C. C. DOCTOR of the Indian Administrative Service, Director of Census Operations, fluiarQt -", 0", '"

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L ______-;;::;- ______---.;;._.------.-!;------.~- .. ~ ~ ., r'l Gujarat is the home of 3,734,422 tribal people constitllting 13.99 per cent of the State's total poplllation of 26,697,475. They (lrc the inheritors of an art tradition that is the product of long development and continues to this day in unbroken succession. Isolated communi­ ties till recent times, their traditions of art have been passed down by oral transmission from mother to daughter and father to son and reveals an inspiration and outward expression in forms and motifs that have remained basically unchanged through the years. Many of the art forms of the Adivasis are the result of deep spiritual experience or have their roots in dream, story, myth or legend. Significant forms have thus survived without major alteration through centuries during which the IInderlying lilyths and legends have remained basically the same.

They have taken the materilll of their crafts from the environment :lro!lnd them. One of the commonest materials used was wood "lvhich was available in profuse abundance.

The Mogra Devor Crocodile God made .fro/ll wood displayed on this volume comes from one of the riverine tracts of Bharllch District, which is the home of 1,109.601 persons constituting 4.16 per cent of the total State population. It is a good exam pie of the Adi­ vasi's view of his environment which is one of endless variety of rhythm, colollr and form and which finds vigorous expression in his crafts and other mode'S of special expression. Nearly half the population of this District is tribal.

(Block from an ink tracing by K. D. Vaishnav, Geographer. from a photograph of a specimen at the Tribal Research Institute. Ahmadabad.) DISTRICT BHAR UCH CENSUS OF ]97. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS

Central Government rublications-Census of India 1971-Series-5-Gujarat is being published in the following parts:

Part Subject covered Number I-A General Report. 1-B Detailed Analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cultural and Migration Patterns. I-C Subsidiary Tables. lI-A General Population Tables ('A' Series). II-B Economic Tables ('8' Series). II-e(i) Distribution of Population, Mother Tongue and Religion, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. II-C(ii) Other Social & Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Com~ position, Single Year Age, Marital Status, Educational Levels, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled _]'ribes, 'etc., BilinguaIiS\D' 111 Establishments Report and Tables (.'E' Series). IV-A Housing Report and Housing Subsidiary Ta bIes.

IV-B Housing Tables. c V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. VI-A Town Directory. VI-B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns. VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages. VII Special Report on Graduate and Technical Personnel. VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration. } F fli . 1 1 VIIl-B Administration Report-Tabulation. or 0 Cta use on y IX Census Atlas.

DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK X-A Town and Village Directory. X-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract. X-C Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables. COTNENTS

Pages PREFACE v-x


ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES xiii-xxviii l~art-A-Town and Village Directory

General Note 3-4

Introductory Note on Town and Village Directory 5-18

Town Directory and its Appendices

Statement I Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 21 Statement II Physical Aspects aDd Location of Towns, 1969 22 Statement III Civic Finance, 1968-69 23 Statement IV Civic and Other Amenities. 1969 24 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 25 in Towns, 1969 Statement VI Trade. Commerce. Industry and Banking. 1969 26 Statement VII Population by Religion, 1971 27 Appendix I List of Urban Areas as per Location Code Numbers 28 Appendix II Names of outgrowths of Urban Areas which do not qualify to be 28 treated as separate towns.

VIllage Directory

/' Taluka 29-37 / Anklesvar Taluka 39-43 .' Hansot Mahal 45-49 ..-vagra T dluka 51-57 ---,;JaID busar Taluka 59-65 -Amod Taluka 67-71 ,~Jbagadia Taluka 73-83 , Nandod Taluka 85-99 ~Dediapada Taluka lOl-ltS . Sagbara TaJub 117-125 ---Valia Taluka 127-135

Abstract of Amenities at each Taluka/Mahal 136-137 Pages

Part-B-ViJlage and Townwise Primary Census Abstract

General Note iii

Primary Census Abstract

Bbarucb Taluka 5-21 Anklesvar Taluka 23-29 Bansol Mabal 31-35 Vagra Taluka 37-41 Jarubusar Taluka 43-51 Amod Taluka 53-57 Jbagadia Taluka 59-67 Nandod Taluka 69-81 Dediapada Taluka 83-93 Sagbara Taluka 95-101 Valia Taluka 103-109

Block Directory sbowing 1urisdiction of Enumerators' Blocks in the Urban Areas 111-116 MAPS

District Map Frontispiece

Bharuch Taluka Facing Page 5 Anklesvar Taluka ,. 23 " Hansot Mabal 31 " " Vagra Taluka .. .. 37 Jambusar Taluka ,. 43 " Amod Taluka 53 " .. 59 Jbagadia Taluka " ., Nandod Taluka 's ,. 69 Dediapada Taluka ,. .. 83 ., 95 Sagbara Taluka " Valia Taluka '- ,. 103 PREFACE

The District Census Handbooks are being Part B published regularly since 1951. Earlier they were (1) Urban Block and Villagewise Primary brought out under the name of "Village Hand· Census Abstract books" and contained only the population totals. They are prepared by the Census Organisation Part C on behalf of the State Government and publis.bed by the latter. They are the first to be published (1 ) Analytical Report in the series of 1971 Census publications, which (2) Administrative Statist.ics are now to foUow. The need for making avail­ able to the State Government, the Census data (3) Census Tables as early as possible after tbe taking of the count. bas been recognised since long. It is a matter of It was originally decided tbat each· part deep satisfaction that the present volume is being would be brought out separately. But since the publisbed within a year of the taking of the data for parts A and B. bas been prepared Census. almost at tbe same time, it is decided to combine these parts into one volume. Part C which baS The data collected during 1971 Census was to await the collrction of official statistics from tabulated initially at three Regional Tabulation various Departmeots of the State Government Offices at Sural, Rajkot and Bhavnagar for and preparation of Census Tables, would be rllral areas and one more Tabulation Office at published separately. Ahmedabad which dealt with the slips of urban areas only. The data abstracted at the Regional The Town Directory consists of information offices was brought to Ahmedabad where it was about the status, growth history and functional compiled for the State as a whole and is now category of towns and tbeir. Physical a8pects~ being published. location, Municipal finances, civic and other amenities like sewerage, protected water supply, The District Census Handbook contains fire fighting service, electrification etc. It also primary data upto the village level for rural contains information about medical, educational. areas and enumerator's block level for urban recreational and cultural facilities available at areas. It is for the first time that in 1971 tbe towns. Detailed information aboul rade. Census we are giving information about urban com~erce, industry and banking is also provided areas of the State in a separate part called bere. The population of the towns .according to the "Town Directory". We are also giving compre­ 1971 Census by religioD and Scheduled Caste aod hensive information about rural areas in tbe Scheduled Tribe is furnisbed here. 'Ihe Town "Village Directory". This is further supplemented Directory is a new feature of 1971 Census and tbe by the Alphabetical List of Villages for facmty. above information bas been compiled in it for the of reference. first time.

It has been deCided to bring out the The Village Directory contains comprebensive District Census Handbooks of 1971 in three information about tbe amenities available at the parts as under :- village sucb as educational and medical, supply of electric power. drinking water facility, Part A communication througb road, rail, kutcha road, (1) Town Directory pucca road and bus route, existence of post, telegraph and telephone facilities. etc. Furtber (2) Village Directory . information about staple food. area under vadous uses like forest, cultivable land, source and the villnse officials and scrutinised 8t taluka extent of irrigation, cultiv&ble waste and name level by the Statistical Assistant before returning of the nearest town and its distance, day on to this office. The Development Commissionel which 'bazar' is being held, if any, and its and the Director. Bureau of Economics and importance from religious, historical aDd archaeo­ Statistics, issued firm instructions to the field logical point of view is recorded here. staff to ensure that the information was filled and scrutinised with the utmost care. After this The Primary Census Abstract contains infor­ information was received in the Census mation about the number of occupied residential Directorate, it was subjected to a very close and houses and households, total populalion including rigorous checking by a cell which was specially houseJess and jnstitutional population, literacy, created for tbe purpose. There were a number. Sc\leduled Caste and Scbeduled Tribe population of poims on which further probe became and the distribution of working population into necessary, where the information was found to nine industrial categories of workers and non­ be incomplete or inconsistent. Our greatest workers. hurdle was I be reconciliation of area figures as reported by the village officials and those reported The Analytical Report in Part C takes note by tbe District Inspector of Laod Records. A of the social, ecoaomic and demographic changes series of meetings bad to be held at each which have occurred in the District during the District Headquarter, where the Deputy Director last ten years. The administrative statistics are in charge of the District Census Handbook Uait obtained from various Departments of the Slate had to remain present and point out the glaring Guvernment and presented in this part which inconsistencies reported to the Taluka Develop­ also incorporates a few of the tables generated ment Officers and DIstrict Inspectors of Land trom the data derived during 1971 Census. Records. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of a)) There are 217 towns in Gujarat and 18,709 concerned. we were ultimately able to reconcile villages. Compilation of data for such a large completely the area figures for each Village. number of units within such a short time was Taluka and District. indeed a formidable task. The terms and defini­ tions used in tbe schedules of the Directories It was noticed that tbere were minor were carefuUy studied and detailed instructions differences in tbe spellings of village Dames with explanatory notes, about the manner in reported by the Mamlatdar, Taluka Development 'Nhich they were to be filled, and the source Officer and District Inspector of Land Records. from which data was to be collected were issued Similar differences were also noticed in the total by this Directorate to the Taluka Development number of villages reported by each agency. Officers. The collection of land use data and Tbese discrepancies were reconciled on the basis tallying of area figures for each administrative of the list of vi1Jages published by Revenue unit presented an uphill task. The Settlement Department, informatlon obtained from taluka Commissioner and Director of l.and Records offices and other published sources. Location was requested in August 1969 to confirm some code num~r was given to each admjnistrative of the presumptions and furnish necessary unit at the time of taking of the Census in guidelines to this Organisation as to how tbe order to avoid repetitIon of tbeir names. various figures required could be cuned out The Census Directorate had obtained vj)Jage­ from the revenue forms maintained at village wise data relating to drinking water facility, level. primary and secondary schooJ, post, te}egra pb Tbe printed forms of Village Directories and telephone, electrification etc, from the were sent to the Taluka Development Officers concerned Departments. The data reported in with a request that they should be filled by tbe Village Directory WliS cross-chff'ked with the

vi official data to make it lJ~Cl1rate and upto date. Tbe preparation of District and Taluka The data so processed was ultimately posted in maps, containing sucb varied information was a the VIllage and Town DireclC'.·y statements and task of no small magnitude. The DIstrict typed in four copies. The typed data was again Inspectors of Land Records bad considerable compared with the original manuscripts by 8 difficulty even in preparing tbe basic maps special cell handpicked for the purpose. The and authenticating them. The problem was laluka totals for the area and amenities have solved by requesting the Settlement Commissioner been struck for each column. A number of and Director of Land Records to call the inset tables have been prepared and included in District Inspectors of Land Records personally the nole to the District Census Handbook, as to the Office of Director of Census Operations desired by the Registrar General, India. and reconcile all the discrepancies pointed out to them and asking them to authenticate the The Town Directory statements were like­ same on the spot as far as possible, after due wise scrutinised by a special cell in the verification. Directorate, and the local authorities were asked to reconcile incomplete or inconsistent ACK NOWLEDGEMENTS information wherever necessary· On account of the instructions issued by the Director of Compilation of such a large mass of data Municipalities, these references received immediate is impossible without the active help and co­ attention. The figures reported by the Munici­ operation of State Government. I am deeply palities have been cross checked with available indebted to Shri L. R. Dalal, leS, Chief Secretary statistical data. to Government of Gujarat. f(lr agreeing to extend whatever help was sougbt for. I would Maps Ijke to mcike a special mention of the warm and No District Census Handbook can be wholebearted co-operation which was through­ complete unless it i" accompanied by District and out extended by Shri K. V. Bhatt, Deputy Taluka maps. We have, therefore, included at the Secretary in the General Administration Depart­ beginning of each volume a DistTlct map shOWing ment, who was looking after tbe subject of the taluka boundaries. location of towns and large Census. Whether it was Ii matter of sanction of villages with population size 5000 +. communi­ staff or for supply of typewriters, or for addi­ cations, water features etc., and an inset map tional funds for printing of the District Census showing the position of the District in the State Handbook volumes, it always received his most in hatching. A Taluka map is inserted before the immediate attention and sanction was never Primary Census Abstract of each taluka. indica­ denied or delayed. He showed a deep under­ ting the boundaries of each village and town standing of the problems of an organisation within the taluka and the location code number ltke ours, which could function in the State of each village. The villages have been shown effectively only witb the full backing of the by dots of various sizes. One key map showing Stale Government. the location of the taluka within the District in Shri P. B. Buch, Director of the Bureau of hatching, and another key map showing the Economics and Statistics, Government of Gujarat, position of the District in the State have been placed at my disposal the entire resources at his inserted here. The urban area is hatched in both command for any work connected with Census. the District and Talnka maps, and is further Not only he spared me a few of his best officers represented by a sphere of varying size according and men but bis valuable guidance in tbe matter to population. of presentation of data at several places has The District and Taluka maps show several served us in good stead. He issued instructions particulars by use of an appropriate symbol. to the District Statistical Officers to attend to

VlI the collection and scrutiny of any Census data gratitude for the readiness with which they and its timely submission, as if it wa Bureau's stood by us. Last but nol the least, my grateful own work. We were always assured that we thanks are due to a large number of young boys could fall back upon the resources of the Bureau and girls, coming from schools and colleges, to unreservedly in time of need. But for the work as Sorters, Compiler Checkers and Super­ wholehearted and most willing cooperation of visors, for the hard work they put in under tbe Bureau at all levels, the Distflct Census difficult conditions of work. They displayed a Handbook volumes would not ba ve been wbat very high sense of discipline and duty and enabled they are today. us to complete OUr work, at every stage. I also owe a deep debt of gratitude to Shri according to the deadlines set. I have no doubt U. M. Bhatt, lAS, the then Settlement Commis­ tbe traditions of bard and systematic work they sioner and Director of Land Records for his have imbibed will serve them in good stead and help in finalising the meanings of terms and they will advance in life. Tbey cany OUf best definitions used in the Village Directory. It is a wifohes with tbem wherever they go. matter of deep regret that he is no more with The District Developmeot Officers who helped us today. His successor. Shri B. R. Mane Patil, us so much in collection of data at the village level lAS, was equally enthusiastic and helpful and through the Taluka Development Officers and the but for the keen interest he took in the finalislltion District Statistical Officers working under them, of District and Taluka maps, we would buve who arranged for the scrutiny of the Town and been placed in serious difficulty. Village Directory schedules at the taluka level My sincere and heartfelt thanks are due to through the Statistical Assistants, deserve a the Collectors of the Districts for the whole­ special mention. Had the basic. work not been hearted response I have received from them done by them accurately we would have been towards tbe efficient conduct of Census Operations. faced with 8 serious problem at the time of The interest and energy evinced by them in compilation. To the Heads of various other organising this vast operation is indeed praise­ Departments, who always responded readily 10 worthy. Their active participation aod involvement any request made to them for help, I am also in the programme had a far reachmg effect ou indebted. Limitation of space prevents me from the countless enumerators and Impervisors working making a separate mention of each one of them. under them. Their direct interest in the training programme ha~ vastly improved the quality of Shri G. J. Gonsalves, Director of Government our rewrns. The Assistant / Deputy Collectors Printing and Stationery, Government. of Gujarat, working under tbem were made responsible for who very kindly undertook to arrange the printing the urban areas of tbeir jurisdiction. The of some of the District Census Handbooks at Mamlatdars and Chief Officers of Municipalities Government presses and others through private who were appointed as Charge Officers of rural presses had always been helpful in solving OUr and urban areas respectively bore tbe real brunt difficult problems of printing. I hereby acknow­ of the work, and displayed great zeal and ledge the valuable help, guidance and assistance enthusiasm in shouldering these addlliooal rendered by him in the matter of printing. Thanks responsitlilities. To tbe Commissioners of are also due to the Manager, Government Photo Abmedabad and Surat Corporations I am Litho Press, Ahmedabad, at which all the District particularly indebted for providing excellent and Taluka maps as also the cover page have been accommodation for housing the Regionai Tabula­ printed. The care and patience with which they tion Offices. To the Special Charge Officers of have attended to tbis work, has beautified our Railways, Police, S.R.P., Irrigation Colonies and volumes to no small extent and increased their Forest Department and others I express my utility to the reader greatly.

viii Sbri Hashim Ali Sayed, Printing Inspector, Kr. Fateh Singh Jasol. lAS, Deputy Director of whose selvices were obtained on deputation Census Operations, Urban Tabulation Unit, took from tbe Director, Government Printing and upon himself, as a labour of love, the scrutiny of Statioaery, rendered exemplary service by looking work with regard to the preparation of District after the entire printing arrangement. His and Taluka maps and the selection of different initiative, dri ve, and readiness to assume respon­ motifs which now decorate different volumes of sibIlity were a source of great streogth to us. the District:. Census Handbook. He involved Everything he bandied, he did perfectly well, himself in this work with the ardency and and knew his job inside out. fervour so Characteristic of him and greatly I wish to place on record the valuable con­ relieved me of the anxiety on this account. Shri tfibution made by my colleagues in bringing out K. D. Vaishnav. Geographer, and his team of this volume. Shri K. F. Patel, Depl:lty Director of draftsmen have produced excellent District and Census Operations lHQ) was looking after tbis Taluka maps by working on tbem again and section before a separate staff was sanctioned by again to incorporate details which were pointed the State Government, headed by Shri S. C. out or received after the maps were once prepared. Merh, Deputy Director from the Bureau of Sbri N. S. Bhatt, Statistical Assistant, has Economics and Statistics. Even after the creation checked them thoroughly. Sbri B. I. Patel. of this separate cell, there were many occasions Tabulation Officer, in cbarge of the Central on which I had to look to him for help on Tabulation Unit took upon himself the entire account of the experience gained by him during responsibility for the scrutiny of Primary Census 1961 Census. He never objected to the encroach­ Abstracts and their typing in record time. He ments made on his time and energy, in spite of the discharged his duties with diligence and a high fact that they were sometimes substantial. Shri sense of duty. I had in him a pillar of strength S. C. Merh, Deputy Director of Census Opera­ on which I could lean for work demanding tions (DCHB) put in hard and gruelling hours precision and exactitude. His capacity to turn of work in spite of indifferent health to catch up out work at optimum efficiency in the face of with the time schedule which was once upset. time schedules ngidly set merits avowal. Shri Shri S. M. Shelke, Research Assistant. from the V. A. Dhagia. Tabulation Officer, proved him­ Bureau working under him. under took almost self a stalwart by shouldering the burden not the entire burden of Town Directories in addition only of work entrusted to him, but part of the to other work. Shri S. M. Nayak, Assistant burden of every section, including the Map Director of Census Operations, put in an inde­ Section, and rendere yeoman's servIce. Both the fatigable effort to ensure accuracy of the data Central Tabulation Units benefited greatly by at every stage and successfully coordmated tbe the care and attention bestowed on them by work throughout. The enthusiasm and energy Sori K. F. Patel, Deputy Director of Census displayed by Sbri C. P. Vyas, Assistant Director Operations (HQ). Whose trained eye could detect of Census Operations, in the matter of prepara­ tbe slightest inaccuracy or inconsistency in com­ tIOn of inset tables for District Census Hand­ pilation or presentation. It was due to this team book volumes and several other matters connected work tbat we were able to compile such faultless With It deserve a special mention. The inter­ data with admirable speed, and were the first to pretation of the data of the Town and Village send the Primary Cemus Abstracts of all the Dlfectory is his personal contribution. Shri R.M. Districts of the State in one buncb to tbe Pa'lch(}lI, StatistiCFll Assistant, prepared the inset Registrar General's Office at New Delbi. Shri tables to be included in the Town and Village Patel's patience and thorough handling of work Direc1ory. Shri K. M. Patel, Tabulation Officer has yielded rich dividends to us. I have relied put in a very strenuous effort for the recoDcilia­ heavily on the expertise, acumen and experience tion of an:a figures and final checking of maps. of my colleagues and they have undoubtedly

lX given their best to the Organisation, for which Registrar General, India aod Dr. B. K. Roy I am deeply indebted to them. Burman, Deputy Registrar General (Social Limitations of space prevent me from making Studies) for the valuable guidance recei"Vf'd from an individual mention of all those who have them from time to time. The amount of advance contributed to the making of this volume so thinking and planning done by them on tbe complete and faultless to all of whom I wish to subject has now resulted in the production of express my sincere thanks. volumes which will be of lasting value and interest to the general reader, research worker, Finally, I would like to express my very scholar, adminiSlrator and academician. deep gratitude to Shri A. Cbandra Sekhar, lAS.

C. C. DOCTOR, AHMEDABAD Director or Census Operations, Ist March, 1972. Gujaral.


Gujarat Bharuch State District

POPULATION TOTAL Persons 26,697,475 1,109,601 Males 13,802,494 569,026 Females 12,894,981 540,575

RURAL Persons 19,200,975 916,587 Males 9,842,483 468,823 Females 9,358,492 447,764

URBAN Persons 7,496,500 193,014 Males 3,960,011 100,203 Females 3,536,489 92,811


AREA IN Km.2 195,984.0 9,045.0



LITERACY RATE Persons 35.79 35.73 Males 46.11 46.41 Females 24.75 24.49


PERCENTAGE OF WORKERS TO Persons 31.45 35.31 TOTAL POPULATION Males 51.24 52.53 ( MAIN ACTIVITY ONLY) Females 10.26 17.17


Gujarat Bharuch Stale District PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL WORKERS:

(I) CULTIVATORS Persons 43.12 31.38 Males 44.87 37.87 Females 33.77 10.47

(ii) AGRICULTURAL Lt\BOURERS Persons 22.48 47.44 Males 17.64 37.16 Females 48.35 80.55

Uii) OTHER WORKERS Persons 34.40 21.18 Males 37.49 24.97 Females 17.88 8.98

PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED Persons 6.84 .... 82 CASTE POPULATION TO Males 6.78 4.79 TOTAL POPULATION Females 6.90 4.S4

PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED Persons 13.99 43.88 TRIBE POPULATION TO Males 13.75 43.41 TOTAL POPULATION Females 14.25 44.38


NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 18,697 1,210 Inhabited 18,275 1,137 Uninbabited 422 73



Page No. Page No. Sl. Name of Location Town and Primary S1. Name of Loc'ation Town and Prirnary No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census Dlrectory Ab~tract Directory Abstract


TOWl\"S 35 Kantharia 66 32 8 36 KareJa 9 30 6 Bharuch 21-27 1ll 37 Kargat 23 30 6 2 Palej n 21-27 l!< 33 Karjan :2 32 39 Karmad 64 32 8 VILLAGES 40 Karmali 53 30 8 41 Kasad 42 32 8 1 Adol 6 30 6 42 Kasak 99 36 10 2 Aldar 37 32 8 43 Kasva b9 34- 10 3 Ali 97 34 10 44 Kavitha 48 32 8 4 Amdada 81 34 10 45 Kelod 10 30 6 5 Amleshwar 62 8 46 I( esrol 84 34 10 6 Angareshwar 49 32 8 47 Ki5hnad 2 30 6 7 Asuria 46 32 8 48 Kothi 30 30 8 49 Kukarwada <;5 34 10 50 Kuralla 34 8 Bambusar 32 30 8 79 10 9 Bhadbhut 88 34 10 51 Kuvadar 31 30 8 10 Bharthana ]8 30 6 52 Luwara 45 32 11 Bholav 68 32 8 12 Bhuva 80 34 10 53 Mahegam 87 34 10 13 Bori 22 30 6 54 Mahudhala 39 32 g 55 Maktampor 74 34 8 14 Chavaj 43 32 8 56 Mallad 86 34 10 15 Cholad 61 32 8 57 Manch 20 30 6 8 16 Dabhali 35 30 8 58 Mangleshwar 71 34 ,q 17 Dahegam 75 34 8 59 Manubar 65 32 18 Dashan 93 34 10 ]9 Dayudra 27 30 8 60 Nabipur 36 32 S 20 Derol 41 32 8 61 Nand 17 30 6 21 Detral 77 34 10 62 Nandeval (/1 3:! 8 22 Dhanturia 91 34 10 63 Nawetha 85 34 10 23 Dungri 96 34 ]0 64 Nikora 51 32 8

24 Eksal 82 34 10 65 Osara 54 32 8 66 Padaria 8 30 6 25 Ghodi 5 30 6 67 Paguthan 38 32 8 68 Pariej 26 30 8 26 Haldarwa 55 32 8 69 Parkhet 12 30 6 27 Hingalla 25 30 6 70 Pipalia 11 30 6 28 Hinglot 76 34 10

29 Jhadeshwar 73 34 8 71 Rahadpor S7 32 30 Jhanghar 21 30 6 31 Jhanor 34 30 8 72 Samlod 33 30 8 73 Sankhvad 83 34 10 32 Kahan 13 30 6 74 Samar 40 32 8 33 KamboH 1 30 6 75 Segva 14 30 6 34 Kanbivaga 98 36 10 76 Shahpura 16 30 6 xiii ALPHABETIC LIS r OF VILLAGES<7ontd.

Page No. Page No.

SI. Name of Location Town and Primary SI Name of Location Town and Primary No. ToVv n/Village Code No. Village Census No. TownJVilIage Code No. Village Census Directory Abstract Directory Abstract


77 Sherpura 67 32 8 13 Borbhatha 9 40 24 78 Shuklatirth 72 34 8 14 Borbhatha Bet !O 40 24 79 Simalia 3 30 6 80 Sindhot 50 32 8 15 Chhapra 12 40 24 81 Sitpon 24 30 6 16 Dadhal 34 42 26 17 Diva 6 40 24 82 Tankaria 7 30 6 18 Divi 7 40 24 83 Taria bet 92 34 10 84' Tavara 70 32 S 19 Gadkhol 20 40 24 85 Tharn 59 32 8 86 Thikaria 4 30 6 20 Rajat 26 40 24 87 Tralsa 28 30 8 21 Raripura 4 40 24 88 Tralsi 29 30 8 , 22 Jitali 33 40 26 89 Umara 47 32 8 90 Umaraj 58 32 8 23 Kansia 11 40 24 91 Uparali 19 30 6 24 Kanwa 24 40 24 25 Kapodara 30 40 24 92 Vadadla 56 32 8 26 Kararvel 3S 42 26 93 Vadva 90 34 10 27 Karmali 51 42 26 94 Vagusana 44 32 8 28 Kharod 54 42 26 95 Vahalu 60 32 8 29 Kosamadi 40 42 26 96 Vansi 63 32 8 13 40 24 97 Varedia 15 30 6 30 Mandvabujarg 1 40 24 98 Verwada 94 34 10 31 Matied 17 40 24 99 Vesdada 78 34 10 32 Motali 33 Motwan 46 42 26 2 ANKLESVAR TALUKA 34 Nanga! 23 40 24

TOWN 35 Panoli 53 42 26 36 Pardi Idris 47 42 26 t Anklesvar III 21-27 26 37 Pardi-mokha 38 42 26 38 Piludara 44 42 26 VILLAGES 39 Piprod 37 42 26 40 Piraman 32 40 24 26 Adadara 48 42 41 Pungam 3 40 24 2 Adol 27 40 24 3 AJonj 43 42 26 42 Ravidra 52 . 42 26 4 Amboli 21 40 24 5 Amrutpura 16 40 24 43 Safipura 29 40 24 6 Andada 15 40 24 44 Sajod 2 40 24 7 Avadar 36 42 26 45 Sakkarpor 5 40 24 46 Samor 14 40 24 8 Bakrol 41 42 26 47 Sangpor 39 42 26 9 Bhadi 55 42 16 48 Sanjali 42 42 26 10 Bhadkodara 31 40 24 49 Sarangpor 19 40 24 11 Bharan 56 42 26 50 Sarthan 25 40 24 ]2 Boidara 22 40 24 51 Sisodara 49 42 26


Page No.

Sl. Name of Location Town and Primary SI. Name of Lo<.:ation Town and Primary No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census No. Town/Village Code )\'0. Village Census Directory Ab>tract Directory Abstract


52 SlIrwadi 8 40 24 26 Malanpor 17 46 32 27 Mangrol 9 46 32 53 Tclva 45 42 26 28 Mothia 7 46 32

54 Uchhali 18 40 24 29 Obha 43 48 34 55 Umarwada 28 40 24 56 Utiadara 50 42 26 30 Pandavai 24 46 32 31 Panjroli 44 48 34 3 HANOST MAHAL 32 Pardi 2 46 32 33 Parvat 26 46 32 TOWN

1 Hansot IV 21-27 34 34 Rayrna 18 46 32 35 Rohid 21 46 32

VILLAGES 36 Sahol 41 48 34 37 Samli 35 48 32 I Alva 12 46 32 38 Sayan 13 46 32 2 Ambl)eta 3 46 32 39 Shera 6 46 31 3 Amod 45 48 34 40 Suncvkalla 27 46 32 4 Aniadara 28 46 32 4] Sunevkhurd 38 46 34 5 Ankalva 36 48 34 6 Asarma 42 48 34 7 Asta 11 46 32 42 Utraj 4 46 32

8 Badodara ]4 46 32 43 Vaghwan 30 46 32 9 Balota 39 48 34 44 Vainer 19 46 32 10 Bolav 29 46 32 45 Vamleshwar 33 46 32 46 Vansnoli 46 32 11 Chhilodara 31 46 32 4 VAGRA TALUKA 12 Dantrai ]6 46 32 J3 Dhamrad 37 48 34 VILLAGES ]4 Digas 8 46 32 15 DlIngra 25 46 32 Akhod 4X 54 40 2 Aladar 19 52 38 ]6 Ganpatpara 5 46 32 3 Aliabet 69 56 40 17 Ghodadara 23 46 32 4 Ambhel 21 52 38 18 JJav 40 48 34 5 Ambheta 63 S4 40 6 Ankot 29 52 38 7 Aragarna 31 52 38 19 Jctpor 32 46 32 8 Atali 53 54 40

20 Kalam 10 46 32 21 Kantiajal 34 46 32 9 Badalpura 6 52 38 22 Kathodara 22 46 32 10 Bhensali 52 54 40 23 Katpor IS 46 32 11 Bhersam 34 52 38 24 Kharach 46 48 34 25 Kudadara 20 46 32 12 Chanchvel 4 52 38


Page No. ·Page No. SI. Name of Location Town and Primary Sl. Name of Location Town and Primary No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census No. Town{V illage Code No. Village Census Directory Abstract Directory Abstract


13 Dahej 59 54 40 52 Sal~dara 30 52 38 53 Samatpor 55 54 40 14 Galenda 40 54 54 54 Saml>heti 46 54 40 15 Gandhar 52 38 55 Saran 27 52 38 16 Goladara 20 38 52 56 Sayakha 35 52 38 57 Sutrel 25 52 38 17 Harinagar 43 54 40 58 Suwa 64 54 40 18 lageshwar 62 54 40 59 Trankal 18 52 38 19 laniadara 47 54 40 20 lolava 57 54 40 52 38 21 luned 28 52 38 60 Vachhnad 10 61 Vadadla 58 54 40 62 Vagra 13 52 38 22 Kadodara 45 54 40 63 Vahiyal 37 52 40 23 Kaladara 68 56 40 64 Vastikhandali 12 52 38 24 Kalam 23 52 38 56 54 40 25 Keshwan 17 52 38 65 Vav 66 Vengani 67 54 40 26 Khadkhandali 8 52 38 67 Vilayat 33 52 38 27 Khojbal 51 54 40 68 Vinchhiad 7 52 38 28 Koliad 66 54 40 69 Vora Samni 32 52 38 29 Kothia 36 52 40 :; JAMBUSAR TALUKA 30 Lakhigam 60 54 40 31 Limadi 22 52 38 32 Luwara 61 54 40 TOWN

33 Mosam 24 52 38 1 Jambusar V 21-27 48 34 Muler 2 52 38 VILLAGES 3S Nadarkha 40 54 40 36 Nandida 49 54 40 1 Amanpor Mota 13 60 44 37 Narnavi 41 54 40 2 Amanpor Nana 14 60 44 3 Anakhi 52 62 46 38 Ochchhan 16 52 38 4 Asanvad 74 64 46 39 Ora 9 52. 38 5 Asarsa 78 64 46 6 Aurangpor Timbi 18 60 44 40 Padadalpor 5 52 38 41 Padaria 44 54 40 7 Bakorpor Timbi 65 62 46 52 3$ 42 Pahaj 15 8 Bhadkodara 61 62 46 43 Pakhajan 39 54 40 9 Bhankhetar 36 60 46 44 Paldi 3 52 38 10 Bhodar 30 60 44 45 Paniadara 42 54 40 11 Bojadra 55 62 46 46 Pipalia 38 52 40 52 38 47 Pisad 26 12 Chandpor Bara 67 62 46 13 Chandpor Marva 25 60 44 48 Rahad II 52 38 14 Chhidra 46 62 46 49 Rahiad 65 54 40

50 Sachan 14 52 38 15 Dabha 32 60 44 51 Sadatbala 50 54 40 16 Dahri 47 62 46


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SI. Name of Locatigu Town and Primary SI. Name of Lccatiou Town and Primary No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census No. Town/Village eoce No. Village Census Direc:ory Ab~tract Directory Abstract


17 Degam 60 44 57 Rampor 40 62 46 18 Devla 76 64 46 58 Runad 19 60 44 19 Dolia 73 62 46 59 Salehpor Sangdi 26 60 44 20 Gajera 33 60 44 60 Samoj 15 60 44 21 Gulal 22 60 44 61 Sardarpura 68 62 46 62 Sarod 5 60 44 22 Hamadpor Kantharia 21 60 44 63 Shambha 42 62 46 64 Sigam 23 60 44 23 Islampor 80 64 46 65 Sindhav 63 62 46 66 Singarna 66 62 46 24 Jafarpara 54 62 46 25 Jantran 48 62 46 67 Tankari 81 64 46 68 Thakor Talavdi 75 64 46 26 Kahanava 8 60 44 69 fhanava 27 60 44 27 Kalak 70 62 46 70 Tundaj 2,:} 60 44 28 Kaliari 44 62 46 Kangam 17 60 44 29 71 Uber 11 60 44 30 Kansagar 62 46 64 72 Uchchhad 34 60 44 31 Kapuria 79 64 46 73 Umra 37 62 46 32 KareH 7 60 44 33 Karmad 39 62 46 74 Vad 49 62 46 34 Kava 50 62 46 75 Vadadala 43 62 46 35 Kavi 3 60 44 76 Vahelam 53 62 46 36 Kavli 16 60 44 77 Valipor 6 60 4~ 37 Khanpor Deh 72 62 46 78 Vanseta 69 62 46 38 Kimoj 20 60 44 79 Vavli 35 60 44 39 Kora 28 60 44 80 Vedach 10 60 44 40 Koteshwar 38 62 46 41 Kundhal 71 62 46 81 Zamdi 45 62 46

42 Limaj 51 62 46 6 AMOD TAIUKA

43 Madafar 60 62 46 TOWN 44 Magnad 56 62 46 45 Mahamadpor Kamboi 2 60 44 1 Amod VI 21-27 56 46 Mahapara 57 62 46 47 Malpor 62 62 46 V:LLAGES 48 Muradpor Neja 24 60 44 Achhod 15 68 54 49 Nada 77 64 46 2 Adwala 4 68 54 50 1';adiad 58 62 46 3 Ajamnagar 13 68 54 51 Nahar 4 60 44 4 Amarpor alias Simartha 45 70 S6 52 Nobar 31 60 44 5 Anor 44 70 56 53 Nondhana 12 60 44 6 Asnera 24 68 54

54 Panchakada 41 62 46 7 Bhimpura 14 68 54 55 Panchpipla 59 62 46 8 Bodka 39 70 56 56 Piludara 9 60 44 9 Buwa 23 68 54 xvii ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES-Contd

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6 AMOn T ALVKA-Contd. 6 AMOn TALURA-Concld.

Jt) Chaklad 3 68 54 48 Valipor 19 68 54 49 Vantarsa 47 70 56 11 Dadapor 5 68 54 50 Vama 10 _68 54 12 Dauda 30 68 54 51 Vedcha 9 68 54 13 Deuva 20 68 54 14 Dora 35 68 54 52 Wadia 2 68 54

15 Ghamnad 36 68 56 7 JHA GADIA T ALUKA

16 Ikhar 34 68 .54 VILLAGES ! 7 Intola 22 68 54

Achhalia 40 76 62 18 Karena 33 68 54 2 Amalzar 91 n 64 19 Kerwada 40 70 56 3 Ambakhadi 65 76 62 20 Keshlu 52 70 56 4 Ambos 168 82 66 21 Kohla '6 68 S4 5 Amod 90 78 64 22 Kolavana 41 70 56 6 Anadhara 153 82 66 23 Kothi Vantarsa 46 70 56 7 Andharkachhala JI9 80 64 24 Kurchan 48 ')0 56 8 Anjoli 109 80 64 25 Machhasara 68 54 9 Asha 19 74 60 26 Malkinpura alias Timb;: 29 68 .54 Hl Ashnavi 112 80 64 27 Mangrol 18 68 54 It Avidha 32 74 60 2"8 Manjola 7 68 54 29 Matar 11 68 S4 12 B31eshwar 114 80 64 13 Bamalla 23 74 60 30 Nahie·; 25 68 54 14 Bhalod 5 74 60 31 Ninam 37 70 56 15 Bhimpor 60 76 62 16 Bhojpor 167 82 66 J2 Ochhan 32 68 54 17 Bhuri 77 78 62 18 Bilatha 145 32 66 33 Pursa t6 68 19 Bilvaua 64 76 a 20 Boridara 54 76 62 34 Ranada 49 70 56 21 Boridara 125 80 64 35 Ranipurll' I 68 54 22 Ilorjai 165 82 66 36 Rohad 8 68 54 37 Roza Tankar-la 21 68 54 23 Choki 92 78 64 38 Samani 51 70 56 39 Samiala 42 70 56 24 Dabhal 50 76 62 40 Sarbhan 28 68 54 25 Dadheda lliO 82 66 41 Shrikothi 27 68 54 26 Damlai 117 80 64 42 Sonama 26 68 54 27 Debar 106 80 64 43 Sudi 50 70 56 28 Dharoli 166 82 66 44 Sunthodra 12 68 54 29 Dholakuva 120 80 64 30 Dholekham 108 80 64 45 Tanchha 43 70 56 31 Dholi 95 78 64 46 Tegva 38 70 56 32 Dhundha 21 74 60 47 Telod 31 68 54 33 Dumaia Haripara. 78 78 62


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Sl. Name of Location Town and Primary SI. Name of Location Town and PrimarY No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census Duectory Abstract Directory Abstract


34 Fichvada 102 78 64 77 Machamadi 1)7 SO 64 35 Fichwada 20 74 60 78 Madhavpara 55 1'6 62 36 Fokdi 149 82 66 79 Mahuvada 22 74 60 37 Fulwadi 124 80 64 80 Malipipar 61 76 62 81 Maljipara 76 78 62 38 Galiba 141 82 66 82 Malpor 121 80 64 39 Gambhirpara 152 82 66 83 Mandvi 69 78 62 40 Goratia 134 80 64 84 Moran 133 80 64 41 Govali 83 78 62 85 Moriyana 150 82 66 42 Govali Bet 82 78 62 86 Mota Malpor 151 82 66 43 Gundecha 75 78 62 87 Mota Sanja 86 78 64 88 Mota Sorva 63 76 62 44 Haripara 36 76 62 89 Mota Vasna 17 74 (;0 90 Movi 100 78 64 45 Indor 16 74 60 91 Mulad 126 80 64 46 Jamboi 25 74 60 92 Mungaj 98 78 64 47 Jamoli 70 78 62 84 78 62 48 Jarsad 29 74 60 93 Nana Sanja 94 Nana SOTva 76 62 49 Jespor 94 78 64 53 60 50 Jhagadia 58 76 62 95 Nana Vasna 15 74 96 Naugama 127 80 64 51 Kadwali 74 78 62 97 Navagam Mota 157 32 66 52 Kakadpada 99 78 64 98 Navapara 113 80 64 53 Kakalpor 11 74 60 54 Kantidara 8 74 60 99 Ore 4 74 55 Kantipada 148 82 66 56 Kantol 72 78 62 100 Pada 71 78 62 57 Kapalsadi 130 80 64 101 Padal 132 80 64 58 Kapat 51 76 62 102 Padvania 118 llO 64 59 Karad 56 76 62 103 Panetha 18 74 60 60 Kesharva 47 76 62 104 Panvadi 164 82 t56 61 Khadoli 33 76 60 105 Paravata 14 74 60 62 Khalak 46 76 62 106 Patar 2 74 60 63 Kharchi 129 80 64 107 Pipaipan 93 78 64 64 Kharchi Bhilwada 128 80 64 108 Pipdara 27 74 60 65 Kharetha 103 78 64 109 Pora 31 14 60 66 Kharia 123 80 64 110 Prankad 30 74 60 67 Kochbar 140 82 66 68 Koliawada 136 80 66 III Raisangpura 43 76 62 69 Kolipada 66 76 62 112 Rajapardi 34 76 60 70 Kotiamau 135 80 64 113 Rajpara 37 76 62 71 Krushnapuri 7 74 60 114 Rajpor 256 82 66 72 Kund 104 80 64 115 Ramkot 110 80 64 73 Kunvarpara 88 78 64 116 Rampor 116 80 64 74 Kuri 137 80 66 117 Randedi 161 82 66 118 Ranipara 85 78 62 75 Limet 162 82 66 119 Ratanpor 59 76 62 76 Limodara 80 78 62 120 Razalwada 73 78 62 xix ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES-Con/d.

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6) 121 RoomaJpura 24 74 60 164 Vasna 155 82 122 Rundh 6 74 60 165 Velugam J3 74 60 123 Rupania 52 76 62 124 Rupghat 143 82 66 166 Yal 101 78 64

167 Zama 147 82 66 125 Sajanvav 96 78 64 168 Zazpor 115 80 64 126 Samarpara 62 76 62 127 Sanjali 26 74 60 8 NANDOD TALUKA 128 Sardarpura 158 82 66 129 Sarsa 35 76 60 130 Sarsad 12 74 60 TOWN 131 Selod 131 80 64 132 Shanakoi 146 82 66 J VII 21-27 78 133 Shir 44 76 62 134 Shiyali 154 82 66 VILLAGES 135 Simdhara 57 76 62 136 Sultanpura 87 78 64 1 Akteshwar 63 88 72 2 Akuvada 110 92 74 137 Talodara 163 82 66 3 Amadala 88 90 74 138 Tarsali 74 60 4 Amarpara 50 88 72 72 139 Tavdi 45 76 62 5 Amba 76 90 92 74 140 Tejpor 38 76 62 6 Amletha 120 78 141 Timla 139 80 66 7 Amli 195 96 88 72 142 Tothidara 3 74 60 8 Anijara 37

143 Uchchhab- 39 76 62 9 Bakhar 15 86 70 144 Uchedia 81 78 62 10 Baman Falia 173 94 76 145 Umadhara 9 74 60 11 Bhacharwada 54 88 72 146 Umalla 41 76 62 12 Bhadam 38 88 72 141 Umarkharda. 67 76 62 13 Bhanadara 135 92 76 148 Undi 111 80 64 14 Bhekhadia 14 86 70 149 'Untia 159 82 66 15 Bhilvashi 154 "14 76 16 Bhuchhad , 55 88 72 17 Bhumalia 87 90 74 150 Vadhavana 10 74 60 18 Bilthana 12 86 70 151 Vadkhunta. 97 78 64 19 Bitada 205 96 78 152 Vadpan 138 8'0 66 20 Boria 136 92 76 153 Vaghpara 42 76 62 21 Boridara 192 96 78 154 Vaghpara: 79 78 62 22 Bar Utar 26 86 70 155 Vala 48 76 62 23 Butvad 190 96 78 156 Vali 49 76 62 157 Valpor 142 82 66 158 Vanakpor 28 74 60 24 Chapat 145 94 76 159 Vandarveli 105 80 64 25 Chhatvada 199 96 78 160 Vankihathan 89 78 64 26 Chhindiapara 33 86 70 161- Vankol 68 76 62 27 Chichadia 27 86 70 162 Vanthevad J22 80 64 28 Chitravadi 58 88 72 163 Varkhadi 144 82 66 29 Chitrol 167 94 76 xx ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES-Contd.

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30 Dadhvada 196 96 78 72 Kakadva J69 94 76 31 Dhamadara 67 88 72 73 Kali Makvana 102 90 74 32 Dhamnacha 42 88 72 74 Kandroj 47 88 72 33 Dhaniala 22 86 70 75 Kanpor 177 96 76 34 Dhanpor 40 88 72 76 Karantha 103 90 74 35 Dharikheda 118 92 74 77 Kareli 82 90 72 36 Dhefa 19 86 70 78 Katkhadi 148 94 76 37 Dhirkhadi 188 96 78 79 Kevadia 90 90 74 38 Dhobisal 16 86 70 80 Khadagada 66 88 72 39 Dhochki 200 96 78 IH Khalvani 139 94 76 40 Dholar 122 92 74 82 Khamar 165 94 76 41 Dholivav 106 92 74 83 Khojalvasa 170 94 76 84 Khunta Amba 204 96 78 42 Fulvadi 97 90 74 85 Kothara 3 86 70 86 Kothi 89 90 74 43 Gabhana 65 3S 72 87 Kumasgam 119 92 74 44 Gadher 147 94 76 88 Kumbhia 71 90 72 45 Gadit 193 96 78 46 Gadkoi 86 SO 74 89 Lachharas 36 R8 72 47 Gadod 29 86 70 90 Limbdi 150 94 76 48 Gagar 202 96 78 91 Limkhetar 75 90 72 49 Galupura 11 86 70 92 Lodhan 109 92 74 SO Gamkuva 171 94 76 93 Mahudipada 51 Garudeshwar 64 88 72 197 96 78 Mandan (Gaditvalun) 51 Ghambhirpara 100 90 74 94 191 96 78 95 Mandan (Gorwalun) 183 53 Ghanta 175 96 76 96 78 96 Mangrol 72 S4 Gopalpura 130 92 74 60 88 Mankad Amba 72 55 Gora 1.52 94 76 97 74 90 S6 Gulvani 144 94 76 98 Mankadkhada 146 94 76 99 Mankuva 57 Gunetha 25 86 70 23 86 70 100 Mayasi 58 Guvar 35 86 70 J76 96 76 101 Medgam 174 9' 76 102 Mithivav 20 86 70 ~ 56 88 72 9 Hajarparll 103 Moji 203 96 78 198 96 78 60 Handi 104 Mokhdi 185 96 78 78 90 72 61 Haripura 105 Mota Amba 15S 94 76 52 88 72 62 Helambi 106 Mota Haidva 178 96 76 107 Mota Limatvada 162 94 76 63 Indravarna 93 90 74 108 Mota Piparia 91 90 74 109 Mota Raipara 158 94 76 64 Jesalpor 86 70 110 Moti Bhamri 207 98 78 65 Jetpor 80" 90 72 11I Moti Chikhli 194 96 78 66 Jetpor 163 94 76 112 Moti Raval 96 90 74 67 Jior 6 86 70 113 Movi 180 96 76 68 Jitgadb 182 96 78 69 Jitnagar 12g 92 74 114 Naghatpor 83 90 72 70 Junaraj 189 96 78 11 5 Namalgadh 201 96 78 71 Junvad ISS 94 7(, 116 Nana Haidva 166 94 76 xxi ALPHABYiTle LIST OF VILlJA~owl.

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117 Nana Limatvada 160 94 76 160 Samasherpura (Kareliwalu) 84 90 72 118 Nana Piparia 92 90 74 161 Samsherpara 101 90 74 11) Nana R~ipara 164 94 76 162 Sanadhara 16~ c;'4 76 120 Nana Zunda 131 92 74 163 Sandhia 3 J 86 70 121 Nani Chikhli 179 96 76 164 Sanjaroli 62 88 72 122 Nani Daberi 208 98 78 165 Sengpara 99 90 74 123 Nani RavaJ 95 90 74 1~ Scru m 8(1 70 124 Narkhadi 86 70 167 Sisodara 46 88 72 125 Nasari 72 90 72 168 Sondhalia 8 86 70 126 Navagam 125 92 74 169 Songam 24 86, iO 127 Navaglim 151 94 76 170 Suka 32 86 70 128 Navapara (Garudeshwar) 17 86 70 171 Sundarpura 159 94 76 129 Navapara (Nikoli) 49 88 72 172 Surajvad 98 90 74 130 Nava Vaghpara 132 92 76 173 Surpan IX6 96 78 76 131 Navra 112 92 74 174 Survani 142 94 132 Nikoli 48 38 72 175 Tankari 9 86 70 176 Taropa 121 92 74 133 Ori 45 88 72 177 Thari 59 88 72 134 Orpa 70 88 72 178 Thavadia 184 96- 78 179 Timbi 117 92 74 135 Pada 181 96 76 ] 80 Timrava 81 90 72 136 Palsi 206 98 78 181 Torna 57 88 72 137 PanchJa 77 90 72 138 PanchlT.uti 76 140 94 182 Umarva Jl4 92 74 139 Panisadadia 21 86 70 183 . Umarva (JoshivalU) 153 94 7(' 140 PantaJavadi 13 86 70 184 Undva 69 88 72 141 Pati S 86 70 142 Patna 43 88 72 185 Vadgam ]49 94 76 143 Pichhipara 73 90 72 186 Vadi 85 90 74 144 Poicha 2 16 70 187 Vadia 104 92 74 145 Pratapnagar 172 94 76 188 Vagadia 138 92 76 146 Piatl.1ppar.l 51 88 72 189 Vaghetha 53 88 72 190 Vaghodia 111 92 74 147 Rajpipla (Rural) 20~ 78 191 Va,ghrali 79 90 72 148 RajuvaJia 116 92 74 192 Valpor 28 H6 70, 149 Ramgadh 127 92 74 193 Vanazi 143 94 76 150 Rampara (Mangrol) 61 88 72 194 Vandaria 7 86 7:) 151 Rampara (Patnawalu) 107 92 74 195 Vansla 94 : 90 74 152 Ranipura 105 92 74 196 Vanzar 161 94 76 153 RaseJa 39 88 72 197 Vanznitad 1 S 86 70 154 Rei 115 92 74 198 Varachha 113 92 74- 155 Ringni 1::!4 92 74 199 Varkhad 44 I'S 72 156 Rundh 41 18 72 200- Vasantpara 137 92 76 201. Vavdi 129 92 74 ] 57 Sajanpara 30 86 70 202- Vavi<;j~ 34 86 70 158 Sakva 133 92 76 203 Velchhandi ]57 94, 76 IS!} Samaria 134 92 76 204 Verisalpara 126 92, 74 ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLACES-C(.,ntd.

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S]' Name of Location Town and Primary Sl. Name of Location Town and Primary No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census Directory Ab5tract Directory Abstract


205 Virpor 123 92 74 34 Dandawadi 86 106 88 206 Virsangpara 108 92 74 35 Dediapada 97 106 88 36 Devipada 188 J12 92 207 Zaria 68 88 72 37 Dhankhet 164 110 90 208 Zarvani 187 96 78 38 Dhanor 70 104 86 209 Zer 141 94 76 39 Dokti 4 102 84 40 Dumkhal 20 102 84 9 DEDIAPADA TALVKA 41 Duthar 28 102 84

84 VILLAGES 42 Fulsar 29 102

43 Gadh 37 104 86 1 Ajanvai 167 110 90 40 104 86 2 Almavadi 136 108 90 44 Gadi 66 104 86 3 Amalipani 146 110 90 45 Gajargota 7 102 84 4 Ambadevi alias ShiyaH 204 112 92 46 Galwada Gangapur 122 108 88 5 Ambavadi 189 112 92 47 108 90 6 Andu 54 104 86 48 Garda 139 49 Ghankhetar 112 103 88 7 Arethi 56 104 86 50 Ghanpipar 90 106 88 8 Babada 171 110 90 51 Ghantoli 65 104 86 9 Babadokti 79 106 86 52 Ghodi 104 106 88 10 Baidi 103 106 88 53 Gichad 26 102 84 11 Bal 41 104 86 54 Galvan 191 112 92 12 . Bandi Servall 130 ]08 88 55 Gopalia 203 112 92 13 Bantawadi 93 106 88 56 Gotkhadi 160 110 90 14 Barsan 206 112 92 57 Govalpatdi 92 106 88 15 Bebar 27 102 84 58 GuIda alias Chaw 132 108 88 16 Bej 102 84 59 Gundva 113 108 88 17 Besna 60 104 86 60 Gundvan IJ8 108 1'8 18 Bharada (Barsan) 205 112 92 19 Bharada (Bedada) 175 110 90 61 Haripura 153 110 90 20 Bharada (Moskut) 183 112 92 62 Hathvadiov::;J 84 106 86 21 Bbatpur 137 108 90 22 Bhu(khan 145 110 90 63 Idlavi 195 112 92 23 Bhut Beda alias Bhut 177 112 90 64 Ingavadi 46 104 86 Bungalow 24 Bogaj 63 104 86 65 lambar 109 108 88 25 Bogama 14 102 84 66 lamni 154 110 90 26 Bor 74 106 86 67 largam 149 110 90 27 Boripitha 174 110 90 68 Jorti 194 112 92 69 Juna Mosda 42 104 86 28 Chikda 187 112 92 29 Chopdi 13 102 84 70 Kabripathar 31 102 84 30 Chorkotar 78 106 86 71 Kakarpada 1~4 108 88 31 Chuli . 134 108 90 72 Kalamkuva 147 110 90 73 Kahar 38 104 86 32 DabhavaD 213 114 92 74 Kalvat 11 102 84 33 Dabka 45 104 86 75 Kamodvav 193 112 92


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76 Kanbudi 94 106 88 122 Mohbi 51 104 86 77 Kanjai 18S 112 92 123 Mohbudi 47 104 86 78 Kanji 19 102 84 124 Mojra 34 102 84 79 Kantipani 161 110 90 125 Morjadi S1 106 86 80 Kanzal 10 102 84 126 Mosit 127 108 88 81 Kartal 211 114 92 127 Moskut 199 112 92 82 Kathoh 88 106 88 128 Moskuwa 108 108 88 83 Kelda 53 104 86 129 Mota Machh 157 110 90 84 Kevdi 162 110 90 130 Mota Suka Amba 100 106 88 85 Khabjidabda 140 108 90 131 Moti Bedwan 2CS 112 92 86 Khaidi 159 110 90 132 Moti Daberi 3 102 84 87 Khaidipada 173 110 90 133 Moti Kalbi 123 108 88 88 Kham 176 112 90 134 M oti Korvai 148 110 90 89 Khapar 6 102 . 84 135 Mali Singloti 57 104 86 90 Khaparbudha 182 112 92 136 Mulkapada 168 110 90 91 Kharchipada 141 110 90 92 K:latam S9 104 86 137 Namgir 25 102 84 93 Khatkankhadi 72 106 86 138 Nana Machh 155 110 90 94 Khod A'nba 190 112 92 139 Nana Suka Amba 101 106 88 95 Khokhra Umar (Dejiapada) 96 106 88 140 Nani Bedwan 209 112 92 96 Khudadi 61 104 86 141 Nani Bhamri S 102 8~ 97 Khupar Barsan 207 112 92 142 Nani Korvai 165 JIO 90 98 Kismor 64 104 86 143 Nani Markhi 85 106 88 99 Kokam 21 102 84 144 Nani Singloti 58 104 86 100 Kokati 82 106 86 14S Navagam (Dediapada) 75 106 86 101 Koliwada (Rogaj) 62 104 86 146 Navagam (Panuda) 143 110 90 102 Koliwada (Pangam) 33 102 84 147 Navmosda 117 108 88 103 Konvav 116 108 88 148 Nighat 110 108 88 104 Kukadada 150 110 90 149 Nivalda 98 106 88 lOS Kumbhkhadi 151 110 90 150 Olgam 158 110 90 106 Kunbar 133 108 88 107 Kundi Amba 163 110 90 39 108 Kutilpada 32 102 84 151 Panchumar 104 86 67 109 Kutilshisha 121 108 88 152 Pangam 104 86 153 Pankhala (Mathasar) 16 102 f4 110 Ladava 30 102 84 154 Pankhala (Shisha) 50 104 86 II! Lot Amba 197 112 92 155 Pansar 77 106 86 IS6 Panuda 142 110 90 112 Magardev 69 104 86 157 Patdi 186 112 92 113 Mal 48 104 86 158 Patvali 43 104 86 114 Manchhrpada 102 106 88 IS9 Pingalpada 35 1(;2 86 115 Mandala 138 108 90 160 Piparvati 210 114 92 116 Mathakalbi IJS 108 88 161 Pipla 76 106 36 117 Mathasar 17 . 102 £4 162 Piplod 23 102 84 118 Mathavali 44 104 86 163 Pomlapada 135 108 90 119 Medyusag 114 108 88 164 Potiapada 166 110 90 120 Men Amba 120 108 88 121 Modalwav 91 106 83 165 Rakhas Kundi 73 106 86


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166 Ralda 95 106 8S 210 Vedchha 55 104 86 167 Rambhava 71 106 86 211 Viguna 169 110 90 168 Relwa 196 112 92 169 Rohda 144 110 90 212 Zadoli 36 104 86 170 Rojghat 180 1]2 90 213 Zak 179 112 90 171 Rukhal 172 110 90 214 Zarnawadi 111 J08 88

172 Sabuti 198 112 92 10 SAGBARA TALUKA 173 Sada 2 102 84 174 Sagai 52 104 86 VILLAGES t7S Sajanvav 181 112 92 176 Saki 119 108 88 1 Ambagam 78 122 98 177 Samarghat 89 106 8S 2 Amiyar 9 t 18 96 178 Samarpada 184 112 92 179 Samarpada (Devivalu) 212 114 92 3 Baganiawad 124 100 180 Samarpada (Sidivalu) 152 110 90 117 181 Samarpada (Thava) 105 108 88 4 Baktura 67 120 98 08 182 Samot S3 106 86 5 Bhadod 61 120 183 Sankli 24 102 84 6 Bhavarisavar 22 118 96 184 Sejpur 106 108 88 7 Bhogwad 66 120 98 185 Sherwai 192 112 92 8 Bhoramli 58 120 98 186 Shisha 49 104 86 9 Bodvav 52 120 ':12 187 Shishkhuta 87 106 88 188 Singal Gabhan 22 102 84 10 Chatwad 97 122 lOO 189 Siyani 131 108 88 11 Chikali 2S 118 96 190 Solia 68 104 86 12 Cbimbipani 113 124 100 191 Sorafali 214 114 92 13 Chitra Kevdi 14 118 96 192 Sora pad a 128 108 88 J4 Chitwad 89 122 100 193 Sukni (Umaran) 129 108 88 15 Chopadvav ;6 118 96 194 Sukwal 80 106 86 16 Dabka 110 124 100 195 Tabada 178 112 90 17 Datwada 38 120 98 196 Tatkhadi 125 108 88 18 Dev Mogra 3 118 96 197 Thapavi 107 lOB 88 19 Devsaki ] 16 124 100 198 Tilipada 200 112 92 20 Dhabdakuwa 93 122 leO 199 Timbapada 99 106 88 21 Dhavliver 45 120 98 200 Tukner 9 102 84 22 Dodhanvadi 111 124 100 201 Tumdavadi 156 110 90 23 Dogripada 101 124 100 24 Dudhliver 8 118 96 202 Umran 201 112' 92 203 Undi 8 102 84 25 Fatepur 218 124 100 204 Vadhva 170 110 90 26 Gaysamar 88 122 100 205 Vadivav 126 108 88 27 Ghansera 11 118 96 206 Vadpada 202 112 92 28 Ghod Mung 40 120 98 207 Vaghumar 15 102 84 29 Godada 6 118 96 208 Vandri 18 102 84 30 Gonamba 33 118 96 209 Vav 12 102 84 31 Gotpada 29 118 96


Page No. pgge No. S1. Name of Location Town and Primary SI. Name of Location Town and Primary No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census No-. Town/Village Code No. Village: Census Directory' Abstract Directory Abstract


32 Holi Ambli 81 122 98 74 Nana Doramba 19 118 96 75 Nana Kakdiamba 18 118 96 33 Javli 98 72 122 76 Nani Devrupan 50 120 98 34 Javli 100 109 124 77 Nani Mogari 118 96 35 Jodwan 106 124 100 78 ;-~ani Parodhi 62 120 98 79 Narvadi 10 118 96 36 Kakadpada 84 122 98 80 Navagam 28 118 96 37 Kan Khadj 24 118 96 81 Navagam 71 122 98 38 Kel 23 118 96 82 Navapada 43 120 98 39 Kenvada 103 124 100 83 Nevdi Amba 75 120 98 40 Khadkimau 115 124 100 41 Khadkuni 46 120 98 84 Pada 7 122 96 42 Khaidi lOS 124 100 85 Padi 112 124 100 43 Khairpada 76 122 98 86 Palaswada 73 122 98 44 Khampada 44 120 98 87 Pan a 64 120 98 45 Khanora 100 102 124 88 Panch Pipri 41 120 98 46 Khewa 92 122 100 89 Pankhala 13 118 96 47 Khocharpad21 98 42 120 90 Parodhi 63 12 ) 98 48 Khokhvad 100 94 122 91 Pat 31 118 96 49 Khopi 53 120 98 92 Patanamau 56 120 98 50 Khota 119 124 100 93 Pathana 90 122 100 51 Kodba 15 118 96 94 Pati 37 120 98 Kod Khadi 52 47 120 98 95 Piparipada .,65 120 98 53 Koktipada 104 124 100 96 Piplapani 114 124 100 54 Kolvan 68 120 98 97 PipripaJa 121 12.1 100 55 Kuida 26 118 96 98 Pirrnandal:i 48 120 98 56 Kunvar Khadi 5 118 96 99 Pujarigadh 82 122 98 S7 Kuvdawadi 36 120 98 58 Kuyala - 59 120 98 100 Rachhavada 49 120 98 101 Ranbuda 17 118 96 S9 Langdr 98 122 100 102 Ranipur 69 122 98 60 Limbadi 120 124 100 103 Ranjanivad 96 122 ]3) 104 Rozdev 32 118 96 61 Mahunipada 108 124 100 IDS Rundigavan 99 122 100 62 Mahu Pada 86 122 100 106 Rupdevdi 91 122 100 63 Makaran 34 118 96 64 Mendhi 100 124 100 107 Sagbara 12 118 96 65 Moravi 30 118 96 108 Sajanvav 87 122 100 66 Mota Doramba 20 118 96 109 Seladba 27 118 96 67 Mota Kakdi Amba 85 122 98 110 Sim Amli 21 118 96 68 Moti Devrupan 79 122 98 111 Sarapada 55 120 98 69 Moti Mogari 2 118 96 112 Sarta S4 120 98 70 Moti Parodhi 77 122 98 71 Movi 35 118 96 113 Tankani 57 120 98 72 Nal 83 122 98 114 Tarpaca 60 120 98 73 Nalakund 4 118 96 115 Taval 39 120 98


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10 SAGBARA TALUKA-Condd.. 11 VAU:\ TALUKA-Contd.

116 Ubharia 80 122 98 32 Hirapor 4 121 104 117 Uman 70 122 9R 33 Holakotar 86 132 lOS 118 Umarda 107 124 100 119 Urnarkui 51 120 98 34 Itkala 38 128 106 1.2) Umran 74 122 98 35 Jabugam 56 130 106 121 Vadgam ]22 ]00 36 Jamania 88 132 108 37 Joli 80 132 106 11 VALIA TALUKh

38 Kakadkui 30 128 104 VILLAGES 39 Kamalia 70 132 ]06 40 Kambodia 34 130 104 1 Arethi 26 128 104 41 Kanerav 43 130 ]06 2 Atkhol 61 130 106 42 Ka'a 79 132 106 43 Karsad 50 ]30 106 3 Badakui 62 130 106 44 Kavachia 93 134 le8 4 Baladava 33 ]30 104 45 Kelvikuva 20 128 104 5 Bedoli 19 128 104 46 Kesargam l\) 12R 104 6 Bhamadia 74 132 106 47 Kodvav 25 128 10-1 7 Bhangoria 32 128 HA 48 Kondh 1 121! 104 8 Bharadia 83 132 106 49 Kosmadi 77 132 J06 9 Bhenskhetar 17 128 104 50 Koyali Mandvi 67 132 106 10 Bhilod 7 128 104 51 Koylivav 14 128 104 11 Bilothi 95 134 IOi) 52 Kup 24 128 1(4 12 Borkhadi 22 128 104 S3 Luna 132 106 13 Chanderia 12 128 104 14 Chandravan 23 128 104 54 Mauza f,9 132 106 15 Chaswad 60 130 106 55 Mela 81 132 ]06 16 Chikhli 71 132 106 56 . Mirapor 90 132 108 17 Chiklola 15 128 104 57 Mokhadi 87 132 108 18 Choramla 55 130 106 58 Moriana 18 128 104 59 Mota lambuda 64 132 106 19 Dlheli 41 130 106 60 Motia (i5 132 106 20 Dajipara 13 128 104 21 Dansoli 82 132 106 61 Naldhari 3 121l 104 22 Desad 42 130 106 62 Nana lambuda 63 132 106 23 Dholgam 6 128 104 63 Navapara 57 130 IO~ 24 Dodwada 4S 130 106 64 Netrang 21 J28 106 25 DoJatpur 37 130 106 65 Nikoli 8S 132 106 26 Dungari 44 130 106

27 Fulwadi 27 128 104 66 Panchasim 35 ]3'0 104 67 Pansoli 49 130 106 28 Gandhu 48 130 106 68 Patal F4 132 106 29 Ghanikhut 28 128 104 69 Pathar II ]28 104 30 Ghoda 47 130 106 70 Petia 92 132 lOS 31 Gundia 72 132 106 71 Pingot 66 132 106 ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES-Comd

Page No. Page No. ------S1. Name of Location Town and Primary S1 ]"ame :)f Location Town and Primary No. Town/Village Code No. Village Census 1'\0. Town/Vil:.l_;c Code No. Village Census Directory Abstract Directory Abstract

VALIA TALUKA-C(lntd. 11 VALIA T ALUKA-Concld. 72 Pithor 39 130 106 86 Thllva 29 128 104 73 Rajgadh 76 ]32 106 87 Tuna 53 130 106 74 Rajpara 73 132 ]06 75 Rajwadi 94 134 108 76 Rundhll 89 132 108 88 Umargam 54 130 106 89 Vagadkhol 8 128 lO4 77 Saba ria 9] 132 108 78 Sakva 31 128 104 90 Valia 5 128 104 79 Sevad 58 130 106 91 Vandaria 40 130 106 80 Shir 36 130 106 92 Vataria 2 128 104 106 81 Siludi 46 130 93 Vitthalgam 75 132 106 82 Sinada 51 130 106 83 Singalvan 16 128 104 84 SingJa 9 128 104 94 Zarna 59 130 106 85 Sodgam 52 130 106 95 Zarnawadi 68 132 106


TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY The Town and Village Directory of the District Census Handbook 1971 differs widely in content and presentation from the corresponding volume of 1961. The earlier volumes mainly contained the Primary Census Abstract for each village for rural area and town/ward/enumerator's block for urban area and was supplemented by some additional information which was collected from (a) village notes specially devised for tbe purpose and (b) information supplied by Heads of Departments on certain amenities. It was presented in Col. 2 in run on fashion for each village and town followed by the Primary Census Abstract in the remaining columns. The Town and Village Directory of 1971 Census is presented in Part A of the District Census Handbook. An attempt bas been made to interpret the data thrown up in the Town and Village Directories at the beginning under tbe heading "Introductory Note on Town and Village Directory". Part B of the District Census Handbook contains purely tbe Primary Census Abstract. A number of abbreviations have been used in both the Directories to facilitate presentation. The abbreviations used in eacb statement of the Town Directory are given below in Statement A. Statement B gives a list of abbreviations used in Village Directory.

STATEMENT A List of Abbreviations used in the Town Directory STATEMENT I Column: 5 1. Corporation C 5. Cantonment Board CB 2. Municipality M 6. Nagar Panchayat/ Panchayat P 3. Town Committee/T )wn TC Area Committee/R>ard 7. Non-Municipal/ NM 4. Notified Area NAC Non-Town Committee/ Commi ttee /Council Non-Panchayat Committee STATEMENT II Column! 13 (R) 1. Navigable River } Appearing after the Dame of the River/Canal 2. Navigable Canal (C) STATEMENT IV Column: 3 4. Septic Tllnk Latrines ST Sewerage 1. Pucca Road PR 5. S 6. Soak Pits or Leaching Pits PT 2; Klltcba Road KR 7. Tractor Trailor, Trolleys, or T Column: 4 Night Soil Tankers 1. Sewer S Column: 9 2. Open Surface Drainage OSD 3. Kutcha Drainage KD 1. Tap Water T 2. 4. Cess Pool CS Well Water W 5. Pit System (or Soak Pits) PT 3. Tank Water Tk 4. Tube Well TW Column: 8 5. River R 1. Head Load HL 6. Fountain F 2. Baskets B 7. Canal C 3. Wheel Barrows WB 8. Others o

3 STATEMENT V Column: 3 Columa : 5 t. Hospital H 1. Arts College only A 2. Dispensary D 2. Science College Only S 3. T. B. Clinic TBC 3. Commerce College Only C 4. Health Centre HC 4. Arts & Science College AS S. Nursing Home NH S. Combined Arts, Science and ASC 6. Maternity Centre M Commerce College 7. Child Welfare Centre CW 6. Arts & Commerce College Only AC 8. Family Planning Centre FC 7. Law College L 9. Other Medical Institutions 0 8. Law & Education College LE


List of Abbreviations used in the Village Directory

Col. Amenity Abbreviations Col. Amenity Abbreviations No. used No. used 4. Primary School Pr.S Not Available NA Secondary School Sec.S 8. Pucca Road PR College C Kutcha Road KR Industrial School IS Railway Station T Training School Tr.S Navigable River Ng(R) Other Educational Institutions OS Navigable Canal Ng(C) Hospital H 5. Bus Facility: Maternity Home M Whole Year WY Child Welfare Centre CW FS Health Centre HC Fair Season Dispensary D 9 Post Office PO Family Planning Centre FC Telegraph Office TO 6. Electricity E Post & Telegraph Office PTO Electricity for Agriculture E(Ag) Telephone Phone 7. Tap Water T 12. Government Canal C Well W Private Canal C Tank Tk Tube Well TW Tube Well TW Other Wells W River R Tank Tk Fountain F River R Canal C Waterfall WF Otbers 0 Other Sources 0 INTRODUCTORY NOTE ON TOWN AND VILI"AGE DIRECTORY

1. History of District Census Handbook PART II--STATISTICS In 1941, the population figures were exhibited ( i) Census Tables according to communities in the "Village Hand­ (ii) Villagewise list of Industrial books" published by the erstwhile Government of Establishments Bombay. In 1951, the basis of classification of (iii) Handicraft Tables the Census was changed from a social to an (iv) Departmental or official Statistics economic one and the figures were given in the PART III-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Primary Census Abstract according to eight (i) Explanatory Note Livelihood Classes. The Primary Census Abstract (ii) Village Directory contained the basic information in respect of (iii) Taluka Maps every village and town. A decision to bring out Besides Census data, the 1961 District Census the District Census Handbooks giving the Primary Census Abstract and important Census tables for Handbooks covered villagewise and townwise information on the availability of different types every district of the State was taken for the first of amenities, such as educational facilities, public time in 1951. Census statistics given in the health and medical facilities, supply of drinking Primary Census Abstract related to the area of water, electricity and its uses etc., shown by the village, number of houses and households, means of abbreviations placed against the name total population, houseless and institutional popu­ of each village. Thus, in the 1961 Census an attempt lation, literates and agricultural and non-agricul­ was made to make the District Census Hand­ tural classes distributed under eight main Liveli­ books more informative. hood Classes. These census statistics were further supplemented by the addition of useful During the 1971 Census, efforts have been made administrative information on the availability of to compile both census and non-census statistics amenities in villages and towns on items like in a uniform manner under an enlarged per­ post offices, railway stations, the distance of a spective. The District Census Handbook of 1971 bazar from the village, primary schools, village Census has been divided into three sub-parts panchayats, cooperative societies, etc. This was with a view to making the census and non-census a unique achievement of the Indian Census. information available to the data users as quickly The 1951 series of District Census Handbooks, as possible. Part A of the District Census Hand· however, varied in content and size from State book contains the Town Directory and Village to State depending upon the resources offered by Directory. Part B contains the Primary Census the State Governments. It was, therefore, decided Abstracts and Part C contains the Introductory during the Census of 1961 that the District Essay, Official Statistics, Census tables, etc. The Census Handbooks of 1961 Census should contain details of the contents in each of the parts are a certain minimum of statistical data, maps and described in the following paragraphs. other useful information to be adopted uniformly 2. Scope of District Census Handbook 1971 throughout the country. Thus the District Census The District Census Handbooks are the only Handbook of 1961 Census differed widely in the publications which incorporate the data down to matter of content and coverage from that pub­ the village and block level of a town, which are lished in the 1951 Census. The District Census urgently and frequently required by the data Handbooks of 1961 were sub-divided into the users. They are constantly referred to for several following three parts:- purposes by the administrator, planner, policy­ PART I-THE DISTRICT maker and academician. The delay in the publi­ (i) Introductory Essay cation of the District Census Handbooks would (ii ) Brief Gazetteer of place names reduce the value of these very useful publica.tions. 5 In order to avoid delay in the publication the statistics, pertaining to the district in various District Census Handbooks of 1971 are sub­ fields of development. The census tables divided into three parts, two of which are pertaining to the district regarding mother tongue, combined in one volume, and the third published religion, migration, etc., will also be reproduced separately. The details of the contents of each here. A write up indicating the changes in the of the parts are as follows;- socio-economic and demographic characteristics Part A ; Town and Village Directory of the district in the last decade would also be given. Part A contains the non-census statistics of each vi11age and town. The Town Directory The non-census data of the village directory portion furnishes the data for each town in the and town directory were collected from the district in seven statements covering (1) the status local bodies. The village wise details regarding of the civic administration and the functional different types of amenities available at the category of towns and the growth of popu­ village, land use data and other information lation since 1901; (2) physical aspects and were collected in the village directory form location; (3) civic finances; (4) civic and other through the Taluka Panchayat offices. These amenities; (5) medical, educational, recreational forms w~re filled by the village officials and were and cultural facilities; (6) trade, industry, scrutinised by the Statistical Assistants at the commerce and banking facilities and (7) population Taluka level. The District Statistical Officers by religion. supervised the work and carried out percentage The Village Directory Section of Part A scrutiny. The details regarding the number of villages gives particulars of amenities available for each having post and telegraph facilities in the State, village in the matter of educational and medical those connected with electric power supply, those institutions, power supply, drinking water facilities, having all weather and fair weather bus facilities, post and telegraph facilities, communications, and those without drinking water facilities etc., particulars of land use, weekly markets and were obtained from the concerned departments by places of religious, historical and archaeological the Office of the Director of Census Operations. interest in the village. The information recorded in the village directory forms was cross checked with the data obtained Part B ; Primary Census Abstract from concerned departments, confirmed, and made Part B gives for each village and for each up-to-date. block and ward of a town the primary census data incorporating area of the town in square kilo­ The non-census data for each of the towns metres, and of village in acres and gunthas, the were obtained from the municipal authorities in number of occupied residential houses, the number the case of municipal towns and for other towns of households, total population and its break the data were obtained from the concerned Nagar up by sex, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe and Gram Panchayats. The information received population, literate population and working popu­ from the concerned municipalities and panchayats lation by nine broad industrial categories namely was scrutinised and cross checked with other (I) cultivators, (2) agricultural labourers, (3) those published official statistics for a few items where­ working in livestock, forestry, fishing, plantations, ver it was possible. etc., (4) mining and quarrying, (5) manufacturing, 3. Note on Town Directory processing, servicing and repairing, (6) in cons­ tructions, (7) in trade and commerce, (8) trans­ A. The list of urban areas, for the purpose of port, storage, and communications, and (9) in 1971 Census, was finalised in consultation with other services and the non-working population. the State Government. The following criteria Part C; Administrative Statistics and Report were applied for the purpose of determining Part C would incorporate the administrative any area as an urban area. 6 (1) All places where there is a Municipal for the year 1968-69. It covers the receipts Corporation, or a Municipality or a Town Commi­ under different heads like receipt through ttee or a Notified area or a Cantonment Board taxes, receipt derived from Municipal property have been treated as urban areas. and powers, Government grant, loans, advances (2) The remaining places were recognised as and other sources. It also covers the items of enjoying urban characteristics and declared urban expenditure on different heads like general admi­ areas only if the following conditions were nistration, public saftey, public health and conveni­ fulfilled. ence, public works, public institutions and others. (a) The estimated population at 1971 Census Statement IV should be at least 5000. This statement gives details about civic and (b) The density of population per sq. kilometre other amenities. It covers information on the type should not be below 400. of road with length, system of sewerage/drainage (c) 75 per cent of the male working population number of latrines by types, method of disposal should follow non-agricultrural pursuits, and of night soil, source and capacity of protected (d) In the opinion of the Director of Census water supply and availability of fire fighting Operations any other place where predomi­ services. The statement also gives details of the nant urban characteristics are noticed. number of electric connections by types. B. The town directory has been compiled in the following seven statements for all the urban Statement V areas of a district. For presentation of the This statement gives details relating to medi­ data all the towns of a district are arranged in cal, educational, recreational and cultural facilities alphabetical order. In Appendix I to the Town in the town. Details relating to medical insti­ Directory all the towns of a district are arranged tutions by types and the number of beds in each according to their location code numbers. The type of institutions are also covered. Details details of the data covered in these statements regarding different types of educational institutions are given below .- are given. It also covers details relating to facilities of stadia, cinemas, auditoria or drama halls and Statement I libraries. Statement I gives the details relating to the status of the towns, growth history of towns since Statement VI 1901 and their functional categories in 1961 Census This statement covers the details relating to and 1971 Census. trade, commerce, industry and banking. The statement gives details of three most important Statement II commodities imported in the towns, three impo­ This statement gives details of physical aspects rtant commodities exported from the towns and and location of the towns. Under physical aspects three important commodities manufactured in the are given details relating to altitude of the towns towns. It also gives details of the number of (in metres) annual rainfall (in m.ms) and minimum banks and cooperative credit societies. and maximum temperature (in centigrade). The Statement also gives the details of distance of the Statement VII towns from the nearest city with popUlation of 1 This statement gives the popUlation of the lakh and above, from State Headquarters, from town by religion. Data for this table is extracted District Headquarters, sub-divisional and Taluka from 1971 Census data. Headquarters, the nearest railway station and bus C. In seven areas have been route. It also gives details as to whether or not declared as urban areas during 1971 Census. the town has a navigable river or canal within 10 During 1961 Census only four areas were con­ km. and the name of sea port within 50 km. sidered as urban a.reas. Amod which was treated Statement III as an urban area in 1901 was declassified in 1911 This statment gives details of Civic finance but during 1921 to 1951 Censuses it was again 7 treated as town -and was declassified during 1961 7. Non-municipal/Non-Town NM Census. It is again treated as urban in 1971 Committee/Non-Panchayat Committee Census. Hansot was treated as an urban area in Three towns in the district have municipa­ 1901 but was declassified during 1911, 1921 and lities and four towns have panchayats. (1 has a 1961 censuses and is now again treated as an nagar and 3 have gram panchayats). With the urban area in 1971 Census. Palej is treated as an implementation of the Panchayat Act in Gujarat urban area for the first time during 1971 Census. from 1-4-1963 places having a population of D. There are no town agglomerations in the more than 10,000 but less than 20,000 have been district but Anklesvar and Bharuch towns have given the status of Nagar Panchayats and those outgrowths in their respective non-municipal having a population of less then 10,000 persons areas. The list of such outgrowths is given in have been notified as Gram Panchayats. It would Appendix II to the Town Directory. be seen from the statement that there is no town Details of Standard urban Areas in the in the district having a popUlation of more than district are as under :- one lakh. Those having a population of mOre District Standard Area Civic Area in Kms than 50,000 but less than one lakh number 1 and Component Status which is same as in 1961, those having a popu­ 1 2 3 4 lation of more than 20,000 but less than 50,OQO Bharuch Total Bharuch C S.U.A. N. A. number 3 as against 2 in 1961, those having a Urban Components population of more than 10,000 but less than Bharuch Town N. A. 20,000 number 1 which is same as in 1961 and Bharuch M 8.02 those having a population'ofmore than 5,000 but Bharuch O. G N.A. less than 10,000 are 2 as against none in 1961. Total Urban Group N. A. Columns 14 and 15 of the Statement give Rural Components the functional category of the towns according Maktampura 0.99 to 1961 Census and 1971 Census. The method Bholav 3.28 adopted for determining the functional category Dahegam 7.41 is uniform for 1961 (Atlas Volume) and 1971 Kukarwada 5.57 Census. The functional categories are worked Dungri 3.04 out on the basis of the following formula. Ali 2.39 Kanbhivaga 1.89 The nine Industrial Categories of workers adopted in 1971 Census are grouped into five Kasak 2.48 sectors as follows :- Total Rural Group 27.05 Categories Note on Statement I ( I) Agricultural and its allied I, II, III and IV Townwise details relating to status, growth activities history and functional categories are given by (2) Industrial including construction V, VI arranging the towns in alphabetical order. The (3) Trade & Commerce VII civic administration status of each town has (4) Transport, Storage & been recorded in colum 5 of the statement by Communications VIII using the following abbreviations. (5) Other Services Status Abbreviation IX 1. Corporation C The percentage of workers under each of 2. Municipality M the above five groups to total working popula­ 3. Town Committee/Town Area TC tion is worked out for each town. These towns Committee/Board are then classified according to their percentage 4. Notified area Committee/Council NAC values which will determine the charecteristic of the 5. Cantonment Board CB town as primary activity, industrial, commercial, 6. Nagar Panch~yatJPanchayat P transport and service, etc., on the following basis. 8 (0 If one sector of the econom more Note on Statement II . than two-fifths of the total working population This statement gives the physical aspects (i. e. more than 40 per cent) then the town and the location particulars of town. Particulars would be designated by that particular indu­ regarding data on the altitude of the towns have strial cetegory which is found predominant, been obtained from the Director, Survey of e. g. industrial, commercial, transport, service or primary. India, western Circle, Abu. Details regarding tem­ perature and rain fa)} have been obtained from (ii) If the percentage falling under anyone indu­ the Director General of Observatories, Meteoro­ strial, category is less than 40, then the next . predominant industrial category is taken into logical Department. Government of India and the Regional Meteorological Centre, Col aba, Bombay. account, so that their total reaches three fifth s of However, tbe data on rainfall and temperature the working population i. e. 60 per cent. were not available from the above offices for Such a town would then be designated a!l many towns. In such cases data have been industry-cum-service town or commerce-cum­ collected from local source'), and remarks to that transport tOWD, etc., as the figures may indicate. effect are given at the footnote of the statemen~. It would be seen that Palej, Jambusar and RaJ­ (iii) If the total of any two categories duse not pipla towns are on higher altitude than the r~st come llptu 60 per cent, then the third predo­ of the towns. The altitude in these towns vanes minant industrial category in order of merit from 24.69 metres to 37.00 meters. In rest of is taken into account and after 60 per cent of the towns the altitude varies ~from a minimum of the working population is accounted for the 11.00 meters at Hansot to 17.00 meters at town is designated as industry-cum-service­ Bharuch, the district headquarters. The district cum-transport town and so 00. can be divided into two geographical divisions On the above basis each of the towns has viz., Bharuch and Rajpipla all there is remarka­ been assigned~ functional categories. Table No. 1 ble contrast in their physical features. The first below gives the distribution of towns by different one is largely an alluvial plain, 45 miles in length, functional categories. It can be seen that two towns sloping gentl}' towards the Gulf of Cambay have one functional characteristic, two towns have while, the second one is hilly tract. The annual two and three towns have three characteristics. rainfall varies from town to town. The maximum TABLE No.1 rainfall 1,160.2 m.rn. was receorded at Rajpipla Distribution of Towns by Functional Categories and minimum (482.6 m.m.) was recorded at Functional Category-1971 Number of Towns Anklesver during 1969. The rainy season stares 1 2 from June and ends in September. The district 1. One Characteristic (a) Primary activities 3 experiences dry cold .season from November to February, dry hot season from March to May 3 and south-west monsoon from June to September. 2. Two Characteristics : The maximum temperature recorded was 44.40 C (a) Industry-cum-Primary Activities at Anklsevar and Rajpipla in 1969. The minimum temperature recorded was 5.50 C at Anklesvar 3. Three Characteristics : in 1969. (a) Primary activities-cum-Commerce There is no town in the district having cum-Services. more than one lakh population. is the (b) Industry-curn-Services-curn-Commerce nearest city baving more than one lakh pOJi)ulat­ (c) Services-curn-Commerce-cum-Industry. 1 ioo for all towns _in tbe district. Palej is the nearest town of the district, from Vadodara 3 City (45.00 Km.) whereas Rajpipla is the fart­ Total 7 hest town of the district from Vadodara (107.8 9 km.). Distance of Gandhinagar, tbe State Head­ Tankari is only 15.0 km. away from the Jambu­ quarters, from tbe towns of the district varies sar town. Sea port -: Dahej is 50 km. away from from a minimum of 184.0 km. for Pa lej to a Amod, 35.0 km. away from Anklesvar and 30 0 maximum of 286.4 km. for Rajpipla. The dist­ km. from Bharuch town. Sea port Kavi is 42.0 ance of the district headquarter town Bharuch from km. away from Amod and 30.0 km. away from the State Headquartars Gandhinagar is 210.4 Km. lambusar. All the towns except Bansot are connected by a Note on Statement III railway line. Hansot which is not a rail head is 20 km. away from the nearest railway station The statement gives def3ils of town fioance. Anklesvar. All towns are connected by bus route. In Bharuch district 3 towns have municipalities. Narmada is a navigable river in the district, 1 has a Nagar Paochayat and 3 have Gram Anklesvar. Bharuch and Hansot are the tbree Panchayat~. The following table shows tbe per towns of the districl which are within a range capita receipt and expenditure by size cli:lss of 10 km. from the Narmada river. Sea port of town. TABLE No.2 Per capita receipt and expenditure by size class of towns Per Capita Receipt (Rs.) Expenditure (Rs.) Size Class of Town Number Receipt Receipt from Total Expenditure on Expenditure on Expenditure on Total ex pen- pubtic health public all other of Receipt through all other Towns taxes sources diture and conveniences institutions as;Jects 1 100,000 and over II 50,000 to 99,999 52.39 21.70 30.69 47.89 13.32 8.12 26.45 III 20,000 to 49,999 3 36.05 17.26 18.79 34.28 8.67 6.04 19.57 IV 10,000 to 19,999 18.76 6.51 12.25 18.76 11.28 0.37 7.1 I

V 5,000 to 9,999 2 25.92 15.07 10.85 25.92 4.42 0.15 2\.35 VI Below 5,000

It would be seen from the above figures that of the tnwns in the population range of 10,000 to per capita receipt in the towns having population 19,999. TIle reasons of the variation in the per capita recdr,t are not analysed. 1 he per capita between 50.000 and 99,999 and tbC\se having popu­ receipt through taxes is highest (R s. 21. iO) in lation between 20,000 and 49,999 shows marked towns with popUlation size 50,000 to 99,999 difference. In the former it is Rs. 52 39 whereas followed by those in population size 20,000 to in the latter it is Rs. 36.05. Per contra it can 49,999 beiog Rs t 7.26 and tbose in population be seen that the per capita receipt in towns size 5,000 to 9,999 being only 15.07. It is lowest having population between 10.000 and 19,999 is in towns with population 10,000 tl) 19,999 being Rs. 18.76 which is much less than tbose in the only "Rs. 6.51. It can be seen that the per capita higher size class towns. However, per capita receipt through other sources is highest (Rs. 30 (9) receipt in towns in the population range of 5,000 in popUlation size 50,000 to 99,999 followed by to 9,999 is Rs. 25.92 which is higher than those those in population size 20,000 to 49,999 being ~~ ~. 10 ~ Rs. 18.79 and by tbose in populatiun size 10.000 S. Pit System (or so~k pits) PT to 19,999 being Rs. 12.25. It is lowest in towns in Column 8 population size 5,000 to 9,999 being only Rs. 10.85. Method of disposal of night soil It can be seen that per capita receipt througb 1. Head Load HL other sources diminishes progressively from higher 2. Baskets B size population group to the lower size popula­ 3. Wheel Barrows WB tion groups. 4. Septic Tank latrines ST Per capita expenditure varies from highest of 5. Sewerage S Rs. 47.89 in population size group 50,000 to 6. Soak pits or kaching pits Pf 99,999 to lowest of Rs. 18.76 in population size 7. Tractor, Trailer. Trollys or Night T group 10,000 to 19.999. Per capita expenditure Soil Tankers. in population size group 5,000 to 9,999 is Rs. 25 92 which is substantially higher than those io popul­ Column 9 ation size 10,000 to 19,999 (Rs. 18.76). Per capita Source of protected water supply expenditure on public health and conveniences is 1. Tap water T Rs. 13.32 in population size 50,000 to 99,999 2. Tilbe we)) TW and Rs. ll.28 in population size 10,000 to 19,999. 3. Well water W In the rest of the towns in population size group 4. Tank water Tk 20,000 to 49,999 and 5,000 to 9999 it is only S. River R Rs. 8.67 and 4.42 respectively. Per capita expen­ 6. Fountain F diture 00 public institutions is Rs. 8.12 in 7. Canal C population size 50,000 to 99,999 followed by 8. Others o Rs. 6.04 in population size 20,000 to 49.999. No town in the district has and underground In the rest of the population size classes it is sewerage for disposal of waste water. Amod, insignificant (Rs. 0.37 and 0.15). Per capita Bharuch, Hansot and Jambusar towns have cess expenditure on all other aspects varies from pools for disposal of waste water whereas Anklesvar Rs. 26.45 to Rs. 7.11. It is Rs. 26.45 in popul­ and PaJej have soak pits. RajpipJa town has ation size 50,000 to 99,999, Rs. 21.35 in population open surface drair.age. Though wattr borne size 5,000 to 9,999. Rs. 19.57 in population size latrines are found in four to wns viz, Bbarucb 20,000 to 49,999 and lowest of Rs. 7.11 in popula­ (33), Jambusar (285). Palej (30) and Rajpipla tion size 20,000 to 49,999. This shows that per capita (329), service latrines are also found in almost expenditure on all other aspects does not show all towns except Amod and Hansol. Eblruch, a any [rend with respect to population size class. district headquarter tOWQ has 4,782 service Note on Sbtement IV latrines and RajpipJa has 1,760 service latrines. Statement IV shows the civic and other Tbus much requires to be done for conversiun amenities available in the town. The following of service latrines into water borne ones. Night abbreviations are used in the statement. soil is transported on head load only in Paid Column 3 town. Wbeel barrows art! provided in four towns. Road Length Abbreviation Three towns han tap water supply whereas two 1. Puce a Road PR towns have open surface wells as a source. 2. Kutcha Road KR Only four towns have fire fighting services. Column 4 Amod, Hanost and Palej are devoid of this System of sewerage/drainage amenity. All towns are electrified. 1. Sewer S Details regarding domestic. commerical. 2 Open Surface Drainage OSD industrial and other connections are given in 3. Kutcha Drainage KD the statement. The following definitions have 4. CesS Pool CS been applied for each of the terms used. 11 1. Domestic : Column 3: Type of medical institutions Abbreviation (i) Heat and Power: 1. Hospital H Service to a household : supply to cooking 2. Dispensary D ranges, refrigerators, air conditioners. etc., used 3. T. B. Clinic TBe in the household. 4 Health Centre HC (ii) Lights and Fans 5. Nursing Home NH Service to a house which needs only lighting 6. Maternity Centre M and fan connections. 7. Child Welfare Centre CW 2. Commerical : 8 Fr.mily Planning Centre FC (aJ Heat and Power : 9. Other Medical Institutions o The same as 1 (i) except that the use is for Column 5: commercial purposes i.e. shops, restaurants, etc. Type of College Abbreviation (b) Lights and Fans: 1. Arts College only A Same as 1 Oi) above except that the use is 2. Science College only S for commercial purposes i.e. shops, restaurants, etc. 3. Commerce College only c 3. Industrial : 4. Arts & Science College only AS 5. Combined Arts Science and Power service to any installation at Commerce College ASe (i) Low and Medium Voltage : 6. Arts & Commerce C')llege only AC Up to 100 HP load for use in establishments 7. Law College L such as flour mills, oil mills, ice factories, etc. 8. Law & Education College LB (ii) High Voltage : There is no town without one or other type Connections given for industrial purpose at of medical facility. Hospital facilities are available a voltage of 11 KV and above. in four towns. Two towns have maternity centres, 4. Street lighting one town has tuberculosis clinic and all towns bave family planning centres. The following table Power service given for providing light in gives particulars of number of beds available in the streets of village or town. each town. 5. Others . TABLE No.3 (i) Irrigation and Agricultural dewatering Medical Facilities Power given to farmers for pumping water Name of Town Number of Numbarof for agricultural purpose. SI. beds inmedical beds per (iO Public water supply and sewerage pumpint. No. insti tutions 1000 population Pvwf'r service given for pumping and/or 1 Amod 6 0.43 preparation of potable water supply in villages/ 2 Anklesvar 35 1.33 towns and for pumping sewerage in the villages 3 Bharuch 176 1.91 4 Hansot 6 0.79 or towns. 5 lambusar SO 2.06 Note on Statement V 6 Palej 3 0.47 7 Rajpipla 68 2.64 The statement gives details relating to medi­ cal, educational, recreational and other cultural Total 344 1.78 facilities in the town. In the case of medical The total number of beds in the medical institutions only Government, Semi-Government institutions of the towns of the district number and charitable institutions have been covered. The 344. The highest number of beds (176) is to be abbreviations used in the statement to denote the found in Bharuch, followed by RajpipJa (68), various types of medical and educational institu· Jambusar (50), and Anklesvar (35). Tbe rest d tions are explained below :- the towns have beds varying from a minimum 3 12 at Palej to a maximum of 3S in Anklesvar. It Note on Statement VI ea~ be seen that Amod, Hansot and Palej stand lowest in the ladder. The District average for all Statement VI gives details relating to tradf', the towns shows that there are 1.78 beds per commerce, industry and banking in the towns. All 1.000 population. Rajpipla (2.64), Jambusar (2.06) the towns of the district have banking facilities. and Bharucb (1.91), are above the district average Agricultural as well as non-agricultural cooperative whereas the rest of the towns are below the credit societies are also found in almost all the district average. towns. Bharuch and Hansol have no agricultural credit societies but have only non -agricultural No town of the district has a medical or an credit societies. Palej has only agricultural credit Engineering College. Only one town Bharuch has societies. Important commodities manufactured a Polytechnic. Three towns have non-technical in the towns of the district are Penknives (Deshi college/colleges. Four towns viz, Amod, Anklesvar, chappa), cotton yarn, cotton clotb, soap, activated Hansot and Palej are devoid of any college faci­ carbon, kites, catechu, motor tube valves. bidis lities. Four to~ns have other recognised sb orthand, and groundnut oil. Penknives (Deshi chappa) are typewriting or other such vocational institutions. manufactured at Amod. Cotton yarn is manufac­ Primary and Secondary school facilities are tured at Anklesvar, Cotton c1otb, S(lap and motor available in all the towns. The following table tube valves are manufactured at Bharucb. Soap. gives details of the number of primary and secon­ kites and bidis are manufactured at Jambusar. dary schools per 1,000 population. Activated carbon, catechu and groundnut oil are TABLE No.4 manufactured at Rajpipla. Cotton is exported from Secondary and Primary schools per 1,000 population almost all the towns except Palej and Rajpipla. Sl. Name of the Number per 1000 Population Cotton lint is exported from Palej town. Timber No. Town Secondary school Primary school is exported from Rajpipla and Palej towns. Kites 1 Amod 0.095 0.380 are manufactured and exported from Jambusar. 2 Anklesvar 0.114 0,420 Catechu is manufactured and exported from Raj­ 0.152 3 Bharuch 0.369 pipla. The other commodities exported are tea, 4 Hansot 0.393 0.524 5 Jambusar 0.084 0.381 cloth, cottonseeds, gur, jowar and wheat, bricks 6 Palej 0.157 0.314 and ginned cotton. Agate stones are exported 7 Rajpipla 0.194 0.427 from Jbagadia taluka. Average 0.150 0.394 Cotton, being the main agricultural produce The average number of secondary schools per of the district there are quite a large number of 1,000 population for all the lawns is 0.150. It can cotton ginning and pressing factories in the towns. be seen tbat tbe following towns viz: Hansot (0.393), Rajpipla (0.194), Palej (0.157) and Bbaruch Notes and Explanations on Village Directory (0.152), are above this average whereas the remai­ ning are below tbe average. A brief outline on each of the statement of tbe Town Directory has been given in the earlier The average number of primary schools per pages. The Handbook also incorporates, besides 1,000 population for all the towns comes to 0.394. The towns above the average are Hansot (0.524), the town directory, villagewise particulars regard­ Rajpipla (0.427) and Anklesvar (0.420). The rest ing different types of amenities and land use data cf the towns fall below the average. for 1969 for each of the villages in the district in the Village Directory section of the Handbook. No town in the district has a stadium. Cinemas are found in all towns except Hansot In Bharuch district there are 1,209 villages and Patej. Auditoria or drama balls are found in distributed in 11 talukas. The following is the Bharuch and Rajpipla towns. Public libraries.. are distribution of the villages in the various available in all tbe towns. Talukas/mahals of the district. 1.3 SI. No. Name of Tal uka Number of viIla3es 9 Post Office PO 1 Bharuch 99 Telegraph Office to 2 Anklesvar 56 POst &. Telegrapb Office PTO 3 Hansot 46 Telepbone Phone 4 Vagra 69 5 Jan1busar 81 10 Government Canal C 6 Amod 52 Private Canal 168 C 7 Jhagadia Tube Well TW 8 Nandod 208 9 Dediapada 214 Other WeBs W 10 Sagbara 121 Tank Tk 11 Valia 95 River R Total 1,209 Waterfall WF Four talukas cover more Ihan 100 villages, Other Sources o whereas tbe remaining talukas have less than 100 (a) TaJuka abstract of amenities villages each. Dediapada taluka has the largest A talukawise Abs\ract of the educational, number o( villages with 214 whereas Hansot has medica) and other amenities available at the the least number of villages with only 46. villages is given in an Appendix to tbe Village Directory. It can be seen from the Abstract tbat The following abbreviations ba ve been used 953 villages have primary school facilities. There in the Village Directory section of the Handbook are thus only 256 villages without primary schools for the terms listed in Col.2 of the Statement of which 73 are deserted villages. The details of below. villages witbout a primary school are as under :- ~olulOn ItelO Abbreviation SI. Name of Number ot "Villages Number of deserted Number No. Taluka without primary villages 4 Primary School Pr.S school Sec.s. 1 Bharuch 5 4 Secondary School 1 Anklesvar 4 2 College C 3 Hansot 1 1 IS 4 Vagra 2 1 Industria] Scbo,1 5 Jambusar 3 Training School Tr.S 6 Arood 1 7 Jhagadia 35 4 Other Educational Institutions OS 8 Nandod 37 1 S Hospital H 9 Dediapada 119 44 10 Sagbara 41 15 Maternity Home/Centre M 11 Valia 8 1 CW Child Welfare Centre 256 73 Health Centre He Dispensary D It would be seen that quite a large number Family Planning Centre FC of villages are devoid of primary school facilities 6 Electricity for any purpose E in Dediapada. Sagbara. Jhagadia and Nandod Electricity for agricultural talukas which are more or less tribal areas. In purpose only E{Ag) the rest of talu.lcas only a few villages are fouod T 7 Tap Water witbout primary schools. Well w Tank Tk Only 80 villages or 7.04 per cent of tbe Tube Well TW total villages of the district have secondary schools River R and leB or 9.51 per cent of the total have other F Fountain educational institutions. Canal C Other 0 It can be seen that only 87 villages or 7.66 Not Available N.A. per cent have dispensaries. Only 1 village has the 8 Pucca Road PR facility of hospital and 12 villages b'ave:rnaternity Kutcha Road KR Railway Station T homes. Only 2 villages have child welfare centres. N:wigabJe River Ng(R) 50 villages have primary health centres (including Navigation Canal Ng(C) sub centres) and 52 villages have family planning Bus facility centres. Thus only a limited number of villages Whole Year WY Fair Season FS in the district have medical facj)jties. 14 Only 218 or 19.19 per cent of the total (b) Bus ft cilities villages of tbe district are electrified. No vilJage The details of villages connected by bm is electrified in Sagbara and Dediapada talukas services have been incorporated in tbe Village of the district. directory. Bus facility is considered to be availa­ ble in the VIllage if a bus stop is available within Ordinary surface wells are the main source one mile from the village. of drinking water facility. Only 236 villages or It would be seen frem the following figures 20.77 pte cent of the total have tap water supply. tbat only 283 or 2491 per cent of the vilJag's Other sources of water supply include tanks (26 ill the district are connected by bus services villages) and rivers (t 75 villages). throughout the year. Titere are 349 villages or 30.72 per cent of the totCll which enjoy tois amenity Only 390 villages or 34.33 per cent of the only during the fair season. A significant number total are connected with Pucca road. 377 villages of villages. forming 44.37 per cent of the tol a1, or 33.19 per cent have post offices, Bnd only do not enjoy this amenity at all. A talukawise 17 villages have both post and telegraph offices. break up of villages connected by bus services is 22 villages in the. district have telephones. given hereunder.

Villages Connected by Bus Senices Name of Taluka/ Total No. of No. of villages having No. of villages having No. of villag~s Mahal inhabited bus facilities for the bus facilities during without bus villages whole year fair season only facilities 2 3 4 5 Bharuch 95 48 (50.53) 22 (23.16) 25 (26.31) Anklesvar 54 21 (38.89) 20 (37.04) 13 (24.07) Hansot 45 25 (55.56) 11 (24.44) 09 (20.00) Vagra 68 10 04.71) 51 (75.00) 07 (10.29) Jambusar 81 20 (24.69) 52 (64.20) 09 (11.11) Amod 52 1] (2]. ]5) 29 (55.77) 12 (23.08) Jhagadia 164 39 (23.78) 27 (16.46) 98 (59.76) Nandod 207 50 (24.15) 56 (27.05) 101 (48.80) Dediapada 170 ]4 ( 8.23) 40 (23.53) 116 (68.24) Sagbara 106 5 ( 4.72) 18 (16.98) 83 (78.30) Valia 94 40 (42.55) 23 (24.47) 31 (32.9g) ------~- --_---- Total @ 1,136 283 (24.91) 349 (30.72)· 504 :44.37) @ (73 uninhabited villages are not included.)

(Figures in tra~kets indicate percentage of total villages in each taluka ) It would be seen from the figures given in This figure varies from a mlD1IDUm pf \ 6.46 per column 3 that the petctntage ofvlllages connected cent in Jl\agadia taluka to a maximum ot 75.00 by bus services throughout the year varies consi­ per cent in Vagra taluka. derably among different talukas. Tbe maximum perccn~age is recorded in Hansot taluka being There are 504 villages in the district which 55.56 per cent. It is f)llowed by Bbaruch having are not connected by bus services even during 50.53 per cent, Valia having 42.55 per cent and fair season. It would be seen that maximum Anklesvar having 38.89 per cent. In tbe rest of number of villages without bus facilities are noti­ the talukas it is less than 25 per cent. ced in Dediapada taluka (116). closely followed by Nandod (01), Jhagadia (98) and Sagbara (83). The percentage of villages connected by bus 10 the rest of the talukas it varies from a miuimum services only during tbe fair season also varies of 7 ill Vagra taluka to a maximum of 31 in c.)n5iderably in different talukas of the district. Valia taluka. 15 (c) Distribution of villages by area It would be seen from the above table that The distribution of villages by their areas maximum number of villages (431) i e. 35.68 per is given in tbe following table in 8 size groups. cent of tbe total villages fall in the area group TABLE NO.5 1,001 to 2,000 acres. 25.66 per cent of the total Distribution of the villages by their areas in acres villages fall in the area group Sal to 1000 acres. S1. Area in Acres Number of villages This shows that more than 60 per cent of the No. 1 2 3 total villages have areas more than 501 acres 1 50 acres or less 2 ( 0.17) but less than 2,000 acres. 19.78 per cent of the 2 50 - 100 6 ( 0.50) 3 10] - 200 26 ( 2.15) total villages fall in the area group 2001 to 5000 4 201 - 500 ]61 03.33) 5 50] - 1000 310 (25.66) acres. Only 33 villages or 2.73·· per cent have 6 1001 - 2000 431 (35.68) area more tban 5000 acres. There are 185 villages 7 2001 - 5000 239 (19.78) 8 5001 acres and above 33 ( 2.73) or 16.15 per cent having areas below 501 acres. (d) Distribution of villages by educational amenities Total liV 1,208 @ Total number of villages in the district are 1,209. Table No.6 below shows the distribution (One village whose area is amalgamated with other village is not included.) of villages having educational amenities by Figures in brackets indicate percentage. distance from the nearest town. TABLE No.6 Distribution of villages having educationa,) amenities by distance from the nearest to"n S1. Distance from the Number of Num1:Jer of villages having No. nearest town villages ------Primary school Middle Higher secondary College Others school school 1 5 kIP. or less 62 61 (98.39) 5 ( 8.06) 2 (3.23) 23 (37.10) 2 6 ]0 km. 120 111 (92.50) 9 ( 7.50) 16 (13.33) 3 11 - 15 km. 127 121 (95.28) 17 (13.39) 14 (11.02) 4 16 - 25 km. 212 J 93 (91.04) 28 (13.21) 24 (1 J..32) 5 26 - 50 km. 400 321 (80.25) J 9 ( 4.75) 23 ( 5.75) 6 51 - 100 km. 206 139 (67.48) 2 ( 0.97) 8 ( 3.88) 7 101 - 200 km. 9 7 (77.78) 8 201 km. and above ------_ ---- Total 1,136@ 953 (83.89) 80 (7.04) 2(0.17) 108(9.51) @ (73 uninhabited villages are not included) Figures in brackets indicate percentage to total number of villages in each distance group. It would be seen that proportion of villages TABLE NO.7 baving primary school diminishes pari passu with Medical facility per leO sq. km. an increase in the distance from the nearest towa S1. Name of taluka/ Total area Num1::er of rredi- No. mahal (in sq. km.) cal institutions of except in the distance group of 11 to 15 km. any kind per It is 98.39 per cent for the villages within 5 km. 1 Bharuch 666 100 ~:O km. whereas it is only 77.78 per cent for those be- 2 Anklesvar 415 3.1 3 Hansot 399 2 3 yond 100 km. from the nearest town. 4 Vagra 883 2:0 5 Jambusar 1,097 1.6 6 Amod 465 2.6 Regarding secondary schools there is no 7 Jhagadia 813 3.2 definite trend in the various distance groups upto 8 Nandod 1,091 2.9 9 Dediapada 1,022 1.1 25 km. Thereafter it declines con!'iderably. 10 Sagbara 400 1.3 Similar trend is observed for other types of 11 Valia 514 5.3 schools also. It would be seen from the above table that in the rural area of Valia taluka the number of (e) Medical facilities medical institution per 100 sq. km. is higher than the rest of the talukas. Valia is followed by Distribution of medical institutions per 100 Bharuch, Jhagadia, Anklesvar, Nand ad, Amcd and sq. km. is given in the follownig table. Hansot talukas. The lowest proportion is noticed 16 in Dediapada taluka being only 1.1 per 100 sq. It would be seen from the above table 'hilt km. closely folluwed by Sagbara having 1.3 only. only 19.19 per cent of the total villages are ele­ (f) Electricity Ooly 218 villages have electricity. The distri­ ctrified. The highest proportion of villages having bution of these villages by their distance frum electric power supply is 53.23 per cent for those tbe nearest town is as under. TABLE No.8 situated within 5 km. from the nearest town. Distribution of villages with electricity and dist­ Thereafter it declines pari passu with an increase llnce from the nearest town. S!.· Distance from Total Number Number of villa­ in the distance from the nearest town except No. the nearest of villages ges with electric town power supply those situated within the distance group of 16 to 1 2 3 4 1 5 km. or less 62 33 (53.23) 25 km. Only 2 villages beyond 50 km. from 2 6 10 km. 120 35 (29.17) 3 11 - 15 km. 127 32 (25.20) the nearest town are electrified. 4 16 - 25 km. 212 62 (29.25) 5 26 - 50 km. 400 54 (13.50) 6 51 - 100 km. 206 2 ( 0.97) (g) Communications 7 101 - 200 km. 9 8 201 km. and above The follo\\.ing table glves the distribution ,:(otal @ 1,136 218 (19.19) @ 73 uninhabited villages are not included. of villages baving different t~ pe of communicat- (Figures in bracket indicate percentage to total num­ ber of villages in each distance group ). ion facilities by distance from the neare~t town. TABLE No.9 Distribution of villages with different communication facilities and distance fr, m the nearest 1L wn Sl. Distance from the Total No. Number of villages connected_1:ly No. nearest town of villages Pucca Road Kutcha Pucca pucca Kutch:" Others Road road Toad TOad and and and riv

Percentage of average cultivable waste per village to average cultivated land per "mage by distance group from the nearest town S1. No. Distance No. of Total Average Total Average Percentage of from the villages cultivated cultivated cultivable cultivable average cultivable nearest land land waste waste per waste per village town per village village to average cultivated (in acres) (in acres) (in acres) (in acres) land per villag.!; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 km. or less 62 66,389 ],070.8 6,948 112.1 10.47 2 6 - 10 km. 120 138,884 1,157.4 13,835 115.3 9.96 3 11 - 15 km. 127 170,641 1,343.6 16,453 129.6 9.65 4 16 - 25 km. 212 281,219 1,326.5 30,475 143.8 10.84 5 26 - 50 km. 400 358.515 8963 40,223 100.6 11.22 6 51 - 100 km. 206 133,031 645.8 9,541 46.3 7.17 7 101 - 200 km. 9 7,570 841.1 314 34.9 4 ]5 8 201 km. and above ---- Total 1,136 1,156,249 1,024.1 117,789 106.8 10.43 Uninhabited +73 +7,083 +3,556 ---- Grand Total 1,209 1,163,332 962.2 121,345 100.4 10.43 It would be seen from column 5 of the state­ increases pari passu with an increase in the dis­ ment tbat average cultivated land per village for tance from the nearest town in first four distance the villages in tbe distance group 11 to 15 km. groups within 25 km. There after it declines pari is bighest being 1.343.6 acres. The minimum lies passu with an increase in distance from tbe nearest in the distance group 51 to 100 km. being only town. 645.8 acres. It would be seen from column 7 It would be seen from the column 8 of tbe that the maximum average cultivable waste land statement that percentage of average cultivable per village is 143.8 acres worked out for tbe waste to average cultivated land is maximum distance group 16 to 25 km. The minimum lies (11.22) in distance gr,Jup 26 to 50 km. whereas in the distance group 101 to 200 km. being only minimum is recorded (4.15 per cent) in the dis­ 34.9 acres. Tbe average cultivable waste per village tance group 101 to 200 km.



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List of Urban Areas As Per Location Code Numbers

Name of Taluk3 Location Name of Urban Area Location code No. code No.

1 2 3 4

Bharuch Bharuch 16/1

Palej 16(11

Anklesvar 2 Anklesvar 161III

Hanost 3 Hansot 16/IV

lambusar 5 Jambusar 16/V

Amod 6 Amod 16/VI

Nandod 8 Rajpipla 16jVII


Names of outgrowths of orban areas which do not qualify to be treated as separate towns.

SI. No. Name of the Constituent area Block No. of outgrowth

Anklesvar Town Agglomeration Anklesvar 29 & 30

2 Bharucb Town Agglomeration Bharuch 153



Amenities available within the viliage Total Drinking Communica- Post and area of the Power Telegraph Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Code No. (in Acres)

9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

PO Kamboli 1,094 Pr.S,Sec.S E T,W WY,KR PO 2 Kishnad 1,575 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR 3 Simalia 1,061 Pr.S E T,W WY,KR 4 Thikaria 1,116 Pr.S E T,W WY,KR 5 Ghodi 968 Pr.S T,W KR PO

6 Adol 808 Pr.S E T,W PR,T PO 7 Tankaria 3,345 Pr.S(2), D E T,W PS,KR Sec.S II Padaria 1,403 Pr.S E T,W KR PO 9 Karela 2,144 Pr.S E(Ag) T,W KR PO 10 Kelod 2,710 Pr.S HC,D E T,W WY,PR,T PO

11 Pipalia 2,057 PeS T,W KR 12 Parkhet 2,712 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR PO 13 Kahan 1,289 Pr.S T,W KR PO 14 Segva 1,746 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR PO 15 Varedia 1,451 Pr.S,OS HC E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PO, Phone

16 Shahpura 1,200 Pr.S T,W FS,PR,KR PO 17 Nand 1,278 Pr.S W FS,PR 18 Bharthana 1,052 Pr.S T,W FS,PR,T 19 Vparali 817 Pr.S W PR PO 20 Manch 951 Pr.S W WY,PR PO

21 Jhanghar 1,840 Pr.S(2) E T,W WY,PR,KR PO 22 Bod 1,099 Pr.S E T,W,Tk WY,KR,T 23 Kargat 1,089 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR PO 24 Sitpon 2,526 Pr.S(2), E T,W FS,KR PO Sec.s 25 Hingalla 1,140 Pr.S T,W WY,KR PO

26 Pariej 1,990 Pr.S,Sec.S E T,W FS,KR PO 27 Dayadra 2,347 Pr.S,Sec.S D E T,W WY.PR,T PO 28 Tralsa 3,764 Pr.S(2), D E T,W WY.KR PO Sec.S,OS 29 Tralsi 892 Pr.S E T,W PR,T 30 Kothi 1,67' Pr.S T,W WY,PR,KR PO

31 Kuvadar 843 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR PO 32 Bambusar 740 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 33 Samlod 1,893 Pr.S M,FC E T.W WY,PR,KR PO 34 Jhanor 5,530 Pr.S(2),Sec.S D E T,W.R WY,PR,KR,NG Po 35 Dabhali 864 Pr.S T.W FS,PR,KR PO

30 ~ .. . DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (I. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the neare~t unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food ------in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Rice and Wheat T(217) W(217) 795 SO 31 PaleJ-4 1 Jowar and Rice T(864) W(864) 560 151 Palej-6 2 Rice and Wheat T(53) W(53) 910 3 95 Palej-5 3 Jowar and Rice T(130) W(130) 908 77 Palej-7 4 Rice and Wheat T(75) W(75) 832 61 Palej-14 5

Rice and Wheat T(225) W(22S) 540 42 Palej-12 6 Jowar and Rice T(455) W(455) 2,703 15 171 Palej-16 7

Rice and Wheat T(352) W(352) 925 33 93 Palej-18 8 Jowar and Wheat T(686) W(686) 1,309 51 98 Palej-20 9 Rice and Wheat T(210) W(210) 2,255 190 55 Bharuch-18 If)

Rice and Wheat T(l20) W(120) 1,750 32 154 Bharuch-22 11 Rice and Wheat T(501) W(501) 2,010 37 163 Palej-18 12 Jowar and Rice T(478) W(478) 723 79 9 Palej-16 1l Jowar and Rice T(250) W(250) 1,303 37 155 Palej-16 14 Rice and Wheat T(350) W(350) 941 30 130 Palej-14 15

Rice and Wheat T(900) W(900) 188 72 40 Palej-18 16 Jowar and Wheat T(S5) W(85) 696 140 358 Palej-16 11 Rice and Wheat T(600) W(600) 352 44 56 Palej-15 IS Rice and Wheat T(251) W(251) 509 57 Palej-16 J') Rice and Wheat T(158) W(l58) 713 79 Palej-15 20

Jowar and Rice T(536) W(536) 1,146 145 12 Palej-14 21 Jowar and Wheat T(411) W(411) 613 71 4 Bharuch-16 22 Jowar and Rice T(29) W(29) 927 126 8 Bharuch-14 23 Jowar and Wheat T(267) W(267) 2,029 239 Bharuch-20 24

Jowar and Rice T(225) W(225) 804 13 97 Bharuch-16 25

Jowar and Rice T(620) W(620) 1,!92 95 83 Palej-22 26 Jowar and Rice T(449) W(449) 1,620 111 167 Bharuch-16 27 Rice and Wheat T(600) W(600) 2,822 215 127 Bharuch-25 28

Rice and Wheat T(300) W(300) 509 69 14 Bharuch-16 29 Jowar and Rice T(75) W(75) 1,480 19 101 Bharuch-19 30

Rice and Wheat T(467) W(467) 274 95 7 Bharuch-12 31 Jowar and Rice T(10) W(10) 654 66 10 Bharuch-14 32 Jowar and Wheat T(1,OOO) W(1,OOO) 752 24 116 Palej-18 33 Wheat and Rice T(233) W(233) 3,381 1,071 845 Palej-23 34 Iowar and Wheat T(600) W(600) 204 3 56 Palej-14 35 31 TALUKA BHARUCH VILI;AGE

Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Tetal area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post nnd Location Name of village village Educational Medical Supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

36 Nabipur 2,283 Pr.S(2),Sec.S, D E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PTO, OS Phone 37 Aldar 2,093 Pr.S;Sec.S, M,RC, E T,W WY,PR PO, OS FC Phone 35 Paguthan 1,340 Pr.S D T,W FS,KR PO 39 Mahudhala 993 Pr.S E T,W KR PO 40 Sarnar 868 Pr.S T,W KR

41 Derol 2,705 Pr.S,Sec.S FC E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PO 42 Kasad 2,135 Pr.S W KR 43 Chavaj 1,430 Pr.S T,W FS,KR.T 44 Vagusana 533 Pr.S T,W WY,PR,KR

45 Luwara 688 Pr.S T,W WY,PR,KR PO

46 Asurra 529 Pr.S W WY,PR 47 lJrnara 1,007 Pr.S T,W KR 48 Kavitha 1,830 Pr.S,Sec.S,OS E T,W FS,KR PO 49 Angareshwar 1,281 Pr.S W PR,KR PO

50 Sindhot 859 Pr.S W KR PO

51 Nikora 3,072 Pr,S,Sec.S,OS D E T,W,R WY,PR,NG PO 52 Karjan 1,127 Pr,S W FS,KR PO 53 Karmali 1,091 Pr.S T,W FS,KR 54 Osara 503 Pr.S W FS,KR 55 Hatdarwa 1,800 Pr.S D E T,W KR PO

56 Vadadla 1,245 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR,T 57 Rahadpor 351 Pr.S E T,W KR PO 58 Urnaraj 1,293 Pr,S T,W PR,KR PO 59 Tham 1,985 Pr.S T,W WY,KR,T PO 60 Vahalu 1,771 Pr.S T,W WY,KR PO

61 Cholad 1,802 Pr.S T,W KR 62 Amleshwar 5,450 Pr,S(2),Sec.S D T,W WY,PR PO 63 Vansi 2,218 Pr.S T,W FS,PR PO 64 Karmad 1,168 Pr,S(2),Sec.S D E T,W FS,KR PO (i5 Manubar 2,078 Pr,S(2) D E T,W FS,PR,KR PO

66 Kantharia 1,288 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PO 67 Sherpura 420 Pr.S T,W PR,KR,T PO 68 Bholav 810 Pr.S,C E T,W T,WY,PR,KR,NG PO Nandeval 855 Pr.S T,W PR,KR,T. "10 Tavara 4,571 Pr,S E W WY,K R PO 32 DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food ------in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

Rice and Wheat T(983) W(983) 1,065 ISO 84 Bharuch-12 36

Jowar and Rice T(1,067) W(1,067) 867 78 80 Bharuch-14 37

Rice and Wheat T(463) W(463) 763 48 66 Bharu::h-9 38 Rice and Wheat T(3IO) W(31O) 624 57 2 Bharuch-14 39 Jowar and Rice T(39) W(39) 726 103 Bharuch-16 40

Jowar and Rice T(996) W(996) 1,430 149 130 Bharuch-12 41 Jowar and Rice T(638) W(638) 1,301 125 71 Bharuch-IO 42 Rice and Wheat T(617) W(617) 670 16 127 Bharuch-6 43 Jowar, Rice and T(2J7) W(2l7) 217 19 80 Bharuch-IO 44 Wheat Jowar and Wheat T(56) W(56) 555 77 Bharuch-l0 45

Rice and Wheat T(11O) W(llO) 305 99 14 Bharuch-12 4& Jowar and Wheat T(162) W(162) 739 20 87 Bharuch-14 41 Rice and Wheat T(753) W(753) 935 92 50 Bharuch-18 43 Jowar and Rice T(44) C(33) 770 58 408 Bharuch-20 49 W(ll) Jowar and Wheat T(101) W(lOI) 598 126 34 Bharuch-20 SO

Jawar and Rice T(513) W(513) 221 J,230 1,11)8 Bharuch-18 51 Jowar and Rice T(231) W(231) 717 J09 70 Bharuch-I4 52 Jowar and Wheat T(34) W(34) 946 102 9 Bharuch-18 5J Jowar and Wheat T(156) W(l56) 316 II 21 Bharuch-16 54 Jowar and Wheat T(635) W(635) 1,016 83 65 Bharuch-18 5S

Jowar and Wheat T(285) W(285) 805 90 64 Bharuch-7 56 Jowar anj Rice T(l15) W(115) 179 2 56 Bharuch-2 51 Jowar and Wheat T(444) W(444) 762 56 30 Bharuch-6 53 Jowar and Wheat T(436) W(436) 1,442 107 Bharuch-IO S, Jowar and Wheat T(668) W(668) 1,019 84 Bharuch-13 60

Jowar and Rice T(125) W(125) 1,525 62 90 Bharuch-16 61 Jowar and Wheat T(204) W(204) 4.478 137 631 Bharuch-28 62 JOWllr and Rice 2,070 24 124 Bharuch-12 63 Jowar and Rice T(23]) W(231) 868 54 15 Bharuch-IO 64 Rice and Wheat T(240) W(240) 1,748 60 30 Bharuch-5 65

Jowar and Wheat T(252) W(2S2) 899 76 60 Bharuch-4 66 Jowar and Rice T(114) W(1l4) 253 27 27 Bharuch-4 61 Wheat and Bajri T(179) W(179} 419 117 95 Bharuch-1 68 Jowar and Wheat T(167} W(167) 612 6 70 Bharuch-3 69 Jowar and Wheat T(424) W(424) 2,666 1,482 Bharuch-8 70 33 VILLAGE TALUKA BHARUCH Amenities and

Amenities available within t!Je village Total Post and Power Drinking communica- area of the tions Telegraph Location Name of village village Educational Medical Supply water Code No. (in Acres)

8 2 3 4 S 6 7

Wy,PR,NG PO 71 Mangleshwar 1,990 Pr.S,OS HC E T,W,R

T,W,R WY,PR,NG PO, 72 Shuklatirth 4,096 Pr.S(2),Sec.S D E Phone WY,PR,NG PO 73 Jhadeshwar 2,419 Pr.S(2), D E T,W Sec.S,OS WY,PR,KR,T,NG PO 74 Maktampof 244 Pr.S,OS E T,W WY,PR,KR PO 75 Dahegam 1,830 Pr.S T,W

WY,PR,T PO 76 Hinglot 1,354 Pr.S,Sec.S W WY,PR,KR 77 Detral 863 Pr.S T,W WY,PR PO 7. Vesdada 1,002 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO 79 Kuralla 1,067 Pr.S T,W WY,PR,KR PO 80 Bhuva 861 Pr.S,Sec.S W

WY,PR,KR 81 Amdada 1,106 Pr.S FC W PO 82 Eksal 1,960 Pr.S T,W WY,PR 83 Sankhvad 1,238 Pr.S W PR 84 Kesrol 1,950 Pr.S W WY,PR PO 85 Nawetha, 1,132 Pr.S HC W WY,PR PO

86 Manad 2,624 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 87 Mahegam 1,386 Pr.S W,R FS,KR.NG PO 88 Bhadbhut 2,248 Pr.S,OS D T,W,R WY,PR,KR,NG PO 89 Kasva 2,086 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO 90 Vadva 941 Pr.S W KR,NG

91 Dhanturia 3,460 Pr.S W WY,PR,NG PO 92 Tariabet 2,748 Pr.S W WY,KR,NG PO 93 Dashan 1,498 Pr.S W,R KR,NG 94 Verwada 611 W KR 95 Kukarwada 1,376 Pr.S,OS W KR,NG PO

96 *Dungri 844 97 *AIi 712


34 DlRllm'bRY

Lanf Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the marketJ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

lowar and Wheat T(496) C(425) 1,1l2 155 227 Bharuch-18 Wen known place 71 W(7J) of "Kabirvad" near the village Jowar and Wheat T(759) C(759) 1,593 930 813 Bharuch-16 72

Rice an'd Wheat T(46) W(46) 1,462 518 393 Bharuch-l 73

Jowar and Wheat T(30) W(30) )34 50 29 Bharuch-4 74 lowar and Wheat T(187) W(l87) 1,483 160 Bharllch-4 75

Iawar and Wheat T(212) W(212) 990 142 11 Bharuch-13 76 lowar and Wheat 793 47 22 Bharuch-14 77 Jowar and Wheat T(lO) WOO) 876 39 76 Bharllch-14 78 lowar and Rice T(246) W(246) 746 16 59 Bharuch-14 79 lowar and Rice T(465) W(46S) 367 2 26 Bharnch-18 80

lowar and Rice T(79) W(79) 974 7 46 Bharuch-18 81 Rice and Wheat 1,832 48 80 Bharuch-28 82 lowar and Wheat T(SO) W(SO) 1,021 35 132 Bharuch-22 83 Iowar and Wheat . T(lO) W(lO) 1,538 162 240 . Bharuch.:.JO 84 Iowar and Wheat T(50) W(SO) 969 41 71 Bharuch-20 85

lowar and Rice T(38) W(38) 2,062 127 397 Bharuch-28 86 Iowar and Rice T(8) W(8) 623 51 704 Bharuch-33 87 Iowar and Wheat T(3) W(3) 1,650 8 586 Bharuch-20 88 Rice and Wheat T(108) W(108) 1,727 251 Bharuch-25 89 Jow/lr and Rice T(l7) W(17) 678 8 237 Bharuch-16 90

Iowar and Rice T(10) W(lO) 132 312 3,OOS -8 91 Iowar and Rice T(28) W(28) 888 77 1,756 Ankleshwar-6 92 Iowar and Wheat T(84) W(84) 700 184 530 Bharuch-l0 93 Iowar and Rice T(20) W(20) 291 104 195 Bharuch-8 94 Iowar and Wheat 910 57 409 Bharuch-3 95

T(l2S) W(l25) 546 79 94 96 T(20) W(20) 184 307 201 97 TALUKA BHARUCH VILLAGE Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

98 *I{anbivaga 564 99 *I{asak 657

Total 159,348 Pr.S(l05), M(2), E(39), T(69), WY(48), PO(69}. Sec.S(18), HC(S), E(AG) (1) W(9S), FS(22). PTO(2). C(l), D(16). Tk(l). PR(52), Phone(4) OS(l1) FC(4) R(7) KR(72), NG(lS), T(18)


Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under 0>1. 4 indicat. the unmber of Primary, Secondary and other sehools. The figures in brackets under CoIs. S to 9 indaicate the number of villages having those particular amenities. The area figures in Col. 3 may Dot tally with the total of Cols. 11 to IS in some casess due to rounding.


Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Ne~rest town Day or Days Remarks Loca­ rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Cede Forest Irrigated Un­ Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interellt groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(2S) W(2S) 231 175 133 98 T(15) W(lS) 130 122 390 99

27,932 100,497 11,061 19,838

Db-v. :z 37


Amenities and

Amenities aVJilable v.;it:;in the village Total area of the Power Drinkhg Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply v,ah',' lions Telegraph Code No. (in Anes)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Matied 4,081 Pr.S,OS E T,W,Tk,TW WY,PR,KR PO 2 Sajod 4,136 Pr,S(2), M,RC, E W,Tk WY,PR,KR PO 3 PUngam Sec.S,OS FC 898 Pr.S D E W WY,PR,KR PO 4 Haripura 1,0Z() Pr.S T,W KR 5 Sakkarpor 2,265 Pr.S E W,R FS,KR PO

6 Diva 3,491 Pr.S(3) E W FS,PR,KR PO 7 Divi 810 Pr.S E W PR,KR 8 Surwadi 844 Pr.S E W WY,PR 9 Borbhatha 2,906 Pr.S FC E W,R FS,KR 10 Borbhatha Bet t Pr.S E W,R WY,PR,KR PO

11 Kansia 3,301 Pr.S E T,W WY,KR PO 12 Chhapra 398 Pr's E(Ag) T,W FS,PR,KR 13 *Mandvabuzarg 1,522 14 Samor 1,125 Pr.S,Sec.S FC E(Ag) T,W,R FS,PR,KR PO 15 Andada 2,025 Pr.S(2),OS E W WY,PR,KR PO

16 Amrutpura 572 Pr.S W,R KR 17 Motali 437 Pr.S W,R KR 18 Uchhali 1,121 Pr.S W,Tk,R PR,KR 19 Sarangpor 1,358 Pr.S W,R WY,PR,KR 20 Gadkhol ],575 Pr.S E T,W PR,T

21 Amboli 692 Pr.S E(Ag) W WY,PR,KR 22 Boidara 1,437 Pr.S,OS T,W WY,PR,KR 23 Nanga! 1,154 Pr.S W PR 24 Kanwa 462 Pr.S W PR 25 Sarthan 2,019 Pr.S W WY,PR

26 Rajat 1,352 Pr.S W WY,PR PO 27 Adol 2,414 Pr.S FC W WY,PR 23 Umarwada 4,124 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR PO 29 *Safipura 694 30 Kapodara 727 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR PO

31 Bhadkodara 1,747 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR

32 Piraman 2,585 Pr.S,Tr.S E T,W,O PR,KR,T PO, Phone 33 Jitali 3,266 Pr.S,Sec.S E T,W FS,KR,T P0

tArea of Borbhatha Bet viIIage is included in that of the village Borbhatha (L.C.No.9). "'Uninhabited 40 DlREIlTORY

Land lJse

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarl s Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tlOn Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any. any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical ,·r (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) JO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 2,123 584 1,373 Anklesvar-l0 1 Jowar and Rice 3,644 32 461 Anklesvar-12 2 Jowar and Rice T(476) W(476) 305 100 18 Anklesvar-6 3

Jowar and Rice T(2l5) W(2IS) 583 69 153 Anklesvar-II 4 Jowar and Rice T(7S) W(75) 1,481 664 45 Anklesvar-9 S

Jowar and Rice T(400) W(400) 2,754 257 SO Anklesvar-8 6 Jowar and Rice T(76) W(76) 651 60 24 Anklesvar- 3 7 Jowar and Rice T(19) W(19) 600 165 59 Anklesvar-I 8 Jowar and Rice T(330) W(330) 1,220 423 933 Anklcsvar -5 9 Jowar and Rice Aharuch-3 10

Jowar and Rice T(212) W(212) 1,527 353 1,20& Bharuch-4 11 Jowar and Rice T(15) W(15) 268 106 9 Anklesvar-8 12 T(212) W(21l) 1,098 99 113 13 Jowar and Rice T(lS) W(IS) 870 136 104 Anklesvar-9 14 Jowar and Rice T(225) W(22S) 1,373 268 159 Anklesvar-3 15

Jowar and Rice 517 54 Anklesvar-lO 16 Jowar and Rice 325 37 74 Anklesvar-9 17 Jowar and Rice T(4) W(4) 903 76 138 Anklesvar-IO II! Jowar and Rice 1,187 134 36 Anklesvar-IO 19 Jowar and Rice T(12) W(12) 1,380 166 17 Anklesvar-3 20

Jowar and Rice T(lO) W(10) 631 6 ' 44 Anklesvar -1 21 Jowar and Rice T(30) W(30) 1,229 150 28 Anklesvar-l 22 Jowar and Rice 1,041 95 18 Anklesvar-6 23 Jowar and Rice 435 26 AnkJesvar-9 24 Jowar and Rice 1,764 130 125 Anklcsvar-9 25

Jowar and Rice T(ll) Tk(ll) 1,150 16& 23 Anklesva r-12 26 Jowar and Rice 2,116 131 168 Anklesvar-7 27 Jowar and Rice T(27) W(27) 3,859 223 16 Anklesvar-6 58 666 14 14 29 Rice and Wheat T(ll) W(II) 583 108 26 Anklesvar-7 30

Jowar, Rice and 1,538 58 151 Anklesvar-7 31 Wheat Jowar, Rice and T(ll) TW(II) 2,374 166 34 Anklesvar-l 31 Wheat Jowar and Rice T(5) W(5) 2,801 329 / 131 Ankiesvar-IO 33


Amenities aDd

Amenities avaihble within the \ilIage Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 l! 9

34 Dadhal 599 Pr.S HC E T,W,R WY,PR,T, PO 35 Kararvel 1,768 Pr.S T,W PR,KR PO 36 Avadar 1,215 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO 37 Piprod 638 Pr.S W FS,KR 38 Pardimokha 527 W KR

39 Sangpor 3,345 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO 40 Kosamadi 3,634 Pr.S,OS E T,W WY PO 41 Bakrol 1,822 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 42 Sanjali 986 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR 43 Alonj 1,401 Pr.S W FS,PR,KR

44 Piludara 1,659 Pr.S v.' WY,PR 45 Telva 935 Pr.S W FS,PR 46 Motwan 1,062 Pr.S W FS,PR,KR 47 Pardi Idris 1,834 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO 48 Adadara 920 Pr.S T,W FS,KR

49 Sisodara 3,604 Pr.S,OS FC E(Ag) T,W FS,KR PO 50 Utiadara 2,488 Pr.S W KR 51 Karmali 610 T,W FS,KR 52 Ravidra 1,677 Pr.S D T,W FS,KR PO 53 Panoli 3,298 Pr.S,Sec.S HC,D E T,W FS,PR,KR,T PO, Phone

54 Kharod 2,799 Pr.S,Tr.S E T,W WY,PR PO 55 Bhadi 1,958 Pr.S W PR PO Pr.S PO 56 Bharan 3,915 W PR,KR 99,252 Pr.S(S6), Mel), E(21), T(2S) , WY(21), PO(27), Total Sec.S(4), HC(3), E (Ag)(4) W(S4), FS(21!), Phone(2) Tr.S(2), D(l), Tk(J), PR(lS), 08(6) FC(S) Tw(I), KR(41), R(9), T(S) 0(1)

Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the number of Primary, Secondary and other schools. The figures in brackets under Cols. 5 to 9 indicate the number of villages having those particular amenities. Th. ar~ figures in Col. 3 may not tally with the total of Cols. 11 to 15 in some cases due to rounding.


Laud Use

Land use (i. e., area under differnt types of land use in acre3 Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the marketl includiag tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice T(3) W(3) 491 54 51 Anklesvar-9 34 Rice and Wheat 1,553 94 121 Anklesvar-12 35 Rice and Wheat T(ll) Tk(ll) 1,017 127 61 Anklesvar-l0 36 Jowar and Rice 538 22 78 Anklesvar-7 37 Jowar and Rice 462 18 46 Anklesvar-7 38

Rice and Wheat 2,822 477 46 Anklesvar-12 39 Jowar and Rice T(l2) Tk(l2) 3,316 209 97 Anklesvar-5 40 Rice and Wheat 1,621 144 57 Anklesvar-8 41 Jowar and Rice 906 13 67 Anklesvar-IO 42 Jowar and Rice T(16) W(l6) 1,264 37 84 Anklesvar-IO 43

Jowar and Rice J,436 63 161 AnkJesvar-JO 44 Jowar and Rice 843 37 51 Ank1esvar-12 45 Jowar and Rice 972 68 22 Anklesvar-4 46 Jowar and Rice 1,649 115 70 Anklesvar-12 47 Jowar and Rice 1152 35 33 Anklesvar-12 48

Jowar and Rice T(25) Tk(2S) 3,328 121 129 Anklesvar-14 49 Jowar and Rice T(61) Tk(61) 2,311 86 30 Anklesvar-12 50 Jowar and Rice T(4) Tk(4) 579 5 22 Anklesvar-IO 51 Jowar and Rice T(2') Tk(29) 1,471 84 94 Anklesvar-l0 52 Rice and Wheat 3,031 38 229 Anklesvar-IO 53

Jowar and Rice T(40) W(40) 2,486 121 152 Anklesvar-l0 54 Jowar and Rice 1,736 74 147 Anklesvar-12 55 Jowar and Rice 3,388 125 402 Anklesvar-12 56

1,592 81,073 7,554 8,033



Dh,_ 3 VILLAGE MAHAL HANSOT Amenities and

Amenities available witi.in the village Total Drinkinji: Communica- Post and area of the Power Telegraph Medical supply water tions Location Name of village village EducJ.tional Code No. (in Acra)

7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6

W WY,PR 1 Vansnoli 698 Pr.S W KR,NG 2 Pardi ],576 Pr.S W WY,PR PO 3 Ambheta 2,369 Pr.S T,W WY.PR 4 Utraj ],465 Pr.S,OS 5 *Ganpatpara 2,628 PO E T,W WY,PR 6 Shera ],863 Pr.S,OS W WY,PR 7 Mothia 1,439 Pr.S.OS E T,W WY,PR PO 8 Digas 2,148 Pr.S,OS E W,Tk WY,PR 9 Mangrol 901 Pr.S,OS W WY.KR PO 10 Kalam ],105 Pr.S

W WY,PR PO 11 Asta 1,923 Pr.S,OS W WY,PR 12 Alva 988 Pr.S E W PR PO 13 Sayan 2,643 Pr.S W WY,PR PO 14 Badodara 1,143 Pr.S W WY,PR,NG PO 15 Katpor 13,327 Pr.S(2),Sec.S H,CD

W WY,PR 16 Dantrai 1,301 Pr.S W PR PO 17 Malanpor 1,265 Pr.S W WY,PR PO 18 Rayma 1,667 Pr.S,OS E T,W FS,KR PO 19 VaIner 2,823 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR 20 Kudadara ],174 Pr.S F,C

E W FS,KR 21 Rohid 1,538 Pr.S • W FS,KR PO 22 Kathodara ],280 Pr.S W 23 Ghodadara 1,620 Pr.S W FS,KR 24 Pandavai 970 ·Pr.S W KR 25 Dungra 959 Pr.S

W FS,KR PO 26 Parvat 1,877 Pr.S W WY,PR PO 27 Sunevkalla 2,965 Pr.S E(Ag) W WY,KR 28 Aniadara 909 Pr.S W KR 29 Bolav 1,046 Pr.S,Sec.S E W WY,PR PO 30 Vaghwan 1,661 Pr.S FC

W PR 31 Chhilodara 1,205 Pr.S W WY,KR 32 Jetpor 983 Pr.S W WY,KR PO 33 Vamleshwar 2,395 Pr.S W WY,KR PO 34 Kantiajal 6,412 Pr.S

• Uninhibited. 46 DIRECTORY

Land Ulle

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the neare~t unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food ------in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area nct held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 440 56 202 Hansot-3 1 Jowar and Rice 436 36 1,105 Hansot-3 2 Jowar and Rice T(l5) W(15) 1,01J 124 1,217 Hansot-3 3 Jowar and Rice 969 310 185 Hansot-l 4 1,540 100 183 806 5

Jowar and Rice 1,323 121 4]9 Hansot-3 6 Jowar and Rice T(89) W(8\1) 1,170 59 121 Hansot-6 7 Jowar and Rice T(IOO) W(lOO) 1,851 167 30 Hansot-6 8 Jowar and Rice T(30) W(30) 80] 26 44 Hansot-4 9 Jowar, Wheat and 1,036 18 51 Hansot-6 10 Rice

Jowar and Rice 1,832 23 G7 Hansot-4 11 Jowar and Rice 20 803 109 57 Hanost-2 12 Jowar and Rice T(5) W(5) 2,142 39 458 Hansot-4 13 Jowar and Rice T(30) W(20) 752 34 327 Hansot--4 14 Tk(10) Jowar and Rice 3,729 949 8,649 Hansot-20 15

Jowar and Rice T(41) Tk(41) 897 304 60 Hansot-IZ 16 Jowar and Rice 1,118 liS 32 Hansot--R 17 Jowar and Rice 1,116 542 9 Hansot-6 18 Jowar and Rice 2,592 150 81 Hansot-6 19 Jowar aGd Rice T(16) Tk(l6) 1,009 71 78 Hansot-12 20

Jowar and Rice 1,396 45 97 Hansot-8 21 Jowar and Rice 1,138 51 92 Ank lesh var-20 22 Jowar and Rice 1,332 236 51 Ank1eshvar-16 23 Jowar and Rice T(6) W(4) Tk(2) 902 17 45 Kosamba-6 24 Jowar and Rice T(9) W(9) 907 6 37 Kosamba-4 25

Jowar and Rice T(29) Tk(29) 1,698 21 ]28 Kosamba-7 26 Jowar and Rice T(40) Tk(40) 2,752 83 89 Hansot-]2 27 Jowar and Rice 855 19 35 Hansot-8 28 Jowar and Rice T(11) W(ll) 962 62 10 Hansot--12 29 Jowar and Rice T(4) Tk(4) 1,453 175 29 Hansot-14 30

Jowar and Rice 821 93 291 Hansot-14 31 Jowar and Rice T(ll) Tk(ll) 663 109 199 Hansot-16 32 Rice and Bajri 823 1,484 87 Hansot-19 33 Rice and Bajri T(16) Tk(16) 1,071 122 5,203 Hansot-22 34


Amenities and

An'enities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical Supply water tions Telegraph COd6 No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 oS 6 7 8

35 Samli J,247 Pr.S W WY,KR 36 Ankalva 2,672 Pr.S W WY,PR 37 Dhamrad 2,573 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 38 Sunevkhurd 1,822 Pr.S,OS HC E W WY,PR 39 Balota 3,254 Pr.S W FS,KR PO

40 Ilav 3,511 Pr.S(2),Sec.S D,FC E T,W WY,PR,KR PO 41 Sahol 1,302 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 42 A sarma 1,384 Pr.S W FS,KR 43 Obba 2,452 Pr.S E W FS,KR PO 44 Panjroli 1,487 Pr.S He E W FS,KR PO

45 Amod 720 Pr.S W KR 46 Kharacb 1,843 Pr.S(2),OS D T,W FS,KR PO

Total 94,533 Pr.S(48), HC(3), E(l2), T(7), WY(25), PO(23) Sec.S(3), D(3), E(Ag) (1) W(45), FS(ll), OS(9) FC(3) Tk(l) PR(2l), KR(24), NG(2)

Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the number of Primary, Secondary and other schools. The figures in brackets under Cols. S to 9 indaicate the number of villages having those particular amenities. The area figures in Co). 3 may not tally with the total of Cols. 11 to 15 in some cases due to rounding.


Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 ]2 13 14 15 ]6 17 18

Rice and Bajri 8]7 77 353 Hansot-16 35 Jowar and Rice ],171 1,466 34 Hansot-]4 36 Jowar and Rice ],856 705 12 Hanost-16 37 Jowar and Rice 1,728 15 79 Hanost-]8 38 Jowar and Rice 2,200 167 887 HanosH8 39

Jowar and Rice T(41) Tk(41) 2,857 243 370 Kosamba-20 40 Jowar and Rice TOO) Tk(10) 1,089 26 178 Kosamba-19 41 Jowar and Rice T(lO) W(lO) 1,148 115 III Kosamba-18 42 Jowar and Rice 2,164 119 168 Kosamba-16 43 Jowar and Rice T(7) W(1) Tk(6) 1,201 215 63 Kosamba-12 44

Jowar and Rice 651 39 30 Kosamba-6 45 Jowar and Rice T(87) W(14) 1,234 478 44 Kosamba-4 46 Tk (73)

l,S60 607 60,018 9,624 22,720


Amenities aDd

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tion5 Telegraph CadeNa. (in Acres)

2 ~ 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Gandhar ]6,373 Pr.S W,Tk FS,KR PO 2 Muler 3,~69 Pr.S W,Tk FS,KR 3 Paldi 1,983 Pr.S W KR 4 Chanchvel 7,225 Pr.S D W FS,KR PO 5 Padadalpor 963 Pr.S W FS,KR

6 Badalpura ',480 Pr.S W FS,KR 7 Vinchhiad 1,173 Pr.S E(Ag) W FS,KR 8 Khadkhandali 277 Pr.S W FS,KR 9 Ora 2,225 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR PO 10 Vachhnad 1,472 Pr.S E T,W PR,T

11 Rahad 1,793 Pr.S E T,W PR PO 12 Vastikhandali 1,329 Pr.S T,W KR PO 13 Vagra 3,744 Pr.S(2),Sec.S, M,He,D, E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PTO, OS FC Phone 14 Sachan 1,S2g Pr.S E (Ag) W FS,PR,KR,T 15 Pahaj 3,368 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR PO

16 Ochchhan 3,557 Pr.S,OS D E T,W FS,KR PO 17 Keshwan 4,936 Pr.S HC,D W FS,KR PO 18 Trankal 1,828 Pr.S W,Tk FS,KR 19 Aladar 5,363 Pr.S W FS,KR 20 Goladara 2,079 Pr.S W FS,KR Po

21 Ambhel 2,541 Pr.S W,Tk FS,KR 22 Limadi 1,875 Pr.S W FS,KR,T 23 Kalam 2,460 Pr.S T,W FS,KR,T PO 24 Mosam 2,092 Pr.S E W FS,KR PO 25 Sutrel 1,443 Pr.S T,W' FS,KR PO

26 Pisad 1,~20 Pr.S T.W FS,KR 27 Saran 2,455 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR PO 28 Juned 1,238 Pr.S W PR 21) Ankot 1,394 Pr.S T,W WY,PR 30 Saladara 1,407 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR

31 Aragama 1,640 Pr.S W WY,PR PO 32 Vora Samni 1,346 Pr .S(2),Sec.S W FS,PR PO 33 Vilayat 4,127 Pr.S E W FS,KR PO 34 Bhersam 3,545 Pr.S FC E T,W KR PO 35 Sayakha 3,874 Pr.S W FS,KR PO

36 Kothia 1,512 Pr.S T,W FS,KR 37 Vabiyal 4,516 Pr.S,Sec.S W,T FS,KR,T PO 38 Pipalia 1,159 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 52 DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food· ------in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Vn- CuI torable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 2,819 298 13,255 Jambusar-20 Jain Temple 1 Jowar and Rice 2,649 209 712 Jambusar-24 2 Jowar and Rice 1.561 73 348 Jambusar-26 3 Jowar and Rice 4,522 201 2,502 Jambusar-20 4 Jowar and Rice 880 22 61 Jambusar-22 5

Jowar and Rice 1,347 8 124 Jambusar-27 6 Jowar and Rice T(400) W(400) 708 10 55 Bharuch-27 7 lowar and Rice T(74) W(74) 161 4 37 Bharuch-28 8 Jowar and Rice T(S84) W(584) 1,450 47 144 Bharuch~27 9 Jowar and Rice T(lOO) W(lOO) 1,271 12 88 Bharuch-22 10

Jowar and Rice T(60) W(60) 1,597 29 106 Bharuch-'-18 11 Jowar and Rice 1,237 15 77 Bbaruch-24 12 Jowar and Rice T(l88) W(l63) 3,207 36 314 Bharuch-24 13 Tk (25) Jowar and Rice T(629) W(629) 800 17 82 Bharuch-25 14 Jowar and Rice T(285) W(2SS) 2,816 46 221 Bharuch-28 15

Jawar and Rice 3.378 28 151 Bharuch-30 16 Jowar and Rice 4,619 74 244 Jambusar-26 17 Jowar and Rice 1,673 45 109 Jambusar-24 18 Jowar and Rice T(l5) Tk(lS) 1,318 554 3,477 Bharuch-45 19 Jowar arid Rice 1,831 110 139 Bbaruch-40 20

Jowar and Rice. 2,362 95 84 Bharuch-45 21 Jowar and Rice 1,724 72 79 Bharuch-30 21 Jowar and Rice 2,233 33 194 Bharuch-32 23 Jowar and Rke T(85) W(ll5) 1,896 41 70 Bharuch-30 24 Jowar and Rice 1,303 39 101 Bbaruch-30 25

Jowar and Rice 1,423 17 80 Bbaruch-28 26 Jowar and Rice T(800) W(800) 1,444 29 181 Bharuch-24 27 Jowar and Rice 1,134 27 77 Bharuch-20 28 Jowar and Rice T(l50) W(150) 1,138 II 95 Bbaruch-16 29 Jowar and Rice T(210) W(210) 1,093 12 92 Bbaruch-13 30

Jowar and Rice T(200) W(200) 1,321 99 20 Bharuch-12 31 Jowar and Rice T(SO) W(50) 1,216 79 Bharuch-18 32 Jowar and Rice T(l57) W(lS7) 3,580· 53 337 Bharuch-ll 33 Jowar and Rice T(IOO) W(100) 3,228 . 121 96 Bharuch-J:5 34 Jowar and Rice 2,920 85 869 Bhanich-28 35

Iowar and Rice 1,335 79 98 Bharuch-30 36 Iowar and Rice 4,236 58 222 Bharuch-35 37 Jowar and Rice 1,070 26 63 Bbaruch-35 38 Bhv.4 53:.; TALUKA VAGRA VIUAGE Ameoities and

All'enitie~ available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Comm1..!nica- Post nnd Telegraph Location Name of village village Educational Medical Supply water tions Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 04 5 6 7 8 9

39 Pakhajan 4,155 Pr.S,OS HC,D W FS,KR,T PO FC 40 Nadarkha 1,310 Pr.S W FS,KR 41 Narnavi 1,648 Pr.S - W FS,KR PO 42 Paniadara 10,242 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 43 *Harinagar ],167

44 Padaria 1,333 Pr.S W PS,KR 45 Kadodara 3,275 Pr.S D W PS,KR PO 046 Sambheti 867 Pr.S W FS,KR,T 47 Janiadara 2,561 Pr.S W PS,KR,T PO 48 Akhod 2,132 Pr.S T,W FS,KR

49 Nandida 3,015 Pr.S W FS,KR 50 Sadathala 1,089 Pr.S W FS,KR It Khojbal 3,030 Pr.S W FS,PR,KR PO 52 Bhensali 1,383 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 53 Atali 2,630 Pr .S(2),Sec.S, HC,D W WY,PR,KR PO OS

54 Galenda 1,411 Pr.S W FS,KR 55 Samatpor 730 Pr.S W FS,KR 56 Vav ],S90 Pr.S W FS,KR 57 Jolava 2.162 Pr.S D W WY,PR,KR,NG 58 Vadadla 1,678 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR

59 Dahej 18,855 Pr.S(2),Sec.S, D,Fe W WY,PR,KR,T PO OS 60 Lakhigam 2,628 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 61 Luwara 2,200 Pr.S W PS,KR,NG 62 Jagellhwar 1,273 Pr.S W KR,~G 63 Ambheta 3,746 Pr.S W FS,KR,NG,T PO

64 Suwa 3,172 Pr.S W FS,PR,KR,NG

65 Rahiad 3,550 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR PO 66 Koliad 2,407 Pr.S W FS,PR,KR PO 67 Vengani 1,502 Pr.S W FS,KR,NG



Land lise

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any. any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Ar.ea not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste ava lIable for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 J2 13 14 15 16 17 J8

Jowar and Rice 3,844 110 201 Bharuch-35 39

Jowar and Rice 1,220 10 79 Bharuch-32 40 Jowar and Rice 1,443 42 163 Bharuch-37 41 Jowar and Rice 1,916 137 8,189 Bharuch-37 41 440 55 671 43

Jowar and Rice 1,183 27 123 Bharuch-50 44 Jowar and Rice 2,833 227 215 Bharuch-45 45 Jowar and Rice 737 30 101 Bharuch-37 46 Jowar and Rice 2,386 23 15] Bharuch-45 47 Jowar and Rice 1,941 62 129 Bharuch-32 43

Jowar and Rice 2,641 116 258 Bharuch-40 49 Jowar and Rice 936 91 63 Bharuch-36 50 Jowar and Riee 2,084 264 681 Bharuch-30 51 Jowar and Rice 1,126 114 143 Bharuch-28 52 Jowar and Rice 2,379 109 142 Bbaruch-30 53

Jowar and Rice 1,318 12 81 Bharuch-37 54 Jowar and Rice 667 4 59 Bharuch-39 55 Jowar and Rice 1,451 32 107 Bharuch-45 56 Jowar and Rice 1,887 140 135 Bharuch-36 57 Jowar and Rice 1,560 13 105 Bharuch-40 58

Jowar and R.ice 5,455 59 13,341 Bharuch-42 59

Jowar and Rice 1,750 877 Bharuch-39 60 Jowar and Rice 929 69 1,202 Bharucb-40 61 Jowar and Rice 915 24 334 Bharuch-45 62 Jowar and Rice 1,951 41 1,7!5S Bharuch-43 63

Bajri, Jowar and 2,146 765 260 Bharuch-35 64 Wheat ]owar and Rice 2,364 337 '49 Bharuch-33 65 Jowar anEi Rice 1,167 151 1,088 Bharuch-33 66 Jowar and Rice 757 330 415 Bharuch-3J 67 TALUKA VAGRA. -VILLAGE

Amenities and

Arne lities available within the vi:lage

Total ---_--_------~-.-- area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post anrl Location l\'a:ne of village village £duca tional Medical sU:Jply water tions Tel~gra;:h Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9

68 Kaladara 4,339 Pr.S W,Tk,R FS,KR,NG PO 69 Aliabet 20,816

Total 218,305 Pr.S(71), M(l), E(lO), Tn7), WY(lO), PO(33), Sec.S(5), HC(4), E(Ag)(2) W(67), F5(51), PTO(l), OS(5) 0(9), Tk(5), PR(IS), Phone(l) FC(4) R(I) KR(60), Till), NG(7)

Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the unmbef of Primary. Secondary and other schools. The figures in brackets under Cols. 5 to 9 ifldicate the number of villages having those particular amenities. The area figures shown in Col.3 may not tally with the total of Cols. 11 to IS in some cases due to rounding.


Land Vie

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Ne~rest town Day or Days Remarks Loca­ rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any. any place Cede Forest Irrigated Un­ Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Iowar and Rice 3,344 944 Sl Bharuch-31 68 20,816 Bharuch-35 69

4,087 U9,270 7,074 77,868



Amenities and

Amenities avaibble within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I)

1 Degam 14,641 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO 2 Mahamadpor Kamboi 4,761 Pr.S W KR 3 Kavi 10,141 Pr.S(3),Sec.S D E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PTO

4 Nahar 1,405 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR PO 5 Sarod 18,237 Pr.S(3),Sec.S D E T,W WY,PR,KR,NG PO

6 Valipor 4,178 E T,W PR,KR 7 KareH 5.317 Pr.S,Sec.S He,D E T,W FS,KR PO 8 Kahanava 2,403 Pr.S(2) D E T,W FS,KR PO, Phone 9 Piludara 1,781 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR PO 10 Vedach 8,852 Pr.S(2) D E T,W FS,PR,KR PO

11 Uber 10,865 Pr.S(2),OS E T,W FS,KR PO 12 Nondhana 1,457 Pr.S(2),Sec.S D E T,W FS.PR,KR PO 13 Amanpor Mota 1,476 Pr.S,Sec.S D T,W FS,KR PO 14 Amanpor Nana 829 T,W KR 15 Samoj 2,140 Pr.S W FS,KR

16 Kavli 2,549 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 17 Kangam 4,289 Pr.S D· E T,W FS,KR,T PO 18 Aurangpor Timbi 347 Pr.S W KR 19 Runad 2,189 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO 20 Kimoj 2,353 Pr.S E(Ag) T,W FS,KR

21 Hamadpor Kantharia 592 Pr.S E(Ag} W FS,KR 22 Gu1al 1.040 Pr.S W KR 23 Sigam 4,493 Pr.S,Sec.S D T,W FS,KR PO 24 Muradpor Neja 1,177 Pr.S T,W,Tk FS,KR 25 Chandpor Marva 384 0 FS,KR

26 Salehpor Sangdi 727 Pr.S W KR 27 Thanava 344 Pr.S W KR 28 Kora 3,352 Pr.S HC T,W WY,PR,KR,T PO 29 Tundaj 2,576 Pr.S W FS,KR,r PO 30 Bhodar 1,459 Pr.S E W FS,KR PO

31 Nobar 2,394 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR PO 32 Dabha 3,620 Pr.S W FS,PR,KR PO 33 Gajera 3,721 Pr.S(2),Sec.S D E T,W WY,PR PTO. Phon~ 34 Uchchhad 1,796 Pr.S E(Ag) W WY,PR,KR 35 Vavli 820 Pr.S E(Ag) W WY,PR,KR PO

36 Bhankhetar 403 Pr.S E W FS,PR,KR 60 DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. eo, area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the marketf includiag tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, Noo irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Rice and Wheat 3,803 158 10,680 Jambusar-35 I Rice and Bajri 747 3,925 89 Jambusar-31 2 Jowar, Rice and T(50) W(50) 7,398 2,645 49 Jambusar-30 3 Bajri Rice and Bajri 1,283 16 107 Jambusar-27 4 Jowar and Rice T(S) W(5) 3,761 1.079 13,391 Jamrusar-16 5

Rice and Bajri 663 79 3,436 Jambusar-12 6 Rice and Bajri T(2,006) W(2,006) 600 2,675 33 Jambusar- 21 7 Rice and Bajri 2,176 48 179 Jambusar-21 8

Rice and Wheat T(100) W(100) 1,506 58 117 Jambusar-18 9 Rice and Wheat T(450) W(450) 2,391 352 5,659 Jambusar-16 10

Rice and Bajri T(121) W(21) 4,067 81 6,597 Jambusar-Il 11 Rice and Bajri 1,300 35 122 Jambusar-12 12 Rice and Bajri 1,301 70 105 Jambusar-II 13 Rice and Bajri 741 39 49 Jambusar-l1 14 Jowar and Rice 1,960 160 20 Jambusar-15 15

Jowar and Bajri 2,384 144 20 Jambusar-18 16 Jowar and Rice 3,903 65 320 Jambusar-23 17 Wheat and Bajri 308 15 24 Jambusar-21 III Rice and Bajri 2,024 147 18 Jambusar-20 19 Rice and Wheat T(30) W(30) 2,168 20 135 J ambusar-31 20

Rice and Bajri 528 51': 8 lambusar-23 21 Rice and Wheat 944 11 85 Jambusar-35 22 Rice and Bajri 2,600 397 1,497 Jambusar-32 23 Rice and Bajri 722 64 391 Jambusar-35 24 Jowar and Rice 366 6 12 Jambusar-32 25

R ice and Wheat 673 13 40 Jambusar-33 26 Rice and Bajri 295 27 21 lambusar-21 27 Jowar and Rice 2,988 128 236 Jambusar-15 28 Rice and Bajri 2,376 183 18 Jambusar-9 29 Rice and Bajri T(32) W(32) 1,308 22 98 Jambusar-12 30

Rice and Wheat 2,132 39 223 Jambusar-7 31 Jowar and Wheat 3,1-41 192 287 Jambusar-8 32 Rice and Bajri T(202) W(202) 3,171 301 47 Jambusar-18 33

Rice and Wheat T(l20) W(120) 1,452 59 164 Jambusar-9 34 Rice and Wheat T(120) W(120) 567 44 88 Jambusar-8 35

Jowar and Rice T(25) W(25). 331 8 38 Jambusar-3 '0 36 Bhv.5 61 TALUi:A JAM BUSAR VILLAGlt Amenities aDd

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communi,a- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 .1 4 5 6 7 8 9

37 Umra 1,702 Pr.S T,W FS,PR,KR PO 38 Koteshwar 805 Pr.S E(Ag) W FS,KR,T 39 Karmad 1,745 Pr.S,Sec.S, E T,W FS,KR,T PO OS 40 Rampor 1,259 Pr.S W FS,KR,T 41 Panchakada 1,375 Pr.S W FS,KR,T

42 Shambha 1,180 Pr.S W FS,KR 43 Vadadala 1,654 Pr.S W FS,KR 44 Kaliari 1,108 Pr.S W FS,KR 45 Zamdi 4,050 Pr.S W FS,KR 46 Chhidra 3,:n4 Pr.S HC T,W FS,KR PO

47 Dehri 1,991 Pr.S W FS,KR 48 Jantran 5,578 Pr.S,Sec.S T,W WY,PR,KR PO 49 Vad 1,245 Pr.S W FS,KR 50 Kava 5,176 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 51 Limaj 528 Pr.S W FS,KR

52 Anakhi 3,682 Pr.S,Sec.S, D E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PO. OS Phone 53 Vahelam 1,402 Pr.S E(Ag) T,W WY,KR,T 54 Jafarpara 754 Pr.S T,W FS,KR 55 Bojadra 2,722 Pr.S W,R FS,KR PO 56 Magnad 3,641 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PO

57 Mahapara 737 Pr.S W KR 58 Nadiad 2,090 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 59 Panchpipla 626 Pr.S W FS,KR 60 Madafar 2,470 Pr.S W,Tk FS,KR PO 61 Bhadkodara 4,790 Pr.S D W WY,PR PO

62 Ma]por 7,632 Pr.S W,Tk PS,KR PO 63 Sindhav 2,633 Pr.S W,Tk FS,KR 64 Kansagar 1,575 Pr.S W,Tk FS,KR 65 Bakorpor Timbi 1,383 Pr.S W KR 66 Singarna 1,067 Pr.S W FS,KR

67 Chandpor Bara 727 Pr.S W WY,KR 68 Sardarpura 984 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 69 Vanseta 949 Pr.S W,Tk WY,PR 70 Kalak 4,012 Pr.S T,W WY,PR PO 71 Kundhal 1,685 Pr.S W FS,KR

72 Kilanpor Deh 7,049 Pr.S,Sec.S Tk FS,KR PO 73 Dolia 2,071 Pr.S W WY,PR 62 DIRECTORY

La •• Use

Land use (i. c., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13

Rice and Bajri 1,490 53 159 Jambusar-5 37 Rice and Bajri 687 35 82 Jambusar-5 38 Rice and Bajri 1,~31 48 167 Jambusar-7 39

Rice and Wheat T(50) W(50) 1,028 175 6 Jambusar-7 40 Jowar and Wheat 1,237 57 81 Jambusar-17 41

Jowar and Rice 1,063 106 10 Jambusar-15 42 Jowar and Rice 1,412 219 22 Jambusar··17 43 Rice and Wheat 1,005 18 85 Jambu~ar-24 44 Wheat and Bajri 1,951 117 1,982 Jambusar··:'8 45 Rice Bnd Wheat 2,995 269 110 JambusJr-26 46

Rice Bnd Wheat 1,805 40 145 Jambusar-J8 47 Rice and Wheat 4,996 136 447 Jambusar-15 48 Jowar and Wheat 1,143 101 Jambusar-14 49 Rice and Bajri 4,657 510 10 Jambusar-9 50 Rice and Bajri T(8) W(8) 444 56 20 Jambusar-~ 51

Rice and Bajri T(300) W(300) 3,017 338 27 Jambusar-7 52

Rice and Wheat 1,213 82 107 Jambusar-12 53 Rice and Wheat 636 52 66 Jambusar-8 54 Jowar and Wheat 2,434 135 152 Jambusar-8 55 Rice and Wheat 3,076 117 448 Jambusar-3 56

Rice and Bajri 599 100 38 Jamhusar-2 57 Jowar and Bajri 1,893 66 131 Jambusar-IO 58 Jowar and Wheat 573 52 Jambusar-15 59 Rice and Wheat 2,221 25 223 Jambusar-26 60 Wheat and Bajri 4,214 115 461 Jambusar-24 61

Jowar and Rice 3,121 92 4,419 Jambusar-28 62 Jowar and Kodra 2,401 14 218 Jambusar-24 63 Wheat and Bajri 1,427 40 109 Jambusar-30 64 Jowar and Rice 885 63 435 JambuRar-21 65 Jowar and Rice 989 19 59 Jambusar-17 66

Jowar and Bajri 671 14 42 Jambusar-12 67 Jowar and Bajri 837 58 89 lambusar-IO 68 Rice and Bajri 717 54 179 Jambusar-8 69 Rice and Bajri T(7) W(7) 2,926 2.50 829 Jambusar-7 70 Rice and Wheat 1,435 236 14 Jambusar-5 71

Rice and Wheat 2,963 191 3,896 Jambusar-8 72 Jowar and Bajri 1.335 81 6SS Jambusar-9 73 ·63 TALUKA JAMBUSAR . VIU.AGB

Amenities ..

Amenities availab!e within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village EducJtional Medical supply water tiems Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

74 Asanvad 968 Pr.S W FS,KR 75 Thakor-Talavdi 1,229 Pr.S w,n FS,KR 76 Devia 14,041 Pr.S,Sec.S He,D w FS,KR PO 77 Nada 9,051 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 78 Asarsa 2,736 Pr.S T,W,Tk FS,KR

79 Kapuria 2,814 Pr.S T,W FS,KR 80 Isiampor 2,740 Pr.S Tk FS,KR PO 81 Tankari 11,462 Pr .S(2) ,Sec.S D W WY,PR,KR PO

Total 261,602 Pr.S(88), HC(4), E(18), T(3Z), WY(20), PO(37), Sec.S(13), 0(14) E (Ag)(6) W(78), FS(52), PTO(21. 08(3) Tk(lO), PR(24). Pbooe(3) R(I), KR(76), 0(1) T(ll). NG(J)

Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the number of Primary, Secondary and other schools. The figures in brackets under Cols. 5 to 9 indicate the number of villages baving those particular amenities. The ar¢a figures in Col. 3 may not talty with the total of Colt. II to l' in some cases due to rounding. DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca· rounded to the neare~t unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- CuIturable Area DOt held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Rice and Wheat 750 185 33 Jambusar-18 74 ;vwar and Rice 827 50 352 Jam';)Usar-19 75 Jowar and Wheat 7,365 295 6,383 Jambusar-24 76 Jowar and Wheat 2,727 13 6,311 Jambusar-32 77 Rice and Wheat 850 1,576 309 Jambusar-18 78

Jowar and Wheat 2,321 58 436 lambusar·-16 79 Rice and Wheat 1,500 106 1,134 Jambusar··18 80 Rice and Wheat 5,587 645 5,230 larnbusar-15 81

3,626 157,033 20,426 80,SIS



Amenities availabfe within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical Supply water tions Teltgrap.h Cod. No>. (in Acres)

Z 3 4 S 6 7 S 9

1: Ra'flipura 1,041 Pr.S W PR,T 2 Wadia 2,051 Pr.S W,R FS,KR 3 Chaklad 2,068 Pr.S E T,W PR,KR PO 4 Adwala 1,025 Pr.S E T,W PR,KR 5 Dadapot 1,010 Pr.S W,R KR

6 Kobla 1,744 Pr.S W,R FS,KR 7 Manjola 1,180 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO

8. Rohadi 1,199 Pr.S E T,W PR 9 Vedcha 1,501 Pr.S E(Ag) T,W FS,KR fO 10 Vasna 1,656 Pr.S T,W FJ,KR

11 Matar 3,245 Pr.S D,FC E(Ag) T,W WY,PR PO 12 Sunihodra 524 Pr.S W FS,PR,KR 13 Ajamnagav 1,195 Pr.S W WY,KR 14 Bhimpura 1,362 Pr.S T,W WY,PR,KR,T 15 Achhod 5,780 Pr ..s{2),Sec.S .. W WY,PR,KR PO

16 Pursa 2,706 Pr.S W,R FS,KR,T PO 17 Machhasara 2,139 PrS W FS,KR PO IS' Mangrol 2,615 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 19 VaJipor 1,178 Pr.S W FS,KR 20 Denva !I,31Z Pr.S W,R FS,KR

21 Roza Tankaria 5,223 PrS He T,W FS,PR,KR PO 22 Intola 1,728 Pr.S W PR,KR 23 Buwa 2,900 Pr.S,Sec.S, D,FC E W FS,KR PO OS 24 Asnera 1,305 Pr.S W PR,KR 25 Nabier 1,281 Pr.S T,W WY,PR,KR,T PO

26 Sonama 917 Pr.S W KR 27 Shrikothi 1,297 Pr.S T,W KR PO 28 Sarbhan 4,425 Pr.S(2),Sec.S, HC,D E T,W WY,PR,KR PO OS 29 Malkinpura alias Timbi 1,059 Pr.S E(Ag) T,W PR,KR 30 Danda 2,199 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR PO

31 Telod 1,366 Pr.S T,W FS,KR 32 Ochban J,794 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR 33 Karena 1,773 Pr.S T,W FS,PR,KR 34 Ikhar 3,655 Pr.S,Sec.S D E T,W WY,PR,KR PO 35 Dora 3,752 Pr.S,Sec.S HC,D E(Ag) T,W WY,KR PO

36 Ghamnad 2,618 Pr.S E J 1.W FS,KR PO 68 DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest tl'v, n Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food ------in Kikmetre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and in terest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

}owar and Rice T(136) W(136) 823 4 79 Jambuslr-12 Jowar and Rice .. T(218) W(218) 1,673 160 Jambusar-!2 2 Jowar and Rice T(i,300) W(l,300) 607 48 113 Jambusar-16 3 lowar and Rice T(400) W(400) 527 35 64 Jambusar-J3 4, Jowar and Rice T(49) W(49) 802 98 CO Jambusar-17 5

Jowar and Rice .. T(499) W(499) I,OG8 176 60 Jambusar-22 (i lowar, Wheat and T(620) 0(620) 357 138 66 Vadodara--30 7 Rice Jowar and Rice 1,096 19 84 Jambllsar-I2 8 Jowar and Rice T(50) W(50) 1,306 28 117 Jamblllar-21 9 Jowar and Rice T(630) 0(630) 623 353 50 Vadodara-28 10

Jowar and Rice .. T(350) W(350) 2,540 66 288 Karjan-15 11 Jowar and Rice .. T(71) W(71) 3~8 15 40 Jambusar-21 12 Jowar and Rice T(250) W(25C) 879 15 51 Jambllsar-18 13 Jowar and Rice T(5S) W(5&) ]'114 21 169 Jamhusar- 12 ]4 Jowar and Rice 4,37] 112 1,296 lambusar-' 2 IS

Jowar and Rice 2,264 G7 376 Jambusar-IS 1) Jowar and Rice 1,344 88 707 lambusar--18 17 Jowar and Rice 1,655 123 837 Jambusar-18 18 Jowar and Rice 915 3 260 Jambusar--27 19 Jowar and Rice 1,510 222 7,579 lambusar--24 20

Jowar and Rice .. T(I,626) W(I,626) 3,300 13 284 Jambus,H-:!O 21 Jowar and Rice T(26) W(26) 1,562 41 98 Jambusar--17 22 Jowar and Rice T(36) W(36) 2.631 78 ISS Jambusar-15 23

Jowar and Rice T(220) W(2l0) 938 7 141 Jambmar-15 24 Jowar and Rice T(52) W(S2) 988 49 192 Jambusar-21 2S

Jowar and Rice T(IOO) W(lOO) 687 51 79 hmbllsar-14 26 Jowar and Rice ],155 19 123 Jambusar-14 27 Jowar and Rice T(2,008) W(2,008) 1,991 390 36 Jambusar-18 28

Jowar and Rice T(469) W(469) 47S 6 108 Jambllsar-19 29 Jowar and Rice T(70l) W(701) 1,276 48 174 Karjan-14 30

Jowar and Rice T(3S9) W(389) 883 23 71 Jambusar-24 31 Jowar and Rice T(462) W(462) 1,139 28 ]65 Vadodara-29 32 Jowar and Rice T(986) W(986) 619 145 22 Vadodara-27 33 Jowar and Rice T(l,731) W(I,73l) 1,630 283 10 Bharuch-27 34 Jowar and Rice T(630) W(650) 2,806 (;0 236 Jambusar-24 35

Jowar and Rice T(622) W(622) 1,700 76 21~ Jambusar-22 36 Bhv.6 69 TALUKA AMon VILLAGE

Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica­ Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

37 Ninam 1,141 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO 38 Tegva 950 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 39 Bodka 806 Pr.S W PR,KR 40 Kerw:lda 3,184 Pr.S,OS E T,W FS,KR PO, Phone 41 Kolavana 3,368 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR PO

42 Samiala 1,344 W FS,KR 43 Tanchha 2,272 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PO 44 Anor 2,520 Pr.S,Sec.S E T,W FS,KR PO 45 Amarpor alias Simartha 1,264 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 46 Kothi Vantarsa 926 Pr.S E(Ag) T,W FS,KR PO

47 I Vantarsa 1,704 Pr.S T,W FS,KR 48 Kurchan 1,797 Pr.S W FS,KR Po 49 Ranada 1,343 PLS T,W KR 50 Sudi 1,743 Pr.S W FS,PR,KR,T 51 Samani 2,660 Pr .S,See.S, D,FC E T,W WY,PR,KR,T po OS

52 Keshlu 1,457 PLS E w FS,KR PO

Total 110,302 Pr.S(S3), HC(3), E( 16), T(29), WY(ll), PO(29), Sec.8(7), D(6), E(Ag) (5) W(52), F8(29), Phone(l) 08(4) FC(3) R(S) PR(21), KR(49), 1'(7)

Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the unmber of Primary, Secondary and other schools. Tho figures in brackets under Cols. 5 to 9 iBdicate the number of villages having those particular amenities. The area figures shown in Co1.3 may not tally with the total of Cols. 11 to IS in some cases due to rounding.


Land Use

Land-use (i. e., area under different types ofland use in acres Ne(lrest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ i"ncluding lion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historica I or (including cultivati::m archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 lJ 12 13 14 J5 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice T(269) W(269) 775 97 Jambusar-14 37 Jowar and Rice T(220) W(220) 611 5 114 Jambusar-17 38 Jowar and Rice T(40) W(40) 657 13 96 Jambusar-14 39 Jowar and Rice 2,917 257 10 Jambusar-24 40

Jowar and Rice T(209) W(209) 2,964 27 167 Bharuch-30 41

Jowar and Rice J.267 77 Jambusar-22 42 Jowar and Rice T(900) W(900) 1.176 193 3 Jambusar-19 43 Jowar and Rice 2,292 27 202 Jambusar-24 44 Jowar and Rice T(309) W(309) 880 13 62 Jambusar-12 45 Jowar and Rice T(208) W(208) 635 82 Bharuch-18 46

Jowar and Rice T(4S7) W(457) 1,097 16 133 Bharuch-19 47 Jowar and Rice T(200) W(200) 1,440 40 117 Bharuch-27 43 Jowar and Rice 1,260 82 Jambusar-15 49 Jowar and Rice T(200) W(200) 1,422 120 Bharuch-24 50 Jowar and Rice T(209) W(209) 2,200 ]0 241 Bharuch-20 51

Jowar and Rice T(7oo) W(7OO) 652 32 73 Bharuch-26 52

18,630 71,837 3,661 16,168



Amenities a \ aila ble within the viPage Total power Drinking Con1ffiunica- Post and area of the Tt"legraph Educational Medical supply water tions Loca:tion Name of village village Code No: (in Acres)

6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 W,R FS,KR,NG PO 1,063 Pr.S 1 Tar~ali FS,KR,NG 413 PrS R 2 Patar PO Pr.S FC W,R FS,KR 3 Tothidara 1,110 Pr.S W,R FS,PR,NG 4 Ore 648 PO, Pr.S(2),Sec.S D E R WY,KR,NG 5 Bhalod 2,636 Phone

Pr.S E R PR 6 Rundh 1,318 KR,NG 948 Pr.S W,R 7 Krushnapuri KR 619 Pr.S W 8 Kantidara KR PO 1,258 Pr.S W 9 Umadhara KR,NG 524 Pr.S R 10 Vadhavana KR,NG 465 R 11 Kakalpor KR,''';G PO 1,904 Pr.S T,W,R 12 Sarsad FS,KR,NG PO 2,742 Pr.S E(Ag) R 13 Velugam 607 14 *Paravata FS,KR,NG 460 Pr.S W,R 15 Nana Vasna PO Pr.S W FS,KR 16 Indor 2,454 KR 1,054 Pr.S W,Tk 17 Mota Vasna FS,KR PO 2,182 Pr .S(2) ,Sec.S HC,D E(Ag) T,W 18 Panethll FS,KR PO 2,883 Pr.s(2),OS FC E(Ag) W,R 19 Asha PO Pr.S W KR 20 Fichwada 2.032 W FS,KR Dhundha 684 Pr.S 21 W KR Mahuvada 738 Pr.S 22 W PR,KR BamaJla 1,892 Pr.S,OS 23 0 KR Roomalpura 686 Pr.S 24 W KR PO 25 lamboi 818 Pr.S

PR,KR PO 1,937 Pr.S E(Ag) W 26 Sanjali KR 731 Pr.S W 27 Pipdara WY,PR,KR PO 1,489 Pr.S HC E T,W 28 Vanakpor W,R FS,KR 29 Jarsad 827 Pr.S Pr.S W WY,PR 30 Prank ad 912 PR,T 986 Pr.S ,. W 31 Pora PO Pr.S,Sec.S D E T,W WY,PR,KIt,T 32 Avidha 2,111

.Uninhabited. 74 DIRECTORY

Land Vse

Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loea- round~d to the nearest unit & distance of the market/ including tion Staph; Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irripted Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or. (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice T(29) W(29) 638 55 340 Ankleshwar--41 I Jowar and Rice 324 40 49 Ankleshwar-43 2 Jowar and Rice T(35) W(35) 829 78 168 Ankleshwar-39 3 Jowar and Rice T(25) W(S) 273 14 337 Ankleshwar-43 4 Tk(20) Jowar and Rice T(300) W(lOO) 1;881 214 241 Ankleshwar-37 5 TW(200)

iowar and Rice T(l50) W(25) 785 157 226 Ankle .hwar-37 6 R(125) ]owar and Rice T(IO) W(lO) 584 102 252 Rajpipla-42 7 Jowar and Rice 535 29 55 Ankleshwar-35 8 Jowar and Rice T(2) W(2) 1,118 62 76 Ankleshwar-37 9 ]owar Rice and Bajri .. T(20) W(20) 285 48 171 Rajpipla-40 10

iowar and Rice 262 88 lIS Rajpip1a--42 11 Jowar and Rice T(20) Tk(20) 1,628 111 146 Rajpipla-38 12 Jowar and Rice T(257) TW(245) 1,647 144 694 Rajpipla-40 13 W(l2) T(35) W(35) 466 46 5& 14 Jowar and Rice T(6) W(6) 323 90 41 Rajpipla-40 15

Jowar and R:ce T(84) TW(41) 1,580 244 545 Rajpipla-41 16 W(43) Jowar and Rice 655 39 361 Rajpipla-4I 17 Jowar and Rice T(57) TW(57) 1,353 283 489 Rajpipla-40 18 Jowar and Rice 142 T(80) W(80) 2,123 330 207 Rajpipla-37 19 Jowar and Rice ],786 142 104 Rajpipla-42 20

Jowar and Rice 565 SI 68 Rajpipla-35 21 Jowar and Rice 654 20 64 Rajpipla-28 22 Jowar ann Rice T(300) W(300) 1,301 75 216 Rajpipla-30 23 iowar and Rice S94 63 29 Rajpipla-40 24 Jowar and Rice T(25) TW(7) 663 56 75 Rajpipla-30 25 W(8)

Jowar and Rice T(93) W(93) 1,591 127 126 Ankleshvar-37 26 Jowar and Rice 66S 14 52 Ankleshvar-35 27 Jowar and Rice T(lOO) W(100) 1,176 154 60 Ankleshvar-33 28 Jowar and Rice T(30) W(30) 660 86 SO Ankleshvar-29 29 Jowar and Rice T(30) W(30) 212 36 565 Aakleshvar-37 30

Jowar and Rice 417 74 495 Ankleshvar-27 31 Jowar and Rice T(325) TW(200) 1,546 48 192 Ankleshvar-29 32 W(12S)


Amenities a\aiJabJe within the village Total Drinking Communica- Post and area of the Power Medical supply water tion Telegraph Location Name of village vlilage Educational Code No. (in Acres)

7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6

E(Ag) W PR,T 33 Khadoli 525 Pc.S E W,O WY,PR,KR.,T PTO. Rajapardi 2,336 Pr.S(2),Scc.S, D,FC 34 OS E(Ag) T,W,O WY,PR,KR PO 35 Sarsa 1.560 Pr.S W PR,KR PO 36 Haripara 301 W,O PR 37 Rajpara 441 W,O PR,T 38 Tejpor J,052 Pr.S E(Ag) W,O PR 39 Uchchhab 651 E(Ag) T,W WY,PR,KR 40 Achhalia 963 Pr.S,OS M,RC, E T,W WY,PR,KR.T PTO. Umalla 1,571 Pr .S(2).Sec.S, 41 IS,OS D,FC W WY,PR 42 Vaghpara 886 FC T,W WY,PR,KR PO 43 Raisang]}ura 860 Pr.S W,O PR,KR,T 44 Shir 258 Pr.S W,O WY,PR,T 45 Tavdi 870 Pr.S T,O KR 46 Khalak 1,013 Pr.S W,O KR 47 Kesharva J,585 Pr.S W KR 48 Vala 1,693 Pr.S W,O KR PO 49 Vali 1,133 Pc.S W,O KR 50 Dabhal 2,462 Pr.S W,O SI Kapat 840 Pr.S 0 KR 52 Rupania ],298 W PR 53 Nana Sorva 211 W,O PR.KR 54 Boridara 608 E W PR,KR,T 55 Madhavpara 1,223 W PR,KR,T 56 Karad 1.062 Pr.S E(Ag) W WY,PR,KR,T 57 Simdhara 280 Pr.S D E W WY,PR,KR,T PTO, 58 Jhagadia 2,372 Pr.S Phone W WY,PR S9 Ratanpor 4,000 Pr.S(2) 0 KR 60 Bhimpoc 1,182 W,O PR,KR 61 Malipipar 779 Pc.S W PR 62 Samarpara 589 W PR 63 Mota Sorva 2,009 Pr.S 0 PR 64 Bilvada 617 0 65 Ambakhadi 481 W KR 66 Kolipada 2,453 Pr.S 0 67 Umarkharda 2,099 Pr.S W,O KR 6.8 Vankol 1,699 Pr.S 76 Dlucre.RY

Lao. Use , Land use (Le., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest to\'.n Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the naarest ullit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kil0metre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) ]() 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

lowar and Rice T(37) W(37) 408 14 66 Anklesvar-29 33 lowar and Rice T(J40) TW(IOO) 1,719 329 148 Anklesvar 31 34 W(40) lowar and Rice T(6) W(6) 1,265 171 117 AnkJesvar-32 35 Jowar and Rice 156 128 10 8 AnkJesvar-25 36 lowar and Rice T(3) Wm 357 29 52 Rajpipla-32 37

Jowar and Rice 40 T(200) W(2DO) 611 26 175 Rajpipla-31 38 Jowar and Rice T(45) W(45) 463 40 103 Rajpipla-30 39 Jowar and Rice T(7) W(7) 790 42 124 Rajpipla-30 40 Jowar and Rice T(700) W(7DO) 639 43 189 Rajpipla-27 41

Jowar and Rice T(l4) W(l4) 800 14 59 Anklesvar-23 42

Jowar and Rice 723 69 68 Rajpipla-27 43 Jowar and Rice 224 12 22 Rajpipia-25 44 Jowar and Rice 728 61 81 Rajpipla-25 45 lowar and Rice 599 366 29 18 Rajpipla-2S 46 Jowar and Rice ),052 425 71 37 Rajpipla-2S 47

Jowar and Rice 768 656 211 57 Rajpipia-2S 48 Jowar and Rice 477 554 53 49 Rajpipla-32 49 Jowar and Rice 1,020 ],250 63 130 Rajpipla-33 50 Jowar and Rice 96 TO]) WOl) 399 81 253 Rajpipla-30 51 Jowar and Rice 8 T(3) W(3) ],017 83 187 Anklesvar-37 52

Jowar and Rice 150 28 33 AnkJesvar-32 53 Jowar and Rice 429 10 169 Anklesvar-36 54 Jowar and Rice 95 T(20) W(20) 908 133 67 Anklesvar-30 SS lowar and Rice T(lOO) W(lOO) 795 63 104 Anklesvar-22 56 Jowar and Rice 260 3 18 Anklesvar-26 57

Jowar and Rice T(SO) W(50} 886 1,216 220 Anklesvar-20 58

lowar and Rice 2,387 T(2) W(l2) 1,086 178 337 Anklesvar-26 Religious "Durgha" 59 of "Babagor" Jowar and Rice 150 849 100 84 Anklesvar-30 .. Ancient temple of 60 "Bhimnath" Jowar and Rice 607 45 128 Anklesvar-34 61 Jowar and Rice 413 5S 121 Anklesvar-38 62

Jowar and Rice ]0 T(8) W(8) 1,075 136 779 Anklesvar-38 63 Jowar and Rice 425 14 178 Anklesvar-35 64 Jowar and Rice 269 6 206 Anklesvar-40 6$ Jowar and Rice 1,910 438 47 59 Rajpipla-3S 66 Jowar and Rice 1,503 199 15 382 Rajpipla-30 67

Jowar and Rice 1,120 255 9 3U RajpipJa-40 68 Bh.v.7 17 TALUKA JHAGADIA ~ILtAGI:

Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Cornmunica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical Supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 ~ 6 7 8 9

69 Mandvi 374 0 70 lamoli 852 Pr.S W KR 71 Pada 575 W 72 Kantol 2,320 Pr.S 0 73 Razalwada 1,026 Pr.S W,O WY,PR PO

74 Kadwali 938 Pr.S W WY,PR PO 75 Gundecha 1,035 Pr.S W KR 76 Maljipara 643 Pr.S 0 KR 77 Bhuri 383 0 KR 78 Dumala Haripara 516 Pr.S E(Ag) T,W,O WY.PR,KR PO

79 Vaghpara 535 W WY,PR,KR,T PTO 80 Limodara 1,152 Pr.S E W PR,KR,T PO 81 Uchedia 1,495 Pr.S E W,O PR,KR,T PO 82 *Govali Bet 1,262 83 Govali 2,017 Pr.S,Sec.S HC E W FS,KR PO

84 Nana Sanja 933 Pr.S W,O FS,PR,KR,T 85 Ranipara 616 Pr.S,OS E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PO 86 Mota Sanja 838 Pr.S E W PR,KR,T 87 Sultanpura 1,825 Pr.S,(2)Sec.S, MD E T,W,O PR,KR,T PO OS 88 Kunvarpara 1,0n W,O KR

89 *Vankihathan 13 90 Amod 1,588 Pr.S W,O FS,KR 91 Amalzar 840 Pr.S W,O FS,KR PO 92 Choki 1,069 0 PR,KR,T 93 Pip alp an 959 Pr.S W,O WY,PR,KR

94 lespor 1,224 Pr.S HC W,R WY,PR,KR,T 95 Dholi 1,020 Pr.S W,O WY,PR 96 Sajanvav 688 0 KR 97 Vadkhunta 2,145 Pr.S,OS W,O KR PO 98 Mungaj 1,410 Pr.S W KR

99 Kakadpada 1,055 0 KR lQO Movi 1,090 Pr.S 0 FS,KR 101 Val ~29 0 FS,KR 102 Fichvada 1,215 Pr.S 0 KR PO 103 ,Kharetha 2,117 Pr.S W,O KR

• Uninhabited


Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types ofland use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ includiag tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 163 118 6 37 Rajpipla-38 69 Jowar and Rice 455 242 II 144 Rajpipla-40 70 Jowar and Rice 292 145 8 )30 Rajpipla-37 71 lowar and Rice 1,857 379 II 73 Rajpipla 37 71 lowar and Rice 126 754 62 84 Anklesvar-33 73

lowar and Rice 195 534 41 169 Anklesvar -39 74 lowar and Rice 788 44 203 Anklesvar-45 75 lowar and Rice 504 44 95 Anklesvar-35 76 Jowar and Rice 178 205 Anklesvar-37 77 lowar and Rice T(l) W(l1) 392 25 88 Rajpipla-30 78

lowar and Rice T(220) W(220) 209 25 82 Rajpipla-27 79 lowar and Rice T(350) TW(350) 452 76 274 Anklesvar-21 80 lowar and Rice T(56) W(S6) 1,044 278 118 Anklesvar-17 81 641 :i00 120 R2 lowar and Rice T(157) W(157) 1,556 233 70 Bharuch-13 83

lowar and Rice T(30) TK(30) 649 76 177 Anklesvar-20 84 Jowar and Rice H250) TW(250) 176 84 106 Anklesvar-15 85 Jowar and Rice T(JOO) TW(100) 603 44 92 Anklesvar-21 86 lowar and Rice T(10) W(lO) 1,438 73 305 Anklesvar-20 87

Jowar and R:ce 23 893 37 58 Anklesvar--23 ~8

13 89 Jowar and Rice 68S 769 56 78 Anklesvar-38 90 Jowar and Rice 690 S4 96 Anklesvar-40 ~n Jowar and Rice 317 616 24 111 Anklesvar-50 92 Jowar and Rice 337 545 40 37 AIlklesvar-44 93

Jowar and Rice 1,139 37 47 Anklesvar-48 94 lowar and Rice 201 TO) W(1) 478 10 329 Anklesvar-33 95 Jowar and Rice 496 151 6 35 Rajpipla-37 96 Jowar and Rice 1,078 472 554 41 Rajpipla-42 97 Jowar and Rice 995 316 25 73 Rajpipla-27 98

Jowar and Rice 1,055 Rajpipla-31 99 Jowar and Rice 615 288 160 26 Rajpipla-27 100 Jowar and Rice 224 191 70 44 Rajpipla-29 101 Jowar and Rice 799 196 129 91 Rajpipla-30 102 ]owar and Rice ],471 497 liS 33 Rajpipla--27 103


Amenities availab'e within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Nam~ of yj)\age village Educational Mt:dical supply water tions Telegraplt Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...

104 *KunJ 377 105 Vandarve~i ],088 W KR 106 Debar 1,803 Pr.S W,O KR 107 Machamadi 867 Pr.S W KR 108 Dholekham ],135 Pr.S W,O KR

109 Anjoli 1,590 Pr.S W PR,KR,T 110 Ramkot 774 Pr.S 0 KR 111 Undi 790 Pr.S W,O WY,PR,KR,T 112 Ashnavi 1,968 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR,T 113 Navapara 357 Pr.S 0 KR,T

114 Baleshwar 790 Pr.S W,O PR,KR,T 115 Zazpor 833 W,O KR,T 116 Rampor 1,023 Pr.S W KR.T 117 Damlai 1,147 Pr.S W KR,T 118 Padvania 2.760 Pr.S(3) W FS,KR,T PO

}}9 Andharkachhala 433 Pr.S W KR 120 Dholakuva 1,184 Pr.S W FS,KR,T 121 Malpor 947 Pr.S W KR 122 Vanthevad 808 Pr.S W WY,KR 123 Kharia 425 Pr.S W K_~

124 Fulwadi 1,899 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 12' Boridara 865 Pr.S W PR,KR,T 126 Mulad 852 Pr.S W FS,KR 127 Naugama J,033 Pr.S E(Ag) W,R FS,KR 128 Kharcbi Bhilwada 501 E W PR,T

129 Kharchi 1,001 Pr.S FC E W WY,PR,T PO 130 Kapalsadi 2,608 Pr.S W,O WY,PR,KR,T PO 131 SeIad 1,837 Pr.S W,R WY,KR PO 132 Padal 2,394 Pr.St2) W,O KR 133 Moran 724 Pr.S W.O FS,KR

134 Goratia 212 Pr.S W,O KR,T PO 135 Kotiamau 440 W,O KR 136 Koliawada 481 0 KR,T 137 Kuri 85S Pr.S W,O WY,PR,KR,T 138 Vadpan 740 Pr.S 0 WY,PR,KR

139 Timla 481 Pr.S W KR



Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Neare,t town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the ne:lrest untt) & distance of the marKet/ including tion Staple Food ------in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste availahle for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

377 104 Jowar and Rice 606 152 320 10 Rajpipla-30 105 ;0war and Rice 515 576 693 20 Anklesvar-42 106 Jowar and Rice 371 313 142 41 Rajpipla-27 107 Jowar and Rice 364 537 203 30 Anklesvar-4S 108

Jowar and Rice 427 735 29 398 Anklesvar--45 109 Jowar and Rice 279 380 105 10 Anklesvar-45 110 Jowar and Rice 268 440 36 46 Anklesvar-3S '1J I Jowar and Rice 987 869 52 60 Anklesvar-49 112 Jowar and Rice 55 254 18 30 Anklesvar--40 113

Jowar and Rice 174 443 24 149 Anklesvar-49 114 Jowar and Rice 673 127 16 17 Anklesvar--40 lIS Jowar and Rice 297 582 IS 129 Anklesvar-43 116 Jowar and Rice 65 892 97 93 Anklesvar--27 117 Jowar and Rice 152 TO) W(I) 2,139 104 364 Anklesvar-35 Jl8

Jowar and Rice 145 T(2) W(2) 254 19 13 Anklesvar-24 119 Jowar and Rice 1,050 47 87 Anklesvar-27 120 Jowar and Rice T(2) W(2) 804 57 84 Anklesvar-25 121 Jcwar and Rice T(2) W(2) 702 81 22 Anklesvar-21 122 Jowar and Rice T(2) W(2) 385 23 14 Anklesvar-21 123

Jowar and Rice T(9) W(9) 1,638 114 139 Anklesvar-20 124 Jowar and Rice 755 21 89 Bharuch-14 125 Jowar and Rice T(30) W(30) 701 56 65 Bharuch-9 ]26 Jowar and Rice T(IO) W(W) 811 36 176 Bharuch-8 127 Jowar and Rice 426 46 28 Anklesvar-10 128

Jowar and Rice 827 119 55 Ankiesvar-IO 129 Jowar and Rice T(19) W(19) 2,241 176 172 Anklesvar-17 130 Jowar and Rice T(lI) W(ll) 1,550 104 !71 Anklesvar-23 131 Jowar and Rice 1,660 128 605 Anklesvar-21 132 Jowar and Rice T(50) W(SO) 656 47 30 Anklesvar-38 133

Jowar and Rice 22 125 9 56 Anklesvar-40 ]3.4 Jowar and Rice 337 IS 87 Anklesvar-45 135 Iowar and Rice 425 15 41 Anklesvar-38 136 Jowar and Rice 166 581 16 91 Anklesvar-3S 137 Jowar and Rice 483 241 15 Anklesvar-35 138

Jowar and Rice T(16) W(16) 203 21 241 Anklesvar-45 139


Amenities aDd

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica­ Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Teleirapb Code No. (in Acres)

2 4 5 6 7 8 9

140 Kochbar 1,983 Pr.S W,O KR 141 Galiba 2,490 Pr.S HC W FS,KR PO 142 Valpor 774 Pr.S W KR PO 143 Rupghat 1,144 Pr.S W,O KR 144 Varkhadi 988 Pr.S W PeR

145 Bilatha 745 Pc.S W FS,KR 146 Shanakoi 2.715 Pr.S(2) W KR 147 Zarna 1.042 Pr.S W KR 148 Kantipada ;?,5lS6 Pr.s W,O PR,KR,T PO J49 Fokdi 531 FC W WY,PR,KR,T

ISO Moriyana 907 Pr.S,Sec.S FC,M,HC E T,WO WY,PR,KR PO 151 Mota Malpor 1,066 Pr.S W,O KR,T PO 152 Gambhirpara 465 o KR,T 153 Anadhara ],835 Pr.S W KR,T J54 Shiyali ],495 Pr.S W.O KR

155 Vasna 1.304 Pr.S E(Ag) W.O FS,KR PO 156 Rajpor 1,150 W FS,KR 157 Navagam Mota 241 W KR 158 Sardarpura 482 Pr.S T,W KR J59 Untia 650 Pr.S W KR

160 Dadheda 2,061 Pr.S T,W KR 161 Randedi 1,007 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 142 Limet 1,542 Pr.S T,W,Tk WY,PR,KR PO J63 Talodara 3,022 Pr.S T,W WY,PR PO 164 Panvadi 695 Pr.S W WY,KR

J65 Borjai 1.654 Pr.S(3),OS(2) " W WY,KR PO 166 Dharoli 3,518 Pr.S(4),Sec.S D E T,W,Tk,O WY,PR,KR PO

167 Bhojpor 736 Pr.s W,O KR 168 Ambos. 1,473 Pr.S E(Ag) W,O PR.KR

Total 200,784 Pr.S(149), M(3). E(18). T(18), WY(39), PO(44}. Sec.s(9), HC(7), E(Ag)(13) W(136), FS(27), PTO(4), Is(l), 0(8). TklJ), PR(6S), Phone(2) OS(10) FC(8) R(I7), KR(J37), O(69) TI43), NG(lO)

Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the number of Primary, Secondary and other schools. The figures in brackets under Cols. S to 9 indicate the number of villaics having those particular amenities. The arta figures in Col. 3 may not tally with the total of Cols. 11 to 15 in some cases due to rounding. 82 DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the neare~t unit) & distance of the marketl including tion Staple Food ------in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 916 T(20} W(20) 802 24 222 Anklesvar-45 140 Jowar and Rice 1,820 573 52 46 Rajpipla-41 HI Jowar and Rice 260 430 45 38 Rajpipla-40 142 Jowar and Rice 182 860 24 78 Rajpipla-32 143 Jowar and Rice 482 31 476 Rajpipla-3S .. 144

Jowar and Rice 80 632 25 8 Rajpipla- 32 145 Jowar and Rice 2,416 5 3 291 Rajpipla-3S 146 Jowar and Rice 1,019 9 14 Anklesvar-50 147 Jowar and Rice 715 1,044 109 718 Anklesvar-43 148 Jowar and Rice 502 14 15 Anklesvar-36 149

J owar and Rice 120 T(55) W(5S) 665 35 32 Anklesvar-35 150 Jowar and Rice 137 773 86 71 Anklesvar 40 151 Jowar and Rice 88 322 19 36 Anklesvar-41 152 Jowar and Rice 364 1,231 37 203 Anklesvar-44 153 Jowar and Rice T(200) W(200) 1,089 43 163 Anklesvar-40 154

Jowar and Rice TODD) W(lOO) 965 162 77 Anklesvar-40 155 Jowar and Rice 973 48 129 Ankleivar-38 156 Jowar and Rice 199 6 36 A nklesvar--33 IS7 Jowar and Rice T(33) TW(33) 416 29 4 Anklesvar-14 158 Iowar and Rice T(2) TW(2) 584 58 6 Anklesvar-12 159

Jowar and Rice ],877 76 109 Anklesvar-20 160 Iowar and Rice T(5) W(5) 194 73 35 Anklesvar-30 161 Iowar and Rice 1,184 254 104 Ank1esvar-20 162 Jowar and Rice T(40) W(40) 2,713 202 67 Anklesvar-29 163 Jowar and Rice 596 4 94 Anklesvar-22 164

Iowar and Rice 1,467 55 132 Anklesvar-2S 165 Iowar and Rice T(650) C(300) 2,418 178 271 Anklesvar-28 166 W(200) 0(150) Jowar and Rice T(50) W(50) 608 54 25 Anklesvar-35 167 Iowar and Rice T(27S) C(125) 911 184 102 Anklesvar-28 168 0(150)

37,460 6,138 -119,824 14,558 22,797




Amenities aDd

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational l\idi,al supply water lions Telegraph CodeNo_ (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Narkhadi 1,141 Pr.S W,R WY,KR 2 Poicha 2,204 Pr.S W,R WY,PR,KR,NG PO 3 Kothara ill Pr.S W,R WY,PR 4 Jesalpor 1,610 Pr.S,OS W WY,PR,KR PO 5 Pati 3: 2 PrS W,R WY,KR fa

6- lior 2,553 Pr.S W,R WY,KR PO 7 Vandaria 920 ProS W,R KR,NG 8 Sondhalia 867 Pr.S \V WY,PR,NG PO 9 Tankari 1,681 Pr.S W FS,KR PO ]0 Serav 3,811 Pr.S W,R FS,KR p.)

11 Galupura 116 W,O PR,KR 12 Bilthana 389 Pr.S W,O KR 13 Pantalavadi 319 Pr.S D,FC W KR 14 Bhekhadia 731 W.O KR 15 Bakhar 843 Pr.s. W KR

16 Dhobisal 248 W,O KR 17 Navapara 250 Pr,S E(Ag) W KR (Garudeshwar) 18 Vanznitad 229 Pr.S W,O KR 19 Dhefa 338 W KR 20 Mithivav 491 [LS,OS W KR PO

21 Panisadadia 282 Pr.S W KR 22 DhaniaJa 397 W,O KR 23 Mankuva 276 W KR 24 Songam 767 Pr.S W,O KR

25 Gunetha 408 W,O FS,KR,T

26 Borutar 481 Pr.S W,O FS,PR,T 27 Chichadia 880 Pr.S W,O FS,KR 28 Valpor 171 W,O KR 29 Gadod 633 Pr.S W,O KR 30 Sajanpara 151 W,O KR

31 Sandhia 1,086 Pr.S W,O KR

32 Suka SW Pr.S W,O KR PO

33 Chhindiapara 727 W,O WY,KR 34 Vaviala 1,290 Pr.S W,O KR PO 3S Guvar 903: Pr.S W,lIl FS,KR,NG 86 DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acre; N..:arest town Day or Days Remarks Loc~- rounded to the n.:arest unit) & distance of the market/ including; tion Staple Food in Kilomelle Hat if any. any place Code For~st Irrigated Un- Culturabk Area r,ot held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 II 12 J3 14 15 15 17 1

lowar and Bajri 815 71 255 RajpipJa-15 Jowar and Bajri T(IO) W(lO) 1,242 5 946 Rajpipla-13 2 lowar and 8ajri 450 93 268 Rajpipla-16 3 lawaI and Rice 1,310 225 75 Rajpipla-l0 4 lowar and Rice 175 67 130 Rajpipla-15 5

lowar and Rice T(4) W(4) 1,874 283 392 Rajpipla-15 6 Jowar and Ri..;e 689 28 203 Rajpipla-12 7 Jowar and 8ajri 628 84 156 Rajpipla-12 8 Jowar and Rice 1,506 56 120 Rajpipla-12 9 Jowar and Rice 2,656 612 544 Rajpipla-15 10

Jowar ank Rice 78 27 1\ Rajpipla-31 II Jowar and Rice 344 20 25 Rajpipla -32 12 Jowar and Rice 250 18 51 Rajpipla-30 13 Jowar and Rice 637 16 77 Rajpipla-32 14 Jowar and Rice T(37) W(23) 661 34 112 RajpipJa-27 15 TK (14)

Rice and Maize 223 15 II Rajpipla-45 16 Jowar and Rice 213 17 19 Rajpipla-38 17

Jowar and Rice 194 10 25 Rajpipla-40 IS Jcwar and Rice 294 11 34 RajpipJa-40 19 Jowar and Rice 462 12 23 RajpipJa-45 20

Jowar and Rice 240 33 10 Rajpipla-42 21 Jowar and Rice 330 59 7 Rajpipla-45 22 JOW'lr and Rice T(9) W(9) 243 8 16 Rajpipla-37 23 Jowar and Rice T(252) W(42) 451 35 30 Rajpipla-40 2 0(210) Jowar and Rice 349 31 21 Rajpipla-40 2'

Jowar and Rice 434 24 24 Rajpipla-40 26 Jowar and Rice 801 56 23 Rajpipla-35 27 Jowar and Rice 146 11 14 Rajpipla-36 211 Jowar and Rice 586 II 41 Rajpipla-39 29 Jowar and Rice T(70) W(10) 62 3 16 Rajpipla-38 30 0(60)

Jowar and Rice T(1S0) C(l32) 829 6 40 Rajpipla-34 31 W(l8) Jowar ank Rice T(1l8) W(30) 400 20 22 Rajpipla-36 32 0(88) Jowar and Bajri 640 27 59 Rajpipla-30 33 Jowar and Rice 1,194 78 18 Rajpipla-28 34 Jowar and Rice T(20) W(20) (;60 74 154 Rajpipla-12 35 87 TALUKA NANOOD VILLACB£

ABlel1ities aDd

Amenitil;s available within the villa&e Total ------area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educa tiona I Medical supply water lions Ttlegraph Code No. (in Acres)

'2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

36 Lachharas 2,541 Pr.S,Sec.S M,Ve, E T,W FS,PR PO C,FC 37 Anijara 1,058 fr.S W KR 38 Bhadam 2,650 Pr.S,Sec.S,OS .. E T,W,R WY,PR,KR PO 39 Rasela 926 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 40 Dhanpor Q86 PI.S W,R WY,KR PO

41 Rundh 2,281 Pr.S(2) W,R WY,KR,NG PO 42 Dhamnacba 1,230 Pr.S E W,R KR PO 43 Patan 1,549 Pr.S W,R FS,KR,NG P) 44 Varkhad 1,904 Pr.S E(Ag) W,R FS,KR PO 45 Ori 2,024 Pr.S,Sec.S, E(Ag) T,W FS,KR,NG PO as

46 Sisodara 3,352 Pr.S(2),Sec.S He, E T,W,R PS,KR,T PO (S D,pe 47 Kandroj 1,577 Pr.S,OS W,R KR PO 48 Nikoli ~,OOI Pr.S D E(Ag) W PS,KR 49 Navapara (Nikoli) 1,040 Pr.S T,W,O FS,KR PO

50 Amarpara 446 Pr.S W KR

51 Pratappara 797 Pr.S W PR,T 52 Helambi 213 Pr.S W PS,KIt 53 Vaghetha 1,568 Pr.S,OS W,O FS,ICR PO 54 Bhacharwada 1,474 Pr.S,OS E W,R PR,KR,T S5 Bhuchhad 1,218 Pr.S(2) W,R KR

56 Hajarpara 314 Pr.S,OS E(Ag) T,W,R FS,KR PO 57 Torna 1,200 Pr.S,OS 'v\,R PR 58 Chitravadi 1,088 Pr.S,OS E(Ag) T,W,R FS,PR.KR,T 59 Thari '68 Pr.S E(Ag) T,W FS,KR PO 60 Mangrol 2,786 Pr.S,OS D T,W,R WY,PR,NG PO

61 Rampara (Mangrol) 780 Pr.S W.R WY,KR,NG 62 Sanjaroli 743 Pr.S W,R KR 63 Akt5war 977 Pr.S,OS W,R WY,PR,KR 64 Garudeshwar J,536 Pr.S CW,D W,R WY,PR,KR,NG PO 65 Gabhana 881 Pr.S W,O WY,PR

66 Khadagada 1,539 Pr.S,Scl.S, HC W,O WY,K.R PO as 67 Dhamadara 8&2 Pr.S W,R FS,PR 68 Zaria 690 Pr.S,Sec.S, D W,O FS,PR,KR PO as 69 Vndva 1.013 Pr.S W,O PIt,KR 70 Orpa 719 Pr.S W,O WY,KR 88 DlREC'fOllY

LaDd Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Neuest to\\ n Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Trrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 ]5 16 17 ]8

Iowar and Rice T(11) W(11) 2,015 277 238 Rajpipla-6 36

Iowar and Rice 914 57 86 Rajpipla-9 37 Rice and Bajri TOI2) W(1]2) 1,903 448 187 Rajpipla-3 38 Iowar and Rice T(7) W(7) 710 150 58 Rajpipla-7 39 Jowar and Rice 771 106 109 Rajpipla-9 40

Jowar and Wheat T(S) W(5) 1,337 558 381 Rajpipla-9 41 Jowar and Rice T(14) W(14) 914 141 162 Rajpipla-l0 42 Iowar and Rice 1,073 318 159 Rajpipla-12 43 Iowar and Bajri T(20) W(20) 1,638 103 143 Rajpipla-22 44 Rice and Wheat T(297) TW(297) 989 163 575 Shinor-5 45

Rice and Wheat T(350) W(350) 1.721 247 1,034 Shinor-2 46

Iowar and Rice T(200) TW(200) 974' 161 241 Rajpipla-33 47 Jowar and Rice 1,702 112 1116 Rajpipla-18 48 Iowar and Bajri T(3S) TW(10) 862 29 lIS Rajpipla-16 49 W(25) Iowar and Rice 372 41 33 Rajpipla-12 SO

Jowar and Rice T(22) W(22) 701 32 42 Rajpipla-7 51 Iowar and Bajri 169 29 14 Rajpipla-5 52 Iowar and Rice TOO) W(70) 1,188 IS3 158 Rajpipla-7 53 Iowar and Rice 1,197 133 144 Rajpipla-I 54 Iowar and Rice T(31) 0(31) 947 115 125 Rajpipla-6 55

Jowar and Rice T(3S) W(3S) 190 45 44 Rljpiplll-3 56 Iowar and Bajri 826 277 97 Rajpipla-7 57 Iowar and Rice T(IO) W(lO) 775 70 232 Rajpipla-l 58 Jowar and Rice .. 1'(175) W(17S) 376 76 41 Rajpipla-8 59 Jowar and Rice .. T(lO) W(20) 2,326 1':16 244 Rajpipla-15 60

Jowar and Rice 675 S leO Rajpipla-JO 61 Jowar and Rice T(40) C(40) 561 12 130 Rajpipla-20 62 Iowar and Rice T(40) C(40) 731 49 157 Rajpip)a-20 63 Iowar and Rice T(40) C(40) 1,104 33 359 Rajpipla-20 64 Jowar and Maize T(4) 0(4) 683 71 123 Rajpipla-22 65

Iowar and Bajri T(100) C(IOO) 1,261 74 103 Rajpipla-24 66

It,war and Bajri T(22) C(22) 690 57 114 Rajpipla-30 67 Jowar and Rice T(1S0) C(150) 432 56 52 Rajpipla- 33 68

Jowar and Rice T(35) C(35) 743 70 165 Rajpipla-!4 69 Rice and Maize 6S6 39 24 Rajpi{.la-40 70 89 TALUKA NANBOD VILLAGE

Ameaities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water thns TeI~graph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9

71 Kumbhia <433 Pr.S W,O KR 72 Nasari 382 Pr.S W,O KR 73 Pichhipara 1,525 Pr.S W,R KR 74 Mankad Amba 1,449 Pr.S W KR 75 Limkhetar 4,747 Pr.S W KR

76 Amba 1,275 W,O KR 17 Panchla 749 Pr.S W,O KR 7& Haripura 130 W FS,KR 7f) Vaghrali 1,240 Pr.S W,O FS,KR 80 Jetpor 776 Pr.S He W,R FS,KR

81 Timrava 888 Pr.') W KR 82 Karcli 435 Pr.S FC W FS,Klt. PO 83 Naghatpor 2,366 Pr.S W,O FS,KR

84 Samasherpura 316 Pr.S W,O FS,KR (Kareliwalu) &5 Vadi 735 Pr.S W,R FS,PR,KR PO

86 Gadkoi 1.067 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 87 Bhumalia 1,092 Pr.S W,Tk WY,PR 88 Amadala 1,061 Pr.S W,O FS,PR,KR '9 Kothi 828 Pr.S,OS W,O WY,PR 90 Kevadia 1,552 Pr.S(l),Sec.S D E T,W,Tk,R WY,PR PO

91 Mota Piparia 3fO Pr.S W PR,KR 92 Nana Piparia 446 W PR,KR 93 Indravarna 925 Pr.S W PR,KR 94 Vansla 603 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 95 Nani Raval 363 Pr.S W,O WY,PR,KR

96 Moti Raval 625 Pr.S W,O WY,PR 97 Fulvadi 823 Pr.S,OS W WY,PR,KR PO 98 Surajvad 485 W,R KR 99- , Sengpara 475 W KR 100 Ghambhirpara 4D Pr.S W,R KR

101 *Samsherpara 392 102 Kali Makvana 1.341 Pr.S,OS W WY,PR,KR 103 Karantha J,891 Pr.S E(Ag) W,Tk FS,KR

*Uninhabited. 90 DIRE£1'OIY.

Land Use

Land use (i. t., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest to~ n Day or Days Remarks LOCil- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food ------in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest ~roves) 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 199 222 13 Rajpipla-41 71 Jowar and Rice 319 9 54 Rajpipla-40 72 Jowar and Rice 388 1,124 13 Rajpipla-40 71 Jowar and Rice 1,206 199 10 34 RajpipJa-40 74 Jowar, Rice and 4,48J 182 73 12 Rajpipla-41 75 Bajri

Jowar and "Rice 1,200 54 18 3 Rajpipla-45 76 Jowar and Rice 498 160 26 65 Rajpipla-40 77 Jowar and Rice 045 21 65 Rajpipla-45 11 Jowar and Rice T(30) W(30) 663 61 416 Rajpipla-36 79 Jowar and Rice 363 314 51 48 Rajpipla-40 80

Jowar and Rice T(3) W(3) 375 4 505 Rajpipla-38 il Jowar and Rice T(S) W(S) 348 33 50 Rajpipla-311 82 Jowar and Rice T(l44) W(lS) 940 1,176 105 Rajpipla-40 83 0(129) Jowar and Rice T(34) Wei) 227 29 26 Rajpipla-040 84 0(27) Jowar and Rice 582 50 103 RajpipJa-33 85

Jowar and Bajri 731 292 38 RajpipJa-30 86 Jowar and Maize 186 T(ll) W(Il) 793 56 47 Rajpipla-22 87 Jowar and Rice 799 82 180 Rajpipla-30 88 Jowar al1d Maiz~ T(7) 0(7) 612 82 127 Rajpipla-20 89 Jowar and Maize 185 T(JO) W(7) 915 155 288 RajpipJa-23 90 0(3)

Jowar and Rice 230 90 20 Rajpipla-21 91 Jowar and Rice 303 26 118 Rajpipla-25 92 Jowar and Rice 666 68 191 Rajpipla-19 93 Jowar and Rice 404 101 98 Rajpipla-18 94 ]owar and Rice 249 35 78 Rajpipla-18 95

Jowar and Bajd T(5) W(5) 478 63 79 Rajpipla-12 96 ]owar and Bajri T(5) W(S) 631 144 44 Rajpipla-6 97 Jowar and Bajri 308 138 31 Rajpipla-6 98 Jowar and Bajri 405 24 047 Rajpipla-8 99 Jowar and Bajri 360 29 24 Rajpipla-6 100

341 26 25 101 Jowar and Bajri 1,101 73 167 Rajpipla-7 102 Jowar and Rice 1.467 134 289 Rajpipla-6 103


Amenities aDd

A.menities available within the village Tetal .. _--- -~,-~--~ area of the Power Drinking Com:n'..!nica- Post nnd Location Name of village village Educational Medical Supply water lions Te!egra{:b Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 6 7 8 9

104 Vadia 859 Pr.S.C,Tr.S, E(Ag) W FS,PR,T Phone OS 105 Ranipura 642 Pr.S W,R WY,PR,KR 106 Dholivav 255 Pr.S W KR 107 Rampara (Patnawalu) 72 W FS,PR,T 108 Virsangpara 404 Pr.S W KR

109 Lodhan 353 W FS,KR 110 Akuvada 667 Pr.S W PR,KR,T 111 Vaghodia 1,339 Pr.S W FS,KR 112 Navra 2,S03 Pr.S(2),OS E(Ag) W,R FS,KR PO

113 Varachha 612 Pr.S W KR PO

114 Umarva l,S76 Pr.S.Sec.S,OS D,FC E(Ag) T,W FS,PR,KR PO 115 ReI 462 Pr.S W,O KR 116 Rajuvadia 2,246 Pr.S(2),Scc.S M,HC E W WY,PR,KR,T PO OS Fe 117 Timbi 1,801 Pr.S W PR PO 118 Dharikheda 582 Pr.S W KR

119 Kumasgam 518 Pr.S,Sec.S W WY,PR,KR,T 120 Amletha 1,812 Pr.S,Soc.S HC E T,W WY,PR,KR,T PTO 121 Taropa 1,297 Pr.S,Sec.S W,O WY,PR,KR,T PO ]22 Dholar ],282 Pr.S,OS W KR PO 123 Virpor 583 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR PO

124 l\ingni 543 Pr.S W Pl\ 125 Navagam 794 Pr.S W FR 126 Verisalpara 248 Pr.S W KR ]27 Ramgadh 263 Pr.S,OS W KR ]28 Jitnagar 1,379 Pr.S E(AI) W,R FS,PR,KR,NG

]29 Vavdi 1,461 Pr.S,OS D E T,W WY,PR PO ]30 Gopalpura 426 Pr.S W WY,PR 131 Nana Zunda 97 Pr.S W WY,KR 131 Nava Vaghpara 1,]73 Pr.S W WY,KR 133 Sakva 884 Pr.S W,O PR

134 Samaria 1,220 Pr.S W,O K.1t

]3' Bhanadara 404 W,O WY.PR 136 Boria 413 Pr.S HC W WY,PR,KR 137 Vasantpara 289 W PR,IC.R 13. Vagadia 63B Pr.S R Wf,Plt 92 DJRBCTOB\'

Land Use

La:\d use (Le., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- round~d to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar ami interest groves) 10 11 12 .J3 14 15 15 17 18

Jowar and Rice 708 13 138 Rajpipla-l 104

Jowar and Rice T(12) W(12) 478 45 107 Rajpipla-5 105 Jowar and Rice T(10) W(IO) 208 II 27 Rajpipla-5 106 Jowar and Bajri 57 3 12 Rajpipla-8 107 Jowar and Rice 370 17 17 Rajpipla-10 loa

]owar and Rice 313 19 21 RajpipJa-12 1('9 Jowar and Rice T(lOO) W(100) 497 3 67 Rajpipla-15 110 Jowar and Rice T(80) W(80) 1,113 37 108 Rajpipla-21 111 Jowar and Rice 36 T(339) TW(329) 1,631 135 355 Shinor-IO 112 W(10) Rice and Wheat 464 47 10J Shinor-12 Il3

Rice and Wheat T(I72) W(l72) 1,160 106 138 Shinor-12 114 Jowar and Rice T(51) W(51) 377 13 21 Shinor-12 115 Rice and Wheat T(34) W(34) 1,948 79 185 Rajpipla-iR 116

Jowar and Rice T(6S) W(6S) 1,499 71 166 RajpipJa-15 Jl7 Jowar and Rice 480 31 71 Rajpipla-15 118

Jowar and Rice T(6') W(66) 400 20 32 Rajpipla-12 JJ9 Rice and Wheat T(95) W(95) 1,497 33 186 RajpipJa-·12 120 Jowar and Rice T(1IO) W(IIO) 981 83 123 Rajpipla-8 121 ]owar and Rice T(20) W(20) 1,057 106 99 Rajpipla-10 122 Jowar and Rice 463 96 23 Rajpipla-6 123

Jowar and Rice T(25) W(25) 416 21 III Rajpipla-6 124 ]owar and Maize 36 260 95 403 RajpipJa-28 125 Jowar and Rice 129 69 10 40 RajpipJa-4 126 ]owar and Rice 68 T(5) W(5) 131 32 27 RajpipJa-2 127 Jowar and Rice 438 T(30) W(30) 1,124 95 692 RajpipJa-3 128

Rice and Wheat T(300) W(300) 837 104 221 Rajpipla-5 129 Jowar and Bajri 387 IS 24 Rajpipla-6 130 Jowar and Rice 76 12 10 Rajpipla-IO 131 Jowar and Rice 1,012 21 139 Rajpipla-12 132 ]owar and Bajri 350 T(3) W(3) 313 166 51 RajpipJa-13 133

Jowar, Maize and T(9) W(9) 621 590 RajpipJa-1O 134 lajri Jowar and Bajri T(2) W(2) 304 35 63 Rajpipla-l1 135 Jowar and Rice 336 42 35 Rajpipla-20 136 Jowar and Rice 194 29 66 Rajpipla-25 137 Jowar and Bajri 638 Rajpipla-J 5 138 Bhv.9 93 TALUKA NANDOD VILIIAGa').

Amenities and,

Amenities available within tbe village Total area of the Power Drinkir.g Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical Supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 , 6 7 8 9

139 Khalvani 1,611 Pr.S W KR ]40 Panchmuli 2,663 Pr.S W KR ]41 Zer 2,897 Pr.S(2) W,O KR

142 Survani 271 W FS,KR 143 Vanazi 673 Pr.S W FS,KR

144 Gulvani 1,842 Pr.S W,O FS,KR 145 Chapa! 383 0 KR ]46 Mankadkhada 4,059 W,R,O KR 147 Gadher 8,274 Pr.S(2) W,R,O FS,KR PO ]48 Katkhadi 2,285 Pr.S W,R KR

149 Vadgam 4,724 Pr.S W,R WY,KR PO ]50 Limdi 2,298 Pr.S FC W WY,PR PO ]51 Navagam 682 Pr.S W WY,KR 152 GOra 2,154 Pr.S W,R WY,PR PO ]'3 Vmarva (Joshivalu) 2,470 Pr.S W,O PR

]54 Bhilvashi l,753 Pr.S W,O WY,PR ]'5 Mota Amba 735 Pr.S W,O PR,KR 156 Junvad 966 Pr.S W KR 157 Velchhandi 789 Pr.S W KR 1'8 Mota Rai para 2,652 Pr.S(21,OS W KR

1'9 Sundarpura 987 Pr.S,OS E W,R PR,KR PO 160 Nana Limatvada 303 Pr.S W KR

161 Vanzar 831 Pr.S W,R FS,PR,KR 162 Mota Limatva:la 1,057 Pr.S W KR -163 Jetpor 196 W KR

164 Nana Raipara 680 OS W KR 165 Khamar 66' Pr.S W KR 166 Nana Haidva 211 Pr:.S HC W PR,T 167 Chitro) 986 Pr.S W PR,T 168 Sanadhara ],198 Pr.S W,O KR

169 Kakadva ],578 Pr.S W,O PR 170 Khojal Vasa 83] Pr.S,OS W,O WY,PR,KR,T 171 Gamkuva 799 Pc.S,OS W,R WY,PR,KR,T p.) 172 Pratapnagar 1,678 Pr.S,Sec.S,OS HC,D W WY,PR,KR,T PO, Phone ]73 Baman Falia 858 Pr.S W PR,T 94 DIRECIOIty

Land .Vse

Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest to\\ n Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to th<;: nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historica I or (including cult iva \ ion archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 1O II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Maize 1,071 410 109 22 Rajpipla-35 139 Jowar and Maize 2,036 471 150 6 Rajpipla-32 140 Jowar and Rice 2,063 T(5) W(J) 531 53 244 Rajpipla-40 141 0(4) Jowar and Rice 75 79 107 10 Rajpipla-45 142 Jowar and Rice 27u 258 145 Rajpipla-45 143

Jowar and Kodra 1,222 333 269 17 Rajpipla-40 144 Jowar and Rice 383 Rajpipla-45 145 Jowar and Maize 2,994 57 98 910 Rajpipla-44 145 ]owar and Maize 5,687 785 135 1,667 Rajpipla-45 147 Jowar and Maize 1,598 158 S3 477 Rajpipla-45 148

Maize and Bajri 2,433 648 1,232 412 Rajpipla-45 149 }owar and Mliize 1,062 351 856 28 Rajpipla-30 150 Jowar and Rice 59 462 28 132 Rajpipla-5 151 Jowar and Rice 661 915 62 517 Rajpipla-18 152 Jowar, Maize and 1,161 418 845 4S Rajpipla-U 153 Bajri

Jowar and Bajri 858 T(2) W(2) 723 999 172 Rajpipla-14 154 Jowar and Bajri 380 1'(14) W(14) 238 6 97 Rajpipla-15 155 Jowar and Rice 253 589 109 16 Rajpipla-9 ISS Jowar and Rice 479 305 5 Rajoipla-14 1S7 Jowar and Rice 801 1,298 87 465 Rajpipla-12 158

Rice and Wheat 1'(3S) W(35) 788 58 106 Rajpipla-S 159 .Iowar and Rice 1'(49) 1'W(40) 173 9 71 Rajpipla-2 160 W(9) Jowar and Rice 222 365 9 236 Rajpipla-9 161 Jowar and Rice 327 632 48 50 Rajpipla-6 162 Jowar and Rice 15-1 24 18 Rajpipla-4 163

Jowar and Rice 312 267 23 77 Rajpipla-6 164 Jowar and Rice 156 316 45 149 Rajpipla-6 165 Jowar and Bajri 182 11 18 Rajpipla-6 166 Jowar and Bajri 557 T(11) 0(11) 307 38 73 Rajpipla-9 167 Jowar and Rice 229 615 325 29 Rajpipla-lS 168

Jowar and Rice 799 361 418 Rajpipla-16 169 Jowar and Maize 50 710 71 Rajpi pIa-IS 170 ]owar and Rice T(82) W(82) 601 61 55 RajpipIa-l0 171 Rice and Wheat T(311) W(311) 1,000 251 115 Rajpipla-18 17~

Jowar and Rice 295 86 477 Rajpipla-16 173 9S TALUKA NANDOD VILLAGE

Amenities aJld

Amenities available within the village Total -_------area of the Pov.er Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 :I 4 5 6 7 ')

174 Mecgam 89r W PR 175 Ghanta 1,"7 Pr.S W,O KR 176 Mayasi 1,577 Pr.S W PR,T 177 Kanpor 960 Pr.S W PR,T 178 Mota Haidva 1,28] Pr.S W PR,T

179 Nani Chikhli 1,197 Pr.S W,O FS,KR 180 Movi 839 W.R FS,KR 181 Pada 1,622 Pr.S(2) CW W,RO FS,KR 182 Jitg~dh 1,304 Pr.S W,R PR 183 Mandan -,33 W,O KR (Gorwalun)

184 Thavadia 3,038 R KR 185 Mokhdi 5,236 Pr.S(2) W,R WY,KR 186 Surpan 4,429 Pr.S R KR

187 Zarvani 6,628 Pr.S W,R KR 188 Dhirkhadi 3,176 Pr.S R KR

189 Junaraj 16,590 Pr.S W,O PR 190 Butvad 1,336 Pr.S W,O KR 191 Mandan 1,4S5 Pr.S W FS,PR (God !tval un) 192 Boridara 1,527 Pr.S FC W,O KR PO 193 Gadit 1,408 Pr.S W,O FS,PR

194 M oti Chikhli 1,354 W,O FS,KR 195 Amli 1,515 Pr.S W KR 196 Dadhvada 1,030 0 KR 197 Mahudipada 1,562 W,O FS,KR 198 Handi 778 W,O FS,KR

199 Chhatvada 927 W,O KR 200 Dhochki 1,138 W,O KR 201 Namalgadh 3,695 Pr.S W KR 202 Gagar 1,927 Pr.S W FS,KR 203 Moji 1,725 Pr.S W FS,KR

204 Khunta Amba 2,343 Pr.S W FS,KR 205 Bitada 1S20 Pr.S W FS,KR -96 DIllECT6RY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types ofland use in acres Nearc';t town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area r.ot held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 . 15 16 17 18

lowar and Rice 330 180 381 Rajpipla-16 174 Jowar and Bajri 232 821 19 484 Rajpipla-20 175 Jowar and Bajri 562 T(lO) W(IO) 694 9 301 Rajpipla-ll 176 Jowar and Bajri 367 196 149 248 Rajpipla-12 177 Jowar and Bajri 290 46 945 Rajpipla-7 178

Jowar and Rice 932 TOO) W(lO) 152 33 64 Rajpipla-8 179 Jowar and Rice 405 T(2) W(2) 162 16 254 Rajpipla-S 180 Jowar and Rice 679 T(26) W(26) 356 322 240 Rajpipla-6 181 Jowar and Rice 450 494 93 267 Rajpipla-8 182 Jowar and Rice 696 23 II 6 Rajpipla-20 183

Jowar and Bajri 2,611 65 21 340 Rajpipla-35 184 Jowar and Bajri 2,399 599 192 2,045 Rajpipla-40 185 Jowar and Bajri 3,865 151 27 387 Rajpipla--45 " Famous "Surpane- 186 shwar Temple and Water Fall on River Narmada" lowar and Rice 4,636 384 39 1,570 Rajpipla-28 187 Jowar and Bajri 2,S53 93 68 462 Rajpipla-30 188

Jowa]' and Rice 11 ,150 T(J) W(I) 923 645 3,872 Rajpipla-15 189 Jowar and Rice 959 118 52 207 Rajpipla-15 190 Jowar and Rice 863 134 26 433 Rajpipla-20 191

Jowar and Rice 616 T(2) W(2) 434 94 381 Rajpipla-8 192 lowar and Rice 74-7 301 129 231 Rajpipla-20 193

Jowar and Rice 801 TO) W(3) 149 23 378 Rajpipla-8 194 Jowar and Rice 80S 226 101 383 Rajpipla-21 195 lowar and Maize 1,030 Rajpipla-22 196 lowar and Rice 931 142 18 470 Rajpipla-18 197 Jowar and Maize 778 RajpipJa-27 198

Jowar and Maize 751 95 2 79 Rajpipla-24 199 ]owar and Maize 1,138 Rajpipla-25 200 Jowar and Rice 3,239 22() 6. 165 Rajpipla-29 201 Jowar and Rice 669 467 32 760 1lajpipla-27 202 Jowar and Rice 1,084 196 424 21 Rajpipla-22 203

Jowar and Rice 1,420 482 46 394 Rajpipla-21 204 Jowar and Rice 90 282 415 33 Rajpipla-22 205 97 TA:LUKA NANDOD VILLAGE

Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- p()st and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Teleiraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 's 6 7 8 9

206 Palsi 997 W FS,KR 207 Moti Bhamri 813 Pr.S W,R FS,KR 208 Nani Daberi 1,059 W,R FS,PR

Total 275,374 Pr.S(tS2), M(2), E(lO), T(13), WY(50), PO(49), Sec.S(13), eW(2), E(Ag)(12) W(201), F~(56). PTO(l), C(l), HC(9), Tk(3), PR(79), Phone(2) Tr.S(I), D(ll), R(55), KR(166), OS(3J} Fe(8) 0(65) T(22), NG(12)

Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the number of Primary, Secondary and other schools. The figures in brackets under Cols. 5 to 9 indicate the number of villages having those particular amenities. The area figures in Col. 3 may not tally with the total of Cols. 11 to 15 in some cases due to rounding.


Laod Use

Laud lise (i. e., area under different types of land lise in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca­ rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the marKet/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

Jowar and Rice 129 407 391 70 Rajpipla-23 ::06 Jov.ar and R.ce 291 368 46 109 Rajpipla-24 207 Jowar and Rice 595 197 16 250 Rajpipla-ll 208

84,248 4,866 119,490 25.075 41,701




Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica· Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water lions Telegrap:l Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9

1 Bej 339 W,R KR 2 Sad a 649 Pr.S W,R KR PO 3 Moti Daberi 1,170 Pr.S W,R FS,KR 4 Dokti 1,384 W,R KR 5 Nani Bhamri 1,290 R. FS,KR

6, Khapar 1,61 I W,R KR 7 *Galwada 1,836 S "'Vndi 263 9 *Tukner 1.421 10. Kanzal 2,821 Pr.S W KR

II "'Kalvat 2,255 12 "Vav 2,970 13 Chopdi 6,299 0 KR 14 "Bogama 2,079 IS Vaghumar 1,243 0 KR

16 Pankhala (Mathasllr) 3,340 0 KR 17 Mathasar 3,103 0 KR 18 Vandri 2,300 0 KR 19 Kanji 2,119 W,O KR 20 Dumkhal 2,528 Pr.S VIi' KR

21 Kokam 3,43' 0 KR 22 Sin gal Gabhao 1,090 0 KR 23 Piplod 2,695 Pr.S W,O FS,KR PO 24 Sankli 3,183 0 FS,KR 2S Namgir 2,454 0 KR

26 Gichad 1,615 W,O KR 27 Bebar 3,101 W KR 28 Dutha 1,529 0 KR 29 Pulsar 1,753 Pr.S W KR 30 Ladava 1,687 Pr.S W,O KR

31 Kabripathar 936 Pr.S W,O KR 32 Kutilpada 719 Pr.S W KR 33 Koliwada (Pangam) 661 R PS,KR 34 Mojra 773 W KR 35 Pingalpadll 1,014 0 KR



A81eaitielJ aDd

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking ComITlunica- Post lind Location Name of village village Educational Medical sup)ly water tions Telegraph &de No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9

36 Zadoli 1,424 0 KR 37 Gadh 3,240 Pr.S W,O KR 3~ Kaltar 219 W KR 39 Panchumar 511 0 KR 40 Gadi 2,443 0 KR

41 Bal 2,151 OS W,O FS,KR 42 Juna Mosda: 1,016 Pr.S He W,O FS,KR PO 43 Patvali 2,471 Pr.S W,O KR 44 Mathavali 2,067 0 KR 45 Dabka 1,581 0 KR

46 *Ingavadi 1,138 47 Mohbudi 3,696 W,O KR 48 Mal 2,223 W,O KR 49- Shisha 2,173 (> KR '50 *Pankha13 (Shisha.) 1,674

51 Mobbi ],169 0 KR 52 Sa gat 2,285 0 KR 53 "Kelda 2,256 S4 Andu 1,497 0 KR 55 Vedchba 986 0 KR

56 Arethi 1,146 0 KR 57 Moti Singioti 2,452 W KR 58 Nani Singloti 1,517 Pr.s 0 FS,KR 59 Khatam 690 W FS,KR 60 Besna 1,548 Pr.S W,O FS,KR

61 Khudadi )',056 Pr.S W,O KR 62 Koliwada (BogajJ 1,446 ProS W,O KR 63 Bogaj 1,067 Pr.S W,O KR PO 64 *Kismor 230 65 Gbantoli 1,819 Pr.S,OS W FS,KR PO

66 Gajargota 1,940 Pr.S W FS,KR fi1 Pangam 1,641 Pr.S W,R FS,KR

61 Solla 1,987 Pr.S Fe: W,R,O KR PO 69 Magardev 784 Pr.S W,R KR 70 Dbanor 1,034 Pr.S W,R KR

*UllinhalJite4li. 104 DIRECTOlt'Y

Land Use Loca- Land use (i. c., area under different types of land UEC in acres Ne«rest town Day or Days Remarks rouilded to the nearest unit) & distance of the marketl including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for , iEage historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interellt groves) 10 ] 1 12 13 14 ]5 16 17 18

lowar and Maize 1,350 73 Rajpipla-38 36 Rice and Maize 1,798 501 1]5 S26 Rajpipla-35 37 Rice and Maize 35 69 27 87 Rajpipla-35 38 lowar and Maize 6] 187 13 250 Rajpipla-49 39 lowar and Rice ],853 308 24 263 Rajpipla-58 40

lowar and Maize 993 246 71 84] Rajpipla-56 41 lowar and Maize 622 ]87 11 197 Rajpipla-58 42 lowar and Rice 1,984 18S 72 127 Rajpipla-66 43 lowar and Maize J,487 208 47 326 Rajpipla-70 44 lowar and Maize 1,561 20 Rajpipla-68 45

705 433 46 lowar and Rice 2,846 407 ~3 391 Rajpipla-64 47 lowar and Rice 268 675 42 1,23. Rajpipla-66 48 lowar and Rice 2,1]4 58 Rajpipla-70 49 711 269 23 672 50

lowar and Rice 1,096 73 Rajpipla-68 51 Lce and Maize 2,239 46 Rajpipla-70 52 2,244 ]2 53 Rice and Maize 1,373 124 Rajpipla-66 54 JOWfLf and Maize 454 199 5 338 Rajpipla-60 55

Jowar and Maize 316 13 817 Rajpipla-58 56 lowar and Maize 2,063 ]83 30 176 Rajpipla-36 57 lowar and Rice 311 36O 24 822 Rajpipla-50 53 lowar and Rice 213 219 258 Rajpipla-48 59 lowar and Rice 499 492 65 487 Rajpipla-45 60

Jowar and Rice ~14 463 45 328 Rajpipla-47 61 lowar and Maize 639 298 99 409 Rajpipla--32 62 lowar and Rice 638 66 363 Rajpipla-30 63 217 13 64 Jowar and Rice 732 54S 166 375 Rajpipla- 35 65

Jowar and Rice 938 542 36 419 Rajpipla-33 66 J()war, Rice, Wheat 1,109 270 210 Rajpipla-23 67 and Maizo '2 lowar aDd Rice 619 894 78 396 Rajpipla-24 68 Jowar and Rice 455 201 74 54 Rajpipla-22 6' Jc.war and Rice 766 138 130 Raj pi .. Ja-l 3 7&


Alleaities aDd

Ameflities available within the villaac Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educationa\ Medical supply water tions Tele,r~ph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9

71 Rambhava 832 Pr.S W KR 72 *Khatkankhadi 549 73 Rakhas Kundi 370 W FS,PR 74 Bor 891 0 KR 75 Navagam (Dediapada) 956 Pr.S W,R KR

76 Pipla 1,365 Pr.S W,O KR 77 Pan3ar 1,871 Pr.S W,O KR 78 ·Chorkotar 507 79 *Babadokti 503 SO Sukwal 1,650 W,O KR

81 Morjadi 5,214 Pr.S W,O KR 82 Kokati 492 0 KR 83 Samot 1,782 Pr.S W,O KR 84 *Hathvadiovad 177 85 *Nani Markhi 237

86 Dandawadi 465 0 KR 87 Shishkhuta 635 0 KR 81 *Kathoh 221 89 Samarghat 344 0 KR 90 Ghanpipar 851 0 KR

91 "Modalwav 24 92 "Govalpatdi 38] 93 Bantawadi 1,860 0 Kit

94 Kanbudi 2,031 Pr.S 0 PR 95 Ralda 1,213 0 WY,PR

96 Khokhra Umar 1,393 PI.S W,O FS,KR (Dediapada) 97 Dediapada 1,440 Pr.S,Sec.S, M,HC, T,W,O WY,PR PTO, OS FC,D Phon: 98 Nivalcb 1,471 Pr.S D W,O WY,PR 99 Tirnbapada 589 Pc.S W FS,PR 100 Mota Suka Amba ],212 Pr.S W,O PR

101 Nana Suka Amba 1,060 Pr.S W,O XR 102 Manchhipada 950 Pr.S W,R KR 103 Baidi 1,064 W PR 104 Ghodi 484 Pr.S R PR

"'URi.ohabited. 106 D~RY

Land' Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loc!!- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staplt: Food in Kilometre Hat if any. any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) JO ]] ]2 ]3 14 15 ]6 17 18

Jowar and Rice 542 182 51 56 Rajpipla-37 71 451 40 58 72 Jowar and Rice 52 244 48 26 Rajpipla-38 73 Jawar and Maize 846 45 Rajpipla-38 74 Jowar and Rice 11.5 749 5 37 Rajpipla-60 75

Jowar and Rice 271 T(7) W(7) 502 82 503 Rajpipla-44 76 Jowar and Rice 951 539 3 377 Rajpipla-46 77 191 310 78 300 202 79 Jowar and Maize 1,223 210 65 153 Rajpipla-63 80

Jowar and Maize 2,440 964 14 1,806 Rajpipla-64 81 Jowar and Maize 4a~ 83 Rajpipla 62 82 Jowar and Rice 491 S61 33 397 Rajpipla-70 83 108 12 56 84 120 117 85

Rice and Maize 241 224 Rajpipla-44 86 Rice and Maize 599 3' Rajpipla-58 87 Jowar and Maize 182 39 88 Jowar and Maize 302 42 Rajpipla-48 R9 Rice and Maize 756 101 Rajpipla-44 90

14 10 91 210 171 92 Rice, Maize and 1,744 116 Rajpipla-62 93 Kodra Rice and Maize 12 88-6 1,133 Rajpipla-53 94 Jowar and Maize 1,131 82 Rajpipla-48 9$

Jowar and Maize 537 654 14.'5 57 Rajpipla-44 96

Jowar, Wheat and 15 885 353 187 Rajpipla-40 97 Maize Jowar and Rice 430 893 65 84 Rajpipla-44 98 Jowar and Maize 75 425 29 Rajpipla-40 99 Jowar and Rice 23S 750 113 114 Rajpipla-42 100

Jowar and Rice 424 364 234 39 Rajpipla-36 101 Jowac and Rice 481 205 108 156 Rajpipla-24 102 Jowar and Rice 711 279 37 38 Anklesvar-3S 103 Jowar and Rice 63 29i .. 0 84 Anklesvar-33 104 TALUKA DEOIAPADA . VILLAGE

Am ••Uies and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of villal:e village Educational Medical Supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 , 6 7 8 9

105 Samarpada (Thava) 909 Pr.S W,O WY,PR PO 106 Sejpur 618 Pr.S W,R WY,PR,KR 107 Thapavi 266 W WY,PR 108 Moskuwa 1,483 W WY,PR 109 Jambar 985 Pr.S W WY,PR

110 Nighat 1,007 Pr.S W,O WY,PR 111 Zarnawadi 2,472 Pr.S W FS,KR PO 112 Ghankhetar 2,097 Pr.S W,O FS,KR 113 *Gundva 552 114 Medyusag ],257 Pr.S W FS,PR

1]5 *Mathakalbi 185 116 *Konvav 1,139 117 *Nava Mosda 1,114 118 "'Gundvan 951 119 *Saki 875

120 "'Men Amba 335 121 "'Kutilshisha 496 122 Gangapur 2,755 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR 123 Motikalbi 1,118 0 WY,KR 124 Kakarpada 1,]07 Pr.S W WY,PR,KR PO

125 *Tatkhadi 686 126 Vadivav 313 Pr.S W PR,KR 127 Mosit J,228 Pr.S W,O FS,KR 128 Sorapada 1,064 Pr.S W FS,KR 129 "Sukni (Umaran) 1,238

130 Bandi Servan 1,683 Pr.S W,R KR 131 "Siyani 227 132 Guida alias Cham 844 Pr.S R KR 133 Kunbar 1,151 Pr.S W KR 134 Chuli 1,414 Pr.S W,O FS,KR

135 Pomlapadl} 897 W,R WY,PR,KR 136 Almavadi 736 Pr.S He W,O KR PO 137 Bhatpur 1,216 Pr.S W,O KR 138 Mandala 1,303 Pr.S W,R PR PO 139 Garda 1,425 Pr.S W,R PR

140 Khabjidabda 1,243 Pr.S W KR

.. U ninhabiteEl

108 DldcrOlty

LaDd Uf!e

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acr~s Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the neare~t unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food ------in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area Dct held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historic a I or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 1 I 12 l.1 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 54 569 21 265 Anklesvat -35 105 Jowar and Rice 134 394 10 80 Anklesvar-50 106 Jowar and Rice 7 219 19 22 Anklesvar-35 ]07 Jowar and Rice 930 368 33 153 Anklesvar-35 108 J owar and Rice 262 292 12 420 Anklesvar-38 109

Jowar and Rice 35S 515 129 8 Rajpipla44 110 Jowar and Maize 1.818 481 10 163 Rajpipla-47 III Jowar and Maize 1,629 316 49 103 Rajpipla-45 112 340 211 113 Rice and Maize 771 428 12 46 Rajpipla-51 114

2 24 159 115 531 607 116 578 129 407 117 510 441 118 42 833 119

100 24 211 120 490 6 121 ]owar and Rice 1,948 60.2 ]SI 24 Rajpipla-62 122 Jowar and Rice 433 5!s1 78 26 Rajpipla- 55 ]23 Rice and Maize 534 507 3 62 Rajpipla-57 124

315 370 125 Rice and Maize 187 111 7 8 Rajpipla-53 126 Jowar and Rice 905 T(5) 0(5) 284 4 30 Rajp·pla-48 127 Rice and Maize 625 406 20 12 Rajpipla--51 ]28 1,238 129

Jowar and Maize 750 556 208 169 Rajpipb-53 130 53 25 149 131 Jowar and Rice 29:;1 349 69 127 Rajpipla- 57 132 Jowar and Rice 537 52:> 39 54 Rajpipla-52 133 Jowar and Rice 331 6SI! 426 Anklesvar-55 134

Jowar and Rice 486 28 382 Anklesvar-51 135 Jowar and Rice 605 SO '2 Anklesvar-SO 136 Jowar and Rice 516 573 3] 97 Anklesvar-54 137 Jowar and Rice 113 1,067 7 116 Anklesvar-64 13. Jowar and Ric) 898 493 9 lS RajpipJa-40 119

Jowar and Rice 812 322 9 100 Rajpipla-43 140

Bb.v. 11 109 TALUKA DEDIAPADA vx.LA.-

Amesitits- a ....•

Amenities a\ailablt within the village" Total '-- area of the Power Drinking Comrnvnica- P(iSt'and·, Location Nameuf village village Educational Medical supply water . tions Tt:legraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ . 9·

141 Kharchipada 627 W,R FS,KR 142 Panuda 793 Pr.S R KRc PO 143 Navagam (Panuda) 379 Pr.S W KR

144 Rohda 1,813 Pr.S - W,R KR- 145 *Bhurkhan 323

146 *Amalipani 191 147 *Kalamkuva 441 148 Moti Korvai 514 0 KR" 149 Jargam 1,007 Pr.S W,R FS;KR PO

ISO Kukadada 997 Pr.S W,R Kit

, 151 Kurnbhkhadi 133 W,O KR 152 Samarpada (Sidiva1u) 279 Pr.S. W FS,KR 153 Haripura 340 W K~ 154 Jamni 1.117 Pr.S W KR 155 *Nana Machh 480

156 *Tumdavadi 120 157 Mota Machh 383 0 WY,PR 158 01gam 489 0 KR 159 *Khaidi 239 160 *Gotkhadi 191

161 Kantipani 341 0 KR 162 Kevdi 1,142 Pr.S W IS,KR 163 Kundi Amba 1,491 Pr.S He w,R FS,KR 164 *Dhankhet ]62 165 *Nani Korvai 126

166 *Potiapada 1,000 167 Ajanvai 1,396 Pr.S R KR" 168 Mulkapada 575' Pr.S· W KIt·" 169. *Viguna 926 170 Vadhva 1,410 Pr.S. W,O FS,JClt.

17.1 Babada 1,519 Pr.S W JCR. .. I'll Rukhal 670 W KIL 173 Khaidipada t,4l1 Pr.S W FS,JCR PO 174 Boripitha 537. Pr.S W,:a. FS.~R 175 Bharada (Bedada) 974 Pr.S W,O' D:

• uninhabited. troll DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of lanJ use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the marKet/ including tion Staple Food ill Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 l'i 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 304 217 6 99 Anklesvar-52 141 Jowar and Rice S58 218 16 Rajpipla-48 142 Jowar and Rice 234 21 1~4 Rajpipla-38 Old temple of 143 'Mahadev' Jowar and Rice 1,327 3~" 34 108 Rajpipla-58 144 323 14S

191 146 301 140 147 Jowar and Rice 355 159 Rajpipla-S6 148 ]owar, Rice lind T(20)W(15)O(S) 895 22 70 RajpipJa- 50 149 Maize ]owar and Rice 162 T(l0)W(5)0(S) 583 174 68 Rajpipla-53 150

Jowar and Maize TO) 0(1) 79 53 Rajpipla-50 151 Jowar and Rice 235 I3 31 Rajpipla-57 152 Jowar and Rice 316 8 16 Rajpipla-S6 153 Jowar and Rice 171 803 119 19 Rajpipla-58 154 53 428 ISS

9 III 156 Jowar and Rice 3~9 24 Rajpipla-54 157 Rice and Maize 371 US Rajpipla-38 158 225 14 159 54 137 160

Jowar and Maize 3Ul 40 RajpipJa-68 161 Jowar and Rice 941 177 24 Rajpipla-59 162 Jov.ar and Maize 312 T(17) WOO) 0(7) 1,026 89 48 Rajpipla-51 163 40 122 164 18 108 165

609 390 166 Jowar and Maize 728 348 218 102 Rajpipla-56 167 Rice and Jowar 83 140 70 181 Rajpipla-59 168 926 169 Jowar and Rice 133 574 C;76 23 Rajpipla-37 170

Jowar and Rice 265 2,049 170 36 Rajpipla-60 171 Jowar and Rice 252 337 43 38 Rajpipla-52 172 Jowar and Rice 161 866 123 262 Rajpipla-58 173 Jowar and Ri~ 23 268 94 151 Rajpipla-56 174 Jowar and Rice 368 41 U9 llajpipla-tl4 175


Amenities and

AlT'cnities available within the village Tela! area of the Pow

., 2 3 4 5 6 I:i 9

176 Kham 149 R KR 177 Bhut Beda aliai 1,005 ProS W,O KR Bhut Buoealow 178 Tabada 1,300 Pr.s W KR 179- Zak 2,009 Pr.S W,O FS,KR 180 Rojghat 623 Pr$ W KR

181 Sajaovav 839 W,O KR 182 Khaparbudha 164 W KR 183 Bharada (Moskut) 841 ProS W KR 184 *Samarpada 78 )S5 Kanjai 298 0 KR

186 Patdi 1,677 ProS W FS,KR 187 Chikda 3,324 ProS FC W FS,Ko~ PO 188 Devipada 75 W,O KR 189 Ambavadi 1.792 ProS T,W,O FS,KR PO 190 Khod Amba 'II) 0 KR

191 Golvan 360 0 KR )92 Sherwai 788 0 KR )93 Kamodvav 803 ProS 0 KR 194 Jorti 96 0 KR 195 Jdlavi 499 W k.R

196 Rc)wa 392 W KR 197 *Lot Amba 475 198 Sabuti 929 Pr.S W,R FS,KR 199 Moskut 703 ProS W FS,Klt 200 Tilipada 463 ProS W.O PR

201 Vmran 2,565 Pr.S W,O FS,KR PO 202 Vadpada 611 W,O KR 203 Gopalia 385 ProS W KR 204 Aml-adevi alia5 373 ProS W KR Shiyali 205 Bharada (Barsan) 680 ProS W KR

Barsan ]51 W,O KR 207 Khupar Harsan 352 0 KR 208 Moti Bedwan 832 ProS W,R KR 209 Nani Bedwan 552 ProS D W,R FS,KR PO

·Uninhabited Il! DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land ulie (i.e .• area under different types of land use io acres Near est town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the marketl including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest hrilated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No- irril:ated waste available for village historica I or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 J3 14 15 16 17 I~

Jowar and Rice 149 Rajpipla-48 176 Jowar and Rice 401 437 109 58 Rajpipla-58 177

Jowar and Rice 136 1,050 46 68 Rajpipla-M 178 Jowar and Rice 212 1,148 38 612 Rajpipla-55 179 Rice and Maize 154 3H 48 26 Rajpipla-52 180

Jowar and Rice 277 278 42 242 Rajpipla-62 181 Rice and Maize 164 -- Rajpipla-54 182 Jowar and Rice 249 371 221 Rajpipla-45 183 78 184 Jowar and Maize 194 J04 Rajpipla-26 185

Jowar and Rice 495 93.2 l49 Rajpipla-S2 186 Jowar and Rice T(ll) W(l2) 2,051 1,057 204 Rajpipla-55 1117 Jowar and Rice T(7) W(7) 64 4 Rajpipla-53 188 Rice and Wheat 1,:>57 535 9 191 Rajpipla-52 189 Rice and Maize 466 144 Rajpipla-39 190

Rice and Maize 229 131 Rajpipla-68 191 Jowar and Maize 722 66 Rajpipla-42 192 Jowar and Rice 184 619 Rajpipla-62 193 Maize and Kodra 96 Rajpipla-61 194 Jowar and Rice 21 426 53 Rajpipla-62 195

Jowar and Rice T(3) W(3) 265 27 98 Rajpipla-61 196 10 465 197 Jowar and Rice T(5) W(5) 729 76 120 Rajpipla-62 198 Jowar and Rice 200 411 70 23 Rajpipla-65 199 Rice and Maize 26 236 16 185 Rajpipla-52 200

Rice and Maize 1,654 162 749 Rajpipla-58 201 Jowar and Rice ]04 432 33 43 Rajpipla-65 2 Rice and Maize 221 ]9 145 Rajpipla-48 ~03 ]owar and Rice 32 250 58 33 Rajpipla--64 204

Jowar and Rice 433 76 170 Rajpipla-61 205

Jowar and Rice 99 31 20 Rajpipla-61 206 Jowar and Rice 72 225 55 Rajpipla-54 207 Jowar and Rice T(230) W(230) 507 76 ]9 Rajpipla-63 308 Jowar and Ric~ T(7) W(7) 476 15 55 Rajpipla-62 209


Amenities and

Alm:nities available w.thin the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of "mage village Educational Medical supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 ~ 4 5 ti 7 8 9

210 Piparvllti 630 Pr.S T,W FS,KR 211 Kartal 219 0 KR 212 *Samarpada (Devivalu) 277 213 Dabhavan 1,212 Pr.S W,O FS,KR 214 *Sorafali 217

Total 252,642 Pr.S(95), M(t), T(3), WY(l4), PO(l8), Sec.S(l), HC4), W(1l8), Fo;;(40), PTO(I), 08(3) D«3), R(32), PR(24), Pbone(l, FCCl) 0(117) KR(IS2)


Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the number of Primary, Secondary and other schools. The figures in brackets under Cols. S to 9 indicate the number of villages having those particular amenities. The area figures in Col. 3 may not tally with the total of Cols. 11 to IS in some cases due to raunding.


Llud Use

Land usc (i. c .• area under different types ofland usc in aCres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca­ rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the marketf including tion Staple Food ------~ - in Kilometre Hat if any. IIny pJace Code Fortst Irrigated Un- Culturable Area r.ot held in the of religious. No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 ]1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Rice and Wheat T(3) W(3) 604 4 19 Rajpipla-57 21{) Rice and Maize 72 147 Rajpipla-70 211 23 254 212 Iowar and Rice 342 T(3) W(S) 810 45 12 Rajpipla-5S 213 S9 J58 214

11'.'39 338 64,756 11.743 49,67%




AmeDities aDd

Amenities avanable within the villltge Total area oftft. Power Drinking Communica.- Post and Location Name of viHage village Educational Medical supply waier tions Telegrapb Code No. tln Acree)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

r Nani Mogari 24J R.O KR 2 Moti Mogari 1,500 KR 3 Dev Mogr.l 700 Pr.S W,O KR 4 Nalaku.d 563 0 KR 5 Kunvar Khadi 569 0 KR

6 Godada f,tJ27 W,O KR 7 Pada 3,779 W Kf<. 8 Dudhliver 7504 Pr.S W.O WY,PR 9 Amiyar 97.5 Pr.S W.O KR 10 Narvadi 2,871 Pr.S W PR.KR

11 Ghansera 844 Pr.S W WY,PR 12 Sagbara 1,330 Pr.S,Sec.S M,He W WY,PIt PTO, FC Phone 13 Pankhala 381 Pr.3 W PR 14 Chitra Kevdi 414 W PR

15 Kodba 282 Pr.S W,O WY,PR

16 Chopadvav 1,960 Pr.S W,O WY,PR PO 17 Ranbuda J,666 Pr.S W,O KR 18 Nana Kakdiamba 2,028 Pr.S W.O FS,KR 19 Nana Doramba 253 Pr.S 0 FS 20 Mota Doramba 226 Pr.S W.O Klil,WY,P.~

21 Sim Amli 821 Pr.S W FS,KR

22 Bhavarisavar 1'8 Pr.S W,O KR

23 Kel 921 W KR 24 Kan Khadi 303 Pr.S W PR 25 Chikali 510 Pr.S W,O KR

26 Kuida 526 W,O PR 27 Selamba 789 Pr.S W,.) FS,P.l FO

28 Navagam 135 Pr.S W,O KR 29 Gotpada 403 Pr.S W,O PR 30 Moravi 255 W KR

31 Pat 688 Pr.S,OS W,O KR

32 Rozdcv 439 Pr.S W,O KR

33 Gonamba 204 Pr.S W,O KR 34 Makaran 512 Pr.S 0 KR 35 Movi 1,371 Pr.S W.Q KR 118 DIRECTORY

LaD~ Use

Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest to\\ n Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilomette Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cuJtivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 233 7 Rajpipla-65 I Jowar and Rice 1,494 6 RajpipJa-65 2 Jowar and Rice 657 42 Rajpipla-67 3 Jowar and Rice 532 31 Rajpipia-68 4 .Iowar and Rice 428 141 Rajpipia-68 5

.Iowar and Rice 6,609 18 Rajpipla-68 6 Jowar and Rice 3,575 202 I Rajpipla-65 7 Jowar and Rice 721 33 Rajpipla-60 8 Jowar and Rice 1(4) W(4) 936 35 Rajpipla-67 9 Jowar and Rice T(22) W(22) 2,803 25 20 Rajpipla-78 10

Jowar and Rice T(15) W(15) 726 74 29 Rajpipla-71 II .Iowar and Rice T(20) W(20) 758 457 95 RajpipJa-70 12

Jowar and Rice T(20) W(20) J05 18 38 Rajpipla-71 13 Jowar and Rice T(30) W(20) 270 113 1 RajpipJa-71 14 Tk( 10) Jowar and Rice T(10) W(10) 260 7 5 Rajpipla-S8 15

Jowar and Rice 227 T(49) W(49) 1,177 4:4 53 Rajpipla-68 16 Jowar and Rice T(27) W(27) 1,538 101 Rajpipla-65 17 Jowar and Rice 1,964 64 Rajpipla-55 18 ]owar and Rice 216 37 RajpipJa-60 19 Jowar and Ric; 21 I 15 Rajpipla-55 20

Jowar and Rice T(36) W(6) 696 74 IS Rajpipla-71 21 0(30) Jowar and Rice T(19) W(9) 124 10 16 RajpipJa--71 22 0(10) Jowar and Rice T(20) 0('20) 794 45 63 Rajpi pla-72 23 Jowar and Rice 1(23) W(23) 235 29 Hi Rajpipla-7 I 24 Jowar and Rice T(9) W(9) 460 41 Rajpipla-77 2S

Jowar and Rice TO 2) W(l2) 436 52 2fi Rajpipla-75 26 Jowar and Rice T(82) W(82) 630 77 Rajpipla-75 Yes on every 27 Sunday Jowar and Rice T(lO) 0(10) 99 2S Rajpipla-75 28 Jowar and Rice T(27) W(27) 327 32 17 Rjapipla-75 29 .Iowar and Rice T(4) W(4) 232 19 Rajpipla-76 30

Jowar and Rice T(21) W(18) 602 65 Rajpipla-77 31 0(3) Jowar and Rice 1(21) W(J4) 381 23 14 Rajpipla-73 32 0(7) Jowar and Rice T(7) W(7) 167 , 30 Rajpipla-70 33 Jowar and Rice 508 3 Rajpipla-65 34 Jowar and Rice 1,308 62 Rajpipla-70 3S 119 TALUIA SAGBARA VILLAGE Amenities aD' Amenities available within the village Total area of the power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of vina&e village Educational Medica) Supply water tions Telegraph CoWt No. (in Acres)

J 2 3 4 , 6 7 8 9

36 Kuvdawadi 567 0 KR 37 Pati J,020 Pr.S W,O KR

38 Dalwada 255 Pr.S W,O KR

39 Taval 860 Pr.S W,O KR PO

40 Ghod Mung 357 0 KR

41 Panch piper 946 Pr.S W.O FS,KR PO 42 Khocharpada 486 Pr.S W KR

43 Navapada 245 Pr.S 0 KR 44 Khampada 281 0 KR 45 Dhavliver 723 Pr.S Fe w KR PO

46 Khadkuni 387 Pr.S 0 KR

47 Kod Khadi 112 Pr.S W KR 48 Pirmandala 437 Pr.S W,O KR 49 Rachhavada 420 Pr.S 0 KR 50 Nani Devrupan 473 Pr.s W.O KR

51 Umarkui 76 W FS,KR 52 Bodvav 627 Pr.S W KR 53 Khopi 3,744 Pr.S(2) W,O KR .54 Sorta 15.5 W,O KR 5S Sorapada 1,2S3 Pr.S W KR

56 Patanamau 506 Pr.S W FS,KR 57 Tankani 302 W FS,KR 58 Bhoramli 885 Pc.s W KR 59 Kuyaia 574 Pr.S 0 KR 60 *Tarpada 325

61 Bhadod 253 Pr.s W KR PO 62 Nani Parodhi 221 Pr.S W KR 63 Parodhi 322 Pr.S W,O KR 64 Pana 164 0 KR 6S Piparipada 282 0 KR

66 Bhogwad 397 Pr.S W KR 67 Baktura 685 Pr.S W KR PO 68 Kolvan 2,766 Pr.S W.rt.. KR PO

·UniDhabited. 1;,20 DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Ne~rest lo\\n Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distan~e of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat jf any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivatbn archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 1 I 12 13 14 15 In 17 18

Jowar and Rice T(20) 0(20) 529 18 Rajpipla-65 36 Jowar and Rice T(33) W(l8) 886 101 Rajpipla-65 37 0(15) Jowar and Rice T(IS) W(10) 213 23 Rajpipla-75 38 0(8) Jowar and Rice T(35) W(20) 746 79 Rajpipla-70 39 O(J~) Jowar and Rice T(l2) W(12) 328 11 5 Rajpipla-SO 40

Jowar and Rice T(lO) W(10) 885 51 Rajpipla-7S 41 Jowar and Rice T(20) W(15) 450 3 13 Rajpipla-85 42 0(5) Jowar and Rice T(7) 0(7) 212 25 Rajpipla-95 43 Jowar and Rice 258 22 Rajpipla-76 44 Jowar and Rice T(40) W(40) 630 5 48 Rajpipla-90 45

Jl)War and Rice T(29) W(23) 324 7 26 Rajpipla-90 46 0(6) Jowar and Rice 110 2 Rajpipla-8J 47 Jowar and Rice 432 5 Rajpipla-90 48 ]owar and Rice T(J) W(3) 387 3) Rajpipla-76 49 Jowar and Rice T(14) W(8) 418 41 Rajpipla-77 50 0(6)

Jowar and Rice T(2) W(2) 65 2 7 Rajpipla-72 51 Jowar and Rice 572 55 Rajpipla-70 52 Jowar and Rice T(4) W(4) 3,619 121 RajpipJa-70 53 Jowar and Rice 147 8 Rajpipla-71 54 Jowar and Rice 1,140 113 Rajpipla-70 55

Jowar and Rice T(S) W(5) 465 37 Rajpipla-72 56 Jowar and Rice T(3) W(3) 2&7 II Rajpipla-7J 57 Jowar and Rice T(3J) W(31) 800 54 Rajpipla-79 51 lowar and Rice T(25) W(25) 491 sa Rajpi pia -79 59 T(8) 0(8) 277 41 60

Jowar and Rice 240 13 Rajpipla-S8 61 Jowar and Rice T(2) W(2) 205 4 10 Rajpipla-80 62 Jowar and Rice 276 10 35 Rajpipla-80 63 lowar and Rice ]3' 28 Rajpipla-SO 64 lowar and Rice 253 13 16 Rajpipla-80 65

lowar and Rice T(2) W(2) 330 11 54 Rajpipla-80 66 lowar and Rice T(lO) W(10) 553 99 22 Rajpipla-76 67 Jowar and Maize T(27) W(27) 2,454 64 221 Rajpi pia-lIS 68


Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 ~ 6 7 8 9

69 Ranipur 591 Pr.S \-V,R KR

70 lJman 449 Pr.S W KR 71 Navagam 919 Pr.S W FS,KR 72 Javli 1,050 0 FS,KR 73 Palaswada 1,158 Pr.S W FS,KR PO

74 Umran 622 Pr.S W KR 75 Nevdi Amba ~37 Pr.S W KR 76 Khairpada 1,358 Pr.S W,O KR PO 77 "'Moti parodhi 143 78 *Ambagam tl,483

79 Moti Devrupan 1,714 Pr.S 0 FS,KR PO 80 UbhariYa 1,261 Pr.S(2) W,O KR PO 81 Holi Ambli 252 0 KR 82 PUjarigadh 1,339 W FS,KR 83 Nal 2,190 Pr.S W,O KR

84 Kakadpada 784 Pr.S W,O KR ISS Mota kakdi Amba 1,146 Pr.S 0 KR 86 Mahu Pada 8" Pr.S W,O FS,KR 87 Sajanvav 270 Pr.S W KR 88 Gaysamar 256 Pr.S 0 KR

89 *Chitwad 384 90 "'Pathana 40' 91 Rupdevdi 707 Pr.S W,R,O FS,KR,NG 92 "'Khewa tt 156 93 *Dhabdakuwa 227

94 "'Khokhvad 789 9' VadgaOl 1,778 Pr.S 0 FS,KR PO 96 Ranjinivad 1,146 OS D W,O FS,KR PO 97 Chatwad 767 Pr.S W KR 98 Langdi 415 Pr.S 0 FS,KR,T,NG PO

99 Rundigavan 877 Pr.S R KR

·Uginhabited. t This village is submerged in the ukai dam and its population has been shifted elsewhere. However the village has not been yet removed from the records. t t This village is submerged in the Ukai dam and its population has been shifted elsewhere. However the villaie has not been yet removed from the records. 122 )DIBECTORV


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest to\\ n Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market! including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if lny, any· place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar, Wheat and 511 38 42 Rajpipla-llS 69 Maize Jowar and Rice 415 7 27 Rajpjpla-105 70 Jowar and Rice T(2S) W(2S) 828 S6 9 Rajpipla-l00 71 Jowar and Rice T(30) W(30) 941 3S 45 Rajpipla-104 72 Jowar and Rice ),083 59 16 Rajpipla-IIO 73

Jowar and Rice T(J2) W(12) 564 25 10 hajpjpla-75 74 Jowar and Rice T(Jl) W(l1) 48) 19 25 Rajpipla-75 75 Jowar and Rice T(33) W(33) 1,181 47 96 Rajpipla-76 76 130 13 77 T(l5) W(lS) 1,300 127 41 78

Jowar and Rice 1,538 17-6 Rajpipla-85 79 Jowar and Rice T(4) W(4) 1,19] 66 Rajpipla-80 80 Jcwar and Rice 249 3 Rajpipla-88 '111 Jowar and Rice T(8) W(8) 1,278 22 31 Rajpipla-85 82 Jowar and Rice T(1) W(J) 2,103 87 Rajpipla-85 83

Jowar and Rice 784 Rajpipla-72 84 Jowar and Rice 1,027 119 Rajpipla-88 85 Jowar and Rice TOO) W(2) 793 II Rajpipla-81 86 0(8) Jowar and Rice T(4) W(4) 239 2 25 Rajpipla-85 87 Jowar and Rice 224 II 21 RajpipJa-SO !til

275 3 106 89 386 20 90 It war and Rice T(4) W(4) 568 136 Rajpipla-95 91 145 II 92 210 17 93

689 82 18 94 Jowar and Rice T(20) 0(20) 1,561 171 26 Rajpipla-88 95 Jowar and Rice 1,076 25 46 Rajpipla-95 96 Jawar and Rice 71S 41 10 Rajpipla-110 97 Jowar and Rice 383 18 14 Rajpipla-106 98

Jowar and Rice 804 52 21 Rajpipla-ll S 99 TALUKA SAGBARA VILLAGE

Am~Dities and

Amenities available wilhin the village TOlal area of t' e Power Drinking Communica- Post and location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water lions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

100 Mendhi 364 Pr.S R KR 101 Dogripada 884 Pr.S W KR 102 *Khanora 347 103 *Kenvada 608 104 *Koktipada 737

105 Khaidi 650 Pr.S R KR 106 *Jodwan 873 107 Umarda 1,742 Pr.S W,O KR,NG PO 108 *Mahunipadu ~O3 109 Javli 140 Pr.S W KR PO

110 Dabka 59') Pr.S W,O KR III Dodhanvadi 1,232 Pr.S W,O KR 112 ' Padi 2,384 Pr.S W,O KR 113 Chimbipani 758 W KR 114 PipJapani 1,032 Pr.S W,O KR

115 Khadkimau 170 Pr.S 0 KR 116 Davsaki 1,401 Pr.S W KR 117 Baganiawad 212 W,O KR 118 *Fatepur 201 119 Khota 646 W,O KR

120 *Limbadi 250 121 Pipripada :aS8 0 KR

Total 98,923 Pr.s(82), M(l), W(79), WY(5), PO(l'), Sec.s(1). HC(l), R(7). FS(l8). PTO(l), 08(2) 0(1), 0(65) FR(13), Phonell) FC(2) KR(94), T(l). NG(3)


Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the numbor of Primary. Secondary and other schools. Th@ figures in brackets under Cols. S to 9 ilIIdicate the number of villages having those particular amenities. The area figures shown in Col.3 may not tally with the total of Cols. 11 to 15 in some cases due to rounding .


Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loc!!.- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any. any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of Jelirious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological I/;auchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 IR

]owar and Rice 319 24 20 Rajpipla-98 100 Jowar and Rice 795 57 31 Rajpipla-96 10] 298 24 25 ]02 405 175 28 103 519 185 33 104

Jowar and Rice 521 129 Rajpipla-60 105 7'29 144 106 ]owar and Rice 1,334 408 Rajpipla-90 107 280 6 16 108 Jowar and Rice 111 22 7 Rajpipla-87 109

Jowar and Rice T(2) W(2) 586 II Rajpipla-90 110 ]owar and Rice T(2) W(2) 1,184 46 Rajpipla-72 111 ]owar and Rice T(1) W(1) 2,304 78 Rajpipla-75 1 J2 Jowar and Rice T(1) W(1) 736 23 Rajpipla-71 113 Jowar and Rice 995 37 Rajpipla-89 114

Jowar and Rice 16] 9 Rajpipla-89 115 Jowar and Rice T(4) W(4) 1,346 2 49 Rajpipla-86 116 Jowar and Rice T(l) W(l) 206 5 RajpipJa-105 117 179 22 118 Jowar and Rice 607 38 Rajpipla-89 119

217 33 120 Jowar and Rice 209 78 Rajpipla-90 121

227 1,63' 89,243 3,179 5,220

Bh.v. 13 1:15


Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supl!ly water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 " 5 6 7 8 \) 1 Kondh 4,773 Pr.S,Sec.S,OS D,FC T,W WY,PR PO 2 Vataria 2,244 Pr.S,OS W WY,PR 3 Naldhari 1,629 Pr.S W WY,PR 4 Hirapar 1,831 Pr.S(2) E W WY,PR 5 Valia ],616 Pr.S,Sec.S, FC E W WY,PR PTO. Tr.S(2) HC,D Phone

6 Dholgam 3,499 Pr.S E(Ag) W,O WY,PR,KR PO

7 Bhilod 2,529 Pr.S(2),OS FC E W,R \\ Y,PR PO

8 VagadkhoJ 1,029 Pr.S R WY,PR 9 Singla 1,394 Pr.S W KR ]0 Kesargam 1,189 Pr.S W KR

11 Pathar 3,755 fr.S W,R WY,PR PO 12 Chanderia ],511 Pc.S W WY,PR

13 Dajipara 549 Pr.S W,R PR 14 Koylivav SIS W KR 15 Chiklota 1,010 Pr.S W,R WY,PR

16 Singalvan 846 Pr.S R FS,PR 17 Bhe:lskhe:tar 1,120 W FS,KR PO

18 Moriana 930 Pr.S W,R WY,PR PO 19 Bedoli 463 Pr.S E T,W FS,KR

20 Kelyikuva 1,424 Pr.S E T,W WY,PR

21 Netrang 1,600 Pr.S,Sec.S,0S D,PC E T,W,R WY,PR,T PTO, Phone 22 Borkhadi 694 Pr.S W PR 23 Chandravan 1,757 Pr.S W WY,PR,T 24 Kup 697 Pr.S W WY,PR 25 Kodvav 428 T,W WY,PR

26 Arethi 1,193 Pr.S,OS W.R WY,rR PO

2J Fulwadi 947 Pr.S W WY,PR 28 Ghanikhut 537 Pr.S W,R WY,PR 29 Thava 594 Pr.S,Sec.S D W,R WY,PR PO 30 Kakadkui 757 Pr.S FC W FS,KR

31 Sakva 822 Pr.S W PR 32 Bhangoria 40& W KR 11i DIRECTORY

Lllnd Use

Land use (i. c., arca under different types ofland use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the mar ket/ induding lion Code Staple Food ------~ ------in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice T(63) W(63) 3,561 844 304 Anklesvar-12 1 Jowar and Rice 1,786 293 165 Anklesvar-·15 2 Jowar and Rice 1,46.5 47 118 Anklesvar-18 3 Jowar and Rice 1,559 84 189 Anklesvar-24 4 Jowar and Rice 1,223 196 197 Anklesvar-22 5

Jowar and Rice T(91) W(37) 2,999 147 263 Anklesvar-2S 6 0(54) Jowar, Wheat and T(3l) W(12) 2,127 209 163 Anklesvar-27 7 Rice 0(19) Jowar and Rice 795 129 lOS Anklesvar-27 8 Jowar and Rice 1,303 21 70 Anklesvar-35 9 Jowar and Rice 1,084 11 95 Anklesvar-35 10

Jowar and Rice 3,447 67 241 Anklesl'ar-37 II Jowar abd Rice T(IGO) W(l2) 1,284 52 75 Anklesvar-28 12 0(811) Jowar and Rice T(92) 0(92) 363 7 87 Anklesvar-33 13 Jowar and Rice 495 5 17 Anklesvar-36 14 Jowar and Rice 859 75 76 Anklesvar-38 15

Jowar and Rice 1'(47) 0(47) 743 17 38 Anklesvar-34 16 Jowar and Rice 623 T(24) W(4) 375 27 70 Anklesvar-40 17 0(20) Jowar and Rice 835 31 64 Anklesvar-39 18 ]owar and Rice T(105) W(44) 338 20 Anklesvar-45 19 0(61) Jowar and Rice hy:; W(50) 1,252 34 39 Anklesvar-45 20 Ot..._)

jvwar and Rice T(l03) W(42) 1,160 212 126 Anklesvar-40 21 0(61) Jowar and Rice 671 2 21 Anklesvar-45 22 Jowar and Rice 278 1,384 11 84 Anklesvar-42 23 Jowar and Rice 182 T(l) W(I) 239 8 267 Anklesvar-50 24 ]owar and Rice 404 9 15 Anklesvar-52 25

Jowar and Rice T(34) W(27) 1,025 12 122 Anklesvar-57 26 0(7) Jowar and Rice 163 723 6 56 Anklesvar-S7 27 Jowar and Rice 433 43 56 Anklesvar-.58 28 Jowar and Rice S03 20 71 Anklesvar-58 29 Jowar and Rice T(5) W(5) 648 51 53 Anklesvar-59 30

Jowar and Rice 161 T(6) W(6) 232 6 417 Ankleivar-56 31 Jowar and Rice 320 25 62 Anklesvar-32 32 129 TALUKA VALIA VIUAGJt

Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post nnd Location Name of village village Educational Medical Supply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Al;rcs)

2 3 0( 5 , 7 I 9

33 Baladava 1.336 Pr.S W KR 34 Kambodia ],852 PLS W WY,PR PO

3S Panchasim 1,212 Pr.S R KR

36 Shir 1,285 Pr.S W,R KR 37 Dolatpur 1,551 Pr.S HC,FC W,T,R FS,KR PO

3. Itkala 1,454 W FS.KR J9 Pithor 959 Pr.S,OS W FS,PR 40 Vandaria 613 Pr.S W,R KR 41 Daheli 2,096 Pr.S(2)'Sec.S, HC,D, E(Ag) T,W WY,PR PO Tr.S,OS FC 41 Desad 1,864 Pr.S,OS E T,W WY,PR PO

43 Kanerav 611 Pr.S,OS W WY,KR 44 Dungari 1,492 Pr.S W KR PO 45 Dodwada 1,019 Pr.S T,W KR 4' Siludi 2,290 Pr.S T,W FS,KR PO 47 Ghoda 1,564 Pr.S W FS,KR

48 Gandhu 1,153 Pr.S E T,W WY,KR

49 PansoH 1,390 Pr.S E T,W,O WY,KR

SO Karsad '95 Pr.S D E(Ag) T,W,R WY,KR

51 Sinada 518 Pr.S W,R KR 52 Sodgam 1,052 Pr.S, Tr.S,OS .. E W WY,PR PO

53 Tuna 1,681 Pr.S E(Ag) W,R KR

54 Umragam 637 Pr.S E T,W KR

5S Chorarola 281 Pr.S W KR

56 Jabugaro 2S32 Pr.S(2) E(Ag) W,R WY,PR PO

57 Navapara 283 Pr.S R KR

58 Sevad 1,996 Pr.S W,R FS,KR 59 Zama 1,899 Pr.S(2) E T,W,R FS,KR PO 60 Chaswad 1,299 Pr.S HC.D, E T,W,R WY,PR PO FC 61 Atkhol 1,007 Pr.S T,W KR 62 ·Badakui 107

·T/DiDba"iteti 130 DIRECTORY

Land Csa

La:1d use (i.e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loea- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the market/ including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area rot held in the of relIgious. No. irriiated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and intere~t groves) 10 11 12 J3 14 15 15 17 I R

Jowar and Ric& 447 826 8 55 Anklesvar-60 33 ]owar and Rice T( 150) W(100) I,S34 43 124 Anklesvar-44 34 0(50) Jowar and Rice T(65) W(35) 984 16 148 Anklesvar-44 35 0(30) Jowar and Rice T(27) W(9) 0(18) 1,173 40 45 Anklesvar-33 36

Jcwar, Wheat and T(.2) W(ll) 1,3 J 3 53 103 Anklesvar·-37 37 Rice CC·l)

Jowar and Rice 1,285 45 124 Anklesvar-34 38 ]owar and Rice T(5) C(5) 867 31 56 AnkJesvar-27 39 Jowar and Rice T(2S) 0(25) 479 38 71 Anklesvar-29 40 ]owar, Wheat and T(164) C(104) 1,268 478 [85 Anklesvar-27 41 Ritce 0(60) Jowar and Rice 1,58B 165 110 Anklesvar-23 42

]owar and Rice 550 25 36 Anklesvar-22 43 ]owar and Rice T(83) Tk(83) 1,138 86 85 Anklesvar-20 44 ]owar and Rice 894 60 65 Anklesvar-17 45 ]owar and Rice T(30) Tk(3J) 1,973 134 152 Anklesvar-18 46 ]owar and Rice 1,388 88 89 Anklesvar-20 47

Jowar and Wheat T(112) W(61) 875 S8 108 Anklesvar-30 48 Tk(4) 0(47) ]owar and Rice T(49) W(12) 1,183 122 35 Anklesvar-25 49 0(37) Jowar and Rici T(l9) Well) 789 107 80 Anklesvar-23 50 0(8) ]owar and Rice T(3S) C(35) 400 33 50 Anklesvar-25 51 ]owar and Rice T(308) C(3J3) 516 187 42 Anklesvar-20 52

]owar and Rice T(30t) C(282) 1,079 148 154 Anklesvar-27 53 W(19) Jowar and Rice T(91) C(71) 47) 41 32 Anklesvar-28 54 W(20) Jowar and Rice T(40) C(30) 190 11 33 Anklesvar-30 55 ((10) ]owar and Rice T(160) C(120) 2,453 104 215 Anklesvar-30 56 0(40) Jc war and Rice 249 8 25 Anklesvar-34 57

]owar and Rice T(30) 0(3:» 1,778 13 175 Anklesvar-34 58 Iowar and Rice T(lOl) 0(101) 1,691 37 71 Anklesvar-45 59 Iowar and Rice T(70) 0(70) 1,124 45 60 Anklesvar-46 60

Jowar and Rice 953 IS 47 Anklesvar-50 61 101 62


Amenities aad

Amenities available within the village Total area of the Power Drinking Communica- Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical &UPply water tions Telegraph Code No. (in Acres)

2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9

63 Nana Jambuda 1,136 Pr.S 0 FS,KR 64 Mota Jambuda 1,180 Pr.S W FS,KR 65 Motia 2,274 Pr.S W KR 66 P;ngot 3,102 Pr.S(2) W,R KR 67 KoyaJi Mandvi 1,849 Pr.S W FS,KR PO

68 Zarnawadi 1,033 Pr.S W.R WY,PR 69 Mauza 3,264 Pr.S,Tr.S,OS .. E W,R WY,PR,KR PO 70 Kamalia 741 Pr.S W,R KR 71 Chikhli 1,220 Pr.S E T.W,R FS,KR PO 72 Gundia 1,351 Pr.S,Sec.S HC,D E W,R . FS,KR PO

73 Rajpara ],354 Pr.S E W,R WY,PR.KR PO

74 Bhamadia 832 Fr.S,Tr.S E W FS,KR PO

75 Vitthalgam 894 Pr.S, W FS,KR

76 Rajgadh ],362 Pr.S E W,R FS,KR PO

77 Kosmadi 817 Pr.S W.R KR

78 Luna ],752 Pr.S,OS FC E T,W,R KR PO

79 Kara 1,013 Pr.S.OS HC,FC E T.W WY,KR PO

80 JoIi 612 W KR 8] Mela 700 Pr.S,OS E(Ag) T,W FS,KR

12 Dansoli 972 Pr.S E T,W.R KR

83 Bharadia I,m Pr.S HC,D, E T,W,R FS,KR PO FC 84 Patal 857 Pr.S W,R KR 85 Nikoli 609 Pr.S W KR 86 Holakotar 422 W KR 87 Mokhadi 1,028 Pr.S E W,R WY,PR PO

88 Jamania 724 Pr.S W WY,KR 89 Rundha 981 Pr.S W WY,KR 90 Mirapor 1,391 Pr.S W WY,KR 91 Sabaria 1,142 Pr.S W,R KR

92 Pcti. 1,696 Pr.S W,R pS,n DIRECTORY

Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks Loca- rounded to the nearest unit) & distance of the marketl including tion Staple Food in Kilometre Hat if any, any rlace Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of re'igious, No. irrigated waste available for village histori~al or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and in terest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 IS 17 18

Jowar and Rice T(5) W(5) 1,004 49 78 Ankksvar-GO 63 Jowar and Rice T(7) W(7) 1,010 '80 83 A nklesvar-61 64 Jowar and Rice 1,646 312 15 300 p., nl:lesvar- 48 6S Jowar and Rice 1,744 1,185 84 89 Allklesvar-58 66 Jowar and Rice 313 1,234 34 208 Anklesvar-50 67

Jowar and Rice 928 74 31 Anklesvar-54 68 Jowar and Rice 2,369 212 682 Anklesvar-58 69 Jowar and Ri:e T(22) 0(22) 631 17 70 Anklesvar-58 7U Jowar and Rice T(30) 0(30) 1,099 25 65 Anklesv.!r-58 71 Jowar and Rice T(335) WU02) 829 77 110 Ankle3var-48 72 0(233)

Jowar and Rice 1'(259) W(133) 919 100 77 Anklesvar-39 73 0(126) Jowar and Rice T(137) C(IOO) 620 J3 42 Anklesvar-32 74 W(37) Jowar and Rice T(146) W(62) 636 85 26 Anklesvar-29 75 0(F4) Jowar and Rice T(21'l0) C(231) 968 8S 46 Anklc3var-29 76 W(3) Tk(9) 0(17) Jowar and Rice T(7) C(7) 739 23 48 Anklesvar-28 77

Jowar and Rice T(773) C(209) 614 242 123 Anklesvar-23 78 W(6) Tk(15) 0(543) Jowar and Rice T(J87) W(86) 657 65 1O~ Anklesvar-35 79 0(101) Jowar and Rice 550 23 38 Anklesvar-31 80 Jowar and Rice T(122) W(48) 473 31 74 Ankksvar-38 81 Tk(IO) 0(64) Jowar and Rice T(lOl) 0(101) 693 100 77 Ank lesvar-28 82

Jowar and R:ce T(92) C(45) 875 20 125 Anklesvar-33 83 W(9) 0(38) Jowar and Rice 755 35 66 Anklesvar-34 84 Jowar and Rice T(2) 0(2) 506 26 75 Anklesvar-33 85 Jowar and Rice T(9u) C(90) 2)8 26 47 Anklesvar-33 86 Jowar and Rice T(275) C,38) 567 14j 41 Anklesvar-36 87 W(237)

Jowar and Rice 654 28 42 Anklesvar- 45 88 Jowar and Rice 849 66 73 Anklesvar-4S 89 Jowar and Rice 339 936 32 85 Anklesvar-50 90 Jowar and Rice 136 T(4o) W(18) i41 52 66 Anklesvar-50 91 0(22) Jowar and Rice T(287) W(130) 1,249 23 137 Anklesvar- 411 92 0(157) Bhv.14 133 TALUKA VALIA VII LA:ilf>

Amenities and

Amenities available within the village Total area of the ------Power Drinking Communica­------Post and Location Name of village village Educational Medical supply water tions Telegraph Code N.J. (in Acres)

l 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

93 Kavach:l 1,919 Pr.S,Tr.S,OS ._ W,R WY,PR,KR PO 94 Rajwadi 2,320 Pr.s W,R KR 95 Bilothi 2,607 Pr.S(3) W FS,KR PO

Total 127,C53 Pr.S(95), HC(7), E(24), T(23), WY(40), PO(3l), Sec.S(6), D«9), E(Ag) (6) W(89), F'i(23). PTO(2), Tr.S(7), FC(ll) R(41), PR(37). Phone(2) 08(15) 0(4) KR(61), T(2)

Note :-

The figures in the last line indicate Taluka totals. The fjgures in brackets in this line under Col. 4 indicate the number of Primary, Secondary and other schools. The fjgures in brackets under Cols. S to 9 indicate the number of villases having those particular amenities. The ar~a figures in Col. 3 may not tally with the total of Cola. 11 to 15 in some cases due to rounding.


Land Use

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres Nearest town Day or Days Remarks LoclI- rounded to the neare~t unit) & distance of the market! including tion Staple Food -- in Kilometre Hat if any, any place Code Forest Irrigated Un- Culturable Area not held in the of religious, No. irrigated waste available for village historical or (including cultivation archaeological gauchar and interest groves) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Jowar and Rice 1,101 377 441 Anklesvar-58 93 Jowar and Rice 2,133 247 Anklesvar-60 94 ]Qwar and Rice 479 1,397 158 574 Anklesvar-61 95

8,751 5,875 94,567 7,3!H 10,465


Nature of


Educational Medical

Higher Mater­ Child SI. Name of Primary Middle Secondary College Others Disp:!n- Hospi:al nitv Welfare Health sary Home Centre No. Taluka/Mahal school school school ._------Centre

...... o o 6 o;g ~ o ci 0 o o 0 z Z Z z Z Z ~ ~e ~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

1 Bharuch 94 105 ]8· 18 ]1 11 19 19 3 3 5 5

.2 Anklesvar 52 56 4 4 8 8 4 4 .) .l

3 Hansot 45 48 3 9 9 3 3 3 3

4 Vagra 67 71 5 5 5 5 9 9 4 4

5 Jambusar 78 18 13 13 3 3 14 14 4 4

6 Amod Sl 53 7 7 4 4 6 6 3 3

7 Jhagadia 133 149 9 9 10 11 , 8 3 3 7 7

8 Nandod 171 182 13 13 32 32 11 JI 2 2 2 2 9 9

9 Dediapada 91 95 3 3 3 3 4 4

10 Sagbara 80 82 2 2

11 Valia 87 95 6 6 21 22 9 9 7 7

Total 953 1,024 80 80 2 2 108 110 87 87 1 1 12 12 2 2 50 50

• 1 to 7 Standards t 8 to 11 Standards



---,~------.------._- Medical Communi­ Power Drinking Water Contd. Supply cations Postal and Telegraph .------_------_- No. of Family Villages No. of Telegraph Post and Telephone Planning where power No. of Villages having Villages Post Office Office Telegraph Centre supply is having Office

o z o z zo

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

5 5 40 55 69 95 7 52 72 69 69 5 5 7

5 5 25 29 25 55 3 9 2 35 43 27 27 2

3 3 13 32 7 45 22 24 23 23

4 4 12 S6 17 67 5 17 60 33 33

24 57 32 78 10 24 76 37 37 2 2 3

3 3 21 31 29 52 5 21 49 29 29

8 8 31 133 18 136 3 17 69 65 137 44 44 4 4 2

8 8 22 185 13 201 3 55 65 79 166 49 49 2

3 3 170 3 118 32 117 24 152 18 18

2 2 106 79 7 .. ., 65 13 94 17 17

11 11 30 64 23 89 41 4 37 61 31 31 2 2 2

52 52 218 918 2361,015 26 1 175 •. 323 389 934 377 377 1 17 17 22




Primary Census Abstract of 1971 Census provides information in respect of each village in rural area and town/ward/enumerator'S block in urban area. It gives information about the area of the village in acres and towns in square kilometres, number of occupied residential houses and households, total population with sex break-up (including Houseless and Institutional Population) and population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. literate and educated persons. The entire population of each village/urban enumerator's block is divided into nine industrial categories of workers and non-workers as under:-

I Cultivators

II Agricultural Labourers

III Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting & Plantations, Orchards & Allied Activities

IV Mining and Quarrying

V Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs {a) Household Industry (b) Other than Household Industry

VI Construction

VII Trade and Commerce

VIII Transport, Storage and Communications

IX Other Services

X Non-workers

The sexwise break-up of total workers (industrial category I to IX) have been presented. in addition to similar break-up for each industrial category of Worker and Non-worker.

The foHowing abbreviations have been used in the Primary Census Abstract for facility of presentation :_

1 Municipal Corporation MC

2 Municipality M

3 Non-Municipal Area NM

4 Nagar Panchayat NP

5 Village Panchayat VP

6 Cantonment Cantt.

7 Not Available NA 8 Outgrowth OG Tile following COD version factor has been used for cODverting acres into Km.' Acres x 0.004047 = Km.1



J n "I H I" ~ y\ C) l>- v t.. ct oJ. 1- I.- ? -<1 J ~ 0> «a: " ,d. 3 CI 0.,,._ Y" °....t!I

"Y U Ul .eJ::l wc a: " c lI: g'" :r. :z ex. u ii ,d. c :z: III r- ! 0 ,d. ., '"0 3 ~ u IJ) !!: :::I ~ on _, .. '" ~ 1:1 .... l i w J.; 4. a: X e ~ c (.) 4. 0- ..(' I- 0- x 0 ::> (J c ex: j > co'" a:: u ....0- I- « « 0- oCt X x 0 ..'?: a: CO m ~ I..i'"_, oCt 4. -, I- « z~ I '"w ::::l (J .. ~ 0- -J. S_, C) a:: ;: l- ::> ') .'w . , _. t/) 'on.., .(' '7 l5 0 0", « '" .... S l- , .(. .., / '" 0 ° r " DISTRICT BHARUCH



Name of Area ---- village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

16 BHARUCH DISTRICT Total Km.' 185,020 1,109,601 540,575 26,179 239,897 132,379 92,820 ·9,045.0 194,991 569,026 27,253 247,004 264,067 298,929 Rural Km.' 150,398 916,587 447,764 21,499 228,476 91,495 86,145 8946.0 159,328 468,823 22,232 234,463 200,464 251,725 Urban Km.' 34.622 193,014 92,811 4,680 11,421 40,884 6,675 99.0 35,663 100,203 5.021 12,541 63,603 47,204 I BHARUCH TALUK~ TotaJ Km.' 37,237 223,537 107,761 6,609 21,875 40,099 15,526 665.5 39,817 115,776 7,116 23,521 69,222 57,245 Acres (164,461-05) Rural Km.· 20.017 /24,924 60,528 3,839 16,606 19,176 12,494 653.4 22,022 64.396 4,091 17,677 36,410 33,274 Acres (16/,462-07 )

Urban Km.· 17,220 98,613 47,233 2,770 5,269 20,923 3,032 12./ 17,795 51,380 3,025 5,844 32,812 23,971 RURAL AREAS

1 Kamboli 1,093-25 182 206 1.411 687 724 39 43 137 149 475 288 313 85 2 Kishnad 1,575-08 213 233 1,292 686 606 41 29 221 200 342 200 383 208 3 Simalia 1,061-09 142 158 814 431 383 33 38 167 149 221 120 249 148 4 Thikaria 1,115-26 85 86 448 239 209 19 20 61 SO 139 80 123 48 !5 Ghodi 968-.09 80 80 345 170 )75 59 62 80 36 97 56

6 Adol 807-23 94 94 492 245 247 15 20 65 59 J53 92 ]46 23 7 Tankaria 3,344-34 903 957 5,728 2,902 2,826 64 56 299 304 2,013 1,306 ],417 322 8 Padaria 1,402-30 17f 183 1,005 532 473 79 81 ]53 133 296 183 287 148 9 Karela 2,143-23 233 242 1,228 642 586 49 40 257 234 364 205 368 201 10 Kdod 2,709--25 286 293 1,675 844 831 42 50 438 401 453 275 496 245

11 Pipalia 2,056-21 179 181 859 448 411 43 41 101 ]02 276 J 35 274 72 12 Parkhet 2,711-32 303 339 1,917 967 95:) 59 51 207 204 674 408 455 179 13 Kahan 1,289-15 169 183 1,082 555 527 12 18 100 94 346 200 247 102 14 Segva 1,745-25 258 335 1,553 835 718 45 40 J29 113 530 275 433 103 15 Varedia 1,451-16 244 320 1,635 834 801 98 82 211 196 502 307 405 148

16 Shahpura 1,199-37 162 174 966 485 481 44 44 218 223 295 156 285 159 17 Nand J,278-17 J26 126 657 352 305 19 16 166 J58 150 57 215 95 18 Bharthana ],052-10 112 114 622 317 305 35 37 154 147 ]57 68 190 94 19 Uparali 816-30 87 87 435 23J 204 46 27 56 44 134 76 135 56 20 Manch 950-21 86 137 593 309 284 16 24 44 33 186 100 142 38

21 Jhanghar 1,839-29 301 346 2,015 1,062 953 56 52 ]59 133 697 368 530 153 22 Bori 1,099-09 74 98 555 282 273 15 13 162 154 JI6 52 165 117 23 Kargat 1,089-12 72 80 470 246 224 14 20 61 55 127 73 164 24 Sitpoo 2,525-35 388 398 2,492 1,289 1,203 67 62 284 274 764 369 593 27S 25 Hingalla 1,139-26 115 122 866 446 420 9 J 1 32 29 326 198 229 28 '",\ • These represent provisional


I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X· Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

9,714 74,768 270 153 766 1,584 990 597 133 3,845 447,755 113,201 111,073 4,072 2,404 6,852 13,030 4,414 17,444 6,957 19,482 270,097 9,504 72,729 251 127 539 894 660 240 11 1,190 361,619 110,270 107,757 3,233 879 5,501 3,850 2,409 6,034 2,331 9,461 217,098 210 2,039 19 26 227 690 330 357 122 2,655 86,136 2,931 3,316 839 1,525 1,351 9,180 2,005 11,4/0 4,626 JO,021 52,999

784 11,395 18 14 198 803 238 246 62 1,768 92,235 12,639 15,199 951 549 1,344 6,948 1,530 7,176 3,414 7,495 58,531

760 11,006 15 83 328 69 36 I 196 48,034 12,117 14,711 503 83 750 1,199 324 963 730 1,894 31,122

24 389 3 14 115 475 169 2/0 61 1,572 44,201 522 488 448 466 594 5,749 1,206 6,213 2,684 5,601 27,409

145 5 107 78 S 6 2 .. 11 .. S . . 31 1 374 639 1 116 5 231 203 4 8 .. 5 5 5 9 .. 303 398 2 73 .. 156 148 .. S .. 5 .. 3 7 . . 182 235 3 36 6 75 42 .. 2 3 2 5 116 llil 4 23 2 67 52 2 1 2 I 2 73 119 5

53 7 73 16 6 j :;: 2 .. 2 7 99 224 6 590 44 468 233 3 6 41 .. 43 7 50 1 64 .. 14S 44 lASS 2,504 7 110 3 150 145 3 9 1 " 3 .. II .. 245 325 8 124 6 197 189 7 2 21 3 .. 2 5 .. 12 1 274 385 9 151 7 287 234 1 12 I 15 I .. 5 2 .. 23 2 348 586 10

109 4 138 66 4 4 I 10 .. 7 174 339 11 203 19 182 158 5 12 2 3 13 6 .. 31 512 771 12 124 4 94 96 1 1 3 9 4 .. 11 2 308 425 13 251 3 138 100 .. 3 3 .. . . 2 .. ]9 .. 17 402 615 14 128 7 116 103 6 1 10 4 51 24 6 4 14 I 37 " 36 5 429 653 15

104 2 152 154 7 8 " 5 .. 8 200 322 16 95 105 95 7 .. 1 2 3 2 .. 137 2]0 17 66 2 lH 92 3 1 1 " .. 2 6 .. 127 211 IS 40 3 84 53 .. 2 1 4 2 .. 2 96 ]48 19 58 69 38 1 1 4 9 .. 167 246 20

288 14 182 136 4 2 6 1 11 11 .. 27 532 800 21 28 3 96 90 1 .. 35 21 2 3 2 1 .. 117 156 22 76 66 .. 1 .. 2 . . IS 4 82 224 23 284 47 234 211 1 5 4 . 28 12 .. 6 6 .. 29 1 696 928 24 102 104 25 1 1 9 .. 1 4 " 7 3 217 392 25


Name of Area village /town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town! ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.· Houses ------P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

26 Pariej 1,990-17 394 412 2,668 1,373 1,295 70 80 236 223 887 508 656 104 27 Dayadra 2,347-10 424 424 2,634 1,360 1,324 104 53 247 284 843 466 670 225 28 Tralsa 3,764-10 410 423 2,097 1,108 989 62 60 330 286 ~61 303 604 270 29 Tra)si 892-18 93 96 555 292 263 19 22 136 112 127 77 157 73 30 Kothi 1,675-05 219 228 1,503 750 753 24 30 190 ]64 464 271 380 135

31 Kuvadar 843-16 89 106 544 286 258 28 27 119 108 144 69 153 104 32 Bambusar 740-01 78 86 489 256 233 23 24 60 57 143 76 ]39 2 33 Samlod 1,892-38 228 249 1,327 7J3 6]4 40 32 260 230 410 216 417 140 3~ Jhanor 5,529-25 702 766 4,257 2,168 2,089 86 89 373 3241,036 457 1,081 397 35 Dabhali 863-30 ]18 132 844 444 400 9 13 184 167 274 )62 226 114

36 Nabipur 2,282-22 532 782 3,955 2,029 1,926 159 150 478 419 ],205 643 1,060 356 37 Aldar 2,092-30 322 373 1.862 989 873 143 107 408 348 547 294 521 271 38 Paguthan 1,340-11 196 202 1,231 616 615 28 30 173 158 421 255 320 62 39 Mahudhala 992-33 163 167 1,032 513 519 48 52 92 85 340 210 234 57 40 Samar 868-00 107 111 712 367 345 19 19 39 45 242 101 195 56

41 Derol 2,705-17 285 424 2,304 1,194 1,110 ]70 152 303 291 655 305 641 278 42 Kasad 2,134-26 106 117 668 344 324 32 40 92 89 216 106 182 26 43 Chavaj 1,429-36 142 162 8J3 424 389 56 47 180 169 195 89 220 126 44 Vagusana 532-36 50 52 340 175 165 ]6 17 .. 107 39 101 4 45 Luwara 688-09 87 90 601 321 280 22 23 29 30 235 115 149 12

46 Asuria 528-30 27 35 217 115 102 10 8 33 31 67 37 63 23 47 Umara 1,007-10 62 71 393 211 182 21 21 66 47 106 54 120 34 48 Kavitha 1,829-35 309 331 1,894 950 944 67 72 342 354 549 361 501 180 49 Angareshwar 1,281-04 183 187 1,042 551 491 47 42 9] 78 276 82 314 166 ~O Sindhot 859-12 134 137 830 411 419 26 19 103 112 226 101 217 80

51 Nikora 3,072-]9 569 601 3,437 1,776 1,661 58 56 559 508 917 545 941 401 52 Karjan 1,127-08 127 132 759 381 378 44 41 168 176 192 114 207 124 53 Karmali 1,091-18 128 129 654 352 302 59 43 89 73 171 78 200 216 54 Osara S03-03 43 45 363 181 182 9 4 21 18 109 42 87 30 55 Haldarwa 1,800-09 136 150 898 454 444 65 63 163 148 218 ]05 249 125

56 Vadadla 1,244-35 102 122 618 318 300 34 30 116 III 154 86 189 84 57 Rahadpor 350-34 45 45 263 129 134 8 10 44 46 71 45 79 27 58 Umaraj 1,292-30 142 143 945 494 45] 56 45 112 100 254 133 245 103 59 Tham 1,984-21 141 150 968 511 457 33 37 132 122 323 ]81 279 87 60 Vahalu 1,770-29 237 247 1,587 815 772 40 37 196 196 464 249 416 188

61 Cholad 1,801-27 88 100 535 270 26$ 22 19 117 97 126 64 148 53 62 Amleshwar 5,449-36 484 537 2,604 1,326 1,278 66 60 656 638 713 411 737 393 63 Vansi 2,217-32 128 140 878 432 446 2S 31 97 J08 26R 121 229 61 64 Karmad 1,168-09 310 369 2,22~ 1,083 1,139 27 35 320 285 668 443 523 218 6S Manubar 2,078-09 386 428 2,538 1,287 1,251 128 120 170 159 815 531 579 214

66 Kantharia 1,287-31 334 351 2.653 1,466 1,18i SO 44 283 284 1,014 439 572 ]49 67 Sherpura 420-10 195 204 1,513 795 718 8 10 169 145 485 246 379 ]13 68 Bholav 810-14 153 157 727 378 349 21 23 140 140 204 96 211 65 69 Nandeval 855-08 92 96 579 285 294 15 13 91l 108 154 89 ISS 43 70 Tavara 4,571-19 512 576 3,209 1,641 1,568 65 74 591 582 697 206 895 471

71 Mangleshwar 1,990-15 308 308 1,645 873 772 86 83 381 315 394 169 485 303 72 Shuklatirth 4.095-28 8n 948 4.972 2,582 2.390 98 102 757 711 1,447 739 1,'229 286 73 Jhadeshwar 2.419-06 890 929 4,999 2,597 2,402 106 110 ],072 1,035 1,236 662 ],395 671 74 Maktampor 243-31 338 353 1,834 968 866 14 10 230 206 536 206 490 43 75 Dahegam 1,830-05 217 226 1,404 705 699 68 71 148 145 423 232 335 63 8 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3J 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

294 10 226 88 9 20 6 17 29 .. 55 5 717 1,191 26 282 ]7 293 206 4 2 9 .. 5 5 25 " 45 2 690 1,099 27 220 ]2 307 255 1 ] 31 ] ...... 14 .. 30 2 504 719 28 57 2 89 7] 2 1 1 2 .. 5 .. 135 190 29 ]52 7 174 119 ] 12 8 3 15 6 .. 17 1 370 618 30

34 2 89 100 3 5 4 .. 9 2 2 7 133 154 31 64 56. .. 6 2 I I 9 2 117 231 32

164 3 ]94 13] 10 ]2 1 3 1 1 8 " 7 " 18 4 296 474 33 311 17 562 37] 4 44 1 ]] 6 77 ] 6 .. 60 7 1,087 1.692 34 86 2 113 112 2 2 .. 2 4 7 2 8 .. 218 286 35

251 6 341 221 7 4 20 .. 228 108 J7 8 36 S3 .. 73 13 969 1.570 36 127 6 299 25] 6 I 2 .. 2S 3 5 ]6 6 .. 34 I] 468 602 37 124 ]4 152 44 ] 6 ] 2 3 7 .. 25 3 296 553 38 105 ]2 98 45 3 1 1 5 2 .. 19 .. 279 462 39 125 6 44 50 1 5 1 10 2 7 .. 172 289 40

142 15 224 ]81 7 ]3 .. 165 79 8 26 27 .. 23 3 553 832 4] lIS 57 25 2 2 1 .. .. 1 2 .. 162 298 42 72 4 117 117 2 4 .. 13 4 ] 1 1 9 I 204 263 43 45 I 44 3 •• .. 3 1 5 2 1 74 161 44 95 38 ]2 .. 2 .. 1 1 5 7 .. 172 268 45

27 " 26 23 2 2 .. 2 3 52 79 46 73 3 34 25 6 6 4 . . ] 2 91 148 47 .173 4 226 166 6 23 .. 5 8 6 20 .. 3 .. 37 4 4~9 764 48 174 4 ]17 ]59 3 .. 3 1 .. 2 3 2 2 .. 10 237 325 49 lOS 15 83 62 3 11 2 ] 4 1 8 I 194 339 50

379 11 4]9 379 4 38 5 7 .. 14 26 2 2 .. 5] 4 835 1,260 5] 107 4 87 120 3 2 .. 2 1 5 .. 174 254 52 106 129 79 76 1] 5 '4 .. 152 86 53 68 1 17 29 1 ...... 2 94 152 54 71 3 145 ]21 6 .. 5 2 8 ] .. 11 " 205 319 55

54 " 96 80 4 6 5 6 2 ]4 .• 3 129 216 56 34 I 33 26 .. 4 ...... 4 .. 3 50 107 57 105 108 95 .. 6 6 11 ] .. 2 1 4 9 " 249 343 58 133 2 119 82 ...... 6 1 5 2 1 6 .. 9 232 370 59 186 lJ ]72 169 2 1 ] 15 6 1 6 6 .• 27 1 399 584 60

51 2 81 48 2 4 3 2 2 I 4 122 212 61 ]94 ]7 453 368 7 17 •. 3 .. ] 2 19 3 .. 40 6 589 885 62 ] ]0 I 93 59 5 3 ] .. 2 3 .. 12 ] 203 385 63 196 9 248 200 2 9 1 2 ] J 4 15 S .. 32 4 560 921 64 209 34 222 ]58 .. 2 16 ] 16 2 27 13 10 25 .. 52 6 708 ],037 65

233 10 258 135 1 2 7 1 8 15 .. 47 4 894 ],038 66 181 I 131 110 4 1 3 J6 .. 2 14 9 .. 18 1 416 60S 67 11 1 7] 62 1 3 60 I 7 8 29 ] 21 .. ]67 284 68 63 1 66 41 1 4 .. 7 3 6 •• 5 I 130 251 69 31] 22 485 444 11 2 14 J2 7 2 20 2 7 _ 26 1 746 1,097 70

130 5 265 272 2 40 23 4 •• 5 18 4 •• 17 3 388 469 71 346 10 528 260 7 2] 49 3 49 15 87 2 8 .• 119 11 1,353 2,104 72 297 ]6 631 613 18 4 22 1 68 ] 51 17 141 7 59 .. ]04 16 ],202 1,731 73 11 ] 55 7 36 9 8 .. ]53 28 ]8 27 4 58 .. I]S 2 478 823 74 128 7 156 55 ] 1 6 5 4 12 .. 22 1 370 636 75 9 TALUKA BHARUCH URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISIl:

Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acreS & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tioo ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------~------No. block Km.s Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ]3 14 15 16

76 Hinglot 1,354-16 199 208 1,353 670 683 58 SO 118 112 439 302 304 126 77 Detral 862-35 90 91 513 264 249 29 33 9i 89 147 79 131 4 78 Vcsdada 1,001-22 81 83 446 223 223 22 19 62 67 126 70 120 64 79 Kuralla 1,067-09 112 117 721 371 350 21 32 ]56 149 167 92 205 108 SO Bhuva 861-03 74 92 566 306 260 28 13 50 36 193 55 122 37

81 Amdada 1,106-10 94 94 537 270 267 13 14 161 165 121 50 160 83 82 Eksal 1,959-26 132 141 697 367 330 22 16 141 108 199 80 225 65 83 Sankhvad 1,238-06 83 89 573 302 271 11 6 92 93 168 61 166 49 84 Kesrol 1,949-32 90 102 562 289 273 28 34 114 109 165 84 164 19 85 Nawetha 1,131--28 133 143 682 369 313 83 57 93 91 140 52 194 51

86 Manad 2,623-39 130 135 740 369 371 35 45 125 121 179 83 219 107 87 Mahegam 1,385-35 128 133 848 433 415 18 15 67 72 226 102 249 73 S8 Bhadbhut 2,247-32 361 436 2,347 1,215 1,]32 69 55 282 249 526 252 619 352 89 Kasva 2,086-02 194 238 1,200 600 600 52 56 271 274 288 162 329 163 90 Vadva 941-11 63 117 644 317 327 12 9 178 177 93 73 162 118

91 Dhanturia 3,459-28 232 232 1,539 791 748 28 26 437 124 403 34 92 Taria bet 2,748-15 52 57 194 98 96 3 2 34 40 33 5 59 3 93 Dashan 1,498-16 68 80 471 246 225 34 30 96 86 138 63 110 58 94 Verwada 610-33 28 34 227 112 115 12 14 41 35 52 37 51 22 95 Kukarwada 1,376-05 149 179 1,243 689 554 48 24 145 140 428 94 366 29

, , ~: -", '-, 96 Dungri "'752-00 / Uninhabited 97 Ali t590-37 Uninhabited 98 Kanbivaga H66--20 Uninhabited 99 Kasak tt612-37 Uninhabited


Bharucb 16,O6~ 92,251 ~4,273 2,555 4,934 19,681 2,746 Town Agglomeration N.A. 16,577 47,978 2,779 5,482 30,740 22,238

16/1 (i) Bharuch M. Km.' 15,909 91,589 43,957 2,554 4,904 19,490 2,737 8.02 16,414 47,632 2,776 5,442 30,499 22,064

Total 0/ Ward No. 1 N.A. 2,53J 17,385 8,430 952 860 2,897 559 2,652 8,955 1,075 1,108 5,304 4,097

Block No. t 102 103 717 369 348 " 268 181 169 75 Block No. 2 1]2 J 14 721 361 360 J 5 2 269 226 175 16 Block No. 3 101 102 719 345 374 .. 226 141 166 2 Block No. 4 ]09 117 809 439 370 8 5 302 171 217 6 Block No. 5 98 111 605 298 307 4 2 193 134 143 48

Block No. 6 108 109 631 319 312 26 26 25 20 209 129 153 9 Block No. 7 90 105 852 558 294 49 33 208 479 ]48 133 2 Block No. 8 86 86 525 274 251 230 215 9 8 150 69 115 38

* 92-16 Acres have been included in Bharuch Town. t 121-23 Acres have been included in Bharuch Town. t 97-18 Acres have been included in Bharuch Town. tt 43-39 Acres have been included in Bharuch Town, 10 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


I II III IV V VI VII VIll IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

]08 12 121 ]]3 6 5 8 ., 21 " 35 366 ~57 76 ] 45 1 66 2 1 3 2 2 2 .. 10 " 133 245 77 48 4 51 ~9 5 1 1 1 7 7 103 159 78 55 2 125 103 1 7 1 6 .. 2 1 4 5 1 ]66 242 79 72 1 36 36 3 1 2 2 6 .. 184 223 80

42 100 82 3 2 3 2 .. 3 5 110 184 81 81 4 135 61 1 I .. ., 2 5 142 265 82 ] ] 38 .. 93 49 2 " 28 3 136 222 83 53 4 95 14 5 1 ] 3 .. 3 4 115 254 84 60 4 65 12 3 4 " 53 33 2 1 3 4 1 175 262 85

87 4 112 103 3 7 .. 5 1 4 " 150 264 86 127 9 109 64 3 .. 1 3 1 5 184 342 87 85 15 226 327 210 19 3 1 3 2 35 2 3 .. 35 S 596 780 88 104 12 207 151 I 2 1 2 " 12 .. 271 437 89 46 2 III 116 3 2 " 155 209 90 323 20 73 12 1 3 4 3118 714 91 9 3 48 .. 1 " 1 .. 39 93 92 33 3 57 S5 7 1 2 .. 2 2 6 136 ]67 93 23 .. 24 22 .. " 1 1 2 .. 61 93 94 167 6 154 22 10 I 7 2 ., 2 3 .. 20 1 323 525 95

Uninhabited " 96 .. Uninhabited .. 97 .. Uninhabited .. 98 Uninhabited ., 99

20 240 3 14 III 382 167 205 60 1,544 41,527 372 251 402 463 513 5,312 1,173 5,757 2,563 5,432 25,740

19 239 3 14 111 382 165 205 60 /,539 41,220 16/i 364 237 402 419 511 5,305 1,152 5,734 2,543 5,397· 25,5f)8

4 71 1 9 79 54 29 1 309 7,871 121 114 40 25 113 905 156 1,484 374 815 4,858

2 2 6 16 2 2 34 1 9 98 72 200 273 1 1 .. 1 13 2 15 2 .. lOS 6 13 2S 8 186 344 2 2 2 18 38 7 .. 76 ., 7 16 2 179 372 3 1 3 " 8 " 46 3 .. 108 .. 9 39 6 222 364 4 1 " 44 13 5 " 23 " 6 64 35 ISS 259 5

2 28 2 63 2 23 3 9 .. 7 21 2 166 303 6 ,., 3 3 38 t 36 " 4 48 2 425 292 7 1 1 71 25 6 5 12 1 9 1 15 6 159 213 8


Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate aod Loca- tion/townl in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers . tion ward/urban of townl ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 9 79 79 449 229 220 207 194 ]36 58 93 15 Block No. 10 76 76 528 238 290 92 90 115 150 104 39 Block No. 11 104 ]04 568 292 276 193 ]76 68 71 ]58 76 136 52 Block No. 12 90 97 541 293 248 123 89 53 65 140 53 124 29 Block No. 13 127 129 804 430 374 77 56 243 123 206 23

Block No. 14 101 105 561 283 278 14 16 201 145 143 3 Block No. 15 105 119 691 334 357 131 ]20 175 202 90 7 165 77 Block No. 16 111 Il3 858 432 426 2 2 13 11 252 73 215 7 Block No. 17 113 116 860 427 433 .. 209 79 220 2 Block No. 18 98 101 683 330 353 9 8 207 139 160 8

Block No. 19 150 157 1,122 SS9 563 307 207 230 8 Block No. 20 96 ]01 684 359 325 230 141 ]56 Rlock No. 21 82 83 610 320 290 .. .. 197 59 151 2 Block No. 22 128 136 852 441 41 ] 18 14 92 65 264 160 199 15 Block No. 23 77 85 637 323 314 195 110 130 5

Block No. 24 103 114 712 374 338 J3 12 161 139 137 62 187 19 Block No. 25 86 90 546 328 318 70 59 112 107 127 56 157 59

Total of WQrd No. II N.A. 2,543 15,404 7,412 413 1,065 3,/02 460 2,588 7,992 458 1,114 5,008 3,482

Block No. 26 69 71 322 183 139 3 5 99 79 82 25 108 47 Block No. 27 94 94 540 303 237 106 78 49 59 179 76 124 24 Block No. 28 124 130 772 396 376 61 61 193 )83 188 82 163 5 Block No. 29 109 112 643 310 333 1 221 187 146 29 Block No. 30 106 106 621 316 305 93 92 179 108 140 34

Block No. 31 89 89 440 228 212 112 lOS 108 48 108 48 Block No. 32 91 94 587 303 284 36 36 202 119 149 15 Block No. 33 71 72 420 217 203 149 105 93 10 Block No. 34 92 93 S72 282 290 4 2 8 7 205 130 144 ]8 Block No. 35 129 129 733 396 337 113 89 71 60 297 161 157 17

Block No. 36 92 93 566 278 288 39 37 9 5 199 152 128 12 Block No. 37 100 100 706 367 339 1 2 14 13 224 105 148 10 Block No. 38 60 60 370 214 156 156 79 94 7 Block No. 39 149 152 825 437 388 3 2 292 285 131 48 213 47 Block No. 39/1 114 114 580 301 279 58 64 16 2] 175 98 137 25

Block No. 40 71 77 485 251 234 3 3 177 142 120 8 Block No. 41 94 95 658 343 315 " 186 100 108 5 Block No. 42 76 78 486 250 236 1 223 166 116 5 Block No. 43 97 97 566 285 281 240 201 121 16 Block No. 44 110 110 693 337 356 8 10 221 174 155 7

Block No. 4S 99 103 696 354 342 272 204 161 3 Block No. 46 107 117 814 427 387 304 197 187 20 Block No. 47 94 96 582 306 276 6 6 6 3 239 149 131 23 Block No. 48 82 82 499 265 234 161 97 94 7 Block No. 49 85 85 484 255 229 123 60 75 6

Block No. 49/1 97 97 510 272 238 S3 54 37 31 152 81 132 11 Block No. SO 42 42 234 116 118 77 83 15 8 30 J 12 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Loea (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M PM PM PM P M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 311

73 13 1 2 1 17 1 136 205 9 48 8 .. o. 18 4 34 31 134 25] 10 ...... 2 53 6 11 19 18 6 ]8 34,21 156 224 11 169 219 ]2 1 1 " 42 6 15 13 14 J 15 37 8 7 1 10 ]4 7 1 57 13 1 73 7 .. 32 6 224 351 13

13 2 6 1 9 " 55 3 .. 19 5 .. 30 1 140 275 14 .. 1 2 27 15 5 15 .. 8 .0 97 72 169 280 15 3 J " 21 4 4 158 1 21 7 2 217 419 16 " .... ] 4 " 2] 1 170 1 8 15 1 207 431 17 1 18 1 7 1 10 .. I '0 107 2 l1 .. 22 5 170 345

3 7 10 2 47 1 . • 162. 2 21 •. 28 279 555 19 43 1 2 14 1.. 9 .. 41 .. 4S 203 325 20 t 33 2 102 1 6 8 o. 169 288 21 22 396 22 1 J " 23 12 2 70 1 39 .. 31 11 242 8 1 ., IS 4 I I 23 2.. 33 1 31 " 13 2 193 309 23

4 2 3 J 2 " 7 26 2 106 S 12 .. 24 12 187 3i9 24 13 90 57 •. 1 J 20 2 6 11 .. 15 171 259 25

7 28 1 32 55 48 51 6 232 6.952 29 8 23 48 83 955 239 1,017 313 767 4,510

8 4 2 1 2 32 18 15 9 26 2 3 .. 21 12 7S 92 26 1 2 .s 12 I 47 8 10 9 19 12 1 20 .. 179 213 27 " I 2 .. 3 lO 00 51 1 2 1 77 o. 14 5 1 233 371 28 1 •• .o. 4 8 4 14 1 53 7 35 S 3 2 28 6 164 304 29 1 1 9 2 11 .. 45 4 50 10 II .. 12 18 176 271 30

2 ] 2 I 18 6 14 9 .. 10 .. 51 .;2 120 164 31 3 2 O' 4 .. 89 1 3 .. 21 1 7 .. 20 13 154 269 32 1 I 3 I 48 1 3 1 15 2 10 1 12 3 124 193 33 3 3 6 22 43 o. 37 1 10 1 26 10 138 272 34 1 34 2 6 4 2) I 22 .. 70 9 239 320 35

.. 1 30 6 63 4 6 00 21 6 150 276 36 J 2 25 1 75 1 22 o. 22 8 219 329 37 4 23 25 2 21 1 5 14 6 120 149 38 2 18 .. 1 O' 66 3 6 7 21 1 19 .. 98 IR 224 341 39 2 2 3 2 37 3 S 4 31 2 24 1 33 13 164 254 39/1

" 1 51 3 \ .• 46 3 3 .. \7 2 131 226 40 J 2 .. 29 .. 3 .. 34 14 .. 25 5 235 310 41 8 1 IS J 2 " 71 2 5 .. 14 1 134 231 42 6 19 1 .. 69 1 6 .. 20 14 164 265 43 4 34 1 4 .. 60 1 10 .. 43 5 182 349 44

5 J 69 2 " 38 1 19 .• 27 1 193 339 4S 3 2 7 8 52 3 3 .. 52 3 34 .. 34 6 240 367 46 .. " 1 2 1 3 28 4 " 39 4 IS .. 41 16 17S 2S3 47 4 1 .. 26 1 .. .. 37 11 " 16 S 171 227 48 1 1 37 2 1 6 4 .. 26 2 180 223 49

.. 3 2 40 .. 4 38 1 13 . . 32 9 140 227 49/1 1 1 6 2 1 " 19 J 86 117 SO Bh.-2 13 TALUKA BHARUCH URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area ---- village/town of Total PopuTation agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tionjtown/ in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of townl ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons II-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.· Houses p M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Total of Ward No. 1I1 N.A. 1,185 13,149 6,259 lOS 988 2,451 385 2,304 6,890 96 1,044 3,980 3,245

Block No. 51 129 134 737 385 352 46 38 259 181 183 29 Block No. 52 76 87 552 276 216 25 23 187 ]37 134 23 Block ~.-53 64 65 464 230 234 33 36 138 9] 106 22 Block No. 54 113 114 79~ 409 385 .. 17 17 290 200 191 22 Block No. 55 52 60 344 178 166 2 2 1 89 56 90 3

Block No. S6 117 122 743 385 358 20 21 283 181 192 Jt Block No. 57 51 53 293 154 139 3 2 119 91 70 JO

Block No. 58 93 93 6]2 301 311 " 224 ]85 14] 7 Block No. S9 80 80 435 127 208 13 5 ]57 137 96 11 Block No. 60 93 95 573 306 267 179 126 142 4

Block No. 61 111 112 581 293 288 95 94 154 97 ]49 19 Block No. 62 111 ] 12 5]4 254 260 .. 20] ]88 ]30 11 Block No. 63 109 110 565 294 271 2 2 267 2]2 137 20 Block No. 64 70 70 423 223 200 ., 74 72 121 59 98 3 Block No. 65 136 152 877 430 447 22 26 63 54 171 67 230 26

Block No. 66 117 117 685 357 328 296 277 72 20 142 32 Block No. 67 127 155 968 532 436 38 31 164 69 285 20 Block No. 68 106 138 781 393 383 ., 96 33 195 8 Block No. 69 88 88 596 387 209 ., .. 38 36 317 106 127 20 Block No. 7(} 103 107 690 36F 324 14 ]2 225 223 139 65 155 77

Block No. 71 115 116 474 260 214 29 30 3] 32 174 81 I ~ 1 4 Block No. 72 124 r24 448 250 198 2Q 35 24 2S 179 69 131 3

Total of Ward No. IV N.A. 2,132 2,176 10,864 5,644 5,nO 177 171 115 119 4,235 3,138 2,549 256

Block No. 73 lOS 106 498 281 217 188 88 137 6 Block No. 74 73 73 398 215 183 157 101 81 6 Block No. 75 76 78 389 206 183 170 113 96 6 Block No. 76 122 128 559 280 279 237 241 108 8 Block No. 77 108 109 517 272 245 23] 183 126 7

Block No. 7S 145 148 695 370 325 .. 300 196 153 8 Block No. 7g 52 52 275 134 141 3 2 94 76 72 Block No. 80 121 122 556 311 245 264 196 131 13 Block No. 81 102 105 437 230 207 181 130 106 4 Block No. 82 119 120 583 288 295 246 230 134 8

Block No. 83 115 115 480 233 247 .. 189 165 108 11 Block No. 84 95 98 403 226 177 3 2 187 133 93 7 Block No. 85 ]58 163 732 367 365 1 3 315 28] 172 29 Block No. 86 94 94 692 398 294 227 131 207 8 Block NO'. 87 107 116 746 386 360 3 1 287 182 171 IS

Block N(}. 8S 130 130 718 356 362 46 63 204 124 156 21 Block No. 89 102 105 645 338 301 153 145 6 5 236 118 142 51 Block No. 90 87 89 409 187 222 8 11 18 15 144 145 92 19 Block No. 91 115 115 647 331 316 15 15 24 18 196 125 ]55 12 Block No. 92 106 110 485 235 250 10 10 182 180 109 17 14 PRIMARY C:ENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIlI IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F MFMFM FM F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

2 70 1 5 19 15 5 41 9 218 5,874 21 63 297 67 78 734 81 718 294 892 3,645

3 2 1 38 3 4 62 1 25 .. 49 24 202 323 51 2 3 2 40 3 1 .• 48 1 8 .. 32 17 142 253 52 .. 1 16 8 19 • . 1 39 6 6 .. 23 8 124 212 53 1 2 13 62 2 1 73 I 10 30 18 218 363 54 2 2 1 14 I .. 15 )9 .. 37 2 88 163 55

3 2 7 2 43 J 7 85 28 2 17 6 193 347 56 2 3 1 .. 6 1 2 28 15 .. 13 9 84 129 57 1 .. ., 13 1 30 .. 8 52 20 .. 17 6 160 304 58 1 7 1 26 1 2 31 14 " 15 9 131 197 59 5 30 2 42 .. 2 41 6 .. 15 2 164 263 60

1 1 17 .. 11 1 ]6 58 3 45 14 ]44 269 61 .. 1 4 2 2 " 25 9 ] 50 1 5 ., 34 7 124 249 62 2 ) 2 J 1 ]2 1 78 1 2 .. 38 18 157 251 63 2 I .. 26 2 21 ., 3 .. 43 3 125 197 64 2 32 1 134 I 2 13 14 9 ., 37 11 200 421 65

2 ] 8 I 14 I 17 4 3 .. 96 24 215 296 66 .. 87 ) 3 110 1 10 8 44 1 33 7 247 416 67 ...... 150 40 .. ... 1 4 3 .. 2 1 2 198 380 68 7 7 15 3 .. 4 15 20 .. 5 14 ., 9 43 5 260 189 69 3 54 54 II I 3 11 I 9 21 I 8 1 35 19 211 2.47 70

3 .. 117 4 139 210 71 8 ., ]22 3 119 195 72

11(1 3 5 •. 11 58 43 10 458 3 202 7 636 18 224 4 802 210 3,095 4,964

3 5 2 4 5 1 43 .. 14 .. 20 I 26 .• 15 3 144 211 73 I 6 " 2 15 3 1 13 2 ]S 28 1 134 177 74 3 3 11 15 7 .. 25 I S .. 27 5 110 177 75 6 .... 1 17 2 16 2 6 .. 60 6 172 271 76 8 1 15 110 26 8 ., 58 6 146 238 77

2 2 28 .. 10 " 51 9 .. 49 8 217 317 78 1 I .. 12 6 17 15 .. 20 .. 62 141 79 3 2 " 2 18 6 41 12 .. 49 11 180 232 80 .. 6 1 ., 29 I 30 5 .. 35 3 124 203 81 I 5 t J 3Z 3 46 4 .. 41 7 154 287 82

2 4 19 7 2 20 6 .. 50 7 125 236 83 .. 16 5 23 6 43 6 133 170 84 .. 1 5 .. 27 7 58 4 3 3 72 21 195 336 85 67 1 8 2 12 .. 46 .• 21 I 14 37 5 191 286 86 6 2 1 41 .. 44 1 30 9 1 39 12 215 345 87

4 8 32 20 43 3 22 .. 26 17 200 341 88 6 25 4 16 .. 28 .. 63 51 .196 256 89 5 5 2 .. 12 1 5 28 1 11 .. 24 17 95 203 90 3 4 1 43 1 2 63 1 13 .. 27 9 176 304 91 5 1 1 I 1 49 1 7 " 39 15 126 233 92 15 lALUKA BHARUCH lJRBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWI~";

Name of Area _---- village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Insti tutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi. No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- Hou~e· PopUlation) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km." Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Total of Ward No. V N.A. 2,486 13,641 6.729 201 f J(j 4,247 319 2,541J (J.912 217 I/n 5.284 3.114

Block No. 93 96 96 464 256 20S 8 5 2 2 190 109 117 J3 Block No. 94 90 90 443 230 213 2 4 7 5 191 146 104 17 Block No. 95 118 120 719 365 354 ]9 15 6 6 235 131 165 9 Block No. 96 77 77 375 184 191 146 142 81 9 Block No. 97 96 103 521 274 247 184 132 120 11

Block No. 98 97 97 500 266 234 220 172 114 21 Block No. 99 109 106 634 317 317 233 158 145 2! Block No. 100 147 153 770 402 368 359 300 183 18 Block No. 101 87 95 455 235 220 ., 198 168 97 ~ Block No. 102 88 89 502 257 245 24 23 1 1 203 159 121) 9

Block No. 103 117 117 706 343 363 12 12 2 2 254 209 1M 12 Block No. 104 117 121 598 291 307 235 222 132 15 Block No. 105 129 139 634 331 303 4 2 274 220 158 17 Block No. 106 83 83 514 253 261 .. 205 154 116 12 Block No. 107 87 96 459 229 230 2 4 5 187 166 120 16

Block No. 108 79 79 474 235 239 4 2 191 180 108 7 Block No. 109 67 69 393 192 201 166 150 89 8 Block No. 110 81 81 440 229 211 .. 190 151 107 9 "-' Block No. 111 71 73 412 210 202 2 8 48 .:J' 140 1 i8 87 17 Block No. 112 114 119 708 335 373 3 5 2 I 243 261 183 13

Block No. 113 103 103 577 283 289 . . .. 231 223 15~ 4 Block No. 114 121 121 744 380 364 112 112 2 2 247 163 17R 38, Block No. 115 101 101 567 295 272 38 48 171 106 13':1 .~ Block No. 1J6 78 78 392 195 197 ., .. 160 151 n S Block No. 117 133 134 640 320 32\) 25 15 8 10 231 156 137 6

Total of Ward No. PI N.A. 4,031 21,146 9,907 706 1,753 3.655 758 4,154 I I .239 753 1,945 6.688 5,477

Block No. 118 104 104 631 349 282 68 57 139 71 172 38 Block No. 119 66 67 341 1'16 145 4 J 147 58 86 2 Block No. 120 103 104 467 258 209 8 5 67 56 165 58 131 25 Block No. 12] 82 102 491 263 228 .. . . 48 41 145 95 129 34 Block No. 122 109 114 614 340 274 2 4 9 10 260 \68 15:'- 19

Block No. 123 119 1]9 636 326 310 2 3 9 2 248 177 151 23 Block No. 124 88 89 514 253 261 7 9 203 153 139 3~ Block No. 125 94 95 612 316 296 1 1] 11 237 156 180 2 Block No. 126 100 103 560 287 273 10 7 128 115 ]72 104 131 13 Block No. 127 82 82 525 272 253 3 3 3] 15 170 100 109 :;

Block No. ]28 100 98 533 297 236 40 35 75 58 156 77 139 8 Block No. 129 105 105 658 323 335 6 7 90 93 J80 76 166 71 Block No. 130 78 78 397 249 148 2 3 25 8 1~5 66 112 4 Block No. 131 156 148 593 331 262 258 205 157 10 Block No. 132 90 90 447 241 206 6 4 106 87 72 33 121

Block No. 133 118 121 739 382 357 44 46 81 77 190 69 181 26 Block No. 134 164 164 807 426 381 I 3 80 66 191 92 223 10 Block No. 135 97 97 472 257 215 5 4 15 17 159 105 129 2 Block No. 136 75 80 404 216 188 .. 25 21 87 40 104 11 Block No. 137 138 138 648 345 303 22 20 39 34 160 75 182 37 16 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX x Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion ------Cod..: M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3D 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3R

2 3 17 20 6 16 5 250 6,410 29 1 1 73 94 861 153 905 177 920 3,698

S 5 2 41 .. 6 21 2 6 31 9 139 195 93 1 .... 2 9 4 21 I 8 31 2 8 .. 24 10 126 196 94 I 2 31 ] 10 60 J 22 39 7 200 345 95 3 15 1 9 14 1 5 2 ~4 4 103 182 96 6 3 2 42 8 Hi 8 36 9 154 236 97

2 2 37 4 6 29 4 34 16 152 213 98 2 99 . . 73 J 7 22 " 13 .. 28 20 172 296 10 I 42 .. 15 67 J 4 .. 4S 16 219 350 lOa 3 33 •• 3 24 4 1 29 7 138 212 101 3 56 1 5 25 .. 30 8 137 236 102

.. 3 I 68 3 16 27 J] .. 40 8 177 351 103 6 I 4 4 34 .. 9 24 5 41i 13 159 292 104 2 4 7 31 1 4 57 10 43 13 173 286 105 1 2 ] .. 42 ] 37 4 .. 29 11 137 249 106 I 2 2 1 24 1 5 49 2 2 .. 35 12 109 214 107

2 17 16 37 6 .. 29 7 127 232 108 1 36 5 9 , ... . . 19 4 ., 20 3 103 193 109 1 1 2 I 30 1 1 32 .. 3 .. 37 , 122 202 110 2 .. 2 II 7 I 43 J 3 I 19 15 123 185 111 2 1 4 39 2 .• 101 ]() .. 24 13 152 360 112

2 3 .. .• 41 2 71 .. 6 25 2 138 235 ]13 2 S 3 63 4 8 .. 44 J 16 .. 40 30 202 326 114 4 .. 40 1 20 J 23 1 14 .. 38 1 156 268 115 3 2 3 21 32 4 34 3 97 192 116 1 5 131 6 183 314 117

69 4 24 2/0 45 50 34 320 9,149 54 41) 30 14t1 101i 1,392 321 974 J.211 1.201 5,762

5 1 .. 28 24 :::3 3 :::6 52 1 :<3 10 177 244 W' .'1 2 2 J7 .. 5 II .. 1(. 32 2 110 143 119 2 2 41 8 30 g 13 1 20 23 8 127 184 120 S ., 43 19 16 10 29 10 2(> 4 134 194 121 " 4 44 9 4 3:1 1M ·,9 10 185 255 122

.. 11 10 Ii 32 . . ~ 44 34 .: 4 17 5 ~ 287 123 2 1 .0 .. 6 4 51 30 6 27 2 ;7' 5 114 223 124 <) 1 6 " 46 1 4 .'4 1 27... 136 294 125 .. 6 I 2 14 1 19 11 11 156 260 126 10 2 6 2 10 16 21 163 248 127

II .... 3 19 4 3 .. 28 311 .. 45 4 158 228 128 .. 1 7 2 55 34 7 4 23 34 .., 40 23 157 264 129 5 5 " 19 2 38 2, 14 2 J 37 144 130 3 25 ] 13 ~ 46 6 57 () 174 252 D1 2 10 5 30 42 32 120 206 1:12

2 5 46 2 8 4 54 .. 28 4 38 16 201 3~1 Jl:1 ] 6 47 7 I 53 5 48 61 4 2D3 371 134 I 7 8 .. 15 .. 24 .. 21 1 32 21 I 128 213 135 .. " 1 3 1 19 •. 7 J 19 J 16 39 l) 112 ]77 136 4 2 1 2 10 50 6 4 29 8 20 61 22 163 266 137 17 TALUKA BHARUCH URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area ------village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Populat}on) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds - -_- _----- No. block Km.1 Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ]4 15 16

Block No. 138 99 102 484 253 231 5 5 55 47 140 97 127 9 Block No. J 39 88 88 447 255 192 164 136 129 42 115 11 Block No. 140 104 104 542 299 243 4 3 33 36 150 49 166 II Block No. 141 68 74 378 207 171 3 1 2 170 90 82 ]8 Block No. 142 97 106 601 301 300 1 2 228 145 139 36

Block No. 143 103 104 551 272 279 64 91 38 39 143 81 12] 34 Block No. 144 174 174 730 407 323 20 19 122 102 244 87 223 15 Block No. 145 84 84 474 249 225 112 94 75 61 138 66 112 33 Block No. 146 80 77 409 243 166 19 4 75 58 144 50 102 7 Block No. 147 1]2 111 557 283 274 1 2 141 135 180 105 143 100

Block No. 148 151 152 804 394 410 1 4 118 131 224 149 180 30 Block No. 148/1 144 144 731 364 367 33 32 15 17 259 194 179 22 Block No. 148/2 161 161 819 41 ] 408 57 53 21 33 261 178 188 16 Block No. 149 148 198 846 481 365 22 19 70 60 208 75 252 16 Block No. 150 157 182 777 409 368 38 38 143 ]35 259 117 219 ]5

Block No. 151 109 109 484 254 230 52 51 75 77 146 60 126 6 Block No. 152 84 86 423 230 193 8 8 44 38 171 92 106 1

(ii) Bharuch O.G. N.A. 155 662 316 1 30 191 9 163 346 3 40 241 /74

Total of Ward No. 00 N.A. 155 661 316 1 30 191 9 163 346 3 40 241 174

Block No. 153 155 163 662 346 316 3 40 30 241 191 174 9

Vejalpur and Mojampur Pati's known as * 2,468-36 Bharuch Village.

16/II PaJej Km.1 1,156 6,362 2,960 215 335 1,242 286 4.11 1,'218 3,402 246 :l62 2,072 1,733

Total oj Ward No. I N.A. 214 1,044 473 39 78 120 77 218 571 49 94 295 3J7

Block No. ] 95 96 530 268 262 ] 5 30 24 177 92 133 16 Block No. 2 119 122 514 303 211 48 34 64 54 118 28 184 6]

Total of Ward No. lJ N.A. 161 954 459 57 5 189 10 167 495 60 5 363 236

Block No. 3 105 109 631 328 303 18 17 4 4 244 133 155 4 Block No. 4 56 58 323 167 156 42 40 1 I 119 56 81 6

Total of Ward No. III N.A. 271 1,646 786 7 179 372 50 298 tlf60 5 176 525 398

Block No. 5 119 133 756 384 372 2 4 173 175 160 115 170 42 Block No. 6 69 81 457 2S0 207 2 2 1 2 183 115 120 5 Block No. 7 83 84 433 226 207 1 2 2 182 142 108 3

• This area has been included in rural area of the Talulca . 18 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VII1 IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers lion ------Code M F M F M F M F M FMFMFM F M F M F M F No-

J7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ·~38

4 35 4 15 20 34 4 J7 " 126 222 138 1 .. 78 8 4 10 22 3 140 lSI 139 2 2 I I 1 44 I 25 18 .. 30 2 42 7 133 232 140 3 35 9 .. 20 1 13 I 11 7 125 153 141 4 47 1 5 1 42 2 15 26 32 162 264 142

4 2 2 .. 30 2 4 24 6 9 46 26 151 245 143

.. 7 1 123 8 26- I 13 " 13 40 6 184 308 144 J I 79 26 1 I 12 1 I 17 5 ]37 192 145 .. 4 26 .. 18 2 14 8 32 5 141 159 146 I 23 62 J 2 32 .. 13 ] 18 13 40 37 140 174 147

5 6 3 2 13 .. 46 ] 1 12 3 21 2 48 5 27 6 2]4 380 14'l 4 .. 70 1 5 1 30 2 13 57 18 185 345 148/1 .... 8 \ 67 1 8 1 39 14 51 14 223 392 148/2 6 29 4 55 1 J1 70 7 53 27 4 229 349 149 8 3 " 1 2 4 179 8 25 4 190 353 150

_ ... .. 2 " 107 4 H 2 1:8 2H 151 1 I 3 J 84 16 I 124 192 152

2 5 W7 8 14 44 2 7 21 23 20 35 /72

1 J 2 5 307 8 14 44 2 7 21 23 35 172

8 14 I .. 44 2 7 •• 21 2 23 20 3S 5 172 307 153

4 149 4 93 2 5 1 28 2,674 16!I1 150 237 46 3 81 437 33 456 121 169 1,669

I 35 J JJ 3 6 396 41 J() 2/ 8 98 II 62 18 38 254

38 19 9 " 6 17 2 32 1 7 II 4 135 246 I 3 26 2J 2 81 31 9 30 2 II 27 2 JJ9 150 2

3 5 2 449 79 24 22 I l/ 17 6 42 II 23 259

7J 3 24 J 8 8 5 21 .. 3 15 173 299 3 8 4 22 3 9 1 21 .. 8 8 2 86 i50 4

39 I 1 J 6 736 5 92 3 34 71 6 109 23 55 462

2 85 38 3 4 26 1 28 5 16 1 214 330 S 3 4 J •• 26 15 4 35 13 20 2 130 202 6 3 4 30 1 46 .. 5 19 3 118 204 7


Name of Area ----_- village !town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of townJ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.· Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 J2 13 14 15 16

Total 0/ Ward No. IV N.A. 256 1,377 667 62 4 370 78 273 710 70 7 480 367

Block No. 8 140 145 587 308 279 69 61 7 4 147 85 193 74 Block No. 9 116 128 790 402 388 1 I 333 285 174 4

Total 0/ Ward No. V N.A. 254 1,341 575 50 69 191 71 262 766 62 80 409 415

Block No. 10 254 262 1,341 766 575 62 50 80 69 409 191 415 71



Il III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion _------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 \9 2() 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38

70 1 4 589 21 82 J 14 .f4 9 137 14 45 343

115 16 82 69 .. .. 1 -. 20 9 31 " 13 21 3 205 II 5 1 .. 1 13 1 24 .. 105 1 1 24 1 228 384 9

J 60 11) 50.J 4 20 14 207 /06 55 8 351

~ 4 20 14 2)7 60 .. IJ6 " 55 10 351 504 10

Bh.3 21


0 ... 'tj n ,.. .J. 'V s ...... ~ r o; i• ~ _.,) u O""YII O~ ~ " ..(

Jr.III S OJ / a:: '" '".J i ~ :z:: :; 0 (J) 0 y :::) • It: .... UJ « <...J :z: a:~ CD .. \ ~ ..,«<2 ,_ .0\• o 0 u \ Q. ••1 => ...... _._. ~ ,_~ CJ« o ~ If) .. ~ 0 0 Z ~ I ::> 0- , ...J C; 1. s 1. 0 « ". J- 't\ TALUKA ANKLESVAR TALUKA ANKLESVAR URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town! ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (HX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds _------No. block Km,' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Total Km.' 17,173 97,297 47,666 1,938 17,683 14,509 9,225 414.9 17,989 49,631 1,975 18,247 '24,895 26,031 Acres (102,516-06)

Rural KIIl.2 12,279 71.077 34,884 1,567 15,418 8.685 8,159 405.9 13.011 36,193 ].592 15.969 16,415 19,435 Acres (100,292-31)

Urban Km,' 4.894 26,220 12,782 371 2,265 5,824 1,066 9.0 4,978 13,438 383 2,278 8,480 6,5%


1 Maded 4,080-21 589 597 3,482 1,817 1,665 131 146 795 721 771 339 979 278 2 Sajod 4,136-20 1,149 1,178 6,653 3,353 3,300 181 186 1,227 1,222 1,615 787 1,695 566 3 Pungam 898-07 236 238 1,221 637 584 14 22 405 365 254 102 357 1I 4 Haripura 1,020-07 57 61 32J' 167 154 10 10 103 91 69 28 102 59 5 Sakkarpor 2,265-06 380 408 2,145 1,104 1,04] 29 23 842 827 307 92 560 66

6 Diva 3,491-16 1,022 1,039 5,785 2,914 2,87] 98 73 989 990 1,5!5 960 1,511 746 7 Divi 810-]7 204 215 ],214 618 596 43 38 451 457 238 85 342 175 8 Surwadi 843-30 159 168 886, 463 423 129 111 167 165 177 48 256 121 9 Borbhatha 2,905-37 239 261 1,944 1,000 944 52 49 655 606 365 140 589 465 10 Borbhatha Bet * 281 320 1,987 1,008 979 4 4 198 188 521 170 553 196

11 Kansia 3,300-28 149 249 1,263 687 576 1 2 81 61 338 112 414 23 12 Chhapra 398-10 45 45 403 189 214 11 10 20 17 105 56 108 50 13 Mandvabuzarg 1,522-21 Uninhabited 14 Samor 1,125-17 265 270 1,449 736 713 32 27 493 481 275 105 406 219 15 Andada 2,025-03 49\ 655 3,398 1,860 1,538 83 72 840 769 745 308 1.173 416

16 Amrutpura 572-06 79 79 498 257 241 6 4 246 234 102 44 146 18

17 Motuli 436-22 51 68 363 182 181 " 134 138 53 11 106 80 18 Uchhali 1,121-14 122 122 497 2<,7 240 7 10 140 J2'l 110 31 14-l 50 19 SarangpL'r 1,357-26 132 135 695 356 339 38 26 143 155 183 74 193 f3 20 Gadkhol 1,575-08 180 185 1,013 516 497 3 6 187 204 284 149 27: 137

21 Ambo Ii 691-27 93 94 562 296 266 38 40 190 160 108 54 159 88 22 Boidara 1,437-06 166 167 891 454 437 17 23 196 203 195 89 227 110 23 Nangal ].153-33 184 187 I,OS4 516 538 17 20 199 199 317 200 2<'5 120 24 Kanwa 461-35 3:) 3~ 182 91 91 .. 70 72 32 14 46 14 25 Sarthan 2,018-25 162 l71 1,09]04' 561 532 5 5 180 175 261 141 279 67

26 Hajat 1,352-00 182 187 1.0'59 548 521 15 12 2Sl) 289 280 178 251 31 27 Ado! 2,414-17 202 212 1,076 554 522 39 34 187 181 287 137 296 86 28 Umarwada 4,124-07 335 338 1,9l7 937 980 51 42 437 491 418 285 492 260

29 Safipura 694--01 Uninhabited " 30 Kapodara 726-35 144 155 730 331 399 16 15 207 236 109 99 lES 142

31 Bhadkodara 1,746-24 92 97 530 283 247 41 48 102 93 137 57 J48 58 32 Piraman 2.585-09 276 279 1.449 826 623 77 54 321 251 509 159 378 165 ""l * InclUded in the area of Borbhatha Village,



n III IV V VI VII VIII IX Non­ Loca (a) (b) workers tion Code M F M F M F M F MFM FM FM F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 •

650 7,371 10 16 60 240 258 89 21 510 38,441 6,563 9, 7~9 226 1,306 596 1,565 - 824 2,237 ],047 1,908 23,600

624 7,012 2 4 21 177 202 24 4 89 26,725 6,264 9,480 173 425 408 592 575 451 389 678 16,758

26 359 8 12 39 63 56 65 17 421 1/,716 299 279 53 881 188 973 249 1,786 658 1,230 6)142

350 6 518 268 19 5 .. 23 .. 3 1 21 5 .. 34 3 838 1,387 1 602 23 821 531 4 33 1 59 1 13 .. 16 70 8 .. 69 9 J,658 2,734 2 81 8 240 3 4 9 1 4 4 4 .. 10 280 573 3 29 3 69 56 .. 1 1 .. 1 ., 1 .. 65 95 4 263 16 282 47 ] 1 1 4 1 8 2 544 975 5

460 38 671 672 8 72 58 2 82 18 16 46 23 " 75 16 10403 2,125 6 91 9 J95 160 14 3 3 13 2 8 5 4 9 1 276 421 7 45 4 91 85 10 2 20 2 85 27 1 2 1 1 I .. 207 ~02 8 103 20 447 441 4 2 16 2 1 3 7 1 5 2 411 479 9 218 30 137 149 7 3 3 23 .. 21 15 25 2 90 " 26 455 783 10

101 6 283 14 1 4 .. 3 " 2 3 9 2 7 .. 273 553 11 35 5 12 5 2 2 47 39 1 4 5 1 81 164 12

...... Uninhabited " " " J3 73 17 296 199 .. 1 .. .. 8 8 2 2 .. 19 330 494 14 178 20 411 246 27 9 32 3 137 91 272 47 29 34 " 44 9 687 11,22 15

33 5 104 11 1 1 2 3 4 111 223 16 30 4 57 76 14 3 1 1 of •• 76 101 17 , 39 1 97 49 1 4 .. 1 '0 •• 1 . .. J 113 190 18 64 4 73 77 1 4 3 1 27 1 2 1 9 9 .. ]63 256 19 78 17 115 ]16 9 29 2 5 1 30 9 3 239 360 20

65 8 76 80 2 10 .. .. 1 5 137 178 21 56 6 128 104 6 20 8 1 6 ., .. 227 327 22 ]25 15 113 100 4 10 3 4 2 2 7 251 418 23 14 31 14 ...... 1 45 77 24 129 21 98 46 39 1 1 4 3 4 282 465 25

82 13 97 16 2 46 4 3 2 " 14 2 297 490 26 137 13 114 '70 1 21 5 " 2 3 3 " 10 3 258 436 27 152 14 286 246 24 2 .. 1 " 3 3 14 7 .. 445 720 28 Uninhabited " " 29 48 18 129 124 2 2 7 " 143 257 30

60 4 62 49 4 " 5 7 5 1 4 .. 5 .. 135 189 31 81 9 122 138 1 20 1 32 3 1 17 55 J 46 16 443 458 32


Name of Area ----- village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including In,titutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of anJ HO~lseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- I-Iouse- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential :101ds -_.--_.------_.------~- No. block Km.· Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

33 Jitali 3,266-18 406 407 2,031 965 1,066 15 15 472 508 439 303 529 286 34 Dadhal 599-05 ::41 252 1,396 718 678 5 2 338 300 337 225 404 154 35 Kararvel 1,768-05 308 308 762 397 365 II 9 178 174 181 82 226 26 36 Avadar 1,215-17 123 129 681 371 310 7 5 224 179 165 63 231 165 37 Piprod 637-35 45 46 270 136 134 78 81 51 17 79 38

38 Pardimokha 526-22 52 53 317/\ .., 145 172 44 54 74 21 84 14 39 Sangpor 3,345--07 273 174 1,585 844 741 15 15 532 461 318 147 497 281 40 Kosamadi 3,634-10 368 387 2,132 1,050 1,082 21 31 465 447 445 323 543 321 41 Bakrol 1,821-35 103 J()6 568 284 284 32 22 13fi 139 125 44 128 73 42 Sanjali 985-33 138 138 670 344 326 18 19 lL6 125 183 108 191 84

43 Alonj 1,400-30 153 159 968 473 495 3 5 216 208 257 203 244 47 44 Piludara 1,659-20 101 103 615 311 304 12 12 160 166 115 58 157 72 45 Telva 935-02 68 71 450 218 232 2 3 67 64 108 66 108 40 46 Motwan 1,061-32 53 53 323 169 154 7 7 69 55 102 40 88 35 47 Pardi Tdris 1,833-26 146 155 272 432 440 10 20 189 181 185 97 232 139

48 Adadara 920-18 59 70 371 187 184 .. 130 121 71 31 96 70 49 Sisodara 3,603-22 269 269 1,474 760 714 55 51 220 207 379 230 408 78 50 Utiadara 2,488-14 119 128 672 327 345 4 5 140 155 ]50 98 !67 111 51 Karmali 610-14 101 101 582 293 289 .. 131 135 132 89 146 74 52 Ravidra 1,677-00 204 212 1,229 601 628 30 44 ]92 200 290 238 329 ]54

53 Panoli 3,298-10 478 509 2,826 1,413 ],413 81 86 563 556 689 435 705 361 54 Kharod 2,799-15 354 378 1,951 935 i,016 21 29 331 319 418 369 467 278 55 Bhadi 1,957-21 240 243 1,216 594 622 5 R 124 228 337 275 321 97 56 Bharan 3,915-00 186 246 1,346 708 638 50 67 203 186 184 69 415 26] \\ (, URBAN AREAS

Anklesvar 4,89<1 26,220 12,782 37J 2,265 5,824 1,066 Town Agglomeration N.A. 4,978 13,438 383 2,278 8,480 6,596

16/IlJ (i) Anklesvar M. Km.· 4,604 24)114 12,099 353 2,183 5,467 1,043 9.00 4,671 1?,715 371 2,185 7,996 6,242

Total of Ward No. I N.A. 830 4,183 2,048 141 284 1,025 138 838 2,/35 144 296 1,455 1,038

Block No. 1 108 116 586 320 266 120 118 57 50 189 73 139 29 Block No. 2 104 104 496 263 233 20 24 205 122 132 ]2 Block No. 3 92 92 474 228 246 .. 184 167 112 10 Block No. 4 85 85 523 253 270 7 9 IR5 160 114 11 Block No. 5 98 98 473 234 239 3 J 176 142 122 12

Block No. 6 197 ]97 883 449 434 .. 372 299 226 27 Block No. 7 146 146 748 388 360 24 23 209 198 144 62 193 37

Total of Ward No. 11 N.A. 631 3,182 1,568 17 1,043 44 632 1,614 5 26 1,301 781

Block No.8 119 118 727 373 354 264 190 155 8 Block No.9 93 96 443 223 220 18 17 175 142 114 14 Block No. 10 91 91 447 237 210 207 140 114 3 26 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M F MFMFM F MFM F M F No.

17 18 19 20 ~I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

J15 14 3.38 269 4 J 14 3 1 14 ~ 25 436 780 CD 3.3 138 14 195 ]38 2 7 8 2 I 15 15 21 314 524, 34

] Ij 5 106 21 00 I 1 3 .. 2 .. 171 339 35 64 ]0 162 155 .. .. 1 I I 2 .. 140 145 36 32 32 38 9 1 I 2 I 1 57 96 37

53 I 23 13 .. 5 I ., o. 1 1 .. 6] 15R 3g 166 14 301 265 1 9 I I 3 .. .. 16 ] 347 460 39 151 ]4 295 306 1 ]4 36 .. 4 3 11 5 .. 23 1 507 761 ~O

45 6 68 67 00 . . 4 .. 1 4 2 4 .. 156 211 41

57 ]3 93 68 00 2 6 00 1 6 17 9 3 1.53 242 42

13.3 7 ]07 40 1 o. I .. 229 448 43 ] 53 6 85 65 3 2 3 .. 10 • 0 1~4 232 44 46 7 36 31 6 16 .. 2 1 ] I .. 110 192 45 41 I 39 34 3 1 . . 1 .. .. 3 81 119 46 86 ]1 120 126 1 3 ]2 4 1 6 200 301 47

45 7 49 63 .. ] ...... 9 1 114 48 209 ]2 165 64 00 10 00 1 3 5 .. 15 2 352 636 49 99 8 55 103 1 .0 1 3 7 I .. 160 234 50 58 2 79 72 .. I 4 1 ., 3 o. 147 215 51 133 ]4 155 138 .. 3 4 8 1 9 4 .. 12 I 272 474 52

177 29 316 317 1 19 10 o' 34 46 6 37 24 41 6 708 1,052 53 141 30 222 240 11 I 13 5 6 4 2 38 8 23 I 468 73~ 54 ]45 15 159 82 5 . . 1 11 00 273 525 'i5 ]32 27 105 105 9 8 .. 154 125 1 6 4 293 .377 56

26 359 8 12 39 63 56 65 17 421 11.716 29!1 279 53 881 188 973 249 1,786 654 1,230 6,842

26 359 8 8 39 63 54 63 17 406 n,056 1611I1 296 279 53 706 188 964 236 1,769 564 1,187 6,473

4 24 2 8 4 15 7 74 /,910 79 69 4 /56 3 176 45 ]97 70 239 1,097

22 14 6 3 13 .. 25 .. 9 14 3 12 5 27 13 181 237 I 23 2 2 1 15 1 32 I I) 18 I 7 .. 27 6 131 221 2 8 19 17 I 4 31 2 6 27 7 J16 236 3 15 5 8 00 21 16 .. 4 21 1 16 16 I 139 259 4 7 4 .. 22 18 1 2 34 3 4 35 4 112 227 5

8 2 55 o. 31 3 8 46 o. 14 .. 64 22 223 407 6 3 4] 4 00 11 1 2 37 2 12 3 33 5 II 1 43 21 195 323 7

8 2 2 91 29 1,524 56 5 1.53 19 91 27 258 34 138 833

31 1 33 9 43 .. 9 29 8 218 346 8 2 5 8 .. 31 2 12 5 28 ] :11 18 5 ]09 206 9 2S 28 4 10 5 15 7 20 . 3 123 207 10 27 TALUKA ANKLESVAR URBAN BLOCK/VfLLAGEWISE

Name of Area ---- village /town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi. No.of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of townl ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km." Houses p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 11 82 81 471 237 234 5 8 202 173 114 6 Block No. 12 101 101 601 305 296 268 20~ 163 3 Block No. 13 145 145 493 239 254 185 195 121 10

T(JJal of Ward No. 111 N.A. 713 3,844 1,869 14 381 754 /96 727 I,G75 /(i 4/0 1,132 949

Block No. 14 112 112 573 285 288 .. 4 4 112 73 129 19 Block No. 15 84 84 545 279 266 4 9 211 1~4 114 10 Block i'lo. 16 184 184 935 480 455 2 151 143 244 161 232 21 Block No. 17 85 85 489 251 238 47 27 181 136 117 21 Block No. 18 88 90 480 255 225 .. 215 174 107 8 Block No. 19 160 172 822 425 397 4 5 208 207 169 66 250 117

Total of Ward No. IV N.A. 474 2,756 1,362 16 713 68 476 1,394 /7 2 1,001 682

Block No. 20 110 80 429 217 212 164 113 103 7 Block No, 21 137 137 802 416 386 .. 344 278 212 14 Block No. 22 104 104 642 318 324 5 4 2 227 163 159 24 Block No. 23 153 155 883 443 440 12 12 266 159 208 23

Total of Ward No. V N ..4. 668 3,291 1,589 83 750 41 226 669 1,702 83 727 716 904

Block No. 24 169 175 878 459 419 24 39 J76 163 209 118 211 31 Block No. 25 180 175 763 409 354 30 25 222 226 146 43 244- 48 Block No. 26 127 124 629 2'15 334 23 18 42 61 204 217 137 19 Block No. 27 87 87 429 233 196 ., 97 90 92 42 139 27 Block No. 28 105 108 592 306 286 6 1 190 210 65 11 173 101

TOlal of Ward No. VI N.A. 676 3,761 1,841 3 424 777 241 709 1,920 398 1,170 988 Block No. 31 107 115 595 300 295 3 166 177 89 49 161 48 Block No. 3'2 103 107 548 306 242 ., 214 110 140 5 Block No. 33 155 156 773 400 373 5 9 ~25 226 216 7 Block No. 34 69 81 426 199 227 169 154 93 ., Block No. 35 ]47 152 758 378 380 227 238 Jl9 64 228 173 Block No. 36 95 98 661 337 324 254 174 150 8

Talalof Ward No. VII N.A. 612 3,7Y; 1,822 96 327 724 130 620 1,975 III 326 1,221 900 Block No. 37 164 165 830 429 401 71 81 286 ]99 218 46 Block No. 38 82 82 603 335 268 258 140 171 2 Block No. 39 61 66 530 273 257 2 2 190 132 111 ] Block No. 40 92 92 548 279 269 35 49 138 58 121 18 Block No.4] 93 94 622 306 316 .. 205 157 lZl 17 Block No. 42 120 121 664 353 311 111 96 218 195 144 38 158 46 (ii) Anklesvar O.G. N ..4. 290 307 1,406 723 683 12 18 93 82 484 357 354 23 Ward No. 00 N.A. 290 307 1,406 723 683 12 18 93 82 484 357 354 23 Block No. 29 119 133 662 338 324 10 ]2 85 75 220 140 164 13 Block No. 30 171 174 744 385 359 2 6 8 7 264 217 190 10 Anklesvar Village • ],038-05

* This area has been (Deluded in rural area of the Taluka. 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


u III IV V VI VII VlII IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion Code M F M F M F M F M FMFMFM F M F M F M P No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

25 10 5 9 47 18 2 123 228 11 7 7 16 2 .. 102 .. 4 " 25 3 142 293 12 4 46 11 6 23 J 3 .. 28 8 118 244 13

3 12 6 6 17 23 17 5 107 1,673 5 11 7 86 39 196 27 266 122 190 1,026

2 11 15 4 19 51 4 27 15 156 269 14 1 15 3 15 6 1 .. 46 .. 9 .. 24 4 165 256 15 1 1 3 2 .. 15 47 1 3 J 79 2 11 .. 73 14 248 434 16 3 2 3 6 .. 7 J2 35 1 4 I 26 1 8 .. 19 10 134 217 17 .. .. 14 20 2 20 1 32 3 3 .. 17 3 148 217 18 3 4 7 6 24 4 4 64 9 J4 21 64 11 40 1 30 61 175 280 19

:1 25 9 5 26 1,294 16 J 69 71 98 20 296 40 7J 712

.. .. IS 16 3 2S .. ] 30 4 6 .. 10 lJ4 205 20 4 1 28 20 4 13 2 2 119 1 9 .. 16 6 204 37'2 21 8 1 11 22 7 29 6 4 63 6 .. 16 9 159 300 22 4 15 13 11 31 I 13 84 19 .. 29 11 235 417 23

1 91 1 2 6 25 12 13 2 73 1,36 'I 9 60 22 54 25 156 41 96 185 256 798

3 .. 10 9 9 7 2 22 7 85 .. 71 17 248 388 24 306 25 4 " 14 12 3 16 2 6 .. 85 15 13 22 2 32 I 49 16 165 2 1 5 11 2 1 2 .. 11 1 4 .. 99 17 158 315 26 27 ," " .. IS 14 1 22 2 5 9 16 1 56 .. 10 14 94 169 41 79 4 3 7 6 39 I 19 3 25 2 8 1 27 9 133 185 28

1 168 3 6 7 1 55 1,600 43 50 6 J08 2., 134 52 363 50 159 932 2 10 34 Z 10 13 .. 23 1 16 6 .. 78 13 139 247 31 1 .. 1 27 19 .• 28 36 15 .. 13 5 166 237 32 22 1 42 6 28 82 3 6 .. 25 3 184 366 33 2 7 8 3 54 7 12 106 227 34 12 39 134 4 8 3 .. 42 .. 13 5 83 2 10 I 14 31 ]50 207 35 4 14 3 I 14 2 92 2 6 .. 17 3 ]87 316 36

14 56 I '2 2 7 4 I 42 1,692 88 84 13 80 8 113 24 293 63 134 1,075 12 .. 30 40 39 2 28 .. 6 54 15 31 4 211 355 37 28 1 1 1 2 28 I .. 99 .. 5 7 .. 164 266 38 16 2 .. 13 66 1 9 5 .. 162 256 39 16 3 18 14 6 10 1 .. 11 .. 1 42 1 6 .. 10 " 158 251 40 1 5 25 1 11 .. 21 4 185 299 41 14 9 1 " 24 2 1 19 2 1 35 1 4 1 6 1 I 14 .. 12 7 7 1 17 .. 60 34 195 265 42 3 175 4 9 .. 13 2 17 2 94 ... 43 15 369 660 3 175 4 9 .. 13 2 17 2 94 .. 43 15 369 660 3 19 .. 6 .. 10 13 2 83 .. 30 10 174 311 29 156 4 3 3 4 11 .. t3 5 195 349 30

Bh-4 29


~ .. i .. o:! ..~

~ 0 0 ..J ~ :! .. 0 E~: .... us .~~~. ZIII <-C ::t: ::t: "'U O~ '", Z< O:z: .% i=CI ... U;Z 0- 0 a. .. '", • 0'"... Z~ ; ..... i 0 :z: (/) (J ';:) Z .e l- .c ~ « :r: 0:: J: IU ~..., ::) ...J l- Co) e) « CI: ::I: I- ." « Q ~ '0., _ 0 no MAHAL HANSOT MAHAL HAN SOT URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWIS'E

Name of Area viDage/town of Total Population ---- agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi. No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of townl ed Rest. House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.a Houses p M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 ~ 4 S () 1 & '} 10 \l 12 n 14 15 16


Total Km.· 7,809 45,231 22,461 1,832 6,289 7.643 4,998 398.8 M,254 22,770 1.753 6,525 12,625 11,648 Acres (~,541-30)

Rural Km. 2 6,.'175 37,595 /8,683 1.657 5,736 5.914 4,47() 382.6 6,752 /8,912 1,586 5.887 10,343 9,866 Acres (94,531-13)

Urban Km.· 1,434 7,636 3,778 175 553 1,729 528 /6.2 1,472 3,858 167 638 2,282 1,782


1 Vansnoli 697-37 48 52 333 167 166 22 ]5 62 70 75 31 66 11 2 Pardi 1,576--OS 92 95 561 271 290 77 81 74 90 132 43 123 50 3 Ambheta 2,369-05 142 145 838 418 420 3 3 158 172 179 91 205 169 4 Utraj 1,464-34 107 110 698 367 331 40 42 184 176 127 73 195 30 5 Ganpatpara 2,628-17 Uninhabited

6 Shera 1,863-01 124 133 765 394 371 9 7 176 164 242 122 198 127 7 Mothia 1,438-28 106 106 592 277 315 28 35 93 ]]0 174 106 142 77 8 Digas 2,148-17 167 168 970 505 465 60 ~2 190 162 273 170 272 96 9 Mangrol 900-30 87 90 527 253 274 24 25 127 142 125 72 148 100 10 Kalam 1,105·-17 Q3 93 595 291 304 42 53 11 I 104 123 78 159 44

11 Asta 1,922-22 124 144 789 407 382 76 78 144 145 222 112 227 120 12 Alva 987-39 53 55 321 156 165 ., J 93 97 55 28 95 88 13 Sayan 2,643-0} 204 212 1,263 667 596 23 20 223 208 339 141 328 105 14 Badodara 1,142-28 128 136 740 354 386 53 58 70 75 216 128 187 33 15 Katpor 13,327-20 320 326 1,851 909 942 49 66 217 233 545 315 446 136

16 Dantrai 1.301-15 110 123 689 362 327 13 14 167 136 167 91 182 106 17 Malanpor 1,265-19 72 75 459 230 229 31 44 128 110 96 58 124 91 18 Rayma 1,666·-26 146 147 73J 369 362 26 41 132 122 187 115 209 26 19 Vainer 2,823-13 237 246 1,378 669 709 29 37 247 274 310 188 394 211 20 Kudadara 1.173-23 76 SO 494 233 261 41 43 lOS 118 108 82 121 6l)

2! Rohid 1,538-00 169 181 1,04:) 542 498 39 33 189 174 295 176 300 166 22 Kathodara 1,2l'0-14 94 115 689 330 359 18 16 106 125 178 103 179 106 23 Ghodadara 1,619··22 137 166 888 450 438 39 33 150 163 226 126 261 135 24 Pandavai 969-29 92 94 539 281 258 3 3 69 68 165 79 ]62 9& 25 Dungra 958-35 74 87 459 236 223 35 24 35 30 118 81 138 5-l

26 Parvat 1,876-25 125 137 760 378 332 25 21 165 162 1(4 93 207 125 27 Sunevkalla 2,965-04 244 256 1,352 683 679 % 43 223 222 351 222 354 127 28 Aniadara 908-24 99 102 553 277 276 34 25 62 58 164 121 136 113 29 Bolav 1,045-28 81 83 507 247 260 10 11 4S 52 171 ]13 131 39 30 Vaghwan 1,660-24 96 119 588 292 296 66 84 107 94 158 116 164 109

31 Chhilodara 1,205-02 61 66 386 189 197 15 15 7 II 142 96 87 22 32 Jelpor 982-25 62 68 406 231 175 12 14 161 113 81 20 121 ]0 33 Vamleshwar 2,395--00 127 134 713 348 365 17 27 45 45 234 123 147 80 34 Kantiajal 6.411-28 226 231 1,227 604 623 9 9 90 100 427 230 313 137 3S Samli 1,246-32 142 14g 735 374 361 17 14 39 35 255 128 176 lOS 32 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tioD Code M F ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

595 4,116 16 17 28 44 32 17 1 132 17,463 4,S4!1 4,656 241 92 289 422 138 401 158 711 11,122

567 3,705 15 17 19 34 31 14 68 14,213 4,262 4,221 175 63 208 127 94 191 74 451 9,046

28 411 1 9 10 1 3 I 64 3,250 278 435 66 29 81 295 44 210 84 260 2,076

32 3 24 7 3 3 ] .. 3 ]0\ 155 I 40 2 27 39 4 .. 2 .. 45 9 1 4 " 148 240 2 68 66 43 92 56 11 1 6 " 13 8 .. 10 .. 213 251 3 36 1 144 29 1 4 3 7 .. 172 30t 4 Uninhabited .. S

61 14 95 110 8 5 9 4 3 2 4 7 2 196 244 6 54 16 80 60 4 .. 2 1 ]3S 238 7 106 3 141 87 4 3 4 1 3 1 .. 10'" 5 233 369 8 4\ 97 ]00 .. 7 1 2 .. 105 174 9 50 2 103 42 3 2 I .. 132 260 10

S7 134 120 " 5 " 180 262 11 25 10 69 77 .. .. I 1 61 77 12 168 15 142 87 1 .. 2 2 1 .. 14 1 339 491 13 78 96 33 3 2 I 2 5 167 353 14 25& 23 116 leS ]5 ]S 3 4 5 .. 30 5 463 806 }5

70 12 81 80 •. .. .. •• 16 13 .. 14 180 221 ]6 34 5 77 83 1 4 3 6 ~ . . . " " 2 .. ]06 138 ,: 17 86 1 113 24 .. .. \ 1 2 1 1 5 160 336 ft 18 144 9 224 200 " 1 II 2 .... 5 7 2 275 498 19 35 72 57 1 6 2 .. 2 5 t 1 J2 201 20

103 19 158 141 .. 2 14 4 6 2 2 3 .. 10 2 242 332 21 8. 6 84 100 .. 1 .. 3 1 3 6 IS] 253 72 102 5 140 128 ] I 5 1 4 7 2 189 303 23 58 5 96 93 1 1 ...... 1 5 .. ]19 ]60 24 55 2 75 5: 1 1 J 1 2 2 ] 98 169 25

87 14 111 111 " ] 2 .. 5 .. 171 257 . 26 146 14 170 111 9 7 3 .. 18 2 329 552 ~. 27 86 12 38 99 2 .. " I 9 2 141 163 28 7f) 2 35 36 I 2 .. 3 .. 11 I 116 22l 29 61 9 84 98 " 7 4 1 I 4 1 128 187 30

68 10 7 J2 .. .. 10 .. 102 175 31 5) 5 69 5 .. " 2 .. 110 165 32 89 18 32 58 7 3 1 2 2 j 2 .. 11 1 201 285 33 18G 66 5: 68 42 2 7 2 4 3 .. 17 1 291 486 34 119 62 26 42 I 4 .. 4 2 .. 20 1 198 256 35 33 MAHAL HANSOT URBAN BLOCK/VlLLAGEWISE

Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of townJ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

36 Ankalva 2,671-25 90 90 513 266 247 19 24 53 40 ]72 87 150 29 37 Dhamrad 2,573-15 170 176 915 466 449 57 59 83 84 295 177 218 69 38 Sunevkhurd 1,821-34 211 256 1,369 687 682 48 66 130 115 341 173 349 120 39 Balota 3,253-30 173 176 1,050 523 527 58 54 ' 80 83 318 199 287 87 40 IIav 3,510-36 521 593 2,958 1,474 1,484 162 143 473 453 858 538 798 428

41 Sahol 1,302-06 145 147 797 427 370 18 20 135 117 176 59 215 127 42 Asarma 1,383-33 128 130 739 374 365 28 24 -. 73 82 238 138 185 50 43 Obha 2,451-26 238 246 1,251 639 612 64 72 167 ISS 375 213 324 111 44 Panjroli 1,487-08 189 189 1,059 528 531 20 20 283 256 268 165 298 153 45 Amod 720-15 72 72 456 240 216 22 20 57 56 140 83 103 57

46 Kharach 1,843 13 172 184 1.042 527 515 69 73 159 135 318 211 242 133


16/lV Mansot Km.' 1,434 7,636 3,778 175 553 1,729 28 16.23 1,472 3,858 167 638 2,282 1,782

Total of Ward No. I N.A. 334 1,656 798 23 133 374 76 363 858 17 167 557 419

Block No. 1 9} 99 542 274 268 .. 112 98 133 104 ]43 37 Block No. 2 114 116 532 27S 257 1 3 2 4 225 ]76 129 12 Block No. 3 129 148 582 309 273 16 20 53 31 199 94 147 27

Total of Ward No. II N.A. 411 1,904 914 18 132 460 184 418 990 35 157 642 486

Block No. 4 150 156 639 35} 288 30 13 152 127 136 54 195 121 Block No. 5 143 143 694 354 340 " 277 220 ISS 32 Block No. 6 1]8 119 571 285 286 5 5 S 5 229 186 136 3]

Total of Ward No. III N.A. 218 1,250 639 316 41 219 611 1 450 235

Block No. 7 82 82 427 215 212 172 123 83 13 Block No. S 92 93 533 2S6 277 1 178 131 97 18 Block No. 9 44 44 290 140 150 100 62 55 5

Total of Ward No. 1V N.A. 172 1,070 578 65 240 33 172 492 55 ] 371 208

Block No. 10 82 82 537 263 274 55 6S 200 113 118 11 Block No. 11 90 90 533 229 304 171 127 90 22

Total of Ward No. V N.A. 299 1,756 849 69 288 539 194 300 907 60 3]2 262 434

Block No. 12 86 86 485 242 243 60 69 117 117 71 22 137 119 Block No. 13 110 111 714 374 340 -4 4 1 J9 274 166 16 Block No. 14 ]03 103 557 291 266 191 167 72 43 131 S9



II III IV V VI VII VIII IX x Non­ Loca­ ------(a) (b) workers tion M F M ------Code F M F M F MFMFM FM F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

104 2 41 27 .. 124 J " 4 116 118 36 10 67 57 11 1 .. 208 17 2 2 ]2 1 248 380 37 78 83 3 17 14 3 .. 4 1 6 2 .. 27 6 338 562 38 172 5 86 81 1 .. 4 185 29 1 5 1 17 1 236 440 39 335 339 6 62 12 65 32 24 2 49 18 S4 13 676 1,056 40

74 20 95 106 19 112 4 " 3 3 6 5 6 .. 212 243 41 to 59 38 2 2 1 1 9 189 315 42 180 15 109 1 .. 95 1 10 .. 1 1 3 J 18 1 315 501 43 114 13 163 138 a 40 " 6 .. 3 " 1 1 8 2 230 378 44 1 50 56 •• 1 5 1 6.. 137 159 45 104 14 83 97 5 6 .. 3 " IS 11 4 3 19 10 285 382 45

28 411 1 9 10 1 3 1 64 3,250 16jIV 278 435 66 29 81 295 44 210 84 260 2,076

6 46 24 2 2 2 18 722 66 23 5 35 38 17 86 25 100 439 3 .. 45 33 23 1 15 11 2 18 .. 3 22 2 131 231 1 9 1 4 1 .. 12 3 3 .. 13 4 53 1 8 .. 32 9 146 245 2 S 17 12 .. 1 17 1 14 1 11 15 1 14 .. 46 7 162 246 3

7 125 2 4 1 1 44 730 66 142 4 27 84 10 52 8 93 504

12 116 102 " ., 8 .. 31 4 1 6 3 18 14 156 167 4 39 S 10 15 .. 1 ]5 19.. 4 26 2 .. 39 12 199 308 5 15 2 16 8 .. 3 4 2 34 5 1 20 3 36 18 149 255 6

8 27 5 1 598 96 34 1 11 6 12 9 29 11 26 376

29 4 11 13 .. 4 3 6 5 II 3 11 .. 132 194 7 41 4 18 12 1 4 2 2 5 1 12 4 .. 9 .. 159 259 8 26 5 2 .. 3 1 3 J 3 6 4 .. 6 .. 85 145 9

5 26 2 545 76 38 7 5 2 8 26 14 32 284

48 1 36 10 .. 2 5 12 3 .• 11 .. 145 263 10 28 4 2 16 .. S 5 .. 2 3 14 11 11 .. 139 282 11

2 187 1 1 1 2 655 16 155 41 2 8 159 17 26 9 473

~ 4 100 119 " 24 5 2 ._. l .. 105 124 12 6 1 6 11 8 -1 4 126 1 4 1 9 2 1 208 324 13 6 1 49 57 34 1 4 " 9 8 15 .~ 5 1 160 207 14


TALUKA VAGRA ..'" o '"

8 v Q o

-.... 0'... -.. ~ 01.,.."

< :r 0:: CJ C) \.!) 11(~ 1-< :t. C' <> «I a: 9 ... V'J 'v' .1\ ~< (.) J ? ::>~ a: J- .:J 0 eJ=:> II) .J < 0 J- -",.. o_ '" TALUKA VAGRA


Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Hotlseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

·4 VAGRA TALUKA Total Km.' 10,762 65,037 31,529 2,157 8,336 7,719 5,292 883·5 11,608 33,508 2,301 8,583 17,054 18,248 (Acres 218,303-01)

Rural Km.' 10,762 65.037 31,529 2,157 8,336 7,719 5,292 883·5 11,608 33,508 2,301 8,583 17,054 18,248 (Acres 218,303-0/ ) Urban


I Gandhar 16,372-23 185 197 1,133 606 527 14 17 90 82 289 65 359 145 2 Muler 3,568-39 122 143 839 424 415 10 7 53 62 145 53 211 17 3 Paldi 1,982-25 84 89 530 276 254 14 16 50 48 102 37 157 31 4 Chanchvel 7,225-01 331 354 2,163 1,122 1,041 73 66 176 171 625 268 589 212 5 Padadalpor 963-04 14 14 94 47 47 5 6 19 13 15 11 30 15

6 Badalpura 1,479-26 65 63 406 203 203 9 9 91 99 100 40 110 67 7 Vinchhiad 1,173-19 85 87 433 221 212 27 36 83 98 97 49 140 61 l! Khadkhandali 277-17 17 17 95 45 50 5 3 10 19 12 2 29 21 9 Ora 2,224-34 209 216 1,190 612 578 46 45 146 152 301 149 333 101 10 Vachhnad 1,471-26 93 98 567 282 285 27 25 85 90 173 89 163 65

11 Rahad 1,792-25 146 169 904 465 439 19 35 233 210 270 127 261 122 12 Vastikhandali 1.328-24 186 186 1,21::5 648 637 17 17 113 JlO 379 185 329 86 13 Vagra 3,744-15 864 890 4,778 2,460 2,318 123 94 553 493 1,303 7')6 1,306 454 14 Sachan 1,528-10 121 123 686 329 357 29 23 118 135 168 90 181 102 15 Pabaj 3.368-13 343 381 1,969 1,000 969 53 46 134 147 573 231 526 163

16 Ochchhan 3,557--00 236 238 1,206 609 597 ]2 12 232 238 3]4 149 316 29 17 Keshwan 4,936-12 259 262 1,455 728 727 57 50 226 244 352 211 406 69 18 Trankal 1,828-02 97 105 555 277 278 73 81 92 89 93 30 168 80 19 Aladar 5,363--06 91 94 535 285 250 31 18 72 64 129 29 165 9 20 Goladara 2,079-18 108 111 (44 343 301 12 10 58 58 190 58 161 ]7'3

21 Ambhel 2,541--07 III 125 696 369 327 33 26 107 94 170 75 198 24 22 Limadi 1,874-31 76 79 505 268 237 19 15 37 41 153 64 137 29 23 Kalam 2,459-25 ?.Il 215 1,308 653 655 79 70 179 174 355 199 322 52 24 Mosam 2,092-04 124 ]24 713 376 337 15 10 80 85 210 71 199 33 25 Sutrel 1,442-34 120 132 721 375 :>46 40 32 91 104 247 102 208 70

26 Pisad 1,520-19 88 ]01 560 295 265 35 31 76 64 158 54 145 23 27 Saran 2,454-23 163 214 1,236 627 609 40 47 216 201 269 153 ~S3 38 28 luned 1,237-36 58 58 288 157 131 6 ]] 54 45 85 37 101 3] 29 Ankot 1,393-36 96 104 563 284 279 23 24 45 38 ](;3 61 156 63 30 Saladara 1,406-28 141 158 910 427 483 33 51 121 138 258 150 238 115

31 Aragama 1,640-18 115 124 713 356 357 19 19 110 105 196 109 179 90 32 V~ra Sumni 1,345-31 289 337 2,246 1,173 1,073 41 38 230 194 703 405 644 100 33 Vilayat 4,127-10 301 331 1,635 821 814 44 34 319 285 397 174 459 267 34 Bhersam 3,544-35 229 271 1,427 735 692 34 28 371 344 314 174 422 240 35 Sayakha 3,873-30 168 IE4 922 483 439 41 38 224 190 186 95 271 112 38 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


I n III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non- Loca· (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M PM FM--- PIM FM FM FMF ----M FMF M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3!l 1

285 4,714 so 1 13 56 64 6 2 101 26,237 7,694 8,117 252 375 234 133 536 ]69 738 15,260

185 4,714 50 1 13 56 64 6 2 101 26,237 7,694 8,117 252 375 234 /33 536 169 738 15,260

136 2 137 122 43 21 6 .. 13 1 .. 9 1 .. 13 247 382 1 ~67 114 14 5 5 1 .. 10 3 5 1 3 213 398 2 84 3 65 28 5 .. 1 2 119 223 3 256 4 267 207 6 10 1 7 .. 11 2 " 30 533 829 4 8 22 IS " 17 32 5

36 68 66 3 .. 2 93 136 6 42 1 94 60 " 1 1 2 81 151 7 9 20 21 .. .. ., ., 16 29 8 145 9 152 91 5 " 9 1 3 3 .. 3 1 .. 12 279 477 9 78 10 70 52 2 1 2 .. 2 2 2 4 3 119 220 10

71 2 168 120 4 3 " 2 .. .. 4 1 8 204 317 11 136 2 '130 82 4 5 .. 8 3 .. 18 8 17 2 319 551 12 214 9 554 428 11 97 1 40 .. 12 .. 183 1 35 .. 160 15 1,154 1,864 13 56 3 118 99 .. 1 1 1 1 .. 3 " 148 255 14 262 6 220 156 4 8 2 .. 11 4 .. }5 1 474 806 15

125 5 162 23 3 8 2 2 .. 14 293 ;68 16 170 193 67 1 5 4 " 12 4 .. 17 2 322 658 17 68 3 89 77 " 2 1 6 2 109 198 18 98 3 56 6 2 1 4 4 120 241 19 125 13 26 4 .. 5 1 4 182 284 20

96 2 93 22 .. 3 .. . . 3 3 171 303 21 78 52 29 .. 1 1 2 3 131 208 22 148 5 157 47 J 3 1 .. 12 331 603 23 87 " 107 33 ., " .. 5 177 304 24 70 4 III 66 I 2 . , 1 1 .. 12 167 276 25

57 I 79 22 .. 2 .. . . 6 150 242 26 118 3 212 8 6 2 .. 5 9 27 274 571 27 53 47 31 .. 1 56 100 28 67 3 81 60 2 2 .. 1 3 128 216 29 89 3 122 110 1 5 1 4 3 .. 13 2 189 368 30

37 109 88 7 2 1 4 " 3 8 3 7 177 267 31 352 3 244 93 2 4 3 .. .. 11 6 . . 22 4 529 973 32 154 11 266 251 4 9 3 ... 1 8 .. 4 .. 12 1 362 S47 33 138 20 259 219 2 3 .. 7 2 1 1 .. 10 .. 313 452 34 99 157 112 .. 3 .. .. 12 . . 212 327 3S 39 TALUKA VAGRA URBAN BLOCKjVILLAGEWISE

Name of Area ---- village /town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institl:tional Literate and Loca- tion/townl in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------_------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

36 Kothia 1,511-36 101 130 613 320 293 37 28 134 141 140 62 165 34 37 Vahiyal 4.515-29 249 270 1,304 668 636 55 50 242 266 364 171 362 172 38 Pipalia 1,158-39 25! 255 1,291 661 630 26 14 172 176 350 220 392 32 39 Pakhajan 4,155-14 252 260 1,359 711 648 70 69 143 151 417 212 374 60 40 Nadarkha 1,309-32 64 70 406 214 192 26 24 35 30 109 45 124 ]2

4] Narnavi 1,648-00 92 103 617 309 308 35 29 62 66 159 66 ]59 16 42 Paniadara ]0,241-22 ]8] 186 1,142 610 532 34 25 156 ]41 181 49 340 102 43 Harinagar 1,166-25 Uninhabited .. 44 Padaria ],332-38 63 64 461 239 222 8 9 44 39 143 52 146 ] I 45 Kadodara 3,274-27 246 248 1,437 733 704 22 28 161 ]64 228 113 420 1]9

46 Sambheti 867-14 52 57 328 174 154 ]\ <) 17 ]4 89 ::'4 91 3 47 laniadara 2,560-31 139 158 771 389 382 15 n 128 121 11:4 ]22 209 98 48 Akhod 2,131-37 92 103 558 297 261 45 38 60 62 141 44 158 56 49 Nandida 3,014-24 145 156 814 418 396 42 39 107 118 237 ] 10 223 57 50 Sadathala ],089-]8 64 70 347 177 170 26 29 64 66 86 31 ]08 61

5) Khojbal 3,029-36 187 232 1,242 645 597 27 26 233 182 323 220 366 103 52 Bhensali 1,382-30 86 103 563 287 276 26 24 108 108 137 73 136 82 53 Atali 2,629-35 174 189 1,133 595 538 48 46 253 210 314 137 287 170 54 Galenda 1;411-07 63 67 405 192 213 3 5 33 36 105 49 109 30 55 Samatpor 729-36 47 47 303 152 lSI 3 3 17 19 102 42 72 12

56 Vav 1,590-01 96 96 311 285 :u 28 62 66 }62 80 153 62 57 lolava 2,161-32 109 U5 ~~J6 I 308 293 63 61 72 68 157 76 176 4 58 Vadadla 1,677-37 62 64 344 182 162 23 17 58 56 86 31 86 43 59 Dahej 18,855-14 574 624 3,313 1,695 1,618 115 ]22 427 424 908 S24 9S7 134 60 Lakhigam 2,627-21 277 292 1,837 960 877 60 50 117 132 498 51 482 21

61 Luwara 2,200-14 119 119 824 425 399 36 31 162 172 200 51 234 4 62 Jageshwar 1,272-28 118 118 797 435 362 9 8 38 31 245 42 248 3 63 Ambheta 3,746-11 146 157 941 515 426 41 25 85 90 238 57 291 71 64 Suwa 3,171-22 186 223 1,256 661 595 32 35 105 101 360 72 381 83 65 Rahiad 3,549-38 170 199 1,090 559 531 49 50 70 66 270 71 322 91

66 Koliad 2,407-07 80 81 463 223 240 26 28 71 75 109 60 131 66 67 Vengani 1,502-10 120 125 688 366 322 36 31 74 50 140 72 187 74 68 Kaladara 4,338-38 204 216 1,217 668 549 62 64 179 171 396 158 373 233 69 Aliabet 20,816-13 6 12 I>~ 28 38 2 14 20



II III IV V VI vn VIII IX X Non- Looa· (a) (b) workers; tion ------Code !VI F !VI F !VI F !VI F !VI F !VI F !VI F !VI F !VI F !VI F !VI F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

50 104 32 2 3 1 I .. " 3 2 .. 155 259 36 105 .. 156 130 .. 3 44 29 14 10 5 7 .. 28 3 306 464 37 151 1 219 31 " J 6 .. " 8 .. 3 4 269 S98 38 118 173 55 4 7 " 15 1 21 1 13 .. 22 4 337 588 39 64 50 12 3 3 3 90 180 40

84 58 14 2 .. S 2 8 150 292 41 176 108 99 27 15 1 2 7 1 4 27'.) 430 42 ...... " ., ...... 43 121 4 23 7 .. Uninhabited . . .. 2 . . 93 211 44

254 10 117 107 10 II 1 2 12 1 " 12 2 313 585 45

66 1 17 2 .. 4 3 83 151 "6 79 3 108 95 2 1 .. 1 9 9 180 284 54 89 6 S3 50 .. 3 2 2 4 5 139 205 48 116 73 39 7 3 .. 13 18 4 7 195 339 49 46 2 57 59 " 2 1 2 69 109 50

156 5 192 97 .. 2 2 1 .. 12 279 494 51 44 .. 82 82 .. 2 .. 3 1 4 lSI 194 52 76 10 123 130 3 11 44 26 .. 8 2 .. 20 4 308 3(,8 53 70 3 30 27 .. 2 2 S 1 83 183 54 54 1 16 JO " I I 80 139 55

57 3 84 59 4 1 6 158 223 S6 82 4 81 .. 6 .. .. 2 5 132 289 57 46 2 35 39 .. .. 3 .. 1 2 ., . . .. 1 96 119 58 439 1 296 98 41 6 25 2 5 .. 10 6 54 1 35 2 52 18 738 1,484 59 265 7 150 14 14 11 1 22 5 .. 14 478 856 60

184 3 34 1 5 .. 2 2 6 191 395 61 99 3 138 3 .. 2 3 .. 3 187 359 62 131 3 132 66 2 11 2 2 5 2 .. 6 .. 224 355 63 ]86 8 142 48 .. 8 .. .. 33 ]6 2 .. " It) 11 280 512 64 170 3 ]15 85 .. 1 4 1 7 5 5 1 .. 15 I 237 440 65

62 1 57 65 2 .. 1 2 .. 6 92 174 66 67 3 99 71 4 1 5 .. 1 .. 10 179 248 67 158 65 164 161 3 13 1 8 4 17 2 .. 10 295 316 68 .. 14 20 14 13 69



'V ~'Vaoavl\ l::>l~lS 10

-s- cP ' ... o r u T~ - \ ~ I yo I oS' I oJ. ,..... :.:., 0 a:: u .. « x (f) u :::> ::;) I-al a:: J' C) « a:: 'IN 'V l- <0 ::> :x::: t/) o :::> c ~ ....J « Q '\ I-


Name of Area ------village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of townl ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

5 JA.MBUSAR TALUKA Total Km! 23,795 140,355 67,631 5,936 6,351 17,792 6,331 1,097.4 24,889 72,724 6,142 6,696 38,571 38,137 (Acres 271,165-37) Rural Km.' 19,609 116,104 56,007 5,281 5,973 13,362 5,732 1,058.7 20.541 60,097 5,440 6,223 30,855 32,183 (Acres 261,604-12)

Urban Km.' 4,186 74,251 11,624 655 378 4,430 599 38.7 4,348 12,627 702 473 7,716 5,954


1 Degam 14,641-07 520 553 3,477 1,771 1,706 130 139 185 161 689 66 987 38 2 Mahamadpor 4,761-08 88 90 457 241 216 61 58 131 58 132 Kamboi 3 Kavi 10,141-17 1,348 1,424 7,960 3,982 3,978 150 149 234 196 2,098 995 1,917 382 4 Nahar 1,405-06 178 185 1,114 567 547 53 47 56 49 362 174 308 9 5 Sarod 18,236-34 983 1,117 6,083 3,041 3,042 180 188 10 15 1,313 %4 1,436 303

6 Valipor 4,177-37 53 57 308 172 136 9 13 97 54 81 2 7 KareH 5,317-00 714 725 4,214 2,217 1,997 235 213 " 1,023 379 1,183 43 8 Kahanava 2,402-251,048 1,065 5,688 3,054 2,634 179 172 " 1,452 406 1,812 145 9 Piludara 1,780-28 516 530 2,971 1.610 1,361 105 101 .. 876 347 905 92 10 Vedach 8,852-09 862 885 5,085 2.642 2,443 134 147 2 1,252 426 1.442 36

11 Uber 10,865-18 590 612 3,348 1,754 1,594 142 119 6 7 845 325 1,028 33 12 Nondhana 1,456-38 291 295 1,532 812 720 J81 156 401 25i 423 64 13 Amanpor Mota 1,476-13 164 174 974 520 454 116 92 70 64 300 169 283 58 14 Amanpor Nana 828-29 89 90 520 263 257 38 36 68 65 77 38 166 95 1S Samoj 2,140-02 203 208 1,193 587 606 26 28 53 49 314 107 312 92

16 Kavli 2,548-26 203 209 1,342 696 646 88 78 82 65 404 158 373 7 17 Kangam 4.289-00 319 327 1,773 905 868 J21 109 181 217 426 192 486 58 18 Aurangpor Timbi 347-09 23 25 167 98 69 ...... 30 55 50 .. 19 Runad 2,189-09 223 230 1,245 640 605 84 77 21 17 390 53 361 89 20 Kimoj 2,352-38 172 185 994 553 441 17 13 259 221 208 77 324 19

21 Hamadpor 591-31 SO 53 272 148 124 2 62 51 81 37 78 4 Kantharia 22 Gulal 1,040-20 36 37 25~ 139 115 4 3 114 99 33 5 76 13 23 Sigam 4,492-37 426 437 2,574 1,306 1,268 158 168 224 217 743 455 698 208 24 Murudpor Neja 1,176-35 68 68 419 238 181 79 65 135 60 108 25 Chandpor Marva 384-09 14 14 82 43 39 28 9 26

26 Sulehpor Sangdi 726-38 22 22 133 62 71 8 9 20 24 13 2 37 G 27 Thanava 343-22 79 79 445 ~40 20S 8 6 6 12 111 16 128 45 28 Kora 3,351-39 315 319 1,604 865 739 92 79 139 137 419 105 487 48 29 Tundaj 2,576-17 250 262 1,466 767 699 112 ]04 63 54 466 130 429 60 30 Bhodar 1,459-07 153 155 937 502 435 53 48 33 37 184 43 259 5

31 Nobar 2,393-39 267 283 1,715 898 817 99 96 148 162 486 210 477 129 32 Dabha 3,620-07 367 367 2,157 1,090 1,067 83 70 .. 576 144 591 21 33 Gajera 3,720-32 919 927 4,631 2,411 2,220 261 229 6 10 1,487 1,022 1,333 254 34 Uchchhad 1,795-25 339 348 1,861 996 865 154 144 440 177 535 52 35 Vavli 819-23 215 226 1,188 637 551 92 93 57 47 229 166 330 42 , ,,J 44 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX x Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion ----,------Code M F M F M F M F M FM FMFMF M F M F M F No. 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

413 5,363 15 114 68 94 43 5 216 61,300 15,on 14,902 592 132 1,015 1,120 454 1,926 832 2,067 34,587

~72 5,000 14 92 58 82 29 2 83 50,275 14,182 13,722 555 9 804 312 321 770 290 1,218 27,914

41 363 1 22 10 12 14 3 133 11,025 915 1,180 37 123 211 808 133 1,156 542 849 6,673

459 2 423 21 32 31 10 2 8 5 21 2 9 784 1,668 1 65 63 1 1 2 109 216 2 574 26 671 287 99 . . 111 11 83 39 54 2 127 4 39 .. 158 13 2,065 3,596 3 ]20 2 158 5 .. 8 .. 5 10 · . 1 1 6 1 259 538 4 460 32 491 224 87 55 11 21 119 26 76 5 41 86 5 1,605 2,739 5

46 2 26 .. 1 .. 1 1 1 5 91 134 6 610 10 431 30 20 17 13 ] 33 .. 11 .. 47 3 1,034 1,954 7 960 14 698 125 17 31 24 33 1 5 .. 44 5 1,242 2,489 8 463 18 338 72 18 .. 20 2 8 8 19 8 .. 23 .. 705 1,269 9 886 7 364 26 16 1 52 .. 19 . . 1 35 2 17 ., 51 I 1,200 2,407 10

625 13 300 18 2 32 .• 6 11 8 .. 37 2 726 1,561 11 129 9 242 51 2 12 .• 2 7 .. 3 .. 26 4 389 656 12 101 6 120 5] 9 .. 14 1 2 1 3 .. 33 237 396 13 49 ]07 94 1 1 4 2 .. 3 97 162 14 139 8 153 84 .. 5 4 1 .. 10 275 514 15

142 3 193 2 3 12 .. 4 9 2 8 323 639 16 241 2 ]85 56 3 8 1 3 30 15 419 810 17 47 .. 3 ...... 48 69 18 199 7 145 82 .. 6 .. J s 279 516 19 102 175 12 ]5 3 2 7 5 2 ., 18 2 229 422 20

33 44 3 .. 70 120 21 7 63 13 .. 3 ...... I · . . . 2 61 102 22 356 2 251 192 18 19 2 2 5 4 14 1 1 " 32 7 603 1,060 23 61 40 1 2 4 130 181 24 20 6 17 39 25

., 20 17 6 •.• " ...... 25 65 26 65 50 44 .. 3 . . I . . 1 1 1 · . .. I ]12 ]60 27 193 13 201 26 .. 6 1 42 4 20 1 10 1 15 2 378 691 28 129 9 268 50 7 4 I 2 " 9 1 8 1 338 639 29 91 156 4 .. 5 I I 2 4 243 430 30

210 3 222 ]26 5 12 8 .. 19 421 688 31 256 2 310 ]8 4 8 1 .. 2 . . . . 11 499 1,046 32 582 14 557 215 5 .. 50 11 7 2 7 34 6 .• 85 12 1,078 1,966 33 275 6 208 42 4 1 5 6 8 3 12 7 .. 10 .. 461 813 34 ]36 6 153 32 1 10 3 9 2 .. 19 ] 307 509 3S Bh-6 45 TALUKA JAMBUSAR URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area ------village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Scheduled S:.:heduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km,! Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

36 Bhankhetar 402-31 65 67 386 189 197 10 8 18 16 101 80 96 30 37 Vmra 1,701-22 138 142 874 466 408 86 82 134 119 241 47 252 90 38 Koteshwar 804-33 68 78 500 256 244 20 20 162 139 79 40 113 61 39 Karmad 1,745-06 211 219 1,114 572 542 107 109 128 118 300 153 312 94 40 Rampor 1,259-03 87 95 560 285 275 15 14 172 85 171 36

41 Panchakada 1,375-05 91 96 562 294 268 5 5 57 51 134 51 163 47 42 Shambha 1,179-32 79 85 586 306 280 14 15 29 27 174 42 163 23 43 Vadadala 1,653-21 193 194 1,098 550 548 120 115 64 66 294 131 281 7 44 Kaliari 1,108-14 115 115 634 328 306 47 48 106 91 177 78 172 51 45 Zamdi 4,050-12 149 160 924 486 438 36 41 92 88 200 52 273 56

46 Chhidra 3,374-07 333 359 1,947 988 959 224 221 104 101 430 225 521 200 47 Dahri 1,990-26 115 123 692 365 327 42 46 107 ]07 201 66 ]93 89 48 Jantran 5,578-11 363 390 2,285 1,190 1,095 135 141 206 175 604 244 566 82 49 Vad 1,245-18 72 ?2 427 226 201 65 58 ,. 101 38 112 9 50 Kava 5,176-20 265 272 1,522 765 757 105 108 173 216 321 141 425 157

51 Limaj 528-18 84 91 546 285 261 83 86 73 80 120 40 145 52 Anakhi 3,682-01 378 404 2,165 1,136 1,029 176 158 37 26 663 336 674 264 53 Vahelam 1,402-06 130 130 761 363 393 24 29 56 55 198 133 213 29 54 Jafarpara 753-36 70 73 402 215 187 5 2 98 91 107 58 116 37 55 Bojadra 2,721-25 244 250 1,375 695 680 53 44 161 168 305 136 398 64

56 Magnad 3,641-16 425 429 2,299 1,218 1,081 120 126 234 217 524 222 634 180 57 Mahapara 736-31 41 58 324 176 148 6 4 64 61 64 20 99 29 53 Nadiad 2,090-00 75 84 461 231 230 13 9 109 119 80 27 122 41 59 Panchpipla 625-23 23 26 127 70 57 4 6 22 JO 23 12 32 60 Madafar 2,469-27 217 227 1,423 758 665 42 33 102 102 393 112 395 98

61 Bhadkodara 4,789-33 353 387 2,309 1,142 1,167 67 69 178 193 658 374 591 228 62 Malpor 7,632-13 298 305 1,949 1,017 932 44 58 101 87 637 103 553 2]7 63 Sindhav 2,633-12 101 113 656 346 310 8 5 37 40 157 30 196 49 64 Kansagar 1,575-12 51 61 332 175 157 15 15 11 10 77 6 99 26 65 Bakorpor Timbi 1,383-05 23 29 208 III 97 33 29 53 13 56 22

66 Singarna 1,066-26 45 46 278 159 119 ]3 8 28 20 85 21 81 16 67 Chandpor Bara 726-36 43 52 326 152 174 2 2 36 28 79 49 81 1 68 Sardarpura 984-13 55 58 326 158 168 11 9 56 57 84 45 85 42 69 Vanseta 949-05 51 54 319 165 154 4 3 30 26 77 16 88 15 70 Kalak 4,012-17 256 267 1,592 816 776 170 188 206 211 426 181 451 171

71 Kundhal 1,685"{)6 43 43 245 125 120 22 27 95 87 48 15 64 2 72 Khanpor Deb 7,049-11 348 359 2,068 1,015 1,053 33 42 111 110 663 370 515 40 73 Dolia 2,070-22 97 97 556 282 274 34 49 58 60 161 60 151 72 74 Asanvad 968-05 46 49 287 156 131 1 4 13 18 107 22 86 10 75 Thakor Talavdi 1,229-01 34 39 236 129 107 6 8 61 51 68 22 69 12

76 Devla 14,043-13 511 573 3,430 1,752 1,678 83 71 213 203 959 400 873 209 77 Nada 9,051-D3 305 319 1,702 870 832 32 25 61 67 SIS 88 506 83 78 Asarsa 2,735-28 86 87 597 310 287 1 3 36 38 136 5 174 25 79 Kapuria 2,814-16 76 76 451 243 208 45 44 64 68 94 22 133 4 80 Islampore 2,740-D5 138 153 987 506 481 54 50 77 81 281 173 283 112

81 Tankari 11,461-32 511 552 3,073 (\ 1,583 1,490 124 146 145 145 865 903 806 150 co 46 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


[l III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non· Lo,a­ (a) (b) workers tion Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

51 1 36 28 3 I .. 3 93 167 36 122 I 112 89 9 1 .. 2 1 5 214 318 37 33 I 74 58 2 2 .. 3 143 lR3 38 124 6 144 85 1 11 ...... 1 J 12 .. 19 2 260 448 39 114 51 34 3 1 .. 2 1 1 114 239 40

95 1 62 44 1 2 2 1 2 131 221 41 99 2 48 19 2 .. 6 2 I 7 143 257 42 135 129 7 4 .. 3 .. 10 269 541 43 85 80 51 3 1 .. 1 3 156 25S 44 148 3 93 50 7 2 2.. 2 15 1 .. 6 213 382 45

219 8 218 168 25 2 24 9 2 5 6 7 2 .. 21 3 467 759 46 90 16 87 70 5 3 2 .... 4 .. 5 .. 172 238 47 230 260 70 22 11 9 .. 3 9 1 " 32 1 624 1,013 48 45 59 9 I .. 7 114 192 49 200 4 213 151 2 " 2 4 1 .. 3 340 600 50

53 .. 83 4 ...... 2 2 140 261 51 280 Il 307 242 9 .. 16 10 .. 18 11 .. 33 .. 462 765 52 105 95 28 3 3 1 1 2 4 IS5 364 53 54 51 37 4 3 1 3 99 150 54 166 8 214 56 3 3 6 6 297 616 55

317 4 264 170 7 6 16 3 2 5 9 3 8 584 901 56 32 65 29 .. 2 77 119 57 45 I 73 40 1 3 109 189 58 15 14 " 3 38 57 59 121 5 241 89 5 2 .. 3 4 15 7 363 567 60

195 9 294 206 13 8 17 3 1 7 " 22 .. 9 .. 33 2 551 939 61 184 16 283 199 41 12 .. 6., .. 2 1 18 1 1 6 464 715 62 76 7 94 41 1 3 - .. I 1 8 .. •• 11 .. 150 261 63 53 38 23 3 1 3 1 1 2 76 131 64 21 33 22 2 55 75 65

51 2 24 14 4 .. 2 78 103 66 36 1 41 1 2 71 173 67 47 3 36 39 2 73 126 68 57 6 31 9 .. 77 139 69 144 4 254 160 3 25 4 8 2 3 " 14 1 365 605 70

24 2 39 .. 1 61 118 71 177 4 254 34 7 9 .. 4 2 .. 18 4 .. 40 2 500 1,013 72 69 3 76 68 1 .. 2 1 1 2 131 202 73 34 I 50 9 1 .. 1 70 121 74 18 047 12 I 3 60 95 75

292 7 420 192 12 29 5 .. 21 4 32 26 ." 36 5 879 1,469 76 297 3 152 78 24 10 .. 1 1 2 6 1 " 14 " 364 749 77 112 .. 58 24 3 1 1 .• 136 262 78 66 1 54 3 3 3 7 .. 110 204 79 1104 1 134 108 .. 5 h. 2 2 3 10 3 " 13 '" 223 369 80

286 14 0405 1204 17 18 9 n. 17 6 15 8 .q 31 5 777 1,340 81 47 TALUKA JAMBUSAR URBAN BLOCK!VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jl 12 13 ]4 15 16


16jV Jambusar Km.' 4,186 24,251 11,624 655 378 4,430 599 38.70 4,348 12,627 702 473 7,716 5,954

Total of Ward No. I N.A. 372 1,929 920 16 500 26 379 1,009 2 17 744 483

Block No. 1 114 115 546 284 262 .. 236 191 130 13 Block No. 2 124 130 680 350 330 II 9 260 209 165 10 Block No. 3 134 134 703 375 328 2 6 7 248 100 ]88 3

Total of Ward No. 11 N.A. 344 1,860 923 60 3 535 31 348 937 70 7 731 395

Block No. 4 153 157 799 416 383 70 60 7 3 291 164 ]80 19 Block No. 5 78 78 375 197 178 170 128 86 3 Block No. 6 113 113 686 324 362 270 243 129 9

Total of Ward No. Til N.A.. 1,066 5,998 2,852 162 307 978 229 1,109 3,146 159 410 1.842 1,523

Block No. 7 98 98 574 313 26J 67 57 56 178 89 135 21 Block No. 8 106 110 596 301 295 48 56 6 5 213 ] 12 133 18 Block No. 9 159 159 733 384 349 2 1 19 16 242 158 t93 II Block No. 10 87 96 523 258 265 18 34 131 131 94 45 147 37 Block No. 11 85 91 478 274 204 24 8 88 62 8J 17 131 39

Block No. 12 87 95 566 309 257 256 147 130 8 Block No. 13 75 78 409 205 204 11 4 150 80 10] 18 Block No. 14 77 80 454 227 227 3 4 157 95 IJ5 2 Block No. 15 1J8 129 673 373 300 4 2 285 170 lE4 1 Block :;\10. ]6 87 86 523 260 263 4 2 121 52 145 26

Block No. 11 87 87 469 242 227 88 81 65 13 J29 48

Total of Ward No. IV N.A. 494 2,755 1,327 29 2 622 35 504 1,428 32 2 976 651

Block No. 18 13S 140 698 343 355 240 210 179 17 Block No. 19 110 J08 508 260 248 237 184 115 6 Block No. 20 60 61 362 193 169 .. 171 124 83 4 Block No. 21 98 102 614 334 280 2 2 202 50 J40 .. Block No. 22 91 93 573 298 275 32 29 126 54 134 8

Total of Ward No. V N.A. 315 1,919 943 1 549 34 326 976 2 731 401

Block No. 23 128 138 792 386 406 291 261 158 15 Block No. 24 100 100 613 330 283 2 249 J62 129 11 Block No. 25 87 88 514 260 254 191 126 114 8

Total of Ward No. VI N.A. 798 4,950 2,346 294 39 525 14-f. 854 2,604 307 28 1,332 1,321

Block No. 26 J09 lJ6 758 394 364 .. 222 70 199 22 Block No. 21 98 119 697 380 317 59 49 1 '166 55 193 9 42 PRIMARY CNSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M FMFMF M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

41 363 1 22 10 12 14 3 133 11,025 16/V 915 1,180 37 123 211 808 133 1,156 542 849 6,673

1 1 2 21 894 52 67 18 10 57 5 117 48 109 526

2 3 3 .. 26 2 43 7 .. 44 13 154 249 1 13 U 8 5 o. 17 1 3 52 2 18 .. 34 7 185 320 2 37 2 52 7 2 14 22 23 .. 31 I 187 325 3

1 13 1 16 892 32 18 2 19 31 72 1 118 21 81 542

23 18 13 2 8 21 31 34 7 •. 35 5 236 364 4 2 2 6 .. 22 26 .. 7 21 3 111 175 5 7 9 4 .. 19 58 1 7 .• 25 8 195 353 6

16 169 1 11 7 1 3 71 2,623 250 433 8 15 65 250 62 212 54 174 1,623

32 5 38 10 3 30 2 ]0 1 5 4 " 12 4 178 240 7 30 4 ]7 ]3 .. 2 1 14 5 17 18 .. 29 .. 168 277 S ]] ] 2 1 2 3 3 9] 2 3 44 8 .. 29 4 191 338 9 2 117 36 2 8 10 1 .. 3 1 4 . . 111 228 10 6 65 36 ] 2 17 4 13 14 Q 1 143 165 11

19 ] 2 12 2 ]6 5 47 " 29 5 179 249 12 11 3 13 7 •• 2 2 16 4 10 16 4 .. 27 3 104 ]86 ]3 67 ] 8 .. 2 .. 10 .... J6 1 .. 11 .. 112 225 14 24 .. 9 2 7 3 .. 44 o. 13 37 o • 4 .. 21 1 209 299 15 ] 38 79 20 . 0 2 ] 9 4 11 J 2 3 115 237 16

10 83 45 .. 2 3 13 " 17 3 .. 113 179 17

1 6 1 5 I 21 1,292 128 67 18 17 19 104 26 126 27 119 777

41 3 13 6 14 26 5 5 24 6 " 41 8 164 338 18 5 6 4 .. 19 6 36 5 .. 34 6 145 242 19 ] .. _,. 2 1 22 1 33 3 .. 20 4 110 165 20 43 8 5 3 28 7 27 12 7 ]94 280 21 38 56 5 . 0 9 7 6 1 . . 17 3 164 267 22

2 6 2 1 1 22 909 52 9 2 15 16 57 8 144 32 66 575

7 7 4 .. 5 7 .. 24 .. 3 65 9 .. 31 9 228 391 23 6 2 .. 5 6 20.. 2 58 12 .. 20 9 201 272 24 39 2 2 2 5 3 2 13 3 21 11 .. 15 4 146 246 25

7 116 3 1 4 1 12 2,202 162 352 I 11 44 157 23 232 224 115 1,283

56 2 18 .. 9 3 25 .. 2 43 43 .. 19 ] 195 342 26 10 74 4 .. 1 52 1 1 28 4 ] 23 2 187 308 27 49 TALUKA JAMRUSAR tJRBAN BLOCK/VJLLAGEWISE

Name of Area ----- village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/lawn/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16

Block No. 28 S6 59 381 192 189 119 57 91 4 Block No. 29 102 102 613 316 297 119 38 165 35 Block No. 30 108 109 717 395 322 209 88 190 17 Block No. 31 97 106 533 284 249 129 106 1 203 84 141 6 Block No. 32 94 98 524 269 255 5 20 5 93 60 157 28

Block No. 33 134 145 727 374 3S3 114 119 26 33 201 73 185 23

Tatalof Ward No. VlJ N.A. 797 4,840 2,3]3 109 11 721 100 828 2,527 130 9 1,360 },/80

Block No. 34 102 105 649 340 309 2 2 119 19 146 29 Block No. 35 91 95 560 295 265 143 80 143 8 Block No. 36 86 92 579 310 269 142 152 136 17 Block No. 37 100 101 619 313 306 .. 203 101 148 3 Block No. 38 85 90 554 300 254 88 71 191 60 135 14

Block No. 39 115 128 760 396 364 .. 277 157 203 6 Block No. 40 121 115 621 311 310 30 29 197 106 140 17 Block No. 41 97 102 498 262 236 iO 7 9 11 88 46 129 6



II [II IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 )8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

12 2 6 .. I 6 .. 10 .. . . 2 35 16 5 . . 101 ISS 28 2 SI 35 1 5 7 19 1 46 27 6 .. ]51 262 29 31 I 67 16 .. 2 7 .. 24 .. 1 .. 35 15 8 205 305 30 ]6 .. 25 2 .. 1 22 .. 11 1 21 16 . . 29 3 143 243 31 27 2 106 2S .. 2 6 3 3 3 2 5 1 112 227 32

8 21 16 '. S 2 4 21 101 .. 20 5 189 330 33

12 53 5 1 6 2 20 2,213 239 234 6 28 26 III 8 207 136 i85 1,347

38 6 60 19 .. 3 .. 4 17 18 4 4 19~ 280 34

41 55 2 .. 4 6 .. 24 . . 7 " 10 2 152 257 35 16 . . 45 14 1 .. 17 1 22 1 17 18 1 174 252 36 34 1 4 .. .. 5 S 25 4 1 36 I 16 19 165 303 37 42 18 7 .. 6 1 14 20 I 20 I 15 4 )(i5 240 38

28 39 5 6 12 27 45 11 .. 34 1 193 358 39 I 3 5 1 16 16 .. 31 3 33 1 39 8 171 293 40 39 5 10 1 4 2 " 12 14 46 133 230 41


TALUKA AMOD -~ .~ . r------~~r_------~~------~

0 0 D A •., ~ I? •... " > J..{ r- ..) V tI 1-1 (} q.. \ '" ,_ 'C( ? ¥ U') ? d- "" 0 ~ 4- ,: H":)"'t:IYH8 t'tO't5.:t r rd- QJ u .4- cr

::; ~ l- i e... '" 11~ e( A. u % a 0 \ ,. 0 :l a: ~ .q _o.i - t- « ::t: .-' « CD 2~1 po.. . a:: ...... _. .J Ci '(' « en ~ "(" i o Q , 0", o_ '" N TALUKA AMOD


Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

6 AMOD TALUKA Total Km.' 11,536 68,664 33,183 2,373 8,293 10,612 6,000 464.9 12,335 35,481 2,414 9,112 19,309 19,216 Acres (114,877-38) Rural Km.' 9,714 58,139 28,112 2,033 7,589 8,442 5,398 446.4 10,348 30,027 2,067 8.267 15,970 16,433 Acres (I 10,303-14) Urban Km.' 1,822 10,525 5,071 340 704 2,170 602 18.5 1,987 5,454 347 845 3,339 2.783


I Ranipura 1,041-18 81 81 513 258 255 1 2 252 253 83 27 148 70 2 Wadia 2,050-31 111 118 741 396 345 23 21 282 249 193 31 210 H4 3 Chaklad 2,067-31 208 214 1,257 649 608 18 19 199 160 227 176 341 40 4 Adwala 1.025-19 91 93 547 293 254 24 19 128 106 127 75 157 31 5 Dadapor 1,010-12 81 86 519 262 257 17 15 48 42 86 41 144 51

6 Kobla 1,743-34 141 143 820 394 426 52 62 148 154 178 108 224 107 7 Manjola 1,179-37 134 148 827 411 416 60 67 10 5 203 116 239 S4 8 Rohad 1,199-00 100 106 584 302 282 45 4S 119 84 164 86 157 72 9 Vedcha 1,501-15 112 114 646 347 299 21 24 109 105 189 86 197 91 10 Vasna 1,656-18 178 190 1,007 515 492 29 26 134 140 199 49 307 24

11 Matar 3,245-18 485 495 2,927 1,563 1,364 81 67 176 176 975 447 876 235 12 Sunthodra 523-34 49 54 303 152 151 12 7 42 42 61 17 78 28 13 Ajamnagar 1,195-11 34 42 257 127 130 101 106 31 5 70 63 14 Bhimpura 1,362-03 75 81 427 223 204 17 16 153 135 113 36 132 2 15 Achhod 5,779-21 561 619 3,559 1,821 1,738 73 73 169 158 1,234 645 189 81

16 Pursa 2,706-19 259 292 1,618 M6 772 128 104 286 270 254 38 539 197 17 Machhasara 2.138-35 246 270 1,624 824 800 23 22 71 84 521 256 430 45 18 Mangrol 2,615-14 114 119 771 395 376 17 22 119 102 197 110 201 100 ]9 VaJipor 1,177-26 51 53 300 163 137 6 4 22 13 69 29 93 13 20 Denva 9,312-11 107 109 694 338 356 27 37 38 36 170 68 174 37

21 Roza Tankaria 5,222-37 347 407 1,717 893 824 105 111 128 ]20 545 312 49S 174 22 Intola 1,728-09 69 84 4t7 246 2c}1 33 31 59 48 80 19 137 23 23 Buwa 2,900-09 278 295 1,559 807 752 45 50 349 304 338 240 458 233 24 Asnera 1,305-20 119 119 682 341 341 34 33 109 90 181 79 183 88 25 Nahier ],281-19 103 109 649 349 300 39 38 196 156 161 61 197 116

26 Sonama 917-18 43 44 362 200 162 9 7 138 110 99 13 108 33 27 Shrikothi 1,297-02 116 127 729 363 366 10 13 225 219 221 109 207 75 28 Sarbhan 4,425-14 650 686 3,740 1,932 1,808 133 153 650 562 1,071 771 ],032 344 29 Malkinpura 1,058-27 107 111 608 318 290 37 29 57 50 169 77 176 57 alias Timbi 30 Danda 2,199-00 240 252 1,371 706 665 81 74 269 240 273 156 403 ]25

31 Telod 1,366-10 148 160 841 416 425 21 27 129 ]30 228 138 224 81 32 Ochhan 1,794-07 260 266 1,381 705 676 69 67 273 247 351 201 380 202 33 Karena 1,773-03 123 ]45 739 380 359 39 43 145 137 193 99 218 95 34 Ikhar 3,655-15 537 608 3,898 2,014 1,884 154 116 284 273 1,261 7]] 1,044 246 35 Dora 3,752-15 322 350 1,848 '" 931 917 38 35 388 395 534 309 569 264 ('. '. S4 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


I II III IV v VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion Code M F M F M FM FMFM FM F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2' 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 31

279 5,293 12 34 134 86 34 3 125 27,183 7,104 8,55) 237 25 381 644 286 857 264 945 16,265

261 4,915 9 17 74 49 /9 54 22,714 6,683 7,893 174 2 305 221 87 348 139 581 13.594

18 378 3 17 60 37 15 3 71 4,469 421 660 63 23 76 423 119 509 125 364 2,671

54 3 90 67 3 1 ... 110 185 1 72 4 131 110 4 3 .. 186 231 2 197 16 136 24 1 3 •.. 4 .. 308 568 3 53 2 98 29 1 2 .. 3 .. 136 223 4 96 5·43 46 S •• 118 206 5

83 128 107 2 4 1 6 .. 170 319 6 124 4 100 50 2 2 ." 5 4 .• 172 362 7 66 5 83 67 3 .. 1 4 .. 145 210 8 63 124 91 1 2 1 2 4 150 208 9 14R 3 124 14 11 3 7 1 11 5 2 208 468 10

291 6 461 216 14 23 9 .. 5 2 29 2 5 .• 39 9 687 1,129 11 43 3 33 2S 2 74 123 12 5 54 52 11 11 57 67 13 31 71 2 2 2 6 1 .. 12 1 6 91 202 14 464 21 316 53 5 12 1 10 1 2 1 13 10 .. 57 4 932 1,657 15

138 2 354 ]7S 8 1 36 20 2 " 307 575 16 238 2 148 43 20 .. 1 .. 1 8 2 .. 12 .. 394 755 17 79 2 107 98 1 2 .. 1 4 1 6 .. 194 276 18 56 2 33 11 1 1 .2 70 124 19 119 8 46 29 1 1 4 3 .. 164 319 20

143 288 155 2 6 .. .. 27 16 20 2 7 3 398 650 21 40 1 91 22 .. 4 2 109 178 22 183 4 248 226 2 1 4 .. 6 3 .. 12 2 349 519 23 7; 3 101 85 1 3 .. 3 4 .. 158 253 24 71 11 111 !O3 5 1 1 2 4 3 .. 152 184 25

54 1 51 32 2 1 92 129 26 82 5 119 69 1 1 2 2 1 156 291 27 363 8 506 323 20 2 25 3 8 1 3 31 6 .. 70 7 900 1,464 28 92 74 57 .. 3 2 5 " 142 233 29 149 3 229 121 .• 14 .. 4 7 303 540 30

50 143 81 3 9 1 4 ...... 13 .. 192 344 31 147 17 205 184 3 8 2 4 1 1 .. 10 .. 325 474 32 85 2 109 92 5 5 2 5 1 7 .. 162 264 33 518· 12 382 225 6 23 6 .. 6 .. 24 19 ~. 60 9 970 1.638 34 202 3 l304 257 8 10 2 •• 2 2 9 4 .. 28 1 362 653 3S 55 TALUKA AMon URBAN' BUlCK/VIL:tAGWlSE'

Name of Area --- village/town of Total Population agglomera· village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi· No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Caste&, Tribes Persons (I·IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ,--- No. block Km.- Houses P M F M F, M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

36 Ghamnad 2,618-03 317 325 l,nl/'if' 885 836 67 67 252 220 427 306 493 103 37 Ninam 1,140-21 135 140 710 366 344 41 44 154 136 187 105 208 58 38 Tegva 945-20 87 88 498 264 234 10 6 106 lOt 146 70 148 70 39 Bodka 805-24 45 45 282 155 127 12 10 47 35 79 25 81 18 40 Kerwada 3,183-27 454 459 2,540 1,291 1,249 73 91 253 247 647 321 700 307

41 KoJavana 3,367-27 305 331 1,987 997 990 32 40 196 179 545 327 531 128 42 Samiala 1.343-24 12 12 78 50 28 29 12 15 3 26 II 43 Tanchha 2,272-18 183 190 I,JOO 563 537 48 50 205 193 276 161 318 192 44 Anor 2,520-20 254 258 1,555 804 751 41 44 102 98 523 230 389 105 45 Amarpor alias J,263-34 71 71 366 183 183 29 26 28 24 105 49 122 61 Simartba

46 Kothi Vantarsa 925-37 108 108 631 326 305 20 15 51 46 180 88 181 45 47 Vantarsa 1,703-36 75 79 586 315 271 14 6 102 92 157 98 140 67 48 Kurchan 1,797-10 230 242 1,377 711 666 32 27 126 133 462 257 407 142 49 Ranada 1,343-18 99 ]00 560 293 267 16 18 94 ]00 151 69 171 83 50 Sudi 1,743-13 131 133 734 394 340 21 24 101 90 202 106 215 6S

51 Samani 2,660-10 383 420 21,20 ] ,131 989 73 69 304 274 656 358 634 229 52 Keshlu 1,457-20 145 ]57 782 419 363 17 17 112 108 233 128 232 103 -1.,,"'l,. URBAN AREAS 16JVI Amod Km.' 1,822 10,525 5,071 340 704 2,170 602 18.51 1,987 5,454 347 845 3,339 2,783

TOlal of Ward No. I N.A. 316 1,768 882 225 lIB 329 173 350 886 218 116 563 454 Block No. 1 90 97 543 263 280 45 48 3 4 185 129 135 32 Block No. 2 88 98 472 234 238 149 152 153 82 124 54 Block No. 3 138 15S 753 389 364 24 25 113 114 225 118 195 87 Total of Ward No. II N.A. 289 1,768 883 8 612 20 316 885 5 729 413 Block No. 4 86 90 506 266 24{} .. 216 166 119 4 Block No. S 85 101 512 246 266 4 6 198 181 119 8 Block No. 6 118 125 750 373 377 1 2 315 259 115 8 Total of Ward No. JlI N.A. 505 2,947 /,321 45 207 443 214 574 1,626 45 258 918 853 Block No. 7 133 152 857 488 369 8 9 112 87 284 123 238 97 Block No. 8 220 :58 l,lS0 635 51S 13 12 144 116 316 138 369 98 Block No. 9 66 76 453 244 209 24 24 188 101 102 7 Block No. 10 86 88 487 259 228 2 4 130 81 144 12

Total of Ward No. IV N.A. 306 1,800 874 17S 387 123 329 926 231 520 479 Block No. 11 56 56 326 162 164 134 ]21 64 4 Block No. 12 98 104 565 279 286 ]5 11 219 187 123 16 Block No. 13 107 1]1 620 352 268 216 161 97 33 217 102 Block No. 14 45 52 289 133 156 70 46 75 1

Total of Ward No. V N.A. 406 2,242 I,lll 70 193 399 72 418 1,131 84 235 609 584 Block No. 15 99 99 549 268 281 74 67 19 15 J55 86 133 44 Block No. 16 153 158 812 416 396 7 8 4 297 179 195 13 Block No. 17 154 161 881 447 434 3 3 208 174 157 134 256 IS S6 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

]82 15 260 88 1 20 .. 8 1 .. 20 " 392 733 36 72 6 113 51 1 9 1 2 1 10 .. 158 286 37 56 2 76 61 4 4 3 2 2 4 4 116 164 38 57 1 21 17 1 I 1 " 74 109 39 230 32 345 259 9 2468 .. 8 6 2S 25 .. 26 4 591 942 40

236 234 127 .. 20 .. 5 2 10 3 .. 21 466 862 41 42 5 21 11 .. .. " 24 17 75 3 193 169 11 1 .. 18 20 6 7 7 .. 245 345 43 261 7 102 95 4 .. 1 3 2 3 1 " 14 1 415 646 44 52 3 60 5S 2 3 1 4 61 122 45

117 1 S8 44 .. 1 1 4 .. 145 260 46 57 1 67 66 4 1 7 3 " 175 204 47 193 5 172 137 3 .. 16 .. 4 .. 18 .. 304 524 48 64 1 97 81 1 2 •• 2 6 " 122 ]84 49 125 13 79 52 3 4 .. 1 2 " 179 275 SO

133 6 236 164 7 7 107 52 3 65 1 38 .. 38 5 497 760 51 98 7 118 94 2 1 .. 1 3 1 9 .. 187 260 52

18 378 3 17 60 37 15 3 71 4,469 16/VI 421 660 63 23 76 423 119 509 125 364 2,671

3 149 1 4 4 12 709 58 156 3 5 50 34 58 18 72 432 17 2 31 26 .. 23 19 23 1 2 .. 20 2 128 248 I 21 1 59 52 I .. .• 10 .. 10 .. 8 I .. 15 110 184 2 20 66 71 2 S 17 .. 5 4 27 2 16 .. 37 10 194 277 3 4 1 2 3 10 863 65 3 18 99 5 143 5 75 472 11 1 .. .. 3 21 1 49 . . 1 " 33 2 147 236 4 16 1 2 J ., 5 45 3 24 1 2 .. 22 5 127 258 S 38 2 I 10 1 33 1 70 2 2 .. 20 3 198 369 6 1 84 2 12 59 32 7 17 1,107 67 100 35 22 39 174 67 176 72 101 773 10 48 70 24 2 13 11 23 4 6 56 3 8 .• SO 7 250 272 7 5 6 4 5 22 20 1 127 55 48 32 58 1 60 .. 18 4 266 417 8 25 .. .. 6 .. 10 •• 2 34 1 3 .. 22 6 142 202 9 27 1 46 ]0 6 14 .. 11 28 1 1 .. 11 . . ] 15 216 10

2 99 1 2 1 18 151 73 1 23 5 55 4 71 11 64 14 .. 1 6 23 .. 20 4 98 160 11 ]1 20 2 .. 2 19.. 4 28 6 33 14 156 270 12 14 2 149 97 2 2 25 19 1 1 7 .• 135 166 13 34 4 .. 23 5 1 4 .. 4 58 155 14

8 45 1 J 1 2 14 1,039 158 228 2 1 9 45 9 61 19 52 547

40 .~ 41 3S .. .. 1 .. 19 " .. 1 15 5 2 12 5 135 237 15 76 5 32 2 1 6 1 10 ." 5 .. 33 5 •.• 27 5 221 383 16 42 3 155 If 2 2 .. 16 .. 4 13 9 .• 13 4 191 419 17 57

TALUKA JHAGADIA .~ , i ',i~ i rQ; , - I i


I 0;2 f--


Name of Area village/town of Total Population ----- agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of townl ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ---- - No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

7 JHAGADli\ TALUKA Total Km.' 20,390 120,000 58,494 1,959 36,214 10,491 13,483 812.6 21,416 61,506 1,965 37,422 23,635 33,305 Acres (200,785-05) Rural Km.s 20,390 120,000 58,494 1.959 36,214 10,491 13,483 812.6 21,416 61,506 1,965 37.422 23,635 33,305 Acres (200,785-05 ) Urban


1 Tarsali 1,063-05 271 271 1,122 601 521 5 4 101 99 369 78 342 41 2 Patar 413-00 39 40 138 121 117 94 81 49 9 71 32 3 Tothidara 1,109-33 175 177 921 472 449 16 9 101 106 235 116 263 25 4 Ore 648-08 65 65 458 232 226 3 4 60 74 119 60 126 16 5 Bhalod 2,635-36 487 501 2,327 1,195 1.132 118 120 39 81 740 435 601 60

6 Rundh 1,318-06 321 331 1,835 986 849 38 33 267 250 396 118 530 215 7 Krushnapuri 947-23 89 89 484 245 239 2 2 62 57 82 36 143 47 8 Kantidara 618-31 77 7£ 535 276 259 266 248 131 28 139 52 9 Umadhara 1,258-10 147 147 842 423 419 80 78 199 176 189 116 258 146 10 Vadhavana 524-11 78 78 472 236 236 13 15 86 96 103 40 156 76

11 Kakalpor 465-11 91 91 524 267 257 7 5 132 169 56 14 182 119 12 Sarsad 1,904-20 115 115 601 317 284 192 184 112 73 184 119 13 Velugam 2,742-13 302 303 1,688 875 813 59 51 314 290 378 143 456 166 14 Paravata 606-24 Uninhabited . - .. -- 15 Nana Vasna 459-36 92 92 499 254 245 6 5 50 43 96 26 169 78

16 Indor 2,453-21 341 360 1,948 999 949 126 132 193 197 377 135 594 263 17 Mota Vasna 1,054-05 87 96 458 250 208 13 12 83 55 104 34 173 53 18 Panetha 2,182--04 592 608 3,105 1,650 1,455 112 108 607 565 479 374 958 437 19 Asha 2,882-26 310 328 1,650 839 811 105 120 375 358 358 168 462 104 20 Fichwada 2,031-28 137 152 856 414 442 4 4 290 297 148 89 260 170

21 Dhundha 683-33 56 56 378 172 206 163 192 60 16 103 29 22 Mahuvada 737-37 68 68 425 204 221 204 221 58 J7 116 82 23 Bamalla 1,891-34 136 142 892 474 418 5 2 468 415 161 29 288 222 24 Roomalpura 685-27 29 29 177 95 82 95 82 35 13 48 41 25 Jamboi 818-17 135 138 828 430 398 29 27 324 301 174 62 231 154

26 Sanjali 1,937-07 179 179 998 515 483 8 5 269 256 187 88 255 11 27 Pipdara 730-26 7S 81 456 238 218 1 4 163 148 68 30 137 45 28 Vanapkor 1,489-01 118 136 1,285 652 633 44 40 2S1 241 230 105 351 113 29 Jarsad 826-26 97 9i 541 279 262 12 15 154 147 82 38 149 106 30 Prankad 912-15 98 99 545 278 267 31 33 130 127 100 32 167 107

31 Para 985-38 102 102 592 307 285 3 298 274 35 4 178 105 32 Avidha 2,110-38 686 742 3,632 1,817 1,815 103 99 718 684 1,033 740 950 398 33 Khadoli 524-22 64 66 312 163 149 145 130 17 9 110 7 34 Rajapardi 2,336-09 753 806 4,074 2,092 1,982 93 94 1,000 958 974 587 1,152 556 35 Sarsa 1,559-22 214 230 1,254 655 599 86 73 284 254 269 145 379 167 , .\, .) 60 PR~ARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------_------Code M F M F M F M FMFMFMFM F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

1,328 11,671 52 64 31 56 37 43 1 200 45,011 12,353 16,549 373 138 737 464 191 929 279 1,292 28,201

1,328 11,671 52 64 31 56 37 43 I 200 45,011 12,353 16,549 373 138 737 464 191 929 279 1,292 28,201

167 8 146 33 .. , 10 .. 5 5 9 .. 259 480 1 7 2 63 30 ..... 1 . . .. 50 85 2 101 1 ]26 23 2 2 .. 1 4 5 22 1 209 424 3 34 88 16 •.• #. .. 3 .. 1 •• 106 210 4 200 13 183 33 4 25 2 35 1 56 2 2 .. 95 10 594 1,072 5

95 4 331 201 19 16 7 28 7 10 23 3 456 634 6 74 1 62 46 •• 1 6 " 102 192 7 81 4 53 48 5 .. 137 207 8 91 6 153 140 3 3 .. .. 2 6 .. 165 273 9 63 2 88 74 .. 1 " 1 1 2 .. 80 160 10

58 2 124 117 .... 85 138 11 67 4 ]]0 115 3 .. .. 4 .. 133 165 12 187 3 233 160 1 11 .. 2 .. .. 6 1 15 3 419 647 13 .. Uninhabited .. .. , .. , 14 61 2 JO] 76 " 4 .. 1 1 j .. 85 167 15

250 10 296 244 4 9 7 8 3 5 12 6 .. 405 636 16 72 88 50 4 3 4 .. 1 .. .. 1 3 .. 77 ]55 17 19 298 18 543 401 3 23 " 23 11 4 3 .. " 45 4 692 ],018 18 113 5 317 96 3 7 •• 2 ., 2 5 1 1 12 2 377 707 19 89 7 162 162 2 2 .. 1 1 3 1 ]54 272 20

36 58 29 2 2 .. 4 69 177 2J 25 89 82 .. .. 2 .. 88 139 22 44 32 234 188 .. 6 2 2 2 .. 186 ]96 23 22 ] 26 40 .. .. " 47 41 24 85 6 127 ]48 .. 12 " ] 1 4 ]99 244 25

107 3 130 8 3 1 •• o. 1 .. .. 13 .. 260 472 26 61 4 60 41 .. 8 .. 1 1 3 J 2 101 173 27 117 3 190 106 6 3 .. 11 3 7 " 14 4 301 520 28 52 4 93 102 1 1 .. 1 1 .. 130 156 29 54 7 107 100 .. 1 2 3 .. 111 160 30

19 1 155 103 1 3 .0 .. 129 180 31 327 11 478 377 9 2 43 " 2 .. 2 23 3 .. 61 9 867 1,4]7 32 15 1 95 6 ...... 53 142 33 23j 16 544 518 15 8 1 43 1 50 4 22 .. 104 5 57 .. 74 11 940 1,426 34 147 15 197 151 3 8 1 3 2 3 .. 16 .. 276 432 35 Bh-8 61 TALUKA JHAGADIA URDkN· BWCK/V-lLLAGEWISE

Naml! of Area village/town of Total Population ---- agglomora- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town{. in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Scheduled S:::heduled Educated Total worker~ tion ward/ur:ban. of town! ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Trihes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerat

36 Haripara 301-06 15 15 94 52 42 50 40 1 2 20 20 37 RajpJra 441-05 25 25 160 82 78 .. 82 77 18 3 45 42 38 Tejpor 1,051-23 67 67 373 188 185 2 1 148 ]41 39 1] 116 72 39 Uchchhab 651-15 61 71 357 189 168 " .. 117 99 62. 37 121 54 40 Achhalia 963·-10 100 100 501 247 254 5 4 148 149 133 83- 133 94

41 Umalla 1,571-01 475 498 2,554 1,304 1,250 71 7S 581 583 694 2'10 769 184 42 Vaghpara 886-17 292 295 1,679 866 813 13 9 434 421 388 224 457 257 43 Raisangpura 860-05 118 132 770 409 361 8 9 292 242 159 89 215 1-53 44 Shir 257-30 35 37 213 J)4 109 1 ]04 107 27 4 63 48 45 Tavdi 870-07 112 121 348 338 7 3 33S 327 171 80 176 57 686,-" .• 46 Khalak 1,012-39 56 S9 422 210 212 210 211 72 13 105 26 47 Kesharva 1,584-21 32 :12 227 118 109 117 109 23 I 53 23 48 Vala 1,692-23 66 77 410 213 197 213 197 93 11 101 5 49 Vali 1,133-09 83 102 551i 291 265 183 157 147 80 183 130 50 Dabha} 2,462-03 67 80 590 284 306 279 298 76 30 156 110

51 Kapat 840-03 75 75 506 248 258 248 253 53 5 132 34 52 Rupania 1.298-00 17 17 125 70 55 70 55 4 30 53 Nana Sorva 210-24 10 10 76 30 46· 30 46 2. 17 54 Boridara 608-01 32 33 201 113 88 113 88 12' 66 3 55 Madhavpara 1,223-07 58 59 307 152 155 87 89 47 33 80 48

S6 Karad 1,062-06 91 97 617 319 298 1 3 217 194 104 30 170 99 57 Simdhara 280-20 72 77 391 200 191 3 4 184 179 56 16 114 58 58 Jhagadia 2,371-35 902 925 4,591 2,397 2,194 194 2')5 663 607 1,626 1,024 1,215 341 59 Ratanpor 4,000-08 110 115 579 288 291 1 98 109 116 55 134 103 60 Bhimpor 1,182-20 33 35 227 109 118 109 118 14 60 39

61 Malipipar 779-09 59 65 401 213 188 2 207 183 53 14 116 63 62 Samarpara 589-06 18 19 87 51 36 44 33 9 2' 29 9 63 MotaSorva 2,008-35 65 70 447 228 219 228 2\5 48 15 128 66 64 Bilvada 616-38 46 50 211 112 99 99 94 34 9 69 12 65 Ambakhadi 480-31 34 34 153 85 68 83 68 5 45 9

66 Kolipada 2,453-11 SO 58 316 176 160 176 160 49 12 108 29 67 VmarJcharda 2,099-1 ] 51 SI 294 163 131· 163 131 24 1 86 20 68 Vankol 1,698-33 42 42 317 150 167 150 166 46 10 83 9 69 Mandvi 373-25 14 17 95 51 44 51 43 6 27 5 70 Jamoli 851-39 40 40 276 155 121 151 114 42 8 85 19

71 pada 574-21 27 27 198 96 102 94 94 14 3 52 10 72 Kantol 2,319-29 44 44 259 140 119 .. 139 119 62 11 84 17 73 Razalwada 1,026-03 93 116 554 287 267 3 2 263 248 82 15 172 75 74 Kadwali 938-03 104 154 372 208 164 168 148 5S 10 124 73 75 Gundecha 1,035-02 110 110 705 350 355 315 322 lOS 36 20] 96

76 Maljipara 642-21 22 21 144 78 66 76 65 34 17 41 10 77 Bhuri 383-00 19 19 119 49 70 49 70 6 2 27 21 78 Dumala Haripara 515-36 128 132 670 343 327 31 32 176 190 103 47 184 137 79 Vaghpara 535-02 32 33 189 90 99 4 2 43 43 27 20 4S 44 80 Limodara 1,152-16 285 286 1,691 856 835 40 43 471 473 314 137 444 301

81 Uchedia 1,495-17 319 358 1,915 967 948 45 45 287 303 451 150 538 113 82 CovaH Bet 1,261-31 Uninhabited " 83 Govali 2,016-21 447 451 2,449 1,240 1,209 67 67 309 335 591 257 703 389 84 Nana Sanja 932-28 167 174 936 487 449 25 19 256 264 196 74: 254 71 85 Ranipara 616-02 295 306 1,788 914 874 28 29 553 548 326 160' 507 349 62 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


n III IV V VI VII VlB IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion Code M F M (i M F M F M FMFMFMF M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

5 2 IS ]8 ., .. .. 32 22 36 25 4 19 31l " 1 1 .. 36 36 37 28 2 85 70 .. 2 I 72 113 38 33 .. 7R 54 5 . . 2 . . 5 .. 68 114 39 32 6 82 86 6 2 1 1 4 6 1 114 160 40

237 7 335 161 22 27 1 23 2 2 61 3 58 13 535 1,066 41 ]7 45 2 256 248 ] 43 " 14 .. 4 45 " .. 31 7 409 556 42 33 ] 160 147 1 10 4 3 ] 8 194 2)8 43 ,. ]0 2 52 45 .. 1 1 " .' " . . 41 61 44 72 93 55 .. 1 S 1 4 1 172 281 45

78 1 23 25 2 lOS 186 46 31 2 22 21 .. 65 86 47 48 1 53 4 .. .. 112 192 48 50 7 100 107 18 13 5 ] .. 10 2 108 135 49 70 83 109 ] 1 1 128 196 50

56 76 33 .. 116 224 51 25 5 40 S5 52 17 ., ... - 13 46 53 56 2 10 1 .. " 47 85 54 16 48 48 ,. 5 4 3 4 72 107 55

40 92 99 6 17 .. 7 4 ,. 4 149 199 56 6 98 58 1 .. .. 5 " 3 1 86 133 57 185 11 352 263 9 4 " 118 1 78 9 12 .. 210 9 33 1 214 47 1,182 1,853 58 36 74 100 " 1 5.. 5 2 3 4 7 154 188 59 22 37 39 .. ] 49 79 60

46 10 62 52 4 2 97 125 61 16 13 9 ,. .. 22 27 62 46 2 70 55 6 3 2 3 2 1 2 100 153 63 49 1 12 8 .. 7 3 43 87 64 33 11 9 .. 40 59 65

67 22 ]5 18 14 1 68 ]31 66 59 26 20 .. 1 77 111 67 44 1 39 8 67 158 68 ]4 13 5 .. ., .. 24 39 69 31 53 19 .. 1 70 102 70

19 33 10 .. " 44 92 71 37 42 16 .. , , .. 5 1 56 102 72 88 3 68 66 .. 12 6 1 1 2 115 192 73 25 47 48 49 25 1 2 84 91 74 85 12 ]07 84 2 2 2 3 149 259 75

19 2 20 8 .. 37 56 76 ]9 .. ,. .. II 2 16 .. " 22 49 77 59 13 105 123 5 3 2 3 1 5 1 159 190 78 ., 14 6 29 38 1 .. " 1 ...... 45 55 79 ]40 13 274 285 " 1 6 3 9 1 2 9 2 412 534 80

160 6 327 106 " 7 ,. 2 ,., " 19 7 .. 16 429 835 81 " Uninhabited .. .. 82 20S 7 442 379 5 " 7 1 4 1 12 3 " 24 2 537 820 83 109 7 123 64 6 1 3 1 2 2 5 2 .. 233 378 84 124 6 341 338 1 8 5 2 10 3 .. 13 5 407 525 85 63 TALUKA JHAGADIA URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISF

Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ----- No. block Km.s Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

86 Mota Sanja 838-12 126 128 721 387 334 19 14 275 249 81 19 186 136 87 Sultanpura 1,825-09 546 579 2,998 1,637 1,361 16 15 S24 4681,000 541 744 273 88 Kunvarpara 1,010-35 31 40 207 99 108 99 108 12 60 16 89 Vankihathan 12-32 .. Uninhabited .. 90 Amod 1,588-06 78 83 S41i 280 266 251 248 34 6 163 15

91 Ama)zar 840--15 135 140 840 420 420 2 405 411 87 14 249 79 92 Choki 1,068-35 24 24 J56 76 80 .. 76 80 6 49 26 93 Pipaipan 959-15 73 76 434 231 203 2 3 221 195 45 5 131 43 94 Jespor 1,223-28 52 S3 321 158 163 148 145 40 14 86 89 95 Dholi 1,019-34 54 54 323 164 159 160 159 39 3 101 78

96 Sajanvav 688-17 42 47 26() 142 118 135 113 31 6 74 37 97 Vadkhunta 2,144-39 89 99 570 292 278 276 269 121 29 148 19 98 MUngaj 1,410-16 35 46 318 155 163 155 163 31 5 96 9 99 Kakadpada I,054-3.t 6 6 31 16 15 .. 16 ]5 1 .. 14 1 100 Movi 1,090-05 72 73 449 224 225 4 2 211 219 29 4 117 126

101 Val 528-30 33 38 247 -, 132 115 130 lIS 5 76 59 102 Fichvada 1,215-00 46 46 295/'" 145 ISO 145 ]50 32 76 70 103 Kharetha 2,116-27 113 116 759 392 367 384 358 72 1 224 39 104 Kund J77-04 ...... Uninhabited .> .. 105 Vaodarveli 1,088-19 18 18 118 60 S8 60 58 2 30 ]7

106 Debar 1,803--()8 78 78 549 255 284 265 284 68 9 136 24 107 Machamadi 866-30 43 43 304 138 166 ]38 166 31 4 74 108 Dholekham !,134-33 77 78 438 218 2Z0 206 214 88 13 124 27 109 Anjoli 1,58j-34 124 124 873 430 443 429 443 127 37 235 4 110 Ramkot 774-10 18 19 146 78 68 78 68 17 (j 33

111 Uodi 789-22 73 78 479 251 228 25\ 228 96 37 125 28 112 Ashoavi 1,968-07 104 117 671 340 337 317 310 95 36 147 45 113 Navapara 357-18 20 20 107 54 53 36 38 27 S 35 IS 114 Baleshwar 790-18 63 75 391 200 191 200 191 64 10 119 64 115 Zazpor 833--()0 21 21 127 63 64 63 64 9 34 J 1

116 Rampor ],023-11 43 43 237 123 1]4 118 ]! 1 3<1 4 67 3<) 117 Damlai 1,147-06 69 72 411 214 197 .. 204 ]91 62 7 111 20 118 Padvania 2,760-20 196 20] 1,346 712 634 10 6 6S6 591 253 67 379 128 119 Andharkachhala 432-36 47 53 235 118 117 96 95 21 6 69 36 120 Dholakuva 1,183-37 26 26 175 96 79 85 72 37 12 50 5

121 Malpor 946-38 ]08 119 600 301 299 3 4 270 271 89 15 172 92 122 Vanthevad 80':'-32 66 71 437 225 212 ]76 163 78 15 124 12 123 Kharia 424-23 49 51 247 123 124 115 117 22 4 69 6 124 Fulwadi 1,899-12 197 215 1,196 614 582 1 3 364 342 237 104 341 174 125 Boridara 864-22 111 121 68S 337 348 40 48 89 90 168 80 153 53

126 Mulad 852--()2 119 126 6S2 321 331 ]9 27 ]i3 1&2 136 66 157 76 127 Naugama 1,033--()5 761 782 4,191 2,200 1,991 79 77 895 813 896 324 1,185 477 128 Kharchi Bhilwada 501-06 92 97 5'2 265 267 .. 265 267 61 6 128 88 129 Kharchi 1,000-32 120 120 690 331 359 7 11 J06 121 188 91 Hi8 78 130 Kapalsadi 2,607-26 241 243 1,J91 634 557 13 10 251 204 295 155 3:0 68

131 Selod 1,836-38 166 ]78 1,007 496 511 14 16 234 247 240 112 217 114 132 Pada1 2,394--09 164 171 968 494 474 464 446 157 52 233 42 133 Moran 783-29 87 90 560 284 27(, 3 3 260 263 35 14 148 16 134 Goratia 211-27 30 34 178 93 8S 62 61 11 1 S9 }O 135 Kotiamau 439-28 9 9 S9 ,.-, 33 26 30 23 2 14 2 '.' 64 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

39 1 136 135 4 3 I 3 20] ]98 86 107 18 199 170 15 " 5 31 .. 104 29 47 26 84 3 48 .. 104 27 893 ],088 87 9 19 1 20 5 10 10 ] 1 39 92 88 .. Uninil~bit~d 89 70 5 84 10 9 117 251 90

158 17 24 62 .. .. 2 4 171 341 91 30 .. 18 26 .. 1 .. 27 54 92 77 11 5] 32 1 .. 2 ]00 160 93 47 27 32 60 2 2 .. 1 3 72 74 94 67 49 32 29 .. 1 1 63 81 95

46 29 25 8 2 .. ., ] 68 81 96 94 44 16 4 3 3 3 144 259 97 57 18 8 20 I 1 59 154 9~ 9 5 1 . , . , .. .. 2 ]4 9') 85 97 23 27 2 2 I 5 ] 107 <;9 10)

62 54 4 4 2 .. 4 4 56 56 10] 59 58 12 11 3 1 .. 1 69 80 102 ]69 24 48 15 1 3 3 .. 168 328 103 , " . . .. " Uninhabited . 104 20 5 9 11 .. 1 30 41 105

109 26 23 I 129 260 106 65 8 . , 1 ., ...... 64 166 107 97 21 19 4 3 2 2 2 1 9.1 193 108 90 144 3 ... I 1 195 439 109 9 24 45 68 110

79 J 36 27 .. S 4 .. 126 200 111 90 2 45 43 7 2 2 1 .. 193 292 112 13 1 21 14 .. .. 1 19 38 113 44 1 68 62 5 .. 1 2 81 127 114 ]0 17 11 .. 6 29 53 lIS

27 . ' 38 39 .. ' . 1 56 75 116 75 1 31 19 1 I .. 2 .. 103 177 117 201 3 169 ]25 4 2 1 2 .. 333 506 118 18 1 43 35 8 ...... 49 8] 119 22 17 5 3 I 2 4 1 46 74 120

80 1 82 84 7 4 , . .. 2 129 207 12! 61 4 61 8 1 1 .. ]01 200 ]22 26 2 43 4 .. .. ., , . 54 118 123 119 ]2 189 159 1 " 8 9 1 1 1 1 .. 12 2 273 408 ]24 80 4 61 49 .. 1 J 1 9 . . 184 295 125

] 52 7 88 69 3 2 .. .. S " 6 164· 255 126 332 48 692 420 4 8 53 2 8 " 4 49 2 6 .. 29 5 1,015 1,514 127 ] 40 4 79 84 1 " .. 4 1 2 ...... 137 179 128 95 5 38 72 1 4 .. 1 .. 11 3 6 9 1 163 281 129 143 7 122 61 3 2 4 1 7 8 .. 20 " 324 489 130

93 3 102 108 2 4 2 6 8 2 279 397 131 130 .. 94 40 2 7 2 261 432 132 60 1 85 ]5 3 136 260 133 16 42 ]0 1 34 75 134 104 2 19 24 135 65 TALUKA JHAGADIA URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area village !town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (HX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.· Houses P M F M F M F M F M F

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 .) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

136 Koliawada 4S0-37 31 }1 231 121 110 \12 l(i} :5 (1 66 9 137 Kuri 854-30 55 55 383 198 185 .. . . 142 131 44 23 '4 10 138 Vadpan 740-00 71 71 4H 257 223 I 2 254 220 (,9 18 152 4 139 Timla 481-13 53 53 309 166 143 160 no 42 10 89 3 140 Kochbar 1,983-00 125 125 845 413 432 406 4:5 57 3 191 11

141 Galiba 2,490-08 107 118 823 426 397 .. 3:12 368 90 10 223 5 142 Valpor 773-21 83 J(J3 561 281 280 4 3 274 277 109 20 161 I 143 Rupghat 1,144-13 44 44 314 160 154 160 154 .(4 12 83 2 144 Varkhadi 988-14 76 88 575 284 291 272 283 71 4 87 145 Bilatha 744-26 75 83 569 235 284 231 233 86 8 83 2

146 Shanakoi 2,715-20 138 138 912 445 467 445 467 98 16 224 38 147 Zarna 1.042-06 47 47 289 145 144 ., 145 144 18 J 81 12 148 Kantipada 2,585-26 195 212 1,371 681 690 16 18 653 661 157 38 362 101 149 Fokdi 531-03 26 32 187 85 102 .. 59 68 12 13 56 34 150 Moriyana 907-02 5S 55 SIS 260 258 1 179 204 166 135 81 43

151 Mota Malpor 1,066-07 137 149 SlB 463 420 4 3 439 401 126 35 253 3 152 Gambhirpara 465-20 14 14 91 46 45 45 44 10 22 153 Aoadhara 1,835-14 129 137 720 361 359 2 5 337 333 11)6 24 198 38 154 Shiyali 1,494-38 116 125 669 346 323 .. 330 313 132 22 213 156 155 Vasna 1,303-31 187 230 1,262 628 634 15 22 528 530 205 91 357 98

156 Rajpor 1,149-27 40 43 291 149 142 142 136 21 G 80 37 157 Navagam Mota 241-17 56 57 273 137 136 135 135 12 3 81 18 158 Sardarpura 482 01 48 55 302 158 144 75 72 81 34 89 39 159 Dntia 650-15 62 65 376 193 183 101 90 76 34 112 49 160 Dadheda 2,061-10 95 101 582 280 302 9 5 183 192 99 45 155 137

161 Randedi 1,007-11 39 39 2si 119 132 105 111 36 10 69 23 162 Limet 1.541-28 228 231 1,321 691 630 i 1 442 399 240 141 385 175 163 Talodara 3,022-08 209 224 1,237 627 610 3 5 355 340 241 )20 354 277 164 Panvadi 694-29 58 60 336 165 171 134 141 46 16 94 91 16S Borjai 1,654-00 118 118 1,034- 497 537 290 319 184 105 288 290

166 Dharoli 3,517-26 477 487 2,806 1,439 1,367 9 3 870 819 609 391 784 404 167 Bhojpor 736-19 59 59 457 248 209 244 200 76 22 140 54 .)68 Ambos 1,472-23 101 101 69] 348 343 326 326 102 26 193 124 .' I .",,",




Non- LOCAl- (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

37 29 9 ., 55 101 136 35 1 54 9 ., 5 104 175 137 59 ] 91 2 1 .. 1 1 105 219 138 42 45 3 1 1 77 140 139

148 5 42 6 1 " 222 421 140

99 .. 93 2 3 20 6 3 203 392 141 86 1 69 .. 3 2 " 1 120 279 142 38 1 35 1 1 8 1 77 152 143 55 19 " 10 .. 2 1 197 291 144 47 2 31 1 I 3 202 282 145

172 15 45 21 3 2 2 2 221 429 146 70 2 10 10 1 .. ., .. .. ., ...... 64 132 147 202 19 125 66 1 9 8 5 4 9 7 1 1 3 .. 3 319 589 148 10 2 44 32 2 29 68 149 24 39 37 .. 18 6 179 215 150

106 2 ]28 2 .. 4 3 3 6 210 417 151 16 5 1 · . .. . . 24 45 152 89 3 100 35 2 " 1 6 163 321 153 98 2 112 154 1 2 ...... 133 167 154 136 6 199 91 7 7 " 1 3 J .. 4 271 536 155

35 7 45 30 69 105 ]56 29 2 52 16 .. .. 56 118 157 57 8 29 31 . , 1 .. · . 2 69 105 158 65 12 43 37 1 I 2 81 134 159 103 89 46 48 3 1 2 125 165 160

29 2 39 21 .. " .. · . I .. 50 109 161 135 23 198 147 7 9 2 3 1 16 1 .. 15 3 306 455 162 152 98 173 ]77 1 1 4 1 2 .. 2] 1 273 333 163 27 2 66 89 ., .. .. 1 ., 71 80 164 90 88 185 201 1 3 1 1 8 209 247 165

210 18 458 375 9 26 4 5 4 25 7 .. 40 7 655 963 166 57 1 83 53 . , .. 108 155 167 107 54 82 70 1 1 2 1SS 219 168




Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ ;n acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M P M P M P M P M F 2 :> 4 5 6 '1 B 9 10 II 12 n 14 15 16


Total Km.a 24,:>93 148,294 72,238 2,720 48,368 13,768 11,513 1,131.1 25,496 76,056 2,867 50,011 31,234 40,329 Acres (279,483-38)

Rural Km.2 19,327 122,525 59,915 2,351 16,116 7,960 10,665 1,176.6 20,413 62,610 2,470 47,548 22,260 34,211 Acres (278,384-14 )

Urban Km.~ 5,066 25,769 12,323 369 2,252 5,808 848 4.5 5,083 13,446 397 2.463 8,974 6.118


:Y Narkhadi 1,140-22 102 104 603 304 299 48 43 125 J22 68 J5 176 19 2 Poicha 2,204-05 174 174 916 457 459 67 64 209 217 213 83 270 103 3 Kothara 81H5 88 92 574 285 :'89 7 7 71 60 105 8 161 5S 4 Jesalpor 1,609-38 128 130 782 410 '372 35 46 104 86 102 12 228 2 5 Pati 371-24 48 48 281 148 133 68 57 48 14 87 37

6 Jior 2,552-32 lf4 164 772 403 369 49 59 173 149 151 46 223 73 7 Vandaria 919-38 65 65 372 199 173 1 3 195 169 13 2 119 2 8 Sondhalia 867-11 72 72 365 183 182 9 .. 23 20 43 12 111 1 9 Tankari 1,681-15 171 171 970 509 461 49 55 156 133 213 53 316 203 10 Serav 3,811·-13 278 280 1,697 891 806 46 57 283 240 403 150 507 231

11 Ga!upura 115-21 14 14 131 66 65 66 65 24 37 15 12 Bilthana 388-37 21 26 162 83 79 .. .. 83 79 23 47 27 13 Pantalavadi 319-18 109 113 1'",.) 404 369 19 23 204 192 126 39 209 95 14 Bhekhadia 730-35 .52 51 306 158 148 " 140 134 28 5 99 4 15 Bakhar 843-10 60 60 362 181 181 1 169 177 69 8 95 7

16 Dhobisal 248-17 35 35 189 96 93 96 93 25 .. 53 1 17 Navapara 249-21 53 59 350 166 184 162 181 62 5 97 12 (Garudeshwar) 18 Vanznitad 229-04 35 43 236 112 124 111 124 48 10 61 7 19 Dhefa 337-39 9 10 41 2J 18 5 4 15 14 6 15 2 20 Mithivav 496-30 55 62 322 160 162 144 151 70 16 89 34

21 Panisadadia 282-16 39 45 229 110 119 .. .. 108 117 14 1 70 15 22 Dhaniala 397-06 18 21 150 80 70 13 9 60 58 21 1 42 12 23 Mankuva 275-29 34 34 238 117 121 117 121 8 1 66 4 24 Songam 767-14 57 62 506 245 261 233 247 52 16 127 2 25 Gunetha 407-23 31 31 204 108 96 11 9 96 85 19 2 55 3

26 Bor Utar 481-Q6 48 48 310 158 152 158 152 34 3 81 27 Chichadia 880-00 74 74 395 208 187 206 186 53 3 112 6 28 Valpor 171-00 11 12 64 30 34 .. 30 34 8 18 5 29 Gadod 638-12 71 76 .574 310 264 7 9 297 247 77 14 165 28 30 Sajanpara 150-30 22 22 156 81' 75 81 75 5 47 13

31 Sandhia 1,085-30 50 51 319 163 156 143 138 40 8 85 51 32 Sul


I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------_- ---- Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

1,234 9,248 49 38 126 79 83 68 37 551 60,725 17,755 13,973 678 82 736 t,231 630 1,945 634 2,665 35,727

1,161 9,109 46 38 101 7 28 18 157 49,250 17,259 13,699 506 79 535 299 376 409 101 948 28,399

73 139 3 25 72 55 50 37 394 11,475 496 274 172 3 201 932 254 1,536 533 1,717 7,328

88 6 80 13 1 2 .. 1 .. .. 4 ...... 128 280 1 123 10 115 82 1 4 1 3 5 5 2 " 12 10 187 356 2 73 5 82 48 5 2 1 .. .. " 124 234 3 196 26 2 1 4 " .. 1 .. 182 370 4 37 48 37 " 1 I 61 96 5

103 " 110 72 .. 3 5 " 180 296 6 61 1 55 1 .. , . 2 80 171 7 98 1 8 2 I 2 72 181 8

115 7 192 195 3 2 1 .. 1 .. 3 " 193 258 9 259 10 217 217 4 6 3 5 1 " 15 1 384 575 10 20 16 15 .. 29 50 11 24 23 27 .. " .. .. 36 52 12 70 1 ]21 94 5 7 6 .. 195 274 13 68 " 28 4 1 1 1 .. .. 59 144 14 83 1 9 6 .. 1 2 86 174 15 52 1 1 ...... 43 92 16 74 3 18 9 .. 1 3 1 69 172 17 43 2 15 2 .. 2 51 117 18 8 7 5 .. 8 16 19 51 33 34 .. 3 2 71 128 20

53 2 14 13 1 1 40 104 21 17 22 12 .. 2 1 38 58 2.2 39 2 26 2 1 .. 51 117 23 101 22 2 2 1 1 .. 118 259 24 46 1 9 1 .. 1 53 93 l5

S8 ]5 1 2 4 I 77 152 26 70 36 4 4 2 2 % 181 27 14 1 4 4 .. .. 12 29 28 84 2 76 26 I 1 3 .. 145 236 29 26 21 13 " 34 62 30

27 49 50 1 .. 3 3 1 1 78 105 31 18 36 50 8 1 3 .. 4 38 69 32 26 31 32 1 2 1 ., 41 73 33 145 1 101 35 4 1 1 6 1 3 .. 189 387 34 50 2 63 87 23 4 .. 110 154 3S 71 TALUKA NANDOD URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISlE

Name of Area ----- village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.! Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

36 Lachharas 2,540-24 577 590 3,058 1,634 1,424 111 107 553 509 790 435 879 378 37 Anijara 1,057-34 94 94 496 261 235 46 38 93 87 106 25 138 79 38 Bhadam 2,649-34 447 468 2,425 J,263 1,162 102 114 j98 362 728 459 666 285 39 Rasela 925-31 102 1J5 580 307 273 13 11 122 118 156 70 162 14 40 Dhanpor 986-02 108 108 557 279 :78 50 45 111 108 171 75 163 16

41 Rundh 2,281,-01 291 294 1,768 922 846 87 88 716 654 286 79 545 255 42 Dhamnacha 1,230-07 169 169 939 476 463 45 51 253 248 231 105 256 6 43 Patna 1,549-18 194 202 1,085 537 548 47 33 371 394 148 61 356 7 44 Varkhad 1,904-11 171 172 954 496 458 14 13 240 230 317 136 263 15 45 Ori 2,023-30 173 177 1,496 757 739 75 68 264 257 351 204 418 219

46 Sisodara 3,352-01 649 786 2,736 1,387 1,349 143 143 373 357 767 467 761 317 47 Kandroj J ,576-28 152 199 857 456 401 55 50 207 181 80 89 301 187 48 Nikoli 2,000-32 183 190 980 433 497 18 24 253 258 170 108 298 201 49 Navapara 1,040-00 155 164 922 472 450 9 6 280 267 187 105 275 174 (Niko1i) 50 Amarpara 446-02 20 23 125 63 62 63 62 12 11 46 3

51 Pratappara 797-01 95 111 648 326 322 314 307 144 41 168 79 52 Helambi 212-35 37 38 233 113 120 ,- 113 120 57 10 53 29 53 Vaghetha 1,568-09 150 150 1,422 687 735 20 28 655 692 184 58 414 422 54 Bhacharwada 1,474-20 174 174 969 510 459 38 33 341 308 202 97 284 165 55 Bhuchhad 1,217-28 216 216 1,215 614 601 10 9 604 592 149 50 357 86

56 Hajarpara 313-34 150 154 799 407 392 72 79 179 172 222 96 247 7S 57 Torna 1,200-17 110 110 624 322 302 52 42 230 230 93 14 180 7 58 Chitravadi 1,088-02 90 92 494 257 237 23 24 176 170 94 33 156 106 59 Thari 668-01 94 101 552 286 266 33 20 104 98 124 55 170 31 60 Mangrol 2,786-10 193 206 992 494 498 81 88 106 92 116 117 256 20

61 Rampara 780-16 109 109 508 254 254 182 181 95 41 147 104 (Mangrol) 62 Sanjaroli 742-23 77 77 604 306 298 11 7 295 291 1115 25 170 5 63 Akteshwar 976-32 128 130 838 434 404 10 11 422 393 185 35 247 14 64 Garudeshwar 1,536-04 200 200 1,228 647 581 4 4 469 437 305 87 348 47 65 Gabhana 880-36 66 79 455 227 228 208 214 107 9 129 38

66 Khadagada 1,538-24 169 205 1,502 796 706 30 24 666 602 284 87 438 200 67 Dhamadara 882-17 174 174 1,146 573 571 3 565 569 270 63 290 91 68 Zaria 689-33 131 131 972 549 423 15 15 486 378 300 78 203 6 69 Undva 1,012-31 170 170 1,169 584 585 3 572 580 182 33 381 2 70 Orpa 719-01 52 76 535 274 261 274 261 87 4 136 1

7I Kumbhia 432-37 32 33 223 114 109 114 109 43 11 54 72 Nasari 381-23 37 40 300 147 153 .. ., 146 J49 24 5 93 73 Pichhipara ],524-35 86 101 691 344 347 2 1 325 333 50 3 198 ]5 74 Mankad Amba 1,449-13 62 67 413 208 205 " .. 199 199 39 12 128 3 75 Limkhetar 4,746-29 55 57 410 202 208 2 ] 199 206 31 9 101

76 Amba 1,275-18 12 14 121 56 65 53 63 1 " 24 2 77 Panchla 748-38 41 42 363 182 181 182 181 49 4 95 I 78 Haripura 130-20 34 34 180 86 94 7 7 6] 71 27 6 49 .. 79 Vaghrali 1,240-10 71 71 516 268 248 261 238 57 7 ]69 44 80 Jetp<>r 776-16 82 83 516 25S 261 2 4 140 147 93 33 139 3

81 Timrava 888-13 59 59 521 270 251 263 244 61 5 152 26 82 Kareli 435-20 123 123 907 468 439 .. 462 437 107 2 275 69 83 Naghatpor 2,365-23 157 167 1,199 598 601 5 581 589 185 22 331 17 84 Samasherpural 315-35 56 61 361 186 17S 186 175 91 11 89 8 (Kareliwalu)



11 III IV V VI VII VIII IX x Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F MFMFM FM F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

352 12 402 354 19 . , 44 4 4 1 .. 17 .. 40 6 755 1,046 36 75 60 77 I 1 1 .. . , , . 2 123 156 37 325 28 245 239 16 2 2 24 12 7 17 1 5 .. 25 3 597 877 38 115 6 33 8 .. 4 ., " 1 2 7 .. 145 259 39 85 3 73 13 1 2 1 1 116 262 40

287 99 228 144 17 II 1 3 9 1 377 591 41 122 4 105 1 8 7 8 1 S 1 220 457 42 134 216 6 1 . , , . 4 1 181 541 43 106 2 134 12 2 3 ., 1 5 .. 12 1 233 443 44 159 1 216 203 2 21 10 2 4 .. 14 5 339 520 45

260 10 378 297 14 13 32 9 12 2 1 .. 42 8 626 1,032 46 82 215 187 1 .. .. I 2 " 155 214 47 112 2 159 193 2 16 5 1 1 " 7 1 185 296 48 115 5 143 168 .. 3 1 1 .. 12 1 197 276 49

14 31 3 " 17 59 50

90 2 74 76 1 .. 3 " 158 243 51 33 17 27 2 2 .. .. ., 60 91 52 179 3 228 418 1 , , 3 1 1 2 273 313 S3 103 3 167 161 .. I .. " .. 1 .. 12 1 226 294 54 208 3 128 79 1 4 4 7 2 1 6 " 257 515 55

108 122 75 1 2 1 .. 11 .. 160 317 56

36 2 1211 5 .. " 14 .. 1 ] .. 142 295 57 39 2 98 101 2 2 10 .. .. 1 1 4 1 101 131 58 85 4 44 28 23 " 10 5 3 1 1 3 2 116 227 S9 120 2 7 4 55 6 13 1 2 1 4 1 " 53 7 238 478 60

57 7 59 96 21 7 3 107 1)0 61

, 87 2 75 . .. .. 5 3 " .. 3 •. 136 V3 62 142 2 S5 4 6 1 1 8 1 .. r! 5 8 .. J .. 15 .. 187 3~O 63 109 9 142 31 4 2 8 6 1 13 22 J 5 .. 39 3 2901 534 64 69 31 24 7 13 12 4 4 1 1 1 93 190 65

130 237 184 5 .. 25 10 3 14 2 .. 22 6 358 506 66 184 2 89 88 .. 1 3 4 .. 10 283 482 67

103 1 68 3 1 4 " 6 .. 21 2 346 417 68 301 73 1 .. 4 1 .. 2 I 203 583 69 109 21 1 .. 2 1 3 .. 138 260 70

36 18 " 60 109 71 41 51 1 54 lS3 72 161 32 15 2 3 .. 146 332 73 56 68 3 1 2 1 80 202 74 89 9 1 1 1 .. 101 208 75

23 1 2 ..... 32 63 76 72 20 1 1 1 .. 1 87 180 77 12 21 4 4 S 3 37 94 78 126 25 37 19 1 1 •• o. 1 3 .. 99 204 79 65 1 57 1 3 I 1 8 4 1 116 258 80

98 1 48 25 ., 3 2 .. 118 225 81 151 3 112 64 6 2 4 2 193 370 82 163 1 lSI 14 1 7 4 5 2 267 584 83 70 16 8 '" 1 2 97 167 84


Name of Area ---- village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of townl ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block KOl.a Houses p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

85 Vadi 735-03 72 77 486 252 234 250 232 95 13 136 5 86 Gadkoi 1,066-30 73 74 507 259 248 4 2 252 245 119 19 125 10 87 Bhumalia 1,092-20 72 92 557 272 285 269 281 121 25 158 2 88 Amadala 1,061-04 162 195 1,313 652 661 2 5 643 647 271 47 332 80 89 Kotbi 828-18 146 149 887 432 455 428 448 165 33 232 2

YO Kevadia 1,552-19 356 356 1,626 865 761 32 22 439 411 472 259 447 25 91 Mota Piparia 339-37 72 72 442 no 212 6 6 218 199 110 13 136 2 92 Nana Piparia 446-04 34 34 2]0 103 107 103 107 38 2 71 93 Indravarna 925-15 58 62 358 185 173 .. 175 163 80 6 11l 2 94 Vansla 603-10 58 92 50? 257 250 15 15 232 225 76 14 129 28

95 Nani Raval 362-37 30 45 296 ]44 152 142 151 55 15 68 1 96 Moti Raval 625-10 48 48 291 145 ]46 .. 143 146 52 7 93 87 97 Fu\vadi 823-14 72 72 587 305 282 3 2 298 278 97 10 171 154 98 Surajvad 484-27 52 52 331 166 165 165 165 44 1 92 69 99 Sengpara 475-01 18 18 142 75 67 75 67 13 1 29 7

100 Ghambhirpara 413-11 32 32 210 97 113 97 113 30 S 44 34 101 Samsherpara 392-15 .. Uninhabited 102 Kali Makvana 1,341-05 85 102 666 337 329 .. .. 317 317 121 35 ZOO 96 103 Karantha 1,890-04 191 196 1,023 548 475 56 49 204 187 293 109 284 116 104 Vadia 859-14 176 183 1,130 674 456 70 38 4]1 377 431 84 251 72

105 Ranipura 64]-26 85 85 453 219 234 26 36 193 198 78 16 131 131 106 Dholivav 255-15 51 51 265 138 127 138 127 33 24 77 63 107 Rampara 72-03 19 22 140 63 77 63 77 19 3 32 27 (Patnawalu) 108 Virsangpara 403-30 27 28 175 94 81 94 81 32 19 55 J09 Lodhan 353-01 11 11 88 45 43 45 43 30 11 24

110 Akuvada 667-02 54 56 380 182 198 t80 1')5 78 35 100 7 III Vaghodia 1,338-27 127 ]48 970 503 467 24 20 376 355 208 107 278 7 112 Navra 2,503-12 286 286 1,656 828 828 84 83 356 372 351 198 481 224 113 Varachha 611-28 49 49 308 171 137 1 1 87 62 56 21 102 9 114 Umarva 1,576--17 325 338 1,833 964 869 126 102 279 248 622 364 492 209

liS ReI 462-02 43 47 254 135 IJ9 .. 133 119 56 14 70 59 116 Rajuvadia 2,246-03 374 380 2,033 1,067 966 43 32 695 633 520 255 580 134 117 Timbi 1,801-03 172 172 1,026 502 524 2 4 500 520 244 128 279 53 lI8 Dharikheda 582-10 62 62 401 197 204 7 6 183 193 85 41 110 1 119 Kumasgam 518-11 103 109 752 364 388 353 376 98 28 173 7

120 Amletha 1,811-23 360 394 2,189 1,091 1,098 73 69 848 865 388 173 609 396 121 Taropa 1,296-37 202 277 1,617 840 777 697 649 394 179 380 329 122 Dholar 1,281-29 158 179 1,142 570 572 15 9 555 563 195 64 281 53 ]23 Virpor 582 23 94 98 733 375 358 374 358 148 55 204 157 ]24 Ringni 543-15 69 69 394 193 201 193 201 61 21 103 3

125 Navagam 794-05 40 42 250 127 123 127 123 44 15 59 5 126 Verisalpara 247-21 31 31 160 86 74 86 74 28 7 48 2 127 Ramsadh 263-08 46 46 274 139 135 139 135 35 15 82 11 128 Jitnagar 2,378-21 126 ]26 753 380 373 23 15 344 347 65 8 183 93 129 Vavdi 1,461-17 26! 272 1,637 845 792 102 101 381 371 394 166 453 198

130 GopalpUra 4~-37 155 161 90S 445 460 52 48 129 132 248 189 209 80 131 Nana Zunda 97-]7 30 30 233 121 112 119 109 41 2 66 5 74 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion Code M F M F M F M F M FM FMFMF MFMF M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 3) 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

77 46 5 1 4 1 2 4 .. 116 229 85

97 2 23 8 2 .. " o. 1 2 13~ 238 R6 127 16 2 2 1 . . 8 3 .. I .. 114 283 87 194 118 ,4 1 6 4 2 4 1 7 1 320 581 88 173 2 36 3 1 .. 13 3 3 .. 200 453 89

108 2 34 3 21 3 7 .. 247 8 8 2 .. 18 9 418 736 90 112 2 8 2 4 2 .. " 4 4 94 210 91 55 11 .. ,. 3 .. 2 32 107 92 73 2 20 7 .. .. 1 4 2 4 .. 74 171 93 83 6 17 2 22 21 1 I 2 1 1 128 222 94

54 7 I .. 5 .. 2 .. 76 IS 1 95 81 79 9 7 .. 2 .. 1 .. . . ., .. 1 52 59 96 163 143 3 10 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. 134 128 97 40 4S 69 .. 6 •• o. 1 74 96 98 25 2 7 1 I 46 60 99

26 16 34 .. .. 1 53 79 100 .. .. Uninhabited .. " .. . . 10] 80 2 109 94 5 1 1 3 1 .. 137 233 102 155 3 98 108 12 .. 7 4 I " .. .. " II 1 2E4 359 103 65 35 48 15 9 6 35 ., 11 9 12 3 6 .. 57 11 423 384 104

1 2 120 129 4 2 88 103 105 5 64 63 ., 2 3 3 61 64 106 9 22 27 1 31 50 107 18 35 39 81 108 10 14 21 43 109

44 1 49 5 .. 6 82 191 110

106 2 157 5 2 4 2 " 7 .. 225 460 111 161 3 2J2 221 22 13 36 4 9 3 .. 21 " 3.:17 604 112 4)) 36 9 8 1 7 .. 2 69 J28 1]3 191 4 217 201 8 23 8 14 .. 31 4 472 660 114

28 .. 34 59 1 1 " ., 2 4 65 60 115 136 1 326 118 8 9 2 39 3 5 13 7 .. 37 10 487 832 116 32 .. 241 53 .. 2 2 1 1 223 471 117 53 1 56 . . 1 .. .. 87 203 118 72 2 89 4 .. 2 4 1 191 381 ]19

296 16 263 374 3 8 4 8 6 .. 20 5 482 702 120 204 130 316 6 2 3 3 5 3 .. 26 11 460 448 121 156 III 51 1 4 2 3 .. 6 .. 289 519 122 90 51 66 14 2 1 131 3 " . 5 1 171 201 123 55 1 42 2 .. 1 i 1 90 198 124

38 .. 20 5 68 118 125 11 1 37 1 .. 38 72 126 7 75 11 57 124 127 75 15 105 78 1 2 197 280 128 186 4 179 189 5 31 2 9 .. 10 9 1 2 .. 21 2 392 594 129

98 .. 85 76 2 4 2 2 1 2 .. 14 2 236 380 130 56 1 9 4 " 1 55 107 131 75 TALUKA NANDOD URBAN BLOCKjVILLi\GEWISE

Name of Area village Itown of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No.of and Housele~s Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town I ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------~------No. block Km.1 Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

132 Nava Vaghpara 1,172-32 79 85 506 281 285 4 11 273 269 77 18 164 45 133 Sakva 883-21 34 35 223 115 108 114 107 100 41 59 8 134 Samaria 1,220-10 66 89 569 286 283 1 275 276 37 3 176 17 135 Bhanadara 403-39 20 20 142 76 66 68 58 9 16 38 136 Boria 413-16 61 61 400 199 201 177 182 119 48 104 12

137 Vasantpara 289-05 30 30 167 87 80 87 80 34 43 138 Vagadia 637-29 47 63 399 192 207 2 4 179 196 58 4 107 139 Khalvani 1,611-15 27 27 153 72 81 .. 72 81 27 4 41 140 Panchmuli 2,662-34 72 76 741 363 378 2 2 354 372 99 S 188 141 Zer 2,896-30 144 154 1,036 52:' 5\3 1 520 510 III 3 29\ 30

142 Survani 271-02 22 23 182 93 89 89 86 4 1 54 28 143 Vanazi 673-08 53 57 410 196 214 2 3 194 211 56 2 102 57 144 Gulvani 1,841-32 55 56 423 205 218 199 210 44 3 115 43 145 Chapat 332-36 12 12 83 42 41 42 41 15 146 Mankadkhada 4,059-07 49 49 329 170 159 170 159 87 S4

147 Gadher 8.273-38 241 241 1,702 855 847 3 2 844 842 112 4 455 22 148 Katkhadi 2,285-19 25 25 224 116 108 .. 116 108 31 64 2 149 Vadgam 4,724-07 192 193 1,195 608 587 1 597 581 140 5 361 41 150 Limdi 2,297-32 93 93 741 376 365 .. 371 361 82 10 207 80 15) Navagam 681-33 65 66 411 218 193 1 1 213 ]89 64 8 113 26

152 Gora 2,154-15 96 104 589 287 302 269 286 1]2 17 lSI 13 153 Umarva (Joshivalu) 2,469-35 51 51 422 213 209 213 :!O9 49 21 112 3 154 Bhilvashi 2,752-33 144 144 924 448 476 445 471 77 12 241 5 155 Mota Amba 734--36 31 56 332 162 170 162 170 59 8 97 39 156 Junvad 966-18 64 74 499 236 263 1 235 263 59 7 131 53

157 Velchhandi 789-18 29 29 207 104 103 104 103 22 51 5 158 Mota Raipara 2,651-30 155 155 887 441 446 .. 439 446 120 1~ 248 119 159 Sundarpura 987-19 133 137 852 429 423 ]0 5 419 418 109 7 287 250 160 Nana Dimatvada 302-28 62 62 397 200 197 200 197 64 23 101 23 161 Vanzar 831-11 61 61 422 211 21t 211 211 85 32 109 23

162 Mota Limatvada 1,057-00 62 64 389 20t 188 201 188 71 26 119 4 ]63 Jetpor 195-31 20 20 120 59 61 59 61 21 6 34 1 ]64 Nana Raipara 679-34 34 36 199 105 94 IDS 94 21 3 58 34 165 Khamar 664--34 40 45 220 111 109 111 J09 52 9 65 29 166 Nana Haidva 210-33 27 27 173 89 84 89 84 37 15 44 2

167 Chitrol 986-12 19 19 132 70 62 70 62 18 6 35 168 Sanadhara ],197-28 19 ]9 122 60 62 60 62 5 28 23 169 Kakadva ],577-39 65 65 424 215 209 215 209 53 18 107 43 170 Khojalvasa 831-{)4 64 70 421 222 199 .. 222 199 61 12 117 84 171 Gamkuva 798-36 158 160 1,030 520 510 5 6 481 465 213 73 281 128

172 Pratapnagar 1,678-16 320 360 1,954 1,004 950 20 16 636 592 475 275 510 257 173 Baman Falia 858-{)3 48 48 284 136 148 136 143 36 7 83 41 174 Medgam 891-12 10 10 76 39 37 33 34 21 9 ]9 3 175 Ghanta ],556-29 59 62 492 248 244 243 242 37 6 152 26 176 Mayasi 1,577-05 26 26 173 86 87 86 87 15 4 53 24

177 Kanpor 959-32 25 27 156 76 80 76 80 38 6 48 27 178 Mota Haidva 1,280-35 27 27 152 76 76 .. 76 76 25 8 36 179 Nani Chikhli 1,197-15 28 29 176 88 88 1 1 87 87 16 6 52 49 180 Movi 839-15 25 25 157 75 82 .. 75 82 11 4 40 39 181 Pada 1,621-39 67 73 457 245 212 12 13 221 191 50 7 112 76 76 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT



95 59 45 2 5 3 ., 117 240 132 41 17 8 I .. .. 56 100 133 III 57 16 2 2 2 1 2 .. 110 266 134 26 " 3 38 66 135 7 " " " 2 58 23 3 3 1 4 1 I 5 .. 10 7 95 189 136

20 17 1 5 44 79 137 43 58 2 .. 3 1 .. 85 207 138 20 20 .. J .. 31 81 139 ., " 175 378 140 89 93 " J 2 " .. 2 J .. 173 92 25 15 4 6 . . 1 1 1 2 1 .. 232 483 141

22 31 28 . , .. 39 61 142 49 45 57 4 3 1 .. 94 157 143 94 28 19 15 .. 1 1 .. 90 175 144 27 41 145 15 .. " " ...... 83 51 1 3 3 ...... 83 lOS 146

289 4 154 18 .. 3 .. 6 2 .. 400 825 147 42 13 2 8 .. .. 1 ., 52 106 148 229 118 41 8 1 2 3 .. 247 546 149 79 123 80 1 ...... 1 3 .. 169 285 150 59 45 26 1 4 .. 1 2 t .. lOS 167 151

86 4 44 9 6 2 f 2 .. 10 .. 136 289 152 96 2 15 1 .. .. J . . 101 206 153 471 154 180 3 58 1 1 1 " 2 " 207 61 2 30 37 1 1 2 2 .. 65 131 IS5 156 91 2 37 51 1 2 ...... " 10.5 210

38 12 5 .. .. f " 53 98 157 128 114 119 .. 2 .. J 3 . . 193 327 158 95 5 186 245 3 2 1 .. ., " 142 173 ]J9 58 8 43 15 ., .. .. ., .. 99 174 160 67 6 41 J7 .. 1 .. .. " J02 188 161

89 27 4 2 ., ".," 82 184 162 20 13 1 1 25 60 163 23 ., 32 32 3 2 ...... 47 60 164 28 1 36 28 .. 1 " 46 80 165 25 1 19 1 .. .. " .. 45 82 166

23 12 .. .~ .. .. 35 62 167 5 1 23 22 ...... 32 39 168 46 3 60 40 .. .. 1 .. 108 166 169 55 7 54 77 1 .. 3 1 3 .. 105 115 170 122 1 148 126 .. 1 .. 4 2 4 1 239 382 171

183 52 239 194 4 ... 16 .. S 36 4 .. 20 9 494 693 172 22 . .. 61 41 ...... 53 107 173 8 1 11 2 ...... 20 34 174 106 1 42 25 3 1 .. " .. 96 218 175 ., 30 23 24 " .. .. 33 63 176

27 20 27 .. 1 .. 28 53 177 16. .. 18 1 " .. 1 . , .. .. 40 76 178 45 40 ··6 9 ., .. J .. 36 39 179 28 30 9 8 3 1 .. 35 43 180 68 49 22 7 1 .; 4 4 133 136 181 Bh. 10 • ',77 TALUKA NAN DOD URBAN BLOCK(VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area ---- village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.· Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 , 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

182 Jitgadh 1,304-03 61 70 401 207 194 8 8 199 186 57 8 115 107 183 Mandan 733-17 8 8 94 47 47 47 47 28 (Gorvalun) 184 Thavadia 3,037-21 18 18 151 75 76 75 76 7 39 4 185 Mokhdi 5,235-33 101 113 785 418 367 418 367 51 . 207 21 186 Surpan 4,429-19 27 27 285 155 130 ISO 125 24 83 7

187 Zarvani 6,628-10 125 128 966 493 473 493 473 9 233 109 188 Dhirkhadi 3,176-18 51 51 230 121 109 121 109 61 23 189 Junaraj 16,590-14 150 150 1,020 519 501 511 492 54 30 296 4 190 Butavad 1,335-27 36 38 265 148 117 .. ., 148 117 6 68 36 191 Mandan 1,455-08 45 45 258 142 116 6 3 136 113 28 2 65 4 (Gaditvalun)

192 Boridara 1,527-10 62 62 421 228 193 223 190 48 7 103 21 193 Gadit 1,408-07 46 46 275 141 134 141 134 17 66 5 J94 Moti Chikhli 1,354-08 18 18 118 67 51 67 51 7 26 4 195 Amli 1,515-13 39 42 239 122 .117 122 117 3 58 28 196 Dadhvada 1,029-24 8 8 ~7 32 25 32 25 19

197 Mahudipada 1,561-21 24 29 161 80 81 80 81 31 21 42 1 198 Handi 778-09 7 7 63 32 31 32 31 .. 17 2 199 Chhatvada 926-27 17 22 132 62 70 62 70 4 36 1 200 Dhochki 1,137-31 15 IS 84 46 38 46 38 27 201 Namalgadh 3,694-30 30 33 202 103 99 103 99 19 5 60 9

202 Gagar 1,927-06 56 66 423 216 207 216 207 16 2 112 18 203 Moji 1.725-13 23 26 210 107 103 107 103 40 10 59 204 Khunta Amba 2,342-28 81 81 498 250 248 250 248 18 129 3 205 Bitada 820-10 67 67 496 270 226 270 226 16 139 1 206 Pals; 997-03 47 51 296 143 153 143 153 8 98 41

207 Moti Bhamri 813-13 92 93 575 298 277 2 4 296 273 19 193 85 208 Nani Daberi 1.058-26 35 36 213 109 1V4 109 104 16 .. 75 26 209 Rajpipla (Rural) 3,003-13 52 53 329 176 153 176 153 53 14 87 1


16{VII Rajpipla Km.· 5,066 25,769 12,323 369 2,252 5,808 848 4.45 5,083 13,446 397 2,463 8,974 6,118

Total of Ward No.1 N.A. 655 3,371 1,607 201 217 707 135 663 1,764 235 2/0 1,196 775

Block No. t 130 129 6.51 334 317 ]2 ]] 44 36 211 106 150 30 Block No. 2 110 ]Jl 537 287 250 101 95 164 89 138 30 Block No. 3 102 ]04 485 248 237 .. .. 195 155 119 7 Block No. 4 126 126 716 386 330 4 1 322 258 167 10 Block No. 5 119 121 552 272 280 3 4 56 81 ]63 74 125 38 Block No. 6 68 72 430 237 193 220 186 5 4 141 25 76 20

Total of Ward No. Il N.A. 566 2,644 1,245 7 112 694 138 556 1,399 3 138 995 674

Block No. 7 107 107 538 292 246 95 85 109 49 159 84 Block No. 8 107 100 432 239 193 205 154 116 12 Block No. 9 197 198 869 445 424 2 5 29 20 363 269 214 21 Block No. 10 155 151 805 423 382 1 2 14 7 318 222 185 21 72 PJUMAlty CENSUS ABSTRACT


I II III IV V VI vn VIn IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion --- -~ --- Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M' F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

81 72 23 27 2 6 6 3 1 92 87 182 25 3 19 47 183 22 16 4 36 72 184 164 .. 43 21 211 346 185 35 1 47 6 1 72 123 186 117 113 109 2 .. 260 364 187 3 58 23 .. 60 86 188 125 164 4 2 1 " 4 •. - 223 497 189 32 14 31 21 4 " 1 1 80 81 190 31 32 4 1 1 77 112 191

68 26 21 3 3 125 172 192 44 21 5 1 75 129 193 15 11 4 ... .. , . 41 47 194 ilO 36 27 1 1 ] 64 89 19S 3 16 13 25 196

8 32 .. 38 80 197 14 3 1 .. 15 29 198 3 32 1 1 ...... " 26 69 199 . 14 13 19 38 200 39 _ 21 9 43 90 201

57 53 18 1 1 104 189 202 S4 4 1 48 103 203 119 3 9 1 121 245 204 130 8 1 .. .. 1 131 225 20S 71 21 18 16 2 1 7 3 4S 112 206

134 37 47 43 6 4 5 1 105 192 207 46 16 24 10 4 .. " 1 34 78 208 4S 3S 1 1 2 .. 4 89 152 209

73 139 3 25 72 55 SO 37 394 11,475 16/VII 496 274 172 3 201 932 254 1,536 533 1,717 7,328

2 5 3 11 1 7 2 103 1,472 38 15 32 15 113 30 198 68 266 989

4 2 11 2 .. 33 10 7 24 3 36 .. 31 16 184 287 1 IS 1 8 5 19 2 7 .. ]4 1 33 9 .. 31 23 149 220 2 8 5 4 .. 21 2 30 7 .. 42 7 129 230 3 11 .. 2 2 16 1 5 76 1 4 1 51 7 219 320 4 1 3 32 .. 2 32 3 8 48 34 147 242 . S 2 3 4 3 4 1 63 16 161 173 6

39 19 1 11 5 5 5 16 37 1,107 47 . 14 27 1 13 I 122 38 190 40 '182 725

i8 39 10 18 6 5 .. 14 4 19 4 25 21 16 21 I 133 162 7 6 13 2 37 9 .. 49 12 123 181 8 3 .. 10 4 2 62 12 1 48 1 6 ... 69 17 231 403 9 6 4 1 5 4 9 33 1 5 .,. 80 3 4 Od 43 7 238 361 ' 10 79 TALUKA NANDOD URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWIS

Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion wardlurban of townl ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.1 Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Total of Ward No. /II N.A. 471 2,485 J,l81 9 55 513 39 465 1,304 8 58 903 632

Block No. 11 99 96 502 273 229 5 5 33 36 171 69 141 12 Block No. 12 96 95 448 245 203 .. " 4 2 177 93 132 11 Block No. 13 113 111 555 285 270 3 4 18 13 214 169 115 8 Block No. 14 67 68 412 213 199 160 103 98 6 Block No. 15 96 95 568 288 280 3 4 181 79 146 2

Total of Ward No. IV N.A. 638 3,453 1,684 13 9-81 66 655 1,769 15 1,374 834

Block 'No. 16 99 98 484 263 221 " .. 192 125 129 S Block No. 17 92 94 493 255 238 3 5 185 131 123 J7 Block No. 18 84 83 478 248 230 6 7 192 ]14 120 13 Block No. 19 174 163 794 402 392 . " " 335 29() 195 20 Block No. 20 122 127 635 314 321 4 261 222 J30 8 Block No. 21 87 90 569 281 282 2 1 209 90 137 3

Total of Ward No. V N.A. 797 3,742 1.787 16 201 1,185 90 787 1,955 10 252 1,609 754

Block No. 22 170 170 760 391 369 2 4 45 40 300 231 171 35 Block No. 23 95 92 412 209 203 1 2 ]81 152 86 4 Block No. 24 115 115 516 250 266 " 225 188 109 6 Block No. 25 101 99 410 202 208 3 4 1 3 174 157 75 12 Block No. 26 77 74 438 299 139 10 ] 98 7 265 81 72 6 Block No. 27 147 147 709 374 335 2 3 20 13 310 222 }51 21 Block No. 28 92 90 497 230 267 3 4 87 136 154 154 90 6

Total of Ward oN, VI N.A. 69J 3,328 1,579 42 163 i,021 54 672 1,749 42 230 1.333 701

Block No. 29 156 15S 627 309 318 2 2 3 264 238 123 12 Block No. 30 1(;5 159 711 375 336 312 313 144 14 Bl0ck No. 31 III 99 584 306 278 l 1 214 133 131 3 Block No. 32 145 140 695 351 344 8 8 117 120 228 168 166 12 Block No. 33 114 119 711 408 303 32 32 108 41 315 169 137 13

Total of Ward No. VII N.A. 604 3,'254 1,554 II 7I1 39J 102 611 1,700 9 753 896 846

Block No. 34 111 11 I 631 336 295 36 27 200 103 170 15 Block No. 35 52 56 335 167 168 93 95 !OI 51 81 6 Block No. 36 115 115 614 315 299 6 6 270 255 129 35 168 26 Block No. 37 169 172 850 461 389 3 5 290 265 232 98 226 41 Block No. 38 157 157 824 421 403 64 69 234 104 201 14

Total of Ward No. VIII N.A. 624 3,492 1,686 83 780 316 224 674 1,806 80 807 668 902

Block No. 39 102 132 535 289 246 3 33 27 126 37 137 15 Block No. 40 101 95 526 265 261 95 92 145 67 117 8 Block No. 41 72 72 423 228 195 23 25 59 17 113 3 Block No. 42 88 91 510 270 240 261 231 88 22 141 55 Block No. 43 112 112 611 312 299 296 288 34 8 190 90 Block No. 44 89 89 505 228 277 79 80 44 61 86 102 113 45 Block No. 4S 60 83 382 214 168 55 56 130 63 91 8



n III IV V VI VII VIII IX x Non­ Loca­ (a) . (b) workers tiOn ------Code' M F M F M F M F M FMFMFMF M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

10 3 Z 3 2 19 1,142 127 15 3 55 85 21 165 26 135 672

49 3 6 2 25 4 22 2 4 .. 28 6 132 :!17 11 64 7 4 2 I 15 5 3 24 3 .• IS 113 192 12 7 1 2 13 I 12 2 36 " 3 .• 39 7 170 262 13 1 29 1 10 1 3 37 4 .. 14 4 115 193 14 6 4 9 23 .. 7 46 " 12 .. 39 2 142 278 15

10 6 4 1 8 1 36 1,618 135 4 16 28 127 68 251 34 171 935

29 " 16 1 14 .. 12 30 1 2 " 26 3 134 216 16 39 5 1 .0 •. 2 1 33 1 6 20 3 4 .. 18 7 ]32 221 17 46 4 3 6 2 12 .. 6 33 2 5 1 9 3 128 217 18 8 '. 5 10 2 37 2 6 74 4 " 51 16 207 372 19 11 I 3 16 " 10 45 9 .. 36 7 184 313 20 2 2 15 1 28 49 2 10 " 31 150 279 21

2 1 1 7 2 77 1,697 22 7 26 2 12 65 32 lIO 73 405 1,201

3 4 1 -; 1 22 2 33 4 24 2 75 28 220 334 22 4 1 " 17 1 17 5 .. 41 4 123 199 23 1 2 3 4 .. ' 4 " 11 24 " 7 " 53 6 141 260 24 3 3 4 " 5 9 1 4 .. 47 11 127 196 2S " 3 .. 5 4 8 52 6 227 133 26 8 1 1 9 .. " 10 1 4 17 1 21 .: 81 18 223 314 27 3 1 4 3 J 1 8 4 6 1 4 .. 56 4 140 261 28

6 1 2 4 2 37 1,525 30 60 /6 36 119 18 183 31 208 1,048

10 7 .. 17 " 3 32 1 7 " 47 IO 186 306 29 4 4 21 1 15 " 4 35 1 6 1 55 11 231 322 30 5 18 12 " 22 1 1 50 1 10 .. 13 1 175 275 31 10 36 3 2 2 32 4 37 7 1 36 8 185 332 32 1 6 3 3 1 33 6 2 29 1 I .. 57 7 271: 290 33

2 37 1 8 13 7 4 30 1,452 32 81 21 25 158 22 177 130 200 854

30 2 4 4 3 32 2 32 1 53 15 5 166 280 34 1 2 12 .. 18 4 .. 23 1 6 17 3 86 ]62 35 2 73 22 4 27 .. 2 1 26 .. 12 .. 22 3 147 273 36 2 9 5 .. 34 7 12 9 50 3 17 3 106 10 235 348 37 1 .• 11 1 10 .. 47 1 4 1 46 2 42 .. 40 9 220 389 38

7 72 40 30 10 10 55 1,462 78 31 17 143 25 262 131 150 904

19 1 3 6 3 4 10 1 6 47 1 29 1 16 4 152 231 39 17 3 2 7 .. 17 2 6 27 2 23 ., 18 1 148 253 40 6 3 :2 ., 7 .. 10 1 1 59 .. 5 .. 22 115 192 41 1 55 51 1 6 .. 16 1 3 42 1 9 8 2 129 185 42 15 13 14 .. '17 ) 5 !8 69 6 43 9 27 33 122 209 43 10 3 61 34 4 1 4 2 .. 32 7 115 232 44 12 6 12 14 20 .. 27 8 123 160 4S 81


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Name of Area village/town of Total Population ------agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi. No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town! ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (J.IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.· Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

9 DEDIAPADA TALUKA Total Km.· 10,090 67,683 33,423 151 31,654 1,823 3,652 1,022.5 10,396 34,260 180 32,094 7,072 17,795 Acres (252,644-24) Rural Km.' 10,090 67,683 33,423 151 31,654 1,823 3,652 1,027.5 10,396 34,260 180 32,094 7,072 17,795 Acres (252,644-24 ) Urban


I Bej 339-19 32 34 261 124 137 124 137 25 2 62 2 Sada 648-23 65 66 454 226 228 226 228 20 115 3 3 Moti Daberi 1.170-06 40 42 264 122 142 122 142 45 2 66 21 4 Dokti 1,383-27 31 32 198 93 105 93 105 3 43 31 5 Nani Bhamari 1,289-36 28 29 212 107 105 107 105 J 53 7

6 Khapar 1,6Jl"'()9 28 28 186 96 90 96 90 2 36 17 7 Galwada 1,835-24 .. Uninhabited •. 8 lJndi 263-10 .. Uninhabited .. 9 Tukner 1,421-07 .. Uninhabited .. " 10 Kanzal 2,820-30 60 60 446 223 223 223 223 10 98 4

11 KalYat 2,254-32 •. Uninhabited " 12 Vay 2,970-13 .. Uninhabited .. ., 13 Chopdi 6,298-39 27 27 211 109 102 J09 ]02 57 2 14 Dogama 2,079--03 . .. Uninhabited .. 15 Vaghumar 1,243-01 32 32 213 115 98 115 98 64

16 Pankhala 3,339-36 23 23 148 77 71 77 71 36 (Mathasar) 17 Mathasar 3,102-32 44 44 304 170 134 170 134 98 6 18 Vandri 2,300-12 48 48 34] 166 175 166 175 96 6 19 Kanji 2,119-17 66 66 419 198 221 198 221 2 106 6 20 Dumkhal 2,528-20 94 94 554 275 279 3 2 267 274 36 I 150 24

21 Kokam 3,438-30 :;5 35 253 130 123 130 123 76 ]2 22 Singal Gabhan 1,089-29 8 8 42 20 22 20 J2 .. 12 23 Piplod 2,695-18 41 41 262 121 141 119 140 4 78 2 24 SankJi 3,183-00 21 22 148 73 75 73 75 5 50 25 Namgir 2,453-37 8 8 73 38 35 38 35 15 16

26 Gichad 1,614-31 21 2] 160 69 91 69 91 .. 34 27 Bebar 3,108-t)7 45 45 302 156 146 153 140 2 6 67 28 Duthar 1,529·-15 9 10 63 33 30 33 30 19 29 Fulsar 1,753-18 36 36 217 109 ]08 107 108 16 60 .. 30 Ladaya 1,686-29 36 36 274 138 136 138 136 19 73 5

31 Kabripathar 935-33 31 31 254 126 1:8 125 128 36 62 13 32 Kutilpada 718-26 38 53 313 168 145 168 ]45 14 68 1 33 Koliwada 661-17 42 45 289 135 154 133 152 7 1 7] (Pangam) 34 Mojra 773-16 24 29 171 89 82 89 82 4 47 84 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT WORKERS

II III IV V VI VI1 VIII IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------_ --- -- Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. n 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

655 2,772 40 76 17 14 1 77 29,771 11,015 5,137 307 40 3)5· 34 67 347 32 481 16,465

655 2,772 40 76 17 14 1 77 29,771 1l,015 5.137 307 40 335 34 67 347 32 481 16,465

so .. ]2 .. 62 137 1 74 1 41 2 .. " .. 111 225 2 29 35 27 .. 1 1 56 115 3 22 21 31 .. 50 74 4 13 40 7 ., 54 98 5

20 16 17 ...... 60 73 6 Uninhabited .. 7 Uninhabited .. 8 .. Uninhabited .. .. 9 92 J 3 2 3 1 .. 115 219 10

Uninhabited .. 11 .. Uninhabited .. 12 36 21 2 ...... 52 100 13 . , Uninhabited .. ]4 37 27 1 .. 5] 97 15

29 7 41 71 16 62 36 6 .. 72 128 ]7 46 50 6 .. 70 169 18 70 36 6 .. 92 215 19 108 36 24 3 2 1 ., 125 255 20

58 18 12 .. 54 111 21 4 8 8 22 22 55 19 2 3 1 43 139 23 30 13 7 23 7S 24 14 16 I 23 19 2S

27 4 3 3S 91 26 64 1 2 89 146 27 10 9 .-. .. .. 14 30 28 54 5 1 49 108 29 39 1 33 4 .. 1 6S 131 30

53 IS 12 1 64 115 31 39 29 1 ... 100 144 32 27 36 6 .. 2 64 154 33 24 23 1 .. 42 81 34 Bh. 11 85 TALUKA DEDlAPADA URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area village /town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of townj ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------_----- No. block Km.1 Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

35 Pingalpada 1,013-24 8 8 54 27 27 27 27 2 13 36 Zadoli 1,423-21 11 11 62 31 3] 31 31 4 15 37 Gadh 3,240-18 54 5S 410 205 20S 203 203 23 2 109 40 38 Kaltar 218-34 29 29 178 92 86 92 86 4 44 13 39 Panchumar 510-24 26 26 222 ]09 113 ]09 113 58

40 Gadi 2,448-03 32 32 221 116 lOS 116 105 3 54 3 41 Bal 2,150-24 45 46 443 264 179 260 176 85 19 74 5 42 Juna Mosda 1,016-]5 31 31 243 118 12S ]09 117 48 15 64 57 43 Patvali 2,471-]8 48 48 294 145 149 145 149 13 85 7 44 Mathavali 2,O67"'()9 26 26 172 77 9S 77 9S 2 38 18

45 Dabka U81-02 16 16 146 75 71 75 71 2 39 2 46 Ingavadi 1,137-31 Uninhabited 47 Mohbudi 3,696-09 83 83 528 243 285 242 285 19 1 164 2 48 Mal 2,222-36 71 71 498 257 24] 255 24] 9 ] 142 7 49 Shisha 2,172-38 48 50 344 174 ]70 174 170 86 8

SO Pahkhala (Shish a) 1,674-11 Uninhabited 51 Mbhbi 1,169-15 25 25 164 85 79 ., 85 79 46 6 52 Sagai 2,285-04 27 27 176 88 88 .. 88 88 44 6 53 Kelda 2,256"'()2 Uninhabited .. 54 Andu 1,496-28 19 ]I) 140 69 71 69 71 5 39 16

55 Vedchha 996-19 32 32 ]90 104 86 104 86 64 ]8 56 Arethi 1,]45-34 33 35 248 126 122 126 122 1 54 17 57 Moti Singloti 2,451-25 26 32 163 83 80 83 80 2 45 6 58 Nani Singloti 1,517-04 59 59 322 157 165 157 165 10 2 89 9 -59 Khatam 689-39 29 29 99 58 41 55 40 8 J 33 4

60 Besna ],547-37 78 78 512 253 259 250 258 27 2 147 54 61 Khudadi 1,055-28 96 97 581 280 301 274 294 29 I 144 76 62 Koliwada (Bogaj) 1,445-21 86 86 695 351 344 1 344 339 10 1 209 97 63 Bogaj J,067-13 72 72 473 223 250 216 246 39 6 136 31 64 Kismor 229-32 Uninhabited

65 Ghantoli f,819"'()4 121 122 953 502 451 14 6 475 439 174 68 224 11 66 Gajargota 1,940-16 86 91 636 341 295 3 2 320 280 35 4 175 27 67 Pangam 1,641-15 43 47 292 147 ]45 ., 144 142 22 1 79 24 68 Solia 1,986-35 152 152 1,000 516 484 4 2 499 472 61 7 258 2 69 Magardev 783-29 43 43 282 140 142 1 139 142 ]5 I 69 22

70 Dhanor 1,033-31 27 27 187 98 89 98 89 9 4 SO 2] 71 Rarnbhava 831-23 31 3] 211 120 91 120 91 23 2 52 12 72 Khatkankhadi 549-18 Uninhabited 73 Rakhas Kundi 369-36 31 31 ]96 98 98 98 98 10 45 15 74 Bor 890--36 5 5 33 15 18 ]5- 18 8 2

75 Navagam 955-28 122 128 934 482 452 478 450 107 ]0 253 148 (Dediapada) 76 PipJa ],364-21 75 75 436 237 ]99 3 2 232 ]95 55 11 125 5 77 Pansar 1,870-29 67 67 421 220 201 218 200 311 3 102 5 78 Chorkotar 507-11 Uninhabited 79 Babadokti 502-33 Up inhabited

80 Sukwal 1,650-09 38 40 285 148 137 148 137. 1 76 30 81 Morjadi 5,223-30 95 96 655 322 333- 321 332 20 4 173 82 Kokati 49]-22 16 16 101 53 48 53 48 1 1 27 83 Samot 1,782-08 99 99 646" '332 . 314 33] 314 26 2 182 14 84 Hathvadiovad 176-23 Uninhabited 86 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ---~ -- ---' ------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3R

12 1 14 27 35 9 5 1 .. 16 31 36 48 52 40 7 1 96 165 37

34 10 13 " 48 73 33 41 17 51 113 39

42 .. IO 3 2 .. .. 62 102 40 59 1 6 1 2 ...... 7 3 190 174 41 24 29 55 2 1 1 2 1 5 1 54 68 42 49 35 7 .. 1 60 142 43 34 18 4 39 77 44

11 28 2 •• .4 •• 36 69 45 " .. .. Uninhabited ...... 46 157 .. 5 1 2 1 79 283 47 129 1 4 .. 7 6 2 .. J15 234 48 18 67 8 1 88 162 49

.. ., Uninhabited .. 50 10 36 6 .. 39 73 51 11 33 6 .. 44 82 52 ...... Uninhabited S3 38 16 1 30 55 54

62 18 1 .. 40 68 SS 53 16 " 1 1 72 105 56 27 17 5 1 1 .. .. 38 74 57 59 27 8 2 1 .. 1 68 156 58 23 8 4 1 1 25 37 59

98 4S 54 2 " .. .. 1 .. 106 205 60 95 25 73 11 1 12 2 1 .. 136 225 61 74 127 97 3 1 3 1 .. 142 247 62 71 61 30 ...... " J 3 87 219 63

o_)_" Uninhabited .. 64

172 2 24 4 2 5 6 4 .. 10 5 278 440 65 77 1 84 21 5 6 5 .. 2 1 166 268 66 34 38 24 4 I I .. 1 68 121 67 205 41 .. 2 1 2 1 6 2 258 482 68 44 2] 19 1 1 2 :1 1 7] ]20 69

24 .. 24 20 2 .. 48 68 70 46 I 4 10 1 '0 •• o. 1 1 68 79 71 ...... Uninhabited .. 72 30 14 15 1 53 83 73 S 2 2 7 16 74

133 110 148 4 2 3 229 304 75 lOa 2 10 3 4 " .. .. 1 112 194 76 a7 12 5 2 ...... 1 118 196 77 .. Uninhabited 78 .. Uninhabited 79

72 30 4 ., .. 72 107 80 148 20 2 -.. h, i 2 149 333 81 9 ]7 .. 1 - .. . . 26 48 82 57 1 117 11 2 1 1 5 1 150 300 83 .. Ul1inh~bit;d 84 87 TALUKA DEDIAPADA URBAN BLOCKIVILLAGE\yISE

Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------_ ----- _---- No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

85 Nani Markhi 237-16 .. Uninhabited 86 Dandawadi 465-17 22 22 145 66 79'. 66 79 39 16 87 Shishkhuta 635-18 5 6 28 14 14 14 14 11 4 88 Kathoh 220-32 " Uninhabitt!d ...... 89 Samarghat 343-34 10 10 52 26 26 26 26 17 9

90 Ghanpipar 857-20 10 12 71 36 35 36 35 19 2 91 Modalwav 23-31 " Uninhabited .. 92 GovaJpatdi 381-19 ...... Uninhabited .. . . 93 Bantawadi 1,859-35 14 14 91 43 48 43 48 .. 23 3 94 Kanbudi 2,030-28 81 81 464 235 229 222 222 15 4 123 1

95 Rald3 1.213-18 18 18 134 65 69 65 69 3 38 96 Khokhra Umar 1,393-11 72 78 548 276 272 271 267 80 6 136 33 (Dediapada) 97 Dediapada 1,439-34 579 599 3,059 1,674 1,385 57 55 798 674 900 404 807 134 98 Ni vajda 1,470- 31 92 92 680 373 307 359 292 143 55 158 59 99 Timbapada 588-31 29 34 244 113 131 113 131 41 11 68 64

100 Mota Suka Amba 1,211-23 97 102 797 392 405 392 405 127 24 213 20 101 Nana Suka Amba 1,060-12 59 59 408 204 204 203 202 24 2 114 14 102 Manchhipada 950-05 37 37 258 117 141 115 139 18 8 66 31 103 Baidi 1,064-08 24 24 153 80 73 80 73 12 1 43 24 t04 Ghodi 483-21 84 £4 638 320 318 320 318 130 9 162 138

105 Samarpada 909-17 t08 115 839 424 415 418 411 96 8 212 (Thava) 106 Sejpur 618-06 52 53 331 156 175 149 172 35 18 81 107 Thapavi 266-17 23 26 176 78 98 75 96 17 1 39 .. 108 Moskuwa ],483-10 42 42 303 154 149 154 149 53 12 75 39 109 Jambar 985-08 32 32 255 115 140 115 140 31 7 62

110 Nighat 1,007-12 89 93 695 339 356 2 3 333 352 83 8 181 97 111 Zarnawadi 2,472-06 87 87 634 304 330 3('2 330 96 12 177 97 112 Ghankhetar 2,096-39 44 44 296 147 149 147 149 35 8 76 33 113 Gundva 551-35 .. Uninhabited ...... 114 Medyusag 1,257-18 59 59 416 227 18,,} 217 180 50 6 116 1

115 Mathakalbi 184-34 .. Uninhabited .. 116 Konvav 1,138-28 .. Uninhabited .. 117 Navmosda 1,113-34 " Uninhabited ., 118 GUlIdvan 950-32 " Uninhabited .' 119 Saki 875-20 " Uninhabited .,

120 Men Amba 334-36 .. Uninhabited .. 121 Kutilshisha 496-18 .. .. Uninhabited .. 122 Gangapur 2,755-03 87 88 578 282 296 252 270 42 5 159 123 Moti Kalbi 1,118-14 59 59 446 207 239 205 238 9 .. 135 6 124 Kakarpada 1,106-36 108 115 639 307 332 9 14 237 263 77 36 165 7

125 Tatkhadi 685-35 .. .. Uninhabited .. .. 126 Vadivav 313-05 47 47 279 143 136 140 135 37 9 83 1 127 Mosit 1,227-27 55 55 353 176 177 175 177 36 9 88 3 128 Sorapada 1,064-00 49 49 389 201 188 200 187 57 20 97 9 129 Sukni (Umaran) 1,237-39 .• Uninhabited ..

130 Bandi Servan 1,682-32 64 64 460 234 226 234 226 46 5 100 3 131 Siyani 227-12 .. Uninhabited .. .. 132 GuIda alias Cham 843-36 50 50 329 153 176 153 176 17 5 96 48 133 Kunbar 1,150-34 77 78 568 275 293 272 288 82 3 126 11 88 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI VII VIIT IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------_"_ ------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F --M F M F M F No. n 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

.. •. Uninhabited •. 85 5 31 15 3 I 27 63 86 2 9 4 ...... 3 10 87 .. .. Uninhabited .. 88 .. .. « ]5 8 2 J 9 17 89

]8 2 •• ., •• o • 17 33 90 .. Uninhabited .. 91 .. •. Uninhabited ...... 92 20 3 3 .. 20 45 93 69 39 10 1 3 ] 112 228 94

35 3 .. .. 27 69 95 78 54 33 1 1 2 140 239 96 142 21 101 29 54 3 2 68 11 11 43 13 147 12 13 226 44 867 ], ?51 97 52 4 81 48 6 1 18 7 215 248 98 50 49 15 13 I 2 1 1 45 67 99

191 12 8 4 5 4 6 .. 3 179 385 100 109 7 2 1 1 2 2 4 90 190 101 38 26 31 .. 2 51 110 102 23 18 23 2 1 .. .. 37 49 103 84 52 136 24 2 I 1 158 180 104

165 35 4 4 3 212 415 105 46 31 2 2 75 175 106 22 .. 13 I 3 39 98 107 46 4 25 35 3 1 79 ]10 ]08 48 8 4 2 53 140 109

135 34 97 3 1 .. 1 2 5 IS8 259 ]10 124 36 93 6 5 4 2 1 3 ]27 233 III 54 1~ 33 1 ...... 2 71 116 112 .. . , ., .. .. Uninhabited ...... 113 58 54 1 2 1 ] 111 188 114

" Uninhabited .. 115 " Uninhabited .. 116 .. Uninhabited .. 117 .. Uninhabited .. ]]8 .• Uninhabited .. 119

.. Uninhabited .. 120 .. Uninhabited ...... 121 9] 27 .. 36 4 I 123 296 ]22 63 .. 7J 6 ...... 1 .. . . n 233 123 60 ] 74 3 9 1 3 I 3 1 6 ] 9 ]42 325 124

...... • Uninhabited ...... 125 23 1 57 .. 1 1 1 60 135 126 65 18 ) 4 2 .. 1 88 174 127 69 13 8 6 9 .0 '0 •• 1 ]04 179 ]28 .. Uninhabitd •. 129

93 4 3 2 ~ ...... 134 223 130 •.. Uninhabited .. 131 44 4 51 44 .. 1 57 128 132 99 10 16 1 6 1 3 149 282 133 89 TALUKA DEDIAPADA URBAN BLOCKJVILLAGWISE

Name of Area village/town of Total Population agg]omera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------_. ------No. block Km.· Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

134 Chuli 1,413-31 81 81 619 316 303 .. 312 300 88 7 194 58 135 Pomlapada 896-22 43 47 266 134 132 4 1 103 100 30 6 58 1 136 Almavadi 736-11 134 135 983 509 474 484 458 173 41 255 67 137 Bhatpur 1,215-30 73 79 496 242 254 .. 231 245 87 24 130 138 Mandala 1,303-04 154 175 1,191 588 603 9 8 559 579 223 82 298 115

139 Garda 1,425-04 48 56 368 ]R4 184 3 4 179 177 77 77 94 18 140 Khabjidabda 1,243-16 99 99 775 401 374 2 2 393 368 147 44 182 3 141 Kharchipada 626-27 28 38 219 110 109 .. 91 95 10 1 55 142 Panuda 792-32 72 84 609 294 315 6 7 285 301 125 46 146 71 143 Navagam 378-34 61 68 429 226 203 222 200 92 15 103 57 (Panuda)

144 Rohda 1,812-34 36 36 249 121 128 120 127 27 59 34 145 Bhurkhan 322-37 Uninhabited 146 Amalipani 190-31 Uninhabited 147 Kalamkuva 441-02 .. Uninhabited ...... 148 Moti Korvai 514-16 43 43 276 134 142 130 139 8 1 73 2

149 Jargam 1,006-32 95 96 548 283 265 9 2 263 255 44 8 145 3 150 Kukadada 996-~3 107 112 682 376 306 1 3 363 288 101 19 190 67 151 Kurubhkhadi 132-37 23 24 128 62 66 61 65 15 34 11 152 Samarpada 279-14 59 59 430 209 221 207 218 54 20 107 14 (Sidivalu) 153 Haripura 339-26 41 41 262 131 13( 122 122 8 4 74 2

154 Jamni 1,117-09 110 110 682 352 330 334 313 80 13 168 2 155 Nana Machh 480-06 Uninhabited 156 Tumdavadi 120-03 .. .. Uninhabited . . .. 157 Mota Machh 383-09 4 5 11 7 4 2 2 5 2 3 5 158 Olgam 488-31 26 38 211 103 108 103 108 1 55 2

159 Khaidi 239-02 U.1inhabited 160 Gotkhadi 191-20 ...... Uninhabited 161 Kantipani 340-21 4 4 29 12 17 12 17 1 " 162 Kevdi 1.141-35 165 167 1,069 373 496 5 3 534 471 201 33 313 12 163 Kundi Amba 1,491-39 136 156 840 432 408 1 1 413 392 128 42 220 11

164 Dhankhet 162-04 Uninhabited 16S Nani Korvai 125-33 Uninhabited 166 Potiapada 999-30 Uninhabited ...... 167 Ajanvai 1,395-30 27 29 208 112 96 112 96 38 8 53 6 168 Mulkapada 574-26 54 54 381 198 Ig3 197 180 38 1 107 40

169 Viguna 926-13 Uninhabited ...... 170 Vadhva 1,410-14 109 109 724 367 357 359 353 19 4 174 3 171 Babada 2,519-19 75 75 527 265 262 258 260 39 5 157 61 172 Rukhal 670-16 33 33 235 115 120 .. 115 120 6 1 68 25 173 Khaidipada 1,411-06 117 117 796 400 396 8 6 377 381 70 16 220. 10

174 Boripitha 537-02 47 47 323 175 148 171 147 34 7 85 4 175 Bharada 974-15 44 52 340 170 170 170 170 64 20 70 10 (Bedada) 176 Kham 149-13 27 27 175 82 93 66 79 5 41 8 177 Bhut Beda alias 1,005-07 64 64 393 199 194 4 2 193 190 57 13 94 2 Bhut Bungalow 178 Tabac!a 1,299-22 106 112 816 389 427 2 4 382 416 105 26 175 33

179 Zak 2,009-09 116 116 847 413 434 412 . 434 44 2 155 I 180 Rojghat 623-10 44 44 274 144 130 139 125 7 2 68 5 90 PR~ARY'CENSUS'ABSTRACT



NOD- Lol'a- (a) (b) workers tion --- -_------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

73 .. 119 58 1 122 245 134 26 1 28 1 2 .. o • 1 76 131 135 188 47 65 4 2 5 1 8 2 254 407 136 44 70 2 .. 4 2 .. 8 .. 112 254 137 213 6 66 lOS 6 3 J 2 I 9 1 290 488 138

63 4 31 14 .. " .. 90 166 139 128 48 3 1 1 4 219 371 140 21 23 .. I 10 ...... 55 109 141 88 49 71 6 1 1 1 148 244 142 66 28 57 3 4 I t 123 146 143

33 25 34 ...... 62 94 144 .. Uninhabited .. 145 .. Uninhabited .. 146 " " .. .. Uninhabited ...... 147 51 13 1 6 3 61 140 148

107 22 3 3 8 3 I 138 262 149 86 93 64 2 .. 2 3 1 2 3 186 239 150 23 6 8 1 1 1 2 2 1 28 55 151 63 1 44 13 102 207 152 31 42 2 57 129 153

96 65 ...... 3 3 184 328 154 .. Uninhabited • 0 155 .. .. Uninhabited .. 156 .. 5 2 4 157 23 1 32 1 43 106 158

" Uninhabited .. 159 .. o. Uninhabited. 0 .. 160 5 3 " " 4 17 161 187 4 93 S .. 8 5 11 1 8 .. 260 484 162 161 3 25 4 6 9 4 3 7 8 1 212 397 163

.. Uninhabited .. 164 .• Uninhabited o. 165 .. .. Uninhabited o. .. 166 27 3 25 3 .. 1 .. 59 90 167 73 2 6 28 26 9 1 I 1 91 143 168

.. • 0 Uninhabited o. 169 132 35 3 1 4 2 193 354 170 ]46 56 8 5 2 ] 108 201 171 63 24 5 t ...... 47 95 172 197 68 9 10 3 1 4 J 3 4 180 316 173

79 .. 5 4 90 144 174 55 1 14 9 100 160 l7S 30 4 3 4 7 41 85 176 S9 30 4 2 1 lOS 192 177 126 2 39 31 2 2 5 214 394 178

106 43 1 3 1 2 258 433 179 3~ 32 5 1 1 76 125 180 91 TALUKA DEDJAPADA URBAN BL.OCK!VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area ----- village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No.of and Houseless Sc~eduJed S:::heduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.- Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

181 Sajanvav 839-00 28 28 180 93 87 93 87 ., 53 2 182 Khaparbudha 164-11 14 14 79 40 39 40 39 1 .. 19 183 Bharada 840-35 47 47 300 151 ]49 147 147 21 4 74 (Moskut) 184 Samarpada 77-21 .. Uninhabited 185 Kanjai 297-30 12 12 72 39 33 39 33 21

186 Patdi 1,676-23 94 104 556 283 273 271 264 58 8 137 1 187 Chikda 3,323-33 3]2 317 1,885 964 921 7 3 852 835 226 72 527 125 188 Devipada 75-17 34 34 ]68 89 79 .. 75 72 6 5 49 189 Ambavadi 1,791-24 232 232 1,315 693 622 7 4 487 434 270 114 356 14 190 Khod Amba 610-01 21 29 ]63 85 78 85 78 5 49 7

191 Golvan 360-13 12 17 107 55 52 55 52 27 ]92 Sherwai 788-10 12 12 85 40 45 40 45 .. 22 193 Kamodvav 802-35 107 108 684 342 342 330 329 49 11 187 32 194 Jorti 9S-33 1 1 4 3 1 3 1 2 195 Jdlavi 498-33 39 39 274 134 140 131 136 6 3 66

196 Relwa 392-17 33 33 242 113 129 112 128 11 74 8 197 Lota Amba 475-]2 .. Uninhabited .. 198 Sabuti 929-01 66 66 459 223 236 2 .. 211 231 16 5 121 9 199 Moskut 703-07 34 35 230 125 105 1 2 118 102 39 5 65 4 200 Tilipada 462-35 51 51 331 169 162 162 157 12 4 92 57

201 Umran 2,564-35 158 158 1,000 498 502 2 478 479 72 6 285 128 202 Vadpada 611-14 53 55 378 196 182 196 182 35 3 ]01 44 2J3 Gopalia 384-34 66 66 457 226 231 225 2211 31 4 125 44 204 Ambadevi alias 372-35 47 47 267 132 135 2 4 126 128 16 1 79 12 Shiyali 205 Bharada (Barsan) 679-35 102 116 746 364 382 321 347 S3 17 226 99

206 Barsan 150-38 18 18 116 64 52 64 52 13 3 30 3 207 Khupar Barsan 352-16 52 52 336 165 171 163 168 41 7 84 41 208 Moti Bedwan 831-38 60 65 354 188 166 .. 170 156 53 7 106 58 209 Nani Bedwan 552-19 159 159 888 436 452 3 3 382 421 36 26 241 196 210 Piparvati 630-08 34 34 117 58 59 30 30 8 15 39 1

211 Kartal 218-26 4S 45 277 132 145 128 139 S 2 82 4 212 Samarpada 276-24 Uninhabited (DevivaJu) 213 Dabhavan 1,211-31 103 104 568 289 279 2 2 239 234 101 35 173 214 Sorafali 216-29 Uninhabited



II III IV V VI VII VIII IX x Non­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tion Code M F M F M F M FM FM F M FM F M FMF M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

24 29 2 40 85 181 )0 9 .. 21 39 182 59 13 1 ] 77 148 183

.. Uninhabited .. " 184 11 10 18 33 185

112 20 4 1 .. 146 272 186 342 2 ]57 122 3 7 7 11 1 437 796 187 14 33 .. .. 2 . , . . 40 79 188 145 1 155 9 I 10 5 10 15 2 13 4 337 608 189 13 1 35 6 I 36 71 190

12 15 28 51 191 11 " II " 18 45 192 121 1 59 31 1 6 ISS 310 193 1 1 " ] 1 ]94 62 4 1 68 139 195

63 6 9 2 ...... 39 121 196 .. Uninhabited " .. 197 95 7 23 2 2 1 .. 102 227 198 54 2 4 I 2 3 2 1 60 101 199 72 39 16 ]8 1 3 77 105 200

254 2 16 125 6 3 4 2 213 374 20] 77 29 22 15 I I 95 138 202 60 64 44 .. .. 1 .. ]01 187 203 53 13 8 1 11 4 .. 1 53 123 204 132 2 75 94 11 3 5 I 2 138 283 205

25 4 3 1 .. . . 34 49 206 62 33 14 7 1 6 1 1 81 130 207 64 34 32 24 3 2 4 1 82 108 208 93 86 98 102 5 12 8 17 2 14. 195 256 209 21 1 17 I 19 58 210

56 24 3 ...... 50 141 111 " .. Uninhabited •. .. ., 212 100 66 1 .. 1 .. .. 4 1 116 278 213 .. Uninhabited ., 214

Dh. 12 93


.~ i ~i© I i

. ~

< cr :I: < () m :I .... ~ •~z ..: III IX « '0... (/) .,:, ..,..: ~ ~ ;:) « () C) ~ « ~ :::> I/) _.J 0 .... « u I- ~~ o.., o


Name of Area ----- village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi. No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town! ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

10 SAGBARA TALUKA Total Km.' 8,762 52,576 26,408 195 24,174 1,563 4,082 400.3 8,877 26,168 212 23,550 6,002 14,630 Acres (98,922-13) Rural Km.' 8,762 52,576 26,408 195 24,174 1,563 4,082 400.3 8,877 26,168 212 23,550 6,002 14,630 Acres (98,922-13) Urban


1 Nani Mogari 239-32 8 8 44 22 22 22 22 .. 10 2 Moti Mogari 1,500-15 16 ]6 120 59 61 59 61 4 I 30 3 Dev Mogra 699-30 12 12 59 26 33 26 33 I 3 19 4 Nalakund 563-11 26 2" 158 82 76 80 75 7 1 43 5 Kunvar Khadi 568-30 17 17 87 45 42 45 42 2 21

6 Godada 6,626-32 79 79 410 202 208 202 208 25 2 94 7 Pada 3,778-28 24 24 141 68 73 66 72 14 1 45 8 Dudhliver 754-02 48 48 282 139 143 132 137 32 7 76 1 9 Amiyar 974-22 87 87 464 231 233 231 233 43 8 119 12 10 Narvadi 2,871-01 131 131 767 358 409 350 401 38 J3 199 10l

II Ghansera 843-32 83 83 470 238 232 2 2 208 ::105 48 11 ]25 65 12 Sagbara ],330-15 342 356 1,494 798 696 34 37 454 413 341 139 40] 175 13 Pankhala 381-19 79 85 535 253 282 251 280 49 23 131 3 14 Chitra Kevdi 413-36 37 44 231 120 111 98 91 8 1 64 15 Kodba 28\-38 40 40 183 98 85 77 71 27 9 51 2

16 Chopadvav 1,959-39 210 211 1,289 65] 638 11 9 606 604 122 36 306 11 17 Ranbuda 1,665 -38 69 69 386 199 187 199 181 62 10 113 82 18 Nana Kakdiamba 2,027-33 138 138 862 424 438 2 421 438 72 16 220 2 19 Nana Doramba 253-09 39 39 253 121 132 111 121 23 8 68 57 20 Mota Doramba 226-10 56 59 355 174 181 150 165 54 15 lOS 84

21 Sim Amli 821-12 114 115 634 324 310 227 224 91 12 187 74 22 Bhavarisavar 168-15 28 28 278 144 134 1 78 74 71 52 46 8 23 Kel 92\-06 &1 &1 662 322 340 309 32t 52 12 158 1 24 Kan Khadi 302-33 49 54 292 163 129 134 105 44 11 94 36 25 Chikali 510-08 59 62 409 209 200 209 200 41 9 105 40

26 Kuida 526-20 88 93 457 238 219 23 23 194 181 40 1 132 63 21 Selamba 788-28 379 380 2,065 1,089 976 6 6 168 195 546 209 586 45 28 Navagam 134-23 46 46 277 145 132 145 132 35 5 83 3 29 Gotpada 403-03 50 50 350 183 167 183 167 41 13 93 19 30 Moravi 255-05 29 29 157 81 76 75 69 15 3 45 2

31 Pat 688-04 153 162 1,128 572 S56 443 460 306 154 292 7 32 Rozdev 438-37 76 76 521 263 258 3 2: 241 242 130 31 158 64 33 Gonamba 204-05 46 46 232 124 108 110 98' 37 7 59 59 34 Makaran 511-26 54 54 344 190 154 -- ]85 148 50 13 108 12 35 Movi 1.370-25 128 129 738 362 376 2 355 368 31 3 216 132 96 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT WORKERS

I II III IV V VI VIl VIlI IX X Non- Loea- (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38

1,864 2,114 7 25 1 8 15 46 22,326 10,347 2,940 91 4 3(12 94 42 397 20 393 11,533

1,864 2,114 7 25 3 8 15 46 22,326 10,347 2,940 91 4 302 94 42 397 20 393 11,538

9 12 22 1 2S 5 29 61 2 1.,6 3 .. 7 33 3 38 3 1 1 39 76 4 21 24 42 5

92 1 .. 1 108 208 6 41 ] ., J 2 23 73 7 65 6 1 2 2 1 63 142 8 99 2 16 10 3 I 112 221 9 92 !O3 101 2 2 159 308 10

54 .. 65 65 1 " 1 " 2 .. 2 . . 113 167 11 105 4 86 124 18 1 3 10 2 3 15 8 20 8 8 .. 133 28 397 521 ]2 72 S6 3 3 122 279 13 22 28 13 " I " 56 111 14 13 I 18 I 4 1 3 II 1 47 83 15

158 1 ]07 7 8 2 13 8 8 2 345 627 16 109 77 3 S .. .. 1 86 105 17 205 9 2 2 1 3 204 436 18 43 2 21 55 2 1 1 53 75 19 60 2 37 82 6 1 1 69 97 20

, JiJ3 8 64 63 8 3 7 4 137 236 21 24 19 5 t 2 3 98 126 22 104 26 25 I 3 164 339 23 21 69 36 4 69 93 24 31 73 40 I 104 160 25

, 22 98 58 9 3 . " 2 .. 1 2 106 156 26 78 2 ]52 37 2 70 1 34 I 1 .. 176 2 3 70 2 503 931 27 55 25 3 1 2 62 129 28 43 1 44 18 2 2 1 90 148 29 24 21 2 36 74 30

143 76 2 ,. ]5 2 2S 12 18 5 280 549 31 114 56 26 7 4 4 10 I 105 194 32 57 57 1 2 1 6S 49 33 92 8 10 2 5 2 .. I 82 142 34 132 1 75 ]31 3 3 1 1 146 244 35 97 TALOKA SAGBARA URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGEWISE

Name of Area village/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total workers tion wardfurban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.· Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

36 Kuvday,adi 566-24 14 IS 75 42 33 37 27 R .. 23 13 37 Pati 1,020-10 30 82 500 251 249 248 245 23 6 157 10 38 Datwada 254-36 87 94 583 278 305 258 288 71 20 165 21 39 Taval 859-21 120 121 821 408 413 406 410 155 37 220 6 40 Ghod Mung 356-21 32 32 218 III ]07 I]] 107 34 2 67 1

41 Panch Pipri 945-28 121 121 856 4j4 442 9 4 399 438 172 51 219 83 42 Khocharpada 485-36 55 55 3,0 164 179 164 179 47 4 92 48 43 Navapada 244-36 17 17 121 56 65 4 6 45 47 8 2 26 16 44 Khampada 280-24 26 26 159 80 79 77 77 40 13 45 Dhavliver 723-08 142 144 939 477 462 457 448 193 38 272 64

46 Khadkuni 336-27 60 60 389 197 192 8 11 128 131 63 14 88 5

47 Kod Khadi 111-34 12 12 74 33 41 33 41 2 " 21 48 Pirmandala 436-36 36 36 218 109 109 .. .. 106 108 29 9 61 21 49 Rachhavada 419-25 48 48 288 136 152 6 3 127 144 30 2 73 7 50 Nani Devrupan 473-10 107 107 664 327 337 I 267 281 65 13 187 35

51 Umarkui 75-36 34 35 217 106 111 106 III 13 4 57 S 52 Bodvav 626-22 78 79 447 227 1.20 226 220 23 1 120 12 53 Khopi 3,743-38 293 293 1,626 811 815 793 800 101 16 502 182 54 Sorta 155-15 28 28 202 106 96 106 96 20 4 61 8 5S Sorapada 1,253-12 154 158 999 501 498 8 5 485 488 80 7 290 80

56 Patanamau 506-20 114 114 678 340 338 3 4 325 323 99 18 185 104 57 Tankani 301-25 19 19 96 48 48 48 48 13 24 18 58 Bhoramli 885-09 164 164 923 453 470 427 448 69 19 284 281 59 Kuyala 573-3 J 5 5 22 10 12 ]0 ]2 7 1 6 60 Tarpada 325-12 Uninhabited

61 Bhadod 253-18 208 213 1,270 639 631 15 10 571 584 150 25 308 8 62 Nani Parodhi 220-39 42 42 288 138 150 138 ISO 13 2 87 I 63 Parodhi 321-23 146 146 804 379 425 371 412 24 5 257 64 Pana 164-15 31 31 182 96 86 96 ~6 10 66 65 Piparipada 282-18 17 17 91 39 52 3i 40 3 23

66 Bhogwad 397-12 49 49 342 173 169 173 169 33 10 125 2 67 Baktura 685-{)0 63 63 405 197 208 .. " 197 208 7 104 34 68 Kolvan 2,765-24 284 284 1,780 847 933 6 5 812 902 124 27 510 30 69 Ranipur 590-37 156 156 943 468 475 9 10 457 465 115 18 277 3 70 Uman 448-30 117 117 733 386 347 6 7 332 300 82 9 237 5

71 Navagam 918-24 188 188 1,163 560 603 6 3 551 599 196 53 314 11 72 Javli 1,050-00 284 289 1,847 884 963 6 13 873 949 249 68 521 228 73 Palaswada 1,158-02 140 140 923 442 481 2 3 439 477 45 4 271 61 74 Umran 622-05 73 73 410 ]93 217 193 217 40 5 116 8 75 Nevdi Amba 537-05 68 68 486 241 245 3 8 233 231 47 4 152 20

76 Khairpada ],358-{)4 132 139 837 403 434 7 3 391 424 95 19 230 186 77 Moti Parodhi 142-38 Uninhabited 78 Ambagam 1,483-11 Uninhabited ., .. 79 Moti Devrupan ],713-31 86 89 488 252 236 .. 227 20a 60 9 170 152 80 Ubhariya 1,260-24 250 250 1,459 680 779 1 I 642 742 159 43 369 18

81 Holi Ambli 251-39 12 12 96 49 47 49 47 '1 21 6 82 Pujarigadh 1,339-11 22 22 156 87 69 87 69 3 30 6 83 Nal 2,190-17 ]65 169 974 489 485 462 458 38 9 288 153 84 Kakadpada 784-10 76 76 459 216 243 4 3 212 240 35 15 117 45 85 Mota Kakdi ],146-04 131 131 784 382 402 362 384 69 10 224 119 Amba



'11 III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

12 .. 11 13 .. 19 20 36 ]33 7 21 3 2 .. J 94 239 37 124 11 32 10 I .. I 3 4 JI3 284 33 ]87 1 15 .. 15 5 3 IS8 407 39 58 8 J I 44 106 40

156 52 39 31 12 5 7 195 359 41 74 31 ]4 17 2 2 72 131 42 23 13 3 3 .. 30 49 43 32 6 6 7 1 1 .. 40 66 44 205 ] 47 60 3 2 6 4 1 6 1 205 398 45

66 2 17 3 2 109 187 46 21 .. 12 41 47 36 24 21 .. I 48 88 48 38 33 7 1 ., J 63 145 49 137 20 44 14 3 1 1 2 140 302 50

47 1 9 4 49 106 51 96 4 24 6 2 107 208 52 336 6 157 175 6 1 3 309 633 53 52 8 8 .. 1 45 88 54 177 2 ]02 78 2 8 1 211 418 J5

148 86 25 17 3 2 5 155 234 56 22 18 2 ...... 24 30 57 128 112 134 168 2 7 1 12 1 169 189 58 6 ...... 4 12 59 Uninhabited 60

202 7 63 25 2 10 5 331 623 61 84 ] I ., 2 51 ]49 62 244 4 1 5 3 122 425 63 66 .. 30 86 64 22 1 16 52 65

121 2 2 48 167 66 83 27 20 7 1 .. 93 174 67 406 7 73 22 2 ] I 1 4 2 11 1 337 903 68 236 3 23 5 3 1 3 6 191 472 69 215 5 13 2 2 I 4 149 342 70

280 22 11 5 4 3 246 592 71 415 199 90 29 2 2 6 6 363 735 72 258 61 5 2 1 1 4 17] 420 73 119 5 3 3 1 I 2 67 209 74 133 ]9 10 1 5 1 3 89 225 75

]99 169 18 ]7 8 2 2 173 248 76 Uninh~bited' 77 ...... Uninhabited 78 120 lIS 311 34 4 4 3 2 2 82 8" 79 322 6 23 ]2 2 3 12 7 311 761 80

21 .. 6 28 41 81 25 5 6 .. 57 63 12 200 3 70 150 '2: 2 3 9 2 201 332 83 83 2 19 43 13 1 1 99 198 84 160 50 119 1 10 3 ]58 283 85


Name of Area village /town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi. No.of and Houseless Scheduled Schedulod Educated Total workers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------No. block Km.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 1 . 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16

86 Mahu Pada 814-25 95 95 543 269 274 249 257 62 ~~ 136 6 87 Sajanvav 269-31 7S 7S 428 196 232 196 232 31 8 107 3 88 Gaysamar 255-25 30 30 152 67 8; 67 85 14 6 31 89 Chitwad 384-07 " Uninhabited .' 90 Pathana 406-16 " Uninhabited .,

91 Rupdevdi 707-09 36 36 204 96 108 85 99 7 3 53 8 92 Khewa 1.56-07 " Uninhabited .. 93 Dhabdakuwa 221-00 " Uninhabited .. 94 Khokhvad 789-0.5 " Uninhabited .. 95 Vadgam 1,771-33 21 21 126 68 .58 20 12 48 46 26 3 28 3

96 Rajanivad 1,146-03 98 98 6.58 345 313 3 334 30.5 102 12 174 1 97 Cbatwad 766-34 42 43 149 81 68 77 65 8 47 3 98 Langdi 414-36 18 22 126 61 65 57 62 2 37 99 Rundigavan 877-13 33 33 218 122 96 122 96 2 64 2 100 Mendhi 363-23 3 3 20 13 7 13 7 1 6

101 Dogripada 883-39 94 94 522 272 2.50 250 226 2 1.50 102 Khanora 346-30 .. Uninhabited .. 103 Kenvada 608-08 .. Uninhabited .• 104 Koktipada. 736-39 .. Uninhabited ...... 105 Khaidi 650-00 2 2 21 12 9 12 9 1 6 2

106 . Jodwan 873-06 •. Uninhabited " .. 107 Umarda 1,742-08 68 68 426 218 208 208 205 56 10 117 8 108 . Mahunipada 302-38 .. Uninhabited .. .. 109 Javli 139-37 17 17 97 53 44 ., 53 44 5 3.5 2 110 Dabka 599-12 45 47 291 147 144 3 2 144 142 33 7 76 3

111 Dodhanvadi 1,232-12 110 115 598 293 305 293 305 66 .11 178 64 112 Padi 2,383-28 108 108 614 318 296 318 296 14 1 174 1.53 113 Chimbipani . 757-27 33 33 194 97 97 97 97 1 .56 57 114 Piplapani 1,032-11 7S 78 440 218 222 218 222 30 1 118 U5 11.5 Khadkimau 170-02 40 40 175 78 97 75 97 19 5 49 54

116 Dc:vsaki 1,400-34 128 129 672 322 350 316 346 56 13 207 175 117 Baganiawad .212-05 28 28 108 50 58 50 58 4 31 36 118 Fatepur 201-02 .. .. Uninhabited .. 119 Khota 645-37 48 48 266 121 145 121 14.5 28 12 76 91 120 Limbadi 250-14 .. Uninhabited

121 Pipripada 287-38 2 2 16 9 7 9 7 5 6



II III IV V VI VII VIrI IX X ------Non- loca- (a) (b) workers tion _------_------Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 J9 20 2J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 }2 33 34 35 36 37 38

127 5 7 I 133 268 80 87 I 19 2 " 89 229 87 28 2 •• ., o' J 36 85 88 Uninhabited 89 Uninhabikd 90

30 21 8 •• •• 0' 43 100 91 Uninhabited 92 Uninhabited 93 .. . . Uninhabited . . .. 94 II 16 3 1 40 55 95

163 " 4 2 5 171 312 96 36 3 9 2 34 65 97 31 .. 24 65 98 61 2 3 58 94 99 6 7 7 ]JO

149 .. " " 122 249 101 Uninhabited 102 Uninhabited 103 . . Uninhabited ... 104 , 2 6 7 lOS

... Uninhabited , 106 88 2 19 6 1 6 " .. ., 3 101 200 101 .. Uninhabited " 108 29 2 6 .. .. " 18 42 109 52 19 2 3 1 1 1 71 141 110

100 69 64 2 5 2 115 241 111 144 132 28 21 1 1 144 143 112 SO 55 6 2 41 40 113 101 100 17 15 .. 100 107 lJ4 41 41 5 7 2 1 29 43 115

182 157 14 12 2 6 4 2 2 115 175 116 29 35 1 1 ...... ]9 22 117 Uninhabited ...... 118 75 91 .. .. " 1 4S 54 1]9 Uninhabited 120

5 6 4 11]

'Bb. ] 3 101


i ~i© I i

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Name of Area village/town of Total Population ----- agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tion/town/ in acres & Occupi. No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total wor)iers tion ward/urban of town/ ed Resi- House- Population) Castes Tribes Persons a JX) Code enumerator's ward in dentlaJ holds ---- _------No. block, Krn.' Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

11 VALIA TALUKA Total Km." 13,073 &0,927 39,781 309 30,650 6,360 12,718 514,2 13,1J14 41,146 328 31,243 14,448 22,345 Acres (127,054-23) Rural Km.i 13,073 80,927 39,78/ 309 30,660 6,360 12,111 514.2 13,914 41,146 328 31,243 14,448 22,345 Acres ( 127,054-23) Urban


I Kondh 4,772-31 397 404 2,081 1,061 1,020 45 S7 557 519 512 2S9 566 329 2 Vataria 2,243-39 136 143 655 328 327 5 3 261 267 111 35 195 100 3 Naldhati 1,629-19 63 63 323 155 16$ .. 147 158 45 9 93 28 4 Hirapor 1,831-04 120 120 721 374 347 1 5 290 264 lSI 71 209 137 5 Valia 1,616-03 469 549 2,871 1,542 1,329 40 30 680 603 878 455 74] 315

6 Dholgam 3,499-14 259 278 1,658 g03 855 11 10 647 686 257 154 423 226 7 Bhilod 2,529-11 216 233 1,316 654 662 5 6 498 494 187 106 360 240 8 Vagadkhol 1,029-06 134 15l 887 444 443 438 439 134 44 235 200 9 Singla 1,393-35 61 64 398 200 ISS ]97 198 57 11 ]24 95 10 Kesargam 1,189-14 54 59 292 159 133 124 114 40 16 91 66

11 Pathar 3,755-16 305 319 2,063 1,044 1,019 3 2 954 925 259 82 573 277 12 Chanderia 1,510-,24 123 125 737 364 373 2 315 326 84 24 201 ]61 13 Dajipara 549-09 50 51 373 183 190 178 187 43 10 105 19 14 Koylivav 517-25 15 15 118 58 60 S8 60 10 27 11 15 Chiklo!a 1,009-25 51 52 373 195 178 177 172 72 31 112 65

16 Singalvan 1l45-26 85 85 442 220 222 161 172 71 32 130 100 17 Bhenskhetar 1,119-33 63 63 350 168 182 149 1S7 18 15 98 31 18 Moriana 929--34 115 131 788 417 371 378 336 ~5 26 216 IS4 19 Bedoli 463-00 44 45 239 112 127 99 108 44 19 6S 54 20 Kelvikuva 1,424-12 98 98 529 203 236 175 158 136 62 152 83

21 Netrang 1,600-13 855 911 5,004 2,668 2,336 47 39 1,056 994 1,256 647 1,314 313 22 Borkhadi 694-00 38 40 207 !OS 102 87 87 40 22 51 28 23 Chandra van 1,757-08 104 130 694 353 341 349 336 117 47 192 69 24 Kup 697-15 35 36 ]88 91 97 86 90 7 46 2 25 Kodvav 428-08 24 24 147 GS 79 38 38 28 31 311 7

26 Arethi 1,192-32 ao 81 560 272 288 8 8 250 267 99 36 136 10 27 Fulwadi 947-10 38 38 250 131 119 129 117 65 24 69 33 28 Ghanikhut ~37-O5 70 72 458 217 241 .. 204 228 70 15 113 76 29 Thava 594-08 SO 61 394 221 173 4 3 158 127 105 36 87 54 30 Kakadkui 757-12 132 151 970 500 470 479 444 167 37 243 72

31 Sakva 822-17 44 45 269 128 141 122 135 38 20 72 18 32 Bhangoria 407-25 49 49 340 179 161 172 156 56 5 103 28 33 Baladava 1,336-14 120 ]26 948 491 4~7 456 424 138 38 260 54 34 Kambodia 1,851-22 162 172 920 468 452 411 400 136 48 273 194 35 Panchasim 1,212-] 7 92 92 446 231 215 205 196 39 14 126 72 104 PRIMARY €SN8US ABSTRACT


II III IV V VI vn VIII IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) worken tion ---_ _-- --- OJde M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2' 27 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

],627 10,711 I 3 61 101 73 12 119 27,063 8,0)4 11,288 124 36 742 274 199 (j9J 108 787 18,801

1,627 10,711 I 3 61 101 73 22 IJ9 27,063 8,094 Il,288 124 36 742 174 199 693 101 787 18,801

lS6 25 296 299 4 50 4 9 17 3 27 4 495 691 I 105 6 83 94- 3 1 3 133 227 2 51 2 41 26 .. I 62 140 3 68 4 131 J}3 I 1 2 1 S 165 210 4 91 5 214 2Jll 9 S4 1 89 46 ]5 . . 106 " 16 .. 147 22 80] 1,013 5 150 251 220 3 .., . . 1 .. 6 2 380 629 6 115 17 215 21 ] 3 .. 1 I I ]0 9 3 Jl 2 ::94 422 7 67 "5 144 194 J 6 I 1 1 I "1 8 209 243 8 61 61 95 I I 7' 103 9 29 58 66 2 2 6$ 67 10

326 172 218 105 2 .. I 5 1 11 9 471 742 ]I 52 7 140 154 I 1 ] 2 2 I 163 212 12 2 96 19 I I 5 78 171 13 2 .. 2S 11 " · . " 31 49 14 55 4 51 60 1 " I I 83 113 15 3S 89 100 2 2 90 122 16 12 1 85 30 .. .. · . 1 " 70 151 17 80 7 123 172 .. ( 3 1 4 2 3 2 1 201 1117 18 8 53 54 I I .. 2 47 73 19 48 2 92 80 2 3 I 6 1 141 153 20

lI8 409 243 28 22 169 5 115 50 21 ., 307 5 40 .. 115 9 1,324 2,023 21 25 25 26 .. " 1 2 54 74 22 lOS 2 77 67 I I 1 .. 4 161 272 23 29 15 2 1 1 .. 45 95 24 17 20 7 I 30 72 25

108 I 18 7 3 4 2 136 278 26 49 IS 17 15 · . " .. 3 62 86 27 61 21 46 54 1 1 1 1 2 104 165 28 16 4 50 48 2 3 1 .. 2 .. 13 2 134 119 29 200 46 37 23 1 2 3 1 3 3 252 398 30

50 21 18 J 56 123 31 61 . . 40 2. 1 .. .. I 76 133 32 136 1 11 S 53 .. 4 1 . . I .. 3 .. 231 403 33 91 167 142 I 2 1 I 7 1 l I 195 iSS 34 31 'I3 92 69 2 1 105 143 35 lOS TALUKA VALIA URBAN BLOCK/VILLAGIWISE

Name of Area vilhge/town of Total Population agglomera- village (including Institutional Literate and Loca- tioa/town! in acres & Occupi- No. of and Houseless Scheduled Scheduled Educated Total worker. tion ward/urban of town/ cd Resi- House- Population) Castel Tribes Persons (I-IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds - --- No. block Km.· Houses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

36 ShiT 1,284-22 J08 J I~ 709 373 336 .. 347 318 135 32 224 118 37 Dolatpur 1,551-15 160 165 982 489 493 2 1 423 428 134 50 293 240 38 ltlala 1,453-37 160 165 548 287 261 240 220 87 30 185 132 39 Pi thor 958-34 187 204 1,103 516 587 511 581 121 30 315 256 40 Vandaria 612-24 72 75 445 229 216 J86 ]87 110 28 114 ]00

41 Daheli 2,095-34 514 522 2,998 1,592 1,406 35 28 655 558 801 417 807 409 42 Desad 1,863-38 218 230 1,320 680 640 1 372 366 258 170 356 201 43 Kanerav 611-01 72 72 387 198 11~ 196 186 106 28 116 73 44 Dungari 1,492-]) 191 195 986 489 497 7 4 352 332 172 103 275 197 45 Dodwada 1,018-28 68 68 382 192 190 23 31 76 79 77 27 120 40

46 Siludi 2,289-36 159 177 973 452 521 I3 8 177 213 197 122 254 160 47 Ghoda 1,564-00 68 70 366 178 188 6 7 74 88 66 40 100 67 48 Gandhu 1,152-23 125 135 766 371 395 3 1 192 229 156 9.5 J86 85 49 Pansoli 1,390-05 87 90 563 288 275 1 172 J60 129 61 154 53 50 Karsad 995-17 118 124 681 355 326 2 197 184 15J 77 20.5 123

51 Sinada 517-26 60 60 445 205 240 .. 192 222 75 15 J27 115 52 Sodgam ],052-16 211 214 1,366 669 691 7 II 375 413 315 212 lSI 220 5) Tuna ],680-34 186 la9 966 492 474 3 5 286 263 190 112 263 181 54 Umargam 637-00 116 116 577 298 279 221 216 73 38 153 121 55 Choramla 281-{)5 37 39 223 118 105 101 99 73 31 S~ 43

56 labugam 2,932-00 287 307 1,897 951 946 90S 904 331 108 417 348 57 Navapara 283-08 32 34 176 96 80 79 77 72 5 66 39 58 Sevad 1,996-16 ]]4 143 877 443 434 .. 368 380 95 27 238 106 59 Zarna 1,899-18 213 227 1,264 622 642 3 2 497 518 200 81 35" 193 60 Chaswad ],298-23 100 101 681 355 326 6 2 266 262 164 110 ]55 118

61 Atkhol 1,006-24 47 48 353 17.5 178 4 1 136 14:1 33 18 115 53 62 Badakui 106-38 " Uninhabited .. . . 6) Nana Jambuda 1,136-13 10.5 111 645 337 308 326 300 49 17 149 123 64 Mota lamblida 1,179-24 140 140 1,006 532 474 5:18 472 98 J5 265 79 65 Motia 2,273-22 53 53 391 205 186 201 184 26 3 103 94

66 Pingot 3,102-{)S 134 134 911 434 477 434 477 101 11 248 107 67 KoyaJi Mandvi 1,848-32 174 181 1,13] 571 560 :! 3 512 494 172 49 345 264 .. Zamawadi 1,032-26 80 96 466 240 226 196 180 102 39 131 55 6' Mauza 3,264-00 516 543 3,618 l,a33 1,785 7 7 1,443 1,411 434 109 999 491 70 Kamalia 740-36 110 112 739 373 366 343 353 93 22 242 I!JJ

7J Chikhli 1,219-24 67 74 416 215 201 163 151 71 31 136 6{) 71 Gundia 1,350-39 258 283 1,839 894 945 4 5 792 862 372 168 471 420 73 Rajpara 1,354-01 161 172 J,096 588 508 3 4 535 451 259 129 335 180 74 Bhamadia 832-{)6 131 151 893 435 458 1 392 393 147 69 238 215 75 Vitthalgam 894-{) 1 83 136 681 347 334 297 283 93 40 206 135

76 Rajgadh 1,362-20 154 155 1,046 515 HI 501 519 13K 37 285 243 77 K0smadi 817-14 64 66 410 198 212 198 211 87 42 108 102 78 Luna 1,751-34 256 263 1,534 769 765 6 9 521 521 258 168 439 313 79 Kara 1,012-38 143 ISO 856 420 436 1 1 204 J99 227 131 lOS 1010 80 Joli 6J1-29 36 36 154 74 80 74 80 12 43 22

81 Mela 700-20 166 228 1,079 5115 494 6 7 307 259 173 86 332 2S1 82 Dansoli 971-24 157 111 68S 324 361 209 241 129 81 182 137 83 Bharadia 1,111-13 J64 171 837 430 407 6 5 1I0 290 171 J03 246 ]48 84 ilPata} 856-27 67 67 361 180 181 168 172 36 10 109 77 115 Niko)i 608-34 69 17 446 239 207 219 119 17 39 134 '9 106 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTItA~T


NOIl­ Loca­ (a) (b) workers tio. ---- Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M P M F M P M F M F No. 17 II 19 20 21 22 13 14 25 26 27 21 29 30 31 32 33 '4 35 36 37 3'

53 2 160 114 2 7 .. I " 1 I 149 218 36 78 48 1'4 190 I 1 6 j II a 196 253 37 34 145 132 .. :2 1 3 102 129 38 59 .. 246 256 4 3 3 .. 201 331 39 23 1 67 91 3 18 7 3 1 115 ll6 40

284 20 359 373 2 33 " 3 1 12 36 3 8 70 12 785 997 41 86 20 197 174 1 30 1 12 4 5 1 24 2 324 439 42

38 6 75 67 .. .. " .. 00 1 I 82 116 43 118 ]5 154 179 4 J 14 1 ] 6 II 214 300 44 75 8 41 32 I :2 1 72 150 45

]08 II 125 148 5 5 2 8 199 361 46 35 .. 60 66 .. 2 1 2 . . 78 121 47 66 3 96 8] 2 11 4 7 I lR5 )]0 48 60 6 79 47 1 2 2 .. 10 134 222 49 70 8 )22 112 3 3 I ": 1 ISO 203 50

] 24 .. 98 ]15 1 2 .. " 78 125 51 ]30 5 187 210 2 13 9 J 9 5 318 477 52 171 ]74 73 6 2 6 1 " 10 2 229 292 S3 28 4 1Jl 117 4 2 3 .. J 4 145 158 54 13 38 42 2 J I 1 63 62 55

178 98 273 248 2 12 4 7 474 598 56 12 1 41 38 ., 1 1 11 .30 41 57 184 17 1 JO 89 J 6 " .. 4 3 205 328 S8 1 220 187 2 89 12 J 8 S 5 3 14 " 268 449 59 30 99 107 1 5 4 16 11 200 208 60

31 7 73 46 6 ,0 2 2 60 125 61 Uninhabited .. .. 62 83 3 63 ]20 .. 3 188 Hi5 63 217 57 40 22 2 5 267 395 64 77 68 24 26 2 102 92 65

112 2 122 ]05 .. 10 .. o. 3 1 .. 186 370 66 131 36 191 227 J 3 1 I 10 .. 6 I 226 296 67

57 4 72 SO 2 1 .. 3 I " 2 .. 103 171 68 399 11 478 465 1 82 19 2 ]I 4 22 3 834 1,287 69 56 I 17& 189 1 4 1 3 131 ]75 70

39 88 60 4 ...... " 5 .. 79 141 71 178 48 239 367 I 12 .. J 11 2 27 5 423 525 72 1)0 171 177 5 15 I 2 4 1 7 2 253 328 73 66 3 1S3 206 6 5 I .5 7 1 197 243 74 S5 1 139 134 II I 141 199 75

62 6 212 237 2 5 1 1 230 l88 76 10 2 84 100 ] .. 2 ~ ., .. 1 . . 90 110 77 88 10 308 299 6 16 .. I , ] 13 4 3.30 452 7. 72 a 98 123 ] 13 05 1 4 3 13 4 115 296 79 16 :2 2' 20 I :11 58 SO

12 179 117 14 12 72 51 7 o' 253 81 S 111 131 2 7 I 141 81 1 159 145 .. 11 1 5 9 2 184 83 89 71 1 2 71 84 3 67 55 2 4 2 2 10' " TALUKA VALIA URBAN BLOCKIVILLAGWISE

Name of Area -----_ village/town of Total Population agglomera- vilbge (in:luding Institutional Literate and Loca. tion/town/ in acres & Occupi- No. of and Housekss Scheduled Scheduled EducGted Total workers tion ward/urban of town{ ed Rcsi· Hl1use- Popubtion) Castes Tribes Persons (I.IX) Code enumerator's ward in dential holds ------_. ---- ~------_ No. block Km.t Houses P M F M F M F M F M F Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

86 Holakotar 422-04 67 75 449 234 215 231 213 93 23 128 8 87 Mokhadi 1,027-27 207 215 1,213 634 579 575 526 142 5S 367 51 88 Jamania 723-38 75 8S 602 302 300 302 300 125 19 lAS J81 89 Ruudha 9~8-03 142 159 1,090 538 552 5 2 460 486 210 76 315 In 90 Mirapor 1,391-20 78 85 494 242 252 222 231 62 21 140 12.5

91 Sabaria 1,142-19 108 113 716 344 372 339 358 Jl6 36 198 IS4 92 Petia 1,695-33 119 119 619 334 285 289 2S1 103 3S 134 12 93 Kavachia 1,918-30 201 215 1,317 692 625 656 604 176 64 344 176 94 RajwaJj 2,380-00 121 121 783 402 381 353 313 96 33 229 210 95 Bilothi 2,607-08 199 199 1,361 676 685 656 668 113 34 433 146



II III IV V VI VII VlIl IX X Non- Loca- (a) (b) workers tion ------_-- Code M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

65 .. 59 4 ] 2 4 1 .. . . 106 207 86 ]26 5 217 46 3 9 7 1 4 267 528 87 ]44 ]56 17 25 2 .. 1 2 2 134 119 88 241 143 61 52 .. 4 1 1 3 4 2 223 355 89 73 52 59 71 1 2 2 2 2 1 102 127 90

87 7 100 147 .. 6 5 146 218 91 47 7 77 5 3 .. ., 3 4 200 273 92 236 111 87 64 4 12 1 I 3 1 348 449 93 163 168 53 42 "'I 1 3 2 173 171 94 306 121 145 2 2 2 ] 243 539 9S

lb. 14 109


------First Stage Second Stage hrst Stage Second Stage Ward Block Particulars New Particulars of Ward Block Particulars ------New Particulars of No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. in No. of first stage No. in No. of first stage each block (Col. 2) which each block (Col. 2) which are clubbed are clubbed together for together for forming new forming new block during block during second stage second stage (Col. 4) (Col. 4)

2 3 4 S 2 3 4 5

BHARUCH TOWN L. C. No. 16/1 11 1 to 147 36 12 1 to 146 37 ] 1 to 136 13 1 to ]46 38 14 2 1 137 } 1 to 153 } to 2 2+3 39 14+15 3 1 to 107 15 I to 116

4 ] to 135 } 16 1 to 158 40 3 4+5 5 ] to 143 17 1 to ]55 41 6 1 to 137 4 18 1 to 14S 42 7 1 to 143 S 19 I to 145 43 8 1 to 136 6 20 1 to 136 44 9 1 to 133 7 21 1 to 157 4S 10 1 to 116 8 22 1 to 151 46 11 1 to 122 9 23 1 to 142 47 12 1 to 151 10 24 ] to 133 48 13 1 to 139 11 25 I to 143 49 14 ] to ]4] 12 26 1 to 102 50 15 1 to 143 13 16 1 to 125 14 3 1 17 1 to 125 15 lto 124 } 18 1 to 137 16 2 1 to 148 51 1+2+3 19 1 to 139 17 3 1 to 142 20 1 to 144 18 4 1 to 141 52 21 ] to 144 19 5 1 to 141 53 22 1 to 113 20 6 1 to 136 54 23 1 to 110 21 7 1 to 123 55 24 1 to 144 22 8 1 to 153 56 25 1 to 110 23 9 1 to 122 57 26 1 to 136 24 ]0 1 to 123 58 11 27 1 to 110 } 1 to 130 59 25 27+28 28 1 to 151 12 I to 129 60 13 1 to 144 61 14 1 to 148 62 2 1 to 145 26 15 1 to 142 63 2 l' to 142 27 16 1 to 122 64 3 1 to 149 28 17 1 to 145 65 4 1 to 143 29 18 ] to 142 66 S 1 to 139 30 19 1 to 129 67 6 1 to 121 31 20 1 to 109 68 7 1 to 141 32 21 1 to 145 69 8 1 to 147 33 22 1 to 153 70 9 1 to 145 34 23 1 to 130 71 10 1 to 151 35 24 1 to 127 72 III STATEMENT SHOWING JURISOCnON OF ENUMERATORS' BLOCKS IN THE URBAN AREAS

First Stage Second Stage First Stage Second Stage ------Ward BJock Particu Jars New Particulars of Ward Block Pa rt iculars New Particulars of No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. in No. of first stage No. in No. of first stage each block (Col. 2) which each blcck (Col. 2) which are clubbed are clubbed together for together for forming new forming new block during block durini second stage second stage (Col,4) (Col. 4)

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 S

4 1 to 132 73 19 1 to 127 J09 2 1 to 116 74 20 1 to 136 110 3 1 to 113 75 21 I to IIO III 4 1 to 142 76 22 1 to 137 112 5 1 to 128 77 23 1 to 156 113 6 I to 82 } 24 I to 121 } 78 6+7 114 24+25 7 I to 135 25 I to 117 8 I to 79 79 26 1 to 148 115 9 1 to 142 8(} 27 1 to ]Z9 116 10 1 to 140 31 28 to 144 117 11 I to 132 J 82 11+12 12 1 to 96 to 133 J18 13 1 to 139 83 2 1 to 128 119 14 f to 132 84 3 1 to 139 120 15 4 1 to 136 121 1 to 97} 85 15+t6 16 1 to 149 5 1 to 138 122 17 l' to J5 I 86 6 1 to J35 123 18 1 to 146 87 7 1 to 136 124 19 1 to 153 88 8 to 134 125 20 I to 150 R9 9 to 139 126 21 1 to 125 90 10 to 115 127 22 1 to 151 91 fI to 139 128 23 1 to 152 92 12 1 to 146 129 13 1 to 158 130 14 1 to 1(;2 :5 J to 131 131 93 15 r to 139 n2 2 1 to 127 94 16 r to 141 133 3 1 to 131 95 17 ) to 145 } 134 17+ 18 4 1 to 89 96 18 J to 124 5- 1 to 141 97 19 J to 1)9 135 6 1 to 130 98 20 1 to 116 136 7 1 to 136 99 21 1 to 153 137 8 1 to 144 } 100 8+9 22 1 to 135 138 9 1 to 106 23 1 to 121 J3~ 10 1 to 110 101 24 1 to 135 140 11 1 to 104 102 25 1 to In 141 12 1 to 140 103 26 1 to III 142 13 1 to 140 104 27 1 to 129 143 14 1 to 149 } 28 105 14+1'- 1 to 93} 144 28+29 15 1 to 140 29 I to 136 16 1 to 133 106 30 1 to 132 145 17 1 to 122 107 31 I to 140 146 18 1 to 134 t08 32 I to 144 147 112 STATEMENT SHOWING JURISDICTION OF ENUMERATORS' BLOCKS IN THE URBAN AREAS

First Stage Second Stage First Stage Second Stage ------_._ Ward Block Particulars New Particulars of Ward Block Particulars New Particulars of No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. in No. of first stage No. in No. of first stage each block (Col. 2) which each block (Col. 2) which are clubbed are clubbed together for together for forming new forming new block during block during second stage second stage (Col. 4) (Col. 4)

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

33 1 to 138 } 8 148 33+34 1 to 120 } 7 8+9 34 1 to 124 9 1 to 40 35 I to 98 } 149 35+36 36 1 to 141 2 1 1 to 125 8 2 1 to 123 9 37 I to 103 } 150 37+38 3' I to J 34 10 38 1 to 113 4 1 to 109 11 39 ! to 122 ]51 5 I to 75 12 5+6 40 1 to 114 152 6 1 to 98 } 7 1 to 102 OO(NM) J I to 144 13 7+8 153 1+2 8 1 to 56 } 2 1 to 89 } 3 1 to 130 14 PALEJ TOWN L. C. No. 16/11 2 1 to 117 15 3 1 to 125 } 16 3+4 1 to 122 1 4 1 to 121 2 1 to 125 2 5 1 to 118 17 2 1 to 128 6 3 1 to 85 } 18 6+7 2 1 to 92 4 7 1 to ]00. 8 1 to 139 19 8+9 3 I to In 5 9 1 ;0 77 } 2 1 to 191 6 3 ] to 105 7 4 ] 1 to 61 20 2 1 to 115 4 1 1 to 120 8 21 2+3 3 ] to 134 1-' 2 I to 132 } 9 2+3 4 ] to 128 22 3 1 to 37 5 1 to 114 } 23 5+6 6 I to 127 5 I to 142 } 10 1+2 2 1 to 99 5 1 I to 118 } 24 1+2 ANKLESVAR TOWN L. C. No. 16jlII 2 I to 107 3 1 to 107 } 25 3+4 1 J to 128 .. 1 to 113 2 1 to 121 2 oS 1 to JO<) 26 3 1 to 120 3 6 1 to 138 l7 4 1 to 99 4 7 1 to 128 28 5 I to ]20 5 6 I to 130 } 6 6 1 1 to 129 31 7 1 to 104 6+7 1 1 to 135 32 1.13 STATEMENT SHOWING JURISDICTION OF ENUMERATORS' BLOCKS IN THE URBAN AREAS

First Stage Second Stage First Stage Second Stage ------.------Ward Block Particulars New Particulars of Ward Block Particulars New Particulars of No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. No. of House Block the Fllock Nos. No. in No. of first stage No. in No. of first stage each block (Col. 2) which each block (Col. 2) which are clubbed are culbbed together for together for forming new forming new block during block during second stage second stage (Col. 4) (Col. 4)

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

3 5 17 1 to 98 12 1 to 125 } 33 3+4 4 1 to 104 18 1 to 12S 13 5 1 to 131 34 19 1 to 120 14 6 1 to 135 } 35 6+7 7 1 to 102 JAMBUSAR TOWN L. C. No. 16jV 8 1 to 79 36 1 to 126 } 1+2 7 1 2 1 to 127 1 to 117 } 37 1-+ 2 2 1 to 91 3 1 to 127 } 2 3+4 3 1 to 100 38 4 1 to 127 4 1 to 78 39 5 1 to 100 } 5 1 to 75 40 3 ~1+6 6 1 to 121 6 1 to 114 41 7 1 to 120 42 2 1 1 to 113 } 4 1+2 OO(NM) 2 1 to 123 1 to 138 } 29 1+2 2 1 to 100 3 1 to 118 5 3 1 to 54 } 4 1 to 112 } 6 4+S 30 3+4 5 1 to 105 4 1 to 81

HANSOT TOWN L. C. No. 16jIV 3 1 1 to 120 7 2 1 to 110 8 1 1 to ISO 3 1 to 130 } 9 3+4 4 1 to 112 2 1 to 152 } 2 2+3 3 1 to 154 5 1 to 127 10 6 1 to 121 11 4 1 to 152 } 3 7 1 to 116 12 4+S 5 1 to 151 8 1 to 126 13 9 1 to 121 14 2 6 1 to 150 4 10 1 to 126 } 15 10+ 11 7 1 to 151 } 5 7+8 11 1 to 106 8 1 to 150 12 1 to 111 16 1 to l:l6 17 9 1 to 152 } 6 9+10 13 10 1 to 154

4 1 to 105 } 18 1+2 3 11 1 to 150 7 2 1 to 105 12 1 to 150 g 13 1 to 149 9 3 1 to 104 } 19 3+4 4 1 to 126 4 14 1 to 79 10 5 1 to 131 20 6 1 to 123 21 11 t to 128 } 11 IH16 16 1 to 23 7 1 to 128 22 114 STATEMENT SHOWING JURISDICTION OF ENUMERATORS' BLOCKS IN THE URBAN AREAS

First Stage . Second Stage First Stage ------Second Stage Ward Block Particulars New Particulars of ------Ward Block Particdars ------New Particulars of No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. in No. of first stage No. in No. of first stage each block (Col. 2) which each block (Col. 2) which are clubbed are clubbed together for together for forming new for,ning new block during block during second stage second stage (Col. 4) (Col. 4)

2 3 4 5 2 3 4

5 1 ] to 111 4 1 1 23 1+2 I to 107 } 11 2 1 to 126 2 1 to 110 1+2 3 J to 127 24 3 I to 110 12 4 1 to 109 25 4 I to 114 13 5 1 to 77 ]4 6 1 1 to 103 26 2 1 to 111 27 5 1 1 to 112 15 3 1 to 102 28 2 4 1 to 103 29 1 to 106 } 16 3 1 to 100 2+3 5 1 to 118 30 6 1 to 112 31 4 1 to 100 } 17 4+5 7 1 to 104 32 5 1 to 75 8 1 to 107 33 8+9 9 1 to 125 } RAJPIPLA TOWN L. C. No. I6/VII

7 1 to 104 34 1 1 to 138 1 2 I to 107 35 2 1 to 126 2 3 1 to 112 36 3 1 to 121 3 4 1 to 114 37 4 1 to 140 4 5 1 to 126 38 5 1 to 131 5 6 1 to 127 39 6 1 to 81 6 7 1 to 126 40 8 1 to 109 41 2 1 1 to 130 7 2 I to 133 8 AMOD TOWN L. C. No. 16/VI 3 1 to 120 } 9 3+4 1 to 110 1 4 1 to 118 2 1 to 105 2 5 1 to 127 } JO 5+6 3 6 1 to 96 1 to 123 } 3 3+4 4 1 to 38 1 1 to 156 11 2 1 1 to 108 4 2 1 to 126 12 1 1 to 110 5 3 1 to 144 } 3 13 3+4 1 to 74 } 6 3+4 4 1 to 126 4 1 to 108 S 1 to 135 14 6 1 to 149 15 3 1 1 to 101 } 7 1+2 2 1 to 108 1 1 to 129 16 3 l 1 to 110 17 1 to 107 } 8 3+4 4 1 to 100 3 1 to 105 18 4 1 to 123 } 5 1 to 106 9 19 4+5 6 1 to 106 lQ S 1 to 121 llS STATEMENT SHOWING JURISDCrION OF ENUMERATORS' IN THE URBAN AREAS

First Stage Second Stage First Stage' Second Stage Ward Block Particulars New Particulars of Ward Block Particulars New Particulars of . No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. No. of House Block the Block Nos. No. in No. of first stage No. in No. of first stage each block (Col. 2) which each block (Col. 2) which are clubbed are clubbed together for together for forming new forming new block during block during second stage second stage (Col. 4) (Col. 4)

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

6 1 to 116} 20 6+ 7 7 1 to 141} 32 7 + 8 7 I to 72 8 1 to 123 8 1 to 107 21 9 1 to 163 33

7 5 1 1 to 125} 22 1 +2 1 to 136} 34 1+2 2 1 to 124 2 1 to 126 3 1 to 121 23 3 I to 64 35 4 I to 138 24 4 1 to 145 36 5 I to 120 25 5 1 to 96} 37 5 +6 6 1 to 123 26 6 1 to 126 7 7 I to 77} 27 7 + 8 " 1 to 128} 38 7 + 8 8 1 to 104 g I to 99 9 1 to 149 28 8 I 1 to 115 39 2 1 to 114 40 6 1 1 to 69} 29 1 + 2 3 I to 80 41 2 1 to 112 4 1 to 104 42 5 1 to 119 43 3 1 to 85} 30 3+ 4 44 4 1 to 124 6 1 to 142 7 1 to 126 45 5 1 to 129} 31 5+ 6 6 1 to 136 9 1 to 55 46



Page Particulars of Entry Col. For Read No~ No. 1 2 3 4 5


XX S1. No. 163 Col. of S1. No. 16 163

XXV SI. No. 179 Col. of Name Samarpada Samarpada of Town/Village (Devivalu) (Devivalun) XXV Sl. No. 180 Col. of Name Samarpada Samarpada of Town/Village (Sidivalu) (Sidivalun)

XXViii Headin~ Alphabetic Alphabeti() List of Villages List of Villages -Contd. -Concld. INTRODUCTORY NOTE

9 First line, para beginning with (i) If one sector of If one sector of the econom the economy ... . more ..••.. absorbs more .... 11 Fifth line in para beginning with is Rs. 2592 is Rs. 25.92 "per capita expenditure ....•_ .•. 15 Para (b), Bus facilities. Second That only 283 or That only 283 or line in para beginning with "'It 2491 per cent 24.91 per cent .... would be seen 18 First line of this page With 6.5, Amod With 6.5. Amod with 62 6.2


21 Sl. No.4, Hansot Town 7 Blank t 21 Sl. No. 1 Amod, 4 14 t Hansot and 6 Palej 25 Sl. No. 2 Anklesvar 4 2 23 28 Appendix-II .:i1. No. nklesvar Town Anklesvar Town Agglomeration Agglomeration


30 L. C. No. 24 15 239 229 46 L. C. No. 15 5 H,eD HC. 0 46 L. C. No. 20 5 F,e FC 62 L. C. No. 47 2 Dehri Dahri 82 L. C. No. 150 7 T,WO T,W,O 87 L. C. No. 32 10 lower ank Rice Jowar and Rice 88 L. C. No. 43 2 Patao Patna '8 L. C. No. 46 8 FS,.KR.,T 1:S,KR,T,NG 88 L. C. No. 63 2 A!