Economic Policy Institute


1 Table of Contents

FOREWORD...... 5

OVERVIEW...... 6



LONG-TERM INITIATIVES...... 9 XVI Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy Professionals from Southeastern Europe and the Black Sea Region “Public Policy Challenges – European and Regional Dimensions” (June 1 - 5, 2015) ...... 10 Biannual Conference Series “Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” ...... 13

YOUTH INITIATIVES...... 15 Paving Youths’ Way Student Seminar Series ...... 16 Student Essay Contest “The Investment Plan for Europe – My Vision for the Projects and Europe Need”...... 20 Student seminar “Business Starting and Developing in the Context of “Entrepreneurship 2020”...... 21 “Youths Stand against Youth Unemployment” – project within the Erasmus+ Programme...... 22

RESEARCH...... 25 “Your Municipality is Waiting for You Online”...... 26 The EECFA Construction Sector Reports: Overview of the Construction Market in Bulgaria ...... 27 Promoting Export Orientation of Small And Medium Enterprises in Bulgaria (2015-2016)...... 29 Tackling Youth Unemployment in Central and South Eastern Europe.....29

3 Dr. Ivanka Petkova Academic Competition...... 31 FOREWORD COOPERATION & NETWORKING ...... 33

Marshall Memorial Fellowship...... 34 Dear colleagues, partners and friends, in the processes of public policy formula- tion. The latter was also the main intersec- “Your Municipality Works for You. Enabling the Effective Advocacy It is our pleasure to present at your atten- of the Civil Organizations in the Dialogue tion between young public experts and tion the 2015 Annual report of the Eco- think-tanks’ representatives who were se- with the Local Authorities”...... 35 nomic Policy Institute (EPI). Stepping on lected to participate in EPI’s flagship activ- V4 Sharing E-Government Experience with Bulgaria...... 37 its long-term commitment to contribute ity – the Summer Seminar for Young Public to utilizing the full potential of Bulgaria Policy Professionals from South Eastern Eu- 8th Edition of the Black Sea NGO Forum...... 38 by enhancing the competitiveness of its rope and the Black Sea region, which we or- economy and increasing the efficiency of ganized for a sixteenth year in a row. Logi- its public institutions, in 2015 EPI continued cal continuations of these efforts were our LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ...... 41 to work on a wide range of policy-oriented projects aiming at improving the efficiency and socio-economic projects, to conduct of municipalities and fostering the involve- practice-oriented training events, and to ment of civil society in the decision-making further develop its cooperation and net- process. Last but not least, we increased our working initiatives. expertise in analyzing the factors affecting Following the initial idea of its founder Dr. the competitiveness of the Bulgarian econ- Ivanka Petkova (1947-2011), throughout the omy and hampering the export orientation last eighteen years so far, EPI has lived up to of small and medium-size companies. This its core values to be a politically indepen- helped us a lot in further expanding our re- dent, non-governmental and non-for-profit search being the Bulgarian partner of the organization, working entirely on a project Eastern European Construction Forecasting basis with transparent sources of financing. Association. Through our research, analysis and public Herewith, we at the Economic Policy Insti- events we at EPI have always strived to con- tute would like to express our deepest grat- tribute to promoting and maintaining an itude to all the people who have created, active and balanced debate on issues con- developed and strengthened its reputation cerning key economic and socio-economic with their efforts, dedication and passion trends in the country. in the last eighteen years. We would like to In 2015 we continued developing our thank once again to our partners and fund- youth initiatives by bridging the gap be- ing institutions for the continuous support tween education and labour market and and confidence they have rendered to EPI empowering young people to participate throughout the years. Yasen Georgiev Executive Director


The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a non-governmental, politically independent and Honorary President not-for-profit organization, founded in 1997. Andras Inotai, Prof. The mission of EPI is to contribute to utilizing the full potential of Bulgaria by enhancing the competitiveness of its economy and increasing the efficiency of its public institutions. In this way, EPI aims at adding value to the membership of Bulgaria in the European Union Chairperson Controller and thus at supporting the reform processes in South Eastern Europe. Associate Prof. Lena Roussenova, PhD Galina Dimitrova, CFA Head of Equity, To achieve this, EPI delivers policy recommendations in a wide range of spheres based on Members United Bulgarian Bank, Sofia economic research and interdisciplinary analyses; elaborates on and advocates for alterna- tive approaches in the field of economic policy and specific economic sectors; encourages Sergei Detchev, PhD public discussions on economic and socioeconomic issues and raises awareness among General Manager, Coats Bulgaria, EOOD decision-makers, civil society and other stakeholders. Andrei Evtimov Executive Director, Doverie Capital AD, Sofia

Plamena Nenkova Head of Analysis and International Activities Division, Bulgartransgaz EAD

Adelina Tomova Policy Officer, European External Action Service



Ivanka Petkova, PhD Desislava Petrova († October 3rd, 2011) Director “European Founder & Chairperson Programmes and Projects”

Prof. Dr. Andras Inotai Dragomir Belchev Honorary President Finance Director LONG-TERM

Associate Prof. Lena Roussenova, PhD Stephanie Bosseva Chairperson Junior Researcher INITIATIVES

Alexandra Topchieva Yasen Georgiev Junior Expert Executive Director (until March 2015)

Kalin Marinov Executive Director Todor Ilinkolov (until March 2015) IT Specialist


XVI Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy Professionals from Southeastern Europe and the Black Sea Region “Public Policy Challenges – European and Regional Dimensions” (June 1 - 5, 2015)

Project content The EU membership prospects for many countries along with the overall process- The Summer Seminar (www.summer- es of democratic transformation and the is an annual forum deep-rooted socio-economic reforms for young public policy professionals from paved the way for a gradual involvement of South Eastern Europe (SEE) and the Black other countries from the Western Balkans Sea region serving as a platform for ex- and the Black Sea region and nowadays the change of experience, knowledge and traditional initiative is open for altogether ideas on the current public policy chal- 15 SEE and Black Sea countries. As of 2015 lenges among young state officials and the traditional Summer Seminar is a well- Opening Session of the 16th Summer Seminar Edition representatives of think-tanks and research known and highly recognized regional ini- The XVI Summer Seminar brought togeth- sions, the seminar’s agenda also incorpo- centres. tiative, which succeeded in creating a vi- er 34 outstanding young public policy rated interactive sessions, during which brant network of over 500 alumni. This long-term regional initiative was experts from public institutions, research the participants discussed their visions for centers and think-tanks from ten coun- launched by the Economic Policy Institute Activities formulating efficient future-oriented pub- tries from SEE and the Black Sea region lic policies. in 2000 in order to contribute to meeting The 2015 Summer Seminar edition entitled who had the opportunity to interact with the most visible and pressing challenges “Public Policy Challenges - European and 15 high-level officials from EU institutions, Publication for South-Eastern Europe at that time – Regional Dimensions” was organized with- notable experts from international and capacity-building and increasing regional Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy in the period June 1 - 5, 2015 thanks to the regional organizations, ambassadors, rep- Professionals from Southeastern Europe cooperation of young state officials from kind financial support of the Hanns Seidel resentatives of well-known and reputable Bulgaria and Romania working in the field and the Black Sea Region “Public Policy Foundation, the Representation of the Eu- NGOs and think-tanks in Europe, practitio- Challenges – European and Regional Di- of EU integration. Throughout the years, ropean Commission in Bulgaria, the Central ners and academics from the EU Member mensions”, Economic Policy Institute, Sofia the Summer Seminar initiative broadened European Initiative (CEI) and the Austrian states, the SEE and Black Sea countries. 2015, ISSN: 1314-2151 significantly its scope and geographical Embassy in Bulgaria. Besides the thought-provoking panel ses- coverage.

Group photo of the participants, speakers and organizers at the 16th Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy Professionals from Southeastern Europe and the Black Sea Region (June 1 - 5, 2015) Certificates Awarding Ceremony at the 16th Summer Seminar



The topic of the competitiveness of the Bul- at shedding light onto different initiatives, garian economy has been in the spotlight which are meant to support entrepreneur- of the Economic Policy Institute since 2009. ship and the development of start-up eco- By organizing a series of annual forums on system in Bulgaria. this broad subject EPI aims at providing a platform for an expert discussion and a Publication detailed analysis of topical issues related “Improvement of administrative services to the competitiveness of the Bulgarian and conditions for entrepreneurship economy. and business” – Eleventh edition of the “Competitiveness of the Bulgarian The conference series, which has been sup- Economy” Series, Economic Policy ported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation, Institute, Sofia 2015, ISBN: 978-954-9359- Bulgaria, brings together representatives of 58-9: state institutions, business and sector orga- nizations, NGO and academia to elaborate Summer Seminar 2015 List of Contributors: on more focused issues such as the labour Georgi Manliev market, role of the services, absorption of List of Contributors: Marin Lessenski Executive Director, Program Director, Open Society Institute, Sofia EU funds, access to financing, innovations Institute of Public Administration Adelina Marini and smart specialization, EU challenges in Founder, euinside, Zagreb Mihailo Crnobrnja Professor, Faculty of Economics, Finance and front of the Bulgarian economy, etc. Irina Dimitrova Bogdan Mureşan Administration, Belgrade Finance Director, LAUNCHub Project Coordinator, European Institute of Romania Ognian Zlatev Activities Iskren Krusteff Head of EC Representation in Bulgaria, Sofia Chairman, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Desislava Petrova XI edition of the “Competitiveness of the Director “European Programmes and Projects”, Pavel Ivanov Bulgarian Economy” conference series Bulgaria Economic Policy Institute, Sofia Chief Expert, Council of Ministers of the Republic on the topic “Improvement of adminis- Kalina Konstantinova of Bulgaria Dimitar Bechev, PhD trative services and conditions for devel- Advisor on Administrative Reform of Senior Visiting Fellow, London School of Plamen Ralchev, PhD opment of entrepreneurship and busi- Rumyana Bachvarova, Deputy Prime Economics and Political Science Associate Professor, International Relations ness”, March 12, 2015 Minister for Coalition Policy and Public Department, University of World and National Dragomir Belchev Administration Economy, Sofia /Consultant in Strategic The eleventh conference of the series Finance Director, Economic Policy Institute, Sofia Communications “Competitiveness of the Bulgarian econo- Assoc. Prof. Petko Ruskov Assoc. Prof. Evgeni Evgeniev, PhD Ruslan Stefanov my” was held on March 12, 2015 in Sofia Director Academic Programs, Junior VUZF University of Finance, Business and Director, Economic Program, Centre for the Study Achievement Bulgaria Entrepreneurship; Private Sector Development of Democracy, Sofia and sought to find solutions to make ad- Specialist at the Europe and Central Asia Region ministrative services work better for the in- Tsvetanka Kirilova of the World Bank Tamás Szemlér, PhD dustry including the introduction of elec- Head of Department “Interoperability Dean, Budapest Business School; College of George Randelov International Management and Business tronic services and compulsory ex-ante and Information Security” Ministry of Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe Public impact assessments within the legislation Transport, Information Technology and Sector Director Velina Tchakarova process in Bulgaria. The forum aimed also Communications Senior Research Fellow, Austrian Institute for Grigor Porozhanov European and Security Policy, Vienna Director of Foreign Economic Relations Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Willem Noë Republic of Bulgaria Senior Policy Officer, DG Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Jaroslaw Dziedzic Commission, Brussels Minister-Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of Poland to the Yasen Georgiev Republic of Bulgaria Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute, Sofia



Speakers at the first panel session of the conference

Second panel session


Activities pants ranging from European Studies and PAVING YOUTHS’ WAY STUDENT SEMINAR SERIES International Relations through Law and 1. 11th Paving Youths’ Way Student Semi- Economics to Pedagogy and Applied Lan- nar “Competitive companies and economy guages helped the young people to gather Content of the project lectures and practical tasks. Thus, EPI pro- competitiveness – opportunities and con- different opinions and points of view and vides young and proactive students with straints”, February 20-22, 2015, Bankya The Economic Policy Institute puts a strong contributed to the vivid discussions and the opportunity not only to exchange but emphasis on developing youth initiatives debates throughout the youth training. The also to actively communicate with knowl- What are the main challenges and perspec- and for a sixth consecutive year organized agenda of the 3rd International Academy in- edgeable and experienced experts from tives for the competitiveness of the Bulgar- the already traditional Paving Youths’ Way cluded interesting lectures on topical issues Bulgarian and foreign companies operat- ian economy? Are the Bulgarian companies Student Seminars series in close coopera- delivered by distinguished Bulgarian, Greek ing in the country. As of the beginning of competitive and what are the opportuni- tion and thanks to the kind support of the and Romanian speakers as well as interac- 2015 more than 350 students took part in ties for internationalization? What are the Hanns Seidel Foundation. The youth initia- tive sessions and discussions during which the ten editions of the seminar series, thus conditions for doing business and how tive, which was launched in 2010 in order the participants played the main role. improving their qualifications and career more FDI can be attracted? – these were to fill the gap between education and in- some of the questions discussed during prospects at a time of a prolonged eco- 3. 12th Paving Youths’ Way Student Sem- dustry in Bulgaria, is devoted to practical the 11th consecutive edition of the Paving nomic recovery. inar: “Entrepreneurship: Business and/or and key economic topics that are not suf- Youths’ Way student seminars series held Cause?”, November 13-15, 2015, Bankya ficiently covered by the curricula of higher The successful realization of the Student within the period February 20-22, 2015 in education institutions in Bulgaria. Seminars series Paving Youths’ Way laid Bankya. Out of more than 70 applications, How is the entrepreneurial environment in the ground also for launching of an Inter- 36 outstanding students from 9 Bulgarian Bulgaria developing? What are the truths Twice a year, the EPI’s competitive selec- national Youth Academy in 2013, initiated and 1 foreign universities were selected to and the myths about entrepreneurship? tion procedure shortlists app. 35 of the by the Economic Policy Institute and the participate in the seminar. Together with What is social entrepreneurship and which the best Bulgarian students in a variety of Hanns Seidel Foundation. The fruitful re- prominent lecturers from the practice and are its success stories? What does it mean to fields (ranging from Economics to Political business representatives, the young en- sults of its implementation in 2013 and be a successful entrepreneur nowadays and Sciences and Engineering) and provides thusiasts had the opportunity to learn in- 2014 logically led to the third edition of what is the “recipe for success”? – these were them with the opportunity to attend an teresting facts about the competitiveness the International Academy in 2015. some of the topics of the lectures and discus- intensive three-day training combining of the Bulgarian economy and to actively sions during the 12th edition of the series of discuss different aspects of the topic during student seminars Paving Youth’s Way on the the panel sessions, as well as to exchange topic “Entrepreneurship: Business and/or knowledge, views, ideas and opinions dur- Cause?”, traditionally organized in Bankya by ing the interactive sessions, successfully in- the Economic Policy Institute with the sup- corporated in the seminar agenda. port of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.

2. 3rd Paving Youths’ Way International Within the period November 13-15, 2015 Academy, July 13-17, 2015, Sandanski for a twelfth consecutive time EPI gathered together 30 participants from diverse eco- For a third consecutive year the Paving nomic, humanitarian and technical majors Youths’ Way International Academy gath- from Bulgarian and foreign universities. The ered together students and recent gradu- diverse profile of the students not only fa- ates from Bulgaria, Greece and Romania and cilitated the vivid discussions on entrepre- gave them the opportunity to exchange neurship, but also influenced the work in their perceptions on the topic “Is my Europe groups, as the participants shared their dif- the same as yours?”. The initiative was orga- ferent points of view reflected through the nized by the Economic Policy Institute with prism of their academic background. The the kind support of the Hanns Seidel Foun- lively discussions during the panel sessions dation in Bulgaria and took place in San- with prominent speakers, as well as the danski within the period July 13-17, 2015. provocative interactive tasks contributed After a competitive selection process the to the successful transfer of know-how, ex- EPI team has shortlisted 30 candidates from perience, views and ideas among the fellow Group photo of the participants at the 11th PYW Student Seminar “Competitive companies 11 universities in Greece, Romania and Bul- participants, thus guaranteeing the success and economy competitiveness – opportunities and constraints” garia. The diverse background of the partici- of the twelfth consecutive seminar.


11th PYW Student Seminar “Competitive companies and economy competitiveness – opportunities and constraints”:

Borislav Stefanov Vladimir Minev Director “Investments” in GlobeCap Head of the “Information Services for Investment Business” Department in the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency Desislava Petrova Director “European Programmes and Wiebke Beiche Projects”, Economic Policy Institute Project Assistant in the Hanns Seidel Foundation Dragomir Belchev Finance Director at Economic Policy Institute Yasen Georgiev Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute Ivailo Katsarkov Personnel Development Manager, Musala Dilyana Kalugerova, Boris Bachev and Soft Vladislav Gerasimov Alumni students of the Paving Youths’ Way Kalin Marinov Student Seminars Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute

Group Photo of the participants and organizers after the 12th PYW Student Seminar “En- trepreneurship: Business and/or Cause?” 12th PYW Student Seminar “Entrepreneurship: Business and/or Cause?”:

Christo Popov Wiebke Beiche Serial Entrepreneur, Founder and CEP of Fast Project Assistant, Hanns Seidel Foundation in Track Europe Bulgaria Desislava Petrova Yasen Georgiev Director “European Programmes and Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute Projects”, Economic Policy Institute Yurii Vylkovski Dragomir Belchev Manager of Reach for Change in Bulgaria Finance Director at Economic Policy Institute Boris Bachev, Velin Koychev and Vladislav Stephanie Bosseva Gerassimov Group photo after the Certificates Awarding Ceremony at the 3rd Paving Youths’ Way Interna- Junior Researcher, Economic Policy Institute Alumni students of the Paving Youths’ Way tional Academy Veselin Simov Student Seminars Marketing and Sales Manager, Roca Bulgaria 3rd Paving Youths’ Way International Academy “Is my Europe the Same as Yours?” Dr. Antonis Klapsis Ovidiu Nahoi Head of International Cooperation and Romanian journalist, Leader writer for Research Programmes Dilema veche Konstantinos Karamanlis Stephanie Bosseva Institute for Democracy, Greece Junior Researcher, Economic Policy Institute Bogdan Mirchev Wiebke Beiche Representative of the Hanns Seidel Project Assistant, Hanns Seidel Foundation in Foundation in Bulgaria Bulgaria Dr. Kiril Avramov Yasen Georgiev Assistant Professor, Department of Political Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute Science, New Bulgarian University, Sofia


List of the Winners within the first student essay contest on “The investment Student Essay Contest “The Investment plan for Europe – my vision for the projects which Bulgaria and Europe need”: Plan for Europe – My Vision for the Projects 1st place - Elena Georgieva 3rd place - Radoslava Petrova Bulgaria and Europe Need” American University in Bulgaria Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” 2nd place - Veselina Nizamska 3rd place - Viktor Borisov mous selection procedure EPI preselected Content of the project New Bulgarian University University of National and World Economy 18 essays, which were sent for final review In the spring of 2015 the European Com- to a three-member Committee, consisting mission Representation in Bulgaria in co- of prominent lecturers on EU affairs from Student seminar operation with the Economic Policy Insti- the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, tute launched the initiative of organizing “BUSINESS STARTING AND DEVELOPING University of National and World Economy IN THE CONTEXT OF “ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2020” student essay contests on actual Europe- and New Bulgarian University. an topics aiming on the one hand to raise the awareness and popularize different Thus, after the results of the final selec- Content of the project Activities EU issues among young people in Bul- tion were ready, on April 16, 2015 the EC The student seminar, organized by the The student seminar on the topic “Business garia, and on the other hand to hear their Representation in Bulgaria hosted a spe- Economic Policy Institute and the Repre- Starting and Developing in the Context of voice on key issues on the EU agenda. cial ceremony at the House of Europe in sentation of the European Commission in “Entrepreneurship 2020” took place in the Sofia. Jyrki Katainen, European Commis- Bulgaria, aimed at encouraging the en- period November 27-29, 2015 in Veliko Activities sion Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, In- trepreneurship spirit among the people Turnovo. This three-day training seminar gathered thirty seven participants study- vestment and Competitiveness person- from the different parts of Bulgaria, as The first student essay contest “The invest- ing different majors from Economics Uni- ally handed the certificates to the winners well as at contributing to improving their ment plan for Europe – my vision for the versity – Varna, Craiova University, South- projects Bulgaria and Europe need” aimed in the essay contest who were awarded personal skills. The initiative was directed with a study visit to the EU institutions in West University “Neofit Rilski”, Academy to provoke active debate among young mainly to young people, studying in uni- of Economics “D.A.Tsenov”, Technical Uni- Brussels. The award ceremony was in the people on the opportunities the Invest- versities outside Sofia, which was meant versity Varna, National Academy of Arts, framework of a conference for promoting ment Plan for Europe provides for Bulgaria to meeting the increasing necessity of Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, So- and the EU as a whole. After announcing the EU’s Investment Plan in Bulgaria with non-formal education and practical train- fia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the essay contest and the participation the participation also of , ing for young people from all over the “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of criteria, the Economic Policy Institute re- Deputy Prime Minister for European Poli- country. Veliko Turnovo. The diverse background ceived 63 essays from students from differ- cies Coordination and Institutional Affairs; ent universities in Bulgaria, as well as from , Deputy Prime Minister universities in Great Britain, Germany and for EU Funds and Economic Policies and Italy. Out of all these essays, after an anony- Bojidar Loukarsky, Minister of Economy.

Jyrki Katainen аwarding Bulgarian students for winning the first essay contest, organized by the Group photo after the Student seminar “Business Starting and Developing in the Context of “En- EC Representation in Bulgaria in cooperation with the Economic Policy Institute trepreneurship 2020”, Veliko Tarnovo


of the students contributed to the vivid presentations. Thus, the young people a deep insight into the policies tackling elaborate more deeply on their initial pro- discussions during the panel sessions had the opportunity to acquire valuable youth unemployment, which are currently posals and recommendations with the rep- and to a fruitful interaction with the dis- knowledge and experience from promi- implemented in Bulgaria. The representa- resentatives of the public institutions. The tinguished speakers, who delivered use- nent lecturers and experienced entrepre- tives of the responsible public institutions participants had the chance to discuss their ful and thought-provoking speeches and neurs. – Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the ideas also with representatives of industry Employment Agency, Ministry of Education organizations who were invited to contrib- Rosen Georgiev List of Contributors: and Science, Ministry of Youth and Sports ute. Director of Operation at Despark Aglika Sabeva-Tzvetanova presented the current national and EU European Semester Officer in the Stephanie Bosseva measures for encouraging youth employ- The third stage of the project envisages Representation of the European Commission Junior Researcher, Economic Policy Institute ment and informed on the level of their the preparation of a final Working Docu- ment with concrete proposals for reforms in Bulgaria Teodora Mircheva implementation in Bulgaria. of youth employment policies and its of- Investment Projects Manager at Eleven Desislava Petrova Within these meetings draft proposals for ficial presentation to the respective com- Accelerator Venture Fund Director “European Programmes and concrete recommendations for reforming mittees in the National Assembly of the Projects”, Economic Policy Institute Yasen Georgiev youth employment policies were made by Republic of Bulgaria - Labour, Social and Iskren Krusteff Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute the participating young people as well as Demographic Policy Committee, the Edu- Entrepreneur and Chairman of the Global Yoanna Dancheva mediators were selected. These were the cation and Science Committee and the Entrepreneur Monitor Bulgaria Vice-president of Start It Smart Veliko three most active young people in all five Children, Youth and Sports Committee. cities who had to coordinate the whole This final stage is planned for the begin- Kalin Marinov Turnovo process of gathering initial policy recom- ning of 2016. Deputy General Director of DG “European mendations and preparing the final paper Funds for Competitiveness”, Ministry of with the proposals for reforming the youth For more information on the “Youths Stand Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria employment policies. against Youth Unemployment” project, as Petar Natsev well as on the List of Contributors, the List Team Leader – Communication, Partnerships Within the second stage of the project, of Mediators within the project and the fi- and Networks, Directorate-General for implemented in the autumn of 2015 (Octo- nal version of the Working Document with Communication of the Representation of the ber-November) five Dialogue Forums were the concrete proposals for reforms, please European Commission in Bulgaria organized in the same cities, thus provid- visit the project’s website: http://youths- ing young people with the opportunity to “Youths Stand against Youth Unemployment” – project within the Erasmus+ Programme

Content of the project youth policies in five Bulgarian cities. There- after, EPI and the most active young people In February 2015 the Economic Policy In- have to compose a Working Document, stitute started the implementation of the containing recommendations for measures “Youths Stand against Youth Unemploy- that can optimize youth employment and ment” project, funded under the Erasmus+ educational policies. programme, KA3 Structured Dialogue. The main project goal is to make youth employ- Activities ment policies more efficient by conducting a constructive dialogue between young The project activities within the “Youths people across the country and representa- Stand against Youth Unemployment” pro- tives of public institutions responsible for ject are implemented in three main stages. policies tackling youth unemployment. Within the first stage EPI implemented five Information Meetings in the following five The project envisage the implementation Bulgarian cities – Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Ve- of 10 meetings with the participation of liko Tarnovo and Blagoevgrad in the spring over 180 young people and at about 30 of 2015 (April-May). During all of these national and regional experts dealing with meetings participating young people got Meetings, implemented within the “Youths Stand against Youth Unemployment” project




of the municipal websites was implemented points) and Stara Zagora (37,85). “Your Municipality is Waiting for You Online” at the beginning of 2015 and the results of the e-governance study for the 27 biggest The full study results are available at the Content and goals of the project Activities Bulgarian municipalities were presented at a section “Your municipality is waiting for you online” on the EPI’s website. The Economic Policy Institute launched The key activity in the project is the inau- press conference, held on March 24, 2015. the project “Your municipality is w@iting gural implementation of the methodology The event was opened by Yasen Georgiev, Research team: for you online” in the autumn of 2014. The of the Digital Governance in Municipalities Executive Director of the Economic Policy project, which was implemented in part- Worldwide Survey and the E-Governance Kalin Marinov Institute and Tammy B. Paltchikov, Educa- nership with the E-Governance Institute Performance Index in the 27 biggest mu- Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute tional and Cultural Attaché at the Embassy at Rutgers, the State University of New Jer- nicipalities in Bulgaria. This approach will of the United States in Sofia. Afterwards, the Yasen Georgiev sey and with the kind support of the U.S. allow comparison between the Bulgarian methodology of the report was presented Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute Embassy in Sofia, focused on the develop- and the global results as well as analysis of by Dr. James Melitski, Department of Pub- ments of the e-governance on local level the trends on global and national level. Dragomir Belchev lic and Nonprofit Administration, Marist in Bulgaria. This project is a continuation of Finance Director, Economic Policy Institute College (Poughkeepsie, NY/USA) and Dr. the consistent efforts of the Economic Pol- The applied methodology in Bulgaria is Alexandra Topchieva Aroon Manoharan, Kent State University icy Institute to promote good governance strictly adjusted to the one in the Digital Trainee, Economic Policy Institute (OH/USA). This methodology was used by practices through transparency, account- Governance in Municipalities Worldwide the Economic Policy Institute as a basis for Dr. James Melitski ability and citizens’ engagement. The pos- Survey. The surveys that are presented in conducting the national study. According Department of Public and Nonprofit sibilities given by the intensive technology the consecutive reports (2003, 2005, 2007, to the five main criteria used, the websites Administration, Marist College development nowadays allowed more ac- 2009, 2011-12 and 2013-14) evaluate the of the city of Burgas scored first with a to- (Poughkeepsie, NY/USA) tive and efficient inclusion of the civil soci- websites of the targeted municipalities in tal number of 48,57 points (out of 100), fol- ety in the decision-making and the policy terms of digital governance and rank them Dr. Aroon Manoharan lowed by the web-platforms of Sofia (45,85 formulation processes. Nevertheless, the on a global scale. Until now the only Bulgar- Kent State University (OH/USA) e-governance will be an integral part of the ian municipality that falls within the scope of public governance and both will become the global digital governance ranking was The EECFA Construction Sector Reports: more and more integrated. The “Your mu- Sofia municipality. In order to be as accurate Overview of the Construction Market in nicipality is w@iting for you online” aims to as possible in the implementation of the E- contribute to further introduction of global Governance Performance Index in Bulgaria Bulgaria benchmarks and good practices in mu- the EPI team conducted a preliminary syn- chronization assessment in the period Oc- nicipal websites set-up and organization in Content of the project tion market performance. The EECFA part- tober-November 2014. The final assessment Bulgaria. ner network is coordinated by a central The Economic Policy Institute has been body (BuildEcon Ltd.) based in Budapest, following closely the Bulgarian construc- Hungary. tion market since 2005 by preparing regu- lar analysis and forecasts for its mid-term Activities development trends. Since early 2013 the Economic Policy Institute has been the The EECFA issues twice a year forecast re- Bulgarian partner of the Eastern Europe- ports for each of the represented countries, an Construction Forecasting Association including rich statistical information for the (EECFA). EECFA is a construction forecast- three main construction sub-sectors: resi- ing research cooperation of eight Eastern dential construction, non-residential con- European national research institutions struction and civil-engineering as well as (Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Russia, Slove- breakdown forecasts of their 18 segments. nia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine). Biannu- The Summer Forecast Report on the con- ally, using a unified methodology, which struction sector in Bulgaria was published is providing fully comparable data for 18 in July 2015 by the Economic Policy Insti- construction segments of the above eight tute in its capacity of the Bulgarian partner countries, these local research institutes of the Eastern European Construction Fore- casting Association (EECFA). Presentation of the of the E-governance study results at the press conference, provide detailed market analysis and fore- held in March 2015 casts in a form of reports on the construc-



Content of the project The activities scheduled for 2016 include a survey to be made by EPI among 800 The Economic Policy Institute conducted SMEs, which is expected to provide further an impact assessment and participation information on the impact such kind of satisfaction analysis of Bulgarian small events, funded by the BSMEPA, have on the and medium enterprises (SMEs) in promo- mid-term development of companies by tional events organized abroad by the Bul- measuring the value of additional exports, garian Small and Medium Enterprises Pro- newly signed contracts, additionally hired motion Agency (BSMEPA). The project was personnel, acquired technologies, imple- assigned by the BSMEPA as a continuation mented innovations, etc. of previous research conducted by EPI. The general goal behind this research proj- Activities ect is to evaluate the role of public support for participation in promotional activities The research activities implemented in and to provide recommendations for en- 2015 aimed at analyzing the satisfaction chaining the export potential of Bulgarian Participation of EPI in the 80th EUROCONSTRUCT conference in Budapest levels from the participation of SMEs in small and medium-size enterprises. promotional events abroad on the basis The Winter EECFA Forecast Reports were on the perspectives in front of the Europe- of primary information provided by the Research team: published and presented at the 80th EURO- an construction market and its main seg- BSMEPA gathered within the period 2010- Yasen Gerogiev CONSTRUCT conference, which was held ment developments. 2015 as well as at evaluating the impact Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute, on December 4, 2015 in Budapest. of these events on companies’ competi- Sofia The conference, which provides three year tiveness and sustainability on the basis of Dragomir Belchev Established in 1975, EUROCONSTRUCT is forecasts for the main market segments regular surveys among them on behalf of Finance director, Economic Policy Institute, the main network for construction forecast- (residential, non-residential buildings, civil BSMEPA. ing in Europe and has member institutes in engineering, with breakdown to new work Sofia 19 European countries. The aim of EURO- and renovation) of European construction CONSTRUCT is to provide decision-makers markets, included for the first time the ex- Tackling Youth Unemployment in Central and in the construction sector and related mar- pertise of the Eastern European Construc- South Eastern Europe kets and in ministries, agencies and nation- tion Forecasting Association. As the Eco- al and international associations with infor- nomic Policy Institute is the Bulgarian part- mation, analyses and forecasts to enable ner of EECFA, the institute was represented Content of the project Activities them to plan business more effectively. at the conference by Yasen Georgiev, Exec- After conducting numerous initiatives EPI organized a round-table discussion utive Director of EPI. in the last few years aiming at bridging on “Tackling Youth Unemployment in The conference was opened by Profes- the gap between education and labour Central and South Eastern Europe” which sor Jürgen Stark, former Member of the All the EECFA construction reports are avail- market demands and working also on a took place on May 14, 2015 in Sofia. Dur- Executive Board and Governing Council able at project for empowering young people to ing the event, EPI presented preliminary of the European Central Bank, and János participate in formulating policies tack- results from a survey on youth employ- Gáspár, Director of Buildecon, founder Research team: ling youth unemployment, the Economic ment policies, conducted since the begin- and research head of the Eastern Europe- Yasen Gerogiev Policy Institute keeps working in the field ning of April 2015. They were commented an Construction Forecasting Association Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute, of youth employment. EPI decided to pro- by Angel Angelov, Deputy General Direc- (EECFA). Prof. Stark addressed the current Sofia vide a platform for an expert discussion tor of the Employment Services General challenges on Europe in light of the global Dragomir Belchev among Bulgarian and foreign experts on Directorate at the National Employment economic outlook and the euro crisis – the Finance director, Economic Policy Institute, the topic “Tackling Youth Unemployment Agency in Sofia who also provided an context in which János Gáspár elaborated Sofia in Central and South Eastern Europe”. The overview of the national policies and project was kindly supported by the Hanns measures for tackling youth unemploy- Seidel Foundation in Bulgaria. ment.


The second part of the event gave a valu- ness School and Dr. Barbara Wieliczko, Re- able insight into the youth unemployment searcher at the National Research Institute DR. IVANKA PETKOVA ACADEMIC COMPETITION policies and measures in selected coun- in Warszawa. tries in Central and South Eastern Europe by giving the floor to experts from Croa- Publication tia, Hungary and Poland – Maja Vehovec, “Youth Unemployment in Bulgaria and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of in the Central and South East European Economics in Zagreb; Tamas Novak, Ph.D, Countries”, Economic Policy Institute, So- Associate Professor at the Budapest Busi- fia, 2015, ISBN 978-954-9359-59-6

„Round table discussion during the “Tackling Youth Unemployment in Central and South Eastern Europe” conference

List of Contributors: Yasen Georgiev Maja Vehovec Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute Senior Research Fellow, the Institute of Dragomir Belchev Economics, Zagreb The winners of the fourth “Dr. Ivanka Petkova” Academic Competition during the official Finance Director, Economic Policy Institute Tamas Novak, Ph.D. ceremony Stephanie Bosseva Associate Professor, Budapest Business Content of the project to prepare 25-page long papers. After the Junior Reseracher, Economic Policy Institute School, Budapest completion of all papers they are evaluated “Dr. Ivanka Petkova” Academic Competi- Dr. Barbara Wieliczko Angel Angelov again and the winner and its runner ups are tion was established in 2012 and its goal Researcher, Institute of Agricultural and Deputy General Director, Employment finally announced at an official ceremony. is to support young researchers and post- Food Economics, National Research Institute, Services General Directorate, National graduates in the field of international fi- Warszawa Employment Agency, Sofia The award is named after Ivanka Petkova, nance. Contest applicants are required to PhD - founder of the Economic Policy Insti- Bogdan Mirtchev prepare a piece of research on a topic of tute in 1997 and chair of its Board of Trust- Representative of the Hanns Seidel their own discretion, which has not been ees until her death in 2011. A long standing Foundation in Bulgaria, Sofia published so far. In the beginning of the professor at the Technical University in So- evaluation process, all applicants outline fia, the VUZF University and the University their research proposal (a title page, argu- of National and World Economy, Sofia – she mentation of the topic’s actuality, concept, has authored numerous articles and scien- research methodology, relevant literature). tific papers in financial markets, banking The three best entries receive a scholarship and economic policy. In the period 1997


– 2001 Dr. Petkova acted as Deputy Chair- Petkova” Academic Competition ranked the person of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange’s finalists as follows: Board of Directors. From 2001 to 2004 she served as Ambassador Extraordinary and 1st place: Kaloyan Petkov, PhD candidate Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria at the “D. A. Tsenov” Academy of Econom- to the Swiss Confederation and had a valu- ics for his research paper on „Challenges in able contribution to the abolition of visa Estimating Cost of Equity on the Underde- restrictions for Bulgarian citizens. veloped Markets – Modified Damodaran Approach“; Activities 2nd place: Nikolay Iliev, also PhD candidate For a fourth year in a row, the Economic at the “D. A. Tsenov” Academy of Economics Policy Institute honoured the winners for his paper entitled “Could Active Portfo- within the “Dr. Ivanka Petkova” Academic lio Management become a panacea for the Competition within an official ceremony at post-crisis Financial World?”; the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Sofia on December 1, 2015. The idea for establishing 3rd place: Dr. Valentin Bilyanski from the the award after Ivanka Petkova was born International Economics and Politics Fac- in 2012 by Prof. Andras Inotai, Honorary ulty of the University of National and World President of the Institute, and since then Economy for his research paper on the COOPERATION conducted annually with the kind financial “Contemporary dimensions of the correla- support of private donations. Its goal is to tion between International Crude Oil Prices continue the personal mission of Dr. Ivanka and Exchange Rates of leading Oil-Export- Petkova to encourage and educate young ing Countries”. & people in the field of economics by sup- porting young researchers in the field of The Economic Policy Institute expresses its international finance. gratitude to all donors who contributed to the award fund and thanks the Hanns Seidel Despite the hard competition and the close Foundation which kindly supported the cer- NETWORKING final scores, the academic commission emony for a fourth consecutive time. within the 2015 edition of the “Dr. Ivanka


MARSHALL MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP “Your Municipality Works for You. Enabling the Effective Advocacy of the Civil Content of the project Activities Organizations in the Dialogue with the Local The Marshall Memorial Fellowship (MMF) is Yasen Georgiev was a member of the 2015 Authorities” flagship leadership development program Black Sea Selection Committee and took of the German Marshall Fund of the United part in the selection of the fellows on Feb- Content and goals of the project meant to be a mediator in the communica- tion between the NGOs and the local author- States (GMF). Created in 1982 to introduce a ruary 20, 2015 in Bucharest. This main goal of this 14-month project, fi- ities and to contribute to the more effective new generation of European leaders to the nanced by the NGO Programme in Bulgaria In the autumn of 2015 EPI organized the participation of the civil society in the poli- United States, it now prepares leaders from under the Financial Mechanism of the Eu- visit of the American fellows to Bulgaria cies formulation and in the decision-making both sides of the Atlantic for transatlantic ropean Economic Area 2009-2014 (www. programming a balanced and structured process. The Civic Center works five days a relations. The program relies on 6 months of, is to encourage a more ef- agenda for the fellows, including a num- week and is a new channel of communica- distance learning and 24 days of first-hand fective participation of the NGO sector in ber of formal and informal meetings in tion between the residents of the Region of experience to facilitate knowledge and net- the processes of formulation of policies and Sofia and Plovdiv, aiming at providing the Kyustendil and their nine municipal authori- work development for effective transatlantic decision-making. The Economic Policy Insti- American fellows with valuable insights in ties. Thus, the Civic Center strengthens the engagement. GMF awards 75 Marshall Me- tute is one of the project partners together the current political, economic, social and connection between the NGOs in the region morial Fellowships each year to candidates with Bratstvo 1869 Community Centre and cultural life of Bulgaria. and its residents as well as empowers the from all sectors, including business, govern- Kyustendil Municipality. ment and civil society. The MMF alumni net- Project Coordinators: civil society organizations to advocate their work numbers more than 2,500 leaders. Activities causes in a more inclusive and representative Yasen Georgiev manner before the local administrations. EPI has been the local partner of the GMF Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute The first project activities, held in the be- since 2007. EPI is responsible both for par- Desislava Petrova ginning of December 2014, included the As one of the project partners within the ticipation in the selection of the Black Sea Director “European Programms and implementation of two Information Meet- project, the Economic Policy Institute pre- fellows and for the entire visit of American Projects”, Economic Policy Institute ings – one for the representatives of dif- pared a detailed SWOT analysis on the op- ones to Bulgaria. ferent non-governmental organizations portunities of the civil society organizations from the region of Kyustendil and one for to actively participate in the processes of the representatives of the administrative policies formulation and decision-making. structures of the nine municipalities in the The SWOT analysis included also good prac- district of Kyustendil – mayors, members tices from other European countries, review of the municipal councils and municipali- of the current practices for the conduction ties’ representatives. At the both meetings of a dialogue between the NGOs and the Bulgarian and foreign experts presented local authorities, as well as recommenda- opportunities for interaction between civil tion how these practices could be further society organizations and local authorities developed, so that they could be more ef- and prospects for more effective participa- fective in the future. tion of NGOs in the decision-making pro- cess and in the formulation of policies. In the period March 26-27, 2015 in Kyus- tendil was held a 4-module training aimed After the successful implementation of the at guaranteeing higher level of sustainabil- first project activities, at the beginning of ity of the already established NGO Network January 2015 a newly created website of of Kyustendil. During the two-day training the NGO Network in the district of Kyus- the following topics were presented by EPI: tendil started functioning - http://www. The establishment of the Financial sustainability of the NGO sec- website was of great importance for visual- tor in Bulgaria - studying of the prin- ization of the project, as well as for increas- ciples of financial management and ing its publicity in Kyustendil. control, accounting, audit process and planning the revenue and expenditure The 2015 American fellows visiting Bulgaria were received by , Minister of Foreign Af- The next step of the project activities envis- - Dragomir Belchev, Finance Director at fairs of the Republic of Bulgaria and Bulgarian alumnus of the fellowship program. aged the opening of a Civic Center, which is the Economic Policy Institute


Optimizing activities of the NGO Net- aimed at creating stronger relations be- work related to cooperation with the tween the NGO sector in the region and the V4 Sharing E-Government Experience with municipal administration - Yasen Geor- local authorities. Bulgaria giev, Executive Director, Economic Poli- cy Institute EPI experts involved with the Project Description and Activities Technology and Communications of Bul- garia Valery Borissov. Within the first panel Effectiveness of the public participa- project: Right after the European Commission pub- tion in the decision making process - government experts from V4 countries and Kalin Marinov lished its Digital Economy and Society Index Bulgaria reported on experience with e- Desislava Petrova, Director “European Executive Director; Project Coordinator until – a composite index that summarises the rel- government in their respective countries. In Programmes and Projects”, Economic February 2015 evant indicators on Europe’s digital perfor- the second panel the representatives of 14 Policy Institute mance and tracks the evolution of EU mem- Yasen Georgiev companies from V4 countries and Bulgaria The final project stages included the imple- Executive Director; Project Coordinator since ber states in digital competitiveness, an ex- presented solutions for e-services. mentation of 9 working meetings with the February 2015 pert workshop on “V4 sharing e-government local authorities of the nine municipalities Desislava Petrova experience with Bulgaria” took place in Sofia in the district of Kyustendil in the period The forum, which was also organized by Director “European Programmes and Proj- on February 26. The event was organized by July – August. These events aimed at pre- the Economic Policy Institute, the Ministry ects”; PR and Communication Specialist the Embassy of the Slovak republic in Sofia of Transport, Information Technology and senting the newly created NGO Network, within the project in the framework of the Slovak Presidency of as well as the functions and the activities of Communications, Information Services and Dragomir Belchev Visegrad Group. the Civic Center. All of these meeting also ICT Media, outlined the perspectives for a Finance Director, Economic Policy Institute quick catching-up in the field of e-gover- The expert forum was attended by more nance based on a holistic approach uniting than 100 representatives of Bulgarian insti- legislative, political and technical coopera- tutions, software companies and companies tion among all stakeholders. operating in the field of e-services. The work- shop was opened by Deputy Prime Minister Participant on behalf of EPI: of Bulgaria Rumiana Bachvarova and subse- quently addressed by the Deputy Minister Yasen Georgiev of the Ministry of Transport, Information Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute

Some of the project activities within the “Your municipality works for you. Enabling the effective Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria Rumiana Bachvarova addressed the participants during the advocacy of the civil organizations in the dialogue with the local authorities” project official opening


Contribution as guest speaker by Yasen Georgiev on “Reducing Regional Disparities in the EU in 8th Edition of the Black Sea NGO Forum 2014-2020” within the Annual Meeting of the EU Information Networks in Bulgaria, organized by the Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria in Burgas, Bulgaria (June 2015) Project Description and Activities eration among NGOs in the wider Black Sea Region, strengthening the NGOs capacity For a third consecutive time in a row, the to influence regional and national policies Economic Policy Institute was represented and to increase the number and quality of at the 8th edition of the Black Sea NGO Fo- regional partnerships and projects. rum, which was held in the period Novem- ber 2-3, 2015 in Tbilisi, Georgia. This time The 8th edition of the Black Sea NGO Fo- Stephanie Bosseva, a Junior Researcher in rum continued the previous edition’s dis- Economic Policy Institute took part in the cussions, being dedicated to a facilitated international forum, thus continuing the consultation process aimed at defining a EPI long-term commitment to facilitating strategic framework of civil society in the regional cooperation in the wider Black Sea Black Sea Reagion, with the purpose of area. bringing regional and European focus to the Black Sea region, contribute to regional The Black Sea NGO Forum was launched policy and advocate for the mobilization of in 2008 by FOND (Federation of Romanian resources to implement the most appropri- NGOs for Development) with the support ate solutions. of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Representation of the European Participant on behalf of EPI: Commission in Romania, in the framework Stephanie Bosseva of the Black Sea Synergy. The Forum aims at Junior Reseracher, Economic Policy Institute increasing the level of dialogue and coop- Participation of Yasen Georgiev in the conference “Free Movement and Labour Mobility within the EU”, hosted by MEP Marian Harkin in conjunction with the Institute of European Democrats at the A lecture by Yasen Georgiev on “Bulgaria – Economic Overview and Main Challenges from Coun- National University of Ireland Maynooth, Co. Kildare, officially opened by Commissioner Marianne try’s Membership in the European Union” in front of representatives of the Vienna Diplomatic Acad- Thyssen (November 2015) emy at the Austrian Embassy in Sofia (April 2015)


Yasen Georgiev on the main economic challenges before Bulgaria during a study visit of fellows of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Bulgaria (November 2015) Issued in 2015

Summer Seminar “Improving for Young Public Administrative Policy Professionals Services and from Southeastern Conditions for Europe and the Black Entrepreneurship and Sea Region “Public Business”, Economic Policy Challenges Policy Institute, Sofia, – European and 2015 (available in Regional Dimensions”, Bulgarian and English) Economic Policy Institute, Sofia 2015 (available in English only)

“The next EU “Youth Challenges in front Unemployment in of thе Bulgarian Bulgaria and in the Economy”, Economic Central and South Policy Institute, Sofia, East European 2015 (available in Countries“, Economic Bulgarian and English) Policy Institute, Sofia, Yasen Georgiev delivering a lecture on the “EU Trade Policy and its Role for the Bulgarian SMEs” 2015 (available in within a conference organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dobrich (December Bulgarian and English) 2015)

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