CONTENTS AND STAFF Contents Page 3 Fitness and Health Page 4 Business Pages 6-7 Wine & Brew Pages 8 Casual Dining Page 10 Night Life Pages 12-14 Theater Page 15 Travel Pages 16-19 Music Page 20 Romance Pages 21-37 Humor Pages 23-24 Valentines Humor Pages 34-37 USA Useless Facts Page 38 City Search Page 39 Classifieds Staff Publisher: Joyce Campisi Editor-in-Chief: Joyce Campisi Executive Editor: Joseph P. Campisi, III Production Manager: Rob Hoffman Photographer: Todd Brunozzi Graphic Designer: Donnie Garber Dennis Kostley Administrative Assistant: Tammie Miller Feature Writers: Paul E. Kimble, Trish Imbrogno,Christopher Harper, David Mayle, Diane Ference, Nannette Staropoli, Suz Pisano Contributing Writers: Bill Mace Jean Mace, Dottie Wilhelm, Lori Hon, Boris Pekol, Michelle Maggio Webmaster: Benjamin Auman Cover Photography: Nightwire 622 Second Avenue Pittsburgh, PA. 15219 Phone: 412-755-1055 • Fax: 412-755-1056
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