Drinking and Driving Hits Home with Collision

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Drinking and Driving Hits Home with Collision Tuesday, December 3, 1996 • Vol. XXX No. 62 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Drinking and driving hits home with collision By HEATHER COCKS said Gabriel Cassel, who was riding Cassel stated that the other driver, • • • • Associate News Editor in the backseat. suddenly cognizant of his lane posi- :Student ColliSIOn With Drunk On Schultz turned off of Ireland Road, tion, also swerved back into his ' Four Notre Dame students narrow­ in the downtown South Bend area, proper lane, at which point he collid­ ly averted severe injury in a two-car only to realize he was headed in the ed with the front right side of:"!. "---<hl'!H'-8Af"!R:U.;dl collision with a drunk driver on Nov. wrong direction. After correcting his Schultz's vehicle. 23. course, the car was en route to Meghan Marcus, a Pangborn resi­ Following the victory over Rutgers, Ireland Road when the accident dent who was in the front seat, Mike Schultz, a Fisher Hall fresh­ occurred. remembers little about the actual man. ventured off-campus with his "Suddenly, we saw headlights drift accident. three friends, his younger brother, into our lane from the oncoming "The pickup truck hit my side of and another passenger. lane," Cassel recalled. "Mike tried to the car, and it skidded along the "We decided to see a movie, and swerve left into the other lane to were looking for Scottsdale Mall," avoid getting hit." • CAMPUS liFE CouNcil ND grads aid Frosh study details drinking habits By DEREK BETCHER Jamaican poor Assistant News Editor By BRIDGET O'CONNOR Freshman alcohol consumption Assistant News Editor was the dominant topic at yester­ day's Campus Life Council meeting. Every Notre Dame undergraduate student Discussion centered around profes­ contemplates life after graduation. For a hand­ sor of psychology George Howard's ful of graduates, this future lies in community update on his department's fresh­ service in the Caribbean. man seminars about healthy Through the Notre Dame Volunteer lifestyles. Programme in Jamaica (NDVP/J), seven gradu­ "I've been asked to give a progress ates have devoted two years to helping edu­ report on our initiative to help fresh­ cate Jamaican children or working in non­ men start their social lives here in profit organizations such as Food for the Poor. ways that don't depend entirely on Current volunteers Michelle Mudry, Chad inappropriate consumption of alco­ Sutcliffe and Bill Maloney teach at St. George's hol," Howard opened. College, an all-boys school, while Karen Describing that initiative, Howard Fronduti and Mike Egan teach at Alpha explained how 51 freshmen were Academy, an all-girls high school. assigned to three seminar groups in Aimee Barnes works at Alpha Boys school, psychology dealing with healthy The Observer/Shannon Dunne an orphanage for boys, while Brian Baumer lifestyles topies. lie distributed sta­ George Howard detailed the information of his recent research involving drinking helps Jamaicans start their own businesses tistics the psychology department habits of freshmen during yesterday's CLC meeting. through Food for the Poor. had compiled to chart drinking lev­ those sessions are responsible for learning curriculum, noting, "From "One of last year's volunteers recently told els of those students. me after moving back to the States that, 'I'll The figures showed that the the difference between members of one perspective, it looks like a great the two control classes; while mem­ success," but then adding that never have a job so fulfilling,'" Sutcliffe said. course section designed to reduce "That, along with meeting new people and alcohol abuse experienced a 40 per­ bers of the treatment groups aver­ because of methodological uncer­ aged more drinks per week than tainties he could not with complete experiencing a whole new side of the world cent lower increase in drinking as they had in high school, the increase confidence claim success. and way of thinking, has been incredibly eye­ its enrollees adapted to University opening. At times the lack of luxury is diffi­ life. in their average was 40 percent Howard felt more conclusive in lower than the control groups' aver­ noting that the class structure of the cult, but I'm sure a year from now I'll wish I "One could argue that no fresh­ were back here." men should be drinking, but let's age. psychology department's approach Bill Kirk, assistant vice president led to its apparent effectiveness. NDVP/J was founded by the Alumni Club of face it, they arc. And 10 percent are for residence life, offered his expla- "That's the key. People here are Jamaica in 1994 and is open to volunteers drinking at levels that have to be from the University of Notre Dame, Saint called problematic," lloward told nation for the difference. - overworked, so getting course credit "Why does it work? Well, it's is the key," he said. Mary's College and the University of Portland. the CLC.· Volunteers commit two years to the program or the three sections, two were important to get the weekend off on "Meeting in a professor's home the right foot," he said. "It's the peo­ reminds students that there's life off and receive a personal stipend of $70 each control groups with standard cur­ month, as well as complimentary food and riculum while the third "treatment ple who start drinking at two or of campus, and it also brings the three in the afternoon that are the class closer together," Deborah board provided by the community. group" featured informal Friday Airfare to and from Jamaica and complete night suppers at the professor's problem." Hellmuth, HPC co-chair, added. house. Figures seem to indicate that Howard was reserved in his endorsement of the experimental see CLC/ page 4 see JAMAICA/ page 4 Student government Lectures focus on Irish famine looks for SMC opinions By BRIDGET O'CONNOR Assistant News Editor By SHANNON RYAN News Writer Many sources combined to provide relief to Ireland during Students' voices count the long years of famine, at Saint Mary's College. according .to Christine Kinealy, That seemed to be the a fellow of the University of theme of last night's Liverpool and professor of Student Government Irish and British history. Open Forum in Carroll Kinealy claimed private Auditorium. The Board charities were essential of Governance spc)fl­ because the public sources of sorcd the meeting in relief fell far short of what was hopes or establishing a needed to ease the struggle. two-way communica­ With contributions coming tion system between from all five continents, the Saint Mary's students majority of the aid Ireland The Observer/Kim Michalik and their class repre­ received was donated by indi­ The Observer/Shannon Dunne sentatives. Members of Saint Mary's organizations viduals. The British govern­ Kevin Whelan spoke yesterday about the Irish famine and suggested gathered yesterday in an open forum. Issues arose ranging ment gave 10 million pounds that documentation alone cannot describe the disaster of the 1840s. from concerns in the in the five years of famine in equivalent of $600,000 was the Catholic church donated advances of the school's tech­ boards, leaders of the Board of the form of interest bearing given by a private British relief $600,000 in addition to clothes nology to school dances with Governance, Student Activities loans. organization and the Society of and blankets. the student audience actively Board, Student Academic A private source in Calcutta, Friends contributed $300,000. Kinealy pointed out that participating. India, was the first donor. The The Quakers distributed that Members of the class see SMC/ page 4 relief via soup kitchens while see FAMINE I page 8 page 2 The Observer· INSIDE Tuesday, December 3, 1996 • INSIDE CoLUMN • WORlD AT A GlANCE Erase the lines Navy plane crash claims two during routine training MONTGOMERY, Ala. · ··-·-- ·-·· making all kinds of noise. It sounded A Navy plane practicing touch-and-go Tenn. like the engine wasn't right. It turned on between "us" maneuvers crashed near a runway ·-----··-····\ ·its side, banked to the right and the Monday, and a witness said the engine nose went down," Madison said. was "making all kinds of noise" before NavyT-34 , It ended up with its front end erum- and "them" the accident. Both crew members were plane crash \ pled on an abandoned taxi strip over- Studying the situation in ~=======:­ killed. • \ grown with grass. former Yugoslavia, one is The single-engine, turboprop T-34 Miss.1 \\,Ga. The plane had come from the left pondering how neigh­ went down about 300 yards from a run- Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida, bors could be induced to way at Maxwell Air Foree Base during •o ; 150 miles southwest of Montgomery. kill one another. clear weather. base officials said. ALA. Montgomery ' The two victims' names wnrn not imme- There is no simple lt was conducting a training exercise in diately released. which the plane touches down briefly on Pensacola It was thn third military crash in I 1/2 explanation for such a dis­ Naval Air Station astrous war that has the runway and takes off again, Capt. weeks. On Nov. 22, an Air Force ripped apart that state. Robert Gonzalez said. Heserve IIC-130 transport crashed into Fierce nationalism pre- Kelly Brooks An Air Force civilian engineer, Joe the ocnan off California, killing 10 pen- vents reconciliation and Assistant News Editor Madison, said the plane was about 100 pie; one man survived. On Nov. 27. a forgiveness between pno- feet above the runway when its loud 100 miles National Guard F-16D fighter crashed in ples.
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