JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, VOLUME 121, 1 NOVEMBER 2018, PAGES 135-148 1 EMPIOT: An Energy Measurement Platform for Wireless IoT Devices Behnam Dezfouli∗, Immanuel Amirtharaj†, and Chia-Chi (Chelsey) Li‡ ∗†‡Internet of Things Research Lab, Department of Computer Engineering, Santa Clara University, USA ‡Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, USA ∗
[email protected], †
[email protected], ‡
[email protected] Abstract—Profiling and minimizing the energy con- the energy efficiency of these devices to satisfy the QoS sumption of resource-constrained devices is an essen- requirements of applications. tial step towards employing IoT in various application domains. Due to the large size and high cost of com- Analytical (and simulation-based) energy estimation mercial energy measurement platforms, alternative tools multiply the time spent in each state (e.g., sleep, solutions have been proposed by the research commu- processing, transmission/reception) by the power con- nity. However, the three main shortcomings of existing sumed in that state. This approach, however, is not tools are complexity, limited measurement range, and accurate due to the following reasons [2]–[6]: (i) Most low accuracy. Specifically, these tools are not suitable for the energy measurement of new IoT devices such as of the proposed models focus on simple wireless tech- those supporting the 802.11 technology. In this paper nologies such as 802.15.4 and LoRa [7], [8]. However, we propose EMPIOT, an accurate, low-cost, easy to as new technologies such as 802.11 and LTE are being build, and flexible power measurement platform. We adopted by IoT, it is important to profile the energy present the hardware and software components of efficiency of devices using these complex technologies.