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Is a Protective Tariff a Tax on at , Great Britain was in Delaware’s Bishop. I. 0. G. T. , lister. Pres. W. M. Clark, Vice Pres. Enw. Lancaster, Sect’y face of her most powerful rival in man- the Consumer? ufactures. How is such a rivalry pos­ CONSECRATION SERVICES OF BISHOP ANNUAL SESSION OF THE DELAWARE sible unless our qualities and prices COLEMAN AT ST. JOHN’S CHURCH, GRAND LODGE. 7 The condition of American manufac­ compete with their abroad? If our WILMINGTON. tures to-day shows the falsity of the Tariff is a tax, added to the price of Delaware’s Grand Lodge of the In­ mm Free-trade doctrine that the cost of the the article, how can our many com­ Leighton Coleman was Thursday dependent Order of Good Templars 1 productions of a country in the hands / modities be as cheap as in England ? consecrated as the second Protestant met in annual session in Odd Fellows —FORMERLY— 1 VII ffj? of the consumer is increased by a Pro­ The simple truth is that the Free-trade Episcopal Bishop of Delaware. Forty- Hall in Smyrna Thurday. The morn­ tective Tariff. A study of history assertion is the baldest fallacy.—Frank seven years ago this month the Gener­ ing trains brought delegates and visi­ Listiez? IB:r?otQ=L©:r?s:, shows that a uniform tendency of the Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. al Convention of the Church in the tors to the number of 40, who marched Protective system is to build up vast confirmed the election of in procession to the hall. The session fACTORY AND PRINCIPAL OFFICE, NEWARK, N. J. industries and cheapen prices. How is The Practical Blessings of Sunday. the late Right Rev. , D. D., was opened at 11.15 o’clock, Grand ru it, if a Protective Tariff is a tax, that first Bishop of the Diocese. Bishop Chief Templar the Rev. Herman Roe £J in England, where woolens formerly Lee died April 12,1887. In June, 1888, in the chair. t J2B If one day of rest in every seven & had a high tariff, and where the duty were the only blessing that could be nine months after the death of Bishop The following delegates were pres­ on iron was raised over and over again Lee, the convention was reconvened in ent; State Capitol, No. 1, of Dover, \ JJandarV \ . traced to the Christian religion, we m from two dollars and fifty cents to thir­ Christ Church, Dover, Delaware, and Mrs. E. Parson, Miss Lillian Lofland. r'OMta#,p «All ?, would still owe it a great debt of grati­ I ty-five dollars per ton, woolens and tude. What would the innumerable on June 7 elected Rev. Leighton Cole­ Newark, No. 3, Miss Lillian McKinsey, iron grew cheaper all the time? The army of “ common people the world man, of Sayre, Pa., Bishop of the Clinton R. R. McKinsey. Fairview, *AKIf|C brains and energy of the American in­ over do without Sunday ?” The rest Diocese of Delaware. Bishop Coleman No. 8, of Pleasant Hill, Harry McCor­ ventor, and the skill of the American the change, the recreation even that was the choice of the laity from the mick, N. E. Harkness, O. W. Eastborn. f[EAll: workman, have already enabled us to characterize the universal observance start and the delay in his selection Moortou, No. 10, of Cheswold, Peter L. supplant many English products, by was occasioned by opposition among Barcus. Clayton, No. 16, William —MANUFACTURERS OP— of Sunday in all Christian countries, is novelty of construction and excellency the salt that saves them from decay. the clergy. Webster. Olive, No. 23, of Dover, of work. Is it not wise to profit by the George Carter. Kent County District They who work in mines come up that THE CONSECRATION SERVICES. Best made Clothing in advantages we have thus gained, and day into the blessed suulight and Lodge, A. B. Mudge. Smyrna, No. 5, will gain still more in the near future, Pure Bone Super Phosphate Philadelphia for Men, breathe for a short time the sweet out­ The consecration service took place Dr, C. O. Swinney, T. L. Mason, Joseph POWDER maintain the principle of Protection, Thursday in St. John’s Church, Wil­ Youths, Boys and Chil­ door worid. Tired women and little Wright. Branch Office; 201 and 203 O’Donnel’s Wharf, Baltimore, Md. and thus command the foreign market mington. Churches in that city and Besides the delegates, visitors from dren. children who stand the other six days Absolutely Pure- as well as our own ? Cottons, imported in noisy factories or noisy shops work­ county began the day with the celebra­ nearly all the lodges in the State were Tins powder never varies. A marvel of purity, at fifty cents a yard before our mills ing for their daily bread, throw off" tion of the Holy Communion. The in attendance. strength and wholesomeness. More economical built, have been exported at six hour for the consecration service was Nothing aside from routine work was than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In were their burden on the seventh and rester For sale by JOHN M. VOSHELL and B. B. ALLEN. competition with the multitude of low test, short cents under high tariff, and of a play as suits them best. Clerks, seam­ 10.45 a. m., but long before that hour accomplished Wednesday. weight alum or phosphate powders S'old only in better quality. The tariff on standard stresses, school-teachers, farm laborers, St. John’s Church was filled to over­ Rev T. E. Terry, of Dover, addressed cane. Royal Baking Powdek Co., 106 Wall Street, cotton is no more a burden or tax on flowing. Prominent in the church the lodge and others at the M. E. A.C.YATE$&C0. New York. jan 4-lim all the rank and file of w age-workers, the home consumer than that on wheat go home on Saturday night rejoicing in pews were the Governor of the State, Church Wednesday evening, taking as or bi-ef. It is simply a barrier against the freedom and the leisure of the com­ the Chief Justice and the Associate his theme Gospel Temperance SIXTH AND CHESTNUT the flooding of our market by English ing day. Even “ dumb driven cattle, )y Judges of the Superior Court, Secre­ Work. 9 goods at less than cost, that they may horses that draw after them the heavy tary Bayard and the Mayor of the The sessions, which were private OUR break down competilion and control loads of commerce, oxen who drag the city. continued until Thursday. The fol­ LEDGER BUILDING. the whole market when prices revive. reluctant plow through tough and The crowd was so great that the lowing officers were elected : G. C. T., Our American sewing-silk is better stubborn furrows, mules who strain ceremony was necessarily delayed for Dr. C. O. Swinney ; G. V. T., Miss Lil­ than the French or Italian, and in painfully up steep mountain sides nearly half an hour after the appointed lie McKensie ; G. C., O. W. Eastburn ; m 1 >riee and quality distances foreign com­ under unwieldy packs, love and need time. At 11.10 o’clock the voices of G. Sec., George Carter ; O. A. S., Miss A petition. With forty per cent, duty, A KEW STOCK the regularly recurring rest of the the choir singiug the processional Miss Carrie Beck ; G. Chap, Harry Mc­ M. MEGARY & SON, which according to the Free-trade quiet Seventh day. It is hard to ap­ hyman floated from the parish building Cormick ; O. M., Clinton R. R. Mc­ theory, ought to add to its cost, it lias preciate truly the estimable value of to the body of the church aud was Kensie; G. D. M.; Miss Lillie Lolland! ______- j gone down instead of up. It is greatly this precious Sunday to the world at taken up by the organ. A few min­ Q. G„ Miss Susie Wright ; G. S., Peter WILMINGTON, DEL. improved in quality, but the price is a utes later the choir boys appeared in L. Barcus ; P. G. C. T., Herman Roe ; —OF— large. The French, after-the reign of for Infants and ChUdreiu third less. The average decline,in terror had turned their brains, tried to the centre aisle of the church, followecT R. to R. W. G. L., Herman Roe ; Alter­ value of American silk goods is not less abolish it, but in vain. They could by the Right Rev. Mark Anthony de nate, Dr. C. O. Swinney. than twenty-five percent., and is prob­ not live without it. It is an impera­ Wolfe Howe, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of The capita tax remains the same as «Caftorift is so well adapted to children that | Cantoris cures Colic, Constipation, Having greatly enlarged our ably over thirty per cent., in fifteen tive physical necessity as well as an Central ; the Right Rev. last year, 10 cents. IrMommcEd it os superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kill« Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di­ years. During the ten Protective invaluable moral and religious help.— Cortland Whitehead, D. D., the Bishop The next meeting the Grand Lodge mown to me.” IL A. Abcheu, m. D., warerooms, we are better pre­ years, from 1870 to 1880, there was a gestion. FALL & UNTER Iowa State Register. of Pittsburg ; the Right Rev. John will be held in Dover, commencing the 1U So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. pared than ever to give you a gain of forty-three per cent, in sheep Scarborough, D. D., Bishop of New third week in October, 1889. The CsNTAca Company, 183 Fulton Street, N. Y. large assortment of goods at husbandry, against a gain of a little Jersey ; Right Rev. Nelson B. Rulison, over thiee, per cent, from 1850 to 1800 ; A Real Necessity, D. D., Assistant Bishop of Central prices as low if not lower than and all this wool was bought by our Delaware College. Ér*i 1"' ’• <•> We presume there is hardly a lady Pennsylvania, and the Right Rev. Philadelphia prices. Everythin cr 7\ I own mills. Tho wool-growing indus­ William F. Adams, D. D., Bishop of [fl to be found in our broad land who, if FIRST BULLETIN OF THE EXPERIMENT 11 try in America would suffer serious in­ Easton, Md.; the Bishop-elect, the guaranteed as sold or money re­ jury by any decrease in our home man­ she does not already possess a sewing STATION. machine, expects some day to become Rev. Leighton Coleman, D. D., LL. D.; funded. ufacture of woolens, aud the manufac­ the visiting clergy aud the clergy of turers would be equally injured by the owner of one. The first bulletin of the Delaware Knowing this to be the best But after the mind has been fully the diocese, numbering about one College Agricultural Experiment Sta­ any decrease in the home supply of hundred and fifty persons, all wearing made up to purchase one of these in- tion at Newark has been issued aud is part of the year for buyers down wool. Their intere is one. More the robes of their holy offices. the State, we will invite you if HAS ARRIVED. than four-fifths of our woolen goods dispensible articles, the question arises designed as a sort of introduction to are made here, aud the sixty million as to what kind of a machine to buy. THE SERVICE OPENED. the regular ones which are to follow. needing anything in consumers buy their common- working It should be so simply constructed At the end of the processional hymn The following is an extract : clothing as cheap as it could he in Eng­ that the most inexperienced can suc­ and amid profound silence Presiding “ In accordance with the provisions Established and Reliable Shoe Store, land, aud are far better able to pay for cessfully operate it. The other points Bishop Howe recited the Lord’s Pray­ of section 5 of the act, the trustees of it than the people there. mainly to be considered, and which are er. The regular service for the day the college have erected on the college the most desirable, are durability, grounds a two-story brick building of OPPOSITE THE FRUIT GROWERS' BANK, FURNITURE As to iron and steel, tho average was conducted by the Rev. T. Gardi­ rapidity, capacity for work, ease of ner Littell, rector of St. John’s Church. eight rooms, for labaratory purposes, at price in New York of ship-plates, operation, regularity of motion, uni­ a cost of nearly $3,000. This building flange iron, angle iron and rivets, all of The Right Rev. Bishop Whitehead, Carpets or Bedding, formity of tension, and silence while in Assistant Bishop of Pennsylvania, will be fitted up with all the necessary «mer s izaar, which ship-builders very largely use, appliances in the shape of apparatus, While changes in the Shoe Business are so frequently oc­ was twenty-five per cent, lower, from operation. preached the consecration sermon. The The “ Light-Running New Home ” sermon was an eloquent discourse books, etc., mental work in chemistry, curring elsewhere in our community, you will find no change to give us a call and learn our 1870 to 1880, than from 1850 to I860, fills the above requirements, and is said upon the aut hority of the apostolic suc­ botany, horticulture, entomology, prices before placing your orders. under a lower tariff; and -wages were to combine the good points of all sew­ physiology, microscopy, meteorology here. I hope to be able to be found at my post ready to sup­ twenty per cent, higher. If, as the cession and the office of Bishop. In We deliver everything to you North Corner of Hain and Commerce Streets, ing machines, with the addition of and kindred sciences. Under section 2 London Engineer, devoted to British many new improvements and labor- closing the preacher addressed a most ply you with shoes to your taste and at as reasonable prices as eloquetit exhortation to the Bishop- of the act under which this station is in good order and at no expense manufactures, says, “as far as the saving- devices. organinized and conducted, it will be can be had regularly elsewhere. I am opening a large stock American consumer of iron is concern­ The price is no higher than that of elect and to the people of the diocese to you. to preserve the unity of the spirit of noticed that provision is made to con­ SMYRNA. ed ho is the better off for Protection,” other machines, and every lady who is duct original researches of verifed ex­ for the Spring Season, which you would do well to see. Come then how can that Protection tax the Christ, working for the Church which the happy possessor of one may rest is the body of Christ on earth. Durin periments; (1) on the physiology of consumer? Cast steel of English make assured she has indeed a treasure. See plants and animals ; (2) the disease to and see me. I will take pleasure in showing them. had been sold here for twenty years, at this address the Bishop-elect stoo A FEW OF OUR PRICES. advertisement. facing the pulpit and preacher. which they are severally subject, with sixteen to eighteen cents per pound, the remedies for the same ; (3) the and none w'as made here. Under a The order of the Presiding Bishop Bets at Dover by Harry Ford. to the consecrating Bishop to proceed chemical composition of useful plants higher tariff, our steel-makers began in their different stages of growth ; (4) Maple Bed-room Suits, work about 1862, on a large scale, at to the consecration of Bishop Coleman FnsvranaM ■will 1 W.A.Faries&Bro„ Harry E. Ford, proprietor of the the comparative advantages of rotative $18 upwards. Pittsburgh and elsewhere, and the was then read by the Rev. G. W. Nel­ Bayard House, at Dover, has made the son, of New York. The certificate of cropping as pursued under a varying Oak Bed-room Suits, same quality came down to thirteen series of crops; (5) the capacity of $20 upwards. cents aud fifteen cents. In the late following bets on the elections in Kent election by the Diocese of Delaware county : $20 that John W. Fennemore, was read by the Rev. D. D. Smith, of new plants and trees for acclimation ; Civil War our cast steel sold at thirty- (6) the analysis of soils and water ; (7) ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AT THE STORE Walnut Bedroom Suits, two cents, while British steel was held Democrat, will be elected sheriff ; $25 Christ’s Church. The testimony of the AND DEALERS IN the chemical position of manures, nat­ $30 upwards. at forty-five cents, thus saving our Gov­ that Fennemore will be elected ; $25 clergy of the diocese was read by the —OF- Hair Cloth Parlor Suits, that the Democratic county ticket will Rev. Lewis W. Gibson, of Christ ural or artificial, with experiments de­ ernment large sums, and saving us signed to test their comparative effects $30 upwards. FimiSriTU RE, from dependence on a foreign power. be elected ; $25 that a Democrat will Church, Dover. The certificate of a be elected on the county ticket. All ou crops of different kinds; (8) the Plush Parlor Suits, James Park, Jr., of Pittsburgh, a gen­ majority of the standing committees of adaption and value of grasses and for­ tleman of largo experience, who has the Fords here have been active Sauls- tho United States was read by the Rev. W. F. & J. R. CLEMENTS. $40 upwards. HASH STREET, opposite the Smyrna. Boms. buvy workers and have done much to age plants ; (9) the composition and Lounges visited all the great steel-makers of J. W. Brown, of New York, aud the digestibility of the different kinds of THIS TIME IT IS jgm i-’llv»» Europe, said that extensive correspon­ contribute to the large majorities by certificate of the consent of the Bishops $5, $G, $8, $10 upwards. la* which the Saulsbury faction have car­ foods for domestic animals ; (10) the V dence and inquiry led him to estimate was read by the secretary of the House Chairs, UMkm * ! ried Dover. Now, like General Ken- scientific economic questions involved IH tiie saving to users of cast steel in this of Bishops. The Bishop of Pennsyl­ in the production of butter and cheese; FODDER YARN, 50 cents a piece upwards. '■ HU country by the growth of our steel­ ney, Colonel Cooper, Register of Wills vania propounded tho liturgical ques­ Heverin, ex Collector of Oyster Rev­ tions, and Dr. Coleman uttered them (11) and such other researches or ex­ A Large Lot which will be sold cheap. We mean what we say. Brussels Carpet, making under a Protective Tariff, and periments bearing directly upon the Then we have the from 40 cents upwards. the consequent reduction in price, at enue W. S. Heverin, Postmaster Penne- aud his oath of allegiance to the will, Janitor of Post Office George W. agricultural industry of the United Ingrain Carpet, over twenty-three million dollars, or church in loud and distinct tones. States as may in each case be deemed KEYSTONE Com SHELLER thirty-eight per cent. He added that West, Z. L. Butler and sons, Captain from 35 cents upwards. R. J. Simmons and many others who THE VESTMENTS IWCEIVED. advisable, having due regard to the The perfection of all Shellers. Have you seen it? You will he as astonished at we paid better wages than are paid Rag Carpet, have alw ays been active Saulsbury men Dr. Coleman advanced to the altar varying conditions and need of the its price as at its completeness. \V e are hound to get there. abroad, and that no steel w as superior respective states and territories.” from 30 cents upwards. to ours. The American mills making they will support the Democratic rail and divested himself of his priest’s county ticket, preferring it to the Re­ Coal Hods, Stove Pipes, Guns, Axes, Etc., Etc. Caskets and Coffins of all styles and grades fur steel rails have furnished us steel rails robes and was clothed in the vestments In fact we can give you from nlshed althe shortest notice. Personal and prom pi for ten years at an average price a little publican ticket of Kent county.—Even­ of the episcopate and kneeled to re­ A Sound Legal Opinion. attention given in all cases and calls promptly ing Journal. ceive the laying on of hands, which E. Bainbridge Munday, Esq., County Att., Clay the cheapest to the best, Write attended to any hour day or night. Lady atten­ less than the English price in 1870, Co., Texas says: “Have used Electric Bitters dants in »11 cases where necessary or desired. which was about fifty-seven dollars was performed by all the Bishops, with most happy results. My brother also was us for information. Shrouds furnished, Bodies kept any length ol and ninety-three cents per ton. Up lo The Richmond Exposition-Half Rates Bishop Howe pronouncing the bene­ very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but nothing if not original ; we lead, others follow ; we buy in Urea quantities at advan- time, either hy Embalming or by use of the best diction : “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am *fWe are Preservers the date of the opening of the first via Pennsylvania Railroad. satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life.” KSÂ'ffKÂÏÏÏ«*«*"» steel-rail mill here, the English con­ Following the offertory, the Holy Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., a trolled our market and the prices, Communion was celebrated, with like testimony, saying : He positively believes he Furniture of all kinds. The great Richmond Exposition, would have died, had it not been for Electric WM. F. & J. R. CLEMENTS, Clayton, Delaware. charging us one hundred and fifty dol-, which has now been in successful oper­ Bishop Howe as celebrant, the clergy Biteis. M. MEGARY & SON, Parlor an t Chamber Suits. Bureaus. Bedsteads, lars in gold per ton. Rails have since ation for two weeks, promises to retain all participating, The recessional This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure Chairs Lounge». Tablcs.Stands.Mattresses.Spring ceremony. Bishop »11 Malaria Diseases, and for all Kidney. Liver Beds and everything in the Furniture Line,guar­ then been sold at twenty-seven dollars the favor of the public to the end. Its then closed the and Stomach Disorders stands unequaled. Price 516 Tatnall St., and S. E. anteed at or less than City prices for the same per ton. When the maufacture of cut great exhibit of tobacco, the products, Coleman, in the vestments of his office, 50 cents and tl at Jas. F. Hoflecker’s Drug Store. In Medicine, Purity is the quality of goods. Jan 5 tf nails was first undertaken in this coun­ minerals, aud fine stock of the South, received a number of his friends and Cor. 6th and Tatnall. try, wrought nails which then cost e'ergy in the parlor of the parish build­ Vi fait lo soli a Million First Importance. with all its numberless special features, It has just been found out (so said) twenty-five cents per pound, were ing. % OFFERED form one of tho most interesting dis­ that King Solomon paid at the rate of JOS. B. PARIES. JAS. K. ORRELL. largely imported. On the 1st of Janu­ plays of the kind ever seen. The city SKETCH OF THE BISHOP’S LIFE. DOLLARS WORTH OF ary, 1876, the price was two and one- a cent a day to the workmen who built of Richmond itself, with its colonial his temple. Talk about pauper labor ! * for an incurable case of Catarrh half cents. For a long time we have and revolutionary associations, war Bishop Coleman is the son of Rev. J. P. H0FFECKEE, ÿ# in the Brail bytheproprictorsof exported nails to foreign countries ; John Coleman, D. D., rector of Trinity This beats anything of the kind that memories, and contemporaneous inter­ we have ever read or heard of. But At the Old Established Stand, 70,000PeachTrees ests well worth a visit,which can never Church, Southwark, Philadelphia. The DR. SAGE’S CATARRH REMEDY. the value ot the exports of nails and suppose Solomon gave as much wages FOR SALE Symptoms of Catarrh. — Headache, spikes in the fiscal year 1875 amount- be more pleasantly made than at this new Bishop was born in Philadelphia CLOTHING Next door to the National hank of Smyrna, * obstruction of nose, dtoBaraes f^w into ing to half a million of dollars. In 1840 and educated in New York. He has as anybody else. That altera the case, season. The Pennsylvania Railroad Hes in Stock and is constantly receiving fresh —FOR- atrnHièrs.Ithfè™CtenaciÆ mucous, purulent’, a Philadelphia firm commenced the been at different times rector of St. and the cent a day there at that time THE COMING FALL MONTHS. Company, in order to place the trip might have been equal to that paid for supplies of bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, ringing in cars, manufacture of saws on a small scale. within the power of every one, is sell­ Luke’s Church, Bustieton ; St. John’s, , Fall, 1888,&Spring,1889, At that time English saws sold in our ing round-trip tickets to Richmond Wilmington ; St. Mark’s, Mauch skilled labor now. pure Drugs Chunk ; at Toledo, Ohio, and until re­ -AT- gmeii and taste impaired, and general debility, market at from nfteeu dollars and sev- every Monday and Thursday, until and QMmimlSy Onlyafewof toesesymptonMlike^toDeim'S- enty.Qve cents to nineteen dollars a including November 19th, good for re­ cently at Sayre, Pa. In 1875 he was Chesley Heal, 109 years old, has just HOW TO DO IT. Medicines, sumption, and end in the frrave. dozen. In 1876 the 1 hiladelphia man- turn passage until November 26th, 1888, elected Bishop of Fond du Lac, Wis., died at Searsmont, Maine. Heal re­ but declined the office. He spent sev­ solved over forty years ago not to do Paints, Oils, Glass, Uy its mild, soothing, and healing properties, ufacturers were Sending saws to Eng- at a single fare for the round trip. Dr. gape's Kem.-dy cures the worst cu^JOo. ^ ^ 8eUing them at ten dollars eral years in England, preaching and another day’s work, and during the The Original and fifty cents a dozen—fiilly fifty in temperance work. He married Miss last 12 years he had not been out of By buying goods for Cash, direct from V anGasken—TenW eeges. the bouse. His long life was attributed Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, iltavccfc. LITTLE„ per cent, less than the price the Eng- Fanny Dupont, daughter of Alexis I. the manufacturers and handling large Tots FURIES & ORRELL, Prap s, »K isbmen charged us in 1840. When Dupont, in part to bis powerful lungs, bis voice we are enabled to offer GREAT BAR­ Harry VanGasken and Miss Carrie being easily heard a mile. He was a acuEi \mUik this firm commenced business, common TenWeeges were married at 7.30 GAINS CONTINUALLY to the public SPONGES, SMYRNA, DELAWARE\ Purely Vegeta­ DELAWARE CLERGY. pensioner of the was of 1812. OQ k ewets ble Si Harmless, saws of foreign manufacture were sold o’clock Wednesday night at the resi­ at much less value than they can be bought Uneqnalcd ns a ^»verPIll. Pnjallest.chciap- in this country at four dollars and fifty dence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Anna The following Delaware Clergymen * elsewhere. HAIR, WH k NAH WMM, cents a dozen, and they could not be Puid, Wilmington. Rev. Jacob Todd, were present : The Revs. J. C. Kerr, The Pope has formally refused Aus­ VAIUETIESi made here for less than seven dollars a D. D-, pastor of Grace M. E. Church, Milford ; Jesse Higgins, Wilmington j tria’s request that be censure Bishop I k Our well-known styles of garments for David Howard, Wilmington ; Joseph STATIONERY, Troth, Prize, dozen ; but now the firm in question performed the ceremony. Tho bride Strossmayer for bis Pan-SIavist utter­ Men’s, Boys’ and Children's wear has for the stomach and bowels. 25 cts. by druggists. Burris St. John, Stephen’s R. R., ship common saws to South America wore brown silk with white roses. Miss Beers, Middletown ; George W. John­ ances. Officials in Vienna believe that years been taking the lead of all our com- Mountain Rose, Variegated Free, son, Laurel ; George M. Bond, New­ if Emperor William bad assented to Toilet and Nursery Renoisites, in Variety; Reed's Golden, Shipley, at four dollars and fifty cents, and their Carrie Puhl, a niece of the bride, was petitors. Foster, Fox s Seedling, exports in 1875 were fully one hundred bridesmaid. Her dress was brown silk. ark ; W. C. Starr, Delaware City ; L. visit the Vatican before he went to the A füll line of all the Reeves Favorite, Globe, H. Jackson, Wilmington ; Edwin Quirinal Bishop Strossmayer would We commence the Fall and Winter of Chair's Choice, thousand dollars. The firm made their The best man was from Philadelphia. Moore's Favorite, Owen, Claymont; Dr. Tullidge, have been removed. 1888 with one of the Finkst Stocks of POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES Old Mixon, McCollister'e Mammoth, O THE LIVER. own steel. Under Protection, crock- After the oermony a private reception Beer’s Smock, Smyrna; T. J. Hammond, Wilming­ Clcthiso for Meh’s, Boys’ an» Chil- Stump The World, Works with the Stomach and the Stomach ery-waro bas been reduced, and we was held, after which the bride and Of the day. Hance’s R. R., Solway. can now buy for two dollars aud fifty ton ; G. W. Dame, Smyrna; L. W. Gib- DMs’sWkar that has ever been offered Crawford's Late, Heath Cling. with the Liver. You must have good bile groom took the 10.30 train for Phila­ I’ve been a sufferer from rheumatism PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. Beer's Late Malocotoon, to have perfect digestion, and free liver ac­ cents as much as could bo bought for delphia. They will make a two sou, Dover ; D. D. Smith, Christiana for years and have been unable to ob­ in this or any other city. We make Peach Trees a specialty. Our stock is tion to have pure blood. Therefore beware four dollars before the business was P. A. B. Lightuer, New Castle. AT THE LOWEST PRICK. weeks’ trip through the West and at tain any relief at all. Salvation Oil We have marked our prices so low that EVERYTHING very fine and cannot be excelled In health or of a congested Liver, which is nothing more protected by the Tariff. We make Seminarians—A. Harold Miller, gave me entire relief and I heartily quality. We plant only pure, natural seed on than a thickened and clogged Liver. The their return reside at 212 East Sixth ■no one need bo without a Suit or Overcoat. Thankful for the very liberal patronage hereto- over one hundred and sixty-six million Newton Black, W. H. Bryant, Arnold recommend it. Henry Winkel, Bal­ fore'hestoweff.wo hope" to merit a continuanceol fine peach land, never before used either for or­ great reducer of congestion is Schenck'* street. A number of handsome pres­ chard or nursery. We point with pride to many dollars’ worth of boots and shoes year­ ents were received by the bride. H. Howard, J. L. Provost, W. P. Tay­ timore, Md. We commence the season by offering a fine orchards in this section, grown from onr Mandrake Pills. lor, E. H. Eckel. the same. nursery, now in bearing. We invite personal In­ ly, and over forty-three million dollars Among the guests present were Mr. What so wonderful as a sever* cough spécial line of spection. We also offer for sale of yearly wages are paid to our work- VanGasken's parents and sisters from The following citizens of Smyrna at­ cured by Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup for 25 BILIOUSNESS. i in this department of manufac­ Smyrna, and friends from Baltimore tended the consecration services ; Mrs. cents. Try it ! at from $ 8 to $12 9,000 STANDARD PEAR TREES, William M. Lewis, Miss Tullidge, D. J. MEN'S SUITS, Tlx© Best) ture ; and wo soil in our shoe stores as and other cities. “ 1 to 8 An early and ugly form of liver trouble. It Cummins, Mrs. D. J. Cummins, A. Q. BOYS’ “ fine stock. leading varieties—Manning's Eliz­ cheap as the English retail shops do. • • Please, ma’am, I came to answer “ 3 to 6 abeth, Doyenne d'et'e, Barllelt, B'in ,De Jersey, is blood poison. The Liver is not taking the After the war, before the rice interest Cummins, Miss Agnes Cummins, Miss CHILDREN'S SUITS, bile ingredients from the blood. Treat it Don't Experiment. your advertisement for a oook.” •• 10 to 16 Seckel. Sheldon, Duchess, Lawrence, KJcffer. Wc was built up by Protection, the price of Mary Cummins, Mrs. Susan Daniel, MEN’S OVERCOATS, offer these Pear Trees at a very low figure—less with Schenck's Mandrake Pills and make it You cannot afford to waite time Inexpenment- “Very good. And you consider your­ “ 4 to 8 md than half the usual puce charged. rice per hundred in this country was Mrs. E. A. Penington, Colonel Q. H. BOYS’ do so. f; when your lungs are In danger. Do not per- Raymond, Mrs. Q. H. Raymond, self competent to fill the place do you?” 3 to 6 PIANOS twelve dollars. In 1883, one hundred t any dealer to impose upon you with some course, mft'tmJHÜitB•• Well, what CHILDREN’S “ cheap Imitation of Dr. King’s New Discovery for B, Ve WELDONf Agflnt. thousand to two hundred thousand Consumption. Coughs and Colds, but be sure you have you been doing since you came BREAKING DOWN people were engaged in profitable oc­ The annoyance occasioned by the Also an immense assortment of goods in get the genuine. Because he can make more to this country?” “Scrubbing flu res If you have neglected the laws of health too cupation, and rice was only four dol­ profit he may tell you he has something just the continual crying of the baby, at once in a hotel, ma’am.”—Boston Saturday the piece which we make to order at popu­ lars and twenty-five cents to four dol­ same. Don't be deceived, but insist upon getting ORGANS, J. W. JONES, long and feel that your lungs are involved Dr King’s New Discovery, which Is guaranteed to ceases when the cause is promptly re­ Evening Gazette. lar prices. in any way, send for Dr. Schenck's new book lars aud fifty cents. give relief in all Throat, Lung and Chest affec­ moved by using Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup. in the World. on the Lungs, Liver and Stomach. It is sent tions. Trial bottles free at Jas. P. Hoffecker's, The most beautiful complexion can Samples sent upon application. Commerce St., Smyrna, free, and will be of infinite service to you. The farmer, who, it is claimed, is Drug Store, Smyrna, Del. A terrific hail storm passed over robbed by the Tariff', can read for him­ only be possessed where there is pure Will pay the highest price In CASH for all kinds blood. Laxador will renovate the Chicago Thursday night, accompanied v 1 of Country Produce, such as Wv f pulmonic »yrup self that there is an import duty of Olive Lodge, No, 23,1. O. O. T., was UlùCHWJI S J seaweed tonic, blood, and remove impurities. by violent rains. The hail stones were yourself of the BEST eight, cents a yard on cotton sheeting. organised in Dover last week, with the Convince immense and did thousands of dollars firet-olass TT-A-N'- Wool, Fur, Medicines: imandrake pills He can buy domestic cotton, however, following officers i Geo. Carter, C. T.; damage to property. The bail fall Garritee, Masten & Alien, PLACE to hay fur seven cents a yard. He can buy H. C. Taylor, R. 8.; J. Harry Stewart, A matrimonial cyclone has struck OBGAN8, Band Instrn- are sold by all Druggists. Full printed di­ lasted fifteen minutes and caused six OS and Poultry, Eggs, &c. rections with each package. Address all everything he wears of domestic manu­ F. 8.; Mrs. M. Riley, T.; Mrs. M. H. Tangier Island. The last number of and I -1*0 keep on haodcaolarge «tnck ofWllilam Lea desperate horse runaways on the street mente. String; Inetramente communications to Dr. J. H. Schenck & Son, facture as cheap, if not cheaper, than in Carter, C.; Michael Riley, M.; J. E. the Peninsula Methodist contains eleven in a few minutes. Rome people were TOWEE BALL CHIOS B.lSiAE. Mualoal Merchandise of all Umd , Philadelphia, Pa. Free-trade, England/ aud his farm im­ Stevenson, Q.; O. D. Hill, P. C. T. marriiage notices in which the name of also slightly injured. Sheet Music, M«»io Boohs, Sco., FAMILY EXTRA and SUPERFINE FLOUR, plements are the best and cheapest in Rev. G, L, Hardesty is mentioned as W8 & 520 Market and 511 & 613 MinorHU., the world, and he has a home market Aco , at LOWEST PRICES, by At price* lower than ever before offered in this It is stated that insanity is or the in­ the officiating clergyman. to which he can supply almost every Out of thirty-four members of Gov­ writing for our latest Illustrated market, and I will deliver the same to any crease in Indian». There are more ernor Hills reception committee at PTTTT.ADKLPHIA. part of the town free of expense. variety of crops. Almost every dollar than 2,600 campaign orators on the Miss Narcissa E. White, well known and Brloee, which we PATENTS, Newburg the other night, no less than 1 o pays out goes to homo industries ; to the temperance women of this State Catologues Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat­ Hoosier stump. twenty-seven were liquor-dealers. will Mail you Free. my 2 6m HARDWARE! ent burines» conducted for moderate toe»- while he can educate his children in will be married at Hazeiton, Kansas, Our office is opposite Ù. fc- Patent Office. We the best free common schools of the It Is uselen to attempt the cure of any disorder, have no sub-agencies, all business djrect, hence this week, to Marshal J. Kenny. Mr. agents wanted. E. J. GOLT, can transact patent business In 'less ‘time ’ and at world. The tariff on wheat, barleyi If the blood la allowed tu remain Impure. Neu- and Mrs. Kenney will reside in Astoria “ Truth lies at the bottom of a well,” less cost than those remote from \t ashlngtOB. notnlnpa onrn oats and rvn makes no ralgia and rhemallsm are traceable to a dlaorder- Why troth should lie it puzzles me to teU, Send model, drawing, or photo, wllh_ descrip­ poiatoes, corn, oats and rye mant a no edooIlditlon of lhe pio^, and ltt nUmberie«» Oregon. But by the law of paradox ’tls shown Justice of the Peace Otto Sutro Co., difference with their prices, and yet cases have been cured by taking a few bottles of If troth lies in a well, then let that well alone. J. E. Nichols, tion. We advise If patentable or not. Deo of gniiding Sirdwire, Fun Tools, Cutlery, &e. charge. Our fee nut due till patent ta pays a good revenue to the Govern- Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. 19 E. Baltimore St, iec.ute j lion in Philadelphia in 1876, said : “It old songs," is that sho doesn’t succeed orally manages to use two-thirds of „£4 bowels, and are the miideet and most reliable Collection of Bills a Specialty. ’ be fourni on HI® «t Oon» J ____ _ m them in about five minutes. cathartic M» uzo. IP; IsSwiffi ‘"Wm. 13. Collins. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. c is foolish not to recognize the fact that,. any better with the new ones. a a Job Work neatly done. c

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