Patented Feb. 14, 1950 2497,519 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,497,519 ART OF STABLZNG RAYON TYPE FABRIC Archibald S. Stevenson, Pawtucket, and Leo Beer, Providence, R. I., assignors to Alrose Chemical Company, Cranston, R. ., a corporation of Rhode Island No Drawing. Application December 4, 1946, Serial No. 13,918 15 Claims. (C. 8-125) 2 The textile fabric with the stabilization of the alternative, costly ventilating equipment is which the present invention is concerned, con 'equired, and tains Synthetic fibers of regenerated cellulose, h. Fabrics treated with resins frequently cause Such as viscose or cupra-ammonium rayon or of dermatitis when worn by persons whose skin is cellulose-acetate or other cellulose derivative, the Sensitive to such resins. fabric consisting of any of said fibers, alone or in It is among the objects of the present inven admixture with one or more of the other fibers, tion to produce textile fabrics of the rayon-type with or without components of wool, cotton or which are stabilized to a highly satisfactory de other fiber, natural or synthetic. Fabric of the gree against laundering shrinkage, without there character referred to is designated hereinafter () by incurring excessive loss of yardage and with both in the specification and the claims in the in out the need to this end for incorporating in or terest of brevity as "rayon-type fabric.' on the fibre any foreign substance, or altering As conducive to a clear understanding of the the molecular structure of the fiber or detracting from the weight or the tensile strength or the invention, it is noted that if such rayon-type abrasion resistance of the fibre or fabric or in fabric were subjected to the action of caustic 5 pairing the hand of feel thereof, or objectionably under conditions similar to those of mercerizing detracting from its luster.
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