DPLC 2020 Organization Elections Voters’ Guide

The DPLC is holding its biennial Organization Meeting online via Zoom on Sunday, December 13, at 4:00 p.m. On Sunday, December 6, all PCPs will receive a secure electronic ballot, which they will use to vote for DPLC Officers, At-Large Members of the Executive Committee, and Delegates to the State Central Committee (SCC) and 4th Congressional District Central Committee (CD4). Any Democrat registered in Lane County is eligible to run for a position, and the following Democrats have stepped forward to serve as DPLC leaders for the next two years:


It has been one of the great honors of my life to have served as your chair for the past six years. In that time, we have worked together to: • Create a training program to teach student interns how to work on campaigns. • Strengthen relationships with our legislators and host lobby day events at the Capitol. • Flip two seats on the Lane County Board of Commissioners from red to blue and establish a Democratic majority.

Over the past year, we worked together to meet the challenges posed by Covid-19 by: • Creating a ‘Neighborhood Leader’ organizing program in each house district. • Moving our Central Committee meetings and training programs to the Zoom platform. • Defending our progressive champion Congressman Peter DeFazio from a well-funded general election challenge.

If I am re-elected to serve as your chair, I hope to work with you to on the following goals: • Establish the Neighborhood Leader program as a permanent part of the DPLC by recruiting 100 new neighborhood leaders. • Protect our Democratic majority on the Lane County Board of Commissioners by re-electing Democrats in East Lane and Springfield. • Support the next generation of Democratic leaders by identifying and training candidates to run for positions up and down the ticket.

If you support these accomplishments and goals, then I humbly ask for your vote to serve another term as DPLC Chair. Please contact me by phone – 541-623-0330 – or email – [email protected] – with your questions and concerns. Thank you.


I’m currently serving as Vice-Chair and would be honored to continue serving. At the basic level the role of the Vice-Chair is to take the place of the Chair when they are not available. This generally means being ready to run meetings as well as stepping into the Chair’s place in regard to attending meetings, representing at events, etc.

I believe I bring a wide breadth of knowledge and experience to the role of Vice-Chair as I’ve served on the Executive Committee on the DPLC since 2005 and have served in many positions including House District Chair, Community Action Chair, and Organization Chair, as well as serving on most of the committees at one point or another. Campaign-wise, I’ve also worked on numerous campaigns in field, canvassing, phone banking, and fundraising. I also have extensive experience in recruiting, training, and retaining volunteers.

My general philosophy as Vice-Chair is to be useful wherever I can; whether it’s assisting with keeping our database is up to date, launching new programs, or chairing special committees.

While Covid has challenged all of us this year, it has also forced us to work in different ways, mainly in a virtual environment. I would like to take the lessons we learned and focus on continuing to build our party, specifically focusing on the rural areas of Lane County.

I would like to ask for your vote and support in order to continue to serve as your Vice-Chair. SECRETARY CELINE SWENSON HARRIS

I have been honored to serve as Secretary of the DPLC for the past seven years. As Secretary, I am responsible for taking minutes at both the Executive and Central Committee meetings, as well as assisting with the selection of our meeting location and speaking programs. Over the past several years, I have helped to provide support to our standing committees, overseen our field campaigns, managed DPLC staff, and co- facilitated our internship program and organizing trainings.

Over the next two years, I will focus on building on our successes to protect our Democratic majority on the Lane County Commission, support the growth of our newly established Neighborhood Leader program, and continue to develop and refine our organizing trainings to ensure that we keep investing in the future leaders of our party.

It is truly an honor to serve as a party officer for this organization and an inspiration to help facilitate the work that our PCPs do every year to support Democratic causes and candidates throughout Lane County. I humbly ask for your vote to serve another term as your DPLC Secretary.


I have been honored to serve as DPLC Treasurer for the past four years, and I would love the chance to keep doing this work – to keep accounting for every penny in our bank account and ensuring donations and expenditures are reported to ORESTAR, the Secretary of State’s system for disclosing campaign finance transactions.

Over the past two years, I’ve done treasury work for multiple candidates and elected officials. I’m currently treasurer for two of our legislators, Rep. and Rep. John Lively, and I handle Rep. ’s campaign finance reporting. I’m also treasurer for Lane County Commissioner Joe Berney, Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis, and have worked on City Council races in Eugene and Springfield.

The DPLC is able to do everything it does because our supporters believe in us. Part of that faith comes from knowing we manage our money well, and I’m dedicated to continuing that transparency. The treasurer’s job isn’t just to report to ORESTAR; it’s also to report to the Central Committee so that you have a clear picture of our finances.

Though it’s not part of the treasurer’s job description, I love helping plan fundraisers like the Roosevelt Dinner and the Chili Cookoff, and it helps make those events profitable to have our treasurer involved. In the next two years, I’d like to explore investing some of the money in our bank account and writing a budget that reflects our expected income as well as expenses. I’d be thrilled to receive your vote.


I was honored to be asked by the DPLC's chair, Chris Wig, to serve as an At-large Executive Committee member this last year, and I would be thrilled to continue in this position. As a local 2nd grade teacher, LCC Board of Education member, and Lane County Labor Council member I'm interested in bringing advocacy for working families to a role on the Executive Committee. I've been a life long Democrat and believe in the power of effecting progressive change through electoral politics. Though I still have a lot to learn in this area, I've worked on a variety of political and advocacy campaigns both locally and statewide. I want to continue to support the DPLC in our endeavors to grow political power and make Lane County a strong progressive region in . Another value I would bring to the DPLC Executive Committee is a strong commitment to racial and social justice. I have a life long commitment to speaking up and helping to organize for these critical values. I would be honored to have your support for a seat on the DPLC Executive Committee. Please vote for Lisa Fragala for the At-large seat on the DPLC Executive Committee.


I go by the name Manny Mahnesmith. I am an NCO (non-commissioned officer) in the Army National Guard with 9+ years of service, one tour in Afghanistan and recently supported the National Guards response to Oregon's forest fires.

I am President of the Eugene Badgers, a non-profit youth sport organization partnered with Empower Lv. I am a community volunteer member with non-profits like Suddenly Sleepy who advocate and raise money for sleep disorders. I work and volunteer at Springfield High as a coach for the swim, wrestling and track teams and prior volunteer for the Lane County Sherriff Search and Rescue.

I have formal education from Lane Community College, Oregon State University and Military educational schools including leadership academies. I have experience planning events, delegating work and leading others. I am experienced with community out reach and fund raising.

I am running for these positions because I want to take a more active role in my community, continue to serve my community and continue to learn. I am confident I able to meet the expectations for these positions and the trust of my peers. Thank you for this opportunity.


The student vote is an integral, although often overlooked, demographic in Lane County. With nearly 25,000 voting-age students regularly enrolled at the University of Oregon, mobilizing this population is essential to ensuring Lane County has progressive representation up and down the ballot. As the President of Oregon College Democrats, a student at the University of Oregon, and native-Eugenian, I am well-positioned to understand and communicate the needs of students to the Lane County Democratic Party. Furthermore, my experience interning with Congressman DeFazio’s office at the height of the impeachment proceedings and during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, gave me a broader perspective of the diverse needs of Lane County constituents outside of the Eugene metro-area. This experience was pivotal for me to better understand how to balance the needs and hopes of the student vote up against the broader Lane County population.


Richard Blackstone here, a little about me, born in Eugene 1947, Proud Elmira Falcon, U-O Grad, Family, Navy Vet (LT), Award-Winning Author, International Speaker, Spiritual seeker, Farmer, Lover of Planet Earth, Political Progressive. My guiding principle: “we are all in this together.”

I am not going to mince words: I am disappointed in the Democratic Party. From my perspective, they have forgotten their roots. I used to think that the Democratic Party represented the working and middle class in this country but I just don’t believe that any more. At the national level, I see the Democratic Party representing Wall Street and Corporations.

As a Progressive I will advocate for policies that address issues like Climate Change, Universal Health Care, National Infrastructure Jobs, Elections, Monopolies, Environment & anything that makes systemic change in how we prioritize our politics in this country to represent people instead of corporations.

I believe that “We, the People,,,” means that government exists as a servant of the people, not the other way around. We, every person in America, ARE THE GOVERNMENT. Our government has been coopted for “MONEY” and “POWER”.

Bottom Line: My intent is to work within the Democratic Party to create the change necessary to re-align more with the labor and working class of this country and letting go our ties to Wall Street and Corporate Interests. If you agree with me please elect me to this position.

REBECCA BRADVICA State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

Over the past two years, I’ve served as an alternate delegate in the State Central Committee and Central District Four delegations, and have attended all related meetings both around Oregon, and since COVID-19, remotely, until their conclusions.

In addition, I’ve served as an elected member of the Special Events and State Fair standing committee at the SCC. In that capacity, I served on the “SWAG” subcommittee, selecting the buttons and stickers to be sold in our long-standing booth at the State Fair. I created a more open space plan for the booth that was largely implemented and worked well.

I also belong to the environmental and women’s caucuses, and when possible, attend both those meetings at SCC.

I very much enjoy these purposeful journeys around our beautiful state, and the opportunity to meet active party members in other counties.

Here in Lane County, I’ve worked hard as an appointed HD 13 Vice Chair, Vice Chair of Organization (volunteers), in the office every Friday noon to 4 pm, chaos suppression in our storeroom, and many, many volunteer recruitment and neighborhood leader calls during our recent elections.

I love our party and appreciate the opportunity to continue in my service.

BECCA BYERLEY State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

“Becca Byerley serves as my legislative Chief of Staff and campaign manager. I have seen firsthand Becca’s dedication to bettering our community, providing quality constituent services, and electing Democrats up-and-down the ticket. Our community and our Democratic Party are stronger because of Becca Byerley.” - Marty Wilde, State Representative - House District 11

“Fellow DNC Member Tanya Shively once gave me sage advice: Always listen to Becca. As a lifelong Democrat, Oregon native, former special needs instructor (pre-K), and dedicated campaign manager/legislative director, Becca persists and she personifies commitment to Oregon Democrats.” - Matt Keating, Eugene City Councilor-elect

I have been honored to serve as a State Central Committee Delegate and 4th Congressional District Delegate since 2018, working together to advance our shared values and elect Democrats at all levels. I would be humbled to earn your support for re-election to the SCC and CD 4 Committee.

KEVIN CRONIN 4th Congressional District

Hi there,

My name is Kevin Cronin and I’m asking for your vote for 4th CD delegate. I’ve been involved for about 10 years in the Lane County Democrats, where I’ve worked on over 30 different campaigns.

Currently I work at the local county housing authority as a Housing Specialist, where I help manage the Section 8 and Public housing waitlists. Many of the folks we serve have disabilities, are alter-abled or are victims of domestic violence. I’m a staunch housing advocate and I volunteer with the Springfield Eugene Tenant Association, where during the COVID 19 crisis we’ve been working on short term rent assistance from the state and county and emergency eviction prevention. I also serve as president of my union, AFSCME Local 3267.

While housing and labor are my top issues, I am an avowed conservationist, stemming from my love of the Willamette River watershed. Every year my family enjoys camping, boating and fishing. My favorite spot on the river is Blue Ruin Island. When I’m not fighting for tenants and workers and helping to elect Democrats, you’ll find me in the great outdoors.

I’m asking for your vote for the 4th CD delegate position, as we need to be organized to run a strong campaign to take back House District 9 and lay the groundwork to pick up Senate District 5 in 2024.

PATRICK J. GLANG State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

As a high school student, I first got involved in 2008 volunteering over 100 hours for Obama. Since, I have participated in a variety of volunteer and professional positions for a number of campaigns and initiatives. I worked with many of you as the campaign manager for the Mike Eyster for Springfield Mayor campaign. I volunteered locally with campaigns, collected signatures for Oregon United for Marriage, and recently was the Organizing Director for ’s State Legislative campaign.

I have worked in clinical behavioral therapy with youth, addressing mental health and substance use. I was the site lead for downtown Eugene’s houseless youth outreach program. I’ve met hundreds of our houseless community members and have heard many of their stories. I’m a member of the queer community, a first-generation college student, and the only one of my siblings to graduate from a public high school. I hope to use both my professional and unique personal experience to help our party address the issues of houselessness, mental health, racial justice, and to get Democrats elected! It would be a privilege to continue my involvement with our party on the state level, learning and collaborating with other delegates.

At my core is a desire to help others. I believe we share this hope. It unites us as members of this party that we love. I am honored to be considered for this opportunity. I hope to have the opportunity to represent you as a State Central Committee and CD4 delegate.

LINDA GRAHAM 4th Congressional District

I am interested in running as a CD-4 delegate because I want to play a part, however small, in keeping Oregon green and healthy. It is time to put our environment first over profits. Yes, jobs are important, but if we destroy the beauty, clean air, and clean water, jobs will be gone as well. I was born and raised in the Willamette Valley, as well as my mother and her mother and possibly farther back. I feel strong roots and great pride and thankfulness for being an Oregonian. I want to play a small part in helping to implement more environmentally friendly and socially progressive policies and laws.

I am new to being active in the Democratic Party, so my experience is limited. I was elected as a Precinct Committee Person for HD 14 in the 2020 primary election. However, I was active in postcarding and election monitoring this year.

IRENE HENJUM 4th Congressional District

I am running for CD-4 Delegate in order to strengthen our party throughout our diverse Congressional District. I grew up a Democrat in a rural, conservative state, so I have a strong interest in outreach to the rural countries in CD-4. A Democratic voter is important no matter where they live.

I am currently House District 12 Chair, and I enjoy helping people connect with our party. It is so important for us to reach out to members of our party and help them take action with us and become involved.

I am LGBTQ so I can bring that perspective as CD-4 delegate. Thank you for your consideration.

BRIAN JOSEPHSON State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

My name is Brian Josephson and I am running for CD4 and SCC delegate this year. I moved to Lane County for school in 2018, and since then I have been working hard to help get Democrats elected. I worked as a Field Organizer for Rep. Wilde in 2018 and this year, and in 2019 I was the Field Director for Lisa Fragala's run for the LCC Board of Education. I also served as HD11 Vice-Chair before moving in January of this year. Additionally, I was our Delegation Chair for the Fourth Congressional District and served as an SCC delegate. These meetings are vital for the success of our party and I am always eager to attend them and represent young people, the LGBTQ+ community, and Lane County. Please vote for Brian Josephson so I can continue to do this important work of helping to elect Democrats throughout our Congressional District and our State.

MATT KEATING State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

Eugene City Councilor-elect Matt Keating (he/him) serves the Democratic Party as a four-time National Delegate to the Democratic National Convention, a member of the Democratic Party of Oregon's Administration Committee, and Organizing Director for the DPLC's 2020 general election cycle.

Matt cut his teeth as a Barack Obama organizing fellow in 2008 and he has worked on a plethora of progressive campaigns including gubernatorial, congressional, legislative, and advocacy efforts. In addition to local campaign consulting, Matt's résumé includes national field management and consulting services with MoveOn.org, Democracy for America, and CREDO's campaign to "Take Down the Tea Party Ten."

Serving our community as an LCC Board Member (2013-2021), Matt remains a keen advocate for student loan reform; access/equity; clean energy jobs; living wages; prosperity, opportunity, and debt-free higher education for all Oregonians.

Matt's most recent voters' pamphlet statement makes his priorities clear: "Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, Raise the Wage, and Climate Change is real. Let's get to work!"

RYAN KOUNOVSKY State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

I would be honored to earn your vote to be re-elected as a delegate to the State Central Committee and 4th Congressional District. These next two years will shape Oregon for the next decade, and I would love to be a part of the work that will help elect Democrats up and down the ticket that will push for progressive issues that support all Oregonians.

I am currently one of your representatives on the Rules Committee, and it has been rewarding work to help think through creative solutions to allow us to continue working during this pandemic. I also serve as Secretary of the Rural Caucus, brining organizing support to places that are too often forgotten. And as a member of the 4th Congressional District, I was honored to be a part of the team of folks working together, rural and urban, to re-elect Congressman DeFazio. That work will be more important than ever with a new Congressional district.

We have a challenging road ahead. It will take Democrats around the state working together to find solutions to the problems that impact us all. I am ready to roll up my sleeves to be a part of that work.

NICOLE LESENEY State Central Committee

Hi all!

I am a huge believer in the Democratic Party, which is full of diverse voices, coming together to strengthen the party and to elect more Democrats. As your current Chair of Community action, former field organizer, and active volunteer for various campaigns you know the depth of accomplishments. I also was the campaign manager for Ryan Moore because I believe that the more we run various Democrats, the stronger our message becomes. This and my work in other nonprofits and advocacy work shows I want to improve the lives of other Oregonians which I believe can be achieved when Democrats work together. The SCC is another way to help with that and I believe that my experience in politics as well as my personal life experience as an LGBT person will benefit the party greatly.

I recently have graduated with my Masters degree which gives me even more time to serve my community as your next SCC delegate. Thank you in the last cycle for your trust in electing me as an Alternate to the SCC, and I look forward to earning your vote as a full-fledged delegate.

LISA LEVSEN State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

I have been honored to serve as the DPLC House District 13 Chair and Vice Chair for the last 4 years. I have hosted many in person and virtual house parties for local electeds, candidates, and causes. For the 2020 general election, I served as one of the primary Neighborhood Leader Program coordinators assisting other House District Chairs, Vice Chairs and neighborhood leader coordinators in the use of the neighborhood leader technology tools as well as leading the NLP GOTV effort. I led the House District 13 day of action on behalf of Congressman Peter DeFazio and Representative Nancy Nathanson. I serve on the DPLC Platform, Rules and Fundraising Committees.

I am currently an SCC Alternate and serve on the SCC R.E.A.L (Racial Equality, Accountability, and Leadership) committee. I have attended CD4 meetings this year to learn more about the requirements of serving as a CD4 delegate.

I believe that health care is a human right, in paying a living wage, that quality education is important to Oregonians of all ages, and that climate change is here and that our emergency response must adapt to care for our communities as we face weather extremes and wildfires.

I am a technology small business owner, community organizer for the homeless and food insecure communities, Mother and Grand Mother to Oregonians large and small.

I promise to represent Lane County diligently as a State Central Committee and 4th Congressional District delegate. I humbly ask for your vote.

JASON “MANNY” MAHNESMITH State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

I go by the name Manny Mahnesmith. I am an NCO (non-commissioned officer) in the Army National Guard with 9+ years of service, one tour in Afghanistan and recently supported the National Guards response to Oregon's forest fires.

I am President of the Eugene Badgers, a non-profit youth sport organization partnered with Empower Lv. I am a community volunteer member with non-profits like Suddenly Sleepy who advocate and raise money for sleep disorders. I work and volunteer at Springfield High as a coach for the swim, wrestling and track teams and prior volunteer for the Lane County Sherriff Search and Rescue.

I have formal education from Lane Community College, Oregon State University and Military educational schools including leadership academies. I have experience planning events, delegating work and leading others. I am experienced with community out reach and fund raising.

I am running for these positions because I want to take a more active role in my community, continue to serve my community and continue to learn. I am confident I able to meet the expectations for these positions and the trust of my peers. Thank you for this opportunity.

JON MCWILLIAMS State Central Committee

Hello DPLC PCPs: It is my desire and pleasure to run for the office as a State Central Committee Delegate representing the Democratic Party of Lane County. I am currently an elected PCP, 1563, in Rep. Nancy Nathanson's House District which is so capably organized by House District Leader, Lisa Levsen where I work with 61 Democratic voters living in my Independent, Assisted Living, Memory Care complex. I am happy to say we had a great voter turnout during the general election.

Although I am relatively new to you Lane County Democratic PCPs I do have 8 years of SCC experience while residing in Washington County as a member of that county's Democratic Party. During that time, I attended SCC meetings in many locations throughout the State. Being retired and enthusiastic, I plan to attend meetings as they are scheduled by Zoom or in various locations around the State, representing goals and directives from the DPLC.

I thank you for your vote. It will be my pleasure to represent you while working closely with our other elected SCC delegates representing the DPLC. Best wishes, Jon A. McWilliams

EMILY ELIZABETH MOONEY State Central Committee

When I moved to Eugene, I was set on becoming a music teacher, having played violin for many years. However, electing the first woman president led me to apply for an internship with the Democratic Party of Lane County and even after the results, I was hooked. Since then, I have worked on campaigns in nearly every corner of the state from Jamie McLeod-Skinner's campaign for Congress to helping elect Heather Buch to the Lane County Board of Commissioners, and most recently as the Campaign Manager for Melissa Cribbins for State Senate.

In 2018, I was elected as a Delegate to the State Central Committee (SCC). Since then, I have been proud to serve as the Chair of the Young Democrats of Oregon Caucus. We have worked tirelessly to support progressive candidates through direct action such as lobbying for climate legislation, making over 5,000 voter calls in the 2020 primary and raising money to support DACA recipients. I’m also proud to report that Oregon has become the newest chapter in the Young Democrats of America! Finally, I also served as a member of the Democratic Party of Oregon’s Code of Conduct Committee. We were tasked with developing a Code of Conduct for our state party in the hopes of creating a more welcoming environment for everyone, something that I believe will greatly benefit us.

I would be honored to have your vote and please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

MATT MOORE State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

As a lifelong Democrat who grew up here in Lane County, I am incredibly proud of the work that we do as Democrats both in our county and throughout the state of Oregon. I hope to serve as an SCC and CD4 Delegate to advocate for our BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities here in Oregon, represent young people, and do everything in my power to help elect Democrats throughout our great state.

During the most recent election cycle, I greatly enjoyed the time that I spent volunteering and organizing for candidates across the county and the state; making phone calls, organizing virtual house parties, ballot chasing, and more. I look forward to the opportunity to work with and learn from other organizers statewide and to bring the best strategies and tactics possible back to Lane County to elect our local Democrats and fight for progressive causes. I also hope to bring my personal experiences to help in our fight for progress on issues such as climate change, racial and social equality, economic and criminal justice, and much more.

I hope that I can earn your vote so that I can continue to fight for the important cause of electing Democrats across the state of Oregon, and please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

KARIN RADTKE 4th Congressional District

I am currently Chair of HD9 in Lane County and Chair of the Florence Area Democratic Club. I am proud to have been a constituent of Congressman Peter DeFazio for more than 35 years. I would love to continue serving as a CD4 delegate/alternate. It has been enjoyable and very informative to attend meetings (including zoom, but hopefully soon back to in-person gatherings) around the District and get to know the many dedicated Democrats in our seven counties. This has given me a much better understanding of many issues which are very similar to those in the rural and coastal precincts of Lane County. Sharing best practices and new ideas has encouraged me in efforts to connect with every Democrat and with more Non-Affiliated voters.

CARLEEN REILLY State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

Pat and I were first elected to the 4th Congressional District in 2007. We were both elected at the 4th CD to the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO) Standing Committee on Credentials. I became chair of the Credentials Committee when the current chair became Treasurer of the DPO. We continued on Credentials until almost 2 years ago. However, the DPO Chair appointed me to Credentials once again in 2018.

We have not missed a CD or SCC meeting from 2007 to the present with the exception of when I was in the ER the day of a CD meeting. I have been Delegation Chair for both the CD and SCC more than once. I make regular SCC reports at both DPLC Executive Committee and Central Committee meetings. I am currently Corresponding Secretary for CD4.

Please vote for Pat and Carleen Reilly to continue serving you at the Congressional and State levels. Thanks for your active participation in democracy.

PAT REILLY State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

I have been active in Democratic politics both with the DPLC and DPO since 2000 and probably before that. I'm a former HD chair, Lane Co. State Fair Coordinator, and Election Protection Coordinator the two election cycles before the 2020 election. I also served for 12 years on the DPO Credentials committee. I continue to work a regular shift at the DPLC office each week. I've been a member of the Lane Co. delegation to the SCC and 4th CD since 2007. Particularly with the election of Biden/Harris, I feel it's more important than ever to remain engaged to promote Democratic values. Thank for your consideration.

GERRY REMPEL State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

It has been an honor to serve over the last 2 years as a SCC alternate delegate and 4th Congressional district alternate delegate. Over the last several years I have served as delegate and alternate delegate for same for a number of terms. My main focus and passion during these terms has been to serve on the SCC Platform Committee. On the State Platform Committee I have authored and co-authored a number of resolutions and worked endless hours at teleconference meetings and pre-Covid physical meetings on ballot measure endorsements/non-endorsements and resolutions. Many hours were also invested in Platform Conventions preparations through the years. I also had the privilege of serving as a National Delegate at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N. Carolina in 2012. I also continue to work with the Environmental Caucus.

I have always believed that the Democratic Party must not only have a progressive agenda vision but that this vision needs to be asserted and promoted. As we all know, if we do not aggressively define ourselves we will be defined by very powerful forces that relentlessly attempt to brand us according to their framing. We need to own our positions, endorse them, and educate the citizenry about them, not be tentative, apologetic, and fearful of how others define us. That would include bold promotion of Medicare For All, a livable minimum wage, strong climate change action, massive infrastructure investment, police reform, and other so called “progressive” agenda items.

I hope to continue serving as relates to these important issues. I would appreciate your vote.

BEVERLY L. SHERRILL 4th Congressional District

I am currently a Lane County PCP running for a CD 4 Delegate position. I moved to Florence 2 years ago from The Dalles, in Wasco County, where I was elected as a PCP and appointed as a Special Volunteer Deputy for the newly formed Voter Assistance Program that I helped develop with the Wasco County Clerk. In addition, I was the Wasco County co-coordinator for the Neighborhood Leader Program (NLP) in the 2018 election. After moving to Florence I started attending the Florence Area Democratic Club and DPLC meetings and was elected a PCP in Lane County. For this last election I volunteered for the DeFazio campaign as well as both Melissa Cribbins and Cal Mukumoto, and volunteered for the NLP here in Florence.

Being engaged in the Democratic party is important to me with voter registration, voter engagement, and getting out the vote my top priorities as well as more involvement by being a part of the CD 4 delegation. I am a progressive Democrat who wants to focus on the benefits working together for a better Oregon in every corner of the state.

CELINE SWENSON HARRIS State Central Committee

I have appreciated the opportunity to represent you at the State Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Oregon. I believe that our party is strongest when Democrats across Oregon work together to win elections up and down the ticket.

I’m running for reelection to the State Central Committee to ensure our delegation stays focused on the most crucial part of the Democratic Party’s mission: to elect Democrats. Serving on the SCC has enabled me to build strong relationships with party leaders and connect with Democrats across the state to support progressive candidates and causes. I’m excited to continue learning what other county parties do well and bring the best ideas from around the state home to Lane County.

Since 2016 I have been honored to serve on the DPO Rules Committee. Recently I was asked to chair the subcommittee tasked with adapting our state party election procedures to the digital environment. There is still much work to be done to ensure that our party is able to achieve its full potential in these trying times. I would be honored to have your vote to continue to be part of that work.

RON THOMPSON State Central Committee, 4th Congressional District

I have been motivated to support the Democratic Party since an early age, and have voted as a Democrat since I was first able to in 1993. Since 2013, I increased my participation and have become an even more fervent supporter of the Democratic Party of Lane County, the 4th Congressional District and the DPO/State Central Committee. Having served as a Delegate or Alternate to both the 4th Congressional District and State Central Committees since 2014, I have the experience and know what to expect of these groups. Having served on the standing committees and the executive boards for both the 4th Congressional district and the Election Integrity Caucus for the Democratic Party of Oregon, I have helped to inform decisions and improved the party's capacity to have positive outcomes for Oregonians as a whole. I wish to continue serving in these capacities, and that is why I am humbly asking for your support and vote. Thank you!

AMY UNFRED State Central Committee

As a SCC alternate delegate, I attend every meeting and stay informed about the issues being discussed. I believe in compromise and hearing every voice, while also making sure that we use the tools at our disposal to efficiently and effectively conduct business in SCC meetings. In the age of Covid19 this is particularly important, and I support adjusting rules as needed to make it easier for delegates to participate and be heard.

POSITION DESCRIPTIONS: • CHAIR – presides over Central Committee and Executive Committee meetings; appoints positions, including office manager, standing committee chairs and members, ad hoc committee chairs and members, etc.; serves on SCC and CD4; builds and maintains positive relationships with elected officials and allied community organizations; serves as DPLC spokesperson and press contact; raises money. • VICE CHAIR – presides as Chair when the Chair is unavailable; assumes duties and tasks as assigned by the Chair (leading special committees, assisting officers, etc.). • SECRETARY – records meeting minutes and organizes logistics for monthly Central Committee meetings. • TREASURER – tracks, reports and maintains contributions and expenditures in both internal system and statewide campaign finance disclosure portal, ORESTAR. • AT-LARGE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER – attend monthly DPLC Executive Committee meetings and take on projects as assigned by the Chair. • SCC DELEGATE – attend quarterly SCC meetings and vote on items that come before the committee, including resolutions, by-laws, etc.; this position requires travel around the state. • CD4 DELEGATE – attend CD4 meetings at least 3x/year and vote on items that come before the committee; this position requires travel to counties within CD4 (Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, Lane, Linn).