I. General

Public Disclosure Authorized 1. Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan: Original: May 21, 2015

2. Date of General Procurement Notice: March 13, 2015

3. Period covered by this procurement plan: The procurement period of project covered from Year May 21, 2015 to November 2016

II. Goods and Works and non-consulting services.

1. Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement:

Procurement Method Prior Review Threshold Comments Public Disclosure Authorized US$ 1. ICB (Goods) Above US$ 2 million All 2. NCB (Goods) Above US$ 2 million All 3. ICB (Works) Above US$ 10 million All 4. NCB (Works) Above US$ 10 million All 5. Services (non-consultant) Above US$ 2 million All 6. LIB Above US$ 30,000

Procurement Methods and Threshold

Category Method of Procurement Threshold (US$ Equivalent)

Public Disclosure Authorized Goods and Non-consultant ICB >3,000,000 services LIB Wherever agreed by the Bank NCB Up to 3,000,000 (with NCB conditions) Shopping Up to 500,000 DC As per Para 3.7 of the Bank Guidelines Force Account As per Para 3.9 of Guidelines Framework Agreements As per Para 3.6 of Guidelines Works ICB >40,000,000 NCB Up to 40,000,000 (with NCB conditions) Shopping Up to 1,000,000 Public Disclosure Authorized Force Account As per Para 3.9 of Guidelines DC As per Para 3.7 of Guidelines Community Participation As per Para 3.19 of Guidelines

Page 1 of 4 Prior Review by the Bank. The Bank will prior review the following contracts: • Works: All contracts more than US$ 15.0 million equivalent; • Goods: All contracts more than US$ 4.0 million equivalent; • Non-Consulting Services: All contracts more than US$ 2.0 million equivalent;

The PMU shall prior review the first contract issued by each implementing agency, if the estimate of those contracts are below the prior review threshold value. The Bank will conduct prior review for only those contract whose estimate falls in prior review threshold value. In addition, the justifications for all contracts to be issued on LIB, single-source (>US$ 30,000) or direct contracting (>US$ 30,000) basis will be subject to Banks prior review. These thresholds are for the initial 18 months period and are based on the procurement performance of the project, these thresholds will be modified. In addition, the Bank will carry out an annual ex post procurement review of the procurement falling below the prior review threshold mentioned above.

All contracts below the specified prior review threshold value shall be subject to Post Procurement Review (PPR). For the avoidance of doubts, the Bank shall be entitled to conduct, at any time, independent procurement reviews of all the contracts financed under the Credit. The IA shall prepare a list of contract and submit it to the Bank for conducting PPR. The PPR will be conducted on annual basis. All contracts not covered under prior review will be subject to post review during supervision missions, and/or review by consultants to be appointed by the by Bank.

2. Pre-qualification. Not applicable

3. Proposed Procedures for CDD Components (as per paragraph. 3.17 of the Guidelines: Component 4 – is being implemented by Forest Department. Procurement would involve restoration and improvement of production capacity of horticulture crops, reconstruction and modernization of existing nurseries. The Forest Department will implement this component with the assistance of partner agencies acceptable to the Association. The civil works will be implemented by Participating Agencies, which will be assessed as needed. For undertaking the Forest treatment activities such as rejuvenation works, plantations, nursery works, soil moisture conservation works, the A P Forest Department will facilitate the participation of Village Forest Protection Committees Vana Samrakshana Samithies (VSS), Eco-Development Committee (EDC) or any other identified local communities on Direct Contract basis with the local community falling within that jurisdiction. The local communities will not do any procurement, however, if there be need of materials such as saplings, manure, bags etc., the A P Forest Department will make such arrangements and local communities will provide only services at the prevailing wage rate. The procedure of partition of VSS is already existing and same procedure will be adopted for this project.

4. Reference to Project Operational/Procurement Manual: The PMU for NCRMP I project is also the PMU for APDRP. The Project Operations/Procurement Manual used for NCRMP I has been agreed by the Bank and the same has been agreed to be used for APDRP project as well. All the contracts issued under the project will follow the World Bank’s Guidelines: Bank’s “Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits” dated January 2011and revised in July 2014and “Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Page 2 of 4 Consultants by World Bank Borrowers” dated January 2011 and revised in July 2014, In case of any inconsistency between the Manual or Andhra Pradesh Government Procurement Procedures and the Bank Guidelines, the latter shall prevail.

5. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: This is a Disaster Recovery Project and the project preparation was triggered by emergency situation (OP10.00) and therefore, provisions under paragraph 20 of OP 11.00; procurement under emergency situation is applied.

Procurement of goods, works and non-consulting services shall be conducted through e- procurement portal using Bank’s standard bidding documents.

International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is the preferred method for procurement of goods, works and non-consulting services. However, it is unlikely that there will be any ICB contract. All National Competitive Bidding (NCB) shall be conducted in accordance with paragraph 3.3 and 3.4 of the Guidelines. In addition, following additional provisions as agreed with GOI task force (as amended form time to time) shall apply:

• Only the model bidding documents for NCB as agreed with the GoI Task Force (and as amended from time to time), shall be used for bidding; • Invitation to bid shall be advertised in at least one widely circulated national daily newspaper (or on a widely used website or electronic portal with free national and international access along with an abridged version of the said advertisement published in a widely circulated national daily inter-alia giving the website/electronic portal details from which the details of the invitation to bid can be downloaded), at least 30 days prior to the deadline for the submission of bids. For smaller packages (lesser than US$1 million for Works and US$ 500,000 for Goods), advertisement in state newspapers will be accepted with at least 15 days given for submission of bids; • No special preference will be accorded to any bidder either for price or for other terms and conditions when competing with foreign bidders, state-owned enterprises, small-scale enterprises or enterprise from any given State; • Except with the prior concurrence of the Bank, there shall be no negotiation of price with the bidders, even with the lowest evaluated bidder; • For prior review contracts, extension of bid validity shall not be allowed with reference to Contracts subject to Bank prior review without the prior concurrence of the Bank (i) for the first request for extension if it is longer than four weeks; and (ii) for all subsequent requests for extension irrespective of the period (such concurrence will be considered by Bank only in cases of Force Majeure and circumstance beyond the control of the Purchaser/Employer); • For prior review contracts , re-bidding shall not be carried out with reference to Contracts subject to Bank prior review without the prior concurrence of the Bank; • The system of rejecting bids outside a pre-determined margin or “bracket” of prices shall not be used in the project; • Rates contract entered into by Directorate General of Supplies and Disposal (DGS & D) will not be acceptable as a substitute for NCB procedures unless agreed with

Page 3 of 4 the Bank on case to case basis. Such contracts will be acceptable however, for any procurement under the Shopping procedure; • Two or three envelop system will not be used (expect when suing e-procurement system assessed and agreed by the Bank.

To meet the Bank's requirements for right to audit and F&C, these clauses may be included in the Purchase Orders, in case the purchasers are directly placing the purchase orders to DGS&D rate contract holders. On the other hand, if indent is placed through DGS&D, the Purchaser has the option to sign a separate undertaking with DGS&D rate contract holder, where Bank’s right to audit and F&C clauses could be mentioned;

6. Summary of the Procurement Packages planned during the first 18 months after project effectiveness: Available in separate Excel file.

III. Selection of Consultants

1. Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants:

Selection Method Prior Review Threshold Comment 1. Competitive Methods (Firms) Above US$ 2 million All contract 2. Single Source (Firms) Above US$ 2 million All contract 3. Individual Above US$ 400,000 All contracts 4. CQS/LCS Up to US$ 300,000 All contracts

2. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than $ 800,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.

3. Any Other Special Selection Arrangements: AP EPDCL had initiated selection of DPR consultant for preparation of DPR for underground cabling works before initiating project preparation following their own procedure. The Bank has reviewed their selection process and agreed to be treated as advance contracting. It is also foreseen that study on Vizag shore protection will be carried out under this project, however, there are no competent private agency who does that kind of study. Therefore, it is likely that this assignment will be directly contracted to National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) and its partners.

4. Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule Available on STEP.

Page 4 of 4 PROCUREMENT : Andhra Pradesh Disaster Recovery Project PLAN General Information Country: India Banks Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2016-08-08 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) 2017-12-26 Project ID: P154847 GPN Date: Project Name: Andhra Pradesh Disaster Recovery Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / 56940 Executing Agency(ies): Project Implementation Unit , GVMC, Eastern Power Distribution Company of A.P.Limited, Panchayati Raj Department, Roads & Building Department, Revenue (DM) Department, Andhra Pradesh Forest Department, Urban Development Authority

WORKS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report / Justification Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

IN-APEPDCL-212-CW-RFB / UG Single Stage - Two Under cable network in VSP city IDA / 56940 Resilient electrical network Prior Request for Bids Open - National 19,000,000.00 0.00 2016-11-07 2017-03-15 2016-11-12 2017-03-22 2016-12-24 2017-05-09 2017-03-08 2017-04-12 2018-10-09 Envelope Implementation Package-4

IN-PRD-459-CW-RFB / AKP SBM road to Koppaka via Bhatlapudi, Kondupalem Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under at 1.8 Km to makavaram via IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 938,462.00 933,887.81 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-23 2017-02-04 2017-03-20 2019-01-25 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Chinnamakavaram and AKP CDM road to AKP SBM road via Mamidipalem and Kondupalem

IN-PRD-470-CW-RFB / Gottipalli to Cheemalamettapalem, BN Road to Dibbadipalem, Boni Water Works Road to Gottipalli Kallalu, VZM Road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 750,769.00 625,536.73 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-23 2017-02-04 2017-03-23 2018-08-03 Via , shelter infrastructure Envelope

Vemagottipalem, VZM-STM Road to Kusuluwada via Mukundapuram, Ramunenipeta and NH5 to Yethapeta

IN-PRD-484-CW-RFB / Road from Taruva to M.Alamanda and Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 404,615.00 394,037.90 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-05-17 2018-07-29 Road from Tenugupudi to shelter infrastructure Envelope


IN-PRD-487-CW-RFB / Road from Rongalinaidupalem to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 384,615.00 394,243.15 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-04-01 2018-07-29 Medicherla and Road from shelter infrastructure Envelope

Srungavaram to Pindrangi

IN-RBD-492-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Ragolu- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,666,666.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-01-24 road from Km 10.00 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation to 20.00 in Dist

IN-PRD-495-CW-RFB / Tootipala to to Janakirampuram via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,200,000.00 0.00 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2019-02-03 Adigarlapalem, Pothalooru shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

,Tadapala , K,.Tadapala.

IN-PRD-497-CW-RFB / Kothuru Junction to K.Ellavaram via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Kasimi and Providing BT road IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 538,462.00 522,236.65 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-05-10 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope from Karaka R&B road to Jillelupudi

IN-RBD-496-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Saluru- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending Duggeru road (via) Makkuva from IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,916,666.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-07-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Km 0.00 to 18.725 in Dist.

IN-PRD-499-CW-RFB / Formation of the road from Venkatapuram H.O Salikamallavaram to Kuruwda Road of Nathavaram Mandal, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 676,923.00 674,276.46 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-05 2018-08-03 Providing BT road from Nrpm shelter infrastructure Envelope

Devipatnam Road to Kumarapuram via Ch.Nagapuram and Devipatnam R and B road to Nallanki

IN-PRD-501-CW-RFB / Ramannapalem to Masampalli Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 661,538.00 580,271.73 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-20 2018-08-03 and Approach road to shelter infrastructure Envelope


IN-RBD-503-CW-RFB / Permanent restoration from Km Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 4,333,333.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2019-01-24 0.00 to 14.380 of GPY shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation road in Visakhapatnam Dist

IN-RBD-505-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration from Km Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,000,000.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-07-24 0.00 to 6.00 of SKK road in shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Visakhpatnam Dist

IN-PRD-506-CW-RFB / Nathavaram R B Road to Manyapurtla road via. K.Naidupalem, Kuruvada Junction to Vootamalla via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 704,615.00 671,192.87 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-20 2019-01-25 Madhavanagaram, PK Gudem shelter infrastructure Envelope

Road to SB Patnam, D Yerravaram Kothuru R B road to K Upparagudem Via Seetharampuram

IN-RBD-507-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration from Km Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 3,333,333.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-07-24 18.00 to 30.00 of Paderu Araku shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation road in Visakhapatnam Dist

IN-RBD-508-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration from Km Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending 0.00 to 15.807 of IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,083,333.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-01-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Kothapatnam road in Visakhapatnam Dist

IN-RBD-510-CW-RFB / Permanent restoration to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending Kasimkota Bangarumetta road IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,333,333.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-01-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation from Km 4.00 to 13.00 in Visakhapatnam Dist

IN-RBD-511-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration from Km Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending 31.00 to 38.00 of Paderu IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,166,666.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-01-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Sujanakota Duduma oad in visakhapatnam Dist

IN-RBD-512-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration from Km Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending 38.00 to 46.00 of Paderu IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,333,333.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-01-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Sujanakota Duduma road in visakhapatnam Dist

Page 1 IN-PRD-567-CW-RFB / PinagadiK.Kotapdu Road to Elluppi via Boduvalasa, MES Water works road to Appayyapalem via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Amarapinnivanipalem and IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 890,769.00 921,007.95 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-23 2017-02-04 2017-04-01 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Tammayyapalem, SBMVenkannapalem Road to SBMAnakapalle Road via Gali Bhimavaram Pallavanipalem and SBM Road to Chintagatla

IN-PRD-575-CW-RFB / B.T.Renewal & Upgradation of Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Missing Link to the Road from IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 238,462.00 230,377.52 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-02-03 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope NH5 to S.Rayavaram via Pulaparthi, Gundrubilli

IN-PRD-580-CW-RFB / Providing Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two BT to the road from PA R and B IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 426,154.00 460,274.41 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-04-17 2018-07-29 shelter infrastructure Envelope Road to Uppa via Santhari

IN-PRD-582-CW-RFB / Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 738,462.00 788,211.19 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-20 2018-07-29 Munching Put to Rudakota shelter infrastructure Envelope

IN-PRD-600-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 207,692.00 370,360.04 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-06-18 2017-03-09 2018-06-13 from Durgada to Kathipudi shelter infrastructure Envelope

IN-PRD-601-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from P Isukapali to Kondevaram IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 323,077.00 293,839.33 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-09 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope via K Isukapalli, Jonnalagaruvu

IN-PRD-603-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 384,615.00 324,772.99 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-09 2018-02-03 from Valasapakalu to Kothuru shelter infrastructure Envelope

IN-PRD-605-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from KY road to KNF road via IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 369,231.00 321,230.14 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-09 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope Gurajanapalli

IN-PRD-606-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under from Yerrakoneru to Vemavaram IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 807,692.00 764,461.46 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-23 2017-02-04 2017-03-18 2019-01-25 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation via pydikonda

IN-PRD-609-CW-RFB / Road from Hamsavaram to H.Kothuru, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Road from D.polavaram to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 630,769.00 543,725.98 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-24 2017-02-04 2017-02-14 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Atikivanipalem and Road from Sankavaram to Mandapam

IN-PRD-613-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under from Thondangi to T IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 923,077.00 819,883.60 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-02-10 2019-01-25 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Venkatapuram

IN-APFD-618-CW-RFB / Restoration of environmental Single Stage - Two Pending RESTORATION OF CHILDREN IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 16,667.00 0.00 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 Envelope Implementation PARK livelihood support

IN-PRD-629-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from Turupulanka bridge to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 215,385.00 205,527.09 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-09 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope Gundipudi,

IN-PRD-630-CW-RFB / Road from Gopavaram to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Aithabathulavaripeta of S.Yanam, IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 300,000.00 303,123.73 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-09 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope and Road from N.Kothapalli to G.Pora via Rajupalem,

IN-PRD-633-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from Indupalli R and B road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 230,769.00 193,830.07 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-09 2018-02-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope NH216 via Batlapalem,

IN-PRD-636-CW-RFB / Road from SM R and B road to Katrenipadulanka and Road from Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 476,923.00 461,426.92 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-08 2018-07-29 Ponnamanda bridge to shelter infrastructure Envelope

Thurupulanka of Kadali via chennadam,

IN-APFD-637-CW-RFB / Restoration of environmental REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENT Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 41,667.00 0.00 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 OF CHAINLINK MESH & RCC Envelope Implementation livelihood support POLES

IN-APFD-643-CW-RFB / Restoration of environmental Single Stage - Two Pending RENOVATION OF CENTRAL IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 16,667.00 0.00 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 Envelope Implementation NURSERIES livelihood support

IN-PRD-644-CW-RFB / ad from Tillakuppa Kesanakurru R and B Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two road to Alluruvaricheruvu and IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 230,769.00 226,207.78 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2017-03-09 2018-02-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Road from I.Polavaram to Kesanakurru,

IN-APFD-645-CW-RFB / Restoration of environmental Single Stage - Two Pending ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 25,000.00 0.00 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 Envelope Implementation CENTRAL NURSERY livelihood support

IN-PRD-648-CW-RFB / P V Road to NU Road via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 100,000.00 950,052.93 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-03-30 2017-02-04 2017-06-27 2019-02-03 Appalampeta, Buripeta, N shelter infrastructure Envelope


IN-PRD-664-CW-RFB / NH 43 to Gittupalli via Davalapeta and Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under M.Kothavalasa R and B Road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 807,692.00 0.00 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2019-01-25 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation GP Agraharam Maruvada Road via Kothapalem

IN-PRD-679-CW-RFB / 8.8 Veeluparthi Road to Nallabilli via Rayudupeta, Chalumurivanipalem Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 492,308.00 0.00 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 and 3.6 BS Road to Alamanda shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

RS-L.Kota Road via Jaddetivalasa

IN-PRD-702-CW-RFB / NH26 at 541.2 Km to VZM-Palakonda R Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two and B Road at Nellimarla ROB IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 975,385.00 912,578.09 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-03-30 2017-02-04 2017-06-21 2019-02-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope via AU campous and Venugopalapuram DIET centre.

IN-PRD-682-CW-RFB / Dharmapuri to Pradeenagar via K Dharmapuri, Nobal Nagar and Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 638,462.00 569,075.28 Signed 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-03-30 2017-02-04 2017-06-21 2018-07-29 Road from VB road to PSR shelter infrastructure Envelope

Puram via Korlam Pollanki of Gantyada Mandal

IN-PRD-701-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 235,385.00 200,396.45 Signed 2016-09-01 2017-05-25 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2017-05-25 2016-12-31 2017-05-25 2017-02-04 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 from A.B.Road to Vaddangi shelter infrastructure Envelope

IN-PRD-703-CW-RFB / Road from CSP road to Sreekurmam Via Yallapeta & Jallapeta Junction muddadapeta, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 449,231.00 378,875.83 Signed 2016-09-01 2017-05-25 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2017-05-25 2016-12-31 2017-05-25 2017-06-19 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 Konappagaripeeta 2)Road from shelter infrastructure Envelope

CSP Road to Arangipeta 3)Road from GC Road to CSP Road Via Boravanipeta&Tallavalasa.

Page 2 IN-PRD-718-CW-RFB / NH 16 to via Maredupudi Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending and Seeramsettipalem and Road IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 623,077.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-10-05 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation from NH16 to Ameen Saheb Peta A S Peta

IN-PRD-730-CW-RFB / NH43 to Bodamettapalem, BN Road to kothavalasa H.o j.v.Agraharam, BN Road to neltheru via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending Lodagalavanippalem, IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 364,615.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Bakurupalem Road to Seethampalem, BN road to NH43 via Vellanki and BN Road to Dibbameedipalem

IN-PRD-731-CW-RFB / Potnuru to Isakapalem via Potnurivarikallalu, Pandrangi Alamanda RS R and B road at Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending ananthavaram to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 658,462.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-10-05 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation gandavaramPMGSY road at Yathapeta to Chinnapuram junction and Vilasavanipalem to Vizairampuram via rellipeta

IN-PRD-732-CW-RFB / Chodavaram to Thimmannapalem Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 292,308.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 and Rayapurajupeta to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation


IN-PRD-733-CW-RFB / Rajam to Thattabanda, Road from Paidampeta Village to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 384,615.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-10-05 Aithampudi and BT renewal to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation road from REC road of Ravikamatham

IN-PRD-734-CW-RFB / Waddadi Paderu R and B road at 16.2km Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 346,154.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 to Billalapalem and Tunivalasa to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation


IN-PRD-735-CW-RFB / Road from Pedanandipalli to A.Kothapalli and Road from Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 249,231.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 Pinagadi Kotapadu R and B shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Road near K.Santhapalem to Gollalapalem

IN-PRD-736-CW-RFB / Construction of Bridge on the Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 152,308.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 Road from Dharmasagaram to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation


IN-PRD-737-CW-RFB / NRPM- TUNI R and B road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending Uttaravahini, NRPM TUNI R and IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 323,077.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation B road to Lingapuram and Vazragada to ZP High School

IN-PRD-738-CW-RFB / Providing BT road from Kottamallampeta to Ammapeta, Sarugudu R and B Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 276,923.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 road to K V Sarabhavaram and shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Peda Jaggampeta road to Chinnayyapalem of EG Limits

IN-PRD-739-CW-RFB / Upmaka to Manabhavanipalem and Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 Upmaka Janakayyapeta Road to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Ch.L.Puram via Seenaiahpalem

IN-PRD-740-CW-RFB / NH16 to kotta agraharam via vommavaram, Nrpm Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 336,923.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 Revupolavaram road to Koruprolu shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation and Dh.Agraharam Yalamanachili road to Saitarupeta

IN-PRD-741-CW-RFB / Gorapalli to BN Road via Kotnivanipalem, to Tikkavanipalem, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 235,385.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 toThanam and GPY shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Road to Rekhavanipalem via DR Peta

IN-PRD-742-CW-RFB / Sabbavaram Venkannapalem road to Pedagollapalem via Gorlevanipalem, Pedanaidupalem,Tavvavanipalem, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending , Sabbavaram Venkannapalem IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 312,308.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Road to Sabbavram Kothavalasa Road via Gottivada, Antakapalli and Ravulammapalem and Tekkalipalem to Nayanammapalem

IN-PRD-743-CW-RFB / Providing Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending BT to the Road from R and B IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 153,846.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Road to Kollivanipalem

IN-PRD-745-CW-RFB / Providing Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending B.T.Surface to the Road from IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Lotheru Road to sarubedda

IN-PRD-746-CW-RFB / Providing Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending BT to the Road From Ananthagiri IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 500,000.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-10-05 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation to Pathakota

IN-PRD-747-CW-RFB / Construction of Bridge in the road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 307,692.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 from Edulapalem to Inada in shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Paderu Mandal

IN-PRD-748-CW-RFB / Providing B.T to the Road from Ebulam Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 580,000.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-10-05 Road to Suravaram shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation via Kothapalem

IN-PRD-765-CW-RFB / Road from CSP Road to Lankam 2)Road from Kallepalli to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Kanugulavanipeta 3) R/F Ampolu IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 373,846.00 326,458.23 Signed 2016-09-14 2017-05-25 2016-09-19 2016-10-31 2017-05-25 2017-01-13 2017-05-25 2017-02-17 2017-02-04 2017-08-16 shelter infrastructure Envelope R&B Road to Kistappapeta in Srikakulam mandal of

IN-PRD-783-CW-RFB / road from B.M.Road to Devakiwada Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two colony via Neelayyavalasa and IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 410,769.00 284,918.39 Signed 2016-09-01 2017-05-25 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-05-25 2017-02-04 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 shelter infrastructure Envelope in Vngara mandal of Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-838-CW-RFB / Construction of HLB across sea Back water at 0/4 Km on the Road from Burjapadu to Donkuru Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 944,615.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2019-04-05 ( in place of Washed out shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Submersible Cause way due to Hud Hud Cyclone) in Kavity mandal of Srikakulam district

Page 3 IN-PRD-839-CW-RFB / Road from Santhavurity to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 76,923.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2017-10-03 Seetharampuram in G.Sigadam shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation mandal of srikakulam district

IN-PRD-864-CW-RFB / CHR Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending road to Narasapuram in IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 69,231.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2017-10-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation mandal of Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-865-CW-RFB / Road from T.H.Road to Mugupuram in Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 92,308.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2017-10-03 Sarvakota mandal of Srikakulam shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation district

IN-PRD-866-CW-RFB / A.B.Road to Boppadam in Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 104,615.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2017-10-03 SArabuji mandal of Srikakulam shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation district

IN-PRD-880-CW-RFB / Road from R&B road to Paradesipalem Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 95,385.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2017-10-03 in Srikakulam mandal of shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-881-CW-RFB / Road from A.B.Road to Neradi (via) Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 138,462.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2017-10-03 Gurandi in mandal of shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-882-CW-RFB / Road from P.H.Road to Chinarama in Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 69,231.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2017-10-03 Seethampeta mandal in shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-883-CW-RFB / Road from AB road to Miriapalli via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 Dhanukuwada in LN peta mandal shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation of Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-884-CW-RFB / RAB road to LN peta road via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 261,538.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 Basavarajupeta in LN peta shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation mandal of Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-885-CW-RFB / Providing BT Surface to road from P.T Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending Raod @ 2/0KM to Sivarampuram IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 89,231.00 0.00 2016-09-14 2016-09-19 2016-10-31 2017-01-13 2017-02-17 2017-08-16 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation in mandal in Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-886-CW-RFB / Providing BT Surface to road from Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending Siddantam road @ 1/200km to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 160,000.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2017-10-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Turakapeta via Krishnapuram in LN mandal in Srikakulam district

IN-RBD-438-CW-RFB / Permanent restoration to GARA - Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,683,333.00 1,488,550.04 Signed 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-03 2016-10-08 2016-10-18 2016-12-21 2017-01-18 2017-01-25 2017-02-28 2018-01-24 CHINTADA road from Km 9.3000 shelter infrastructure Envelope to 18.200 in Srikakulam District

IN-RBD-468-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Mettupaka-Kothapalli road from IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,275,000.00 1,757,475.07 Signed 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-06 2016-10-08 2016-11-30 2016-12-21 2017-01-18 2017-01-25 2017-06-12 2018-07-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Km 0.00 to 16.500 in Vizianagaram Dist

IN-RBD-460-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Mukkam-Vizianagaram (via) IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,416,666.00 1,773,035.93 Signed 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-06 2016-10-08 2016-11-30 2016-12-21 2017-01-18 2017-01-25 2017-02-28 2018-07-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Bhogapuram road from Km 0.00 to 12.200 in Vizianagaram Dist

IN-RBD-456-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Konada Ramatheertham road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,958,333.00 1,519,614.41 Signed 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-06 2016-10-08 2016-11-30 2016-12-21 2017-01-18 2017-01-25 2017-02-28 2018-07-24 from Km 0.00 to 8.100 including shelter infrastructure Envelope minor bridges at Km 8.6-8 and 20.6-8 in Vizianagaram Dist

IN-RBD-472-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Narsipatnam-Tallapalem road IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 5,166,666.00 3,929,511.50 Signed 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-06 2016-10-08 2016-11-30 2016-12-21 2017-01-18 2017-01-25 2017-04-10 2019-07-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope from Km 0.00 to 30.00 in Visakhpatnam Dist

IN-RBD-488-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Chandrampalem to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 3,333,333.00 3,186,525.04 Signed 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-09-30 2016-10-08 2016-10-17 2016-12-21 2017-02-28 2017-01-25 2017-03-24 2019-01-24 Perantalamma temple road from shelter infrastructure Envelope

Km 0.000 to 14.00 in East Godavari Dist

IN-PRD-1434-CW-RFB / Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending Chammachintha Road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 153,846.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-01 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Vedurupalli

IN-PRD-1435-CW-RFB / Const.of Bridge Across sarada Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 153,846.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-03-02 2017-04-06 2018-04-05 River and Approach road to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Murakada village.

IN-PRD-617-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from Kottam to Kotananduru via IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 900,000.00 871,613.73 Signed 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-02-10 2019-01-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope LD peta

IN-PRD-588-CW-RFB / Upgradation of road from Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 369,231.00 375,825.57 Signed 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-03-20 2018-02-02 CherukumPakalu road to shelter infrastructure Envelope

Ratnagiri Colony

IN-APEPDCL-208-CW-RFB / UG Single Stage - Two Cable network in VSP city IDA / 56940 Resilient electrical network Prior Request for Bids Open - National 37,297,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-21 2016-09-29 2016-08-26 2016-10-07 2016-12-20 2017-01-24 2018-07-23 Envelope Package-1

IN-APEPDCL-2789-CW-RFB / Single Stage - Two UG Cable network in IDA / 56940 Resilient electrical network Prior Request for Bids Open - National 37,297,000.00 37,530,208.77 Signed 2016-11-10 2016-11-04 2016-11-15 2016-11-17 2016-12-27 2017-02-25 2017-03-11 2017-08-16 2017-04-15 2017-09-22 2018-10-12 Envelope Visakhapatnam city Package-1

IN-VUDA-2273-CW-RFB / Restoration and re-development Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 3,333,334.00 0.00 2017-10-25 2017-10-30 2017-12-11 2018-02-23 2018-03-30 2019-09-29 of 380 acres hill Top beach front Envelope Implementation

Park at Visakhapatnam

IN-APFD-4725-CW-CDD / Restoration of environmental Livelihood Support - Raising of Community Driven Pending IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Direct 342,855.00 0.00 2016-12-19 2016-12-24 2017-01-28 2017-07-27 Nurseries for Planting season of Development Implementation livelihood support 2016

IN-APFD-4726-CW-CDD / Livelihood Support - Raising Restoration of environmental Community Driven Pending Shelter Belt Plantations during IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Direct 408,839.00 0.00 2016-12-19 2016-12-24 2017-01-28 2017-07-27 Development Implementation 2016 Planting season in (4) livelihood support Territorial Divisions

IN-APFD-4891-CW-CDD / Livelihood Support - Nurseries - Restoration of environmental Community Driven Pending Raising of Nurseries in 2016-17 IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Direct 1,451,612.00 0.00 2016-12-23 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2017-07-31 Development Implementation nursery season for planting in livelihood support 2017 in (4) districts

Page 4 IN-APFD-4892-CW-CDD / Livelihood Support - Shelter Belts Restoration of environmental Community Driven Pending - Raising of Shelter belt IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Direct 401,612.00 0.00 2016-12-23 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2017-07-31 Development Implementation plantations in 2017 season in (4) livelihood support districts

IN-APFD-4893-CW-CDD / Restoration of environmental Livelihood Support - Palmyrah Community Driven Pending IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Direct 88,709.00 0.00 2016-12-23 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2017-07-31 Brakes - Raising Palmyrah Development Implementation livelihood support brakes in 2017 planting season

IN-APFD-4894-CW-CDD / Livelihood Support - Mangroves - Restoration of environmental Community Driven Pending Regeneration of Mangroves in IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Direct 88,709.00 0.00 2016-12-23 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2017-07-31 Development Implementation Kakinada Division in 2017 livelihood support planting season

IN-APFD-4895-CW-CDD / Livelihood Support - Infrastructure Restoration of environmental Community Driven Pending development in Central Nurseries IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Direct 411,290.00 0.00 2016-12-23 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2017-07-31 Development Implementation and Field Nurseries in (4) livelihood support districts

IN-APFD-4938-CW-RFQ / INDIRA GANDHI ZOOLOGICAL Restoration of environmental Request for Single Stage - One Pending PARK - SURVEILLANCE IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Open - National 33,333.00 0.00 2017-01-06 2017-03-03 2017-08-30 Quotations Envelope Implementation NETWORK INCLUDING CCTV, livelihood support WIRELESS NETWORK, ETC.

Restoration of environmental IN-APFD-458-CW-RFB / Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 133,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-08 2016-12-21 2017-01-25 2017-07-24 PROVIDING SPRINKLERS Envelope livelihood support

IN-APFD-549-CW-RFB / Restoration of environmental Single Stage - Two IMPROVEMENT & LAYING OF IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 Envelope PATHWAYS livelihood support

IN-APFD-558-CW-RFB / Restoration of environmental CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 166,666.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 CHANNELS, WASTE WATER Envelope livelihood support TREATMENT.

IN-APFD-534-CW-RFB / Restoration of environmental PROVIDING BETTER Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 EDUCATIVE & Envelope livelihood support INTERPRETATIVE SIGNAGES

IN-APFD-562-CW-RFB / Restoration of environmental Single Stage - Two DIGGING OF EXISTING IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 131,667.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 Envelope PERIPHERAL TRENCHES livelihood support

Restoration of environmental IN-APFD-449-CW-RFB / Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-08 2016-12-21 2017-01-25 2017-07-24 UPGRADING MOAT WALLS Envelope livelihood support

IN-APFD-578-CW-RFB / Restoration of environmental CONSTRUCTION OF Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 166,667.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Envelope livelihood support CENTRE

IN-APFD-5145-CW-RFQ / KAMBALAKONDA ECO- TOURISM PARK - Restoration of environmental Request for Single Stage - One Pending RENOVATION OF EXISTING IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Open - National 21,338.00 0.00 2017-02-06 2017-04-03 2017-09-30 Quotations Envelope Implementation RIVER CROSSING UNIT IN livelihood support KAMBALAKONDA ECO- TOURISM PARK

IN-APFD-5148-CW-CDD / KAMBALAKONDA ECO- TOURISM PARK - Restoration of environmental Community Driven Pending CONSTRUCTION OF R.C.C. IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Direct 4,758.00 0.00 2017-01-15 2017-01-20 2017-02-24 2017-08-23 Development Implementation STEPS FOR JETTY FOR livelihood support BOATING IN KAMBALAKONDA ECO-TOURISM PARK

IN-APFD-5176-CW-CDD / KAMBALAKONDA ECO- TOURISM PARK - Restoration of environmental Community Driven Pending RENOVATION OF EXISTING IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Direct 1,790.00 0.00 2017-01-15 2017-01-20 2017-02-24 2017-08-23 Development Implementation SELF GUIDED TREK PATHS IN livelihood support KAMBALAKONDA ECO- TOURISM PARK

IN-PIU-GVMC-599-CW-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Renovation of Old Municipal IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 371,667.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-01-15 beach front Envelope Office

IN-PIU-GVMC-608-CW-RFB / Renovation of GVMC Town-hall Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 500,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 building near Police beach front Envelope

Commissioners Office in GVMC.

IN-PIU-GVMC-619-CW-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Renovation of Dutch Layout Park IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 beach front Envelope in GVMC.

IN-PIU-GVMC-622-CW-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Development of Sagarnagar IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 beach front Envelope beach front works.

IN-PIU-GVMC-627-CW-RFB / Providing new Pathways from Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,600,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 to Bhimili in beach front Envelope


IN-PIU-GVMC-598-CW-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,333,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 Bhimili(Gokul) Park beach front Envelope

IN-PIU-GVMC-632-CW-RFB / Construction of 2 mini STPs at Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two R.K Beach and Sagarnagar IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 166,666.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 beach front Envelope Colony including one pumping station and other equipment.

IN-PIU-GVMC-635-CW-RFB / Providing Landscaping activity Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two from Sagarnagar to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 beach front Envelope Mangammaari Beach front in GVMC.

IN-PIU-GVMC-650-CW-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Renovation of damaged buildings IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 beach front Envelope of GVMC at Mee Seva Center.

IN-PIU-GVMC-653-CW-RFB / Renovation of Historic and Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two damaged buildings of community IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 333,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 beach front Envelope halls in various colonies at Zone- II & Zone III in GVMC.

IN-PIU-GVMC-656-CW-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Repairs to 2 STP Pumping IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 beach front Envelope Stations in GVMC.

IN-PIU-GVMC-587-CW-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Erecting of Street and beach IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,500,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-02-15 beach front Envelope lighting at 6 locations in GVMC.

Page 5 IN-PIU-GVMC-590-CW-RFB / Construction of RCC retaining Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two wall over pile foundation and road IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 5,675,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-01 beach front Envelope repair work along beach road near Kurusra Museum.

IN-PIU-GVMC-592-CW-RFB / Re- development of BOY Park Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 29,166.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-02-15 opposite YMCA junction in beach beach front Envelope road.

IN-PIU-GVMC-593-CW-RFB / Redevelopment of Lumbini Park Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 433,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-02-15 and reconstruction of damaged beach front Envelope retaining wall around park.

IN-PIU-GVMC-595-CW-RFB / Regularization of Other drain Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 3,788,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-02-15 outlets into the sea at Zone I, beach front Envelope

Zone II & Bhimili areas in GVMC.

IN-PIU-GVMC-594-CW-RFB / Repairs and renovation of Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,005,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 Lawsons Bay Beach Park in beach front Envelope beach road.

IN-PIU-GVMC-596-CW-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Development of Shivaji Park at IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 375,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 beach front Envelope MVP Colony in GVMC.

IN-APEPDCL-210-CW-RFB / UG Single Stage - Two Cabling network in VSP city IDA / 56940 Resilient electrical network Prior Request for Bids Open - National 38,234,000.00 39,091,847.00 Signed 2017-02-20 2017-02-03 2017-02-25 2017-02-06 2017-04-08 2017-03-24 2017-06-21 2017-08-23 2017-07-26 2017-10-17 2019-01-22 Envelope Package-2

IN-APEPDCL-211-CW-RFB / UG Single Stage - Two cable network in VSP city IDA / 56940 Resilient electrical network Prior Request for Bids Open - National 24,967,000.00 25,416,373.44 Signed 2017-02-27 2017-02-03 2017-03-04 2017-02-06 2017-04-15 2017-04-03 2017-06-28 2017-10-12 2017-08-02 2017-10-31 2019-01-29 Envelope Package-3

IN-PRD-8442-CW-RFB / Package No-1--APDRP-COMP2.1-W- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two RRCS-PRED- 03-KASIMKOTA- IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 488,462.00 492,666.08 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-09-18 2017-12-10 2017-10-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope 001 Road from Perantalapalem to Jogaraopeta and Road from NH 16 to Jampapalem via Y Tuni

IN-PRD-8451-CW-RFB / Package No-4-Visakhapatnam District-Bheemili mandal - T.Nagarapalem BT Road to Gollalapalem via SC Colony, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 412,308.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Mulakuddu BT Road to Srinagar shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Colony upto PMGSY Road, NH43 to Ramunaidupeta and Nerellavalasa colony to vambay colony via polytechnic college

IN-PRD-8452-CW-RFB / Package -5- Visakhapatnam District - mandal - Potnuru to Kumaram via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Gullamajjivarikallalu, Pandrangi IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 470,769.00 470,331.83 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-09-13 2017-12-10 2017-10-17 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope alamanda R&B road to Tunipolem and Pandrangi to sangivalasa via Samayyavalasa and munivanipalem

IN-PRD-8465-CW-RFB / Package -6-Visakhapatnam District - Ravikamatham mandal - B.N.Road to Kithampeta, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Approach Road to Pedapachila, IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 484,615.00 446,825.24 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-09-13 2017-12-10 2017-10-23 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope R.Kothuru to Dibbalapalem, Kothakota Makavarapalem road to Kannampeta and Thotakurapalem to Pothuluru

IN-PRD-8466-CW-RFB / Package -7- Visakhapatnam District-Butchayyapeta mandal - K.P.Agraharam to Pedamadeena Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 443,077.00 447,667.99 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-09-13 2017-12-10 2017-10-10 2018-06-08 P.R. Road Via Kondapalem, shelter infrastructure Envelope

R.T.Road to Karaka and Pedamadeena P.R. Road to Chinamadeena

IN-PRD-9011-CW-RFB / Package -8- Visakhapantnam District-Damunapalli to Mycherlapalem, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under G.jagannadhapuram to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 347,692.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation P.Kolliveedhi, B.N.Road to Balusupalem and J.Naidupalem- Kasireddipalem road to Gurralapalem

IN-PRD-9012-CW-RFB / Visakhapatnam District - Package -9- Road from Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 230,769.00 223,856.83 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-08-11 2017-12-10 2017-09-01 2018-06-08 Satyavaram to Vommali Kata shelter infrastructure Envelope and Jampena Sivalayam to Veeranarayanam

IN-PRD-9016-CW-RFB / Package -11- Road from 1. Arjunagiri to Cheedipalli and 2. Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Chodavaram Turuvolu R and B IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 553,846.00 553,729.98 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-09-18 2017-12-10 2017-10-25 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope road to Pedagogada via Chettupalle in Visakhapatnam District.

IN-PRD-9017-CW-RFB / Package -13- Visakhapatnam District -Road from Kothakota Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Makavarapalem R B Road 0.0 to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 558,462.00 552,362.84 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-10-13 2017-12-10 2017-10-17 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Jangallapalem 9.0km and Joginadhuinipalem Jn to Vazragada via Tammayyapalem

IN-PRD-9023-CW-RFB / Package -19- Visakhapatnam District-1.Approach road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 187,700.00 187,753.94 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-08-11 2017-12-10 2017-09-01 2018-06-08 Venkatanagaram, shelter infrastructure Envelope

2.pedaramabadrapuram - Satyavaram Road to kotturu

IN-PRD-9024-CW-RFB / Package -20- Visakhapatnam District- 1.D Yerravaram Kothuru Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two R and B road to Velagalapudi. IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 638,462.00 592,473.38 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-10-13 2017-12-10 2017-10-25 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope 2.NRPMRevupolavaram road at Kailasapatnam to Thimmapuram via T.Jaggampeta

IN-PRD-9026-CW-RFB / Package -21- Visakhapatnam District - Jagannadhapuram to PA Road via Nakkavanipalem, Tanam to Baranikam, GPY Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 430,769.00 457,988.83 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-09-27 2017-12-10 2017-10-13 2018-06-08 Thantadi R and B Road to shelter infrastructure Envelope

Vennelapalem, VAA Road 20.9 Km ro Rajayyapeta and MES Water works SBM Road to Chintagatla

Page 6 IN-PRD-9029-CW-RFB / Package -23-Visakhapatnam District- Providing BT to the Road from Anakapalli Pudimadaka Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Road to Janguluru, Providing BT IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 369,231.00 341,577.08 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-09-29 2017-12-10 2017-10-13 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope to the Road from GPY Road to Moturupalem via Rajulacheri and Providng BT to the Road from GPY Road to Bangarayyapalem

IN-PRD-9032-CW-RFB / Package -26-Visakhapatnam District- Providing BT to the Road from Ganaparthi to Melipaka and Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 423,077.00 432,666.84 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-10-13 2017-12-10 2017-10-13 2018-06-08 Providing BT to the Road from shelter infrastructure Envelope

K.Nagavaram Road to Kunchavanipalem via Gollalapalem

IN-PRD-9034-CW-RFB / Package -30-Visakhapatnam Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 553,846.00 516,581.24 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-09-27 2017-12-10 2017-10-13 2018-06-08 District- Providing BT to the road shelter infrastructure Envelope from Koyyuru to Budaralla

IN-PRD-9077-CW-RFB / Package 39-East Godavari Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 338,462.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 District-Road from T.K.Road to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Kotananduru via K A Mallavaram

IN-PRD-9078-CW-RFB / Package 40-East Godavari Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 569,231.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 District-Road from R&B road to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Rameswaram via kodapa

IN-PRD-9080-CW-RFB / Package No 46 -East Godavari- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,292,308.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 DistrictRoad from Vetlapalem to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation


IN-PRD-690-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from K.C.Road Rangasagaram IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 176,923.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2017-05-26 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-31 2017-05-26 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope to Arli Village

IN-PRD-744-CW-RFB / Pudimadaka Kothapatnam R Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two and B Road to Venkatapuram - IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 515,385.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2016-12-14 2017-03-02 2017-03-30 2017-04-06 2018-10-05 shelter infrastructure Envelope Rambilli R and B Road via L.Koduru

IN-PRD-18640-CW-RFB / Package No-24-Visakhapatnam Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under District - Providing BT to the IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 130,770.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-09-07 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Road from R&B Road to Kundaladevunipalem

IN-PRD-18641-CW-RFB / Package-70-Srikakulam District - Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 176,930.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-09-07 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 R/F K.C.Road (Rangasagaram) shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation to Arli Village

IN-PRD-18642-CW-RFB / Package No-83-Srikakulam District - 1. Nimmada Road at 2.1km to Rajapuram. 2. Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 353,850.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-09-07 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Nimmada Road at 5.8 km to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Chinnavenkatapuram. 3. NH16 at 577.9 km to Yeneti Kotturu via Gatlapadu

IN-PRD-18645-CW-RFB / Package No - 85- Srikakulam District- 1. Road from NH16 to Thallavalsa Rand B road Via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Akkuvaram,Krishnachndrapuram IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 700,000.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-09-07 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation and Chinnathungam. 2. Road from DPN Road at Vaddiwada to Kotabommali Railway feeder road via Jonnalapadu

IN-PRD-443-CW-RFB / Road from Perantalapalem to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 488,462.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 Jogaraopeta and Road from NH shelter infrastructure Envelope

16 to Jampapalem via Y Tuni

IN-PRD-483-CW-RFB / Road from Satyavaram to Vommali Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 230,769.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-02-03 Kata and Jampena Sivalayam to shelter infrastructure Envelope


IN-PRD-486-CW-RFB / Arjunagiri to Cheedipalli and Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Chodavaram Turuvolu R and B IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 553,846.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope road to Pedagogada via Chettupalle

IN-PRD-548-CW-RFB / G.Jagannadhapuram to Cheedika, Road from NH 16 at Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Kagita to Patimeeda, causeway IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 452,308.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 shelter infrastructure Envelope at Godicherla and Revupolavaram R and B Road to Seetharampuram

IN-PRD-493-CW-RFB / Road from Kothakota Makavarapalem R B Road 0.0 to Jangallapalem Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 558,462.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 9.0km and Joginadhuinipalem Jn shelter infrastructure Envelope to Vazragada via Tammayyapalem

IN-PRD-564-CW-RFB / Jagannadhapuram to PA Road via Nakkavanipalem, Tanam to Baranikam, GPY Road Thantadi Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 430,769.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 R and B Road to Vennelapalem, shelter infrastructure Envelope

VAA Road 20.9 Km ro Rajayyapeta and MES Water works SBM Road to Chintagatla

IN-PRD-481-CW-RFB / Damunapalli to Mycherlapalem, G.jagannadhapuram to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two P.Kolliveedhi, B.N.Road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 347,692.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-02-04 2018-02-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Balusupalem and J.Naidupalem- Kasireddipalem road to Gurralapalem

IN-PRD-560-CW-RFB / D Yerravaram Kothuru R and B road to Velagalapudi, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 638,462.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 NRPMRevupolavaram road at shelter infrastructure Envelope

Kailasapatnam to Thimmapuram via T.Jaggampeta

IN-PRD-570-CW-RFB / Providing BT to the Road from Anakapalli Pudimadaka Road to Janguluru, Providing BT to the Road from Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 369,231.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-02-03 GPY Road to Moturupalem via shelter infrastructure Envelope

Rajulacheri and Providng BT to the Road from GPY Road to Bangarayyapalem

Page 7 IN-PRD-577-CW-RFB / Providing BT to the Road from Ganaparthi to Melipaka and Providing BT to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 423,077.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 the Road from K.Nagavaram shelter infrastructure Envelope

Road to Kunchavanipalem via Gollalapalem

IN-PRD-591-CW-RFB / Providing Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two BT to the road from Koyyuru to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 553,846.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Budaralla

IN-PRD-473-CW-RFB / T.Nagarapalem BT Road to Gollalapalem via SC Colony, Mulakuddu BT Road to Srinagar Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 412,308.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 Colony upto PMGSY Road, shelter infrastructure Envelope

NH43 to Ramunaidupeta and Nerellavalasa colony to vambay colony via polytechnic college

IN-PRD-476-CW-RFB / Potnuru to Kumaram via Gullamajjivarikallalu, Pandrangi Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two alamanda R&B road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 470,769.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 shelter infrastructure Envelope Tunipolem and Pandrangi to sangivalasa via Samayyavalasa and munivanipalem

IN-PRD-478-CW-RFB / B.N.Road to Kithampeta, Approach Road to Pedapachila, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two R.Kothuru to Dibbalapalem, IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 484,615.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 shelter infrastructure Envelope Kothakota Makavarapalem road to Kannampeta and Thotakurapalem to Pothuluru

IN-PRD-480-CW-RFB / K.P.Agraharam to Pedamadeena P.R. Road Via Kondapalem, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 443,077.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 R.T.Road to Karaka and shelter infrastructure Envelope

Pedamadeena P.R. Road to Chinamadeena

IN-PRD-556-CW-RFB / Approach road to Venkatanagaram, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two pedaramabadrapuram - IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 352,308.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-02-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Satyavaram Road to kotturu and NH 16 at Namavaram to Mangavaram via Guntapalli

IN-PRD-683-CW-RFB / Dallavalasa - Penubarthi road to Tholapi via Almajipeta, Kinthali- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Boddepalli ZP road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 683,077.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 shelter infrastructure Envelope Modalavalasa and Rapaka - Dallavalasa road to Majjilipeta via Kotipalli

IN-PRD-621-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from T.K.Road to Kotananduru IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 338,462.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope via KA Mallavaram

IN-PRD-684-CW-RFB / Kinthali- Boddepalli ZP road to NH-5 via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 584,615.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 Singuru and AB road to shelter infrastructure Envelope


IN-PRD-623-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from R&B road to Remeswaram IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 569,231.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope via Kodapa,

IN-PRD-686-CW-RFB / CHR Road to Seethempeta, CH R Road to Manam peta via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 540,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 Marrivalasa, CH R Road to shelter infrastructure Envelope

Davalapeta and CHR Road to Abothulapeta

IN-PRD-639-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from Kandikuppa to Molletimoga IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 190,769.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope and kothapalem,

IN-PRD-688-CW-RFB / Road from Karavanja to Ramayyavalasa Via Velusuda, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 569,231.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2017-05-26 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 Pagodu and Kotturu and Road shelter infrastructure Envelope from Basivada Railway gate to Karvanja Via Mettavanipeta

IN-PRD-641-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,292,308.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2019-01-25 from Vetlapalem to Chirrayanam, shelter infrastructure Envelope

IN-PRD-685-CW-RFB / Pensam BT Road to Seethubeemavaram Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 272,305.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 and Road from Bathuva Road to shelter infrastructure Envelope


IN-PRD-687-CW-RFB / R and B Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 392,308.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 Road to Kotilingi via Boddakali shelter infrastructure Envelope

IN-PRD-689-CW-RFB / Road from DPN Road to DL Puram R Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two and B Road Via Koduru , IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 253,846.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope Magathapeta and Guppidipeta 0.0 to 3.5 Km

IN-PRD-651-CW-RFB / Kancheru Rand B Road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Tudem via Dibbalapalem and NH IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 269,231.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope 16 at Polipalli to Annavaram R and B road

IN-PRD-995-CW-RFB / Road From CSP Road at 80.6 km to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 163,077.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 Boddalapadu and Road from shelter infrastructure Envelope

C.S.P Road at 81.6 km to Tudi

IN-PRD-655-CW-RFB / Munginapalli to Nellimarla via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Saripalli and KR Road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 778,462.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Munginapalli-Nellimarla road via Seetharamunipeta, Jaggarajupeta

IN-PRD-657-CW-RFB / Tippalavalasa Rand B Road to Chintapalli-Vizianagaram R and Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 812,308.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2019-01-25 B road and Chintapalli R and B shelter infrastructure Envelope

Road to Neelageddapeta via Kothuru, Barripeta and Pedduru

IN-PRD-726-CW-RFB / R/F C.S.P Road to Vatapagu via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Attali 2)R/F C.S.P Road to Duggi IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 376,923.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope via Panukuvalasa in Palakonda mandal of Srikakulam district

Page 8 IN-PRD-661-CW-RFB / Vizianagaram-Nathavalasa road to Mukkam-Vizianagaram R and B Road via Pedathadivada, Gundalapeta, Mukkam- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 712,308.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 Vizianagaram R and B Road to shelter infrastructure Envelope

Bhogapuram via Raghumanda, Vedullavalasa, Pedada and D.Tallavalasa road to Golagam via T.Kallalu and Mopada

IN-PRD-706-CW-RFB / Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Haipuram -@2/6km to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 446,154.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 shelter infrastructure Envelope Pidimandasa

IN-PRD-957-CW-RFB / 1)Road from Jamadala R&B Road to Bandaluppi via Jammidivalasa, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Veerabhadrapuram,Antivalasa IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 427,692.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope and Nimmavanivalasa and 2)Jagannadhapuram to Radhampeta

IN-PRD-763-CW-RFB / Deppuru- Bahadapalli road to Boddapadu Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Rangoi Road (via)Kondapalli IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 346,154.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope v.Kothuru Mandal in Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-669-CW-RFB / Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Kotaseetharampuram to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 253,846.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-02-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope Komatipalli

IN-PRD-671-CW-RFB / Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Gatchavalasa-Pedanadipalli road IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 340,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-02-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope to Kalisettybadi via Byreddipeta

IN-PRD-721-CW-RFB / Providing BT Surface to road from Maredukota Road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 243,077.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-03-30 2017-02-04 2018-02-03 Kothamaredukota 2)Providing BT shelter infrastructure Envelope

Surface to road from K.P Road to Dabbaguda via Joduru

IN-PRD-673-CW-RFB / Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Cheepurapalli to Garugubilli Road IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 207,692.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope via Mandirivalasa, Yadika

IN-PRD-727-CW-RFB / Providing BT Surface to road from A.A Road to Savara Tiddimi 2)Providing BT Surface to road from P.T Raod to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 287,692.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 Seetharamapalli3)Providing BT shelter infrastructure Envelope

Surface to road from Khadagandi road 2 /2 km to Kusumalapadu via karakavalasa in mandal of Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-675-CW-RFB / UG road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two to SH 36 at 52.7 Km via MM IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 546,154.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-31 2016-09-01 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-10-14 2016-12-30 2017-01-18 2017-02-03 2018-07-28 shelter infrastructure Envelope dam, Vootapalli, Puligummi

IN-PRD-705-CW-RFB / Providing BT Surface to road from K.P Road @ 2/6 km to Bammidi Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two 2)Providing BT Surface to road IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 169,231.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-03-30 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope from kv road -Dimili @ 1/0 upto road kuligam- ponnuturu road to Rayala @ 0/4km

IN-PRD-676-CW-RFB / 7.2 PW Colony Road to 58.0 VAA Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two via K Addateega ,Bhavaninagar IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 653,846.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 shelter infrastructure Envelope and V R Peta to B S Road via Thimidi

IN-PRD-759-CW-RFB / Road from Khandyam via Komara and Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two venkatapuram in IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 538,462.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 shelter infrastructure Envelope R. of Srikakulam District

IN-PRD-725-CW-RFB / R/F Narisipuram to Jallapalli Via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Devalabadhara 2)NH16 to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 473,846.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-09-01 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-10-14 2016-12-31 2017-01-18 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 shelter infrastructure Envelope Mondirayavalasa via Akulaagraharam & Subbampeta

IN-PRD-764-CW-RFB / NM road to Ramnagaram @ 2/4 km via Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Seetharampalli, Pedda IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 265,385.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-14 2016-09-01 2016-09-19 2016-10-31 2016-10-14 2017-01-13 2017-01-18 2017-02-17 2017-08-16 shelter infrastructure Envelope rokallapalli mandal of Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-572-CW-RFB / Providing Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two BT to the Road from R and B IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 130,769.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-03-30 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope Road to Kundaladevunipalem

IN-PRD-704-CW-RFB / Gangaram road @ 2/6km to Yalamanchili 2)Nimmada Road @ 2/1km to Rajapuram Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 515,385.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-03-30 2017-02-04 2018-07-29 3)Nimmada Road @ 5/8km to shelter infrastructure Envelope

Chinnavenkatapuram 4)NH16 @ 577/9km to Yeneti Kotturu (via) Gatlapadu

IN-PRD-761-CW-RFB / Road from NH16 to Thallavalsa R&B road Via Akkuvaram,Krishnachndrapuram & Chinnathungam 2)Road from Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 700,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-03-30 2017-02-04 2018-08-03 DPN Road @Vaddiwada to shelter infrastructure Envelope

Kotabommali Railway feeder road (via) Jonnalapadu in Santhabommali mandal in Srikakulam district

IN-PRD-692-CW-RFB / Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from K.C.Road Rangasagaram IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 176,923.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-01 2016-11-14 2016-09-06 2016-10-18 2016-12-14 2016-12-31 2017-03-30 2017-02-04 2018-01-30 shelter infrastructure Envelope to Arli Village

IN-PRD-8587-CW-RFB / Package No-63-Srikakulam District- Dallavalasa - Penubarthi road to Tholapi via Almajipeta, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 683,077.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Kinthali- Boddepalli ZP road to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Modalavalasa and Rapaka - Dallavalasa road to Majjilipeta via Kotipalli

IN-PRD-8926-CW-RFB / Package No 56- -1)Road from Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Gatchalavalasa-Pedanadipalli IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 340,000.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation road to Kalisettybadi (via) Byreddipeta in Cheepurupalli Mandal of Vizianagaram District.

Page 9 IN-PRD-8927-CW-RFB / Package No 51- Vizianagaram District-1. Tippalavalasa R and B Road to Chintapalli-Vizianagaram R and B road and 2) Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 812,308.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Chintapalli R and B Road to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Neelageddapeta via Kothuru, Barripeta and Pedduru in Pusapatireag Mandal of Vizianagaram District

IN-PRD-8928-CW-RFB / Package No 55- Vizianagaram District-1). Road from Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 253,846.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Kotaseetharampuram to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Komatipalli in Seethanagaram Mandal of Vizianagaram District

IN-PRD-8921-CW-RFB / Package No - 59- Vizianagaram District-1) Road from 7/2 PW Colony Road to 58/0 VAA Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 653,846.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 via K Addateega, Bhavaninagar in shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

S.Kota Mandal and 2) Road from V R Peta to B S Road Via Thimidi in S.Kota Mandal

IN-PRD-8634-CW-RFB / Package No. 68 -Srikakulam District-R/F Karavanja to Ramayyavalasa (Via) Velusuda, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 569,231.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Pagodu & Kotturu & R/F shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Basivada Railway gate to Karvanja (Via) Mettavanipeta of (m)

IN-PRD-8611-CW-RFB / Package No. 77 -Srikakulam District-Providing BT Surface to road from P.T Raod to Seetharamapalli,Providing BT Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Surface to road from A.A Road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 287,692.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Savara Tiddimi &Providing BT Surface to road from Khadagandi road 2 /2 km to Kusumalapadu via karakavalasa

IN-PRD-8614-CW-RFB / Package No. 71 -Srikakulam District-Road From CSP Road Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 163,077.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 @80/6 km to Boddalapadu & shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

R/F C.S.P Road @81/6 km to Tudi of Veeragattam (m)

IN-PRD-8621-CW-RFB / Package No. 78 -Srikakulam District-Providing BT Surface to road from K.P Road @ 2/6 km Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under to Bammidi&Providing BT IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 169,231.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Surface to road from kv road - Dimili @ 1/0 upto road kuligam- ponnuturu road to Rayala @ 0/4km

IN-PRD-8625-CW-RFB / Package No. 75 -Srikakulam Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under District-Deppuru-Bahadapalli road IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 346,154.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation to Boddapadu Rangoi Road (via)Kondapalli of V.Kothuru(m)

IN-PRD-8628-CW-RFB / Package No. 65 -Srikakulam Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under District-Pensam BT Road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 272,305.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Seethubeemavaram & R/F Bathuva Road to Punnam

IN-PRD-8629-CW-RFB / Package No. 64 -Srikakulam Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under District- Kinthali-Boddepalli ZP IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 584,615.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation road to NH-5 via Singuru &AB road to Gonepadu

IN-PRD-8632-CW-RFB / Package No. 84 -Srikakulam District--R/F Narisipuram to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 473,846.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Jallapalli Via Devalabadhara & shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

NH16 to Mondirayavalasa via Akulaagraharam & Subbampeta

IN-PRD-8915-CW-RFB / Package No 57 - Vizianagaram Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under District-Cheepurapalli to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 207,692.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Garugubilli Road via Mandirivalasa, Yadika

IN-PRD-8725-CW-RFB / Package No. 69 -Srikakulam District-Road from DPN Road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two DL Puram R & B Road Via IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 253,846.00 259,053.74 Signed 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-07-21 2017-12-10 2017-09-08 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Koduru , Magathapeta and Guppidipeta ( 0/0 to 3/5 Km) of Polaki (m)

IN-PRD-8730-CW-RFB / Package No. 67 -Srikakulam Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 392,308.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 District-R&B Road to Kotilingi shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

(via) Boddakali of Ichapuram (m)

IN-PRD-8734-CW-RFB / Package No. 74 -Srikakulam Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under District-Haipuram - IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 446,154.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Mandasa@2/6km to Pidimandasa of Mandasa (m)

IN-PRD-8736-CW-RFB / Package No. 86 -Srikakulam Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under District-NM road to Ramnagaram IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 265,385.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation @ 2/4 km via Seetharampalli, Pedda rokallapalli of Tekkali (m)

IN-PRD-8737-CW-RFB / Package No. 79 -Srikakulam District-R/F VP Road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 538,462.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Khandyam via Komera and shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Venkatapuram of R.amadalavalasa (m)

IN-PRD-8739-CW-RFB / Package No. 73 -Srikakulam District--1.R/F C.S.P Road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 376,923.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Vatapagu via Attali 2. R/F C.S.P shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Road to Duggi via Panukuvalasa of palakonda (m)

IN-PRD-8740-CW-RFB / Package No. 66 -Srikakulam District- 1.CHR Road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Seethempeta 2.CH R Road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 540,000.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Manam peta via Marrivalasa 3.CH R Road to Davalapeta 4.CHR Road to Abothulapeta

IN-PRD-8930-CW-RFB / Package No - 58- Vizianagaram District-1.Road from UG road at Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under 5/1 km to SH 36 at 52/7 km via IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 546,154.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation MM Dam , Vootapalli and Puligummi in Merakamudidam Mandal of Vizianagaram District.

Page 10 IN-PRD-8932-CW-RFB / Package - 49-Vizianagaram District-1) Kancheru R and B Road to Tudem via Dibbalapalem Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 269,231.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 and and 2) NH16 at Polipalli to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Annavaram R and B Road in Bhogapuram Mandal of Vizianagaram District.

IN-PRD-8901-CW-RFB / Package 52- Vizianagaram- Nathavalasa road to Mukkam- Vizianagaram R and B Road via Pedathadivada, Gundalapeta, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Mukkam-Vizianagaram R and B IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 712,308.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Road to Bhogapuram via Raghumanda, Vedullavalasa, Pedada and D.Tallavalasa road to Golagam via T.Kallalu and Mopada

IN-PRD-8912-CW-RFB / Package No54 - Vizianagaram District-Two works 1.Road from Jamadala R&B Road to Bandaluppi via Jammidivalasa, Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 427,692.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Veerabhadrapuram,Antivalasa shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation and Nimmavanivalasa and 2)Jagannadhapuram to Radhampeta in Vizianagram district

IN-PRD-8914-CW-RFB / Package - 50-Vizianagaram District-Munginapalli to Nellimarla Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under via Saripalli and KR Road to IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 778,462.00 0.00 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-11-05 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Munginapalli-Nellimarla road via Seetharamunipeta, Jaggarajupeta in Vizianagaram District

IN-RBD-474-CW-RFB / Construction of Minor Bridges in Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Km 3.4-6 and 8.4-6 of Vechalam IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 583,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-08 2016-11-30 2016-12-21 2017-01-18 2017-01-25 2018-01-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Khandivaram road in Visakhapatnam Dist

IN-RBD-19471-CW-RFB / Construction of Minor Bridges in Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Km 3.4-6 and 8.4-6 of Vechalam IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 583,333.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-09 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2018-12-16 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Khandivaram road in Visakhapatnam District

IN-RBD-471-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration works to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Parwada Asakapalli road from IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,333,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-08 2016-11-30 2016-12-21 2017-01-18 2017-01-25 2018-01-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Km 12.900 to 18.627 in Visakhapatnam Dist

IN-RBD-19474-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration works to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Parwada Asakapalli road from IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,333,333.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-09 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2018-12-16 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Km 12.900 to 18.627 in Visakhapatnam District

IN-RBD-466-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Kothavalasa-Devarapalli road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,633,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-06 2016-10-08 2016-11-30 2016-12-21 2017-01-18 2017-01-25 2018-01-24 Vepada via Vavillapadu, shelter infrastructure Envelope

Veeluparthi from Km 0.00 to 10.200 in Vizianagaram Dist

IN-RBD-19476-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Kothavalasa-Devarapalli road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,633,333.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-09 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2018-12-16 Vepada via Vavillapadu, shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Veeluparthi from Km 0.00 to 10.200 in Vizianagaram District

IN-RBD-448-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Nowpada - Meliaputti road from IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,850,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-09-01 2016-09-30 2016-10-13 2016-10-18 2016-12-26 2017-06-23 2017-01-30 2018-07-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope Km 0.00 to 13.00 in Srikakulam Dist

IN-RBD-19478-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Nowpada - Meliaputti road from IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,850,000.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-10 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2019-06-14 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation Km 0.00 to 13.00 in Srikakulam District

IN-RBD-440-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration works Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two from Calingapatnam - IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 633,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-12-08 2016-10-08 2016-10-18 2016-12-21 2017-06-27 2017-01-25 2017-01-25 shelter infrastructure Envelope Bandaravanipeta Sea shore - Km 0.00 to 3.250 in Srikakulam Dist

IN-RBD-19480-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration works from Calingapatnam - Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 633,333.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-10 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2018-12-16 Bandaravanipeta Sea shore - Km shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

0.00 to 3.250 in Srikakulam District

IN-RBD-452-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Palasa- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,050,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-05 2016-10-08 2016-10-18 2016-12-21 2017-06-27 2017-01-25 2018-07-24 Goppili road from Km 0.400 to shelter infrastructure Envelope

10.00 in Srikakulam Dist

IN-RBD-19484-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Palasa- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,050,000.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-10 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2019-06-14 Goppili road from Km 0.400 to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

10.00 in Srikakulam District

IN-RBD-482-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Tuni- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 5,641,666.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-09-30 2016-10-08 2016-10-17 2016-12-21 2017-06-27 2017-01-25 2019-01-24 Kathipudi road from Km 0.740 to shelter infrastructure Envelope

25.00 in East Godavari District

IN-RBD-19485-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Tuni- Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 5,641,666.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-09 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2019-12-11 Kathipudi road from Km 0.740 to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

25.00 in East Godavari District

IN-RBD-485-CW-RFB / Permanent restoration to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Narsipatnam - Tuni road from Km IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,975,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-09-30 2016-10-08 2016-10-17 2016-12-21 2017-06-27 2017-01-25 2018-07-24 shelter infrastructure Envelope 22.600 to 40.400 in East Godavari Dist

IN-RBD-19489-CW-RFB / Permanent restoration to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Narsipatnam - Tuni road from Km IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,975,000.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-09 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2019-06-14 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation 22.600 to 40.400 in East Godavari District

IN-RBD-444-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to VP Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,966,666.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-09-30 2016-10-08 2016-10-18 2016-12-21 2017-06-27 2017-01-25 2018-07-24 road to G. Sigdam road from Km shelter infrastructure Envelope

0.00 to 11.460 in Srikakulam Dist

IN-RBD-19494-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to VP Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under road to G. Sigdam road from Km IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,966,666.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-10 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2019-06-14 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation 0.00 to 11.460 in Srikakulam District

Page 11 IN-RBD-477-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Divili to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,266,666.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-09-30 2016-10-08 2016-10-17 2016-12-21 2017-06-27 2017-01-25 2018-07-24 F.K.Palem from km 0.00 to 8.600 shelter infrastructure Envelope in East Godavari Dist

IN-RBD-19498-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to Divili to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,266,666.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-09 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2019-06-14 F.K.Palem from km 0.00 to 8.600 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation in East Godavari District

IN-RBD-490-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to A. Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,300,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-22 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-09-30 2016-10-08 2016-10-17 2016-12-21 2017-06-23 2017-01-25 2018-01-24 Kothapalli- Kodada road from KM shelter infrastructure Envelope

0.00 to 6.00 in East Godavari dist

IN-RBD-19499-CW-RFB / Permanent Restoration to A. Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under Kothapalli- Kodada road from KM IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,300,000.00 0.00 2017-07-18 2017-08-09 2017-07-23 2017-09-12 2017-09-03 2017-11-16 2017-12-21 2018-12-16 shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation 0.00 to 6.00 in East Godavari district

IN-PRD-26009-CW-RFB / Package -18- Visakhapatnam District - G.Jagannadhapuram to Cheedika, Road from NH 16 at Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 452,308.00 0.00 2017-09-07 2017-09-12 2017-10-24 2018-01-06 2018-02-10 2018-08-09 Kagita to Patimeeda, causeway shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation at Godicherla and Revupolavaram R and B Road to Seetharampuram

IN-PRD-26014-CW-RFB / Package 45-East Godavari Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 190,769.00 0.00 2017-09-07 2017-09-12 2017-10-24 2018-01-06 2018-02-10 2018-08-09 District-Road from Kandikuppa to shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Molletimoga and kothapalem

IN-PRD-26024-CW-RFB / Package No. 76 -Srikakulam District-Providing BT Surface to road from Maredukota Road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 243,077.00 0.00 2017-09-07 2017-09-07 2017-09-12 2017-10-24 2018-01-06 2018-02-10 2018-08-09 Kothamaredukota &Providing BT shelter infrastructure Envelope Implementation

Surface to road from K.P Road to Dabbaguda via Joduru of Melliaputti (m)

IN-PRD-9020-CW-RFB / Package -18- Visakhapatnam District - G.Jagannadhapuram to Cheedika, Road from NH 16 at Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 452,308.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-08-04 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Kagita to Patimeeda, causeway shelter infrastructure Envelope at Godicherla and Revupolavaram R and B Road to Seetharampuram

IN-PRD-9079-CW-RFB / Package 45-East Godavari Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 190,769.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-08-04 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 District-Road from Kandikuppa to shelter infrastructure Envelope

Molletimoga and kothapalem

IN-PRD-8717-CW-RFB / Package No. 76 -Srikakulam District-Providing BT Surface to road from Maredukota Road to Restoration of connectivity and Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 243,077.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-07-07 2017-03-09 2017-07-12 2017-08-23 2017-07-18 2017-11-05 2017-08-04 2017-12-10 2018-06-08 Kothamaredukota &Providing BT shelter infrastructure Envelope

Surface to road from K.P Road to Dabbaguda via Joduru of Melliaputti (m)

GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report / Justification Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

IN-APEPDCL-214-GO-RFQ / Request for Single Stage - One Under Procurement of Office Equipment IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 2016-09-03 2016-10-29 2017-04-27 Quotations Envelope Implementation for APEPDCL PIU

IN-APEPDCL-215-GO-RFQ / Request for Single Stage - One Procurement of furniture, AC and IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 100,000.00 17,534.32 Signed 2016-09-03 2016-10-29 2017-05-29 2017-04-27 Quotations Envelope other furnishings for PIU

IN-RBD-517-GO-RFB / Single Stage - One Pending Procurement of office IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Request for Bids Open - National 35,784.00 0.00 2016-08-22 2016-08-27 2016-10-08 2016-11-07 2016-12-12 2017-06-10 Envelope Implementation furniture/Equipment

IN-RBD-518-GO-RFB / Single Stage - One Pending Procurement of Quality Control IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Request for Bids Open - National 291,667.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-06 2016-12-18 2017-01-17 2017-02-21 2017-08-20 Envelope Implementation Equipment

IN-PMU-531-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two Pending Procurement of Vehicles - IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,536,600.00 0.00 2016-10-17 2016-10-22 2016-12-03 2017-02-15 2017-03-22 2017-09-18 Envelope Implementation APSDRF management

IN-PMU-626-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two Pending Procurement of Equipment for - IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Prior Request for Bids Open - National 2,595,300.00 0.00 2016-10-03 2016-10-08 2016-11-19 2017-02-01 2017-03-08 2017-09-04 Envelope Implementation APSDRF management

IN-PIU-GVMC-642-GO-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Pending Procurement of Office Furniture IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 30,000.00 0.00 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-02-01 beach front Envelope Implementation in GVMC.

Restoration of environmental IN-APFD-647-GO-RFB / Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 83,333.00 0.00 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 NURSERY INFRASTRUCTURE Envelope Implementation livelihood support

IN-PIU-GVMC-646-GO-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Pending Procurement of Office Equipment IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 30,000.00 0.00 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-02-01 beach front Envelope Implementation in GVMC.

IN-APFD-649-GO-RFB / Restoration of environmental Single Stage - Two Pending PURCHASE OF FIRE FIGHTING IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 41,667.00 0.00 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 Envelope Implementation EQUIPMENT livelihood support

IN-APFD-652-GO-RFB / Restoration of environmental Single Stage - Two Pending PURCHASE OF FIBRE BOATS, IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 7,667.00 0.00 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 Envelope Implementation LIFE JACKETS ETC livelihood support

IN-APFD-654-GO-RFB / Restoration of environmental Single Stage - Two Pending PURCHASE OF BATTERY IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Request for Bids Open - National 25,000.00 0.00 2016-08-31 2016-09-05 2016-10-17 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-08-02 Envelope Implementation CARS livelihood support

IN-PMU-659-GO-RFQ / Request for Single Stage - One Pending Procurement of Office equipment IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 2016-11-06 2017-01-01 2017-06-30 Quotations Envelope Implementation - Computer and peripherals

IN-PRD-999-GO-RFP / Request for Single Stage - One Pending Procurement of material for office IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 36,092.00 0.00 2016-08-18 2016-08-23 2016-10-04 2016-11-03 2016-12-08 2017-06-06 Proposals Envelope Implementation Equipment

IN-PRD-1002-GO-RFB / Single Stage - Two Pending Procurement of computers and IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Request for Bids Open - National 36,092.00 0.00 2016-11-21 2016-11-26 2017-01-07 2017-03-22 2017-04-26 2017-10-23 Envelope Implementation peripherals for PIU

IN-PMU-602-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Procurement of Equipment for Single Stage - Two Pending IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 124,000.00 0.00 2016-07-26 2016-07-31 2016-09-11 2016-11-24 2016-12-29 2017-06-27 Krishna Pushkarams to be used Envelope Implementation management by Fire Services Dept.,

Page 12 IN-PMU-611-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two Procurement of Equipment for IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 201,100.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-26 2016-07-31 2016-09-11 2016-11-24 2016-12-29 2017-06-27 Envelope Krishna Pushkarams -APSDRF management

IN-VUDA-2272-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office furniture Request for Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 21,000.00 0.00 2016-11-15 2017-01-10 2017-07-09 and equipment for PIU, APDRP, Quotations Envelope Implementation

VUDA, Visakhapatnam

IN-APFD-4939-GO-RFQ / INDIRA GANDHI ZOOLOGICAL Restoration of environmental PARK - PROCURING Request for Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Open - National 38,333.00 0.00 2017-01-20 2017-03-17 2017-09-13 TRANQUILIZING EQUIPMENT, Quotations Envelope Implementation livelihood support NET GUN AND ACCESSORIES, ETC.

IN-APFD-4940-GO-RFQ / Restoration of environmental INDIRA GANDHI ZOOLOGICAL Request for Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Open - National 41,666.00 0.00 2017-01-20 2017-03-17 2017-09-13 PARK - PURCHASE OF Quotations Envelope Implementation livelihood support PATROLLING VEHICLES

IN-APFD-5147-GO-RFQ / KAMBALAKONDA ECO- TOURISM PARK - PURCHASE Restoration of environmental Request for Single Stage - One Pending OF RIVER CROSSING IDA / 56940 services and facilities and Post Open - National 4,822.00 0.00 2017-01-20 2017-03-17 2017-09-13 Quotations Envelope Implementation EQUIPMENT IN livelihood support KAMBALAKONDA ECO- TOURISM PARK

IN-PIU-GVMC-597-GO-RFB / Restoration and protection of the Single Stage - Two Construction of New dwarf wall in IDA / 56940 Post Request for Bids Open - National 533,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-09-03 2016-10-15 2016-12-28 2017-02-01 2018-08-29 beach front Envelope selected areas.

IN-PIU-GVMC-677-GO-RFB / Single Stage - Two Procurement of Office equipment IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Request for Bids Open - National 50,417.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-10-03 2016-10-08 2016-11-19 2017-02-01 2017-03-08 2017-09-04 Envelope for PIU, GVMC.

IN-PMU-26030-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two Under Procurement of Make Shift IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 13,000.00 0.00 2017-09-11 2017-09-08 2017-09-16 2017-09-08 2017-10-28 2017-11-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Envelope Implementation Temporary Tents for APSDRF management

IN-PMU-26035-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Procurement of Floating Pumps Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 350,000.00 0.00 2017-09-11 2017-09-12 2017-09-16 2017-09-12 2017-10-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 and Dewatering Pumps for AP Envelope Implementation management Fire Services

IN-PMU-26372-GO-RFB / Procurement of Life Jackets, Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two Under Water Rescue Ring Buoys and IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 22,000.00 0.00 2017-09-11 2017-09-12 2017-09-16 2017-09-12 2017-10-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Envelope Implementation Floating Nylon Rope for AP Fire management Services

IN-PMU-26382-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two Under Procurement of Fire Suit for AP IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 2017-09-11 2017-09-12 2017-09-16 2017-09-12 2017-10-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Envelope Implementation Fire Services management

IN-PMU-26383-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Procurement of Petro Power Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 155,000.00 0.00 2017-09-11 2017-09-12 2017-09-16 2017-09-12 2017-10-28 2017-11-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Saws (94 cc) and Power Saws Envelope Implementation management (40 cc) for AP Fire Services

IN-PMU-26384-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Procurement of Medium Rescue Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 830,000.00 0.00 2017-09-11 2017-09-12 2017-09-16 2017-09-12 2017-10-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Tender (12ton specialized Envelope Implementation management vehicle) for AP Fire Services

IN-PMU-26375-GO-RFB / Procurement of Medium Rescue Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two Pending Tender (10ton Specialized IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Prior Request for Bids Open - International 7,125,000.00 0.00 2017-09-11 2017-09-16 2017-10-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Envelope Implementation vehicles) for AP Fire Services & management APSDRF.

IN-PMU-26385-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Procurement of Hydraulic Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Prior Request for Bids Open - National 2,080,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-09-11 2017-09-16 2017-10-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Platform 54 mts for AP Fire Envelope management Services

IN-PMU-28481-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Procurement of Hydraulic Single Stage - Two Under IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,984,000.00 0.00 2017-09-15 2017-09-14 2017-09-20 2017-11-01 2017-11-28 2018-01-14 2018-02-18 2018-08-17 Platform 54 Mts for AP Fire Envelope Implementation management Services

IN-PMU-28492-GO-RFQ / ESTABLISHMENT OF CONFERENCE HALL AND Request for Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2017-10-01 2017-11-26 2018-05-25 TRAINING FACILITY AT STATE Quotations Envelope Implementation


IN-APEPDCL-213-GO-RFB / Single Stage - Two Pending Procurement of Cable Fault IDA / 56940 Resilient electrical network Post Request for Bids Open - National 500,000.00 0.00 2018-04-09 2018-04-14 2018-05-26 2018-08-08 2018-09-12 2019-03-11 Envelope Implementation Locator Van

IN-PMU-26011-GO-RFB / Procurement of Individual Kits, Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two First aid kits and Water Jel Burn IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 180,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-09-11 2017-09-12 2017-09-16 2017-09-12 2017-10-28 2017-11-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Envelope Kits for AP FIRE Services and management APSDRF

IN-PMU-26019-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two Procurement of Water IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 18,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-09-11 2017-09-08 2017-09-16 2017-09-08 2017-10-28 2017-11-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Envelope Purification Units for APSDRF. management

IN-PMU-26026-GO-RFB / Procurement of Reach and Rescue Pole and Clamping Float Capacity building and Technical (Telescopic Rescue System) Single Stage - Two IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 90,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-09-11 2017-09-12 2017-09-16 2017-09-12 2017-10-28 2017-11-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Rescue Through Bags and Envelope management Plastic Cribbing and Wedge Set for AP FIRE Services & APSDRF

IN-PMU-26376-GO-RFB / Capacity building and Technical Single Stage - Two Procurement of HDPE boats for IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Request for Bids Open - National 47,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-09-11 2017-09-12 2017-09-16 2017-09-12 2017-10-28 2017-11-28 2018-01-10 2018-02-14 2018-08-13 Envelope AP Fire Services management

NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report / Justification Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

IN-APEPDCL-216-NC-RFQ / Request for Single Stage - One Hiring of Employment Agency for IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-27 2016-10-22 2018-10-21 Quotations Envelope non-consulting services

CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Contract Type Estimated Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technical Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Signed Contract Contract Completion Amount (US$) (US$) Notice Request for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes Proposal Negotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

IN-PMU-665-CS-QCBS / Hiring Quality And Cost- IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Prior Open - International 1,333,333.00 770,316.66 Signed 2016-08-05 2016-12-02 2016-08-26 2016-10-09 2016-11-06 2016-09-28 2016-12-06 2017-02-15 2017-01-10 2017-05-03 2017-02-14 2017-05-10 2018-02-14 of Consultants for TPQA Based Selection

IN-PMU-666-CS-QCBS / Hiring Quality And Cost- Pending IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 33,333.00 0.00 2016-10-24 2016-11-14 2016-12-28 2017-01-25 2017-02-24 2017-03-31 2017-05-05 2018-05-05 of Internal Auditor Based Selection Implementation

Page 13 IN-PMU-668-CS-QCBS / Hiring of Employment Agency for Quality And Cost- Pending IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 166,667.00 0.00 2016-11-01 2016-11-22 2017-01-05 2017-02-02 2017-03-04 2017-04-08 2017-05-13 2018-05-13 providing Operational Staff of Based Selection Implementation


IN-APEPDCL-520-CS-QCBS / Selection of Environmental Quality And Cost- IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 200,000.00 115,068.08 Signed 2016-07-25 2015-07-10 2016-08-15 2016-09-28 2015-09-14 2016-10-26 2015-10-07 2016-11-25 2015-10-17 2016-12-30 2015-12-05 2017-02-03 2015-12-19 2017-12-02 Consulting Firm for UG Cable Based Selection


IN-VUDA-2267-CS-QCBS / Selection of consulting firm for providing the consultancy services for preparation of DPR Quality And Cost- Under for Master Plan, detailed designs IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 166,666.67 0.00 2016-11-17 2015-12-23 2016-12-08 2017-01-21 2016-01-30 2017-02-18 2016-06-10 2017-03-20 2016-08-10 2017-04-24 2016-12-06 2017-05-29 2017-09-26 Based Selection Implementation for the restoration and re- redevelopment of 380 acres Kailasagiri hill Top Park at Visakhapatnam.

IN-RBD-696-CS-QCBS / Consultancy services for Quality And Cost- IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - International 83,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-27 2016-08-17 2016-09-30 2016-10-28 2016-11-27 2017-01-01 2017-02-05 2018-02-05 preparation of DPR in Based Selection

Visakhapatnam district

IN-RBD-697-CS-QCBS / Consultancy services for Quality And Cost- IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - International 83,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-27 2016-08-17 2016-09-30 2016-10-28 2016-11-27 2017-01-01 2017-02-05 2018-02-05 preparation of DPR in Srikakulam Based Selection district

IN-RBD-698-CS-QCBS / Consultancy services for Quality And Cost- IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - International 83,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-27 2016-08-17 2016-09-30 2016-10-28 2016-11-27 2017-01-01 2017-02-05 2018-02-05 preparation of DPR in East Based Selection

Godavari district.

IN-RBD-699-CS-QCBS / Consultancy services for Quality And Cost- IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - International 83,333.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-27 2016-08-17 2016-09-30 2016-10-28 2016-11-27 2017-01-01 2017-02-05 2018-02-05 preparation of DPR in Based Selection

Vizianagaram district

IN-PMU-1644-CS-QCBS / Engaging of Consultants for Quality And Cost- Under Providing the Consultancy IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Prior Open - International 1,000,000.00 0.00 2016-12-30 2017-01-20 2017-03-05 2017-04-02 2017-05-02 2017-06-06 2017-07-11 2018-07-11 Based Selection Implementation Services for Third Party Quality Audit of APEPDCL

IN-PMU-1652-NC-RFQ / Consultant Development of Online MIS Under IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Qualification Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 2016-11-21 2016-08-02 2016-12-12 2017-01-25 2017-02-24 2017-03-31 2017-07-29 System web portal and Mobile Implementation Selection Application for APDRP

IN-PIU-GVMC-660-CS-QCBS / Restoration and protection of the Quality And Cost- Under Hiring of Consultancy for Beach IDA / 56940 Prior Open - International 566,666.00 0.00 2016-12-11 2017-01-01 2017-02-14 2016-09-07 2017-03-14 2017-02-15 2017-04-13 2017-04-26 2017-05-18 2017-10-16 2017-06-22 2018-06-22 beach front Based Selection Implementation Front Re-development in Vizag.

IN-APFD-4720-CS-QCBS / Selection of Consulting firm for Planning, Designing Consultancy Quality And Cost- Under IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - International 241,935.00 0.00 2016-12-19 2016-08-12 2017-01-09 2017-02-22 2016-07-30 2017-03-22 2017-02-14 2017-04-21 2017-02-14 2017-05-26 2017-04-03 2017-06-30 2018-06-30 for redevelopment of Indira Based Selection Implementation

Gandhi Zoological Park at Visakhapatnam

IN-APFD-5144-CS-QCBS / KAMBALAKONDA ECO- TOURISM PARK - SELECTION OF CONSULTING FIRM FOR Quality And Cost- Under PLANNING, DESIGNING IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 241,935.00 0.00 2017-02-01 2017-07-07 2017-02-22 2017-07-17 2017-04-07 2017-05-05 2017-06-04 2017-07-09 2017-08-13 2018-08-13 Based Selection Implementation CONSULTANCY FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF KAMBALAKONDA ECO- TOURISM PARK

IN-PIU-GVMC-680-CS-QCBS / Restoration and protection of the Quality And Cost- Hiring of Consultants for Shore IDA / 56940 Post Open - International 500,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-12-20 2017-01-10 2017-02-23 2017-03-23 2017-04-22 2017-05-27 2017-07-01 2018-07-01 beach front Based Selection Protection work in GVMC.

IN-APEPDCL-220-CS-QCBS / Hiring of Project Management Quality And Cost- IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - International 1,200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-29 2016-12-24 2016-09-19 2016-11-02 2016-11-30 2016-12-30 2017-02-03 2017-03-10 2018-03-10 Consultancy firm for UG Cable Based Selection works

IN-APEPDCL-11111-CS-QCBS / Hiring of consultancy firm for providing services of Technical Quality And Cost- Under Assistance in Project IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Prior Open - National 1,200,000.00 0.00 2017-04-03 2017-04-19 2017-04-24 2017-04-26 2017-06-07 2017-07-24 2017-07-05 2017-09-07 2017-08-04 2017-12-06 2017-09-08 2017-10-13 2019-10-13 Based Selection Implementation Management and Quality Check for the Underground Cable Works of Visakhapatnam city.

IN-PMU-13065-CS-QCBS / Procurement of Consultancy Services (PCT - Project Capacity building and Technical Quality And Cost- Under Coordination Team , An NGO) to IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Prior Open - National 950,000.00 0.00 2017-04-28 2017-05-01 2017-05-19 2017-05-03 2017-07-02 2017-11-24 2017-07-30 2017-08-29 2017-10-03 2017-11-07 2018-11-07 Based Selection Implementation implement the Community Based management Disaster Risk Management Programme under APDRP.

IN-PMU-14985-CS-QCBS / Capacity building and Technical Providing Consultancy Services Quality And Cost- Under IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Prior Open - International 3,333,333.00 0.00 2017-05-25 2017-11-24 2017-06-15 2017-07-29 2017-08-26 2017-09-25 2017-10-30 2017-12-04 2018-12-04 for Multi Hazard Risk Based Selection Implementation management Assessment in Andhra Pradesh.

IN-PMU-14989-CS-QCBS / Providing Consultancy Services to undertake visitor perception Quality And Cost- Under survey for Visakhapatnam Zoo, IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 2017-05-25 2017-05-17 2017-06-15 2017-05-17 2017-07-29 2017-09-04 2017-08-26 2017-11-22 2017-09-25 2017-11-22 2017-10-30 2017-12-04 2018-12-04 Based Selection Implementation Kambalakonda Eco Park, Visakhapatnam Beachfront and Kailasagiri Hill Park.

IN-PMU-27268-CS-QCBS / "PROVIDING CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF DRAFT STATE SCHOOL SAFETY POLICY, DEVELOPMENT AND Quality And Cost- Under IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 175,000.00 0.00 2017-09-14 2017-09-08 2017-10-05 2017-11-18 2017-12-16 2018-01-15 2018-02-19 2018-03-26 2019-03-26 INCORPORATION OF Based Selection Implementation


IN-PMU-13037-CS-QCBS / "APCOSMIC"- ANDHRA PRADESH CRITICAL OPERATIONS STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND INCIDENT Capacity building and Technical Quality And Cost- COMMAND (PROCUREMENT, IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Prior Open - International 2,000,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-05-22 2017-05-17 2017-06-12 2017-05-22 2017-07-26 2017-08-23 2017-09-22 2017-10-27 2017-12-01 2018-12-01 Based Selection CONFIGURATION AND management COMMISSIONING OF CRISIS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH IN INDIA)

IN-APEPDCL-218-CS-QCBS / Quality And Cost- Hiring of Consulting Firm for IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-12-14 2017-01-04 2017-02-17 2017-03-17 2017-04-16 2017-05-21 2017-06-25 2018-12-24 Based Selection Internal Auditor

IN-PMU-8300-CS-QCBS / Engaging a consultancy firm for comprehensive review of the Capacity building and Technical Quality And Cost- building regulatory framework for IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Open - National 167,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-02-23 2017-04-12 2017-03-16 2017-08-04 2017-04-29 2017-05-27 2017-06-26 2017-07-31 2017-09-04 2018-09-04 Based Selection reform options in building code management administration and implementation

Page 14 IN-PMU-35358-CS-QCBS / Engaging a Consultancy firm for Comprehensive review of the Capacity building and Technical Building Regulation frame work Quality And Cost- Under IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Open - National 167,000.00 0.00 2017-11-09 2017-11-17 2017-11-30 2017-11-17 2018-01-13 2018-02-10 2018-03-12 2018-04-16 2018-05-21 2019-05-21 for reform options in Building Based Selection Implementation management Code Administration and Implementation in Andhra Pradesh

IN-PMU-38486-CS-QCBS / APCOSMIC"- ANDHRA PRADESH CRITICAL OPERATIONS STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND INCIDENT Capacity building and Technical COMMAND (PROCUREMENT, Quality And Cost- IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Prior Open - International 2,300,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2017-12-05 2017-12-18 2017-12-26 2018-02-08 2018-03-08 2018-04-07 2018-05-12 2018-06-16 2019-06-16 CONFIGURATION AND Based Selection management COMMISSIONING OF INTEGRATED EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR THE STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH IN INDIA)

IN-PMU-40608-CS-QCBS / Engaging a Consultancy firm for Comprehensive study of insurance schemes related to Capacity building and Technical Quality And Cost- Pending Disaster Risk Transfer in Andhra IDA / 56940 support for disaster risk Post Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 2018-01-02 2018-01-23 2018-03-08 2018-04-05 2018-05-05 2018-06-09 2018-07-14 2019-07-14 Based Selection Implementation Pradesh, Baseline Survey and management development of Insurance service proposal fro disaster prone areas in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Invitation to Contract Type Estimated Actual Amount Draft Negotiated Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach Process Status Terms of Reference Identified/Selected Signed Contract Contract Completion Amount (US$) (US$) Contract Consultant Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

Resilient electrical network Contingency emergency response Project implementation support GVMC/Review of NOIT Report / Capacity building and Technical Review of "Beach Erosion support for disaster risk Studies and Engineering management IDA / 56940 Prior Direct Selection Direct 31,000.00 30,182.60 Signed 2015-11-11 Mitigation Measures" for Restoration of environmental

Visakhapatnam conducted by services and facilities and NOIT. livelihood support Restoration and protection of the beach front Restoration of connectivity and shelter infrastructure

IN-APEPDCL-539-CS-CDS / Selection of Consulting Firm for IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Direct Selection Direct 200,000.00 146,497.70 Signed 2016-07-26 2014-12-11 2016-08-05 2014-12-23 2016-10-09 2015-03-17 2018-04-08 preparation of DPR for UG Cable


IN-PMU-4227-CS-CDS / Development of advanced Online MIS System and Development Under of Android Mobile Application for IDA / 56940 Project implementation support Post Direct Selection Direct 30,000.00 0.00 2016-12-08 2016-12-16 2016-12-18 2016-12-23 2017-02-21 2017-05-22 Implementation Capturing real time Work Progress and Photos for APDRP Project.

IN-PIU-GVMC-663-CS-CQS / Preparation of DPR for Coastal Restoration and protection of the Under Erosion Mitigation and Shore IDA / 56940 Post Direct Selection Direct 785,000.00 0.00 2017-02-01 2017-01-25 2017-02-11 2017-02-15 2017-04-17 2017-10-14 beach front Implementation line management Plan for Visakhapatnam

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