Swimming for the Queen Save Record by Andrew P
Olympic cyclist reinstated Page 2 Spoils Ganassi condition serious Page 2 Wisconsin State Journal Tuesday, July 24,1984, Section 2 • Baseball Page 3 A homemade product Fingers ties swimming for the Queen save record By Andrew P. Baggot Wisconsin's tember of 1979. State Journal sports reporter "My father always wanted me MILWAUKEE (AP) - Rollie Fin- to swim for England," Annabelle gers is more worried about saving •She didn't say a thing about tea Olympians said in a telephone visit last week. games than collecting "save" num- and crumpets. "He's always been English at bers. Princess Di wasn't mentioned heart and wanted to keep it that Milwaukee's veteran right-hander at all. way. registered his 23rd save of the season Liverpool's latest soccer tri- "If it weren't for my parents, I Monday in a 6-4 victory over the New umph was passed over complete- wouldn't be swimming here, I York Yankees. The save was his 216th ly. Parliament were not among know that," said added. "They've in the American League, tying him And, horrors, she didn't even Cripps' uppermost thoughts. She always been there to encourage with former New York and Texas re- have an accent. was 11 then, just another all-Amer- me and help me." liever Sparky Lyle for the league Chances are good, too, that An- ican girl, attending Edgewood Expensive encouragement, too. lead. Fingers holds the major-league nabelle Cripps didn't curtsy at all School in Madison and doing things The monthly overseas telephone Annabelle Cripps mark with 324.
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