chromosomes. changes in cell structure and function. In this

S. GoRool~ Cell Fusion and Subcellular Properties of Heterokaryons and Hybrids 2,61 section, we review some of the general principles reliable because of possible transfer to other cells, that determine the properties and of while plasma membrane markers may vary in heterokaryons and hybrids and consider methods expression after fusion. for analysis of each class of fused cell. Several of Heterokaryon systems offer several advantages. these topics are dealt with in detail in later It is possible to generate an unselected, large sections. population of independent fusion events and to compare dosage effects in the absence of gene loss. A. Heterokaryons Complementation studies are therefore feasible Usually, each parent contributes a nucleus, and have been used to discover heterogeneity in plasma membrane, and a variety of cytoplasmic genetic diseases such as xeroderma pigmentosum organelles to the newly formed heterokaryons, (Section VII), galactosemia (98), maple syrup although a nucleus or cytoplasmic constituents urine disease (99). and lysosomal storage diseases may be lacking in mammalian erythrocytes or (Section X). Disadvantages of heterokaryon sys- enucleated cell fractions. The newly fused cell tems include heterogeneity of the fused cell popula- subsequently undergoes a striking reorganization tion, low yield, and the difficulty in distinguishing of its cellular architecture. The plasma membrane preformed products from those formed after fu- becomes a mosaic structure as a result of redistri- sion. Unless turnover is extremely rapid, as with bution of membrane components (93) (Section tyrosine amino transferase (100), the short life- IV). Cytoplasmic organelles are originally distrib- span of heterokaryons before entry into is uted at random within the heterokaryon, but a particular handicap. The use of "r-irradiation to cellular organization is restored within a few hours prevent cytokinesis (101) is limited to particular by means of a colchicine-sensitive process. In cell types and may change the nuclear and cyto- macrophage homokaryons the nuclei assume a plasmic properties of the heterokaryon. characteristic clockface distribution, and the giant B. Hybrids cell develops a single centrosphere region with lipid droplets and mitochondria distributed peripherally For the hybrid to evolve into an established cell (94). In huge syncytia formed by fusion of baby line, at least one parent has to contribute a hamster kidney cells, the nuclei are redistributed in capacity to proliferate. The genotype of the hybrid long parallel rows following their extensive migra- depends in a striking manner on the species-relat- tion along microtubules (95). edness of the parents. Intraspecific hybrids retain Nuclear changes are equally striking. When a more than 90% of the sum of the parental chromo- condensed chick erythrocyte nucleus is introduced somes and remain remarkably stable over long into the cytoplasm of an HeLa cell, for instance, periods (102). Interspecific human-mouse (3) and the nucleus swells considerably and undergoes human-Chinese hamster hybrids are usually unsta- reactivation (Section V) (96). RNA and DNA ble and lose human chromosomes selectively while synthesis are reinitiated when inactive cells are retaining an apparently complete set of rodent fused with cells engaged in nucleic acid synthesis chromosomes. The rate of chromosome loss in (22) (Section VI). If the fused cell enters mitosis, interspecific hybrids can vary considerably. Hy- the nuclear envelopes disappear, and the chromo- brids formed with the CHO cell line originally used somes become condensed. Very little is known by Puck and co-workers lose human chromosomes about spindle formation and the mechanism of particularly rapidly, within 2 wks, whereas in chromosome distribution to hybrid daughter cells. man-mouse hybrids the rate of chromosome loss is Many fused cells abort at this stage or within the slower (103). The rodent chromosome comple- next few divisions. ment is often duplicated in man-rodent hybrids, METHOD OF ANALYSIS: The study of hetero- and these inter-species hybrids tend to lose human karyons depends mainly on methods of single-cell chromosomes more slowly. Human-rodent hybrids analysis. Identification of heterokaryons and their prepared by fusion of freshly isolated mouse, rat, composition is easy initially, if the nuclei have a or hamster embryonic tissues with a human heter- distinctive morphology, but may become difficult oploid line, VA~, can be more stable or even show later. Nuclei can also be identified by prelabeling a reverse pattern of rodent chromosome loss (104, one nucleus with an isotopic marker or by exploit- 105). ing the fluorescent staining properties of sex The mechanisms that determine chromosome chromatin (97). Cytoplasmic markers are less loss in hybrids are not known. Most of the human

2~2 THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY - VOLUME 67, 1975 chromosomes are probably lost in early divisions fluorescence (112) and a variety of Giemsa's and and, although chromosome loss may proceed with other staining procedures (113-115). Mouse chro- continued cultivation, these hybrids become suffi- mosomes can be distinguished from human chro- ciently stable for genetic analysis. Human-mouse mosomes by their characteristic centrometric bet- hybrids derived from independent fusions clearly erochromatin. In situ hybridization can also be retain different sets of human chromosomes, but used to identify regions of considerable redun- further analysis of a wide spectrum of hybrids is dancy (116). These procedures make it possible needed to establish whether chromosome loss is to identify individual chromosomes as well as truly random. regions of translocation. Hybrids formed between closely related rodent The identification and correlation of gene prod- species show a more variable and may ucts and chromosomes in man-rodent hybrids has lose chromosomes of either parent. In the case of made it possible to define syntenic relationships hybrids of mouse macrophage and Chinese ham- among products which segregate together and to ster cells, the chromosomes of the nondividing assign their chromosomal location. Almost every macrophage parent are lost selectively and can be human chromosome has been assigned at least used for linkage analysis (106). Hybridization of a one marker, and, in some cases, up to ten markers mammalian cell with avian erythrocytes can result (14). A panel of hybrids containing a particular in retention of a single avian chromosome (107) or, range of chromosomes should make it possible to possibly, a fragment (108)(Section V). map a great number of human genes in this way. The resulting hybrid displays a mosaic pheno- Translocations (117), 3,-irradiation (118), and type determined by the interactions between struc- agents such as adenovirus 12 (119, 120)which tural and regulatory genes retained from each induce chromosome breakage at specific sites parent. Genes involved in cellular functions that can be exploited for regional localization. are common to many cell types, such as In addition to mapping structural genes, link- "household" metabolic functions, are readily ex- age analysis in hybrids makes it possible to assign pressed in hybrids whereas -specific "luxury" control genes if reappearance of a trait can be functions are usually regulated in a more complex correlated with the loss of a particular chromo- fashion and are often extinguished (Section Xi). some (74, 121). The participation of multiple METHOD OF ANALYSIS: The strategy of chro- genes in more complex cellular functions, such mosome assignment and linkage analysis in hy- as antiviral activity, can also be identified (122, brids which segregate chromosomes of one species 123). has been reviewed by Ruddle (109). Multiple The chromosomal instability of proliferating independent hybrid clones are isolated and ex- hybrids, therefore, serves to generate systematic panded to provide sufficient material for biochemi- genetic variability upon which selective pressures cal and chromosome analysis. Subcloning and can be brought to bear. Improved methods are back selection can then be applied to recover a set still required to produce specific or more exten- of closely related hybrids which differ in the sive chromosome loss in hybrids (124, 125). presence of particular chromosomes. Extensive In the remainder of this Review, we consider species differences in primary structure of proteins some of the subcellular properties of somatic cells provide a large library of suitable markers for that have been studied by the technique of cell analysis (I 10). Charge differences make it easy to fusion. distinguish between many human and rodent en- zymes by simple electrophoretic procedures. In the IV. PLASMA MEMBRANE case of polymeric enzymes, unique hybrid bands A. Heterokaryons prove biosynthesis within a common cytoplasm. Antigenic species differences can also be exploited. MEMBRANE FLUIDITY: Cell fusion makes it pos- Genetic analysis in intraspecific hybrids, on the sible to combine two different types of cell mem- other hand, has been limited by the paucity of brane and observe subsequent membrane reorgan- strain-specific chromosomal markers, but follows ization. Early studies with heterokaryons sug- the same general principles (111). gested that the species antigens of human and The identification of chromosomes in hybrids mouse tumor cells became intermixed after has been greatly improved by the development of fusion (126) and that the plasma membrane empiric banding techniques, such as quinacrine ATPase of mouse macrophage became diffusely

S. GOgOON Cell Fusion and Subcellular Properties of Heterokaryons and Hybrids 263 redistributed over the surface of heterokaryons introduced at fusion decay, and there may be a formed with melanoma cells (94). significant lag period of several days before chick- Frye and Edidin (93) provided further evidence specific surface antigens are resynthesized (Section for an intramembrane-mixing process in newly V) (101). Other markers such as macrophage- formed heterokaryons. They used a double- specific Fc receptors are drastically altered as a labeling fluorescent technique to detect result of fusion with cells such as mouse melanoma cells which became mosaic for mouse H-2 and cells whch do not express them (94, 130). The human species antigens, Total intermixing of ability of the macrophage to bind and ingest fluorochromes had occurred 40 min after adding antibody-coated erythrocytes disappears Sendai virus and was also observed in some hu- progressively after fusion, in proportion to the man-mouse hybrids. Inhibitors of protein synthe- melanoma cell:macrophage ratio. The apparent sis did not affect the formation of mosaic cells, extinction of the macrophage receptors is due to even after pretreatment for 6 h, nor did the use of surface masking by melanoma-determined pro- dinitrophenol and sodium fluoride, which depleted teins, and the receptors can be unmasked by mild cell ATPase content by 80%. At lower tempera- treatment with proteolytic enzymes such as tryp- ture, mosaic cell formation was prevented; and a sin. It is not known whether the protease relieves plot of percent mosaic cells vs. temperature pro- steric block of the receptor or whether it promotes duced a sigmoidal curve. The chemistry, synthe- clustering of membrane receptors dispersed after sis, turnover, or precursor pools of these antigens heterokaryon formation. The continued biosynthe- are not well defined, but it is unlikely that an inde- sis of cell-specific membrane receptors, such as the pendent drug-insensitive compartment for antigen Fc receptor, has not yet been demonstrated in synthesis exists in heterokaryons. The authors in- heterokaryons. terpreted their findings as evidence for a temper- ature-dependent diffusion process within the B. Hybrids membrane. Further studies suggest that the rate Surface antigens were used as cell markers in of intermixing may differ and that some restric- some of the earliest hybridization experiments tion on antigen diffusion operates in other hetero- (131), but their genetic analysis has lagged for karyons (127). The nature of an apparent phase several reasons. They are rather complex gene transition observed between 15~ and 20~ has products, their chemical structure is poorly under- not yet been established. stood, and their detection in cultivated cells is These studies provided important evidence in often handicapped by variable expression and support of the concept of membrhne fluidity and unreliable assays. Nevertheless, recent progress in the mosaic model of membrane structure (58). this area suggests that cell hybridization will also Similar conclusions have been drawn from subse- prove useful in analysis of membrane structure and quent studies on cap formation in lymphocytes as a function. result of antibody-induced redistribution of surface Early studies showed that species antigens were components within the plane of the plasma mem- readily detected in hybrids and that their structural brane (128). Further studies on heterokaryons with genes were apparently widely distributed over the defined markers at a higher resolution may be , since they could still be detected in useful, although it must be recognized that anal- human-mouse hybrids that retained as few as four ysis of surface structures could be considerably human chromosomes (3). Other studies suggested complicated by capping, endocytosis, shedding, that antigen and chromosome loss could, however, and masking. It would be of interest to know provide a basis for eventual gene assignment (132). whether plasma membrane reorganization in Puck and co-workers subsequently described a heterokaryons also proceeds by a colchicine-sen- human species antigen linked to lactate dehydro- sitive process (94, 129). genase A (LDH A), in human-hamster hybrids RECEPTOR EXPRESSION: Apart from changes (133) and a similar antigen in human-mouse hy- due to membrane intermixing, other factors may brids has been assigned to chromosome II (81). affect the expression of membrane components in The expression of histocompatibility antigens in fused cells. Surface markers, such as species mouse hybrids has been analyzed by Klein and his antigens (126) common to many cell types, con- colleagues (16, 134). H-2 antigens are usually tinue to be expressed in heterokaryons. In the case expressed as codominant products, but they can be of erythrocyte heterokaryons, the antigens that are suppressed in certain cells, either selectively or in

264 TsE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY VOLUME 67, 1975 combination with other cell antigens (135). Ehrlich of the restored hybrids were peculiar in that, while ascites tumor (EAT) cells lack detectable H-2 they were coupled electrically, they were not seen antigens and are able to suppress in a nonspecific to transfer fluorescein, perhaps due to alteration of manner the H-2, C-virus-specific and L-cell anti- the passageways in the hybrid. gens of mouse L cells after hybridization. This is Tissue-specific macrophage Fc and complement probably due to surface-masking properties of the receptors are selectively extinguished after hybridi- EAT cell acquired during propagation in histo- zation with cells which lack these receptors, but the incompatible animals. H-2 can be re-expressed in mechanism of suppression is not known (147). EAT hybrid clones, presumably following chromo- Lymphocyte-specific membrane receptors, how- some loss, but the chromosomes responsible for ever, have been detected recently in hybrids de- suppression have not been identified. In contrast, rived from human lymphoid cells and mouse the lack of H-2 in another cell type, a subline of the fibroblasts (W. F. Bodmer, personal communica- TAs ascites carcinoma, behaves like a recessive tion). trait and can be reversed by fusion with other The assignment of the determinants for mem- mouse fibroblasts, as can the Moloney virus-deter- brane antigens and receptors to individual chromo- mined surface antigen of YACIR tymphoma cells somes provides a range of potential selection (136). Detailed analysis of malignant phenotype of systems for controlling the chromosome constitu- hybrids showed that H-2 and polyoma-specific tion of hybrids and for generating closely related tumor antigen expression are independent of tu- cell variants that differ with respect to particular morigenicity. membrane functions, and it provides a basis for The major human histocompatibility (HI_-A) further study of the regulation of receptor expres- antigens are linked to PGM3 and have been sion. assigned to chromosome 6, mainly on the basis of family studies (137, 138). 82 microglobulin, which V. NUCLEAR REACTIVATION is physically associated with HL-A molecules at IN HETEROKARYONS the cell surface, has been assigned to chromosome During differentiation, the chick erythrocyte 15 (82). The gene for the heavy chain of immuno- loses the ability to synthesize DNA, RNA, and globulin, with which $~-microglobulin shares 20- most protein, its chromatin becomes condensed, 30% sequence homology, has not yet been as- and its nucleolus disappears. The dormant nucleus signed. can be reactivated by cell fusion with HeLa cells, It has been claimed that the Xg ~ antigen, an or other metabolically active cells, in a process X-linked marker, can also be detected in hybrid involving complex nucleocytoplasmic interactions cells (139). If confirmed, this should prove use- (for a review, see references 1 and 148). ful in studying the position of the Xg locus on The erythrocyte nucleus swells rapidly, its chro- the X chromosome and in determining whether matin becomes more dispersed, and it undergoes Xg ~ is subject to X inactivation. drastic physico-chemical changes which manifest Surface receptors that permit cell penetration by themselves in an increased binding of basic inter- poliovirus (140, 141) and diphtheria toxin (142, calating dyes, such as acridine orange and ethid- 143) have been assigned to chromosomes 19 and 5, ium bromide, and an increased susceptibility to respectively. Cell hybridization has also been used thermal denaturation (149). Nuclear dry mass to study the expression of more complex mem- increases mainly due to migration of human brane functions, such as electrical excitability and nuclear proteins into the chick nucleus. RNA chemosensitivity in neuroblastoma cells (144, 145), synthesis is initiated, and newly labeled species of and the role of membrane junctions in intercellular high molecular weight, polydispersed RNA appear communication (146). Human diploid fibroblasts in the chick nucleus (101). DNA replication occurs that show electrical coupling in culture and have within 24-48 h. Human nucleolus-specific proteins gap junctions are able to correct the defect of migrate into the chick nucleus (150), and a mor- noncoupling mouse fibroblasts, which lack gap phologic nucleolus is reformed within 2-4 days, the junctions, by hybridization. As the hybrid cells lose exact time depending on the maturity of the chick human chromosomes, which have not yet been erythrocyte. Chick ribosomal RNA is synthesized, identified, clones are found among the segregants and chick-specific markers such as surface anti- which have reverted to the noncoupling and junc- gens (101) and receptors, HGPRT (151, 152), and tion-deficient trait of the mouse parent cell. Some nucleolar antigens (150) are produced.

S. GORDON Cell Fusion and Subcellular Properties of Heterokaryons and Hybrids 265 The chick nucleolus plays a key role in the attempt to reactivate the erythroid phenotype or to transfer of chick messenger RNA from nucleus to reprogram the chick nucleus to a myogenic pheno- cytoplasm (153). The new chick products appear type (160). Although intracellular antigen migra- parallel with the formation of a nucleolus, and tion was observed (161), neither hemoglobin nor their synthesis can be prevented, or reversed (154), chick myosin was produced in virus-induced het- by selective destruction of the nucleolus by UV- erokaryons. (Rare mononucleated cells, the prog- microbeam irradiation. eny of unidentified cells, did contain chick myo- Ringertz and his co-workers have studied the sin.) Heterokaryons formed by spontaneous fusion intracellular migration of proteins and antigens between chick and rat myoblasts produced both during nuclear reactivation with the aid of specific chick and rat myosins, indicating that simultane- antibodies, some of which were obtained from ous translation of chick and rat RNA's for myosin patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (150, was possible in a common cytoplasm. Similarly, 155). Human nucleolar and nucleoplasmic anti- no chick albumin was detected after reactivation of gens could be detected in chick nuclei by immuno- chick erythrocyte nuclei in rat hepatoma hetero- fluorescence soon after fusion with HeLa cells, karyons (162). The basis for the differential ex- whereas chick-specific nucleolar antigens appeared pression of cell-specific and nonspecific products is in both chick and HeLa nuclei only after synthesis not known. of chick-specific proteins. Since antigens charac- As a result of the reactivation process, DNA teristic of human cytoplasm did not enter the chick synthesis in the erythroid nucleus may lag and be nuclei, reactivation was associated with selective asynchronous with that of its partner nucleus. If concentration of human nucleospecific mac- the chick chromosomes undergo premature chro- romolecules. mosome condensation before complete replication In subsequent experiments, autoradiographic (Section VI), they are readily lost at mitosis, techniques were combined with re-isolation of although chick genes for HGPRT (108) and TK chick nuclei from heterokaryons (156). It was (163) can be incorporated in hybrid cell lines that shown that preformed or newly synthesized human contain no detectable chick chromosomes. If DNA or mouse proteins rapidly enter chick nuclei during synthesis in the heterokaryon is prevented until the the early stages of reactivation (157, 158). This chick erythrocyte nucleus is fully reactivated, as in transfer was independent of chick nucleic acid heterokaryons derived from adenine requiring synthesis and was unaffected by UV-irradiation of CHO mutants and chick erythrocytes that have the chick erythrocyte before fusion. Electropho- been starved for adenine, both nuclei enter the S retic and chromatographic analysis of 3H-labeled phase and mitosis in synchrony, and intact chick proteins accumulating in the chick nuclei showed chromosomes may appear and segregate in the preferential uptake of many subgroups of nonhis- resultant hybrids (107). tone proteins and an altered histone composition, with an increase of fl histone, derived from the VI. REGULATION HeLa cell, and loss of chick-specific f2c histones IN HETEROKARYONS (159). These studies provide evidence for a cyto- Cell fusion offers a unique tool with which to study plasmic pool of HeLa nuclear proteins. Improved the regulation of growth in eukaryotic cells, by characterization of these proteins may prove diffi- making it possible to combine cells at different cult, and the species origin of individual proteins, stages of their cycle. In such heterophasic fusions, such as RNA polymerase, has not yet been es- nuclear synchrony is usually imposed at the time of tablished. The possible role of altered nuclear DNA synthesis (S) and during the initiation of membrane permeability and exchange of ions mitosis (M) (for review, see references 164 166). between nucleus and cytoplasm during nuclear reactivation is unknown. Reactivation of the chick erythrocyte nucleus in A. DNA Synthesis mammalian cell cytoplasm is incomplete in one DNA synthesis is rapidly induced in the nuclei respect. Although a variety of chick-specific pro- of G~ or Go cells after fusion with S-phase cells, teins can be produced, hemoglobin synthesis whereas G~ nuclei can neither reinitiate DNA ceases after transient stimulation (I). Ringertz and synthesis nor inhibit the S phase (164). Mouse his colleagues fused chick erythrocytes with rat peritoneal macrophages, for example, become ar- myogenic cells, which differentiate in vitro, in an rested in Go during the course of their differentia-

THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY - VOLUME 67, 1975 tion. Upon fusion with actively proliferating play constitutive heterochromatin and other mouse melanoma cells, dormant macrophage nu- banding patterns in such condensed chromosomes clei show induction of a wave of DNA synthesis (174). These studies suggest that PCC in G, and (94). The signals for initiation of S are contributed probably also Gt represent condensation of inter- by the melanoma cell since DNA synthesis in the phase chromatin into chromosomal elements macrophage nucleus is under the control of the similar to those normally formed at metaphase. melanoma cell cycle and depends on melanoma Electron microscope studies of PCC have also RNA synthesis (167) and protein synthesis (168). been reported (175, t 76). During the early phase of swelling, melanoma- Unlike the analogous condensation of chromo- derived proteins that initiate DNA synthesis enter somes observed in endosperm of Haemanthus the macrophage nucleus, which plays a passive (177) and after nuclear transplantation into matur- role. The kinetics of S-phase induction in different ing Xenopus oocytes (178), the induction of PCC nuclei are correlated with their heterochromatin in virus-fused cells is not accompanied by forma- content, presumably reflecting the ease of access of tion of a spindle (165). Prematurely condensed the replicating system to the template. chromosomes adopt a position adjacent to the The cytoplasmic inducers of DNA synthesis metaphase chromosomes and pass into the prog- have no effect on the duration of S or on the eny of metaphase- fused cells in a varied programmed sequence of chromosome replication and complex, apparently random, pattern of segre- (169). The factors lack species or cell specificity, gation. Prematurely condensed chromosomes that and nothing is known about their nature or are incorporated into daughter nuclei can replicate relationship to cytoplasmic factors which stimulate and reenter mitosis in synchrony with the rest of DNA synthesis in cell-free systems (170, 171). the genome and thus be functionally retained by the progeny (179). The fusion products of mitotic B. The Duration of G2 cells and S-phase cells with PCC are less likely to survive and may lose more chromosomes than The presence of G1 or S nuclei inhibits progres- hybrids formed by homophasic fusion. The inte- sion of G2 nuclei into M until DNA replication has gration of chromatin fragments, generated by been completed (164). This effect has been as- PCC, into the genome of another cell could cribed to heterophasic condensation and deconden- account for the acquisition of chick HGPRT by sation of chromatin within the same cell. On the mouse fibroblasts fused with chick erythrocytes other hand, normal G2 components can partially (108). The retention of the chick trait can be overcome G2 delay induced by X-irradiation or by unstable, and the nature of the association between inhibition of protein synthesis, thus allowing tran- chick DNA and mouse DNA in this system, sition into mitosis. however, is unknown (180). Instead of inducing PCC in the interphase C. Mitosis nucleus, the mitotic chromosomes may themselves When a cell in interphase (I) is fused with a clump together, become enclosed in a nuclear mitotic cell, the interphase nucleus may lose its envelope (NE), and resemble "telophase-like nu- nuclear membrane and nucleolus and undergo clei" (181 183). The frequency of these two possi- premature chromosome condensation (PCC) in a ble outcomes, PCC formation vs. NE formation, process that resembles normal prophase in many depends upon environmental pH and the meta- respects (165, 172, 173). The morphology of the phase/interphase ratio. Nuclear envelope forma- prematurely condensed chromosomes varies ac- tion in some systems predominates at pH 8.5 and a cording to the position at the time of fusion of the metaphase/interphase ratio of 0.33. interphase cell in its cycle. The prematurely con- Neither PCC- nor NE-inducing factors have densed chromosomes in G1 contain a single chro- been isolated, but they are not cell specific or matid which is very long and coiled, and in G2 they species specific. Cations such as spermine, putres- have two that are more condensed cine, and Mg +§ promote PCC, whereas spermi- though still more extended than metaphase dine, negatively charged compounds, and 17 3- chromosomes. PCC in the S phase results in un- Estradiol inhibit PCC induction (184). Indirect even chromosome condensation and a fragmented, evidence that proteins play a role in PCC induction pulverized appearance which varies in relation to comes from experiments by Matsui and co-work- its stage of DNA replication. It is possible to dis- ers (185) who feund that inhibition of protein

S. GOROON Cell Fusion and Subcellular Properties of Heterokaryons and Hybrids 267 synthesis during the last hour of G2 reduced a preformed form, since it can restore UDS after subsequent PCC induction. Rao and Johnson fusion with multiple XP cells and in the absence of found that when mitotic cells had been prelabeled further protein synthesis (189, 193). It probably with [3H] amino acids during G~ there was sub- enters the XP nucleus very rapidly after fusion. A stantial migration of labeled material to the pre- dosimetric analysis has been performed to try to maturely condensed chromosomes (165). The na- identify heterozygous carriers, but this approach is ture or specificity of these labeled molecules has complicated by uncertainty with regard to the not been demonstrated. relative importance of nuclear transfer, synthesis, The induction of PCC provides a unique tool and turnover rates in controlling the reaction. with which to study the mechanism of chromo- The human factor that restores UDS also enters some condensation, to enable visualization of chick erythrocyte nuclei during reactivation in chromosomes in differentiated interphase cells, HeLa cytoplasm, but not in XP fibroblast cells and to analyze the effect of X- and UV-irradiation (194). The chick nucleus itself does not comple- in G~ cells (186). ment the deficiency in XP nuclei even after reactivation. Hamster cells can complement the VII. DNA REPAIR IN FUSED CELLS human XP cell defect in segregating hybrids, By analogy with bacterial systems, it is often confirming the absence of species specificity for assumed that mammalian cells also effect UV- the factor (195). induced DNA repair by incision, excision, repair Cell fusion has thus been useful in demonstrat- replication, and strand rejoining, but the enzymes ing genetic heterogeneity, but further progress involved have not been characterized. Cell fusion awaits identification of the enzymes involved. The studies with fibroblasts obtained from patients use of UV-irradiation in the selection of hybrids with an inborn error, xeroderma pigmentosum also has potential interest (195). (XP), have brought new insights into the DNA repair process in somatic cells. Cultured cells from VIIi. RIBOSOMES AND PROTEIN these patients show diminished unscheduled DNA SYNTHESIS synthesis (UDS) after UV-irradiation and proba- The formation and function of the nucleolus bly lack an early endonucleolytic activity (187). during chick nuclear reactivation and in the ex- The XP syndrome is due to a rare autosomal pression of chick gene products in heterokaryons recessive gene defect, and patients showing the have already been discussed (Section V). In this syndrome include those with the "classical" form section, we review studies on ribosomal RNA and of cutaneous photosensitivity and malignancy as related proteins in hybrid cells. well as others with additional involvement of the central nervous system (the De Sanctis Cacchioni A. RNA syndrome). Patients with classical XP show fur- ther heterogeneity in the level of UDS demonstra- The study of RNA in interspecific fused cells ble in culture (188). depends on the availability of suitable species Heterokaryons formed between XP fibroblasts markers. The 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from and normal fibroblasts show rapid restoration of the larger ribosomal subunit of a number of species UDS (189), and at least three complementation can be distinguished by polyacrylamide gel electro- groups have been defined by fusion of XP cells phoresis (196) or by specific ribosome dimerization among themselves (97, 190). These conclusions are (197). Eliceiri and Green first observed that only based on experiments with autoradiography, as mouse 28S RNA could be detected in human- well as density labeling, and isopycnic centrifuga- mouse hybrids that contained up to 35 human tion of DNA (191). Further evidence that com- chromosomes per cell (198). The 32S human RNA plementation restores an early incision event was precursor was also not found. These results were obtained by following the disappearance of dimer- confirmed in subsequent studies (199, 200). containing sites from DNA of UV-irradiated XP Both mouse and hamster ribosomes were found heterokaryons with the aid of a UV-specific in mouse-hamster hybrids, however, and the ham- endonuclease purified from Micrococcus luteus ster-specific ribosome dimers contained dimers of (192). hamster 28S RNA (201). Both types of rRNA The factor that is responsible for UDS in were synthesized in hybrids containing only about normal cells is apparently present in excess and in one-half the haploid number of either mouse or

2(~ THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY VOLUME 67, 1975 hamster chromosomes, although a disproportion- variation associated with physiologic activity ately higher percentage of RNA of the species (209). Drug-resistant mutants and immunologic contributing the majority of the hybrid cell chro- markers have not yet been developed. mosomes was present. Mouse-rat and human- Nonribosomal proteins involved in protein syn- hamster hybrids resemble mouse-hamster and hu- thesis, however, can be studied readily by somatic man-mouse hybrids, respectively, with regard to cell hybridization. The aminoacyl-tRNA synthe- 28S RNA content (202). tases, which occur in a soluble form or as a The mechanism that accounts for the absence of multienzyme complex, comprise a family of such human 28S RNA in human-rodent hybrids is not proteins. 2 Tryptophan-tRNA synthetase from known. The genes for rRNA have been assigned to mouse and man can be readily distinguished by the satellite regions of human chromosomes 13, electrophoresis and has recently been assigned to 14, 15, 21, and 22 by in situ hybridization (203). chromosome 14. Cell mutants with temperature- Detailed karyotypic studies with newer techniques sensitive leucyl-tRNA synthetase have also been have not been reported for the human-mouse isolated (210) and could be useful for further hybrids although several human acrocentric chro- hybridization studies. mosomes have been identified in some hybrids (202). It is unlikely that all of the human chromo- IX. MITOCHONDRIA somes that bear RNA genes are absent in every Cell hybrids provide a novel tool with which to case, but individual chromosomes, such as those study the interactions between nucleus, cytoplasm, bearing the 5S RNA gene assigned to chromosome and mitochondria in mammalian cells. Segregat- 1 by in situ hybridization (204), could also be ing interspecific hybrids are most useful for this obligatory for 28S RNA expression. Also of purpose since some species of nuclear and mito- interest is the recent report by Marshall et al. (202) chondrial DNA, rRNA, and proteins can be that human-rodent heterokaryons, which show no distinguished by physico-chemical techniques. The chromosome loss, continue to produce both species fate of mitochondria contributed by each parent of 28S rRNA for as long as 10days after fusion, in cell at the time of fusion has not been studied. contrast with their corresponding hybrids, al- though the proportion of human RNA did dimin- A. DNA ish with time. Further studies are needed to establish the In the earliest studies, human-mouse hybrids detailed karyotype and the possible presence of that were segregating human chromosomes were RNA precursors before ascribing the loss of examined by density gradient centrifugation and human 28S RNA in the interspecific hybrids to were found to contain only mouse mtDNA (211, selective inactivation of nucleolar activity, similar 212). Recent investigation by Coon and co-work- to that described in other systems (205, 206). it ers showed that both human and rodent mtDNA's would also be interesting to examine the RNA's of could be demonstrated in a new set of human- rodent-human hybrids, which show more stability rodent hybrids which either were more stable or or reverse segregation (104), as well as early stages showed "reverse" segregation (Section III B) of hybrid cell evolution before prolonged selection (104). These hybrids segregated either human or in vitro (207). rodent chromosomes, and each species of mtDNA could be distinguished by specific in vitro hybridi- B. Proteins zation with RNA prepared from highly purified DNA templates. Both types of mtDNA were The processing of RNA may involve the func- found in clonal populations, excluding cell admix- tion of specific proteins. Toniolo and Basilico ture, and either species could be lost with further isolated a temperature-sensitive hamster cell mu- cultivation. A positive correlation was found be- tant which failed to produce 28S rRNA at nonper- tween the loss of nuclear DNA and the loss of missive temperatures, possibly due to a defect in mtDNA of each species, though not strictly so. processing, since hamster 28S RNA could be The segregation of mtDNA proceeded further and restored by hybridization with mouse cells (207). more rapidly than that of nuclear DNA. In The genetic analysis of ribosomal proteins has lagged because of the paucity of electrophoretic 2 Denney. R., and 1. Craig. Localization of a gene for markers (208), ascribed to strong conservation of tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC6.1.1.2) to human these proteins, and is further complicated by chromosome 14. Manuscript submitted for publication.

S. GORDON Cell Fusion and Subcellular Properties of Heterokaryons and Hybrids 269 addition, there appeared to be a strong tendency to electrophoresis, and specific mouse antibodies to lose human mtDNA. The chromosomes that could the human mitochondrial enzymes were used to play a role in maintaining long-term replication of identify the human enzymes in human-mouse mtDNA in these hybrids have not been identified. hybrids and to assign MDH2 to chromosome 7 Horak and co-workers also put forward evi- (219). Recently, fumarate hydratase (FH), an- dence that these hybrids contain a high proportion other citric acid cycle enzyme, has been assigned of recombinant mtDNA molecules (213). Rodent to chromosome 1 (220), and superoxide dismutase and human mtDNA's were identified after CsC1 (SOD) to chromosome 6 (221). gradient centrifugation by specific hybridization These studies confirm that these mitochondrial with their complementary RNA. In several hybrid products are nuclear coded, that cytoplasmic and strains, the mtDNA's derived from the two species mitochondrial forms of human MDH2 and AAT did not separate in the gradients, and this result are unlinked, and that consecutive citric acid cycle was interpreted as evidence for linkage between enzymes, CS, MDH~, and FH, as well as AAT, sequences from the two parental mtDNA's. are all unlinked. Although further studies on iso- Sheared samples of DNA gave similar results, lated mitochondria are needed, these studies im- excluding the formation of catenates, but the exact ply that human MDH~ is able to integrate into nature of the linkage and the structure of the organelles controlled by mouse mtDNA. molecules containing both types of sequences have Mitochondria contain a distinctive thymidine not been demonstrated. Recombination has been kinase (mTK) as well as a cytoplasmic variety demonstrated in yeast mtDNA, but genetic mark- (222). The mTK differs from this and another ers on the mitochondrial genome are required to cytoplasmic form, with respect to electrophoresis evaluate the frequency and possible significance of and phosphate donor specificity. Species differ- mtDNA recombination in animal cells (214). ences among mTK have also been described by Kit and co-workers (163). Mouse-primate hybrids with a reduced complement of primate chromosomes B. RNA contain only mouse mTK, while retaining the Eliceiri has observed both mouse and hamster primate cytosol TK which formed the basis for 18S and 16S mtRNA in some interspecific hy- selection of the hybrids. These findings suggest brids, but no detailed correlation has been made that the cytosol and mTK genes are coded on with chromosomes or mtDNA content (215). different chromosomes. All the above hybrids were isolated after selec- tion for nuclear coded functions, but selection for C. Proteins mitochondrial functions may also be feasible. Although mitochondria synthesize proteins, Chloramphenicol (CAP) resistance can be ex- many proteins located in mitochondria are pre- pressed at the level of the and may sumed to be nuclear coded and are transported be coded for by mtDNA. Bunn and co-workers from the cytoplasm which produces both mito- used CAP-resistant mutant HGPRT- mouse fi- chondrial (m) and cytoplasmic (s) forms in some broblasts, isolated after ethidium bromide treat- cases. The distribution of three mitochondrial ment, to prepare enucleated cytoplasts ("93% enzymes, citrate 3ynthase (CS), NAD-malate de- pure"), which were then fused with CAP-sensitive hydrogenase (MDH2), and aspartate aminotrans- mouse TK- cells (92). Fusion products were ferase (AAT) has been studied in human-mouse obtained at high frequency, were resistant to CAP, hybrids segregating human chromosomes and and contained nuclear markers and the chromo- lacking human mtDNA (216, 217). The human some complement of the CAP-sensitive parent. and mouse forms of CS can be distinguished by Control experiments were performed to show that electrophoresis, and human-mouse heteropolym- the hybrids could have resulted from fusion with ers of CS were found in hybrids that retained cytoplasts rather than residual intact cells. It has mostly mouse enzymes (218). Segregation analysis not yet been proved that CAP resistance in these showed that human CS is linked to lactate dehy- hybrids is due to function of a mitochondrial gene. drogenase B (LDH B) and peptidase B, and its This type of approach could also be extended to gene has been assigned to chromosome 12. The interspecific hybrids where it should be possible to mitochondrial forms of MDH2 and AAT can be select for the retention of human mitochondrial distinguished from the cytoplasmic enzymes by functions.

270 THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY VOLUME 67, 1975 X. LYSOSOMES the aid of human-rodent hybrids (230). A hetero- Structural, control, and architectural genes all polymeric enzyme was demonstrated in the hy- play a part in the production of lysosomal acid brids and is compatible with a dimeric structure hydrolases such as B-glucuronidase (223). Geneti- for the enzyme. The hybrid cell enzymes are cally and structurally interrelated isozymes have B-glycerol phosphatases, have an acid pH op- been identified for several acid hydrolases, but the timum, show a lysosomal distribution after differ- molecular modifications that accompany biosyn- ential centrifugation of cell homogenates, and thesis and intracellular transport are still obscure. exhibit structure-linked latency. The gene for Ganschow was the first to study a possible lysoso- ACP~, the nonlysosomal acid phosphatase present real marker in cell hybrids (224). Using a heat- in red cells, has been assigned to chromosome 2 labile strain variant, he showed that the pattern of (231). glucuronidase expression in intraspecific mouse Using different rodent-man hybrids, Shows and hybrids resembled that in heterozygous animals Lalley also obtained evidence for a dimer structure and that both parental genes were therefore ex- and for segregation of human acid phosphatase pressed. Since then, a variety of soluble acid isozymes (232). Some clones lacked the mouse hydrolases has been studied in segregating inter- isozymes, and the authors suggested that a human specific hybrids with the aid of electrophoretic and chromosome, which they did not identify, was antigenic markers. Chromosome assignment re- responsible for its extinction since the mouse veals that acid hydrolases and their isozymes are enzymes reappeared in some subclones, presum- not linked to one another and has provided ably after further segregation of human chromo- preliminary evidence that control and modification somes. Extinction was specific for acid phospha- of these enzymes can also be studied by somatic tase and did not affect unrelated acid hydrolases. cell hybridization. The "regulatory" gene was not linked to that coding for human acid phosphatase. On the basis A. ~3-D-N-Acetylhexosaminidase of rather limited evidence, the authors postulated The human lysosomal enzyme occurs in at least that the regulator was a sialyl transferase which two major molecular forms, hexosaminidase A modified the processing of the mouse enzyme. (hex A) and hexosaminidase 13 (hex B). Linkage Acid phosphatase activity, which is readily in- analysis of interspecific hybrids assigned hex A ducible in unfused mouse macrophages, also disap- and hex B to chromosome 15 and 5, respectively pears by an unknown mechanism from macro- (219, 225, 226). When a combination of immuno- phage heterokaryons after fusion with acid phos- logic and electrophoretic techniques was used to phatase-poor melanoma cells (94). identify hex A and hex B with certainty, it was noted that hex A was never expressed in hybrids in C. a-Galactosidase the absence of hex B (227). The gene specifying this enzyme has been as- Several autosomal recessive lipid storage dis- signed to the X-chromosome by study of hamster- eases are associated with hexosaminidase defi- human hybrids (233). ciency. Among these are Tay-Sachs disease, in Though characterization of the enzymes and which hex A is lacking and Sandhoff's disease in their lysosomal association is incomplete, these which both hex A and hex B are lacking (228, 229). studies show that the soluble lysosomal enzymes lntergenic complementation has been demon- can be studied readily by hybridization. The study strated in heterokaryons formed by fusing Tay- of less soluble, membrane-associated constituents Sachs fibroblasts with Sandhoff cells. Hex A, of lysosomes awaits the development of suitable absent in both parental cell types, appears 2 6 days markers. Tissue-specific differences also offer op- after fusion and resembles the normal hex A with portunities for further research. respect to electrophoresis and heat lability. The possible structural relationship between A and B and the molecular defects in the storage diseases is XI. CONCLUSION still uncertain. This review has served to illustrate the diversity of experimental problems in cell biology that can be B. Acid Phosphatase studied by cell fusion techniques. The spectacular The gene specifying lysosomal acid phosphatase growth of gene mapping by cell hybridization will ACP~ has been assigned to chromosome 11 with undoubtedly extend to many other areas of cell

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