PLEBISCITE 1992 SUMMARY OF VOTES CAST - BY PLEBISCITE DISTRICT BallotsCast For Rejected Total Votes Cast Voters Total Vote Polling Ballot including on List as Percentage Plebiscite District Stations Yes No Papers rejected of Voters ballot oaoers on the List*

June 22, 1992 Chief Plebiscite Offic r Honourable Michael Ballantyne Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Aivilik ...... 5 404 47 5 456 649 70.26% of the Arnittuq ...... 9 97 2 988 , NWT XIA 2L9 889 1.165 84.81% BaffinCentral ...... 7 746 41 4 791 1,101 71.84% Dear Sir: BaffinSouth ...... 6 619 47 5 671 935 71.76% In accordance with section 36( I )(b) of the PlebisciteAct, it is my honour to submit this report of the results of the May 4, 1992 plebiscite on the boundary for division of the Northwest DehCho ...... 4 26 308 6 340 628 54.14% Territories, held according to your direction issued on February 17, 1992. Hay River ...... 8 177 468 6 651 1.729 37.65% This was the second plebiscite conducted under the provisions of the Plebiscite Act. It was High Arctic ...... 6 290 49 5 344 698 49.28% achieved through the hard work and dedicated effortsof 24 ReturningOfficers and their assistant returningofficers, as well as the more than 500Northwest Territories residents who helped to Inuvik ...... 6 203 293 5 501 1,217 41.17% prepare the voters' lists and supervisethe voting by serving as enumerators, deputy returning Iqaluit ...... 7 944 79 8 1.031 1.350 76.37% officersand poll clerks. Their work was co-ordinated by a small staff locatedin the Plebiscite Officesin Yellowknife and Iqaluit. Keewatin Central...... 4 500 107 I 608 932 65.24% Kitikmeot ...... 10 524 184 9 717 1,059 I wish to acknowledge the assistance provided to the Plebiscite Office by the NWT Depart­ 67.70% ments of Justice. Personnel, GovernmentServices and Public Works, who helpedus establish Kivallivik ...... 6 737 118 4 859 1.297 66.23% offices, connect telephones and fax machines in ReturningOfficers' offices,and provided legal Mackenzie Delta ...... 7 142 212 13 367 1.019 36.02% advice to the Plebiscite Office. On behalf of Returning Officers, I also wish to express our appreciation to regional officesof the Governmentof the Northwest Territories who provided ...... 10 112 456 2 570 1,210 47.11% assistance when requested or needed. Natilikmiot ...... 9 560 111 2 673 914 73.63% I am preparing a narrative report on the administration of the Plebiscite, which I will submit as NorthSlave ...... 8 42 921 13 976 1.293 75.48% soon as practicable. ...... 9 274 167 9 450 985 45.68%

Sahtu ...... 8 145 205 5 355 1,202 29.53% ...... 6 204 321 5 530 1,123 47.20%

TuNedhe ...... 3 25 358 I 384 496 77.42% YellowknifeCentre ... 7 189 485 3 677 1.326 51.05% David M. Hamilton Yellownife FrameLake ..... 6 88 364 3 455 1,113 40.88% Chief Plebiscite Officer YellowknifeNorth .... 12 291 761 4 1,056 1,850 57.08% .... 9 216 801 4 1,021 2,291 44.57%

Totals ...... 172 8,347 7.000 124 15,471 27,582 56.09% *NOTE: Aqualified voter may vote even if his or her name is not on the official list of voters,as long as the voter is vouched forat the pollingstation by an elector who is on the list. It is thereforepossible for the total numberof votes cast in any plebiscite districtto exceed the numberof names on the officiallist of voters. Similarly.the column headed '"Total vote as percentageof voters on the list" may include eligible voters who were swornin at the polls; this column should thereforebe used only as a rough guide to voter turnout. Table of Contents

Page 1. Letter of Transmittal 11 2. Summary of Votes Cast - By Plebiscite District ...... iii 3. Detailsof the Vote by Plebiscite District and Polling Division a) Aivilik ...... 1 b) Amittuq ...... ····· ...... 2 c) Baffin Central d) BaffinSouth ...... 4 e) DehCho ...... 5 f) Hay River ...... 6 g) High Arctic ...... 7 h) Inuvik ...... 8 i) Iqaluit j) KeewatinCentral ...... 10 k) Kitikmeot ...... 11 1) Kivallivik ...... 12 m) MackenzieDelta ...... 13 n) Nahendeh ...... 14 o) Natilikmiot ...... 15 p) North Slave ...... 16 q) Nunakput ...... 17 r) Sahtu ...... 18 s) Thebacha ...... 19 t) Tu Nedhe ...... 20 u) v) Yellowknife Frame Lake...... 22 w) ...... 23 x) Yellowknife South...... 24 AIVILIK ReturningOfficer: Steven Kopak, Repulse Bay, NWT Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot ! vote on list as percentage Name No. Yes No I papers I I of voters on list

!07 13 1 121 210 57.62% 2 123 4 1 128 164 I 78.05% 140 29 3 172 275 62.55% Advance Polls Repulse Bay ...... - Coral Harbour...... I 23 0 0 23 - 5.04% 2 11 1 0 12 2.63% Totals ...... 5 404 47 5 456 649 70.26% I 89.58% 10.42% 111% Majority of "yes" votesover ''no" votes - 357 2 3

AMITTUQ BAFFINCENTRAL Returning Officer: Solomon Awa, Pond Inlet, NWT ReturningOfficer: Olassie Evie, Pangnirtung, NWT Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

I I I I Polling Stations I Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot vote on list as percentage ballot vote on list as percentage Name I No. I Yes I No I papers of voters Name No. Yes No papers of voters on list on list

Pond Inlet ...... l 145 6 1 152 192 79.17% Pangnirtung ...... 194 18 3 215 305 70.49% Pond Inlet ...... I 2 189 12 0 201 208 96.63% Pangnirtung ...... 193 5 0 198 281 70.46% lgloolik ...... 2 3 181 15 0 196 239 82.01% Broughton Island ...... 7 l 174 236 73.73% Igloolik ...... 3 166 4 167 19 I 187 241 77.59% Clyde River ...... 4 180 10 0 190 279 68.10% Hall Beach ...... 5 165 33 0 198 275 72.00% 6 2 7 0 9 10 90.00% Advance Polls Pangnirtung ...... 1 l 0 5 0.63% Broughton Island ...... 2 0 0 6 0.76% I 9 I 0 10 - 1.01% Clyde River ...... 3 3 0 0 3 0.38% 2 26 4 0 30 - 3.04% : I I I I I 5 0 0 5 - 0.51% Totals ...... 7 746 41 4 791 1,101 I 71.84% Totals ...... I 9 889 97 2 988 1,165 84.81% Percentage of valid votes 94.79% 5.21% 0.51% -- 90.16% 9.84% 0.20% Majority of "yes" votes over "no" votes - 705 Majority of ''yes" votesover "no" votes - 792 4 5

BAFFIN SOUTH DEHCHO ReturningOfficer: ElisapeeIkkidluak, Lake Harbour, NWT ReturningOfficer: Rosemary Minoza, Fort Providence, NWT Proclamation dated March 13. 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballots cast for Total vote Total vote Rejected! Total Voters I Rejected Total Voters ballot vote on list as percentage ballot vote on list as percentage Name No. Yes No papers of voters Name No. Yes No papers of voters on list on list

CapeDorset ...... l 106 6 1 113 166 68.07% Fort Providence ...... I 18 203 6 227 456 49.78% Cape Dorset ...... 2 166 20 0 186 299 62.21% Kakisa ...... 2 3 32 0 35 38 92.10% Lake Harbour ...... 3 119 8 I 128 185 69.19% Hay River DeneReserve ...... 3 5 73 0 78 134 58.2lo/c Sanikiluaq ...... 4 222 II 3 236 285 82.81% Advance Poll Advance Polls Fort Providence ...... I 0 0 0 0 00.00% 6 I 2 I o I 8 I I 1.19% I 2 (included in Polling Division #4) Totals ...... 4 26 308 6 340 628 54.14% Totals ...... 1 6 619 47 5 671 935 71.76% Percentageof valid votes ... 7.78% 92.21% 1.8011,

92.94% 706% 0.75% Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes - 282 Majority of "yes" votes over "no" votes - 572 6 7

HAY RIVER HIGH ARCTIC ReturningOfficer: ReturningOfficer: Hazel Haight, Hay River, NWT Paul Amagoalik,Resolute Bay, NWT Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballotscast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot ! vote on list as percentage ballot ' vote on list as percentage Name Name No. Yes I No I papers of voters No. Yes I No I papers of voters I I on list I I on list

Hay River ...... 1 14 81 2 97 270 35.92% Nanisivik ...... l 50 12 0 62 141 43.97% Hay River ...... 2 19 55 0 74 265 27.92% Arctic Bay ...... 2 141 21 0 162 246 65.85% Hay River ...... 3 34 85 2 121 283 42.76% Resolute Bay ...... 3 52 8 3 63 78 80.77% Hay River ...... 4 II 36 1 48 172 27.91% Grise Fiord ...... 4 39 6 1 46 60 76.67% Hay River ...... 5 45 87 0 132 313 42.17% Little CornwallisIsland ...... 5 8 2 I 11 173 6.36% Hay River ...... 6 42 107 0 149 393 37.91% (mobile poll) Hay River ...... 7 7 11 0 18 33 54.54% Advance Poll Advance Poll Arctic Bay ...... l (includ� in P.D. #2 above) Hay River ...... 1 5 6 1 12 1.84% Totals ...... 6 290 49 5 344 698 49.28% Totals ...... 8 177 468 6 651 1,729 37.65% Percentageof valid vote1 84.06% 14.20% 1.45% 27.44% n.56% 0.93% Majority of "yes" votes over ''no" votes- 241 Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes - 291 8 9

INUVIK IQALUIT ReturningOfficer: Barbara J. Foley, Inuvik, NWT ReturningOfficer: Frank Pearce, Iqaluit, NWT Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot ! vote on list as percentage ballot ! vote on list as percentage Name No. Yes I No I papers ot voters Name No. Yes No I papers of voters I I on list I I on list

Inuvik ...... I 36 65 0 101 275 36.73% Iqaluit ...... 1 69 5 0 74 Il l 66.67% lnuvik ...... 2 27 51 0 78 167 46.71% Iqaluit ...... 2 258 20 2 280 410 68.29% Inuvik ...... 3 17 34 2 53 121 43.80% Iqaluit ...... 3 251 9 l 261 322 81.06% lnuvik ...... 4 50 36 I 87 256 33.98% Iqaluit ...... 4 132 12 0 144 147 97.96% Inuvik...... 5 68 IOI 2 171 398 42.96% Iqaluit ...... 5 97 12 3 112 134 83.58% 6 117 17 2 136 226 60.18% Advance Poll Iqaluit ...... lnuvik ...... I 5 6 0 11 2.19% Advance Poll Iqaluit ...... I 20 4 0 24 2.33% Totals ...... 6 203 293 5 501 1,217 41.17% I Totals ...... 7 944 79 8 1,031 ,.3so 76.37% 40.93% 59.07% LOI% I Pen:entageof valid votes 92.28% 7.72% 0.78% Majority of "no" votesover "yes" votes - 90 Majority of "yes" votes over "no" votes- 865 10 11 KITIKMEOT KEEWATIN CENTRAL ReturningOfficer: Margaret Kusugak, Ran.kinInlet, NWT ReturningOfficer: Helen Tologanak, Cambridge Bay, NWT Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot vote on list as percentage ballot vote on list as percentage Name No. Yes No papers ! I I of voters Name No. Yes No papers ! I I of voters on list on list

Rankin Inlet ...... ··· I 191 39 231 336 68.75% Cambridge Bay ...... I 113 34 147 195 75.38% Rankin Inlet ...... 2 225 57 282 471 59.87% Cambridge Bay ...... 2 132 54 190 283 67.14% 1 Whale Cove ...... 3 I 78 I 11 89 125 l 71.20% Byron Bay ...... 3 61 8 I 14 1 91 155.55% l � l l Lady Franklin Point ...... AdvancePoll 4 --��---- �,()cancelled - Rankin Inlet ...... · I l I 6 0 0 6 0.99% Cape Young ...... 5 4 7 II II 100.00% Copperrnine ...... 6 149 40 3 192 323 59.44% Totals ...... 1 4 I 500 107 I 608 932 65.24% Coppennine ...... 7 88 37 1 126 210 60.00% Bathurst Inlet/Bay Chimo ...... 8 23 3 I 27 27 100.00% I I 8237% 17.63% 0.16% Advance Polls Majority of "yes" votes over "no" votes - 393 B 0.84% �:;��e .�.�.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I 11 �I 61 �I 11 : I 0.56% lO Totals ...... 524 184 9 717 1,os8 I 67.77% Percentageof valid votes 7401% 25.99% 127% Majority of "yes"votes over "no'' votes- 340 12 13

KIVALLIVIK MACKENZIEDELTA ReturningOfficer: Shirley Tagalik, Arviat, NWT ReturningOfficer: Joyce Edwards, , NWT Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote ' I Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot vote on list as percentage ballot ' vote on list as percentage Name No. Yes No papers of voters Name No. Yes I No I papers I I of voters on list on list

182 36 3 221 334 66.17% Aklavik 1-A 46 38 2 86 241 35.68% 2 1-B 165 32 I 198 314 63.06% Aklavik 42 26 0 68 224 30.36% 130 19 0 149 257 57.98% 2-A 19 60 4 83 193 43.00% 4 237 31 0 268 392 68.37% 2-B 20 65 5 90 277 32.49% Advan(·e Polls I - 3 12 18 2 32 84 38.09% l 13 0 0 13 - 1.51% 2 10 0 0 10 1.16% () - 0 0 0 - 00.00% 2 3 5 0 8 2.18% Totals ...... I 6 737 118 4 859 1,297 66.23% 86.20% 13.80% 0.47% Totals 7 II 142 212 13 367 1,019 36.02% I I 40.JJ'/l 59.89o/c 3.67o/c Majority of "yes" votes over "no" votes - 619 I I Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes - 70 14 15


ReturningOfficer: Rita Cazon, FortSimpson, NWT ReturningOfficer: Nee Porter, Spence Bay, NWT Proclamation dated March 13. 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot vote on list as percentage ballot vote on list as percentage ' I I ' I Name No. Yes No papers of voters Name No. Yes I No I papers of voters on list I on list

Fort Simpson ...... I 38 2 0 130118 300 43.33% Bay...... I 122 16 I 139 1 2 72. 9% 9 Pelly 9 3 ...... 2 32 86 0 252 46.82% Cam4 ...... 2 7 1 0 8 I I 1 I 16 I 50.00% Fort Simpson ...... 3 5 29 0 34 114 29.82% Spence Bay...... 3 209 1 19 I 229 301 76.08% ...... 4 3 25 0 28 28 100.00% Sheppard Bay ...... 4 · ·-- cancelled Trout Lake ...... 5 0 35 0 35 46 76.09% Gjoa Haven...... 5 198 66 0 264 394 67.00% Wrigley ...... 6 7 60 2 69 142 48.59% Gladman Point...... 6 8 0 0 8 6 133.33% ...... 7 20 59 0 79 280 28.21% Jenny Lind Island ...... 7 2 2 0 4 5 80.00% 8 3 32 0 35 48 72.92% Advance Polls Advance Polls SpenceBay ...... 1 3 0 0 3 0.45% 2.67% Fort Simpson...... I 3 35 0 38 6.67% Gjoa Haven...... 2 11 7 0 18 Fort Liard ...... 2 I 3 0 4 0.70% Totals...... 9 560 111 2 673 914 73.63% Totals ...... 10 112 456 2 570 1,210 47.11% Perr�ntage of valid votes...... 83.46% 16.54% 0.30% Percentageof validvNes 19.72% 80.28% 035% Majority of "yes" votes over "no" votes - 449 Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes - 344 16 17 NORTH SLAVE NUNAKPUT ReturningOfficer: ReturningOfficer: Lucy Dillon, , NWT Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote Rejected Total Voters Total vote ' I Name ballot ' vote on list as percentage ballot vote on list as percentage No. Yes No I Name No. Yes No papers of voters papers of voters I on list on list I Rae 2 130 133 192 69.27% Tuktoyaktuk ...... I 58 39 3 100 245 40.82% Rae 2 5 217 7 229 306 53 0 98 278 35.25% 3 74.84% Tuktoyaktuk ...... 2 45 Rae 9 164 0 173 234 73.93% ...... 3 45 19 0 64 130 49.23% Edzo 4 8 74 0 82 150 54.67% ...... 4 36 12 I 49 75 65.33% 5 13 143 4 160 207 77.29% HolmanIsland ...... 5 84 26 5 115 229 50.22% I 6 3 126 130 139 93.52% Clinton Point...... 6 0 9 0 9 10 90.00% l 7 57 58 65 89.23% CaveParrv ...... 7 I 3 0 4 9 44.44% Advance Poll 8 3 4 0 7 9 77.78% - Rae 10 0 11 l.13% Advance Poll l Tuktoyaktuk ...... 1 I 2 I 2 I 0 I 4 0.89% Totals 8 I 42 1 921 13 976 l,293 75.48% I 436% I 95.54% IJ5% Totals ...... 9 274 167 9 450 985 I 45.68% Percentageof valid votes 62.13% 37.87% 2.04% Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes - 879 Majority of "yes" votes over "no" votes - 107 18 19

SAHTU THEBACHA ReturningOfficer: Sharon Miller, Noonan Wells, NWT ReturningOfficer: Margo Harney, Fort Smith, NWT Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Polling Stations I Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote I Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot ! vote on list as percentage ballot vote on list as percentage Name No. Yes No I papers I of voters Name I No. Yes No papers of voters I on list on list Colville Lake...... I 3 28 0 31 45 68.89% FortSmith ...... I 64 39 I 104 194 53.61% Fort Good Hope ...... 2 25 63 0 88 329 26.75% FortSmith ...... 2 32 52 0 84 177 47.46% Norman Wells ...... 3 48 44 0 92 334 27.54% Fort Smith ...... 3 17 44 0 61 167 36.53% Fort Norman ...... 4 18 23 3 44 218 20.18% Fort Smith ...... 4 54 101 2 157 294 53.40% Fort Franklin ...... 5 46 34 2 82 276 29.71% FortSmith ...... 5 31 82 2 115 291 39.52% Advance Polls Advance Poll Fort Good Hope ...... I 2 9 0 II 3.10% Fort Smith ...... 1 6 3 0 9 1.70% Norman Wells ...... 2 3 4 0 7 1.97% I Totals...... 6 204 321 5 530 23 47.20% Fort Franklin ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0.00% ,., I Percentageof valid votes 38.86% 61.14% 0.95% Totals ...... 8 145 205 5 355 1,202 29.53% 41.43% 58.57% 1.43% I I Majority of "no" votes over ''yes" votes - 117

Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes- 60 20 21 TUNEDHE YELLOWKNIFE CENTRE ReturningOfficer: Violet Beaulieu, Fort Resolution, NWT ReturningOfficer: Christine Williams, Yellowknife, NWT Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamation datedMarch 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot vote on list as percentage ! I Name No. Yes No papers of voters ballot vote on list as percentage Name on list No. Yes No papers of voters on list

Fort Resolution ...... I 13 167 I 181 344 52.62% 2 3 161 0 164 I 26 I 42 116 36.21% Snowdrift...... 152 107.89% Yellowknife ...... 15 2 29 54 () 83 135 61.48% Yellowknife ...... Advance Poll 53 119 0 172 310 55.48% 1 9 30 0 39 10.16% Yellowknife ...... 3 Fort Resolution ...... 4 26 107 I 134 272 49.26% Yellowknife ...... 5 22 83 () 105 247 42.51% Totals ...... 3 25 358 I 384 496 77.42% Yellowknife ...... 6 32 86 I 119 246 48.37% Percentage of valid votes 6.53% 9347% 0.26% Yellowknife ...... Advance Poll I 12 10 () 22 3.25% Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes - 333 Yellowknife ...... I 3 677 26 I 51.05% Totals ...... 7 189 485 u Percentage of valid votes... 28.04% 71.%% 045%

Majority of "no" votes over "yes"votes - 296 22 23

YELLOWKNIFE FRAME LAKE YELLOWKNIFENORTH ReturningOfficer: Katharine Southworth, Yellowknife, NWT ReturningOfficer: PenelopeA. Kocik,Yellowknife, NWT Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992 Proclamationdated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations I Ballots cast for Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot vote on list as percentage ballot ' vote on list as percentage Name Name I No. I Yes I No I papers of voters No. Yes I No I papers I I ot voters on list on list

Yellowknife ...... I 16 75 I 92 194 47.42% Yellowknife ...... 1 25 33 0 58 90 64.44% Yellowknife ...... 2 17 72 0 89 167 53.29% Yellowknife ...... 2 1 13 0 14 32 43.75% Yellowknife...... 3 8 55 I 64 157 40.76% Yellowknife ...... 3 l 90 0 91 117 77.78% Yellowknife ...... 4 26 83 0 109 291 37.46% Yellowknife ...... 4 47 182 l 230 301 76.41% Yellowknife ...... 5 18 69 I 88 304 28.95% Yellowknife ...... 5 62 73 0 135 208 64.90% Advance Poll Yellowknife ...... 6 13 31 I 45 122 36.88% Yellowknife ...... 7 49 114 2 165 279 59.14% Yellowknife ...... I 3 IO 0 13 2.86% Yellowknife ...... 8 23 45 0 68 133 51.13% Yellowknife ...... 9 23 63 0 86 213 40.37% Totals ...... 6 88 364 3 455 1,113 40.88% Yellowknife ...... IO 13 51 0 64 151 42.38% Percentage of valid votes .. 19.47% 80.53% 0.66% Yellowknife...... II 18 49 0 67 204 32.84% Advance Poll Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes - 276 Yellowknife ...... I 16 17 0 33 I 3.12% Totals ...... 12 291 761 4 1,056 1,850 I 57.08% Percentage of valid votes .. 27.66o/c 72.34% 038'1

Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes - 470 24

YELLOWKNIFESOUTH Rc1uming Officer: Debbie Nider, Yellowknife, NWT Proclamation dated March 13, 1992 Plebiscite: May 4, 1992

Polling Stations Ballots cast for Rejected Total Voters Total vote ballot ! vote on list as percentage Name No. Yes No papers of voters I I on list

Yellowknife...... I 15 72 1 88 253 34.78% Yellowknife ...... 2 15 66 0 81 247 32.79% Yellowknife...... 3 26 91 0 117 265 44.15% Yellowknife...... ··················· 4 25 86 1 112 301 37.21% Yellowknife ...... 5 34 109 2 145 316 45.89% Yellowknife ...... 6 21 93 0 114 287 39.72% Yellowknife ...... 7 51 137 0 188 334 56.29% Yellowknife ...... 8 24 127 0 151 288 52.43% Advance Poll Yellowknife ...... 1 5 20 0 25 - I 2.45% Totals ...... 1 9 I 216 801 4 l.021 2.291 I 44.57% 78.76'< I I 21.24% OJI/% Majority of "no" votes over "yes" votes - 585