THE FELLOWS OF THE AMERICAN BAR FOUNDATION 2011 Chair 2011-2012 Doreen D. Dodson Chair – Elect Myles V. Lynk Secretary Don Slesnick The Fellows is an honorary organization of attorneys, judges and law professors whose profes- sional, public and private careers have demonstrated outstanding dedication to the welfare of their communities and to the highest principles of the legal profession. Established in 1955, The Fellows encourage and support the research program of the American Bar Foundation. The American Bar Foundation works to advance justice through research on law, legal institutions, and legal processes. Current research covers such topics as end-of-life decision making, the value of early childhood education, how lawyers in public interest law organizations conceptualize and pursue their goals, what people think of the civil justice system against the backdrop of the politics of tort reform and the changes in the law that have resulted from the tort reform movement, and the factors that play a psychological role in laypersons’ decisions about justice and responsibility. The Fellows of the American Bar Foundation 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, 4th Floor Chicago, IL 60611 (800) 292-5065 Fax: (312) 988-6579
[email protected] OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE FELLOWS, CONT’D AMERICAN BAR FOUNDATION Don Slesnick, Secretary William C. Hubbard, President Slesnick & Casey LLP Hon. Bernice B. Donald, Vice President 2701 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, Suite 200 David A. Collins, Treasurer Coral Gables, FL 33134-6041 Ellen J. Flannery, Secretary Office: (305) 448-5672 Robert L. Nelson, ABF Director Fax: (305) 448-5685 Susan Frelich Appleton
[email protected] Mortimer M.