Hanoi Says 142 More Pows to Be Released

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Hanoi Says 142 More Pows to Be Released Hold Firm on Jail Guard Pay SEE STORY PAGE 21 The Weather Mostly sunny and miia THEMIY today. Partly cloudy tonight, low in the mid 30s. Tomorrow T Red Bank, Freehold T~ increasing cloudiness and r Long Branch / EDITION mild. 36 PAGES Momnoiitli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL 95 NO. 169 RED BAM, N.J. THURSDAY, MARCH 1,1973 TEN CENTS IHimn H,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uiiiii»iiiiiitiii><iii.Hii.iiiiii»»iiiiiiiiiiii.»i. u iiMMiuniumiMiMiiiiiiii IIIII.IIUIHI.IUU Minumi" i mi m mmi iiiimmiiin iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mil iiiiiiiiniiiiiuiimi IIIIII iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiu i.iiiii.i.iiiiiiliiiinju mi iiiiiiniuiM Legal Services— a New County Controversy By LINDA ELLIS addition to Legal Aid. director'of the Office of E<:o- pessimistic about the future of "They don't need all our nomic Opportunity,.told the their program in its present The executive director of work put onto, them; they're Subcommitte on Equal Op- form. Some would continue to Oceair-Monmouth Legal Ser- overworked as it is. Most law- portunity of the House Com- work under what they call the vices, Inc., has charged that yers are really overloaded mittee on Education and La- Administration's "emascu- if their offices are closed June and thej idea of free cases is bor Tuesday that, in his opin- lated plan for Legal Services 30, as expected, hundreds of just too much ... We have too ion, "most of the agency's Le- — a divorce mill." Some staf- cases hanging in legal limbo many cases and they just gal Services Programs will fers would quit. Jane Cordo is will be hot potatoes that keep coming; and we want probably be granted 12-mdrth convinced that no phoenix at might well end up in cold stor- them to come in, fund cutoff extensions pending congres- all will rise from the ashes of age. or not. But they can't get sional action on setting up a OEO. The president of the Man- spread out, when we close, to special corporation." The timetable is all wrong, mouth County Legal Aid So- Legal.Aid; the guys just don't Mr. Phillips, who was at- unless the Congress and/or ciety vigorously denies that have the time," Mr. Landi tacked by some members of President Nixon move on a anyone left hanging by Legal concluded. the Subcommittee for being new corporate structure be- Services will be ignored by "No one at Legal Services "arrogant and wielding a fore April 1, Miss Cordo Legal Aid and its sponsor, the need have any fears that any meat ax" on programs for the charges.. Monmouth Bar Association. cases in litigation will be ig- poor, said the move on Legal Miss Cordo and James Ven- "Attorneys in private prac- nored should they (legal Ser- Services was not definite, liut tantoni, chairman of a com- tice are not going to be willing vices) have to turn them that he thinks an Adminis- mittee of directors of the 13 to take over all the cases in away," George A. Bariscillo tration-backed corporation Legal Service offices in New. litigation without long delays, Jr., Monmouth Legal Aid So- bill will be introduced in Ihc Jersey, said unless a struc- much less continue the case ciety president, said. "No one next two weeks. ture is formed by April 1 to load we've been carrying," will be stranded. Gov. William T. Cahill told operate the program there Ocean-Monmouth Legal Ser- "But, of course, we cannot the New Jersey State Bar As- will be insufficient time to or- vices director Jane Cordo said make any commitment, nor sociation Tuesday that Legal ganize a public corporation to at the Toms River headquar- should we, regarding our role Services offices will receive keep the existing offices open. ters. "And Legal Aid (legal beyond the court cases until funds to remain open on "a Divorce, consumer credit service provided free to the we know whether Legal Ser- month-to-month basis" from problems and landlord-tenant indigent funded by the Mon- vices will be kept alive. Our " federal coffers. disputes are the big block of mouth Bar) is not equipped to policy of giving aid to the in- Legal Services offices in Es- Legal Services business. The help significantly." digent in civil matters has sex County have already Ocean-Monmoulh office, with 'Under the Rug' been working since 1950 to aid closed, with nine more closings seven staff attorneys, handled "1 think many of the cases the proor of the county before anticipated around the state .6,000 applications last year. will be swept under the rug," the OEO (Office of Economic this month and in April. Only The exective director of the Asbury Park Legal Services Opportunity) program, during Ocean-Monmouth has enough Monmouth Legal Aid Society, supervising attorney August OEO and will continue with or funds to pay the rent through . Amos E. Kraybill, processed J. Landi lamented. "It's not without OEO. ( June. Gov. Cahill said the olftc- 1,198 cases in 1972. Mr. Kray- the fault of the private at- "I personally feel, however, es will all be reopened tem- bill, an attorney, handle trial torneys. They want the Legal porarily. wcjrk, so Mr. Kraybill chan- NOW YOU SEE THEM, SOON YOU WON'T — Opportunity to be terminated or restructured. The "Mr. Bariscillo concluded, young lawyers at Asbury Park are, from left, Vin- Services program to continue "that the federal government Pessimistic Staff nels some applicants to Legal The legal staff at the Monmouth Branch of Ocean- as much as we do. Many of Legal Services staff mem- Services across ithe street (139 Mbnmouth Legal Services, Inc., is not optimistic cent A. Lloyd, John F. Rhody, August J. Landi qnd will c/ntttnue to fund some Richard T. Kinnear. ; them give many hours of free type-tn program." bers in Asbury Park and in 1972). He referred 15 easel that the federal government will renew their pro- service right in their office, in Toms River are completely See Legal, page 9 gram, one of many under the Office of Economic Rigliltr Slot! Photo Howard J. Phillips,- acting Hanoi Says 142 More POWs to Be Released SAIGON (AP) — The Com- sonnel and eight civilians in nam and Laos, according to he Saigon government and Paris conference on Vietnam munists informed the United South Vietnam. .Hanoi. They are scheduled to gua "antees to end harassment until the POW issue was States today that they will re- A subcommission of the be released in two more of he North Vietnamese and cleared up. lease 142 more American pris- joint military commission was •. groups, with March 28 the Vie. Cong representatives to Rogers met yesterday-with oners of war but have not so meeting to work out the ar- deadline for the repatriation the peacekeeping commis- Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy~ far said when they will be rangements for the transfer of of the last ones. siois in Saigon and other Trinh of North Vietnam, and freed or given the names of the prisoners and other de- The United States had ex- Soi th Vietnamese cities. a U.S. spokesman said Trinh those to be handed over, a tails, the U.S. spokesman pected the release of the sec- The United States retaliated assured him the POWs would "U.S. spokesman announced. said. ond big group on Tuesday, 15 suspending the withdrawal be released days after the first big group The spokesman said U.S. The Communists released American troops and the The United States con- AP Wlr»pt\oto representatives were in- 143 American prisoners on was handed over. But the sweeping of mines in North tended that under the Viet- ROADBLOCK — Bureau of Indian Affairs policeman stands ready with formed that 108 military pris- feb. 12 and 20 more on Feb.Communists balked, demand- Vietnamese waters. President nam cease-fire agreement, gun lii hand at blockade set up seven miles south of Wounded Knee, S.D., oners will be freed by" North 18. The release of another 142 ing that the United States and Niifon also ordered Secretary American POWs were to be yesterday where some 200 Indians were holding hostages. Man in(]center Vietnam, while the Viet Cong will leave 280 Americans still South Vietnam come to terms of State William P. Rogers to released in the same propor- is unidentified tribal chief trying to get permission to go to Wounded will release 26 military per- held in North and South Viet- on the release of civilians held boycott the activities of the tion as American forces were Knee. -withdrawn from Vietnam, and the release was not contingent on enforcement of any other Didn't Know Vesco, Mitchell part of the agreement. 'Don't Want to Harm' The Americans said more than 50 per cent of the troops in the country when the agreement was signed Jan. 27 Says; Funds Freeze Sought had been pulled out, and it Hostages, Indians Say was now up to the Commu- leader of the New Jersey Sen- Ltd., the Geneva-based mu- he spoke to Richard B. Vine, By The Associated Press nists toj free a comparable WOUNDED KNEE, S.D. been "considerable gunfire" There were no reports of in- atc. • tual fund empire that Vesco the second in command. number of prisoners. (AP) - ''We don't "want to yesterday morning. juries. ...»:>, Former U.S. Attorney Gen- He said he did not know 'took over in early 1971. Mitchell said Vine knew of force anything as far as the An estimated 250 federal eral John N. Mitchell says he Vesco at the time, although he Vesco had been arrested the arrest and told Mitchell t hostages go.
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