Forest Owners' Guide to the Federal Income
tv/ âj sy^>i United States Department of Agriculture Forest Owners' Guide Forest Service to the Federal Income Agriculture l-iandbool< No. 708 Tax Received by: (2,/>t5;; Indexing BrancH ,„„ T ,-t.^o..Hl... -1« _ ''°™ T fTimber) |.fl!H!Wll4^Pr¿fit or Loss F 14a Purchaser s nam« and aHOress ^<-«Act,wt,e,Sche.„,e, °'">'-» 'S«-«X.. 15 Amount received. • In cash In inierB3l-bea' «'"r,'<" "«""?? si"-" In non-mteres' IB AiT^ount received " ">« Irme neooed in ^* "9Hf iimlx» „„K:^-"""««« tor ,„ _ ""»•<:o'ai.a,p,„,"""^.n, ""'•«'""»•«Zag. lantl o' " ^ piiioq. ^^ ,„cces: ■ ^::::::r^'«"X'ir,ïï?";voui_.,„ ""»""nVaT,.** ""' <■' "» 'om, 3'-' - m,„ '"»«raTonÄST' °"" " yO" pay o, ° " ''""' "/ouna,econ,m^',"'"*'°™'olfi.lBs ^5™ Ä'si'5-;r„x::3:rar °-"--Si::''''" -r;rn^?¿=s;rr;^-^c-°--|«"" Sch«Jui. F ^.„„ , ' '"" '«liliíaiion '"^ acliwlies nprovea iui>" \"WJ. ■ :-'-'orr,re--£^rr,r&™--». d Mercnanlab» iimoe' lEslmal« f-^"n;rHHr--"^,sr''--«soos,l,ons íi'? í *"" amounl L , "* account m,„ Quamity ot m.rcnanlable t.mlH sale or »«cnange include me M ,n eacn species ol imbec D» c neidW IDBHI classes Stale ti- the unit ot measure IS inousa IMBR. 109 scale ) S^-i^rsir-^ï^'sS^-.- """"9 th. taTSr""" '" *o. Change, " ' a Preme'cnantaPie timtjer -?St:??H"* ---a^l- -o, n i' yoL « 'f'"~ '«SolatonTSSln «O'lons 611 „, •-«"-S *a:a^,'^'„-;;imP,., „ ^„^ Ä^„ "-":: r:r^"^ °'°^^ Jo, „,„. .nfonn""''' '"^ « ditcn^"' ""•'"•S í„ maps "* *'S??'—' you do ^^" '° """"". —'—¡¡¡Toil»"»""', Supenntenden, of Ool^n^*^ f"«* » 'oTSn° °'^»' '^^'s Washington fv~ -i«^""'*"ts U «i r- ** 'tumben m "'^ Is.o.«""'' ' ■"' »ceo"*»*' 33 .. ,-tur^att" '2;T„¿^ other^viseoZ^ ""'^^ doposari ■^^j'^^^ "'■ »nd (1) Ä2s (oo^ , ' '•! 'o^t land J:fll«„„S?„°'™ »» ■"OÍ Sn^í« " show S^h- : _:Z__ü;;;^¿a^ ^ "9"» 'es«ved 10 Cause ot loss ^y-as-cutblll " ZZ ^^ compleiea rn^rl t""" '" "rnTZ^ " —___ " Quart« »' * »inda ot i,míLr Päyneni.
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