ARTS MANAGEMENT Master Professional Venice - Florence - Rome | February 2012 Culture is an Investment

Our focus is on the cultural aspects of new projects, from Design to Architecture, from Communication to Urban Planning,“ in order to define and instruct indispensable professions for the development of Italan society. Made in Italy is not simply a description of objects and products, it has roots in history, in artisans workshops from the Renaissance to today, passed down through a specific awarness of the anthropology and culture of the Italian territory.

These are the considerations at the base of the new IED project: a Master in Arts Management that utilizes Italy as a resource through three unique cities: Rome, Florence and Venice. IED operates in all three, focusing on handicraft and know-how, elements that cannot be copied nor globalized but that are recognizable worldwide as a cultural and expressive heritage.

In order to capitalize on these elements, Italy needs new professional profiles: people that come from a humanities or science background who can see beyond our particular characteristics and translate them into cultural universals. A small community is not only an expression of local identity; it has the potential to become a global experience without betraying its roots and history. This culture of the territory, added to partnerships with institutions such as the MAXXI Museum of Rome, the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi of Florence and the Guggenheim Museum of Venice, is the principal guide along our chosen study path.

Beyond mere economics, we will explore the economy of knowledge, as if inspiring new Leonardos, moving effortlessly through science, the visual arts, tradition and culture in search of Leonardo da Vinci’s complete and balanced Vitruvian man.

Vinci is not a last name, it is the name of the little town where Leonardo was born in 1452. It is from the Italian territory that we will begin our studies, looking at the future through the past.

Aldo Colonetti ” IED Academic Director

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 2 ARTS MANAGEMENT

Master Professional Cost: the Master course fee is to 18.000 € (enrolment: Location: 3.500 € + tuition fee: 14.500 €). In order to help participants Venice (from February 2012 to July 2012) pay the fee, financing that enables payment in 6 or 12 Florence (from September 2012 to February 2013) instalments without interest is at only students disposal. Rome (from March 2013 to July 2013) (This service is for Italian students only). Starting date: February 2012 Duration: 18 months, full time INSTITUTIONaL PARTNERS Attendance: compulsory, from Monday to Friday MAXXI Language: English Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi Peggy Guggenheime Collection Target: This study path is open to graduates in humanities (Arts, Fine Arts, Literature, Architecture and Engineering) from all over the world who wish to develop their artistic knowledge through a study-tour that touches three major Italian cities of art. Participants will complete their educa- tional pathway studying subjects related to the management of the arts and culture.

Selection: admission is assessed by means of a curriculum vitae with a motivation letter, and a work portfolio. A sound knowledge of the English language is required.

Diploma: at the end of the Master, students who successfully attended at least 75% of classes and who were active partici- pants in projects developed during the course will receive the Diploma of the Istituto Europeo di Design with a grade expressed in hundredths and a final assessment. general information Send application materials to: Fixed maximum number: on average, 20 students will at- IED Rome tend the IED Master course. Because of the high number of Masters Office requests, applications should be received at least one month Via Casilina 57 - 00182 Rome prior to the beginning of the course. Ph. +39 06 70703033 – fax +39 06 70703031 [email protected] iPad: the fee for the Master course includes an Apple iPad equipped with the software required for the program. At the end of the course students will be allowed to keep their Ipad.

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 3 IED is far more IED than a school: Istituto Europeo di Design

The place where thoughts become new shapes. it is the melting IED, Istituto Europeo di Design, owes its establishment in 1966 to the intuition of its President Francesco Morelli. Day by day, it has become a 100% Made in Italy international network of excellence, operating with study programs and research in the disciplines of Design, Fashion, the Visual Arts and Communication. pot where new IED is far more than a school: thanks to its unwavering commitment to innovation, it is the melting pot where new genera- tions of professionals meet the challenge of the new reality. generations An advantage and a challenge The advantages of choosing IED are: • Creating and designing together with colleagues from different countries and cultures; of professionals • Interfacing with skilled professionals in different fields; • Encounters with leading experts of art, cinema, research, and cultural institutions during the rich program of lec- tures; meet the • Active partecipation in workshops held by internationally renowned professionals.

The challenge that every IED student faces – and wins – is to benefit from the confluence of these stimuli and cultures, in order challenge of to pursue his/her personal path towards that of an independent professional.

THE VALUE OF AN INTERNATIONAL NETWORK the new reality All IED locations are connected and exchange content and contributions. Students and lecturers move from one city to an- other to broaden their world views. The goal is a strong interaction and cross-fertilisation. IED is a truly unique network of encounters, experiences, people and cultures. Students develop a deep sense of belonging. Their drive to innovate and share resources, ideas and contacts forges a tight-knit community. IED belongs to Cumulus, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, and has stable relations with many universities and international academic associations, including Erasmus, Socrates, ELIA, IAA, FIYTA, IIE, EAIE and MEC in Brazil.

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 4 IED MASTERs

An experience that matters

A IED Master is mainly an experience which allows those who attend it to be absorbed in conceptual and project territories extending far beyond the premises and the rooms in which they are hosted. IED Master courses have a flexible structure in terms of contents and are able to respond more effectively to those who wish to excel both in creativity and management. The Master courses are based on the principles of Italian design: spirit of curiosity and initiative, will of change scenarios thanks to technical skills and creativity. Conceived together with companies, IED Master courses prepare students to face the labour market and to build their own professional identity combining different fields of knowledge.

According to the different levels of in-depth examinations, attendance, participants and lenght, IED Master courses are di- vided into:

EXPERIENCE STUDY PROGRAMS The Master Experience is a preparatory path, one-year long and full time, providing participants, coming from different back- grounds, with the basic tools to fully understand the Design world: rules, opportunities, synergies between design and other disciplines. The Master Experience allows students to get in touch with many professionals of the Design world and, for those who intend to grow professionally, to proceed in their education with the Professional Study Programs. Candidates can apply for the Master Experience in design, fashion and visual communication.

PROFESSIONAL STUDY PROGRAMS The Master Professional provides know-how and tools to be used in professional activities. The Master courses, either full time or part-time based, have three main goals: to provide methodological, technical, cultural and design tools related to the different professions; to develop the ability of applying what has been learned; and to manage the project complexity. Career prospects are focused on companies, design studios, and agencies. In particular, the professional profile could be that of a senior expert with both theoretical and practical significant skills, or of a manager, with a strong multidisciplinary approach, responsible for the development and integration of new products.

RESEARCH STUDY PROGRAMS The Master Research aims to give a correct methodology for both basic and applied research. The program intends to en- hance and implement the ability of choosing, according to one’s own attitudes and professional goals, the most suitable edu- cation path and additional subjects, leaving space for experimentation, research and free exploration.

ADVANCED STUDY PROGRAMS CFA are short courses with different levels, from specialized training to advanced professional training, delivered either full time or part time. They are particularly appropriate for professionals wishing to develop their skills and to deal with the ever- changing needs of the production context from both a technical and creative perspective.

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 5 Objectives and contents

ITALY_BETWEEN PAST AND FUTURE PROFESSIONAL FIGURE EDUCATIONAL METHOD Italian Art describes the visual arts in Italy from an- The Arts Project Manager is a new profile in the art The Master in Arts management is subdivided into cient times to the present. In Ancient Rome, Italy was world, one which can identify original content and three operational modules that have an individual a major producer of art and architecture. Legions of organize detailed programming, as well as planning study path related to the city they take place in. Each Italian artists in the Romanesque and Gothic periods and fundraising for the necessary resources. He/she module will end with an exam and a final project. led to the flowering of all the arts in one of the great has a full understanding of the strategic positioning The courses are partly carried through the entirety achievements of mankind: the Italian Renaissance. of cultural products. of the Masters and partly specific to the different lo- Later styles in Italy included Mannerism, Baroque, The Course provides the graduate with the ability to cations. During the last phase of the course the final Rococo, and the 19th century group of the Macchi- be in charge of financing and to manage cultural or- event will be analyzed and organized and a project aioli. Futurism was an Italian avant-garde in the 20th ganizations, defining the product and services of the articulated so that each student or student group will century. Florence is cultural capital of Italy for its mu- organization in the context of a specific Arts market. be confronted with the realities of the artistic and cul- seums of painted and sculptural art. The student will learn to coordinate organizational tural fields. activities and to be in charge of the communication Why does Art need Managers? process with both public and private organizations. Venice_cultural management The artistic and cultural market nowadays is devel- Basic Fundraising will be taught during the course. February 2012 | July 2012 oping new commercial and communication needs. This includes notions such as raising funds/find- IED aims with its new Arts Management course to ing sponsorships for the organization/promotion FLORENCE_EVENT PLANNING prepare a new professional profile capable, in the of arts events, identifying financing opportunities, September 2012 | February 2013 near future, of designing new systems based on the determining the resources necessary for financing a artistic and cultural necessities of artists, founda- project, analizing financial requirements organizing Rome_Art Direction tions, heritages and every activity related to the fu- fundraisings. March 2013 | July 2013 ture growth of our society. As a design school net- Managing advertising contracts and commercial work IED offers a new academic opportunity to all agreements is a subject that will be dealt with as part those aspiring professional that seek to enjoy an ex- of the fundraising class, as is the process of selecting target traordinary experience in some of the most famous an appropriate media communication defining mem- This study path is open to graduates in artistic fields Italian historical cities and to share their dreams and bership policies/coordinating partnerships. coming from all over the world who wish to develop hopes with renowned professionals. their artistic knowledge through a study-tour that touches the main Italian art cities. Participants will Rome, Florence and Venice are three different cities complete their educational pathway studying sub- each with a superb artistic and historical heritage; jects related to the management of the artistic and this heritage attracts cultural events and tourists: a cultural world. contemporary Grand Tour to learn the added value of art and culture.

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 6 Program

VENICE_CULTURAL MANAGEMENT FLORENCE_EVENT PLANNING ROME_ART DIRECTION FeBRUARY 2012 | July 2012 September 2012 | FEBRUARY 2013 MARCH 2013 | July 2013 The first academic module is a creative and applied workshop of new The course aims at the creation of a professional profile that is spe- The purpose of this program is to develop a new approach to artistic ideas and artistic and cultural developments. The first months of work cialized in the designing, planning and organizing of complex and heritage management through the historical and cultural vocations of will involve a design synthesis and will lead to a final phase that re- articulated events in the socio-cultural fields. The module focuses on the city of Rome. This metropolis of offers a consolidated experience quires the study and presentation of a project. The project will be based the specific skills of managing the different phases of organizing an in the institutional area, as well as a rich urban melting pot of interna- on the abilities of each participant and aims at developing a design event: from the analysis of a plan, to contacting partners and sponsors, tional and interdisciplinary cultures. theme that allows the creation of cultural and artistic management to communication management, and to the creation of content for the The Master’s Rome semester combines the high culture that the city in- plans applied to emerging or established artists, to museums or institu- event itself. terprets at international levels, and the vivacious activities and scenes tions that require a more structured, creative and innovative manage- The resulting professional will have gained expertise in the fields of that constitute its “urban culture”. With the support of new technolo- ment of their contents and structures. event promotion and management for a wide range of different cultural gies the newest urban themes will betackled, in an effort to explore and or promotional situations. develop the possible cultural convergences and promote interest and MODULE PROGRAMME The group of students, along with professors and the course coordina- participation. tor, will plan and create one or more cultural events. Because of its history, Rome has the need to manage and enhance its Transversal Subjects immense cultural heritage, and for this it requires managerial and or- • Marketing 1 MODULE PROGRAMME ganizational profiles capable of dealing with its complexities. • Fundraising & Project Management 1 • Arts Management 1 (administration, project building) Transversal Subjects MODULE PROGRAMME • History and Culture (modern and contemporary art) • Marketing 2 • Fundraising & Project Management Transversal Subjects Cultural Management • Arts Management 2 (managing a venue, festival management, • Fundraising & Project Management 3 • Economy & Culture museum/ gallery management) • Arts Management 3 (final project) • Communication 1 • History and Culture (guided tours) • History and Culture (contemporary art) • Market Analysis • Copywriting Event Planning Artistic Direction • Final Event • Cultural Project • RGR: Rome Ground Research • Artistic Direction • Media Planning 2 WORKSHOP • Technical Management & Set Design • Publishing for the Arts Workshops will be a part of the study program of each semester. The • Communication & Press (focus on new media & web communica- • Final Project main aim of the workshops is that of testing the knowledge acquired in tion) class before the final project. • Media Planning 1 Final Project • Final Event The thesis of the Masters requires that each participant develop a defined project that can be publicly presented in one of the Partner Institutions of the course. Each project will be assessed in its entirety by a commission of professionals in the projects’ research field.

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 7 FACULTY

ACADEMIC DIRECTOR Barbara Martusciello (Rome) SPECIAL GUEST PROFESSOR Aldo Colonetti (Bergamo, 1945) Barbara Martusciello is an art historian and art critic, curator, writer The inaugural lecture will be given by Vincenzo Cerami, and events producer who specialises in emerging artists and the un- known worldwide as a playwright and Oscar winner (Life is Philosopher, he has studied alongside Gillo Dorfles and Enzo Paci, his- derground. She has taught in prestigious institutions, managed and di- Beautiful by ). torian and arts, design and architecture theorist. rected web-magazine and mazines and also worked for television. Her Vincenzo Cerami (Rome, 1940) is an artist who expresses himself Since 1998 Colonetti has been Academic Director of IED; from 1991 he work experience includes contemporary art gallery curator, organising through various contemporary forms of communication. He is a has directed “Ottagono”. He has been part of the Scientific Committee exhibitions and editing catalogues. Her most recent publication is ‘Os- prolific author whose talents range from novels to cinema, from of the Triennial in Milan in 2002-2006. His current activities include servatorio sul Sistema dell’Arte in Italia e situazione a Roma’. comic books to musical lyrics. curating exhibits and cultural initiatives as well as many special- Cerami first met Pasolini when the poet/writer/filmmaker was ist writings both in Italy and worldwide. His most recent exhibit was Teaching staff his junior-high schoolteacher, and through him was introduced to “Greenlife, building sustainable cities”, at the Triennial in Milan, 2010. The teaching staff is composed of professionals capable of instilling ap- literature and poetry in particular. After high school, he worked Colonetti collaborates with the newspaper “Corriere della Sera” for plied competences as well as theoretical knowledge. Case studies and on the sets of several of Pasolini’s films and was Assistant Direc- articles on Design and Architecture. In 2001 he received the honor of project-based tasks will allow students to learn from and work on actual tor in “Hawks and Sparrows”. “Member of British Empire” from Queen Elisabeth II for cultural mer- projects. its. His first novel, “Un borghese piccolo piccolo”, was published in Since 2004 member of the Advisory Board of the 3M Foundation. 1976 with an introduction by Italo Calvino and was subsequently Since 2009 member of the Design Counsel under the Italian Ministries Alexia Boro (Guggenheim) made into a highly successful film by Mario Monicelli, starring of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Foreign Affairs. Aldo Colonetti (Director of ‘Ottagono’, art critic) Alberto Sordi. His second novel, “Amorosa presenza”, was pub- Carlo Ceccarelli (Palazzo Strozzi) lished in 1978. In 1981, he published “Addio Lenin”, a narrative Francesca Chiocci (Fondazione Sistema Toscana) poem, and the novel “Tutti cattivi”. He subsequently wrote the COURSE COORDINATORS Andrea Romeo (Festival of Festivals) novels “Ragazzo di vetro” (1983) and “La lepre” (1988). The first Andrea Bonadio (Venice) Daniele Lauria (Festival della Creatività) collection of his short stories, “L’ipocrita”, was published in 1991. Andrea Bonadio is a free-lance performing arts promoter based in Riccardo Ventrella (Teatro della Pergola di Firenze) Venice, Italy. He holds a degree in Performing Arts Techniques (Ca’ Carlo Arborio ( Maggio Musicale Fiorentino) Together with Roberto Benigni, he wrote “The Little Devil”, Foscari - Venice University) and obtained his master in Art & Culture Anna Lo Bianco (Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica di Palazzo Bar- “Johnny Toothpick”, “The Monster”, “” (Oscar Management at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rovereto (Tren- berini) winner), “Pinocchio” and “”. to). Since 2006 he has been part of the Dance-Music-Theatre’s staff in Marcello Smarrelli (Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Roma) La Biennale di Venezia, where he currently works as assistant to Ismael Ivo (Dance section’s artistic director).

Caterina Carpinella (Florence) Caterina Carpinella is a project manager in the field of contemporary and performing arts. She manages her own production company (Cult Cube) which produces shows and exhibitions in Tuscany and throught Italy. Her main focus is on the marketing and communications aspect of cultural events. She is currently developing a collaboration with the Arts Council of the City of Florence. She is trained as an actress and has worked both for cinema and theatre.

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 8 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERs

The main partners of this course have been selected among cussion, to create new synergies with other cultural players, the most important international institutions based in Italy and to be a catalyst for cultural change, “think global, act and are key players in the Masters programs. local”. MAXXI ROME PEGGY GUGGENHEIM COLLECTION VENICE MAXXI, the National Museum of XXI Century Arts, was designed by the world famous architect Zaha Hadid. The The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is among the most im- collection and the exhibitions, reflecting the latest develop- portant museums in Italy for European and American art of ments in art, but with a broad-based approach, ensure that the first half of the 20th century. It is located in Peggy Gug- the institution effectively legitimizes and acts as an interna- genheim’s former home, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, on the tional showcase for Italian arts of the present. Grand Canal in Venice. The museum was inaugurated in In the museum’s cultural programming, Italian art receives 1980 and presents Peggy Guggenheim’s personal collection particular attention and is interpreted in an international of 20th century art, masterpieces from the Gianni Mattioli context. Collection, the Nasher Sculpture Garden, as well as tempo- rary exhibitions. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is owned and operated FONDAZIONE PALAZZO STROZZI by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, which also op- FLORENCE erates the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, and the Deutsche Guggen- The Strozzi Foundation is not only an experiment in gover- heim, Berlin. nance, it is an experiment in sustainable innovation. Since its founding in July 2006, the key challenge of the Fondazi- one Palazzo Strozzi has been to bring an international ap- proach to making culture in Florence, to provide a platform for experimentation, to provide a place for debate and dis-

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 9 Studing between Venice, Florence, Rome

VENICE BETWEEN LAND AND WATER A place where the complexity of urban life is defused by the rhythms set by nature and by the relationship – the only one of its kind in the world–between the breath of the sea and the bustling busyness of dry land. Venice, the international city of commerce and history, tourism and the arts city of major exhibitions and intense emotions, of the Bien- nale and the Golden Lion, of Carnival along every canal and in every square, but also of silent islands and forests waiting to be discovered. Venice and its hinterland guard their history jealously, keeping not only their art, their theatre, their music and their nature alive, but also their solid manufacturing and industrial traditions. Suffice to cite the leather footwear district along the Riviera del Brenta and the world-famous ar- tistic glass blowers of Murano, both crafts with venerable manufactur- ing traditions and a strong international vocation.

IED IN VENICE - IED Venice, on Certosa Island since 2007, opens its new location in the city centre, in the Palace of the Querini Stampalia Foundation. As the school is based on creativity and experimentation of new languages, for its new seat IED chose a place where the different ex- pressions and viewpoints of the contemporary art compare by vocation.

FLORENCE A NEW RENAISSANCE Florence is the major Italian city from an artistic and cultural point of view, and is also considered the capital of traditional Italian craftsman- ship in the fields of fashion and accessories. It is located in Tuscany, where innovation and research are competitive and have an articulated industrial history. These districts have retained traditional handicraft workmanship, changes and experiences, with a strong focus on innovation and con- prises provides services for leisure and entertainment, as well as craft workshops and manufacturing concerns: food design, wellness design. combining it with technological innovation in order to preserve Ital- temporary arts. Its activities and courses develop through and thrive The people who make these hybrid production scenarios function have ian know how: “Saper far bene le cose”, make things well. These unique on the region’s resources, by creating strong ties with local manufactur- new requirements and need unconventional professional staff with in- products that range including leather and textiles, are found in some of ers, especially in the fashion industry. the most prestigious shops worldwide, such as Ferragamo and Gucci. terdisciplinary expertise. ROME THE ETERNAL CITY IED IN ROME - Rome is in search of unconventional professionals pro- IED IN FLORENCE - IED Florence offers a wide variety of courses International and magnificent with its streets and its monuments, its files related to creativity, fashion, filmmaking, and arts. The capital city (from One Day to One year) in both English and Italian language, and piazzas and its fountains, Rome, home to Cinecittà, high society, social has been interacting fruitfully with IED and welcoming our young tal- offers the opportunity to discover the educational offer of other IED relations and cultural events, is a strategic cultural focus of indisput- ents since 1973, the year when the Istituto Europeo di Design opened campuses in Italy and worldwide. IED Florence was established in Oc- able prestige in the areas of the visual arts and of artistic and cultural its first school in Rome. Nowadays IED Rome has 4 schools (Fashion, tober 2008, in the framework of the House of Creativity. The structure production: cinema, music, theatre, fashion, the performing arts, video Design, Visual Arts and Communication) and collaborates with major is unique and represents the ideal meeting-point for intercultural ex- production, publishing, and advertising. Rome, the tourist destination, creatives and companies in town. supported by a thriving community of small and medium-sized enter-

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 10 Practical information

This Master is open to graduates in artistic fields takes place in dedicated classrooms with worksta- ITALIAN language COURSE from all over the world who wish to develop their tions for students and computers equipped with IED offers a 20 hours course for free at the begin- skills in the field of the arts, cultural management design software and Internet access. The students ning of the Masters Course. and innovation through a path of studies involving of the course can also use the library and all others three Italian cities. structures of the school.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ACCOMMODATION Candidates must hold an undergraduate degree in Accommodation in Venice, Florence and Rome can the field of Arts, Fine Arts, Literature, Architecture be provided through an estate agency if required or Engineering. Equivalent professional experience one month before the beginning of each module. will be assessed (min. 2 years). Candidates must also be proficient in conversational English and able iPad to write at intermediate level. This must be demon- The fee for the Masters course includes an Apple strated by providing one of the following certificates iPad equipped with the software required for the or the equivalent: program. At the end of the course students will be • TOEFL Paper with a score of 450 allowed to keep their iPads. • IELTS Academic with a score of 5.0 Admission is subject to a motivational interview FEES conducted either directly or by telephone by the The Masters fees are as follows: Masters course coordinator and/or by the person re- Enrolment fee: sponsible at the location where the Masters course € 3.500 (three thousand five hundred) is held. Tuition fee: € 14.500 (fourteen thousand five hundred) Certificate: at the end of the Masters course, stu- Total: € 18.000 (eighteen thousand). dents who successfully attended at least 80% of the lessons and who were active participants in projects For information on payment methods and financing developed during the Masters course will obtain the please contact the SIO office of IED ROME: Send the complete application to: Certificate of Attendance of the Istituto Europeo di Ph. +39 06 70703033 – fax +39 06 70703031 IED - Istituto Europeo di Design Design with a grade expressed in one hundreds and e-mail. [email protected] a final assessment. IED Rome Masters Office Fixed maximum number: on average, 20 students attend the IED Masters course. Because of the high Via Casilina 57 - 00182 Rome number of requests, we recommend you send your Ph. +39 06 70703033 – fax +39 06 70703031 application within at least one month prior to the be- e-mail. [email protected] ginning of the course. The deadline for application is 31st January 2011. Structure and services: the course

Master Courses 2011/2012 | 11