Historic England Listings for Maryport the Full Details
Historic England Listings for Maryport The full details (and in most cases for Listed Buildings, a photograph) are given in the Historic England website and each is linked from the Item title. Included there are maps on which the property is located by a (very) small blue triangle. Listed Buildings 1, New Crown Yard, South Quay 2 And 3, South Quay 6, 7 And 8, South Quay The Royal Naval Club South Quay 1, North Quay 3, North Quay 15, Bridge Street 16, Bridge Street 1, Camp Street 84, Crosby Street 120, Crosby Street, 45, Kirkby Street 11, Eaglesfield Street Senhouse Arms Hotel Eaglesfield Street The Priory 15, Eaglesfield Street 17, Eaglesfield Street Fleming Place area The Cottage, Solway Terrace 23, Fleming Square 4, Fleming Place 24 And 24a, Fleming Square 1, Fleming Place 2, Fleming Place The Vicarage Castle Hill Education Settlement Gate Piers And Gates To Castle Hill Education Settlement The Cumberland, High Street Alba House, High Street 28 And 30, High Street 57, Kirkby Street Netherhall, Grade: II* Gate Piers To Netherhall Lodge At Netherhall 8, Senhouse Street 13, Senhouse Street Middle Tap Senhouse Street Public House 11, Senhouse Street The Lighthouse Bank End Farmhouse 107 And 109, High Street, 17, Kirkby Street 72, High Street 104, High Street 47 And 49, Kirkby Street The Broom Vaults Public House 102, High Street The Convent Station Hotel, Main Road The Battery, Senhouse Roman Museum Parish Church Of St Mary 67, Wood Street Christ Church Scheduled Monuments Netherhall Medieval Site In Netherhall Park, Left Bank Of River Ellen
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