RING OUZEL PHOTO GUIDE 1 ROBERT PEKKARINEN 1 Ring Ouzel (Utö, Finland, 2 May 2008)

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RING OUZEL PHOTO GUIDE 1 ROBERT PEKKARINEN 1 Ring Ouzel (Utö, Finland, 2 May 2008) In association with 01582 635544 • www.minox.co.uk Identification RING OUZEL PHOTO GUIDE 1 ROBERT PEKKARINEN 1 Ring Ouzel (Utö, Finland, 2 May 2008). Adult males like this are welcome finds for any spring migration watcher. Note the overall uniform tone to the dark brownish-black feathering and the fresh appearance of the wing feathers, which would be more worn-looking in a younger bird at this time of year. The light scaling towards the rear of the underparts is notable, as is the two-tone yellow and black bill with just the tip and nostril area dark. The clear lack of moult contrast in the greater coverts clinches the bird as an adult. Early spring produces the first migrant Ring Ouzels, with robust but shy males and females appearing on open lowland ground on their way to the rocky uplands of their breeding territories, seemingly larger and more vigorous than their Blackbird relatives. However, many birders struggle to age and sex the birds, particularly first- Björn Malmhagen and second-summers. Björn Malmhagen looks at the minutiae of the species’ immature feathering to enable you to identify individuals with confidence. ▼ WWW.BIRDWATCH.CO.UK MARCH 2013 • BIRDWATCH 37 Identification In association with 01582 635544 • www.minox.co.uk freshest in autumn and most and in the next picture in a BASIC PRINCIPLES worn in spring. different light it looks more or ing Ouzel is one of moult strategy is fairly less brown. These include the the first migrants straightforward. Adult birds Continue with gender image of the adult male on page to arrive in Britain moult all their feathers once a Even if you aren’t completely 40 (photo 4), which in other Rin spring, and is year after the breeding season, certain of the age, it is now time images appeared dark brown. always an exciting find. Its which means that they have to proceed to sex. As usual with identification is relatively the same generation of any tricky ID problem, you have Autumn birds straightforward, but ageing feathers from autumn through to weigh up as many characters As Ring Ouzels only moult and sexing birds is more to the following spring. as possible (see the table once a year, identification problematic. Males are Young birds perform a opposite and images) to reach follows the same basic reported more frequently than partial moult before autumn an accurate conclusion. principles in autumn as in females, but do they really migration which includes In short, we can say that spring. The big difference is occur more often? Opinions body feathers and some wing males in general are darker that all birds are fresher in the also differ on the ID characters, feathers, but usually not the with a more distinctive white autumn, which means that so let’s take a closer look. tertials. This means that chest band and yellowish beak. they are also more clearly Ring Ouzel is a species that immatures exhibit a moult Most birds should not present fringed, giving a slightly provokes a lot of interest, contrast during both autumn any major problems as to sex different impression of the whether encountered in the and spring, and consequently in the field. But as always there background colour, generally field or discussed in photos. it is possible to identify these will be a degree of variation making it look lighter. ■ Over the years there has been as first-calendar-year in the and some individuals may much debate on how best to autumn and second-calendar- cause concerns. Acknowledgements age and (perhaps above all) year in the spring. I have found some skins of The author thanks Jan Bolding Kristensen in the Zoological sex the species. The moult contrast is females clearly approaching Museum in Copenhagen, who This article aims to sort usually in the greater coverts. the appearance of males. At very generously allowed him to out which traits are useful Most commonly, between the same time, however, I go through the collection of to making as accurate an three and five of the would say that you should Ring Ouzel skins. Thanks also to identification as possible. The innermost greater coverts are not worry too much about all the photographers who focus is on spring birds, but new, in contrast to the outer this, as the vast majority of supplied images of birds in the field. This article was first most of it will be applicable to unmoulted juvenile coverts. individuals should be easy to published in the Swedish autumn birds, too. This contrast can sometimes sex without difficulty. Club300 magazine Roadrunner be surprisingly difficult to see, One important thing to in issue 2012/2 – our thanks to Start with age so careful study and an consider is how the bird’s colour editor Magnus Corell for As is often the way with an ID awareness of the potential for varies with the light. I have on permission to reproduce it here, to author Björn Malmhagen for conundrum, it is best to start wide variation is needed. several occasions seen photos of his help and to Ian Lycett for by deciding what age we are Moult strategy means that the same individual where on translating the original text from dealing with. Ring Ouzel both juveniles and adults are one image it looks almost black Swedish to English. 2 3 TONY MILLS (WWW.NOTJUSTBIRDS.COM) MILLS TONY (WWW.NOTJUSTBIRDS.COM) MILLS TONY 2 and 3 Ring Ouzel (male alpestris, Bohinj, Slovenia, 12 June 2010). Typical Turdus torquatus alpestris is a particularly distinctive subspecies in adult male plumage, but the form is genetically identical to nominate. Note the broad pale edges and shafts to the underpart feathers and the much more silvery appearance of the wings due to the broad white fringes of both the remiges and coverts. There are four accepted records of this form in Britain, but detailed photos of the belly feathers and undertail coverts, preferably in the hand, are needed to confirm a record. 38 BIRDWATCH • MARCH 2013 WWW.BIRDWATCH.CO.UK In association with 01582 635544 • www.minox.co.uk Identification FIELD IDENTIFICATION Key: age is denoted here by calendar year (cy), so a bird termed 2cy is in its second calendar year. Ring Ouzel 3cy+ male 3cy+ female 2cy male 2cy female Moult contrast in central No moult contrast, all coverts of No moult contrast. Brown-black coverts – normally 3-5 post- the same generation and Moult contrast in central to brown with blurred diffuse juvenile coverts which contrast length. Dark black-brown with coverts – normally 3-5 post- lighter outer edges. Colouring with the outer juvenile coverts. rough silver outer edges. juvenile coverts which contrast Greater coverts between inner and outer Juvenile coverts have a broader Colouring between inner and with the outer juvenile coverts. coverts often differs slightly and more continuous light outer coverts often differs and Juvenile coverts like those of and may be perceived as moult cream outer edge that often can be perceived as moult 2cy male. contrast. ends in a small teardrop spot contrast. on the tip. Dark brownish-black and Brown-black to brown and Brownish-black to brown and Black-brown and relatively relatively fresh. Often little often clearly worn. The contrast often clearly worn. The contrast fresh. Often little contrast with contrast with the tertials, with the darker new coverts and with darker new wing coverts Wing feathers the tertials, coverts, back and coverts, back and so on. Wing back is often clear. Shows an and back often clear. Shows an so on. Clear greyish wing panel generally less prominent obvious wing panel like adult obvious wing panel like adult panel. compared with the male, but male; however, this is generally female; however, it is generally the variation is large. slightly less silver in colour. somewhat less distinct. Brownish-black and often Brownish-black and often Dark blackish-brown and fresh. Brown-black and fresh. clearly worn at the tips. clearly worn at the tips. Tail Undertail coverts dark black- Undertail coverts brown with Undertail coverts as per adult Undertail coverts as per adult brown with weak light fringes. obvious light fringes. male, with generally somewhat female, with generally clearer fringing. somewhat clearer fringing. Deep yellow beak contrasting Yellowish with larger darker with the darker portions around Same as for adult male, but Same as for 3cy+ female, but areas than the male. Upper Bill the beak tip and upper generally with larger darker generally darker – some lacking mandible and tip often almost mandible. Could be almost sections. any yellowish areas. completely dark. entirely yellow. Dark brown to brown with Dark blackish-brown to slightly lighter forehead and brownish-black background Same as for 3cy+ male, but Same as for 3cy+ female, but crown. Often a little more Head colour. Mostly uniformly dark generally slightly lighter in base generally slightly lighter in base mottled than in male and throughout without clear colour. colour. regularly shows diffuse dark contrasts. lores. Evenly dark coloured in the Dark coloured as the head Same colour as the head and same shade as the head and Dark and with obvious lighter Throat without (or with only very often with lighter streaking. usually with diffuse lighter streaking. diffuse) streaking. streaking. Less well defined than male. Obvious brown fringing, which Well defined and almost means that it is perceived as entirely white with a hint of Same as for 3cy+ male, but Same as for 3cy+ female, but dirty brown-beige (some Breast band diffuse (hard to see) brown with greater level of brown generally with stronger brown reminiscent of 2cy male).
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