Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2019 No. 40 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was We had to fight that fight, and we or very fine people, in Charlottesville, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- won, because it is now generally per- among those who are bigots, racists, pore (Mrs. BUSTOS). ceived and believed that the President xenophobes, homophobes, and f does not have to commit a crime to be Islamophobes. impeached. Yes, the evidence is there, because DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO In fact, Article II, Section 4 of the the President was putting in his poli- TEMPORE Constitution of the United States of cies these bigoted statements. These The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- America addresses that question when statements went beyond his words. fore the House the following commu- it deals with high crimes and mis- They became a part of his policies. For nication from the Speaker: demeanors as misdemeanors or mis- this, he can be impeached. WASHINGTON, DC, deeds, pursuant to the understanding I stand where I stood 659 days ago, March 6, 2019. that we have of the Constitution of the and I will continue to stand until this I hereby appoint the Honorable CHERI United States of America. President is removed from office. BUSTOS to act as Speaker pro tempore on And still I rise now, understanding We can investigate to the extent that this day. that we have had to fend off those who we engage in what Dr. King called the NANCY PELOSI, Speaker of the House of Representatives. have said: You have to wait for the paralysis of analysis, just investigate Mueller report. You have to wait. Why until it is time for another election, f not wait? and then the election becomes the MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Here is why you don’t have to wait: focal point. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Because the Mueller report is dealing My dear friends, my dear brothers ant to the order of the House of Janu- with violations of the law. Misdeeds and sisters, those who desire to wait ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- don’t necessarily require a violation of may do so. I will not wait. Impeach- nize Members from lists submitted by the law. ment is not dead. the majority and minority leaders for If you are corrupting society, if you f morning-hour debate. are creating harm to society, if you are WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH The Chair will alternate recognition causing things to happen in society between the parties. All time shall be that are unacceptable to the people in The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. equally allocated between the parties, the United States of America, an unfit CICILLINE). The Chair recognizes the and in no event shall debate continue President can be impeached for those gentleman from Kansas (Mr. MAR- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other misdeeds that corrupt and harm soci- SHALL) for 5 minutes. than the majority and minority leaders ety. Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise and the minority whip, shall be limited We are winning that fight. This fight today to honor the many women who to 5 minutes. is one that is easily won because, as we have shaped our country’s successes f proceed, it is going to become intu- and are inspiring our future. itively obvious that these misdeeds are This month, we celebrate Women’s IMPEACHMENT IS NOT DEAD the problems, and the misdeeds are cre- History Month and recognize the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ating the concerns in society. women who have fought for equality Chair recognizes the gentleman from It is my belief that we have a duty, a and positively impacted their commu- Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. responsibility, and an obligation under nities. The courage and resolve of our Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speak- the Constitution to deal with an unfit women must not go unnoticed. er, and still I rise, with love of country President. In Kansas, we are always quick to in my heart. There are those who would want me highlight the great Amelia Earhart, And still I rise, as I did some 659 days to withhold my thoughts until after our hometown aviation pioneer. But ago, more than 21 months, when I first there has been an investigation, when today, I want to highlight the millions stood on the floor of the House of Rep- we have clear and convincing evidence of women around the world who have resentatives and called for the im- before our very eyes of the misdeeds: made and continue to make significant peachment of the President. In so separating babies from their mothers, impacts on their families, commu- doing, I had to fend off the multitudes who happen to be of color, I might add; nities, and workplaces through mean- who wanted to know what crime the talking about s-hole countries that ingful, everyday contributions. President had committed, what law did happen to be where people of color live, My own mother, Nancy, taught me he break. I might add; talking about good people, many family values that continue to b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2373 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:36 Mar 07, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06MR7.000 H06MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H2374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2019 give me strength and guide me Dr. Moser recently reported that the Worcester wrote: ‘‘If I don’t eat, my throughout fatherhood and in my ca- clinical network of hospitals has im- head hurts.’’ reer as an obstetrician. proved medications and delivery time While many nutrition program par- She instilled in me the value of prop- for getting clot-busting drugs to pa- ticipants are children and persons with er nutrition at an early age, which I tients that literally save lives and pre- disabilities, their reach extends to vet- was able to go on and explain in very vent lifelong paralysis. erans. A veteran from St. Anthony’s commonsense terms to all my patients Since its inception, these physicians Parish in Worcester wrote: ‘‘My food as an obstetrician. My mom empha- have grown to reach more counties and bank provides myself and fellow vet- sized the importance of a healthy are able to help more patients. Now erans with love and nutrients. Without breakfast and sitting down each night called Care Collaborative, they are ex- you guys, it would be a long month. as a family for dinner, something my ploring new payment systems for rural Thanks to our nuns who help us al- wife, Laina, and I prioritized as parents hospitals and focusing on expanding ways.’’ as well. into new medical treatments, like pal- When a family is worried about She taught me all these lessons while liative care. whether they can afford basic neces- also working a full-time job as an of- With more than 50 critical-access sities, nutrition programs and the food fice manager. Her dedication to her hospitals in my district, the resources security they provide goes a long way. family and career didn’t garner news developed through this collaborative In 2018, a monthly average of 40.3 headlines, but it made a significant im- have been lifesaving and critical for million people participated in the pact and allowed me to grow up under- our hospitals and, most importantly, SNAP program. Despite the fact that standing the outcomes of hard work. rural patients. this number has been steadily decreas- My wife, Laina, went to school to be f ing, the Trump administration has un- a nurse at Butler County Community veiled several baseless attacks on these College and later worked in the neo- ADVOCATING FOR FEDERAL nutrition programs. natal intensive care unit, caring for NUTRITION PROGRAMS On December 20, 2018, the Trump ad- premature babies. She made a huge im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ministration proposed a rule that will pact on all those babies’ lives, as well Chair recognizes the gentleman from threaten the eligibility of SNAP par- as their families and their develop- Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) for 5 ticipants who are considered able-bod- ment. minutes. ied adults without dependents. In an ef- Now, as a mother of four and grand- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I am fort to, ironically, ‘‘restore self-suffi- mother of two, I often tell people my here today to advocate for the Federal ciency through the dignity of work,’’ wife has the most important job in nutrition programs that help our most their rule stigmatizes SNAP partici- America: raising our children. vulnerable constituents and to high- pants and limits a State’s ability to I know there are millions of mothers light why these programs continue to waive 20-hour work requirements. around the globe who have and con- need our unwavering protection and at- The able-bodied adult without de- tinue to provide the same energy, time, tention. pendents population is a complex and dedication to their children, fami- March 4 marked the beginning of Na- group. Many of them are veterans re- lies, and communities. Too often, we tional School Breakfast Week, which is turning from overseas and having a dif- don’t take the time to share and cele- designed to show parents, students, and ficult time reintegrating into our com- brate these contributions, but we all school officials the benefits of fueling know a woman who has made a signifi- munity.
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