Albuquerque, NM
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-14-1919 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 11-14-1919 The veE ning Herald, Inc. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The vE ening Herald, Inc.. "The vE ening Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 11-14-1919." (1919). abq_eh_news/1798 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mmb mahkkth. ITflKR PKK K. OntfAOO. Nov. 14. lh"l, IH 40 NFW TURK, Nov. 14 llnr allva. to nrnllnnt. 111 li III 40. 1.24V Mrmran dull, Kilo. All am I'aralpta, I.OOn. mala La unchanirad. KA.VH1I ITT HTHS to 111'! At London: Upot fiipr, till. Rf"irw, 7,ftCl. tin. til; land, 7a, 1t111; , fif UKNVBIt t.0 .to tll.l. list, i4, ' olhara unchanged. mm mmmm 1,104. J . Vol. 10. No. 218. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Friday, November 14, 1919 TEN PAGES Price Five Cent i : SAYS SOLDIERS Methodist Pastors Shortage of Sixty HOUSE REJECTS Auto Is Called ISECRETARY WUSOtl TELLS To Get 40 Per Cent Teachers in Rural Greatest Menace Increase in Salary Schools in Arizona to Morality Today PROVOKED THE ANTI-STRI- KE MINERS THEIR DEMANDS e iHf ABeeetattee eM IMTTHMl lta. Pn.. Nov. 14 fny KEW TURK, .Nov. 14. An riloKMX, Ar;., Nov. 14. Aeaoclaled lrea). The automo- C l. f'aae. a'ale auprinteiiilent bile was declared to tie "a. great- aver. He inc ranee nf 44 psr cent of putilla Inelrilotlon. linlay called er menace to nirfrnllty today In min- I the aalNrlva of Methodist attention to i vncanr-- abiy RAILWAY PLAN than t' diatricta wei ARE UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE isters throuithout the country to extetlns In teat'hlna aiarTa In the thlrt ywura aao," by r. II. H. meet the mounting; coat of liv- slate, als being Sn Cor nine o unty Hlcadwell of Im In a and aweortlna there waa not one report of Ihe World Commlaalon ing and eetahllahment of "min- teiieher'a nitplli'atton for a part- on Hnclal rurlty at tha World s JIM imum anlar Ian," were announced ition on nlff. H expected at leuat i 'hrlatianahlp Conference hero tw Prose- Compulsory Radicals To Be Arbitration 4 Also Informs Operators Their Standpat Position today by the ran (en nary ronser-vaiio- n varani'lea by the flrat of day. he anttl. "Motor cars, aald tha speaker, committee of the Metho-di- In Labor Dispute Wage cuted Despite Testi- At I ht of tha fall "bring the country roedhouito Must Be Altered Conference Kpiewpal church here. Tho term a Ihrniia-hiMi- t Ihe atnte, pracilcallv to the city limits. This ' was difficulty antl-vir- e Opens Washington mony Inquest new arnie of pay will he In effe'.l 'aae an id, tHuchina: Is Defeated th with the in to at Kenirully by January 1, It wu atarfa were filled up by leeuame ion en surrttunding our mili- aiated. nf temporary oertillt'atea to tary cam pa. They were not large sv AaaoctATao eeaes e tta itfMaeravee eeea trana-Mrt- th Thoe ininlnlera whoae pay has tear here wMh the pr- vino ennnah. The perfection of WA4MIS;TfW, Htnr. 14. ftewiMl t inlnera fnr a thirty hiwr f,KNTirjryvTu,i?h"I'"',Nv. 1 4 N, Nov. 14. Com- utilw Incrcaaeii ly ihelr riitRrr'K'lfna that they miiPt qualify at the lie. WAHIIlNflT Ion fad lit lee popularis d weak minI a hUIi imt cent tncecwMr In imup-- i "aer lmisaewlle sjmI owgftl U "roaectiilon of the Industrial Worker to a autntnt nmount wilt re- cent be r teHchera' exam iniitt una. pulsory arbitration of rallroaJ Utlwr the d intent resort 4wenty. thirty, hr tdlmlnatril at tilt very hcs;tniitig, H IIwki iedari,t Hi or the World hi Id here in connection ceive no Aa a remedy for the ehortiiye nf diapu.of .vms and even fifty mtlns away. iwiitiig IIh or? tela l mm oyrewturs g alilid remun'ratlon rejected today by the rwirNrewf mtwu anion caawl b turn with tho Armlallce I my pa rade alioot-In- fr m thf church teacher, the aiate aupcrlntpnd-n- t "Todav we apttr to be getting tu acltle lite iMnitt-mt- ciWUog III ttw catJ tmlntry. ! hoaae. which voted 161 to 71 to te and death hero Tueeday will Th averHMe aalary for Mel ho. urged adoption of a minimum what we have been aaktng for, aHWMliaii iwaitihtn taken bv !hr Mjwawi(Mrs bevrttfnrw aleo la an. I l'le preaaed Immediately, deeptie the In the pending railroad bill the a alngle atnndard of morale. Hut ImfMaa-lldllt- ." - ct d't mlnlHtrrN Wim ll.lll In If It. waa plan, the minimum wiitca single abl tlte rapping the twt4- to ewtliaNlae has utlfv Introduced at th coroner's The new average will 4a approx- to be 11 ho per month for the full plan of vclttntary conciliation offered the trouble with thia siMcwa Adinittliig tbai Im U wae S4recmel still ww in far yeeterilay. i Cunningham, atandard la that It la a low 1 l. imately l,ra't. twelve months. by Itepr ween la live Hweet, republlean, never llto aiKtaHsvry OjiaTil thtt pOofi www nut 4tem'ka" aiwl dbl ixit wait to aaiiaiant county attorney, announced1 Iowa, and andorsed by railroad work-er- atvndard. The libertine has rtiw t "IIh hnbsU pmlabaia nf a IiuimI wlAn Uw votuJItlosui undtv wltKt ben denied our beat am' let y, or lien bond waa niada have tduuigr'i.' Cunningham hla statement In Kepreeentntlve Cooper, republican, the freedom of our beat homes. mad cigarette-smokin- g wo- Mir. WlUon awbl he had wiled tbe commenting upon teainnony mado Ohio, for 19 years a railroad worker, Today the "rMrt the la beat society rrnift'iiwaret, arnidy Imwii tltero by Hlckford, the Sweet pOn wna "guaranty man not denied our s ut the iiniucat Ir. Krank said a no hue Is a labor Hafatito In tlie mlntng to Iht t of no or lockout until two If often scandal reaulied tw imiHTFR on it of the marchers tne effect atrlke exploits. The auigle but Uw wurld Mill ImmUiis; the former soldiers at ocked the I. W, boairda have pnaaed on a d Inputs." from her grrat rt4a. O.N UlMTItlltl TtoS tH pr my evprlence." con- atandard that we desire la nn a OAI, AKJ AlMPTr:D. W. hall before any shots fired. BEATEN IN BATTLE, "From uwf he upon high I ntel Totmsernw. I'uollc mi mortal services for the tinued, "the railway workera have that will plat men aa A.Vmrn OH ICAOO. Nov. 4. T. W. by al- never Violated a contract, a mor..l plane as ws formerly After tb secretary' had concluded former American soldiers killed and I don't women.'.1 Proctor, chairman of ths regional leged I. W. W. during the Armlellee believe they ever will." demanded for hla opening atatement. the conferen'-- coal committee, lasusd ths follow 1 ny pit rude e hoot inn here Tuoedny Advomtea of the plan offered by adjourned until tomorrow. Meantime Ing staiement today: will be livid lata today tinder Ihe LOSE 61 KILLED Flepreantfitlve Hweet were vlgoroualy Ihe operators and miners will meet "In view of ths fact that ths min- nuapicca of the flrtttit Hodge Tout, uppiauued when the hou.w n vimi"l CHARGES ATTEMPTS separately to decide whether ths dis ers have not shown a diapoaition to American Legion. AH four were mem- - debate nn the bllL Tbgrnma en- tricts outnlde of the central competi rssutua work In the mines it has here of the post, Lieutenant Warren,) dorsing tha plan hsl live field should be admitted on a s;eu- - been decided to requeet applica- o. Urlmtn, one nf the dead, lost week . b many mem hers rmm union men. ral wage agreement. tions for eoal In sll c lueses In order was olecivd poet commander. Villa MoVingl OWard Pa- - Sheriffs Effort to Seize his priioa.ti, Iltprc-aentatl- Hevlewing previous negotiations ft: that the supply on hand iruay be so Hweet a1d It w. nl l i lie 'TO INFLUENCE JIM HufTnlo, Philadelphia and Washing- regit la ed that there ca be no Legion and other former service men lornas to Unite With Property Resisted by Into law the machinery employed ton. Die ecretary said ths failure to possibility of dlatreag by ths ovn were arriving here In large numbers federal control if tne roads, ih reach an agreement had resulted In roneumptlon of ths lormor sscept-s- d Irum ull parte of the atato to allvlid Rebel Force Lone Star State an added cnmiulpatan i striges "not only In the central del I. cleeaea. services, of both employer and emploe to hut ulna In idhcr Helds where no de "Formerly ths coal requirements the memorial appeaU vtlth no penal-- ( IN PANMOTOR CASE upon ops i T. v iv i i i ne em. consider ani mand had been mads ths of tho following priority eUes .u ii'ktiv tlea a vn In nt atrtkfa Or lockouts, rotore." were previously filled by ths rail-ro- e iOVFKSJJu,l1IjYi'.TttwMi YIN.' Vi' rAHt. Tex. Nov. 4 Colonal tende dlapute between Texas and "let the pructlcu m n ft om this Miner In the outlying flelda, h ds without s p pi tea t Ion being .