Newsletter 11 *»
May, 1993 a£ l i t • / / Vol. 16 No. 5 Newsletterapples 11 *» the Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group, Inc. Inside: May Events Compression Wars Hard Drive Answers Sun Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat The Complete History of the Apple II (part 1) And... 7:00 1:00 10 11 Y2 13 14 15 10:00 ©700 <&oo Swap »meet 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 7:00 oo Hi] 7:00 7:00 b:00 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 m, 00 ]7:00 6 7:00 Board of Directors- Mini'app'les W^ HyperCard SIG - Scripting Q&A - E. Members Welcome - Lexington Lib., Lake Ub., 2727 East Lake St., Mpls - University & Lexington, St. Paul - Peter Fleck, 370-0017 David Laden, 488-6774 c UJ Apple II Novice SIG - Open Forum - Programmer's Workshop - Think-C Murray Jr. High, 2200 Buford, St. Paul Program Coding - Brookdale-Henn Lib., TomGates, 789-1713 6125 Shingle Creek Pkwy, Brooklyn Center - Keven Kasulker, 535-2968 a FileMaker Pro SIG - Open Discussion - Highland Park Ub., 1974 Ford Pkwy., & Apple ll/GS Main - Data Recovery - St. Paul - Steve Wilmes, 458-1513 Murray Jr. High, 2200 Buford, St.Paul - Tom Ostertag, 488-9979 Macintosh DTP SIG - St. Anthony Ub., d3 2245 Como Ave., St. Paul - Bob Grant, Something New Macintosh Main - Marty Probst of Pro 827-6294 Active Marketing - Penn Lake Lib., 8800 to do After Dark Penn Ave. S., Bloomington - wMacintosh Novice SIG - Open Forum - Mike Carlson, 377-6553 Highland Park Ub., 1974 Ford Pkwy., St. Paul - Tom Lufkin, 698-6523 Swap Meet! - Apache Plaza, Mac Programmers SJG - Apple OCE - 3800 Silver Lake Rd., NE Mpls Murray Jr.
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